Whilst we all here, I believe, are confident in understanding the Ministry of Truth’s agenda (aka BBC’s), I do have to remind posters here that, the liberals and their ilk apart, there ARE a large number of people who still trust the said Ministry’s news broadcasts. People STILL believe that the Ministry is reporting fairly and can be trusted. There are, STILL, a lot of people, like my elderly parents, who do not use the internet. Even amongst those that do, there are still those, again, liberals etc apart, who do not trust online news.
We are, therefore, mistaken if we glibly accept that ” fewer and fewer people believe a word that eminate from the MSM these days, they are rapidly becoming a laughing stock.” as Doublethinker put it. He/she is correct that more doubt MSM, but, like in politics, people vote, eg Labour, always have, always will, because “Labour is for the working classes” etc. They will, therefore, take a long time to be weened off of MSM.
I think that you are correct to say that the BBC still has great influence and can still play a critical role in stopping Brexit and pushing forward the Globalist agenda. Therefore you are correct to say that It is far too early to write it off. But as the Globalists are being challenged by the democratic spring they are being forced to come out into the open and to use their tame lickspittles in the MSM in ever more transparent propaganda stories , more and more people are seeing right through the BBC et al. Trust levels in the BBC are falling but still remain above 60%. But if they continue to lie so obviously the levels will continue to fall. Where will the tipping point be when the decline of trust becomes irreversible?
I’m a little bemused by some of the outrage generated by Kelvin MacKenzie’s offensive remarks in The Sun.
Firstly, I should admit that I wouldn’t have that particular paper hanging up in my outdoor dunny, I think it’s bloody awful; nor would I have the likes of The Guardian either, but that’s down to my own particular prejudice and taste.
And I’m not a fan of K.M either, I find him rather brash and boorish. His comments about Liverpudlians were bound to cause offence; he knew it and his editors must have known it. Blimey, it doesn’t take much to get Scousers whinging! Also, comparing Ross Barkley to a gorilla is quite clearly offensive.
Apparently the gorilla is severely pissed off…
But…this obsession with “racism” is getting completely out of hand. Looking at Ross Barkley I wouldn’t have known he had any African heritage. I don’t suppose MacKenzie had any clue either. Did you know?
And anyway, why should anyone think there was any particular connection to being black and being likened to a great ape? Isn’t that itself racist? I’ve often heard similar things said about Wayne Rooney. Let’s just hope we don’t discover Wayne’s got an Ethiopian aunty…
Surely, as is often the case, the very people accusing MacKenzie of “racism” are actually the one’s guilty of “racist” thoughts themselves. After all they’re the ones who are making the connection between the gorilla and being black.
And doesnt the latest pc meme tell us that race is only a “social construct”?
My brain hurts…
I thought we were all descended from apes. I have only read bits of what KM wrote and have no idea why his vitriol was directed at this target who I had never heard of. At the end of the day, he is only a footballer. KM and others would be better attacking politicians who really do deserve it.
As for racism and “hate crime”, is it not the Imams, who preach it and are racist towards “kaffirs”, who should be prosecuted ? Or are they exempt. What a thoroughly nasty , unpleasant country the UK is becoming and all of it caused by the Left Wing Liberal Elite.
Jeff, I agree 100% with that. On a football forum that I visit, there are people supporting the attack on MacKenzie because they don’t like him. But he is just today’s victim of liberal fascism. Tomorrow’s victim could be anyone.
The Mayor of Liverpool has reported the Sun’s article to the police for being racist. I would love to see the Mayor charged with wasting police time but of course I won’t be holding my breath.
Blimey ! I’ve been ‘affectionately’ referring to some of my friends as ‘turnips’ and ‘pineapple chunks’ over the years, as in…..”God you’re a real turnip”………… and ‘pineapple chunks have more intelligence’…
So will the veggie and fruit police come knocking on my door soon for offending root veg and tree fruit ?
The only scientific definition of Race I could find was that all dead human Races and Species are classed as Species, and all living human Races and Species are classed as Races.
Also, all Human Species but one have died off in the last 150,000 years. But using classification rules for dead Human Species would produce at least four living Human Species today, with the most defining difference being based on an evolutional change between 40,000 years ago, and 15,000 years ago, which seemed to have produce a higher IQ for those in cold environments, because Brains can be more active in a cold environment, without the problem of overheating producing lethargy in a hot environment. This also coincides with skin colour, but is not thought to be caused by the same genes as skin colour.
This is thought to have lead to Hunting developing into domestication of animals as these Humans developed the intelligence necessary to understand the needs of these animals. This increased intelligence also led to the understanding of the needs of the plants being gathered, to the point were agriculture developed.
Also, the rule that a Human Race is not a separate Human Species, if it can interbreed with another Human Race, seems to have gone out of the window.
In fact the BBC/Guardian seems to have the same type of unscientific and indefinable feelings based definition of Race as the Nazis. Were even religions and cultures are classed as separate Races.
If only a quarter of Barkley is Nigerian, his “thickness” is more likely to be from the three quarters of him that is white British, so own goal Mr mayor. Anyway, it’s racist to link intelligence to race and the only one doing that is the mayor, so investigate the mayor for racist language. And seeing as 90% of Liverpool is white, how can the inhabitants constitute a race? If individual areas of the country contain their own race, I am also of mixed race. My father was from Southwark ( a sub-tribe of Londoner, though his Irish grandfather means he was also mixed race) and my mother was of the Grimbarian race of Lincolnshire. How ridiculous do we want to get with this? The mayor of Liverpool should be laughed at. This country becomes more ludicrous by the minute.
You wonder what they want? McKenzie to apologise, resign, kill himself, go to prison, undergo torture or be executed?
What exactly do they want? Fair enough if their same exacting standards were applied across the board and to themselves and he was thought to be ‘getting away with it’.
Would they want his family and associates executed ‘disappeared’?
It would be nice to know because it all just smacks of one view, repressive thinking.
They want to bring back hanging , drawing and quartering and , for good measure, beheading. These people are medieval barbarians. That is why they love Islam.
They want his scalp Gaxvil – nothing less.
He represents old fashioned journalism where people were allowed to have an honest opinion, a sense of humour, not take things too seriously and definitely not have to self censor every utterance.
If he goes it sends a very powerful message to us all – If you open your mouth you better say the PC thing or your careers toast.
We are getting much closer to the was of North Korea than most people realise.
I do not think that John Junor or Peter Simple would survive today. The Leftist Elite Establishment are determined to kill free speech. I predict that Katie Hopkins will be next on their death list. Bastards.
Grant – I have thought that for a while too. Unfortunately one of her weaknesses is that she treats the left wing/liberals the way she treats everyone else ie as grownups. She dishes it out but expects to get it back.
With her recent case with JacknJill Monroe I believe she did make a genuine mistake and in the grown up world it would have been left at that. However these days the left will now throw the kitchen sink at anyone who opposes their agenda.
Once Katy goes I suspect they will target the more mainstream like Brillo – and I bet he knows it. I suspect he is only currently tolerated as a token non lefty so the BBC can say look how varied our “talent “base is.
Having seen the Mayor of Liverpool for the first time on tv, I don’t believe for one minute that a racist remark, funny or spoken in anger, has never left his lips, he looks too much of a thug to have led an abuse free life so far.
Careful. The origin of the word “thug” suggests you may be implying that Joe Anderson has antecedents from the sub-continent.
Or he himself may be guilty of cultural appropriation of a form of behaviour that originated in those far-off lands.
Meanwhile, nothing about that mosque our fellow patriot Masood frequented. What were they teaching there? Are they still teaching the same message? What can we do to prevent another tragedy from happening?
Of course that is of no concern whatsoever to Beeb Brother. Let the Police investigate this heinous thoughtcrime instead.
Sorry BB – Get with the programme. investigating “bacon crime” and women in burquas being shouted at on buses is far more important to our boys in blue these days.
No one really needs to go to the Luton mosque – they can save themselves a bus fair and open up a certain book written by a certain prophet – the teachings are black and white!
The one thing I agree with ISIS is that when they hold their finger up my understanding is that it means that there is only one interpretation of Islam and that the literal words of the prophet.
I might be speaking out of turn here as I don’t really like football and know little about it, and certainly wouldn’t want to get into an argument with a football fan – they seem to lose any sense they might otherwise have when the subject is their club. However, seeing the outrage of the mayor and Everton fans on the news this evening, I was reminded of a bloke I used to work with years ago, a decent fellow who player/managed the firm’s football team. He told me once in conversation that Everton were both sectarian and for a long time had no black players. Anybody know differently, or is this the real reason for their anger?
I recently had the experience of close family members visiting from abroad and suffering extreme disappointment when their tickets to a Premier League match were refused and they were denied entry. This to people who have been fans of this club for as long as they have been sentient – but the club don’t care, the demand is so huge for tickets these days. They took their money at the gift shop before the match, though! Like you say, tribalism – I wish more people would wise up and see football for the cynical, exploitative business it really is.
Yesterday I was listening to a an interview on a Christian telly channel with an African Pastor. (I don’t remember his name). He has been doing charity work in Northern Iraq which involves running a bakery to feed displaced Yazidis & Christians. He mentioned that in some ways he feels safer in Iraq. This is because the army is there and you know that ISIS is 20 miles away. Which might sound frightening. “But in London the IS fighter could be your next door neighbour.”
There are a wealth of people with insights like this that really SHOULD be given a voice in the mainstream. The variety of perspective would surely be a higher quality of “cultural enrichment” than the contrived liberal version that is inflicted on us daily.
Too true – we are treated like the proverbial mushrooms by the MSM, as they try to get us all wound up with their hissy fitting stories that, even when true, are utterly banal and insignificant.
I don’t believe this story. It would have been so easy to give evidence, but there is none. I’d be interested to see photographs of these cars parked illegally, taken on several different days. Why did he not phone the council from the site, say he was taking photographs and would send them to the local paper? Why not contact the local councillor? Why not report his near accident to the police and ask them why there’s always an obstruction at that point? Why not go in person to the traffic warden’s HQ and confront them with pictures?
I have been praying for Ross Barkley all day – let’s hope he can get through this.
Someone said I look tired earlier. I did some research and it turns out a distant cousin has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I am retroactively offended and will be calling the police.
Just seen the line up for West Midlands Mayor. Interesting to see where they live. All but two live in very nice cottages or town houses. The UKIP bloke lives in an ordinary suburban street and the Communist lives in a particularly rough part of B’ham. Yes, a communist! Complete with hammer and sickle logo.
Someone on Five Live yesterday morning was deflecting (sorry) reflecting on the Dortmund bombing and speculated that it might have been a loner with mental health issues, trying to associate themselves with a particular group or cause.
Just like Thomas Mair, perhaps? But of course, according to the BBC, his murderous deed was a terrorist act carried out on behalf of anyone who was to the right of the BBC and who voted to leave the EU – not a loner with mental health issues, trying to associate themselves with a particular group or cause…. We are all guilty.
Still trying to draw breath. Yes, the BBC in breathtaking hypocrisy has run an article 15/04/17 on ‘fake, liberal news’. It makes you lung-less in an almost asthmatic way-the BBC ‘discussing’ liberal fake news!!!
Oh and if anyone can actually find a comments section of the BBC online site, good luck, even the Sports section has gone quiet. Its like Goebbels Online-all chat, endless shat.
And she is facing death just to write that. What a brave woman. And there is no way that the Left Elite Establishment will defend her. All credit to the Times for publishing it.
(a reference to the Australian politician Pauline Hanson wants a ban on Muslim immigration, for some strange reason that the Guardian doesn’t understand)
The Guardian helpfully says of Hirsi Ali, “Her critics say her views are simplistic and straight out of the One Nation playbook”, and “She rejects the notion that the “root causes” of Islamist violence are issues such as poverty”.
Poverty? Do Guardian writers really think the Saudis or Iranians are poor? That Osama Bin laden was hunting through food banks for his Halal dinner before butchering thousands of people? Some of the wealthiest countries in the world are the Muslim middle east countries.
Before the oil price explosion in the 1970s, the Saudis were too poor to make any trouble. It’s only now that they have money that they can afford to do so.
