Happy Easter everyone ! including those of non-faith. And if anyone is offended, well, go console yourself with an overdose of the BBC, cos I ain’t apologising.
I’ve just turned off but if you’re interested BBC News Channel are now featuring Kofi Smiles ‘BBC’s face of the Hull City of Culture’ presenting what is supposed to be an arts review of Hull but which we are promised will celebrate ‘womens boxing legend Barbara Buttrick’.
As far as I’m concerned women’s boxing is not a sport the BBC ought to promote – it is certainly not an art form.
It is interesting to speculate about the extent to which a given name can help mold and define future character. Kofi Smiles is certainly a cheery chap. Perhaps that’s what the BBC had in mind when they looked at him and said now that’s the face of a guy that says Hull.
The comments are worth a read…. This one caught my eye….
I’ve heard a rumour that Kim Jong Un is going to be the new face of Lincoln and Barrack Obama the new face of Goole and last but not least Idi Amin the face of Grimsby. perfect BBC impartiality.
And here is a very interesting link….. Read the Transcript…. It`s dated…
Transcription: Kofi smiles
Interview with Kofi Smiles
Interviewer: Jerome Whittingham
Date: 29 November 2016
At the very least, there must be some unease at the slow but sure islamic terraforming of the UK. Surely the country’s senior judges, senior military commanders and police chiefs are feeling and indeed, discussing that unease? I will not accept that they and others responsible in Government are oblivious to the, once incremental but now full acceleration, towards total islamisation. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/10191/sharia-councils-sexual-abuse
Our UK is being rapidly transformed to suit foreigners of an islamic persuasion and I, for one are heartily pissed off with it. Politicians are often referring to, “our country” in a number of contexts: it appears to be excluding one – islam for it is rapidly becoming ‘their’ country.
Indeed. I’ve seen a number of videos over the years of aggressive blokes of Indian Sub-Continental appearance telling whites to eff off because ‘this is a Muslim area’ (I seem to recall a former Labour Home secretary was on the receiving end of such some years ago, though in that case I think the aggressor might have been of African heritage).
Next comes ‘Eff off this is a Muslim city’.
Next comes….(you got it).
If you had a priority list of countries across the world in need of more ‘multiculturalism’ I reckon the UK would be somewhere near the bottom. Top would be any Arab country of your choice.
You’re right. Abu Izadeen was his name. Also known as Trevor Brookes. I remember him screaming at the Minister, “How dare you come here? This is a muslim area”. Erm..no it isn’t Trev. It’s a BRITISH area infested with muslims.
My apologies to BBC Breakfast’s Sally Nugent. Earlier this morning to open a news report our Sally used the odd phrase: “A future Labour Government says it would…”
I speculated that this oddly portentous formulation sounding vaguely sci-fi – albeit distopian – might have been the fault of our Sally misreading the autocue.
I have to take back this suggestion.
My alternative speculation was that BBC news editors had employed this peculiar phrase in subliminal hope and expectation of their preferred future governance of the country.
And so it turns out to be. Our BBC News Channel second-string news anchor Shaun Ley employs the very same strange mixing of present and future tenses to begin one of his reports.
Sorry, Sally.
BBC, do please get some news editors who are not closet Labourites.
BBC in total meltdown and living on a different planet. Brexit, Trump. Then Labour, Lib Dems and Greens totally unelectable. Beeboids pathetic little world turned upside down. No amount of their crude propaganda will make any difference. We don’t buy their Fake News and lies anymore, but we still have to pay for it.
A future Labour Government led by Sadiq Khan, a moderate, far leftist, pro Moslem, feminist, working class background (his dad was a bus driver did you not know) and highly intelligent pro remaining anti Trump Londoner.
Don’t laugh; it is only Corbyn and Abbott that is keeping the Tories in power. No way Treezer could win an election without them
Is her family connected to Labour ?
Well it’s quite strange that the name of her husband is secret. (it’s not David Nugent she said)
Is that just about keeping her kids safe from nutters ?
Apologies for my posting absence I have been lurking for the last 8 months or so mainly due to work commitments, hey someone needs to pay our “guests” welfare bill don’t they. I’m back (and in Spain so feel I can let rip for a few weeks) and am looking forwards to engaging in discussion of this mess that we are in.
Regardless I hope everyone is well and I also see the trolls are back. As I’ve mentioned many times I grew up within a stones throw from W1A and am more than happy to dish out some prosseco to our resident trolls. Although they never seem to take me up on the offer ?.
Welcome back. Actually the Trolls have been quiet for the last few weeks. No doubt waiting for the right time to unleash their awesome sense of humour on us !
Many thanks Grant. Great to be back! I see you’ve been holding the fort, good man. Haha I haven’t seen kikuchiyo in a while although tomo (I believe) seems to have the company iPad in the canteen firing out the SJW platitudes. Bless them the real world is caving in and they’re hitting back. As I say great to be back and well done fellow bBBCers holding the traitors feet to the fire.
Brutal – Many of us think the new kidz sound very much like the old kidz.
Equally as picky and equally as sneering but only generally wanting to base an argument on technicalities rather than the issues themselves.
I do laugh but try not to feed them. Listening to someone basing an argument on the basis of a misplaced apostrophe certainly smacks of desperation and too high a level of oestrogen – I put it down to London water. I guess the poor darlings are confused about everything.
I was amused to hear on Toady this morning, the Affirmative Action Hireling (aka Mi-shall Hussain) getting her hairy @rse well and truly kicked when she interviewed a specialist in child abuse cases; he had been brought in to look at the evidence Wiltshire Police had on Ted Heath et al and produce a report on it. His conclusion: it’s all b******s!
That had gone down like a pork chop at a Bar Mitzvah with Salisbury’s Finest, who attempted to suppress his report and him too by the sound of things; al beebus are also fretting about the wheels coming off this extortionately expensive enquiry into alleged Tory Paedos, if this interview was anything to go by.
Poor AAH got nowhere with this chap, he parried away all her questions with little difficulty and put her firmly back into her burkha. It was a satisfying five minutes or so of radio by which to prepare scrambled eggs.
Al Subtill, hilarious line, made my weekend :-‘Affirmative Action Hireling (aka Mi-shall Hussain) getting her hairy @rse well and truly kicked’.
Putting aside her obvious hirsute issues, ‘Missile’ tried to ignore the Savile line by the brave Professor and then the traitor read a long statement by the police to get the final word in.
It seems like the Wiltshire Police went fishing for trouble two years ago and are still at it to save face. I think it is high time for a visit from the members of ‘AC 12’!!
I caught the last 5 minutes of the programme on the Galapagos Islands last night. Apparently there’s an undersea volcano there and a ludicrously over-excited Liz Bonin explained what the pictures already showed. Liz told us – in the tone and wording reserved for speaking to 5-year olds whose attention might wander if they’re not constantly stimulated and prompted – that the volcano was producing streams of CO2 bubbles and that consequently the sea was being warmed and becoming acidic.
It was evident that despite the evil bubbling CO2 and the warming sea, undersea life was (in Liz’s word) “thriving”. Odd that, since, according to the BBC’s “climate science” propaganda reportage (cf the imminent destruction of the Great Barrier Reef) sea acidification and growing warmth are the incredibly destructive products of “climate change” and must be stopped at all costs – particularly to the taxpayers of the West. I expected Liz to demand that the volcano be immediately concreted over but, no, she couldn’t stop telling us – at tedious length – how wonderful it all was. According to the BBC then, CO2 pumped into the sea is beneficial (cf Galapagos) and is destroying Gaia (cf Harrabin). It would be nice if the BBC could, at least, lie consistently.
Back to reality Unbongo – Can the BBC not call International Rescue on any radio frequency this will be picked up by Thunderbird 5 and relayed to Tracy s Island where Jeffyne, Scottie and the girls will dispatch a Uterus shaped space rocket to the disaster zone which will circle the Volcano, shame it by dropping anti climate change placards onto its surface and then calm it by singing songs of female empowerment so that the volcano can get in contact with its feminine side.
Or perhaps more realistically I suppose they could call the new kids on the block “The White Helmets” who will dig any muslim victims out of the rubble (leaving any Christian ones in situ – if they cant recite the Koran) then threaten the volcano with a knife or Kalashnikov to stop it erupting and disturbing Friday Prayers.
Umbongo, just doesn’t figure in BBC thinking that ‘life’ (whether human or animal) generally likes and thrives in warm conditions.
Kate Humble did a series on these Undersea vents that I recall seeing back in my TV viewing days. I have refered to this occasionally when in debate with Global Alar/War-mists. The BBC were still growing their present enthusiasm for Global Warming then and hadn’t at that point really caught on to Climate Change but this knowledge did not stop them cornering a large part of the market for contradiction.
You would have thought that their recent coverage of the Hawaii eruption would have alerted them to the fact that the core of our planet is jolly hot and that that hot stuff is not far off our toes in some places on the globe.
Kate Humble is totally ignorant of science and has no background in it, so perfect for the BBC. I always remember some years ago, on “Springwatch”, she thought that Willow Warblers nest in trees ! Typical Beeboid. Stupid.
It is friday and it is Easter friday so expect muslim terrorist attacks. BBC website reports that a Palestinian has stabbed to death a British tourist in Jerusalem.
The murdered British tourist in Jerusalem was a 23 year old Christian . The terrorist scum bag is a Muslim. So what’s new? The BBC has gone into panic mode trying to do some covering up. I doubt if the Christian religion of the
slaughtered young woman will be mentioned. Christianity is a dirty word so far as the BBC is concerned. As for our Muslim friend he will of course be mentally ill. It’s just a shame that he didn’t succeed in committing suicide when swallowing razor blades recently.
It was so nice and thoughtful of the bBBC to provide a tweeted picture of the weapon (large knife) for us. Really helps to feel the enrichment, no regard to the family of the victim. I’m surprised they hadn’t left the blood on it….oh, it’s now on their hands as usual.
I am afraid the BBC have fully bought into the MCB/Khan narrative that only crimes against muslims are worth reporting in any detail and crimes against anyone else is just part and parcel of being in a big city.
As a nation we are so intolerant and dare I say it “Islamaphobic. I know for a fact that if we hadnt been so racist toward our new guests and let all those trollops in Rotherham seduce all those chaste and unsullied followers of the prophet, race relations between our respective communities would be a lot better.
