I’m sorry if I sound bitter, but it becomes harder and harder to ward off cynicism when each terrorist attack in Western Europe meets with the same dishonest and evasive response.
The first thing that happens just after a massacre (a word that is never, ever used, please note) is the gore and brutality are played down. We are allowed to look upon gassed twins in Syria, their lovely faces growing pinched and waxen in their father’s arms, but a curtain must be drawn over the maimed bodies of our own victims. As swiftly as is feasible, once they have removed the corpses and power-hosed the blood, attention turns to feel-good stories of heroism and survival. The passive tense is adopted in news reports. French teenagers deliberately mown down by a car travelling at 76mph on the pavement of Westminster Bridge are “caught up in the violence”. Exactly like that 11-year-old girl in Stockholm on Friday.
Except she wasn’t “caught up in the violence”, was she? The poor child was murdered in broad daylight on a main street of the capital city of a country that has done more than any other to welcome Muslim asylum seekers by a failed Muslim asylum seeker. …
… But please, don’t concern yourselves. The attacker is a “lone wolf”. Invariably, he has “mental health issues”, and his behaviour is not linked to a particular religion or ideology.
Quite soon after, it emerges that the wolf may not have been so lonesome after all. At the weekend, for example, we found out that Westminster attacker Masood worked as a volunteer at a mosque in Luton. On Channel 4 News, Haras Rafiq, head of the Quilliam Foundation, coldly discounted the mosque’s protestations, saying: “The problem is that the very creed, what the people at the Luton mosque believe in, is extreme, is fundamental and will drive people to radicalisation.” …
No worries. Please be calm. Forget the extremist imams who keep their followers in a resentful, kuffar-hating ghetto and prevent integration. Forget the 400 jihadists returned from Syria to the UK and only 54 of them prosecuted (where are the other 346?). Forget our brilliant security services struggling to keep tabs on all the people who hate us. /…/ What matters, what really matters at this juncture, is “a worrying increase in hate crime”.
Step forward one of the usual suspects – Chuka Umunna, Shami Chakrabarti, take your pick – to warn us that the British people are guilty of Islamophobia. In vain do you shout at the television that the British people are the victims of hate crime, not its perpetrators. Even the most tactful attempt to express legitimate concerns is deemed to stigmatise all Muslims, so people stop trying. …
I wonder, how much longer do you reckon the British people will allow themselves to be sedated? …
Liberal societies find themselves in the most damnable bind imaginable, their finest instincts twisted against them. The great philosopher Karl Popper put it unimprovably: “If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.”
Hello Thoughtful. Your post is accurate, important and relevant. We are witnesses to a civilisation in decline and there is nothing we can do. The few who speak openly are constantly attacked by the liberals and the media. The evidence is crystal clear and the damage irreparable. The solution is to ban Muslim arrivals and the practice of Islam. There is no other way to stop the takeover of our society. It has nothing to do with the numbers of Muslims and how many of them are radical it has everything to do with their ideology and their goal to dominate, take over and control and the evidence shows this is well under way. Why is it so difficult for people to understand? Why is it so difficult to not be horrified about the inability of a Muslim to freely decide to leave their practice of Islam without being targeted for death. This is an ideology that celebrates death, where having fun and freedom is frowned upon and where any satire or criticism is banned. This is an ideology that not only regards all others as rubbish, and they can’t even get on with each other. The only certainty is more deaths. How can people be so stupid and defend all this?
What a terrible & biased programme Hal is on Radio 4 at 7.15pm. The humour is pathetic, but hey that can be excused; but I was shocked at the gross caricature of a Brexiteer neighbour with blatant racist views. This surely spreads the BBC propaganda that Leavers are unpleasant racist bastards.
CP – Or that they are as thick as pig s**t and shouldn’t be trusted with the controls for the television, let alone with being permitted to vote in something like a referendum.
The FSA risk assessment on MRSA and LA-MRSA looked at the risks associated with the preparation, handling and consumption of foodstuffs in the UK which may be contaminated with MRSA, in particular LA-MRSA. The assessment concluded that by following the FSA’s advice to practise good food and kitchen hygiene and to cook meat thoroughly, including washing hands and kitchen equipment after touching raw meat, the risk to humans was very low.
Apparently In the last 10 years across the planet 10 people have died from contracting pig bourne MRSA
..I wonder how many were pig workers in third world countries.
BTW : Many tweeters claimed indoor pen farming is cruel.
The reality is stupid sows lie on their own piglets and crush them.
“The Danish pig farms shown on #Countryfile are using farrowing crates which stop sows lying on piglets.”
BTW We saw Tom Heap tested positive for pig MRSA CC398 after his farm visit.
So I’m guessing that he can no longer visit British livestock farms.
\\If it is passed to humans, it does not usually cause any problems, although occasionally it can cause infections, according to a Government-industry advisory leaflet targeting farm workers.
This bloke appears to be about the only European leader who fully understands fully what is really happening out there. And is probably the only one who has the balls to speak the truth.
The rest of these bastards seem ever ready to sell their soul and our future for a few friendly headlines in the left leaning MSM and another few more years on the gravy train.
Saturdays R4 FooC gave Oban a kicking whilst paying homage to Soros ..honouring him with the pronounciation “Shor-osh” http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0505qx7
“And in Hungary Nick Thorpe dips his toe into the stream of controversy that surrounds the government’s ongoing war against liberalism”
Just listening to Last Word, the obituary show on Radio 4. An ethnic minority playwright has just died and they manage to score as many victim points as possible. An ethnic minority colleague tells us that had the gentleman been white and male he would have been better known. Hmmmm . . . What about Salman Rushdie? Hanif Quereshi? Monica Ali? All superb and celebrated writers who are not white; there are too many to mention.