I caught some of the tail end of The Now Show ( or Socialists Sneering Show ) and there was a “comedian” having a go against Ireland .
Now that’s unusual . The Irish are a Most Favoured Nation according to the BBC , being both a victim group ( due to British colonialism ) and an enlightened group ( because they are so pro EU ) as well as a minority of them almost killed Thatcher . What’s not to like ?
Well ! It seems they’re not as homosexual friendly as they should be , and the gay “satirist ” had to come over from the Emerald Isle to tell us how backward they are .
Now I know a lot of Irish listen and watch the BBC and other channels and are pained when they are portrayed in a bad way , and they are more aware of British matters than we are aware of Irish matters . I would actually say they have more foresight than we do and their Powers That Be are far superior to ours because their PTB do something ours don’t ; look after the people in their country .
I doubt the BBC would ever invite a comedian to come to the UK to rubbish his own country unless it was for their pet social engineering projects .
Do the BBC not consider that the article was clearly meant to be funny and therefore not to be taken seriously? Levity is the soul of wit. Obviously, the author did not genuinely believe that Barkley could be a sub species of human.
Men bond through banter; that joshing is often based on physical differences and can be borderline offensive. Some of the best times of my life have been taking the piss out of mates. If someone takes it the wrong way, you just tell them to lighten up. You’re just having fun. Angels fly because they take things lightly. Who wants to be perpetually offended? Why cry when you can laugh? If someone said I looked like a gorilla I would make a growling noise then throw some fruit at my interlocutor’s head; perhaps start flexing my muscles then do a crap on his car bonnet. I would make a joke of it. I get through so many problems by not taking life too seriously.
Trump showed that the vast majority of people are opposed to this nonsense. Remember when Megan Fox tried to get him in trouble when she was chairing one of the presidential debates?
-You have called women you don’t like fat pigs, slobs and disgusting animals.
-Only Rosie O’Donnell!
How the people cheered and laughed hysterically! He had to thank them for their ovation. When I saw that clip I almost saw Trump as a messiah – someone to finally rescue us from these finger-wagging, boring offence-takers. What a breath of fresh air! Clearly nearly everyone in that audience did not care in the slightest about Trump being ‘offensive’ – very much the opposite in fact. He is FUN. We need fun and and laughter but the left has made it impossible to make jokes and I hate them so much for that.
With Barkley, it is not even that he was personally offended; someone was offended on his behalf, and that person was only offended having done research on Barkley’s family. And they have ran with this as an actual news story all day.
So if you want to make a joke at someone’s expense now, you must first ask that person about their history and beliefs in case you offend them. You must also research the history and beliefs of all their family members. Only then can you safely think about formulating a witty comment.
As that is not practicable, the BBC clearly think it is best to do away with humour altogether. If you want to have a joke with someone, don’t: just tell them you respect their differences and ask if they want to join hands and coin a loving hashtag together.
Not so sure about the bonding bit. I’ve worked in several places where banter was an everyday occurrence but I wouldn’t say that it necessarily involved “bonding”. It was just normal, it was what we did, and it didn’t necessarily involve people we knew well or socialised with. The “sticks and stones” rule applied, within reason.
Women were occasionally involved but in some cases the response could be unpredictable so they were left alone.
I haven’t worked within a group for several years but I suspect that many places are pretty humourless compared with, say, 20/30 years ago. Banter is just too risky.
I think half the problem is that these days the majority of organisations like the BBC are staffed by infants who have come straight from University “safe spaces” to work for organisations like the BBC who also treasure “safe spaces” and encourage and remunerate these weaklings to carry on with their permanently offended outlook on life.
The BBC is also always ready to use any opportunity to gain a political scalp – and Kelvin Macenzie would easily qualify for that.
I would lay money that none of these spoiled little prince and princesses ever had to or would want to work in any sort of all male environment lest their brittle little egos get shattered by any nasty men.
Quite frankly I find the whole thing an utterly pathetic storm in a teacup. It is just a further illustration of how under BBC/liberal Patronage how fragile, oversensitive and lacking in resilience much of our society has become.
I see the gap between the BBC luvvies from yoonie safe spaces and normal people underpins the unintentional joke – ‘More in common’ – written on St Jo’s plaque
Grant – I agree those days are dead and buried. And even when we do have soldiers willing to put their lives on the line for their country we undermine them at every turn and if possible put them in prison for acting like ———————-soldiers!
What a load of ungrateful wankers this nation is turning into!
Grant – My old man flew as a gunner in Bomber Command with 199 squadron. And though he was not on mainforce bombing raids (most of his work was radar jamming flying over the North Sea and the Zuider Zee at night) I know for a fact that had he been transferred to a mainforce bombing squadron he would have done his duty.
Even doing what he did, they still lost many mates on the ECM side who either got the chop from nightfighters or just flew into the sea.
To my shame in my younger lefty days I did look down my nose a bit at Dad, who I considered a reactionary old tory! He had always been a Conserative and was always saying society under the left was changing for the worse.
God was he right – and then some!!
When I was a boy in the 1960’s, my dad used to say that the Tories were “slow motion socialists ” and the BBC were Marxists. I thought, at the time , that he was nuts. How wrong was I ?
It was also my Dad who alerted me to the evil of John Reith, which still pervades the BBC today.
This afternoon one of the Freeview channels showed that superb film ‘In which we Serve” with Noel Coward as the captain of the Torren and directed by him and David Lean . I expect most of us are familiar with it.
It is like a different world with people who once we were like. No doubt a progressives’s nightmare and surely to be banned one fine future day.
No diversity as the progressive now demands and forces upon us. Just British sailors and their families behaving in that understated way that is the very best of us.
I doubt the safe spacers would ever begin to understand what makes this film so good .
The very last words should be played to the remainers and over loudspeakers in the Brussels charade of an assembly. That one that starts—‘we are an island race—”
In 1942 you would have struggled to find anyone who disagreed with that and with the notion of a free and proud island people.
Today we have the BBC full of God knows what and the progressive whiners of the liberal world none of them fit to even watch a film like this anymore.
Dave S
Did you happen to cast an eye over the list of film crew credits at the end ? Not an ethnic name to be found – this was a time before diversity had been invented. Our film industry was manned by the likes of the Joans, Gordons, Alans, Brians, Johns, Annes, and Davids of this country. Those days are gone, never to return.
Dave, the sad thing is that modern TV that rewrites history seems to be effective in brainwashing the younger generation. I’ve just read Amazon reviews of a recent wartime TV drama DVD called ‘The Halcyon’. One reviewer commented that it was wonderful that it didn’t try to pretend the RAF were ‘all white and posh’!
As the daughter of a world War Two soldier, I grew up enjoying vintage British films like “in which we serve’ as well as wartime news footage in TV nostalgia programmes like “All our Yesterdays’. The only non-white living thing I ever saw was the dog in ‘The Dambusters’.
I suppose this (presumably young) reviewer imagines the old newsreels and films were mock-ups by racists concealing the fact the British armed forces actually resembled the black and white minstrels.
It’s a shame about ‘The Halcyon’ (ITV, I think), but it sounds like appallingly scripted, historically inaccurate dross. Never mind, I’ve got DVDs of the enjoyable early seventies drama serial ‘A Family at war’. At least it was made close enough to the war to get things more or less right!
Helena, I watched ‘A family at War’ when it was shown in the 70’s, and at that time, 30 years after the war, there wasn’t much difference in our demographic make-up, and none of us then had any reason to think that our lives would be much different as we got older. Huh! dream on ! Here we are, another 40 years later and there are more Mohammeds being born in this country than Johns.
We’ve said it many times on here, but even 25 years hence the demographic change again doesn’t bear thinking about.
No one in their right mind wants a nuclear war, but as I’m dangerously approaching a more mature age, I’m wondering if being blown to smithereens is the better option than the possibility of being ‘cared’ for in a residential home (always assuming there are any left !!) by those who are neither of our culture or can speak our language ! Something that is readily spoken about my most of my friends.
The Halcyon was a bit of fluff, but utterly ahistorical. As the war progressed, there were Indians and West Indians serving in the RAF, but not in Fighter Command in 1940, when it was set. Similarly, other ranks were shown drinking in the bar of the hotel. In real life, they could never have afforded the prices.
Like most drama these days, it simply views the past through the prism of 21st century political correctness. There is no attempt to understand people from the past, or the way they thought. Anyone in a 1940s drama who is against mixed race marriage, immigration or gender neutral toilets is portrayed as a mindless bigot, rather than someone whose views were shaped by the society in which they lived.
Very true Rob.
As a young child in the 50’s and living on the south east coast, the only black/brown people we saw were in children’s books, usually in a jungle setting, where the cartoon cannibals had a bone through their nose and wore grass skirts while lurking over a cauldron with a hunter white man in boiling water! ‘Racist’ was a word unheard of, and it was only watching tele a decade later that we knew that black people existed – in London !
We weren’t mindless bigots because we didn’t know the meaning. Mixed race marriages were frowned upon in the areas where they happened, usually in the big cities, but generally in the coastal areas we led an uneventful lifestyle – apart from the Mods & Rockers pushing and shoving on the beach at Margate !!
BBC 4 trailing ” Tankies” with Mark Urban , a Beeboid, former British Army officer. Er, yes for 9 months. Funny how the BBC love the British Army when it suits their purposes. Wankers.
There were three main stories on the evening news; war with North Korea; Barkleygate; the suicide bombing in Syria. Clearly they see the Barkley affair as more important than the suicide bombing in Syria. Absolute insanity.
“There were three main stories on the evening news; war with North Korea”….
Just for curiosity I found a full screening of the North Korea parade to compare with the edited “highlights” the BBC shows. If you looked at the beeb version you would think it was rows and rows of tanks, missiles going on for hours in their thousands.
Reality was a couple of old codger marshals/generals in Mercedes started proceedings barking at each other followed by a drive around the troops barking at each other for about half an hour. Some shots of more Mercedes jeeps and equipment followed by a rousing speech threatening America (normal for any DPK parade). Some blocks of goose stepping soldiers and Mercedes personnel carriers for another half an hour then the peeps in a massive display of “loyalty”. The missiles took all of five minutes of the Parade.
What struck me was:
1) The parade was pretty much the same as every DPK parade we see.
2) How many Mercedes vehicles have been sold to the DPK.
3) How the beeb is trying to start WW3 with the biased rhetoric.
4) The beeb will never make sensible coverage of anything in my lifetime.
Listening to R4 Xtra series by seasoned comedy producers and mostly agreeing with, ‘Too much PC in comedy, too much dark comedy that belongs in Drama, too much pushing of messages’ and finally at the end of the day, ‘comedy should be funny’.
But near the end of the series they had to throw it all down the toilet with, ‘Funniest thing for ages: Trump’s inauguration.’
Oh Dear.
Men and women are different. All cultures are not equal. Cowardice is not a virtue.
“In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense.”
“Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron discussed the row over the name of the egg hunt in his Easter message, suggesting it had had little to do with Christianity but was more about holding on to “something comfortable and traditional………….”. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-39607056
I would be interested if he held the same views WRT Ramadan, which I have heard involves some sort of sect and a lot of violence. The BBC seem to be in awe of it for reasons I have yet to understand.
If Tim Farron can show me anywhere in the New Testament where Jesus urges people to be terminally stupid as part of being a Christian I will be impressed with the man. Farron, however, preaches a political line which would end up as suicide for the British people, their culture and their values.
I am not a rampant nationalist, but I know a dingbat when I see one.
It is hard to believe that any Brit with even an once of loyalty would support this clueless wonder who seems to think Jesus was a Remainer. I accept that religious scriptures are subject to various interpretations but Farron takes the biscuit.
Wasn’t there a line in the Bible somewhere about a man who would sell his birthright for a potty message?
It was Esau who sold his birthright for a “mess of pottage”
But if we Farronically interpret the above “mess of pottage” as the present situation of the EU then Brexit is just the path that the Holy Book would want us to take.
