It’s just been suggested on Toady that the motives behind bombing of the football coach are unknown, but it’s possible that it could be right-wing extremism. Just for ‘balance’ I guess.
Going by what ID posted yesterday about the Nazi like suppression of free speech in Germany by the government , I expect that the German police and MSM will be working hard to direct suspicion towards the extreme right and away from Islam. The BBC is just doing their bit for the Pro Islam Alliance that the liberal Globalists have set up right across the West. The MSM don’t seem to grasp that their lies are now exposed by other alternative sources of news and with each lie the credibility of the MSM drops further and more and more people turn to those alternative news sources. Thei MSM attempt to label alternate sources of news as fake is laughable , anyone with any sense can see that they, the MSM, have been peddling false news for years.
I guess if they have to bomb and kill people, it’s better that it is the likes of these and other useful idiots rather than poor innocent deaf 11 year olds.
Thatcherrev, I sort of feel that way about that Swedish Illegal Refugee supporting activist: it’s a tragedy that any innocent has to die, but as she was an enabler for this sort of action then it’s better her than a true innocent.
Too late for her to learn her lesson but maybe it might teach some of her anti-Western friends that they’re not doing the right thing. I won’t hold my breath! It reminds me of that Swedish girl who had a large sign that said something like “Yes to rapists, no to racists”. When I saw that I knew Sweden was fully doomed.
Slow news day at the Ministry of Truth. On the BBC ‘News’ website, the top 6 items currently include: “Nigeria road safety commander cut hair of female employees”; “Selfridges ad of ‘thin’ model cleared by watchdog”; “Meet Sesame Street’s first autistic character.”
And how people used to laugh at Pravda and Radio Moscow reporting on the latest statistics for tractor production in the Ukraine…
Lots for Dr. Who fans to get excited about Breakfast informs us as they big up the new series of the crap fest that Dr. Who has been transformed into. Yes BBc bigging up one of it’s own program. However as usual I for one won’t be watching.
The good doc has got a new lesbian ethnic sidekick called Bill so lots of hullabaloo on the beeb sofas like its the second coming. The new addition is also ‘politically vocal’ on twatter in real life, from diverse Brixton so perfect for the role.
I used to enjoy watching the revamped Dr Who. I thought that Russell Davies did a reasonable job with the show, despite him pushing his pro-gay agenda. Then Moffatt came along and completely ruined it with bad, immature writing, and his own pro-transgender obsession. I mean changing the Master into Missy? Then changing another Timelord from a man into a Black woman, whose first words were a dig at men. I used to look forward to Dr Who coming back, but Moffatt has ruined Dr Who. It remains to be seen if his successor will do any better. Knowing the BBC, I doubt it.
Ah well, at least I have my collection of original Dr Who DVD’s to fall back on.
Always look on the bright side of life…
This morning I was watching BBC TV news with their rather extraordinary reporting on the bombing of the Dortmund soccer team bus. Soaking in the BBC coverage I was suddenly struck by the image from that Monty Python movie The Life of Brian when Eric Ilde in the horrific situation of execution by crucifixion incongruously begins to whistle his now famous little ditty whilst faced with excruciatingly painful death – the scene is of course thoroughly and deliberately ironic. The scene lampoons stoicism in the face of terror and in a sense it lampoons the Christian ethic of turn the other cheek.
As BBC presenters quickly tell us the bare facts of the latest bombing and park the bus (so to speak) with the news that there will be a police press conference later our BBC types soon move on to a skype interview with a local and a review of social media (oh dear, look out what’s coming – that’s the thought that occurs to this viewer).
By the way interestingly it is the BBC which vaguely links this latest event of unknown origin to Islamic Terrorism with passing references to “Paris”.
I am also aware of the BBC reaction to the very recent events in Stockholm – rather than attend a press conference with the authorities our BBC reporter scooted off to be with the “demonstration to show solidarity”
Clearly an institutionally mandated – albeit secret and perhaps unwritten – rule book is guiding BBC reporting on terror attacks.
Cue jolly pics of opposing team supporters scammed off the internet – we even have a hashtag #bedforawayfans. And this line of reporting is not just determined by the choices of BBC news editors – our BBC sofa duo are so happy to look on the bright side that they coo and coddle among themselves and blithely assure us: “There will be more security for the rescheduled match… fans will have to wait much longer in line but I’m sure they won’t mind” Gosh, BBC, you almost have us pleased the bus was bombed – it’s such a good opportunity for positive messaging!
Well actually BBC many, many, people are annoyed at now being faced with the increasing inconvenience of intrusive and depersonalising security measures whilst at events in public places and when travelling.
Hashtag don’t crucify our freedoms this Easter
AslSeelt- Yes, very well appraised.The BBC I am sure does have an updated rule book
on how to handle terrorist attacks. It’s a “don’t mention the war” attitude with the operative word being ISLAM. The victims can be dismissed in “everything you wanted to know about the Copts in one minute.” Everybody can dress up , hold hands , light candles and march singing “what the world needs now is love.” How the BBC will handle the day when an Islamic terrorist runs amok into the joyful throngs as they get to “It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of.” Screams out AALAHU AKBAR!! and
detonates his suicide vest, is anybodies guess.I expect it will be ” Every thing you wanted to know about Burt Bacharach in one minute!
Bearing in mind the Maddy Savage debacle where our BBC reporter in Stockholm had to admit “I wasn’t actually at the press conference… I was at the demonstration to show solidarity among Swedes” and now the BBC focus on happy friendly football supporters rather than potentially deadly explosions…
I would like to present to the BBC a new tag line:
“BBC Second with the News: First with the Community Cohesion”
BBC forced to report something:
Press conference – likely facts on the perpetrator: risk that it would be stated he was an islamicist.
Solidarity gathering – many multiculti Swedes pleading that the muslims are a warm and wonderful group and that they integrate well.
We really know why the BBC reporter chose the latter. Really goes without saying?
On Breakfast, the sofa jockeys managed to skip around the Dortmund team bus attack by joyfully announcing the fact that social media was responsible for the home team supporters inviting the away supporters into their houses overnight.
“Nice to see so much kindness” was quoted rather nauseously.
I got the impression that this was some kind of hint that that this is the attitude we all should be taking with refugees,
Perhaps I am being a bit cynical, but that is the way the BBC have got me.
davylars – No it’s not cynical, it’s the default beebistan response to terror attacks: shift the focus away from the muslim perpetrators to the feelgood acts of people coming together, speeches about NTDWI, ROP, ‘we won’t let them divide us’, let’s be nice to muslims who are the true victims, beware revenge attacks by the far right etc. Anything to divert attention from the simple, obvious truth that islam is murderous to the core. IT’S ALL SPELT OUT IN THEIR (UN)HOLY BOOK.
Posted again because I don’t like being lied to or taken as stupid.
This does seem to be the lying German Police in action again:
10:31 Letter found near Dortmund bus blast
A police press conference is underway. The German state prosecutor has said a letter was found near the site of the blasts and is being examined.
10:40 Letter found near attack site ‘takes responsibility for the act’
A German prosecutor has said the letter found near the Dortmund team bus “takes responsibility for the act”.
10:49 High security levels ‘due to risk of terror attack’
German police have said there are high levels of security in place due to the risk of a terror attack – but that they do not want to jump to conclusions and say the Dortmund explosions was a terror attack.
So they have a letter claiming responsibility, and presumably that means they gave a name (ISIS perhaps) but the lying German authorities are not telling in whose name this act was perpetrated.
3 bombs which exploded and a 4th which did not and they don’t want to say it was a terror attack?? What else do they think it might be if it isn’t a terror attack?
They really must think we are stupid
Now even the BBC is speculating the motivation was the religion of peace.
I had just begun making some notes about how I would reorganise the CBB (continually biased broadcaster.) Scraping it would be my first choice but I had allowed a couple of TV channels and probably would wipe a large number of the radio stations. Most of the TV content is unwatchable rubbish with radio following closely behind. For a long time I have been pondering why the presenters seem to be always running short of time. The chosen topics are read on the news with usually a cross over to a correspondent and then maybe an expert. We then return to the show (I am focusing on morning stuff at the moment) where not one but two fools babble on repeating what we have just heard on the news over and over again but in a mad rush. Not because they actually have something important to follow but for stupid little fill ins.
Like the one I just heard on World Service. Are you ready for this. Why Do Our Shoe Laces Become Undone When We Are Walking? To answer this crucially important question we are blessed with an expert opinion from UCLA Berkley. Not just an expert but a PROFESSOR. I’m sure much to the relief of the presenters the causes seemed unrelated to Islamic or Russian interference.
Can you give me the link as I have a particular pair of shoes that the laces become undone on occasionally. Up until now I have tended to tighten them up but clearly there is more to it, my quality of life would be vastly.. no universally improved if there were some other solution.
It makes Islamic terrorism and rivers of blood on the streets pale into insignificance by comparison.
Jerry I can do better than a link. How about an all expenses paid trip to UCLA Berkley where I’m sure Professor Oliver O’Rielly will guide you over many hours of theoretical and practical training in how to tie your shoe laces properly for a better and more rewarding life. There is always a downside. To qualify for CBB funding you will have to be of ethnic origin preferably a refugee or asylum seeker, 15 years or younger. This is a minor hurdle easily solved. With that sorted the other downside is that you will be travelling on a charted A380 mostly with current CBB employees all in need of this training too. To register simply report to CBB in Langham Place London, just mention Moodswing6 and shoe lace training. You might even end up on the same charted flight as me.
Jerry, it appears to be fashionable to now wear fit footwear, (or what used to be called Plimsolls when I was at school), WITHOUT the laces, so fear not, ditch the laces altogether and become ‘edgy’ !!! (giggle)
They keep their tame ‘experts’ in a small room in the basement of BBC HQ. They are fed and watered and otherwise tended by a young lady with a white coat and blue sanitised neoprene gloves. If you pass the room, you can hear faint squeaks, groans and other animal like noises. If, perchance, you pass when the white coated lady is entering the quarantined room, you can quickly see the ‘experts’ are kept separately in individual steel cages all tagged with their academic or practical persuasions. All RSPCA approved of course.
‘It is not yet clear if the letter is genuine’
Is it a letter or is it a bomb? How about this for a bit of detective work.. it’s a letter bomb!’ Albeit with an explosive message.
I hear a Swedish MP is demanding that cars and lorries be banned from Stockholm as they are clearly dangerous and she tells us that ‘cars are mainly driven by men which means men are taking up the space of women’…. well that’s ok then!
Oh dear they are lost as a nation. When you consider that one of the Stokholm dead was a young woman that was a psychiatrist who ‘supported refused asylum seekers’ I just sometimes wonder if they deserve their plight.
The bombs were real but there is a chance that the letter is fake, a bit like the Jack the Ripper letter, where some sick person wants their moment of infamy. I would still guess the letter is probably genuine, 90% maybe, but there is still a chance that it doesn’t belong to the islamists who carried out the attack.
Please, let us not jump to conclusions concerning the unfortunate ‘incident’ on the Dortmund team bus. There’s probably a perfectly innocent explanation. Over-inflated footballs that blew up maybe, or a triple tyre blow-out. My personal hunch is some extremist Monaco supporters, those guys can be murderous.
