The BBC has struggled, institutionally, to present a balanced view of the EU and Brexit in its news and current affairs coverage. Perhaps both sides of the case could more fairly have been aired in a sitcom.
Imagine, if you will, a rag-and-bone yard at 24 Oil Drum Lane Shepherd’s Bush in the 1970s – but updated to post Referendum 2016 and replace the names Albert and Harold Steptoe with Tony and Hilary Benn – our unlikely familial odd couple of pro- and anti- EU characters have just watched the vote results come in on tv – ladies and gentlemen, may I present:
Wedgewood Ben & Son
Dup dup doo-doo-doo, dup dup doo-doo-doo, dup dup doo-doo-doo, doo-dup-dup!
“Oh… Pater, you ‘orrible old man, really, do you have to sit there gloating?”
“You’re just narked because Leave is winning. It was a fair vote, Remain lost – what’s wrong with that?”
“It’s vulgar, that’s what’s wrong with it. Honestly, this was supposed to be an erudite campaign. But look at him, Nigel Farage, he’s disgusting. There’s not one word your Leave side said that should be used in decent company”
“Yeah but we still won, didn’t we – so sod you! You, ungrateful little toe rag. I don’t know why I even bothered to bring you into the family business”
“I was thinking of doing something else when I left school but you, you old pipe-smoking misery guts wouldn’t let me. I didn’t even want to be a Labour MP. I could have been… a fireman or a jockey“
“Yeah, but you still wouldn’t have been winning – and that’s what it’s all about, mate – so Ed Balls to Remain and Ed Balls to you!”
“If I thought this debate was going to degenerate into a mere catalogue of crudities I would never have taken part. Is that all you’ve got to say for your side – filth?”
“I’ve two more words to say to you, Hilary… Sovereignty! Democracy!”
“You despicable, deplorable, dirty, dirty, dirty, Little-Englander man!”
Dup dup doo-doo doo, dup dup doo-doo doo, dup dup doo-doo doo, doo-dup-dup!
They should be rebranded the ‘European Broadcasting Corporation’. I guess that was their aim until a certain gentleman called Farage came along and torpedoed their ambitions?
They would have morphed their World Service into it and made a ‘nice little earner’, more ‘jobs for the boys’, maxi, oh! and the girls. 😀 !
listen to what Albeeb calls “the worlds’ radio station” the now dismal world service (where quite a few presenters don’t seen too comfortable speaking English) . Once upon a time it presented British culture in its soft power kind of way and could be looked at for a slightly more objective news presentation than the lefty multicultural rubbish the domestic tax payers have to suffer. Now it’s just the same dross.
The row in the Welsh Assembly about the UKIPer taking the Conservative whip is made to sound totally earth-shattering. Somehow it seems to have slipped the BBC’s collective mind that Labour only have a majority because they made a (the only) Lib-Dem AM thwir educaton minister. The return of the prodigal Tory has been made the main story for most of a week now.
The Welsh Assy is just one big overblown, white elephant of a QUANGO that does not represent the people of Wales that voted to overwhelmingly to get out of the other quango – the EU.
Double Islamic attack mass murdering Christians in Egypt!, in church!!, on Palm Sunday!!!
… hey, that s just yesterday s news … girlfriend
BBC News – Deadly Palm Sunday for Egypt’s Copts …………… “jazz hands”?
could it possibly be anymore flippant?
“So-called Islamic State says it is behind blasts targeting Christians”
So-cal … GRRRRR blood pressure, blood pressure!
Hey look y all … Watch – Copts, explained in just one minute
Gone from the front newspage.
Move along kaffir … Gotta make room for this
Is Muslim fashion an untapped market?
The moment hijabs dazzled the New York Fashion Week
(The picture the Al BBC uses though is worse? … its a niquab,
that a erm “fashion” item too Al BBC?)
Fashion Week catwalk “I believe fashion is one of the outlets in which we can start that cultural shift in today’s society to normalize hijab in America so as to break down stereotypes and demystify misconceptions,”
Muslim fashion industry has huge commercial potential. We spoke with a Muslim brand consultant to find out why.
Hasibuan presented trousers, flowing tunic and gowns, in luxurious fabrics and detailed embroidery, all worn with hijabs
… Do it NOW!
The Martyrdom of Coptic Christians on Palm Sunday in Egypt (and the attempt to attack the Coptic Pope) has been carefully under reported because it demonstrates the lie in the BBC narrative that Islamic terrorism is “indiscriminate”.
Islamic terrorism is not indiscriminate. It is always targeted, carefully targeted against those who the takfiris consider “unbelievers”.
Good God. ” no-one in the foreign policy world”. For heavens’ sake Katty is just a third rate, useless, thick BBC journalist . What does she know about anything. Worthless creature.
Please do not watch this video of the slaughter of Christians in Egypt if extreme violence and death has a bad effect on you. I watched and it has disturbed me in many ways
But I have also read many accounts of how Abu Trump was moved to bomb Syria after seeing images of violence from Assad.
Hopefully, the new policeman of the world will act decisively against Islamic based atrocities
I could not bear to watch it. But the blood is also on the hands of dhimmis like Treezer and all people who defend the barbarity of Islam. They are equally guilty. Islam is evil ! And so are the BBC and anyone who supports that filthy cult.
Thankfully I m not on facebook … but I saw some of the carnage yesterday.
You know G, the Al BBC is ramping up the Fallon/Boris bullshit re Russia again, its a stern warning, no more etc.
What s stopping these Islamic terrorists doing it again?
Another chem attack?, the US can t wait … their dreams come true
and its one big jihadi theme park,(bombs away/ another million tramp to Europe). Assad gone … and a bigger MB/ISIS foreseeable future.
Don t jump to ANY conclusions though, shush!, hold on there, a lot of things to consider in London, Nice, Paris, Stockholm etc etc, where the clarity is blinding.
Yet … in Syria, the fog of war, the most doubtful of circumstances?
Tomahawks away 50 at a bloody time
As soon as you see the selected “baby pictures” on tv, in newspapers
or like the other day at the UN you know the fix is in … were there no babies in Yemen?
The Al BBC is at it again right now, blabbing about that one guy in his room in Coventry
It is literally unbelievable
There has been no independent investigation of what happened, none So this all comes down to pure conjecture.
“In reality, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has long ago been exposed as an absurd propaganda front operated by Rami Abdul Rahman out of his house in England’s countryside.
According to a December 2011 Reuters article titled, “Coventry – an unlikely home to prominent Syria activist,” Abdul Rahman admits he is a member of the so-called “Syrian opposition” and seeks the ouster of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad”
“One could not fathom a more unreliable, compromised, biased source of information, yet for the past two years, his “Observatory” has served as the sole source of information for the endless torrent of propaganda emanating from the Western media. Perhaps worst of all, is that the United Nations uses this compromised, absurdly overt source of propaganda as the basis for its various reports – at least, that is what the New York Times now claims in their recent article, “A Very Busy Man Behind the Syrian Civil War’s Casualty Count
Seen this woman debating a pro-rebel Muslim. Both trying to over-talk one-another and being totally rude. Both are accusing the other as being zionists! When someone makes a fake accusation like that, then everything else they say is brought into question.
The bBC will report any white on black/brown attack as racist. Look funny at a woman wearing a hijab and its racist but when the victim is white, then the ‘R’ word is nowhere to be seen. To that end why isn’t this awful story being reported as…’racist?’
Anthony Banting: Man charged over tram stop death
Detectives investigating the death of a man at a tram stop in Birmingham have charged a man with murder. Alaeldien Ahmed is accused of killing Anthony Banting, 57, of Sparkhill, Birmingham, at Soho Benson Road in the Winson Green area on 31 March. The 26-year-old, of Eva Road, Winson Green, was arrested on Friday in connection with Mr Banting’s death. Father-of-four Mr Banting died from multiple stab wounds shortly after getting off a tram at 16:40 BST. Mr Ahmed is due to appear before Birmingham Magistrates’ Court on Monday.
That story is only being reported on the regional “Birmingham & Black Country” news page. I also discovered another story buried here of a muslim terrorist group making bombs – this story is dated 7th April 2017, yet did not make an appearance in the England webpage, or UK webpage or whatever. Yet the picture of the Muslim girl confronting an EDL member in Birmingham & Black Country is / was promoted onto the English webpage, onto the UK webpage, onto the main news home page and onto the BBC home page.
This little snippet kind of jumps out of that piece:
“Both Ali, of Evelyn Road, and his co-accused Khobaib Hussain, 25, also of Evelyn Road, have previous convictions for attending a terror training camp.”
Trump’s real objective is not humanitarian, but economic – He wants to make trouble with Iran, create war in the Persian Gulf and destroy the OPEC cartel so as to open up the markets to US frack/shale oil…
Trump’s real objective is not humanitarian, but economic
And he does that by bombing Syria (not in Opec) and returning a fleet to resume patrolling off of Korea, which isn’t in OPEC either.
As for Trump wanting to destroy OPEC, you do realise that it was Obama and not Trump who signed legislation (Dec 15) that ended a crude oil export ban dating back to 1975.
The main opponents of Trump’s missile strike, are Russia and Iran. Rex Tillerson is flying to Moscow this week to offer Putin to rejoin the G7/G8 if he drops support for Assad. If Putin accepts the offer, then Iran will be livid since Shia Iran is the major Islamic supporter of Shia Assad.
An enraged Iran will be easy for the US to provoke, say tearing up the Kerry/Iran nuclear deal. Once conflict subsequently ensues in the Persian Gulf, NO OIL will pass through it, thus paving the way for Trump & Tillerson to take OPEC’s place and start exporting US frack/shale in HUGE quantities…
I can’t prove my hypothesis is right, but Rex Tillerson is one of the biggest oil men in the World and the USA does want to massively increase its oil exports which it can’t do with OPEC in the way…
“The main opponents of Trump’s missile strike, are Russia and Iran.”
And he does that by targeting the Syrian airbase used in the attack on a Syrian town with CW. An attack where they warned the Russians off first.
but Rex Tillerson is one of the biggest oil men in the World
Don’t you mean was (As it past tense) Here is a little something you should read up on: Remarks of Walter M. Shaub, Jr., Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics, as prepared for delivery at 4:00 p.m. on January 11, 2017, at the Brookings Institution
especially proud of the ethics agreement we developed for the intended nominee for Secretary of State, Rex
Mr. Tillerson is making a clean break from Exxon. He’s also forfeiting bonus payments worth millions.As a result of OGE’s work, he’s now free of financial conflicts of interest. His ethics agreement serves as a sterling model for what we’d like to see with other nominees. He clearly recognizes that public service sometimes comes at a cost. The greater the authority entrusted in a government official, the greater the potential for conflicts of interest. That’s why the cost is often greater the higher up you go…
‘Mr. Tillerson is making a clean break from Exxon. He’s also forfeiting bonus payments worth millions.As a result of OGE’s work, he’s now free of financial conflicts of interest’
Er, fascinating stuff. In the meantime, here’s a link to Tillerson’s extensive oil business deals with Russia. Tillerson and Putin are not strangers which is why Trump’s sent Tillerson to Moscow and not gone himeself…
As I as stated, it’s only my hypothesis and obviously I can’t prove I’m right. However, Trump is absolutely desperate to improve the chronic US debt to GDP ratio asap. The ONLY realistic way to achieve this, is to start exporting all their vast frack oil/shale gas reserves which they can’t do with OPEC standing in the way.
Therefore OPEC has to be removed from the equation. Once conflict starts in the Persian Gulf, absolutely no oil tankers will sail through it. Trump & Tillerson will very loudly announce they are in the market for selling oil and WHAMMO!!! That’s the end of OPEC…
Just those cruise missiles Trump fired at Syria, sent the price of oil climbing within minutes although it dropped back again once the dust had settled. This demonstrates how incredibly sensitive oil buyers are to the prospect of conflict in the Middle East…
SL wrote: As I as stated, it’s only my hypothesis and obviously I can’t prove I’m right. "
Then it isn’t fact then?
Iran has more to fear from the Sunni Arab countries than the US. Why do you think that the region is spending the most on weapons. Weapons that are all aimed at Shia Iran due to the belligerent nature of Iran.
Fermenting trouble in Iraq/Yemen/Nigeria/Syria/Lebanon/Bahrain/Saudi Arabia
It may or may not be “true” depending on whether any evidence can be found in the public domain.(Which I suspect it won`t be, at least in the short term, especially as the media won`t go looking for it)
The question isn`t whether its “true” or “a fact”…its whether it`s a plausible hypothesis, and that’s a matter of opinion…based on the evidence of historic events, or emerging supporting evidence or both.
Well, I’m speculating about what might happen in future so whether it’s true or not depends on what happens in the future. All I know is that people like Trump will virtually always have an ulterior motive for what they do:—
A lot of people have praised Trump for his missile strike on a humanitarian basis. Although the gas attack WAS part of Trump’s motivation, his main incentive is ‘America First’ and MAGA. I translate MAGA, as make America wealthy again. By attacking Assad with apparent humanitarian justification, he’s paving the way for conflict with Syria’s biggest ally Iran which is exactly what Trump wants. See my post above for why…
A lot of people have praised Trump for his missile strike on a humanitarian basis. Although the gas attack WAS part of Trump’s motivation, his main incentive is ‘America First’
You do realise that the strike on Syria was a limited one. In otherwords it was a bitch slap, kind of explains the very low death rate and the fact the runway wasn’t touched. The US sent the message that yes we have hit you, we could have hit you harder, but we will next time, if you use chemicals against civilians again. Below is the poststrike pictures of that Syrian airfield with strike locations
You may be right.
However, in general there is little point in hiting a runway, as it can be quickly repaired (just JCB and tarmac needed), where facilities take somewhat longer to restore. A good example was when we bombed the runway at Port Stanley during the Falklands war. It was an extraordinary achievement of logistics, planning and dareing-do, but the reality was that the runway was operational again within 24 hours. The real impact on the Argentinians was psychological (“if they can reach Port Stanley, they can reach Buenos Aires…”).
We bombed the runway at Port Stanley to give the RAF something to do. It took about eleven Victor tankers to get one Vulcan over Stanley. It dropped twenty-one 1000 lb bombs, one of which hit the runway. The RAF was delighted by the result, and like to give the impression they won the Falklands War.
As to the Vulcan raid making the Argentines think their mainland bases were under any threat, HMG soon reassured them that we would not be bombing mainland Argentina. The Vulcan raid on Port Stanley was a masterpiece of PR, but was of negligible military effect on the course of the war.
