‘The left would be wise to try to incorporate the findings
of behaviour geneticists into their political philosophy rather than
continue to deny them. Why? Because they’re almost certainly right.’
The BBC was right all along, we are heading back to the Thirties…who’d have believed it…the BBC, in its hatred of Brexit and Leave voters, is broadcasting a programme that says genetics, biology, makes the ‘lower classes’ stupid [and thus they know not what they vote for]…natural selection…perhaps we should be practising Eugenics…Toby Young should know better than to peddle this tripe for the very nasty BBC…
The populist movements that swept Britain and America last year in which angry, often working class, voters rejected the political hegemony of highly-educated, liberal elites were uncannily like the one imagined in The Rise of the Meritocracy – a dystopian satire written almost sixty years ago that imagined a modern society much like our own that collapses after an anti-Establishment revolt in 2034.
Michael Young’s son Toby, a journalist for the Spectator, asks if his father’s dark prophesy is correct and whether the Brexit and Trump votes signal the death knell for the popular political vision of a modern meritocracy.
A new open thread for those whose lack of an opposing digit doesn’t restrict their ability to type…..
Had the misfortune of actually trying to sit through the final 5-10 minutes of Dateline earlier this morning – dreadful. I saw some partisan, hack, “China Expert” with an awful, contrived accent, praising Obama, and naturally referring to the present occupier of 1600 as a “lunatic”. She of course failed to mentioned the almost 30,000 pounds of bombs dropped on 7 different countries in Obama’s last year in office. Subsequently, looked this Isabel Hilton up – hack, privileged, entitled, Guardian correspondent. It’s downright embarassing to think that anyone, ANYONE, could possibly think that there is any degree of savvy, intelligence, or thought with these type of people. I’ve had better, more thought provoking conversations with the office cleaners than listening to this c*ap.
3 earthquakes hit the Philippines on sat morning near Manila within mins, BBC still to report the story.
Some news agency
However, should an ill-advised piece of charcuterie be found in an unfortunate vicinity….
The sodding bbc are probably still trying to find a way to blame it on one or all of their pet hates. I think this thing they call climate change will be their main storyline, followed by Russia then Brexit and President Trump. Oh, not forgetting islamophobia and racism. They’re probably struggling to find a common thread that links them all to these earthquakes.
How interesting that dystopian fiction should be mentioned – bearing in mind the recent DVD release of the BBC’s 1977 drama ‘1990’. Amazon describes it thus:
‘The country is run by the bureaucrats of the Home Office’s all-powerful Public Control Department (PCD). … They routinely command sophisticated surveillance of anyone opposing the status quo; ruthless suppression of independent thought in Special State brainwashing units cunningly disguised as caring rest homes; … Free speech is forbidden. The rule of law no longer protects the vulnerable. Civil liberties are consigned to history … Jim Kyle (Edward Woodward), journalist for The Star, resists the forces of the Establishment. … But his subversive acts aren’t going unnoticed, and he risks prison or death…’
How ironic is this? The BBC in its glory days could satirise such a Britain. But, to many of us, it seems they now enthusiastically conspire in creating one. It appears the writer of ‘1990’ was (like Orwell) just thirty years out with the date.
Oh, but there is a significant difference between ‘1990’ and 2017. In the drama, the Home Office prevent citizens from leaving the country – as opposed to the current ‘standing room only’ immigration policy!
These type of dystopian horror novels produced by Orwell and Huxley etc used to quite scary to read.
Unfortunately they now seem to be used as training manuals for the NWO and globalist,marxist,and communist movements.
For a little light relief, who’s for a quick sneak peek at the upcoming BBC Summer schedules?
BBC1 may find the likes of James Corden a little expensive these days but under-employed Jeremy Corbyn will stand in for a series of Car Pool Karaoke. Last time the BBC put a Jezza in a car it was watched by millions but Corbyn hopes he can pick up the Momentum and find at least one of his friends each week to share his heavily green-taxed reasonably-price-fixed car. There will be plenty of scope for diverse cross-cultural content as his old pal The Grand Mufti happily sings along to one of Jeremy’s favourites – that classic by The Dubliners “Me couple of sticks of gelignite and the old alarm clock”. Meanwhile good buddy Gerry Adams is lined up for an extreme rendition of something from The Sound of Music : “How Do You Solve a Problem like Sharia”.
Are you a BBC viewer who can’t bear Strictly? Bear in mind BBC1 is an entertainment channel for the popular audience and should you find light entertainment content such as Bake Off a bit tacky then there are less Taqiyya alternatives.
BBC2 hosts lots of quizzes. Victoria Coren asks nigh impossible show-stopping brain teasers such as what positive thing has the BBC ever said about Brexit?
Exciting new fantasy drama comes to the Beeb (with a few cost-cutting measures) watch out for Games of Drones in which BBC-contracted Breakfast tv male presenters star as a tribe of eunuchs in a far off mythical world of magic – where fantastical feisty she-dragons emerge out of the legendary pay gap to eat male dwarves for breakfast and where people really care about women’s sport and actually voluntarily pay to watch it.
BBC3’s tv youth channel has transgendered onto the internet and will now be cross-dressing barriers with lots of gay highlights for the kiddies. Mindful that children are viewing the BBC will be bending over backwards to be carefully balanced (balanced somewhere roughly half-way between the genders).
BBC4 have a real jaffa of a treat for the intellectual long-hairs: The Reith Memorial ‘Godwin’ Lectures will kick off with Ken Livingstone talking at great length on a subject that has been close to his heart for many years – Hitler: And My Part in Labour’s Downfall. Baroness Shami Chakrabarti will also speak on the importance of ethics and propriety in public office – but that’s a new situation comedy series.