I would like to draw your attention to an article in the Telegraph today by Allison Pearson entitle ‘ Please no more vigils, now it’s time to get angry’. In it she eloquently expresses how most Brits feel about Islam and the craven politicians and heads of institutions who lead us. The only omission that she makes is that she does not specifically call out the BBC for their extreme pro Islam anti British position.
I’ve been looking for BBC news online about Ebba Åkerlund, the murdered Swedish schoolgirl, whose body was shattered by a follower of the BBC’s favourite religion, but I can find nothing from our very own leading international news service. I did find these, however:
Name – Beeboids aren’t interested in murdered schoolgirls if they’re white, too busy reporting the forced removal of a passenger from a plane. He was ‘Asian’ you see, possibly racist overtones, that’s what really gets them salivating.
With regards to Urban Burqa, Muir believes it ends on a hopeful note.
The last image shows a woman in a burka standing in a bright blue skate park. The shadow from a skater in a T-shirt and shorts skirts the crown of her covered head, his hand almost touching her.
“For me it’s a nice closing image, it’s optimistic – because of the reaching out,” he says. “[But] there’s a sense that there are a lot of barriers that have to be overcome.”
Clearly the message is that it is up to the host community to break down its ‘barriers’, the de-humanised cloth bale that shuns the host, doesn’t speak their language or share their values or aspirations has no responsibility of course. Why would such a ‘person’ want to be in a land of ‘bronzed beach Sheilas’ anyway? Who would join a cricket club to play rugby?
“the host community”
The Host Community is accurate.
In the sense that we are being attacked by a deadly pathogen.
Time to put the immune system on full alert. With all medical treatments available used to remove all the unwanted poisonous, virulent, micro-organisms from the body politic, permanently.
The beeb reporting on the spicer gaff this morning on the brekkie show not reporting fully what sean said yesterday just edited words and not even a video clip. Just using proxys to attack and smear him. This from an organisation that doesnt attend the daily briefings thinking they are above such things. And another bunch who doesnt attend is Sky who were doing the same but telling us he was a holocaust denier which is not what he said only showing edited highlights. also telling us hes prone to gaffes, well i have watched every spicer show since they started and i can tell you one thing he spends the majority of his time fighting off sneering journos looking to catch him and the trump administration out on any little thing, by asking the same question in many different ways but sean deals with them robustly but politely as well. These journos had an 8 year holiday dealing with the messiah but all they are doing now is trying to bring the current administration down.
Imagine being on your own against a room of vicious, braying bullies like Sean Spicer has to. I have sympathy for the guy. I think he is doing a good job.
Yet again the BBC and its fellow harpies have misread the mood, in this household at least.
Sure the guy strayed off the safe and narrow path and got impaled by a BBC poo covered bungee stick, but think of the bigger picture.
They are trashing folk trying to deal with cluster-FUBARs day in and day out by pouncing on poorly crafted sentences, whilst themselves cheerfully ignoring or excusing or reshaping actual seriously messed up stuff to suit their perverse value sets.
I dont even think spicer got it wrong, we all understood perfectly what he said and what he meant, he should have just ignored them or called them for the ridiculous word twisting fake news that they are.
never apologize or clarify to these bullies, its simply taken as an admission of guilt
Exactly – I think most people knew he was talking about assault weapons and not gas chambers. Is an electric chair a weapon? Is a noose a weapon? Were Spicer tried in an actual court rather than the hysterical judge, legislator and jury which is the MSM I am sure he would be found innocent.
I say let the left carry on with their pathetic, infantile bullying tactics like this as it just makes them look bad. To try and synthesise some outrage and make it into a news story when we are facing such deadly enemies really is abject and most people can see that.
I’ve just contacted The Media Show over their pathetic attempts to ‘big up’ this story. Do they really think we in the real world care?
In a world of 7 billion people there must be more importants things going on that a press secretary being lead into a trap or ‘an Asian’ being bumped off a plane!
Speculation, Hype and Irritating Trivia, the BBC’s idea of News
P.S. PM promises to continue the press secretary non-story drivel. I can’t wait.
You are so right I watch Sean most time he is on, he puts up with a lot, yes he has a bit of a stammer however his content and ability is spot on. Anyway aren’t we supposed to celebrate ‘differences’ or does it not include republicans?
LBC chose to misrepresent him in two programmes asking if he was a holocaust denier! I also had a comment deleted from the DM due to lots of complaints.
My comment merely stated that he corrected himself by saying that ‘Hitler never dropped chemical bombs in towns’ I also stated as Sean did that Hitler banned the use of chemical weapons in the theatre of war, which is correct.
For these two facts my comment was deleted due to the real fascists.
Clearly the left have a monopoly on the use of the word Hitler and any views pertaining to him can only come from them.
It was a gaffe ( even if that ) by him pure and simple, but the lesson is not to ever use the word Hitler as it is reserved specially for usage of the left. I do hope he doesn’t step down.
Yes it was a gaffe but he wasn’t thinking about the holocaust, just the well known fact that Hitler refrained from using chemical weapons in the Battle of Britain because he, wrongly, thought Britain also had some and would use them in retaliation.
It looks clear to me that he wasn’t thinking about the holocaust, and maybe he should have done, but he corrected himself later after his gaffe was pointed out. Amazing that the Gaffe-Meister Obama never had any of his multitude of gaffes pointed out in the MSM. You had to find them elsewhere.
Just opened up my copy of Camouflage & Markings No 2: The Battle for Britain – RAF May to December 1940 by Paul Lucas (July 2000), a colourful reference work aimed mostly at modellers. It seems to be extensively (or obsessively) well researched (if you ever wanted to know the paint variations used on a Gloster-built Hurricane, this is the book for you).
There is a brief section on Chemical Warfare:
“During the summer of 1940, many types of aircraft carried small squares of a light greenish yellow gas detection paint. . . “By September 1940, the RAF had eleven Bomber and several Army Co-operation squadrons equipped with Mustard gas bombs and/or spraying equipment, which was intended to be used in retaliation should the Germans resort to the use of such weapons during an invasion. It is presumed that the gas detection markings were applied to British aircraft as an indicator for the ground crew that the aircraft had been contaminated whilst operating in a chemical warfare environment.
Fortunately this never happened, and the markings seem to have disappeared by the Spring of 1941.”
There is a photograph of a Westland Lysander equipped with the spraying equipment.
As you say, it seems likely that this is what Sean Spicer was referring to. I shudder to imagine what our generation(s) would do faced with such terrible choices.
It is exciting to have three Champions League quarter finals played on the same evening after last night’s game had to be postponed as someone tried to explode one of the teams. As a football lover I am delighted. Yet another example of how our lives are changing for the better.
The BBC are trying to insinuate that the Brexit may have been affected by possible hacking of vote registration website. Well they would do wouldn’t they…
So, the website was down for 1.75 hrs, then voters were given an extra 48 hrs to register. Surely that’s enough time for even a Labour-voting, local authority paper-shuffler to stop staring out the window and fill in their online registration.
This is sickening. 28 monsters/scum that shouldn’t be here in the first place. Castration/deportation back to where they came from would be too kind.
Thank goodness for the likes of Tommy who exposes these vile creatures and has no fear unlike, I hate to say, our Police force whose hands are tied by so called ‘human rights’. How about the human rights of the kids they raped.
How odd – I can’t seem to find any reference to this on the BBC News website. Never mind, I’m sure they have more important things to report – they seem very exercised about Selfridges apparently sending out the ‘wrong’ message by using an image of a thin-looking model in one of their latest promotions…
Of course, we should be sympathetic. By the tenets of their religion, and the psychopathic rapist, paedophile and murderer who founded it, they have done nothing wrong. islam has always been spread by rape and terror, they are the islamic equivalents of missionaries. It is their misfortune that Britain is such a cruel and harsh place in which they have to practice their religious obligations. Really, we should be ashamed of ourselves. We are almost as intolerant as those horrible Swedes.
They will all be on legal aid as well, and no doubt lie about everything they possibly can, thus dragging the case on for as long as possible. It will cost the taxpayer millions.
Dear Ms May
Revoke any UK nationality/citizenship/visa rights of the Huddersfield gang and deport immediately. Do this for all subsequent convictions of this nature.
No right ever to return to OUR shores.
While you are at it, multiply the current UK border staff tenfold immediately (use ex military or police), and substantially increase our naval capacity.
Work out which medieval country each one came from (not difficult) and then take all court costs, hefty compensation for victims, repatriation expenses, prison costs and anything else, directly off the foreign aid budget for that country and then send a note to that country’s ambassador explaining why this year’s handout is smaller than last year. We should be doing this routinely for all illegal invaders plus those who somehow get here legally and then foul the civilised society that has accepted them.
If anyone here has taken in the behind the scenes dark motives, of the political establishment in the treatment of T Robinson,(now P Golding/Jayda Franson), more recently A M Waters … the reason being vocal and factual, and opposite to the MSM narrative about, well you ve guessed it. I—m
Across the pond? I d wouldn t say its worse, but it is more direct.
This is a bubbling story, I ve waited till the affidavits were in and the FOIs
from US federal.
Its actually worse than I imagined, from a reporter who covered the original event.
It really is, “them and us” today, that swamp desperately needs draining .its our families, who will in the end suffer …
Just like Tory f-ckwits Fallon, Boris, and May are ramping up the bullsh-t now
… after any vote they ll be pushing for, they won t be immediately lead to a waiting van with their (of age) children to go straight to the front line … will they?
Anyone who hasn’t listened to Delingpole’s podcast with Tommy Robinson, should do so.
Absolutely fascinating stuff, and a voice you’d never hear on the BBC without constant interruptions, and a studio packed with Islamists and Marxists all screaming “WAYCIST! WAYCIST!” over the top of him.
I agree old news to some, but a great interview.
Note how after the Robinson/EDL protest in London it was T May who put the word in the political channels to erm, what s the way to say it?
… do something about him, and look what happened after.
The BBC are using up their news web site to canvas for support for the Night Manager, the most over rated drama since …. well, ok the most over rated drama of all time. But it was directed by a woman.
For some bizarre, illogical reasoning, BAFTA don’t share the BBC’s enthusiasm for this flat pancake of 1 dimensional characters wearing black and white hats to help the simple minded BBC producers know who are the good and the bad guys. I exclude Tom Hollander from this sarcasm on account of his ability to read the menu at the local burger bar and have us all entranced.
The article demands to know why The Crown is listed as best drama when BBC rubbish isn’t. Clearly, they haven’t seen The Crown, else they’d know it is the best drama since the Sopranos.
But wait! The BBC have found one Tufayel Ahmed to agree with their whining. Who he? Well, Tufayel is a Muslim from Bangladesh, that famous centre of original drama and art. Tufayel explains it away to the satisfaction of the BBC scribe: “The Crown seems to fit that Downton Abbey gap, whereas something like The Night Manager might be a bit too modern.”
Ah, so that’s the reason for the staggering success of The Crown all over the world.
Then there are some words about diversity, leaving the reader wondering what diversity has to do with good drama but that’s the BBC for you: Box ticking and then flummoxed as the world over takes them for drama.
A few Sundays ago there was an interview with ‘the thug’ from The Night Manager in which he referred to his character’s threat to ‘the hero’ when he joined ‘the baddies’. Now when I saw the series I thought that the threat related to ‘the hero’ keeping his paws off ‘the chief baddie’s’ delicate flower of a wife.
