Never mind kids…you know the answer…get educated….learn to shoot…you know it makes sense kiddies, especially as your liberal mummy and daddy now think guns are a good idea in Trumptopia...your future depends upon it….
Gun ownership has traditionally been associated with the right wing in America but the election of Donald Trump has prompted some left-wingers to join gun clubs
Always curious how the BBC is constantly warning us about the threat of the Far-Right but say nothing about the Liberal murder squad…….
No hate from the Left, then ? Let’s just assassinate a democratically elected President.
The Regressive Left can’t even fight unless they have at least ten against one. The idea that one of these pathetic creatures would have the courage or ability to assassinate the most powerful man on the planet is laughable.
Yes, they are cowards. Always have to get someone else to do their dirty work.
I keenly await the reaction of the Islamists when they realise that the Left are just using them to do exactly that.
Pleased to learn- that Monisha Rajesh creature was sacked for the assassination tweet.
Good news
But why havn’t the plod acted?
Because Trump is not a muslim.
Make my day….
“The Grand Slam was a 22,000 lb (10,000 kg) earthquake bomb used by RAF Bomber Command against strategic targets during the Second World War. It was the most powerful non-atomic bomb used in the war.”
Ideal for Salford Quays ……
Flex, the BBC has just been telling me that the world’s biggest bang was the disposal on Heligoland of a massive amount of unused German ordnance by British engineers after the end of WW2.
I have also been told in the past by the BBC, that the biggest explosives bang ever was the dropping of MOAB on Afghanistan following President Trump’s order.
I have also been told in the past, by people who take an interest in such things, that the world’s biggest ever (explosives) bang was heard in Belgium during WW1, when British Sappers blew up a discovered German booby-trap mined tunnel system. They added some more explosives of their own, before retreating to a safe distance to light the blue touchpaper. I have seen a photo of the remains of the area, both then and now, but cannot recall how large it is. The notion that it is more than one kilometre across and very deep comes to mind.
Who should I believe?
Probably not the BBC. They neglected to mention Grand Slam and Tall Boy (and Big Boy?*), all WW2 RAF Bomber Command devices, during the MOAB aftermath. (* Fatman and Little Boy were post-WW2, USA devices, I think, and not so large.) Memory can be deceiving or defective but the BBC has enormous resources that they do not appear to be using well.
The BBC just don’t do history! Or, if they do, they cannot remember their output from one week to the next.
That’s not the only thing that’s broken………….
Where does Al Beeb get its news from ?
Here ?
taffman……You do realise that the BBC buys about a third of Al-Guardian’s print run, So on the basis of shit {The BBC] sticks to shit {Al-Guardian} it would go a long way to explain the joke that is BBC journalism, Hell the BBC does journalism in the same way that I as a Mechanical Engineer does Brain Surgery
Erm , could I tentavely put another take on this , that the left see that they might have to fight Islamofascists , the real right wing , in the future ?
No . They’re too stupid for that .
“Always curious how the BBC is constantly warning us about the threat of the Far-Right but say nothing about the Liberal murder squad…….”
Alan, Hi great piece!
In the image were Trump has those handguns pointed in his face there was one name left out – PLANNED PERANTHOOD (PP)
These are the pro-abortion fascists who have been financed by OBAMA and his gender bender elites! In fact only yesterday Trump has signed a white paper to defund most state funding for these death clinics!
People say: words can’t kill? You should read any PP friendly website and you might just change your mind! If PP friends are proud to terminate the lives of millions of infants they sure ain’t concerned if Trump is assassinated by one of their own!
If these Democrats assassinate President Trump.
Then they would have to assassinate President Pence for arresting thousands of Democrats for treasonable comments about wanting to assassinate an American President.
Then they would have to assassinate President Ryan for prosecuting thousands of Democrats for treasonable comments about wanting to assassinate an American President.
And so on, and so on, infinitum, until presumably, they exterminate all their political opponents, or all Democrats are in jail for treason
You only have to endure Radio 5 Live’s ‘Up all night’ (I wish), sometime during the week, where they continually have the Boston Globe’s blokes, the Wapo’s blokes, the NYT blokes, and anyone else who Rhod Sharp knows on the luvvie US press, spouting anything they can for ages, before boredom takes over, and we can all get some sleep!
Of course, the lefties who twatted such dangerous comments were only hiding behind their bile-covered ergonomically designed chairs at a grand a pop and didn’t really mean it did they…
I mean, they just didn’t, did they…