‘The left would be wise to try to incorporate the findings
of behaviour geneticists into their political philosophy rather than
continue to deny them. Why? Because they’re almost certainly right.’
The BBC was right all along, we are heading back to the Thirties…who’d have believed it…the BBC, in its hatred of Brexit and Leave voters, is broadcasting a programme that says genetics, biology, makes the ‘lower classes’ stupid [and thus they know not what they vote for]…natural selection…perhaps we should be practising Eugenics…Toby Young should know better than to peddle this tripe for the very nasty BBC…
The populist movements that swept Britain and America last year in which angry, often working class, voters rejected the political hegemony of highly-educated, liberal elites were uncannily like the one imagined in The Rise of the Meritocracy – a dystopian satire written almost sixty years ago that imagined a modern society much like our own that collapses after an anti-Establishment revolt in 2034.
Michael Young’s son Toby, a journalist for the Spectator, asks if his father’s dark prophesy is correct and whether the Brexit and Trump votes signal the death knell for the popular political vision of a modern meritocracy.
A new open thread for those whose lack of an opposing digit doesn’t restrict their ability to type…..
“Lord Mandelson showed where his true loyalties lie in an astonishing interview with the German newspaper Die Zeit. Lord Mandelson was branded a traitor on Saturday after he urged EU chiefs to screw Britain in Brexit talks. He claimed it would be “absolutely impossible” to strike a deal because Theresa May has the “wrong attitude.”
And he declared: “One can only advise the Europeans one thing – forget Britain and take care of your own interests.”
Lord Mandelson showed where his true loyalties lie in an astonishing interview with the German newspaper Die Zeit.
The peer (typo?) and former EU trade commissioner – is in line for a sizable pension from Brussels after swearing an oath of loyalty to European institutions.”
Mandelson is irrelevant. No-one listens to that piece of shit.
Who’s Mandelson?
LOL ! He is nothing !
Wikipedia is our friend!
I have found information about Mandelson. He has been a busy boy:
– led the farcical Millenium Dome project that cost the taxpayers several hundred million
– led Neil Kinnoock’s disastrous 1987 GE campaign
– resigned from Cabinet in 1998 after being found to have covered up a loan from cabinet colleague Geoffrey Robinson, who was under investigation by Mandelson’s department
– resigned from Cabinet in 2001 after he was found to have attempted to influence a passport application from an Indian businessman.
What a cv. Give that man a peerage…Oh, they did.
The mystery about Mandelson is what is the point of him ? Just seems a nonentity . A total nothing.
Antiques Roadshow tonight contained lovely touchy feely segment with Fiona Bruce discussing the Greenham women in front of a banner made at the time.
Seems FB attended, but was not prepared to get arrested as she did not want a “record”.
No mention of the futility of it all as RR and MT sorted it out by proceeding with preparations at Greenham etc. which convinced the Russians of the day to call off the arms race.
Fiona strikes me as a bit posh to be slumming it with the great unwashed in a yurt.
It’s the classic reporter’s line “I made my excuses and left”
Mallard – Talking of Fiona Bruce, apparently ISIS is inciting Jihadis (posh word for muslim terrorists) to target newsreaders like herself and Kay Burley.
Sad for them to be on a hit list, but it might concentrate beeboid minds on the true nature and threat of muslim terrorism – or islam as it’s sometimes known.
Any chance that Lineker could be put on that target list ?
Suggestions on a postcard to ISIS, Syria.
10 o’clock news. The first three items are about Muslim murderers – Stockholm, Egypt and Westminster – so they get their Muslim newsreader Mishal Husain to present it.
Typical bBBC, rubbing our noses in it.
Dan Johnson gave an emetic report from Stockholm on the 10 pm TV news. The emerging trope is that the “man” was a failed asylum seeker and questions will be asked of the security services as to why he hadn’t been deported. BBBC, shifting the blame again.
He also said, when commenting on the death of a Briton, that it was no surprise that a foreigner was among the dead – “Stockholm is a modern, multicultural city”. The fact that Sweden is a multicultural society is in reality the reason for the atrocity rather than an explanation for the exotic identity of the victims. Dan just didn’t have time to complete the logical explanation.
Sweden like the rest of progressive Western Europe is in denial. Candles and flowers are enough for them, Constantinople relied on it’s walls for centuries.
There could be a lesson there.