I should have known! This was the BBC! The ‘thug’ was really declaring his homosexual love for ‘the chief baddie’!
Perhaps those BAFTA luvvies missed this latent award-winning moment too?
Personally I’m hacked off that these “excellent dramas” like the Crown are only available to those who subscribe to Netflix and other streaming networks. I pay enough as it is for a monthly Sky package, so I’m “out of the loop” when it comes to the likes of Netflix or Amazon productions.
It cant be due to Brexit, but must be due to the prospect of Brexit.
With Australia and Canada proving that territories similar to Britain, but not in the EU, are about 11 percent to over 20 percent more prosperous. It proves the theory that the Stock Market is more intelligent that the humans who invest in it.
Another biased BBC attempt to spoil BREXIT, “may” have been hacked means they haven’t a clue.
And if you left it to last minute to register to vote then tough, and anyway all those people “may” have been ‘LEAVE’ voters.
what complete and utter bollox, “despite absolutely no evidence what so ever, we cant rule out the possibility the russians did it”
Ive just spent a week at work going through apache proxy logs trying to work out why one of our webservers is going slow, I think despite there also being no evidence whatsoever, I should add the possibility to my report that there could be some very clever Russian ddos attack, that should nicely let my department off the hook as to why we configured the piece of shit the way we did.
It looks like anyone could hack anyone. But I assume the fear is that the Russians still recruit people on merit, while we recruit people using Political Correct ideology.
That would mean that the “Best Computer Experts” in the West would be Women and Ethnics with any White males being left-wing environmental activists with qualifications in the Arts and Humanities. While in Russia they would be all White male nerds with an enthusiasm for computer programming.
With wage/unemployment statistics showing that wage growth & inflation are about equal the BBC has been able to return, after a few months hiatus, to their favourite (& appropriately named) prophet of doom for a quote However, Samuel Tombs, chief UK economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics, said: “Households are being caught in a perfect storm of rising inflation and slowing labour income growth.”
“Storm”, Mr Tombs? Or no more than a stiff breeze?
Obviously, in their attempt to counter FakeNews & FalseNews, the BBC had written this headline thoughtfully and carefully ‘Wage growth slows as high inflation bites’ a couple of days before in the wide expectation of many Remainers that Brexit is awful and the inflation figures for March will show another increase.
There are countries around the globe who would love to have that level of inflation and growth in their economy.
But what is really strange is that in the glorious ‘Brown years’ the BBC did not comment at all, as far as I can remember, about the inflation of approximately 3% on average that ate into all that growth we were all having and enjoying. Funny, that!
An Editor’s job is to edit. No much of that done there on that article for today. It is a poorly written article, not just the headline.
Abdul Qadeer Baksh, chairman of the Luton Islamic Centre explains how he attempted to counter the Islamist views of Stockholm bomb suspect Taimour Abdulwahab al-Abdaly and why he did not flag up his radical views to the police.
An interview with the man running the centre. You can watch an interview with him on the BBC site.
You might think that this kind of track record would be ringing the alarm bells at the ministry of Truth, but guess what? They’ve unbelievably invited him on to Radio 4 ‘Sunday’ to make excuses for the terrorism that they’ve initiated !
How should the Muslim community tackle extremism? William debates with Kadeer Baksh, Chairman of the Luton Islamic Centre, Asghar Bakari from the Muslim Public Affairs Committee and Alexander Hitchens from the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation.
It beggars belief that the BBC would invite someone on to talk about how the Muslims should tackle extremism when he himself is known to them as an extremist himself !
Yes, outed a couple of weeks age, Baksh and his cronies advises police and government
on Islam.
M Pac!! 😀 Old Assghar (zionists ate my shoe,),Butthairy, is a total extremist and of course Islamophile, bit like the BBC.
Princess Nikki Campbell was on top form this morning, constantly referring to Britain “selling” cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia. The Foreign Office minister Alastair Burt kept on telling Nikki that we had last sold cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia in 1989, but he was like a dog with a bone. Any stick with which to beat Britain.
The bottom line is that Suadi Arabia is bombing Houthi rebels in Yemen because the Houthis are Shi’ites, and thus supported by Iran. It is all part of the gang war for control of islam which broke out after the death of Mohammed (pbuh) some 1400 years ago, and they are still at it. There are no good guys in this. They hate each other in the name of their retarded religion, and I only wish they could both lose.
There will be an Islamic war eventually. It’s not a matter of if but WHEN.
The Iranians backed by the Turks would gladly take out Mecca if they could. They don’t really need it.
That is one reason why the Saudis are as twitchy about Iran’s nuclear capabilities as the Israelis are.
And why they will try to keep us as allies.
It’s a little more complicated than a simple Shiite/Sunni divide.
Shiites have an alternative mosque at Karbala in Iraq, it’s all centred around the Shiite messiah like figure Al-Ḥusayn. The Iranians & Saudis are currently fighting some of this out in Yemen as Yemen is believed to be the hiding place of the Twelfth Imam. The Saudis are hated by many in the Islamic world including Turks & Iranians for being self-indulgent, greedy & lazy. Our liberals remain fully ignorant of Islamic doctrine & history. Ask one of them who Mahdi is. (The Messiah figure of Islam) And/or how important his appearance would be to the the Islamic world as a whole. They don’t know. They think that because they have been largely successful at marginalising Christianity in the West they will ultimately control Islam in the same way. They underestimate just how important the religion is to Muslims & how quickly they will jump (even the moderates) when the right leaders tell them to. We can see it all around us. The West is in danger. We will either learn to resist and stand against this evil or we will become a part of it. The time is rapidly evaporating where we can sit on the fence.
The Iranians won’t be backed by the Turks so long as Erdogan is in power.
There is now a triumvirate with Syria Russia & Iran set against Turkey who have been allegedly providing assistance to ISIS fighters.
The war there is not what the media have made it to be, a sectarian, religious & over a tyrannical leader.
This is the problem with a media which simply isn’t telling the truth to the people about the causes.
This is a war about commerce – the rights to supply gas into Europe and the leverage the current main supplier (Russia) is able to exert over Europe as a result. Syria and Assad just happen to have got in the way and are not a direct cause of the civil war.
“The Iranians backed by the Turks would gladly take out Mecca if they could.”
Regards the so called hatred of SA. Its a huge propaganda campaign paid for by Tehran. Look at how shia trouble making in/by Hezba–allah, Bahrain, Yemen , Nigeria (Yes Nigeria) is painted to the media as all the fault of…Sunni Islam funded by SA. Then there’s the so called bedfellows of Israel and SA promoted by Iran. The simple fact of the matter is the vast majority of the anti-SA message is aimed not at the Islamic world, but rather at the Western world, where as you mention, liberals simply do not have a Scooby do.
Saudi Arabians are seen as the protectors of the faith by virtually 99% of Sunni Muslims. Every Sunni Household in the UK will have a picture of the Saudi Black box. Any Muslim around the world will jump at the chance in which to go and live in SA. In fact the Westminster terrorist did just that.
“…There are no good guys in this. They hate each other in the name of their retarded religion, and I only wish they could both lose.
See, I’m of the view that we should just leave them all to fight it out amongst themselves. No more foreign adventures wasting precious blood and treasure trying to tame these barbarians into civil behaviour. Just let them go at each other until they wear themselves so far down into the sand they have nothing left to fight with.
They are welcome to their toxic religion and all the suffering that comes with it – we should just focus on keeping such medieval malignancy out of our own societies, and we we should squash every single bleating request for special exceptions that Islam attempts to slip past us. ‘Islamophobia’ should become what it is: a meaningless word that has been weaponised against the West (usually by a fifth column within its own societies).
Islam gets no favours, is given no quarter. It is a brutal, barbarous ideology in every way as racist and murderous as anything to have sprung out of communism or fascism in the 20th century. We should treat it as the existential threat to our way of life that it is.
Yes – To understand anything Middle Eastern or African you need to get yourself into a primitive way of thinking to a time of, djinns, witchcraft, beheadings, barbarism and tribal conflict.
Westerners struggle to do that.
I did a check on Arms Sales to SA. It transpires that whilst the UK does sell to the country we come behind the following:
(The above are listed in weapons sold)
The left work on this mindset that, that if they can get one country to drop sales, then the rest will follow. The irony here is , a lot of the anti-SA pressure is paid for by Iran. That country which is sullying those so called poor rebels with suicide drones, anti-ship missiles and Scud missiles (150 fired into SA so far)
Campbell is wrong, I think. The TOADY programme also repeated this ‘misunderstood’ fact on Monday as part (irony & sarcasm alert) of its scrupulous attention to NOT broadcasting FakeNews or FalseNews, and I thought that wrong then but did not remember to check on-line. If my memory serves me right, one of the better deeds of John Major’s Premiership was the banning of sales from UK producers of mines and cluster bombs to third parties abroad. They are only made & kept for UK defence and our military use elsewhere.
Perhaps Pounce & other military folk on here can confirm whether that is correct and whether the ban still holds.
(This was a reply to Rob in Cheshire but the computer has decided to place it here!)
We do not have cluster bombs any more as we have signed the international treaty against them. Saudi Arabia is not a party to the treaty, so is still using the cluster bombs we sold them in the 1980s.
What got my goat was Princess Nikki saying several times “we are selling cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia”, which is untrue, even after he had been told it was untrue. There is a phrase for that, I think… fake news.
Racist orchestra R4 9am was about the founder of an exclusively black and minority orchestra.
I note the online blurb no longer mentions that
” Of Nigerian and Irish descent, she is the founder and Artistic Director of the Chineke! Foundation, the first professional orchestra & junior orchestra in Europe to be made up entirely of Black and minority ethnic (BME) ”
8pm Gender Equality debate from the Women’s Festival
“Three expert witnesses are called to give evidence – MP Harriet Harman, best-selling Turkish author Elif Shafak, and sociologist Catherine Hakim”
So equality means making sure no men are aired ?
11:15pm US Comedian Maysoon Zayid reflects on putting her Muslim culture and disability to work in life and acclaimed stand-up comedy
And presumably their audience is entirely BME as well?
Unlikely – they’d be lucky to find enough BMEs to fill a village hall. That’s why orchestras are virtually 100% white (SE Asians excepted) – the interest isn’t there. The implied racism of existing orchestras is simply not supportable.
Listen to the last few sentences of the Naomi Alderman programme carefully. Outright racist and sexist comments. Any broken laws there? Astonishing that BBC can get away with such blatant offence!
BBC Website. Police investigate “Islamic Link” to Dortmund blast. The BBC seems surprised, whereas the rest of us are not. What is wrong with these idiots ?
The BBC consistently capitalises on the joint publication of average earnings and unemployment statistics to downplay good news and be as pessimistic as possible . All in the cause of leading opposition to HM Government of course. The employment /unemployment data are so impressive and contrast with the performance of most EU countries . Yet again one might ask why being in the EU is so beneficial to a national economy .The UK has a flexible labour market , not at all like the EU ( or Corbyn) advocate. The BBC doesn’t want us asking such anti EU questions and so resorts to its favourite tactic of warning us that real earnings are or will be squeezed and that life in the UK economy is rotten . This of course was the Two Ed’s line in 2014-15. So , with earnings ‘only’ rising at 2.2 per cent, we are all doomed apparently. Except – all governments since 1945 have seen wage inflation ahead of productivity growth as a bad thing . Indeed it was the cause of the UK’s huge inflation problems in the 1970s. So let’s rejoice that wages are only going up at 2.2 per cent and that unions aren’t powerful enough any more to trigger major inflation surges when temporary cost increases due to say oil or sterling depreciation occur .
