Marine tells it as it is ! French people have no confidence in MSM. The stupid thing about the BBC and MSM raising the issue of Fake News is that it has come back to bite them. They truly are morons.
Like Mr Farage, Mm. Le Pen always comes across very well in TV interviews, calmly, politely and reasonably refuting the allegations against them. I suspect this is mainly why the mainstream media hates them. Mm Le Pen also seems to speak in very clear French, at least I find it easy to understand her without looking at the subtitles, whereas with many French people, including politicians there’s a lot more Gallic umming, ahhing and ‘boff’-ing which is beyond my schoolboy French. I suspect this shows her mind is a bit sharper.
As promised PM puts the boot into Trump’s press secretary.
If these ‘journalists’ are so moral and concerned about the ‘offence’ that may be caused wouldn’t they help anyone who might be seen to have strayed back over the line?
FACT: Hitler never used gas in the form of bombs or shells on cities.
Not sure how many ways that can be stated.
He was attempting to build an atom bomb just like most psycho dictators have these days – I think that is more a cause for concern.
There’s talk of banning all meat, as you say, but including fish.
India has a huge fishing and beef exporting industry. So it could mean, unemployment, starvation and foreign aid – just like the good old days. But they do have a space program and nuclear weapons!
The other odd thing is that while the BBC is thinking how terrible this is, it isn’t reporting the fact that its own canteen has done exactly the same thing on Mondays while providing justification for it too !
Not sure I’d want to eat anything that had been swimming about in the Ganges quite frankly. And despite buying my prawns from Waitrose, I doubt I shall ever eat another one after reading several articles as to how they are farmed…….here’s one
A real sneer-fest on PM. They played the grovelling apology of the United Airlines CEO from this morning – for around five minutes. Now they are interviewing someone from a PR magazine who gave him an award last year.
“Can you ask for the award back?”
God, imagine if we got to hold the BBC to account over their Trump and Brexit coverage! Imagine if they had to offer a gruelling apology to keep their jobs! Easy to tell others they should resign if they put a foot wrong when you know you are untouchable, no matter how outraged and disgusted the people who pay your wages are with how you are behaving!
Whitehouse spokesman said that “Even Hitler didn’t stoop to using chemical weapons” (Clearly talking about on the battlefield). Very true…
How does the BBC report it? (Sorry…I meant milk this to death on every “news” bulletin?) You guessed it! “Some sources claim” he’s questioning the Holocaust or possibly even ant-Jewish. LOL. Talk about spin. THAT is why people DO NOT trust the MSM!!
Apparently it is even worse as he said it during a Jewish holiday. What a load of nonsense – someone being offended should not be news. That they are even more offended by the timing of the offensive remarks certainly should not be. Fake news!
Yes, the term “chemical weapon” for an ordinary person has the meaning you state. It’s a specialised munition. But the usual suspects are stretching the definition ” a chemical weapon is a toxic chemical contained in a delivery system, such as a bomb or shell.” to suggest that a gas chamber is also a “delivery system”. Who knows how many “official” definitions are available for lawyers to argue over? To suggest that Spicer was denying the mass extermination of Jews by Hitler is simply ludicrous.
headline: Brussels tells Britain to cut red tape for EU citizens
“Brexit negotiations will open in Brussels with a warning that Britain must remove “scandalous” and “bureaucratic obstacles” to EU nationals getting permanent British residency, according to diplomats.”
Sadiq’s DieselsRPaedos campaign
Dr Frew on FHB’s podcast 13 mins adds the context that ALL other news reports omit
It’s worth listening
– 340K life-years lost per year = 3 days/per year shorter off everyones life on average
So in a lifetime in London you could lose 9 months off your life
– It’s a FALSE-narrative to say that 40K/year (9K in London) lives will be saved
Ridding London of all vehicles including trains will not make a big difference
since they only account 1/7th of all pollution
– We will make EU limits anyway in all except 4 cities (Lon, Cardiff, Southampton, Derby)
…and above those limits is not necessarily dangerous
“They are among 29 in total charged as part of Operation Tendersea after 18 girls aged 11 to 17 were sexually abused in Huddersfield
Twenty four of the men and two women are from the Huddersfield area.
West Yorkshire Police say the men face numerous offences including rape, trafficking with intent to engage in sexual exploitation, sexual activity with a child, child neglect, child abduction, supply of Class A drugs and possession and making of indecent images of children”.
Note the erm … abundance of MSM here?
Only one thing wrong, it should be a hundred cameras, a thousand maybe
Just a word, as a father and grandfather if I d have faced, just 1% of the arrogance and attitude, elicited here? on this video by this filth
… I d would have gladly assisted them on their road to Allah
I note in that BBC report that the top two names are non-muslim – I think they are Sikh names. Oddly though the last name sounds possibly Christian, so maybe I’m just imagining a feeble attempt to deflect attention from the RoP.
The reaction of that woman at the end, lawyer possibly?, “Wow!” said in a so-what sort of manner to comments about the rapes of children. She should be struck off for that attitude.
7 black people stole £600 that time between them
Evidence it was an on going thing
Magistrate passed it up to Crown court.
Wrong thing cos Well don’t think pilfering is unlikely to get you a custodial sentence.
Theyd be getting a criminal record.
Broken window rule applies, you must prosecute for even minor offences to show the law.
I have from time to time considered becoming a JP but have always given up on the idea when I see cases like this, because it’s clear that there are a lot of judges who just haven’t got even the most tenuous grip on reality.
I wonder what the reaction of that judge would be if his house was burgled and those responsible were let off because:
“I think on a judge’s salary, he can afford to replace all his personal possessions that were taken and pay for all his stuff that got trashed.” Tw@t!
So Mark Sands is given four months for making death threats to an MP.
I know his politics are extreme Left because the bbc made no mention whatsoever.
Darned clever them bbc hacks!
Two tier justice again – imagine if he had threatened a Labour/SNP/Green or worse still an ethnic MP. No doubt they would have named and shamed immediately and found ‘material’ on his computer.
Just saw a quick BBC news summary at 8pm. They mentioned that “Melania Trump has been awarded damages from the Daily Mail for false accusations about her during her modelling”
I guess the BBC are being a bit economic with the full news here. She was actually accused of being a prostitute but it’s not in the BBC interests to report the full facts as they don’t want to make Melania Trump appear as a normal decent person.
Just watching, on YouTube, Harry and Paul taking the piss out of QT. Sorry, I am not good with links , but I am sure you will like it. Dimblebore does not come out too well !
This is when the BBC did not invite an Atmospheric Physicist, Solar Astronomer or any of the two scientifically qualified Members of Parliament to a Question Time debate. Due to the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate.
OVER POPULATION is a much bigger problem than Climate Change (whatever that means). However nobody at the BBC or MSM will ever mention it. We just have to feel guilty in the West and keep providing their “children” with food and water so they can produce more “children that need even more food and water…
One advert you won’t hear is: Please can you give three pounds a month for a big pack of condoms for the ME and Africa…
Interesting example of MSM reporting FakeNews
Hired Rentamob did a fake demo yet media reported it.
2 years later it came out in a defamation case.
Interesting Novikova case
of how a Fake Demonstration led to Fake news
A quick look at this afternoon on Freeview:
(1) Buds of May, Heartbeat, Royal and On the Buses on ITV 3
(2) Last of the Summer Wine, Some Mothers and All Creatures Great and Small on Drama
(3) Blackadder on Yesterday
(4) Albert RN and a Peter Sellars film on Talking Pictures TV
(5) Benny Hill Show on Radio 4 Extra
(6) Standing Stones on the Community Channel
They quote the MMR example …Err, the BBC were rubbish at that ..and didn’t quickly explain the science like theyshould, their phone-ins didn’tknock the alarmism on the head.
It claims C4 and the Times are the ones who debunked Wakefield ..hmm not sure about that ..his was research was dodgy from start never take extraordinary results from just one researcher.
(I read it in the Times but here’s a Guardian link
Note the top comment
“Having just watched Michael E. Mann be the only rational voice in a room full of lunatics,…” ..oh dear
The House of Commons Science communication and engagement report seems to have been a whitewash written by non-scientists with the whitewash of the BBC being written by BBC Science Editor, David Shukman. With the only two Members of Parliament who are also scientists, Peter Lilley and Graham Stringer having no apparent input, even though Graham Stringer is the only scientist on the Committee. It includes the BBC invented, Orwellian sounding term “False Balance” In fact David Shukman seems to have been the only science Journalist mentioned in the report, with all other science Journalists under criticism for not censuring causational climate scientists, censored by the BBC. In fact the report looks like its written by the attendees of that BBC seminar of the “best scientific experts” which turned out to be a bunch of environmental lunatics, posing as fake causational climate scientists. Probably why it suggests that the government should set up a “Ministry of Truth” to extend BBC censorship of Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy to the press. I am not sure what the BBC means by “False Balance” this term is not used in the scientific community. But most Atmospheric Physicists and Solar Astronomers would not mind if the BBC continued to give Environmental lunatics lots and lots of time to waffle on and on about Climate alarmism, as long as the BBC ended its censorship policy for real climate science, real scientists and real scientific debate. And gave the small amount of time necessary for causational climate scientists to say what they have to say, even if it sounds lunatic to an unscientifically qualified environmental activist.
