Sorry to be boring readers.
My final comment.
While the bBBC are salivating over the diesel scrappage scheme, maybe they should investigate ( do they understand the word?) the whole life energy cost of vehicles.
Those eco friendly batteries for hybrid vehicles require huge amounts of energy to make in the first place. And even more to recycle later. And even without them, think of the energy cost of creating a new car.
So scrapping a car early thus may create the very pollution the warriors are supposedly trying to avoid.
There is an energy balance equation to consider, and to be fair it could go either way, but the arty dullards at the bBBC are too thick to contemplate it.
The kiddies cannnot stretch their brains that far!
Diesel scrappage is absurd. So they are going to give us country boys who have never had a new car in our lives a few quid to do what? All it shows is how out of touch with our lives these politicians and media types are. I paid a grand for my 2003
diesel and could never afford a comparable car even with the few quid subsidy?
Grown up politics is for the US and not for us anymore. We have Mrs May and progressive twits.
Oh and if they want to keep me out of Oxford, London and Edinburgh be my guest. Shitholes the lot of them .
Sluff, you rarely – if ever – bore your readers here!
The BBC are joining in some strange politicking around diesel at the present time. They are doing it with surprising holes in both their knowledge and research. They are also not connecting with other sub-departments in the News & Current Affairs Dept. Does no-one at the BBC ever talk to anyone else within the BBC?
If they bothered to check with their own news archive or Kamal Ahmed or Simon Jack or, for that matter, the TopGear team, they would discover that they have the facts at their fingertips. The first is that the UK ‘vehicle fleet’ is newer and least polluting than ever in its recent history. They would also discover that there are less personal vehicles, whether diesel or petrol, on the road now. ‘Peak Car’ is probably past and possibly gone as far as the UK is concerned. In addition, the overall UK road mileage has only recently (2014/15/16) started to exceed that of pre-2007/2009 Financial Crash & Recession times.
This sudden obsession with NOx pollution is more than a little strange and puzzling.
BBc finally gets it’s way on diesels after campaigning for ages on it. Bets are now open on how long before they start on petrol vehicles. Us we are sticking with our diesel Freelander as we couldn’t afford a new car anyway. Once again the likes of KIA will be rubbing their hands with glee. I notice yesterday the BBc were giving air time with someone on a personal crusade to get old people to take re tests even though someone states “older drivers” are not more responsible for accidents than anyone else. It’s just the same old song at the BBc.
I see the Libmob is kicking off again in France. Violent “anti-fascist” protests.
I didn’t hear it from the BBC News. Just a quick report on RT, it seems there was an attempt on Le Pen while she was speaking & security people dragged someone away from the podium.
I haven’t time to research it properly (must go to work) But I would probably be waiting all day to hear anything from Beeby. They can’t seem to mention Le Pen without attaching a “far-right” tag to her name.
In the BBC world (and also wider MSM to be fair) the only attribute that’s required for a tag of ‘far right’ seems to be an anti-immigration and/or anti-islamization stance. Marine le Pen’s policies seem to be mostly left wing. It’s time that the left right dimension in politics was clarified. I thought it was about government heavy (left end) to government light (right end).
“Political Guru”?
Hell’s Teeth, there’s political insight and analysis aplenty on this site – we don’t need Smith. No one needs Smith apart from maybe Mrs. Smith?
Grant – “DM reports that UK gives £4m pa to N. Korea and Foreign Office has no plans to stop it…”
It’s been said that foreign ‘aid’ is poor people in rich countries giving to rich people in poor countries. But it’s often worse than that, as in this case – it’s ‘giving to psychotic murderers’. Unbelievable.
I agree, should be publicised much more widely. What the hell are we doing? As I heard someone else say, we might as well donate to ISIS….we probably are
“The new commissioner of the Metropolitan Police has promised to “bear down” on large rises in violent crime in London.”
Gun offences surged by 42% in the capital between April 2016 and April 2017, and knife crime went up by 24%.”…………
Is this a re-run of “Operation Trident” ?
Theresa May is to make an unscheduled statement in Downing Street at 11:15 BST after her Cabinet meets.
In an unusual move, Number 10 did not announce what subject she would address but statements by the PM in the street are usually reserved for big announcements.
There is a small chance she is going to announce the scrappage of the TV License!
Remember Dr Frew says ALL transport accounts for 1/7 of urban pollution so scrapping diesel cars alone makes little difference to the 350K lifedays lost per year
You are not going even to save 50K lifedays.
Means granny dies in the aftenoon instead of the morning.
So spending £millions would be poor cost benefit analysis
The BBC have forgotten that they, themselves, personally, organisationally, in their own right or write or both, actually carried the news to us recently that a large part of the growth in the UK road fleet (off-setting the fall in personal cars in use) are delivery vans for on-line and similar shopping deliveries.
“There is a small chance she is going to announce the scrappage of the TV License!”
Ha! No such chance 😀
It could be a GE ?
And hence Brexit All The way?
Stop Press !
Yep 8 June !
Al Beeb in panic . Sad faces
News of forthcoming General Election strengthens Brexit and £ goes up! ……….
Unintentional Good Brexit News from Al Beeb? Shock and Awe at Al Beeb now. Given time Al Beeb and Norman will talk it down . 😀
Anyone seen Maxincony?
My tips might be:
Boris sacked
(a hoped for by me) agreement between Russia, UK, USA, President Assad (and the EU? and Erdogan?) to be available for peace talks with rebel group representatives from the end of April onwards.
Local radio young priest has been in Libya
He threw in climate change in the list of reasons why people are coming.
He did say over rosy picture of west is the major pull factor.
Didn’t mention they think we live in a porno movie.