So did the Northern Irish and Scottish lower class also know not what they were voting for Toby?
Or is the theory only to be applied selectively? With the technocrats already holding unelected power within the EU, the only way they could ever get it, I bet they’d love to see the end of elections everywhere else. The problem the elites had over Brexit was that people knew only too well what they were voting for.
My cartoon for this last week:
Al BBC Alert – Today BBC1 The Big Questions
Would gender-neutral language be better for mankind? … see what we did there? oh we are clever.
… Another BBC politically driven agenda, see video below
Have we lost the real meaning of Easter?
… Has the BBC Asian Network eh?
Asian Network’s Debate Shazia show asked, Should we celebrate Easter
Why is Easter any different? to the way the BBC denigrates all aspects of our nations faith.
Does the BBC want to ask Aquil Ahmed, or how about Fatima Salaria?
Yep!, Despicable BBC … UK religion for the 4% eh!.
The 96% is obviously of no concern, BBC a traitorous 5th column.
Here you go BBC, can your head of religion and ethics, explain this for us,
how about the previous, one Mr Ahmed?
Should we trade with countries that abuse human rights?
… Should the BBC protect, promote and appease an ideology that does?
Lost the meaning of Easter!, the BBC no integrity, no scruples and no shame.
look how it engineers the minds of children … no words
Amazing what Fatima and the BBC do find room for in their packed schedule:
Guessing any polls on certain aspects of other faiths would not see such enthusiastic promotion.
The BBC reporting of this poll is part of their overall narrative that Muslim terrorists cannot be Muslim.
This poll focuses on “Christians” who don’t believe the Bible – therefore are not real Christians by any real definition. This is a similar to how the BBC are trying to say Muslims don’t do violence therefore they can never be a Muslim terrorist.
The BBC are trying to muddy the waters between (fake) similar beliefs of non-religious persons and religious person by twisting statistics.
From the article…
Three in ten Christians surveyed (31%) said they did not believe in life after death.
However a fifth of non-religious people surveyed said they did (21%).
The above example is how the BBC twist numbers to fit their narrative. They are comparing apples and pairs – comparing Christian negative answers to non-religious positive answers. The proper comparison to make would be…
‘69% of Christians do believe in life after death whereas only 21% of non-religious people do’.
But if they reported the stats correctly it would show religious persons think differently to non-religious persons and we all know where that is leading to…
But no poll of Muslims would ever show that any of them disbelieved the story that Mo ascended to heaven on a white horse. If they voiced even a scintilla of doubt it would off with their heads. Still I’m sure that the politicians have it all under control and future will be a rosy one for all.
There were many skeptics when Mohammed recounted the details of his trip the morning after his night journey on the flying animal. As Dr. Rafat Amari points out in the introduction to “Islam: In Light of History”, Abu Bakar (the first assistant of Mohammed who became his first Caliph) confirmed Mohammed’s descriptions of the temple he had visited, because Abu Baker claimed he had once taken a journey to Jerusalem and had seen the temple himself, and remembered it to be just as Mohammed had described it.
There is, however, a little difficulty with their accounts. The temple had been torn down over 500 years before their claims of having made personal visits to it. Indeed if Mohammed had actually hitched his flying animal anywhere near where the temple had been, to the “ring” he suggested “the prophets” had hitched theirs, at the time in history that his night flight was supposed to have taken place, he would have found that the temple mount was being used as a garbage dump. The Muslim’s own Caliph Omar would have observed this when he marched into Jerusalem in 639 AD, not many years after Mohammed offered his account detailed above.
While Mohammed and Bakr didn’t need to be concerned about their largely illiterate followers traveling the 766 miles from Mecca to Jerusalem, to scrutinize their accounts, what excuse do today’s followers of Muhammad have in this 21st century information age?
For many accounts of Mohammed’s night flight by the chroniclers of Islam, please visit the following link to answering-islam.org. As they also inquire:
“In light of all this, we ask the following questions:
* What Temple did Muhammad visit, enter and pray at before ascending to heaven?
* Seeing that the Quran mentions a journey to a Mosque that did not exist during the lifetime of Muhammad, how can you consider the Quran to be 100% the word of God?
* In light of the fact that both the Quran and the Islamic traditions contain this historical error, how can you trust either source to provide you with reliable information on the life of Muhammad and the first Muslims?
* Does not the fact that the Quran mentions a Mosque which was only erected in AD 691 prove that there were Muslims who unashamedly and deceitfully added stories to the Quranic text and passed them off as revelation from God?
* If you cannot find an answer to this historical problem within the Quran, why do you still remain a Muslim?”
It is interesting to note that the Koran is one book allegedly recited by More-ham-mad. As a direct revelation from Satan. (masquerading as Gabriel) 😉
The Koran
One book which is the recitation of one man over a period of about 26 years of his life. Compiled hastily, shortly after his death by some of his followers.
The Bible by comparison is a COLLECTION of 66 books by 40 different authors.
Written over a period of about 1500 years on 3 continents.
The Bible consists of a number of different literary forms. It includes a detailed law code, a collection of letters, sermons, poems & songs, narratives of history, prayers, proverbs & prophecies. The sixty-six books contain a wide array of writing styles expressing a variety of views.
(The Bible has a varied authorship including kings, prophets, a military leader, a government official, shepherds, fishermen, a customs official, a lot of Jews & at least one gentile (physician) It’s a rich, deep work which (even if you don’t believe in it’s spiritual message) has had a huge impact on Western civilisation.
The Koran is a spiritual forgery, awkward, confused & one dimensional.