And something the biased BBC also consistently fail to mention is that public sector pay is FAR higher than the private sector and that doesn’t even include the fabulous and immoral pension arrangements in the public sector. Once included, the differences are huge.
Nor that for 9 out of 10 earnings deciles the public sector pay is higher than the private sector. Only at the final top decile, dominated by footballers, showbiz types, and the top level of commerce where a few directors decide how mich to pay each other, does the private sector outpay the public. This is of course used by the bBBC to justify the telephone number salaries for its own top bods, as they have to ‘recruit the best’. LOL.
You can see why Trump uses Twitter. They mocked him for it but otherwise they will take any little thing he says and twist it to make him look bad. I am sure Spicer said load of important and sensible things last night, but of course the MSM focus on one minor slip. That the President relies on Twitter to get his message out because he cannot trust any outlets to report on it honestly is such a shame. And they clearly have no intention on cleaning up their act. Same old snide nonsense everyone is sick and tired of.
Yes – never seen quite this level of arrogance and sanctimony from MSM. Even from the likes of Robin Day, John Humphries etc., at their worst.
Washington Post, BBC etc., – “We’re just doing our job”, “Trump has declared war on us and demonized the MSM” – Awww, what a shame and I wonder why that could be?
And as for their job? That would be pontificating, propagandizing, a bit of typing and earning big bucks for being, know all do nothings. Wow, what a hard job MSM has – not!
Also they are totally unelected and unaccountable. You couldn’t do any other job so badly and get away with it. Who, where, what and why? It is not so hard.
There is a lovely oxymoron in On Chesil Beach. A woman walks out on her husband on their wedding night as she has an aversion to sex, and he feels ‘delicious offence’. That is the rub of the SJW illness: they just love being offended. They feel so much better about themselves by pointing out other people’a mistakes.
The world does not run on offence. You have to DO something. Teach kids to read; drive a bus; clean a hospital. Just actually DO something useful rather than sneering, tutting and wagging your finger at everyone else.
R4’s play : sympathetic to young boys who have seized US marines in London.
The characters turn out to be real terrorists but just trying to get their dad who was ‘illegally’ detained in Afghanistan.
The SJW young girl tries to help
But after police pull a clever trick one brother shoots the other.
The police then go back on the word and kill him while he surrenders.
In the drama they portray Trump as sending idiotic tweet
If anyone can oblige with a link to Alison Pearson in the DT today many on here will recognise both her analysis of how such as the BBC treat terrorist incidents and also, most refreshingly, her approach to those of the religion of peace. A view unlikely to be found space for on our beloved BBC!
"Wherever there is any hateful narrative being preached towards any minority, it is very important for that to be countered"
In the short video Saffiyah Khan and her Muslim friend (“the one who was surrounded by 10,000 EDL fascists”) talk about the recent rise in Islamophobia.
Her friend says “the rise is due to the media”. The video then cuts to newspaper headlines about the ISIS threat. She continues “wherever there is a hateful narrative to a minority, it is important for that to be counted.”
Is she claiming any criticism of ISIS is a hateful narrative towards Islam? If so then she is admitting ISIS is Islam. We all know that already but it’s nice to get it confirmed by Muslims themselves.
if she and her friend were being so peaceful why did the cops clear them. It was a total setup from start to finish and the media media gave her her 15 minutes and probably a guardian column but as usual only half the story.
… and then goes on to describe nothing of the sort. At worst they are claiming the website went down under heavy use, heavy use which could have been due to a DDoS attack, which is not hacking even if that was the case. Most likely just heavy use, something that occurs with frustrating regularity on Govt sites.
A bit like the BBCs attempt to point the finger at far right groups for the Borrusia Dortmund bus bombs, despite absolutely no evidence to back that up, in fact the only evidence being polar opposite and suggesting Islam or the far left.
The Beeb, faithfully ignoring the principles of Occam’s razor in favour of its own smug bias every day…
Toilet time this morning and switch on bbc toilet radio 4.
Some nobody doing, “Thought for the Day” he seemed to be telling us that, especially at Easter, we should turn the other cheek, love everyone and meekly go to our deaths peacefully – just like Jesus did.
‘Bout time someone invented an expletives generator for use on such occasions.
The German police have informed the BBC “Borussia Dortmund attack: ‘Islamist’ suspect held”. Not good enough for the BBC they have to add “Either left-wing or right-wing extremists could also be to blame.”
What are the chances of the BBC adding Islamists into the frame if the authorities had fingered a Nazi/football fanatic?
A little earlier this afternoon, Steve “love the show” Wright gave a sports roundup and included the fact that the Borussia Dortmund footy game would now be played on Thursday following…. pause ….. an incident. This was well after the local plods announcement of the possible terror links.
What is the point of having a national news broadcaster if they will not just deliver the facts?
The bbbc cannot really believe that the people who listen to their totally one sided news broadcasts actually take them seriously. Up until the very last possible moment the bbbc guy was referring to the lorry incident in Stockholm as a road traffic accident and again with this latest footballing saga they are trying to include right wing militants……They behave like teenagers who have been caught smoking behind the bike sheds by the headmaster and then make up some impossible excuse…..
It really is woeful.
Has anyone heard or read any bbbc comment (they don’t do positive ones)on brexit without the words could, may or possibly in it?
It was a house built on sand i.e. cultural Marxism. To say all cultures are equal would be bad enough, but they go one step further and say that Western culture is actually inferior to all other cultures. That is patently absurd and suicidal, which was the far-left plan all along: to rot us from within.
Now the storm of Trump, Brexit, the migration crisis and mass terror have arrived and the house is being torn apart, which was always inevitable. On the same day that terrorists try to blow up a football team, they focus on an Asian man being thrown off a plane.
It is only going to get worse. Best to see the BBC news as alternative comedy then it is bearable, otherwise you will just have to cry.
But that’s the point – the bbc spend most of their time broadcasting to themselves for themselves in their ‘safe’ bubble. No one in power will say anything – it would be portrayed as beating an old cat for not making it to the litter tray. A view that has to change.
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Would you fight for this country?” “No, I’m from Brazil.” What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:56 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “🇩🇪🇺🇸‼️🚨 GERMAN GOVERNMENT ATTACKS ELON AND PAID FOR THIS CAR! One of the topical Carnival cars in Düsseldorf shows: -…
DoublethinkerMar 4, 13:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Find Jeffery Sachs on YouTube and he explains why the Ukraine / Russia war started . Basically it was the…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WE HAVE NO MONEY … Dear MP Darren Henry, 13 Parliament’s £13 billion restoration. 150 HS2 £150 billion, original budget…
It’s just been suggested on Toady that the motives behind bombing of the football coach are unknown, but it’s possible that it could be right-wing extremism. Just for ‘balance’ I guess.
Going by what ID posted yesterday about the Nazi like suppression of free speech in Germany by the government , I expect that the German police and MSM will be working hard to direct suspicion towards the extreme right and away from Islam. The BBC is just doing their bit for the Pro Islam Alliance that the liberal Globalists have set up right across the West. The MSM don’t seem to grasp that their lies are now exposed by other alternative sources of news and with each lie the credibility of the MSM drops further and more and more people turn to those alternative news sources. Thei MSM attempt to label alternate sources of news as fake is laughable , anyone with any sense can see that they, the MSM, have been peddling false news for years.
One thing for sure is that, it will not (under any circumstances), be muslim related.
I guess if they have to bomb and kill people, it’s better that it is the likes of these and other useful idiots rather than poor innocent deaf 11 year olds.
Thatcherrev, I sort of feel that way about that Swedish Illegal Refugee supporting activist: it’s a tragedy that any innocent has to die, but as she was an enabler for this sort of action then it’s better her than a true innocent.
Too late for her to learn her lesson but maybe it might teach some of her anti-Western friends that they’re not doing the right thing. I won’t hold my breath! It reminds me of that Swedish girl who had a large sign that said something like “Yes to rapists, no to racists”. When I saw that I knew Sweden was fully doomed.
Poor girl. RIP. As to signage chick; careful what you wish for.
Seem to recall another misguided young lady accidentally run over by a D8 having lain in front of it out of view of the driver.
BBC seemed to focus on both equally. If for different reasons.
Its unknown until the terrorist says that he did it in the name of Islam.
Then the BBC will say that it has nothing to do with Islam.
Slow news day at the Ministry of Truth. On the BBC ‘News’ website, the top 6 items currently include: “Nigeria road safety commander cut hair of female employees”; “Selfridges ad of ‘thin’ model cleared by watchdog”; “Meet Sesame Street’s first autistic character.”
And how people used to laugh at Pravda and Radio Moscow reporting on the latest statistics for tractor production in the Ukraine…
Lots for Dr. Who fans to get excited about Breakfast informs us as they big up the new series of the crap fest that Dr. Who has been transformed into. Yes BBc bigging up one of it’s own program. However as usual I for one won’t be watching.
The good doc has got a new lesbian ethnic sidekick called Bill so lots of hullabaloo on the beeb sofas like its the second coming. The new addition is also ‘politically vocal’ on twatter in real life, from diverse Brixton so perfect for the role.
Surlenny not thrilled to only be offered the K9 VO gig?
episode 2 new side kick is raped by a dalek so proving the oppression of the patriarchy
episode 3 refugee cybermen transform britain into a multicultural paradise
episode 4 Dr who saves the SILURIANS from the Brigadier and his band of EDL thugs
episode 5 george soros guest stars as the newly the reformed master spreading a message of universal peace
I used to enjoy watching the revamped Dr Who. I thought that Russell Davies did a reasonable job with the show, despite him pushing his pro-gay agenda. Then Moffatt came along and completely ruined it with bad, immature writing, and his own pro-transgender obsession. I mean changing the Master into Missy? Then changing another Timelord from a man into a Black woman, whose first words were a dig at men. I used to look forward to Dr Who coming back, but Moffatt has ruined Dr Who. It remains to be seen if his successor will do any better. Knowing the BBC, I doubt it.
Ah well, at least I have my collection of original Dr Who DVD’s to fall back on.
Always look on the bright side of life…
This morning I was watching BBC TV news with their rather extraordinary reporting on the bombing of the Dortmund soccer team bus. Soaking in the BBC coverage I was suddenly struck by the image from that Monty Python movie The Life of Brian when Eric Ilde in the horrific situation of execution by crucifixion incongruously begins to whistle his now famous little ditty whilst faced with excruciatingly painful death – the scene is of course thoroughly and deliberately ironic. The scene lampoons stoicism in the face of terror and in a sense it lampoons the Christian ethic of turn the other cheek.
As BBC presenters quickly tell us the bare facts of the latest bombing and park the bus (so to speak) with the news that there will be a police press conference later our BBC types soon move on to a skype interview with a local and a review of social media (oh dear, look out what’s coming – that’s the thought that occurs to this viewer).