Sunday morning here in Australia, and we switched on the breakfast show on the left-liberal (aren’t they all?) commercial TV Channel 9. To my surprise, they brought in a priest. Surely they weren’t going to stand up for traditional western values for once? They asked him for his Easter message:
‘Bring the asylum-seekers here!’ replied the tie-less octogenarian hippie. He proceeded to gibber something about interfaith dialogue and bringing communities together, but I’d have had to chew my fingers off to survive listening to the rest.
And the clergy wonder why churches are sprouting minarets! I give up. I mean, if he’d suggested importing Christian refugees from the middle east one would have some sympathy. But most of our would-be ‘asylum seekers’ are called Mohammed.
This liberal left disease is clearly a world wide epidemic . It is spread by a few thousand, perhaps a few tens of thousands, of the Globalist elite , who know the possible/ probable dire consequences of what they are doing in promoting mass migration, but supported by many millions of gullible and naive useful idiots who don’t, like your hippy priest. Somehow these fools have been conned into ignoring all the evidence that is right in front of them . Instead they have bought into a belief system where they expect that by being welcoming and open to Muslims that the Muslims will reciprocate ,not just for the first few weeks , which may be true, but for generations to come, which is highly unlikely. They ignore all the lessons from history and around the world that are contrary to this view. Orwell said that much left wing thought is playing with fire by people who don’t even know that fire is hot.
I expect that there are even some of these fools who are more extreme in their views and have fallen victim to the non stop brainwashing of the MSM that the West is evil and not worth saving and that Islamification is to be preferred. God help future generations they have been left a terrible legacy by these idiots.
I was listening to the 4am World Service news and being Easter the Vatican was mentioned including that St Peters Square had been decorated with thousands of flower pots. (Glad they can afford it) There was a mention about the Pope’s concerns with ‘immigrants’ included, then a brief snippet about 5000 being rescued in the last 2 days. I thought this surely can’t be true. 5000 in the last 2 days and not even summer yet. I can’t see any reference to this rescue story on the news channel but you can be sure they are running with glee on the marches in the US about the failure of President Trump to disclose his taxes. The reader made me smile when he stumbled by saying “There have been marches across 100 countries”, well he didnt quite finish the word ‘countries’
Before changing it to “Cities” across the US. Couple of points I want to make. If there have been mass rescues in the last 2 days, I thought I’d be more aware of it by now, so I’m really perplexed because it’s hugely significant. Especially as I’ve just heard about the suicide bomber taking out a bus in Syria. Muslims killing Muslims again or Muslims killing Christians, either way it’s Muslims killing killing and killing. The man in Pakistan murdered by the stupid and crazed followers of ‘The Religion Of Peace’, because he was a ‘Humanist’. The prime minister of Pakistan has come out saying ‘He is shocked’. Yeah sure he is. Just as I was switching off there was a piece about riots in Indonesia over Playboy.
I didn’t know it was still being printed. This behaviour of Muslims is sickening, disgusting and unacceptable yet we continue to defend them even in the case of the CBB, worshiping them. I do not want to live with Muslims and their belief systems. If 5000 more have arrived give them food, clean clothes and send them right back. Do this with strength and courage and soon they will get the message. Can you imagine the horrified reaction of all those saintly HUMANIST beings over my position on this. Let them foam from the mouth. Let them shout, scream, curse hiss and cry because if one man in Pakistan is murdered not by any other religion but by MUSLIMS then what in the fuck do you think is going to happen in the UK and the rest of Europe as the numbers become uncontrollable. Wake up, it’s already happening. They take issue with a magazine in Paris. What do they do MURDER! They take issue with a magazine in Indonesia. What do they do RIOT! They take issue with a man who simply wants to be a kind person and what do they do MURDER HIM!
As for the marches about President Trumps taxes, where are these same people when it comes to the large multinational coprations who are all involved in tax evasion. Name me a person from the poorest to the richest who doesn’t try to minimise their income tax. I would be more supportive if they were protesting about how their tax dollars are spent. I switched off the TV glimpsing another Impersonator in front of the capital building sending the man up again. That’s all they can manage!
Trump would be stupid to release his tax returns as the MSM would do all they can to kick up a stink and create innuendo and detract from the important work he is doing. They say he is wrong not to release them, but you can’t give a spoiled brat the new toy he wants if you know he will just smash it up in a tantrum and you cannot afford it. The MSM have shown to a spectacular degree that they could not be trusted with such a thing.
RE: Barkley
I wrote the other week about the language used by the BBC in relation to the ‘hate crime’ in Croydon, the fake news they ran with for much of the weekend like Barkley this week. They said ‘it is believed’ the assailants mentioned asylum. Believed by whom? Plus belief is subjective. Any lawyer would tear such evidence to shreds and the case would fall apart.
Yet as the BBC is a law unto itself, no standards apply.
This week there is an issue of locus standi or standing. To bring a claim you must have sufficient proximity to the supposed offence. If someone assaulted me, I could press charges; I could also do so on behalf of my son. However, I could not litigate on behalf of a friend if he were assaulted. This is the floodgates argument: if anyone could bring a claim on behalf of anyone else, the court system would become overwhelmed by frivolous cases; also, the supposed victim might not want the stress and exposure litigation brings.
Has Barkley himself expressed any desire for this supposed offence against him to be prosecuted? No. The claimant is the Mayor of Liverpool. In a court of law he would have no claim. Another legal principle is that of ulterior motive. If a judge can be shown to have a real likelihood of bias relating to a case, he must be removed. In one famous case, it was discovered that the wife of a judge ruling on Pinochet ran a charity that had exposed some of his human rights abuses. The judge was immediately removed from the case. Clearly, the self-appointed judge in this case is spectacularly biased.
Question is, is this Presidency more about Trump, or Trumpism?
Question is Katy. When is someone going to cut your prawn cocktail and caviar budget and put you back on your meds.
A hat trick of BBC biases this morning at the pre- 7.30 newspaper review.
It’s lambing season and dyed-in-the-wool BBC exponent of BBC office culture the BBC’s very own Janice Long joins the sofa numpties – our Janice being described as “Broadcaster”. One wonders why the BBC bothers with this unconvincing pretence at independence?
The poison gas attack in Syria and the media-friendly US reaction was SO last week – now we’re clearly back with the tired old narrative of Trump-bashing. The Mail suddenly becomes BBC gospel since it frames the two respective leaders equally as “Mavericks” I can’t recall Trump executing his rivals or sending opponents off to concentration camps – but what do I know? In the US-North Korea stand-off our BBC threesome tell us : “It’s amazing when China is the adult in the room” One finds oneself quietly metaphorically screaming at the TV – who is the adult on the BBC sofa?
Next up to the Mirror. Politically leftist public sector puff- come sob- piece about nurses taking pay day loans. Our sofa feather-weight non-entity beta-male helpfully adds – “they’re going to food banks”. And Rachel Burden who didn’t sell her London home when she was moved by the BBC – with a generous relocation package – to Salford “because house prices would rise faster in London” reminds us that the our NHS angels are voting as to whether they are going to go on strike for more pay. No need to ask where the BBC public sector payroll vote stands on this one.
And so to Easter. Sofa eunuch ponders the great theological question of the day and reckons he’s got it sussed “The whole Crucifixion, that’s all disappeared” Yeah, let me know when you think Ramadan has been replaced with a chocolate egg.
Seriously BBC, you can only push this bias thing so far – it’s now so obvious that it’s verging on being a joke.
Ah Mark Urban, the BBC’s toy action man fighting it out late at night in the almost deserted Newsnight trenches, desperately defending the BBC narrative to the last. For some reason I’m reminded of a line from a famous war film:
Dirk Bogarde plays the general: “Well, as you know, I always felt we tried to go a bridge too far”
I just saw how well Barkley played yesterday. Incredible strength of character – it is almost as if someone having a joke at his expense had no effect on him whatsoever. Given the extensive BBC coverage, I expected him to break down in tears and have to be substituted off.
As we are all aware, the clamour to close down any proper debate on islam and destroy ‘Free Speech’ is well underway. Given a few years in the West, it will be impossible to criticise any aspect of islam even for those who are well versed in the quaran and understand its venomous teachings. Those outspoken will slip unobtrusively from being ‘islamaphobes’ to blasphemers and we all know what happens to them in Pakistan and elsewhere in the muzzie world. What happens then? I suspect the rapid introduction of all things islamic. The weekend will become Friday and on that day, markets around the country will be set up to carry out the wishes of the local sharia courts decisions. Cutting off hands, stoning women and beheading those convicted of a ‘crime’. At the least, flogging will also take place in public. All the practices of islam. I do paint a picture which, perhaps, those reading this will regard as ISIS at work. No. ‘Fraid not – this is the current middle east normality and since they are footing the bill for the West’s transformation, why would they not expect to see the whole range of sharia punishments carried out?
One endearing quality of living in the Middle East is that if you are spotted as a Westener wandering around the market on a Friday, you are likely to be grabbed and pushed to the front of the baying crowd to take the prime view of islamic justice in action. Not for the squeamish.
When I first heard the Barkley thing I was under the impression that MacKenzie had said he looked like a gorilla yet later on I heard it was something along the lines of Barkley was looking at something or other with gorilla like eyes.
I’m not sure what was actually said but so many snowflakes and virtue signallers are getting their underpants all twisted up trying to out ‘be offended for him’ everyone else.
Everton have done some good things, recently helping with the ill Sunderland boy, but the scousers also have a reputation for being able to be mighty upset at anything and are the Country’s best whingers.
So a huge car bomb has killed over a hundred people as it crashed into a convoy of escaping refugees in Syria. Earlier on BBC Radio 5 their Syria Correspondent claimed that it can’t possibly be anything to do with the rebels because they would have “nothing to gain” from such an action.
Just like they reported that Assad would have nothing …. oh, wait.
So who do the BBC think would have something to gain ? The BBC do not report facts they just give us Fake News and their uninformed opinions. They are an expensive joke.
Good one: “Trump tax march” BBC spins a report and shows video of violence at Berkeley (again) Looking at the participants it’s clearly one or two pro-Trump biker types versus a great many ANTIFA with their usual pepper spray and assorted weaponry and all dressed up in their black outfits (Kind of like a pack of wimpy SS rejects).
With all this there is zero mention of ANTIFA and their regular presence at Berkeley…what a surprise BBC.
The violence at Berkeley was the Antifa attacking the free speech people. Doing their usual thing using violence to prevent free speech. When the Antifa turned up with missiles and weapons the cops ran and hid. But it went wrong for the Antifa because they set off a smoke bomb with the wind blowing against them, and as they retreated the Trumpers ran after them and gave them a thrashing
Just a small addition to my contribution above. the smiling faces on our screens of the likes of Mishal Husain – https://www.theguardian.com/media/2013/jul/16/mishal-husain-bbc-radio-4-today – Samira Ahmed and all the rest who have either come, or descended from those that have come from islamic regions will know all that goes on in their muzzie World and where the West is heading. It’s not a pretty picture. But hey! it’ll feel more like “home from home” for them at least!
I reckon GW.
But what about Stonewall and the other homosexual representatives? Ditto, the growing band of ‘in-betweeners’ i.e. trans gender and pretty well every other in the BBC’s increasing spectrum of ‘trans’ species. What about the women’s rights movements? They cannot all be that stupid to see that the biggest threat they face is not from homophobics or the hapless portion of the so-called ‘male dominated’ country but islam in all its glory which is destined to take us back to the Middle-ages. Perhaps the likes of Mishal Husain should ‘come clean’ and explain to her listeners her deep yearning for all things muslim – including the BBC – so watch out BBC employees of any LGBT leanings (or is it now, as they are multiplying by the month with the BBC’s assistance, abbreviated to use every letter in the alphabet?)
Crap reporting about North Korea and worse than useless. No US president can survive if he allows that deranged regime to get ICBMs.The US public will not accept it ( I exclude the snowflakes ) That simple. They have to be stopped one way or another and that is just reality. So we can expect war unless Kim backs down. A very nasty war that the N Koreans will lose. Japan has once again changed rules of engagement so that is yet another sign that it is coming to a head.
Cue the usual progressive whining from the BBC and it’s snowflake chums.
Kim will not get his ICBMS and that is that. I expect China will be annoyed in public but in private ?
The N.Korean regime has the numbers but this is 2017 and modern weapon systems are what matters and these he has not got.