On my way back to the UK after an extended period abroad, having had little exposure to English-speaking media channels other than BBC World. One thing sticks out like a very sore thumb, and that is the latest BBC World internal ad, starring none other than that fair and balanced reporter Katty Kay, burbling on about how the BBC can rightfully claim to be the planet’s most trusted source of news, because, among other things, it has ‘…never taken sides in any revolution, conflict or election’
The hypocrisy of this beebette and her masters is breathtaking…‘never taken sides in an election’ ? Really ? So there was never even a hint of bias in her, or the BBC’s, coverage of the latest US election ? Nor recent UK elections ? And if we’re talking about democratic votes in general, the Brexit Referendum ?
I am watching the Silk Road on BBC, as much to spot the ‘message’ as to follow the route. The message is pretty much as expected, viz. the West in indebted to Islamic scholars who developed mathematics, astronomy and architecture. Indeed without them the European renaissance would never have happened. In fact without all the gifts of knowledge that came from China and the Islamic world Europe would still be stuck in the Dark Ages.
No mention has been made that armed with this seed of knowledge Europeans developed the modern world in a little over five centuries , whilst both Islam and China regressed and developed nothing new since the fourteenth century. Whilst China is emerging from that regression, Islam is not.
Of course we could all have predicted that would be the BBC message without watching the series. They are so predictable , so sure of themselves and yet so wrong ,stupid and dangerous, and all paid for by us.
Also glossed over is the fact that the expansion of Islam took place only by bloody and brutal conquest. I’m sure that the BBC presenter would have had a field day if the conquest had been by Christians rather than Muslims, regaling us at length with the despicable and bloody acts of the conquerors. Making sure that all Europeans should be ashamed. This is exactly what the BBC did in programmes about South American civilisations and the brutal Spanish conquest. Why then are the bloody events of the Muslim conquest of Central Asia ignored?
To sum up , the BBC message is that Europeans owe a huge debt of knowledge to Islam and that Islam , unlike Christianity , doesn’t have blood up to its arm pits. So There is nothing to fear from Islam or mass migration , only good things have resulted from them over millennia.
I have yet to see any evidence of this age of Wonder (more like plunder tbh!!) The only thing I can think of that was in any way new to science was probably the Bubonic Plague…
Driving past Salisbury Cathedral I often wonder how the masons managed to build it . The BBC would have me believe it was actually a visiting Arab that did it.
After all we here were savages back in those days.
A good point. Perhaps a boat load of Muslim masons ( see what I did there) arrived with William the Norman and stayed throughout the violent repression of the English. They then got out their tools and began building.
Blair sounded so good in 1997 when he promised change, broad new uplands and ‘things can only get better.’ I wish he had been more honest.
“Do you dream of a world where lawyers like my wife and mates can make millions defending terrible people once the Human Rights Act is passed? A wonderful world where the cherished cockney world of Only Fools and Horses is lost forever due to mass immigration? A world where across the land there will be people plotting treason and murder, and it will be illegal to talk about it? And 20 years from now everyone will know in their hearts: things can only get worse.”
Shocking video – these barbaric neandarthals are more interested in recording the poor guy with their phone than helping. Makes me sick to see what a world we have created.
There’s one from Paris where two young American girl tourists fare at least better than that poor girl in Jerusalem, but mainly because some Brits intervene.
Not clear if they were Chelsea supporters. If so, it may be on the BBC a lot.
I had the experience of visiting Holland Park, not far from Kensington Palace, last year, for business reasons. In the early 70s I lived in W2. Would I want to live there now? Not a chance – gradual ‘White Flight’ ever Westward!
London’s murder rate is far from being the highest in the UK. The only reason the City ranks at all is because the number of residents is extremely low.
Manchester, Blackpool and parts of E Anglia are worse. Glasgow has been appalling for decades.
On lesser crimes, I’m always surprised how many alcohol induced air rage incidents are on flights to/from Manchester. A brawl involving 8 people broke out in the stalls of a Manchester theatre a few days ago. Doubt if that could be blamed on blacks because they don’t go.
We have serious policing problems – or should I say, non-policing problems.
Left last month and I’m not going back. The place is multicultural heaven. 13 years of riots and verbal abuse from young black men was enough. By the way if you want to call me racist, then please note I’m also ageist and sexist. It was that particular group of society in London who are responsible for 60% to 70% of all violent street crime yet make up less than 5% of the population. For those who know their history you can blame the Scarman report and the Lawrence enquiry for the current state of affairs. I will freely admit that we stopped white people just to make the figures better for the number of black people we stopped. I was tasked with stop and search in an area where there were only white people (but almost no crime).
London – the canary in the coal mine for the rest of the UK, it’s quite a future ours and future generations of Britons have to look forward to, isn’t it?
You watch something like that film and still cretins here wonder why Americans don’t want to surrender their right to carry guns with which to defend themselves.
Mice – Ah, diversity, doncha luv it? Wonder what Flabbott has to say and whether it’ll be all over the beeb like it would be if the colours were reversed.
Blacks are far more likely to commit violent crimes than whites. It’s just true – All over the world the worst murder rates are in areas infested with blacks. Glad I don’t live in London…
Seeing this and other countless videos and the daily body count of fatal stabbings by blacks in London, I must be honest and say I feel absolutely no desire whatsoever to be ‘enriched’ by having loads of blacks around me…
If that makes me racist, frankly I couldn’t give a toss…
Here’s the Evening Standard website. ALL of the really nasty crimes on the front page, have been committed by blacks – That’s not coincidence. The BBC NEVER reports these serious crimes…
BBC news at 18:30 cheerleading paid foe by the taxpayer foreign aid. Priti Patel tells us foreign aid let’s us keep our heads held high. I’m not sure exactly how that works. But as a nuclear power I don’t think we are staring at our feet. It’s long past time these hand outs stopped.
Dave 666,
Totally agree – put the £13 billion of taxpayers money into social care in Britain . Is a lot of money for politician such as Patel to be able to hold her head up. I am ashamed of the treatment tories and labour give to the old in our country. Maybe the BBC could campaign for it?/
I might have misheard but my favourite world at one Mardell said ” it’s Good Friday so we are going to give most of the programme over to marking 40 years since homosexuality was legalised” . I switched off then as my religion separates religion and sexuality . Someone tell me I heard wrong.
No Fedup, I heard the trailer where Mardell promised that most of the programme would be about what happened forty years ago. In times gone by, I would have thought that I had wanted to hear what is happening now, not stale news. But now, I just think I didn’t want to hear how ISIS is getting everything right, Trump is getting everything wrong and the world is getting hotter. I decided not to bother with WATO yesterday.
re that video..these venomous low-life scum are everywhere it seems..but it’s the future for us unless we do something radical. Perhaps we should try to get used to it? NO! ..if we acquiesce the UK will be run by these sub-humans in 20 years. Maybe someone will have the balls to stand up and be counted? I do hope so.
More possible ‘hate crime’ on BBC sport website. The Sun has published an article about Ross Barkley where he is likened to a gorilla. Apparently he has a black grandfather. I think they realise this is a bit tenuous as they have ‘racist’ in inverted commas.
Apparently Merseyside Police are investigating whether this is a racial hate crime. Who informed the Police? Was it the same intrepid crusaders who this morning were searching Amazon for potentially offensive logos? On Barkley’s wages does he really give a toss about this article? People are forever mocking footballers for being feral, perhaps this is all the journalist meant when he likened him to a gorilla?
His grandfather was black? So now when investigating ‘hate’ crimes you have to go all through your family tree to see if any possible offence could have been caused? How far back can you go? Can I sue the fish and chips shop up the road because I am evolved from sea-dwelling creatures so frying them offends me?
I have been out in Liverpool on a Saturday night – the Police need to be out and about keeping people safe, not ‘investigating’ the feelings of a millionaire footballer – someone who brushes off vicious abuse from rival fans every week and grew up on a council estate. As if he gives a toss.
Apparently the PFA have been contacted to offer ‘support’ to Barkley and his family. What support could he possibly need? I would advise him to check his bank balance if he needs cheering up.
They are now leading news bulletins with it on Five Live! Are they going to lead a vigil for Ross’s feelings and get us all to hold hands and light candles along the Mersey?
Something I inadvertently touched on in the spies and lies thread. Not realising that there are actually people out there who consider this reasonable – I rest my case.
Grant and Gax – The progressive MSM/BBC will not be truly happy until our society has regressed back to the stone age. Unfortunately for them by that time a London School of Economics BSC in Politics and International relations may not be so useful any more.
In preparation for that time maybe the LSE should consider running courses in Advanced Rape and Genocide (with an optional decapitation module) instead – only a thought!
On a brighter note – have just listened to Waltons Crown Imperial on Classic FM – Certainly beats Saturday Night Takeaway with Ant and Dec!
“Read the whole article.
It’s about dead eyes on the fballer being like gorilla.
Not race related at all.”
“Joe Anderson @mayor_anderson
Reported McKenzie&the S*n for their racist slur on Ross Barkley and the people of Liverpool to Merseyside Police&press complaints commission”
(Wow retweeted 3,300timee
Shows Alt-facts which fit narratives more powerful than TRUTH)
Yes. He was referring to the vacant look in his eyes, like a gorilla at a zoo.. It was the Mayor who decided he looked like one.
What an idiot ! Falsely reporting it as race crime And therefore devaluing ACTUAL race crime victims
Please someone report Mayor for wasting police time for POLITICAL gain !
The actual crime is Kevin McKenzie is sneering at scousers.
But they are tough enough to brush that off.
“Muslim men are allowed to hit their wives — but only gently, and not with fists, instead using short sticks and pieces of fabric, according to a new video produced by the Australian women’s branch of radical Islamic political movement Hizb ut-Tahrir.
It is impossible to reason with these women. The gulf between them and the Western view is total and cannot be bridged. The past knew this but we do not.
I have a strong urge to want to hit both of these women really really hard. Having to deal with this constant daily shit of Islam is turning me from just having moodswings into a monster.
Has anyone slowly seen, the bulls*it the last 2 days about the ONE bomb in Afghanistan? They are slowly trying to turn this into a Hiroshima 2.0, the c*ck s*ckers! Of course, they completely ignored the last 8 years, and in particular, 2016 –
That’s right, Obama bombed 7 different countries with 27,000 pounds of bombs, yet you would have scarcely heard anything at all about this, would you? In addition, when was the last time you heard any, ANY, report, about the numerous uses of bunker-busters, in the past, in Afghanistan – but now, it’s the “Trump is a war-mongerer” theme at all costs. I fuc*ing, can not stand them.
Me too! I wish they would disappear up their self admiring a***holes. The daily dose of Islam appeasing, bullshit propaganda just gets worse and worse, for instance
I am sure far more suffering is inflicted on an individual when his life is instantaneously snuffed out by a large bomb – He doesnt even get the chance to have a good wash of his wedding tackle before he pops off to meet his 73 virgins.
