Sports presenters Kat was talking about football and a previous World Cup whilst a video clip was played when she said “I always remember when Janet Jackson missed the penalty at the opening ceremony…blah..blah…Janet Jackson missed it by miles…blah…blah… I’ll never forget Janet Jackson missing from so close to the goal”
End of the of the video the male presenter says “Wasn’t is Diana Ross and not Janet Jackson?”
Kat “I thought it was Janet Jackson…. if you look at the….hair….its….the….same”.
Nothing like a early morning BBC racist moment, when a presenter thinks all black people look the same, to start my day!!!
So with the BBC having drawn a thick black line under the subject of terrorism (or was it a thin blue line?) our Asad Ahmed gets back into the BBC London groove: NHS cuts, Social Care Underfunding, Some Brilliant Project Saved From Cuts and finally… Some Approved Artwork.
This is more like it. The only deviation from this formula for BBC London may to be swap Education for NHS funding or to pause for a moment to polish Little Man Khan’s green halo.
Maybe they could cut some of the £100 million they have put aside to increase ‘diversity’ and give it to the NHS. Though it is a noble aim, I struggle to believe none of that money will be wasted.
Lady Miss Shouty Montague 8.15 trying to put words into the mouth of the Canadian foreign minister to the effect that only the US and UK in G7 are in favour of increasing sanctions against Russia. Al Beeb is truly disgusting, BoJo was correct to refuse to be interviewed.
PG, Nick Robinson was not short of leading questions today on TOADY, either. Think one was posed to a lawyer and I was surprised that he did not pick Nick up on it.
Sweden’s police chief calls for Islamic extremists to be deported after attack ‘by failed asylum seeker’… then is warned HE faces investigation
Gothenburg police chief Erik Nord said violent extremists should be deported
Tweeted after alleged Stockholm attacker revealed to be failed asylum seeker
Alleged killer had been told to leave Sweden in December but could not be found
Accused of driving 30-ton truck into a department store in Stockholm on Friday
Nord said Sweden should be ‘like a dinner party’ where bad guests are removed
But now he will be hauled before Attorney General ‘to explain himself’
Prime Minister Stefan Löfven pledges to change country’s liberal attitude
There are more than 3,000 migrants living unlawfully in Stockholm alone
By Jake Wallis Simons, Associate Global Editor, In Stockholm, Sweden, F
Nice to hear “Thought for the Day” devoted to Holy Week this morning on BBC Today.
A belated recognition of the Christian roots of this nations culture? a nod to the majority culture of this land?
of course not…its Sikh holy week, “being celebrated around the world”…this week is “also holy for a number of other religions too” as the man said. FFS.
The BBC, guaranteed to find a way of reducing Britains Christian culture to an aside, no matter what the occasion.
The cretins at the BBC do not mention Sikhs from one year to the next. They are so obsessed with the evil of Islam. Now they suddenly discover Sikhism in Easter week. The BBC are vile vermin.
Recently on beebistan tv and radio 4 ‘news’, the top 3 items were atrocities carried out by the religion of peace, or war as it used to be called: Egypt, Sweden and Westminster. Yet good old beebistan managed to not mention the dreaded word islam ONCE! Takes some doing to avoid a big fat muslim elephant in the room, but they did.
The San Bernadino school shooting yesterday was bracketed with the unexplained and de-contextualised previous San Bernadino Christmas Party shootings as an example of the general tragedy/ evil guns/lack of gun control hand wringing agenda beloved of the BBC.
The Islam element was entirely airbrushed from the comparator Christmas party massacre….in favour of a “spooky coincidence” presentation of the story, on last nights 10 o`clock TV news.
You could almost hear the voices on the editorial committee…if we report this as the “San Bernadino shootings” then it`ll displace the shootings we don`t want to mention again from peoples thinking…and google searches!
The BBC are simply not fit to be broadcasting serious news coverage at this time. They ARE fake news.
BBC News “The image of Saffiyah Khan has been shared thousands of times since it was taken at Saturday’s EDL demonstration. Ms Khan, from Birmingham, said she had intervened when she saw another woman surrounded by about 25 men”
… any surprises? considering the way the BBC created a major news header out of it?
After really bigging her up on “Yay! Feminism” portion of the BBCs nauseating daily dose of VD, about her being intellectual, superior to the EDL … the proof?
chanting “waycist scum off our streets” giggling and wanting a society where (wait for it)
“women can t be intimidated by men” ROFL! that’s Islam kicked into touch then dear, better join the EDL 😀
by the way, there WASN T a minutes silence for the victims?
a main point of the demonstration?
… no kaffirs, she didn t hear one, so that’s another BBC fake news story
(talk about scraping the barrel?)
EDL viral photo woman denies minute’s silence interruption
which follows on from the
EDL photo woman “power smile” story
which follows on from the
EDL protest photo woman ‘surprised’ by viral reaction story
Which follows on from her BBC news appearances
Which follows her local BBC news appearance.
Which follows on from her elongated spot on the Al BBCs daily dose of VD
… The epitome of bias and fake news?
So there WASN T a minutes silence for the victims?
maybe she was just squealing waycist so
much she didn t notice
Anyway … talking about how the BBC create media celebrities, that they love to promote
all together
“Wheres malala gone … where s malala gone,
little baby gone … little baby gone,
far far away”
No, don t be silly she ssss back.
BBC News Malala – Messenger of Peace
Oh? … apologies BBC, we all thought that was Jesus especially being Easter and all that?
Today’s gloom was a segment about the social care crisis and how cuts and underfunding by this government are to blame as usual.
Interestingly ,there was no mention of the huge salaries being increasingly paid to council staff across the country with hundreds earning more than the prime minister.
Newspapers have managed to make the link between the two but not a peep from the BEEB.
Its what gets omitted that highlights how a taxpayer funded broadcaster has total conflict of interest when reporting the public sector.
Perish the thought the BBC should invite any comparisons to their own tax funded salaries.
Saw that live as it went out and that guy went way off script and handed these two cretins, who were smirking beforehand, their arses bigtime. Showed up munchetty for the thick agenda setting (get cameron at all costs) idiot she is. Her producer must have been screaming in her ear.
The BBC is acting like the clergy did during the Dark Ages when the Bible was written in Latin and only they could read Latin: they would lie mercilessly to fit their own selfish agenda and people could do nothing about it. The MSM have been the gatekeepers as they were the only ones who were invited to press conferences and had video cameras. Through selective editing, clever questioning and countless other tricks they could make us believe anything.
A case in point is Trump’s press conferences. I would watch the entire session and be mightily impressed with Trump. The BBC spin it as chaotic. They show a clip of him getting angry with reporters to support this claim, when he rightly got annoyed when he was going through the substantive and complex business of government then all the BBC wanted to ask about was spurious nonsense about Russia. It is like trying to teach a class algebra so they can pass their essential maths exam but some spoiled brat keeps shouting out some nonsense about you fancying the French teacher or something equally irrelevant and infantile. He needs to rescue the country: stop bleating on about such nonsense. It is a waste of everyone’s time.
The problem for the MSM now is that we can all speak Latin and have instant access to multiple sources of information. Time and time again they are shown up to be compulsive liars, yet they still peddle the same nonsense. If they do not change their modus operandi soon they will become an anachronism.
In a cruel irony of fate it seems one of the Stockholm victims was a Belgian psychologist who had worked with failed asylum seekers. She had apparently urged officials to ‘build bridges’ with migrants. A noble sentiment perhaps, but concrete crash barriers might be more apt.
This is real feel good story for those who want to see real news, on real issues
the great concerns, with political correctness consigned to the garbage bin where it belongs.
Social Media News goes from strength to strength.
Ezra Levant, Raheem Kassam, Brietbart, Rebel Media with its Euro Guys&Gals
The New Brit, T Robinson etc … here
Anne Marie Waters: US, Canada not safe from European-style attacks
Remember them no platformed? only allowed with a pre orchestrated narrative?
on a talk item, outnumbered 5 to 1?.
Thank goodness those days are over, the MSM …
(much to Amber Dudd/Appeaser Mays disdain) is having to play viewer catch up
3pm R4 Costing the Earth is organized by Eco Charity connected to BBC in a roundabout way.
The BBC Clean Air season was organised by an employee who also works for the Skoll Foundation Today’s R4 Costing the Earth is from the Skoll Forum event in Oxford.
Jeff Skoll funded Al Gore’s film The Inconvenient Truth
“Costing The Earth” sheesh! you d think the telly tax BBC would change that 😀
Here s a nugget, just for Dame Panto Campbell, “orrible” Harriban, and all the rest of the Al BBC jolly “hockey stick” nose growers
the ahem … 97% of all Al BBC SJWs
All over the news sites yesterday were reports of Red Bull boss Dietrich Mateschitz ferociously attacking Mad Merkel and the EU for its insane refugee policies and political correctness.
Save for one news site which didn’t mention it at all.
the Formula 1 investor called the decision of key politicians to open the borders – which resulted in Europe’s migration crisis – “unpardonable”, noting that “if a company were to make mistakes on the same scale, it would have gone broke”.
Highlighting the “hypocrisies” of what he called the “refugees welcome brigade” with regards to migration, Mateschitz said: “I am talking about the fact that none of the people shouting ‘refugees welcome’ or [Chancellor Angela Merkel’s famous phrase] ‘we can do it’ were preparing their own guest rooms or tents in their gardens to accommodate half a dozen migrants.
“I hope I’m not the only one who’s worried that one of the highest officials in Brussels said that countries which aren’t multicultural should be wiped off the map”, Mateschitz told the newspaper, possibly alluding to comments made by European Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans in 2015.
That’s not all the BBC chose not to report. The details of a BMG Poll of Scottish voters showed attitudes to migration which are completely out of step with wee Jimmy Krankies party.
Most Scots think jobless EU migrants should be sent back to their home country after Brexit, according to a shock new opinion poll. …
A survey funded by Brexit campaigner Mev Brown found 45 per cent of voters agreed that EU citizens out of work for six months or more should have to return to their country of origin.
A further 30 per cent think the long term unemployed should have to apply for a visa while 25 per cent think they should be allowed to remain indefinitely.
The BMG poll of 1,041 Scots voters carried out last week also found that 46 per cent believe homeless EU migrants or those living in temporary accommodation should be sent packing after Brexit.
When it comes to convicted criminals from the EU, an overwhelming 81 per cent of Scots believe they should have to return to their country of origin.
Only seven per cent believe convicted criminals should be allowed to stay without question, while 13 per cent think they should have to apply for a visa.
EU citizens in full or part time work and claiming in-work benefits should be given the right to remain indefinitely, according to 46 per cent of Scots.
However, 42 per cent believe they should have to apply for a visa in order to stay after Brexit and 12 per cent believe they should return home.