Still no in depth news regarding the 5000 Muslims that have been rescued. Is this because the French elections are coming up? An election where 50,000 police are going to be used to protect voters and politicians who may have had direct threats made on their safety.
5000 How? Where did they get the money from? Who is organising this? The CBB TV news channel is just about to give us one of their IN DEPTH reports on the elections but the lead in comments before the news headlines were not encouraging. THE RESULTS OF THE FRENCH ELECTION MAY THREATEN THE EUROPEAN UNION AND BREXIT NEGOTIATIONS. A FULL REPORT COMING UP.
In 2017 we have an election in a free and democratic country yet thanks to Muslims and their religion of peace there has to be 50,000 police on duty at a cost of how much. When is the trash talk going to stop and the truth going to be spoken. The Islamic take over is not complete yet, but look at what we are facing right now.
Before I went to bed last night, Yasmin alibaba Brown reviewing the papers on Sky.
Switched on this morning, the bloody woman is on BBC Dateline AND noticeably irritating her fellow opinionators.
She knows I hate her to distraction, so she’s deliberately availing herself to the news channels. Oh, and now her title is ‘Political Commentator’, – someone give me a gun.
StewGreen………….Never mind a racist yasmin free day I would prefer a racist yasmin free life followed by a racist diane abbopotumus free life followed by a racist BBC free Life Followed by an Al-Guardian racist free life ie all of the above permanantly removed from my life
COMMERCIAL PRODUCERS? Do we get a licence rebate then?
“Petition calls for an investigation after TV visit to mosque
More than 6,000 people have signed an online petition calling for MPs to investigate the BBC amid claims it is complicit in attempts to ‘Islamise the UK’.
Campaign group Voice for Justice UK said the appointment of Fatima Salaria as the BBC’s head of religious programming – the second Muslim in a row to hold the post – was ‘deeply insulting’.
Its founder, Anglican priest Lynda Rose, said a recent Songs of Praise episode featuring a segment about the Muslim faith, including Church of England children visiting a mosque, exemplified the ‘Islamisation of the BBC’.”
I’m waiting for Emir Khan of Londonistan to demand that busses be segregated as they are in the Middle East, with women getting in the rear and men to the front. What’s that you say?, ‘don’t give the prick those ideas…..’
It does suggest it may be a parody. Of course, “No taxation without representation “, so white men would not have to pay taxes if they were denied the vote.
To whom do I complain, to have Yasmin B forcibly removed from display on the tv for ‘offensive’ comments about my Queen, and calling herself a British citizen constantly.
It’s a very good question, Brissles. She sails very close to the wind and at times has, I feel certain, crossed it (her comments about white people in particular come to mind).
The Left shouldn’t be allowed to have it both ways. If they want the fictional notion of a ‘hate crime’ to be defined as whatever the ‘victim’ wishes it to be then there is no reason why we can’t use their own ridiculous law against them.
Which means, I suppose, you have to complain to the old bill.
Fake News apparently… Received from Edinburgh Museums this morning: “There are no current plans to remove Golliwoggs from display. The newspaper article that this story originated from is inaccurate. We are working towards new displays throughout the Museum, which will result in new displays of a variety of objects, including Golliwoggs.“
There was a film on the telly yesterday which was not on the BBC.
I realised that this was because the film included politically incorrect incidents such as:
(1) Anti-Semitism and Russiaphobia
(2) The burning of politically incorrect books, like books with the word “Man” at Hull University, such as the works of Shakespeare
(3) Safe spaces for true believers
(4) A Politically incorrect incident involving someone “Blacking up”
(5) A great enthusiasm for the Establishment from the better educated Young people, combined with a dangerous scepticism from the older generation, who haven’t had any of that type of pro-establishment education.
(6) A state imposed crowd consensus over the opinions of the individual
(7) A mad establishment that wants to unite Europe in defiance of the British people, the American people and the Russian people
(8) Someone haunted by Humans, as one would be if someone normal ended up invited onto a BBC seminar panel
Not especially BBC, but the Institute for Economics and Truth produce an annual “Global Terrorism Index “. I know nothing about them so can’t vouch for the methodology. Selected highlights from worst to best for 2016 :-
The idea of ‘cultural appropriation’ exposes the lie behind multiculturalism. If we are all living in a paradise of shared values and mutual enrichment, why do some groups get angry at others for ‘stealing’ aspects of their culture? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I would have thought borrowing aspects from a culture would be a pure form of ‘celebrating diversity.’
I know that this site deals specifically with al beebus’ bias, however I had the misfortune of watching the first episode of a new series called “Guerrilla” from Sky Atlantic, on Catch Up last night.
I have not seen a more anti-white; anti-British and anti-police piece of garbage than this; the commissioning editors at al beebus must be so disappointed they didn’t get the opportunity to make it.
It is set in 1971 in London, but a London in which all whites are old; ugly; racist; you name it and the (all white) police are: ugly; racist and violent towards ethnic minorities and the Irish (the female ones of whom they beat up and grope when they stop and search) – except the whites who are in relationships with ethnic minorities, these are all mainly young and mainly attractive as many of the ethnic minority actors are too.
The story is about the civil rights struggle by ethnic minorities here at that time and is complete and total b******s. It also contained the erroneous theme which I have seen elsewhere in modern “drama”: that blacks and browns of the British Empire were responsible for building our country into what it was. I believe its production was backed by Idris Elba who also has a role in it. It is outrageous that a series can be made and broadcast in our country (also sold to other countries) which portrays British people in such a terrible way, without an uproar against it.
As an antidote, I watched “The Hill In Korea” on Talking Pictures (which is an excellent channel for British films which would never be shown on al beeb or ITV anymore http://talkingpicturestv.co.uk/ ).
It was made in 1956 and set in the Korean War; the cast were all great, established British actors (e.g.Harry Andrews) or upcoming stars (e.g. Michael Caine, Robert Shaw and lots of others I recognized but couldn’t name) and they spoke about the enemy (Chinese) and one of the platoon who was a coward, in a way which would hit eleven on the PCometer in 2017 and would NEVER be done today, unless it was to show how evil those doing so were.
I can recommend that film and that channel, last night it was a wonderful counterpoint to the ordure which is now produced to demean our country and its people.
Apologies for the lengthy post but I haven’t been as p****d off by a programme for quite a while.
Settled down to watch BBC Nature documentary “Earth’s Seasonal Secrets ” with some trepidation which was justified. In the foreground a loud noise which I would not dignify as music. In the background a commentator’s voice which was drowned out by the noise so I could not make out what he was saying. Then the silly speeded up filming. Switched off after 10 minutes.
Is there anything at all that the BBC do without cocking it up ? Anything at all ?
For my sins I listened to this crap. Patronising and arrogant is about the best I can say of it. The American from Berkeley University that haven of progressive absurdities and now in the forefront of the anti free speech movement sweeping academia.
The British woman would fit right in there.
It just does nor occur to these people that their insane rejection of our views and our realities is based on an illusion. That they possess the truth and that they alone can decide how we should view reality and live in this world.So they “investigate” us and in their arrogance think that they are somehow describing reality .They are the true priests of unreality and will go the same way as all of them down the ages.
We will see them off in the end and maybe they sense this.
Yes the West is polarising and about time. We are in a culture war and we are going to win. I know who and what I will fight for. They do not and whereas many of us will risk all they are cowards at heart.
Don’t bother with it. Better to watch ” In Which we Serve’ and how our people used to be and need to be again.
“Migrant boats: Thousands saved off Libyan coast over Easter”
As the weather warms up expect more and more invaders landing on the soft underbelly of Europe while the EU does nothing …… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-39614407
Can’t the idiots see that this will only encourage more . It’s a good thing that we got out of the EU when we could.
\\In 2016, terms like ‘fake-news’, ‘ post-truths’ and ‘alternate-facts’ became commonplace. It was also the year – and not by coincidence – the BBC decided to set up its own Reality Check team. It launched in January of this year and now, three months on, and with International Fact Checking Day having just passed// http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p04yzrpc
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Another picture of the dusky ‘ German ‘ who killed at least 2 in mannheim yesterday ( now forgotten )……
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Van HelsingMar 4, 17:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, Russia isn’t as strong as some people think. It wasn’t the old USSR to begin with and it’s even…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Even more excellent news – Rachel from accounts has said smaller companies can get the urgent defence contract for the…
wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 17:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “A psychotic Nigerian armed robber and crack cocaine dealer has been spared deportation because he would be considered “possessed” in…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC says Zelenski has gone on X and grovelled like the b@tch he is ( after being told – no…
GreencoatMar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I see that the Guardian’s review of Ash Sarkar’s new book refers to the British working class as the ‘lower…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news – Italy has said it won’t be sending Italian soldiers to die in Ukraine to keep Zelenski in…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
Whilst we all here, I believe, are confident in understanding the Ministry of Truth’s agenda (aka BBC’s), I do have to remind posters here that, the liberals and their ilk apart, there ARE a large number of people who still trust the said Ministry’s news broadcasts. People STILL believe that the Ministry is reporting fairly and can be trusted. There are, STILL, a lot of people, like my elderly parents, who do not use the internet. Even amongst those that do, there are still those, again, liberals etc apart, who do not trust online news.
We are, therefore, mistaken if we glibly accept that ” fewer and fewer people believe a word that eminate from the MSM these days, they are rapidly becoming a laughing stock.” as Doublethinker put it. He/she is correct that more doubt MSM, but, like in politics, people vote, eg Labour, always have, always will, because “Labour is for the working classes” etc. They will, therefore, take a long time to be weened off of MSM.
Just a thought.
I think that you are correct to say that the BBC still has great influence and can still play a critical role in stopping Brexit and pushing forward the Globalist agenda. Therefore you are correct to say that It is far too early to write it off. But as the Globalists are being challenged by the democratic spring they are being forced to come out into the open and to use their tame lickspittles in the MSM in ever more transparent propaganda stories , more and more people are seeing right through the BBC et al. Trust levels in the BBC are falling but still remain above 60%. But if they continue to lie so obviously the levels will continue to fall. Where will the tipping point be when the decline of trust becomes irreversible?
I’m a little bemused by some of the outrage generated by Kelvin MacKenzie’s offensive remarks in The Sun.
Firstly, I should admit that I wouldn’t have that particular paper hanging up in my outdoor dunny, I think it’s bloody awful; nor would I have the likes of The Guardian either, but that’s down to my own particular prejudice and taste.
And I’m not a fan of K.M either, I find him rather brash and boorish. His comments about Liverpudlians were bound to cause offence; he knew it and his editors must have known it. Blimey, it doesn’t take much to get Scousers whinging! Also, comparing Ross Barkley to a gorilla is quite clearly offensive.
Apparently the gorilla is severely pissed off…
But…this obsession with “racism” is getting completely out of hand. Looking at Ross Barkley I wouldn’t have known he had any African heritage. I don’t suppose MacKenzie had any clue either. Did you know?
And anyway, why should anyone think there was any particular connection to being black and being likened to a great ape? Isn’t that itself racist? I’ve often heard similar things said about Wayne Rooney. Let’s just hope we don’t discover Wayne’s got an Ethiopian aunty…
Surely, as is often the case, the very people accusing MacKenzie of “racism” are actually the one’s guilty of “racist” thoughts themselves. After all they’re the ones who are making the connection between the gorilla and being black.
And doesnt the latest pc meme tell us that race is only a “social construct”?
My brain hurts…
I thought we were all descended from apes. I have only read bits of what KM wrote and have no idea why his vitriol was directed at this target who I had never heard of. At the end of the day, he is only a footballer. KM and others would be better attacking politicians who really do deserve it.
As for racism and “hate crime”, is it not the Imams, who preach it and are racist towards “kaffirs”, who should be prosecuted ? Or are they exempt. What a thoroughly nasty , unpleasant country the UK is becoming and all of it caused by the Left Wing Liberal Elite.
Jeff, I agree 100% with that. On a football forum that I visit, there are people supporting the attack on MacKenzie because they don’t like him. But he is just today’s victim of liberal fascism. Tomorrow’s victim could be anyone.