How much pleasenter a death it must be to be incarcarated, knowing that your wife and daughters are to be sold off and raped, then your hands are tied behind your back and have some islamic low life pull a knife slowly through your windpipe and arteries and then saw through your spinal column and finally removes your head.
That is obviously a good death.
Bloody evil yanks – they really must start treating their enemies with more respect.
For eight years under Wussy, Pussy Obama the West has been on the back foot – with, ‘oh dear, what will Russia, China, Iran, NK etc., do next?’
Now with Trump it’s them who have the wind up, which makes a nice change.
“US military defends use of massive bomb in Afghanistan” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-39603122
Note the use of the term “defends”.
Would the same word “defends” have been used in WW2 when the Dam Busters carried out their famous operation, i.e. RAF “defends” their use of the “bouncing bomb” against the Nazis?
Why should the US ‘defend’ the use of a bomb against a bunch of sadistic murderers that have no consideation or truck whatsoever with human rights ?
Trump was so impressive when asked about the MOAB: calm; decisive; in control. Everything you want from a leader.
He acts like he was born to do this job. And the MSM would have us believe he was ‘not fit for office’ whilst that effete ditherer Obama was the messiah? It shows how dangerous political correctness can be. They were so in thrall to the narrative of a black President that his ability to actually do the job was of minor importance to them.
Trump was so impressive when asked about the MOAB: calm; decisive; in control. Everything you want from a leader.
He acts like he was born to do this job. And the MSM would have us believe he was ‘not fit for office’ whilst that effete ditherer Obama was the messiah? It shows how dangerous political correctness can be. They were so in thrall to the narrative of a black President that his ability to actually do the job was of minor importance to them.
Hussein O’Bummer’s ‘policies’ in the Middle East were a complete disaster, he withdrew too quickly from Iraq, failed to intervene where he should and intervened where he shouldn’t. Result? Mayhem.
Charlie, I think you missed a few words out. If you’ll allow me I’ll add them to your paragraph.
If he had intended to act in America’s best interests “Hussein O’Bummer’s ‘policies’ in the Middle East were a complete disaster, he withdrew too quickly from Iraq, failed to intervene where he should and intervened where he shouldn’t. Result? Mayhem.” On the other hand, if he his intention was to damage western interests and advance islamic terrorist groups his policies were a complete success.
Equality should not mean certain groups getting a free pass.
Imagine if it came out that Bush had been spying on Obama’s team in the run up to the 2008 election. It would have been wall to wall coverage – the scoop of the century.
Obama does it to Trump and is goes straight down the memory hole.
I don’t think that the Democrtats understand that by defending Obama’s actions they’ve given Trump the freedom to do as he pleases in the 2020 election campaign. They have sown the wind and in 2020 they’ll reap the whirlwind.
Or are the rules different because Trump is white and is expected to have higher moral standards?
…and my final little bit of ‘reportage’ regarding BBC World News before getting back to the UK late tonight considers the BBC’s reporting of the parade in Pyongyang this morning to honour the current North Korean despot, Kim Jong Un, and the 105th birthday (????) of his dead grandfather Kim Il Sung. In fawning, and almost breathless, adulatory, terms, the parade was variously described as ‘impressive’, ‘stunning’, ‘an awesome display of military force’, etc., etc., in a segment over five minutes long.
This was followed a few minutes later by some beeboid from somewhere near the White House in D.C. who raved about how the situation regarding the Korean Peninsula was now entering a far more ‘uncertian’ phase – and that uncertainty was solely laid at the feet of the current US President, because the BBC was absolutely uncertain as to what he personally might do regarding North Korea. Suddenly we get a picture from the BBC of North Korea, one of the world’s scariest, craziest and utterly unpredictable dictatorships, known for murdering its own citizens, wherever in the world they might be, if they even think in any way less than reverential of their ‘illustrious leader’, as being the bastion of dependability and righteousness in a world where everyone else, and especially the US, is an immediate threat to its very existence.
Interestingly, these two reports bracketed another segment which showed the most recent composite pictures of the earth’s surface at night…showing all sorts of interesting data like the concentration of population along the Nile River, and so forth, and with the obvious gaping goal open to the BBC, they could have showed the abject blackness at night of the hell-hole that is North Korea…. but, of course, that was not highlighted, nor the reasons for it, because that might have spoiled the narrative of the two reports sandwiching it.
The BBC – some of the truth, some of the time – as long as it fits the ‘message’.
Richard – It reminds me of a beeb documentary I saw about the rapid spread of islam, described by some breathless beeboid ‘scholar’ as a ‘testimony to its vitality’.
Not aggression and violence, see? Vitality. Mmm, sexy.
I wonder if the spread of the British Empire would also be a testimony to its ‘vitality’ according to beebistan?
Another BBC racist moment on BBC Breakfast at about 7:25am this morning.
They were talking about Bluebell flowers asking the public to report where they are in the UK. The expert said “We also want the public to report whether the Bluebells are native or the Spanish variety”.
It was one of those awkward moments – we all know that even if the Bluebell came to the UK in a flower pot it would be 100% British immediately as it will be hard working and contribute to the UK economy. Therefore all flowers in the UK are native 100% no questions need to be asked about its origins.
Very true Tabs – The French Lavender in my garden doesn’t claim benefits and it also provides work for the local bees. I just wish I could get some Islamic rose bushes to add to the diversity so I could have a Kumbaya flower bed.
So we are down to our last trillion bluebells in the UK.
They came out later this year (let’s not dwell on that inconvenience to the narrative)
There are varieties of bluebells
Quick get some nut in a forest to mention climate change with absolutely no context whatsoever
Please tell me what the story is here BBC?. I am at a total loss
I know it’s probably too late and a lost cause but I would ask people to keep these places secret. Otherwise the interfering meddlers will be all over them and before long they’be ruined.
The BBC is still using the ‘mental illness’ lie. The murder of the English girl in Israel is another example.
And let’s not just say ‘the BBC’. We should name names. This time it was Sally Nugent on BBC Breakfast. Is she ‘just following orders’? Does she write her own words? In this case the words were preceded by ‘thought to suffer from’. Who thinks that? What is the source? Should she not say? Has she just made it up?
The Beeb have been doing good work trying to destigmatise mental health issues; there have been several programmes about it recently and I imagine producers see this as a New World of uncharted virtue signalling. Attributing so many murders to ‘mental health’ issues sits uneasily with this. It seems some minorities are more equal than others.
Now that Trump has tasted the delights of bombing his enemies to smithereens, one can only hope and pray he doesn’t get it into his head to annihilate his sworn enemies at Broadcasting House, W1A 1AA. The Geographical Coordinates are 51.5189° N, 0.1439° W, but I have no idea why I mention that as it would only be relevant to, say, someone programming a surgical missile strike.
The loss to our culture and way of life would be incalculable, though on the plus side we would all be better off by £145.50.
So that’s 51.5189° N, 0.1439° W.
Thank you Steve for the Manchester Media City co-ordinates. I wonder if missile-rich, fun-loving prankster Kim Jong-un ever looks at this site? Those co-ordinates might be of interest to him too.
Coast and Gax
I think we will soon be the enemy within!
It must be a difficult balancing act for the BBC – On the one hand you dont want to piss off too many of the white libtards (who are complicit in these changes within our society) until you have enabled power to be completely transferred to our new rulers – Peace be upon them!
On the other hand you need to keep the new “Master Race” on side and dont want them kicking off too soon as it could well spoil everything. And people (including our Libtard friends may well realise just how much freedom they stand to lose)
Sorry boys need to keep the lid on your taharrush fun just a bit longer – Aunty (at great personal embarrassment) has only just completed damage limitation operations on Cologne and Rotherham
BBC News Channel takes us out of the stuffy studio to a seasonal nature feature about bluebell woods – as we join a reporter accompanied by a nice chap from the Woodland Trust we are led to understand that this native plant is habitually flowering later in the year. This should be interesting – how might late flowering be squared with you-know-what climate tendency about which we hear so much on the BBC.
Disappointment prevails, I’m afraid. We have a couple of minutes of bluebell chat but although throughout the piece we still hope the explanation might just be a case of late flowering right to the end of the report we hear nothing. But trust our Woodland Trust guy he does tells us these plants are under threat from the likes of ‘trampling’ and of course ‘climate change’
How late flowering fits with climate change which is really supposedly global warming remains a mystery. Might as well ask the Fairies.
I find the late flowering argument difficult to comprehend. As the country warms up after winter there is obviously a point that triggers flowering. If the planet is warming, doesn’t the trigger temperature move to a point earlier in the year thereby triggering early flowering?
This climate change baffles me. My BSc(Hons) in Physics and Astrophysics seems to be of no use in this subject. I did graduate in the 80s though which, technically, makes me a pre-Enlightenment student.
Coming up at 8.55 on breakfast they have a YouTube sensation on – a mixed race woman! The presenter seems on the cusp of a virtuous orgasm.
Ah, Youtube – that safe space for conservatives where a big part of the war for Trump was won. Why not interview one of the many conservative voices on the platform in a fair and impartial manner? I have to get to work so cannot see them interview the young lady, but I would offer odds of a million to one on that her views are not conservative.
Yes, I just sat through that segment, and of course you are quite right. Interviwed The Wookie, and right on lefty Bill ( virtue signalling) Gates.
‘Bluebells: The survival battle of Britain’s native bluebells’
‘Britain’s native bluebells are under threat from an aggressive hybrid, so could they disappear completely? Many of the bluebells found in our gardens and urban areas are not the traditional British flower, they are in fact an aggressive hybrid (Hyacinthoides x massartiana) – the product of cross-breeding between the native bluebell and the Spanish variety (Hyacinthoides hispanica).’
‘This hybrid was first recorded in the wild in 1963. It’s highly fertile and has spread rapidly in the UK’s urban areas.’
Now now, let’s not have too much of of this nativism, please.
‘The cold weather means the bluebells normally carpeting woodlands at this time of year are weeks late, as the chilly conditions have caused the stalks to grow more slowly, the National Trust said.’
You have to admire the sheer front of the Woodland Trust guy to still get in his climate change piffle on the BBC this morning.
The BBC and their globalist chums in the German police and media are now claiming that the Dortmund team bus wasn’t bombed by Isis but by either the hard left or the hard right or , wait for it, disgruntled football fans, in fact anyone but Muslim terrorists. Perhaps they should include the possibility that the attack was perpetrated by ninety year old members of the SOE who didn’t realise that the war was over.
