“Mandatory carbon footprint rules introduced for BBC program makers”
“As of this month, the broadcaster (the BBC) requires producers to log the carbon footprint of all their programmes, using its Albert calculation tool.
Indies must estimate the environmental impact of their shows, including how much energy was used and how many miles were travelled during production.”
Who is going to tell the BBC that the UK produces 1% of all the worlds carbon emissions. This is around 585 metric tonnes of CO2. Mike Burton, of the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology says Volcanoes produce more than the UK every year, at 600 million tons.
Thus, if everyone in the UK stopped creating any carbon at all, nothing would change, except we would die of the cold, thirst and hunger.
The much fawned over Nihal, from Al BBC Asian Network,
now of course, the afternoon darling of 5Dead,
(I think filling the shoes of Richard Bacon?)
“Tommy Robinson has vomited on my timeline again, can someone get me an air freshener so I can clean off the stench, of his hate”
… Anything else?
Caller … Yeah, we think Tommy Robinson is a legend
Nihal … Uh! Well says rather a lot about you then,
I ve spent the best part of this week, arguing with Robinson and his gang
of Islamo-faux-bes
British Police out in force to uphold the law, well erm film Tommy Robinson
in case he may slip up.
Ah well!, at least someone is giving the one aspect of the case (watching someone critical of it), prominence … unlike a national broadcaster I could mention.
If the police and the courts hadn’t come down so hard on “Paki-bashing” in the late 70’s and early 80’s, then these Muslim rape gangs wouldn’t ever have started, they’d never have dared; it may also have had the effect of making Britain a less attractive place for them to emigrate to once the word got back to Pakiscum and Bangladross of what could happen to them when they got here.
Teachers fake news
Dingaling : headline doesn’t match the story text.
Who’s going to read an article from the teacher’s union about how teachers are mocked on Facebook ?
No one so the PR bods have packaged it as:
“Over a third reported pupils citing ‘fake news’
or false information sourced online as fact in their work ”
Over a third reported pupils citing ‘fake news’ or false information sourced online as fact in their work #NASUWT17https://t.co/bcv18sZDZD
If they’re Birmingham teachers they are likely to be teaching their pupils that the Boston Bombing was instigated by the CIA and Lee Rigby’s slaughtering by MI5. The Governments investigator revealed these interesting facts in the Trojan Horse investigation report a few years ago. In fact, he has since repeated his concerns as no corrective action has been taken to alter the situation. That’s what happens when muzzies infiltrate the local Government system – they are in a position to bury or simply ignore the bad news. I imagine its happening all over the UK.
And why would anyone believe that the average school teacher is in any position to tell fake news from any other kind?
They spend their days stuffing children’s heads full of the approved state sanctioned lies about multiculturalism, ‘global warming’, Islam, socialist economics, immigration, anti-imperialist revisionist history and so on.
To my mind, British teachers are some of the biggest purveyors of ‘fake news’ in the business.
Exactly, GC. Their idea of fake news would include:
– Man-made global warming is a failed hypothesis
– Global temperatures have remained flat for 19 years
– Forecasts of an increase in extreme weather events have proved false
– Hamas is committed to the destruction of Israel
– Arab countries have tried to destroy Israel three times in the last 70 years
– the ‘Palestinians’ have refused a two state solution on at least 3 separate occasions
– There is no such state as Palestine, and there never has been – ‘Palestinian’ is a made-up identity, concocted by Yasser Arafat as a propaganda tool
Not the BBC but sky ( just as bad ) last night. the female reporter reporting on the football coach attack…’ two letter bombs claim responsibility…’ Not a mention of Islam or Muslims at all in the report, however in the little caption boxes they have below for a few brief seconds this story came up and it mentioned an Islamic suspect was arrested. So if you didn’t have eagle eyes.. and we at BBBC do, you could be none the wiser as to who committed this attack ( not proven yet I know but would you bet against me! ), you would have been led to believe two letters had come to life and done the dirty deed.
Sky scum have also done a dirty on Trump and Spicer today referring to Spicer’s ‘other gaffes’ and ‘Trump’s failing Presidency’ I haven’t bothered reading any further so cannot elaborate.
If the on-line sources I saw yesterday are anything to go by, die Polizei have been working overtime to describe the alleged perpetrator as being on ‘the Islamist spectrum’.
Lost in translation? I don’t think so. A dismal attempt by those in authority to deflect and divert? Quite possibly. A model of victim-blaming, social science discourse? Certainly. Who knew that you could smell absolute desperation?
News of Trump’s big bomb is now widespread – except the BBC
Meanwhile, in Salford Quays the BBC are rounding up local actors to appear as Afghan hospital doctors and child actors from local Manchester schools are being dusted to appear as innocent victims. Lilly Allen on standby.
…..local actors to appear as Afghan hospital doctors …..
You mean they had to resort to ‘actors’, when there was an abundance of refugees claiming to be doctors ! (and engineers, and scientists, and teachers zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!) tut, tut, tut.
Some news outlets were reporting this 40 minutes ago. Still nothing on the BBC website. Absolutely useless. I suppose they have called a meeting to discuss what spin to put on it.
I don’t think bbc news readers are aloud to use the words Muslim, Islam or attack in the same sentence any more.
Its so obvious how they try to avoid it.
Mind you, good to know the beeb are on top of world events by reporting that one of Mr Trumps many restaurants has had a dodgy health check.
Where we be without this essential news item.
Article in the Telegraph regarding gas attack in Syria. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/04/13/chemical-weapons-experts-sent-turkey-investigate-alleged-syrian/#comments
Whilst I personally doubt the official view and tend to agree with the Assad Russian version
There are a quiet a few comments, and very anti BBC.
I wondered if it was anyone from this forum commenting, or as I suspect the BBC is slowly getting caught out with its bias by an ever increasing number of the population..
It’s being reported that Tesco are in trouble over a Good Friday beer advert. See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-39587226. I’m not an especially religious person but, having been brought up as a Christian, I do find this advert distasteful. But the BBC feels the need to tell us that some Twitter users say that it’s not offensive, and goes on to quote one of them anonymously. Who gives a flying fig what some nameless individuals on Twitter have to say about it? That’s not part of the news!
There are two factors in play there. The first is that resorting to social media for new stories is easy, lazy and cheap. The second is that the BBC employs kids, who believe the entire universe revolves around what their fellow halfwits spout on Bookface and Titter.
Spot on GC ! sadly the ‘halfwits’ who control which news we are fed, were probably only about 14 when Twitter was created in 2006, and therefore hardly cut their journalistic teeth footslogging the streets for news with a notebook, – instead its just ‘tap the f….. app’ with no hard work at all !
What saddens me more about that article is this line: ‘Good Friday is when Christians commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.’ Can you imagine such an explanation being thought necessary in a mainstream British article, fifty, even thirty years ago?
It would also be interesting to see if Tesco would be willing to extend their puns to other religions. How about ‘Holi Moley – curry’s half price!’…’Don’t ‘pass over’ our great deals on matzos!’ and of course that old favourite ‘Have a ramadanadingdong on us with half price lagers!’ Thought not.
I am an indigenous London. In the 2011 census we indigenous lot fell below 50% of the London population . I expect by now the figure is not over 30%. So when I watch Liz Rateefs and Assad Ahmed’s Londonostan programme I should not be surprised that the make up after the
presenters and reporters reflect this on the programme.Of course the anachronism should be that as the BBC has a positive discrimination employment policy there should be MORE indigenous Londoners on the programme.
BUT what really gets my goat is that on NATIONAL news, as was the case tonight we are shown
clip in a classroom where there are 100% , yes that’s right 100% ethnic kids. I reiterate that even in the leafy suburbs of affluent North and North West London you will find at least 70% of the classes with ethnic children. OK this is multiculturalism , take it or leave it. I believe that we are shown classrooms with 100% ethnicity on NATIONAL TV to
show us what the fifth columnist , trotskyist,inverted racist editors , want us to see.
London is the canary in the (multicultural) coal mine, for what is in store for the whole country over the course of the next hundred years or so i.e. Britons becoming a minority in Britain, unless…
Can someone tell me HOW THE HELL these multicultural types can AFFORD a place in London ? Property prices are the world’s highest, renting is almost the same, so where does the money come from that they can afford it – surely not all benefits.? and I’m not talking millionaires, just those in ordinary 9-5 jobs. There are places like Hounslow, Southall etc who are virtually cleared of a white population and yet the ethnic minorities (?) never seem to struggle to get a roof over their heads, whether bought or rented.
I really do not like how spiteful they have been towards Spicer – he has a tough job being on his own against a room of bullies. We all make mistakes at work; it is unkind and spiteful for someone to keep going on and on about minor things you get wrong. He has not really done anything that bad and his heart is in the right place,
You should do as you would be done by. How long have we been hectored about micro-aggressions, safe spaces and unkind language? They are spiteful toward him and I really do not like it.
Yes, the left are basically intellectually insecure bullies. If they detect a weakness in someone they hate, they will pick and pick at them without mercy.
One of the many adolescent traits of leftism that makes their effect so negative in society.
Well, I would like to wish everyone here a very happy and relaxing Easter celebration.
My family have always enjoyed the special holiday, partly from the friendly connections with the Christian church, where families in our country celebrate a wonderful episode in the lives of true UK citizens that as children, we all grew up with, and partly because we have such deep trusting traditions connected with our people, and these all combine to make a lovely community to exist in.
I don’t really know what other religions do with their time about now, it’s not something I really need to know when there’s so much love from Christians around us.
I have posted before, that I am atheist, but , if I had to choose a religion, it would be Christianity. I wish all Christians peace and happiness. Terrible that so many are being massacred by muslims with the tacit support of the vermin at the BBC.
I believe the special talent of the BBC was always to be the main cheerleader in persuading the majority of people in this country that our culture, traditions and yes religion, are worthless when weighed against more important factors such as multi culturism, diverse sexual orientations, shopping, pop and football and entitlement.
None of these things are bad in small doses but when you have a state funded media organisation constantly massaging and feeding peoples narrow obsessions and prejudices at the expense of deeper and more meaningful values, then in the end most people if they are not committed participants in the BBC experimental party will just lose interest and go home to watch SKY leaving Aunty to carry on sowing its filth annd sedition over the airwaves. For the more gullible amongst us to absorb (and I include most politicians in this)
So peace Scrob. I also wish you and all our compatriots here a peaceful and fulfilling Easter. And remember there is still good stuff out there, we just have to turn our telly or radio off first to find it!
Grant – Thanks for the tip – I hope no-one at the BBC is monitoring our conversation, I expect they will have just concluded that I swing both ways and currently want a bloke called Pete!
Interesting little article basically suggesting that the french media is acting like the US media in the American election. Basically they are in denial about the the possibility that Marine may well win. (May I also suggest rather like the British media as well).
Good to know that “our girl” has already snubbed Le Pen which will bode well if Marine gets elected.
I wonder whether the thought ever occurs to Theresa that as a “remainer” maybe she would not be the obvious and natural choice as Prime Minister and maybe we should have had someone a bit more like Le Pen or at least committed to brexit.
Probably never will occour to her – But at least the Daily Mail loves her!
Mind you plenty of room for this
BBC Euro News – UK firms ‘struggling to recruit staff’
Suren Thiru, head of economics at the BCC, told the BBC:
“The main issue is finding enough people with the right skills, and of course the workforce is aging” Same old No10 echo chamber
Finding people with the “right skills”, who want to work long hours, worsening conditions, for f-ck all
… what could be the problem? I mean a degree in colonial studies, humanities or criminology won t cut it, education, education eh!
Oooh dear!, easy answer, more immigration box ticked thanks BBC
This Government have increased the divide sooo much deliberately London and the South East are affluent and needing more labour, whereas any people living further North see such a disparity. they can t afford to live in London, can t afford the travel costs.
Same old Tories, division and f-ck you … can t they wheel out Tebbit that waste of oxygen, to warble get on your bike
Crikey you’ll be telling us next that the BBC is biased in favour of the Conservatives and that it is all “Thatcher’s fault”!
As for Lord Tebbit, well he did serve his country as a fast jet pilot before becoming a commercial airline pilot, even acting as a union reprsentative.