In their programme about will there ever be a black Prime Minister, the Beeb basked in SJW outrage. But you have to work hard at school to become PM.! I have never heard any rappers talk about going to Oxford.
Dem MCs got blazed
By my straight As
Gonna beat your grades
You lazy wallies
Cos I be going
To Trinity College
In their programme about will there ever be a black Prime Minister, the Beeb basked in SJW outrage. But you have to work hard at school to become PM.! I have never heard any rappers talk about going to Oxford.
Dem MCs got blazed
By my straight As
Gonna beat your grades
You lazy wallies
Cos I be going
To Trinity College
So 2017 is when Brexit begins and we slowly pull out of the EU……………
I hope we pull out quicker from the EU than I did from the EX or we’ll end up with 18 years maintenance to pay.
Now claiming just that, seismic. They have pointed out in their early announcement – correctly – that PM May cannot actually call a snap election. She will have to get a Bill through Parliament to overturn or suspend the FTParliament Act first.
A brilliant speech by the PM in which she called out all the traitors in Westminster. The more I see of her the more impressed I am.
Watch the BBC, watch them very closely.
Steve, not ‘shilling’ for the BBC are you? ‘Watch the BBC.’ Or encouraging Licence Fee evasion? Surely not! 🙂
You must then be thinking of some in the Press lobby and a certain studio facility within the Parliamentary estate and the ones along the Thames and over in W1A?
Poor choice of words! Probably better phrased as ‘keep an eye on the BBC’. You are right about who should be watched. It is going to be fun watching the BBC trying to polish the turd that is the Labour Party in the run up to the vote.
Hopefully, we will have lots of advice from political giants like Tim Farron and Diane Abbott to help us decide.
Where as she can be trusted to post all of her bigoted racist view’s on twitter, showing her to be both honest and trustworthy. My largest fear is that she becomes leader. It gives me nightmares. Really it does. ?
I can’t see the tactical value of an early election. She could have kept Corbyn in position and then run another two years, and then taken the benefit then. Al she has accomplished is cashing in the chips early for short term gain – Tories all over really.
We only effectively have one party in the UK, and even the parties admit there is more that unites them than divides them, and May is a committed Socialist anyway.
To such an extent that a lifetime Labour voter I know think she is the best thing since sliced bread.
With a Muppet in charge of UKIP they are likely to suffer even more at the next election, incapable of making any headway at all until they get someone decent in charge.
I think the PM has called an early election precisely because of the disarray within the Labour Party and UKIP. The Tories are delivering on Brexit, so will hoover up UKIP votes, and Corbyn is acknowledged as totally unelectable. Also, if Krankie loses any seats in Scotland it undermines her position.
An increased majority provides the stability when it is needed, shows the EU that the population of the UK is united, and avoids Brexit being messed about by the Westminster wannabies.
A great strategic move to my mind.
Quite right. The BBC and all the opposition parties must be shitting themselves. The Tories can only increase their votes. Maybe the first time Treezer ever got something right. Great decision. Bring it on !
Steve, for all of that they could have waited it out, taken the full five years and left Corbyn where he was until needed. The continual wrecking of the Labour party might well have destroyed it for certainly damaged it for the next 50 years or so.
The grasping short termism so typical of the Tories however means that although they might get 5 years now, they might not get another one after that, but that isn’t how the Tory mind works.
It’s more like the child shown a sweetie on a plate with the instruction, you can have that one now, or if you leave it, a whole bag in a hours time. The Tories will take the sweetie on the plate every time.
Krankie won’t lose any seats in Scotland but will campaign on a platform of a second referendum which will then be impossible for May to ignore. The alleged increased majority won’t give any greater stability – more likely greater in fighting as happened when Thatcher won her landslide.
I think it’s an incredibly silly strategic move which will cost the Tories dear in the fullness of time.
I live in Scotland. There is not a snowball’s chance in hell that we will vote to live in an ‘independent’ Scotland under the crushing jackboot heel of the EU.
The bBBC will never let you know this of course.
The cynic in me thinks that maybe the findings on the election expenses scandal was about to surface and trigger a swathe of by-elections. Calling a GE will effectively bury the issue.
Typical Tories, self serving, party before country, and take advantage of the turmoil, lets not forget that they for the most part deliberately created.
An election with the worst timing and position possible for our people, I m sure that Mandleson, Lord Sainsbury and co, are fully in the loop.
Political Establishment … business as usual
Don t drain the swamp,
but con the public to vote for it.
I wouldn’t rule out the potential effect of a Le Pen landslide on Treesa’s decision. Something in the wind, that’s for sure, but I doubt Erdogan being yet another mandated muslim dictator would be all that significant, more like the imminent collapse of the EU. That would make Brexit a rather wise move and nullify Labour AND the Libdems at a stroke.
Justin, manifestos will have to be written. Remember the fuss over Hammond’s memory lapse in the Budget with regard to the pre-2015 GE Budget and Manifesto? The Conservative Manifesto will have to set out clearly, but in general terms, what the Party – if forming a Government – will seek to do as far as Brexit is concerned.
Any hint of backsliding will enrage those who voted for Brexit and possibly drive their votes elsewhere. That could let in a non-Tory Coalition.
Corbyn has now committed Labour to being partially/substantially anti-Brexit. The SNP and LibDems are anti-Brexit. It seems a no-brainer that the Conservative Manifesto will be likely to be on the side of continuing the firm break with the EU. This could see the making or the end of UKIP. Nuttall and Co have a lot to do in not very much time.
However, the PM still has to win a vote in the House (and get Lords approval, too, don’t forget) before she can formally call the General Election. The Lords could theoretically scupper this and force a bit of a minor Constitutional Crisis with the Commons being forced to call on the Parliament Act.