Really the authorities must be getting desperate to deflect the blame from Muslims. Perhaps the French requested that they try to downplay he Muslim connection to stop more voters going over to Le Penn. We can never over estimate the connivance of the authorities to keep up their’ nothing to do Islam ‘, pretence. But fewer and fewer people believe a word that eminate from the MSM these days, they are rapidly becoming a laughing stock.
BBC presenters and North Korea expert, your task this morning is to talk for six minutes on the current international situation without hesitation, repetition, deviation, or mention of the word Communism. Now this may be particularly difficult for the guest expert because BBC presenters are already well versed in our BBC parlour game of talking until the holy cows come home about international terrorism without any mention of a certain word.
Now I’m really confused. Just when I thought I understood islamic violence thanks to the wonderful beebistan, namely that the muslim murderers who commit atrocities in the West a) have nothing to do with islam, a religion of peace, b) are lone wolves, c) have mental problems, d) have some grievance against Western foreign policy, e) have suffered discrimination, f) are underprivileged, g) are angry about Palestine, or h) have been radicalised by ISIS in prison or online, or i) are in fact Norwegian — just when I finally understood all that, I read this: “Pakistan blasphemy: The student lynched for being a humanist.”
A large mob of students at a university in Pakistan lynch a fellow student to death for the grievous sin of being a humanist. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-39603126
So, not a, or b, or c, d, e, f, g, h or i. Just plain old muslims, in their own country, where they’ve had nearly a century to create the perfect muslim society.
If it were any other creed that produced such insane, intolerant barbarity, I would say it’s evil to the core. But that can’t possibly be the case with islam, a religion of peace, a ‘great faith’ according to renowned scholar Treezer.
Hence my confusion. I’d better swat up more on The Wonders of islam on the beeb educational sites.
Did you know they invented the computer? And electricity. And the bacon sandwich according to some scholars.
I note with distaste, the efforts the BBC are putting in to convince the public that the coach bombing is either, “Right Wing” inspired or, good-ol’ aggrieved football supporters. The latter would put the skinhead bovver boys with their Doc Martin’s to shame and would utterly change the face of football hooliganism despite no evidence whatever to suggest that either have any credibility in the public eye. No BBC, no amount of effort to massage the public’s assumption of who was responsible will work. It was simply islam at work again. Anybody disagree with this patently obvious assertion?
Our BBC beta-male sofa jockey brings default BBC thinking to bear on the likely motivation of the North Korean leader. Afterall whenever there is an act of terror the BBC’s go-to explantion is physciatric in nature.
Sensibly our guest expert replies “Oh no, he’s not mad”
One might add – he’s just bad.
The BBC seems to think the big bad world out there is just in need of a little talking cure.
It appears that Jon Sopel has been joined by Laura Bicker in the States (at what cost and why?). A brilliant delivery by Laura on yesterday evening’s BBC news of their current policy to continually promote the, ‘Trump failures fest’ list. What with his failure to halt immigration, “from mainly muslim countries” and reverse Obummers healthcare, the list is actually quite short. No explanation is given for these, “failures” so the ignorant listener could be led into believing that President Trump is wholly responsible for these, “failures” rather than others in the US legislative system, particularly the Democrats. Fortunately, most of the listeners of the BBC are, now, aware of the BBC’s tactics and they mentally flag up the fact that the BBC continually peddle their own version of the news. The BBC’s news output is increasingly, (and importantly, obviously), becoming a joke.
Inadvertently got a glimpse of Common Purpose in action in one of our schools when I accidentally tuned in to BBC2 the night before last.
A class of – I’d guess they were 8 or 9 year-olds – were being presented with a hypothetical ‘moral’ situation by a teacher.
They were to imagine they had been given a gift of £10 and had to decide what to do with it. Presented with a batch of ‘flash cards’ containing choices such as buy a toy, put towards a party (can’t remember exactly, but you get the gist of spending for enjoyment) – and others which were aimed at helping refugees and other leftist examples of redistributionism.
The gentle mummyish BBC voiceover wondered whether the children would choose to spend it on themselves or use it for ‘the common good’.
Is there any escape for younger generations from this brainwashing?
” Accidently “. LOL ! Highly paid Beeboids should be asked how much of their own money they redistribute and how many refugees they have taken into their own home or homes. In my experience, Lefties are, as some would say in Scotland, “mean as cat’s keech “. No tranlastion required.
Another ‘pearl’ from Yasmin alibabaBrown, whose at it again. She’s taken issue with the Queen, describing the tradition of handing out Maundy money as ‘very un-Christian’. So Yasmin, what about the un-Islamic acts of your bloody religion eh?
This sodding woman knows no bounds. She clearly didn’t have a problem with her Maj when she hightailed it out of Uganda to claim her blue passport with British citizen stamped inside.
If ever a women ‘gets my goat’ its her ! Apologies for this very un-Christian rant at our very Christian Easter time.
She is another beauty. I agree, she is one of the worst. Nasty and repulsive. I wonder if she has ever been back to Uganda to see what she is missing ? On the other hand, I wouldn’t wish her on the Ugandans, that would be too cruel.
With the increasing number of muslims in the country “gets my goat” is another phrase we might have to stop using before it’s reclassified as a hate crime.
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cwynrn0g0lko ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Would you fight for this country?” “No, I’m from Brazil.” What Could Possibly Go Wrong? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nqd1He6cu-w
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:56 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “🇩🇪🇺🇸‼️🚨 GERMAN GOVERNMENT ATTACKS ELON AND PAID FOR THIS CAR! One of the topical Carnival cars in Düsseldorf shows: -…
DoublethinkerMar 4, 13:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Find Jeffery Sachs on YouTube and he explains why the Ukraine / Russia war started . Basically it was the…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WE HAVE NO MONEY … Dear MP Darren Henry, 13 Parliament’s £13 billion restoration. 150 HS2 £150 billion, original budget…
My cartoon for the week:
Happy Easter everyone ! including those of non-faith. And if anyone is offended, well, go console yourself with an overdose of the BBC, cos I ain’t apologising.
Same to you. I wonder how the BBC will celebrate Easter ?
Grant – By handing out halal Easter eggs probably.
Dear God, I thought you were joking.
I’ve just turned off but if you’re interested BBC News Channel are now featuring Kofi Smiles ‘BBC’s face of the Hull City of Culture’ presenting what is supposed to be an arts review of Hull but which we are promised will celebrate ‘womens boxing legend Barbara Buttrick’.
As far as I’m concerned women’s boxing is not a sport the BBC ought to promote – it is certainly not an art form.
Evan will be front row, surely? He likes tricks, apparently.
It is interesting to speculate about the extent to which a given name can help mold and define future character. Kofi Smiles is certainly a cheery chap. Perhaps that’s what the BBC had in mind when they looked at him and said now that’s the face of a guy that says Hull.
Except his name is actually Kofi Duodo….
The comments are worth a read…. This one caught my eye….
I’ve heard a rumour that Kim Jong Un is going to be the new face of Lincoln and Barrack Obama the new face of Goole and last but not least Idi Amin the face of Grimsby. perfect BBC impartiality.
And here is a very interesting link….. Read the Transcript…. It`s dated…
Transcription: Kofi smiles
Interview with Kofi Smiles
Interviewer: Jerome Whittingham
Date: 29 November 2016
Kofi is clearly a typical Hull person and highly intellectual.
I live closer to Hull than he does!!!!
At the very least, there must be some unease at the slow but sure islamic terraforming of the UK. Surely the country’s senior judges, senior military commanders and police chiefs are feeling and indeed, discussing that unease? I will not accept that they and others responsible in Government are oblivious to the, once incremental but now full acceleration, towards total islamisation.
Our UK is being rapidly transformed to suit foreigners of an islamic persuasion and I, for one are heartily pissed off with it. Politicians are often referring to, “our country” in a number of contexts: it appears to be excluding one – islam for it is rapidly becoming ‘their’ country.
Indeed. I’ve seen a number of videos over the years of aggressive blokes of Indian Sub-Continental appearance telling whites to eff off because ‘this is a Muslim area’ (I seem to recall a former Labour Home secretary was on the receiving end of such some years ago, though in that case I think the aggressor might have been of African heritage).
Next comes ‘Eff off this is a Muslim city’.
Next comes….(you got it).
If you had a priority list of countries across the world in need of more ‘multiculturalism’ I reckon the UK would be somewhere near the bottom. Top would be any Arab country of your choice.
You’re right. Abu Izadeen was his name. Also known as Trevor Brookes. I remember him screaming at the Minister, “How dare you come here? This is a muslim area”. Erm..no it isn’t Trev. It’s a BRITISH area infested with muslims.
My apologies to BBC Breakfast’s Sally Nugent. Earlier this morning to open a news report our Sally used the odd phrase: “A future Labour Government says it would…”
I speculated that this oddly portentous formulation sounding vaguely sci-fi – albeit distopian – might have been the fault of our Sally misreading the autocue.
I have to take back this suggestion.
My alternative speculation was that BBC news editors had employed this peculiar phrase in subliminal hope and expectation of their preferred future governance of the country.
And so it turns out to be. Our BBC News Channel second-string news anchor Shaun Ley employs the very same strange mixing of present and future tenses to begin one of his reports.
Sorry, Sally.
BBC, do please get some news editors who are not closet Labourites.
BBC in total meltdown and living on a different planet. Brexit, Trump. Then Labour, Lib Dems and Greens totally unelectable. Beeboids pathetic little world turned upside down. No amount of their crude propaganda will make any difference. We don’t buy their Fake News and lies anymore, but we still have to pay for it.
Perhaps we can credit our BBC – formerly the arbiter and authority of the English language – with the invention of a entirely new grammatical tense:
“The Future Preferred”
For example, I might say:
As a lottery winner I would…
On my date with Natalie Portman we will…
Whereas the BBC uses the phrase this way:
A future Labour Government would…
Complete this sentence ” A future Labour Government would…. be a miracle “
“A future Labour Government..might be back on the cards if only we get another few more million migrants in before final Brexit”.
Or how about..
“A future Labour Government..probably won’t be necessary as the Tories are becoming increasingly socialist anyway”.
A future Labour Government led by Sadiq Khan, a moderate, far leftist, pro Moslem, feminist, working class background (his dad was a bus driver did you not know) and highly intelligent pro remaining anti Trump Londoner.
Don’t laugh; it is only Corbyn and Abbott that is keeping the Tories in power. No way Treezer could win an election without them
Is her family connected to Labour ?