The ‘bike’ quote was in reference to a suggestion from a Young Conservative in 1981 (thirty-five years ago!) that it was “natural to riot” if one was unemployed. He said, “I grew up in the ’30s with an unemployed father. He didn’t riot. He got on his bike and looked for work, and he kept looking till he found it”.
Not quite the way it is usually reported in the ‘fake news’.
He was also a victim of the Brighton bombing in 1984, so he knows something about terrorism at first hand. The explosion left his wife severely disabled and in order to devote time to her he left government and later the commons. Perhaps the actions of an honourable man.
Somehow I don’t think he is a fan of the BBC either.
JimS, my favourite Tebbit quote is when he was asked had he died in the Brighton bomb, what would he have wanted his last words to be? He immediately answered: ‘No surrender.’
Jim in my lefty youth (and to my shame) I also looked on Tebbit as some sort of right wing biggot. I am afraid in those days I bought into and swallowed the “right on” view hook line and sinker.
I wonder whether when looking back on our history, future historians (and I mean real ones not Dan Snow wannabees) will think the 1980 s and 1990s was when my generation shot the messengers and at the same time shot the chances of our grandchildren to live in a free society . I hope not but I would not be surprised if this was true.
ON I was exactly the same in my earlier lefty days.
Norman Tebbit used to have a weekly column in the Telegraph, and it was finally from reading this that I realised my earlier opinions on him were entirely misplaced. He came across as a considerate and thoughtful man who, while having strong convictions, would always listen to – and consider – opposing views.
He stopped his column a few years ago to devote more time to his wife’s care.
Though he was a general supporter of Thatcher, he was however also highly critical of many of her policies. This exemplifies one way in which people on the right also differs from those on the left.
The left, for the most part, do not engage in arguments with their opponents. The only tactic they deploy against arguments/people they don’t agree with is hatred. They don’t argue against their opponents – they despise them.
Leftism is basically an emotional ideology, based on a wish to be liked and thought of as a member of a morally superior tribe. They seem unable to accept that anyone can disagree with them without thinking they are total scum.
M Lad very true, you have reminded me – I was never very good at verbal debates and instead relied on the old dependable slogans and labeling to shut the debate down.
I think a lot of the left wing hate is because these idiots use politics as a channel to vent their own frustrations and inadequacies about their own lives. (including me at the time)
Once I had married and had kids I started to grow up and see the world as it truly is – away from the Guardian prism. My viewpoint changed quite radically.
Norman Tebbit is a very great man indeed and one of the few who, as the saying goes ‘tells it like it is’. Had it not been for the terrible injuries sustained by his wife in the IRA’s Brighton bombing, his influence on this country would have been far greater than it already was, as Margaret Thatcher’s right hand man.
There have been few, if any, Tories who have been his equal.
@Guest Who this is the tweet you tried this morn
“Nick Robinson skewers Angela Rayner over Labour shadow cabinet sending their children to selective schools ”
The much fawned over Nihal, from Al BBC Asian Network,
now of course, the afternoon darling of 5Dead,
(I think filling the shoes of Richard Bacon?)
“Tommy Robinson has vomited on my timeline again, can someone get me an air freshener so I can clean off the stench, of his hate”
… Anything else?
Caller … Yeah, we think Tommy Robinson is a legend
Nihal … Uh! Well says rather a lot about you then,
I ve spent the best part of this week, arguing with Robinson and his gang
of Islamo-faux-bes
… Aaaah! Deep Joy …
Are you listening Nihal, Al BBC you and your buddies are becoming irrelevant
“These useful idiots for radical Islam do what they do because they think it shows them to be better people: more caring, more sensitive, more intelligent – superior in every way to the people such as Tommy Robinson that they denigrate. Our duty is to deny them the luxury of claiming the moral high ground, to expose the fallacies of their glib, lazy, ill-informed arguments and remind them what it is they really are. They are dhimmis, liberal fascists, ugly little cowards who have probably never stood for anything truly worthwhile in their miserable spavined lives. They’re so spineless and intellectually decadent they actually value looking nice on Twitter more highly than they do defending the values of Western civilisation against an aggressive, alien culture that seeks at every turn to undermine it. They should be ashamed of themselves. Our job is to make them ashamed.” James Delingpole
What exactly is it about Islam that they like? The “you can’t say anything bad about a minority” and “we don’t want to encourage the far-right” arguments from the BBC look awfully weak. It’s a fragile civilisation that has given us all that we, (and they), have got that we should be defending.
Guido reports how Siôn Simon has advised people to report hate crimes to Mosques rather than to the police. When did Siôn Simon think we were under sharia law?
Of course, Siôn is one of the great intellectual, far seeing giants of the Labour Party. It was he who demanded that Blair, thrice winner at the general elections, should depart. Well that proved an astute move, didn’t it?
In September 2007, Simon predicted that “Shortly there will be an election, in which Labour will increase its majority”. As you can see he has his finger on the political button.
But to get a handle on his moral sense, he once pretended to be David Cameron on YouTube, offering one of Cameron’s children to viewers along with the opportunity to sleep with his wife.
Why are Labour a disaster at the ballot box yet a delight in the eyes of the BBC?
The drama series Fight The Good Fight now on More4 must be slated for a transfer to BBC
It’s about a black dominated, Trump hating law firm that survives on special government contracts by means of it being minority owned.
Filled with women who are all hero lawyers and general heroes, whilst every man outside is a loser.
Today’s episode features a storyline where a Chicago doctor is operating online on a terrorist in Syria who is not actually a terrorist but a good guy.
And a contract renegotiation where they begged the one guy who works for the firm who voted for Trump to negotiate ..and he won the new contract.
…Oh in the final twist after they won in court for the good doctor and terrorist non-terrorist Trump bombed the hospital in Syria he and his brother are in ..and killed them both.
German federal prosecutors said Thursday that they had cleared the sole suspect in custody for the bomb attack against the Borussia Dortmund football team bus of involvement in the crime.
I have a little laugh to myself when the biased BBC, ever keen to denigrate government policies with which they disagree, shoot themselves in the foot in the process.
Take Grammar Schools. As with the left, the BBC, full of right-on Oxbridge types, want to cut off the plebs making the same journey. Hence they want to undermine the Damascenian conversion towards acceptance of Grammar Schools by the current government.
They show two pie charts. Those nice socially acceptable comprehensive schools have pupils whose numbers match closely the relative proportions of wealth in the country. Roughly a third a third a third for poor, medium, and rich families’ children.
But those nasty Grammar Schools. 53% of pupils are from well-off families. Now there is a discussion to be had about this but it’s not my current point.
If poor children are exactly fairly represented at comprehensive schools but under-represented at Grammar Schools then it must follow logically that somewhere in the education system poor children must be OVER-represented, yes?
But where? It’s not the Grammar Schools (boooo) yet it’s not the comprehensives either (hurrah), according to our socialist friends at the bBBC. So where are they all? In the private sector ? LOL.
Methinks the biased BBC are banged to rights on this one.
Oh well spotted, Sluff, well spotted!
In order to straighten out this apparent statistical anomaly, it must follow, logically, that the ‘poor’ [definition needed, please, BBC] must be over represented in non-grammar schools. Any chance that this might be because:
1: Poorer areas tend to vote Labour, and Labour has a history of closing grammar schools whenever and wherever it is in control, thus pulling up the ladder of opportunity and denying the able but not well off the opportunity to better themselves, and:
2: Given the above, most of the remaining grammar schools are in better-off areas of the country, because better off areas tend to vote Tory and those areas are more likely to keep the aforementioned schools.
Thus the statistics are skewed by the political geography.
Two tales from my past, if you will indulge me:
Firstly: One of my best friends at (grammar) school was the only child of an impoverished, widowed single mother who lived in a truly appalling council tower block, long since demolished. This proud and independent lady had a part-time cleaning job to keep the wolf from the door. Her son? Double First, Cambridge. Current availability of such an education to someone from the same background, in the same town? Nil. Why? Labour council forced the school out of the public sector. Now you have to pay.
Secondly: The – then – young daughter of a good friend of mine, displaying an early interest in matters political, asked me what the difference was between right and left (in her terms, Conservative versus Labour). Notwithstanding my current ambivalence towards the modern Conservative party, the best I could come up with at short notice was this:
“A Conservative candidate walks down a street and sees nice houses, well kept and with tidy gardens, nice cars in the drives; obviously prosperous: the candidate’s reaction is ‘this is going to be a good street for me’.
A Labour candidate walks down a street and sees signs of abject poverty, broken down cars in front of dilapidated houses, empty properties vandalised, broken bottles on the footpaths: the candidates reaction is ‘this is going to be a good street for me’.
In whose political interest is it, therefore, that people get jobs, live in nice houses and aspire to get on in life?”
I know all to well, having been there myself, that it is easier than many think it is to fall on hard times and to struggle to pay the bills after redundancy or other unfortunate events in life.
Nevertheless, for most people most of the time, my question stands.
Expat John.
When we visited South Africa a few years ago, we noted the lack of decent looking schools near the Black Townships. And we thought “the ANC have had 20 years to improve this, yet have done nothing, so what are they messing about at?”
The trick, of course, is to PROMISE to improve the lot of the plebs and gain their support but never to actually DO so, because as we know from this example, those relatively few black South Africans that make it suddenly see the light and start to support the DA.
So yes. The last thing Labour want is social mobility as it will erode their traditional support.
Though in truth, the actual working class have I think in great measure tumbled to the fact that Labour no longer represents them anyway. Where is Rotherham by the way? Is it anywhere near Islington or Hampstead?
My brother has just moved to an affluent area and it is like travelling back in time: monocultural with several churches; nobody is aggressive; nobody covers their face; you know that everyone has the same values of hard-work and being polite and considerate to others; you only hear English being spoken.
You know what I think? This is hell. God give me some diversity to celebrate before I kill myself!
Your condition can be cured by injecting your brain with frequent doses of BBBC-oxylin. Taken three times a day, preferably after eating as it can cause an upset stomach. BBBC R4 and BBBC Rolling News24 are particularly effective in providing the enrichment you need. £145 pa is a small price to pay.
In the long term, the diversity you crave will spread to all areas of the country, and you can withdraw from your medication.
PLEASE tell me where Beeb. I’m looking to move, and want to end my days surrounded by the same demographic I was brought up with. St Mary Mead would be my ideal.
What the bBC doesn’t want you to know: Pakistan student killed over ‘blasphemy’ on university campus A university student in Pakistan accused of blasphemy against Islam has been killed by a mob of fellow students on campus, police say. Many students have been arrested after the brutal attack in the northern city of Mardan, and the campus has been closed. Reports suggest that two young men were accused of posting offensive content on Facebook. One survived with injuries.
I would like to know why this is considered a news story. Would it have been if bibles were found in the toilets? The BBC, just appeasing blasphemy. Thanks guys.
NUJ race reporting guidelines and EFJ manifesto
EFJ= European Federation of Journalists
If you google ‘NUJ race reporting guidelines’ it doesn’t take long to see that the practices we see are institutionalized. Basically they insist on leaving out the essential data and, if in doubt, consulting ‘community groups’ to make sure they have it right. When dealing with ‘racist groups’ the consultation would be with anti-fascist groups to inform us as to what the racists are doing. It’s all presented as if it was the most reasonable thing in the world.
The NUJ Black members’ council campaigns for race equality ..(bit ironic Rule #1)
* Racist attitudes and the growth of far-right parties pose a threat to democracy, the rights of trade union organisations, a free media and racial equality.
* Its members have a responsibility to stop racism being expressed in the media.
* Only include a person’s race if relevant. Check that you have it right. Would you mention race if the person was white?
* Strive for diversity ….
* Do not allow letters or online comments to be published or allow phone-ins to continue that contain racist hate speech. (you can bet that interpretation will be twisted so ‘mild challenging’ counts as racist ..and gets blocked)
* You do not have to report on racist organisations.(does that mean ‘do not report any org that is not left wing ‘? )
..research the background.. see Searchlight, UAF, reporting the far right and Hope not Hate. (ie go to the mad Taliban like group fo your info)
… Use the term “immigrant” with caution …
.. Don’t use terms such as ..”illegal” or “failed” asylum seeker.. If necessary, use “refused” asylum seeker instead.
A fairer term .. is “undocumented” or “irregular”.