I hear that Trump is bringing in Red Teams to challenge the censorship. An idea from business which originates from the scientific method. It would force environmental activists to use science, rather than belief in what unidentified scientists think. While the end of censorship for developments in Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy would help to force out the environmental activist thugs from scientific bodies.
But that disgraceful report proves that science in Britain has gone into an Orwellian Dark Age, since the fall in the influence of Labour MP Graham Stringer as the last intelligent voice left on that committee of non-scientists.
This is the perpetual anti-Brexit bias promoted by the BBC.
No mention of course that we have 1.6 million unemployed. Agreed, a percentage will be unemployable, but what about the rest?
And how much of the money these EU workers earn is sent back home? Most are from eastern Europe and their British wages are still a huge multiple of their wages back home.
EU migrants without a job make up city the size of Bristol
One in seven of the 2,733,000 EU migrants aged 16-64 – a total of 390,000 – are unemployed or “inactive”.
Only one in six Romanian and Bulgarian migrants work more than 40 hours per week, compared with just a third of British employees.
A total of 3.4 million people working in Britain last year were from abroad, equating to 11 per cent of the total workforce. They comprised 2.2 million EU nationals and 1.2 million non-EU nationals.
The report said the highest number of migrant workers are employed in elementary occupations, such as selling goods or cleaning, with 669,000, including 510,000 EU nationals.
Trouble is that in the UK London and the South East are very affluent and needing cheap labour, whereas people living further North see much more disadvantage.
It was once said that Americas great strength was a mobile workforce who could travel to take advantage of work. The British government has gone out of its way to prevent people moving around by eye watering taxes on house purchases – when the tax would be much better applied to sellers.
Now even skilled senior staff from the regions cannot afford to live in London and companies there, instead of relocating (if only in part) claim they cannot recruit staff!
“A City the size of Bristol”? I had the impression that the majority in Bristol was Somali. I use BBC HTV as evidence, that’s the only race they seem to report on.
“”Urban Burqa: An artist’s striking critique of Islamophobia””
“”In Blue Burqa in a Sunburnt Australian Country, Muir wanted to show how the burka complemented – and even enhanced – the landscapes: “It hinted or suggested a potential symbiosis of this country and immigrants, that runs counter to the narrative making the headlines at that time.””
“”Born in a household of Australian creatives – Muir’s mother was a director at Opera Australia, his father a director at the Australian Broadcasting Corp – Muir turned to photography after completing a law degree at Sydney University. He has since lived in Estonia, Lithuania, France, Spain and Germany””
“”Muir, who is in his 40s, credits his success to a lack of formal training””
‘Nicola Kelly attended a Muslim-Christian wedding, celebrated discreetly after nightfall, in the southern city of Aswan’
So once again the BBC reporter goes not to the heart of the problem – the persecuted Coptic Christian community – but to some marginal event acting as a distraction from the central story. Let’s call it the Maddy Savage Stockholm Syndrome.
Maddy Savage : “I wasn’t actually at the press conference, I was at a demonstration to show solidarity among Swedes”
BBC: Second with News, First with Community Cohesion
OK, I’m willing to accept there may possibly be a lefty-minded market for a community cohesion channel – make it subscription funded but don’t make me pay for it. And if the UK Government feels the need for a community cohesion ministry let them admit it openly to voters and explain the budget for that comes out of general taxation.
How is this for an idea and thought I would run it past you all. As our shores and harbours have become targeted by illegal immigrants arriving on ribs and yachts, how would it be if we had a Government backed ‘Dad’s Army’ groups of volunteers, mainly fit pensioners, men and women, to watch beaches and small harbours, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in, say, groups of at least 4, with a hotline to the local Police. We could help protect our shores from these unscrupulous individuals. The east and south coasts must be a magnet for them trying to enter our country. Coastguards work from centralised operating centres now and not in the old watchtower stations dotted around the coast like they used to so any help would be a bonus?
Pullyourselftogether, I think it’s a good idea. The police in some counties do already have auxiliary constables of the kind you describe – it’s called Active Citizens I think. I live near the coast and people like the harbour master, yacht club commodores etc are already fairly vigilant about this kind of thing.
The Police are stretched and I thought GB Coastwatch would be at a minimal cost to the public purse apart from some training in procedures to be used.
I know someone who has a sailing boat on the Thames. They use Operation Kraken and all river user clubs are visited and told about it, with posters and contact numbers to use. This is Sussex Police though so it must be used further afield. Although I don’t think many people know about it and the users won’t be organised.
Gun and knife crime soaring in London. Big news you’d have thought, but not according to al beeb who tuck it away in ‘Regions’. I wonder why? Nothing to do with the ethnicity of most perps, I’m sure.
(And of course every time a black person is stopped and searched, some beeboid moron is there screaming racism – thereby making the police’s work impossible.)
Note: most media report ‘soaring’ gun and knife crime; the beebistan report a much more sedate ‘increase’ (of 42%). Sounds like soaring to me.
And note the pic they use: of a POLICEMAN holding a gun, making THEM look like the crims. Which they probably are in the eyes of retarded beeboids who probably still think of them as oppressive ‘pigs’ and ‘fuzz’ like the ageing Marxist hippies they are.
Life in London must have been so dull before ‘enrichment’. The worst crime they ever had was Dirk Bogarde shooting PC Dixon of Dock Green – now it’s non stop action!
The first words in the video are “Men are using online ads to offer free rent in exchange for sex…” – so we can safely assume it’s just 100% evil men doing this then? It ends with some MP saying the likes of Craiglist have to stand up to their responsibilities. WTF? So it’s wrong for 2 adults to make a deal that involves sex?
Then the article has some big number statistics… 25% of homeless people have lived with a stranger – shock horror!
The small print underneath says The survey did not ask if the person had sex with the stranger.
That article is sub-tabloid journalism – the kind of thing the Daily Star would print, except they would at least do it in amusing way, eg, ‘Bunk Up Britain: how raunchy landlords are offering free rooms in exchange for SEX’ etc. The BBC, by contrast, is far more sinister in its coverage – pushing for state interference and legislation in what is a completely consensual and legal agreement between adults, and trying to create ‘exploitation’ when it’s not there. It’s all part of the movement (predicted by Orwell, incidentally, in ‘1984’ with the ‘Anti Sex League’) for increased state control over human relationships. Utterly sickening.
Heard a BBC “News” interview last Saturday on PM where some guy was being interviewed about his “traumatic” experience of two sex workers renting his holiday home without his knowledge of their intent.
The interviewer worked up the devastating effect this had on him then topped it off with the classic question: “How did it smell after they left”.
Owner was quite bemused then blurted out “perfume and wine”…
As my wife said: What difference does it make, don’t people that rent holiday homes for holidays have sex too?
BBCs favourite, Brendan Cox, has teamed up with Refugee Week as it overlaps his ‘Great Get Together’ day time street party. The ‘Great Get Together’ is during Ramadan so not many Muslims will be eating with the rest of us and that’s a perfect example of why “there is more that unites us than divides us” is utter bollox.
The Refugee Week website seems to be confusing immigrants and refugees throughout the site. Even Brendan Cox is flicking between saying the late Saint Jo Cox supported immigrants one day and then refugees the next.
I always smile now when I think of this 2 day St Jo fest that ole Brenda has organised 17th and 18th June , that’ll be 202 anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo. Mr Kitty and I will be out raising a glass or 4 to Arthur.
Justine Greening being interrogated aggressively about grammars and why, according to the BBC, they don’t benefit the poorest in “society”. Suggestion – maybe that’s why some of them are poor in the first place. Sorry BBC, but our whole education system cannot revolve around people who are, to put it crudely, losers. Justine Greening could have given a better performance, TBH. Parts of the third world (not all) have a better record in the 3Rs than many of our relatively lavishly equipped schools.
Lengthy interview with thicko who apparently suffered burns from electrified railway (I missed the beginning). He said he didn’t know that the electricity was “on all the time”. Darwinism at work.
I don’t see how that is possible, Grant, as they (presumably ?) don’t have the benefit of “Smart” electronic whiteboards costing several thousands of pounds, fed by networks of computers adding to that cost.
Everyone knows that the absence of the latest technology, and old buildings, cause illiteracy and innumeracy.
Yes, it is all blackboard and chalk there and very few books. But the teachers are highly literate and take a great pride in the english language, in contrast to many British teachers in the UK.
More propaganda crap from the biased corporation who seem so hell bent on lying that they can’t even see they contradict themselves in the same article !
“The joy of a Christian-Muslim wedding among Egypt’s Nubians”
“Everyone kept telling me I should marry a girl from my community – but it was impossible,” Akram says, his eyes crinkling. “I couldn’t stay away from her.”