I suspect he is not better known as he was simply not very good. I have been going to the Edinburgh Festival for over a decade and I have never seen any of his work produced up there, and that is saying something.
We are told that if he were white, ‘Papa was a Bus Conductor’ would be better-known. Though I have not studied this play, I suspect it is the sort of whiny, self- indulgent, wallowing in victimhood nonsense that is not enjoyable. People want to be entertained, not lectured.
I applied for Arts Council funding when I graduated and it was a nightmare; they were very keen to fund projects that promoted ‘diversity’ and they expressly stated that if you were part of a certain minority from certain areas which had traditionally been ‘underrepresented’ they would throw money at you. As someone with talent and good ideas who had the misfortune of being white, I was never going to get any money. I imagine this recently deceased gentleman would have been showered with cash for his play about his dad being a bus driver, even though nobody wanted to watch it.
Arts funding is yet another area where the cancer of political correctness has spread its spores.
One of my former colleagues had some dealings with Mr Robinson. He rather admired him and said more people should actually listen to what he says before condemning him. Good post, cheers Stewgreen.
I think one of the reasons that the privileged , Leftist, middle class snobs hate Tommy so much is that he is lower working class and so not entitled to an opionion. They really are shits.
And as we all know from viewing /listening to the BBC. Most working class people who voted brexit and who are concerned about migration spend all their time and money down the pub talking irrelevant shit and saying how much they hate migrants. I know this is true because thats where the BBC always seems to go to interview them and it is always the impression I come away with.
As for Tommy Robinson I consider him a truly courageous and intelligent man who has been put in personal danger by both a bullying media and and colluding vindictive establishment.
No wonder some of our liberal betters now feel bold enough to play with ideas such as “disenfranchising” white males.
Simple really – if you vote the “wrong way” why should you be given a vote!
But in truth all the liberal establishment needs to do is to keep a lid on things for a few more years and by that time we should have enough new doctors, engineers and scientists in the country to vote the right way!
It is interesting that a member of my own family who is well off and has always been a “liberal” when discussing the brexit vote – half in jest and half seriously suggested that it was a shame that the vote had been swung by all these “thickies” who really should not have been allowed to vote.
It seems to me that our “moral betters” are starting to show their true colours – Dangerous times ahead!
“”For many years, British-based financial services companies have been able to operate throughout Europe using so-called passporting rights””
“”That scheme may (MAY!!) end when Britain leaves the EU, with no guarantee that it will be replaced by a similar agreement””
“”It is that uncertainty that had led many financial companies – and particularly international banks – to make contingency plans that would see them transfer a chunk of their business to an EU member country””
“”Various studies have suggested tens of thousands of financial jobs could leave the UK after Brexit””
I have had a Lloyds account for a long time if I think they are favouring the EU to the UK I will move my bank account, as I hope will all who voted Leave, UK banks need to be careful who they upset.
If British banks set up subsidiaries in European countries to guarantee post-Brexit access the EU loses leverage in the negotiations. If British banks don’t have subsidiaries continued access will need a passporting concession from the EU, for which there’ll be a price we won’t want to pay.
The best way to get the EU to negotiate sensibly is to prepare for a hard Brexit, so that we can walk away if we have to. That way their need for a free trade deal will be greater than ours.
In any case the UK holds all the cards in negotiations. The EU are in a very weak position. My fear is that the useless Treezer and her acolytes are not only to stupid and weak to push our case, but they are not really committed to it. Bring back Maggie !
Wild Bill
Same here.
I have stated it before, I will be moving my accounts and I hope others do the same. Take heed Lloyds, you were bailed out by us , don’t bail out of the UK or we will bail out of you.
Schools are allowed to photocopy books. There are provisions within copyright legislation to permit this. There are restrictions, for example, a single chapter of a textbook can be duplicated but not an entire book.
Imagine if publishers had a licensing body who hired Capita to demand entry into school libraries to check such things were not done illegally, with template court conveyor systems handing out fines or jail terms via dozy magistrates.
Sometimes think the bBBC are just taking the piss and laughing at the licence payer. This article highlighting the death of a child, RIP, killed by an elderly driver.
Looby – I agree with the thrust of what you are saying. But my Dads driving standard in his last few years had certainly deteriorated because he could not physically and probably mentally drive to the same standard he had previously.
We were all concerned about this and actually expressed our concerns to his doctor who basically said there was little he could do. Fortunately his rapid physical deterioration after this physically prevented him getting to the car anyway.
What interested me is the BBC who are always quick to parachute an “effnik” into these Londoncentic type stories this time did not appear to be quite so quick to do this. We had a mixed race victim and an aged white mail re-taking his test as he was concerned his driving had deteriorated. All very commendable – However it also seemed to leave the impression that we had a mixed race victim of “old white men”
It is subtle stuff and perhaps I am being oversensitive, but knowing the BBC perhaps I am not. Just another nail in the coffin of whitey perhaps- The guilt train just keeps on rolling!
Oaknash, I am in agreement with your comments – also have elderly parents whose driving I am concerned with at times, especially on motorways/busy junctions etc. It is more the reluctance of the BBC to criticise the perpetrators of these other ‘vehicle attacks’, while delighting at having a go at the elderly that really irritates me.
Just the same agenda, drip drip drip
Posted here somewhere, but the Government, BBC and Leftist Elite Establishment hate elderly people . They are so inconvenient. With a few exceptions such as the increasingly senile David Dimblebore.