What you’e saying is absolutely correct. But that’s not the issue – Trump’s overall strategy, is to scare the oil buyers away from the Persian Gulf thus knackering OPEC…
Simon, there’s a big hole in that argument. If OPEC was under threat, do you not think that they, together with the Arab League, would have sat on this Syrian war and got it ended, LONG BEFORE Donald Trump was even a candidate for the US presidency.
Sorry, but I think you have taken a conspiracy theory way too far to have a chance of it being real.
A hypothesis is similar to a conspiracy theory but not exactly the same:—
A conspiracy theory tends to deal with stuff that HAS occurred in the past by offering theoretical explanations for what REALLY occurred – What I’ve offered is purely hypothetical about an event or events that MIGHT occur in the future.
Under normal circumstances I’d be inclined to agree with you 100%. However, to get an
some idea where Trump stands on OPEC, check out his own blurb on the Whitehouse website. It’s quite a change from what it used to be…
OPEC wasn’t under threat while Obama sat on his hands and “led from behind”, the war was progressing toward an end game in which Assad would retain power, and the balance of power restored.
The Arab League, is dominated by the Saudis and Qataris. neither have any interest in their Sunni proxies being seen to lose, an interest shared by the Sunni Turks.
The fight is a proxy war between Sunni and Shias trying to establish their mastery in the region, this is complicated but at times augmented by the ethnic conflicts between Turks, Kurds, Persians and Arabs.
The Wests attempt at “liberal intervention” (without imposing imperial control) is a disaster of a half measure doomed to fail.
In the Middle East domination or the ability to exact a heavy blood price from enemies (see the Druze who everyone else seems to leave alone) is the name of the game….anything else….is weakness and surrender….Hence the continuing survival of Israel, a nation that has a clear understanding of the high stakes game it is in.
Trump et al may just have spotted an opportunity, that Obama missed. That`s how I understand SLs hypothesis anyway.
SL, those who claim that the Syrian Civil War and Western intervention is all about oil, and there are many, are – in reality – very wide of the mark. Syria was not even a Top Thirty producer BEFORE the war. Their output was less than that of the UK.
The Syrian Civil War is just that, a Civil War, against a legitimate Government (according to Syrian and International Law) and its people by other groups, both from within and without Syria, influenced by all sorts of motives and other powers or forces. It was, in part, stirred by Syrian nationals’ and outsiders’ ‘involvement’ in the previous so-called Arab Spring in other middle-eastern nations, such as Egypt.
The Syrian Civil War is a confrontation, a proxy war between Sunni interests (supported by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and their western supporters) and Shia interests (supported by Iran and her proxies like Hizbollah) the US interest (and the west generally) should be to side against the groups threatening the west, what complicates this is that both Sunni and Shia branches of Islam present a threat to the west.
The sensible course would have been to back the Christians to the hilt, and try to decouple Russia from the Shias and welcome Russia into the western camp (an opportunity lost by the US in the past), but Sunni oil and Iranian nuclear capability appear to hold sway.
Like I said, Trump et al will use the Syrian debacle as pretext for confrontation with Iran. First they need Putin on board, which is why they’ve sent Putin’s big oil buddy of the last 30 years Rex Tillerson to offer Putin the sweetner of re-joining the G7. If Putin goes for it which he might well do, then I don’t think the rest of my hypothesis is that far-fetched…
This is really a changing of eras:—
We’ve had the almighty OPEC cartel since Nixon and the Bretton Woods. Now the US have discovered $50 trillion of oil/gas in their own back yard, it’s time for a US/Russian oil cartel. There’s too much crude oil on the markets at the moment so somebody is going to have to get the push. Since aggressive OPEC price cuts have severely impacted America and Russia, logic would indicate that it would suit these two countries if OPEC was removed from the equation despite the old Petro-dollar setup that’s done America so well ’til now…
How do you know ? And have you , personally, made any money out of your past predictions ? Also, do you have any access to information that the majority cannot access ?
I wish. No, OPEC, the Bretton Woods agreement, the Petro-dollar are certainly not secret, occult information in anyway. All these things are very well known to anybody who knows anything about international geopolitics…
Nothing is lost on little Owen’s need to accumulate personal wealth. He even tried to crowd fund his father’s cancer treatment. Now there is real left wing ideology at work; loves spending other people’s money.
He had a column about the French election in his lefty rag today. Just out of curiosity I checked wipedia for him. His career as a Westminster left bubble type speaks for itself. I couldn’t see much experience of France on his cv but as 33 year English leftie I suppose he’s entitled to his free speech.
He must be due for a series on albeeb soon though…
It is reported that the Swedish PM is in shock following the recent attack He is vowing to change his policy on an open door to migrants. Stables, Horses and bolting come to mind. I expect he is just lying to calm the people and asap he will let the migrants back in. But seriously what did these liberals imagine would be the result of letting millions of Muslims into Europe. I simply can’t believe that they were so gullible and naive as to think we would all live happily ever after. Surely the politicians must have known that there was a high risk , near certainty in my view , that There would be serious trouble and violence and quite probably war as a result of mass migration of Muslims. I think that they decided on this highly dangerous undemocratic course of action because as Globalists they saw the mass migration as an opportunity to further their aims for a Utopian borderless One World . The risk to their own people was well understood but deemed to be of little importance. It beggars belief that the leading politicians right across the West agreed a policy which they all knew would result in the deaths of their own people, but what other explanation is there? Of course they relied on the willing compliance of the MSM and as we see with the BBC they got it 100%.
Anyone, but anyone that’s had anything to do with the Middle East and islamic states/countries knows that they will always require a dictator to run them. Only a dictator can keep the lid on islam in their respective countries. Blair/Bush were ignorant of this fact hence what resulted. The West is now suffering the folly of this stupid duo and it will be the West’s downfall. So, I imagine that the Swedish MP you refer to is equally as stupid as the rest.
Totally agree. The ME was much better from both our perspective and the perspective of most of those who lived there when ruled by the previous set of dictators. Untold thousands have died and millions more live horrible lives since the West removed their despotic rulers. Which makes me think any western interference is.a Bad thing which ultimately spells more terror for us.
Excellent piece by Sue Reid in today’s D/Mail “Tolerance that created a breeding ground for terror”, addresses many of the issues you mention D/Thinker, and ones that we have raised re the future of this country as well.
“According to demographers, in 15 years time, the population explosion fuelled by uncontrolled migration will mean that indigenous Swedes will be in a minority. This is because the birth rate among migrants is faster than indigenous Swedes and, until recently, they could bring their families to join them.”
“A senior police officer called Peter Springare posted his thoughts online………..’suspected perpetrators: Ali Mohammed, Mahhmod, Mohammed, Mohammed Ali; Mohammed, Mahomod Ali again and again. Countries representing all the crimes this week – Iraq, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Somalia, Syria again, Somalia…….”
“Recently, I (Sue Reid) was standing in the early morning on the streets of Gothenburg where in 2013 Sweden allowed the first amplified Muslim call to prayer at a mosque. It was not difficult to see how the cracks in society are appearing…….
Lucy and Brussels,
Just read the Mail article. Really we now live in a mad house. The Globalists refuse to see the evidence that is in front of their noses. Then they turn on those that do see and point it out. We are well past the point where a peaceful out come was possible but the Globalist/ liberals just keep ploughing on.
I expect that ‘ liberals/ Globalists ‘ of all stripes will combine to defeat Le Pen in France and elect Macron , an arch Globalist who believes that mass immigration is not only desirable but unstoppable. The French , he says , must accept it and embrace it. Imagine embracing a forty tonne lorry coming at you at sixty miles an hour!
At least in France the anti Globalists have a voice via Le Pen and the US has President Trump , we in the U.K. Have no politician who dares to take on the Globalist elite or Islam. Even leading Brexiteers are in favour of greater Globalisation and view the EU as a protectionist block. And no one dare mention Islamic terror let alone stopping Islamic immigration. Yet curiously our country is in such a state that we hear adverts on radio telling you to report anything suspicious and so save your community from terror. As I said a mad house.
If you watch the German BBCs, it soon becomes clear that it is not “risk to one’s own people” that is the prime concern. In fact, the term “one’s own people” is anathema to them as “world citizens”.
Any suggestion of nationalism or populism from ordinary people is tantamount to the recreation of the nazi state. Even the German political elites themselves feel they need the EU and other like-minded organisations to save them from themselves and act as bulwarks against national egotism and lack of “openness” to other cultures. The British elites have the same kind of detestation for Brexit voters. They are “angry nativists”, the equivalent of the German “Wutbürger”, irrational primitives whose only way of expessing themselves is through an orgy of violence. This is why the main concern of the BBC after a big beard massacre is always the “backlash”. This is why they believe that any act of violence post referendum must be a release of pent-up race hatred. Maybe they find the accomodation of the indigenous population unfathomable and fear that some minor muslim provocation could release a storm. This pathological way of thinking seems to have overwhelmed the powers that be.
My German is very poor so I never watch German stuff. But judging from the laws they pass the German government is determined to silence all resistance to mass invasion.
Yes, some of the developments in Germany are quite sinister. Maas, the interior minister, was putting a lot of pressure on American-owned social media to “comply with German law”. American free expression meant that rather a lot of German citizens had the ability to directly tell their rather closeted politicians exactly what they thought of the Willkommenskultur via social media. One Green MP even did a TV programme which followed her attempts to track down one of her supposedly unhinged nazi trolls. She was shocked when the man turned out to be an “ordinary citizen” She also wanted social media users who refer ironically to “the religion of peace” to be prosecuted under hate speech law. That would have meant that many biasedbbc posters could have landed in jail. The supposed threats from social media only become a mainstream topic when certain difficulties arise. The German “hate speech/Volksverhetzung crisis” when the German public became vocal about refugees. In Britain, when the referendum went the wrong way. Too much fake news, too many people saying the “wrong” things.
Thank you. Presumably the AfD makes sure that the German public is fully aware of this Nazi like suppression of free speech. But does the AfD get any coverage in the media and even if they do , does the German public care? In the U.K. We have no political party which is prepared to take a stance against Islam . I wish AfD well and hope they get 10%+ at the polls. Unless the Germans are ostriches they certainly ought to do so.
A report has shown that doctors who qualified abroad are more likely to face competency investigations
Docs who qualified in Bangladesh are 13 times more likely to be investigated, The Times reports.
Researchers from University College London found those who trained in Egypt and Nigeria were the next most likely face competency probes.
Agreed Grant. Did a ‘report’ need to be published to be aware of that ? A read of the nationals would tell them that a foreign doctor is struck off at least once a month.
I worked with a few foreign ‘locum’ Psychiatrists in Old Age in my time, and to say they were a potential danger to patients was an understatement. One in particular had a more than passing resemblance to Bob Marley, from Jamaica, and us staff took it upon ourselves to double check all prescriptions he wrote, because we were sure he was off his head most of the time !!!! Despite our protestations to hospital management/recruitment, he was kept on because of the severe shortage of Psychiatrists available, and was paid an eye watering two grand a week for his month’s contract !!!! (this was in the early noughties, so lord above knows what the salary structure is now!)
A few years ago I gave a lecture to staff in one of the UK’s leading cancer hospitals. I spoke of an ethical dilemma in administering pain relief for the terminally ill, asking whether there was a line between prescribing drugs to relieve pain and the possibility that they would shorten the patient’s life. It raises issues relating to the the doctrine of double effect.
All set for an ethical debate until a doctor with an overseas qualification pointed out that cancer patients were suffering pain because they had given their lives to Satan
I wonder whether she ever did anything worthy of investigation
In mitigation – the Latin root of ‘pain’ is poena’, which is also the root for ‘punishment’
My late father died at age 92. He was in great pain. I asked the doctor, it was a young white British doctor, to give him morphine. She refused on the grounds that he may become addicted.
You are right about primitive attitudes to illness and death. In Africa, where most people believe in juju, the blame is with the sick person. It even goes further. The blame is with the person who brings bad news. Don’t shoot the messenger !
Beggars may not be choosers – we have suitable people we could decide to train or to save money supposedly, we can desperately trawl the world for medical staff. Trouble is trawling can fetch up all kinds of crap.
Well it’s obviously not the fault of the doctors, but the ‘racist’ GMC who are clearly singling out Bangladeshi Muslims !
Pretty much the stock response of the BBC every time figures like this are released. One example was the corruption of Pakistani Police officers, which despite a leaked report in the Guardian outlining why they are more likely to be corrupt was help by the BBC to prove the Police are ‘racist’, and that the Pakistani Muslims had all been wrongly accused.
What’s a good word to describe this Taliban-lite we have whereby LibMob and Beeboids intimidation has caused a culture of self censorship whereby normal people don’t express their honestly held views ?
The BBC with it’s “positive discrimination” employment strategy. And that’s an anachronism
for a start where indigenous Londoners are a minority and yet it’s TV local programme which we can call Londonostan and the rest of South East Asia has far more ethnic presenters and reporters than indigenous Londoners. Where is the positive discrimination there?
Then we have diversity slung down our throats ! The front page of the BBC internet page
has at one time or another during the day a picture of either a head scarved women riding a bike to Iran or telling us that ” Helen Mann has won a bronze medal at the LGBT games. What are the latest Moslem fashions. And to balance this they will tell us that over 40 Coptic Christians have been massacred in Egypt in a flippant ” Copts -everything you wanted to know in a minute. Basically telling us that they don’t want to spend more than one minute covering the story!!
The Fifth Columnists at the BBC, despise the indigenous population of the UK. Isn’t there
anybody in a high position that can see through this winning attempt by the enemies of our democracy to control what we listen and see on the BBC?
They still try to “fake the news by non disclosure ”
On BBC R2 10 o’clock news this morning, it was reported that the Swedes were having a 1 minute silence following the truck attack driven by a rejected asylum seeker
Again no mention of terrorism. They are in total denial..
BBC have been chasing after the smarmy, self-righteous bint from the Birmingham EDL demo.
They’ll have most certainly approved of her ‘Free Gaza’ T-Shirt, that she wore for the occasion.
But she’s not an activist, or in any way politically motivated, you understand . . .
Yes, she was the one who was chanting slogans throughout the minute’s silence, I gather. Clearly just the sort of person he BBC would make a heroine out of.
“Saffiyah Khan pictured at the end of a BBC TV interview on #VictoriaLIVE – wearing her #FreeGaza t-shirt”
your first image didn’t show cos you put the Daily Mail webpage URL instead of a jpg link
here’s a tweet
Just when I though Saffiyah Khan couldn't get any cooler, she's wearing a Specials T-Shirt whist getting moved on by the polis
Looks like Wayne Heimbach doesn’t know much about his history of the Spanish Civil War, when over 30 000 Muslims fought for Franco and none or very few for the Commies.