* Don’t use emotive, value-laden language, such as “floods” of immigrants. Stick to fact
The problem here is the double standards cos whilst going soft on immigrants the press seem to ramp up the extremist language against anyone challeniging immigration ie use “emotive, value-laden language” and push bogus stats like the REPORTED hate crime stats instead of actual CONVICTION stats.
The NUJ is a cesspit. Like most trade unions in the UK its sole raison d’etre seems to be to provide sinecures for clapped-out Marxist former student agitators who, unable to get elected, are still desperate to exercise power.
That it seeks to control what may or may not be reported, and the very way in which it can be reported, shows its true nature as an agent for socialist control over the press.
It’s three days now since the identity was known of an 11 year old girl who was literally torn limb from limb on the street in Stockholm and still not one word about her on that stinking cesspit of BBC half truths, omissions and manipulations that has the nerve to call itself an authoritative news site.
Not one acknowledgement that Ebba Akerlund ever existed or was a victim of an insanity we’ve been told to get used to.
Seeing pictures of that poor child’s remains did bring me to tears, and then to immense anger, just the natural reaction of any decent human being.
The decision not to acknowledge her existence could only be a conscious one, made after deliberate editorial discussion in an effort to play down the disgusting brutality of the perpetrators, to put the blame on “the lorry”, to hope most people don’t notice what’s not included.
But this well-used BBC trick is now being noticed as her photo and sad story have been in The Mail, The Express, Sun, Mirror, Sky etc etc. Google her name and a growing number of sites (reddit, 4chan, altright etc) come up which show the BBC’s decision to wipe her from the record.
This non-inclusion is so much against all basic journalistic instincts that I’m coming to believe their agenda can’t just be the warped news values of a young, liberal lefty editorial team but of interference and direction from a State that wants us to go about our business unchanged and uncowed in the hope our own children are not the next random victims.
The bbc is no longer even true to it’s own perverted form. In recent times they used to force themselves upon the bereaved to ask, “And how do you feel?” and “What would you like to say to those who did this?”.
Maybe the bbc knows the games up – safe option: just don’t go there.
They are not journalists any more but part of the progressive clique trying to hold the line against us and more importantly reality itself.
It is important that we call them out now as silence is complicity. This is an old tale. Homer at the start of the Odyssey has Mentor upbraid the assembly of the people for silence as complicity over the fate of Ithica in the absence of Odysseus.
It is always so and it is the BBC’s way of bringing lies into the world.
If you look up MaddySavage on Twitter you can see you is answering critics who say she didn’t report it properly.
She doesn’t get it, that “caught up” is quite soft language.
If you saw full report you'd see I mentioned all details of attacker that were public at the time and the fact the girl was among 4 dead. https://t.co/0NP4WyQbi8
Another example, although arguably the worst, of the MSM’s perverted but long-standing double standards. Closer to home we have Kriss Donald and Stephen Lawrence.
Message to Al Beeb,
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time”.
Take heed, you have been rumbled. !
The bBC reporting from Afghanistan and another story: US military drops ‘mother of all bombs on IS’ in Afghanistan The US military says it has dropped a 21,600lb (9,800kg) bomb on a tunnel complex used by Islamic State militants in Afghanistan. The GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB), known as “the mother of all bombs”, is the largest non-nuclear bomb ever used by the US in a conflict. The Pentagon said it was dropped from a US aircraft in Nangarhar province.
The news came hours after the Pentagon admitted an air strike in Syria mistakenly killed 18 rebels.
So the bBC reports from Afghanistan regards the dropping of a bomb no bigger than the Grand Slam dropped by the RAF in WW2. However to the bBC this just isn’t cricket, so first of all they insert a snippet about how the Kurds requesting Air support gave the wrong co-ordinates and ended up targeting their own position killing 18 of their own. Then in pointing out that the Yanks couldn’t hit a barn door from inside the barn with the doors shut the bBC give the viewpoint of the previous (crooked) President
This the image the bBC presents is that this Bomb is inhuman, that the Yanks have a habit of killing the wrong people and that the people of Afghanistan don’t want the Yanks around. Here is what the official Presidency of Afghanistan had to say which for some reason the bBC don’t want the World to know:
Following efforts to defeat ISIS-K in #Nangarhar, U.S. Forces –#AFG conducted strike on ISIS-K tunnel complex in Achin district. (1/4)
Forgot to mention that North Korea is getting ready to detonate another nuclear bomb 100 Kms from the Chinese border and 200 Kms from Russia. Funny enough the bomb has been placed in a tunnel under a mountain. North Korea May Be Preparing Its 6th Nuclear Test
New satellite images suggest that North Korea might soon conduct another underground detonation in its effort to learn how to make nuclear arms — its sixth explosive test in a decade and perhaps its most powerful yet. Mount Mantap is the world’s only active nuclear test site. Most other nuclear states long ago gave up such explosions in a coordinated effort to end arms races and their dangerous and costly spirals of military action and reaction. In North Korea, the test devices are buried deep inside tunnels bored through solid rock far below Mount Mantap’s peaks, creating field labs for nuclear experiments. The nearest major city, Chongjin, is situated about 50 miles to the northeast. The tunnels for the North’s tests are excavated just over halfway up Mount Mantap, which rises to a height of 7,234 feet. The bomb is placed at the end of the tunnel, which gets partly backfilled to prevent radioactive leakage, and then detonated in the test.
And here is what is been reported in the US: U.S. May Launch Strike If North Korea Reaches For Nuclear Trigger
The U.S. is prepared to launch a preemptive strike with conventional weapons against North Korea should officials become convinced that North Korea is about to follow through with a nuclear weapons test, multiple senior U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News. North Korea has warned that a “big event” is near, and U.S. officials say signs point to a nuclear test that could come as early as this weekend.The intelligence officials told NBC News that the U.S. has positioned two destroyers capable of shooting Tomahawk cruise missiles in the region, one just 300 miles from the North Korean nuclear test site. American heavy bombers are also positioned in Guam to attack North Korea should it be necessary, and earlier this week, the Pentagon announced that the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier strike group was being diverted to the area.
I think those Chinese troops are to control / prevent refugees pouring across the border were the cease fire to end between the North and South.
The North Koreans have gun positions in tunnels on the reverse side of mountains, which can be moved out, fire over those mountains into the South then brought back into the mountain as soon as it has fired; some of them can reach Seoul and the Incheon area, where around 21 million people live.
They apparently have enough of these guns and sufficient ammunition to fire 4 rounds per second continuously for 8 hours; if they even only managed to fire a hundred of such shells they could kill thousands of people, due to the density of population.
A war in Korea would cause catastrophic damage in terms of lives and infrastructure. I have no idea what any of the solutions may be, but it is clear that there are no easy ones. The North are ruthless b@st@rds, as are the South Koreans – the North Vietnamese who were up against them in the Vietnam War will attest to that, I don’t think they complied with overly much of the Geneva Convention.
China is reporting this: Is North Korea nuclear crisis reaching a showdown?
If Pyongyang conducts its sixth nuclear test in the near future, the possibility of US military action against it will be higher than ever. Not only Washington brimming with confidence and arrogance following the missile attacks on Syria, but Trump is also willing to be regarded as a man who honors his promises… Presumably Beijing will react strongly to Pyongyang’s new nuclear actions. China will not remain indifferent to Pyongyang’s aggravating violation of the UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution. …Pyongyang should avoid making mistakes at this time.
Personally I hope its all a huge bluff and nothing hits NK. (Simply as both the American and NK leaders are fruit loops)
Nice picture of her smiling on the news report. Mind you, all the MSM are carrying it, not just the BBC.
Here’s an elephant-in-the-room screenshot from a US news station. Note the coy reference to Particular Religious and Cultural “Community”. Gosh, what “community” could that possibly be?
The BBC article has a link near the bottom ‘FGM ‘parties’ taking place in England’. That article also doesn’t mention the words ‘Islam’ or ‘Muslim’ anywhere.
The “FGM” thing must be a western white person thing I guess?!?
What is so bad about patriotism? This country has given so much to the world.
This royal throne of kings, this scepty’d isle
This Earth of majesty, this seat of Mars
This other Eden, demi-paradise
This fortress built by nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war
This nurse, this teeming womb of royal kings
Feared by their breed and noble by their birth
Against the envy of less happier lands
People loved the history plays as they were part of the story they told – the living and evolving story of their England. Imagine Shakespeare writing today trying to get a commission at the BBC?
All the history plays would be as they are to jingoistic, not ‘diverse’ enough and frankly too British. He would only be allowed to write about Elizabeth.
-But her rule has not been full of enough incident that is conducive to drama!
-We have had enough of white men, who cares how good the stories could be?
So instead of Richard II, Henry IV, Richard III et alia we get eight works about Elizabeth’s suffering and struggle against the terrible white men who bequeathed her such s great country.
BB Whilst this country has done some pretty terrible things in the past (just like other nations) on the whole under the Empire, we bought stability and peace to many societies which had some pretty savage and unpleasant ways.
In order to destroy our confidence in our culture, identity and unity as a nation (and ultimately ourselves) the BBC mission appears to embrace all types of revisionist opinions and nonsense that debase, debunk and destroy all values and beliefs that we admired about our past and all that define us as a nation.
In fact you name it, the BBC pretty much represents the antithesis of everything that defines a unified country at ease with itself.
This is done by propaganda, politically manipulating weak politicians, guilt tripping the indigenous population and of course lies and manipulating the news agenda (which the BBC calls “fake news” I call it “BBC news”
(I was particularly impressed with the way the BBC (as well as other MSM) jumped on Trump when he highlighted what is happening in Sweden.)
The BBC as ever concentrating on shooting the messenger and the message in its desperation to turn the spotlight off what is happening there.
If people want to see what happens to a nation when it embraces BBC type liberalism and rejects age old values and conventions and encourages the import of thousands who have no respect or loyalty for your ways and culture (which have maintained stability for decades) then Sweden is probably the perfect example.
The BBC represents globalism as some sort of benign humanitarian force where everybody lives in a “global village” at peace with eachother. At the end of the day the only winners in this type of set up would be the big corporations who want a cheap un-unified workforce and aggressive cultures such as the Islam which do not tolerate any divergence to their unpleasant doctrines. And if people are busy fighting among themselves then no-one is really aware of how big business is manipulating them.
So BB you are right there is nothing wrong in patriotism because it transcends personalities/leaders and is an essential ingredient about what makes a nation – a nation. It is about loyalty to each other and to a common set of beliefs that allows individuals to undergo personal suffering for the good of the whole.
The BBC has been central to the destruction of patriotism and belief in our nation as a unified entity which at the end of the day is not surprising if creating chaos is your business
I dont think the word bastards does them justice but I suppose it is a start.
Or to cut a long story short!
If patriotism was the glue which held our society together.
Then the BBC is the poisonous solvent which will help it all fall apart.
‘Oh what a goodly outside falsehood has!
The devil can cite scripture for his purpose.’
The problem with their cultural Marxism is that it kind of feels right and cool – the idea of all races, creeds and ideas holding hands in some sort of multi- rainbow paradise. It is superficially seductive though rotten at the core. Though variety is the spice of life, you must have values and a clear sense of right and wrong.
There is a wonderful speech about this in Troilus and Cressida. The army is not functioning as not everyone is following orders.
The heavens themselves, this planet and this centre
Observe degree, priority and place
Institute, course, proportion, season, form
Office and custom, all in line of order;
And therefore is the glorious planet Sol
In noble eminence enthroned and sphered
Amidst the other, whose medicinable eye
Corrects the ill aspects of planets evil
But when the planets
In evil mixture to disorder wander
What plagues and portents! What mutiny!
…Take but degree away, and what discord ensues!
If you do not have clear values, standards and expectations then there is chaos. QED.
There are billions of Korans in print. Three turn up in toilet bowls in a University in Texas, and the BBC send reporters round to report on it. Also the US police have launched an investigation. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-39595963
The BBC report “Blasphemy is a highly sensitive and incendiary issue in Pakistan”. That story the BBC have linked to the Asian news page in a non-prominent part of the page. You can be certain that link will be removed shortly.