With no evidence at all, the BBC blames the suicide bombing of government supporting civilians on the Syria government.
“..the BBC’s Middle East correspondent Lina Sinjab said.
She said it was not clear how the vehicle could have reached the area without government permission.
But there is also no evidence that rebels were involved in the attack, as the government claims.
It would not be in the rebels’ interest, our correspondent says, as they were waiting for their own supporters to be evacuated from the other towns.”
I continue to wait for evidence on the alleged Syrian gas attack. The BBC doesn’t seem to want to wait.
Last week I challenged the distinguished Newsnight correspondent and former soldier Mark Urban, who has asserted that President Assad used gas in 2013.
I asked him repeatedly for a source for this claim. He could not provide one. That is because there isn’t one, yet many in media and politics repeat this as if it were true. They should stop.”
“Another Twitter user has compiled this (I think) interesting account of an exchange I had with the BBC Diplomatic Editor, Mark Urban, about Mark’s assertion that President Assad had used poison gas at Ghouta in 2013 (an event discussed here in an earlier post) .”
How come the public expresses such naïve views about public expenditure ?
This morning the BBC brings up the notion that the over-70s ought to be obliged to take additional compulsory refresher driving tests. I have no particular view on this question and am not arguing one side or the other. I’m just interested in the way the BBC handles the debate – and particularly the response solicited from viewers.
Cards on the table time. As a conservative by instinct and by experience I have an inbuilt resistance to all and any suggested expansion of the state – unless it is reasonably argued to be necessary. And even then, I view such incremental expansions of the public sector to be regrettable necessities and no more.
I note that even within this BBC news report there is a senior Policeman who tells us there is nothing in the accident statistics that suggests elderly drivers are any more dangerous than their younger counterparts. In any case there is already a voluntary self-assessment system for older drivers – perhaps it this individual responsibility aspect that acts as the red rag to the statist-minded BBC? Because the tone of the report is far from balanced – the clear weight of the case being made in the BBC piece – came down heavily on the side of the suppose need for more officialdom, more public sector employment, more rules, more bureaucracy and more testing. However, these consequences of the suggested new rules were glossed over and I will return to that aspect shortly. As so often with the BBC the personalisation of the case – the trump card in the propaganda war – is achieved by the sympathetic telling of a human story of a man who lost a relative supposedly to an incompetent elderly driver. We are obviously being led to believe that if only the suggested new rules had been in place this personal tragedy would never have happened. What chance has any reasoned argument against that?
So far so BBC. What I found fascinating about this item was the reading out of a message received from a viewer – a member of the public apparently engaged by the BBC report and wanting to comment. The response was a positive one in terms of the thrust of BBC argument – the message was very much in favour of extra testing for the elderly. But the correspondent added “the extra money raised should be spent on infrastructure”. How did this person reckon additional cash was to be coming into state coffers? Obviously the over-70s would have to pay a fee for their additional driving tests. The state would at minimum of likely costs need to employ additional driving instructors – so there would be a cost to tax-payers should the scheme not be self-financing through fees raised. But where was the additional state income for infrastructure coming from?
Why does the eager public sector expansionist viewer assume the new initiative would run as a tax-raising measure? Did he or she forget or somehow ignore the cost side of the provision of public services? What public sector behemoth broadcaster could be so misinforming joe public so as to allow such nativity and such sloppiness of thinking?
Looking at the reports of accidents in my local newspaper, it looks to me that accidents usually seem to involve people whose names would indicate that they are “not of this parish” rather than the elderly.
The BBC, Government and the Leftist Elite Establishment hate the elderly. In my experience, the elderly may be erratic drivers sometimes but the worst drivers are young men. I would raise the age at which you can get a licence to 25.
A likely more objective source would be insurers, who may these days have to juggle commercial reality with establishment pressures.
I must confess we only got my Mum out of her car after a scare when she had a scrape but could not recall how it happened. We used the possibility of the grandkids being with her (not going to happen) and she conceded.
I am more interested in those who still appear able in this day and age of cctv scanning to avoid tax, mot, licence and insurance obligations if deemed more trouble than a Volvo doing 78mph on an empty motorway.
Or those often involved in mysterious shunts around Birmigham.
“How to watch non-BBC catch-up and legally not pay
If you never watch the BBC and only watch all your programmes using the catch-up services of other channels, it may be possible to legally ditch the TV licence and save yourself £145.50 per year.”
“If I have a smart TV and only watch on catch-up do I need a licence?
Yes if you’re watching BBC iPlayer, but technically no if you only use other catch-up services. But proving it will be nightmarish, especially if your TV is connected to an aerial or satellite dish and is capable of receiving a signal. So you may find yourself in a tricky situation.”
“If I have a smart TV and only watch on catch-up do I need a licence?
Yes if you’re watching BBC iPlayer, but technically no if you only use other catch-up services. But proving it will be nightmarish, especially if your TV is connected to an aerial or satellite dish and is capable of receiving a signal. So you may find yourself in a tricky situation.”
But funny, surely, how the presumption seems to be we will have to prove innocence? I always thought the prosecutors need to provide evidence of guilt.
It is up to the prosecutors to prove you have been watching live TV or BBC catchup, not up to you to prove you haven’t.
Probably mainly dry with possible sunny spells, but likely cold and frosty nights.
Easter Monday should be dry for most with variable cloud amounts, maybe sunny spells and a chance of scattered showers. However, a band of showery rain with hill snow may introduce colder and perhaps sunnier conditions to Scotland, with some wintry showers, perchance.
