In the book of Proverbs, in the Bible, Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. It’s way past time that the bbc had first a fall, rapidly followed by its destruction. But then I doubt anyone in the bbc reads the Bible these days.
It’s time for the BBC to scale down it’s utter love and devotion to Islamic propaganda. The only thing missing from the “World Service” is that damn wailing that goes on over the loud speakers in Islamic countries. I’m actually surprised they don’t put that on air, everything else about Islam, is.
Well past time the BBC scaled down its sense of self-importance.
Roland..I would go for ZERO when it comes to the BBC but then I am of the feelin that the BBC is decades past its use by date and should have been broken up and sold of decades ago
Josf, it’s well past time the BBC started serving Britain and NOT some sort of perverse propaganda ministry for world Islam. If you were to listen to the BBC World Service, you will see what I mean.
SS You forgot the European Union remember £22 million of OUR ie UK taxpayers money from the EU to the BBC will buy you an awful amount of pro-European Union on the Broadcasting for the British Caliphate
Definitely time for that prat Davies to scale down his inane ‘questions’, and learn some manners and also how to listen, without offering his point of view before the guest has even had a chance to sit down properly.
As usual, it’ll be bbbc opinions first, facts come later.
Maybe there is a debate to be had. For instance, rather than worry about fighting Islamists in far-off countries that are nothing to do with us, maybe we should concentrate on eliminating the ones in Bradford, Luton, Birmingham and – given it’s special, BBC-ignored significance today – Huddersfield.
But this is not, of course, what the BBC means. It is ideologically opposed to the very existence of the UK. It thinks we should subsume our nation into another larger one – let’s call it the European Union. It also wishes to promote the idea that this country is nothing special and hence not worth fighting for, which is why it is so enthusiastic to replace the natural inhabitants, the very people that make it a nation.
Recently, the Today team R4 were revisiting “Steakknife” a high-level British mole in the IRA’s internal security organisation. An ex-IRA interviewee suggested that the IRA had been defeated by the British. The interviewer was incredulous and upset. The BBC is so staunchly anti-British that it will argue the case that the IRA was never defeated with an IRA man who actually took part in the “armed struggle” against the British and thinks the opposite. The IRA may have given up the “struggle against British imperialism” but the BBC fights on regardless. Vinceremos!!
I couldn’t listen to much of it. It’s all British and whitey bashing. The one thing the presenter seems to give sympathy to is terrorism as a thing in itself, because he let’s terrorists call themselves “warriors” for justification.
My sister got a bit worried about shopping in Hull, city of work trenches, barriers and multiculture, 2017.
Because she found out that the BBC wont report any incidents involving Muslims springing up out of the trenches and trying to chop of the heads of shoppers.
To stop this entry being lost in the main section, I am putting it here. 24 hour rolling bollox. The assaults against persons in Hudderfield area were described as WOMEN. Complete and utter BOLLOX. Here is the local paper; The victims were CHILDREN, but the bBC did their usual cover up. They, the bBC are as guilt as the filth within this country.
Is it time for the UK to scale down its self-importance?
It sounds like a 40 year old BBC propaganda campaign for Britain to join the Common Market.
Is it time for the EU to scale down its self-importance? Sounds more up to date and realistic. And so does: Is it time for the UK to restore its self-importance, after foolishly abandoning the multiracial Commonwealth for the hideously white European Union, for forty years.
And therefore another idea for a Newsnight question would be: Should we arrest all remain supporters for racism?
The BBC do know that the UK is a permanent member of the UN Security Council and possesses a nuclear deterrent don’t they?
Embolden…….Whereas the bbc is increasingly irrelevant in the era of multi-channel cable, satellite, youtube, netflix, the internet, smartphones etc electronic roadkill on the information superhighway BBC a stagecoach in the era of Shinkansen
In Australia, we get your “BBC World Service” and for at least 17 straight years now, Islam is front and centre of all of it’s news services and specific programmes. We never hear anything to do with Britain much at all. Anyone listening to the World Service could easily be forgiven for thinking it is a specifically Islamic news and current affairs service like Al Jazeera. To me, it is the propaganda wing of Islam with polished British accents. Shameful.
The domestic world service output is also awful too nowadays. Half the presenters don’t speak understandable English and the schedule of the station is an input.
As to the scaling down of Blighty – well – stop importing spongers from the new commonwealth. Stop the accursed Nhs being the international NHS and end the overseas aid budget . I hear Ethiopia is planning to have a space program. It wasn’t April 1 and it might be false news….