This won’t be a traditional ceremony. Akram will be taking his vows alone while his Christian bride-to-be Sally recites her prayers quietly at home.
So a wedding where the Bride & Groom have to go through a wedding ceremony on their own in hiding is a cause for ‘Joy’? Makes you wonder what kind of joy the BBC Fascists experience in their bigoted lives.
“We agreed to get married at night, so as not to bring shame on either of the families,” Akram says.
Yep I’m sure everyone is celebrating and full of the nuptial happiness by the description.
“Yes, I’m ready to begin having a family. I want lots of children,” she says, eyes flicking up briefly to her husband, face flushed and eyes bright. “I hope now everyone will accept our marriage and it will become easier for us.”
So clearly not everyone is ‘full of joy’ for them and they are making life difficult. No mention of her conversion to Islam either !
I read today that over 200 public playgrounds have been closed by councils due to a lack of funding (maintenance of equipment etc), with many more to follow.
Now, in my opinion this state of affairs must come under the heading of “Children in Need”. Will the BBC and all its millions gathered on a yearly basis for – “Children in Need” step in and cough up a few quid to keep these playgrounds open, instead of creating new ones ?
Here is a suggestion. Let the councils build houses on their crappy over regulated playgrounds and leave a few open pieces of woodland, stretches of river, brambles for blackberry picking and the like for the kids to enjoy
“The Community of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal originates from the Bronx in New York and now operates friaries in the US, central America, the UK and Ireland. They believe the life and example of St Francis shows them the way to follow the teachings of Jesus.
In Bradford they run regular soup kitchens for people in need. They are also hoping to restore an old, run-down Catholic Church to attract new followers.* The brothers want to achieve all this while devoting time to prayer and worship.
Heenan Bhatti’s film”
*hmm doesbt missionary work gets intimidation in many Muslim areas?
But I can’t find any links anywhere on the BBC website by clicking on
1. England -> Regions – > Humberside
2. England -> Regions – > Leeds & West Yorkshire
3. England -> Regions – > Sheffield & South Yorkshire
4. England -> Regions – > York & North Yorkshire
Under one of those links there is a bit on a white rapist!
This is usual BBC tactics seen when you complain to the BBC. If you complain that they haven’t covered the news they would provide you with the direct web link above “proving” they did cover the news.
But I bet there is no way to access that news starting from the BBC News homepage.
Can’t see it on the BBC website but we do have ” Soldier jailed for teenage runners deaths ” and “Catholic priest jailed for child sex abuse “. Agenda ? What agenda ? Bias ? What bias ?
Look North on al beebus here in Yorkshire yesterday had a surprisingly good piece on this filth going into court: it also showed a full list of their names and addresses on screen AND showed them being challenged by TR on their way to and from court; you didn’t hear what he said to them but you could clearly see it was him, I didn’t expect him to be in any footage they used whatsoever.
I must say though that this case produced another WTF? question for me; how can those charged with such serious offences as child abduction and rape, be out on bail until they go to crown court in May?
These c***s should have been held on remand from when they were charged, what about flight risk or witness intimidation? It just shows how weak our police, the CPS and judicial system really is – unless your name is Tommy Robinson of course, when you’ll be dealt with in a very different fashion.
I switched on the radio in the car – start of Womans’ Hour. One of their items is about the Germans banning marriage under the age of 18 and the effect this will have on child brides who have gone to live there. I can hardly believe I am writing this post. Wouldn’t you think for the left-leaning feminist producers the question ought to be -who are these women being married off at a young age and what is Germany doing to protect them? I guess we now know that at the BBC, Sharia Law beats feminist issues.
They also had on a Guardian columnist who was complaining about some videos that David Schwimmer has produced about violence against women. Although in a way praiseworthy, these videos should have been produced by women and it is wrong that a man should have had the success with them. No, I couldn’t follow the logic either.
I switched to Classic FM. I don’t know what the listening figures are form Womans’ Hour but I can only guess they are dropping like a stone as increasingly follow a feminist agenda and I know from Milo that only 7% of UK women identify as feminists. (And I am not one of them!)
Grant: I have suspected for some time that there must be serious amounts of money – probably from Saudi states – financing Islamic propaganda in certain sections of the MSM. I can’t see any other explanation for it because in general, the MSM, particularly the BBC, tends towards secularism. I believe this is part of a desperate attempt to counteract the growing global negative image of Islam. If it were just part of ‘let’s be nice to immigrants and promote multi-culti’ we would have more articles on different religions and cultures, but we don’t – it’s always Islam.
How about what its like being a British Christian woman being subjected to listening to this crap that’s infiltrated MY way of life over the past 40 years eh ?
“at the BBC, Sharia law beats feminist issue” – definitely. The lack of BBC and feminist response to the Cologne rape fest NY 2015 showed that clearly. I well remember listening to a subsequent Women’s Hour wherein Garvey and 3 guests all agreed it was “men” that were the problem.
I think feminism has been badly exposed by it’s non response to the rise of Islam as being a intellectually shallow, self-serving power grab by a quite small group of bitter women. The BBC brand of feminism is done, dead now – it’s the only good thing that Islam has done.
My guess is that despite all the arrests/convictions across tbe country of our Muslim friends for rape and child sex offences , we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. Oxford, High Wycombe, Derby, Rochdale, Rotherham , Huddersfield all spring to mind. I’m sure that there must have been more cases in the Muslim ghettos in Burmingham, Bradford and Greater Manchester. Its impossible to believe that Luton, the jihadi central of leafy Bedfordshire is exempt . Are Muslim taxi drivers and kebab dispensers in these areas now all desisting from grooming, drugging, raping and pimpibg young white girls ? Somehow I doubt it.
The BBCs attempts to hush all this up is a disgrace. Only the Mail and the local press highlight these cases. And the BBC is putting local papers out of business , of course, so we can’t rely on that source forever .
The growing Muslim population growth and the refusal of even third generation Muslim immigrants to integrate properly means that these cess pit third world practices will be always with us and although the police may have learned something , I fear that they are too politically correct to really stand any chance if eradicating these practices .
I think you’ll find the Establishment/BBC view is that these incidents are, in the jargon: “Acceptable levels of collateral damage against the civilian population”
I agree that we are very probably only seeing the tip of the iceberg. I’m sure that the liberal authorities , politicians, police, MSM etc are working hard to cover up the full extent of these crimes and the stats showing that Muslims are many times more likely to commit them than indigenous Brits. But I see no possibility of change in this Islamophilic attitude coming from within the UK. The liberal left have too firm a grip on the levers of power and media for that to happen. It is more likely that change in the UK will come in the wake of change in some continental countries.
On the continent several countries have political parties , with strong opposition to Islamification as one of their key policies , with 10 to 30% of the people voting for them. We in the UK have no such party. As Islamification continues and as the incompatibility of Islam with the West becomes ever clearer , support for these parties will increase and ultimately they will achieve power by the ballot box. The UK may then follow suit.
Of course even if these anti Islamification governments are elected tomorrow reversing the tide will be difficult and perhaps bloody. But the longer it is delayed the more difficult it will be to reverse the tide, and of course there will be a point when it is possible mpossible to reverse the Islamificationof Europe. How far away is that point? Far too close for comfort.
2:15pm R4 Drama a fiction remarkably similar to the hounding/trial of an Armed Response police hero who shot an armed black thug dead when their tailing operation was ordered to stop his vehicle.
BBC Beslan school siege: Russia ‘failed’ in 2004 massacre
What happened in Beslan? “Masked men and women, wearing bomb belts, burst into Beslan’s School Number One, opening fire in the courtyard as a ceremony marking the beginning of the school year was finishing”.
“officials knew an attack was imminent but did not act. In the siege, Chechen rebels took more than 1,000 hostages, mostly children”.
“siege ended suddenly on the third day with two deadly explosions and intense gunfire. Witnesses described the operation by Russian security forces as chaotic, saying that the troops used excessive force and heavy weapons.”
“Only one of the hostage takers was caught alive and put on trial”.
“rebels” “militants” “masked men” BBC? … at the very, very, bottom of the report it admits “terrorist attack”
In the BBC lengthy and yet another Russia slamming report, which sounds like it was timed and written by Fallon/Boris/May and co.
… Anyone notice a few salient facts/words missing from the Al BBC report?
On September 1, 2004 the Chechen-Islamic militant group, Riyadus-Salikhin Battalion, set siege to “School Number One” (SNO), a grade school in Beslan, North Ossetia, another Russian republic situated in the North Caucasus.
Over 1,100 people including 777 children were taken hostage, 384 of whom were killed.
In the aftermath approximately 180 were reported missing…
Chechnya – 99 per cent of Chechens identify as Muslims, it is a long time hot-bed of Islamic extremism.
It has a growing presence of Saudi Wahhabism (most puritanical and stringent form of Islam) and in the North Caucasus as the region serves as a base of operation for Al-Qaeda operatives among other jihadi groups.