The biggest vote of confidence was for EU migrants in full or part time work who are not claiming any benefits, with 71 per cent backing them to stay.
And although the BBC reported the mealy mouth platitudes uttered by Swedish politicians following the lorry attack such as “Mayor Karin Wanngard told those gathered at City Hall that Stockholm would “remain an open and tolerant” place.” they failed to mention what the Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said:
The Prime Minister of Sweden has vowed his country will ‘never go back’ to recent levels of mass immigration after it emerged the terrorist who killed four people in a truck attack was a failed asylum seeker.
Stefan Löfven pledged to change his country’s liberal attitude, insisting the massive influx allowed during the 2015 migrant crisis would never happen again.
This is just three examples for yesterday alone which show the BBC ignoring stories which were widely reported elsewhere in the press but don’t suit the BBC left wing liberal Fascist agenda.
How anyone can keep a straight face when they say this organisation isn’t biased is beyond me.
I think it is the sin of omission which is the most damaging aspect of the BBBC’s bias. They explain it away by saying there wasn’t enough time, space etc. If you don’t look elsewhere, you won’t get the whole picture.
Headlines BBC R4 – OK the only radio tuned to R4 is in the toilet, quite appropriate, and listens are understandably brief.
1)Swedish terrorist pleads guilty
2)Long piece on bloke dragged from US plane
3)Syria Russia USA Korea
What utterly bizarre priorities the bbc has?
They love a good non-white victim story. There have been several recently about individuals being refused to board flights. They always take the victim at their word, never imagining that there might be important facts intelligence knew which they did not. It is so moronic. In one case they eagerly ran a story about a Muslim being denied entry to the US and he then committed a sexual assault; the US authorities may well have had intelligence that the individual might get up to no good. It is a time where ultra-vigilance is paramount. They only need to succeed once and thousands of lives could be ruined.
Could you even imagine if one of your loved ones were murdered by these Islamist monsters? How could you ever sleep again knowing what had happened? It would be worth millions of people being inconvenienced on flights like this to save just one life. Too many bad people run amok by playing the victim card, and they are aided and abetted by wooly-minded liberals. The pendulum has to swing away from the rights of the individual towards those of the wider population. The BBC need to wake up, wise up and grow up.
Apparently the flight was full but United needed four seats for a crew to fly to destination to operate another flight. Four volunteers were requested to de-plane and accept a financial package in compensation but there were no takers. Passengers were then chosen at random by computer and a couple agreed to get off but the Asian gentleman (a doctor) refused to leave.
I’m not condoning the actions of the crew or the police which is a PR disaster for the airline, but there was no racial element here at all and it is wrong of the bBC to suggest there was.
Seems a BBC balancing use of ‘Asian’. Maybe hoping a few listeners in a Tower Hamlets takeaway will hop on the Heathrow Express to express outrage in solidarity?
Yep absolute screwup but the world is a big place so similar screwups happen somewhere or other every day; bouncers being too rough or getting the wrong person etc.
Got themselves in a chain of consequences eg if that one person had got off then everything would have been OK.
Bump a staff member off instead and then he wouldn’t have got to his next plane which was maybe a plan full of doctors, meaning that they all got delayed for a whole day.
I gave it up years ago, it was too high stress. I listened to Radio 3 instead but it is going the same way with pushing female composers and cloned, same-agenda guests/mates supposedly talking about music but in reality being yet another un-challenged platform for pushing the BBC line.
‘Some say’ that somewhere on the BBC is a balancing opinion. Probably in the same place as the planning proposal for the destruction of the Earth in Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy
They seem to be making up for it by making sure they show lots of lesbian conductors (wearing rainbow hued Nehru jackets teamed with sensible shoes and a Sandi Toksvig coiffure), preferably at traditional establishment events like the Proms.
Here’s a question for the PC brigade. Throughout history there are quite a few strong female characters that came to the fore DESPITE the supposed iron heel of ‘the patriarchy’ pressing down on women. Off the top of my head I can name Cleopatra, Boadicea, Joan of Arc, Hildegard of Bingen, Julian of Norwich, Elizabeth I, Bess of Hardwick, Mary Tudor and Mary, Queen of Scots. Now if sexism was as bad as we are told, how did ANY of these women get to positions of power and influence? In more recent times, how the **** did a country as traditional as India get a woman prime minister, the first in the world? How did Mrs T get to be PM?
Many years ago there was some research on the families who sent knights to the First Crusade and the larger number who sent knights to the Second Crusade. The common factor among the new volunteers was that they had married women from First Crusade families. Whether the motive was duty or a desire for some peace and quiet I can’t say, but they went because the women wanted them to go. I’ve never heard this research reported on “Women’s Hour”.
From the same time period feminists should look at the lives of William Marshal and Isabel de Clare. When William was away on Royal duties Isabel was more than capable of keeping control of their lands.
Wiki has a staright forward account of the history:
Thanks, I had forgotten Golda Meir. I believe one of the reasons the left loathes Thatcher is mainly because they feel the left ought to have had the first woman PM. The fact that Thatcher was a Tory was bad enough, but add to that she came from a lower middle class, self made, non-conformist background – the ultimate ‘petit bourgeoise’. I once heard a lefty say that Mrs T only got where she did by ‘behaving like a man’ – which is a piece of sophistry that would make a Jesuit blush.
*MAINSTREAM MEDIA* March 24: You can't judge a situation by a single photo April 8: You can judge a situation by a single photo
That’s an idea for a comedy sketch.
2017 and teams of SocJaliban patrol our streets and internet to ensure Corbyn purity.
A girl leaving her house attired in a Margaret Thatcher T-shirt is quickly accosted and made to change into a right-on Specials T-shirt.
A man staring at an outrageous tranvestite is screamed at for being Transphobic.
A car with a Brexit sticker is pulled over and EU flag stuck over
Someone eating Fish & chips is assailed for not being cosmipolitan and made to eat some thing spicy instead.
The Daily Mail are ripped from people’s hands and others are fired for reading Breitbart online.
The difference in reaction of say Swedish politicians who will never have to live with ‘asylum seekers’ and the police who have to deal with their crimes reminded me of dealing with the HR department of a major multinational I worked for at the time. I was challenged by the finance department over a large expense claim by a subordinate. I said “That’s odd, let me look at that, I don’t recall – oh, that’s not my signature.” She had forged it to smuggle her claim through. A major debate ensued with HR who wanted to be lenient and me to turn a blind eye: “She has mental health issues”, “She has financial issues” etc. etc. I was strongly pressured to allow he to stay in her job as my assistant. All remonstrating with HR was in vain – even when in exasperation I said: “Well if you think so well of her, she can work for you.” The response was: “No way, we require total honesty for people working in HR.” You couldn’t – as they say – make it up. It is a perfect parallel for me with the way that the liberal left will excuse anything – even terrorism – as long as the consequences of said excuse have no impact on their own lives.
HR are an overpaid menace to society/businesses. Under the guise of management they may be merely ‘tools’ used to implement unpopular decisions. However, they are primarily concerned with justifying and perpetuating their own existence (so-called ‘continuing professional development’).
Any useful duties they have could and should be outsourced or allocated to existing staff/other departments i.e. to people who actually do the relevant work and face the consequences, thus saving huge amounts of money and eliminating a load of claptrap.
The problem is that the bread and butter of HR is quite dull and doesn’t really need a lot of staff to handle, so HR managers have to create all sorts of nonsense to sex up their jobs and build their empire.
Also I’ve found that a good general rule of thumb is that the more emphasis an organisation puts on HR, the worse it treats its staff. The most unpleasant bully I’ve encountered at work was a female HR director, and after a fairly innocuous run in with her she really tried to cause trouble for me.
The worst are usually those bossy overweight HR women who refer to it as ‘haitch-R’. I usually try to wind them up by referring to them as ‘personnel’, which for some reason they don’t like.
The bBC, caught out yet again covering up for intolerant ‘Islam’ Why an X-Men comic has ignited political debate in Indonesia Marvel Comics has had to apologise and alter its latest comic release after one of its artists made hidden references to an ongoing political controversy in Indonesia. The imagery included by Indonesian Muslim Ardian Syaf, a freelance contributor to Marvel, was called “bigoted” and he was accused of “spreading hatred” by social media users. Some even saw anti-Semitic sentiment in his artwork….Mr Syaf was able to get two politically-charged references into the comic. The first reference was spotted on metallic Russian mutant Colossus, who wears an innocent-looking T-shirt during a baseball game. The shirt has the words ‘QS 5:51’ on it – a reference to a passage in the Koran interpreted by some to mean that Muslims should not appoint Jews and Christians as their leader.
Actually it doesn’t bBC, its a chapter from the koran which reads: O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.
Whilst the bBC states that there are only a couple of politically-charged references into the comic. There’s only the one, the other 3 are racist. So there’s the one above. Then there’s this subtle cover-up of the word Jewellery which reads as ‘Jew’ next to the head of Kitty Pryde the leader of the Xmen whilst talking to a crowd who happens to be..Jewish. (Funny how the bBC cutaway frames the word Jew, without them knowing..or so they say) Now lets look at the picture the bBC posts
(Note the Jew) Now contrast that with the full picture, notice the angry bloke on the right with the clenched fist. Whats that number on his T-Shirt. So 3 subtle racist bigoted easter eggs on one cartoon and the bBC only sees the one. Yeah right!
Regards the 212 here is what it represents and why:
The number 212 is often used as a reference to the Muslim protest against the Christian governor of Jakarta on 2 December 2016, which the artist admitted on his Facebook page to draw inspiration from. Tjahaja, who was elected in 2014, is Jakarta’s first non-Muslim governor in 50 years (he’s Christian) and the first ethnic Chinese person to hold the position. He’s been relatively popular for his stance against corruption, including among the nation’s moderate Muslim population. However, some conservative Islamists, largely led by the Islamic Defenders Front (also known as FPI), have argued that the world’s largest Muslim-majority nation should not have a leader who isn’t Muslim. They tried to block Tjahaja from becoming governor on the basis of his faith, and they’ve been accused of committing vigilante acts against religious minorities since the group’s founding in 1999.
So the Nbr 212 is about not taking Jews or Christians as your leader. And it takes central spot where the new leader of the X-men(a jew) reveals herself to a crowd
The bBC then reports this about how Marvel have reacted: The mentioned artwork was inserted without knowledge behind its reported meanings. These implied references do not reflect the views of the writer, editors or anyone else at Marvel and are in direct opposition of the inclusiveness of Marvel Comics and what the X-Men have stood for since their creation.”
When actually they said this: “The mentioned artwork in X-Men Gold #1 was inserted without knowledge behind its reported meanings. These implied references do not reflect the views of the writer, editors or anyone else at Marvel and are in direct opposition of the inclusiveness of Marvel Comics and what the X-Men have stood for since their creation. This artwork will be removed from subsequent printings, digital versions, and trade paperbacks and disciplinary action is being taken.”