For years now the BBC World Service has been about broadcasting the views of the rest of the world into Britain. (Very few foreigners actually listen to it despite the Beeb’s fake statistics).
This is unlike Russia Today for example which does the opposite.
It has got worse in the sense that Radio 4 has now adopted the same mode of broadcasting the views of the foreigners in Britain to the native inhabitants. And little else.
It is all about inducing white guilt.
Apparently Spain is twice as important as the UK!? (that’s Spain’s flag on the left!)
Now remind me NEWSNIGHT people how has Spain – say for example – improved/saved the lives of countless innocent people since the 2nd WW? Even then Spain had a great coward of a leader I seem to remember! He sided with Hitler!
I hear this ALL the time from anyone vaguely connected with leftism. A friend of mine calls it ‘our national self-flagellation’. It’s pathetic. Yet I’ve heard, time and time again from people in other countries how much they admire Britain. Not just in Commonwealth countries but EU countries as well. Several times when abroad, I’ve tried to explain our national self-hatred to foreigners who have said to me in confusion that they had met British people who seemed to hate their own country.
I can only explain this as some sort of hangover of imperialism, of not wanting to appear too big for our boots. But we are told time and time the empire is over, so surely the concomitant self hatred should be over as well?
Maybe we’d be less self important if millions of immigrants from the West Indies, India, Pakistan , Africa ,failing European countries such as France, Poland, Spain , Greece, the Baltic states and god knows where queue up to get into Blighty for the purpose of personal economic improvement , healthcare and making British culture more diverse and ‘enriched’. Or not. (Apologies to anyone who don’t like Little Englanders like me)
British culture more diverse and ‘enriched’. – Fedup
Interesting phrase isn’t it, Fedup. What diversity and enrichment does this entail? Certainly not in the way of science, as most of that was European (with this I also mean Britain), Britain has a culture going back to ancient Roman times, so not that either. Rock and pop music has seen a lot of innovation come from Britain so that’s out. No, the only change I see is the watering down and self censorship of anything intrinsically white European and being replaced by cultures from more IN-YOUR-FACE, forceful religions that demand respect and compliance. It’s happening here in Australia now and we are only a population of 24 million. That makes us more vulnerable. The Asian migration in the 1970’s wasn’t a problem. I enjoyed seeing them here and they’ve made an enormous contribution to Australia’s development. But then Islam came along. In Adelaide, we have just had a new hospital built from scratch. It has the latest technology and cutting edge design. But, let’s not forget the specially built Islamic prayer rooms with washing rooms for the Muslims. This thing alone cost 2.4 million. Meanwhile, there is no room to keep paper records, they are in an outside shipping container and no room for research labs in the hospital itself. We are mugs.
I can’t watch Newsnight anymore. I detest the interviewing styles of Evan Davies and Kirsty Wark. It seems a long time ago that I used to admire and respect the likes of Cliff Michelmore, Richard Dimbleby, Kenneth Allsop and a host of other heavyweight anchormen who have all disappeared. The BBC now is full of strident lefties like Wark and weirdoes like Davies who clearly hate their own country and many of their compatriots. They are so condescending, antagonistic and disrespectful to their understandably defensive and unforthcoming guests that a good and illuminating interview never happens. Newsnight is a waste of time.
It seems the rot started early at the BBC. My father who served in tbe RAF in the Middle East during WWII loathed Dimblebore senior with a vengeance. According to my father, Dimblebore spent all his time in Alexandria and made his reputation as a war correspondent through the efforts of others. I’m remembering this from 50 years ago. Is this just a service man’s rumour? The Dimblebore dynasty is now very well connected with the upper echelons. Were the Dimblebores always part of the establishment, i.e. pre-WWII?.
ID, BBC bias goes back a long way. Churchill (not someone given to paranoia) believed that he was persistently refused interviews on the BBC during the 1930s, due to his opposition to the appeasement of Germany and anti Indian independence stance.
Interesting remark. I suppose it is naive to believe that pre-war and during the war,the BBC was all benign paternalism and only recently developed a political agenda.
We have to remember that John Reith was a Leftist, possibly Communist, and molded the BBC in his image. Nothing has changed. The BBC was Marxist right from the start.