The Mayor of Liverpool has reported the Sun’s article to the police for being racist. I would love to see the Mayor charged with wasting police time but of course I won’t be holding my breath.
Freedom of speech is disappearing day-by-day.
Blimey ! I’ve been ‘affectionately’ referring to some of my friends as ‘turnips’ and ‘pineapple chunks’ over the years, as in…..”God you’re a real turnip”………… and ‘pineapple chunks have more intelligence’…
So will the veggie and fruit police come knocking on my door soon for offending root veg and tree fruit ?
If the veggie police come after you tell them that veganism is waaycist
Good to see that Milo is still around. One headline on his site ” French Leftists threaten to move to Canada if Le Pen wins “. You have to laugh !
Grant, GWF – Yeah, like all the Democrats were going to move to Canada if Trump won. Ha!
Not to mention all the luvvies and others saying they would leave the UK if we voted Brexit !
Grant – God, I wish they would, to some muslim paradise like Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Somalia etc.
Special Branch?
There’s the Turnip Taliban in Norfolk . It didn’t want Elisabeth Truss adopted as the local Conservative prospective MP .
They have a point .
The only scientific definition of Race I could find was that all dead human Races and Species are classed as Species, and all living human Races and Species are classed as Races.
Also, all Human Species but one have died off in the last 150,000 years. But using classification rules for dead Human Species would produce at least four living Human Species today, with the most defining difference being based on an evolutional change between 40,000 years ago, and 15,000 years ago, which seemed to have produce a higher IQ for those in cold environments, because Brains can be more active in a cold environment, without the problem of overheating producing lethargy in a hot environment. This also coincides with skin colour, but is not thought to be caused by the same genes as skin colour.
This is thought to have lead to Hunting developing into domestication of animals as these Humans developed the intelligence necessary to understand the needs of these animals. This increased intelligence also led to the understanding of the needs of the plants being gathered, to the point were agriculture developed.
Also, the rule that a Human Race is not a separate Human Species, if it can interbreed with another Human Race, seems to have gone out of the window.
In fact the BBC/Guardian seems to have the same type of unscientific and indefinable feelings based definition of Race as the Nazis. Were even religions and cultures are classed as separate Races.
If only a quarter of Barkley is Nigerian, his “thickness” is more likely to be from the three quarters of him that is white British, so own goal Mr mayor. Anyway, it’s racist to link intelligence to race and the only one doing that is the mayor, so investigate the mayor for racist language. And seeing as 90% of Liverpool is white, how can the inhabitants constitute a race? If individual areas of the country contain their own race, I am also of mixed race. My father was from Southwark ( a sub-tribe of Londoner, though his Irish grandfather means he was also mixed race) and my mother was of the Grimbarian race of Lincolnshire. How ridiculous do we want to get with this? The mayor of Liverpool should be laughed at. This country becomes more ludicrous by the minute.
Spot on. Liverpudlians have an inferiority complex. I can’t think why .
You wonder what they want? McKenzie to apologise, resign, kill himself, go to prison, undergo torture or be executed?
What exactly do they want? Fair enough if their same exacting standards were applied across the board and to themselves and he was thought to be ‘getting away with it’.
Would they want his family and associates executed ‘disappeared’?
It would be nice to know because it all just smacks of one view, repressive thinking.
They want to bring back hanging , drawing and quartering and , for good measure, beheading. These people are medieval barbarians. That is why they love Islam.
They want his scalp Gaxvil – nothing less.
He represents old fashioned journalism where people were allowed to have an honest opinion, a sense of humour, not take things too seriously and definitely not have to self censor every utterance.
If he goes it sends a very powerful message to us all – If you open your mouth you better say the PC thing or your careers toast.
We are getting much closer to the was of North Korea than most people realise.
I do not think that John Junor or Peter Simple would survive today. The Leftist Elite Establishment are determined to kill free speech. I predict that Katie Hopkins will be next on their death list. Bastards.
Grant – I have thought that for a while too. Unfortunately one of her weaknesses is that she treats the left wing/liberals the way she treats everyone else ie as grownups. She dishes it out but expects to get it back.
With her recent case with JacknJill Monroe I believe she did make a genuine mistake and in the grown up world it would have been left at that. However these days the left will now throw the kitchen sink at anyone who opposes their agenda.
Once Katy goes I suspect they will target the more mainstream like Brillo – and I bet he knows it. I suspect he is only currently tolerated as a token non lefty so the BBC can say look how varied our “talent “base is.
They are like hyenas, they pick them off one by one.
Having seen the Mayor of Liverpool for the first time on tv, I don’t believe for one minute that a racist remark, funny or spoken in anger, has never left his lips, he looks too much of a thug to have led an abuse free life so far.
(hmmmmm….of course I may be wrong, but )
Careful. The origin of the word “thug” suggests you may be implying that Joe Anderson has antecedents from the sub-continent.
Or he himself may be guilty of cultural appropriation of a form of behaviour that originated in those far-off lands.
Meanwhile, nothing about that mosque our fellow patriot Masood frequented. What were they teaching there? Are they still teaching the same message? What can we do to prevent another tragedy from happening?
Of course that is of no concern whatsoever to Beeb Brother. Let the Police investigate this heinous thoughtcrime instead.
Sorry BB – Get with the programme. investigating “bacon crime” and women in burquas being shouted at on buses is far more important to our boys in blue these days.
No one really needs to go to the Luton mosque – they can save themselves a bus fair and open up a certain book written by a certain prophet – the teachings are black and white!
The one thing I agree with ISIS is that when they hold their finger up my understanding is that it means that there is only one interpretation of Islam and that the literal words of the prophet.
I might be speaking out of turn here as I don’t really like football and know little about it, and certainly wouldn’t want to get into an argument with a football fan – they seem to lose any sense they might otherwise have when the subject is their club. However, seeing the outrage of the mayor and Everton fans on the news this evening, I was reminded of a bloke I used to work with years ago, a decent fellow who player/managed the firm’s football team. He told me once in conversation that Everton were both sectarian and for a long time had no black players. Anybody know differently, or is this the real reason for their anger?
I have no idea. I hate football. It is all ignorance and tribalism. Cricket is quite different, of course !
I recently had the experience of close family members visiting from abroad and suffering extreme disappointment when their tickets to a Premier League match were refused and they were denied entry. This to people who have been fans of this club for as long as they have been sentient – but the club don’t care, the demand is so huge for tickets these days. They took their money at the gift shop before the match, though! Like you say, tribalism – I wish more people would wise up and see football for the cynical, exploitative business it really is.
“He told me once in conversation that Everton were both sectarian and for a long time had no black players.”
That is true. A terrace chant there used to be “Everton is white”, and they did not used to have black players.
Yesterday I was listening to a an interview on a Christian telly channel with an African Pastor. (I don’t remember his name). He has been doing charity work in Northern Iraq which involves running a bakery to feed displaced Yazidis & Christians. He mentioned that in some ways he feels safer in Iraq. This is because the army is there and you know that ISIS is 20 miles away. Which might sound frightening. “But in London the IS fighter could be your next door neighbour.”
There are a wealth of people with insights like this that really SHOULD be given a voice in the mainstream. The variety of perspective would surely be a higher quality of “cultural enrichment” than the contrived liberal version that is inflicted on us daily.
These are the sorts of stories which the BBC never report. Thank God for alternative sources including the internet.
Too true – we are treated like the proverbial mushrooms by the MSM, as they try to get us all wound up with their hissy fitting stories that, even when true, are utterly banal and insignificant.
A little true story of our times:
Where traffic wardens fear to tread
I don’t believe this story. It would have been so easy to give evidence, but there is none. I’d be interested to see photographs of these cars parked illegally, taken on several different days. Why did he not phone the council from the site, say he was taking photographs and would send them to the local paper? Why not contact the local councillor? Why not report his near accident to the police and ask them why there’s always an obstruction at that point? Why not go in person to the traffic warden’s HQ and confront them with pictures?
I have been praying for Ross Barkley all day – let’s hope he can get through this.
Someone said I look tired earlier. I did some research and it turns out a distant cousin has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I am retroactively offended and will be calling the police.
Just seen the line up for West Midlands Mayor. Interesting to see where they live. All but two live in very nice cottages or town houses. The UKIP bloke lives in an ordinary suburban street and the Communist lives in a particularly rough part of B’ham. Yes, a communist! Complete with hammer and sickle logo.
May 20th St Jo Cox memorial to be unveiled at Parliament by her children
Motto will be “More in common”
A PR stunt every month ?
Someone on Five Live yesterday morning was deflecting (sorry) reflecting on the Dortmund bombing and speculated that it might have been a loner with mental health issues, trying to associate themselves with a particular group or cause.
Just like Thomas Mair, perhaps? But of course, according to the BBC, his murderous deed was a terrorist act carried out on behalf of anyone who was to the right of the BBC and who voted to leave the EU – not a loner with mental health issues, trying to associate themselves with a particular group or cause…. We are all guilty.
The appropriate motto would surely be “More in Common Purpose”?
Still trying to draw breath. Yes, the BBC in breathtaking hypocrisy has run an article 15/04/17 on ‘fake, liberal news’. It makes you lung-less in an almost asthmatic way-the BBC ‘discussing’ liberal fake news!!!
They did an item on Fake-fake-liberal-news ..ignoring their actual mountins of FakeLib news
Just so they can say they’ve covered fake-Liberal-news
Oh and if anyone can actually find a comments section of the BBC online site, good luck, even the Sports section has gone quiet. Its like Goebbels Online-all chat, endless shat.
I’m reporting the new TV mini series “Guerrilla”, starring Idris Elba, to the Met because I think it’s racist.
BBC’s Shukmann on tellurium
DEBUNKED by Forbes as a churnalist cutnpasting solar panel PR material
Aayan Hirsi Ali double page interview in the Times pg36-37
If anyone tried to make such a film, it would mean certain death. That’s the reality of our lives in 2017.
And she is facing death just to write that. What a brave woman. And there is no way that the Left Elite Establishment will defend her. All credit to the Times for publishing it.
If you want to know how relentlessly nasty are the left in their treatment of Hirsi Ali, look no further than the Guardian of a few weeks ago:
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: fighter for freedom or just a help for Hanson?
(a reference to the Australian politician Pauline Hanson wants a ban on Muslim immigration, for some strange reason that the Guardian doesn’t understand)
The Guardian helpfully says of Hirsi Ali, “Her critics say her views are simplistic and straight out of the One Nation playbook”, and “She rejects the notion that the “root causes” of Islamist violence are issues such as poverty”.
Poverty? Do Guardian writers really think the Saudis or Iranians are poor? That Osama Bin laden was hunting through food banks for his Halal dinner before butchering thousands of people? Some of the wealthiest countries in the world are the Muslim middle east countries.
Before the oil price explosion in the 1970s, the Saudis were too poor to make any trouble. It’s only now that they have money that they can afford to do so.
I caught some of the tail end of The Now Show ( or Socialists Sneering Show ) and there was a “comedian” having a go against Ireland .
Now that’s unusual . The Irish are a Most Favoured Nation according to the BBC , being both a victim group ( due to British colonialism ) and an enlightened group ( because they are so pro EU ) as well as a minority of them almost killed Thatcher . What’s not to like ?
Well ! It seems they’re not as homosexual friendly as they should be , and the gay “satirist ” had to come over from the Emerald Isle to tell us how backward they are .
Now I know a lot of Irish listen and watch the BBC and other channels and are pained when they are portrayed in a bad way , and they are more aware of British matters than we are aware of Irish matters . I would actually say they have more foresight than we do and their Powers That Be are far superior to ours because their PTB do something ours don’t ; look after the people in their country .
I doubt the BBC would ever invite a comedian to come to the UK to rubbish his own country unless it was for their pet social engineering projects .
RE: Ross Barkley
Do the BBC not consider that the article was clearly meant to be funny and therefore not to be taken seriously? Levity is the soul of wit. Obviously, the author did not genuinely believe that Barkley could be a sub species of human.