As this is the bBC, they remake the Islamic racist bigot into the victim: Mr Syaf has been responding to the outcry on his personal Facebook page saying those who were angry “did not know him”.”My career is over now. It’s the consequence [of] what I did. Please, no more mockery, debate, no more hate. My apologies for all the noise. Good bye. May God bless you all,” he said on Tuesday.
and end with this: “People are free to react how they may. Artists are free to express what they do,” wrote one user in Indonesian on Facebook.
All the links in which to substantiate the above can be found on how I covered this story on Sunday.
Sorry, I have to get this in. A local hospital was just fined £500,000 for A&E keeping ambulances waiting. This was their brilliant plan to get off being fined for A&E waits – leave them in the ambulance.
But they have won an award for their ………….café!
Oh the irony in “Escape to the Country”. Many of the participants looking to move from their inner city/mildly suburban properties always give the reason as ‘traffic is getting heavier’ or ‘its not the place we knew years ago, much more crowded’ – in other words ‘we’re over run with migrants !!”.
Then on screen comes the host. Amongst the (unusually) white males of Jonni Irwin, Jules Hudson, Alistair Appleton, and the only white female Nikki Chapman, we have ….’actress but best known for Escape to the Country – Sonali Shah’…………… the ever ambitious Anita Rani did a spell ………….. Denise Nurse – who? ……….. and now we’re seeing Margharita Taylor um, well known in radio apparently.
In an exercise to see the cv’s of these ‘hosts’ (I clearly have nothing better to do) they come via a variety of Agents, who also have a fair selection of white females who no doubt would be equally up to the job, but this is more evidence of diversity from the BBC being pushed more favourably in one direction.
Aha! The US attack on Syria was with the collusion of Russia, apparently.
All part of some very clever plan? So clever, in fact, that the lefties who put it out there can’t actually provide any rationale for it.
– Australia: Muslims assault Orthodox Christian while screaming “F*** Jesus”
– Germany: Muslim boys beat schoolmate after he tells them he is Jewish
– Egypt: Muslim man sexually harasses, cuts throat of Christian woman on busy street
– Muslim Chechnya opens first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler
The Chicago facebook rape of a minor
I wonder if it counts as a race crime
Cos news reports seem to deliberately withhold ethnicities.
Reports spoke of a black 14 year old being arrested.
Why didn’t they put out photofits of the suspects ?
Think the Swedes are missing the point in best BBC style. I dont know whether anyone has seen this – It certainly had me chuckling. I just hope the London Emir doesnt spot it, as it is the sort of policy that would catch the imagination of any puffed up moron – looking for a simplistic, impractical and ultimately ineffective solution to a serious issue.
G.W.F – When we adopt full sharia law vehicles would naturally be cut anyway because there would not be any women driving on the road. (apart from the likes of Jeremy Whine etc).
I am not really looking forward to getting my own “ship of the desert” as Mrs Oak would ensure that my humiliation would be complete. I would still get driving “advice” but it would be more public as we would be driving an open topped, non polluting, non weaponised cart pulled by a creature resembling a cross between the Lib dems newest MP and Emily Thornberry.
Sadly, Oaknash, your description has brought to mind the concept of humping Emily Thornberry and I have decided to catch Ebola instead, on humanitarian grounds.
Anyone looking for clues that the liberal world has gone completely mad need look no further!
The whole concept is preposterous but this bit here…..
“driving is a gender equality issue as well as a matter of shrinking the nation’s carbon emissions.
Cars are driven largely by men so by giving a lot of space to cars; we’re giving a lot of space to men — at the expense of women,” Karolina Skog explained.”
“driving is a gender equality issue……Cars are driven largely by men”
The same logic caused problems in Sweden last winter because they decided gritting the roads was sexist. Half of the gritters had to be used for pavements so there were a lot of car crashes on ungritted roads. There are a few sane people left in the country but they’re a small minority.
It is intriguing that the 6 o’clock news had the United Airlines passenger being forcibly removed as their third story. Is that really the third most important thing that has happened today? They even went through the journalistic rigour of reporting on joking tweets people have made.
Can you even call this news? How often does someone get thrown out of somewhere, possibly for the wrong reason? Do they have an axe to grind with United Airlines perhaps? They should not just play a poor quality video someone has uploaded to YouTube and read out some tweets. What on earth is all that licence fee money going on? And what are all those busy people in the BBC news studios actually doing?
It is intriguing that the 6 o’clock news had the United Airlines passenger being forcibly removed as their third story. Is that really the third most important thing that has happened today? They even went through the journalistic rigour of reporting on joking tweets people have made.
Can you even call this news? How often does someone get thrown out of somewhere, possibly for the wrong reason? Do they have an axe to grind with United Airlines perhaps? They should not just play a poor quality video someone has uploaded to YouTube and read out some tweets. What on earth is all that licence fee money going on? And what are all those busy people in the BBC news studios actually doing?
On the doctor removed from the plane. There is an interesting tale to tell. It concerns the kind of justice which is served on people although it has no relation to past crimes. We might say that the airline was wrong but in another sense – the meat of good fiction – he had it coming to him
‘Dr. David Dao was charged in 2005 with 98 felony drug counts for illegally prescribing and trafficking painkillers. Prosecutors claimed Dao fraudulently filled prescriptions for hydocodone, Oxycontin and Percocet.’
Long list of charges for wrongfully prescribing drugs, prescribing drugs for sex. Justice in a poetic sense.
Various politicians, the Euro G7 and MSM still hopelessly flip-flopping: Russia bad / Russia good / Russia bad / Russia good / Russia bad / Russia good.
And leviathan of politics, Timmy Farron calls Boris, The Court Jester. I think that makes Farron the balloon on the jesters stick.
Even the BBBC are reporting on current slavery in Libya. Their report doesn’t specify who is enslaving the black Africans, but it probably isn’t Afrikaners as they don’t get mentioned.
So, it’s black on black slavery, who’d have thunk it?
Reuters “Mass-selling German newspaper Bild reported in its online edition that explosive devices were placed in a bush by the road along which the bus was traveling.
“The explosive devices were placed outside the bus. Several windows were broken*,” police spokesman Gunnar Wortmann was quoted as saying.
“According to what is currently known, the windows of the bus were (entirely or partly) smashed and one person was injured,”
* bulletproof maybe
“Borussia Dortmund fans offer stranded Monaco supporters accommodation cos match delayed il tmw”
This does seem to be the lying German Police in action again:
10:31 Letter found near Dortmund bus blast
A police press conference is underway. The German state prosecutor has said a letter was found near the site of the blasts and is being examined.
10:40 Letter found near attack site ‘takes responsibility for the act’
A German prosecutor has said the letter found near the Dortmund team bus “takes responsibility for the act”.
10:49 High security levels ‘due to risk of terror attack’
German police have said there are high levels of security in place due to the risk of a terror attack – but that they do not want to jump to conclusions and say the Dortmund explosions was a terror attack.
So they have a letter claiming responsibility, and presumably that means they gave a name (ISIS perhaps) but the lying German authorities are not telling in whose name this act was perpetrated.
3 bombs which exploded and a 4th which did not and they don’t want to say it was a terror attack?? What else do they think it might be if it isn’t a terror attack?
“”White House remark on Hitler and chemical weapons draws ire””
“”We had someone as despicable as Hitler who didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons,” a White House spokesman said as he criticised Russia for supporting Syria’s regime””.
“”Critics pointed out gas was used to kill Jews and others in the Holocaust””
They are all over this on the World Service. Do they ever think how hard it must be for poor Sean Spicer? He is out there on his own up against these vicious, spiteful liberals all after blood. His comment is a bit flippant but it does not strike you as so bad or even factually incorrect when he first hear it; it is the liberals trying to spin some reference to the Holocaust as they are so desperate to smear someone as they have forgotten how to argue. Poor Sean Spicer being bullied by scores of people for your job. And the left have the gall to preach about hate speech. He has to think on his feet under all that pressure – of course he may not use the most perfect phrases at all times.
On The World Service they wheel out some ‘correspondent with 40 years of covering the White House’ as if that makes him sound good; I have been trying to get organised for 34 years – it does not mean I am any good at it. They have wheeled this guy out before and he is clearly biased and on message. Apparently this is all emblematic of how chaotic it is in the West Wing, as someone must have approved these words which shows they are incompetent. Yeah – this shows absolute chaos throughout government, the fact that someone used somewhat flippant language when under massive pressure from scores of bullies.
The left are pathetic bullies. They need to learn how to argue again, instead of all this offence taking. It is easier to destroy than to create. You can whine and bitch about what someone else is doing and how they speak, but you need to come up with a better idea of how you would do things.
Just watched Dan Snow’s “Battle of Hastings” on BBC4.
I never realised that William’s African envoy played such a pivotal role in the proceedings. From parleying with Harold to knocking seven bells out of the Saxon nobility and rank and file, he was rarely out of shot!
Toobi – Good to know that black was best even then! I also heard that one of Harold Godwinsons favourite albums was Marleys “Rasta Mann Vibration” Apparently just before the battle the record fell out its sleeve and broke on the ground. This so dispirited Godwinson—– well the rest is also history!
Liberals re-writing history, no different to blowing up Buddhas. Just quieter.
The bBBC has just used an hour of our time on a TV programme campaigning for the NHS to treat super-obese people (BMI>50) at our expense. If they think the NHS should have more money, I have one suggestion from where they could get £4billion a year.
Incisive, acerbic straight to the point … real journalism
“The Palm Sunday bombings were the most significant event of the week. They demonstrate that hardcore Islam is serious about expunging the remnants of Christianity from the region in which it was born.
This is not a small thing.
It was a clever attack. The first suicide bomber hit St George’s Church in Tanta. The second struck northwest, at St Mark’s Cathedral in Alexandria, seat of the Coptic papacy. Pope Tawadros II had just left the cathedral after hearing about the Tanta attack. Nevertheless, ISIS and its affiliates came within minutes of killing the Coptic pontiff – at worship on Palm Sunday.
As I said, not a small thing. But it doesn’t seem to make a lot of news. Other Christian leaders, friom Pope Francis and the Archbishop of Canterbury on down, seem to have more to say about potential, hypothetical upticks in “Islamophobia” than about the sustained attempt to eradicate the oldest adherents of their own faith. Western politicians don’t seem to have much to say about it, either,
perhaps out of shame.
On America’s watch, public expression of Christianity was obliterated in Iraq, and the last Christian church in Afghanistan razed to the ground. Almost exactly two years, when 148 students were slaughtered at a school in Kenya, President Obama could not bring himself to identify them as Christian, even though their killers had gone to great pains to identify their captives as either Muslim or Christian, after which they released the former.
As I remarked somewhat mordantly, apparently
… black lives don’t matter when they’re Christian.