(Hey forgive me for rambling but it is Sunday!)
Solid facts, Lucy, and not rambling.
Other interesting things about the Bible
> more people have tried to disprove or destroy that book than any other book
> it is the best selling book
I couldn’t bear the sofa-talk on BBC news this morning. Another woman with a grievance seeking publicity for an action group. So I changed over to Sky to learn that Brexit will ruin British beaches. Remoaners are desperately grasping at straws.
News in the UK. huh. What’s the point?
The beach thing defies logic.Why would we repeal something that allows our beaches to decline? The point is we are taking all EU legislation and directives into UK law and I cannot think this would be high on anyones list to change.
Do they really think we will fall for this. ? Or maybe we understand more about the future of EU law than they do.
I must say on Sky the daily talking heads don’t seem to have an original opinion between the lot of them.Bring back Eamonn. At least he was awake.
Oh ‘God’ not more fake news !!!!
God who ?
Isn’t that a town in Wales?.
Exclusive: British journalist destroys MSM lies on Syria
interview with British Journalist Tom Duggan in Damascus at the French Hospital tells us about the chemical attacks accusations.
Pam Geller, straight to the point
Interview conducted by Hanin Elias
BBC News Header – Russia to blame for Syria deaths, Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon
… No 10 Tory f-ckwit Fallon, rushed, “back of a fag packet” policy, kneejerk idiocy already,
Britain ‘would be ready for war against Russia in two years’
“War with Russia not likely next year”, says Defence Secretary
Britain could “carry out cyber attacks to defend itself against Russia”
Yep! … remember all these? from this incompetent buffoon subservient.
This stinks of a pretext … a pre-planned behind the scenes narrative
again, I believe from before Trump. His biggest inexperience area is his Foreign policy guys
… I was even hoping that some deal was being done with Putin to reinstate US, along with Russia as the “team guys” to eradicate ISIS/Al Qaida then on to the others, that seems to be down the sinkhole.
Shoot Assad out?, then what??
Totally illogical for Assad to use Chem weapons at this time No need and no advantage, No advantage politically either, and only two weeks ago US and indeed UK were even contemplating not needing a “peace deal” with the terrorist rebels, Why strategically throw it all away?.
There is one thing he is not, and that s stupid.
The Hague chemical weapons observatory, stated his chemical weapons and capability had been shipped out and destroyed June 23 too.
Whilst Hillary shipped Libya s stockpile of Chem weapons to the terrorist rebels under Obama.
Ah. But that is Breitbart and Pamela Gellar. They don’t follow BBC rules so THEIR reporting “cannot be trusted…….”
This is, as Homer Simpson might say, funny because it’s true:
Toby Young is a strong Brexiteer and defender of British democracy and very much opposed to the EU vision of a United States of Europe. I would wait and see what he actually says before pronouncing judgement. I agree it will be a surprise if a BBC programme is pro Brexit and anti EU but I live in hope. But if it isn’t then Toby Young should not be appearing on it or he has done a high speed UTurn.
As for the death of meritocracy being linked to those who voted Remain and lost, now that is a brilliantly comedic association. Perhaps some clever folks did vote Remain after deep analysis but in my experience there were three main factors that persuaded people to vote Remain. Firstly, the snout in troughers self interest amongst the very well off, secondly fear of the financial consequences for ordinary folks of leaving due to the success of the lies of Project Fear. Thirdly , it was the fashionable thing to do amongst the under forties. I have spoken to several under forties who voted Remain and who are on reasonable incomes and I am convinced that they voted Remain because it was fashionable to do so, not because of any analysis of the issues involved. I don’t think that they are even aware of the issues. Perhaps liberalism, open borders etc has become so powerful an image , thanks in part no doubt to the efforts of the BBC and a host of vacuous celebs, that is almost like an international brand , people buy into it to be seen as smart, even though for most of them it is against their best long term interests.
Social Media IS exposing ITV, Ch4, BBC, in fact the whole of the MSM, only 18 mths ago, you would have never have heard this.
Maybe Amber Dudd, and Sharia May can “control” it for us, they are desperate to do so … no matter the cost.
This is not about the BBC, well maybe it is, they were even worse than ITV because they refused to cover this at all.
… Told you there were 14 arrests
Jayda and Britain First are very brave people.
Yes, she and they are risking their lives .
0800 BBC Radio 4 news – Church services are being conducted all over Sweden in memory of the four killed by, “….the lorry attack”. A technically correct statement but we know here that the BBC will be fighting tooth and nail to deflect any mention of islam and muslims. This time though, the perp is apparently still alive and captured. That clearly places a continuing responsibility on the BBC to mould any information (if) subsequently disseminated to the public by no or minimal reference to islam and muslims. But hey, why not discuss a, “lone lorry attack”? That would be the ultimately preferable illusion to create – no driver – no muslim.
BBC new series focusing on ‘missing persons’. Announced on the back of the preamble: “every two minutes in the UK someone goes missing”. Really. Let’s see now, a day consists of (24 x 60 x 12) 1440 minutes, divided by 2 = 720 people go missing every day? x 365 = 262,800 per year? More than the population of Wolverhampton. Could this be, “Fake News” or news designed to avoid the real reasons which the BBC do not want to alarm the public by disclosing- its alien abductions. The Director General has met the ‘Imans’ (sorry got that wrong) ‘Aliens’ (forgive me they are so similar) and agreed that when they abduct, the BBC will make no reference to it even, as best they can, on local news. After all, they have vast experience of not mentioning or downplaying any muslim act that is contrary to any British norm. The series will no doubt extol the power of the BBC to assist in finding abductees if it were so minded. A similar programme to Crime Watch brewing?