Men bond through banter; that joshing is often based on physical differences and can be borderline offensive. Some of the best times of my life have been taking the piss out of mates. If someone takes it the wrong way, you just tell them to lighten up. You’re just having fun. Angels fly because they take things lightly. Who wants to be perpetually offended? Why cry when you can laugh? If someone said I looked like a gorilla I would make a growling noise then throw some fruit at my interlocutor’s head; perhaps start flexing my muscles then do a crap on his car bonnet. I would make a joke of it. I get through so many problems by not taking life too seriously.
Trump showed that the vast majority of people are opposed to this nonsense. Remember when Megan Fox tried to get him in trouble when she was chairing one of the presidential debates?
-You have called women you don’t like fat pigs, slobs and disgusting animals.
-Only Rosie O’Donnell!
How the people cheered and laughed hysterically! He had to thank them for their ovation. When I saw that clip I almost saw Trump as a messiah – someone to finally rescue us from these finger-wagging, boring offence-takers. What a breath of fresh air! Clearly nearly everyone in that audience did not care in the slightest about Trump being ‘offensive’ – very much the opposite in fact. He is FUN. We need fun and and laughter but the left has made it impossible to make jokes and I hate them so much for that.
With Barkley, it is not even that he was personally offended; someone was offended on his behalf, and that person was only offended having done research on Barkley’s family. And they have ran with this as an actual news story all day.
So if you want to make a joke at someone’s expense now, you must first ask that person about their history and beliefs in case you offend them. You must also research the history and beliefs of all their family members. Only then can you safely think about formulating a witty comment.
As that is not practicable, the BBC clearly think it is best to do away with humour altogether. If you want to have a joke with someone, don’t: just tell them you respect their differences and ask if they want to join hands and coin a loving hashtag together.
“the BBC clearly think it is best to do away with humour altogether.”
They’re ahead of you there – see their comedy output for proof.
“Men bond through banter”
Not so sure about the bonding bit. I’ve worked in several places where banter was an everyday occurrence but I wouldn’t say that it necessarily involved “bonding”. It was just normal, it was what we did, and it didn’t necessarily involve people we knew well or socialised with. The “sticks and stones” rule applied, within reason.
Women were occasionally involved but in some cases the response could be unpredictable so they were left alone.
I haven’t worked within a group for several years but I suspect that many places are pretty humourless compared with, say, 20/30 years ago. Banter is just too risky.
Beeboids and Leftists generally have had a sense of humour bypass. They are just so bloody boring !
I think half the problem is that these days the majority of organisations like the BBC are staffed by infants who have come straight from University “safe spaces” to work for organisations like the BBC who also treasure “safe spaces” and encourage and remunerate these weaklings to carry on with their permanently offended outlook on life.
The BBC is also always ready to use any opportunity to gain a political scalp – and Kelvin Macenzie would easily qualify for that.
I would lay money that none of these spoiled little prince and princesses ever had to or would want to work in any sort of all male environment lest their brittle little egos get shattered by any nasty men.
Quite frankly I find the whole thing an utterly pathetic storm in a teacup. It is just a further illustration of how under BBC/liberal Patronage how fragile, oversensitive and lacking in resilience much of our society has become.
I certainly could not picture a conscript army now !
I see the gap between the BBC luvvies from yoonie safe spaces and normal people underpins the unintentional joke – ‘More in common’ – written on St Jo’s plaque
Grant – I agree those days are dead and buried. And even when we do have soldiers willing to put their lives on the line for their country we undermine them at every turn and if possible put them in prison for acting like ———————-soldiers!
What a load of ungrateful wankers this nation is turning into!
Oak ,
My late father was a Desert Rat. He also served in the 8th Army. ( ! ). I see this country has gone from heroes to zeros in one generation.
Grant – My old man flew as a gunner in Bomber Command with 199 squadron. And though he was not on mainforce bombing raids (most of his work was radar jamming flying over the North Sea and the Zuider Zee at night) I know for a fact that had he been transferred to a mainforce bombing squadron he would have done his duty.
Even doing what he did, they still lost many mates on the ECM side who either got the chop from nightfighters or just flew into the sea.
To my shame in my younger lefty days I did look down my nose a bit at Dad, who I considered a reactionary old tory! He had always been a Conserative and was always saying society under the left was changing for the worse.
God was he right – and then some!!
Duty and patriotism – two words the BBC must hate
We shall never see their like again.
When I was a boy in the 1960’s, my dad used to say that the Tories were “slow motion socialists ” and the BBC were Marxists. I thought, at the time , that he was nuts. How wrong was I ?
It was also my Dad who alerted me to the evil of John Reith, which still pervades the BBC today.
Dad would have loved this website !
Yeah I think my dad would be chuckling at this too. Especially how his lefty son probably ended up a worse tub thumper than he ever was!
This afternoon one of the Freeview channels showed that superb film ‘In which we Serve” with Noel Coward as the captain of the Torren and directed by him and David Lean . I expect most of us are familiar with it.
It is like a different world with people who once we were like. No doubt a progressives’s nightmare and surely to be banned one fine future day.
No diversity as the progressive now demands and forces upon us. Just British sailors and their families behaving in that understated way that is the very best of us.
I doubt the safe spacers would ever begin to understand what makes this film so good .
The very last words should be played to the remainers and over loudspeakers in the Brussels charade of an assembly. That one that starts—‘we are an island race—”
In 1942 you would have struggled to find anyone who disagreed with that and with the notion of a free and proud island people.
Today we have the BBC full of God knows what and the progressive whiners of the liberal world none of them fit to even watch a film like this anymore.
Dave S
Did you happen to cast an eye over the list of film crew credits at the end ? Not an ethnic name to be found – this was a time before diversity had been invented. Our film industry was manned by the likes of the Joans, Gordons, Alans, Brians, Johns, Annes, and Davids of this country. Those days are gone, never to return.
Dave, the sad thing is that modern TV that rewrites history seems to be effective in brainwashing the younger generation. I’ve just read Amazon reviews of a recent wartime TV drama DVD called ‘The Halcyon’. One reviewer commented that it was wonderful that it didn’t try to pretend the RAF were ‘all white and posh’!
As the daughter of a world War Two soldier, I grew up enjoying vintage British films like “in which we serve’ as well as wartime news footage in TV nostalgia programmes like “All our Yesterdays’. The only non-white living thing I ever saw was the dog in ‘The Dambusters’.
I suppose this (presumably young) reviewer imagines the old newsreels and films were mock-ups by racists concealing the fact the British armed forces actually resembled the black and white minstrels.
It’s a shame about ‘The Halcyon’ (ITV, I think), but it sounds like appallingly scripted, historically inaccurate dross. Never mind, I’ve got DVDs of the enjoyable early seventies drama serial ‘A Family at war’. At least it was made close enough to the war to get things more or less right!
Helena, I watched ‘A family at War’ when it was shown in the 70’s, and at that time, 30 years after the war, there wasn’t much difference in our demographic make-up, and none of us then had any reason to think that our lives would be much different as we got older. Huh! dream on ! Here we are, another 40 years later and there are more Mohammeds being born in this country than Johns.
We’ve said it many times on here, but even 25 years hence the demographic change again doesn’t bear thinking about.
No one in their right mind wants a nuclear war, but as I’m dangerously approaching a more mature age, I’m wondering if being blown to smithereens is the better option than the possibility of being ‘cared’ for in a residential home (always assuming there are any left !!) by those who are neither of our culture or can speak our language ! Something that is readily spoken about my most of my friends.
The Halcyon was a bit of fluff, but utterly ahistorical. As the war progressed, there were Indians and West Indians serving in the RAF, but not in Fighter Command in 1940, when it was set. Similarly, other ranks were shown drinking in the bar of the hotel. In real life, they could never have afforded the prices.
Like most drama these days, it simply views the past through the prism of 21st century political correctness. There is no attempt to understand people from the past, or the way they thought. Anyone in a 1940s drama who is against mixed race marriage, immigration or gender neutral toilets is portrayed as a mindless bigot, rather than someone whose views were shaped by the society in which they lived.
Very true Rob.
As a young child in the 50’s and living on the south east coast, the only black/brown people we saw were in children’s books, usually in a jungle setting, where the cartoon cannibals had a bone through their nose and wore grass skirts while lurking over a cauldron with a hunter white man in boiling water! ‘Racist’ was a word unheard of, and it was only watching tele a decade later that we knew that black people existed – in London !
We weren’t mindless bigots because we didn’t know the meaning. Mixed race marriages were frowned upon in the areas where they happened, usually in the big cities, but generally in the coastal areas we led an uneventful lifestyle – apart from the Mods & Rockers pushing and shoving on the beach at Margate !!
BBC 4 trailing ” Tankies” with Mark Urban , a Beeboid, former British Army officer. Er, yes for 9 months. Funny how the BBC love the British Army when it suits their purposes. Wankers.
There were three main stories on the evening news; war with North Korea; Barkleygate; the suicide bombing in Syria. Clearly they see the Barkley affair as more important than the suicide bombing in Syria. Absolute insanity.
Beeboids are clinically insane .
“There were three main stories on the evening news; war with North Korea”….
Just for curiosity I found a full screening of the North Korea parade to compare with the edited “highlights” the BBC shows. If you looked at the beeb version you would think it was rows and rows of tanks, missiles going on for hours in their thousands.
Reality was a couple of old codger marshals/generals in Mercedes started proceedings barking at each other followed by a drive around the troops barking at each other for about half an hour. Some shots of more Mercedes jeeps and equipment followed by a rousing speech threatening America (normal for any DPK parade). Some blocks of goose stepping soldiers and Mercedes personnel carriers for another half an hour then the peeps in a massive display of “loyalty”. The missiles took all of five minutes of the Parade.
What struck me was:
1) The parade was pretty much the same as every DPK parade we see.
2) How many Mercedes vehicles have been sold to the DPK.
3) How the beeb is trying to start WW3 with the biased rhetoric.
4) The beeb will never make sensible coverage of anything in my lifetime.
Listening to R4 Xtra series by seasoned comedy producers and mostly agreeing with, ‘Too much PC in comedy, too much dark comedy that belongs in Drama, too much pushing of messages’ and finally at the end of the day, ‘comedy should be funny’.
But near the end of the series they had to throw it all down the toilet with, ‘Funniest thing for ages: Trump’s inauguration.’
Oh Dear.
I’d go with Dimble’s face as the Sunderland result came in. Priceless.
Ten months on we’ve got as far as writing a letter.
‘Funniest thing for ages: Trump’s inauguration.’
I’d go with Dimble’s face as the Sunderland result came in. Priceless.
Ten months on we’ve got as far as writing a letter.
Very strange – the edit came up as a new post!!!!!
Men and women are different. All cultures are not equal. Cowardice is not a virtue.
“In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense.”
George Orwell, 1984.
I had forgotten that great Orwell quote ” The heresy of heresies was common sense ” . Genius.
Does that take us to a password sealing page ?
Ah no a student news story : “Universities require scholars pledge commitment to diversity ”
Is this really headline news ?
Oh ! look at the furry animal over there………
What’s it burying?
A Large amount of giraffe dung?
Nothing new there then.
Male bovine excrement ?
What is Tiny Tim’s Easter message? ……..
“Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron discussed the row over the name of the egg hunt in his Easter message, suggesting it had had little to do with Christianity but was more about holding on to “something comfortable and traditional………….”.
“something comfortable and traditional………….”.
I would be interested if he held the same views WRT Ramadan, which I have heard involves some sort of sect and a lot of violence. The BBC seem to be in awe of it for reasons I have yet to understand.
If Tim Farron can show me anywhere in the New Testament where Jesus urges people to be terminally stupid as part of being a Christian I will be impressed with the man. Farron, however, preaches a political line which would end up as suicide for the British people, their culture and their values.
I am not a rampant nationalist, but I know a dingbat when I see one.
It is hard to believe that any Brit with even an once of loyalty would support this clueless wonder who seems to think Jesus was a Remainer. I accept that religious scriptures are subject to various interpretations but Farron takes the biscuit.
Wasn’t there a line in the Bible somewhere about a man who would sell his birthright for a potty message?
Whoops! I appear to have made a mistake.
It was Esau who sold his birthright for a “mess of pottage”
But if we Farronically interpret the above “mess of pottage” as the present situation of the EU then Brexit is just the path that the Holy Book would want us to take.