The Islamic supremacists’ assault on Christianity is not confined to the Holy Land and the more benighted parts of the developing world. Monday’s subway bloodbath in St Petersburg was also celebrated by Isis as making “a metro to Hell for worshipers of the Cross”.
It’s doubtful that most of the victims, who included many students, would have seen themselves as such.
… But that’s the point: you might not think of yourself as a “worshiper of the Cross”, but that’s how the guys who want to kill you see you.
A German prosecutor says the letter found near the Dortmund soccer team bus “takes responsibility for the act.”
After “vehicular” atrocities here, we need get rid of cars in Sweden,
“Major Swedish Newspaper Calls For Ban On Cars to Fight Terrorism”
… Hey! maybe pens and paper next?
and I thought “the pen was mightier than the sword”?
Can people actually talk to each other with their heads buried so firmly in the sand?
and eyes soooo firmly closed to reality.
The BBC website describes ‘a groundswell of outrage reaching a crescendo.’ Toady are leading with it as well, relishing playing the clip over and over.
Virtue signalling is worse than being offensive. He may have upset a few people with these comments – I am sure nobody really cares apart from Lefties trying to stir it up – but all that belongs to the long distant past. However upsetting or hurtful someone’s words may be, best to just get on with your day and not dwell on it. Maybe learn some Cognitive Behavioural Therapy techniques if your outrage is really getting you down as it works wonders.
Mass immigration causes real world consequences one cannot just ignore; I need not go into them now. Actions speak louder than words. That none of the cheerleaders for mass migration choose to live amongst migrants tell you everything. Many people’s lives are changed in myriad ways by mass immigration.
As for the synthetic ‘outage reaching a crescendo’, how do you think those worst hit by the consequences of mass immigration feel? The Beeb just sneers at them whilst continuing to virtue signal their way to hell.
In a sane world, any celebrity who says we must have mass immigration should be forced to have a young man from an entirely difference culture who does not speak English living in the spare room next to their daughter. Imagine the ‘crescendo of outrage’ that would engender.
B Bruv – I think you have a good point the liberals who the word “hyperbole” was invented have been doing this for years – Yet as soon as we have a White House Official who speaks using the same exaggerated press terms they go around crying foul and suddenly this becomes the most important point, rather than all the Middle Eastern blood letting.
I think this also throws up an interesting point. Their hate for Trump exceeds their desire to “do the right thing” (not that I agree that that getting rid of Assad is necessarily the “right thing”) But obviously getting another Trump scalp is a major motivation and a far more important story than the actual crisis caused by the sarin attack/explosion.
Personally regarding this whole poison gas scenario I am still not totally convinced that the smoking gun has been found when there is little chance of any sort of independent verification entering the area without getting their throats slit.
Why would Assad use nerve agents when
1 The Americans had finally stopped talking about regime change in Syria.
2 ISIS are on the retreat and The US has a President who was not so rabidly anti Putin.
What this does do, is create a situation where instead of dwindling away to a bloody but ultimately peaceful outcome. This whole war will now continue on for years with little chance of any sort of stability being established and Shias and Saudi backed Sunnies fighting their wars both directly and by proxy all over the middle East and the rest of the world.
Then again very little in the Middle East ever makes sense.
The only people who will ultimately gain will be the liberal/globalist sorosesque elite who thrive on instability and mass population shifts. While the attention of everyone else is taken up with emoting about the latest war and who is shooting who today.
Previously stable societies are being undermined from within by cowardly politicians and a media who either do not care or do not realise that we are being manipulated in a game which if it continues will destroy our culture and cohesion as a Nation
Makes you think a bit about what is really happening.
Chaos or co-ordination I know not – But these days they appear to be handmaidens to each other.
I’ve been up all night following the plight of a young Saudi Arabian woman Dina Ali Lasloom. This young lady is part of an influential Saudi family who was trying to flee to Australia. She flew from Kuwait and was illegally detained in the Philippines where she was trying to board her connecting flight to Australia. Philippine authorities lied and denied any knowledge that they had detained a Saudi national.
Meanwhile, through channels unknown Philippine authorities and her family colluded to have her returned to Saudi Arabia, I believe that her family have stated she should be killed for trying to flee.
Sometime yesterday her uncles arrived in the Philippines, Dina was bound with duct tape and sheets (including over her head) and was forcibly put on a plane back to Saudi Arabia, this happened while 5 Philippine security guards just looked on. Her flight landed late last night and her fate is unknown.
While this was happening the story started gaining momentum on YouTube and especially Twitter. I’m not one for Twitter normally (I don’t even have an account) but this was real people in real time desperately trying to get the hashtag #SaveDinaAli trending to get her name in the public domain so that if anything were to happen to her there would be a public outcry, hopefully this would offer her some protection from at least being killed.
I’ve visited numerous independent sites and they all agree the #SaveDinaAli is one of the biggest trends on Twitter, #2 in the UK, #5 in the US, #7 in France etc, that was a couple of hours ago so it’s probably even bigger now. Twitter however, refuse to acknowledge it’s existence and YouTube are making it difficult to locate videos regarding this situation.
People in their thousands have also been constantly tweeting at all the MSM outlets, including the BBC and BBC Breaking, yet they continue to ignore it completely.
One of just a handful of news outlets who are reporting this, but it’s virtually silent everywhere else
And today’s top story will be more ‘revelations’ about how the Brexit vote was rigged by spacemen from another universe…
There’ll be all sorts of reporters, with ‘forty years experience’, being wheeled out to say ‘We told you so’!
Just think of the hours of spit and dribble and references to President Trump we’re going to have to hear, except that Mrs Scroblene and I just turn the thing off and go and chat about important things.
The echoes of the ‘We told you so’ will still be ringing in the ears, hours later, if we can even bother to listen, but there’s one problem the bbbc have…
Following an extensive review, the European Union has mandated that democratic elections and referenda in the EU are suspended “until further notice”. The widely-anticipated 42,000 page report, compiled by former EU Commissioners, summarised the recommendation thus:
“Although we cannot find any evidence of foreign powers having influenced the democratic process in Europe, we cannot eliminate the possibility. Given what is at stake – our cherished democratic freedoms – the only conclusion is to ‘suspend democracy to protect democracy’.”
Responding to criticism that the recommendation parallels the imposition of the Enabling Act and elimination of democracy in Nazi Germany in 1933, a spokesman told the BBC that there were no similarities: “What happened in 1933 was totalitarianism. However, the lawful suspension of democratic processes is fully provisioned for in the Lisbon Treaty, which all EU member states signed up for.”
A government spokeswoman confirmed that although the UK is now only a few months away from its withdrawal from the EU, it is still a member of the EU and will therefore comply with the ruling. She also confirmed that it was not necessary for parliament to be recalled to discuss the matter.
Think it really can’t happen?
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Another picture of the dusky ‘ German ‘ who killed at least 2 in mannheim yesterday ( now forgotten )……
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Van HelsingMar 4, 17:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, Russia isn’t as strong as some people think. It wasn’t the old USSR to begin with and it’s even…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Even more excellent news – Rachel from accounts has said smaller companies can get the urgent defence contract for the…
wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 17:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “A psychotic Nigerian armed robber and crack cocaine dealer has been spared deportation because he would be considered “possessed” in…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC says Zelenski has gone on X and grovelled like the b@tch he is ( after being told – no…
GreencoatMar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I see that the Guardian’s review of Ash Sarkar’s new book refers to the British working class as the ‘lower…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news – Italy has said it won’t be sending Italian soldiers to die in Ukraine to keep Zelenski in…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
Awkward moment on BBC Breakfast at abut 6:35am.
Sports presenters Kat was talking about football and a previous World Cup whilst a video clip was played when she said “I always remember when Janet Jackson missed the penalty at the opening ceremony…blah..blah…Janet Jackson missed it by miles…blah…blah… I’ll never forget Janet Jackson missing from so close to the goal”
End of the of the video the male presenter says “Wasn’t is Diana Ross and not Janet Jackson?”
Kat “I thought it was Janet Jackson…. if you look at the….hair….its….the….same”.
Nothing like a early morning BBC racist moment, when a presenter thinks all black people look the same, to start my day!!!
BBC scrambling Jo Brand and Adrian Chiles as we speak…
‘Outrage! Outrage! Outrage!’.
I miss Zero.
Afghans and Kurds getting on like a house on fire………..literally
“France migrants: Huge fire guts Grande-Synthe Dunkirk camp”
That’s one of the benefits of multiculturalism for you……
So with the BBC having drawn a thick black line under the subject of terrorism (or was it a thin blue line?) our Asad Ahmed gets back into the BBC London groove: NHS cuts, Social Care Underfunding, Some Brilliant Project Saved From Cuts and finally… Some Approved Artwork.
This is more like it. The only deviation from this formula for BBC London may to be swap Education for NHS funding or to pause for a moment to polish Little Man Khan’s green halo.
Asad? Another of the W1A Khans?
Maybe they could cut some of the £100 million they have put aside to increase ‘diversity’ and give it to the NHS. Though it is a noble aim, I struggle to believe none of that money will be wasted.
Lady Miss Shouty Montague 8.15 trying to put words into the mouth of the Canadian foreign minister to the effect that only the US and UK in G7 are in favour of increasing sanctions against Russia. Al Beeb is truly disgusting, BoJo was correct to refuse to be interviewed.
PG, Nick Robinson was not short of leading questions today on TOADY, either. Think one was posed to a lawyer and I was surprised that he did not pick Nick up on it.
BBC Breakfast presenters this morning are most keen to tell about an autistic muppet – no further comment required.
Sweden’s police chief calls for Islamic extremists to be deported after attack ‘by failed asylum seeker’… then is warned HE faces investigation
Gothenburg police chief Erik Nord said violent extremists should be deported
Tweeted after alleged Stockholm attacker revealed to be failed asylum seeker
Alleged killer had been told to leave Sweden in December but could not be found
Accused of driving 30-ton truck into a department store in Stockholm on Friday
Nord said Sweden should be ‘like a dinner party’ where bad guests are removed
But now he will be hauled before Attorney General ‘to explain himself’
Prime Minister Stefan Löfven pledges to change country’s liberal attitude
There are more than 3,000 migrants living unlawfully in Stockholm alone
By Jake Wallis Simons, Associate Global Editor, In Stockholm, Sweden, F
Read more:
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Nice to hear “Thought for the Day” devoted to Holy Week this morning on BBC Today.
A belated recognition of the Christian roots of this nations culture? a nod to the majority culture of this land?
of course not…its Sikh holy week, “being celebrated around the world”…this week is “also holy for a number of other religions too” as the man said. FFS.
The BBC, guaranteed to find a way of reducing Britains Christian culture to an aside, no matter what the occasion.