Well said Thoughtful..”no pasaran” eh? listen love, Franco won the Spanish Civil War with the help of loyal Muslim Moroccan troops assisting the Spanish Foreign Legion, the Fascist Falange militia, Monarchist Carlists militia, Italian black shirts and Nazi Air support and then were returned to their homeland once the Communists and assorted Reds had been put down.
Say it quietly but the Moroccans were alleged by the left to have raped women by the score when red towns and villages fell to them.
There is no “alleged” about it. Mass rape by Moroccan troops was well documented at the time. It was a deliberate form of terror against local populations. If they resisted Nationalist forces, their women would be raped by Moroccans, usually gang raped and often raped to death.
I think we sometimes forget how absolutely savage the Spanish Civil War was. It was at least as bad as anything happening in Syria now, maybe worse. And as in Syria, really there were no “good guys”. The Communists were as mad and murderous as they always are, and the Nationalists fought back with no mercy at all, mass executions, mass rape, mass bombing, the lot. Just about the only thing they did not use (I think) was chemical weapons.
Police funeral “attended” by a Muslim lady, or one who just happened to be wandering past, with her mind elsewhere, and on rather more pressing things…
I did predict that the BBC would find some way of injecting Moslemism into their coverage of the funeral.
Fortunately we have been spared a funeral address from Treezer saying how Islam is a religion of peace. She i probably saving that for her Ramadamalinglong message
GWF – I suspect the Vicars daughter will also be going along to Harvey Nicks to pick up her designer hijab for that message. Probably silk and hopefully with matching accessories.
When we get the next attack in this country – I expect she has a speech already prepared for us masses – to explain why Islam is the true religion of peace and we just need to be a bit more tolerant and not let terrorism win by ignoring the explicit parts of Koranic text which urge muslims, that it is their sacred duty to undertake these types of acts.
Maybe she could also show her obvious sympathy to the victims and unity with us by lighting a candle at the next attack site and even leaving a teddy or two with perhaps a note – “were not scared of you because we have more teddies than you could possibly imagine!”
Breaking News!!! The EU’s Spanish parish council and the BBC have found who made sure Hillary lost the election and he is Russian!!!! They told you so.
So here was a woman minding her own business until see saw a woman abused by those nasty EDL lot and naturally like the good Muslim she had no problem stepping into a crowd of Neanderthal men in which to confront them. So much for Muslims being terrified to walk the streets due to abuse. Anyway she appears to have played her cards by the T shirt she wears during the interview:
Can t they put a word in and get her on Bake Off, sure they could do with a muslim plant? get her to wear her terrorist supporters shirt too.
Double whammy.
That orchestrated stunt chanting slogans throughout the minute’s silence, its been seen many times, oh and chanting filth to returning soldiers too.
Really bigging her up on the daily dose of VD, about her being intellectual, superior to the EDL the proof?
… chanting “waycist scum off our streets” giggling and wanting a society where (wait for it)
“women can t be intimidated by men” 😀 that’s Islam kicked into touch then dear, better join the EDL
… and by the way, there wasn t a minutes silence for the victims?
the point of the demonstration?
… maybe she was just squealing waycist so much she didn t notice
An intense workload and the decision to more or less exclude the BBC from my life means that I haven’t been paying the Corporation’s foetid output much attention lately but I did manage, by accident, to catch Jonny Dymond performing a comedy routine intended for The Now Show on WATO today. The schoolboy sarcasm, recycled right-on ‘jokes’, routine sneers, carefully chosen and highly selective soundbites would have had Marcus Brigstocke seething with envy.
But what was it doing on a supposed news programme? And, come to that (and as I have asked before) what is the convicted drug user, Dymond doing as the BBC’s Washington Correspondent? A dug conviction once prevented you from even being allowed into the USA. It seems standards are slipping everywhere.
Victoria Derbyshire this morning was the usual doom and gloom fest.
A drug feature about microdosing which most people know nothing about but now is broadcast to the nation in the middle of the school holidays.
LSD and magic mushrooms in small doses can get you through the day just fine so long as you dont take too much and start tripping. If that should happen you just adjust the dose and carry on.
It included an interview with a guy incognito of course , from a “very respected profession ” who uses this method daily.He would be dismissed if his fellow professionals found out.
No critique from BBC ,unless it was on later.
I can’t bear to watch the whole thing.
So guess which story the bBC deems the most important at 4pm today. The funeral of a policeman murdered by a follower of Islam or the story of a female political activist who happens to be a Muslim:
God, I hate loathe and detest the BBC with a vengeance. How they get away with this stuff is beyond me. I put it to Nigel Farage at public talk he did in Hove, that he should do something about the BBC and its bias. Audience reaction was weird when I said that – half of them clapped, the other half gasped in horror…
Apologies for this very late and off topic post. News Hour on world service lie machine a few weeks back with our very own hard hitting tough questioning OBJ in Minnesota at some snowflake college with a live audience and the usual BBC carefully selected balanced and impartial panel – four Somali muslims including a representative of terrorist apologist organisation CAIR, all variously described as talented academics, media and generally superior people.
Minnesota apparently has the great fortune to have the largest Somali (muslim naturally) community in the US. Cant you just feel the joy this enriching diversity must be bringing to hideously white middle America. And what an enormous contribution Somali’s have made to society – in fact it was an immigrant that actually invented the ice cream waffle cone, a major contribution to world civilisation which more than offsets the thousands of murders worldwide.
Our Owen did ask one outrageously stupid and incorrect question along the lines of was there anything in Islam itself that might just perhaps a teeny weeny bit contribute to terrorism and radicalisation. The panel unanimously rejected this ridiculous suggestion outright and quite correctly attributed all the migrant problems to isolation, job discrimination, poverty, the trauma of being a refugee, white racism, prejudice, ignorance of the one true religion, the vicious right wing media, republicans, the evil Trump, and of course the elephant in the room – yes …..white supremacism. Lots of applause from the carefully selected and oh so diverse audience.
So its all our fault.
One panel member stated with pride that all her fellow Somali university graduates now worked for the Canadian government, presumably as diversity and cultural advisers – says it all !
An unbelievably stupid white woman then stated that Somali immigration was the best thing that ever happened to her state! And a final comment which got lots of applause was “we are all immigrants or descended from immigrants so we should be more understanding”. I seriously doubt that the Britons welcomed my Anglo Saxon ancestors during the 5th and 6th centuries, or my later Norman ancestors who fought their way up the beaches in 1066 as cultural enrichers and bringers of diversity. And we all know how those “migrations” ended up for the native populations.
Anyway, id forgotten about this nasty piece of BBC propaganda when just by chance heard FOOC on R4 – among the usual slanders against Russia, Brexit and Trump – Stephen Sackur musing on the above Somalis and their sense of victimhood and hurt. His analysis was that it was clearly and undeniably due to our inherent racism, xenophobia and white supremacism. Traitorous, treasonous white hating lying al beeb just never ever stop.
On a lighter note saw a top of the range Lexus on the M3 with the index number BRX1T which made my day. Didn’t look like one of the “left behinds” to me !
bbcFalseNarrative #12 “It’s them righties that are the angry nasty ones, we LibMob are patient, quiet and tolerant”
You know how the BBC constructs narratives and then bangs on about them ? There are 2 progs coming up
R4 4:30pm Anger ..The blurb doesn’t blame rightwing, but what’s the betting ?
“We seem to be living in a world of polarised opinions giving rise to increasingly angry exchanges on television, print and of course social media.”
She’ll compare it against the anonymity of road behaviour
“She concludes by discussing the social role of anger and why so many groups have begun to rely on it to get their way.”
Ah, yes, that’s the new definition of ‘meritocracy’ which apparently means: ‘people who rise to the top because they hold the ‘correct’ political opinions’ ie ‘people like us’.
A chaotic scene with a probable tragic outcome, and what do we see ? a possible “first responder” (or could it be the lorry driver), stood with his hands in his pockets !!!!!
Pretentious rubbish from the BBC .Shouldnt our hard earned money be spent on programmes ,? not sermonising to employees about their latest trendy ideas.
These past couple of days Mark Easton has gone into the full “Jim Hacker channeling Churchill” mode in his reporting on PC Keith Palmer. BBC News staff are only journalists when it suits them, reporting is so menial compared to delivering their purple prose pretensions.
Anyone get the feeling that suddenly Syria has become a story since Trump has arrived.
Nothing else is any different otherwise to when the Russians moved in.
So apparently Mr Putin is being offered full re-instatement into the G7/G8 this week by none other that Trump’s right hand man: Rex Tillerson; US Secretary of State. If Vlad accepts and the G7 once again becomes the G8, one can’t help but wonder at the extremes of frenzied, frothy mouthed paroxysms of outraged indignation that the BBC, CNN et al will work themselves into when they hear about it. I can’t wait 😉
Our Maddy has a BBC agenda and a BBC narrative to run with. That’s why she’s over there on our tax-payer money. I posted this here at the weekend:
As Swedish authorities released to the world’s press some interesting details on the terror attack our bright young thing in Stockholm, Maddy Savage, showed her BBC-honed priorities and journalistic training:
“I wasn’t actually at the press conference… I am at a demonstration to show Swedes coming together in solidarity”
Be interesting to see who ‘ BBC Trending’ follows more to gauge the social media big hits.
They certainly claim the EDL smiler bird is setting it afire, but our Maddy’s careful interpretation of recent sad events has my Twitter feed lit up like a Christmas tree; not in a good way.
I suppose “caught up in the violence” sounds a bit nicer than “crushed to death, with her leg torn off” doesn’t it? Best not to report the reality of muslim terror on the (pedestrianised) streets of Europe, otherwise it might start to make people think, “just what has this cultural enrichment actually done for us?”.
The BBC are drooling over a brown man who’s been appointed editor of Vogue magazine.
They even managed to shoehorn an anti-Trump message in there. Apparently he made a video of models of varying nationalities, who’d moved to different countries to further their careers, all staring into the camera and saying “I’m an immigrant”, in their mother tongue.
So, basically he’s another retard who doesn’t know the difference between legal and illegal immigration, nor does it seem to occur to him that these people, like pretty much all immigrants, aren’t moving to a new country as some kind of favour to the existing population, but simply so they can earn more money.
“I’m here to make a better life for me and my family” is the constant refrain from immigrants, lapped up by the dumb fools who want open borders.
That kind of implies that they’ve come from somewhere worse. Trouble is, the place they’ve left is generally worse because they were in it. And their coming here therefore worsens this country.
What’s not to like if it brings a bit of diversity and enrichment?
I’ve often wondered why the likes of Muslims want to reside in a country they know is alien to their way of life and culture; they must realise they will face hostility and suspicion when they dress, eat, pray and converse differently to the country of their birth, and where its generally a lot warmer. But it really comes down to one thing in the end …… money.
In the immortal words of Dire Straights (slightly changed)
Money for Nothing and your kids are free!
What annoys me more than anything about all of this though is that the rich liberal retards who are at the bottom of all of this, are spending what amounts to other peoples money and are wealthy and geographically separate enough to be little affected as it all goes wrong. Which it is.
With regard to all these left wing worthies who were meant to be taking in “asylum seekers” I still think the majority of them still seem to decorating the guest bedroom. I guess we will have to pay for their housing instead!
In the immortal words of Dire Straights (slightly changed)
Money for Nothing and your kids are free!
What annoys me more than anything about all of this though is that the rich liberal retards who are at the bottom of all of this, are spending what amounts to other peoples money and are wealthy and geographically separate enough to be little affected as it all goes wrong. Which it is.
With regard to all these left wing worthies who were meant to be taking in “asylum seekers” I still think the majority of them still seem to decorating the guest bedroom. I guess we will have to pay for their housing instead!
It is shameful that the BBC could run and run with the Muslim woman being a poor victim of EDL aggression after such a terrible weekend: another truck attack on Friday; the Egypt attack; plus that heroic policeman being buried today. If she thought the EDL were bad news she could always just stay away from their demonstrations. Increasing there is nowhere one can go to feel safe from certain peaceful religionists.
The BBC are increasingly like Comical Ali, the Iraqi PR man during the 2005 war who swore they were winning even as bombs exploded everywhere around him. What has to happen for Al Beeb to shift their narrative? A terror attack every day? Every single working class white girl raped at some point? The black flag flying over Downing Street?
Yes. Comical Ali. Iraq war 2003
That was when I realised that something was seriously going wrong with the BBC.
I could not believe that our national broadcaster was actually giving serious airtime to this joker.
I did actually enjoy the broadcasts as I thought that msm were just taking the piss and I enjoyed the reports giving a little light hearted relief from the seriousness of the situation.
However, my concerns were proving to be true as the BBC were obviously giving him credence Then when Regeh Omar began to spew out his bile and obvious anti western reports my suspicions were confirmed.
Previously, I did consider the BBC to be the stalwart source of news and truth, but after the Iraq war my confidence began to slowly ebb to the point it is today where I just cannot watch the BBC news, documentaries or programs without making sure the tv remote is not within easy reach for fear of throwing it at the screen.
This is a difficult one to express – but it needs saying…
I’m sure all civilised people will want to respect and to commemorate the Policeman recently murdered in the line of duty. Perhaps in a more restrained and quiet – maybe even in some more constructive manner than our newscasters have done today.
BBC News Channel at 5pm led with 7 minutes of coverage that engendered, in this viewer at least, disquiet rather than the proper sympathy and respect. Just how sincere are the BBC, really? One point is the sharp contrast between this reporting compared with the numerous other stories that could be mentioned where the BBC have been far from supportive of serving Policemen. The fawning celebration of new chief girlscout herself Cressida Dick also jarred. But the worst of this is the inevitable sense that the BBC are now pleased to put this terror incident to bed – to draw a line under it and to forget about it and to move on. The pattern has been noted and discussed. The quick shift to tea lights and vigils and the heavy emphasis on the victims might seem laudable and respectful but in fact it avoids focus on the who it was who did the deed and most especially the why it was done.
One thing is certain – the BBC isn’t exactly chasing after its former employee, Andrew Gilligan, in investigating events in Luton which may, or may not, go some way to explain the Westminster murderer’s savage behaviour.
Less clear why this is being played up by a senior staff member of a public corporation who can get away with anything because the are uniquely funded.
Saffiyah Khan looks to me the perfect replacement if ever Riz Lateef or Assad Ahmed from the Londonostan programme go off to join other former BBC staff at Al Jazira. Actually I reckon before long we will see her on Question Time.By the way here is a question that maybe Saffiyah
Khan could be asked by the BBC. , but wont be Can she name a country where several thousand men, women and children have been treated in hospital for wounds received in the Syrian Civil War?