Don’t shoot the messenger! NTDWI
Moreover none of the reports mentioned Muslims or Islam . Perhaps Husain edited it out.
After Westminster and Stockholm its especially depressing that Muslims are stepping up their murderous campaign against Christians in Egypt. What else are the Muslims planning for Easter, I wonder?
If two Christians murdered forty muslims in an Egyptian mosque, you can be sure the BBC would have led their news with ‘Christians were responsible…’.
Good info : A twitter feed which tracks BBC stealth edits
I once found a journalism tool that will track page edits but I can’t remember what its called now
In that particular edit they replace the word mosque with church !!
Are any of these shown on here candidates?
Too technical for me I am afraid.
In which Nick ‘man of the people’ Robinson again shows his deft use of Twitter:
The other day the bBC reported on this story on falling sales at Marvel Comics:

However it seems that Marvel Comics is in the news again with this story:
US: Marvel pulls comic artwork over hidden Koranic hate messages by Islamic artist.
Anybody else wonder if the bBC will air this story?
The media and the BBc seems to be ignoring the Paris demonstration by the Jewish community after the savage murder of Sarah Halimi.
Too divisive with the presidential election coming and the obsession with non existent community cohesion.
Stabbing and throwing a Jewish woman out of a window just for being Jewish is not that interesting to our world class useless media .I wonder who did it and why? Only kidding friends. Like the Copts in Egypt. Like the Christians in Iraq and Syria. None of them matter so great is the elite’s fear and desire to defy reality.
How can a Jew stay in France much longer ? Or in Sweden and probably soon here. Our Western European elite will not protect them . Israel will and that is the difference.
Our elite will then wring it’s hands and say it will protect us but it is lying. It cannot and will not.
Dave-The BBC is much more interested with ” Is Muslim fashion the untapped market?”
Christians being massacred and a Yid being thrown out of a window, is far less fashionable,for the market the BBC is after. And we all now what that is!
StewGreen April 9, 2017 at 11:11 pm
“I once found a journalism tool that will track page edits but I can’t remember what its called now.”
News Sniffer is, I believe, the site to which you refer.
Still going, and second on their list as I type this, is a “report” by the New York Times, The Grey Lady.
As impartial as the lefty Islamic AlBeeb, the NYT currently on version 15 about Copts murdered in Egypt.
In fact look yourself, the NYT, The Guardian, the BBC occupy fifteen of the top eighteen places. Washington Post must have closed.
Hijab of the day
Is Muslim fashion an untapped market?
It isn’t fashion, stop the propaganda
I wont be listening to this tripe, but I found out that this was coming, and I had to comment below.
An example of how BBC Bias can produce comically contradictory contortions of hypocrisy.
8pm today on Radio 4: The rise and fall of the Meritocracy: Toby Young asks whether the Brexit and Trump vote signal the death knell for a modern meritocracy.
As is well known, the BBC and the Labour party, which represent the lower classes (low IQ middle and working class), are all for the replacement of a meritocracy with politically correct social engineering ideas such as racial quotas, women only shortlists and green activist lead science.
Also, as you can imagine, Mensa members are very enthusiastic about the merits of a meritocracy. Recent articles in the Mensa magazine show enthusiasm about the UKIP (high IQ working class) lead Tory party (high IQ middle-class) policy for the return of Grammar Schools, and UKIP also supports a points based immigration policy.
Also, I have mentioned before the battle between Mensa members (highly-educated and self-educated), and the scientifically uneducated environmental morons at the BBC (arts and drama educated), but Mensa has also been in a battle with the Labour party over the education of gifted children.
So I presume this Orwellian documentary has to start with a “presumption of fact” that Brexit and Trump voters are without any merit, and that the European Union and Hilary Clinton have all the merits of the liberal left-wing establishment. And I don’t think the BBC would invite any Brexiteer to have a say on the matter, as all the Brexiteers I know have an anti-establishment, pro-meritocracratic mood against the politically correct anti-meritocratic elite.
Also, I presume most people in Hull vote the same way as most people on the BBC because the Labour party was set up to represent the lower orders after the Liberal party gave the lower orders the vote at the end of the 19th century. But if the BBC thinks that people who vote Labour should not be allowed to vote. That would mean that the Brexit vote would have had a larger majority, if only non-Labour voters were allowed to vote? Unless the Labour party introduced a suicidal and comical “selective disenfranchisement policy” for its members.