Well it’s quite strange that the name of her husband is secret. (it’s not David Nugent she said)
Is that just about keeping her kids safe from nutters ?
Allahu akbar friends!
Apologies for my posting absence I have been lurking for the last 8 months or so mainly due to work commitments, hey someone needs to pay our “guests” welfare bill don’t they. I’m back (and in Spain so feel I can let rip for a few weeks) and am looking forwards to engaging in discussion of this mess that we are in.
Regardless I hope everyone is well and I also see the trolls are back. As I’ve mentioned many times I grew up within a stones throw from W1A and am more than happy to dish out some prosseco to our resident trolls. Although they never seem to take me up on the offer ?.
Happy Easter to all.
Welcome back. Actually the Trolls have been quiet for the last few weeks. No doubt waiting for the right time to unleash their awesome sense of humour on us !
Many thanks Grant. Great to be back! I see you’ve been holding the fort, good man. Haha I haven’t seen kikuchiyo in a while although tomo (I believe) seems to have the company iPad in the canteen firing out the SJW platitudes. Bless them the real world is caving in and they’re hitting back. As I say great to be back and well done fellow bBBCers holding the traitors feet to the fire.
The ‘New kids’ on the Beeboid block – Maxincony and Tomi.
Brutal – Many of us think the new kidz sound very much like the old kidz.
Equally as picky and equally as sneering but only generally wanting to base an argument on technicalities rather than the issues themselves.
LOL ! You have to laugh at them !
Haha agreed. Have been watching from afar and their modus operandi seems suscpiciously similar! Also greetings taffman – solid poster
Croeso !
I do laugh but try not to feed them. Listening to someone basing an argument on the basis of a misplaced apostrophe certainly smacks of desperation and too high a level of oestrogen – I put it down to London water. I guess the poor darlings are confused about everything.
There have been many new posters in the last few months. Lots of people seem to be seeing the BBC for what they are.
I was amused to hear on Toady this morning, the Affirmative Action Hireling (aka Mi-shall Hussain) getting her hairy @rse well and truly kicked when she interviewed a specialist in child abuse cases; he had been brought in to look at the evidence Wiltshire Police had on Ted Heath et al and produce a report on it. His conclusion: it’s all b******s!
That had gone down like a pork chop at a Bar Mitzvah with Salisbury’s Finest, who attempted to suppress his report and him too by the sound of things; al beebus are also fretting about the wheels coming off this extortionately expensive enquiry into alleged Tory Paedos, if this interview was anything to go by.
Poor AAH got nowhere with this chap, he parried away all her questions with little difficulty and put her firmly back into her burkha. It was a satisfying five minutes or so of radio by which to prepare scrambled eggs.
Al Subtill, hilarious line, made my weekend :-‘Affirmative Action Hireling (aka Mi-shall Hussain) getting her hairy @rse well and truly kicked’.
Putting aside her obvious hirsute issues, ‘Missile’ tried to ignore the Savile line by the brave Professor and then the traitor read a long statement by the police to get the final word in.
It seems like the Wiltshire Police went fishing for trouble two years ago and are still at it to save face. I think it is high time for a visit from the members of ‘AC 12’!!
The interview:-
at (2.32.32) 8.32 not at 7.50 in the advertised running order. They can’t even get that right.
I caught the last 5 minutes of the programme on the Galapagos Islands last night. Apparently there’s an undersea volcano there and a ludicrously over-excited Liz Bonin explained what the pictures already showed. Liz told us – in the tone and wording reserved for speaking to 5-year olds whose attention might wander if they’re not constantly stimulated and prompted – that the volcano was producing streams of CO2 bubbles and that consequently the sea was being warmed and becoming acidic.
It was evident that despite the evil bubbling CO2 and the warming sea, undersea life was (in Liz’s word) “thriving”. Odd that, since, according to the BBC’s “climate science”
propagandareportage (cf the imminent destruction of the Great Barrier Reef) sea acidification and growing warmth are the incredibly destructive products of “climate change” and must be stopped at all costs – particularly to the taxpayers of the West. I expected Liz to demand that the volcano be immediately concreted over but, no, she couldn’t stop telling us – at tedious length – how wonderful it all was. According to the BBC then, CO2 pumped into the sea is beneficial (cf Galapagos) and is destroying Gaia (cf Harrabin). It would be nice if the BBC could, at least, lie consistently.Back to reality Unbongo – Can the BBC not call International Rescue on any radio frequency this will be picked up by Thunderbird 5 and relayed to Tracy s Island where Jeffyne, Scottie and the girls will dispatch a Uterus shaped space rocket to the disaster zone which will circle the Volcano, shame it by dropping anti climate change placards onto its surface and then calm it by singing songs of female empowerment so that the volcano can get in contact with its feminine side.
Or perhaps more realistically I suppose they could call the new kids on the block “The White Helmets” who will dig any muslim victims out of the rubble (leaving any Christian ones in situ – if they cant recite the Koran) then threaten the volcano with a knife or Kalashnikov to stop it erupting and disturbing Friday Prayers.
Umbongo, just doesn’t figure in BBC thinking that ‘life’ (whether human or animal) generally likes and thrives in warm conditions.
Kate Humble did a series on these Undersea vents that I recall seeing back in my TV viewing days. I have refered to this occasionally when in debate with Global Alar/War-mists. The BBC were still growing their present enthusiasm for Global Warming then and hadn’t at that point really caught on to Climate Change but this knowledge did not stop them cornering a large part of the market for contradiction.
You would have thought that their recent coverage of the Hawaii eruption would have alerted them to the fact that the core of our planet is jolly hot and that that hot stuff is not far off our toes in some places on the globe.
Kate Humble is totally ignorant of science and has no background in it, so perfect for the BBC. I always remember some years ago, on “Springwatch”, she thought that Willow Warblers nest in trees ! Typical Beeboid. Stupid.
Grant – shes also married to some bloke called Play Dough – which I also find equally unforgivable!
It is friday and it is Easter friday so expect muslim terrorist attacks. BBC website reports that a Palestinian has stabbed to death a British tourist in Jerusalem.
PS. The attacker was recently released from psychiatric hospital, so nothing to do with Islam.
Here is the link…
Jerusalem stabbing: British woman killed in tram attack
BBC editor article checklist:
1. Don’t mention Islam – tick!
2. Mention attacker is mentally ill – tick!
The murdered British tourist in Jerusalem was a 23 year old Christian . The terrorist scum bag is a Muslim. So what’s new? The BBC has gone into panic mode trying to do some covering up. I doubt if the Christian religion of the
slaughtered young woman will be mentioned. Christianity is a dirty word so far as the BBC is concerned. As for our Muslim friend he will of course be mentally ill. It’s just a shame that he didn’t succeed in committing suicide when swallowing razor blades recently.
Just got to hope the man did not suffer a hate crime before he slaughtered her. That would really be horrific.
It was so nice and thoughtful of the bBBC to provide a tweeted picture of the weapon (large knife) for us. Really helps to feel the enrichment, no regard to the family of the victim. I’m surprised they hadn’t left the blood on it….oh, it’s now on their hands as usual.
When Christians or Jews are killed, the BBC bastards celebrate .
I am afraid the BBC have fully bought into the MCB/Khan narrative that only crimes against muslims are worth reporting in any detail and crimes against anyone else is just part and parcel of being in a big city.
As a nation we are so intolerant and dare I say it “Islamaphobic. I know for a fact that if we hadnt been so racist toward our new guests and let all those trollops in Rotherham seduce all those chaste and unsullied followers of the prophet, race relations between our respective communities would be a lot better.
On my way back to the UK after an extended period abroad, having had little exposure to English-speaking media channels other than BBC World. One thing sticks out like a very sore thumb, and that is the latest BBC World internal ad, starring none other than that fair and balanced reporter Katty Kay, burbling on about how the BBC can rightfully claim to be the planet’s most trusted source of news, because, among other things, it has ‘…never taken sides in any revolution, conflict or election’
The hypocrisy of this beebette and her masters is breathtaking…‘never taken sides in an election’ ? Really ? So there was never even a hint of bias in her, or the BBC’s, coverage of the latest US election ? Nor recent UK elections ? And if we’re talking about democratic votes in general, the Brexit Referendum ?
Yeah……right !
She just forgot to insert the word ‘openly’.
Given those results isn’t the missing word “successfully”?
I am watching the Silk Road on BBC, as much to spot the ‘message’ as to follow the route. The message is pretty much as expected, viz. the West in indebted to Islamic scholars who developed mathematics, astronomy and architecture. Indeed without them the European renaissance would never have happened. In fact without all the gifts of knowledge that came from China and the Islamic world Europe would still be stuck in the Dark Ages.
No mention has been made that armed with this seed of knowledge Europeans developed the modern world in a little over five centuries , whilst both Islam and China regressed and developed nothing new since the fourteenth century. Whilst China is emerging from that regression, Islam is not.
Of course we could all have predicted that would be the BBC message without watching the series. They are so predictable , so sure of themselves and yet so wrong ,stupid and dangerous, and all paid for by us.
Also glossed over is the fact that the expansion of Islam took place only by bloody and brutal conquest. I’m sure that the BBC presenter would have had a field day if the conquest had been by Christians rather than Muslims, regaling us at length with the despicable and bloody acts of the conquerors. Making sure that all Europeans should be ashamed. This is exactly what the BBC did in programmes about South American civilisations and the brutal Spanish conquest. Why then are the bloody events of the Muslim conquest of Central Asia ignored?
To sum up , the BBC message is that Europeans owe a huge debt of knowledge to Islam and that Islam , unlike Christianity , doesn’t have blood up to its arm pits. So There is nothing to fear from Islam or mass migration , only good things have resulted from them over millennia.
I have yet to see any evidence of this age of Wonder (more like plunder tbh!!) The only thing I can think of that was in any way new to science was probably the Bubonic Plague…
Driving past Salisbury Cathedral I often wonder how the masons managed to build it . The BBC would have me believe it was actually a visiting Arab that did it.
After all we here were savages back in those days.
A good point. Perhaps a boat load of Muslim masons ( see what I did there) arrived with William the Norman and stayed throughout the violent repression of the English. They then got out their tools and began building.
Blair sounded so good in 1997 when he promised change, broad new uplands and ‘things can only get better.’ I wish he had been more honest.
“Do you dream of a world where lawyers like my wife and mates can make millions defending terrible people once the Human Rights Act is passed? A wonderful world where the cherished cockney world of Only Fools and Horses is lost forever due to mass immigration? A world where across the land there will be people plotting treason and murder, and it will be illegal to talk about it? And 20 years from now everyone will know in their hearts: things can only get worse.”