By the way interestingly it is the BBC which vaguely links this latest event of unknown origin to Islamic Terrorism with passing references to “Paris”.
I am also aware of the BBC reaction to the very recent events in Stockholm – rather than attend a press conference with the authorities our BBC reporter scooted off to be with the “demonstration to show solidarity”
Clearly an institutionally mandated – albeit secret and perhaps unwritten – rule book is guiding BBC reporting on terror attacks.
Cue jolly pics of opposing team supporters scammed off the internet – we even have a hashtag #bedforawayfans. And this line of reporting is not just determined by the choices of BBC news editors – our BBC sofa duo are so happy to look on the bright side that they coo and coddle among themselves and blithely assure us: “There will be more security for the rescheduled match… fans will have to wait much longer in line but I’m sure they won’t mind” Gosh, BBC, you almost have us pleased the bus was bombed – it’s such a good opportunity for positive messaging!
Well actually BBC many, many, people are annoyed at now being faced with the increasing inconvenience of intrusive and depersonalising security measures whilst at events in public places and when travelling.
Hashtag don’t crucify our freedoms this Easter
AslSeelt- Yes, very well appraised.The BBC I am sure does have an updated rule book
on how to handle terrorist attacks. It’s a “don’t mention the war” attitude with the operative word being ISLAM. The victims can be dismissed in “everything you wanted to know about the Copts in one minute.” Everybody can dress up , hold hands , light candles and march singing “what the world needs now is love.” How the BBC will handle the day when an Islamic terrorist runs amok into the joyful throngs as they get to “It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of.” Screams out AALAHU AKBAR!! and
detonates his suicide vest, is anybodies guess.I expect it will be ” Every thing you wanted to know about Burt Bacharach in one minute!
“Cue jolly pics of opposing team supporters scammed off the internet”
I think they took them from a building society advert.
Bearing in mind the Maddy Savage debacle where our BBC reporter in Stockholm had to admit “I wasn’t actually at the press conference… I was at the demonstration to show solidarity among Swedes” and now the BBC focus on happy friendly football supporters rather than potentially deadly explosions…
I would like to present to the BBC a new tag line:
“BBC Second with the News: First with the Community Cohesion”
BBC forced to report something:
Press conference – likely facts on the perpetrator: risk that it would be stated he was an islamicist.
Solidarity gathering – many multiculti Swedes pleading that the muslims are a warm and wonderful group and that they integrate well.
We really know why the BBC reporter chose the latter. Really goes without saying?
Nicky Campbell has a debate on the he, she, it, they, gender neutral bullshit. TCW’s Belinda Brown tries to bring some sense to proceedings
Also, if somebody has a Mr Potato Head that is missing it’s eyebrows, I think I may have found them (1:09 min into the video)
Apologies to any Potatoes offended by my use of the title “MR”
On Breakfast, the sofa jockeys managed to skip around the Dortmund team bus attack by joyfully announcing the fact that social media was responsible for the home team supporters inviting the away supporters into their houses overnight.
“Nice to see so much kindness” was quoted rather nauseously.
I got the impression that this was some kind of hint that that this is the attitude we all should be taking with refugees,
Perhaps I am being a bit cynical, but that is the way the BBC have got me.
davylars – No it’s not cynical, it’s the default beebistan response to terror attacks: shift the focus away from the muslim perpetrators to the feelgood acts of people coming together, speeches about NTDWI, ROP, ‘we won’t let them divide us’, let’s be nice to muslims who are the true victims, beware revenge attacks by the far right etc. Anything to divert attention from the simple, obvious truth that islam is murderous to the core. IT’S ALL SPELT OUT IN THEIR (UN)HOLY BOOK.
Posted again because I don’t like being lied to or taken as stupid.
This does seem to be the lying German Police in action again:
10:31 Letter found near Dortmund bus blast
A police press conference is underway. The German state prosecutor has said a letter was found near the site of the blasts and is being examined.
10:40 Letter found near attack site ‘takes responsibility for the act’
A German prosecutor has said the letter found near the Dortmund team bus “takes responsibility for the act”.
10:49 High security levels ‘due to risk of terror attack’
German police have said there are high levels of security in place due to the risk of a terror attack – but that they do not want to jump to conclusions and say the Dortmund explosions was a terror attack.
So they have a letter claiming responsibility, and presumably that means they gave a name (ISIS perhaps) but the lying German authorities are not telling in whose name this act was perpetrated.
3 bombs which exploded and a 4th which did not and they don’t want to say it was a terror attack?? What else do they think it might be if it isn’t a terror attack?
They really must think we are stupid
Now even the BBC is speculating the motivation was the religion of peace.
Borussia Dortmund attack: Police investigate Islamist link
A letter found near the scene references the Berlin Christmas market attack and military operations in Syria.
It is not yet clear if the letter is genuine.
How crazy can you get and how stupid does the BBC think we are?
‘3 bombs which exploded and a 4th which did not and they don’t want to say it was a terror attack?’
An edgy bit of street art, perhaps? Think Banksy but with explosives – Boomsy?
I had just begun making some notes about how I would reorganise the CBB (continually biased broadcaster.) Scraping it would be my first choice but I had allowed a couple of TV channels and probably would wipe a large number of the radio stations. Most of the TV content is unwatchable rubbish with radio following closely behind. For a long time I have been pondering why the presenters seem to be always running short of time. The chosen topics are read on the news with usually a cross over to a correspondent and then maybe an expert. We then return to the show (I am focusing on morning stuff at the moment) where not one but two fools babble on repeating what we have just heard on the news over and over again but in a mad rush. Not because they actually have something important to follow but for stupid little fill ins.
Like the one I just heard on World Service. Are you ready for this. Why Do Our Shoe Laces Become Undone When We Are Walking? To answer this crucially important question we are blessed with an expert opinion from UCLA Berkley. Not just an expert but a PROFESSOR. I’m sure much to the relief of the presenters the causes seemed unrelated to Islamic or Russian interference.
Can you give me the link as I have a particular pair of shoes that the laces become undone on occasionally. Up until now I have tended to tighten them up but clearly there is more to it, my quality of life would be vastly.. no universally improved if there were some other solution.
It makes Islamic terrorism and rivers of blood on the streets pale into insignificance by comparison.
I don’t know what the professor said but this guy has got the subject tied up!
Ian’s Shoelace Site

Boy, I thought stamp collecting was boring!
Professor Shoelace. Was he a string theory specialist then?
Jerry I can do better than a link. How about an all expenses paid trip to UCLA Berkley where I’m sure Professor Oliver O’Rielly will guide you over many hours of theoretical and practical training in how to tie your shoe laces properly for a better and more rewarding life. There is always a downside. To qualify for CBB funding you will have to be of ethnic origin preferably a refugee or asylum seeker, 15 years or younger. This is a minor hurdle easily solved. With that sorted the other downside is that you will be travelling on a charted A380 mostly with current CBB employees all in need of this training too. To register simply report to CBB in Langham Place London, just mention Moodswing6 and shoe lace training. You might even end up on the same charted flight as me.
Noooooooooooo….joking honest!!! I’d sooner cut my feet off with a blunt saw to solve the problem than your hellish offer! 😉
Jerry, it appears to be fashionable to now wear fit footwear, (or what used to be called Plimsolls when I was at school), WITHOUT the laces, so fear not, ditch the laces altogether and become ‘edgy’ !!! (giggle)
I’ll fall over!
They keep their tame ‘experts’ in a small room in the basement of BBC HQ. They are fed and watered and otherwise tended by a young lady with a white coat and blue sanitised neoprene gloves. If you pass the room, you can hear faint squeaks, groans and other animal like noises. If, perchance, you pass when the white coated lady is entering the quarantined room, you can quickly see the ‘experts’ are kept separately in individual steel cages all tagged with their academic or practical persuasions. All RSPCA approved of course.
It seems that Professor Denzil Dexter has escaped from the Fast Show and achieved tenure at UCLA at last. Good for him!
‘It is not yet clear if the letter is genuine’
Is it a letter or is it a bomb? How about this for a bit of detective work.. it’s a letter bomb!’ Albeit with an explosive message.
I hear a Swedish MP is demanding that cars and lorries be banned from Stockholm as they are clearly dangerous and she tells us that ‘cars are mainly driven by men which means men are taking up the space of women’…. well that’s ok then!
Oh dear they are lost as a nation. When you consider that one of the Stokholm dead was a young woman that was a psychiatrist who ‘supported refused asylum seekers’ I just sometimes wonder if they deserve their plight.
But for once a bit of caution might be in order: this type of sophisticated ‘ambush bomb’ doesn’t sound like the usual MO of islamic terrorists.
Looks like it was the usual suspects.
The bombs were real but there is a chance that the letter is fake, a bit like the Jack the Ripper letter, where some sick person wants their moment of infamy. I would still guess the letter is probably genuine, 90% maybe, but there is still a chance that it doesn’t belong to the islamists who carried out the attack.
Please, let us not jump to conclusions concerning the unfortunate ‘incident’ on the Dortmund team bus. There’s probably a perfectly innocent explanation. Over-inflated footballs that blew up maybe, or a triple tyre blow-out. My personal hunch is some extremist Monaco supporters, those guys can be murderous.
some arse on vd has just said “it may be a far right attack” lmao
I would like to draw your attention to an article in the Telegraph today by Allison Pearson entitle ‘ Please no more vigils, now it’s time to get angry’. In it she eloquently expresses how most Brits feel about Islam and the craven politicians and heads of institutions who lead us. The only omission that she makes is that she does not specifically call out the BBC for their extreme pro Islam anti British position.
I’ve been looking for BBC news online about Ebba Åkerlund, the murdered Swedish schoolgirl, whose body was shattered by a follower of the BBC’s favourite religion, but I can find nothing from our very own leading international news service. I did find these, however:
Daily Mail 11 hours ago…/Girl-11-killed-Stockholm-terror-attack-named.html
The Sun 9 hours ago:
The Mirror 8 hours ago:
The Express 58 minutes ago:
BBC scum exposed again. If I have a tear in my eye for Ebba I also have a hatred in my heart for the BBC.
Name – Beeboids aren’t interested in murdered schoolgirls if they’re white, too busy reporting the forced removal of a passenger from a plane. He was ‘Asian’ you see, possibly racist overtones, that’s what really gets them salivating.
contrast with this google search term
syrian drowned boy
I can only agree.
BBC 11 April 2017
‘Urban Burqa: An artist’s striking critique of Islamophobia’
Forget entertain, inform and educate…
BBCC : British Broadcasting Community Cohesion
Oh dear – The ‘tragedy’ of rising Islamophobia, never the mind the rising numbers of ISLAMIC TERROR ATTACKS!!! The BBC should be shut down…
With regards to Urban Burqa, Muir believes it ends on a hopeful note.
The last image shows a woman in a burka standing in a bright blue skate park. The shadow from a skater in a T-shirt and shorts skirts the crown of her covered head, his hand almost touching her.
“For me it’s a nice closing image, it’s optimistic – because of the reaching out,” he says. “[But] there’s a sense that there are a lot of barriers that have to be overcome.”