The cretins at the BBC do not mention Sikhs from one year to the next. They are so obsessed with the evil of Islam. Now they suddenly discover Sikhism in Easter week. The BBC are vile vermin.
Recently on beebistan tv and radio 4 ‘news’, the top 3 items were atrocities carried out by the religion of peace, or war as it used to be called: Egypt, Sweden and Westminster. Yet good old beebistan managed to not mention the dreaded word islam ONCE! Takes some doing to avoid a big fat muslim elephant in the room, but they did.
Beeboids are thick as two short planks. They really think that we do not know. They are total idiots ! Morons.
The San Bernadino school shooting yesterday was bracketed with the unexplained and de-contextualised previous San Bernadino Christmas Party shootings as an example of the general tragedy/ evil guns/lack of gun control hand wringing agenda beloved of the BBC.
The Islam element was entirely airbrushed from the comparator Christmas party massacre….in favour of a “spooky coincidence” presentation of the story, on last nights 10 o`clock TV news.
You could almost hear the voices on the editorial committee…if we report this as the “San Bernadino shootings” then it`ll displace the shootings we don`t want to mention again from peoples thinking…and google searches!
The BBC are simply not fit to be broadcasting serious news coverage at this time. They ARE fake news.
BBC News “The image of Saffiyah Khan has been shared thousands of times since it was taken at Saturday’s EDL demonstration. Ms Khan, from Birmingham, said she had intervened when she saw another woman surrounded by about 25 men”
… any surprises? considering the way the BBC created a major news header out of it?
After really bigging her up on “Yay! Feminism” portion of the BBCs nauseating daily dose of VD, about her being intellectual, superior to the EDL … the proof?
chanting “waycist scum off our streets” giggling and wanting a society where (wait for it)
“women can t be intimidated by men” ROFL! that’s Islam kicked into touch then dear, better join the EDL 😀
by the way, there WASN T a minutes silence for the victims?
a main point of the demonstration?
… no kaffirs, she didn t hear one, so that’s another BBC fake news story
(talk about scraping the barrel?)
EDL viral photo woman denies minute’s silence interruption
which follows on from the
EDL photo woman “power smile” story
which follows on from the
EDL protest photo woman ‘surprised’ by viral reaction story
Which follows on from her BBC news appearances
Which follows her local BBC news appearance.
Which follows on from her elongated spot on the Al BBCs daily dose of VD
… The epitome of bias and fake news?
So there WASN T a minutes silence for the victims?
maybe she was just squealing waycist so
much she didn t notice
Anyway … talking about how the BBC create media celebrities, that they love to promote
all together
“Wheres malala gone … where s malala gone,
little baby gone … little baby gone,
far far away”
No, don t be silly she ssss back.
BBC News Malala – Messenger of Peace
Oh? … apologies BBC, we all thought that was Jesus especially being Easter and all that?
I return to my favourite whine the V B show.
Today’s gloom was a segment about the social care crisis and how cuts and underfunding by this government are to blame as usual.
Interestingly ,there was no mention of the huge salaries being increasingly paid to council staff across the country with hundreds earning more than the prime minister.
Newspapers have managed to make the link between the two but not a peep from the BEEB.
Its what gets omitted that highlights how a taxpayer funded broadcaster has total conflict of interest when reporting the public sector.
Perish the thought the BBC should invite any comparisons to their own tax funded salaries.
Was sent a memory from a while ago. The look on Naga’s face as she sees the BBC narrative go down in flames is a beauty to behold:
Priceless. That’s one man who will never be troubled by the BBC ever again!
Saw that live as it went out and that guy went way off script and handed these two cretins, who were smirking beforehand, their arses bigtime. Showed up munchetty for the thick agenda setting (get cameron at all costs) idiot she is. Her producer must have been screaming in her ear.
Classic bias. A joy to watch and thanks for the reminder.
The BBC is acting like the clergy did during the Dark Ages when the Bible was written in Latin and only they could read Latin: they would lie mercilessly to fit their own selfish agenda and people could do nothing about it. The MSM have been the gatekeepers as they were the only ones who were invited to press conferences and had video cameras. Through selective editing, clever questioning and countless other tricks they could make us believe anything.
A case in point is Trump’s press conferences. I would watch the entire session and be mightily impressed with Trump. The BBC spin it as chaotic. They show a clip of him getting angry with reporters to support this claim, when he rightly got annoyed when he was going through the substantive and complex business of government then all the BBC wanted to ask about was spurious nonsense about Russia. It is like trying to teach a class algebra so they can pass their essential maths exam but some spoiled brat keeps shouting out some nonsense about you fancying the French teacher or something equally irrelevant and infantile. He needs to rescue the country: stop bleating on about such nonsense. It is a waste of everyone’s time.
The problem for the MSM now is that we can all speak Latin and have instant access to multiple sources of information. Time and time again they are shown up to be compulsive liars, yet they still peddle the same nonsense. If they do not change their modus operandi soon they will become an anachronism.
In a cruel irony of fate it seems one of the Stockholm victims was a Belgian psychologist who had worked with failed asylum seekers. She had apparently urged officials to ‘build bridges’ with migrants. A noble sentiment perhaps, but concrete crash barriers might be more apt.
“one of the Stockholm victims was a Belgian psychologist who had worked with failed asylum seekers.”
I’m sure it makes me a lesser person to say this, but I can’t help thinking this reduces the casualty list from four to three and a half.
This is real feel good story for those who want to see real news, on real issues
the great concerns, with political correctness consigned to the garbage bin where it belongs.
Social Media News goes from strength to strength.
Ezra Levant, Raheem Kassam, Brietbart, Rebel Media with its Euro Guys&Gals
The New Brit, T Robinson etc … here
Anne Marie Waters: US, Canada not safe from European-style attacks
Remember them no platformed? only allowed with a pre orchestrated narrative?
on a talk item, outnumbered 5 to 1?.
Thank goodness those days are over, the MSM …
(much to Amber Dudd/Appeaser Mays disdain) is having to play viewer catch up
3pm R4 Costing the Earth is organized by Eco Charity connected to BBC in a roundabout way.
The BBC Clean Air season was organised by an employee who also works for the Skoll Foundation
Today’s R4 Costing the Earth is from the Skoll Forum event in Oxford.
Jeff Skoll funded Al Gore’s film The Inconvenient Truth
“Costing The Earth” sheesh! you d think the telly tax BBC would change that 😀
Here s a nugget, just for Dame Panto Campbell, “orrible” Harriban, and all the rest of the Al BBC jolly “hockey stick” nose growers
the ahem … 97% of all Al BBC SJWs
ah bacon still a little shit after all these years and still we pay him.
His twatter page is a full on left whingefest and full anti trump. The smug levels are astronomical
Tom Heap there coaching #Greenblob on propaganda techniques.
All over the news sites yesterday were reports of Red Bull boss Dietrich Mateschitz ferociously attacking Mad Merkel and the EU for its insane refugee policies and political correctness.
Save for one news site which didn’t mention it at all.
the Formula 1 investor called the decision of key politicians to open the borders – which resulted in Europe’s migration crisis – “unpardonable”, noting that “if a company were to make mistakes on the same scale, it would have gone broke”.
Highlighting the “hypocrisies” of what he called the “refugees welcome brigade” with regards to migration, Mateschitz said: “I am talking about the fact that none of the people shouting ‘refugees welcome’ or [Chancellor Angela Merkel’s famous phrase] ‘we can do it’ were preparing their own guest rooms or tents in their gardens to accommodate half a dozen migrants.
“I hope I’m not the only one who’s worried that one of the highest officials in Brussels said that countries which aren’t multicultural should be wiped off the map”, Mateschitz told the newspaper, possibly alluding to comments made by European Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans in 2015.
That’s not all the BBC chose not to report. The details of a BMG Poll of Scottish voters showed attitudes to migration which are completely out of step with wee Jimmy Krankies party.
Most Scots think jobless EU migrants should be sent back to their home country after Brexit, according to a shock new opinion poll. …
A survey funded by Brexit campaigner Mev Brown found 45 per cent of voters agreed that EU citizens out of work for six months or more should have to return to their country of origin.
A further 30 per cent think the long term unemployed should have to apply for a visa while 25 per cent think they should be allowed to remain indefinitely.
The BMG poll of 1,041 Scots voters carried out last week also found that 46 per cent believe homeless EU migrants or those living in temporary accommodation should be sent packing after Brexit.
When it comes to convicted criminals from the EU, an overwhelming 81 per cent of Scots believe they should have to return to their country of origin.
Only seven per cent believe convicted criminals should be allowed to stay without question, while 13 per cent think they should have to apply for a visa.
EU citizens in full or part time work and claiming in-work benefits should be given the right to remain indefinitely, according to 46 per cent of Scots.
However, 42 per cent believe they should have to apply for a visa in order to stay after Brexit and 12 per cent believe they should return home.
The biggest vote of confidence was for EU migrants in full or part time work who are not claiming any benefits, with 71 per cent backing them to stay.
And although the BBC reported the mealy mouth platitudes uttered by Swedish politicians following the lorry attack such as “Mayor Karin Wanngard told those gathered at City Hall that Stockholm would “remain an open and tolerant” place.” they failed to mention what the Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said:
The Prime Minister of Sweden has vowed his country will ‘never go back’ to recent levels of mass immigration after it emerged the terrorist who killed four people in a truck attack was a failed asylum seeker.
Stefan Löfven pledged to change his country’s liberal attitude, insisting the massive influx allowed during the 2015 migrant crisis would never happen again.
This is just three examples for yesterday alone which show the BBC ignoring stories which were widely reported elsewhere in the press but don’t suit the BBC left wing liberal Fascist agenda.
How anyone can keep a straight face when they say this organisation isn’t biased is beyond me.
Excellent post, Thoughtful.
I think it is the sin of omission which is the most damaging aspect of the BBBC’s bias. They explain it away by saying there wasn’t enough time, space etc. If you don’t look elsewhere, you won’t get the whole picture.
Headlines BBC R4 – OK the only radio tuned to R4 is in the toilet, quite appropriate, and listens are understandably brief.
1)Swedish terrorist pleads guilty
2)Long piece on bloke dragged from US plane
3)Syria Russia USA Korea
What utterly bizarre priorities the bbc has?
Racist BBC tells us on Jeremy Vine that United removed ‘an Asian’ from its plane.
Why is the passenger’s race of significance? Is it because he was a ‘victim’?
The BBC, always seeking racial conflict.
Vine at it again now, “maybe they choose non-Americans?” Maybe Vine doesn’t have any facts so he just makes up speculative, fire-raising rubbish?
They love a good non-white victim story. There have been several recently about individuals being refused to board flights. They always take the victim at their word, never imagining that there might be important facts intelligence knew which they did not. It is so moronic. In one case they eagerly ran a story about a Muslim being denied entry to the US and he then committed a sexual assault; the US authorities may well have had intelligence that the individual might get up to no good. It is a time where ultra-vigilance is paramount. They only need to succeed once and thousands of lives could be ruined.