BB – solid post.
I do not see many BBC TV progs about Easter. But, at least , we have 1 month of wall-to-wall frigging Ramadan at the end of June. Feel the joy.
Hideously white folk get enriched by London’s vibrant diversity.
Shocking video – these barbaric neandarthals are more interested in recording the poor guy with their phone than helping. Makes me sick to see what a world we have created.
It is just sport for these animals. Shame the politicians never have to suffer that. By the way, was that not a race hate crime ?
No Grant, not when a victim is white, it doesn’t count.
We’ve created? Surely you meant the BBC, Guardian liberal left wing, socialist tosspots don’t you?
There’s one from Paris where two young American girl tourists fare at least better than that poor girl in Jerusalem, but mainly because some Brits intervene.
Not clear if they were Chelsea supporters. If so, it may be on the BBC a lot.
Not long now till London is a no go zone for us unless there are police about. I give it five years outside.
London has been a no go zone for me for over 30 years .
I had the experience of visiting Holland Park, not far from Kensington Palace, last year, for business reasons. In the early 70s I lived in W2. Would I want to live there now? Not a chance – gradual ‘White Flight’ ever Westward!
London’s murder rate is far from being the highest in the UK. The only reason the City ranks at all is because the number of residents is extremely low.
Manchester, Blackpool and parts of E Anglia are worse. Glasgow has been appalling for decades.
On lesser crimes, I’m always surprised how many alcohol induced air rage incidents are on flights to/from Manchester. A brawl involving 8 people broke out in the stalls of a Manchester theatre a few days ago. Doubt if that could be blamed on blacks because they don’t go.
We have serious policing problems – or should I say, non-policing problems.
Left last month and I’m not going back. The place is multicultural heaven. 13 years of riots and verbal abuse from young black men was enough. By the way if you want to call me racist, then please note I’m also ageist and sexist. It was that particular group of society in London who are responsible for 60% to 70% of all violent street crime yet make up less than 5% of the population. For those who know their history you can blame the Scarman report and the Lawrence enquiry for the current state of affairs. I will freely admit that we stopped white people just to make the figures better for the number of black people we stopped. I was tasked with stop and search in an area where there were only white people (but almost no crime).
London – the canary in the coal mine for the rest of the UK, it’s quite a future ours and future generations of Britons have to look forward to, isn’t it?
You watch something like that film and still cretins here wonder why Americans don’t want to surrender their right to carry guns with which to defend themselves.
We are heading back to the Dark Ages and it’s all self inflicted.
Not building Jerusalem in this green and pleasant land, more like Salem’s Lot.
Dark ages being the operative word…
Mice – Ah, diversity, doncha luv it? Wonder what Flabbott has to say and whether it’ll be all over the beeb like it would be if the colours were reversed.
Blacks are far more likely to commit violent crimes than whites. It’s just true – All over the world the worst murder rates are in areas infested with blacks. Glad I don’t live in London…
Seeing this and other countless videos and the daily body count of fatal stabbings by blacks in London, I must be honest and say I feel absolutely no desire whatsoever to be ‘enriched’ by having loads of blacks around me…
If that makes me racist, frankly I couldn’t give a toss…
Here’s the Evening Standard website. ALL of the really nasty crimes on the front page, have been committed by blacks – That’s not coincidence. The BBC NEVER reports these serious crimes…
BBC news at 18:30 cheerleading paid foe by the taxpayer foreign aid. Priti Patel tells us foreign aid let’s us keep our heads held high. I’m not sure exactly how that works. But as a nuclear power I don’t think we are staring at our feet. It’s long past time these hand outs stopped.
Dave 666,
Totally agree – put the £13 billion of taxpayers money into social care in Britain . Is a lot of money for politician such as Patel to be able to hold her head up. I am ashamed of the treatment tories and labour give to the old in our country. Maybe the BBC could campaign for it?/
I might have misheard but my favourite world at one Mardell said ” it’s Good Friday so we are going to give most of the programme over to marking 40 years since homosexuality was legalised” . I switched off then as my religion separates religion and sexuality . Someone tell me I heard wrong.
No Fedup, I heard the trailer where Mardell promised that most of the programme would be about what happened forty years ago. In times gone by, I would have thought that I had wanted to hear what is happening now, not stale news. But now, I just think I didn’t want to hear how ISIS is getting everything right, Trump is getting everything wrong and the world is getting hotter. I decided not to bother with WATO yesterday.
I wonder if the BBC will give over most of a programme to a celebration of homosexuality at the end of Ramadan ? Only joking !
re that video..these venomous low-life scum are everywhere it seems..but it’s the future for us unless we do something radical. Perhaps we should try to get used to it? NO! ..if we acquiesce the UK will be run by these sub-humans in 20 years. Maybe someone will have the balls to stand up and be counted? I do hope so.
TR for PM!
More possible ‘hate crime’ on BBC sport website. The Sun has published an article about Ross Barkley where he is likened to a gorilla. Apparently he has a black grandfather. I think they realise this is a bit tenuous as they have ‘racist’ in inverted commas.
Apparently Merseyside Police are investigating whether this is a racial hate crime. Who informed the Police? Was it the same intrepid crusaders who this morning were searching Amazon for potentially offensive logos? On Barkley’s wages does he really give a toss about this article? People are forever mocking footballers for being feral, perhaps this is all the journalist meant when he likened him to a gorilla?
His grandfather was black? So now when investigating ‘hate’ crimes you have to go all through your family tree to see if any possible offence could have been caused? How far back can you go? Can I sue the fish and chips shop up the road because I am evolved from sea-dwelling creatures so frying them offends me?
I have been out in Liverpool on a Saturday night – the Police need to be out and about keeping people safe, not ‘investigating’ the feelings of a millionaire footballer – someone who brushes off vicious abuse from rival fans every week and grew up on a council estate. As if he gives a toss.
Apparently the PFA have been contacted to offer ‘support’ to Barkley and his family. What support could he possibly need? I would advise him to check his bank balance if he needs cheering up.
This nonsense has to stop.
…But it won’t, will it? It’ll just go on, and on, and on, and get steadily worse until…
They are now leading news bulletins with it on Five Live! Are they going to lead a vigil for Ross’s feelings and get us all to hold hands and light candles along the Mersey?
Something I inadvertently touched on in the spies and lies thread. Not realising that there are actually people out there who consider this reasonable – I rest my case.
It is building up to a Genocide of white men.
Well yes, as a white, heterosexual, English man, the bbc clearly thinks I have no place in this country.
Well yes, as a white, heterosexual, English man, the bbc clearly thinks I have no place in this country.
Grant and Gax – The progressive MSM/BBC will not be truly happy until our society has regressed back to the stone age. Unfortunately for them by that time a London School of Economics BSC in Politics and International relations may not be so useful any more.
In preparation for that time maybe the LSE should consider running courses in Advanced Rape and Genocide (with an optional decapitation module) instead – only a thought!
On a brighter note – have just listened to Waltons Crown Imperial on Classic FM – Certainly beats Saturday Night Takeaway with Ant and Dec!
Great music, but Walton was a repulsive nasty man . It is so often the case .
Grant = Sounds like he should have joined Hope not Hate!
It’s the Hillsborough anniversary tomorrow, perhaps they can merge the events.
The bBBC continues its ‘Hillsborough’ revenge campaign, giving space to a Scouser who was indoctrinated from the age of 2.
Well how African do he and his girlfriend look ?

He’s not exactly a Bob Marley lookalike.
“The Sun suspends ex-editor Kelvin MacKenzie over Liverpool, Ross Barkley gorilla article”
Actually way back in Dec 2016
someone tweeted “Professional gorilla Ross Barkley is being a p**** again, I see.”
No one complained
I see he’s frequently called a thug on Twitter
eg “Ross Barkley isn’t even a footballer, what a nasty thug”
The Mayor of Liverpool reported it to the Police; apparently his stomach turned when he found out Ross’s grandfather was black.
The Mayor of Liverpool having a go at the Sun? Hmmmm, any possible ulterior motive for stirring this up?
Fake news!
Joe Anderson (mayor of Liverpool) has an illustrious past.
Wow he’s been mentioned a few times in the Eye for corruption.
No wonder he’s shouting
“look over there at the racist”
Yep it’s a nutter mayor who got carried away
“Read the whole article.
It’s about dead eyes on the fballer being like gorilla.
Not race related at all.”
“Joe Anderson @mayor_anderson
Reported McKenzie&the S*n for their racist slur on Ross Barkley and the people of Liverpool to Merseyside Police&press complaints commission”
(Wow retweeted 3,300timee
Shows Alt-facts which fit narratives more powerful than TRUTH)
What an idiot ! Falsely reporting it as race crime And therefore devaluing ACTUAL race crime victims
Please someone report Mayor for wasting police time for POLITICAL gain !
The actual crime is Kevin McKenzie is sneering at scousers.
But they are tough enough to brush that off.
Not to forget Kelvins other great Hillsborough crime.
But it’s disrespectful to the victims to keepbringing that up.
Look out for this featuring on the BBC on Easter Sunday.
Trevor Phillips reports in the DT on a survey of religions and Brexit in England (53:47 Leave)
No religion 52:48 Remain. Catholics 51:49 Leave. Non conformists 52:48 Leave, but CofE 62:38 Leave.
Reports most English consider themselves English than British – Catholics 54:46, but CofEs a massive 64:36
Good anti Christian ammunition there for our Religion of Peace centric BBC to fire.
It does of course emphasise the disjoint between the Remain leadership of the CofE and its flock.
Phillips sums up Brexit on this basis as about identity rather than economics.
& “disjoint between the Remain leadership of the LABOUR Party and its flock.”
Just in from Bolt
Muslim women explain how men should hit their wives
“Muslim men are allowed to hit their wives — but only gently, and not with fists, instead using short sticks and pieces of fabric, according to a new video produced by the Australian women’s branch of radical Islamic political movement Hizb ut-Tahrir.
The video, posted to Facebook by the Women of Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia, features a Muslim woman,
see more text here
I think these women are mentally ill, and it is chilling that they are making light of it
It is impossible to reason with these women. The gulf between them and the Western view is total and cannot be bridged. The past knew this but we do not.
Criticise these women publicly and you will be hit by western feminists and the liberal left.
I do not give a shit what their husband’s do to them.
Next episode:
“Raping kids is okay, as long as you only do it with 3 or 4 of your mates”.
I have a strong urge to want to hit both of these women really really hard. Having to deal with this constant daily shit of Islam is turning me from just having moodswings into a monster.