Jezza will not be happy. I bet he will have scouts out seeing if he can get some Conservative MPs to jump ship. Farron, too.
Great post Bel, and I agree there could be problems with the Lords … and for once I could see a point.
Party above nation, blatant profiteering over national disquiet that the party themselves created.
The BBC will have a tough job pushing the Labour message much harder than they have been doing. Today program extended to 3 hours. Followed by a 2 hour Now Show ?
BBC will be backing a Lib Dem and Labour coalition. Tim Farron already tweeted that a Lib Dem win will reverse hard Brexit and keep us in a single market.
I bet both Tim Farron and Gina Miller are in a taxi right now on their way to Broadcasting House.
She is going to shaft you all, seriously, she has strung-out brexit, talked tough to be ‘our treazer’, You give her 5 years and she will shaft you on brexit, i hope i am wrong, but i’m not.
From a close neighbours view your country is ruled by Tory. and run by the liberal Left, at council and institutional level, that ”progressive ”infestation” is what needs fumigated ………….’common purpose’ should be declared illegal, it is nothing more than leftist masonry.
Be lucky, an interested Manxman. we are not in the EU.
That is all she is doing now, and with Cameron before… nothing new, the clues in the name CON … she and her No10 cronies are a grasping, self serving disaster, get ready for a lie a day.
“shaft” I concur totally, now with Brexit and our NHS, before with our borders, immigration, prisons and the police.
Manxman and Nogginboy totally agree with your takes on Theresa . She has almost singlehandedly allowed this situation to develop by sitting on her hands and surrounding herself with a cabinet which has little taste for brexit.
Before everyone goes round squeezing each others metaphorical testicles about how Labour is likely to lose, Lets just remember the amount of commitment that Theresa has shown to brexit and immigration control and lets also remember in lots of ways (especially with reference to social “justice” and immigration issues) there is very little real difference between the two parties these days.
The only distance is in rhetoric but not execution. In effect you could not put a fag paper between any of them.
Sorry to throw a bucket of water on proceedings but I think this is quite close to the truth. I will probably still vote Tory but I will definitely be making the best of a bad job only.
Just one question though, who the hell DO we vote for eh ? we can do all the criticising in the world and get nowhere – Labour’s in meltdown, Lib Dems want to reverse the Brexit vote, and UKIP are back where they were 10 years ago ! so, if its not the Tory’s then WHO ????
This doesn’t make sense though. She was a reluctant Remainer only being loyal to David Cameron and not high profile at all in campaigning.
She could string it out now anyway and blame the non progress on the opposition ,Lords etc.
Any other electoral outcome than an increased tory majority will see us well and truly shafted anyway,unless you believe UKIP are going to rise from the ashes.
Well, we sure are living in interesting times. Anyhow it’ll mean Trump gets a break but NHS spending will be up on treating bbc pundits for stress and high blood pressure. Norman Smith will probably burst!
Do Ex-Pats get to vote ? A lot of them are anti Brexit, and voting for the Lib Dems or Labour won’t impact on their Ex-Pat lifestyles, whereas anything that weakens Brexit is good news for them (I do know that not all Ex-Pats are anti Brexit but many are)
I’m worried.
As an ex-pat I should know. Errr.. I think that so long as you have been on an electoral register within the last 15 years, you are eligible to vote. It may be a bit more complicated than that with small print. I had better check !
You need to have been on the electoral register within the past 15 years and you apply to the district council where you were previously registered. Once you have passed the 15 years without applying to remain on the electoral register you lose your right to vote in UK elections.
I’m currently in one of the EU banking shambles countries that is teetering on an economic precipice and as a Brexiteer I’m definitely in a minority. Mind you, a lot of them have a rose-tinted view of their host country, living as they do in their vino-fuelled expat bubble, and are genuinely astonished when I tell them what is really going on in the finance world in the country in which they live.
I left Britain with a poor opinion of my native country, but now I’ve seen just how much worse it is in the EU I can’t wait to get home for good, which thankfully will be very soon.
She certainly has called them out although she mis-spoke when she said ALL PARTIES oppose Brexit. Quite how they’ll make a case for Labour, Liberals will be truly fascinating. I reckon the Communists will do well!
You have a choice of 3 remainer’s, and a rudderless MP-less UKIP.
I will pray for yall.
Little Timmy will be like a Duracel bunny, busy busy busy timmy the dimmy, Oh god, new batteries in the remote will be worth the investment, he is like dial-a-twat.
Commeth the hour commeth the man, Sir Nigel [kick-ass] Farage.
Apparently, if the BBC sub-line on the PM’s annoucement replay is anything to go by, Tim Farron has had a wobble. He now wants a ‘soft-Brexit’.
Well, if true, the first explosive impact from a Teresa May ‘shell’ has had quite an effect. MOAB 1 from the Tories! Farron was still calling for another Referendum to overturn Brexit earlier this month.
You are right, Grant, there is a ‘danger’ of that. Just losing a couple of seats with all the claimed extra members they have would lead to some disquiet, perhaps Farron’s removal or resignation. Now, could one of them be in Sheffield or will there be a ‘ungentlemanly agreement’ between Labour & the LibDems there?
There may be some interesting Constituency meetings hurriedly taking place around the country.
The European Convention on Human Rights provides; Article 8 – Right to respect for private and family life
1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.
2. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
This provision has been used by criminals to argue that they shouldn’t be jailed and by invaders to claim benefits but what is ‘family life’?
I have seen documentaries where Americans have visited Africa and Britons have visited India and they felt at home, among their own. Something to do with ‘roots’ and being among others that look like them, like ‘family’.