BBC newsbeat reporters making up stories – searching for items on ebay or amazon they can claim to be racist and then make a big story out of it to put on their newsbeat webpage for 14 – 24 year olds. The BBC is claiming that the use of the word “pikey” is a race hate crime to “travellers”. The BBC obviously haven’t heard of satire labelling etc. http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/39567970/nike-to-investigate-misuse-of-logo-in-race-hate-merchandise
I hate my moral busybodies like this. Talk about a victimless crime – if nobody who is not paid to take offence at things has taken offence who cares? The way to hell is paved with good intentions. These ‘reporters’ may believe they are doing good but it has a chilling effect on free speech and creativity. We can’t make jokes anymore and not being allowed to laugh is hell.
If these sanctimonious chumps want to help young people they can volunteer to help some kids at my school with their literacy – that would be a really good and useful thing to do.
Victim-less crimes only occur in the liberal/leftist World. It all stems from the modern-day concept that, ‘what’s yours is really also mine’ which is closely allied to the vague statement, ‘whatever turns you on’ i.e, do as you wish with no thought of the consequences. These concepts permeate the system such that with sentencing criminals, incarceration periods continue to drop like a stone. Six years for recklessly killing your stepson in a car ‘accident’ in Cardiff just recently? The ultimate goal of the liberal/left in their desire to reach Utopia? A crime ridden society where retribution doesn’t exist. Its called, anarchy.
Hate/thought crime is another. Look at the unimaginable hatred spewed at Trump. He is still here smiling and enjoying himself. Words and thoughts can never be violent, yet according to the left wing narrative he should have been so hurt by all those hateful words that he died a million times over.
If someone says something nasty, just turn the other cheek and walk away; if it escalates to harassment or threats then a crime has committed, but people should be free to hate whatever they want. Of course no real crime has been committed. It is all really about trying to control people’s thoughts and speech, which should never be the business of government.
This oddly portentious but awkward and surely mistaken phrasing comes from BBC presenter Sally Nugent this morning.
We can at least not take it literally – or have Prime-Ministers-Job-Share Sir Keir Starmer and Lady Nugee (Emily Thornberry) really popped into their time machine and beamed themselves back from the year 2030 to deliver a Labour sound bite to their favourite broadcaster?
But do we take it seriously?
Was it lazily or just badly written by BBC script editors?
Did Sally Nugent misspeak her autocue? – She strikes me as one of the most over-promoted of news presenters – often interjecting her own remarkably inane commentary (this Good Friday she enhances the BBC’s anti-Christian office culture feel with the side-comment: ‘there’s a bit of a holiday theme to today’) Her skill set level would be children’s tv or at best sports and even on that less consequential subject she could make only superficial commentary.
Or was this example of bad phrasing a subliminal cri de coeur from a broadcaster institutionally unable to remain neutral on the subject of the Government role in society. The BBC always tending to cleave toward intervention and high spending – sharing the instincts of leftist politicians and longing for the day when:
Given on any subject the party shadow hippos and scarecrows can’t articulate a coherent view, how Sally arrives at such a claim suggests a gremlin in the TelePrompTer.
Or wishful thinking for the good old days when champagne bottles clinked in the corridors.
The BBC are talking about schools needing more money. More money is not always the answer.
I made this point to a sixth form class the other week. If I told you to decorate this room using your own money, you may well do a really good job without spending much; you will certainly be more careful if it is your own money. If you know you have a budget of £100 which I am giving you, you will make sure you spend all of that money, and you would probably waste some and not care. If you had money left over you could even ask your mate for advice on how to decorate the room then give him £30 for ‘consultancy fees.’
And to continue the analogy, the next time they’re asked to decorate a room, they’ll get their mate to produce a report explaining why this time it will cost £150 to do the job.
A college I worked at had this big push to get ‘feedback’ from the students. Then all their opinions on various nebulous issues regarding the teaching were collated and we discussed how to improve the ‘experience’ for them etc. So much time and money wasted on such nonsense that just sounds and looks good. Just know your subject and expect the kids to all do their best. If they do not like the ‘experience’ they can bugger off.
I’m with you in the sense of the truism that the public sector plays fast and loose with other people’s (ie our) money. The apparent need to spend up all the budget or lose itcosts us all billions. Just look at foreign aid, where we know they are actually putting it in bank deposit accounts to meet the 0.7% since they have nothing to a actually spend it on.
But governments have been pretty disingenuous with school funding.
First, the current silly funding formulae put schools geographically next to each other yet one has 20% less per pupil to spend than the other. Two similar schools with similar pupils. A couple of miles apart but across a county boundary can and does give massive differences in funding.f
Next, the stupid pupil premium gives stacks of cash to the ‘diasadvantaged’ but this was defined as someone who has had free school meals at any time in the last 6 years. Are they still ‘disadvantaged’? Or was this ‘robbing Peter to pay Paul’ always just a LIb Dem virtue-signalling policy?
Next, schools are encouraged to become academies but hidden away in the small print this means they take on some liability for the pensions of non-academic staff, and of course payments needless to say are rocketing, a staff benefit everyone conveniently forgets about.
Next, increases in the living wage and NI contributions all have to be paid out.
80% of school budgets is on staff, and pay rates are defined by salary scales. Painting the walls is a tiny part of the budget.So the actual solution to school budget problems is to get rid of some teachers. It’s what a private company would have to do, and do routinely to stay afloat. Whether it’s something we actually want to happen in schools readers will decide for themselves.
Msm/beebistan all bleating on about how ‘unpredictable’ Trump is.
Well, perhaps being unpredictable to your enemies isn’t such a bad thing.
Better than Hussein O’Bummer who was predictably useless. (See Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Israel/Palestine, Turkey etc.)
I am sure he has read The Art of War, I have heard it is popular amongst Wall Street CEOs. War is deception. If you do not grasp that basic premise, as Obama did not, then you will never win. Certain other groups are very adept at deceiving their enemies.
“Msm/beebistan all bleating on about how ‘unpredictable’ Trump is.”
If we followed the BBC/MSM during WW2 we should have told the Germans the date, time and location of the D Day landings just so we would be predictable and the BBC reporters could carp on about it. Or perhaps Nelson should have let the French into his plans for Trafalgar beforehand so they could be discussed on Georgian question time. Maybe Alexander should have discussed his tactics with the Persians before Gaugamela. That would work out great and would have had a predictable outcome.
The BBC presumption they have a right to know on matters military before filtering on what the public or the enemy gets told has a dubious history. All a bit Goose, as them Cockneys may say.
This was made eternally apparent during the Falklands War where the BBC correspondent informed the world (and the Argentinians of course) that the bombs dropped by the enemy were not going off soon enough because the fuses were set too long.
I bet the BBC breathed a sigh of relief when the bomb fuses were modified, and more British soldiers were killed.
In the Beeb news in the last 24 hours.
Ofsted inspectors damn the appalling children’s services in………….Tower Hamlets.
The place with the greatest benefits dependency is ……………Birmingham.
But strangely, the bBBC just cannot quite get round to considering what might possibly link these two stories with these two neighbourhoods.
How can you honestly highlight areas of the country which contain large concentrations of our multicultural society, particularly as they are overwhelmingly doing so much to contribute tax to the Exchequer? Shame on you.
0.o look!!! It`s Fern Britton hosting a program about Jesus….. Lots of footage of walls and also horizon panaramas of minerets and of course she visits the western wall but the whole scene is focused on the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple mount instead…. Now she is interviewing a Christian Friar so no need for that hijab she has worn up to now…… Of course already she has insinuated that the Jews acted out of malevolence and were extremely oppressive towards anyone who didn`t conform exactly to thier beliefs…. What a crock of sh*t!!! Sooner or later she will find a reason to visit the `palestinians` giving her a chance to make more spurious claims about evil Jews in her f**king hijab!!
Update!! She has just walked into a restaurant…. Let`s hope it doesn`t have an open buffet or Fern might pop her stomach staples…
BBC 9 o’clock news this morning.
Article on the conviction of the USA doctor convicted of performing female genital mutilation.
Dr. Jumana Nagarwala
Of course, she is from the religion of peace and love.
However the Beeb published statistics on the the world wide problem, but what worried me about the BBC reporting was the last statistic that showed 1in 3 women world wide were married before the age of 18.
You would have thought that the researchers for this article would have bothered to find out the how many child marriages had taken place worldwide. Again bad reporting to water down the facts.
Any right on SJW programming today ?
I guess most of them are at their villas in Tuscanny
– 9pm BBC2 Selma a film highlighting one of the events in Martin Luther King’s Life
– 9pm More4 Spin : A drama The third and final season opens six months before the election with the assassination of a far-right politician, whose riding high in the polls and tipped to be the new president
“As things stand, the extreme far-right party* is leading the opinion polls – but this alters the political landscape.”
* Spot the language not just right-wing party but “extreme far”-right party
“The Good Fight is a spin-off from The Good Wife “
From the BiasedBBC point of view it is worth laughing at the way the liberal Hollywood movie makers have ghosted over the fact it was the Democratic south and the Democratic politicians who were blocking Black people from voting.
The baddie in the movie, Governor George Wallace, is never once identified as a Democrat. The same as the BBC omitting the fact it was the southern democratic states who fought a civil war to hang on to their black slaves.
Never seen the film , but , on a historical point, many of the Unionist States had legal slavery and many Unionists had slaves. The American Civil War was very complicated and even the great Lincoln struggled to understand it. So there is no way that the ignorant simpletons at the BBC can even begin to grasp it.
wwfcMar 4, 21:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GlONESyXsAAbWQL?format=jpg&name=small[/img]
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
The joy of working with the BBC is watching it indulge in absurdities that even the most committed Guardian reader would find fatuous and absurd.
“Mandatory carbon footprint rules introduced for BBC program makers”
“As of this month, the broadcaster (the BBC) requires producers to log the carbon footprint of all their programmes, using its Albert calculation tool.
Indies must estimate the environmental impact of their shows, including how much energy was used and how many miles were travelled during production.”
Who is going to tell the BBC that the UK produces 1% of all the worlds carbon emissions. This is around 585 metric tonnes of CO2. Mike Burton, of the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology says Volcanoes produce more than the UK every year, at 600 million tons.
Thus, if everyone in the UK stopped creating any carbon at all, nothing would change, except we would die of the cold, thirst and hunger.
How can I get my licence fee back?
The much fawned over Nihal, from Al BBC Asian Network,
now of course, the afternoon darling of 5Dead,
(I think filling the shoes of Richard Bacon?)
“Tommy Robinson has vomited on my timeline again, can someone get me an air freshener so I can clean off the stench, of his hate”
… Anything else?
Caller … Yeah, we think Tommy Robinson is a legend
Nihal … Uh! Well says rather a lot about you then,
I ve spent the best part of this week, arguing with Robinson and his gang
of Islamo-faux-bes
I would have thought that one thing about Tommy is his good humour and lack of hate. All the hate comes from the Left.
British Police out in force to uphold the law, well erm film Tommy Robinson
in case he may slip up.
Ah well!, at least someone is giving the one aspect of the case (watching someone critical of it), prominence … unlike a national broadcaster I could mention.
Typical police. Sticking up for the muslim. These cnuts will be first from the lamp posts when the army get fed up of this shit.
search for “Tommy Robinson Cambridge pub”..YouTube coverage..nice..not!
& while you’re at it this is a must listen imo:
Britain needs to rectify half a century of mistakes and appeasement fairly quickly or the past will be irreversible imo.
TR for PM.
If the police and the courts hadn’t come down so hard on “Paki-bashing” in the late 70’s and early 80’s, then these Muslim rape gangs wouldn’t ever have started, they’d never have dared; it may also have had the effect of making Britain a less attractive place for them to emigrate to once the word got back to Pakiscum and Bangladross of what could happen to them when they got here.
Teachers fake news
Dingaling : headline doesn’t match the story text.
Who’s going to read an article from the teacher’s union about how teachers are mocked on Facebook ?
No one so the PR bods have packaged it as:
“Over a third reported pupils citing ‘fake news’
or false information sourced online as fact in their work ”
Repackaged in the Sun as
“More than a third of teachers say pupils are quoting ‘fake news’ as fact in lessons and their homework ”
= about 2/3 of teachers DON’T find that problem.
If they’re Birmingham teachers they are likely to be teaching their pupils that the Boston Bombing was instigated by the CIA and Lee Rigby’s slaughtering by MI5. The Governments investigator revealed these interesting facts in the Trojan Horse investigation report a few years ago. In fact, he has since repeated his concerns as no corrective action has been taken to alter the situation. That’s what happens when muzzies infiltrate the local Government system – they are in a position to bury or simply ignore the bad news. I imagine its happening all over the UK.