Chechen Islamic terrorist Shamil Basayev led the massacre, at all times demanding the carnage was to facilitate Chechen independence from Russia.
On the tense third day of the siege crisis, the Russian security forces, using troops, tanks and rockets, reclaimed the school, but the damage was done.
Reports indicate that survivors still remain traumatized to date,
and only one of the Islamic mass murderers ever stood trial BBC?
don t they want to die for Allah, call them selves martyrs? BBC?
This was an unprecedented chaotic tense situation, that I m sure tragically a lot of mistakes were made … some that cost lives, childrens lives.
Why are the real facts being omitted by a Broadcaster making political hay with the story
… more images of children, more political manoeuvring.
Good points. What the hell has it got to do with the European Court of Human Rights ? It is none of their frigging business. What is the point of pissing off the Russians ? They are one of the few countries actually trying to deal with the evil of Islam.
Russia is a signatory to the European Convention on Human Rights, which is why the ECHR is involved (both of which are unrelated to the EU). But the reporting and timing of this reporting smacks of rampant Russophobia, in addition to the censorship of failing to mention that the attackers were Islamists. The Russian forces may have been clumsy and heavy-handed but were placed in an impossible position – a little understanding rather than this sanctimonious ‘blame the victim’ reporting would not go amiss.
I didn’t know that. If I were Putin, I would leave the ECHR. Same applies to the UK. The whole thing smacks of hypocrisy and a political decision. There are a few “Human Rights” that the ECHR should be investigating in the UK.
Funny how the BBC didn’t mention the usual Muslim extreme violence that occurred during the siege, including the mass rape and torture of both boys and girls, girls separated for gang rapes etc, bayoneting and dismemberment of children after their rape. Just business as usual for Islam I suppose, hardly worth mentioning it.
What is it about Islam that makes child rape such a theme? Oh yes, of course, I forgot.
What is it that makes child rape such a theme at the BBC ? Beeboids are so ignorant, they think that if they do not mention Islam , we shall not know about it. Morons.
The BBC respects all cultural traditions , even ones as barbaric as FGM, child rape , forced marriages. Of course they rightly draw a line when it comes to wearing dark face paint and dancing in the street . That is deeply offensive and racist. But the other stuff are unfortunate pieces of baggage that are nonetheless part and parcel of the cultural transfer that will enrich our nation. It will all be worth it in the end, just you wait and see.
Sadly I suspect this parody isn’t very far from what Beeboids really think!
The BBC could also have mentioned the ‘British’ connection to Beslan. The Russian government identified Kamel Rabat Bouralha as an organiser/planner and Yacine Benalia and Osman Larussi as hostage takers. All were described as ‘British-Algerians’. Bouralha was confirmed by Scotland Yard as having been a visitor to the notorious Finsbury Park mosque (see
Come on Beeb – where’s your pride in all things ‘British’?
BBC News – The joy of a Christian-Muslim wedding
“Muslims and Christians mostly live in harmony” …. yep! that’s in Egypt
this has to be Al BBC la la land … because it certainly isn t at all true in Egypt.
The BBCs latest apologetics for Islam .
Note that its a Muslim male and non Muslim female, following from Quran to propagate Islam.
If it was a Muslim female? … probably a riot, a lot of looting of Christian shops
as an excuse – the groom maybe killed?, honour murder for the bride?
… Scrap the BBC now.
8pm R4 “Turks are in the midst of a bitter referendum campaign that could change how they’re ruled. On the face of it, they should be united about Sunday’s constitutional referendum”
PC insanity: we know black on black knife crime is such a problem; there is overwhelming evidence to that effect. But as so many whine about how hurtful and unfair stop and search is, Police have been forced to use the tactic less. Hurt feelings are deemed more important than dead teenagers. Even if it required a thousand wrongful stop and searches, surely they would be worth it to save just one life? I am sure the parents of victims would agree.
I would rather endure a stop and search than a stabbing. Yet another example of where vulnerable communities suffer most through policies ostensibly put in place to help them.
1pm Radio Humberside News priority
most important thing that Humberside people need to know is a EUropean Court judgement about a Russian school siege 13 years ago
Radio Lincolnshire aired the item as#4
Just after a limp item about Today’s New European libelling Skegness in a sneering front page cartoon.
Friends! Apologies for my prolonged absence here, but the Hard-Right Twitter is taking increasing amounts of my time.
But I thought some of you might be interested in my latest Blog, which includes a couple of pieces (written in the Far-Right Guardian last Spring) about Our BBC, which I am quite sure all of you love as dearly as I do.
I’m sorry to say that a few Right-wingers also fall for it. Only a week or so ago I was slated as a “Lefty moron” and blocked by an irate Kipper on Twitter!
Friend Lefty! Thanks for your continuing efforts at raising a laugh in these po-faced (or should that be Pol-faced – groan! JC) times. This line in particular made me LOL hard (shouldn’t that be ‘Lollard’? – JC): ‘It is surely time, friends, for those of us on the Progressive Left to mobilise the mass power of working people, e.g. students,’
Friend Cranmer! Glad you enjoyed it! Always nice to hear of particular bits that people like! What interests me in particular is that they rarely seem to be the same ones! Anyway, as long as people keep enjoying it, I’ll keep going. Still got over 20 Blogs’-worth of old Guardian pieces “in the can”, btw! 🙂
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Van – I saw that the Russian defence industry was operating on a war footing and is well financed through…
Van HelsingMar 4, 17:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, Russia isn’t as strong as some people think. It wasn’t the old USSR to begin with and it’s even…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Even more excellent news – Rachel from accounts has said smaller companies can get the urgent defence contract for the…
wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 17:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “A psychotic Nigerian armed robber and crack cocaine dealer has been spared deportation because he would be considered “possessed” in…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC says Zelenski has gone on X and grovelled like the b@tch he is ( after being told – no…
GreencoatMar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I see that the Guardian’s review of Ash Sarkar’s new book refers to the British working class as the ‘lower…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news – Italy has said it won’t be sending Italian soldiers to die in Ukraine to keep Zelenski in…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
BBC Humberside 5pm news Panda photocall at Dutch zoo
Relevance to Radio Humberside listeners ? zero
And photos don’t work on radio.
I don’t know whether anyone else has posted this, but it’s good.
Marine tells it as it is ! French people have no confidence in MSM. The stupid thing about the BBC and MSM raising the issue of Fake News is that it has come back to bite them. They truly are morons.
Like Mr Farage, Mm. Le Pen always comes across very well in TV interviews, calmly, politely and reasonably refuting the allegations against them. I suspect this is mainly why the mainstream media hates them. Mm Le Pen also seems to speak in very clear French, at least I find it easy to understand her without looking at the subtitles, whereas with many French people, including politicians there’s a lot more Gallic umming, ahhing and ‘boff’-ing which is beyond my schoolboy French. I suspect this shows her mind is a bit sharper.
As promised PM puts the boot into Trump’s press secretary.
If these ‘journalists’ are so moral and concerned about the ‘offence’ that may be caused wouldn’t they help anyone who might be seen to have strayed back over the line?
FACT: Hitler never used gas in the form of bombs or shells on cities.
Not sure how many ways that can be stated.
He was attempting to build an atom bomb just like most psycho dictators have these days – I think that is more a cause for concern.
Oh Dear oh dear!
The BBC is horrified that in one small province of India the slaughter of animals has been banned.
Now Hindus are mostly vegetarian and unaffected, but the people who are affected are their favourite brown eyed boys the Muslims.
It seems that the globalist BBC will defend the interests of their brown eyed favourites where ever they are !
There’s talk of banning all meat, as you say, but including fish.
India has a huge fishing and beef exporting industry. So it could mean, unemployment, starvation and foreign aid – just like the good old days. But they do have a space program and nuclear weapons!
The other odd thing is that while the BBC is thinking how terrible this is, it isn’t reporting the fact that its own canteen has done exactly the same thing on Mondays while providing justification for it too !
Not sure I’d want to eat anything that had been swimming about in the Ganges quite frankly. And despite buying my prawns from Waitrose, I doubt I shall ever eat another one after reading several articles as to how they are farmed…….here’s one
Why not just ban all food and be done with it ?
Food is racist anyway!
BBC Online News:
“”Dortmund explosions: ‘Islamist’ suspect held over team bus attack””
Blimey! The BBC have used the ‘I’ word in connection with an ‘attack’.
They’ll be connecting the ‘I’ word with the ‘T’ word next!!! 😉
Although they did in the first version of that article try and suggest it could have been a right wing extremist.
A later edit changed that, I guess their bias was too blatant and got called out.
A real sneer-fest on PM. They played the grovelling apology of the United Airlines CEO from this morning – for around five minutes. Now they are interviewing someone from a PR magazine who gave him an award last year.
“Can you ask for the award back?”
God, imagine if we got to hold the BBC to account over their Trump and Brexit coverage! Imagine if they had to offer a gruelling apology to keep their jobs! Easy to tell others they should resign if they put a foot wrong when you know you are untouchable, no matter how outraged and disgusted the people who pay your wages are with how you are behaving!