Dear Mr xxxxxxx
Reference yyyyyyyy
Thank you for contacting us regarding the BBC News Website.
We understand you had concerns with the first paragraph in the article ‘Brexit: UK sets out plans to replace all EU laws’ (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-39439554).
The paragraph has since been amended and now reads: “Thousands of EU laws on everything from workers’ rights to the environment are to be transferred into UK law as the country gears up for Brexit.”
We do appreciate your points about this, as we remain absolutely committed to bringing the user the most comprehensive, impartial, factual and fair news reporting.
This is where feedback such as yours is very much valued by the BBC as it tells us what users think we’re getting right, and of course what they think we’re getting wrong.
Please be assured that your concerns were sent to senior staff at the BBC News Website via our daily report.
Your views are important to us and we welcome feedback from our audience to help us review how our news is being written and reported.
Thank you again for contacting us.
Kind regards
Ciaran Hanna
BBC Complaints Team
In this reply they cannot stop distorting the facts. The article on their website used the emotive, “scrapped” rather than, “replaced”.
It’s like there’s a room where lies become the truth.
I have some ideas for BBC shows.
The Lisbon Factor
Based on the Krypton factor but for remain voters. Round one tests their actual knowledge of the EU, such as the democratic deficit and its principle of subsidiarity. Anyone who knows any answers is eliminated; extra points are awarded any time someone shouts ‘racist’! In round two, they are given pieces of a puzzle which represents the economy of the EU. Anyone who tries to fit the pieces together is eliminated; contestants must throw the pieces at Brexit voters and call them stupid. The final round is an assault course through Boston, where they must spend a week around drunken, homeless Eastern Europeans.
Mein Khan
Hilarious new game show for multicultural Britain. Contestants are given lines from two well-known political texts and they have to guess who actually wrote the words, Hitler or the other person. No matter what the final scores, everyone wins as we are all doing so well together! Victory is intolerant!
That Was The Country That Was
Biting political satire where nobody says anything in case it offends someone. Instead people of all races, genders and creeds join hands for an hour and chant: “Immigrants good! Brexit bad!”
Strictly No Dancing
Fun-filled extravaganza set in the future where music and dancing have been made illegal.
The Lefties: A Warning from History
Also set in the future.
Whatever Happened to the Likely Land
Two English pals return after forty years living abroad. Originally meant to be a light-hearted comedy but became more of a horror film.
Shame and Acceptance
Period drama set in a left-wing think tank during New Labour’s first term. A black transgender man comes to work in the office who has a considerable fortune of victim status. Young Elizabeth had the misfortune of being born into a white, affluent family so she hopes to marry into victim status, thus winning the eternal envy and acclaim of her snowflake peers.
Walking With Dinosaurs
Using CGI technology, public figures with sensible, right of centre opinions which they are free to express publicly are brought back to life. Strictly shown after 9pm as younger viewers may become upset.
Can’t wait for the new episode of Citizen Khan where he borrows a truck to carry some party balloons but it goes out of control down the High Street and he’s shot dead by police – hilarious!
Very good, Chilleden! I’ll add ‘Britain’s got Taliban’. No rock music, of course – just a bunch of beardy blokes competing to wail Afghan anti-infidel songs.
Let’s see how the BBC handles the terrorist attack on the Church in Egypt where at least 15 have been killed. I expect they will drag out the usual suspects to tell us that it has nothing to do with Islam.
Probably in the same way they do all such mystery atrocities…
With semantics, obfuscation and ‘quotes’.
There is an article about the acid attack on Breitbart.
My jaw hit the floor when I read this bit:
Shop owner Murat Kayran said: “They were a Chinese family, a woman frantically ran in here when it happened and said ‘there’s been an acid attack’.
“She bought one bottle at first and then after that bought three more bottles of 1.5l water to pour on the man’s burns after a person threw acid in his face.
“Then a gentleman came in and bought another three.
“About five minutes later and ambulance and police cars turned up, as well as the fire brigade.
“It’s such a scary thing to happen”, he told the Sun.
That’s right – the shop owner SOLD the victims and helpers some water to help treat their injuries!
Christ on a bike !!!
I was going to say that it just beggars belief, but I suppose that when you read the name it doesn’t.
It is not just the BBC. Western Governments are saying and doing nothing about the Genocide being committed by muslims against christians in N. Africa and the Middle East. The blood is on the hands of the so-called “western leaders” . They are just as guilty as the perpetrators.
Yes, it’s just becoming a very sick and tired joke now:-
1)Don’t report it.
2)Gloss over it and move on.
3)Blame the West.
4)Say it’s no part of Islam.
It’s on a par with holocaust denial we’re not listening anymore.
Why should the BBC go so frequently to Alex Salmond for his views on foreign policy ? He has no political base in England where the overwhelming number of people live and his party is running a devolved government that has no constitutional responsibility for foreign policy. Yorkshire has as big a population as Scotland so we might as well be listening to someone from a council in Yorkshire who considers themselves a foreign policy expert. Yet once again Salmond is given top slot on Marr.
The only consolation would be that we might be excused the appalling Emily Thornberry and her feeble attempts to excuse the anti- Western views of her boss Corbyn..
The BBC go to him because he is a Scot and a Leftie. The fact that he is also a moron suits the BBC perfectly.
Aussie on R4 bad mouthing Obama’s do nothing approach – strangely no one leapt to the defence of the Great One.
Ozzie ambassador, who was recently a gov politician
News24: Commemorating 1917 Vimy, the bBC in full stupidity said that Canadian and Scotish troops took the ridge. Of the 5 div, only one was British. In that div, only 1 of the 12 battalions was scots.