And why would anyone believe that the average school teacher is in any position to tell fake news from any other kind?
They spend their days stuffing children’s heads full of the approved state sanctioned lies about multiculturalism, ‘global warming’, Islam, socialist economics, immigration, anti-imperialist revisionist history and so on.
To my mind, British teachers are some of the biggest purveyors of ‘fake news’ in the business.
They are so brain-washed themselves they do not know what they are doing .
Except for a few who do. And they are the ones that need putting up against a wall ‘when the revolution comes’.
Exactly, GC. Their idea of fake news would include:
– Man-made global warming is a failed hypothesis
– Global temperatures have remained flat for 19 years
– Forecasts of an increase in extreme weather events have proved false
– Hamas is committed to the destruction of Israel
– Arab countries have tried to destroy Israel three times in the last 70 years
– the ‘Palestinians’ have refused a two state solution on at least 3 separate occasions
– There is no such state as Palestine, and there never has been – ‘Palestinian’ is a made-up identity, concocted by Yasser Arafat as a propaganda tool
etc etc
Teachers should report:
“In 2017 almost 100% of pupils can go online and find much of the narrative in BBC/MSM is ‘fake news’ or false information”
Indeed they can do the same with many things pushed as fact by some LibMob teachers
…so such teachers end up feeling ridiculed and bullied.
Not the BBC but sky ( just as bad ) last night. the female reporter reporting on the football coach attack…’ two letter bombs claim responsibility…’ Not a mention of Islam or Muslims at all in the report, however in the little caption boxes they have below for a few brief seconds this story came up and it mentioned an Islamic suspect was arrested. So if you didn’t have eagle eyes.. and we at BBBC do, you could be none the wiser as to who committed this attack ( not proven yet I know but would you bet against me! ), you would have been led to believe two letters had come to life and done the dirty deed.
Sky scum have also done a dirty on Trump and Spicer today referring to Spicer’s ‘other gaffes’ and ‘Trump’s failing Presidency’ I haven’t bothered reading any further so cannot elaborate.
agree Jerry..in case any readers are in need of an accurate reoprt:
“Islamist arrested following soccer bus attack; was Islamic State member in Iraq, says German prosecutor”
If the on-line sources I saw yesterday are anything to go by, die Polizei have been working overtime to describe the alleged perpetrator as being on ‘the Islamist spectrum’.
Lost in translation? I don’t think so. A dismal attempt by those in authority to deflect and divert? Quite possibly. A model of victim-blaming, social science discourse? Certainly. Who knew that you could smell absolute desperation?
” Islamic Spectrum”. There’s a beauty ! Yes the BBC and Far Left are in melt-down.
Breaking news, not been processed by Islamic BBC.
Trump has dropped the biggest non nuclear bomb ever on Isis in Afghanistan – the MOHAB – mother of all bombs, 21 times bigger than a Tomahawk Cruise.
Before the BBC starts hand-wringing how about sending President Trump a list of places long overdue for similar treatment?
I could name a few here…
News of Trump’s big bomb is now widespread – except the BBC
Meanwhile, in Salford Quays the BBC are rounding up local actors to appear as Afghan hospital doctors and child actors from local Manchester schools are being dusted to appear as innocent victims. Lilly Allen on standby.
…..local actors to appear as Afghan hospital doctors …..
You mean they had to resort to ‘actors’, when there was an abundance of refugees claiming to be doctors ! (and engineers, and scientists, and teachers zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!) tut, tut, tut.
Some news outlets were reporting this 40 minutes ago. Still nothing on the BBC website. Absolutely useless. I suppose they have called a meeting to discuss what spin to put on it.
Eventually got round to putting it online.
I don’t think bbc news readers are aloud to use the words Muslim, Islam or attack in the same sentence any more.
Its so obvious how they try to avoid it.
Mind you, good to know the beeb are on top of world events by reporting that one of Mr Trumps many restaurants has had a dodgy health check.
Where we be without this essential news item.
Article in the Telegraph regarding gas attack in Syria.
Whilst I personally doubt the official view and tend to agree with the Assad Russian version
There are a quiet a few comments, and very anti BBC.
I wondered if it was anyone from this forum commenting, or as I suspect the BBC is slowly getting caught out with its bias by an ever increasing number of the population..
Much the same is true of the comments on the Daily Mail.
I don’t doubt that some of them are actually coming from Moscow – but not all of them, by a long chalk.
I think you are right about the BBC and the same is true of the MSM generally and, intriguingly, our own government.
It’s being reported that Tesco are in trouble over a Good Friday beer advert. See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-39587226. I’m not an especially religious person but, having been brought up as a Christian, I do find this advert distasteful. But the BBC feels the need to tell us that some Twitter users say that it’s not offensive, and goes on to quote one of them anonymously. Who gives a flying fig what some nameless individuals on Twitter have to say about it? That’s not part of the news!
There are two factors in play there. The first is that resorting to social media for new stories is easy, lazy and cheap. The second is that the BBC employs kids, who believe the entire universe revolves around what their fellow halfwits spout on Bookface and Titter.
Spot on GC ! sadly the ‘halfwits’ who control which news we are fed, were probably only about 14 when Twitter was created in 2006, and therefore hardly cut their journalistic teeth footslogging the streets for news with a notebook, – instead its just ‘tap the f….. app’ with no hard work at all !
What saddens me more about that article is this line: ‘Good Friday is when Christians commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.’ Can you imagine such an explanation being thought necessary in a mainstream British article, fifty, even thirty years ago?
It would also be interesting to see if Tesco would be willing to extend their puns to other religions. How about ‘Holi Moley – curry’s half price!’…’Don’t ‘pass over’ our great deals on matzos!’ and of course that old favourite ‘Have a ramadanadingdong on us with half price lagers!’ Thought not.
Again Cranmer, the ‘halfwits’ mentioned above probably think that “Good Friday” was the name of a vintage heavy metal group !
I am an indigenous London. In the 2011 census we indigenous lot fell below 50% of the London population . I expect by now the figure is not over 30%. So when I watch Liz Rateefs and Assad Ahmed’s Londonostan programme I should not be surprised that the make up after the
presenters and reporters reflect this on the programme.Of course the anachronism should be that as the BBC has a positive discrimination employment policy there should be MORE indigenous Londoners on the programme.
BUT what really gets my goat is that on NATIONAL news, as was the case tonight we are shown
clip in a classroom where there are 100% , yes that’s right 100% ethnic kids. I reiterate that even in the leafy suburbs of affluent North and North West London you will find at least 70% of the classes with ethnic children. OK this is multiculturalism , take it or leave it. I believe that we are shown classrooms with 100% ethnicity on NATIONAL TV to
show us what the fifth columnist , trotskyist,inverted racist editors , want us to see.
London is the canary in the (multicultural) coal mine, for what is in store for the whole country over the course of the next hundred years or so i.e. Britons becoming a minority in Britain, unless…
Very true. Nobody in my extended family now lives in London. Time for us to go I fear. We are not wanted now.
Can someone tell me HOW THE HELL these multicultural types can AFFORD a place in London ? Property prices are the world’s highest, renting is almost the same, so where does the money come from that they can afford it – surely not all benefits.? and I’m not talking millionaires, just those in ordinary 9-5 jobs. There are places like Hounslow, Southall etc who are virtually cleared of a white population and yet the ethnic minorities (?) never seem to struggle to get a roof over their heads, whether bought or rented.
“Starbucks says Brexit vote hit UK profits”
I really do not like how spiteful they have been towards Spicer – he has a tough job being on his own against a room of bullies. We all make mistakes at work; it is unkind and spiteful for someone to keep going on and on about minor things you get wrong. He has not really done anything that bad and his heart is in the right place,
You should do as you would be done by. How long have we been hectored about micro-aggressions, safe spaces and unkind language? They are spiteful toward him and I really do not like it.
The cnuts at the BBC are just attacking anyone associated with their hate figure, Trump. Leftists are the haters and the BBC are the leaders .
Yes, the left are basically intellectually insecure bullies. If they detect a weakness in someone they hate, they will pick and pick at them without mercy.
One of the many adolescent traits of leftism that makes their effect so negative in society.
Well, I would like to wish everyone here a very happy and relaxing Easter celebration.
My family have always enjoyed the special holiday, partly from the friendly connections with the Christian church, where families in our country celebrate a wonderful episode in the lives of true UK citizens that as children, we all grew up with, and partly because we have such deep trusting traditions connected with our people, and these all combine to make a lovely community to exist in.
I don’t really know what other religions do with their time about now, it’s not something I really need to know when there’s so much love from Christians around us.
I have posted before, that I am atheist, but , if I had to choose a religion, it would be Christianity. I wish all Christians peace and happiness. Terrible that so many are being massacred by muslims with the tacit support of the vermin at the BBC.
Have a good one Scrob
I believe the special talent of the BBC was always to be the main cheerleader in persuading the majority of people in this country that our culture, traditions and yes religion, are worthless when weighed against more important factors such as multi culturism, diverse sexual orientations, shopping, pop and football and entitlement.
None of these things are bad in small doses but when you have a state funded media organisation constantly massaging and feeding peoples narrow obsessions and prejudices at the expense of deeper and more meaningful values, then in the end most people if they are not committed participants in the BBC experimental party will just lose interest and go home to watch SKY leaving Aunty to carry on sowing its filth annd sedition over the airwaves. For the more gullible amongst us to absorb (and I include most politicians in this)
So peace Scrob. I also wish you and all our compatriots here a peaceful and fulfilling Easter. And remember there is still good stuff out there, we just have to turn our telly or radio off first to find it!
Nice one !
Waxing lyrical now Grant – I am about to unleash the Ardmore!
You are talking about a serious malt. Steady on, take it easy !
The peat is talking to me ———wibble!
If you want peat, try Lagavulin or Clynelish !!!
Grant – Thanks for the tip – I hope no-one at the BBC is monitoring our conversation, I expect they will have just concluded that I swing both ways and currently want a bloke called Pete!
Interesting little article basically suggesting that the french media is acting like the US media in the American election. Basically they are in denial about the the possibility that Marine may well win. (May I also suggest rather like the British media as well).
Good to know that “our girl” has already snubbed Le Pen which will bode well if Marine gets elected.
I wonder whether the thought ever occurs to Theresa that as a “remainer” maybe she would not be the obvious and natural choice as Prime Minister and maybe we should have had someone a bit more like Le Pen or at least committed to brexit.
Probably never will occour to her – But at least the Daily Mail loves her!
“Fight Xenophobia” Antifa group firebombs Marine Le Pen’s Paris Head Quarters
BBC … Silence is it “fake news”?
Mind you plenty of room for this
BBC Euro News – UK firms ‘struggling to recruit staff’
Suren Thiru, head of economics at the BCC, told the BBC:
“The main issue is finding enough people with the right skills, and of course the workforce is aging” Same old No10 echo chamber
Finding people with the “right skills”, who want to work long hours, worsening conditions, for f-ck all
… what could be the problem? I mean a degree in colonial studies, humanities or criminology won t cut it, education, education eh!
Oooh dear!, easy answer, more immigration box ticked thanks BBC
This Government have increased the divide sooo much deliberately London and the South East are affluent and needing more labour, whereas any people living further North see such a disparity. they can t afford to live in London, can t afford the travel costs.
Same old Tories, division and f-ck you … can t they wheel out Tebbit that waste of oxygen, to warble get on your bike
Crikey you’ll be telling us next that the BBC is biased in favour of the Conservatives and that it is all “Thatcher’s fault”!
As for Lord Tebbit, well he did serve his country as a fast jet pilot before becoming a commercial airline pilot, even acting as a union reprsentative.
The ‘bike’ quote was in reference to a suggestion from a Young Conservative in 1981 (thirty-five years ago!) that it was “natural to riot” if one was unemployed. He said, “I grew up in the ’30s with an unemployed father. He didn’t riot. He got on his bike and looked for work, and he kept looking till he found it”.
Not quite the way it is usually reported in the ‘fake news’.
He was also a victim of the Brighton bombing in 1984, so he knows something about terrorism at first hand. The explosion left his wife severely disabled and in order to devote time to her he left government and later the commons. Perhaps the actions of an honourable man.