One of my pastimes is genealogy. As a result I can document my family back some 250 years on these islands. Names on gravestones and family naming conventions that link in the female lines provide evidence of familial communities going back centuries. They are my ‘family’, these are my roots, this is my homeland.
Yet ‘my BBC’ denies all this. I haven’t got a culture worth defending. I have no homeland, I am just another ‘immigrant’ but one with nowhere to go when I see my land given over to sharia and its proponents.
Article 8 is not an absolute right, but a proportionate one, and has to be balanced with other requirements.
It might well have been used by various people, but has it been successful? One area in which you might think this act would & should have provided protection is in the area of divorce where a mother is denying a father access to his children and vice versa. However this has been dismissed as a mothers right to abuse the kids is a greater priority for the state than article 8 rights.
I’ve seen a clear assault on English identity since the 1980s. We’re constantly told that ‘we’re a nation of immigrants’ but the DNA evidence is clear in that about 75% of the DNA of native English is very ancient, over 8000 years old. The truth is that the invasions from the Romans onwards had little impact on the DNA of the local people. The book ‘The Origins of the British’ is a very interesting read (if you can wade through all the discussion on haplogroups), and strongly suggests that the ‘English’ were a distinct and separate culture from the Welsh and Scots long before the Romans arrived.
Of course the lefties in the media and academe love to push the English as immigrants narrative – recently there was a skeleton of an African found in Leicester, buried in Roman times, and the archaeologist called the find ‘thrilling’.
Perhaps the polling shows good numbers for Le Pen. If they are as biased as in the UK, the 61% of the population agreeing that islam is incompatible with French life could be much more than the liberal/lefties are willing to disclose.
Let’s hope so.
Radio4 motto
“where you’re never more than 60mins away from the next Virtue Signalling”
10am WH had Malala’s Mum on
Who couldn’t do the interview in English despite studying it for 3 years whilst living in Birmingham.
9:45 Book – Ethiopian Poet
11:30 Ethiopian musical nun
2:15 Play: LGBT ” What does love look like in a world of non-binary, gender-fluid, constantly hyphenated thinking?”
3:30pm The Climate Panic Show
4:30pm Famous Albanian soprano talks about famous Albanian nun Mother Theresa
8pm Trump at Studio 54 nightclub
…probably a vehicle for conspiracy theories
Any idea what odds I would get for Nigel Farage to be asked to lead UKIP by next week?
Tories must have done some discreet polling on which way the Remainers would vote in a General Election.
Will the Tories win back some seats in Scotland?
A final point is, when will someone in the media rename the Liberal Democrats the Illiberal Autocrats as some wag on this site once correctly labelled them.
wronged, we have a bookies’ advisor on here who may be able to help you.
I think the PM will have been talking intensively with her Whips about this decision. It is possible that they have ‘intelligence’ about a variety of possible and probable events. We know there is some disquiet among some SNP MPs and SNP MSPs about Sturgeon’s leadership and also that Mhairi Black wishes to leave Parliament.
Listening now to the full statement, I am left wondering whether the PM had info from the Whips that some Conservative MPs were about to leave for the LibDems or Labour over Brexit. This move by the PM is pre-emptive and puts their re-selection at risk.
I hope so Snuff and I really hope I am wrong about her – but I still think she sat on her hands too long which allowed all our in house traitors to organise. This I still think does bring her political judgement into some question.
If I am wrong I will be the first to admit it and I will look forward to doing so!
On the bright side I expect the likes of Soudbry has got some very fast talking to do to her local party. Hopefully this sour faced harpee will do the decent thing and we will not have to listen to it again.
Whatever the result of the General Election, there is one definite positive. It is going to provide this site with wonderful entertainment from the BBC. Just when you thought they coudn’t get more demented……..
Stormin Norman the left wing otherwise unbiased BBC deputy political editor was his usual self this morning . Theresa May has broken her word , is scuttling to the electorate and heavens above the BBC says ‘some say’ that she is a political opportunist . How could a government call an election just because it’s to the governing party’s advantage ? shock horror!
No doubt we will get more of this drivel from Norman, comrade Piennar, guardianista Marr etc
Upsides do exist thank goodness . Corbyn faces oblivion, Wee Krankie faces a setback if the SNP vote or number of seats goes down . Unfortunately little Timmy Farron will gain and so 5 more years of remoaning from him .
I watched a clip of Smith that the BBC put up on the web-site piece about the May announcement. Watching his eyebrows, mouth & forehead wrinkles was amusing. He obviously didn’t know whether to be delighted or not that there will be an early GE.
Kuenssberg is going to have to work a lot harder if she is to avoid increasing calls for her replacement. She is fortunate that she does not appear to have a challenger in Smith.
That’s assuming the assessment for replacement might be based on ability, Up2. More commonly it’s based on how many friends and family are currently signed up for Guardian subs.
Jeremy Corbyn:
” Labour is ready for an Election , should one be called. ”
Captain of the Titanic:
“Bring on the Iceberg !”
Jeremy Corbyn has called for an end to sleeping rough….
Is the Labour Party leader expressing his social and humanitarian ideals?
Or is this a rather impolite reference to his ex, Diane Abbott?
She did not do too well last year. The post-IndyRef SNP ‘boom’ did not lead to increased seats. Then, in addition, some SNP people are on record via the BBC over not wanting another IndyRef. I got the impression that they did not like Sturgeon’s performance on behalf of Scotland generally.
Tommy Shepherd, was I think one. Have I got that name right? And one of her Ministers is another, cannot remember a name.