Whitehouse spokesman said that “Even Hitler didn’t stoop to using chemical weapons” (Clearly talking about on the battlefield). Very true…
How does the BBC report it? (Sorry…I meant milk this to death on every “news” bulletin?) You guessed it! “Some sources claim” he’s questioning the Holocaust or possibly even ant-Jewish. LOL. Talk about spin. THAT is why people DO NOT trust the MSM!!
Apparently it is even worse as he said it during a Jewish holiday. What a load of nonsense – someone being offended should not be news. That they are even more offended by the timing of the offensive remarks certainly should not be. Fake news!
Yes, the term “chemical weapon” for an ordinary person has the meaning you state. It’s a specialised munition. But the usual suspects are stretching the definition ” a chemical weapon is a toxic chemical contained in a delivery system, such as a bomb or shell.” to suggest that a gas chamber is also a “delivery system”. Who knows how many “official” definitions are available for lawyers to argue over? To suggest that Spicer was denying the mass extermination of Jews by Hitler is simply ludicrous.
I could say “I kid ye not” but you won’t believe me:
headline: Brussels tells Britain to cut red tape for EU citizens
“Brexit negotiations will open in Brussels with a warning that Britain must remove “scandalous” and “bureaucratic obstacles” to EU nationals getting permanent British residency, according to diplomats.”
What can you say?
“Va te faire foutre” should do the trick
Just tell them to eff off. They are buffoons .
Or to quote Putin, “Fooksy Offsky”.
Sadiq’s DieselsRPaedos campaign
Dr Frew on FHB’s podcast 13 mins adds the context that ALL other news reports omit
It’s worth listening
– 340K life-years lost per year = 3 days/per year shorter off everyones life on average
So in a lifetime in London you could lose 9 months off your life
– It’s a FALSE-narrative to say that 40K/year (9K in London) lives will be saved
Ridding London of all vehicles including trains will not make a big difference
since they only account 1/7th of all pollution
– We will make EU limits anyway in all except 4 cities (Lon, Cardiff, Southampton, Derby)
…and above those limits is not necessarily dangerous
JHB has a column in the DT and seems to not be BBC material.
I would like to hear her on Talk Radio, but it does not appear to be available here.
PS I believe JHB was the interviewer who rather non-plussed the new Richmond MP.
Morning’s on digital radio.
Not freeview or satellite.
I’m not sure if this has already been covered but I believe it to be a perfect example of bbc bias.
Here are two screenshots from today, one from 10.09am and one from 7.21pm. It is regarding the Dortmund team bus bombing.
Someone must have called out their bias based on the edits!
“Our (bbc) correspondent says it could be an attack by right wing extremists”
“Either left wing or right wing extremists could be to blame”
Ha. The tide is turning and they know it! 🙂
British Bringing ‘Could’ News
BBC UK News Page? England News page?? hmmm on to the regions???
Aha! … Helpfully tucked away in the Al BBC Huddersfield page
“They are among 29 in total charged as part of Operation Tendersea after 18 girls aged 11 to 17 were sexually abused in Huddersfield
Twenty four of the men and two women are from the Huddersfield area.
West Yorkshire Police say the men face numerous offences including rape, trafficking with intent to engage in sexual exploitation, sexual activity with a child, child neglect, child abduction, supply of Class A drugs and possession and making of indecent images of children”.
Note the erm … abundance of MSM here?
Only one thing wrong, it should be a hundred cameras, a thousand maybe
Just a word, as a father and grandfather if I d have faced, just 1% of the arrogance and attitude, elicited here? on this video by this filth
… I d would have gladly assisted them on their road to Allah
I note in that BBC report that the top two names are non-muslim – I think they are Sikh names. Oddly though the last name sounds possibly Christian, so maybe I’m just imagining a feeble attempt to deflect attention from the RoP.
The reaction of that woman at the end, lawyer possibly?, “Wow!” said in a so-what sort of manner to comments about the rapes of children. She should be struck off for that attitude.
This is quite unbelievable – and I give readers a trigger warning before they read it. Read the comments too.
More two tier sentencing.
7 black people stole £600 that time between them
Evidence it was an on going thing
Magistrate passed it up to Crown court.
Wrong thing cos Well don’t think pilfering is unlikely to get you a custodial sentence.
Theyd be getting a criminal record.
Broken window rule applies, you must prosecute for even minor offences to show the law.
I have from time to time considered becoming a JP but have always given up on the idea when I see cases like this, because it’s clear that there are a lot of judges who just haven’t got even the most tenuous grip on reality.
I wonder what the reaction of that judge would be if his house was burgled and those responsible were let off because:
“I think on a judge’s salary, he can afford to replace all his personal possessions that were taken and pay for all his stuff that got trashed.” Tw@t!
Al, I was going to make that comment, let’s all go down to the judge’s house and burgle it. He can afford it.
So Mark Sands is given four months for making death threats to an MP.
I know his politics are extreme Left because the bbc made no mention whatsoever.
Darned clever them bbc hacks!
“There seems to have been a background of political posting of a similar nature, and so this would explain the harshness of the sentence.”
Two tier justice again – imagine if he had threatened a Labour/SNP/Green or worse still an ethnic MP. No doubt they would have named and shamed immediately and found ‘material’ on his computer.
Oh boy, three nail bombs and Merkel treats it as a victory – it could have been so different.
Just saw a quick BBC news summary at 8pm. They mentioned that “Melania Trump has been awarded damages from the Daily Mail for false accusations about her during her modelling”
I guess the BBC are being a bit economic with the full news here. She was actually accused of being a prostitute but it’s not in the BBC interests to report the full facts as they don’t want to make Melania Trump appear as a normal decent person.
Just watching, on YouTube, Harry and Paul taking the piss out of QT. Sorry, I am not good with links , but I am sure you will like it. Dimblebore does not come out too well !
This is when the BBC did not invite an Atmospheric Physicist, Solar Astronomer or any of the two scientifically qualified Members of Parliament to a Question Time debate. Due to the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate.

OVER POPULATION is a much bigger problem than Climate Change (whatever that means). However nobody at the BBC or MSM will ever mention it. We just have to feel guilty in the West and keep providing their “children” with food and water so they can produce more “children that need even more food and water…
One advert you won’t hear is: Please can you give three pounds a month for a big pack of condoms for the ME and Africa…
Interesting example of MSM reporting FakeNews
Hired Rentamob did a fake demo yet media reported it.
2 years later it came out in a defamation case.
Interesting Novikova case
of how a Fake Demonstration led to Fake news
Media section of last week’s Times
On BBC Trust research
Av age of viewers BBC 1 BBC=61, BBC 2=62yrs
Young going to Netflix
Young declining on radio listening surprise
Re The question on dependable journalism ? The confidence has fallen to 62% from 70% in 2008
Ofcom – has ordered less US shows and less repeats
A quick look at this afternoon on Freeview:
(1) Buds of May, Heartbeat, Royal and On the Buses on ITV 3
(2) Last of the Summer Wine, Some Mothers and All Creatures Great and Small on Drama
(3) Blackadder on Yesterday
(4) Albert RN and a Peter Sellars film on Talking Pictures TV
(5) Benny Hill Show on Radio 4 Extra
(6) Standing Stones on the Community Channel
OFCOM busy ordering more original Lenny stuff?
That will so score with the ageing demographic and da kidz.
Commons Select Committees > Science and Technology
MPS’s say media should redress bad science reporting and ‘false balance problems’
but it seems they are clueless, cos they don’t mean BBC who they describe as “excellent”
They quote the MMR example …Err, the BBC were rubbish at that ..and didn’t quickly explain the science like theyshould, their phone-ins didn’tknock the alarmism on the head.
It claims C4 and the Times are the ones who debunked Wakefield ..hmm not sure about that ..his was research was dodgy from start never take extraordinary results from just one researcher.
(I read it in the Times but here’s a Guardian link
Note the top comment
“Having just watched Michael E. Mann be the only rational voice in a room full of lunatics,…” ..oh dear
The House of Commons Science communication and engagement report seems to have been a whitewash written by non-scientists with the whitewash of the BBC being written by BBC Science Editor, David Shukman. With the only two Members of Parliament who are also scientists, Peter Lilley and Graham Stringer having no apparent input, even though Graham Stringer is the only scientist on the Committee. It includes the BBC invented, Orwellian sounding term “False Balance” In fact David Shukman seems to have been the only science Journalist mentioned in the report, with all other science Journalists under criticism for not censuring causational climate scientists, censored by the BBC. In fact the report looks like its written by the attendees of that BBC seminar of the “best scientific experts” which turned out to be a bunch of environmental lunatics, posing as fake causational climate scientists. Probably why it suggests that the government should set up a “Ministry of Truth” to extend BBC censorship of Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy to the press. I am not sure what the BBC means by “False Balance” this term is not used in the scientific community. But most Atmospheric Physicists and Solar Astronomers would not mind if the BBC continued to give Environmental lunatics lots and lots of time to waffle on and on about Climate alarmism, as long as the BBC ended its censorship policy for real climate science, real scientists and real scientific debate. And gave the small amount of time necessary for causational climate scientists to say what they have to say, even if it sounds lunatic to an unscientifically qualified environmental activist.