In “news where you are” in London at 10:30 tonight there was a brief nod in the direction of PC Palmer’s funeral then on to the only other, longer and obviously more important and urgent item of “news”. This comprised a blatantly political propaganda sermonette essentially fronted – certainly scripted – by the New Economic Foundation, the far-left favourite of the BBC. In this (manifestly non-news) item the BBC NEF demanded flexible working for all employees coupled with increased pay and – as another SJW from another set of lefty campaigners screeched on camera – a mandated 4-day week. This would, the BBC told its stunned audience, result in happier workers and would pay for itself with more productivity. Evidence? Well you’ll just have to take the word of the NEF and some bearded nursery worker. Not exactly compelling but, hey, this was enough for the BBC. In other words, following the “Conservative” surrender over the BBC Charter renewal, this was the usual far left politics of the BBC Narrative unconstrained by OFCOM (or anything else).
Old news now (Dec 2016) but it’s infuriating that we can’t seem to stop 35 year old Muslim “children” over-running the country. Yet a couple of Syrian Orthodox Priests are a problem, Mail Online:
“Three Christian leaders from Iraq and Syria were denied entrance to the UK last week – despite a formal invitation to meet Prince Charles.
The men planned to travel to London for a consecration ceremony of Britain’s first Syriac Orthodox Cathedral.
Archbishops Nicodemus Daoud Sharaf of Mosul, Timothius Mousa Shamani of St Matthew’s in Nineveh valley of northern Iraq, and Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh of Homs and Hama in Syria reportedly missed the event as the Home Office deemed their visa applications unacceptable.”
I’m just home and I’m angry. Switched on RT and the first thing I hear is the riots in Paris concerning overcrowding in prisons. Overcrowding at breaking point. Ok,so my initial conclusion is immigration…..and yes ISLAMIC immigration.
Have I jumped to conclusions? Personally I don’t think so. Everything is breaking down and it is a huge mess, yet we still have the BBC continually promoting Islam and the EU and refusing to address in any reasonable way what’s happening. That’s why I switched on RT and not the BBC. Ok so there will be critics. Is RT any better? I think it’s a big step ahead of the BBC. The initial thing that came to mind was how will the BBC handle this prison story in Paris? Will they even bother? Who knows any more they can not be trusted on anything. I wanted to vent my anger so I use the phone number on the BBC contact site thinking I would be leaving a message but instead spoke to a human being, well he sounded human and real but because I was angry and obviously lost it a bit he didn’t want to hear. I managed to get my message across despite my raised voice. I was loud and obviously angry but I was not rude, even saying “I know it’s not your personal Fault”. Oh so you’re watching RT but you want to complain about the BBC. However it isn’t a specific complaint about a BBC programme but you think the BBC is pro Islamic and anti British”
He understood completely, he got my rant in one easy go. The reason he managed this is because he is getting this all the time. The BBC are TOTALLY AWARE yet arrogantly ignore the truth and this is why I’m boiling boiling with rage and anger. Something must be done, needs to be done about this disgusting tax funded load of shits trying to manipulate opinion and agenda to suit their personal goals and belief systems. Once I would have defended the BBC with my life, that was once. NOW, I leave it up to your imagination what I would do with the BBC.
It is difficult sometimes. It is essential to realise that we are in a cultural war and talking to the enemy -the progressive left which is very much part of the BBC – is pointless.
There is nothing to discuss. The progressive left wants us gone. Neutralised or just gone one way or another. It is a cult founded on an insane denial of human nature and reality . It is inherently violent and dismissive of nationhood, patriotism and freedom. Talk only to your friends and family. The only way left for them now is into tyranny.
Further. The BBC is covering the savage murder of Sarah Halimi in Paris for the crime of being Jewish is it not ? Just like it covered the slaying of the Fogel family in Israel.
Inconvenient truths ?
Mood swing,
Just to keep you on the boil so your posts , which I admire, continue to be filled with righteous anger, I draw to your attention a column by Tim Stanley in the Telegraph today about the world wide persecution of Christians by Muslims, which is largely ignored by Western MSM. In it , after the recent bombing of Coptic churches in Egypt, he quotes the BBC as reporting, ‘ the early church suffered persecution under the Romans , and there were intermittent persecutions after Egypt became a Muslim country. Many believe that this continues to this day.’ As Stanley says , MANY BELIEVE , is a very odd choice of words when several hundred Copts have been murdered in the past few years. That exemplifies the root of the problem . The Western liberal elite refuses to acknowledges that Islam is incompatible with Western democratic values that are rooted in Christianity and are doing their utmost to suppress this inconvenient truth.
And what the left try to forget is that the Copts were in Egypt 600 years before the invention of Islam. Egypt was a Christian country until they were invaded. Invasions that make the worst of the Crusades look like a picnic. And that applies to all Islamist countries.
Doublethinker thank you for your kind support. Honestly I do feel like a fool. I previously said no more posts and I have until this latest rant stuck to my resolve even though it’s very hard. I don’t consider myself intelligent or clever and this maybe one of the reasons I am so angry and it’s affecting my health. (Stupid I know but things are very serious and we are being taken for fools)
Discovering that the BBC (or as I am now going to call it the CBB…..completely biased broadcasting) is at the bottom of the barrel is a huge blow to my belief system. Not doing well at school nor in my work career left me with an inferiority complex and lack of confidence. It was the CBB that I trusted as my learning source. I was too stupid to realise what was going on. I don’t think that I can stay silent and will probably continue to start posting again. Of course there is always the worry of coming across as stupid or irrelevant but weighing that up, its probably better to scream and shout and spit. Silence is for cowards and I’m not one.
Keep on posting. The clever people are those who see the BBC for what it really is , a propaganda organ of the liberal left Globalists who are going to take us all to an Islamic hell hole unless they are stopped. The biggest fools are those who believe that Islam poses no threat to our way of life , culture and to our safety, despite the overwhelming evidence that it does.
I re-iterate what Doublethinker has said, and can understand you’re outright fury at what’s going on – as do many of us on this site. So don’t for one minute feel like a fool, and as for not feeling ‘intelligent or clever’, well, who says you are not ? You are clearly articulate enough to compose your thoughts on this site, so don’t put yourself down.
I live on my own, and more than once I have wanted to put my foot through the screen when I hear the c…p being spouted by the usual suspects that the BBC (and Sky) employ to give their ‘opinions’; then I end up giving my opposing views to my little dog !!!!
*MAINSTREAM MEDIA* March 24: You can't judge a situation by a single photo April 8: You can judge a situation by a single photo
Spiderman – there are very many of us here who are. There will be even more in the US; who voted for Trump in the hope that he was going to concentrate on sorting out problems in their own country, yet it appears that he is prepared to risk becoming embroiled in another disastrous conflict in the Middle East and a potential conflict with Russia.
I think there will be many of Trump’s supporters who will be shaking their heads in disbelief at the $110,000,000 worth of missiles he fired into Syria AND the noises he’s making at North Korea.
They didn’t elect him to do either of those things or develop such a foreign policy; if he is, then many of them will regret voting for him and wish that Hillary had won – as her victory would have brought events in America to a head much more quickly, through her immigration policy and SCOTUS appointees.
The BBC is keen now on ‘what they might have done’ journalism, so probably secure in the knowledge of their belief that they have learned they could have got it about right.
A quick follow up to my earlier post regarding the clashes between Paris prison guards and riot police where I was wondering how will the BBC handle it. Well so far they haven’t acknowledged it at all. Their factual, honest and reliable news broadcasting completely ignored this on the Radio 4 midnight broadcast. RT have it at the top of their web page while I can’t find it on the BBC page. So, omitted from the news and omitted from the web. I know I’m making a big deal of this but if I immediately jump to ISLAMIC IMMIGRATION as the reason for the distressed prison guards unable to cope then the BBC have also thought along the same lines. They would also have had this news feed and be quite aware of it but it displeases them so they choose to ignore an important and relevant piece of news. I did notice that they used the Muslim and not the English name of the TERRORIST who went berserk in Westminster. This was in relation to the funeral of the police officer murdered. However they didn’t have the guts to use the word TERRORIST, still referring instead to the attacker.
Finally one of the last items on the news broadcast was that the new editor of Vogue is a man. Not just any man but a BLACK MAN and they even managed to get a bit about Trump in there as well. Vogue, diversity, black man and Trump all linked as only the BBC know how. Taffman I appreciate your response regarding non payment of license.
You are quite right. If I’m so angry why pay? Perhaps time to withdraw my direct debit, if only everyone would too!
For me, well, I’ve stopped expecting anything but biased, manipulated propaganda from the BBC. The BBC has lost my trust. It’s no use complaining to the BBC, or even Ofcom – the BBC have a 10 year charter granted by the foolish Cameron and it is not going to change in that time.
What I do is use other sources. I can’t imagine why anyone would use the BBC website when there are so many other sources on the internet. I don’t watch much television news (and never the patronizing “news where you are”), but when I do, I try other sources like ITV, RT, Al-Jazeera etc.. Biggest problem for me is the Beeb’s near-monopoly of UK radio local and national news, but there again via the internet there are other sources.
When I do hear the BBC bias, I find it’s best to come to this, or other websites like it, to describe and record it. I definitely see more people contributing, comparing notes and gaining strength from sharing and understanding the techniques used by BBC to bias the news or hide the things it doesn’t want us to know.
Point it out also calmly to your family and friends whenever reasonable. In 10 years time the BBC will be almost irrelevant, no one will be taking it seriously or perhaps even using it. Maybe then we can have a sensible debate with our MPs about reform and restructure.
edu, in 10 years time, I confidently predict the average BBC radio listener and BBC TV viewer will be older than the present figures, which I seem to recall, are around the 60 years mark. Was it 61years for one of them? That was probably for TV, thanks to Free Licences for over 75s and the fact that TV is often used for ‘babysitting’ and ‘entertainment wallpaper’ at home and in Care Homes.
[This BBC thing of ‘ ‘ ing everything, is quite catching, isn’t it? 🙂 ]
The problem here in the UK is that the BBC has an unhealthy monopoly over FM broadcasting for radio. There’s not much alternative.
Up2snuff, ah but there is an alternative to BBC radio now! Get yourself an internet radio or laptop/speakers. I even listen to Fox News radio from USA instead of Today. The BBC was invented for a different, low technology, one broadcaster era. It’s past it.
You are quite right about the average age of the BBC user … it’s stunning that the BBC can quite so completely ignore it’s majority audience – the over 60s are the least interested in the promotion of Islam, gays, feminists, EU, etc., that the BBC loves. It’s truly a bizarre situation that this country has allowed to happen.
I noticed that Joan Bakewell observed that the BBC is nowadays “run by children”. That one of their own has felt moved to make such criticism is notable, I think.
Moodswing6, be thankful that we still have the option of refusing to pay the licence fee. I stopped paying and gave up my TV in 2015 in protest over the BBC’s coverage of the migrant crisis. I do not miss it at all. I can watch lots of interesting programmes on non-BBC catch up TV online, as well as lots of films etc on Youtube. You can get a range of different opinions on any major news story on Youtube by scanning videos by Infowars, Russia Today etc. To my mind, to stop paying the licence fee is the only way to affect the BBC – there is no political will to take them on.
I haven’t yet seen anything on the BBC about the fact that the Westminster terrorist had links to a hard-line Luton mosque, which gives the lie to the assertion that he was a lone wolf. It’s been all over the papers.
Don’t worry – there will be a report from a judge into institutional anti-British values, along with wall to wall MSM coverage and ‘British Values Training’ enforced.
Whoops – just had a vision from a parallel, sane universe. Obviously in this one they will ignore it and maybe give them more money to give them English lessons or something similar. Maybe if we had done more to help them integrate none of this would have happened. It is certainly all our fault.
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The BBC has struggled, institutionally, to present a balanced view of the EU and Brexit in its news and current affairs coverage. Perhaps both sides of the case could more fairly have been aired in a sitcom.
Imagine, if you will, a rag-and-bone yard at 24 Oil Drum Lane Shepherd’s Bush in the 1970s – but updated to post Referendum 2016 and replace the names Albert and Harold Steptoe with Tony and Hilary Benn – our unlikely familial odd couple of pro- and anti- EU characters have just watched the vote results come in on tv – ladies and gentlemen, may I present:
Wedgewood Ben & Son
Dup dup doo-doo-doo, dup dup doo-doo-doo, dup dup doo-doo-doo, doo-dup-dup!
“Oh… Pater, you ‘orrible old man, really, do you have to sit there gloating?”
“You’re just narked because Leave is winning. It was a fair vote, Remain lost – what’s wrong with that?”
“It’s vulgar, that’s what’s wrong with it. Honestly, this was supposed to be an erudite campaign. But look at him, Nigel Farage, he’s disgusting. There’s not one word your Leave side said that should be used in decent company”
“Yeah but we still won, didn’t we – so sod you! You, ungrateful little toe rag. I don’t know why I even bothered to bring you into the family business”
“I was thinking of doing something else when I left school but you, you old pipe-smoking misery guts wouldn’t let me. I didn’t even want to be a Labour MP. I could have been… a fireman or a jockey“
“Yeah, but you still wouldn’t have been winning – and that’s what it’s all about, mate – so Ed Balls to Remain and Ed Balls to you!”
“If I thought this debate was going to degenerate into a mere catalogue of crudities I would never have taken part. Is that all you’ve got to say for your side – filth?”
“I’ve two more words to say to you, Hilary… Sovereignty! Democracy!”
“You despicable, deplorable, dirty, dirty, dirty, Little-Englander man!”
Dup dup doo-doo doo, dup dup doo-doo doo, dup dup doo-doo doo, doo-dup-dup!
They should be rebranded the ‘European Broadcasting Corporation’. I guess that was their aim until a certain gentleman called Farage came along and torpedoed their ambitions?
They would have morphed their World Service into it and made a ‘nice little earner’, more ‘jobs for the boys’, maxi, oh! and the girls. 😀 !
listen to what Albeeb calls “the worlds’ radio station” the now dismal world service (where quite a few presenters don’t seen too comfortable speaking English) . Once upon a time it presented British culture in its soft power kind of way and could be looked at for a slightly more objective news presentation than the lefty multicultural rubbish the domestic tax payers have to suffer. Now it’s just the same dross.
The row in the Welsh Assembly about the UKIPer taking the Conservative whip is made to sound totally earth-shattering. Somehow it seems to have slipped the BBC’s collective mind that Labour only have a majority because they made a (the only) Lib-Dem AM thwir educaton minister. The return of the prodigal Tory has been made the main story for most of a week now.