Standard Cult member behaviour. Similar to the Scientologists but MUCH more dangerous!
Stockholm syndrome .
In a second longer post Bolt explains how this originates in the Koran, so don’t blame the poor women.
Has anyone slowly seen, the bulls*it the last 2 days about the ONE bomb in Afghanistan? They are slowly trying to turn this into a Hiroshima 2.0, the c*ck s*ckers! Of course, they completely ignored the last 8 years, and in particular, 2016 –
That’s right, Obama bombed 7 different countries with 27,000 pounds of bombs, yet you would have scarcely heard anything at all about this, would you? In addition, when was the last time you heard any, ANY, report, about the numerous uses of bunker-busters, in the past, in Afghanistan – but now, it’s the “Trump is a war-mongerer” theme at all costs. I fuc*ing, can not stand them.
Compared with the MSM hysteria over Whitehouse Easter Egg Roll, that pales into insignificance.
Me too! I wish they would disappear up their self admiring a***holes. The daily dose of Islam appeasing, bullshit propaganda just gets worse and worse, for instance
Borussia Dortmund bombs: Letters at scene ‘not from Islamists’
I hope that people can see through this bullshit and realise what their agenda is before it is too late. Oh, and hijab of the day,
Syrian-American poet’s view of the conflict
Im ryt – Its a quality of death thing see
I am sure far more suffering is inflicted on an individual when his life is instantaneously snuffed out by a large bomb – He doesnt even get the chance to have a good wash of his wedding tackle before he pops off to meet his 73 virgins.
How much pleasenter a death it must be to be incarcarated, knowing that your wife and daughters are to be sold off and raped, then your hands are tied behind your back and have some islamic low life pull a knife slowly through your windpipe and arteries and then saw through your spinal column and finally removes your head.
That is obviously a good death.
Bloody evil yanks – they really must start treating their enemies with more respect.
As a white, heterosexual, Englishman born and bred – I have the sense from the bbc that I have no place in this country. Can that be right?
“No place in this country” ? We have no right to life, full stop.
For eight years under Wussy, Pussy Obama the West has been on the back foot – with, ‘oh dear, what will Russia, China, Iran, NK etc., do next?’
Now with Trump it’s them who have the wind up, which makes a nice change.
In the words of Clint Eastwood – ” Do you feel lucky, punk?”
“US military defends use of massive bomb in Afghanistan”
Note the use of the term “defends”.
Would the same word “defends” have been used in WW2 when the Dam Busters carried out their famous operation, i.e. RAF “defends” their use of the “bouncing bomb” against the Nazis?
Why should the US ‘defend’ the use of a bomb against a bunch of sadistic murderers that have no consideation or truck whatsoever with human rights ?
Shwm mae taffman.
Just the same as the BBC ‘editing’ the name of Gibson’s dog and the codeword for a successful operation.
Rhif Saith , Iawn !
Trump was so impressive when asked about the MOAB: calm; decisive; in control. Everything you want from a leader.
He acts like he was born to do this job. And the MSM would have us believe he was ‘not fit for office’ whilst that effete ditherer Obama was the messiah? It shows how dangerous political correctness can be. They were so in thrall to the narrative of a black President that his ability to actually do the job was of minor importance to them.
Trump was so impressive when asked about the MOAB: calm; decisive; in control. Everything you want from a leader.
He acts like he was born to do this job. And the MSM would have us believe he was ‘not fit for office’ whilst that effete ditherer Obama was the messiah? It shows how dangerous political correctness can be. They were so in thrall to the narrative of a black President that his ability to actually do the job was of minor importance to them.
Hussein O’Bummer’s ‘policies’ in the Middle East were a complete disaster, he withdrew too quickly from Iraq, failed to intervene where he should and intervened where he shouldn’t. Result? Mayhem.
Charlie, I think you missed a few words out. If you’ll allow me I’ll add them to your paragraph.
If he had intended to act in America’s best interests “Hussein O’Bummer’s ‘policies’ in the Middle East were a complete disaster, he withdrew too quickly from Iraq, failed to intervene where he should and intervened where he shouldn’t. Result? Mayhem.” On the other hand, if he his intention was to damage western interests and advance islamic terrorist groups his policies were a complete success.
As Obama’s legacy is revealed to be more tarnished, I expect mentions of his blackness will diminish. He is after all, half white
Equality should not mean certain groups getting a free pass.
Imagine if it came out that Bush had been spying on Obama’s team in the run up to the 2008 election. It would have been wall to wall coverage – the scoop of the century.
Obama does it to Trump and is goes straight down the memory hole.
I don’t think that the Democrtats understand that by defending Obama’s actions they’ve given Trump the freedom to do as he pleases in the 2020 election campaign. They have sown the wind and in 2020 they’ll reap the whirlwind.
Or are the rules different because Trump is white and is expected to have higher moral standards?
The BBC news website is reporting the rise of libet, anti-Trump fans news! I thought I must be hallucinating.
“It is hard to gather the definitive data on the political bias in fake news stories, so the evidence for liberal fake news is essentially anecdotal.”
…and my final little bit of ‘reportage’ regarding BBC World News before getting back to the UK late tonight considers the BBC’s reporting of the parade in Pyongyang this morning to honour the current North Korean despot, Kim Jong Un, and the 105th birthday (????) of his dead grandfather Kim Il Sung. In fawning, and almost breathless, adulatory, terms, the parade was variously described as ‘impressive’, ‘stunning’, ‘an awesome display of military force’, etc., etc., in a segment over five minutes long.
This was followed a few minutes later by some beeboid from somewhere near the White House in D.C. who raved about how the situation regarding the Korean Peninsula was now entering a far more ‘uncertian’ phase – and that uncertainty was solely laid at the feet of the current US President, because the BBC was absolutely uncertain as to what he personally might do regarding North Korea. Suddenly we get a picture from the BBC of North Korea, one of the world’s scariest, craziest and utterly unpredictable dictatorships, known for murdering its own citizens, wherever in the world they might be, if they even think in any way less than reverential of their ‘illustrious leader’, as being the bastion of dependability and righteousness in a world where everyone else, and especially the US, is an immediate threat to its very existence.
Interestingly, these two reports bracketed another segment which showed the most recent composite pictures of the earth’s surface at night…showing all sorts of interesting data like the concentration of population along the Nile River, and so forth, and with the obvious gaping goal open to the BBC, they could have showed the abject blackness at night of the hell-hole that is North Korea…. but, of course, that was not highlighted, nor the reasons for it, because that might have spoiled the narrative of the two reports sandwiching it.
The BBC – some of the truth, some of the time – as long as it fits the ‘message’.
Richard – It reminds me of a beeb documentary I saw about the rapid spread of islam, described by some breathless beeboid ‘scholar’ as a ‘testimony to its vitality’.
Not aggression and violence, see? Vitality. Mmm, sexy.
I wonder if the spread of the British Empire would also be a testimony to its ‘vitality’ according to beebistan?
Another BBC racist moment on BBC Breakfast at about 7:25am this morning.
They were talking about Bluebell flowers asking the public to report where they are in the UK. The expert said “We also want the public to report whether the Bluebells are native or the Spanish variety”.
It was one of those awkward moments – we all know that even if the Bluebell came to the UK in a flower pot it would be 100% British immediately as it will be hard working and contribute to the UK economy. Therefore all flowers in the UK are native 100% no questions need to be asked about its origins.
Very true Tabs – The French Lavender in my garden doesn’t claim benefits and it also provides work for the local bees. I just wish I could get some Islamic rose bushes to add to the diversity so I could have a Kumbaya flower bed.
So we are down to our last trillion bluebells in the UK.
They came out later this year (let’s not dwell on that inconvenience to the narrative)
There are varieties of bluebells
Quick get some nut in a forest to mention climate change with absolutely no context whatsoever
Please tell me what the story is here BBC?. I am at a total loss
I know it’s probably too late and a lost cause but I would ask people to keep these places secret. Otherwise the interfering meddlers will be all over them and before long they’be ruined.
The BBC is still using the ‘mental illness’ lie. The murder of the English girl in Israel is another example.
And let’s not just say ‘the BBC’. We should name names. This time it was Sally Nugent on BBC Breakfast. Is she ‘just following orders’? Does she write her own words? In this case the words were preceded by ‘thought to suffer from’. Who thinks that? What is the source? Should she not say? Has she just made it up?
Remote diagnosis using telepathic psychiatric skills.
Who know BBBC autocue readers were so talented?
Islam IS a mental illness – They’re EXACTLY the same thing…
The Beeb have been doing good work trying to destigmatise mental health issues; there have been several programmes about it recently and I imagine producers see this as a New World of uncharted virtue signalling. Attributing so many murders to ‘mental health’ issues sits uneasily with this. It seems some minorities are more equal than others.
Now that Trump has tasted the delights of bombing his enemies to smithereens, one can only hope and pray he doesn’t get it into his head to annihilate his sworn enemies at Broadcasting House, W1A 1AA. The Geographical Coordinates are 51.5189° N, 0.1439° W, but I have no idea why I mention that as it would only be relevant to, say, someone programming a surgical missile strike.
The loss to our culture and way of life would be incalculable, though on the plus side we would all be better off by £145.50.
So that’s 51.5189° N, 0.1439° W.
I can confirm your co-ordinates 51.5189° N, 0.1439° W are correct. You might also like to try 53.473 N 002.298 W.
Thank you Steve for the Manchester Media City co-ordinates. I wonder if missile-rich, fun-loving prankster Kim Jong-un ever looks at this site? Those co-ordinates might be of interest to him too.
Like all terrorists, he would never attack the BBC when he knows that they are on his side.
Coast and Gax
I think we will soon be the enemy within!
It must be a difficult balancing act for the BBC – On the one hand you dont want to piss off too many of the white libtards (who are complicit in these changes within our society) until you have enabled power to be completely transferred to our new rulers – Peace be upon them!
On the other hand you need to keep the new “Master Race” on side and dont want them kicking off too soon as it could well spoil everything. And people (including our Libtard friends may well realise just how much freedom they stand to lose)
Sorry boys need to keep the lid on your taharrush fun just a bit longer – Aunty (at great personal embarrassment) has only just completed damage limitation operations on Cologne and Rotherham
Tricky one!
Pull the other one, it’s got bluebells on
BBC News Channel takes us out of the stuffy studio to a seasonal nature feature about bluebell woods – as we join a reporter accompanied by a nice chap from the Woodland Trust we are led to understand that this native plant is habitually flowering later in the year. This should be interesting – how might late flowering be squared with you-know-what climate tendency about which we hear so much on the BBC.
