The BBC likes to drum up a vision of a nastier, more racist Britain due to Brexit but is not so keen to suggest that maybe Europe is a nastier more racist, homophobic, sexist place after so much Muslim immigration. Is it not a discussion worth having when so much of that immigration is occurring…surely the consequences should be considered and the citizens of Europe warned as the BBC warns of the rise of the Far Right?
The reality of the Muslim immigrant flow is not the Swedish one as illustrated in the previous post where homosexuality etc are celebrated and encouraged, the reality is more one where Gays had better watch their backs so to speak…however the BBC is being rather coy about that reality as it reports on an attack in Holland upon two Gay men [H/T Craig at Is the BBC biased]…
Dutch protests against attack on gay couple holding hands
No mention that the attackers were Moroccan…no mention in this BBC report either..
Jasper Vernes-Sewratan, 35, and Ronnie Sewratan-Vernes, 31, say they were attacked by a group of men in the early hours of Sunday morning in Arnhem, in the country’s east.
Their story was widely publicised and they appeared on Dutch talk show Pauw earlier this week, where they described being set upon after holding hands.
Even the Lefty New York Times has edited out the truth as it reports what the victim said…or some of what he said….
Then suddenly six to eight youths set upon them, he said, and “before I knew it, I was on the ground fighting with three men on top of me.”
What’s missing?…..
‘And then suddenly there was a group of six to eight Moroccan youths. Before I knew it I was on the ground fighting with three men on top of me.’
Curiously no one is mentioning that Geert Wilders has been campaigning against Moroccan immigration and been convicted of a hate crime as he did so.
What’s also curious, or not, is that the BBC should be so quiet about the identity of the attackers and why they may be homophobic….perhaps it’s something they have been radicalised about on anti-social media but definitely not in the Mosques.
The BBC ranted and raved about the attack on an Asylum seeker recently and instantly labelled it a hate crime, despite some of the attackers being black and the motive completely unknown at the moment despite suggestions that it was an argument about cigarettes…the claim that the attackers asked whether the youth was an asylum seeker is completely unsubstantiated and probably came from his two friends…so hard to believe. Will this attack on gays in Holland, one of many (allegedly a rise in attacks from 400 in 2009 to 1,600 in 2015…#DuetoBrexit?), merit a similar wave of BBC angst driven reporting?
Note that a Dutch near equivalent of the BBC, RNW, reports..
Moroccans agree with Wilders about violent Moroccan-Dutch youths
Many Moroccans agree with Geert Wilders, the leader of the populist Freedom Party, who recently stated that the violence being committed by Moroccan-Dutch youths in the Netherlands is a “Moroccan problem”. The assertion is based on reactions from people who read an RNW article about a linesman who died after being beaten up by a group of Moroccan-Dutch teenagers.
The article was reprinted by Hespress, a popular Moroccan website, and sparked dozens of reactions from Moroccans living in Morocco and abroad. 50 of the 60 people who reacted agreed with Geert Wilders’ remarks.
“The truth has to be told”, wrote ‘a commentator from the Netherlands’. “Moroccan youths here in the Netherlands are causing numerous problems. They carry out hold-ups, rob old people and attack bus drivers and gays. These incidents are occurring on a daily basis. In my opinion, the Dutch have a lot of patience with these criminals.”
According to another reader, “I have been living in the Netherlands for the past 22 years, and I have never had any problems with Dutch people. From what I have seen, whenever there are problems of vandalism or theft in public transport, Moroccans are involved. Anyone who wants to succeed in the Netherlands can. The opportunities are there. You just have to want to seize them.”
The bBC is proubly screaming out that a poll it carried out has a quater of Christians don’t believe in the resurrection . I wonder if the bBC would carry out a poll amongst Muslims asking if Mohamed flew over Jerusalem on a winged horse.
I guess the non Christians in the BBC know that they can get away with undermining Christianity in the run up to Easter because we ll turn the other cheek and not go running off to the “hate crime police “. Makes you wonder what motivated the beeb to spend taxpayers £££££ on such an insulting survey . ?
Some hate is more hateful than others for the BBC.
And all cultures are equal, but others are more equal than ours.
Especially one lot.
My daughter was just back from a business trip to Munich with a large German company she works for. While there she got into conversation with a group that included a Thai. Said the Thai: “I would love to come to Britain to visit, but I hear that there have been a lot of race attacks in Britain since your Brexit vote. I am just too afraid to go there.” Yup, this is the effect that we are forced to pay for from our national broadcaster. Good on her, my daughter disabused him pretty quickly: “The UK is probably the least racist country on the planet – you don’t want to believe all that rubbish. . .
So true. But the relentless propaganda from the BBC liars will filter through.
Its the BBC here behaving as usual nothing to see here folks. Everytime something like this happens the BBC lies, spins and pushes its {EU funded pro socialism, pro islamic} agenda as us who are awake and know the BBC and what the BBC is capable of doing will know. But the sheeple who are to stupid and lazy to realise that the BBC is lying to them in order to further the EU Superstate welcome to the United States of Europe…..That is if the islamic caliphate of europe brought to you by the BBC doesnt turn up first! Meanwhile the sheeple will believe it is true because its the BBC and the BBC never lies and then the sheeple will go back to eastenders
There is simply no possibility of the BBC promoting the view in any of its programnes that Europe is a more homophobic, racist and sexist place due to mass Muslim migration . It would destroy the narrative being rammed down our throats so we will just have to dream on.
The establishment just treats the public as fools. Comments by the police and tbe Dean of Westminster that the motive of Masood will never be known, is a case in point . Who seriously believes that ? The news today that Masood was connected to a jihadist Luton based website is hardly a surprise unless you are in the police or the clergy.
You are right. The police and many clergy are total lying morons. They are mentally ill.
“The BBC ranted and raved about the attack on an Asylum seeker recently and instantly labelled it a hate crime, despite some of the attackers being black…”
“Ranted and raved”; yeah right, if you say so…
“instantly labelled it a hate crime”
The police said they were treating it as a hate crime, the BBC reported what the police said. How dreadful.
“motive completely unknown”
At least two of the attackers have been charged with “racially aggravated GBH”. That might give you a bit of a clue as to the motive, Alan.
Curiously, you’ve decided to demonstrate that Britain isn’t a racist place by blaming the victim when an immigrant is attacked, only to blame the attackers when they look a bit like immigrants.
Except you’re not just blaming the attackers; you’re blaming everyone who looks like them. No hint of racism there then…
Let’s all conveniently forget there was another brutal homophobic attack a few weeks ago:
Zbynek Zatloukal and his boyfriend were attacked on a London train by a gang of five “men”. Yet for some reason you didn’t think that worthy of comment.
Why was that I wonder?
Mmm, let me see…
How is your treatment progressing ?
“hate crime” a crime with a greater severity of punishment attached depending on which favoured group is the victim.
The antithesis of equality under rule of law, and in some cases, a racist interpretation of the law.
ok with that Maxi?
The BBC and Police definition of a hate crime is: If a muslim gang and a white gang get into a fight and two members of each gang are arrested – then the whites will be accused of hate crimes and the muslims won’t.
The New Stockholm Syndrome