Here are some results on Brexit from ICM polling, worth keeping in mind given the high / low figures of peoples opinions, and how the BBC might try to portray this in the coming weeks:
Looking ahead to the Brexit negotiations ICM also tested out some of the compromises that Theresa May may have to make in the years ahead:
By 48% to 28% people said they would be happy to give EU citizens preferential treatment compared to non-EU nationals when coming to work in Britain
People were also happy to accept, by 54% to 29%, continued freedom of movement during a transitional period
By 47% to 34% people said it would be not be acceptable to continue to follow ECJ rulings during a transititonal period (though given the widespread confusion between the European Court and European Court of Human Rights I do ponder how mant thought this was a human rights question)
The trickiest bits were, however, on spending – all three different financial settlements that ICM tested were rejected by the public: only 33% thought it would be acceptable to pay a £3bn “exit fee”, only 15% thought a £10bn fee would be acceptable, only 10% thought a £20bn “exit fee” would be acceptable. How and if the government manage to sell the financial settlement part of Brexit to the public is going to be interesting…
On the first issue I think I too would be happier if we had to have immigration for it to come from Europe rather than Pakistan or Bangladesh !
We have not heard anything about the Human rights act so cravenly implemented by BLiar and difficult to undo.
On the fines for daring to leave the EU were envisaged at £3 billion and only 33% thought that was acceptable then God alone knows how many think the proposed figure is OK – probably limited to ‘I’m on a different planet Clegg’ and his insane band of followers.
My own take on this is that Theresa May should walk away from negotiations until the figure is brought down to something the public find reasonable, and the implication that German cars would be taxed & French wine & cheese !
We should also be reaching out to Poland & Hungary both of which have been threatened with expulsion from the EU if they won’t allow Merkel the mad to flood their countries with Muslim migrants. We could offer favourable trade & migration with both were they to leave – further weakening the rotten EU structure.
Heard anything about this on t he BBC?
In an unprecedented move, Prime Minister Theresa May’s government changed the UK’s vote on Friday at the U.N. Human Rights Council on what it rightly called a “perverse” resolution condemning Israel for allegedly maltreating the Druze residents of the Golan Heights — and London warned that it would oppose all UNHRC resolutions on Israel if the UNHRC’s bias does not stop.
In past votes on the same text — introduced annually by Syria’s Assad regime, and more recently by the Islamic group acting as a surrogate — the UK had abstained, together with EU states.
This time, however, the UK joined the U.S. in voting No, in what experts say is a move by London to closely align itself with Washington. Brexit is about to begin and the UK increasingly needs to rely on close ties with America.
More significantly, the UK also declared on Friday that if the UNHRC doesn’t change its anti-Israel bias, they will begin to vote No on all five of the annual resolutions concerning Israel.
“Today we are putting the Human Rights Council on notice. If things do not change, in the future we will adopt a policy of voting against all resolutions concerning Israel’s conduct…”
As usual finger in the wind, riding Trumps coat tail
… where were they before?, how long has Hillel Neuer
been banging the drum?
Treezer is emboldened I’d say. With more to follow perhaps?
It’s up to 21 dead now in Egypt in a church in Egypt. BUT still the BBC website don’t consider this to be anywhere near the major news story. Well they are only Christians BBC!!!
massacred by Islamic terrorist’s. BIT TOO SENSITIVE FOR YOU BBC?!!!!
Beeboids probably celebrate when christians are massacred. Beeboids are seriously mentally ill.
Just watching the news at 11am on the BBC News Channel.
The order of the News was…
1. Sir Micheal Fallon blaming Putin for the Syrian gas attack – i.e. Muslims killing each other but we can blame someone else (Muslims not mentioned).
2. Little bit about the US Navy moving around North Korea to defend against the nuclear risk. i.e. only dangerous people in the world today are N.Korea and the BBC don’t beat around the bush on this one.
3. Egypt bomb kills 21 – i.e. Muslims killing Christians (Muslims not mentioned).
4. Stockholm gathering for a ‘love rally’ to remember the dead. – i.e. Muslims killing Swedes (Muslims not mentioned).
5. Controlled explosion in Oslo of a device that “would cause only limited damage” – i.e. Muslims killing Norwegians (Muslims not mentioned).
6. Acid attack in London. No description of victims or attackers but we all know which cultures like using acid for ‘family disputes’.
7. Westminster murdered Policeman being honoured – i.e. Muslims killing Londoners (Muslims not mentioned).
Heck! that was just the first 11 minutes and I cannot see any common themes or patterns in that news at all, can you?
Al BBC – Allah Ackbar to that infidel, take it take it
This as usual from Ezra is excellent.
Beeboids are so stupid that they think the rest of us do not know what is happening. Beeboids are rats clinging to a sinking ship.
“only dangerous people in the world today are N.Korea and the BBC…”. Stop there!
Tabs, the multiple attacks on churches in Egypt on Palm Sunday causing at least 35 dead – including apparently- a policeman who tried to grab the suicide bomber thus dying – warrants 3rd in the running order on Albeeb.beeb seems desperate to subdue anti Muslim reprisals or have few people who care about christians being murdered for their faith . I cannot pay the licence on moral grounds . I donate it to charity and hope that one day the beeb will recover its decency or cease to be.