What is absolutely incontrovertibly certain is that come December 2017 the BBC will tell us this has definitely without a shadow of doubt globally been the hottest year ever!
I am still here in sunny Perthshire, where it is sunny, but the coldest spring most can remember. Current temperature 5 C. Next week I shall be back in sunny Gambia where they are having a most unusual heatwave, up to 40 C ( normally hardly ever gets above 30 C by the coast ). But don’t tell the BBC or Gambian weather will suddenly be headline news.
Weather forecasting has become like clairvoyance – sounding to say something while actually saying nothing. Here is my forecast for the next 10 years.
There will be sunny periods with varying amounts of cloud, temperatures will be around the seasonal norm. Periodic rain is probable with varying amounts of cloud.
Wind of varying strength will come from most directions.
Indeed Comrade Kirkwood has swallowed the Kool-aid.
Didn’t hear any of your potty comparisons today BBC
How about ‘overnight temperatures will be colder than Iceland’ – nah thought not
Funny how Global Warming always seems to be happening somewhere else never where you live
Still looks like they are all now looking at each other re the Paris Climate agreement trying to work out who exactly is paying the money to China and India so that they can land a man on the moon
My imagination or what? The BBC’s absence of critical comment on the N Korea issue is palpable. Under normal circumstances, they would act as the ‘drummer boy’ constantly beating out their warmongering lust to engage with the patently evil regime. More Trump condemning rhetoric. But not now. All gone quiet. The Gulf war had, as I recall, “embeded” reporters on board military ships and with the soldiers who would give a running commentary. But where are the ’embeds’ now I wonder. All we are left with is the normal BBC fare: doom and gloom, only designed to keep the lid on the public who, don’t you know, should be grateful for the ruling elite dealing with these inflatable serious issue.
Just a thought. They do have a team in North Korea. If the BBC were to start reporting anti kim stuff the situation for staff in Pyongyang might become a little uncomfortable.
Any ‘team’ in N Korea will be heavily censored and restricted so, virtually nothing broadcast by them is worth listening to as they, in effect, are doing the propaganda work for the N Koreans. But weren’t they in N Korea before all the recent stuff blew up?
Daily Mail is running a story that some of the missiles at the N. Korea parade were fake. We all know that the BBC are last with the news, but I am sure that when they pick up on this one it will be big news with them.
No it wasn’t a terrorist attack as I keep telling people!
Islamic attacks are vastly different to Terrorist attacks in that they have no other set of objective than to kill as many Kuffar as possible.
A terrorist by definition has a set of political objectives that he or she wishes to bring about by the use of force & violence.
Islam is a violent religion, and attacks like these are just part of Muslims living in a society different to those they fantasise about, but which don’t exist anywhere.
News= cutnpaste Adverts for NGOs YahooNews is pushing this at me.
– UK only take 1% of world refugees …em the UK takes OVER its fair share
Most refugees have just popped over the border to the next country and will pop back when situation improves.
And the UK is 1% of the world’s population And has no LAND BORDER with refugee countries.
– The 5 ‘surprising’ countries take more refugees and not really surprising since they do have a LAND BORDER with refugee countries.
– Note how Yahoo run the same news that they ran a month ago.
JohnCJan 22, 18:01 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Far-right ‘groomed’ town during protests – ex-minister https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cj3ejxgpv8jo An utterly appalling thing to say and even more appalling that the…
wwfcJan 22, 17:54 Midweek 22nd January 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlwLLA-gaBk&ab_channel=NigelFarage
Eddy BoothJan 22, 17:40 Midweek 22nd January 2025 “Trump urges Putin to end ‘ridiculous’ Ukraine war or face sanctions” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/cn0y51z7wedt The less Trump says about the war the…
diggJan 22, 17:40 Midweek 22nd January 2025 BBC getting all vigilante over “far right groups” undercover reporter, infiltration, etc. etc. all the usual left-wing expose tactics in…
Fedup2Jan 22, 17:33 Midweek 22nd January 2025 I mean – the idea that having checks when buying a knife on Amazon is such a poor piece of…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 17:23 Midweek 22nd January 2025 order-order.com comment: “BREAKING NEWS:According to 2TK and BBC Verify there’s been another attack in Germany which has been carried out…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 17:16 Midweek 22nd January 2025 “phone hacking” – The Guardian newspaper generated public outrage over the invasions of privacy that had been covered up through…
Fedup2Jan 22, 17:11 Midweek 22nd January 2025 BBC news leading with phone hacking nonsense . Important stuff – Islamic terrorist attacks – the rolling back of woke…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 16:57 Midweek 22nd January 2025 What’s wrong with Africa? Idris Elba says it is great … “Elba aims to build film studios across Africa, starting…
Wonderful piece by Allison Pearson in the DT
I’m sorry if I sound bitter, but it becomes harder and harder to ward off cynicism when each terrorist attack in Western Europe meets with the same dishonest and evasive response.
The first thing that happens just after a massacre (a word that is never, ever used, please note) is the gore and brutality are played down. We are allowed to look upon gassed twins in Syria, their lovely faces growing pinched and waxen in their father’s arms, but a curtain must be drawn over the maimed bodies of our own victims. As swiftly as is feasible, once they have removed the corpses and power-hosed the blood, attention turns to feel-good stories of heroism and survival. The passive tense is adopted in news reports. French teenagers deliberately mown down by a car travelling at 76mph on the pavement of Westminster Bridge are “caught up in the violence”. Exactly like that 11-year-old girl in Stockholm on Friday.