I hear that Trump is bringing in Red Teams to challenge the censorship. An idea from business which originates from the scientific method. It would force environmental activists to use science, rather than belief in what unidentified scientists think. While the end of censorship for developments in Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy would help to force out the environmental activist thugs from scientific bodies.
But that disgraceful report proves that science in Britain has gone into an Orwellian Dark Age, since the fall in the influence of Labour MP Graham Stringer as the last intelligent voice left on that committee of non-scientists.
Radio 4’s Six PM News has Jenny Hill make the sickening comment:
“That the match, between Dortmund and Monacco, is being played at all is, for many here, the real victory.”
We shall appease them on the shores! We shall appease them in the skies! We shall never not surrender!
BBC Online News:
“”EU migrants make up 11% of manufacturing workforce – ONS””
This is the perpetual anti-Brexit bias promoted by the BBC.
No mention of course that we have 1.6 million unemployed. Agreed, a percentage will be unemployable, but what about the rest?
And how much of the money these EU workers earn is sent back home? Most are from eastern Europe and their British wages are still a huge multiple of their wages back home.
UK Unemployment is 1.6 million.
Only posted 6 hours ago
EU migrants without a job make up city the size of Bristol
One in seven of the 2,733,000 EU migrants aged 16-64 – a total of 390,000 – are unemployed or “inactive”.
Only one in six Romanian and Bulgarian migrants work more than 40 hours per week, compared with just a third of British employees.
A total of 3.4 million people working in Britain last year were from abroad, equating to 11 per cent of the total workforce. They comprised 2.2 million EU nationals and 1.2 million non-EU nationals.
The report said the highest number of migrant workers are employed in elementary occupations, such as selling goods or cleaning, with 669,000, including 510,000 EU nationals.
Trouble is that in the UK London and the South East are very affluent and needing cheap labour, whereas people living further North see much more disadvantage.
It was once said that Americas great strength was a mobile workforce who could travel to take advantage of work. The British government has gone out of its way to prevent people moving around by eye watering taxes on house purchases – when the tax would be much better applied to sellers.
Now even skilled senior staff from the regions cannot afford to live in London and companies there, instead of relocating (if only in part) claim they cannot recruit staff!
You beat me to it Thoughtful.
“A City the size of Bristol”? I had the impression that the majority in Bristol was Somali. I use BBC HTV as evidence, that’s the only race they seem to report on.
American saying for this country, “Time to put on our big-boy pants.”
Although with May as our pseudo Mother – trying to please everyone while not offending anyone?
BBC Online News:
“”Urban Burqa: An artist’s striking critique of Islamophobia””
“”In Blue Burqa in a Sunburnt Australian Country, Muir wanted to show how the burka complemented – and even enhanced – the landscapes: “It hinted or suggested a potential symbiosis of this country and immigrants, that runs counter to the narrative making the headlines at that time.””
“”Born in a household of Australian creatives – Muir’s mother was a director at Opera Australia, his father a director at the Australian Broadcasting Corp – Muir turned to photography after completing a law degree at Sydney University. He has since lived in Estonia, Lithuania, France, Spain and Germany””
“”Muir, who is in his 40s, credits his success to a lack of formal training””
Commented on earlier today by AsISeeIt
“credits his success to a lack of formal training”
So, pretty much like BBC Journalism School?
Look the part, intone the right things….Bingo!
Serious world news or just some lame hopeful happy-clappy propaganda
‘The joy of a Christian-Muslim wedding’
‘Nicola Kelly attended a Muslim-Christian wedding, celebrated discreetly after nightfall, in the southern city of Aswan’
So once again the BBC reporter goes not to the heart of the problem – the persecuted Coptic Christian community – but to some marginal event acting as a distraction from the central story. Let’s call it the Maddy Savage Stockholm Syndrome.
Maddy Savage : “I wasn’t actually at the press conference, I was at a demonstration to show solidarity among Swedes”
BBC: Second with News, First with Community Cohesion
OK, I’m willing to accept there may possibly be a lefty-minded market for a community cohesion channel – make it subscription funded but don’t make me pay for it. And if the UK Government feels the need for a community cohesion ministry let them admit it openly to voters and explain the budget for that comes out of general taxation.
How is this for an idea and thought I would run it past you all. As our shores and harbours have become targeted by illegal immigrants arriving on ribs and yachts, how would it be if we had a Government backed ‘Dad’s Army’ groups of volunteers, mainly fit pensioners, men and women, to watch beaches and small harbours, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in, say, groups of at least 4, with a hotline to the local Police. We could help protect our shores from these unscrupulous individuals. The east and south coasts must be a magnet for them trying to enter our country. Coastguards work from centralised operating centres now and not in the old watchtower stations dotted around the coast like they used to so any help would be a bonus?
On it, if with a few refinements…
Yes nice one. My idea could be called GB Coastwatch.
Pullyourselftogether, I think it’s a good idea. The police in some counties do already have auxiliary constables of the kind you describe – it’s called Active Citizens I think. I live near the coast and people like the harbour master, yacht club commodores etc are already fairly vigilant about this kind of thing.
The Police are stretched and I thought GB Coastwatch would be at a minimal cost to the public purse apart from some training in procedures to be used.
I know someone who has a sailing boat on the Thames. They use Operation Kraken and all river user clubs are visited and told about it, with posters and contact numbers to use. This is Sussex Police though so it must be used further afield. Although I don’t think many people know about it and the users won’t be organised.
Gun and knife crime soaring in London. Big news you’d have thought, but not according to al beeb who tuck it away in ‘Regions’. I wonder why? Nothing to do with the ethnicity of most perps, I’m sure.
(And of course every time a black person is stopped and searched, some beeboid moron is there screaming racism – thereby making the police’s work impossible.)
Note: most media report ‘soaring’ gun and knife crime; the beebistan report a much more sedate ‘increase’ (of 42%). Sounds like soaring to me.
And note the pic they use: of a POLICEMAN holding a gun, making THEM look like the crims. Which they probably are in the eyes of retarded beeboids who probably still think of them as oppressive ‘pigs’ and ‘fuzz’ like the ageing Marxist hippies they are.
“I’m African, you’ll never take my life!”
“I beez Afrikan too, and youz took muh knife!”
Life in London must have been so dull before ‘enrichment’. The worst crime they ever had was Dirk Bogarde shooting PC Dixon of Dock Green – now it’s non stop action!
Online adverts ‘exploit homeless for sex’
The first words in the video are “Men are using online ads to offer free rent in exchange for sex…” – so we can safely assume it’s just 100% evil men doing this then? It ends with some MP saying the likes of Craiglist have to stand up to their responsibilities. WTF? So it’s wrong for 2 adults to make a deal that involves sex?
Then the article has some big number statistics… 25% of homeless people have lived with a stranger – shock horror!
The small print underneath says The survey did not ask if the person had sex with the stranger.
BBC and their fake statistics again!
The Coop are offering Keith Vaz a BOGOF deal.
That article is sub-tabloid journalism – the kind of thing the Daily Star would print, except they would at least do it in amusing way, eg, ‘Bunk Up Britain: how raunchy landlords are offering free rooms in exchange for SEX’ etc. The BBC, by contrast, is far more sinister in its coverage – pushing for state interference and legislation in what is a completely consensual and legal agreement between adults, and trying to create ‘exploitation’ when it’s not there. It’s all part of the movement (predicted by Orwell, incidentally, in ‘1984’ with the ‘Anti Sex League’) for increased state control over human relationships. Utterly sickening.
Heard a BBC “News” interview last Saturday on PM where some guy was being interviewed about his “traumatic” experience of two sex workers renting his holiday home without his knowledge of their intent.
The interviewer worked up the devastating effect this had on him then topped it off with the classic question: “How did it smell after they left”.
Owner was quite bemused then blurted out “perfume and wine”…
As my wife said: What difference does it make, don’t people that rent holiday homes for holidays have sex too?
Islam-repellent test?
North London
Another on the M62
When is a refugee not a refugee?
BBCs favourite, Brendan Cox, has teamed up with Refugee Week as it overlaps his ‘Great Get Together’ day time street party. The ‘Great Get Together’ is during Ramadan so not many Muslims will be eating with the rest of us and that’s a perfect example of why “there is more that unites us than divides us” is utter bollox.
The Refugee Week website seems to be confusing immigrants and refugees throughout the site. Even Brendan Cox is flicking between saying the late Saint Jo Cox supported immigrants one day and then refugees the next.
I always smile now when I think of this 2 day St Jo fest that ole Brenda has organised 17th and 18th June , that’ll be 202 anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo. Mr Kitty and I will be out raising a glass or 4 to Arthur.