Clearly the message is that it is up to the host community to break down its ‘barriers’, the de-humanised cloth bale that shuns the host, doesn’t speak their language or share their values or aspirations has no responsibility of course. Why would such a ‘person’ want to be in a land of ‘bronzed beach Sheilas’ anyway? Who would join a cricket club to play rugby?
“the host community”
The Host Community is accurate.
In the sense that we are being attacked by a deadly pathogen.
Time to put the immune system on full alert. With all medical treatments available used to remove all the unwanted poisonous, virulent, micro-organisms from the body politic, permanently.
Time to breathe some Muslim free air.
How do they know it’s a woman under that tent? Isn’t that sexist?
The beeb reporting on the spicer gaff this morning on the brekkie show not reporting fully what sean said yesterday just edited words and not even a video clip. Just using proxys to attack and smear him. This from an organisation that doesnt attend the daily briefings thinking they are above such things. And another bunch who doesnt attend is Sky who were doing the same but telling us he was a holocaust denier which is not what he said only showing edited highlights. also telling us hes prone to gaffes, well i have watched every spicer show since they started and i can tell you one thing he spends the majority of his time fighting off sneering journos looking to catch him and the trump administration out on any little thing, by asking the same question in many different ways but sean deals with them robustly but politely as well. These journos had an 8 year holiday dealing with the messiah but all they are doing now is trying to bring the current administration down.
Imagine being on your own against a room of vicious, braying bullies like Sean Spicer has to. I have sympathy for the guy. I think he is doing a good job.
Yet again the BBC and its fellow harpies have misread the mood, in this household at least.
Sure the guy strayed off the safe and narrow path and got impaled by a BBC poo covered bungee stick, but think of the bigger picture.
They are trashing folk trying to deal with cluster-FUBARs day in and day out by pouncing on poorly crafted sentences, whilst themselves cheerfully ignoring or excusing or reshaping actual seriously messed up stuff to suit their perverse value sets.
I know who we are most concerned about.
wiki Sarin
I dont even think spicer got it wrong, we all understood perfectly what he said and what he meant, he should have just ignored them or called them for the ridiculous word twisting fake news that they are.
never apologize or clarify to these bullies, its simply taken as an admission of guilt
Exactly – I think most people knew he was talking about assault weapons and not gas chambers. Is an electric chair a weapon? Is a noose a weapon? Were Spicer tried in an actual court rather than the hysterical judge, legislator and jury which is the MSM I am sure he would be found innocent.
I say let the left carry on with their pathetic, infantile bullying tactics like this as it just makes them look bad. To try and synthesise some outrage and make it into a news story when we are facing such deadly enemies really is abject and most people can see that.
I’ve just contacted The Media Show over their pathetic attempts to ‘big up’ this story. Do they really think we in the real world care?
In a world of 7 billion people there must be more importants things going on that a press secretary being lead into a trap or ‘an Asian’ being bumped off a plane!
Speculation, Hype and Irritating Trivia, the BBC’s idea of News
P.S. PM promises to continue the press secretary non-story drivel. I can’t wait.
You are so right I watch Sean most time he is on, he puts up with a lot, yes he has a bit of a stammer however his content and ability is spot on. Anyway aren’t we supposed to celebrate ‘differences’ or does it not include republicans?
LBC chose to misrepresent him in two programmes asking if he was a holocaust denier! I also had a comment deleted from the DM due to lots of complaints.
My comment merely stated that he corrected himself by saying that ‘Hitler never dropped chemical bombs in towns’ I also stated as Sean did that Hitler banned the use of chemical weapons in the theatre of war, which is correct.
For these two facts my comment was deleted due to the real fascists.
Clearly the left have a monopoly on the use of the word Hitler and any views pertaining to him can only come from them.
It was a gaffe ( even if that ) by him pure and simple, but the lesson is not to ever use the word Hitler as it is reserved specially for usage of the left. I do hope he doesn’t step down.
Yes it was a gaffe but he wasn’t thinking about the holocaust, just the well known fact that Hitler refrained from using chemical weapons in the Battle of Britain because he, wrongly, thought Britain also had some and would use them in retaliation.
It looks clear to me that he wasn’t thinking about the holocaust, and maybe he should have done, but he corrected himself later after his gaffe was pointed out. Amazing that the Gaffe-Meister Obama never had any of his multitude of gaffes pointed out in the MSM. You had to find them elsewhere.
Spicer’s biggest mistake was to apologize! he had nothing to apologize for.
Agreed – we are not the only few who knew what he actually meant.
Just opened up my copy of Camouflage & Markings No 2: The Battle for Britain – RAF May to December 1940 by Paul Lucas (July 2000), a colourful reference work aimed mostly at modellers. It seems to be extensively (or obsessively) well researched (if you ever wanted to know the paint variations used on a Gloster-built Hurricane, this is the book for you).
There is a brief section on Chemical Warfare:
“During the summer of 1940, many types of aircraft carried small squares of a light greenish yellow gas detection paint. . . “By September 1940, the RAF had eleven Bomber and several Army Co-operation squadrons equipped with Mustard gas bombs and/or spraying equipment, which was intended to be used in retaliation should the Germans resort to the use of such weapons during an invasion. It is presumed that the gas detection markings were applied to British aircraft as an indicator for the ground crew that the aircraft had been contaminated whilst operating in a chemical warfare environment.
Fortunately this never happened, and the markings seem to have disappeared by the Spring of 1941.”
There is a photograph of a Westland Lysander equipped with the spraying equipment.
As you say, it seems likely that this is what Sean Spicer was referring to. I shudder to imagine what our generation(s) would do faced with such terrible choices.
It is exciting to have three Champions League quarter finals played on the same evening after last night’s game had to be postponed as someone tried to explode one of the teams. As a football lover I am delighted. Yet another example of how our lives are changing for the better.
The BBC are trying to insinuate that the Brexit may have been affected by possible hacking of vote registration website. Well they would do wouldn’t they…
So, the website was down for 1.75 hrs, then voters were given an extra 48 hrs to register. Surely that’s enough time for even a Labour-voting, local authority paper-shuffler to stop staring out the window and fill in their online registration.
It’s EVERYTHING to do with the I-word…
Politicians and Plod and the BBC were totally bewildered as to the motivation of Westminster killer Khalid Masoor. But the Daily Mail can now reveal that it was indeed the I-word; yes, he was inspired by IKEA…
Feral, Turd World, child-rapists get a welcome as they arrive for their day in court –
This is sickening. 28 monsters/scum that shouldn’t be here in the first place. Castration/deportation back to where they came from would be too kind.
Thank goodness for the likes of Tommy who exposes these vile creatures and has no fear unlike, I hate to say, our Police force whose hands are tied by so called ‘human rights’. How about the human rights of the kids they raped.
The filthy scum should be strung up and left to rot.
Beautiful British names –
How odd – I can’t seem to find any reference to this on the BBC News website. Never mind, I’m sure they have more important things to report – they seem very exercised about Selfridges apparently sending out the ‘wrong’ message by using an image of a thin-looking model in one of their latest promotions…
Ah well. Priorities…priorities.
Of course, we should be sympathetic. By the tenets of their religion, and the psychopathic rapist, paedophile and murderer who founded it, they have done nothing wrong. islam has always been spread by rape and terror, they are the islamic equivalents of missionaries. It is their misfortune that Britain is such a cruel and harsh place in which they have to practice their religious obligations. Really, we should be ashamed of ourselves. We are almost as intolerant as those horrible Swedes.
I apologise. 26 not 28 – but still 26 too many of the filthy scum.
They will all be on legal aid as well, and no doubt lie about everything they possibly can, thus dragging the case on for as long as possible. It will cost the taxpayer millions.
Tommy said 28 so I was right first time.
Immediate deportation to save taxpayers money. Such scum.
With apologies to Monty Python.
Is your name not Mohammed?
No, it’s Abdul.
That’s going to cause a little confusion.
Mind if we call you ‘Mohammed’ to keep it clear?
To continue the theme: “No poofters!”.
(No offence meant – just channeling MP).
Dear Ms May
Revoke any UK nationality/citizenship/visa rights of the Huddersfield gang and deport immediately. Do this for all subsequent convictions of this nature.
No right ever to return to OUR shores.
While you are at it, multiply the current UK border staff tenfold immediately (use ex military or police), and substantially increase our naval capacity.
FFS YES – DO IT NOW! Use aid money if needs be because without a country there can be no foreign aid.
Work out which medieval country each one came from (not difficult) and then take all court costs, hefty compensation for victims, repatriation expenses, prison costs and anything else, directly off the foreign aid budget for that country and then send a note to that country’s ambassador explaining why this year’s handout is smaller than last year. We should be doing this routinely for all illegal invaders plus those who somehow get here legally and then foul the civilised society that has accepted them.
Go Tommy!!!
If anyone here has taken in the behind the scenes dark motives, of the political establishment in the treatment of T Robinson,(now P Golding/Jayda Franson), more recently A M Waters … the reason being vocal and factual, and opposite to the MSM narrative about, well you ve guessed it. I—m
Across the pond? I d wouldn t say its worse, but it is more direct.
This is a bubbling story, I ve waited till the affidavits were in and the FOIs
from US federal.
Its actually worse than I imagined, from a reporter who covered the original event.
It really is, “them and us” today, that swamp desperately needs draining .its our families, who will in the end suffer …
Just like Tory f-ckwits Fallon, Boris, and May are ramping up the bullsh-t now
… after any vote they ll be pushing for, they won t be immediately lead to a waiting van with their (of age) children to go straight to the front line … will they?
Were Garland, Texas jihadis aided by FBI?
Anyone who hasn’t listened to Delingpole’s podcast with Tommy Robinson, should do so.
Absolutely fascinating stuff, and a voice you’d never hear on the BBC without constant interruptions, and a studio packed with Islamists and Marxists all screaming “WAYCIST! WAYCIST!” over the top of him.
I agree old news to some, but a great interview.
Note how after the Robinson/EDL protest in London it was T May who put the word in the political channels to erm, what s the way to say it?
… do something about him, and look what happened after.
We desperately need a clear out … start with No10
It is a superb interview. Tommy shouldn’t be hated for just telling the truth.
The BBC are using up their news web site to canvas for support for the Night Manager, the most over rated drama since …. well, ok the most over rated drama of all time. But it was directed by a woman.
For some bizarre, illogical reasoning, BAFTA don’t share the BBC’s enthusiasm for this flat pancake of 1 dimensional characters wearing black and white hats to help the simple minded BBC producers know who are the good and the bad guys. I exclude Tom Hollander from this sarcasm on account of his ability to read the menu at the local burger bar and have us all entranced.
The article demands to know why The Crown is listed as best drama when BBC rubbish isn’t. Clearly, they haven’t seen The Crown, else they’d know it is the best drama since the Sopranos.
But wait! The BBC have found one Tufayel Ahmed to agree with their whining. Who he? Well, Tufayel is a Muslim from Bangladesh, that famous centre of original drama and art. Tufayel explains it away to the satisfaction of the BBC scribe: “The Crown seems to fit that Downton Abbey gap, whereas something like The Night Manager might be a bit too modern.”
Ah, so that’s the reason for the staggering success of The Crown all over the world.
Then there are some words about diversity, leaving the reader wondering what diversity has to do with good drama but that’s the BBC for you: Box ticking and then flummoxed as the world over takes them for drama.