Two can play that game, Tim.
Sunday morning here in Australia, and we switched on the breakfast show on the left-liberal (aren’t they all?) commercial TV Channel 9. To my surprise, they brought in a priest. Surely they weren’t going to stand up for traditional western values for once? They asked him for his Easter message:
‘Bring the asylum-seekers here!’ replied the tie-less octogenarian hippie. He proceeded to gibber something about interfaith dialogue and bringing communities together, but I’d have had to chew my fingers off to survive listening to the rest.
And the clergy wonder why churches are sprouting minarets! I give up. I mean, if he’d suggested importing Christian refugees from the middle east one would have some sympathy. But most of our would-be ‘asylum seekers’ are called Mohammed.
This liberal left disease is clearly a world wide epidemic . It is spread by a few thousand, perhaps a few tens of thousands, of the Globalist elite , who know the possible/ probable dire consequences of what they are doing in promoting mass migration, but supported by many millions of gullible and naive useful idiots who don’t, like your hippy priest. Somehow these fools have been conned into ignoring all the evidence that is right in front of them . Instead they have bought into a belief system where they expect that by being welcoming and open to Muslims that the Muslims will reciprocate ,not just for the first few weeks , which may be true, but for generations to come, which is highly unlikely. They ignore all the lessons from history and around the world that are contrary to this view. Orwell said that much left wing thought is playing with fire by people who don’t even know that fire is hot.
I expect that there are even some of these fools who are more extreme in their views and have fallen victim to the non stop brainwashing of the MSM that the West is evil and not worth saving and that Islamification is to be preferred. God help future generations they have been left a terrible legacy by these idiots.
I was listening to the 4am World Service news and being Easter the Vatican was mentioned including that St Peters Square had been decorated with thousands of flower pots. (Glad they can afford it) There was a mention about the Pope’s concerns with ‘immigrants’ included, then a brief snippet about 5000 being rescued in the last 2 days. I thought this surely can’t be true. 5000 in the last 2 days and not even summer yet. I can’t see any reference to this rescue story on the news channel but you can be sure they are running with glee on the marches in the US about the failure of President Trump to disclose his taxes. The reader made me smile when he stumbled by saying “There have been marches across 100 countries”, well he didnt quite finish the word ‘countries’
Before changing it to “Cities” across the US. Couple of points I want to make. If there have been mass rescues in the last 2 days, I thought I’d be more aware of it by now, so I’m really perplexed because it’s hugely significant. Especially as I’ve just heard about the suicide bomber taking out a bus in Syria. Muslims killing Muslims again or Muslims killing Christians, either way it’s Muslims killing killing and killing. The man in Pakistan murdered by the stupid and crazed followers of ‘The Religion Of Peace’, because he was a ‘Humanist’. The prime minister of Pakistan has come out saying ‘He is shocked’. Yeah sure he is. Just as I was switching off there was a piece about riots in Indonesia over Playboy.
I didn’t know it was still being printed. This behaviour of Muslims is sickening, disgusting and unacceptable yet we continue to defend them even in the case of the CBB, worshiping them. I do not want to live with Muslims and their belief systems. If 5000 more have arrived give them food, clean clothes and send them right back. Do this with strength and courage and soon they will get the message. Can you imagine the horrified reaction of all those saintly HUMANIST beings over my position on this. Let them foam from the mouth. Let them shout, scream, curse hiss and cry because if one man in Pakistan is murdered not by any other religion but by MUSLIMS then what in the fuck do you think is going to happen in the UK and the rest of Europe as the numbers become uncontrollable. Wake up, it’s already happening. They take issue with a magazine in Paris. What do they do MURDER! They take issue with a magazine in Indonesia. What do they do RIOT! They take issue with a man who simply wants to be a kind person and what do they do MURDER HIM!
As for the marches about President Trumps taxes, where are these same people when it comes to the large multinational coprations who are all involved in tax evasion. Name me a person from the poorest to the richest who doesn’t try to minimise their income tax. I would be more supportive if they were protesting about how their tax dollars are spent. I switched off the TV glimpsing another Impersonator in front of the capital building sending the man up again. That’s all they can manage!
Trump would be stupid to release his tax returns as the MSM would do all they can to kick up a stink and create innuendo and detract from the important work he is doing. They say he is wrong not to release them, but you can’t give a spoiled brat the new toy he wants if you know he will just smash it up in a tantrum and you cannot afford it. The MSM have shown to a spectacular degree that they could not be trusted with such a thing.
RE: Barkley
I wrote the other week about the language used by the BBC in relation to the ‘hate crime’ in Croydon, the fake news they ran with for much of the weekend like Barkley this week. They said ‘it is believed’ the assailants mentioned asylum. Believed by whom? Plus belief is subjective. Any lawyer would tear such evidence to shreds and the case would fall apart.
Yet as the BBC is a law unto itself, no standards apply.
This week there is an issue of locus standi or standing. To bring a claim you must have sufficient proximity to the supposed offence. If someone assaulted me, I could press charges; I could also do so on behalf of my son. However, I could not litigate on behalf of a friend if he were assaulted. This is the floodgates argument: if anyone could bring a claim on behalf of anyone else, the court system would become overwhelmed by frivolous cases; also, the supposed victim might not want the stress and exposure litigation brings.
Has Barkley himself expressed any desire for this supposed offence against him to be prosecuted? No. The claimant is the Mayor of Liverpool. In a court of law he would have no claim. Another legal principle is that of ulterior motive. If a judge can be shown to have a real likelihood of bias relating to a case, he must be removed. In one famous case, it was discovered that the wife of a judge ruling on Pinochet ran a charity that had exposed some of his human rights abuses. The judge was immediately removed from the case. Clearly, the self-appointed judge in this case is spectacularly biased.
The entire BBC system is now based on ‘belief’, especially any CECUTT response.
Because facts and tangibles are not fitting the narrative.
But they still control the edit and broadcast dials.
You will never guess what Katty Kay’s latest ‘report’ is about?:
Can anyone explain what the hell she means or do you have to be a Beeboid to understand ?
It’s the BBC. She’s golden even if she posts ‘Wibble. Trump. Arse! Trumpism. DNA. Integrity. I miss Barry, sniff’.
Question is, is this Presidency more about Trump, or Trumpism?
Question is Katy. When is someone going to cut your prawn cocktail and caviar budget and put you back on your meds.
She is certainly unhinged. Her comment seems totally meaningless to me.
A hat trick of BBC biases this morning at the pre- 7.30 newspaper review.
It’s lambing season and dyed-in-the-wool BBC exponent of BBC office culture the BBC’s very own Janice Long joins the sofa numpties – our Janice being described as “Broadcaster”. One wonders why the BBC bothers with this unconvincing pretence at independence?
The poison gas attack in Syria and the media-friendly US reaction was SO last week – now we’re clearly back with the tired old narrative of Trump-bashing. The Mail suddenly becomes BBC gospel since it frames the two respective leaders equally as “Mavericks” I can’t recall Trump executing his rivals or sending opponents off to concentration camps – but what do I know? In the US-North Korea stand-off our BBC threesome tell us : “It’s amazing when China is the adult in the room” One finds oneself quietly metaphorically screaming at the TV – who is the adult on the BBC sofa?
Next up to the Mirror. Politically leftist public sector puff- come sob- piece about nurses taking pay day loans. Our sofa feather-weight non-entity beta-male helpfully adds – “they’re going to food banks”. And Rachel Burden who didn’t sell her London home when she was moved by the BBC – with a generous relocation package – to Salford “because house prices would rise faster in London” reminds us that the our NHS angels are voting as to whether they are going to go on strike for more pay. No need to ask where the BBC public sector payroll vote stands on this one.
And so to Easter. Sofa eunuch ponders the great theological question of the day and reckons he’s got it sussed “The whole Crucifixion, that’s all disappeared” Yeah, let me know when you think Ramadan has been replaced with a chocolate egg.
Seriously BBC, you can only push this bias thing so far – it’s now so obvious that it’s verging on being a joke.
When it comes to,poison gas, the BBC seems consistent, if unique:
Check out the second piece.
Maybe Mark can use a ‘purposes of journalism’ exemption to avoid substantiating his… journalism?
It is to be hoped that, as a military officer, his targeting commitments were based on better Intel interpretations.
Ah Mark Urban, the BBC’s toy action man fighting it out late at night in the almost deserted Newsnight trenches, desperately defending the BBC narrative to the last. For some reason I’m reminded of a line from a famous war film:
Dirk Bogarde plays the general: “Well, as you know, I always felt we tried to go a bridge too far”
Urban warfare, bbc styly…
I just saw how well Barkley played yesterday. Incredible strength of character – it is almost as if someone having a joke at his expense had no effect on him whatsoever. Given the extensive BBC coverage, I expected him to break down in tears and have to be substituted off.
Free Speech at a leading American university? https://youtu.be/telHfA3i0LY
As we are all aware, the clamour to close down any proper debate on islam and destroy ‘Free Speech’ is well underway. Given a few years in the West, it will be impossible to criticise any aspect of islam even for those who are well versed in the quaran and understand its venomous teachings. Those outspoken will slip unobtrusively from being ‘islamaphobes’ to blasphemers and we all know what happens to them in Pakistan and elsewhere in the muzzie world. What happens then? I suspect the rapid introduction of all things islamic. The weekend will become Friday and on that day, markets around the country will be set up to carry out the wishes of the local sharia courts decisions. Cutting off hands, stoning women and beheading those convicted of a ‘crime’. At the least, flogging will also take place in public. All the practices of islam. I do paint a picture which, perhaps, those reading this will regard as ISIS at work. No. ‘Fraid not – this is the current middle east normality and since they are footing the bill for the West’s transformation, why would they not expect to see the whole range of sharia punishments carried out?
One endearing quality of living in the Middle East is that if you are spotted as a Westener wandering around the market on a Friday, you are likely to be grabbed and pushed to the front of the baying crowd to take the prime view of islamic justice in action. Not for the squeamish.
When I first heard the Barkley thing I was under the impression that MacKenzie had said he looked like a gorilla yet later on I heard it was something along the lines of Barkley was looking at something or other with gorilla like eyes.
I’m not sure what was actually said but so many snowflakes and virtue signallers are getting their underpants all twisted up trying to out ‘be offended for him’ everyone else.
Everton have done some good things, recently helping with the ill Sunderland boy, but the scousers also have a reputation for being able to be mighty upset at anything and are the Country’s best whingers.
So a huge car bomb has killed over a hundred people as it crashed into a convoy of escaping refugees in Syria. Earlier on BBC Radio 5 their Syria Correspondent claimed that it can’t possibly be anything to do with the rebels because they would have “nothing to gain” from such an action.
Just like they reported that Assad would have nothing …. oh, wait.
So who do the BBC think would have something to gain ? The BBC do not report facts they just give us Fake News and their uninformed opinions. They are an expensive joke.
Good one: “Trump tax march” BBC spins a report and shows video of violence at Berkeley (again) Looking at the participants it’s clearly one or two pro-Trump biker types versus a great many ANTIFA with their usual pepper spray and assorted weaponry and all dressed up in their black outfits (Kind of like a pack of wimpy SS rejects).
With all this there is zero mention of ANTIFA and their regular presence at Berkeley…what a surprise BBC.
The violence at Berkeley was the Antifa attacking the free speech people. Doing their usual thing using violence to prevent free speech. When the Antifa turned up with missiles and weapons the cops ran and hid. But it went wrong for the Antifa because they set off a smoke bomb with the wind blowing against them, and as they retreated the Trumpers ran after them and gave them a thrashing
Here is Lauren Southern fresh from the riot
Just a small addition to my contribution above. the smiling faces on our screens of the likes of Mishal Husain – https://www.theguardian.com/media/2013/jul/16/mishal-husain-bbc-radio-4-today – Samira Ahmed and all the rest who have either come, or descended from those that have come from islamic regions will know all that goes on in their muzzie World and where the West is heading. It’s not a pretty picture. But hey! it’ll feel more like “home from home” for them at least!
That smile.. good news on her special tally front?
I reckon GW.