Could you even imagine if one of your loved ones were murdered by these Islamist monsters? How could you ever sleep again knowing what had happened? It would be worth millions of people being inconvenienced on flights like this to save just one life. Too many bad people run amok by playing the victim card, and they are aided and abetted by wooly-minded liberals. The pendulum has to swing away from the rights of the individual towards those of the wider population. The BBC need to wake up, wise up and grow up.
Apparently the flight was full but United needed four seats for a crew to fly to destination to operate another flight. Four volunteers were requested to de-plane and accept a financial package in compensation but there were no takers. Passengers were then chosen at random by computer and a couple agreed to get off but the Asian gentleman (a doctor) refused to leave.
I’m not condoning the actions of the crew or the police which is a PR disaster for the airline, but there was no racial element here at all and it is wrong of the bBC to suggest there was.
Seems a BBC balancing use of ‘Asian’. Maybe hoping a few listeners in a Tower Hamlets takeaway will hop on the Heathrow Express to express outrage in solidarity?
Yep absolute screwup but the world is a big place so similar screwups happen somewhere or other every day; bouncers being too rough or getting the wrong person etc.
Got themselves in a chain of consequences eg if that one person had got off then everything would have been OK.
Bump a staff member off instead and then he wouldn’t have got to his next plane which was maybe a plan full of doctors, meaning that they all got delayed for a whole day.
The “Asian” doctor’s week goes from bad to worse.
Not listening to the ‘Today’ programme really is a nice way to start the day. I wonder what gems of bias I missed this morning?!
I gave it up years ago, it was too high stress. I listened to Radio 3 instead but it is going the same way with pushing female composers and cloned, same-agenda guests/mates supposedly talking about music but in reality being yet another un-challenged platform for pushing the BBC line.
‘Some say’ that somewhere on the BBC is a balancing opinion. Probably in the same place as the planning proposal for the destruction of the Earth in Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy
Even the BBC cannot rewrite history to invent female classical composers !
No, but I’m sure they were probably gay. 😉
Dave ,
Ha !! I wonder how the BBC would deal with the swordsmanship of Schubert or Sibelius ?
They seem to be making up for it by making sure they show lots of lesbian conductors (wearing rainbow hued Nehru jackets teamed with sensible shoes and a Sandi Toksvig coiffure), preferably at traditional establishment events like the Proms.
Have you never heard of Hildegard of Bingen, the patron saint of Radio 3?
Radio 3 – Celebrating Women Composers
Here’s a question for the PC brigade. Throughout history there are quite a few strong female characters that came to the fore DESPITE the supposed iron heel of ‘the patriarchy’ pressing down on women. Off the top of my head I can name Cleopatra, Boadicea, Joan of Arc, Hildegard of Bingen, Julian of Norwich, Elizabeth I, Bess of Hardwick, Mary Tudor and Mary, Queen of Scots. Now if sexism was as bad as we are told, how did ANY of these women get to positions of power and influence? In more recent times, how the **** did a country as traditional as India get a woman prime minister, the first in the world? How did Mrs T get to be PM?
Many years ago there was some research on the families who sent knights to the First Crusade and the larger number who sent knights to the Second Crusade. The common factor among the new volunteers was that they had married women from First Crusade families. Whether the motive was duty or a desire for some peace and quiet I can’t say, but they went because the women wanted them to go. I’ve never heard this research reported on “Women’s Hour”.
From the same time period feminists should look at the lives of William Marshal and Isabel de Clare. When William was away on Royal duties Isabel was more than capable of keeping control of their lands.
Wiki has a staright forward account of the history:,_1st_Earl_of_Pembroke
but a more entertaining version (with bad language and a few mistakes) is here:
P.S. Cranmer, I’m impressed you listed Julian of Norwich – we named a hospital in her honour.
Golda Meir. Fourth elected Prime Minister of Israel. Not bad for an “apartheid” state eh?
Thanks, I had forgotten Golda Meir. I believe one of the reasons the left loathes Thatcher is mainly because they feel the left ought to have had the first woman PM. The fact that Thatcher was a Tory was bad enough, but add to that she came from a lower middle class, self made, non-conformist background – the ultimate ‘petit bourgeoise’. I once heard a lefty say that Mrs T only got where she did by ‘behaving like a man’ – which is a piece of sophistry that would make a Jesuit blush.
aint karma a bitch
No Virtue signalling or bbcPetIssues on R4 today apart from that episode of Costing The Earth.
Well theres the
2pm play
– A fiction about an Australian national detained at Guantanamo Bay
4:30pm Germaine Greer is on
8pm doco about Muslim boy who came to Britain as a 9 year old refugee and is now a barrister.
Worth repeating about their blatant news curating
With the first photo we quickly said Whoa
Yet show me one SJaliban website where they urge restraint on overinterpreting Saffi Khan’s photo?
Social Justice Taliban = SocJaliban
That’s an idea for a comedy sketch.
2017 and teams of SocJaliban patrol our streets and internet to ensure Corbyn purity.
A girl leaving her house attired in a Margaret Thatcher T-shirt is quickly accosted and made to change into a right-on Specials T-shirt.
A man staring at an outrageous tranvestite is screamed at for being Transphobic.
A car with a Brexit sticker is pulled over and EU flag stuck over
Someone eating Fish & chips is assailed for not being cosmipolitan and made to eat some thing spicy instead.
The Daily Mail are ripped from people’s hands and others are fired for reading Breitbart online.
That’s an episode from the next series of “Dr Who”; not that I’ll be watching.
That’s News at Ten in January 2020.
Oops! More inconvenience for the BBC in the form of the attacker was apparently an asylum seeker from Ghana.
This news item will of course soon make it onto the front page of the BBC News (!)
Girl attacked by machete
runs the SJW headline
Machetes are dangerous !
Muslim :Sonny Bill Williams covers up bank logo on jersey on rugby return ..So not to endorse interest paying
Link posting does not mean endorsement….yadda yadda
It’s just that EDL put up the clearest tweet
“Hardline Muslim cleric Yasir Qadhi is invited to UK by Islamic charity Islamic Relief for fundraising tour
We can predict that amber Amber Dud will prohibit his visit as did Treezer when she banned Spencer and Geller.
How does a rotten corrupt liar like Amber get to be where she is ?
The difference in reaction of say Swedish politicians who will never have to live with ‘asylum seekers’ and the police who have to deal with their crimes reminded me of dealing with the HR department of a major multinational I worked for at the time. I was challenged by the finance department over a large expense claim by a subordinate. I said “That’s odd, let me look at that, I don’t recall – oh, that’s not my signature.” She had forged it to smuggle her claim through. A major debate ensued with HR who wanted to be lenient and me to turn a blind eye: “She has mental health issues”, “She has financial issues” etc. etc. I was strongly pressured to allow he to stay in her job as my assistant. All remonstrating with HR was in vain – even when in exasperation I said: “Well if you think so well of her, she can work for you.” The response was: “No way, we require total honesty for people working in HR.” You couldn’t – as they say – make it up. It is a perfect parallel for me with the way that the liberal left will excuse anything – even terrorism – as long as the consequences of said excuse have no impact on their own lives.
HR are an overpaid menace to society/businesses. Under the guise of management they may be merely ‘tools’ used to implement unpopular decisions. However, they are primarily concerned with justifying and perpetuating their own existence (so-called ‘continuing professional development’).
Any useful duties they have could and should be outsourced or allocated to existing staff/other departments i.e. to people who actually do the relevant work and face the consequences, thus saving huge amounts of money and eliminating a load of claptrap.
The problem is that the bread and butter of HR is quite dull and doesn’t really need a lot of staff to handle, so HR managers have to create all sorts of nonsense to sex up their jobs and build their empire.
Also I’ve found that a good general rule of thumb is that the more emphasis an organisation puts on HR, the worse it treats its staff. The most unpleasant bully I’ve encountered at work was a female HR director, and after a fairly innocuous run in with her she really tried to cause trouble for me.
The worst are usually those bossy overweight HR women who refer to it as ‘haitch-R’. I usually try to wind them up by referring to them as ‘personnel’, which for some reason they don’t like.
Is that where Catbert, the Evil HR Director comes from?
The bBC, caught out yet again covering up for intolerant ‘Islam’
Why an X-Men comic has ignited political debate in Indonesia
Marvel Comics has had to apologise and alter its latest comic release after one of its artists made hidden references to an ongoing political controversy in Indonesia. The imagery included by Indonesian Muslim Ardian Syaf, a freelance contributor to Marvel, was called “bigoted” and he was accused of “spreading hatred” by social media users. Some even saw anti-Semitic sentiment in his artwork….Mr Syaf was able to get two politically-charged references into the comic. The first reference was spotted on metallic Russian mutant Colossus, who wears an innocent-looking T-shirt during a baseball game. The shirt has the words ‘QS 5:51’ on it – a reference to a passage in the Koran interpreted by some to mean that Muslims should not appoint Jews and Christians as their leader.
Actually it doesn’t bBC, its a chapter from the koran which reads:

O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.
Whilst the bBC states that there are only a couple of politically-charged references into the comic. There’s only the one, the other 3 are racist. So there’s the one above. Then there’s this subtle cover-up of the word Jewellery which reads as ‘Jew’ next to the head of Kitty Pryde the leader of the Xmen whilst talking to a crowd who happens to be..Jewish. (Funny how the bBC cutaway frames the word Jew, without them knowing..or so they say) Now lets look at the picture the bBC posts
(Note the Jew) Now contrast that with the full picture, notice the angry bloke on the right with the clenched fist. Whats that number on his T-Shirt. So 3 subtle racist bigoted easter eggs on one cartoon and the bBC only sees the one. Yeah right!
Regards the 212 here is what it represents and why:
The number 212 is often used as a reference to the Muslim protest against the Christian governor of Jakarta on 2 December 2016, which the artist admitted on his Facebook page to draw inspiration from. Tjahaja, who was elected in 2014, is Jakarta’s first non-Muslim governor in 50 years (he’s Christian) and the first ethnic Chinese person to hold the position. He’s been relatively popular for his stance against corruption, including among the nation’s moderate Muslim population. However, some conservative Islamists, largely led by the Islamic Defenders Front (also known as FPI), have argued that the world’s largest Muslim-majority nation should not have a leader who isn’t Muslim. They tried to block Tjahaja from becoming governor on the basis of his faith, and they’ve been accused of committing vigilante acts against religious minorities since the group’s founding in 1999.