Somehow I don’t think he is a fan of the BBC either.
JimS, my favourite Tebbit quote is when he was asked had he died in the Brighton bomb, what would he have wanted his last words to be? He immediately answered: ‘No surrender.’
Jim in my lefty youth (and to my shame) I also looked on Tebbit as some sort of right wing biggot. I am afraid in those days I bought into and swallowed the “right on” view hook line and sinker.
I wonder whether when looking back on our history, future historians (and I mean real ones not Dan Snow wannabees) will think the 1980 s and 1990s was when my generation shot the messengers and at the same time shot the chances of our grandchildren to live in a free society . I hope not but I would not be surprised if this was true.
ON I was exactly the same in my earlier lefty days.
Norman Tebbit used to have a weekly column in the Telegraph, and it was finally from reading this that I realised my earlier opinions on him were entirely misplaced. He came across as a considerate and thoughtful man who, while having strong convictions, would always listen to – and consider – opposing views.
He stopped his column a few years ago to devote more time to his wife’s care.
Though he was a general supporter of Thatcher, he was however also highly critical of many of her policies. This exemplifies one way in which people on the right also differs from those on the left.
The left, for the most part, do not engage in arguments with their opponents. The only tactic they deploy against arguments/people they don’t agree with is hatred. They don’t argue against their opponents – they despise them.
Leftism is basically an emotional ideology, based on a wish to be liked and thought of as a member of a morally superior tribe. They seem unable to accept that anyone can disagree with them without thinking they are total scum.
The left – always with plenty of hate to spare.
M Lad very true, you have reminded me – I was never very good at verbal debates and instead relied on the old dependable slogans and labeling to shut the debate down.
I think a lot of the left wing hate is because these idiots use politics as a channel to vent their own frustrations and inadequacies about their own lives. (including me at the time)
Once I had married and had kids I started to grow up and see the world as it truly is – away from the Guardian prism. My viewpoint changed quite radically.
Now I find it all rather embarrassing!
Norman Tebbit is a very great man indeed and one of the few who, as the saying goes ‘tells it like it is’. Had it not been for the terrible injuries sustained by his wife in the IRA’s Brighton bombing, his influence on this country would have been far greater than it already was, as Margaret Thatcher’s right hand man.
There have been few, if any, Tories who have been his equal.
I wish he had been PM.
Agreed, think what might have happened if he had succeeded MT instead of Major? Would Blair have then been PM in ’97?
So do I, Grant!
@Guest Who this is the tweet you tried this morn
“Nick Robinson skewers Angela Rayner over Labour shadow cabinet sending their children to selective schools ”
Telegraph article
tvm 😉
Transgender : coming out cakes
…has the BBC got this one yet ?
I’m sure Nadia has!
I think fairy cakes would go down a treat.
Perhaps we could bake a traditionalist cake
At least it’s not spotted dick.
Pink or blue icing?
The much fawned over Nihal, from Al BBC Asian Network,
now of course, the afternoon darling of 5Dead,
(I think filling the shoes of Richard Bacon?)
“Tommy Robinson has vomited on my timeline again, can someone get me an air freshener so I can clean off the stench, of his hate”
… Anything else?
Caller … Yeah, we think Tommy Robinson is a legend
Nihal … Uh! Well says rather a lot about you then,
I ve spent the best part of this week, arguing with Robinson and his gang
of Islamo-faux-bes
… Aaaah! Deep Joy …
Are you listening Nihal, Al BBC you and your buddies are becoming irrelevant
James Delingpole: Tommy Robinson’s Critics Are Disgusting Apologists for Radical Islam
Just look at the list of utterly delusional morons,(and their jobs!) here
Just listen to this for a BBC Asian Network opening introduction
“These useful idiots for radical Islam do what they do because they think it shows them to be better people: more caring, more sensitive, more intelligent – superior in every way to the people such as Tommy Robinson that they denigrate. Our duty is to deny them the luxury of claiming the moral high ground, to expose the fallacies of their glib, lazy, ill-informed arguments and remind them what it is they really are. They are dhimmis, liberal fascists, ugly little cowards who have probably never stood for anything truly worthwhile in their miserable spavined lives. They’re so spineless and intellectually decadent they actually value looking nice on Twitter more highly than they do defending the values of Western civilisation against an aggressive, alien culture that seeks at every turn to undermine it. They should be ashamed of themselves. Our job is to make them ashamed.” James Delingpole
What exactly is it about Islam that they like? The “you can’t say anything bad about a minority” and “we don’t want to encourage the far-right” arguments from the BBC look awfully weak. It’s a fragile civilisation that has given us all that we, (and they), have got that we should be defending.
Guido reports how Siôn Simon has advised people to report hate crimes to Mosques rather than to the police. When did Siôn Simon think we were under sharia law?
Of course, Siôn is one of the great intellectual, far seeing giants of the Labour Party. It was he who demanded that Blair, thrice winner at the general elections, should depart. Well that proved an astute move, didn’t it?
In September 2007, Simon predicted that “Shortly there will be an election, in which Labour will increase its majority”. As you can see he has his finger on the political button.
But to get a handle on his moral sense, he once pretended to be David Cameron on YouTube, offering one of Cameron’s children to viewers along with the opportunity to sleep with his wife.
Why are Labour a disaster at the ballot box yet a delight in the eyes of the BBC?
I did not know that Sion Simon was still alive !
We live in hope.
Unfortunately he is and is actually the Labour candidate for the West Midlands mayor.
“Jeremy Corbyn says Brexit may ‘upgrade our economy'”
So he was a closet Brexiteer after all ! Some interesting comments on HYS .
Well, Labour have always been a bit ambivalent on the EU.
Perhaps Corbyn could swap places with Treezer who is a closet Remainer.
Note, both are Islamophiles
The drama series Fight The Good Fight now on More4 must be slated for a transfer to BBC
It’s about a black dominated, Trump hating law firm that survives on special government contracts by means of it being minority owned.
Filled with women who are all hero lawyers and general heroes, whilst every man outside is a loser.
Today’s episode features a storyline where a Chicago doctor is operating online on a terrorist in Syria who is not actually a terrorist but a good guy.
And a contract renegotiation where they begged the one guy who works for the firm who voted for Trump to negotiate ..and he won the new contract.
…Oh in the final twist after they won in court for the good doctor and terrorist non-terrorist Trump bombed the hospital in Syria he and his brother are in ..and killed them both.
German federal prosecutors said Thursday that they had cleared the sole suspect in custody for the bomb attack against the Borussia Dortmund football team bus of involvement in the crime.
I have a little laugh to myself when the biased BBC, ever keen to denigrate government policies with which they disagree, shoot themselves in the foot in the process.
Take Grammar Schools. As with the left, the BBC, full of right-on Oxbridge types, want to cut off the plebs making the same journey. Hence they want to undermine the Damascenian conversion towards acceptance of Grammar Schools by the current government.
They show two pie charts. Those nice socially acceptable comprehensive schools have pupils whose numbers match closely the relative proportions of wealth in the country. Roughly a third a third a third for poor, medium, and rich families’ children.
But those nasty Grammar Schools. 53% of pupils are from well-off families. Now there is a discussion to be had about this but it’s not my current point.
If poor children are exactly fairly represented at comprehensive schools but under-represented at Grammar Schools then it must follow logically that somewhere in the education system poor children must be OVER-represented, yes?
But where? It’s not the Grammar Schools (boooo) yet it’s not the comprehensives either (hurrah), according to our socialist friends at the bBBC. So where are they all? In the private sector ? LOL.
Methinks the biased BBC are banged to rights on this one.
Oh well spotted, Sluff, well spotted!
In order to straighten out this apparent statistical anomaly, it must follow, logically, that the ‘poor’ [definition needed, please, BBC] must be over represented in non-grammar schools. Any chance that this might be because:
1: Poorer areas tend to vote Labour, and Labour has a history of closing grammar schools whenever and wherever it is in control, thus pulling up the ladder of opportunity and denying the able but not well off the opportunity to better themselves, and:
2: Given the above, most of the remaining grammar schools are in better-off areas of the country, because better off areas tend to vote Tory and those areas are more likely to keep the aforementioned schools.
Thus the statistics are skewed by the political geography.
Two tales from my past, if you will indulge me:
Firstly: One of my best friends at (grammar) school was the only child of an impoverished, widowed single mother who lived in a truly appalling council tower block, long since demolished. This proud and independent lady had a part-time cleaning job to keep the wolf from the door. Her son? Double First, Cambridge. Current availability of such an education to someone from the same background, in the same town? Nil. Why? Labour council forced the school out of the public sector. Now you have to pay.
Secondly: The – then – young daughter of a good friend of mine, displaying an early interest in matters political, asked me what the difference was between right and left (in her terms, Conservative versus Labour). Notwithstanding my current ambivalence towards the modern Conservative party, the best I could come up with at short notice was this:
“A Conservative candidate walks down a street and sees nice houses, well kept and with tidy gardens, nice cars in the drives; obviously prosperous: the candidate’s reaction is ‘this is going to be a good street for me’.
A Labour candidate walks down a street and sees signs of abject poverty, broken down cars in front of dilapidated houses, empty properties vandalised, broken bottles on the footpaths: the candidates reaction is ‘this is going to be a good street for me’.
In whose political interest is it, therefore, that people get jobs, live in nice houses and aspire to get on in life?”
I know all to well, having been there myself, that it is easier than many think it is to fall on hard times and to struggle to pay the bills after redundancy or other unfortunate events in life.
Nevertheless, for most people most of the time, my question stands.
Expat John.
When we visited South Africa a few years ago, we noted the lack of decent looking schools near the Black Townships. And we thought “the ANC have had 20 years to improve this, yet have done nothing, so what are they messing about at?”
The trick, of course, is to PROMISE to improve the lot of the plebs and gain their support but never to actually DO so, because as we know from this example, those relatively few black South Africans that make it suddenly see the light and start to support the DA.
So yes. The last thing Labour want is social mobility as it will erode their traditional support.
Though in truth, the actual working class have I think in great measure tumbled to the fact that Labour no longer represents them anyway. Where is Rotherham by the way? Is it anywhere near Islington or Hampstead?
My brother has just moved to an affluent area and it is like travelling back in time: monocultural with several churches; nobody is aggressive; nobody covers their face; you know that everyone has the same values of hard-work and being polite and considerate to others; you only hear English being spoken.
You know what I think? This is hell. God give me some diversity to celebrate before I kill myself!
Your condition can be cured by injecting your brain with frequent doses of BBBC-oxylin. Taken three times a day, preferably after eating as it can cause an upset stomach. BBBC R4 and BBBC Rolling News24 are particularly effective in providing the enrichment you need. £145 pa is a small price to pay.
In the long term, the diversity you crave will spread to all areas of the country, and you can withdraw from your medication.
PLEASE tell me where Beeb. I’m looking to move, and want to end my days surrounded by the same demographic I was brought up with. St Mary Mead would be my ideal.
What the bBC doesn’t want you to know:
Pakistan student killed over ‘blasphemy’ on university campus
A university student in Pakistan accused of blasphemy against Islam has been killed by a mob of fellow students on campus, police say. Many students have been arrested after the brutal attack in the northern city of Mardan, and the campus has been closed. Reports suggest that two young men were accused of posting offensive content on Facebook. One survived with injuries.
Actually the poor lads were targeted on a rumour of being Ahmadiyya Muslims
Pakistan: Rampaging Mob murder University Student because they thought he was an Ahmadiyya Muslim
The bBC, we don’t report the News, as you really don’t need to know how ugly Islam really is.
I would like to know why this is considered a news story. Would it have been if bibles were found in the toilets? The BBC, just appeasing blasphemy. Thanks guys.
PS our money pays for this shite
NUJ race reporting guidelines and EFJ manifesto
EFJ= European Federation of Journalists
If you google ‘NUJ race reporting guidelines’ it doesn’t take long to see that the practices we see are institutionalized. Basically they insist on leaving out the essential data and, if in doubt, consulting ‘community groups’ to make sure they have it right. When dealing with ‘racist groups’ the consultation would be with anti-fascist groups to inform us as to what the racists are doing. It’s all presented as if it was the most reasonable thing in the world.
The problem here is the double standards cos whilst going soft on immigrants the press seem to ramp up the extremist language against anyone challeniging immigration ie use “emotive, value-laden language” and push bogus stats like the REPORTED hate crime stats instead of actual CONVICTION stats.