Grant, I’m not sure he was, unless he kept it well hidden. From what I read he was a staunch Presbyterian, he also served in the front line in WW1 and continued as an officer in the Territorials after the war. I think the leftist elements were in the generation a bit younger than him, the Burgess/McClain/Philby types. I suspect Reith gave the BBC its ‘nanny knows best’ puritanical stance, but it was originally from a dissenting Christian perspective. There are, of course, strong links between the dissenting church and left wing politics, however.
But, in my view, Reith was a Left-wing , totalitarian who suppressed freedom of speech on the BBC. He also supported Hitler and the Nazis. After they invaded Czechoslovakia Reith supported Hitler. He also supported Mussolini.
John Reith was an evil bastard and the BBC today relects his perverted mind. I could go on….
That’s interesting. Hitler purged and murdered all of the leftwing elements in the Nazi party in the Night Of The Long Knives. The SA who were the Nazi Party enforcers and leftwing, were wiped out along with their leader Ernst Rohm. Hitler saw them as a threat and appointed his own SS to do this. Hitler went on to wipe out communists and liberals too in the wider population. Hitler himself was hard line rightwing.
Apparently, a certain Guy Burgess was a BBC producer who made it his mission to block Churchill from the airwaves. He obviously came to fame for his other activities.
The comments to that post would make worrying reading for Ian Katz, James Harding or Lord Halll… if the BBC actually had to worry about serving Britain accurately and sensibly. But it doesn’t.
A scroll through the programme Twitter timeline shows just what the bubble dwellers there obsess about all the time, when not directly insulting their audience.
It reads like a Private Eye spoof cartoon strip of luvvie trigger issues.
Reflecting the cultural diversity of the UK, championing alternative points of view..
.. but that is what the BBC sees as being its job, pushing any idea that isn’t main-stream British, common-sense or proven to work by past experience. The BBC is biased but pretends it isn’t; Channel 4 is biased by statute. We need something new..the ‘Home Service’?
Looking at the string of posts above isn’t it amazing that our Tory government has not done anything about the Anti-British Broadcasting Corporation?
Perhaps it hasn’t noticed ?
Perhaps it will abolish the Telly Tax ?
But perhaps it does not have the Balls ?
“isn’t it amazing that our Tory government has not done anything about the Anti-British Broadcasting Corporation?”
Sadly, no UK government would even think about making the BBC lose its monopoly over the licence payers cash! – There are far too many rainbow fascists and anti-family sexperts deeply rooted within the BBC!
I can only guess that the Islamisation of your government has progressed beyond the point of no return. Anything even approaching Anti-Islam activity and that includes changing the BBC, will be labelled a racist.
The British Empire became the British Commonwealth, and then the Royal Commonwealth for the 16 Commonwealth Realms.
The Commonwealth Realms provide the Queen with 10,335,644 square miles under her rule, the largest amount of territory under the rule of one person in the 21st Century. She rules over 100 of the worlds territories, with the Queen represented by the Union Jack in 29 of the 30 territorial flags with a Union Jack. Although Fiji is a republic, she is still recognised in the flag as the Chief of Chiefs of the indigenous people of Fiji. The Union Jack in the flag of Hawaii represents the first flag of Hawaii, given to Hawaii by Captain Cook.
By leaving the undemocratic European Union, Her Majesty the Queen would now be pleased that she can now guarantee the sovereignty of her Royal Commonwealth Realms from undemocratic interference from the European Union, as was advised by Philip Benwell, National Chairman of the Australian Monarchist League.
BBC News – The joy of a Christian-Muslim wedding
“Muslims and Christians mostly live in harmony” …. yep! that’s in Egypt
this has to be Al BBC la la land … because it certainly isn t at all true in Egypt.
The BBCs latest apologetics for Islam .
Note that its a Muslim male and non Muslim female, following from Quran to propagate Islam.
If it was a Muslim female? … probably a riot, a lot of looting of Christian shops
as an excuse – the groom maybe killed?, honour murder for the bride?
… Scrap the BBC now.
Agreed. Can’t help banging on about Gambia, but quite common there for a christian man to be married to a muslim woman. Wouldn’t even raise an eyebrow. But to quote a Gambian academic friend of mine ” Grant, you have to realise that Gambians do not really understand Islam, and thank God for that “. I really do fear for christians in Arab countries and the evidence justifies it. From the BBC, total silence about the Genocide of christians. You would almost think that they support it…….
It is about 90% muslim, but some mosques and churches share the same building. Many muslims send their children to christian schools. There is, so far, no religious, racial or tribal conflict. Much of the rest of the world could learn from Gambia’s example.
Tomorrow is a public holiday for all in Gambia. So is christmas day ! Long may it continue.