Except she wasn’t “caught up in the violence”, was she? The poor child was murdered in broad daylight on a main street of the capital city of a country that has done more than any other to welcome Muslim asylum seekers by a failed Muslim asylum seeker. …
… But please, don’t concern yourselves. The attacker is a “lone wolf”. Invariably, he has “mental health issues”, and his behaviour is not linked to a particular religion or ideology.
Quite soon after, it emerges that the wolf may not have been so lonesome after all. At the weekend, for example, we found out that Westminster attacker Masood worked as a volunteer at a mosque in Luton. On Channel 4 News, Haras Rafiq, head of the Quilliam Foundation, coldly discounted the mosque’s protestations, saying: “The problem is that the very creed, what the people at the Luton mosque believe in, is extreme, is fundamental and will drive people to radicalisation.” …
No worries. Please be calm. Forget the extremist imams who keep their followers in a resentful, kuffar-hating ghetto and prevent integration. Forget the 400 jihadists returned from Syria to the UK and only 54 of them prosecuted (where are the other 346?). Forget our brilliant security services struggling to keep tabs on all the people who hate us. /…/ What matters, what really matters at this juncture, is “a worrying increase in hate crime”.
Step forward one of the usual suspects – Chuka Umunna, Shami Chakrabarti, take your pick – to warn us that the British people are guilty of Islamophobia. In vain do you shout at the television that the British people are the victims of hate crime, not its perpetrators. Even the most tactful attempt to express legitimate concerns is deemed to stigmatise all Muslims, so people stop trying. …
I wonder, how much longer do you reckon the British people will allow themselves to be sedated? …
Liberal societies find themselves in the most damnable bind imaginable, their finest instincts twisted against them. The great philosopher Karl Popper put it unimprovably: “If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.”
Solid post Thoughtful.
“The problems with Islamic fundamentalism are the fundamentals of Islam.”
Hello Thoughtful. Your post is accurate, important and relevant. We are witnesses to a civilisation in decline and there is nothing we can do. The few who speak openly are constantly attacked by the liberals and the media. The evidence is crystal clear and the damage irreparable. The solution is to ban Muslim arrivals and the practice of Islam. There is no other way to stop the takeover of our society. It has nothing to do with the numbers of Muslims and how many of them are radical it has everything to do with their ideology and their goal to dominate, take over and control and the evidence shows this is well under way. Why is it so difficult for people to understand? Why is it so difficult to not be horrified about the inability of a Muslim to freely decide to leave their practice of Islam without being targeted for death. This is an ideology that celebrates death, where having fun and freedom is frowned upon and where any satire or criticism is banned. This is an ideology that not only regards all others as rubbish, and they can’t even get on with each other. The only certainty is more deaths. How can people be so stupid and defend all this?
What a terrible & biased programme Hal is on Radio 4 at 7.15pm. The humour is pathetic, but hey that can be excused; but I was shocked at the gross caricature of a Brexiteer neighbour with blatant racist views. This surely spreads the BBC propaganda that Leavers are unpleasant racist bastards.
CP – Or that they are as thick as pig s**t and shouldn’t be trusted with the controls for the television, let alone with being permitted to vote in something like a referendum.
Tom Heap on Countryfile “MRSA in Danish pig farms.. scary .. scary”
It being a BBC-SJW prog ..did they add proper risk context ?
Well Food Standards Agency backed by The British Veterinary Association
say “very low”
Apparently In the last 10 years across the planet 10 people have died from contracting pig bourne MRSA
..I wonder how many were pig workers in third world countries.
BTW : Many tweeters claimed indoor pen farming is cruel.
The reality is stupid sows lie on their own piglets and crush them.
“The Danish pig farms shown on #Countryfile are using farrowing crates which stop sows lying on piglets.”
BTW We saw Tom Heap tested positive for pig MRSA CC398 after his farm visit.
So I’m guessing that he can no longer visit British livestock farms.
\\If it is passed to humans, it does not usually cause any problems, although occasionally it can cause infections, according to a Government-industry advisory leaflet targeting farm workers.
It adds: “Infections from this are very rare in people in the UK. It usually lives in the nose or on the skin without causing any signs or symptoms.//
more at http://www.pig-world.co.uk/?s=MRSA
“BTW We saw Tom Heap tested positive for pig MRSA CC398 after his farm visit.”
Does this mean he can no longer visit Luton?
Certain door knobs may be off limits. He’ll hate that.
Another story unlikely to be covered by Aunty.
This bloke appears to be about the only European leader who fully understands fully what is really happening out there. And is probably the only one who has the balls to speak the truth.
The rest of these bastards seem ever ready to sell their soul and our future for a few friendly headlines in the left leaning MSM and another few more years on the gravy train.
Saturdays R4 FooC gave Oban a kicking whilst paying homage to Soros ..honouring him with the pronounciation “Shor-osh”
“And in Hungary Nick Thorpe dips his toe into the stream of controversy that surrounds the government’s ongoing war against liberalism”
BBC news story
Just listening to Last Word, the obituary show on Radio 4. An ethnic minority playwright has just died and they manage to score as many victim points as possible. An ethnic minority colleague tells us that had the gentleman been white and male he would have been better known. Hmmmm . . . What about Salman Rushdie? Hanif Quereshi? Monica Ali? All superb and celebrated writers who are not white; there are too many to mention.
I suspect he is not better known as he was simply not very good. I have been going to the Edinburgh Festival for over a decade and I have never seen any of his work produced up there, and that is saying something.
We are told that if he were white, ‘Papa was a Bus Conductor’ would be better-known. Though I have not studied this play, I suspect it is the sort of whiny, self- indulgent, wallowing in victimhood nonsense that is not enjoyable. People want to be entertained, not lectured.
