Guido reported that that looney, dishonest, hate mongering ‘New European’ has been trying to stir up yet more hate and anger with its latest edition which doubles as toilet paper…though the old joke that more crap comes off it might well apply here…
Remain-cheerleading newspaper The New European has accidentally released an internal marketing note detailing its plan to “stir up controversy” and inflame community tensions across Britain’s Brexit heartlands.
The sneering front page was emailed out this afternoon accompanied by a note revealing The New European‘s ploy to sow division in order to boost sales:
“The cover story – Skegness: The seaside town that Brexit could close down; this is unlikely to go down well, locally, and there is an opportunity to stir up some controversy locally – worth sending the cover and the story to local television and newspapers (as I don’t suppose we sell many copies there).”
The BBC’s report on this is somewhat less than honest, missing out as it does the fact that the Neo European intended to ‘stir up controversy’ in an area where so many voted for Brexit…the BBC skirts the issue not acknowledging that this was done deliberately with the intention to create controversy and anger…and then adds a quote from the Neo European that Leave voters are stupid…so no change there then from the Remainders…
The magazine appeared to be aware that the cover would prompt controversy, as it acknowledged in an email sent out with a copy of the front page ahead of publication.
The email suggested the cover and article were “unlikely to go down well”.
The editor, Matt Kelly, has responded to some of the criticism on social media, tweeting: “Yet again, so many leavers demonstrating inability to understand satire.”
The BBC also gives the impression that it is only the ‘stupid’ Leave voters who will be upset..and yet Remain voters in the area are just as annoyed..
Er… what? I am a Remainer but also a proud Northerner and this front page is so bloody patronising …
Perhaps the New European’s idea of peace comes from this man whom they praise lavishly…
‘McGuinness was a good man whose sizeable place in Irish history is assured’
However it is not peace that the New European wants…it’s civil war, national breakdown and defeat…
All who have the best interests of the UK at heart by wishing to see the UK remain in the European Union, must fight to make the defeat of Brexit happen much sooner.
And how about this for a bit of historical rewriting as WWI and WWII, not to mention the Soviet Empire, go missing…and er the 100 year’s war, the Reformation, the Spanish armada etc etc etc etc etc…yep largely at peace in Europe for two thousand years….
If you look back across the landscape of European history for two thousand years, you notice that in the periods of European unification, first under the Roman Empire, then under the somewhat looser umbrella of Christendom, then since the beginnings of the European Union, Europe has flourished and been largely at peace.
And under Napoleon’s attempted ‘unification’ 7 million people were killed in the various wars…..Pax Europa? My arse…and even now the EU’s expansionist programme is kicking off a new world war as Putin goes on the defensive….and the liberal empire building is, according to the BBC, resulting in the rise of the Far Right across Europe once again as the ‘liberal elite’ impose their own dictatorship upon the people….and impose Islam upon them as well…it can’t end well can it?
The ‘Far Right’ is only a counter-reaction to the oppressive diktats of the EU…it is a creature of its own making…if the EU was less tyrannical and autocratic, remove the politics, and remove the drunks, the bullies, the wannabe Hitlers/Stalins at the helm, and instead went back to the idea of a common market with co-operation and not enforced unity, the ‘EU’ might be more acceptable, but in its present state, as a burgeoning superstate that crushes all dissent, it has no future….and even less of a future if it keeps importing, and ignoring, Islam.
As Ingo Kramer, head of the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations, put it, “We need immigration for our labor market and to allow our social system to function.” Large numbers of these immigrants have come from Muslim countries, bringing with them a religion and social mores radically different from Europe’s. Yet European countries have done a poor job of demanding assimilation of immigrants into the cultures of their new homes.
The result has been large concentrations of immigrants segregated in neighborhoods like the banlieues of Paris or the satellite “dish-cities” of Amsterdam. Shut out from labor markets, plied with generous social welfare payments, and allowed to cultivate beliefs and cultural practices inimical to liberal democracy, many of these immigrants despise their new homes and find the religious commitment and certainty of radical Islam an attractive alternative. And like the two French-Algerian brothers who attacked the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, some turn to terrorism.
Such violence, along with cultural practices like honor killings, forced marriages, and polygamy, remind Europeans of just how alien many immigrants are. They are stoking a political backlash against Muslims, the political consequences of which will be disruptive, if not dangerous. Populist parties, for example, opposed to unfettered immigration, angry at sluggish economies, and chafing against E.U. regulatory encroachments on national sovereignty, are growing across Europe. And there are signs that there is a constituency for these parties.
See the NUJ code of conduct on race.
It tells journalists that they must give special treatment to minorities.
And fight “far right parties”.
The problem is that language can be twisted as to what is “far right” ..and who is a minority.
Thus genuine criminals can get special reporting protection, whilst anyone who is not leftwing is sanctioned and labelled far-right.
Yes, thanks….interested to read this…
‘Members should have the right to withhold their labour on grounds of conscience where employers are providing a platform for racist propaganda.’
Don’t see anyone at the BBC doing that in relation to the myriad of Muslim propagandists that appear on the BBC or those who promote a ‘black power’ agenda such as BLM and who insist US police kill Blacks more than whites depsite the evidence showing it is the other way around….then again it is the BBC’s own journalists who promote such racist propaganda themselves.
‘A fairer term to use for someone who has outstayed their visa is “undocumented” or “irregular”.’
Hmmm…but the BBC uses the term to describe illegal immigrants not just those people who overstay their visa…who wouldn’t be migrants as such.
And aren’t Israeli settlers ‘undocumented migrants’ in the BBC’s eyes? What’s the difference between the Jewish settlers swarming into the West Bank and the Mexican settlers flooding into the US? Is it just that they are Jewish? Anti-Semitism? Must be.
Well I never . Dear Sturmer is back with a new set of people to draw horrible caricatures of .
BBC Radio Lincolnshire used the ‘report once and let’s move on’ tactic.
Previously some staff have proudly described on air, how they’d never touch the Daily Mail.
Bet if UKIP had tried a similar stunt it would have been selected for “BBC operation banging on”
Their Facebook post is rather limp :
Did anyone see that its new Editor at Large is one Alastair Campbell?
Is there any surprise in what this rag has to say on anything?
I bought a copy out of curiosity a few weeks ago. There was a big interview with Campbell, who decried the spin and dishonesty of the Leave campaign.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
(Are we still allowed to say that?)
Of course the real reason why Germany has not been able to start any more wars is partly because, until 1989, it was a divided country with occupation by Allied troops. Also its military forces were deliberately restricted. There is also the factor of NATO.
There have also been many wars in which brother has taken up arms against brother, e.g. the English Civil War for one. You don’t need nation states to start a war.
The new european……….Hmmm, pro-EU check, writen by pro journos check, Hmm balance and high grade journalism from the new european nah, If we followed the new european’s funding trail would the trail lead to the same funding source that gave the odious BBC £22 milion since 2007 a good chance, Is the new european read by intellectual retards incapable of thinking for themselves, deffinitely, So then the only real use that the new european is as a replacement for Al-Guardian as toilet paper