Do not believe anything you read in Freedom Newspaper. They have a vested interest in fomenting tribalism. It is true that Jammeh , who is Jola, tried to attack the Mandinkas as he became aware the he was losing power, but he failed. The biggest threat to harmony in Gambia, in my opinion, is the vestiges of his party, the APRC, which I believe should be banned. They are the biggest source of trouble. But , Gambia is still much more peaceful than the UK, which is not saying much , I suppose.
I could go on at great length , but this is not the forum. I suppose, having lived their since 2002, I feel I have some claim to knowledge of the country.
As I say, I would not recommend Freedom newspaper for a balanced view and it is full of Fake News and has been for many years. If you are really interested, I would suggest “The Point” newspaper and “Foroyaa ” ( coincidently meaning “Freedom ” ) , for fairly unbiased coverage. Thank you for your interest in a country and people I love and respect !
You are welcome. Gambia is unique and I would never want it to end up like most muslim countries. That would break my heart. I suppose I still have some idealism left !
My wife is Wolof from a muslim family. No-one ever commented about her marrying an atheist. Perhaps funniest was our wedding in a church in Banjul. The magistrate and clerk were muslims. The clerk put a bible in front of me and I explained that I could not swear on it. She looked daggers at me and the magistrate said to her ” Mrs. Ceesay, I have to inform you that The Gambia is a secular Republic which recognises all religions and none. ”
Jammeh declared it an “Islamic Republic ” and everyone ignored him. He said all female civil servants should wear headscarves to work. The muslim women said ” what about our christian sisters ? “. He quietly dropped the idea.
Gambia is unique, but not in the BBC way, thank God !
If you thought Al Beeb was causing damage to the UK’s reputation at home – you should try watching BBC World form overseas- it is truly catastrophic. Totally Anti US- anti Brexit with a constant stream of pro-Islamic bullshit. Oh yes and Katty Kay romping through downtown Washington DC telling the World that “the BBC has never taken sides in any war, revolution or election “(wtf) guess that must include WW2 ?
Yes, the BBC’s idea of impartiality is not to take the side of good against evil. In fact it is worse than that. They take the side of evil against good.
Home Front…… BBC radio 4 and 4 Extra
A drama serial tracking First World War characters.
BBC as usual working to their own agenda.
Re writing history again ….
Dare say they will bring in Brexit next!
Well, just for curiosity, since it is meant to be Easter by all accounts (I’m not religious at all), I turned on the BB Bloody C and what did I come across? Islam, more Islam and still more Islam. The only reference to anything Christian were the Copts, notice it’s still the bloody Middle East. No mention of Islamic Terrorism, just on how they are keeping themselves safe during Easter. What a load of BS by the BB Bloody C.
For the vermin at the BBC , the only good Jew or Christian is a dead Jew or Christian. Beeboids are so convinced that, if they lick the muslim ass, they will be spared. That is how stupid they are. Morons.
Grant you dont need to be a Christain or Jew to be a non-person according to BBC principles anybody non-leftard or non-muslim is an untermench acording to the BBC and is unworthy of life or respect
I swear I am not imagining this – a few years ago early on Easter morning before the 8am news I think, R4 played a couple of verses of the hymn ‘Christ the Lord is Risen Today’. I almost fell out of my chair with surprise. I wonder if they still do this?
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Is it time for the BBC to scale down it’s sense of self-importance? Long overdue if you ask me.
You bu**er! You beat me to it!
In the book of Proverbs, in the Bible, Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. It’s way past time that the bbc had first a fall, rapidly followed by its destruction. But then I doubt anyone in the bbc reads the Bible these days.
No, they don’t read the Bible. But they do read the Koran, albeit in a highly selective manner.
I would be very surprised if any Beeboids have read the Koran. It may shatter some of their illusions. On the other hand , maybe not !
Indeed, it depends entirely on intent doesn’t it?
I’m sure they do full ablution before they touch the koran.
It’s time for the BBC to scale down it’s utter love and devotion to Islamic propaganda. The only thing missing from the “World Service” is that damn wailing that goes on over the loud speakers in Islamic countries. I’m actually surprised they don’t put that on air, everything else about Islam, is.
Well past time the BBC scaled down its sense of self-importance.
Well past time the BBC scaled down its sense of self-importance.
Roland..I would go for ZERO when it comes to the BBC but then I am of the feelin that the BBC is decades past its use by date and should have been broken up and sold of decades ago
Josf, it’s well past time the BBC started serving Britain and NOT some sort of perverse propaganda ministry for world Islam. If you were to listen to the BBC World Service, you will see what I mean.