Disappointment prevails, I’m afraid. We have a couple of minutes of bluebell chat but although throughout the piece we still hope the explanation might just be a case of late flowering right to the end of the report we hear nothing. But trust our Woodland Trust guy he does tells us these plants are under threat from the likes of ‘trampling’ and of course ‘climate change’
How late flowering fits with climate change which is really supposedly global warming remains a mystery. Might as well ask the Fairies.
I find the late flowering argument difficult to comprehend. As the country warms up after winter there is obviously a point that triggers flowering. If the planet is warming, doesn’t the trigger temperature move to a point earlier in the year thereby triggering early flowering?
This climate change baffles me. My BSc(Hons) in Physics and Astrophysics seems to be of no use in this subject. I did graduate in the 80s though which, technically, makes me a pre-Enlightenment student.
Steve, as one Jones to another, it’s quite simple.
If plants flower earlier it is because spring is warmer; caused by global warming.
If plants flower later it is because they suffered stress the previous year; caused by global warming.
If plants flower the same time as last year they have somehow adapted to the current level of global warming, but will die if it warms another 0.001C.
Please send me my cheque for £1 million for further reseach into GLOBAL WARMING, so that I can improve my Al Gore Rhythm.
Two Jones’, there’s lovely for you. So you are saying that, whatever happens, it is Global Warming ? That is very cynical.
Coming up at 8.55 on breakfast they have a YouTube sensation on – a mixed race woman! The presenter seems on the cusp of a virtuous orgasm.
Ah, Youtube – that safe space for conservatives where a big part of the war for Trump was won. Why not interview one of the many conservative voices on the platform in a fair and impartial manner? I have to get to work so cannot see them interview the young lady, but I would offer odds of a million to one on that her views are not conservative.
Yes, I just sat through that segment, and of course you are quite right. Interviwed The Wookie, and right on lefty Bill ( virtue signalling) Gates.
In previous BBC bluebell news for 2012…
‘Bluebells: The survival battle of Britain’s native bluebells’
‘Britain’s native bluebells are under threat from an aggressive hybrid, so could they disappear completely? Many of the bluebells found in our gardens and urban areas are not the traditional British flower, they are in fact an aggressive hybrid (Hyacinthoides x massartiana) – the product of cross-breeding between the native bluebell and the Spanish variety (Hyacinthoides hispanica).’
‘This hybrid was first recorded in the wild in 1963. It’s highly fertile and has spread rapidly in the UK’s urban areas.’
Now now, let’s not have too much of of this nativism, please.
From the BBC house magazine the Guardian 2013:
‘The cold weather means the bluebells normally carpeting woodlands at this time of year are weeks late, as the chilly conditions have caused the stalks to grow more slowly, the National Trust said.’
You have to admire the sheer front of the Woodland Trust guy to still get in his climate change piffle on the BBC this morning.
No real surprises from the Woodland Trust, ASI. Climate change is the west’s version of islam with much the same levels of tolerance.
The BBC and their globalist chums in the German police and media are now claiming that the Dortmund team bus wasn’t bombed by Isis but by either the hard left or the hard right or , wait for it, disgruntled football fans, in fact anyone but Muslim terrorists. Perhaps they should include the possibility that the attack was perpetrated by ninety year old members of the SOE who didn’t realise that the war was over.
Really the authorities must be getting desperate to deflect the blame from Muslims. Perhaps the French requested that they try to downplay he Muslim connection to stop more voters going over to Le Penn. We can never over estimate the connivance of the authorities to keep up their’ nothing to do Islam ‘, pretence. But fewer and fewer people believe a word that eminate from the MSM these days, they are rapidly becoming a laughing stock.
BBC presenters and North Korea expert, your task this morning is to talk for six minutes on the current international situation without hesitation, repetition, deviation, or mention of the word Communism. Now this may be particularly difficult for the guest expert because BBC presenters are already well versed in our BBC parlour game of talking until the holy cows come home about international terrorism without any mention of a certain word.
The first clip of her work is when she interviewed Michelle Obama! What a surprise!
Now I’m really confused. Just when I thought I understood islamic violence thanks to the wonderful beebistan, namely that the muslim murderers who commit atrocities in the West a) have nothing to do with islam, a religion of peace, b) are lone wolves, c) have mental problems, d) have some grievance against Western foreign policy, e) have suffered discrimination, f) are underprivileged, g) are angry about Palestine, or h) have been radicalised by ISIS in prison or online, or i) are in fact Norwegian — just when I finally understood all that, I read this: “Pakistan blasphemy: The student lynched for being a humanist.”
A large mob of students at a university in Pakistan lynch a fellow student to death for the grievous sin of being a humanist. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-39603126
So, not a, or b, or c, d, e, f, g, h or i. Just plain old muslims, in their own country, where they’ve had nearly a century to create the perfect muslim society.
If it were any other creed that produced such insane, intolerant barbarity, I would say it’s evil to the core. But that can’t possibly be the case with islam, a religion of peace, a ‘great faith’ according to renowned scholar Treezer.
Hence my confusion. I’d better swat up more on The Wonders of islam on the beeb educational sites.
Did you know they invented the computer? And electricity. And the bacon sandwich according to some scholars.
I note with distaste, the efforts the BBC are putting in to convince the public that the coach bombing is either, “Right Wing” inspired or, good-ol’ aggrieved football supporters. The latter would put the skinhead bovver boys with their Doc Martin’s to shame and would utterly change the face of football hooliganism despite no evidence whatever to suggest that either have any credibility in the public eye. No BBC, no amount of effort to massage the public’s assumption of who was responsible will work. It was simply islam at work again. Anybody disagree with this patently obvious assertion?
“Is he mad?”
Our BBC beta-male sofa jockey brings default BBC thinking to bear on the likely motivation of the North Korean leader. Afterall whenever there is an act of terror the BBC’s go-to explantion is physciatric in nature.
Sensibly our guest expert replies “Oh no, he’s not mad”
One might add – he’s just bad.
The BBC seems to think the big bad world out there is just in need of a little talking cure.
He is not bad but Trump is. As usual the Left get everything the wrong way round, deliberately !
PS “bad ” should read “mad” !
“Madness in individuals is rare – but in groups, parties and nations it is the rule.”
The BBC have been the cheerleaders for one of the greatest instances of mass instantly in history.
It appears that Jon Sopel has been joined by Laura Bicker in the States (at what cost and why?). A brilliant delivery by Laura on yesterday evening’s BBC news of their current policy to continually promote the, ‘Trump failures fest’ list. What with his failure to halt immigration, “from mainly muslim countries” and reverse Obummers healthcare, the list is actually quite short. No explanation is given for these, “failures” so the ignorant listener could be led into believing that President Trump is wholly responsible for these, “failures” rather than others in the US legislative system, particularly the Democrats. Fortunately, most of the listeners of the BBC are, now, aware of the BBC’s tactics and they mentally flag up the fact that the BBC continually peddle their own version of the news. The BBC’s news output is increasingly, (and importantly, obviously), becoming a joke.
I think the fragrant Laura has been stationed in the us for a while now as our Reporting Scotland slot has been missing our ‘glamour’
I am sad to see that she has still not found a mirror in the states in order to apply her mascara and eye make up.
That’s ‘market rate’ to you, laddie…
Katty has more views, one presumes, her own…
Who gives a monkey’s toss what you think about anything ?
Perhaps she’ll report it to Manchester Police to investigate…………
And today’s BBC competition …
Spot the word Muslim or Islam in the following report:
A man in Pakistan was murdered for blasphemy and all you have to work out is who killed him and what he was blaspheming against.
How can the BBC call itself a news organisation and filter the news in such an obvious manner?
Interesting article on, ‘Negative News’ –
What’s the BBC’s angle in solely massaging news related to islam and their efforts to falsely portray islam as a cult of peace?
I’m an atheist but I still think this is a step in the right direction:
Pictures: Crucifixion of Jesus Recreated In Annual Central London ‘Passion Play’ Tradition
To acknowledge our Christian roots at Easter seems entirely reasonable and attendance is not compulsory.
Crucifixions in Trafalgar Square make a lot of sense. Let’s start with Blair, with Mandelson and Campbell on either side.
Allen ~regarding the Trafalgar Square passion play.
I hope some Muslims were offended to the point of conversion.
“Let’s start with Blair, with Mandelson and Campbell on either side.”
That would be inaccurate, as there were only two robbers at the original crucifixion.
So you’re saying that Blair wasn’t actually a messiah?
Another religious theory bites the dust.
The BBC certainly treated his “arrival” as if he were and were faithful followers until he upset them over Iraq, after which it was “Crucify him”!
All very Biblical.
Inadvertently got a glimpse of Common Purpose in action in one of our schools when I accidentally tuned in to BBC2 the night before last.
A class of – I’d guess they were 8 or 9 year-olds – were being presented with a hypothetical ‘moral’ situation by a teacher.
They were to imagine they had been given a gift of £10 and had to decide what to do with it. Presented with a batch of ‘flash cards’ containing choices such as buy a toy, put towards a party (can’t remember exactly, but you get the gist of spending for enjoyment) – and others which were aimed at helping refugees and other leftist examples of redistributionism.
The gentle mummyish BBC voiceover wondered whether the children would choose to spend it on themselves or use it for ‘the common good’.
Is there any escape for younger generations from this brainwashing?
Couldn’t hit the remote control fast enough.
” Accidently “. LOL ! Highly paid Beeboids should be asked how much of their own money they redistribute and how many refugees they have taken into their own home or homes. In my experience, Lefties are, as some would say in Scotland, “mean as cat’s keech “. No tranlastion required.
Another ‘pearl’ from Yasmin alibabaBrown, whose at it again. She’s taken issue with the Queen, describing the tradition of handing out Maundy money as ‘very un-Christian’. So Yasmin, what about the un-Islamic acts of your bloody religion eh?
This sodding woman knows no bounds. She clearly didn’t have a problem with her Maj when she hightailed it out of Uganda to claim her blue passport with British citizen stamped inside.
If ever a women ‘gets my goat’ its her ! Apologies for this very un-Christian rant at our very Christian Easter time.
She is another beauty. I agree, she is one of the worst. Nasty and repulsive. I wonder if she has ever been back to Uganda to see what she is missing ? On the other hand, I wouldn’t wish her on the Ugandans, that would be too cruel.
With the increasing number of muslims in the country “gets my goat” is another phrase we might have to stop using before it’s reclassified as a hate crime.
Yes, the UK is becoming a place where goats are afraid to walk the streets.
RJ, Grant
A good wife will get you a goat