Can’t help but feel the BBC weather forecast for the ‘hottest day of the year’ might have more appropriately been expressed as ‘warmest’
But then I’m not an over-excitable info-tainment jockey with a Global Warming agenda
I’m afraid we may be in for a summer of incremental ‘hottest days so far’ running up the BBC thermometer in daily installments like an old-time Blue Peter milk bottle top for Biafra charity appeal
Give it a rest, it’s the spring turning to summer
Wow! 23 whole degrees! (Centigrade, that is) – unheard of in early April, or mid-Spring, anywhere in the Former UK! Look it’s “hotter” than (pick somewhere of your choice), so it must be global warming at work…
It was 26 in central southern France yesterday, and the blossom is out. Quite normal, really, even though two weeks ago we had an inch of snow on the ground.
Global News (Classic FM, Smooth, etc.) are just as bad. How is 23 degrees “hot”?
Every fucking weather event now has to have a “Wow factor” and a headline attached, and usually accompanied by photographs of scantily dressed crumpet on Brighton beach. It is SO boring, now.
I got badly sunburnt spectating at an Easter Monday sports event. It was unexpectedly sunny and very hot for the time of year, similar to today. It was an ‘early’ Easter Monday, in late March.
Think it was 1970 BGW or 1971 BGW.
(Before Global Warming)
I’m surprised by Toby Young, a writer for the Spectator whose opinions I have more often than not respected in the past. He seems to have fallen into the trap that becomes ever more prevalent, and an essential problem of their own making for the intelligentsia – a word of Communist Russian origin, coincidentally. Their monumental conceit and overweening ability to be impressed by the own abilities means that they inevitably equate intelligence with wisdom.
Who gives a toss what this fat nationalist cretin thinks. I am sick of the BBC and Sky giving this provocative turd airspace. He is a bitter loser who lost the indyref so should sod off in my opinion.
As a Scot, I can say that many of us feel the same way. Alex Salmond is a cretin. He does not understand the Scottish people .

Allow me to shine a light on that pro Salmond anti British article from the bBC:
Here is a little something from the bBC which they forgot to mention about Toad features:
Grant I live in Scotland and my wife is from Dingwall so am fully aware that Salmond and his army of anti-English fanatics are not representative of many Scots.
At least Obama spends his time away kite surfing! Although, if the wind were to catch those ears ……
Here’s my pick of the week from bbc.con
US ‘transracial’ woman Rachel Dolezal to visit SA
“The US race activist Rachel Dolezal, who identifies as black despite being born white, is to visit South Africa to talk about her experience”
“In South Africa she will be attending the inaugural event of the group Quest for Non Racial South African Society Dialogue (QfNRSASD), which promotes an agenda for racial harmony among South Africans.”
QFNRSASC? hmm that really rolls of the tongue.
As usual the bbc spending our money on column-inches for complete and total fuckwits.
As Swedish authorities release to the world’s press some interesting details on the terror attack our bright young thing in Stockholm, Maddie Savage, shows her BBC-honed priorities and journalistic training:
“I wasn’t actually at the press conference… I am at a demonstration to show Swedes coming together in solidarity”
Who says journalism is dead and the game is now all just so much PR ?
The BBC spending tax-payer cash promoting women’s boxing again
‘The 34-year-old was vastly superior in the flyweight contest, which was held over four, two-minute rounds. “I was a bit too eager to get the stoppage as I wanted to entertain the crowd, ” said Leeds-born Adams.’
I’m please to report there is a have your say and the BBC are not getting it all their own way
6. Posted by Its all a mess on 8 Apr 2017 22:50
Men do this and it’s a blood sport!
Woman do this and according to the BBC it’s WONDERFUL!!
15. Posted by David on 8 Apr 2017 23:10
The BBC has it’s own reasons to be keen on plugging Nicola Adams, but the fact is not many people are really that interested.
There is bollox.
Then there is BBC lefty bollox.
Then there is normal Guardian lefty bollox.
Then there is lefty “US” “female” Guardian “Opinion” bollox.
“Lay off standups – they reach all parts of the UK
Barbara Ellen”
“The Now Show” and “The News Quiz” are paragons of impartiality, neutrality, and all other Charter requirements not found on the BBC and only found by mistake in the Guardian. And we outside London had better start laughing at the hilarious jewels provided by the lefty “comedians/ennes”.
Have you heard the one about the fourteen hundred thousand thousand Muslims who cannot pass a driving test? Well you won’t on AlBeeb.
If all the Hindus murdered by Muslims were laid head to foot there would be a line a corpses which would reach to the moon – four times.
It’s the way I tell ’em.
Anyone want to comment on what might be wrong with this Labour supported Muslim event?
Ah some good old fashioned sex segregation at a public event. The BBC’s Samira Ahmed will be pleased – she was most upset when the Barbican Theatre de-segregated their toilet facilities this week. The long queues for the gender-neutral loos quite spoilt her evening.
How do you work out that it segregated by gender? I assumed that for public safety concerns the Muslims of both sexes would be kept well away from the ordinary peace loving public of Oldham.If any members of the public turn up that is.
thanks for putting that up, I hope you don’t mind, but I have used this, in which to point out the sheer incompatibility of Islam with life in the West.
Oh and out to everybody else, I have checked this out the Compass learning centre and ‘Human-aid’ and it is for real.
How much more money can be poured into Syria? It really has become the proverbial black-hole.
What a surprise!
Press release
Inquiry opened into Human Aid UK charity
The regulator is investigating concerns about the charity’s management, including concerns about poor financial controls and record keeping, including inadequate fundraising controls, and concerns about a lack of trustee oversight.
The inquiry will examine:
the financial controls and management of the charity;
whether or not the trustees have complied with and fulfilled their duties and responsibilities under charity law.
Inquiry report here.
Click to access human_aid_uk.pdf
Duh! would it be the BBQ cooking pork chops?
Ref the “Charity” advert above.
“for more informaition”
That’s what we expect from AlBeeb, AlMuzzie . . .