I was being a bit too sarcastic ! Anecdotal only but I know that a lot of people up here are getting sick of her. If anything she seems to be more unpopular with women than men.
Sturgeon is blustering. If I recall, the SNP share of the vote went down at the last Scottish election. While the SNP are still immensely powerful, I just wonder if they have passed their high water mark . If they have, then Theresa May can tell Sturgeon to get lost and that there will be no referendum following the GE.
One thing we can be sure of- the Nats both Scottish and Welsh, will get far more airtime from the BBC than their share of the UK vote warrants.
EE: ” While the SNP are still immensely powerful, I just wonder if they have passed their high water mark . If they have, then Theresa May can tell Sturgeon to get lost and that there will be no referendum following the GE.”
Its to stop you being identified when you are flashing. Mess 4F HMS Fearless, cooks, writers, storesmen and medics. All the victuals and drugs you could wish for. Happy days.
Hilarious if unintentional but oh so revealing moment on bBBC news at 1.15pm.
Referencing the snap GE, Sophie Raworth announces the next section “so what does Brussels think of the announcement”.
Errrr…….we don’t care, luv. Got that?
Nope. The biased BBC still don’t get it.
Best switch my brain off for the next 8 weeks of BBC sponsored, compulsory licence fee payer funded, government-undermining remoaner bias.
Top of the Froths
Is the Radio Scotland Media Review on Thursdays
It doesn’t waste time talking about terrorists & North Korea cos they really know the true priorities are.
For the last 2 weeks that’s :
– That David Moyes called a female reporter”girl” in a 20 second interchange that she laughed at.
– Sean Spicer for wearing a badly fitting suit and saying Hitler didn’t use Chemical Weapons like Syria does.
– And United Airlines for one passenger getting injuree when he decided to resist a police bouncer.
All interspersed with Virtue Signalling rants to show they hate Trump, Brexit, Daily Mail, Farage & anything English.
A final point, why didn’t May wait until the Boundary changes took place in October, 2018 where there would be about 20 extra seats coming in her direction?
Nice that Martha Kearney gave the last word on PM to fatbot – Wittering on about zenophobia and unpleasant election campaigns!
Bloody ell is this woman as truly clueless about her own remarks as she gives the impression. Thick or arrogant – I know not
I really dont know how she can look at herself in the mirror
Actually I am sure she doesnt!!!!
I think she really should do so – Then she would know how the rest of you lot feel when you have to see her on the telly!
Expect the word ‘divisive’ to be used a lot. wronged wants some help with his bet at the bookies. Maybe we need an informal book running on how many times ‘divisive’ is used by the BBC. And ‘populist’.
Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell are going to have their work cut out to come up with a manifesto that is ‘populist’ enough to win.
Another thought lurking at the back of my mind is whether the PM has some information on the state of the Parties in France about the likely vote in the Election there. Could it be that the Conservatives in the UK know that Le Pen is likely to win?
The Conservatives with a better majority here and Le Pen starting to dismantle the EU further would then be in a very strong position. No going back on Brexit because the EU might not exist in 2022. The LibDems & Labour & SNP even more disadvantaged.
I’m rather surprised that Corbyn has jumped in with immediate support from Labour for a GE2017. Perhaps he is thinking of retirement?
Yep! don t drain the swamp … “Con” the electorate to vote for it!,
give it more influence? No10, “tastrophe” and her cronies are the problem.
All this finger in the wind crap , they are simply riding the coat tails again … last week Trump this week probably Le Penn? now its U Turn – Party 1st, the nation can swivel … short term opportunists.
A rotten, corrupt, grasping, liability who will twist Brexit into everything … But this is a general election, not a referendum.
You are giving consent on every issue to a Government which follows
Already disastrous on immigration, borders, police, prisons, beneath contempt on the NHS, wealth gap, living standards, essential services, selling off,(what s left) of our infrastructure, deliberate neglect on social care for our elderly…. A liability
Agreed. This is when the fix starts to go in. May is and was a remainer with an eye to the main chance- a typical politician then.
As a betting man I have never thought the odds on us really leaving the EU to be other than very long indeed.
Stitching up us peasants. This is what the Tory party is good at and always has been. They do it with a patronising smile but have no doubt about their contempt for us. For money nothing but love. For the nation and people nothing.
As for the Lib Dems there is nothing to say . Really nothing at all. For Labour ? Now it is a party of the progressive whining classes it is worse than useless. UKIP? It will not be allowed to win much. Just watch the media gang up.
i have no interest in a political charade.
good thoughts but I fear that, in keeping with most political commentators, Le Pen will fall quite badly at the final hurdle. The French have often lacked a bit of spine, post Napoleon that is.
They won’t leave the EU. They get too good a deal with their Common Agricultural policy. They are also meant to pay 10billion into the EU but in fact only pay 5 billion due to ‘stitched up’ rebates. Besides which, they would hate to work alongside Britain. They much prefer Germany as a country.
You could be right. It was just a lurking ‘I wonder if … ‘.
However, things can turn in a moment. Some more terrorist attacks might just make enough voters back Le Pen.
I don’t think France prefers Germany. They dragged Germany into what became the EU to keep control over it when Germany was still war ravaged and partly still under Allied control. Things have changed. Since the end of the 1980s, France has wanted Britain in the EU as a hedge against German power, including economic power. Germany, I think, wants Britain in the EU as a hedge against France.
Outside the EU, all could still be pals. We are so intertwined and invested in each other that EU or no, we have vested interests in each others’ well-being. I’m very positive about Brexit being good all round, especially if it meant wholesale reform to the EU, whatever is left of it.
Then there is life in the EU minus the UK £10bn net. Those French rebates are about to shrink.