SS You forgot the European Union remember £22 million of OUR ie UK taxpayers money from the EU to the BBC will buy you an awful amount of pro-European Union on the Broadcasting for the British Caliphate
It’s certainly time for liberals world over to scale down their utterly unjustified sense of self-importance and moral entitlement.
Definitely time for that prat Davies to scale down his inane ‘questions’, and learn some manners and also how to listen, without offering his point of view before the guest has even had a chance to sit down properly.
As usual, it’ll be bbbc opinions first, facts come later.
It would be quite nice if he had a shave and put a tie on, the scruffy twat.
…and get his ears sorted out!
He’s just trying to look ‘ edgy ‘…..well…if the muslim horde get him…he’ll be on the edge of a very high building…that’s assured…
Maybe there is a debate to be had. For instance, rather than worry about fighting Islamists in far-off countries that are nothing to do with us, maybe we should concentrate on eliminating the ones in Bradford, Luton, Birmingham and – given it’s special, BBC-ignored significance today – Huddersfield.
But this is not, of course, what the BBC means. It is ideologically opposed to the very existence of the UK. It thinks we should subsume our nation into another larger one – let’s call it the European Union. It also wishes to promote the idea that this country is nothing special and hence not worth fighting for, which is why it is so enthusiastic to replace the natural inhabitants, the very people that make it a nation.
Recently, the Today team R4 were revisiting “Steakknife” a high-level British mole in the IRA’s internal security organisation. An ex-IRA interviewee suggested that the IRA had been defeated by the British. The interviewer was incredulous and upset. The BBC is so staunchly anti-British that it will argue the case that the IRA was never defeated with an IRA man who actually took part in the “armed struggle” against the British and thinks the opposite. The IRA may have given up the “struggle against British imperialism” but the BBC fights on regardless. Vinceremos!!
Here’s an interview of something similar:
I couldn’t listen to much of it. It’s all British and whitey bashing. The one thing the presenter seems to give sympathy to is terrorism as a thing in itself, because he let’s terrorists call themselves “warriors” for justification.
My sister got a bit worried about shopping in Hull, city of work trenches, barriers and multiculture, 2017.
Because she found out that the BBC wont report any incidents involving Muslims springing up out of the trenches and trying to chop of the heads of shoppers.
To stop this entry being lost in the main section, I am putting it here. 24 hour rolling bollox. The assaults against persons in Hudderfield area were described as WOMEN. Complete and utter BOLLOX. Here is the local paper; The victims were CHILDREN, but the bBC did their usual cover up. They, the bBC are as guilt as the filth within this country.
I quite agree. The BBC are just as guilty as the muslim terrorists and muslim child rapists which they support. Beeboids are evil.
Is it time for the UK to scale down its self-importance?
It sounds like a 40 year old BBC propaganda campaign for Britain to join the Common Market.
Is it time for the EU to scale down its self-importance? Sounds more up to date and realistic. And so does: Is it time for the UK to restore its self-importance, after foolishly abandoning the multiracial Commonwealth for the hideously white European Union, for forty years.
And therefore another idea for a Newsnight question would be: Should we arrest all remain supporters for racism?
The BBC do know that the UK is a permanent member of the UN Security Council and possesses a nuclear deterrent don’t they?
“If Britain isn’t big enough to compete on the world stage who the b****y h**l is?”
The BBC do know that the UK is a permanent member of the UN Security Council and possesses a nuclear deterrent don’t they?
Embolden…….Whereas the bbc is increasingly irrelevant in the era of multi-channel cable, satellite, youtube, netflix, the internet, smartphones etc electronic roadkill on the information superhighway BBC a stagecoach in the era of Shinkansen
In Australia, we get your “BBC World Service” and for at least 17 straight years now, Islam is front and centre of all of it’s news services and specific programmes. We never hear anything to do with Britain much at all. Anyone listening to the World Service could easily be forgiven for thinking it is a specifically Islamic news and current affairs service like Al Jazeera. To me, it is the propaganda wing of Islam with polished British accents. Shameful.
The domestic world service output is also awful too nowadays. Half the presenters don’t speak understandable English and the schedule of the station is an input.
As to the scaling down of Blighty – well – stop importing spongers from the new commonwealth. Stop the accursed Nhs being the international NHS and end the overseas aid budget . I hear Ethiopia is planning to have a space program. It wasn’t April 1 and it might be false news….