I applied for Arts Council funding when I graduated and it was a nightmare; they were very keen to fund projects that promoted ‘diversity’ and they expressly stated that if you were part of a certain minority from certain areas which had traditionally been ‘underrepresented’ they would throw money at you. As someone with talent and good ideas who had the misfortune of being white, I was never going to get any money. I imagine this recently deceased gentleman would have been showered with cash for his play about his dad being a bus driver, even though nobody wanted to watch it.
Arts funding is yet another area where the cancer of political correctness has spread its spores.
@BeebBrother seems LibMob are very tribal
“If you have got SJW skin you are one of us and you are OK”
…”but all the outsiders they are evil”
Delingpole has an article about LibMob’s total intolerance of him saying anything nice about Tommy Robinson
… yet the same people grease up to radical Islamists
One of my former colleagues had some dealings with Mr Robinson. He rather admired him and said more people should actually listen to what he says before condemning him. Good post, cheers Stewgreen.
I think one of the reasons that the privileged , Leftist, middle class snobs hate Tommy so much is that he is lower working class and so not entitled to an opionion. They really are shits.
And as we all know from viewing /listening to the BBC. Most working class people who voted brexit and who are concerned about migration spend all their time and money down the pub talking irrelevant shit and saying how much they hate migrants. I know this is true because thats where the BBC always seems to go to interview them and it is always the impression I come away with.
As for Tommy Robinson I consider him a truly courageous and intelligent man who has been put in personal danger by both a bullying media and and colluding vindictive establishment.
No wonder some of our liberal betters now feel bold enough to play with ideas such as “disenfranchising” white males.
Simple really – if you vote the “wrong way” why should you be given a vote!
But in truth all the liberal establishment needs to do is to keep a lid on things for a few more years and by that time we should have enough new doctors, engineers and scientists in the country to vote the right way!
It is interesting that a member of my own family who is well off and has always been a “liberal” when discussing the brexit vote – half in jest and half seriously suggested that it was a shame that the vote had been swung by all these “thickies” who really should not have been allowed to vote.
It seems to me that our “moral betters” are starting to show their true colours – Dangerous times ahead!
Yes, Tommy is brave , in contrast to the Leftie haters who are cowards.
This just appeared on Milo’s Gab page
Milo if you read this post – go for it !
BBC Online News:
“”Lloyds eyes Berlin for post-Brexit push””
“”For many years, British-based financial services companies have been able to operate throughout Europe using so-called passporting rights””
“”That scheme may (MAY!!) end when Britain leaves the EU, with no guarantee that it will be replaced by a similar agreement””
“”It is that uncertainty that had led many financial companies – and particularly international banks – to make contingency plans that would see them transfer a chunk of their business to an EU member country””
“”Various studies have suggested tens of thousands of financial jobs could leave the UK after Brexit””
BBC (Brexit Bashing Continually) lunges forward with more propaganda.
To your noted ‘may’, I also see a ‘suggested’ and a ‘could’.
BBC arse covering triple word score.
I have had a Lloyds account for a long time if I think they are favouring the EU to the UK I will move my bank account, as I hope will all who voted Leave, UK banks need to be careful who they upset.
I have a slightly different take on this.
If British banks set up subsidiaries in European countries to guarantee post-Brexit access the EU loses leverage in the negotiations. If British banks don’t have subsidiaries continued access will need a passporting concession from the EU, for which there’ll be a price we won’t want to pay.
The best way to get the EU to negotiate sensibly is to prepare for a hard Brexit, so that we can walk away if we have to. That way their need for a free trade deal will be greater than ours.
In any case the UK holds all the cards in negotiations. The EU are in a very weak position. My fear is that the useless Treezer and her acolytes are not only to stupid and weak to push our case, but they are not really committed to it. Bring back Maggie !
Wild Bill
Same here.
I have stated it before, I will be moving my accounts and I hope others do the same. Take heed Lloyds, you were bailed out by us , don’t bail out of the UK or we will bail out of you.
I think it was a big mistake to bail out any of the banks.
I don’t think Al Beeb and their ‘luvies’ like Donald ?
Isn’t it about time that teachers started teaching instead of indulging in politics ?
“Pupils ‘sitting in coats’ as school saves cash on heating”
Stop wasting money on ‘foreign aid’ and spend it on schools .
Can’t afford to photocopy text books? Schools aren’t allowed to do that. It’s against the author’s copyright, which is just as it should be.
Schools are allowed to photocopy books. There are provisions within copyright legislation to permit this. There are restrictions, for example, a single chapter of a textbook can be duplicated but not an entire book.
Imagine if publishers had a licensing body who hired Capita to demand entry into school libraries to check such things were not done illegally, with template court conveyor systems handing out fines or jail terms via dozy magistrates.
Sometimes think the bBBC are just taking the piss and laughing at the licence payer. This article highlighting the death of a child, RIP, killed by an elderly driver.
Should older drivers be retested?
They don’t seem to show this level of concern for the victims or perpetrators of several recent ‘vehicle attacks’ around the world.
Looby – I agree with the thrust of what you are saying. But my Dads driving standard in his last few years had certainly deteriorated because he could not physically and probably mentally drive to the same standard he had previously.
We were all concerned about this and actually expressed our concerns to his doctor who basically said there was little he could do. Fortunately his rapid physical deterioration after this physically prevented him getting to the car anyway.