Until Blair I was a labour supporter – I know, but I came from generations dirt poor folk.
Blair sucked up to the rich and became rich. He gave lots and lots of free stuff to those who contributed less than zero to the country. Left the country broke, took us into a pointless war and now lectures, for big bucks, on what we should do.
Corbyn? I have no words.
I was dipping into TWATO while I was driving. Beeboids seemed very subdued. I wonder if they are anticipating a quadruple whammy. General Election, Brexit, Trump, General Election. Some people, like me, are just not following the Beeboid script. We must be stupid.
” We must be stupid”
Yep, unintelligent, ill educated not vote Labour/Liberal – that would be us.
I haven’t felt this distant from chunks of my countrymen since the seventies.
gaxvil – and Grant – I think I detect a swing toward Brexit by some Remainers. That can only be due, in part, to the scorn and insults heaped on Brexiteers, post-23/24 June. The lack of fulfilment of any of the Remain predictions for the immediate aftermath will account for the rest of the swing. In addition, Cameron has quickly become a distant memory.
Gove claimed on TWatO today that support for Brexit is increasing. I can believe that from what I have seen from posted Comments on the BBC web-site. That is probably more accurate these days than the polling from the usual sources.
Theresa May also claimed this morning that “the country is coming together”. I wonder if that is backed up by some informal polling out in the shires and cities by MPs and others? I suspect the UK is more robust as a whole than the SNP, Plaid, the Greens, Labour & the LibDems may give credit for, especially when ‘up against it’.
I suspect you may be right. Leavers voted on a matter of principle so are unlikely to have changed their minds. Remainers voted for self-interest and may now be wondering if they might not be better off if the UK is out.
Remainers only wanted to retain their huge organisations’ presence, which paid them too well, and weren’t prepared for a proper reflux of proper people!
Fabulous stuff!
Such excitement for the next couple of months! This site will have enormous support and we can all get bigger as the pathetic parties like the limps and the reds get even more worried!
I think they are a bit gobsmacked to be honest.They don’t seem to have got their counter talking points together.
Its quite good seeing them so subdued but I’m sure it won’t last.
Friends! My good friend Saveed Miliband has written a very wise piece in the Far-Right Guardian, in which he totally opposes this so-called General Election, and calls for it to be scrapped and replaced by Our Second Referendum on Hard-Right Extreme Tory Breggggsit!
And as ever, I have viciously reproduced his piece in my Blog, which can be found here:
Friend Up2snuff! Thank you! I am really sorry about this. I have also been grievously neglecting my other two “homes”, the Far-Right Guido Fawkes and the Hard-Right Going Postal, owing to the increasing amount of time the Alt-Right Twitter is viciously stealing from me. I just wish there was – literally – more than 24 hours in each day!
I know that “Transgenderism ” is in fashion with the BBC and Leftists generally, but I think that “Bullingdon Boy May ” is going too far. Shame on you. If I were Terence May, I would sue you.
I still feel a bit twitchy when Theresa May starts ‘channelling’ Margaret Thatcher or I see photos of Theresa May in profile, usually in unfavourable pose & unflattering light, where the similarities are quite striking.
She spoke well in Downing Street today. I hope that all the parties can put together honest and good (good and true?) manifestos and then campaign well but I fear this GE may be a bloody one. Hope too that it will be safe & secure from the terrorism & the fraud that it might attract.
Just arrived here after cutting the grass to learn the unbiased news and decent opinion. So, a GE 8th June eh? My immediate thought? What will the Tories put forward for a manifesto? I’m intrigued.
Good point Grant; I’m still learning about all this having not watched the box all day or spied the Ipad, as there are many more important things to do like potting on Mrs O’Blene’s zinnias, and having a kip after a few glasses of red at tincture time…
I’d love to see a manifesto pledge to reconsider this years cop- out BBC charter. Or at the very least an opening up of the market for terrestrial news broadcasting with either no subsidies or a fairer spread of subsidies to promote competition . Let’s spike the guns of the BBC and the even worse C4.
My other favourites would be
End to 0.7 percent of GDP on foreign aid
Increase defence spending to 2.5 per cent of GDP
No Scottish independence referendum In next parliament
End ring fencing of NHS spending and admit its a busted model for healthcare delivery
Boost spending on social care in return for end of triple lock on pensions
Look again at structure of NI and move over time to a genuine fund principle. Individual accounts for pensions and welfare. The more you put in the more you take out. No freeloading by the feckless and immigrants.
Clean Brexit including robust immigration controls by 2020.
Boot out failed asylum seekers.
Include commitment to grammar schools nationally especially in poorer areas . Watch the return of upward social mobility after 40 years of the opposite.
I didn’t want to monopolise this thread!!. Yes, as someone who posts frequently about the Muslim takeover of the UK , I’d like something in about RoPers but I see no chance of May doing it. She’s built her career in the last decade on Muslim appeasement.
Anyway how about these
Firm commitment to end Sharia law in UK
Start tackling the Muslim Ghettos ( horrendously difficult but a start must be made ) . Fewer Mosques, better ethnic mix to include whites and Christians, no Muslim dominated schools, stricter investigation into Trojan Horse practices, end postal voting abuse and corrupt councils dominated by Muslims .
I’d rather see some continued EU net migration and a total pause to immigration from Kashmir , Pakistan, Somalia etc . Good luck with that one !
I’m sure you can all think of more !
EE, don’t expect much on the BBC front in specific terms but ‘cyber, web and broadcast security will be a priority’, some way down the Tory list. Obviously setting out to attack the BBC in a manifesto would be a vote loser, imv. So it may be just hinted at.