A few Sundays ago there was an interview with ‘the thug’ from The Night Manager in which he referred to his character’s threat to ‘the hero’ when he joined ‘the baddies’. Now when I saw the series I thought that the threat related to ‘the hero’ keeping his paws off ‘the chief baddie’s’ delicate flower of a wife.
I should have known! This was the BBC! The ‘thug’ was really declaring his homosexual love for ‘the chief baddie’!
Perhaps those BAFTA luvvies missed this latent award-winning moment too?
But… but… butt!
Tom showed his pert tushie! The plot demanded it and it was handled sensitively.
And the girls went wild. Plus some of the women.
Personally I’m hacked off that these “excellent dramas” like the Crown are only available to those who subscribe to Netflix and other streaming networks. I pay enough as it is for a monthly Sky package, so I’m “out of the loop” when it comes to the likes of Netflix or Amazon productions.
Thinking of adding Netflix to Prime. Still less than the BBC TVL long since ditched.
The BBC seems to have a more negative opinion of the UK economy than Guido, who claim it’s the best it’s been since 1971. Er, how surprising…
It cant be due to Brexit, but must be due to the prospect of Brexit.
With Australia and Canada proving that territories similar to Britain, but not in the EU, are about 11 percent to over 20 percent more prosperous. It proves the theory that the Stock Market is more intelligent that the humans who invest in it.
Another biased BBC attempt to spoil BREXIT, “may” have been hacked means they haven’t a clue.
And if you left it to last minute to register to vote then tough, and anyway all those people “may” have been ‘LEAVE’ voters.
what complete and utter bollox, “despite absolutely no evidence what so ever, we cant rule out the possibility the russians did it”
Ive just spent a week at work going through apache proxy logs trying to work out why one of our webservers is going slow, I think despite there also being no evidence whatsoever, I should add the possibility to my report that there could be some very clever Russian ddos attack, that should nicely let my department off the hook as to why we configured the piece of shit the way we did.
The principle of ‘guilty unt… Er… no matter what, as it suits’ is well entrenched in many quarters.
It looks like anyone could hack anyone. But I assume the fear is that the Russians still recruit people on merit, while we recruit people using Political Correct ideology.
That would mean that the “Best Computer Experts” in the West would be Women and Ethnics with any White males being left-wing environmental activists with qualifications in the Arts and Humanities. While in Russia they would be all White male nerds with an enthusiasm for computer programming.
With wage/unemployment statistics showing that wage growth & inflation are about equal the BBC has been able to return, after a few months hiatus, to their favourite (& appropriately named) prophet of doom for a quote
However, Samuel Tombs, chief UK economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics, said: “Households are being caught in a perfect storm of rising inflation and slowing labour income growth.”
“Storm”, Mr Tombs? Or no more than a stiff breeze?
Except, NISA, inflation did not increase as the BBC expected.
Obviously, in their attempt to counter FakeNews & FalseNews, the BBC had written this headline thoughtfully and carefully ‘Wage growth slows as high inflation bites’ a couple of days before in the wide expectation of many Remainers that Brexit is awful and the inflation figures for March will show another increase.
There are countries around the globe who would love to have that level of inflation and growth in their economy.
But what is really strange is that in the glorious ‘Brown years’ the BBC did not comment at all, as far as I can remember, about the inflation of approximately 3% on average that ate into all that growth we were all having and enjoying. Funny, that!
An Editor’s job is to edit. No much of that done there on that article for today. It is a poorly written article, not just the headline.
They edited all right. To suit.
It is now being reported that the Westminster Muslim attacker had links to the Salafist Luton Islamic centre:
not for the first time that they have been linked to terrorism, even accepted by the BBC:
Abdul Qadeer Baksh, chairman of the Luton Islamic Centre explains how he attempted to counter the Islamist views of Stockholm bomb suspect Taimour Abdulwahab al-Abdaly and why he did not flag up his radical views to the police.
An interview with the man running the centre. You can watch an interview with him on the BBC site.
You might think that this kind of track record would be ringing the alarm bells at the ministry of Truth, but guess what? They’ve unbelievably invited him on to Radio 4 ‘Sunday’ to make excuses for the terrorism that they’ve initiated !
How should the Muslim community tackle extremism? William debates with Kadeer Baksh, Chairman of the Luton Islamic Centre, Asghar Bakari from the Muslim Public Affairs Committee and Alexander Hitchens from the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation.
It beggars belief that the BBC would invite someone on to talk about how the Muslims should tackle extremism when he himself is known to them as an extremist himself !
Regarding earlier comment about tying shoelaces……….I heard that earlier on To-day……which might be re-titled Yesterday…….or DayLate News
Anyhow…….tying shoelaces in the prone position…… careful….Recall a few lines from the old schoolboy poem
>>…when something red hot
…..up his backpassage shot
…..twas abdul abulbul emir
Yes, outed a couple of weeks age, Baksh and his cronies advises police and government
on Islam.
M Pac!! 😀 Old Assghar (zionists ate my shoe,),Butthairy, is a total extremist and of course Islamophile, bit like the BBC.
Princess Nikki Campbell was on top form this morning, constantly referring to Britain “selling” cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia. The Foreign Office minister Alastair Burt kept on telling Nikki that we had last sold cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia in 1989, but he was like a dog with a bone. Any stick with which to beat Britain.
The bottom line is that Suadi Arabia is bombing Houthi rebels in Yemen because the Houthis are Shi’ites, and thus supported by Iran. It is all part of the gang war for control of islam which broke out after the death of Mohammed (pbuh) some 1400 years ago, and they are still at it. There are no good guys in this. They hate each other in the name of their retarded religion, and I only wish they could both lose.
Yes, the best scenario would be that they all kill each other. We can but hope !
There will be an Islamic war eventually. It’s not a matter of if but WHEN.
The Iranians backed by the Turks would gladly take out Mecca if they could. They don’t really need it.
That is one reason why the Saudis are as twitchy about Iran’s nuclear capabilities as the Israelis are.
And why they will try to keep us as allies.
It’s a little more complicated than a simple Shiite/Sunni divide.
Shiites have an alternative mosque at Karbala in Iraq, it’s all centred around the Shiite messiah like figure Al-Ḥusayn. The Iranians & Saudis are currently fighting some of this out in Yemen as Yemen is believed to be the hiding place of the Twelfth Imam. The Saudis are hated by many in the Islamic world including Turks & Iranians for being self-indulgent, greedy & lazy. Our liberals remain fully ignorant of Islamic doctrine & history. Ask one of them who Mahdi is. (The Messiah figure of Islam) And/or how important his appearance would be to the the Islamic world as a whole. They don’t know. They think that because they have been largely successful at marginalising Christianity in the West they will ultimately control Islam in the same way. They underestimate just how important the religion is to Muslims & how quickly they will jump (even the moderates) when the right leaders tell them to. We can see it all around us. The West is in danger. We will either learn to resist and stand against this evil or we will become a part of it. The time is rapidly evaporating where we can sit on the fence.
The Iranians won’t be backed by the Turks so long as Erdogan is in power.
There is now a triumvirate with Syria Russia & Iran set against Turkey who have been allegedly providing assistance to ISIS fighters.
The war there is not what the media have made it to be, a sectarian, religious & over a tyrannical leader.
This is the problem with a media which simply isn’t telling the truth to the people about the causes.
This is a war about commerce – the rights to supply gas into Europe and the leverage the current main supplier (Russia) is able to exert over Europe as a result. Syria and Assad just happen to have got in the way and are not a direct cause of the civil war.
“The Iranians backed by the Turks would gladly take out Mecca if they could.”
Regards the so called hatred of SA. Its a huge propaganda campaign paid for by Tehran. Look at how shia trouble making in/by Hezba–allah, Bahrain, Yemen , Nigeria (Yes Nigeria) is painted to the media as all the fault of…Sunni Islam funded by SA. Then there’s the so called bedfellows of Israel and SA promoted by Iran. The simple fact of the matter is the vast majority of the anti-SA message is aimed not at the Islamic world, but rather at the Western world, where as you mention, liberals simply do not have a Scooby do.
Saudi Arabians are seen as the protectors of the faith by virtually 99% of Sunni Muslims. Every Sunni Household in the UK will have a picture of the Saudi Black box. Any Muslim around the world will jump at the chance in which to go and live in SA. In fact the Westminster terrorist did just that.
Finally the current project in the ME is the formation of a Muslim NATO. 34 Islamic nations (Of which Turkey is a Member)
For some very strange reason Iran wasn’t sent an invite, neither were Iraq or Syria (now deemed to be in Irans bed)
“…There are no good guys in this. They hate each other in the name of their retarded religion, and I only wish they could both lose.
See, I’m of the view that we should just leave them all to fight it out amongst themselves. No more foreign adventures wasting precious blood and treasure trying to tame these barbarians into civil behaviour. Just let them go at each other until they wear themselves so far down into the sand they have nothing left to fight with.
They are welcome to their toxic religion and all the suffering that comes with it – we should just focus on keeping such medieval malignancy out of our own societies, and we we should squash every single bleating request for special exceptions that Islam attempts to slip past us. ‘Islamophobia’ should become what it is: a meaningless word that has been weaponised against the West (usually by a fifth column within its own societies).
Islam gets no favours, is given no quarter. It is a brutal, barbarous ideology in every way as racist and murderous as anything to have sprung out of communism or fascism in the 20th century. We should treat it as the existential threat to our way of life that it is.
Read this because you are being lied to about the causes.
Yes – To understand anything Middle Eastern or African you need to get yourself into a primitive way of thinking to a time of, djinns, witchcraft, beheadings, barbarism and tribal conflict.
Westerners struggle to do that.
Well said !
like the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s the role of the west is to sit, cheering on the side lines, whilst impartially selling weapons to both sides.
This is realpolitik.
Alternatively Rob, we might well wish for them both to win – provided the victory was entirely pyrrhic.
I did a check on Arms Sales to SA. It transpires that whilst the UK does sell to the country we come behind the following:
(The above are listed in weapons sold)
The left work on this mindset that, that if they can get one country to drop sales, then the rest will follow. The irony here is , a lot of the anti-SA pressure is paid for by Iran. That country which is sullying those so called poor rebels with suicide drones, anti-ship missiles and Scud missiles (150 fired into SA so far)
That should be big news on the BBC.
Campbell is wrong, I think. The TOADY programme also repeated this ‘misunderstood’ fact on Monday as part (irony & sarcasm alert) of its scrupulous attention to NOT broadcasting FakeNews or FalseNews, and I thought that wrong then but did not remember to check on-line. If my memory serves me right, one of the better deeds of John Major’s Premiership was the banning of sales from UK producers of mines and cluster bombs to third parties abroad. They are only made & kept for UK defence and our military use elsewhere.
Perhaps Pounce & other military folk on here can confirm whether that is correct and whether the ban still holds.
(This was a reply to Rob in Cheshire but the computer has decided to place it here!)
We do not have cluster bombs any more as we have signed the international treaty against them. Saudi Arabia is not a party to the treaty, so is still using the cluster bombs we sold them in the 1980s.
What got my goat was Princess Nikki saying several times “we are selling cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia”, which is untrue, even after he had been told it was untrue. There is a phrase for that, I think… fake news.
