‘It will be vital to challenge apologists for terrorism.’
Prevent Programme
Andrew Neil asks…
Perhaps he should have listened to the likes of Tommy Robinson instead of showtrialing him at the behest of the Islamist Mehdi Hasan……they don’t need a reason other than you’re not Muslim…..
Islam the religion, in Ms. Hirsi Ali’s view, is a Trojan horse that conceals Islamism the political movement. Since dawa is, ostensibly, a religious missionary activity, its proponents “enjoy a much greater protection by the law in free societies than Marxists or fascists did in the past.”
Ms. Hirsi Ali contends that the West has made a colossal mistake by its obsession with “terror” in the years since 9/11. “In focusing only on acts of violence,” she says, “we’ve ignored the Islamist ideology underlying those acts. By not fighting a war of ideas against political Islam—or ‘Islamism’—and against those who spread that ideology in our midst, we’ve committed a blunder.”
A whole new ballgame…and it’s here, according to Tommmy Robinson in a very unPC video as he ‘exposes and opposes’ Islam and criticises the MSM and the Establishment for turning a blindeye to the real threat as he sees it, not terrorism but cultural Islam…he says there are two types of people…those affected by Islam and those who will be affected by Islam. I’m guessing he won’t be given the same freedom to express his views on the BBC as they give the Muslim fundamentalists from the likes of Cage, MPACUK and the MCB.
At least one MSM publication is not turning a blindeye….The Wall Street Journal...
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Islam’s Most Eloquent Apostate
The West’s obsession with ‘terror’ has been a mistake, she argues. Dawa, the ideology behind it, is a broader threat.
The woman sitting opposite me, dressed in a charcoal pantsuit and a duck-egg-blue turtleneck, can’t go anywhere, at any time of day, without a bodyguard. She is soft-spoken and irrepressibly sane, but also—in the eyes of those who would rather cut her throat than listen to what she says—the most dangerous foe of Islamist extremism in the Western world. We are in a secure room at a sprawling university, but the queasiness in my chest takes a while to go away. I’m talking to a woman with multiple fatwas on her head, someone who has a greater chance of meeting a violent end than anyone I’ve met (Salman Rushdie included). And yet she’s wholly poised, spectacles pushed back to rest atop her head like a crown, dignified and smiling under siege.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, born in Somalia in 1969, is Islam’s most eloquent apostate. She has just published a slim book that seeks to add a new four-letter word—dawa—to the West’s vocabulary. It describes the ceaseless, world-wide ideological campaign waged by Islamists as a complement to jihad. It is, she says, the greatest threat facing the West and “could well bring about the end of the European Union as we know it.” America is far from immune, and her book, “The Challenge of Dawa,” is an explicit attempt to persuade the Trump administration to adopt “a comprehensive anti-dawa strategy before it is too late.”
Ms. Hirsi Ali—now a research fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution, where I also work—is urging the West to look at Islam with new eyes. She says it must be viewed “not just as a religion, but also as a political ideology.” To regard Islam merely as a faith, “as we would Christianity or Buddhism, is to run the risk of ignoring dawa, the activities carried out by Islamists to keep Muslims energized by a campaign to impose Shariah law on all societies—including countries of the West.”
Dawa, Ms. Hirsi Ali explains, is “conducted right under our noses in Europe, and in America. It aims to convert non-Muslims to political Islam and also to push existing Muslims in a more extreme direction.” The ultimate goal is “to destroy the political institutions of a free society and replace them with Shariah.” It is a “never-ending process,” she says, and then checks herself: “It ends when an Islamic utopia is achieved. Shariah everywhere!”
Ms. Hirsi Ali contends that the West has made a colossal mistake by its obsession with “terror” in the years since 9/11. “In focusing only on acts of violence,” she says, “we’ve ignored the Islamist ideology underlying those acts. By not fighting a war of ideas against political Islam—or ‘Islamism’—and against those who spread that ideology in our midst, we’ve committed a blunder.”
The way it will go…
From this…
To this…
To this….and note how the man stays the same……it’s the woman, Janet Jackson, who is changed by Islam the most….
Divorce seems to be the only answer.
The BBC purposely use every trick in the book to promote Islam.
It starts with cbeebies (0 to 6 year olds) with images of hijabs and “information”
It then progresses from there. Here are two examples aimed at older kids and young adults:
this contains a link to the hijabi rap video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOX9O_kVPeo
The BBC show Western “Muslims” dancing and rap singing and whatever and pretend this represents Islam. In fact these things are banned in Islamic countries.
What a bloody mess.
I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the “elite” are fully insightful into the nature of things but seem to be operating on the assumption that they will retain the whip-hand.
There is no scenario that I can imagine where there will be a peaceful outcome to the societal changes now feverishly under way.
Yet the insightful bunch I allude to above seem to imagine otherwise…. Or do they?
For my part I can imagine there being a protracted series of Nuremburg-type trials for this elite in the decades to come.
Oh, for the record I have no doubt that the powers that be also monitor very closely indeed comments in this site (and others) and have (small or large) dossiers on anyone who provokes the “person of interest” software.
For such powers please be aware that we know you know. We and a growing number just no longer care.
We do ask that you consider whether you will be able to look in the mirror in the decades to come?
Particularly once the pictures in your attics get full to capacity.
To me, the WSJ is losing all credibility as a member of the MSM. It was the WSJ that citicised the MSM during the presidential campaign for ignoring Wikileaks revelations about Killary. Seriously, the WSJ seems to be honest and even-handed…..
As to the book by Miss Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Has anyone Googled for it? It did not come up under the predictive texting – I had to type in the full CHALLENGE OF DAWA…… Just a thought.
Another thought: Miss Ayaan Hirsi Ali comes under the same heading as Brigitte Gabriel as far as the women’s movement is concerned – to be ignored.
People keep making the mistake of equating Islamic attacks with terrorism when they are not the same.
Here is the OED definition:
“The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.”
A terrorist has a set of objectives which he or she wants to bring about if necessary through the use of violence and indiscriminate murder, a Jihadist only wants to slaughter unbelievers, and to become a martyr himself.
Islamic motivation is not therefore terrorism – it can only be described as an aspect of or an expression of Islam.
Calling these acts of barbarity ‘terrorism’ does two things. It shows our authorities have no concept of what they are dealing with, and that they are trying to equate it with other attacks with entirely different motivations.
We should call these attacks what they really are – Islamic (not Islamist which is a cover to protect Islam) Muslim, Quranic, Jihad, etc etc.
Let us not play the authorities game of cover up, and let us all tell the real truth about these dreadful attacks and their motivation rather than covering up the truth.
Jihadis are not the problem. In fact, they are alerting us to the coming existential crisis. Muslim population growth is several times larger then European rates. In less then 50 years, Muslims will be a majority. And that’s that. Sharia, and the end of Western civilisation
As the Muslim population increases, attacks will get more frequent, with “moderate“ Muslim demands that the state give more to the “marginalised” Muslim youth, or they will become even more radicalised. And so on. The more you give to the so-called moderates, the more our society will become Islamic. Moderate and radical Muslims play the good cop bad cop routine.
As the late Laurence Auster wrote: Islam is a mortal threat to our civilization.
. But we cannot destroy Islam.·
· Nor can we democratize Islam.·
· Nor can we assimilate Islam.·
· Therefore the only way to make ourselves safe from Islam is to separate ourselves