Similarly, committing to ‘No Scottish Referendum for 5 years’ might enrage Tory & Labour voters who wish to be rid of Scotland. They do exist and may be growing in number.
Think tax reform will be near the top of the list as you suggest but perhaps wider ranging than NI.
Cancel any plans you have for tonight Tuesday 18 because Radio 4 has a programme you won’t want to miss. It’s about that famous night club in New York called Studio 54. Its title is TRUMP AT STUDIO 54.
Yep, I heard the trailer for that. Incredible. The beeb now seem to be having a go at Trump because he DIDN’T dance, drink, or take drugs!!!!!!!
Clearly totally anathema to the activist student bBBC expectations.
Ex-MP’s pensions are absurdly generous at about £3,300 each year in ‘office’. Ten years is enough to keep the wolf from the door I’d say.
Lots of the skivers from HOC will be doing the same I suppose. Can’t be bothered to find out who, as I’ve got some serious gardening to do tomorrow, and Mrs O’Blene needs to go to the library to get some more books…
Van HelsingMar 4, 17:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, Russia isn’t as strong as some people think. It wasn’t the old USSR to begin with and it’s even…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Even more excellent news – Rachel from accounts has said smaller companies can get the urgent defence contract for the…
wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 17:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “A psychotic Nigerian armed robber and crack cocaine dealer has been spared deportation because he would be considered “possessed” in…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC says Zelenski has gone on X and grovelled like the b@tch he is ( after being told – no…
GreencoatMar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I see that the Guardian’s review of Ash Sarkar’s new book refers to the British working class as the ‘lower…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news – Italy has said it won’t be sending Italian soldiers to die in Ukraine to keep Zelenski in…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Sorry to be boring readers.
My final comment.
While the bBBC are salivating over the diesel scrappage scheme, maybe they should investigate ( do they understand the word?) the whole life energy cost of vehicles.
Those eco friendly batteries for hybrid vehicles require huge amounts of energy to make in the first place. And even more to recycle later. And even without them, think of the energy cost of creating a new car.
So scrapping a car early thus may create the very pollution the warriors are supposedly trying to avoid.
There is an energy balance equation to consider, and to be fair it could go either way, but the arty dullards at the bBBC are too thick to contemplate it.
The kiddies cannnot stretch their brains that far!
Diesel scrappage is absurd. So they are going to give us country boys who have never had a new car in our lives a few quid to do what? All it shows is how out of touch with our lives these politicians and media types are. I paid a grand for my 2003
diesel and could never afford a comparable car even with the few quid subsidy?
Grown up politics is for the US and not for us anymore. We have Mrs May and progressive twits.
Oh and if they want to keep me out of Oxford, London and Edinburgh be my guest. Shitholes the lot of them .
Sluff, you rarely – if ever – bore your readers here!
The BBC are joining in some strange politicking around diesel at the present time. They are doing it with surprising holes in both their knowledge and research. They are also not connecting with other sub-departments in the News & Current Affairs Dept. Does no-one at the BBC ever talk to anyone else within the BBC?
If they bothered to check with their own news archive or Kamal Ahmed or Simon Jack or, for that matter, the TopGear team, they would discover that they have the facts at their fingertips. The first is that the UK ‘vehicle fleet’ is newer and least polluting than ever in its recent history. They would also discover that there are less personal vehicles, whether diesel or petrol, on the road now. ‘Peak Car’ is probably past and possibly gone as far as the UK is concerned. In addition, the overall UK road mileage has only recently (2014/15/16) started to exceed that of pre-2007/2009 Financial Crash & Recession times.
This sudden obsession with NOx pollution is more than a little strange and puzzling.
BBc finally gets it’s way on diesels after campaigning for ages on it. Bets are now open on how long before they start on petrol vehicles. Us we are sticking with our diesel Freelander as we couldn’t afford a new car anyway. Once again the likes of KIA will be rubbing their hands with glee. I notice yesterday the BBc were giving air time with someone on a personal crusade to get old people to take re tests even though someone states “older drivers” are not more responsible for accidents than anyone else. It’s just the same old song at the BBc.
I see the Libmob is kicking off again in France. Violent “anti-fascist” protests.
I didn’t hear it from the BBC News. Just a quick report on RT, it seems there was an attempt on Le Pen while she was speaking & security people dragged someone away from the podium.
I haven’t time to research it properly (must go to work) But I would probably be waiting all day to hear anything from Beeby. They can’t seem to mention Le Pen without attaching a “far-right” tag to her name.
In the BBC world (and also wider MSM to be fair) the only attribute that’s required for a tag of ‘far right’ seems to be an anti-immigration and/or anti-islamization stance. Marine le Pen’s policies seem to be mostly left wing. It’s time that the left right dimension in politics was clarified. I thought it was about government heavy (left end) to government light (right end).
Norman Smith “Political Guru”
Political Guru? What?
“Political Guru”?
Hell’s Teeth, there’s political insight and analysis aplenty on this site – we don’t need Smith. No one needs Smith apart from maybe Mrs. Smith?
“Political Guru”?
Political Guru Murphy – but he’d need to get a sun tan.
The fine line between ‘guru’ and ‘gurning’, easily confused.
Grant – “DM reports that UK gives £4m pa to N. Korea and Foreign Office has no plans to stop it…”
It’s been said that foreign ‘aid’ is poor people in rich countries giving to rich people in poor countries. But it’s often worse than that, as in this case – it’s ‘giving to psychotic murderers’. Unbelievable.
I agree, should be publicised much more widely. What the hell are we doing? As I heard someone else say, we might as well donate to ISIS….we probably are
“The new commissioner of the Metropolitan Police has promised to “bear down” on large rises in violent crime in London.”