The NUJ is a cesspit. Like most trade unions in the UK its sole raison d’etre seems to be to provide sinecures for clapped-out Marxist former student agitators who, unable to get elected, are still desperate to exercise power.
That it seeks to control what may or may not be reported, and the very way in which it can be reported, shows its true nature as an agent for socialist control over the press.
It’s three days now since the identity was known of an 11 year old girl who was literally torn limb from limb on the street in Stockholm and still not one word about her on that stinking cesspit of BBC half truths, omissions and manipulations that has the nerve to call itself an authoritative news site.
Not one acknowledgement that Ebba Akerlund ever existed or was a victim of an insanity we’ve been told to get used to.
Seeing pictures of that poor child’s remains did bring me to tears, and then to immense anger, just the natural reaction of any decent human being.
The decision not to acknowledge her existence could only be a conscious one, made after deliberate editorial discussion in an effort to play down the disgusting brutality of the perpetrators, to put the blame on “the lorry”, to hope most people don’t notice what’s not included.
But this well-used BBC trick is now being noticed as her photo and sad story have been in The Mail, The Express, Sun, Mirror, Sky etc etc. Google her name and a growing number of sites (reddit, 4chan, altright etc) come up which show the BBC’s decision to wipe her from the record.
This non-inclusion is so much against all basic journalistic instincts that I’m coming to believe their agenda can’t just be the warped news values of a young, liberal lefty editorial team but of interference and direction from a State that wants us to go about our business unchanged and uncowed in the hope our own children are not the next random victims.
The bbc is no longer even true to it’s own perverted form. In recent times they used to force themselves upon the bereaved to ask, “And how do you feel?” and “What would you like to say to those who did this?”.
Maybe the bbc knows the games up – safe option: just don’t go there.
They are not journalists any more but part of the progressive clique trying to hold the line against us and more importantly reality itself.
It is important that we call them out now as silence is complicity. This is an old tale. Homer at the start of the Odyssey has Mentor upbraid the assembly of the people for silence as complicity over the fate of Ithica in the absence of Odysseus.
It is always so and it is the BBC’s way of bringing lies into the world.
If you look up MaddySavage on Twitter you can see you is answering critics who say she didn’t report it properly.
She doesn’t get it, that “caught up” is quite soft language.
By ‘full report’ does she mean something elsewhere which, in Beebspeak, means full context if hunted down. Or was there a dodgy edit by someone?
Another example, although arguably the worst, of the MSM’s perverted but long-standing double standards. Closer to home we have Kriss Donald and Stephen Lawrence.
Message to Al Beeb,
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time”.
Take heed, you have been rumbled. !
The bBC reporting from Afghanistan and another story:
US military drops ‘mother of all bombs on IS’ in Afghanistan
The US military says it has dropped a 21,600lb (9,800kg) bomb on a tunnel complex used by Islamic State militants in Afghanistan. The GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB), known as “the mother of all bombs”, is the largest non-nuclear bomb ever used by the US in a conflict. The Pentagon said it was dropped from a US aircraft in Nangarhar province.
The news came hours after the Pentagon admitted an air strike in Syria mistakenly killed 18 rebels.
So the bBC reports from Afghanistan regards the dropping of a bomb no bigger than the Grand Slam dropped by the RAF in WW2. However to the bBC this just isn’t cricket, so first of all they insert a snippet about how the Kurds requesting Air support gave the wrong co-ordinates and ended up targeting their own position killing 18 of their own. Then in pointing out that the Yanks couldn’t hit a barn door from inside the barn with the doors shut the bBC give the viewpoint of the previous (crooked) President

This the image the bBC presents is that this Bomb is inhuman, that the Yanks have a habit of killing the wrong people and that the people of Afghanistan don’t want the Yanks around. Here is what the official Presidency of Afghanistan had to say which for some reason the bBC don’t want the World to know:
The bBC, half the story all the bloody time.
Forgot to mention that North Korea is getting ready to detonate another nuclear bomb 100 Kms from the Chinese border and 200 Kms from Russia. Funny enough the bomb has been placed in a tunnel under a mountain.
North Korea May Be Preparing Its 6th Nuclear Test
New satellite images suggest that North Korea might soon conduct another underground detonation in its effort to learn how to make nuclear arms — its sixth explosive test in a decade and perhaps its most powerful yet. Mount Mantap is the world’s only active nuclear test site. Most other nuclear states long ago gave up such explosions in a coordinated effort to end arms races and their dangerous and costly spirals of military action and reaction. In North Korea, the test devices are buried deep inside tunnels bored through solid rock far below Mount Mantap’s peaks, creating field labs for nuclear experiments. The nearest major city, Chongjin, is situated about 50 miles to the northeast. The tunnels for the North’s tests are excavated just over halfway up Mount Mantap, which rises to a height of 7,234 feet. The bomb is placed at the end of the tunnel, which gets partly backfilled to prevent radioactive leakage, and then detonated in the test.
Now Trump has dropped the MOAB, not far from NK , the Yanks actually have a bigger bomb called Massive Ordnance Penetrator aka MOP which the B2 can carry 2 of. China has moved 150,000 troops to the NK border and the Japanese have added their planes and ships to the US order of battle. in the region.
And here is what is been reported in the US:
U.S. May Launch Strike If North Korea Reaches For Nuclear Trigger
The U.S. is prepared to launch a preemptive strike with conventional weapons against North Korea should officials become convinced that North Korea is about to follow through with a nuclear weapons test, multiple senior U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News. North Korea has warned that a “big event” is near, and U.S. officials say signs point to a nuclear test that could come as early as this weekend.The intelligence officials told NBC News that the U.S. has positioned two destroyers capable of shooting Tomahawk cruise missiles in the region, one just 300 miles from the North Korean nuclear test site. American heavy bombers are also positioned in Guam to attack North Korea should it be necessary, and earlier this week, the Pentagon announced that the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier strike group was being diverted to the area.
I think those Chinese troops are to control / prevent refugees pouring across the border were the cease fire to end between the North and South.
The North Koreans have gun positions in tunnels on the reverse side of mountains, which can be moved out, fire over those mountains into the South then brought back into the mountain as soon as it has fired; some of them can reach Seoul and the Incheon area, where around 21 million people live.
They apparently have enough of these guns and sufficient ammunition to fire 4 rounds per second continuously for 8 hours; if they even only managed to fire a hundred of such shells they could kill thousands of people, due to the density of population.
A war in Korea would cause catastrophic damage in terms of lives and infrastructure. I have no idea what any of the solutions may be, but it is clear that there are no easy ones. The North are ruthless b@st@rds, as are the South Koreans – the North Vietnamese who were up against them in the Vietnam War will attest to that, I don’t think they complied with overly much of the Geneva Convention.
The US and Chinese leaders have just met. The Koreans are reporting this;
US expert: Trump’s use of massive bomb in Afghanistan clear warning to NK
China is reporting this:
Is North Korea nuclear crisis reaching a showdown?
If Pyongyang conducts its sixth nuclear test in the near future, the possibility of US military action against it will be higher than ever. Not only Washington brimming with confidence and arrogance following the missile attacks on Syria, but Trump is also willing to be regarded as a man who honors his promises… Presumably Beijing will react strongly to Pyongyang’s new nuclear actions. China will not remain indifferent to Pyongyang’s aggravating violation of the UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution. …Pyongyang should avoid making mistakes at this time.
Personally I hope its all a huge bluff and nothing hits NK. (Simply as both the American and NK leaders are fruit loops)
As for those reverse slope gun positions, here is what South Korea has purchased in which to take them out.
Rafael Extends Spike/NLOS Platforms
KEPD 350
But I thought they were all so wonderful that they simply MUST be allowed to stay after we leave the EU?
The BBC are now running a headline on their homepage: United Airlines man’s ordeal ‘worse than Vietnam War’:
And here’s a direct link to the story which has a slightly different headline: United Airlines passenger ordeal ‘worse than fall of Saigon’:
The BBC have long abandoned any basic journalism standards. They are simply feckers wasting the UK taxpayers hard earned money, & laughing.
Bungee sticks in the restroom and Agent Orange sprayed down the cabin.
The BBC need to send Martin Sheen undercover as a steward.
FGM in quotes in their headline. Why? It implies that they don’t believe it is a mutilation IMHO
FGM: Detroit doctor Jumana Nagarwala faces life in jail
What the BBC do not mention is that the doctor is Muslim, and these procedures were carried out on girls brought to her from Muslim parents.
The name does not really fit into the Marcus Welby, MD. mould, mind.
Nice picture of her smiling on the news report. Mind you, all the MSM are carrying it, not just the BBC.
Here’s an elephant-in-the-room screenshot from a US news station. Note the coy reference to Particular Religious and Cultural “Community”. Gosh, what “community” could that possibly be?
The BBC article has a link near the bottom ‘FGM ‘parties’ taking place in England’. That article also doesn’t mention the words ‘Islam’ or ‘Muslim’ anywhere.
The “FGM” thing must be a western white person thing I guess?!?
More Islamic propaganda from the bBBC….its been a good day for that
The ‘studious’ 12-year-old victim of India’s Kashmir problem
What is so bad about patriotism? This country has given so much to the world.
This royal throne of kings, this scepty’d isle
This Earth of majesty, this seat of Mars
This other Eden, demi-paradise
This fortress built by nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war
This nurse, this teeming womb of royal kings
Feared by their breed and noble by their birth
Against the envy of less happier lands
People loved the history plays as they were part of the story they told – the living and evolving story of their England. Imagine Shakespeare writing today trying to get a commission at the BBC?
All the history plays would be as they are to jingoistic, not ‘diverse’ enough and frankly too British. He would only be allowed to write about Elizabeth.
-But her rule has not been full of enough incident that is conducive to drama!
-We have had enough of white men, who cares how good the stories could be?
So instead of Richard II, Henry IV, Richard III et alia we get eight works about Elizabeth’s suffering and struggle against the terrible white men who bequeathed her such s great country.
Now is the winter of this dame’s lament
Made envious slummer by these men of York
Cowards die many times before their deaths
The valiant only taste of death when triggered
We few – I mean many – we happy few
We happy band of brothers
Er . . . And sisters. And others who merit our respect equally.
Is this a dawa that I see before me?
All are born great.
All achieve greatness.
And all have greatness thrust upon them,
Especially those who might not seem so great.
Methinks the Lefties do protest too much
Stop holding placards whining is a crutch
The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in traditional values
But in ourselves that we are underlings
BB Whilst this country has done some pretty terrible things in the past (just like other nations) on the whole under the Empire, we bought stability and peace to many societies which had some pretty savage and unpleasant ways.
In order to destroy our confidence in our culture, identity and unity as a nation (and ultimately ourselves) the BBC mission appears to embrace all types of revisionist opinions and nonsense that debase, debunk and destroy all values and beliefs that we admired about our past and all that define us as a nation.
In fact you name it, the BBC pretty much represents the antithesis of everything that defines a unified country at ease with itself.
This is done by propaganda, politically manipulating weak politicians, guilt tripping the indigenous population and of course lies and manipulating the news agenda (which the BBC calls “fake news” I call it “BBC news”
(I was particularly impressed with the way the BBC (as well as other MSM) jumped on Trump when he highlighted what is happening in Sweden.)
The BBC as ever concentrating on shooting the messenger and the message in its desperation to turn the spotlight off what is happening there.
If people want to see what happens to a nation when it embraces BBC type liberalism and rejects age old values and conventions and encourages the import of thousands who have no respect or loyalty for your ways and culture (which have maintained stability for decades) then Sweden is probably the perfect example.
The BBC represents globalism as some sort of benign humanitarian force where everybody lives in a “global village” at peace with eachother. At the end of the day the only winners in this type of set up would be the big corporations who want a cheap un-unified workforce and aggressive cultures such as the Islam which do not tolerate any divergence to their unpleasant doctrines. And if people are busy fighting among themselves then no-one is really aware of how big business is manipulating them.
So BB you are right there is nothing wrong in patriotism because it transcends personalities/leaders and is an essential ingredient about what makes a nation – a nation. It is about loyalty to each other and to a common set of beliefs that allows individuals to undergo personal suffering for the good of the whole.