For years now the BBC World Service has been about broadcasting the views of the rest of the world into Britain. (Very few foreigners actually listen to it despite the Beeb’s fake statistics).
This is unlike Russia Today for example which does the opposite.
It has got worse in the sense that Radio 4 has now adopted the same mode of broadcasting the views of the foreigners in Britain to the native inhabitants. And little else.
It is all about inducing white guilt.
Apparently Spain is twice as important as the UK!? (that’s Spain’s flag on the left!)
Now remind me NEWSNIGHT people how has Spain – say for example – improved/saved the lives of countless innocent people since the 2nd WW? Even then Spain had a great coward of a leader I seem to remember! He sided with Hitler!
I hear this ALL the time from anyone vaguely connected with leftism. A friend of mine calls it ‘our national self-flagellation’. It’s pathetic. Yet I’ve heard, time and time again from people in other countries how much they admire Britain. Not just in Commonwealth countries but EU countries as well. Several times when abroad, I’ve tried to explain our national self-hatred to foreigners who have said to me in confusion that they had met British people who seemed to hate their own country.
I can only explain this as some sort of hangover of imperialism, of not wanting to appear too big for our boots. But we are told time and time the empire is over, so surely the concomitant self hatred should be over as well?
Maybe we’d be less self important if millions of immigrants from the West Indies, India, Pakistan , Africa ,failing European countries such as France, Poland, Spain , Greece, the Baltic states and god knows where queue up to get into Blighty for the purpose of personal economic improvement , healthcare and making British culture more diverse and ‘enriched’. Or not. (Apologies to anyone who don’t like Little Englanders like me)
British culture more diverse and ‘enriched’. – Fedup
Interesting phrase isn’t it, Fedup. What diversity and enrichment does this entail? Certainly not in the way of science, as most of that was European (with this I also mean Britain), Britain has a culture going back to ancient Roman times, so not that either. Rock and pop music has seen a lot of innovation come from Britain so that’s out. No, the only change I see is the watering down and self censorship of anything intrinsically white European and being replaced by cultures from more IN-YOUR-FACE, forceful religions that demand respect and compliance. It’s happening here in Australia now and we are only a population of 24 million. That makes us more vulnerable. The Asian migration in the 1970’s wasn’t a problem. I enjoyed seeing them here and they’ve made an enormous contribution to Australia’s development. But then Islam came along. In Adelaide, we have just had a new hospital built from scratch. It has the latest technology and cutting edge design. But, let’s not forget the specially built Islamic prayer rooms with washing rooms for the Muslims. This thing alone cost 2.4 million. Meanwhile, there is no room to keep paper records, they are in an outside shipping container and no room for research labs in the hospital itself. We are mugs.
I can’t watch Newsnight anymore. I detest the interviewing styles of Evan Davies and Kirsty Wark. It seems a long time ago that I used to admire and respect the likes of Cliff Michelmore, Richard Dimbleby, Kenneth Allsop and a host of other heavyweight anchormen who have all disappeared. The BBC now is full of strident lefties like Wark and weirdoes like Davies who clearly hate their own country and many of their compatriots. They are so condescending, antagonistic and disrespectful to their understandably defensive and unforthcoming guests that a good and illuminating interview never happens. Newsnight is a waste of time.
Cranmer/ Zelazek,
Totally agree with both of you .
Wonder if the BBC still pays Wark via her company for tax efficiency purposes . Can’t beat socialists…
It seems the rot started early at the BBC. My father who served in tbe RAF in the Middle East during WWII loathed Dimblebore senior with a vengeance. According to my father, Dimblebore spent all his time in Alexandria and made his reputation as a war correspondent through the efforts of others. I’m remembering this from 50 years ago. Is this just a service man’s rumour? The Dimblebore dynasty is now very well connected with the upper echelons. Were the Dimblebores always part of the establishment, i.e. pre-WWII?.
ID, BBC bias goes back a long way. Churchill (not someone given to paranoia) believed that he was persistently refused interviews on the BBC during the 1930s, due to his opposition to the appeasement of Germany and anti Indian independence stance.
Interesting remark. I suppose it is naive to believe that pre-war and during the war,the BBC was all benign paternalism and only recently developed a political agenda.
We have to remember that John Reith was a Leftist, possibly Communist, and molded the BBC in his image. Nothing has changed. The BBC was Marxist right from the start.