The Welsh Assy is just one big overblown, white elephant of a QUANGO that does not represent the people of Wales that voted to overwhelmingly to get out of the other quango – the EU.
Cytuno’n llwyr Taffman. ….
Double Islamic attack mass murdering Christians in Egypt!, in church!!, on Palm Sunday!!!
… hey, that s just yesterday s news … girlfriend
BBC News – Deadly Palm Sunday for Egypt’s Copts …………… “jazz hands”?
could it possibly be anymore flippant?
“So-called Islamic State says it is behind blasts targeting Christians”
So-cal … GRRRRR blood pressure, blood pressure!
Hey look y all … Watch – Copts, explained in just one minute
Gone from the front newspage.
Move along kaffir … Gotta make room for this
Is Muslim fashion an untapped market?
The moment hijabs dazzled the New York Fashion Week
(The picture the Al BBC uses though is worse? … its a niquab,
that a erm “fashion” item too Al BBC?)
Fashion Week catwalk “I believe fashion is one of the outlets in which we can start that cultural shift in today’s society to normalize hijab in America so as to break down stereotypes and demystify misconceptions,”
Muslim fashion industry has huge commercial potential. We spoke with a Muslim brand consultant to find out why.
Hasibuan presented trousers, flowing tunic and gowns, in luxurious fabrics and detailed embroidery, all worn with hijabs
… Do it NOW!
Back in Roman times no doubt the bbc would have extolled the desirability of fashion accessories for galley slaves; gold plated manacles, perhaps.
“And may we suggest one to match the Sir of the house?”×558/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/_/j/_1787.jpg
I hear AK47s are considered de rigueur for bona fide Islamic fashionistas, not forgetting the trusty high -explosive waist coat…
The Martyrdom of Coptic Christians on Palm Sunday in Egypt (and the attempt to attack the Coptic Pope) has been carefully under reported because it demonstrates the lie in the BBC narrative that Islamic terrorism is “indiscriminate”.
Islamic terrorism is not indiscriminate. It is always targeted, carefully targeted against those who the takfiris consider “unbelievers”.
embolden-Muslim fashion is of more interest for the BBC website right now.
Yes. The advantage being that the clothes provide a window into the souls of the people wearing them.
In which the BBC’s impartial reporterette passes on wisdom courtesy of her old DG boss’ new rag….
It’s in her DNA, by the doorstep.
Good God. ” no-one in the foreign policy world”. For heavens’ sake Katty is just a third rate, useless, thick BBC journalist . What does she know about anything. Worthless creature.
Notice Al Beeb’s business prog advertising a kids ‘techno kit’ this morn.
Are they going commercial ?
Please do not watch this video of the slaughter of Christians in Egypt if extreme violence and death has a bad effect on you. I watched and it has disturbed me in many ways
But I have also read many accounts of how Abu Trump was moved to bomb Syria after seeing images of violence from Assad.
Hopefully, the new policeman of the world will act decisively against Islamic based atrocities
I could not bear to watch it. But the blood is also on the hands of dhimmis like Treezer and all people who defend the barbarity of Islam. They are equally guilty. Islam is evil ! And so are the BBC and anyone who supports that filthy cult.
Absolutely right. She and the others are to blame for providing a cushion which protects these monsters
Thankfully I m not on facebook … but I saw some of the carnage yesterday.
You know G, the Al BBC is ramping up the Fallon/Boris bullshit re Russia again, its a stern warning, no more etc.
What s stopping these Islamic terrorists doing it again?
Another chem attack?, the US can t wait … their dreams come true
and its one big jihadi theme park,(bombs away/ another million tramp to Europe). Assad gone … and a bigger MB/ISIS foreseeable future.
Don t jump to ANY conclusions though, shush!, hold on there, a lot of things to consider in London, Nice, Paris, Stockholm etc etc, where the clarity is blinding.
Yet … in Syria, the fog of war, the most doubtful of circumstances?
Tomahawks away 50 at a bloody time
As soon as you see the selected “baby pictures” on tv, in newspapers
or like the other day at the UN you know the fix is in … were there no babies in Yemen?
The Al BBC is at it again right now, blabbing about that one guy in his room in Coventry
It is literally unbelievable
There has been no independent investigation of what happened, none So this all comes down to pure conjecture.
“In reality, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has long ago been exposed as an absurd propaganda front operated by Rami Abdul Rahman out of his house in England’s countryside.
According to a December 2011 Reuters article titled, “Coventry – an unlikely home to prominent Syria activist,” Abdul Rahman admits he is a member of the so-called “Syrian opposition” and seeks the ouster of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad”
“One could not fathom a more unreliable, compromised, biased source of information, yet for the past two years, his “Observatory” has served as the sole source of information for the endless torrent of propaganda emanating from the Western media. Perhaps worst of all, is that the United Nations uses this compromised, absurdly overt source of propaganda as the basis for its various reports – at least, that is what the New York Times now claims in their recent article, “A Very Busy Man Behind the Syrian Civil War’s Casualty Count
This is a couple of months back, but some interesting details on Syria and the blessed White Helmets
Seen this woman debating a pro-rebel Muslim. Both trying to over-talk one-another and being totally rude. Both are accusing the other as being zionists! When someone makes a fake accusation like that, then everything else they say is brought into question.
Although she’s right about the bias of the BBC.
The bBC will report any white on black/brown attack as racist. Look funny at a woman wearing a hijab and its racist but when the victim is white, then the ‘R’ word is nowhere to be seen. To that end why isn’t this awful story being reported as…’racist?’
Anthony Banting: Man charged over tram stop death
Detectives investigating the death of a man at a tram stop in Birmingham have charged a man with murder. Alaeldien Ahmed is accused of killing Anthony Banting, 57, of Sparkhill, Birmingham, at Soho Benson Road in the Winson Green area on 31 March. The 26-year-old, of Eva Road, Winson Green, was arrested on Friday in connection with Mr Banting’s death. Father-of-four Mr Banting died from multiple stab wounds shortly after getting off a tram at 16:40 BST. Mr Ahmed is due to appear before Birmingham Magistrates’ Court on Monday.
That story is only being reported on the regional “Birmingham & Black Country” news page. I also discovered another story buried here of a muslim terrorist group making bombs – this story is dated 7th April 2017, yet did not make an appearance in the England webpage, or UK webpage or whatever. Yet the picture of the Muslim girl confronting an EDL member in Birmingham & Black Country is / was promoted onto the English webpage, onto the UK webpage, onto the main news home page and onto the BBC home page.
Buried story – confined to the regional section: foiled Muslim terrorists.
Heavily promoted favoured story: Muslim girl confronts an EDL member
Current BBC homepage with link to this story
This little snippet kind of jumps out of that piece:
“Both Ali, of Evelyn Road, and his co-accused Khobaib Hussain, 25, also of Evelyn Road, have previous convictions for attending a terror training camp.”
You could not make it up.
Trump’s real objective is not humanitarian, but economic – He wants to make trouble with Iran, create war in the Persian Gulf and destroy the OPEC cartel so as to open up the markets to US frack/shale oil…
Trump’s real objective is not humanitarian, but economic
And he does that by bombing Syria (not in Opec) and returning a fleet to resume patrolling off of Korea, which isn’t in OPEC either.
As for Trump wanting to destroy OPEC, you do realise that it was Obama and not Trump who signed legislation (Dec 15) that ended a crude oil export ban dating back to 1975.
The main opponents of Trump’s missile strike, are Russia and Iran. Rex Tillerson is flying to Moscow this week to offer Putin to rejoin the G7/G8 if he drops support for Assad. If Putin accepts the offer, then Iran will be livid since Shia Iran is the major Islamic supporter of Shia Assad.
An enraged Iran will be easy for the US to provoke, say tearing up the Kerry/Iran nuclear deal. Once conflict subsequently ensues in the Persian Gulf, NO OIL will pass through it, thus paving the way for Trump & Tillerson to take OPEC’s place and start exporting US frack/shale in HUGE quantities…
I can’t prove my hypothesis is right, but Rex Tillerson is one of the biggest oil men in the World and the USA does want to massively increase its oil exports which it can’t do with OPEC in the way…
“The main opponents of Trump’s missile strike, are Russia and Iran.”
And he does that by targeting the Syrian airbase used in the attack on a Syrian town with CW. An attack where they warned the Russians off first.
but Rex Tillerson is one of the biggest oil men in the World
Don’t you mean was (As it past tense) Here is a little something you should read up on:
Remarks of Walter M. Shaub, Jr., Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics, as prepared for delivery at 4:00 p.m. on January 11, 2017, at the Brookings Institution
especially proud of the ethics agreement we developed for the intended nominee for Secretary of State, Rex
Mr. Tillerson is making a clean break from Exxon. He’s also forfeiting bonus payments worth millions.As a result of OGE’s work, he’s now free of financial conflicts of interest. His ethics agreement serves as a sterling model for what we’d like to see with other nominees. He clearly recognizes that public service sometimes comes at a cost. The greater the authority entrusted in a government official, the greater the potential for conflicts of interest. That’s why the cost is often greater the higher up you go…
‘Mr. Tillerson is making a clean break from Exxon. He’s also forfeiting bonus payments worth millions.As a result of OGE’s work, he’s now free of financial conflicts of interest’
Er, fascinating stuff. In the meantime, here’s a link to Tillerson’s extensive oil business deals with Russia. Tillerson and Putin are not strangers which is why Trump’s sent Tillerson to Moscow and not gone himeself…
How do you know that ?
As I as stated, it’s only my hypothesis and obviously I can’t prove I’m right. However, Trump is absolutely desperate to improve the chronic US debt to GDP ratio asap. The ONLY realistic way to achieve this, is to start exporting all their vast frack oil/shale gas reserves which they can’t do with OPEC standing in the way.
Therefore OPEC has to be removed from the equation. Once conflict starts in the Persian Gulf, absolutely no oil tankers will sail through it. Trump & Tillerson will very loudly announce they are in the market for selling oil and WHAMMO!!! That’s the end of OPEC…
Just those cruise missiles Trump fired at Syria, sent the price of oil climbing within minutes although it dropped back again once the dust had settled. This demonstrates how incredibly sensitive oil buyers are to the prospect of conflict in the Middle East…
SL wrote:
As I as stated, it’s only my hypothesis and obviously I can’t prove I’m right. "
Then it isn’t fact then?
Iran has more to fear from the Sunni Arab countries than the US. Why do you think that the region is spending the most on weapons. Weapons that are all aimed at Shia Iran due to the belligerent nature of Iran.
Fermenting trouble in Iraq/Yemen/Nigeria/Syria/Lebanon/Bahrain/Saudi Arabia
Its a hypothesis Pounce, as clearly by SL.
It may or may not be “true” depending on whether any evidence can be found in the public domain.(Which I suspect it won`t be, at least in the short term, especially as the media won`t go looking for it)
The question isn`t whether its “true” or “a fact”…its whether it`s a plausible hypothesis, and that’s a matter of opinion…based on the evidence of historic events, or emerging supporting evidence or both.
Well, I’m speculating about what might happen in future so whether it’s true or not depends on what happens in the future. All I know is that people like Trump will virtually always have an ulterior motive for what they do:—
A lot of people have praised Trump for his missile strike on a humanitarian basis. Although the gas attack WAS part of Trump’s motivation, his main incentive is ‘America First’ and MAGA. I translate MAGA, as make America wealthy again. By attacking Assad with apparent humanitarian justification, he’s paving the way for conflict with Syria’s biggest ally Iran which is exactly what Trump wants. See my post above for why…
A lot of people have praised Trump for his missile strike on a humanitarian basis. Although the gas attack WAS part of Trump’s motivation, his main incentive is ‘America First’
You do realise that the strike on Syria was a limited one. In otherwords it was a bitch slap, kind of explains the very low death rate and the fact the runway wasn’t touched. The US sent the message that yes we have hit you, we could have hit you harder, but we will next time, if you use chemicals against civilians again. Below is the poststrike pictures of that Syrian airfield with strike locations
You may be right.
However, in general there is little point in hiting a runway, as it can be quickly repaired (just JCB and tarmac needed), where facilities take somewhat longer to restore. A good example was when we bombed the runway at Port Stanley during the Falklands war. It was an extraordinary achievement of logistics, planning and dareing-do, but the reality was that the runway was operational again within 24 hours. The real impact on the Argentinians was psychological (“if they can reach Port Stanley, they can reach Buenos Aires…”).
We bombed the runway at Port Stanley to give the RAF something to do. It took about eleven Victor tankers to get one Vulcan over Stanley. It dropped twenty-one 1000 lb bombs, one of which hit the runway. The RAF was delighted by the result, and like to give the impression they won the Falklands War.
As to the Vulcan raid making the Argentines think their mainland bases were under any threat, HMG soon reassured them that we would not be bombing mainland Argentina. The Vulcan raid on Port Stanley was a masterpiece of PR, but was of negligible military effect on the course of the war.
Like I said people like Trump & Tillerson ALWAYS have an ulterior motive for their actions…
What you’e saying is absolutely correct. But that’s not the issue – Trump’s overall strategy, is to scare the oil buyers away from the Persian Gulf thus knackering OPEC…
Simon, there’s a big hole in that argument. If OPEC was under threat, do you not think that they, together with the Arab League, would have sat on this Syrian war and got it ended, LONG BEFORE Donald Trump was even a candidate for the US presidency.
Sorry, but I think you have taken a conspiracy theory way too far to have a chance of it being real.
The voice of reason and sanity !! Well said !
A hypothesis is similar to a conspiracy theory but not exactly the same:—
A conspiracy theory tends to deal with stuff that HAS occurred in the past by offering theoretical explanations for what REALLY occurred – What I’ve offered is purely hypothetical about an event or events that MIGHT occur in the future.
Under normal circumstances I’d be inclined to agree with you 100%. However, to get an
some idea where Trump stands on OPEC, check out his own blurb on the Whitehouse website. It’s quite a change from what it used to be…
Paragraph 5 here –
Many thanks for the tutorial !
OPEC wasn’t under threat while Obama sat on his hands and “led from behind”, the war was progressing toward an end game in which Assad would retain power, and the balance of power restored.
The Arab League, is dominated by the Saudis and Qataris. neither have any interest in their Sunni proxies being seen to lose, an interest shared by the Sunni Turks.
The fight is a proxy war between Sunni and Shias trying to establish their mastery in the region, this is complicated but at times augmented by the ethnic conflicts between Turks, Kurds, Persians and Arabs.
The Wests attempt at “liberal intervention” (without imposing imperial control) is a disaster of a half measure doomed to fail.