On BBC TV this morning:
Justine Greening being interrogated aggressively about grammars and why, according to the BBC, they don’t benefit the poorest in “society”. Suggestion – maybe that’s why some of them are poor in the first place. Sorry BBC, but our whole education system cannot revolve around people who are, to put it crudely, losers. Justine Greening could have given a better performance, TBH. Parts of the third world (not all) have a better record in the 3Rs than many of our relatively lavishly equipped schools.
Lengthy interview with thicko who apparently suffered burns from electrified railway (I missed the beginning). He said he didn’t know that the electricity was “on all the time”. Darwinism at work.
Give me strength!
I have a quite a lot of experience in schools in Gambia and kids reading, writing and maths is far superior to British kids.
I don’t see how that is possible, Grant, as they (presumably ?) don’t have the benefit of “Smart” electronic whiteboards costing several thousands of pounds, fed by networks of computers adding to that cost.
Everyone knows that the absence of the latest technology, and old buildings, cause illiteracy and innumeracy.
Yes, it is all blackboard and chalk there and very few books. But the teachers are highly literate and take a great pride in the english language, in contrast to many British teachers in the UK.
Nevermind the attacks on Coptic churches. Beeby assures us that Egyptian Christians & Muslims mostly live in harmony.
Yes and they’ve more than likely assured the murder of those featured and pictured in their naïve little story…
My idea of a creative bath is me, SWMBO, bubbles, glasses of single malt and the special loofah.
Each to their own.
More propaganda crap from the biased corporation who seem so hell bent on lying that they can’t even see they contradict themselves in the same article !
“The joy of a Christian-Muslim wedding among Egypt’s Nubians”
“Everyone kept telling me I should marry a girl from my community – but it was impossible,” Akram says, his eyes crinkling. “I couldn’t stay away from her.”
This won’t be a traditional ceremony. Akram will be taking his vows alone while his Christian bride-to-be Sally recites her prayers quietly at home.
So a wedding where the Bride & Groom have to go through a wedding ceremony on their own in hiding is a cause for ‘Joy’? Makes you wonder what kind of joy the BBC Fascists experience in their bigoted lives.
“We agreed to get married at night, so as not to bring shame on either of the families,” Akram says.
Yep I’m sure everyone is celebrating and full of the nuptial happiness by the description.
“Yes, I’m ready to begin having a family. I want lots of children,” she says, eyes flicking up briefly to her husband, face flushed and eyes bright. “I hope now everyone will accept our marriage and it will become easier for us.”
So clearly not everyone is ‘full of joy’ for them and they are making life difficult. No mention of her conversion to Islam either !
Odd. I tried to RT this but it says it was deleted. Let’s see what happens here:
Basically saying Nick Robbo gave Angela Rayner a hard time.
I read today that over 200 public playgrounds have been closed by councils due to a lack of funding (maintenance of equipment etc), with many more to follow.
Now, in my opinion this state of affairs must come under the heading of “Children in Need”. Will the BBC and all its millions gathered on a yearly basis for – “Children in Need” step in and cough up a few quid to keep these playgrounds open, instead of creating new ones ?
(cue raucous laughing throughout the land !)
Here is a suggestion. Let the councils build houses on their crappy over regulated playgrounds and leave a few open pieces of woodland, stretches of river, brambles for blackberry picking and the like for the kids to enjoy
22:45pm doco on BBC1 about Bradford foreign beardy blokes pretending to do good causes.
“The Community of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal originates from the Bronx in New York and now operates friaries in the US, central America, the UK and Ireland. They believe the life and example of St Francis shows them the way to follow the teachings of Jesus.
In Bradford they run regular soup kitchens for people in need. They are also hoping to restore an old, run-down Catholic Church to attract new followers.* The brothers want to achieve all this while devoting time to prayer and worship.
Heenan Bhatti’s film”
*hmm doesbt missionary work gets intimidation in many Muslim areas?
Haven’t seen this reported on the BBC News yet…
The BBC do have a page (found by a Google search)
But I can’t find any links anywhere on the BBC website by clicking on
1. England -> Regions – > Humberside
2. England -> Regions – > Leeds & West Yorkshire
3. England -> Regions – > Sheffield & South Yorkshire
4. England -> Regions – > York & North Yorkshire
Under one of those links there is a bit on a white rapist!
This is usual BBC tactics seen when you complain to the BBC. If you complain that they haven’t covered the news they would provide you with the direct web link above “proving” they did cover the news.
But I bet there is no way to access that news starting from the BBC News homepage.
is this your white rapist?
Ferdos Rabani aka Joshua Abdul from Sheffield?
Beeb Buries the news again.
The actual report isnt bad, no comment, no analysis, just a description of the charges and list of the defendants names.
Can’t see it on the BBC website but we do have ” Soldier jailed for teenage runners deaths ” and “Catholic priest jailed for child sex abuse “. Agenda ? What agenda ? Bias ? What bias ?
Look North on al beebus here in Yorkshire yesterday had a surprisingly good piece on this filth going into court: it also showed a full list of their names and addresses on screen AND showed them being challenged by TR on their way to and from court; you didn’t hear what he said to them but you could clearly see it was him, I didn’t expect him to be in any footage they used whatsoever.
I must say though that this case produced another WTF? question for me; how can those charged with such serious offences as child abduction and rape, be out on bail until they go to crown court in May?
These c***s should have been held on remand from when they were charged, what about flight risk or witness intimidation? It just shows how weak our police, the CPS and judicial system really is – unless your name is Tommy Robinson of course, when you’ll be dealt with in a very different fashion.
I switched on the radio in the car – start of Womans’ Hour. One of their items is about the Germans banning marriage under the age of 18 and the effect this will have on child brides who have gone to live there. I can hardly believe I am writing this post. Wouldn’t you think for the left-leaning feminist producers the question ought to be -who are these women being married off at a young age and what is Germany doing to protect them? I guess we now know that at the BBC, Sharia Law beats feminist issues.
They also had on a Guardian columnist who was complaining about some videos that David Schwimmer has produced about violence against women. Although in a way praiseworthy, these videos should have been produced by women and it is wrong that a man should have had the success with them. No, I couldn’t follow the logic either.
I switched to Classic FM. I don’t know what the listening figures are form Womans’ Hour but I can only guess they are dropping like a stone as increasingly follow a feminist agenda and I know from Milo that only 7% of UK women identify as feminists. (And I am not one of them!)
To be fair WH haven’t honoured Muslim issues since yesterday.
The BBC’s obsession with that evil religion is psychopathic.
Grant: I have suspected for some time that there must be serious amounts of money – probably from Saudi states – financing Islamic propaganda in certain sections of the MSM. I can’t see any other explanation for it because in general, the MSM, particularly the BBC, tends towards secularism. I believe this is part of a desperate attempt to counteract the growing global negative image of Islam. If it were just part of ‘let’s be nice to immigrants and promote multi-culti’ we would have more articles on different religions and cultures, but we don’t – it’s always Islam.
It is a total mystery to me. If not money, then fear. Or both. It is crazy and suicidal.
How about what its like being a British Christian woman being subjected to listening to this crap that’s infiltrated MY way of life over the past 40 years eh ?
Stew, BBC Woman’s Hour
British Muslim, British Muslim, British Muslim, British Muslim, British Muslim,
You see the liberal programmers keep drip-feeding us this contrary term in the hope that we will accept it as normal one day.
And 48 hours since the bbc last did a long piece honouring the Burqua
The childbrides item generated 4:tweets
1 was even against them
Had KT Hopkins been on there’d have been 100 HateNotHope tweets
….Age of Social Justice Taliban
Deborah “only 7% of UK women identify as feminists. (And I am not one of them!)”
Nor me!
“at the BBC, Sharia law beats feminist issue” – definitely. The lack of BBC and feminist response to the Cologne rape fest NY 2015 showed that clearly. I well remember listening to a subsequent Women’s Hour wherein Garvey and 3 guests all agreed it was “men” that were the problem.
I think feminism has been badly exposed by it’s non response to the rise of Islam as being a intellectually shallow, self-serving power grab by a quite small group of bitter women. The BBC brand of feminism is done, dead now – it’s the only good thing that Islam has done.
R4 now doing another pet issue : Intersex in Kenya.
11:30 Book markets in India
My guess is that despite all the arrests/convictions across tbe country of our Muslim friends for rape and child sex offences , we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. Oxford, High Wycombe, Derby, Rochdale, Rotherham , Huddersfield all spring to mind. I’m sure that there must have been more cases in the Muslim ghettos in Burmingham, Bradford and Greater Manchester. Its impossible to believe that Luton, the jihadi central of leafy Bedfordshire is exempt . Are Muslim taxi drivers and kebab dispensers in these areas now all desisting from grooming, drugging, raping and pimpibg young white girls ? Somehow I doubt it.
The BBCs attempts to hush all this up is a disgrace. Only the Mail and the local press highlight these cases. And the BBC is putting local papers out of business , of course, so we can’t rely on that source forever .