Grant, I’m not sure he was, unless he kept it well hidden. From what I read he was a staunch Presbyterian, he also served in the front line in WW1 and continued as an officer in the Territorials after the war. I think the leftist elements were in the generation a bit younger than him, the Burgess/McClain/Philby types. I suspect Reith gave the BBC its ‘nanny knows best’ puritanical stance, but it was originally from a dissenting Christian perspective. There are, of course, strong links between the dissenting church and left wing politics, however.
Well we could debate this forever.
But, in my view, Reith was a Left-wing , totalitarian who suppressed freedom of speech on the BBC. He also supported Hitler and the Nazis. After they invaded Czechoslovakia Reith supported Hitler. He also supported Mussolini.
John Reith was an evil bastard and the BBC today relects his perverted mind. I could go on….
And maybe not relevant, but he was bisexual ! Again, setting the tone for the BBC !
That’s interesting. Hitler purged and murdered all of the leftwing elements in the Nazi party in the Night Of The Long Knives. The SA who were the Nazi Party enforcers and leftwing, were wiped out along with their leader Ernst Rohm. Hitler saw them as a threat and appointed his own SS to do this. Hitler went on to wipe out communists and liberals too in the wider population. Hitler himself was hard line rightwing.
Apparently, a certain Guy Burgess was a BBC producer who made it his mission to block Churchill from the airwaves. He obviously came to fame for his other activities.
The comments to that post would make worrying reading for Ian Katz, James Harding or Lord Halll… if the BBC actually had to worry about serving Britain accurately and sensibly. But it doesn’t.
A scroll through the programme Twitter timeline shows just what the bubble dwellers there obsess about all the time, when not directly insulting their audience.
It reads like a Private Eye spoof cartoon strip of luvvie trigger issues.
We could do with an alternative to the BBC, something like..–(None)_A2.jpg
Reflecting the cultural diversity of the UK, championing alternative points of view..
.. but that is what the BBC sees as being its job, pushing any idea that isn’t main-stream British, common-sense or proven to work by past experience. The BBC is biased but pretends it isn’t; Channel 4 is biased by statute. We need something new..the ‘Home Service’?
Breitbart tv channel Jim.
Looking at the string of posts above isn’t it amazing that our Tory government has not done anything about the Anti-British Broadcasting Corporation?
Perhaps it hasn’t noticed ?
Perhaps it will abolish the Telly Tax ?
But perhaps it does not have the Balls ?
The Tory Government consisists of politicians who belong with the other five Ps who
have collaborated
Police, Press, Politicians, Priests, Professors and Prosecutors
“isn’t it amazing that our Tory government has not done anything about the Anti-British Broadcasting Corporation?”
Sadly, no UK government would even think about making the BBC lose its monopoly over the licence payers cash! – There are far too many rainbow fascists and anti-family sexperts deeply rooted within the BBC!
I can only guess that the Islamisation of your government has progressed beyond the point of no return. Anything even approaching Anti-Islam activity and that includes changing the BBC, will be labelled a racist.
The British Empire became the British Commonwealth, and then the Royal Commonwealth for the 16 Commonwealth Realms.
The Commonwealth Realms provide the Queen with 10,335,644 square miles under her rule, the largest amount of territory under the rule of one person in the 21st Century. She rules over 100 of the worlds territories, with the Queen represented by the Union Jack in 29 of the 30 territorial flags with a Union Jack. Although Fiji is a republic, she is still recognised in the flag as the Chief of Chiefs of the indigenous people of Fiji. The Union Jack in the flag of Hawaii represents the first flag of Hawaii, given to Hawaii by Captain Cook.
By leaving the undemocratic European Union, Her Majesty the Queen would now be pleased that she can now guarantee the sovereignty of her Royal Commonwealth Realms from undemocratic interference from the European Union, as was advised by Philip Benwell, National Chairman of the Australian Monarchist League.
Woo hoo! BBC came top in another poll… of one.
The comments are funny, if only for the witty comebacks from those offended.
Oh, and about Facebook…
BBC News – The joy of a Christian-Muslim wedding
“Muslims and Christians mostly live in harmony” …. yep! that’s in Egypt
this has to be Al BBC la la land … because it certainly isn t at all true in Egypt.
The BBCs latest apologetics for Islam .
Note that its a Muslim male and non Muslim female, following from Quran to propagate Islam.
If it was a Muslim female? … probably a riot, a lot of looting of Christian shops
as an excuse – the groom maybe killed?, honour murder for the bride?