What interested me is the BBC who are always quick to parachute an “effnik” into these Londoncentic type stories this time did not appear to be quite so quick to do this. We had a mixed race victim and an aged white mail re-taking his test as he was concerned his driving had deteriorated. All very commendable – However it also seemed to leave the impression that we had a mixed race victim of “old white men”
It is subtle stuff and perhaps I am being oversensitive, but knowing the BBC perhaps I am not. Just another nail in the coffin of whitey perhaps- The guilt train just keeps on rolling!
Oaknash, I am in agreement with your comments – also have elderly parents whose driving I am concerned with at times, especially on motorways/busy junctions etc. It is more the reluctance of the BBC to criticise the perpetrators of these other ‘vehicle attacks’, while delighting at having a go at the elderly that really irritates me.
Just the same agenda, drip drip drip
Posted here somewhere, but the Government, BBC and Leftist Elite Establishment hate elderly people . They are so inconvenient. With a few exceptions such as the increasingly senile David Dimblebore.
“Syria war: ‘At least 68 children among 126 killed’ in bus bombing”
With no evidence at all, the BBC blames the suicide bombing of government supporting civilians on the Syria government.
“..the BBC’s Middle East correspondent Lina Sinjab said.
She said it was not clear how the vehicle could have reached the area without government permission.
But there is also no evidence that rebels were involved in the attack, as the government claims.
It would not be in the rebels’ interest, our correspondent says, as they were waiting for their own supporters to be evacuated from the other towns.”
Ridiculous propaganda.
Seems Mr. Hitchens also still awaits Mark Urban’s evidence for similar claims.
Maybe one of the letters in BBC now stands for ‘Belief’.
Given they prefer to check their version of ‘reality’ over actual facts, it would seem in keeping.
“Another BBC repeat
I continue to wait for evidence on the alleged Syrian gas attack. The BBC doesn’t seem to want to wait.
Last week I challenged the distinguished Newsnight correspondent and former soldier Mark Urban, who has asserted that President Assad used gas in 2013.
I asked him repeatedly for a source for this claim. He could not provide one. That is because there isn’t one, yet many in media and politics repeat this as if it were true. They should stop.”
“Another Twitter user has compiled this (I think) interesting account of an exchange I had with the BBC Diplomatic Editor, Mark Urban, about Mark’s assertion that President Assad had used poison gas at Ghouta in 2013 (an event discussed here in an earlier post) .”
The BBC are the world leaders in Fake News. They are supporting ISIS, as they support all terrorist organisations. The BBC are an evil cancer.
How come the public expresses such naïve views about public expenditure ?
This morning the BBC brings up the notion that the over-70s ought to be obliged to take additional compulsory refresher driving tests. I have no particular view on this question and am not arguing one side or the other. I’m just interested in the way the BBC handles the debate – and particularly the response solicited from viewers.
Cards on the table time. As a conservative by instinct and by experience I have an inbuilt resistance to all and any suggested expansion of the state – unless it is reasonably argued to be necessary. And even then, I view such incremental expansions of the public sector to be regrettable necessities and no more.
I note that even within this BBC news report there is a senior Policeman who tells us there is nothing in the accident statistics that suggests elderly drivers are any more dangerous than their younger counterparts. In any case there is already a voluntary self-assessment system for older drivers – perhaps it this individual responsibility aspect that acts as the red rag to the statist-minded BBC? Because the tone of the report is far from balanced – the clear weight of the case being made in the BBC piece – came down heavily on the side of the suppose need for more officialdom, more public sector employment, more rules, more bureaucracy and more testing. However, these consequences of the suggested new rules were glossed over and I will return to that aspect shortly. As so often with the BBC the personalisation of the case – the trump card in the propaganda war – is achieved by the sympathetic telling of a human story of a man who lost a relative supposedly to an incompetent elderly driver. We are obviously being led to believe that if only the suggested new rules had been in place this personal tragedy would never have happened. What chance has any reasoned argument against that?
So far so BBC. What I found fascinating about this item was the reading out of a message received from a viewer – a member of the public apparently engaged by the BBC report and wanting to comment. The response was a positive one in terms of the thrust of BBC argument – the message was very much in favour of extra testing for the elderly. But the correspondent added “the extra money raised should be spent on infrastructure”. How did this person reckon additional cash was to be coming into state coffers? Obviously the over-70s would have to pay a fee for their additional driving tests. The state would at minimum of likely costs need to employ additional driving instructors – so there would be a cost to tax-payers should the scheme not be self-financing through fees raised. But where was the additional state income for infrastructure coming from?
Why does the eager public sector expansionist viewer assume the new initiative would run as a tax-raising measure? Did he or she forget or somehow ignore the cost side of the provision of public services? What public sector behemoth broadcaster could be so misinforming joe public so as to allow such nativity and such sloppiness of thinking?
Looking at the reports of accidents in my local newspaper, it looks to me that accidents usually seem to involve people whose names would indicate that they are “not of this parish” rather than the elderly.
The BBC, Government and the Leftist Elite Establishment hate the elderly. In my experience, the elderly may be erratic drivers sometimes but the worst drivers are young men. I would raise the age at which you can get a licence to 25.
A likely more objective source would be insurers, who may these days have to juggle commercial reality with establishment pressures.
I must confess we only got my Mum out of her car after a scare when she had a scrape but could not recall how it happened. We used the possibility of the grandkids being with her (not going to happen) and she conceded.
I am more interested in those who still appear able in this day and age of cctv scanning to avoid tax, mot, licence and insurance obligations if deemed more trouble than a Volvo doing 78mph on an empty motorway.
Or those often involved in mysterious shunts around Birmigham.
“How to watch non-BBC catch-up and legally not pay
If you never watch the BBC and only watch all your programmes using the catch-up services of other channels, it may be possible to legally ditch the TV licence and save yourself £145.50 per year.”