The growing Muslim population growth and the refusal of even third generation Muslim immigrants to integrate properly means that these cess pit third world practices will be always with us and although the police may have learned something , I fear that they are too politically correct to really stand any chance if eradicating these practices .
I think you’ll find the Establishment/BBC view is that these incidents are, in the jargon:
“Acceptable levels of collateral damage against the civilian population”
I agree that we are very probably only seeing the tip of the iceberg. I’m sure that the liberal authorities , politicians, police, MSM etc are working hard to cover up the full extent of these crimes and the stats showing that Muslims are many times more likely to commit them than indigenous Brits. But I see no possibility of change in this Islamophilic attitude coming from within the UK. The liberal left have too firm a grip on the levers of power and media for that to happen. It is more likely that change in the UK will come in the wake of change in some continental countries.
On the continent several countries have political parties , with strong opposition to Islamification as one of their key policies , with 10 to 30% of the people voting for them. We in the UK have no such party. As Islamification continues and as the incompatibility of Islam with the West becomes ever clearer , support for these parties will increase and ultimately they will achieve power by the ballot box. The UK may then follow suit.
Of course even if these anti Islamification governments are elected tomorrow reversing the tide will be difficult and perhaps bloody. But the longer it is delayed the more difficult it will be to reverse the tide, and of course there will be a point when it is possible mpossible to reverse the Islamificationof Europe. How far away is that point? Far too close for comfort.
good post…20 years?..go on call me an optimist!
2:15pm R4 Drama a fiction remarkably similar to the hounding/trial of an Armed Response police hero who shot an armed black thug dead when their tailing operation was ordered to stop his vehicle.
BBC Beslan school siege: Russia ‘failed’ in 2004 massacre
What happened in Beslan? “Masked men and women, wearing bomb belts, burst into Beslan’s School Number One, opening fire in the courtyard as a ceremony marking the beginning of the school year was finishing”.
“officials knew an attack was imminent but did not act. In the siege, Chechen rebels took more than 1,000 hostages, mostly children”.
“siege ended suddenly on the third day with two deadly explosions and intense gunfire. Witnesses described the operation by Russian security forces as chaotic, saying that the troops used excessive force and heavy weapons.”
“Only one of the hostage takers was caught alive and put on trial”.
“rebels” “militants” “masked men” BBC? … at the very, very, bottom of the report it admits “terrorist attack”
In the BBC lengthy and yet another Russia slamming report, which sounds like it was timed and written by Fallon/Boris/May and co.
… Anyone notice a few salient facts/words missing from the Al BBC report?
On September 1, 2004 the Chechen-Islamic militant group, Riyadus-Salikhin Battalion, set siege to “School Number One” (SNO), a grade school in Beslan, North Ossetia, another Russian republic situated in the North Caucasus.
Over 1,100 people including 777 children were taken hostage, 384 of whom were killed.
In the aftermath approximately 180 were reported missing…
Chechnya – 99 per cent of Chechens identify as Muslims, it is a long time hot-bed of Islamic extremism.
It has a growing presence of Saudi Wahhabism (most puritanical and stringent form of Islam) and in the North Caucasus as the region serves as a base of operation for Al-Qaeda operatives among other jihadi groups.
Chechen Islamic terrorist Shamil Basayev led the massacre, at all times demanding the carnage was to facilitate Chechen independence from Russia.
On the tense third day of the siege crisis, the Russian security forces, using troops, tanks and rockets, reclaimed the school, but the damage was done.
Reports indicate that survivors still remain traumatized to date,
and only one of the Islamic mass murderers ever stood trial BBC?
don t they want to die for Allah, call them selves martyrs? BBC?
This was an unprecedented chaotic tense situation, that I m sure tragically a lot of mistakes were made … some that cost lives, childrens lives.
Why are the real facts being omitted by a Broadcaster making political hay with the story
… more images of children, more political manoeuvring.
Good points. What the hell has it got to do with the European Court of Human Rights ? It is none of their frigging business. What is the point of pissing off the Russians ? They are one of the few countries actually trying to deal with the evil of Islam.
Russia is a signatory to the European Convention on Human Rights, which is why the ECHR is involved (both of which are unrelated to the EU). But the reporting and timing of this reporting smacks of rampant Russophobia, in addition to the censorship of failing to mention that the attackers were Islamists. The Russian forces may have been clumsy and heavy-handed but were placed in an impossible position – a little understanding rather than this sanctimonious ‘blame the victim’ reporting would not go amiss.
I didn’t know that. If I were Putin, I would leave the ECHR. Same applies to the UK. The whole thing smacks of hypocrisy and a political decision. There are a few “Human Rights” that the ECHR should be investigating in the UK.
Funny how the BBC didn’t mention the usual Muslim extreme violence that occurred during the siege, including the mass rape and torture of both boys and girls, girls separated for gang rapes etc, bayoneting and dismemberment of children after their rape. Just business as usual for Islam I suppose, hardly worth mentioning it.
What is it about Islam that makes child rape such a theme? Oh yes, of course, I forgot.
What is it that makes child rape such a theme at the BBC ? Beeboids are so ignorant, they think that if they do not mention Islam , we shall not know about it. Morons.
The BBC respects all cultural traditions , even ones as barbaric as FGM, child rape , forced marriages. Of course they rightly draw a line when it comes to wearing dark face paint and dancing in the street . That is deeply offensive and racist. But the other stuff are unfortunate pieces of baggage that are nonetheless part and parcel of the cultural transfer that will enrich our nation. It will all be worth it in the end, just you wait and see.
Sadly I suspect this parody isn’t very far from what Beeboids really think!
It is not a parody !
The BBC could also have mentioned the ‘British’ connection to Beslan. The Russian government identified Kamel Rabat Bouralha as an organiser/planner and Yacine Benalia and Osman Larussi as hostage takers. All were described as ‘British-Algerians’. Bouralha was confirmed by Scotland Yard as having been a visitor to the notorious Finsbury Park mosque (see
Come on Beeb – where’s your pride in all things ‘British’?
BBC News – The joy of a Christian-Muslim wedding
“Muslims and Christians mostly live in harmony” …. yep! that’s in Egypt
this has to be Al BBC la la land … because it certainly isn t at all true in Egypt.
The BBCs latest apologetics for Islam .
Note that its a Muslim male and non Muslim female, following from Quran to propagate Islam.
If it was a Muslim female? … probably a riot, a lot of looting of Christian shops
as an excuse – the groom maybe killed?, honour murder for the bride?
… Scrap the BBC now.
8pm R4 “Turks are in the midst of a bitter referendum campaign that could change how they’re ruled. On the face of it, they should be united about Sunday’s constitutional referendum”
Then 8:30pm
Northern Ireland and Brexit
Typical crap from the BBC. They do not know the first thing about Turkey.
The outcome of the referendum will be what the Caliph wants it to be.
(Cameron will be mighty jealous)
PC insanity: we know black on black knife crime is such a problem; there is overwhelming evidence to that effect. But as so many whine about how hurtful and unfair stop and search is, Police have been forced to use the tactic less. Hurt feelings are deemed more important than dead teenagers. Even if it required a thousand wrongful stop and searches, surely they would be worth it to save just one life? I am sure the parents of victims would agree.
I would rather endure a stop and search than a stabbing. Yet another example of where vulnerable communities suffer most through policies ostensibly put in place to help them.
1pm Radio Humberside News priority
most important thing that Humberside people need to know is a EUropean Court judgement about a Russian school siege 13 years ago
Radio Lincolnshire aired the item as#4
Just after a limp item about Today’s New European libelling Skegness in a sneering front page cartoon.
Does anyone recall voting for some party called the BBC Party – No, me neither.
Seems they are attempting the kind of social engineering that proved a failure under Blair.
Friends! Apologies for my prolonged absence here, but the Hard-Right Twitter is taking increasing amounts of my time.
But I thought some of you might be interested in my latest Blog, which includes a couple of pieces (written in the Far-Right Guardian last Spring) about Our BBC, which I am quite sure all of you love as dearly as I do.
It can be found – literally – here:
I wondered where you had been !
Glad someone noticed! Am still stirring things up in the Graun, btw!
The danger with your unique humour is that a lot of Lefties are too dim to realise that you are extracting the urine !
I’m sorry to say that a few Right-wingers also fall for it. Only a week or so ago I was slated as a “Lefty moron” and blocked by an irate Kipper on Twitter!
LOL !!
Friend Lefty! Thanks for your continuing efforts at raising a laugh in these po-faced (or should that be Pol-faced – groan! JC) times. This line in particular made me LOL hard (shouldn’t that be ‘Lollard’? – JC): ‘It is surely time, friends, for those of us on the Progressive Left to mobilise the mass power of working people, e.g. students,’
Friend Cranmer! Glad you enjoyed it! Always nice to hear of particular bits that people like! What interests me in particular is that they rarely seem to be the same ones! Anyway, as long as people keep enjoying it, I’ll keep going. Still got over 20 Blogs’-worth of old Guardian pieces “in the can”, btw! 🙂