… Scrap the BBC now.
This is typical of the Islamic Ministry of Enlightenment & Propaganda, commonly known as the BBC.
Agreed. Can’t help banging on about Gambia, but quite common there for a christian man to be married to a muslim woman. Wouldn’t even raise an eyebrow. But to quote a Gambian academic friend of mine ” Grant, you have to realise that Gambians do not really understand Islam, and thank God for that “. I really do fear for christians in Arab countries and the evidence justifies it. From the BBC, total silence about the Genocide of christians. You would almost think that they support it…….
Yet the BBC are keen to report on the persecution of Muslims in Burma, which is about the only place on God’s green earth where it’s happening.
I thought The Gambia had a lot of mosques. No?
It is about 90% muslim, but some mosques and churches share the same building. Many muslims send their children to christian schools. There is, so far, no religious, racial or tribal conflict. Much of the rest of the world could learn from Gambia’s example.
Tomorrow is a public holiday for all in Gambia. So is christmas day ! Long may it continue.
Is this the Gambian version of the BBC then?
Do not believe anything you read in Freedom Newspaper. They have a vested interest in fomenting tribalism. It is true that Jammeh , who is Jola, tried to attack the Mandinkas as he became aware the he was losing power, but he failed. The biggest threat to harmony in Gambia, in my opinion, is the vestiges of his party, the APRC, which I believe should be banned. They are the biggest source of trouble. But , Gambia is still much more peaceful than the UK, which is not saying much , I suppose.
I could go on at great length , but this is not the forum. I suppose, having lived their since 2002, I feel I have some claim to knowledge of the country.
As I say, I would not recommend Freedom newspaper for a balanced view and it is full of Fake News and has been for many years. If you are really interested, I would suggest “The Point” newspaper and “Foroyaa ” ( coincidently meaning “Freedom ” ) , for fairly unbiased coverage. Thank you for your interest in a country and people I love and respect !
Thank you for elaborating. It’s usually best to hear from someone on the inside [so to speak].
You are welcome. Gambia is unique and I would never want it to end up like most muslim countries. That would break my heart. I suppose I still have some idealism left !
My wife is Wolof from a muslim family. No-one ever commented about her marrying an atheist. Perhaps funniest was our wedding in a church in Banjul. The magistrate and clerk were muslims. The clerk put a bible in front of me and I explained that I could not swear on it. She looked daggers at me and the magistrate said to her ” Mrs. Ceesay, I have to inform you that The Gambia is a secular Republic which recognises all religions and none. ”
Jammeh declared it an “Islamic Republic ” and everyone ignored him. He said all female civil servants should wear headscarves to work. The muslim women said ” what about our christian sisters ? “. He quietly dropped the idea.
Gambia is unique, but not in the BBC way, thank God !
If you thought Al Beeb was causing damage to the UK’s reputation at home – you should try watching BBC World form overseas- it is truly catastrophic. Totally Anti US- anti Brexit with a constant stream of pro-Islamic bullshit. Oh yes and Katty Kay romping through downtown Washington DC telling the World that “the BBC has never taken sides in any war, revolution or election “(wtf) guess that must include WW2 ?
Yes, the BBC’s idea of impartiality is not to take the side of good against evil. In fact it is worse than that. They take the side of evil against good.
Home Front…… BBC radio 4 and 4 Extra
A drama serial tracking First World War characters.
BBC as usual working to their own agenda.
Re writing history again ….
Dare say they will bring in Brexit next!
Well, just for curiosity, since it is meant to be Easter by all accounts (I’m not religious at all), I turned on the BB Bloody C and what did I come across? Islam, more Islam and still more Islam. The only reference to anything Christian were the Copts, notice it’s still the bloody Middle East. No mention of Islamic Terrorism, just on how they are keeping themselves safe during Easter. What a load of BS by the BB Bloody C.
For the vermin at the BBC , the only good Jew or Christian is a dead Jew or Christian. Beeboids are so convinced that, if they lick the muslim ass, they will be spared. That is how stupid they are. Morons.
Grant you dont need to be a Christain or Jew to be a non-person according to BBC principles anybody non-leftard or non-muslim is an untermench acording to the BBC and is unworthy of life or respect
So true !
I swear I am not imagining this – a few years ago early on Easter morning before the 8am news I think, R4 played a couple of verses of the hymn ‘Christ the Lord is Risen Today’. I almost fell out of my chair with surprise. I wonder if they still do this?
Someone pressed the wrong button.