Dame Nikkie is an idiot or he is deliberately lying. Either way, he is a typically vile Beeboid.
D) All three
Racist orchestra R4 9am was about the founder of an exclusively black and minority orchestra.
I note the online blurb no longer mentions that
” Of Nigerian and Irish descent, she is the founder and Artistic Director of the Chineke! Foundation, the first professional orchestra & junior orchestra in Europe to be made up entirely of Black and minority ethnic (BME) ”
8pm Gender Equality debate from the Women’s Festival
“Three expert witnesses are called to give evidence – MP Harriet Harman, best-selling Turkish author Elif Shafak, and sociologist Catherine Hakim”
So equality means making sure no men are aired ?
11:15pm US Comedian Maysoon Zayid reflects on putting her Muslim culture and disability to work in life and acclaimed stand-up comedy
“the first professional orchestra & junior orchestra in Europe to be made up entirely of Black and minority ethnic (BME)”
Apart from being racist to exclude people of other races, e.g. white, surely it also breaks the new “Cultural Appropriation” “laws”.
And presumably their audience is entirely BME as well?
Unlikely – they’d be lucky to find enough BMEs to fill a village hall. That’s why orchestras are virtually 100% white (SE Asians excepted) – the interest isn’t there. The implied racism of existing orchestras is simply not supportable.
Listen to the last few sentences of the Naomi Alderman programme carefully. Outright racist and sexist comments. Any broken laws there? Astonishing that BBC can get away with such blatant offence!
They’d have more luck if they cobbled together an all black jazz band !
But perhaps not much. My impression is that many black people have abandoned jazz in favour of ……. not a lot.
“Muslim culture and disability” shurely one of these phrases is superflous
I’ll give the comedienne a chance cos she might be funny
It’s not her fault the R4 managers seem to be Virtue Signalling.
You can’t get much more disabled than having your head cut off.
What ALL the UK Media isn’t telling you about the cause of the Syrian war, and why Russia is never ever going to abandon Assad.
They tweaked the opening credit cartoon to hignfy yet?
BBC Website. Police investigate “Islamic Link” to Dortmund blast. The BBC seems surprised, whereas the rest of us are not. What is wrong with these idiots ?
The BBC consistently capitalises on the joint publication of average earnings and unemployment statistics to downplay good news and be as pessimistic as possible . All in the cause of leading opposition to HM Government of course. The employment /unemployment data are so impressive and contrast with the performance of most EU countries . Yet again one might ask why being in the EU is so beneficial to a national economy .The UK has a flexible labour market , not at all like the EU ( or Corbyn) advocate. The BBC doesn’t want us asking such anti EU questions and so resorts to its favourite tactic of warning us that real earnings are or will be squeezed and that life in the UK economy is rotten . This of course was the Two Ed’s line in 2014-15. So , with earnings ‘only’ rising at 2.2 per cent, we are all doomed apparently. Except – all governments since 1945 have seen wage inflation ahead of productivity growth as a bad thing . Indeed it was the cause of the UK’s huge inflation problems in the 1970s. So let’s rejoice that wages are only going up at 2.2 per cent and that unions aren’t powerful enough any more to trigger major inflation surges when temporary cost increases due to say oil or sterling depreciation occur .
And imagine how much better it will be after the UK gets out of the rancid EU.
And something the biased BBC also consistently fail to mention is that public sector pay is FAR higher than the private sector and that doesn’t even include the fabulous and immoral pension arrangements in the public sector. Once included, the differences are huge.
Nor that for 9 out of 10 earnings deciles the public sector pay is higher than the private sector. Only at the final top decile, dominated by footballers, showbiz types, and the top level of commerce where a few directors decide how mich to pay each other, does the private sector outpay the public. This is of course used by the bBBC to justify the telephone number salaries for its own top bods, as they have to ‘recruit the best’. LOL.
RE: Spicer.
You can see why Trump uses Twitter. They mocked him for it but otherwise they will take any little thing he says and twist it to make him look bad. I am sure Spicer said load of important and sensible things last night, but of course the MSM focus on one minor slip. That the President relies on Twitter to get his message out because he cannot trust any outlets to report on it honestly is such a shame. And they clearly have no intention on cleaning up their act. Same old snide nonsense everyone is sick and tired of.
Yes – never seen quite this level of arrogance and sanctimony from MSM. Even from the likes of Robin Day, John Humphries etc., at their worst.
Washington Post, BBC etc., – “We’re just doing our job”, “Trump has declared war on us and demonized the MSM” – Awww, what a shame and I wonder why that could be?
And as for their job? That would be pontificating, propagandizing, a bit of typing and earning big bucks for being, know all do nothings. Wow, what a hard job MSM has – not!
Also they are totally unelected and unaccountable. You couldn’t do any other job so badly and get away with it. Who, where, what and why? It is not so hard.
There is a lovely oxymoron in On Chesil Beach. A woman walks out on her husband on their wedding night as she has an aversion to sex, and he feels ‘delicious offence’. That is the rub of the SJW illness: they just love being offended. They feel so much better about themselves by pointing out other people’a mistakes.
The world does not run on offence. You have to DO something. Teach kids to read; drive a bus; clean a hospital. Just actually DO something useful rather than sneering, tutting and wagging your finger at everyone else.
Made me laugh, anyway.
Finally the German Police admit to what everyone else already knew !
Borussia Dortmund attack: Islamist suspect held
How come they were being so precious about the letter?
I notice the BBC report that, “…..the precise motive is unclear at the present.”. Said the organisation suffering terminal blindness.
R4’s play : sympathetic to young boys who have seized US marines in London.
The characters turn out to be real terrorists but just trying to get their dad who was ‘illegally’ detained in Afghanistan.
The SJW young girl tries to help
But after police pull a clever trick one brother shoots the other.
The police then go back on the word and kill him while he surrenders.
In the drama they portray Trump as sending idiotic tweet
If anyone can oblige with a link to Alison Pearson in the DT today many on here will recognise both her analysis of how such as the BBC treat terrorist incidents and also, most refreshingly, her approach to those of the religion of peace. A view unlikely to be found space for on our beloved BBC!
Alison Pearson – No More Vigils
Need to register or subscribe to get it all.
I just found this tweet from the BBCs hero Muslim
In the short video Saffiyah Khan and her Muslim friend (“the one who was surrounded by 10,000 EDL fascists”) talk about the recent rise in Islamophobia.
Her friend says “the rise is due to the media”. The video then cuts to newspaper headlines about the ISIS threat. She continues “wherever there is a hateful narrative to a minority, it is important for that to be counted.”
Is she claiming any criticism of ISIS is a hateful narrative towards Islam? If so then she is admitting ISIS is Islam. We all know that already but it’s nice to get it confirmed by Muslims themselves.
There was a Times story about MEND being a radical Islam front
This is is the woman posing for photos wearing a Gaza T shirt isn`t it?
Can someone please ask her where the thriving Gaza Jewish communities went after the Israelis withdrew from Gaza, and why?
if she and her friend were being so peaceful why did the cops clear them. It was a total setup from start to finish and the media media gave her her 15 minutes and probably a guardian column but as usual only half the story.
“Brexit vote site may have been hacked, MPs say in report”
… and then goes on to describe nothing of the sort. At worst they are claiming the website went down under heavy use, heavy use which could have been due to a DDoS attack, which is not hacking even if that was the case. Most likely just heavy use, something that occurs with frustrating regularity on Govt sites.
A bit like the BBCs attempt to point the finger at far right groups for the Borrusia Dortmund bus bombs, despite absolutely no evidence to back that up, in fact the only evidence being polar opposite and suggesting Islam or the far left.
The Beeb, faithfully ignoring the principles of Occam’s razor in favour of its own smug bias every day…
Don’t tell me – was it was the Russians?
Toilet time this morning and switch on bbc toilet radio 4.
Some nobody doing, “Thought for the Day” he seemed to be telling us that, especially at Easter, we should turn the other cheek, love everyone and meekly go to our deaths peacefully – just like Jesus did.
‘Bout time someone invented an expletives generator for use on such occasions.
Jesus`s driving of the money changers from the temple is the part of the story those who want Christians to be meek and mild always forget about.
The German police have informed the BBC “Borussia Dortmund attack: ‘Islamist’ suspect held”. Not good enough for the BBC they have to add “Either left-wing or right-wing extremists could also be to blame.”
What are the chances of the BBC adding Islamists into the frame if the authorities had fingered a Nazi/football fanatic?
Is it just me but are rising air fares the most important with utilities coming way down the list. BBC Economics expert Camel Ahmed thinks so.
A little earlier this afternoon, Steve “love the show” Wright gave a sports roundup and included the fact that the Borussia Dortmund footy game would now be played on Thursday following…. pause ….. an incident. This was well after the local plods announcement of the possible terror links.
I suppose the enrichment of London by yet another murdered teenager is not news any more, at least the bBBC doesn’t think so.
“Promising footballer” appears to be a euphemism for black gangster.
4:30pm #R4MediaShow
thinks Spicer is this weeks most important media story.
Two other items
#1 Journalists having their phones tapped by Northern police
#2 Some top US podcast.
Jesus they are saying that Spicer offended lots of people.
She’s now got the NYT guy on.
And he’s taken the free kick offered.
To say team Trump are confused
What is the point of having a national news broadcaster if they will not just deliver the facts?
The bbbc cannot really believe that the people who listen to their totally one sided news broadcasts actually take them seriously. Up until the very last possible moment the bbbc guy was referring to the lorry incident in Stockholm as a road traffic accident and again with this latest footballing saga they are trying to include right wing militants……They behave like teenagers who have been caught smoking behind the bike sheds by the headmaster and then make up some impossible excuse…..
It really is woeful.
Has anyone heard or read any bbbc comment (they don’t do positive ones)on brexit without the words could, may or possibly in it?
Ah well, rant over .. back to rt news
The BBC is just a sick joke now. They are a total parody. The are in meltdown. Complete panic and nowhere to go.
It was a house built on sand i.e. cultural Marxism. To say all cultures are equal would be bad enough, but they go one step further and say that Western culture is actually inferior to all other cultures. That is patently absurd and suicidal, which was the far-left plan all along: to rot us from within.
Now the storm of Trump, Brexit, the migration crisis and mass terror have arrived and the house is being torn apart, which was always inevitable. On the same day that terrorists try to blow up a football team, they focus on an Asian man being thrown off a plane.
It is only going to get worse. Best to see the BBC news as alternative comedy then it is bearable, otherwise you will just have to cry.
But that’s the point – the bbc spend most of their time broadcasting to themselves for themselves in their ‘safe’ bubble. No one in power will say anything – it would be portrayed as beating an old cat for not making it to the litter tray. A view that has to change.
Jeremy Whine in full Spicer incident mode. First 3 ‘guests’ all anti-Trump. Off switch.
Radio 4 PM the most non committal non jusgemental headline ever
After ‘someone’ bombs a football coach, police hold a ‘suspect’ in custody.
No mention of Muslim Islam, or even Islamist what so ever. A Master Class in avoiding stating the bleeding obvious – and the truth.
Lot of truth in, ‘People believe what they WANT to believe.’
Could have been written with BBC/MSM in mind.
Trump family win court damages from FakeNews MSM
And BBC immediately start to control the narrative.