So the Nbr 212 is about not taking Jews or Christians as your leader. And it takes central spot where the new leader of the X-men(a jew) reveals herself to a crowd
The bBC then reports this about how Marvel have reacted:
The mentioned artwork was inserted without knowledge behind its reported meanings. These implied references do not reflect the views of the writer, editors or anyone else at Marvel and are in direct opposition of the inclusiveness of Marvel Comics and what the X-Men have stood for since their creation.”
When actually they said this:
“The mentioned artwork in X-Men Gold #1 was inserted without knowledge behind its reported meanings. These implied references do not reflect the views of the writer, editors or anyone else at Marvel and are in direct opposition of the inclusiveness of Marvel Comics and what the X-Men have stood for since their creation. This artwork will be removed from subsequent printings, digital versions, and trade paperbacks and disciplinary action is being taken.”
As this is the bBC, they remake the Islamic racist bigot into the victim:
Mr Syaf has been responding to the outcry on his personal Facebook page saying those who were angry “did not know him”.”My career is over now. It’s the consequence [of] what I did. Please, no more mockery, debate, no more hate. My apologies for all the noise. Good bye. May God bless you all,” he said on Tuesday.
and end with this:
“People are free to react how they may. Artists are free to express what they do,” wrote one user in Indonesian on Facebook.
All the links in which to substantiate the above can be found on how I covered this story on Sunday.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Intolerant Islam,
Sorry, I have to get this in. A local hospital was just fined £500,000 for A&E keeping ambulances waiting. This was their brilliant plan to get off being fined for A&E waits – leave them in the ambulance.
But they have won an award for their ………….café!
Whenever I go into hospitals, they look like airports. In the NHS ” Patients come last ” !
Where I live, many of the hospitals look like the third world.
Oh the irony in “Escape to the Country”. Many of the participants looking to move from their inner city/mildly suburban properties always give the reason as ‘traffic is getting heavier’ or ‘its not the place we knew years ago, much more crowded’ – in other words ‘we’re over run with migrants !!”.
Then on screen comes the host. Amongst the (unusually) white males of Jonni Irwin, Jules Hudson, Alistair Appleton, and the only white female Nikki Chapman, we have ….’actress but best known for Escape to the Country – Sonali Shah’…………… the ever ambitious Anita Rani did a spell ………….. Denise Nurse – who? ……….. and now we’re seeing Margharita Taylor um, well known in radio apparently.
In an exercise to see the cv’s of these ‘hosts’ (I clearly have nothing better to do) they come via a variety of Agents, who also have a fair selection of white females who no doubt would be equally up to the job, but this is more evidence of diversity from the BBC being pushed more favourably in one direction.
Please excuse my language , but they are all a bunch of wankers .
Phew ! I thought you were going to say a bunch of bananas !!
Aha! The US attack on Syria was with the collusion of Russia, apparently.
All part of some very clever plan? So clever, in fact, that the lefties who put it out there can’t actually provide any rationale for it.
More stuff beebistan won’t tell you:
– Australia: Muslims assault Orthodox Christian while screaming “F*** Jesus”
– Germany: Muslim boys beat schoolmate after he tells them he is Jewish
– Egypt: Muslim man sexually harasses, cuts throat of Christian woman on busy street
– Muslim Chechnya opens first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler
And on and on…
Speaking of BBC asked, BBC don’t tell…
This one may get pushed all the way to OFCOM.
Popcorn on standby.
The Chicago facebook rape of a minor
I wonder if it counts as a race crime
Cos news reports seem to deliberately withhold ethnicities.
Reports spoke of a black 14 year old being arrested.
Why didn’t they put out photofits of the suspects ?
Think the Swedes are missing the point in best BBC style. I dont know whether anyone has seen this – It certainly had me chuckling. I just hope the London Emir doesnt spot it, as it is the sort of policy that would catch the imagination of any puffed up moron – looking for a simplistic, impractical and ultimately ineffective solution to a serious issue.
It might give the London Emir ideas.
His kind have experience with other methods of transport which he might consider for London
G.W.F – When we adopt full sharia law vehicles would naturally be cut anyway because there would not be any women driving on the road. (apart from the likes of Jeremy Whine etc).
I am not really looking forward to getting my own “ship of the desert” as Mrs Oak would ensure that my humiliation would be complete. I would still get driving “advice” but it would be more public as we would be driving an open topped, non polluting, non weaponised cart pulled by a creature resembling a cross between the Lib dems newest MP and Emily Thornberry.
Such vehicles tend to explode in crowded places.
Bus attack or Camel attack .
Sadly, Oaknash, your description has brought to mind the concept of humping Emily Thornberry and I have decided to catch Ebola instead, on humanitarian grounds.
Beltane you need help!
Lucky I did not mention Fatbot as well, as you would have had to seek double ebola as pennance!
What a threesome that would be!
Oaknash, [Banning cars in Stockholm]
Anyone looking for clues that the liberal world has gone completely mad need look no further!
The whole concept is preposterous but this bit here…..
“driving is a gender equality issue as well as a matter of shrinking the nation’s carbon emissions.
Cars are driven largely by men so by giving a lot of space to cars; we’re giving a lot of space to men — at the expense of women,” Karolina Skog explained.”
“driving is a gender equality issue……Cars are driven largely by men”
The same logic caused problems in Sweden last winter because they decided gritting the roads was sexist. Half of the gritters had to be used for pavements so there were a lot of car crashes on ungritted roads. There are a few sane people left in the country but they’re a small minority.
It is intriguing that the 6 o’clock news had the United Airlines passenger being forcibly removed as their third story. Is that really the third most important thing that has happened today? They even went through the journalistic rigour of reporting on joking tweets people have made.
Can you even call this news? How often does someone get thrown out of somewhere, possibly for the wrong reason? Do they have an axe to grind with United Airlines perhaps? They should not just play a poor quality video someone has uploaded to YouTube and read out some tweets. What on earth is all that licence fee money going on? And what are all those busy people in the BBC news studios actually doing?
Chilleden “And what are all those busy people in the BBC news studios actually doing?”
Searching the web for stories of Cut-n-tuck phobia.
It is intriguing that the 6 o’clock news had the United Airlines passenger being forcibly removed as their third story. Is that really the third most important thing that has happened today? They even went through the journalistic rigour of reporting on joking tweets people have made.
Can you even call this news? How often does someone get thrown out of somewhere, possibly for the wrong reason? Do they have an axe to grind with United Airlines perhaps? They should not just play a poor quality video someone has uploaded to YouTube and read out some tweets. What on earth is all that licence fee money going on? And what are all those busy people in the BBC news studios actually doing?
Checking Facebook ‘trending’, best of Youtube and top-and-tailing press releases from Labour, SNP and the EU?
There’s an interesting back story emerging too.
On the doctor removed from the plane. There is an interesting tale to tell. It concerns the kind of justice which is served on people although it has no relation to past crimes. We might say that the airline was wrong but in another sense – the meat of good fiction – he had it coming to him
‘Dr. David Dao was charged in 2005 with 98 felony drug counts for illegally prescribing and trafficking painkillers. Prosecutors claimed Dao fraudulently filled prescriptions for hydocodone, Oxycontin and Percocet.’
Long list of charges for wrongfully prescribing drugs, prescribing drugs for sex. Justice in a poetic sense.
And there’s more!
No wonder the BBC think he’s a headline story.
🙁 !
I love the smell of a BBC dilemma in the evening…
Will just leave this one here, impartially…
The Today Programme
The latest from Jonny Dymond, who’s tracking Donald Trump’s tumultuous first months in office
A kebab shop worker who had sex with an underage schoolgirl after buying her chocolates and other gifts has been locked up.
Mubashir Hussain, 45, picked up his victim after classes and drove her to a friend’s house, where he had sex with her.
But because white lives don’t matter, the BBC hasn’t reported this at all.
“Borussia Dortmund football team bus hit by explosions”
doesn’t appear to be as bad as the headline suggests
Various politicians, the Euro G7 and MSM still hopelessly flip-flopping: Russia bad / Russia good / Russia bad / Russia good / Russia bad / Russia good.
And leviathan of politics, Timmy Farron calls Boris, The Court Jester. I think that makes Farron the balloon on the jesters stick.
Tin Tin Farron? To quote Joe Pesci in “Casino”:
“This guy could f**k up a cup of coffee!”
Did you know we now have a UK Slavery Tsar?
Apparently, lots of Africans are being sold into slavery!
black on black slavery and the cnut Treezer and the British Police do nothing. They are garbage .
gax, Grant
You mean the Parliamentary Tory Party are slaves?
Even the BBBC are reporting on current slavery in Libya. Their report doesn’t specify who is enslaving the black Africans, but it probably isn’t Afrikaners as they don’t get mentioned.
So, it’s black on black slavery, who’d have thunk it?
Borussia Dortmund bus explosions: Monaco match cancelled as Marc Bartra taken to hospital
Three explosions hit Borussia Dortmund team bus
Centre-back Marc Bartra injured and in hospital
Believed to be at least one bomb.
Prepare for the usual excuses.
Millwall supporters?
Reuters “Mass-selling German newspaper Bild reported in its online edition that explosive devices were placed in a bush by the road along which the bus was traveling.
“The explosive devices were placed outside the bus. Several windows were broken*,” police spokesman Gunnar Wortmann was quoted as saying.
“According to what is currently known, the windows of the bus were (entirely or partly) smashed and one person was injured,”
* bulletproof maybe
“Borussia Dortmund fans offer stranded Monaco supporters accommodation cos match delayed il tmw”
This does seem to be the lying German Police in action again:
10:31 Letter found near Dortmund bus blast
A police press conference is underway. The German state prosecutor has said a letter was found near the site of the blasts and is being examined.
10:40 Letter found near attack site ‘takes responsibility for the act’
A German prosecutor has said the letter found near the Dortmund team bus “takes responsibility for the act”.
10:49 High security levels ‘due to risk of terror attack’
German police have said there are high levels of security in place due to the risk of a terror attack – but that they do not want to jump to conclusions and say the Dortmund explosions was a terror attack.
So they have a letter claiming responsibility, and presumably that means they gave a name (ISIS perhaps) but the lying German authorities are not telling in whose name this act was perpetrated.
3 bombs which exploded and a 4th which did not and they don’t want to say it was a terror attack?? What else do they think it might be if it isn’t a terror attack?
They really must think we are stupid
BBC Online News:
“”White House remark on Hitler and chemical weapons draws ire””
“”We had someone as despicable as Hitler who didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons,” a White House spokesman said as he criticised Russia for supporting Syria’s regime””.
“”Critics pointed out gas was used to kill Jews and others in the Holocaust””
Hitler did not use gas as a weapon. Fact.
But the BBC/Left/Democrats use spin to attack Trump.
It’s the BBC who use the holocaust for political ends.
Someone has let Nick play on Twitter again.
Not really working out as he had hoped.