The BBC has been central to the destruction of patriotism and belief in our nation as a unified entity which at the end of the day is not surprising if creating chaos is your business
I dont think the word bastards does them justice but I suppose it is a start.
Or to cut a long story short!
If patriotism was the glue which held our society together.
Then the BBC is the poisonous solvent which will help it all fall apart.
In fact double bastards!
Again, from Shakespeare:
‘Oh what a goodly outside falsehood has!
The devil can cite scripture for his purpose.’
The problem with their cultural Marxism is that it kind of feels right and cool – the idea of all races, creeds and ideas holding hands in some sort of multi- rainbow paradise. It is superficially seductive though rotten at the core. Though variety is the spice of life, you must have values and a clear sense of right and wrong.
There is a wonderful speech about this in Troilus and Cressida. The army is not functioning as not everyone is following orders.
The heavens themselves, this planet and this centre
Observe degree, priority and place
Institute, course, proportion, season, form
Office and custom, all in line of order;
And therefore is the glorious planet Sol
In noble eminence enthroned and sphered
Amidst the other, whose medicinable eye
Corrects the ill aspects of planets evil
But when the planets
In evil mixture to disorder wander
What plagues and portents! What mutiny!
…Take but degree away, and what discord ensues!
If you do not have clear values, standards and expectations then there is chaos. QED.
There are billions of Korans in print. Three turn up in toilet bowls in a University in Texas, and the BBC send reporters round to report on it. Also the US police have launched an investigation.
Meanwhile in Pakistan a student is killed by a crowd of fellow students for blasphemy to Islam.
The BBC report “Blasphemy is a highly sensitive and incendiary issue in Pakistan”. That story the BBC have linked to the Asian news page in a non-prominent part of the page. You can be certain that link will be removed shortly.
BBC newsbeat reporters making up stories – searching for items on ebay or amazon they can claim to be racist and then make a big story out of it to put on their newsbeat webpage for 14 – 24 year olds. The BBC is claiming that the use of the word “pikey” is a race hate crime to “travellers”. The BBC obviously haven’t heard of satire labelling etc.
I hate my moral busybodies like this. Talk about a victimless crime – if nobody who is not paid to take offence at things has taken offence who cares? The way to hell is paved with good intentions. These ‘reporters’ may believe they are doing good but it has a chilling effect on free speech and creativity. We can’t make jokes anymore and not being allowed to laugh is hell.
If these sanctimonious chumps want to help young people they can volunteer to help some kids at my school with their literacy – that would be a really good and useful thing to do.
Victim-less crimes only occur in the liberal/leftist World. It all stems from the modern-day concept that, ‘what’s yours is really also mine’ which is closely allied to the vague statement, ‘whatever turns you on’ i.e, do as you wish with no thought of the consequences. These concepts permeate the system such that with sentencing criminals, incarceration periods continue to drop like a stone. Six years for recklessly killing your stepson in a car ‘accident’ in Cardiff just recently? The ultimate goal of the liberal/left in their desire to reach Utopia? A crime ridden society where retribution doesn’t exist. Its called, anarchy.
Hate/thought crime is another. Look at the unimaginable hatred spewed at Trump. He is still here smiling and enjoying himself. Words and thoughts can never be violent, yet according to the left wing narrative he should have been so hurt by all those hateful words that he died a million times over.
If someone says something nasty, just turn the other cheek and walk away; if it escalates to harassment or threats then a crime has committed, but people should be free to hate whatever they want. Of course no real crime has been committed. It is all really about trying to control people’s thoughts and speech, which should never be the business of government.
Newsbeat is hilarious. If unintentionally. At least it has diverted them from odd sex, if briefly.
“A future Labour Government says it would….”
This oddly portentious but awkward and surely mistaken phrasing comes from BBC presenter Sally Nugent this morning.
We can at least not take it literally – or have Prime-Ministers-Job-Share Sir Keir Starmer and Lady Nugee (Emily Thornberry) really popped into their time machine and beamed themselves back from the year 2030 to deliver a Labour sound bite to their favourite broadcaster?
But do we take it seriously?
Was it lazily or just badly written by BBC script editors?
Did Sally Nugent misspeak her autocue? – She strikes me as one of the most over-promoted of news presenters – often interjecting her own remarkably inane commentary (this Good Friday she enhances the BBC’s anti-Christian office culture feel with the side-comment: ‘there’s a bit of a holiday theme to today’) Her skill set level would be children’s tv or at best sports and even on that less consequential subject she could make only superficial commentary.
Or was this example of bad phrasing a subliminal cri de coeur from a broadcaster institutionally unable to remain neutral on the subject of the Government role in society. The BBC always tending to cleave toward intervention and high spending – sharing the instincts of leftist politicians and longing for the day when:
‘a future Labour Government says it will….’
Given on any subject the party shadow hippos and scarecrows can’t articulate a coherent view, how Sally arrives at such a claim suggests a gremlin in the TelePrompTer.
Or wishful thinking for the good old days when champagne bottles clinked in the corridors.
AISI, very short BBC memories then on promises of £350m per week from a future non-Government.
Compare and contrast. ROFL!
The BBC are talking about schools needing more money. More money is not always the answer.
I made this point to a sixth form class the other week. If I told you to decorate this room using your own money, you may well do a really good job without spending much; you will certainly be more careful if it is your own money. If you know you have a budget of £100 which I am giving you, you will make sure you spend all of that money, and you would probably waste some and not care. If you had money left over you could even ask your mate for advice on how to decorate the room then give him £30 for ‘consultancy fees.’
And to continue the analogy, the next time they’re asked to decorate a room, they’ll get their mate to produce a report explaining why this time it will cost £150 to do the job.
Exactly – you can never have too much of someone else’s free money. You are never going to say you have enough.
Worse yet,the system is designed to reward this kind of behaviour and penalise thrift.
A college I worked at had this big push to get ‘feedback’ from the students. Then all their opinions on various nebulous issues regarding the teaching were collated and we discussed how to improve the ‘experience’ for them etc. So much time and money wasted on such nonsense that just sounds and looks good. Just know your subject and expect the kids to all do their best. If they do not like the ‘experience’ they can bugger off.
I’m with you in the sense of the truism that the public sector plays fast and loose with other people’s (ie our) money. The apparent need to spend up all the budget or lose itcosts us all billions. Just look at foreign aid, where we know they are actually putting it in bank deposit accounts to meet the 0.7% since they have nothing to a actually spend it on.
But governments have been pretty disingenuous with school funding.
First, the current silly funding formulae put schools geographically next to each other yet one has 20% less per pupil to spend than the other. Two similar schools with similar pupils. A couple of miles apart but across a county boundary can and does give massive differences in funding.f
Next, the stupid pupil premium gives stacks of cash to the ‘diasadvantaged’ but this was defined as someone who has had free school meals at any time in the last 6 years. Are they still ‘disadvantaged’? Or was this ‘robbing Peter to pay Paul’ always just a LIb Dem virtue-signalling policy?
Next, schools are encouraged to become academies but hidden away in the small print this means they take on some liability for the pensions of non-academic staff, and of course payments needless to say are rocketing, a staff benefit everyone conveniently forgets about.
Next, increases in the living wage and NI contributions all have to be paid out.
80% of school budgets is on staff, and pay rates are defined by salary scales. Painting the walls is a tiny part of the budget.So the actual solution to school budget problems is to get rid of some teachers. It’s what a private company would have to do, and do routinely to stay afloat. Whether it’s something we actually want to happen in schools readers will decide for themselves.
Msm/beebistan all bleating on about how ‘unpredictable’ Trump is.
Well, perhaps being unpredictable to your enemies isn’t such a bad thing.
Better than Hussein O’Bummer who was predictably useless. (See Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Israel/Palestine, Turkey etc.)
I am sure he has read The Art of War, I have heard it is popular amongst Wall Street CEOs. War is deception. If you do not grasp that basic premise, as Obama did not, then you will never win. Certain other groups are very adept at deceiving their enemies.
“Msm/beebistan all bleating on about how ‘unpredictable’ Trump is.”
If we followed the BBC/MSM during WW2 we should have told the Germans the date, time and location of the D Day landings just so we would be predictable and the BBC reporters could carp on about it. Or perhaps Nelson should have let the French into his plans for Trafalgar beforehand so they could be discussed on Georgian question time. Maybe Alexander should have discussed his tactics with the Persians before Gaugamela. That would work out great and would have had a predictable outcome.
The BBC presumption they have a right to know on matters military before filtering on what the public or the enemy gets told has a dubious history. All a bit Goose, as them Cockneys may say.
This was made eternally apparent during the Falklands War where the BBC correspondent informed the world (and the Argentinians of course) that the bombs dropped by the enemy were not going off soon enough because the fuses were set too long.
I bet the BBC breathed a sigh of relief when the bomb fuses were modified, and more British soldiers were killed.
MLad BBC was probably quite chuffed with itself on that one. Thatl teach those Sun reading oiks a lesson for wanting to fight for their country!
In the Beeb news in the last 24 hours.
Ofsted inspectors damn the appalling children’s services in………….Tower Hamlets.
The place with the greatest benefits dependency is ……………Birmingham.
But strangely, the bBBC just cannot quite get round to considering what might possibly link these two stories with these two neighbourhoods.
How can you honestly highlight areas of the country which contain large concentrations of our multicultural society, particularly as they are overwhelmingly doing so much to contribute tax to the Exchequer? Shame on you.
More,’proper non-fake news’ which, in the midst of media and BBC claims President Trump is, ‘going back on much he said during the election campaign’, demonstrates he is forging ahead to, “Drain the Swamp”.
0.o look!!! It`s Fern Britton hosting a program about Jesus….. Lots of footage of walls and also horizon panaramas of minerets and of course she visits the western wall but the whole scene is focused on the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple mount instead…. Now she is interviewing a Christian Friar so no need for that hijab she has worn up to now…… Of course already she has insinuated that the Jews acted out of malevolence and were extremely oppressive towards anyone who didn`t conform exactly to thier beliefs…. What a crock of sh*t!!! Sooner or later she will find a reason to visit the `palestinians` giving her a chance to make more spurious claims about evil Jews in her f**king hijab!!
Update!! She has just walked into a restaurant…. Let`s hope it doesn`t have an open buffet or Fern might pop her stomach staples…
BBC 9 o’clock news this morning.
Article on the conviction of the USA doctor convicted of performing female genital mutilation.
Dr. Jumana Nagarwala
Of course, she is from the religion of peace and love.
However the Beeb published statistics on the the world wide problem, but what worried me about the BBC reporting was the last statistic that showed 1in 3 women world wide were married before the age of 18.
You would have thought that the researchers for this article would have bothered to find out the how many child marriages had taken place worldwide. Again bad reporting to water down the facts.
By child marriages meant to say under 16 years. Sloppy reporting by me……
Details, details. BBC editorial integrity means there is only so much space available for full context.
I wonder why amber Amber Rudd, like the previous Home Secretary, did bugger all to stop FGM here.
Any right on SJW programming today ?
I guess most of them are at their villas in Tuscanny
– 9pm BBC2 Selma a film highlighting one of the events in Martin Luther King’s Life
– 9pm More4 Spin : A drama The third and final season opens six months before the election with the assassination of a far-right politician, whose riding high in the polls and tipped to be the new president
“As things stand, the extreme far-right party* is leading the opinion polls – but this alters the political landscape.”
* Spot the language not just right-wing party but “extreme far”-right party
“The Good Fight is a spin-off from The Good Wife “
Selma is a good movie.
From the BiasedBBC point of view it is worth laughing at the way the liberal Hollywood movie makers have ghosted over the fact it was the Democratic south and the Democratic politicians who were blocking Black people from voting.
The baddie in the movie, Governor George Wallace, is never once identified as a Democrat. The same as the BBC omitting the fact it was the southern democratic states who fought a civil war to hang on to their black slaves.
scribbling ,
Never seen the film , but , on a historical point, many of the Unionist States had legal slavery and many Unionists had slaves. The American Civil War was very complicated and even the great Lincoln struggled to understand it. So there is no way that the ignorant simpletons at the BBC can even begin to grasp it.
They also forget that probably the first recorded slave owner was reportedly a blackman as well, Grant.
Yes , many slave owners were blacks who, after they got their freedom, started enslaving their own people. As they still do in Africa.