Their version of information.
But I am still having to add this as the latest comment. I have been unable to comment normally for weeks. Using IE and Bing (I have my reasons), but I have been for months.
Any suggestions, apart from Chrome?
An interview with Sir Lenworth Henry in the Sunday Times (pay-walled) highlights why the BBC give him so much airtime.
The tone is set by the header of the article, describing him as a “persuasive diversity campaigner”
He then goes on to describe how he is Honorary Chancellor of Birmingham University (where else?), how everything Donald Trump says is good material for satire, manages to refer to both Hitler and Nazis (of course), and says that he is studying for an Open University Ph.D in the subject of “screenwriting with reference to sport, entitled Does the Coach Have to Be Black?” (essential, what would we do without it?).
At the end he tells an anti-Brexit story (totally unverified of course) where he says he has noticed a change in the weather since the Brexit referendum. On a train not long after, he witnessed “two big white-van men just effing and blinding, talking about sending people back to their country. I’ve not been called a racist name since I was at secondary modern school. I was literally in shock. I couldn’t breathe. What was interesting is that people in the train carriage didn’t say anything”
This behaviour was described as disgusting by the man who used to point to white woman during his stand-up act and ask them “if they had any African in them?” When they replied “no” he would say “Do you want some?”
Katanga my friend.
He’s the man to thank for the flood of anachronistic “tokens” who are currently gracing our screens and advertising, usually in positions of authority. Apologies for the home of the link.
“From Eta to Stockholm: Is terror more of a threat to Europe than before?”
The bBBC can not see what the fuss is about.
They do say however….”Those statistics, of course, do not tell the whole story. There are notable differences between the terrorists of today and those of previous generations.”…..which is entirely the point.
Oh and the figures are not world wide.
So now its TWO churches attacked in Egypt and the death count is 36. But this is just a minor story so far as the BBC website is concerned because ZLATAN IBRAHIMOVIC has scored a goal for Manchester United. The BBC should be absolutely ashamed of itself the way it is covering the massacre of CHRISTIANS on Palm Sunday. AS i have written before. Is it a too sensitive for the BBC to cover ? My blood is boiling as I write this. The BBC is an absolute disgrace.
They are not a news service and certainly not a ‘World News Service’.
They are merely the propaganda arm for the Left, Elites and Islam.
How in God’s name anyone can justify forcibly taking money from us to continue this obscenity is beyond me.
For the vermin at the BBC , the only good christian is a dead christian. Beeboids are sick. They love the death cult of Islam. I just wish it would hit them where it hurts.
Grant – What always amazes me is that retarded individuals seem totally oblivious to the fact that by being complicit in the destruction of Christianity they are also destroying the ideology which influenced the culture that gave these disloyal bastards all the freedoms they currently enjoy. And under which all men are considered equal in the eyes of God.
And when Christianity is finally expunged from our society I think we all know what will be taking its place – rather less tolerant methinks – Godwilling.
I agree. I am an atheist but, for me , Christianity represents civilisation. The Leftist retards hate anything good and are so stupid that they do not know where their freedom to be idiots comes from. I am happy if they perish but they are dragging the rest of us down.
By the way, where is Maxiboy and the Trolls ?
Waiting for the dust to settle about the Stockholm attack I expect. They dont like putting their sad little heads over the parapet when this sort of thing happens – give it a few days when the BBC have changed the agenda and I am sure they will return with their nitpicking.
Personally I try not to feed them too much though I must admit I quite enjoyed (in a non BBC way of course) playing with Jerrod.
Not sure if it’s been done but the introduction of infectious grey squirrels and the slaughter of reds by the Victorians offers striking parallels to our present state in the West. Importing foreign creatures and assisting them in the destruction of the indigenous ones.
Jap Hogweed is another example
The World This Weekend (BBC R4 1-1.30pm) with Mark Mardell was interesting. Couldn’t believe my ears. (Again!) The BBC looked a little deeply into a news story that they claim, like other media organisations, they did not cover. I seem to recall that IT WAS on the BBC web-site so perhaps ‘coverage’ means only broadcast media in Mardell-speak.
It was also noticed here on B-BBC, some of whose contributors have a better ‘nose’ for a story than the supposedly professional, highly paid journalists at the BBC.
It was the attack in Stroud (Gloucs.) on a young Polish man by a group of youths (ethnicity and nationality unspecified) armed with baseball bats and similar weapons. A shopkeeper, of Asian origin, intervened to try to save the young Pole and was also beaten for his trouble and courage. At the time, it was reported that the attacking youths were shouting racist abuse at the young Polish man. It was logged as a Hate Crime.
Mardell’s piece this lunchtime exposed the fact that the police have investigated and the story – which will no doubt result in a Court case – is not what it appeared to be. Details, for that very reason, cannot be made public. Interestingly, that did not stop it being widely reported in the Polish media as a Hate Crime and an example of how Britain, post-Brexit, is suddenly such a racist country. Rather like the tragic Harlow attack.
Very, very revealing on numerous counts, not least the Gloucester Police doing a thorough professional job. It was also very revealing of the attitude of a local community leader and his community and the media in two countries. They, apparently, were not quite in the same league as Gloucestershire Police.
hmmmm so 100ish or so muslims die at the hands of assad (allegedly) in the the middle of a bloody civil war
result 50 tomahawks
st petersburg
etc etc etc ad infinitum
what do we get
Fuckin Candles
Don’t forget the # ,flowers,teddy bears and landmarks displaying the flag colours,oops I almost forgot the holding of hands and protection of of the real victims the muslims of course.
I personally think it is time we all make a stand against the atrocities that are happening. The western military need to collaborate and start another crusade war. This is serious.