In the Middle East domination or the ability to exact a heavy blood price from enemies (see the Druze who everyone else seems to leave alone) is the name of the game….anything else….is weakness and surrender….Hence the continuing survival of Israel, a nation that has a clear understanding of the high stakes game it is in.
Trump et al may just have spotted an opportunity, that Obama missed. That`s how I understand SLs hypothesis anyway.
100% CORRECT!!!
I envy you. It must be wonderful to be so brilliant !
Welcome to this site. The only qualification required is a sense of humour and I think you qualify !!!
Grant, what do you mean we all need a sense of humour??? That’s me out then. Bye.
SL, those who claim that the Syrian Civil War and Western intervention is all about oil, and there are many, are – in reality – very wide of the mark. Syria was not even a Top Thirty producer BEFORE the war. Their output was less than that of the UK.
The Syrian Civil War is just that, a Civil War, against a legitimate Government (according to Syrian and International Law) and its people by other groups, both from within and without Syria, influenced by all sorts of motives and other powers or forces. It was, in part, stirred by Syrian nationals’ and outsiders’ ‘involvement’ in the previous so-called Arab Spring in other middle-eastern nations, such as Egypt.
The Syrian Civil War is a confrontation, a proxy war between Sunni interests (supported by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and their western supporters) and Shia interests (supported by Iran and her proxies like Hizbollah) the US interest (and the west generally) should be to side against the groups threatening the west, what complicates this is that both Sunni and Shia branches of Islam present a threat to the west.
The sensible course would have been to back the Christians to the hilt, and try to decouple Russia from the Shias and welcome Russia into the western camp (an opportunity lost by the US in the past), but Sunni oil and Iranian nuclear capability appear to hold sway.
Like I said, Trump et al will use the Syrian debacle as pretext for confrontation with Iran. First they need Putin on board, which is why they’ve sent Putin’s big oil buddy of the last 30 years Rex Tillerson to offer Putin the sweetner of re-joining the G7. If Putin goes for it which he might well do, then I don’t think the rest of my hypothesis is that far-fetched…
This is really a changing of eras:—
We’ve had the almighty OPEC cartel since Nixon and the Bretton Woods. Now the US have discovered $50 trillion of oil/gas in their own back yard, it’s time for a US/Russian oil cartel. There’s too much crude oil on the markets at the moment so somebody is going to have to get the push. Since aggressive OPEC price cuts have severely impacted America and Russia, logic would indicate that it would suit these two countries if OPEC was removed from the equation despite the old Petro-dollar setup that’s done America so well ’til now…
How do you know ? And have you , personally, made any money out of your past predictions ? Also, do you have any access to information that the majority cannot access ?
I wish. No, OPEC, the Bretton Woods agreement, the Petro-dollar are certainly not secret, occult information in anyway. All these things are very well known to anybody who knows anything about international geopolitics…
You are so funny. ” International geopolitics ” . Wow ! That is out of my league . I just thank the Lord that you are not a Troll
Austerity is a terrible thing.
I believe that George Orwell’s wardrobe was somewhat cheaper !
Evidently the wealth is not being ‘re-distributed’ downwards to the little people…
GQ are sharp enough to know how to subvert! Full marks to them. Hope they didn’t offer beer or spirits to drink during the interview or photo-session.
Nothing is lost on little Owen’s need to accumulate personal wealth. He even tried to crowd fund his father’s cancer treatment. Now there is real left wing ideology at work; loves spending other people’s money.
He had a column about the French election in his lefty rag today. Just out of curiosity I checked wipedia for him. His career as a Westminster left bubble type speaks for itself. I couldn’t see much experience of France on his cv but as 33 year English leftie I suppose he’s entitled to his free speech.
He must be due for a series on albeeb soon though…
It is reported that the Swedish PM is in shock following the recent attack He is vowing to change his policy on an open door to migrants. Stables, Horses and bolting come to mind. I expect he is just lying to calm the people and asap he will let the migrants back in. But seriously what did these liberals imagine would be the result of letting millions of Muslims into Europe. I simply can’t believe that they were so gullible and naive as to think we would all live happily ever after. Surely the politicians must have known that there was a high risk , near certainty in my view , that There would be serious trouble and violence and quite probably war as a result of mass migration of Muslims. I think that they decided on this highly dangerous undemocratic course of action because as Globalists they saw the mass migration as an opportunity to further their aims for a Utopian borderless One World . The risk to their own people was well understood but deemed to be of little importance. It beggars belief that the leading politicians right across the West agreed a policy which they all knew would result in the deaths of their own people, but what other explanation is there? Of course they relied on the willing compliance of the MSM and as we see with the BBC they got it 100%.
Anyone, but anyone that’s had anything to do with the Middle East and islamic states/countries knows that they will always require a dictator to run them. Only a dictator can keep the lid on islam in their respective countries. Blair/Bush were ignorant of this fact hence what resulted. The West is now suffering the folly of this stupid duo and it will be the West’s downfall. So, I imagine that the Swedish MP you refer to is equally as stupid as the rest.
Totally agree. The ME was much better from both our perspective and the perspective of most of those who lived there when ruled by the previous set of dictators. Untold thousands have died and millions more live horrible lives since the West removed their despotic rulers. Which makes me think any western interference is.a Bad thing which ultimately spells more terror for us.
Excellent piece by Sue Reid in today’s D/Mail “Tolerance that created a breeding ground for terror”, addresses many of the issues you mention D/Thinker, and ones that we have raised re the future of this country as well.
“According to demographers, in 15 years time, the population explosion fuelled by uncontrolled migration will mean that indigenous Swedes will be in a minority. This is because the birth rate among migrants is faster than indigenous Swedes and, until recently, they could bring their families to join them.”
“A senior police officer called Peter Springare posted his thoughts online………..’suspected perpetrators: Ali Mohammed, Mahhmod, Mohammed, Mohammed Ali; Mohammed, Mahomod Ali again and again. Countries representing all the crimes this week – Iraq, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Somalia, Syria again, Somalia…….”
“Recently, I (Sue Reid) was standing in the early morning on the streets of Gothenburg where in 2013 Sweden allowed the first amplified Muslim call to prayer at a mosque. It was not difficult to see how the cracks in society are appearing…….
An enlightening read.
Good find Brissles! And here is the link:
Lucy and Brussels,
Just read the Mail article. Really we now live in a mad house. The Globalists refuse to see the evidence that is in front of their noses. Then they turn on those that do see and point it out. We are well past the point where a peaceful out come was possible but the Globalist/ liberals just keep ploughing on.
I expect that ‘ liberals/ Globalists ‘ of all stripes will combine to defeat Le Pen in France and elect Macron , an arch Globalist who believes that mass immigration is not only desirable but unstoppable. The French , he says , must accept it and embrace it. Imagine embracing a forty tonne lorry coming at you at sixty miles an hour!
At least in France the anti Globalists have a voice via Le Pen and the US has President Trump , we in the U.K. Have no politician who dares to take on the Globalist elite or Islam. Even leading Brexiteers are in favour of greater Globalisation and view the EU as a protectionist block. And no one dare mention Islamic terror let alone stopping Islamic immigration. Yet curiously our country is in such a state that we hear adverts on radio telling you to report anything suspicious and so save your community from terror. As I said a mad house.
If you watch the German BBCs, it soon becomes clear that it is not “risk to one’s own people” that is the prime concern. In fact, the term “one’s own people” is anathema to them as “world citizens”.
Any suggestion of nationalism or populism from ordinary people is tantamount to the recreation of the nazi state. Even the German political elites themselves feel they need the EU and other like-minded organisations to save them from themselves and act as bulwarks against national egotism and lack of “openness” to other cultures. The British elites have the same kind of detestation for Brexit voters. They are “angry nativists”, the equivalent of the German “Wutbürger”, irrational primitives whose only way of expessing themselves is through an orgy of violence. This is why the main concern of the BBC after a big beard massacre is always the “backlash”. This is why they believe that any act of violence post referendum must be a release of pent-up race hatred. Maybe they find the accomodation of the indigenous population unfathomable and fear that some minor muslim provocation could release a storm. This pathological way of thinking seems to have overwhelmed the powers that be.
My German is very poor so I never watch German stuff. But judging from the laws they pass the German government is determined to silence all resistance to mass invasion.
Yes, some of the developments in Germany are quite sinister. Maas, the interior minister, was putting a lot of pressure on American-owned social media to “comply with German law”. American free expression meant that rather a lot of German citizens had the ability to directly tell their rather closeted politicians exactly what they thought of the Willkommenskultur via social media. One Green MP even did a TV programme which followed her attempts to track down one of her supposedly unhinged nazi trolls. She was shocked when the man turned out to be an “ordinary citizen” She also wanted social media users who refer ironically to “the religion of peace” to be prosecuted under hate speech law. That would have meant that many biasedbbc posters could have landed in jail. The supposed threats from social media only become a mainstream topic when certain difficulties arise. The German “hate speech/Volksverhetzung crisis” when the German public became vocal about refugees. In Britain, when the referendum went the wrong way. Too much fake news, too many people saying the “wrong” things.
Thank you. Presumably the AfD makes sure that the German public is fully aware of this Nazi like suppression of free speech. But does the AfD get any coverage in the media and even if they do , does the German public care? In the U.K. We have no political party which is prepared to take a stance against Islam . I wish AfD well and hope they get 10%+ at the polls. Unless the Germans are ostriches they certainly ought to do so.
4pm Big Climate Propaganda event
Google’s London HQ
to stop those nasty rationalists from ending GreenBlob’s SUBSIDY gravy train
A report has shown that doctors who qualified abroad are more likely to face competency investigations
Docs who qualified in Bangladesh are 13 times more likely to be investigated, The Times reports.
Researchers from University College London found those who trained in Egypt and Nigeria were the next most likely face competency probes.
Big surprise !
Agreed Grant. Did a ‘report’ need to be published to be aware of that ? A read of the nationals would tell them that a foreign doctor is struck off at least once a month.
I worked with a few foreign ‘locum’ Psychiatrists in Old Age in my time, and to say they were a potential danger to patients was an understatement. One in particular had a more than passing resemblance to Bob Marley, from Jamaica, and us staff took it upon ourselves to double check all prescriptions he wrote, because we were sure he was off his head most of the time !!!! Despite our protestations to hospital management/recruitment, he was kept on because of the severe shortage of Psychiatrists available, and was paid an eye watering two grand a week for his month’s contract !!!! (this was in the early noughties, so lord above knows what the salary structure is now!)
The same foreign doctor struck off every week smacks of discrimination .
As for rastas, I like them, but they smoke so much dope I would not want them anywhere near medical care.
A few years ago I gave a lecture to staff in one of the UK’s leading cancer hospitals. I spoke of an ethical dilemma in administering pain relief for the terminally ill, asking whether there was a line between prescribing drugs to relieve pain and the possibility that they would shorten the patient’s life. It raises issues relating to the the doctrine of double effect.
All set for an ethical debate until a doctor with an overseas qualification pointed out that cancer patients were suffering pain because they had given their lives to Satan
I wonder whether she ever did anything worthy of investigation
In mitigation – the Latin root of ‘pain’ is poena’, which is also the root for ‘punishment’
My late father died at age 92. He was in great pain. I asked the doctor, it was a young white British doctor, to give him morphine. She refused on the grounds that he may become addicted.
You are right about primitive attitudes to illness and death. In Africa, where most people believe in juju, the blame is with the sick person. It even goes further. The blame is with the person who brings bad news. Don’t shoot the messenger !
Beggars may not be choosers – we have suitable people we could decide to train or to save money supposedly, we can desperately trawl the world for medical staff. Trouble is trawling can fetch up all kinds of crap.
Well it’s obviously not the fault of the doctors, but the ‘racist’ GMC who are clearly singling out Bangladeshi Muslims !
Pretty much the stock response of the BBC every time figures like this are released. One example was the corruption of Pakistani Police officers, which despite a leaked report in the Guardian outlining why they are more likely to be corrupt was help by the BBC to prove the Police are ‘racist’, and that the Pakistani Muslims had all been wrongly accused.
Times : Extremist leads Muslim lobby group MEND
What’s a good word to describe this Taliban-lite we have whereby LibMob and Beeboids intimidation has caused a culture of self censorship whereby normal people don’t express their honestly held views ?
The BBC with it’s “positive discrimination” employment strategy. And that’s an anachronism
for a start where indigenous Londoners are a minority and yet it’s TV local programme which we can call Londonostan and the rest of South East Asia has far more ethnic presenters and reporters than indigenous Londoners. Where is the positive discrimination there?
Then we have diversity slung down our throats ! The front page of the BBC internet page
has at one time or another during the day a picture of either a head scarved women riding a bike to Iran or telling us that ” Helen Mann has won a bronze medal at the LGBT games. What are the latest Moslem fashions. And to balance this they will tell us that over 40 Coptic Christians have been massacred in Egypt in a flippant ” Copts -everything you wanted to know in a minute. Basically telling us that they don’t want to spend more than one minute covering the story!!
The Fifth Columnists at the BBC, despise the indigenous population of the UK. Isn’t there
anybody in a high position that can see through this winning attempt by the enemies of our democracy to control what we listen and see on the BBC?
Mice, what’s the story with the European child? As you point out it’s been kept very quiet so I hadn’t heard of it till your comment.
Swedish truck victim child – no front pages
Syrian beach child body – every front page He was loaded on boat by economic migrant father.
If Twitter photos don’t appear in posts here then F5 to reload the page
That’s terrible. Censorship by a Big Brother-Media.
It was exactly the same with the photos of the little French girl murdered in Nice.
No doubt Maxicnut will be along with a smart arse comment shortly
They still try to “fake the news by non disclosure ”
On BBC R2 10 o’clock news this morning, it was reported that the Swedes were having a 1 minute silence following the truck attack driven by a rejected asylum seeker
Again no mention of terrorism. They are in total denial..
BBC have been chasing after the smarmy, self-righteous bint from the Birmingham EDL demo.
They’ll have most certainly approved of her T-Shirt!
BBC have been chasing after the smarmy, self-righteous bint from the Birmingham EDL demo.
They’ll have most certainly approved of her ‘Free Gaza’ T-Shirt, that she wore for the occasion.
But she’s not an activist, or in any way politically motivated, you understand . . .
Yes, she was the one who was chanting slogans throughout the minute’s silence, I gather. Clearly just the sort of person he BBC would make a heroine out of.
“Saffiyah Khan pictured at the end of a BBC TV interview on #VictoriaLIVE – wearing her #FreeGaza t-shirt”
your first image didn’t show cos you put the Daily Mail webpage URL instead of a jpg link
here’s a tweet
I note shes locked her own Twitter account as if shes got something to hide.
Thanks, Stew.