They are all over this on the World Service. Do they ever think how hard it must be for poor Sean Spicer? He is out there on his own up against these vicious, spiteful liberals all after blood. His comment is a bit flippant but it does not strike you as so bad or even factually incorrect when he first hear it; it is the liberals trying to spin some reference to the Holocaust as they are so desperate to smear someone as they have forgotten how to argue. Poor Sean Spicer being bullied by scores of people for your job. And the left have the gall to preach about hate speech. He has to think on his feet under all that pressure – of course he may not use the most perfect phrases at all times.
On The World Service they wheel out some ‘correspondent with 40 years of covering the White House’ as if that makes him sound good; I have been trying to get organised for 34 years – it does not mean I am any good at it. They have wheeled this guy out before and he is clearly biased and on message. Apparently this is all emblematic of how chaotic it is in the West Wing, as someone must have approved these words which shows they are incompetent. Yeah – this shows absolute chaos throughout government, the fact that someone used somewhat flippant language when under massive pressure from scores of bullies.
The left are pathetic bullies. They need to learn how to argue again, instead of all this offence taking. It is easier to destroy than to create. You can whine and bitch about what someone else is doing and how they speak, but you need to come up with a better idea of how you would do things.
Just watched Dan Snow’s “Battle of Hastings” on BBC4.
I never realised that William’s African envoy played such a pivotal role in the proceedings. From parleying with Harold to knocking seven bells out of the Saxon nobility and rank and file, he was rarely out of shot!
Toobi – Good to know that black was best even then! I also heard that one of Harold Godwinsons favourite albums was Marleys “Rasta Mann Vibration” Apparently just before the battle the record fell out its sleeve and broke on the ground. This so dispirited Godwinson—– well the rest is also history!
Liberals re-writing history, no different to blowing up Buddhas. Just quieter.
News Never To Be Mentioned By The BBC:-
“”Anger as 539 council bosses paid more than PM Theresa May””
After all, how many BBC employees are paid more than PM Theresa May? A dozen or more?
Way more than a dozen. Wouldn’t surprise me if it was over a hundred.
91 nonentity ‘executives’ took more than the Prime Minister two years ago.
There is a list of all these nobodies, but ‘no longer updated’, at
And 42 ‘presenters’ are given more than the Prime Minister now.
Thanks for confirming my suspicions.
The bBBC has just used an hour of our time on a TV programme campaigning for the NHS to treat super-obese people (BMI>50) at our expense. If they think the NHS should have more money, I have one suggestion from where they could get £4billion a year.
Great Britain’s Foreign Aid?
Incisive, acerbic straight to the point … real journalism
“The Palm Sunday bombings were the most significant event of the week. They demonstrate that hardcore Islam is serious about expunging the remnants of Christianity from the region in which it was born.
This is not a small thing.
It was a clever attack. The first suicide bomber hit St George’s Church in Tanta. The second struck northwest, at St Mark’s Cathedral in Alexandria, seat of the Coptic papacy. Pope Tawadros II had just left the cathedral after hearing about the Tanta attack. Nevertheless, ISIS and its affiliates came within minutes of killing the Coptic pontiff – at worship on Palm Sunday.
As I said, not a small thing. But it doesn’t seem to make a lot of news. Other Christian leaders, friom Pope Francis and the Archbishop of Canterbury on down, seem to have more to say about potential, hypothetical upticks in “Islamophobia” than about the sustained attempt to eradicate the oldest adherents of their own faith. Western politicians don’t seem to have much to say about it, either,
perhaps out of shame.
On America’s watch, public expression of Christianity was obliterated in Iraq, and the last Christian church in Afghanistan razed to the ground. Almost exactly two years, when 148 students were slaughtered at a school in Kenya, President Obama could not bring himself to identify them as Christian, even though their killers had gone to great pains to identify their captives as either Muslim or Christian, after which they released the former.
As I remarked somewhat mordantly, apparently
… black lives don’t matter when they’re Christian.
The Islamic supremacists’ assault on Christianity is not confined to the Holy Land and the more benighted parts of the developing world. Monday’s subway bloodbath in St Petersburg was also celebrated by Isis as making “a metro to Hell for worshipers of the Cross”.
It’s doubtful that most of the victims, who included many students, would have seen themselves as such.
… But that’s the point: you might not think of yourself as a “worshiper of the Cross”, but that’s how the guys who want to kill you see you.
Mark Steyn
BBC hang your heads in shame!
A German prosecutor says the letter found near the Dortmund soccer team bus “takes responsibility for the act.”
After “vehicular” atrocities here, we need get rid of cars in Sweden,
“Major Swedish Newspaper Calls For Ban On Cars to Fight Terrorism”
… Hey! maybe pens and paper next?
and I thought “the pen was mightier than the sword”?
Can people actually talk to each other with their heads buried so firmly in the sand?
and eyes soooo firmly closed to reality.
RE: Spicer gaffe.
The BBC website describes ‘a groundswell of outrage reaching a crescendo.’ Toady are leading with it as well, relishing playing the clip over and over.
Virtue signalling is worse than being offensive. He may have upset a few people with these comments – I am sure nobody really cares apart from Lefties trying to stir it up – but all that belongs to the long distant past. However upsetting or hurtful someone’s words may be, best to just get on with your day and not dwell on it. Maybe learn some Cognitive Behavioural Therapy techniques if your outrage is really getting you down as it works wonders.
Mass immigration causes real world consequences one cannot just ignore; I need not go into them now. Actions speak louder than words. That none of the cheerleaders for mass migration choose to live amongst migrants tell you everything. Many people’s lives are changed in myriad ways by mass immigration.
As for the synthetic ‘outage reaching a crescendo’, how do you think those worst hit by the consequences of mass immigration feel? The Beeb just sneers at them whilst continuing to virtue signal their way to hell.
In a sane world, any celebrity who says we must have mass immigration should be forced to have a young man from an entirely difference culture who does not speak English living in the spare room next to their daughter. Imagine the ‘crescendo of outrage’ that would engender.
B Bruv – I think you have a good point the liberals who the word “hyperbole” was invented have been doing this for years – Yet as soon as we have a White House Official who speaks using the same exaggerated press terms they go around crying foul and suddenly this becomes the most important point, rather than all the Middle Eastern blood letting.
I think this also throws up an interesting point. Their hate for Trump exceeds their desire to “do the right thing” (not that I agree that that getting rid of Assad is necessarily the “right thing”) But obviously getting another Trump scalp is a major motivation and a far more important story than the actual crisis caused by the sarin attack/explosion.
Personally regarding this whole poison gas scenario I am still not totally convinced that the smoking gun has been found when there is little chance of any sort of independent verification entering the area without getting their throats slit.
Why would Assad use nerve agents when
1 The Americans had finally stopped talking about regime change in Syria.
2 ISIS are on the retreat and The US has a President who was not so rabidly anti Putin.
What this does do, is create a situation where instead of dwindling away to a bloody but ultimately peaceful outcome. This whole war will now continue on for years with little chance of any sort of stability being established and Shias and Saudi backed Sunnies fighting their wars both directly and by proxy all over the middle East and the rest of the world.
Then again very little in the Middle East ever makes sense.
The only people who will ultimately gain will be the liberal/globalist sorosesque elite who thrive on instability and mass population shifts. While the attention of everyone else is taken up with emoting about the latest war and who is shooting who today.
Previously stable societies are being undermined from within by cowardly politicians and a media who either do not care or do not realise that we are being manipulated in a game which if it continues will destroy our culture and cohesion as a Nation
Makes you think a bit about what is really happening.
Chaos or co-ordination I know not – But these days they appear to be handmaidens to each other.
Yep False-Narrative we all know he was talking about battlefield weapons.
The anti Trump PR people look to cynically exploit any angle they can.
Apologies if this has been mentioned
I’ve been up all night following the plight of a young Saudi Arabian woman Dina Ali Lasloom. This young lady is part of an influential Saudi family who was trying to flee to Australia. She flew from Kuwait and was illegally detained in the Philippines where she was trying to board her connecting flight to Australia. Philippine authorities lied and denied any knowledge that they had detained a Saudi national.
Meanwhile, through channels unknown Philippine authorities and her family colluded to have her returned to Saudi Arabia, I believe that her family have stated she should be killed for trying to flee.
Sometime yesterday her uncles arrived in the Philippines, Dina was bound with duct tape and sheets (including over her head) and was forcibly put on a plane back to Saudi Arabia, this happened while 5 Philippine security guards just looked on. Her flight landed late last night and her fate is unknown.
While this was happening the story started gaining momentum on YouTube and especially Twitter. I’m not one for Twitter normally (I don’t even have an account) but this was real people in real time desperately trying to get the hashtag #SaveDinaAli trending to get her name in the public domain so that if anything were to happen to her there would be a public outcry, hopefully this would offer her some protection from at least being killed.
I’ve visited numerous independent sites and they all agree the #SaveDinaAli is one of the biggest trends on Twitter, #2 in the UK, #5 in the US, #7 in France etc, that was a couple of hours ago so it’s probably even bigger now. Twitter however, refuse to acknowledge it’s existence and YouTube are making it difficult to locate videos regarding this situation.
People in their thousands have also been constantly tweeting at all the MSM outlets, including the BBC and BBC Breaking, yet they continue to ignore it completely.
One of just a handful of news outlets who are reporting this, but it’s virtually silent everywhere else
Link to a YouTube video that explains the situation clearer than I can
And today’s top story will be more ‘revelations’ about how the Brexit vote was rigged by spacemen from another universe…
There’ll be all sorts of reporters, with ‘forty years experience’, being wheeled out to say ‘We told you so’!
Just think of the hours of spit and dribble and references to President Trump we’re going to have to hear, except that Mrs Scroblene and I just turn the thing off and go and chat about important things.
The echoes of the ‘We told you so’ will still be ringing in the ears, hours later, if we can even bother to listen, but there’s one problem the bbbc have…
…they didn’t!
Following an extensive review, the European Union has mandated that democratic elections and referenda in the EU are suspended “until further notice”. The widely-anticipated 42,000 page report, compiled by former EU Commissioners, summarised the recommendation thus:
“Although we cannot find any evidence of foreign powers having influenced the democratic process in Europe, we cannot eliminate the possibility. Given what is at stake – our cherished democratic freedoms – the only conclusion is to ‘suspend democracy to protect democracy’.”
Responding to criticism that the recommendation parallels the imposition of the Enabling Act and elimination of democracy in Nazi Germany in 1933, a spokesman told the BBC that there were no similarities: “What happened in 1933 was totalitarianism. However, the lawful suspension of democratic processes is fully provisioned for in the Lisbon Treaty, which all EU member states signed up for.”
A government spokeswoman confirmed that although the UK is now only a few months away from its withdrawal from the EU, it is still a member of the EU and will therefore comply with the ruling. She also confirmed that it was not necessary for parliament to be recalled to discuss the matter.
Think it really can’t happen?