But what about Stonewall and the other homosexual representatives? Ditto, the growing band of ‘in-betweeners’ i.e. trans gender and pretty well every other in the BBC’s increasing spectrum of ‘trans’ species. What about the women’s rights movements? They cannot all be that stupid to see that the biggest threat they face is not from homophobics or the hapless portion of the so-called ‘male dominated’ country but islam in all its glory which is destined to take us back to the Middle-ages. Perhaps the likes of Mishal Husain should ‘come clean’ and explain to her listeners her deep yearning for all things muslim – including the BBC – so watch out BBC employees of any LGBT leanings (or is it now, as they are multiplying by the month with the BBC’s assistance, abbreviated to use every letter in the alphabet?)
Crap reporting about North Korea and worse than useless. No US president can survive if he allows that deranged regime to get ICBMs.The US public will not accept it ( I exclude the snowflakes ) That simple. They have to be stopped one way or another and that is just reality. So we can expect war unless Kim backs down. A very nasty war that the N Koreans will lose. Japan has once again changed rules of engagement so that is yet another sign that it is coming to a head.
Cue the usual progressive whining from the BBC and it’s snowflake chums.
Kim will not get his ICBMS and that is that. I expect China will be annoyed in public but in private ?
The N.Korean regime has the numbers but this is 2017 and modern weapon systems are what matters and these he has not got.
Still no in depth news regarding the 5000 Muslims that have been rescued. Is this because the French elections are coming up? An election where 50,000 police are going to be used to protect voters and politicians who may have had direct threats made on their safety.
5000 How? Where did they get the money from? Who is organising this? The CBB TV news channel is just about to give us one of their IN DEPTH reports on the elections but the lead in comments before the news headlines were not encouraging. THE RESULTS OF THE FRENCH ELECTION MAY THREATEN THE EUROPEAN UNION AND BREXIT NEGOTIATIONS. A FULL REPORT COMING UP.
In 2017 we have an election in a free and democratic country yet thanks to Muslims and their religion of peace there has to be 50,000 police on duty at a cost of how much. When is the trash talk going to stop and the truth going to be spoken. The Islamic take over is not complete yet, but look at what we are facing right now.
Aren’t things more pleasant without the odious andrew marr programme on Sundays?
In fact, wouldn’t life be better altogether without any bbbc?
My Easter can’t get any worse.
Before I went to bed last night, Yasmin alibaba Brown reviewing the papers on Sky.
Switched on this morning, the bloody woman is on BBC Dateline AND noticeably irritating her fellow opinionators.
She knows I hate her to distraction, so she’s deliberately availing herself to the news channels. Oh, and now her title is ‘Political Commentator’, – someone give me a gun.
I suppose ‘political commentator’ is better than the truth: ‘loudmouthed Ugandan ingrate’.
The acronym ‘PC’ seldom means much good.
@Brisseles You are just jealous cos she’s so popular
On BBC Dateline
and #SkyPapers
Popular again
“Yasmin would like a Trumo free day , We would like a Yasmin racist free day , sick of seeing you on Lefty liberal Tv”
StewGreen………….Never mind a racist yasmin free day I would prefer a racist yasmin free life followed by a racist diane abbopotumus free life followed by a racist BBC free Life Followed by an Al-Guardian racist free life ie all of the above permanantly removed from my life
Bishop raises fears for religious TV as the BBC farms out Songs of Praise to commercial producers after 55 years of making it in house
COMMERCIAL PRODUCERS? Do we get a licence rebate then?
“Petition calls for an investigation after TV visit to mosque
More than 6,000 people have signed an online petition calling for MPs to investigate the BBC amid claims it is complicit in attempts to ‘Islamise the UK’.
Campaign group Voice for Justice UK said the appointment of Fatima Salaria as the BBC’s head of religious programming – the second Muslim in a row to hold the post – was ‘deeply insulting’.
Its founder, Anglican priest Lynda Rose, said a recent Songs of Praise episode featuring a segment about the Muslim faith, including Church of England children visiting a mosque, exemplified the ‘Islamisation of the BBC’.”
Your two favourite people in one video
Nadiya Hussain in Conversation with Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
Bloody Hell, Yasmin is almost showing her tits in that picture! Won’t that drive her male co-religionists wild with lust?
Lobster – Her co-religionists maybe, but not me – that’s for sure.
I don’t think muslim men are too fussy when it comes to women. Now, goats, that is a different matter.
Get yer udders out for the – lads?- Worrying!
Bake & Flake?
Thank you for making my Easter complete, Stewgreen ! I’m surprised that Ore Oduba and Sir Lenny Henry weren’t included to make up the quartet !
Hopefully they can reminisce about that happy day when their clitorises were removed
“A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: March 2017” –
And another month of it coming up in may when the Beeboids will be wetting their knickers over Ramadan.
I’m waiting for Emir Khan of Londonistan to demand that busses be segregated as they are in the Middle East, with women getting in the rear and men to the front. What’s that you say?, ‘don’t give the prick those ideas…..’
Exactly ! And separate busses for muslims and non-muslims. Woops, now I have done it !
Separate roads too. Here is the Edgeware road
Insane !
Good to see the real news website back –
@BreitbartLondon : Deny white men the vote 30 years to fix the world, suggests Huffpo
It does suggest it may be a parody. Of course, “No taxation without representation “, so white men would not have to pay taxes if they were denied the vote.
@BreitbartLondon just in : Golliwogs to be removed from toy museum
#MassagingHistory into hatestory
I think you can still buy a black cabbage patch doll. Its similar to a Gollywog but of a less crude design.
To whom do I complain, to have Yasmin B forcibly removed from display on the tv for ‘offensive’ comments about my Queen, and calling herself a British citizen constantly.
It’s a very good question, Brissles. She sails very close to the wind and at times has, I feel certain, crossed it (her comments about white people in particular come to mind).
The Left shouldn’t be allowed to have it both ways. If they want the fictional notion of a ‘hate crime’ to be defined as whatever the ‘victim’ wishes it to be then there is no reason why we can’t use their own ridiculous law against them.
Which means, I suppose, you have to complain to the old bill.
Surely Yasmin’s comments are sexist and racist. Plod should be investigating.
How about a ‘Dancing Sambo’
Oh PLEEEEEASE send it to Yasmin !
Its made for her – ‘easy to work’, although ‘fun at your parties’ might be debatable.
I would like to complain about the night sky being black, which is clearly racist.
Fake News apparently… Received from Edinburgh Museums this morning: “There are no current plans to remove Golliwoggs from display. The newspaper article that this story originated from is inaccurate. We are working towards new displays throughout the Museum, which will result in new displays of a variety of objects, including Golliwoggs.“
There was a film on the telly yesterday which was not on the BBC.
I realised that this was because the film included politically incorrect incidents such as:
(1) Anti-Semitism and Russiaphobia
(2) The burning of politically incorrect books, like books with the word “Man” at Hull University, such as the works of Shakespeare
(3) Safe spaces for true believers
(4) A Politically incorrect incident involving someone “Blacking up”
(5) A great enthusiasm for the Establishment from the better educated Young people, combined with a dangerous scepticism from the older generation, who haven’t had any of that type of pro-establishment education.
(6) A state imposed crowd consensus over the opinions of the individual
(7) A mad establishment that wants to unite Europe in defiance of the British people, the American people and the Russian people
(8) Someone haunted by Humans, as one would be if someone normal ended up invited onto a BBC seminar panel
Not especially BBC, but the Institute for Economics and Truth produce an annual “Global Terrorism Index “. I know nothing about them so can’t vouch for the methodology. Selected highlights from worst to best for 2016 :-
1 Iraq
29 France
34 UK
36 USA
130 Gambia (zero incidents)
The idea of ‘cultural appropriation’ exposes the lie behind multiculturalism. If we are all living in a paradise of shared values and mutual enrichment, why do some groups get angry at others for ‘stealing’ aspects of their culture? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I would have thought borrowing aspects from a culture would be a pure form of ‘celebrating diversity.’
Exactly Beep …
and anyway what’s wrong with a black musician playing Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto?
or Yuja Wang playing Beethoven …. who could object to this? …
Nothing wrong with it unless you’re a narrow minded race baiting bigoted hypocrite, of which there are many I’m sorry to say.
Yes, and some would say that they are all working for our beloved Beebistan
Islam will stamp out any and all ‘cultural appropriation’ in due course.
Has anybody seen this. A rather surprising report about a cartoonist in North America giving a pro republican slant.
Just like to add that I now live in Finland, so don’t know if you can view this in Britain.
Yes, the link works. Excellent, don’t suppose the BBC would ever show that !
I know that this site deals specifically with al beebus’ bias, however I had the misfortune of watching the first episode of a new series called “Guerrilla” from Sky Atlantic, on Catch Up last night.
I have not seen a more anti-white; anti-British and anti-police piece of garbage than this; the commissioning editors at al beebus must be so disappointed they didn’t get the opportunity to make it.
It is set in 1971 in London, but a London in which all whites are old; ugly; racist; you name it and the (all white) police are: ugly; racist and violent towards ethnic minorities and the Irish (the female ones of whom they beat up and grope when they stop and search) – except the whites who are in relationships with ethnic minorities, these are all mainly young and mainly attractive as many of the ethnic minority actors are too.
The story is about the civil rights struggle by ethnic minorities here at that time and is complete and total b******s. It also contained the erroneous theme which I have seen elsewhere in modern “drama”: that blacks and browns of the British Empire were responsible for building our country into what it was. I believe its production was backed by Idris Elba who also has a role in it. It is outrageous that a series can be made and broadcast in our country (also sold to other countries) which portrays British people in such a terrible way, without an uproar against it.
As an antidote, I watched “The Hill In Korea” on Talking Pictures (which is an excellent channel for British films which would never be shown on al beeb or ITV anymore http://talkingpicturestv.co.uk/ ).
It was made in 1956 and set in the Korean War; the cast were all great, established British actors (e.g.Harry Andrews) or upcoming stars (e.g. Michael Caine, Robert Shaw and lots of others I recognized but couldn’t name) and they spoke about the enemy (Chinese) and one of the platoon who was a coward, in a way which would hit eleven on the PCometer in 2017 and would NEVER be done today, unless it was to show how evil those doing so were.
I can recommend that film and that channel, last night it was a wonderful counterpoint to the ordure which is now produced to demean our country and its people.
Apologies for the lengthy post but I haven’t been as p****d off by a programme for quite a while.
Settled down to watch BBC Nature documentary “Earth’s Seasonal Secrets ” with some trepidation which was justified. In the foreground a loud noise which I would not dignify as music. In the background a commentator’s voice which was drowned out by the noise so I could not make out what he was saying. Then the silly speeded up filming. Switched off after 10 minutes.
Is there anything at all that the BBC do without cocking it up ? Anything at all ?
R4 sociology prog about EDL
For my sins I listened to this crap. Patronising and arrogant is about the best I can say of it. The American from Berkeley University that haven of progressive absurdities and now in the forefront of the anti free speech movement sweeping academia.
The British woman would fit right in there.
It just does nor occur to these people that their insane rejection of our views and our realities is based on an illusion. That they possess the truth and that they alone can decide how we should view reality and live in this world.So they “investigate” us and in their arrogance think that they are somehow describing reality .They are the true priests of unreality and will go the same way as all of them down the ages.
We will see them off in the end and maybe they sense this.
Yes the West is polarising and about time. We are in a culture war and we are going to win. I know who and what I will fight for. They do not and whereas many of us will risk all they are cowards at heart.
Don’t bother with it. Better to watch ” In Which we Serve’ and how our people used to be and need to be again.
“Migrant boats: Thousands saved off Libyan coast over Easter”
As the weather warms up expect more and more invaders landing on the soft underbelly of Europe while the EU does nothing ……
Can’t the idiots see that this will only encourage more . It’s a good thing that we got out of the EU when we could.
The Fight Against Fake News
Over to You
\\In 2016, terms like ‘fake-news’, ‘ post-truths’ and ‘alternate-facts’ became commonplace. It was also the year – and not by coincidence – the BBC decided to set up its own Reality Check team. It launched in January of this year and now, three months on, and with International Fact Checking Day having just passed//
The BBC showing their usual lack of irony and self-awareness. Idiots.