I should imagine her Twitter history is a long line of Jew hatred and general anti-Western rants.
Looks like Wayne Heimbach doesn’t know much about his history of the Spanish Civil War, when over 30 000 Muslims fought for Franco and none or very few for the Commies.
Well said Thoughtful..”no pasaran” eh? listen love, Franco won the Spanish Civil War with the help of loyal Muslim Moroccan troops assisting the Spanish Foreign Legion, the Fascist Falange militia, Monarchist Carlists militia, Italian black shirts and Nazi Air support and then were returned to their homeland once the Communists and assorted Reds had been put down.
Say it quietly but the Moroccans were alleged by the left to have raped women by the score when red towns and villages fell to them.
There is no “alleged” about it. Mass rape by Moroccan troops was well documented at the time. It was a deliberate form of terror against local populations. If they resisted Nationalist forces, their women would be raped by Moroccans, usually gang raped and often raped to death.
I think we sometimes forget how absolutely savage the Spanish Civil War was. It was at least as bad as anything happening in Syria now, maybe worse. And as in Syria, really there were no “good guys”. The Communists were as mad and murderous as they always are, and the Nationalists fought back with no mercy at all, mass executions, mass rape, mass bombing, the lot. Just about the only thing they did not use (I think) was chemical weapons.
PC Keith Palmer, a full police funeral will take place in London’s Southwark Cathedral.
And it will be fully attended by muslims.
‘to easily reversion visual materials in English’
Also have to admire the choice of OB vehicle…
I don’t know what sort of impression Beeby is trying to make with this image.
Police funeral “attended” by a Muslim lady, or one who just happened to be wandering past, with her mind elsewhere, and on rather more pressing things…
I did predict that the BBC would find some way of injecting Moslemism into their coverage of the funeral.
Fortunately we have been spared a funeral address from Treezer saying how Islam is a religion of peace. She i probably saving that for her Ramadamalinglong message
GWF – I suspect the Vicars daughter will also be going along to Harvey Nicks to pick up her designer hijab for that message. Probably silk and hopefully with matching accessories.
When we get the next attack in this country – I expect she has a speech already prepared for us masses – to explain why Islam is the true religion of peace and we just need to be a bit more tolerant and not let terrorism win by ignoring the explicit parts of Koranic text which urge muslims, that it is their sacred duty to undertake these types of acts.
Maybe she could also show her obvious sympathy to the victims and unity with us by lighting a candle at the next attack site and even leaving a teddy or two with perhaps a note – “were not scared of you because we have more teddies than you could possibly imagine!”
Breaking News!!! The EU’s Spanish parish council and the BBC have found who made sure Hillary lost the election and he is Russian!!!! They told you so.
The bBC have started milking the powerful smile woman with the first of what will be many articles:
EDL viral photo woman on her ‘powerful’ smile
So here was a woman minding her own business until see saw a woman abused by those nasty EDL lot and naturally like the good Muslim she had no problem stepping into a crowd of Neanderthal men in which to confront them. So much for Muslims being terrified to walk the streets due to abuse. Anyway she appears to have played her cards by the T shirt she wears during the interview:

Its either that or the bBC just had one spare
Can t they put a word in and get her on Bake Off, sure they could do with a muslim plant? get her to wear her terrorist supporters shirt too.
Double whammy.
That orchestrated stunt chanting slogans throughout the minute’s silence, its been seen many times, oh and chanting filth to returning soldiers too.
I m sure the Al BBC would approve wholeheartedly
Victoria Drearybyshire has her on.
Really bigging her up on the daily dose of VD, about her being intellectual, superior to the EDL the proof?
… chanting “waycist scum off our streets” giggling and wanting a society where (wait for it)
“women can t be intimidated by men” 😀 that’s Islam kicked into touch then dear, better join the EDL
… and by the way, there wasn t a minutes silence for the victims?
the point of the demonstration?
… maybe she was just squealing waycist so much she didn t notice
An intense workload and the decision to more or less exclude the BBC from my life means that I haven’t been paying the Corporation’s foetid output much attention lately but I did manage, by accident, to catch Jonny Dymond performing a comedy routine intended for The Now Show on WATO today. The schoolboy sarcasm, recycled right-on ‘jokes’, routine sneers, carefully chosen and highly selective soundbites would have had Marcus Brigstocke seething with envy.
But what was it doing on a supposed news programme? And, come to that (and as I have asked before) what is the convicted drug user, Dymond doing as the BBC’s Washington Correspondent? A dug conviction once prevented you from even being allowed into the USA. It seems standards are slipping everywhere.
Totally disagree . The BBC upholds the highest standards , always .
Victoria Derbyshire this morning was the usual doom and gloom fest.
A drug feature about microdosing which most people know nothing about but now is broadcast to the nation in the middle of the school holidays.
LSD and magic mushrooms in small doses can get you through the day just fine so long as you dont take too much and start tripping. If that should happen you just adjust the dose and carry on.
It included an interview with a guy incognito of course , from a “very respected profession ” who uses this method daily.He would be dismissed if his fellow professionals found out.
No critique from BBC ,unless it was on later.
I can’t bear to watch the whole thing.
In the book : Kool aid electric Acid Test
some people have bad trip and nevr come back to reality
be careful
So guess which story the bBC deems the most important at 4pm today. The funeral of a policeman murdered by a follower of Islam or the story of a female political activist who happens to be a Muslim:

God, I hate loathe and detest the BBC with a vengeance. How they get away with this stuff is beyond me. I put it to Nigel Farage at public talk he did in Hove, that he should do something about the BBC and its bias. Audience reaction was weird when I said that – half of them clapped, the other half gasped in horror…
Apologies for this very late and off topic post. News Hour on world service lie machine a few weeks back with our very own hard hitting tough questioning OBJ in Minnesota at some snowflake college with a live audience and the usual BBC carefully selected balanced and impartial panel – four Somali muslims including a representative of terrorist apologist organisation CAIR, all variously described as talented academics, media and generally superior people.
Minnesota apparently has the great fortune to have the largest Somali (muslim naturally) community in the US. Cant you just feel the joy this enriching diversity must be bringing to hideously white middle America. And what an enormous contribution Somali’s have made to society – in fact it was an immigrant that actually invented the ice cream waffle cone, a major contribution to world civilisation which more than offsets the thousands of murders worldwide.
Our Owen did ask one outrageously stupid and incorrect question along the lines of was there anything in Islam itself that might just perhaps a teeny weeny bit contribute to terrorism and radicalisation. The panel unanimously rejected this ridiculous suggestion outright and quite correctly attributed all the migrant problems to isolation, job discrimination, poverty, the trauma of being a refugee, white racism, prejudice, ignorance of the one true religion, the vicious right wing media, republicans, the evil Trump, and of course the elephant in the room – yes …..white supremacism. Lots of applause from the carefully selected and oh so diverse audience.
So its all our fault.
One panel member stated with pride that all her fellow Somali university graduates now worked for the Canadian government, presumably as diversity and cultural advisers – says it all !
An unbelievably stupid white woman then stated that Somali immigration was the best thing that ever happened to her state! And a final comment which got lots of applause was “we are all immigrants or descended from immigrants so we should be more understanding”. I seriously doubt that the Britons welcomed my Anglo Saxon ancestors during the 5th and 6th centuries, or my later Norman ancestors who fought their way up the beaches in 1066 as cultural enrichers and bringers of diversity. And we all know how those “migrations” ended up for the native populations.
Anyway, id forgotten about this nasty piece of BBC propaganda when just by chance heard FOOC on R4 – among the usual slanders against Russia, Brexit and Trump – Stephen Sackur musing on the above Somalis and their sense of victimhood and hurt. His analysis was that it was clearly and undeniably due to our inherent racism, xenophobia and white supremacism. Traitorous, treasonous white hating lying al beeb just never ever stop.
On a lighter note saw a top of the range Lexus on the M3 with the index number BRX1T which made my day. Didn’t look like one of the “left behinds” to me !
No it was OBJ on FooC
Reporter on the spot: Somali-Americans hold @owenbennettjone to account for the stories the press chooses to cover
OBJ’s original Q&A
bbcFalseNarrative #12 “It’s them righties that are the angry nasty ones, we LibMob are patient, quiet and tolerant”
You know how the BBC constructs narratives and then bangs on about them ? There are 2 progs coming up
R4 4:30pm Anger ..The blurb doesn’t blame rightwing, but what’s the betting ?
“We seem to be living in a world of polarised opinions giving rise to increasingly angry exchanges on television, print and of course social media.”
She’ll compare it against the anonymity of road behaviour
“She concludes by discussing the social role of anger and why so many groups have begun to rely on it to get their way.”
R4 8pm “The populist movements that swept Britain and America last year in which angry, often working class”
“voters rejected the political hegemony of highly-educated, liberal elites”
“Michael Young of the Spectator, asks if his father’s dark prophesy is correct and whether the Brexit and Trump votes signal the death knell for the popular political vision of a modern meritocracy”
Ah, yes, that’s the new definition of ‘meritocracy’ which apparently means: ‘people who rise to the top because they hold the ‘correct’ political opinions’ ie ‘people like us’.
The bBC , a DUI accident and total crap reporting:

Coventry drink-drive mum jailed over Peterborough crash
So the bBC ,reporting on a car crash where the driver was found to be drunk as a skunk and they comes out with this statement:
A lorry driver who witnessed the crash, near Peterborough, claimed the car catapulted 14ft (4m) into the air.
Nothing claimed about it at bBC here’s the video go to the 1m part and watch the car take well off the road.
A chaotic scene with a probable tragic outcome, and what do we see ? a possible “first responder” (or could it be the lorry driver), stood with his hands in his pockets !!!!!
Strong article by Rod Liddle in the Spectator on the subject of BBC’s Meat Free Monday initiative. A good read…
Pretentious rubbish from the BBC .Shouldnt our hard earned money be spent on programmes ,? not sermonising to employees about their latest trendy ideas.
These past couple of days Mark Easton has gone into the full “Jim Hacker channeling Churchill” mode in his reporting on PC Keith Palmer. BBC News staff are only journalists when it suits them, reporting is so menial compared to delivering their purple prose pretensions.
Anyone get the feeling that suddenly Syria has become a story since Trump has arrived.
Nothing else is any different otherwise to when the Russians moved in.
So apparently Mr Putin is being offered full re-instatement into the G7/G8 this week by none other that Trump’s right hand man: Rex Tillerson; US Secretary of State. If Vlad accepts and the G7 once again becomes the G8, one can’t help but wonder at the extremes of frenzied, frothy mouthed paroxysms of outraged indignation that the BBC, CNN et al will work themselves into when they hear about it. I can’t wait 😉
Our Maddy has a BBC agenda and a BBC narrative to run with. That’s why she’s over there on our tax-payer money. I posted this here at the weekend:
As Swedish authorities released to the world’s press some interesting details on the terror attack our bright young thing in Stockholm, Maddy Savage, showed her BBC-honed priorities and journalistic training:
“I wasn’t actually at the press conference… I am at a demonstration to show Swedes coming together in solidarity”
she claims to be freelance and based in Sweden now
“British freelance broadcaster/writer in Sweden l 10 years @BBC as staff reporter/radio anchor “
Be interesting to see who ‘ BBC Trending’ follows more to gauge the social media big hits.
They certainly claim the EDL smiler bird is setting it afire, but our Maddy’s careful interpretation of recent sad events has my Twitter feed lit up like a Christmas tree; not in a good way.
I suppose “caught up in the violence” sounds a bit nicer than “crushed to death, with her leg torn off” doesn’t it? Best not to report the reality of muslim terror on the (pedestrianised) streets of Europe, otherwise it might start to make people think, “just what has this cultural enrichment actually done for us?”.
The BBC are drooling over a brown man who’s been appointed editor of Vogue magazine.
They even managed to shoehorn an anti-Trump message in there. Apparently he made a video of models of varying nationalities, who’d moved to different countries to further their careers, all staring into the camera and saying “I’m an immigrant”, in their mother tongue.
So, basically he’s another retard who doesn’t know the difference between legal and illegal immigration, nor does it seem to occur to him that these people, like pretty much all immigrants, aren’t moving to a new country as some kind of favour to the existing population, but simply so they can earn more money.
“I’m here to make a better life for me and my family” is the constant refrain from immigrants, lapped up by the dumb fools who want open borders.
That kind of implies that they’ve come from somewhere worse. Trouble is, the place they’ve left is generally worse because they were in it. And their coming here therefore worsens this country.
What’s not to like if it brings a bit of diversity and enrichment?
I’ve often wondered why the likes of Muslims want to reside in a country they know is alien to their way of life and culture; they must realise they will face hostility and suspicion when they dress, eat, pray and converse differently to the country of their birth, and where its generally a lot warmer. But it really comes down to one thing in the end …… money.
Never a truer word spoken Brissles
In the immortal words of Dire Straights (slightly changed)
Money for Nothing and your kids are free!
What annoys me more than anything about all of this though is that the rich liberal retards who are at the bottom of all of this, are spending what amounts to other peoples money and are wealthy and geographically separate enough to be little affected as it all goes wrong. Which it is.
With regard to all these left wing worthies who were meant to be taking in “asylum seekers” I still think the majority of them still seem to decorating the guest bedroom. I guess we will have to pay for their housing instead!
Never a truer word spoken Brissles
In the immortal words of Dire Straights (slightly changed)
Money for Nothing and your kids are free!
What annoys me more than anything about all of this though is that the rich liberal retards who are at the bottom of all of this, are spending what amounts to other peoples money and are wealthy and geographically separate enough to be little affected as it all goes wrong. Which it is.
With regard to all these left wing worthies who were meant to be taking in “asylum seekers” I still think the majority of them still seem to decorating the guest bedroom. I guess we will have to pay for their housing instead!
It is shameful that the BBC could run and run with the Muslim woman being a poor victim of EDL aggression after such a terrible weekend: another truck attack on Friday; the Egypt attack; plus that heroic policeman being buried today. If she thought the EDL were bad news she could always just stay away from their demonstrations. Increasing there is nowhere one can go to feel safe from certain peaceful religionists.
The BBC are increasingly like Comical Ali, the Iraqi PR man during the 2005 war who swore they were winning even as bombs exploded everywhere around him. What has to happen for Al Beeb to shift their narrative? A terror attack every day? Every single working class white girl raped at some point? The black flag flying over Downing Street?
‘A terror attack every day? Every single working class white girl raped at some point? The black flag flying over Downing Street?’
Sounds like a BBC wet dream…
Yes. Comical Ali. Iraq war 2003
That was when I realised that something was seriously going wrong with the BBC.