The only western military are the Brits, Yanks and , maybe , the French. The rest are pussycats. The Russians, Turks, or Chinese could take Europe in 2 days if they want.
It’s better to try than do nothing. We need to start deporting people from our prisons who don’t belong here. Then start on the outside. Or both at the same time. Sooner rather than later.
Yes, it is better to try. But the war is already lost. Islam has won. They are just mopping up now .
I get what you are saying. For the sake of our predecessors we must try.
You can discount the French army on this one – they are needed on the streets of France.
Some of us think that that may be already behind Western thinking. A coalition going in to control the Middle-East, especially Israel. Don’t be too surprised if it is a Russian, European and USA alliance.
In the post-Gilligan heart searching by the BBC, I seem to recall the BBC made various commitments to their listeners and viewers. They were said, by the Director General at the time, to be absolutely unbreakable commitments.
One was to not put up old news or recycle news that would be considered old, ie. more than a day old, UNLESS it was part of a continuing and developing story. The recent events in Syria would be a tragic example of that, with the news of the gas attack, the rescue and ‘Who did it?’ and the missile strike by the US military unfolding over several days.
Compare and contrast with this item on the BBC web-site (which is becoming notorious for old and recycled news) today: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-39531836. This is making a re-appearance from about one week ago and is a top-line item on the BBC Homepage right now, on the right-hand side.
Someone at the BBC really should be sacked for that.
Especially as the story has been re-dated to make it appear a current one. That is shameful. It is deception. What makes it slightly worse, is that it appears the BBC is attempting now to promote a freelance journalist, much in the same way it promotes various actors, artists, musicians and pop stars. This from a broadcaster that claims it ‘does not do advertising’.
Until some P45s are handed out, I think the viewers and listeners will continue to enjoy a declining service for an ever increasing Licence Fee.
EDL Birmingham protest photo woman ‘surprised’ by viral reaction
A pro-Muslim fake news story from the BBC, just for a change!
The usual bollox of a “viral” photo that has a text description that doesn’t match the photo whatsoever.
“A group of 25 quite big-looking EDL lads, they surrounded her,” she said.
Of course we don’t need to see the evidence of this do we BBC?!?
BBC Website Alex Salmond thinks that Boris ” Just looks daft “. You could not make it up !
The BBC has almost nothing more than a hash tag for a segment of their covered up story of
the Islamic atrocity in Egypt. WATCH: COPTS EXPLAINED IN ONE MINUTE. And really the BBC
would like to cover this barbaric, murderess attack on two churches in Egypt killing
46 CHRISTIAN SOULS in not more than a minute ,in case they offend the religion of peace.
It is not just the cover-up. The BBC hate christians so much that they will celebrate this terrorist attack.
From the end of their piece.
“The early Church suffered persecution under the Roman Empire, and there were intermittent persecutions after Egypt became a Muslim country. Many believe that continues to this day.”
The old ‘many believe’ again, used in this case to diminish the reality of events, because it is only somebody’s opinion.
Slightly better than “some believe”, but still pretty pathetic.
Reckon Islamists must be thoroughly intimidated by the candles, flowers, vigils but really there has to be something between wishful thinking and nuclear Armageddon.
I hope I am wrong but I think the Western elite have already surrendered and Islam has won.
I reckon our corrupt and weak leaders for too long have allowed our economies and also themselves personally to become addicted to Middle Eastern and in particular Saudi money.
As they have now allowed this dependency to grow. Like all good junkies anywhere, they are desperate for the money fix not to be turned off. The Saudis know this and hence we are now in the crazy situation where we act as proxy agents for the Saudis in much of our domestic policy (especially concerning mosque building and education) and in our middle east foreign policy (especially concerning Israel, Syria and Iraq).
I would love to know how many of our MPs with a “business” background are not tainted by these associations. But I would not mind betting that there few who are not contaminated with this.
You only need to look at the Blair creature to realise how desperate and low these junkies are willing to abase themselves to please their masters.
BBC News – Deadly Palm Sunday for Egypt’s Copts … “jazz hands”?
could it possibly be anymore flippant?
“So-called Islamic State says it is behind blasts targeting Christians”
So-cal … GRRRRR blood pressure, blood pressure!
Hey look y all … Watch – Copts, explained in just one minute
BBC News – Stockholm attack suspect was refused residency
… His application for residency was rejected in June last year and he was being sought by immigration officials, police said.
… On Sunday, people gathered in central Stockholm for a “Lovefest” vigil against terrorism, and laid flowers outside the Ahlens shop in tribute.
… City mayor Karin Wanngard told the crowds: “Terror cannot win… instead we shall think of the kindness and openness that characterises our city.”
… The man was known to have expressed sympathy for groups including so-called Islamic State, but had been seen only as a “marginal character”, police said.
But NOT anymore eh! (shakes head)
Do it NOW!
I just wish the Islamic terrorism would come to the BBC, but the terrorists will never bite the hand that feeds them .
Where have all the Trolls gone ?
don’t they only work during BBC/Guardian office hours ?
Bet the IP addresses often trace to there.
Evidence of Mensch’s poor mental state
her sweary tweet
If I had the money I would be investing a fortune in companies that sell candles.
and florists.
That may result in another Tulip Bubble…
Labour chiding Boris for NOT going to Russia?
Struggling to keep up. Who has the latest?
Russia = good OR Russia = bad?
Exactly. Beeboids can’t decide . Their tiny minds are confused !
Boris always bad because he disobeyed the BBC over Brexit. marked for life.
I reckon a name change for this site is in order, ‘Biased So Called BBC.’