“If I have a smart TV and only watch on catch-up do I need a licence?
Yes if you’re watching BBC iPlayer, but technically no if you only use other catch-up services. But proving it will be nightmarish, especially if your TV is connected to an aerial or satellite dish and is capable of receiving a signal. So you may find yourself in a tricky situation.”
Undermining the BBC’s revenue stream is the only way to reform it, though I would expect them to press for direct government funding.
But funny, surely, how the presumption seems to be we will have to prove innocence? I always thought the prosecutors need to provide evidence of guilt.
It is up to the prosecutors to prove you have been watching live TV or BBC catchup, not up to you to prove you haven’t.
Weather Forecast
Probably mainly dry with possible sunny spells, but likely cold and frosty nights.
Easter Monday should be dry for most with variable cloud amounts, maybe sunny spells and a chance of scattered showers. However, a band of showery rain with hill snow may introduce colder and perhaps sunnier conditions to Scotland, with some wintry showers, perchance.
What is absolutely incontrovertibly certain is that come December 2017 the BBC will tell us this has definitely without a shadow of doubt globally been the hottest year ever!
I am still here in sunny Perthshire, where it is sunny, but the coldest spring most can remember. Current temperature 5 C. Next week I shall be back in sunny Gambia where they are having a most unusual heatwave, up to 40 C ( normally hardly ever gets above 30 C by the coast ). But don’t tell the BBC or Gambian weather will suddenly be headline news.
Weather forecasting has become like clairvoyance – sounding to say something while actually saying nothing. Here is my forecast for the next 10 years.
There will be sunny periods with varying amounts of cloud, temperatures will be around the seasonal norm. Periodic rain is probable with varying amounts of cloud.
Wind of varying strength will come from most directions.
Carole Kirkwood has carved a lucrative career out of it.
Indeed Comrade Kirkwood has swallowed the Kool-aid.
Didn’t hear any of your potty comparisons today BBC
How about ‘overnight temperatures will be colder than Iceland’ – nah thought not
Funny how Global Warming always seems to be happening somewhere else never where you live
Still looks like they are all now looking at each other re the Paris Climate agreement trying to work out who exactly is paying the money to China and India so that they can land a man on the moon
My imagination or what? The BBC’s absence of critical comment on the N Korea issue is palpable. Under normal circumstances, they would act as the ‘drummer boy’ constantly beating out their warmongering lust to engage with the patently evil regime. More Trump condemning rhetoric. But not now. All gone quiet. The Gulf war had, as I recall, “embeded” reporters on board military ships and with the soldiers who would give a running commentary. But where are the ’embeds’ now I wonder. All we are left with is the normal BBC fare: doom and gloom, only designed to keep the lid on the public who, don’t you know, should be grateful for the ruling elite dealing with these inflatable serious issue.
Just a thought. They do have a team in North Korea. If the BBC were to start reporting anti kim stuff the situation for staff in Pyongyang might become a little uncomfortable.
Holding truth unto power*
*Exemptions may apply.
Electrodes and hot pliers can have that affect.
Any ‘team’ in N Korea will be heavily censored and restricted so, virtually nothing broadcast by them is worth listening to as they, in effect, are doing the propaganda work for the N Koreans. But weren’t they in N Korea before all the recent stuff blew up?
5 Live is just starting a phone-in about the dangers of older drivers
Meanwhile their Facebook page finds a Transgender issue to bang on about
It’s only 9 hours since they last posted the same person
midnight 44
How the heck has it got 2.4m views ?
..I haven’t watched it
and just 27 hours since they posted about the Hijab-athon ..uncritically.
Looks to me like a couple of dozen at the most.
BBC Editorial Guidelines advise that any more than four qualifies as ‘all over the globe’.
But it doesn’t apply to Trump’s inauguration.
BBC Editorial Integrity trumps BBC Editorial Guidelines.
Mishal has a chart.
What Monday not improved by the genius that is Lammy:
Thanks for that. Just lost my breakfast after reading that. Where is that idiot an MP?
Comments are open.
Be aware; CiF modding is like HYS on steroids.
And he is on a fishing expedition too:
Daily Mail is running a story that some of the missiles at the N. Korea parade were fake. We all know that the BBC are last with the news, but I am sure that when they pick up on this one it will be big news with them.
The BBC virtual reality unit is scrambling as we speak.
BBC Online News:
“”London attack: Victim Melissa Cochran returns to US””
This was a TERRORIST attack. Not just an ‘attack’. The IRA committed Terrorist attacks and the word Terrorist was always used.
Why drop it just because Islamics are involved? Oh, wait….
No it wasn’t a terrorist attack as I keep telling people!
Islamic attacks are vastly different to Terrorist attacks in that they have no other set of objective than to kill as many Kuffar as possible.
A terrorist by definition has a set of political objectives that he or she wishes to bring about by the use of force & violence.
Islam is a violent religion, and attacks like these are just part of Muslims living in a society different to those they fantasise about, but which don’t exist anywhere.
News= cutnpaste Adverts for NGOs
YahooNews is pushing this at me.
– UK only take 1% of world refugees …em the UK takes OVER its fair share
Most refugees have just popped over the border to the next country and will pop back when situation improves.
And the UK is 1% of the world’s population And has no LAND BORDER with refugee countries.
– The 5 ‘surprising’ countries take more refugees and not really surprising since they do have a LAND BORDER with refugee countries.
– Note how Yahoo run the same news that they ran a month ago.
“UK only take 1% of world refugees” – that’s still 1% too many.