I could not believe that our national broadcaster was actually giving serious airtime to this joker.
I did actually enjoy the broadcasts as I thought that msm were just taking the piss and I enjoyed the reports giving a little light hearted relief from the seriousness of the situation.
However, my concerns were proving to be true as the BBC were obviously giving him credence Then when Regeh Omar began to spew out his bile and obvious anti western reports my suspicions were confirmed.
Previously, I did consider the BBC to be the stalwart source of news and truth, but after the Iraq war my confidence began to slowly ebb to the point it is today where I just cannot watch the BBC news, documentaries or programs without making sure the tv remote is not within easy reach for fear of throwing it at the screen.
This is a difficult one to express – but it needs saying…
I’m sure all civilised people will want to respect and to commemorate the Policeman recently murdered in the line of duty. Perhaps in a more restrained and quiet – maybe even in some more constructive manner than our newscasters have done today.
BBC News Channel at 5pm led with 7 minutes of coverage that engendered, in this viewer at least, disquiet rather than the proper sympathy and respect. Just how sincere are the BBC, really? One point is the sharp contrast between this reporting compared with the numerous other stories that could be mentioned where the BBC have been far from supportive of serving Policemen. The fawning celebration of new chief girlscout herself Cressida Dick also jarred. But the worst of this is the inevitable sense that the BBC are now pleased to put this terror incident to bed – to draw a line under it and to forget about it and to move on. The pattern has been noted and discussed. The quick shift to tea lights and vigils and the heavy emphasis on the victims might seem laudable and respectful but in fact it avoids focus on the who it was who did the deed and most especially the why it was done.
I think we all know which side the BBC are on. As for Cressida Dick, she and police like her are part of the problem. She is vermin.
One thing is certain – the BBC isn’t exactly chasing after its former employee, Andrew Gilligan, in investigating events in Luton which may, or may not, go some way to explain the Westminster murderer’s savage behaviour.
No doubt the incident represents poor private corporate PR.
Less clear why this is being played up by a senior staff member of a public corporation who can get away with anything because the are uniquely funded.
And I thought their baggage handlers were bad.
Thank God he wasn’t black.
Saffiyah Khan looks to me the perfect replacement if ever Riz Lateef or Assad Ahmed from the Londonostan programme go off to join other former BBC staff at Al Jazira. Actually I reckon before long we will see her on Question Time.By the way here is a question that maybe Saffiyah
Khan could be asked by the BBC. , but wont be Can she name a country where several thousand men, women and children have been treated in hospital for wounds received in the Syrian Civil War?
2 dead in California school shooting.
In “news where you are” in London at 10:30 tonight there was a brief nod in the direction of PC Palmer’s funeral then on to the only other, longer and obviously more important and urgent item of “news”. This comprised a blatantly political propaganda sermonette essentially fronted – certainly scripted – by the New Economic Foundation, the far-left favourite of the BBC. In this (manifestly non-news) item the
BBCNEF demanded flexible working for all employees coupled with increased pay and – as another SJW from another set of lefty campaigners screeched on camera – a mandated 4-day week. This would, the BBC told its stunned audience, result in happier workers and would pay for itself with more productivity. Evidence? Well you’ll just have to take the word of the NEF and some bearded nursery worker. Not exactly compelling but, hey, this was enough for the BBC. In other words, following the “Conservative” surrender over the BBC Charter renewal, this was the usual far left politics of the BBC Narrative unconstrained by OFCOM (or anything else).Old news now (Dec 2016) but it’s infuriating that we can’t seem to stop 35 year old Muslim “children” over-running the country. Yet a couple of Syrian Orthodox Priests are a problem, Mail Online:
“Three Christian leaders from Iraq and Syria were denied entrance to the UK last week – despite a formal invitation to meet Prince Charles.
The men planned to travel to London for a consecration ceremony of Britain’s first Syriac Orthodox Cathedral.
Archbishops Nicodemus Daoud Sharaf of Mosul, Timothius Mousa Shamani of St Matthew’s in Nineveh valley of northern Iraq, and Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh of Homs and Hama in Syria reportedly missed the event as the Home Office deemed their visa applications unacceptable.”
Read more:
I’m just home and I’m angry. Switched on RT and the first thing I hear is the riots in Paris concerning overcrowding in prisons. Overcrowding at breaking point. Ok,so my initial conclusion is immigration…..and yes ISLAMIC immigration.
Have I jumped to conclusions? Personally I don’t think so. Everything is breaking down and it is a huge mess, yet we still have the BBC continually promoting Islam and the EU and refusing to address in any reasonable way what’s happening. That’s why I switched on RT and not the BBC. Ok so there will be critics. Is RT any better? I think it’s a big step ahead of the BBC. The initial thing that came to mind was how will the BBC handle this prison story in Paris? Will they even bother? Who knows any more they can not be trusted on anything. I wanted to vent my anger so I use the phone number on the BBC contact site thinking I would be leaving a message but instead spoke to a human being, well he sounded human and real but because I was angry and obviously lost it a bit he didn’t want to hear. I managed to get my message across despite my raised voice. I was loud and obviously angry but I was not rude, even saying “I know it’s not your personal Fault”. Oh so you’re watching RT but you want to complain about the BBC. However it isn’t a specific complaint about a BBC programme but you think the BBC is pro Islamic and anti British”
He understood completely, he got my rant in one easy go. The reason he managed this is because he is getting this all the time. The BBC are TOTALLY AWARE yet arrogantly ignore the truth and this is why I’m boiling boiling with rage and anger. Something must be done, needs to be done about this disgusting tax funded load of shits trying to manipulate opinion and agenda to suit their personal goals and belief systems. Once I would have defended the BBC with my life, that was once. NOW, I leave it up to your imagination what I would do with the BBC.
It is difficult sometimes. It is essential to realise that we are in a cultural war and talking to the enemy -the progressive left which is very much part of the BBC – is pointless.
There is nothing to discuss. The progressive left wants us gone. Neutralised or just gone one way or another. It is a cult founded on an insane denial of human nature and reality . It is inherently violent and dismissive of nationhood, patriotism and freedom. Talk only to your friends and family. The only way left for them now is into tyranny.
“Something must be done, needs to be done about this disgusting tax……..”
Just don’t pay the stupid tax . Simples !
Further. The BBC is covering the savage murder of Sarah Halimi in Paris for the crime of being Jewish is it not ? Just like it covered the slaying of the Fogel family in Israel.
Inconvenient truths ?
Mood swing,
Just to keep you on the boil so your posts , which I admire, continue to be filled with righteous anger, I draw to your attention a column by Tim Stanley in the Telegraph today about the world wide persecution of Christians by Muslims, which is largely ignored by Western MSM. In it , after the recent bombing of Coptic churches in Egypt, he quotes the BBC as reporting, ‘ the early church suffered persecution under the Romans , and there were intermittent persecutions after Egypt became a Muslim country. Many believe that this continues to this day.’ As Stanley says , MANY BELIEVE , is a very odd choice of words when several hundred Copts have been murdered in the past few years. That exemplifies the root of the problem . The Western liberal elite refuses to acknowledges that Islam is incompatible with Western democratic values that are rooted in Christianity and are doing their utmost to suppress this inconvenient truth.
And what the left try to forget is that the Copts were in Egypt 600 years before the invention of Islam. Egypt was a Christian country until they were invaded. Invasions that make the worst of the Crusades look like a picnic. And that applies to all Islamist countries.
Doublethinker thank you for your kind support. Honestly I do feel like a fool. I previously said no more posts and I have until this latest rant stuck to my resolve even though it’s very hard. I don’t consider myself intelligent or clever and this maybe one of the reasons I am so angry and it’s affecting my health. (Stupid I know but things are very serious and we are being taken for fools)
Discovering that the BBC (or as I am now going to call it the CBB…..completely biased broadcasting) is at the bottom of the barrel is a huge blow to my belief system. Not doing well at school nor in my work career left me with an inferiority complex and lack of confidence. It was the CBB that I trusted as my learning source. I was too stupid to realise what was going on. I don’t think that I can stay silent and will probably continue to start posting again. Of course there is always the worry of coming across as stupid or irrelevant but weighing that up, its probably better to scream and shout and spit. Silence is for cowards and I’m not one.
Keep on posting. The clever people are those who see the BBC for what it really is , a propaganda organ of the liberal left Globalists who are going to take us all to an Islamic hell hole unless they are stopped. The biggest fools are those who believe that Islam poses no threat to our way of life , culture and to our safety, despite the overwhelming evidence that it does.
Spot on. Thank you for saving me saying the same thing !
I re-iterate what Doublethinker has said, and can understand you’re outright fury at what’s going on – as do many of us on this site. So don’t for one minute feel like a fool, and as for not feeling ‘intelligent or clever’, well, who says you are not ? You are clearly articulate enough to compose your thoughts on this site, so don’t put yourself down.
I live on my own, and more than once I have wanted to put my foot through the screen when I hear the c…p being spouted by the usual suspects that the BBC (and Sky) employ to give their ‘opinions’; then I end up giving my opposing views to my little dog !!!!
Who knew what goes on behind closed doors eh ?
Moody who ?
Moody, keep on posting ! There are some great people here who keep me sane . Even Brissles !!
Always like to aid wherever I can Grant, the elderly in particular !
I’m just waiting for one broadcaster, or one politician to give me concrete evidence that Assad instigated a chemical attack. Just one.
Spiderman – there are very many of us here who are. There will be even more in the US; who voted for Trump in the hope that he was going to concentrate on sorting out problems in their own country, yet it appears that he is prepared to risk becoming embroiled in another disastrous conflict in the Middle East and a potential conflict with Russia.
I think there will be many of Trump’s supporters who will be shaking their heads in disbelief at the $110,000,000 worth of missiles he fired into Syria AND the noises he’s making at North Korea.
They didn’t elect him to do either of those things or develop such a foreign policy; if he is, then many of them will regret voting for him and wish that Hillary had won – as her victory would have brought events in America to a head much more quickly, through her immigration policy and SCOTUS appointees.
The BBC is keen now on ‘what they might have done’ journalism, so probably secure in the knowledge of their belief that they have learned they could have got it about right.
A quick follow up to my earlier post regarding the clashes between Paris prison guards and riot police where I was wondering how will the BBC handle it. Well so far they haven’t acknowledged it at all. Their factual, honest and reliable news broadcasting completely ignored this on the Radio 4 midnight broadcast. RT have it at the top of their web page while I can’t find it on the BBC page. So, omitted from the news and omitted from the web. I know I’m making a big deal of this but if I immediately jump to ISLAMIC IMMIGRATION as the reason for the distressed prison guards unable to cope then the BBC have also thought along the same lines. They would also have had this news feed and be quite aware of it but it displeases them so they choose to ignore an important and relevant piece of news. I did notice that they used the Muslim and not the English name of the TERRORIST who went berserk in Westminster. This was in relation to the funeral of the police officer murdered. However they didn’t have the guts to use the word TERRORIST, still referring instead to the attacker.
Finally one of the last items on the news broadcast was that the new editor of Vogue is a man. Not just any man but a BLACK MAN and they even managed to get a bit about Trump in there as well. Vogue, diversity, black man and Trump all linked as only the BBC know how. Taffman I appreciate your response regarding non payment of license.
You are quite right. If I’m so angry why pay? Perhaps time to withdraw my direct debit, if only everyone would too!
For me, well, I’ve stopped expecting anything but biased, manipulated propaganda from the BBC. The BBC has lost my trust. It’s no use complaining to the BBC, or even Ofcom – the BBC have a 10 year charter granted by the foolish Cameron and it is not going to change in that time.
What I do is use other sources. I can’t imagine why anyone would use the BBC website when there are so many other sources on the internet. I don’t watch much television news (and never the patronizing “news where you are”), but when I do, I try other sources like ITV, RT, Al-Jazeera etc.. Biggest problem for me is the Beeb’s near-monopoly of UK radio local and national news, but there again via the internet there are other sources.
When I do hear the BBC bias, I find it’s best to come to this, or other websites like it, to describe and record it. I definitely see more people contributing, comparing notes and gaining strength from sharing and understanding the techniques used by BBC to bias the news or hide the things it doesn’t want us to know.
Point it out also calmly to your family and friends whenever reasonable. In 10 years time the BBC will be almost irrelevant, no one will be taking it seriously or perhaps even using it. Maybe then we can have a sensible debate with our MPs about reform and restructure.
edu, in 10 years time, I confidently predict the average BBC radio listener and BBC TV viewer will be older than the present figures, which I seem to recall, are around the 60 years mark. Was it 61years for one of them? That was probably for TV, thanks to Free Licences for over 75s and the fact that TV is often used for ‘babysitting’ and ‘entertainment wallpaper’ at home and in Care Homes.
[This BBC thing of ‘ ‘ ing everything, is quite catching, isn’t it? 🙂 ]
The problem here in the UK is that the BBC has an unhealthy monopoly over FM broadcasting for radio. There’s not much alternative.
Apart from the Off switch.
I’m using that increasingly as I age.
Up2snuff, ah but there is an alternative to BBC radio now! Get yourself an internet radio or laptop/speakers. I even listen to Fox News radio from USA instead of Today. The BBC was invented for a different, low technology, one broadcaster era. It’s past it.
You are quite right about the average age of the BBC user … it’s stunning that the BBC can quite so completely ignore it’s majority audience – the over 60s are the least interested in the promotion of Islam, gays, feminists, EU, etc., that the BBC loves. It’s truly a bizarre situation that this country has allowed to happen.
Too true!
I noticed that Joan Bakewell observed that the BBC is nowadays “run by children”. That one of their own has felt moved to make such criticism is notable, I think.
Moodswing6, be thankful that we still have the option of refusing to pay the licence fee. I stopped paying and gave up my TV in 2015 in protest over the BBC’s coverage of the migrant crisis. I do not miss it at all. I can watch lots of interesting programmes on non-BBC catch up TV online, as well as lots of films etc on Youtube. You can get a range of different opinions on any major news story on Youtube by scanning videos by Infowars, Russia Today etc. To my mind, to stop paying the licence fee is the only way to affect the BBC – there is no political will to take them on.
I haven’t yet seen anything on the BBC about the fact that the Westminster terrorist had links to a hard-line Luton mosque, which gives the lie to the assertion that he was a lone wolf. It’s been all over the papers.
Don’t worry – there will be a report from a judge into institutional anti-British values, along with wall to wall MSM coverage and ‘British Values Training’ enforced.
Whoops – just had a vision from a parallel, sane universe. Obviously in this one they will ignore it and maybe give them more money to give them English lessons or something similar. Maybe if we had done more to help them integrate none of this would have happened. It is certainly all our fault.