Gun offences surged by 42% in the capital between April 2016 and April 2017, and knife crime went up by 24%.”…………
Is this a re-run of “Operation Trident” ?
I really popped back here to pass on the news that the BBC w/s is flagging up an unscheduled statement by the Prime Minister by the PM at 11.15a.m..
She is checking with Gina Miller if it’s ok to hold a snap general election.
If Gina gives her permission it will be on June 8th.
Speculation rife over PM statement at Number 10
Theresa May is to make an unscheduled statement in Downing Street at 11:15 BST after her Cabinet meets.
In an unusual move, Number 10 did not announce what subject she would address but statements by the PM in the street are usually reserved for big announcements.
There is a small chance she is going to announce the scrappage of the TV License!
Reckon £1500 scrappage for new Diesel Audi A8 would go down really well.
Remember Dr Frew says ALL transport accounts for 1/7 of urban pollution so scrapping diesel cars alone makes little difference to the 350K lifedays lost per year
You are not going even to save 50K lifedays.
Means granny dies in the aftenoon instead of the morning.
So spending £millions would be poor cost benefit analysis
Stew, back to serious (!) matters.
The BBC have forgotten that they, themselves, personally, organisationally, in their own right or write or both, actually carried the news to us recently that a large part of the growth in the UK road fleet (off-setting the fall in personal cars in use) are delivery vans for on-line and similar shopping deliveries.
“There is a small chance she is going to announce the scrappage of the TV License!”
Ha! No such chance 😀
It could be a GE ?
And hence Brexit All The way?
Stop Press !
Yep 8 June !
Al Beeb in panic . Sad faces
General Election for June 8th?
No chance, my lawyers are on the way to the high court right now to stop this and to “to protect our democracy”.
Anyway I assume this General Election will be the best of 3 until Labour or Lib Dems win?
In that case I wonder if Al Beeb will be biased in the forthcoming General Election ?
Tabs, LOL x3!
News of forthcoming General Election strengthens Brexit and £ goes up! ……….
Unintentional Good Brexit News from Al Beeb? Shock and Awe at Al Beeb now. Given time Al Beeb and Norman will talk it down . 😀
Anyone seen Maxincony?
Tabs, I wish!
My tips might be:
Boris sacked
(a hoped for by me) agreement between Russia, UK, USA, President Assad (and the EU? and Erdogan?) to be available for peace talks with rebel group representatives from the end of April onwards.
I slightly fear an Abdication statement.
Russia will be too busy ‘hacking’ our election, whatever that means.
If it’s anything like the USA and Obama, Russia will decide who wins.
Unless the hacking thing was a load of rubbish.
Russia will be busy warming up their best computers to get on with it.
“He believed if you see a man in a truck about to plough into a crowd of people, you have to attempt to wrest the wheel from him.”
2008 Actor David Soul on Dietrich Bonhoeffer, German pastor, spy, anti-Nazi.
Local radio young priest has been in Libya
He threw in climate change in the list of reasons why people are coming.
He did say over rosy picture of west is the major pull factor.
Didn’t mention they think we live in a porno movie.
3:30pm Radio4 “Five of the Solomon Islands have already been lost to sea level rise and many more are being rendered uninhabitable.”
But one year ago Guardian article about them debunked itself.
Twitter tells me
“Green Climate Fund approves US$86 Million for Tina River Hydro Development Project in Solomon Islands “
In their programme about will there ever be a black Prime Minister, the Beeb basked in SJW outrage. But you have to work hard at school to become PM.! I have never heard any rappers talk about going to Oxford.
Dem MCs got blazed
By my straight As
Gonna beat your grades
You lazy wallies
Cos I be going
To Trinity College
In just about every Hollywood film they always have a black president unless the president is a wrong ‘un and then he’s white.
Emmanuel – the wrong ‘un is not just white, he has a Southern accent too.
In their programme about will there ever be a black Prime Minister, the Beeb basked in SJW outrage. But you have to work hard at school to become PM.! I have never heard any rappers talk about going to Oxford.
Dem MCs got blazed
By my straight As
Gonna beat your grades
You lazy wallies
Cos I be going
To Trinity College
So 2017 is when Brexit begins and we slowly pull out of the EU……………
I hope we pull out quicker from the EU than I did from the EX or we’ll end up with 18 years maintenance to pay.
The fragrant Laura Kuenssberg is perspiring:-
‘Stress one source not confirmed! 19 minutes to wait (not a good morning for a delayed tube, running to Number ten!)
Laura Kuenssberg
The thing she won’t say:-
‘We are leaving the EU with immediate effect.’
Is there a petition to deport Europhile treasonous propagandists ?
Fragrant ?!
Doublethinker – I think he’s saying she smells.
General election just called.
Just watch the BBC crank up to biased election mode. Never worked in the past but they seem to like it.
Now claiming just that, seismic. They have pointed out in their early announcement – correctly – that PM May cannot actually call a snap election. She will have to get a Bill through Parliament to overturn or suspend the FTParliament Act first.
Sky video
‘The country is coming together but Westminster is not’. Well said Treezer.
A word of advice to the Brexiteers
Reject the MSM, make use of the alternative media.
A brilliant speech by the PM in which she called out all the traitors in Westminster. The more I see of her the more impressed I am.
Watch the BBC, watch them very closely.
Steve, not ‘shilling’ for the BBC are you? ‘Watch the BBC.’ Or encouraging Licence Fee evasion? Surely not! 🙂
You must then be thinking of some in the Press lobby and a certain studio facility within the Parliamentary estate and the ones along the Thames and over in W1A?
Poor choice of words! Probably better phrased as ‘keep an eye on the BBC’. You are right about who should be watched. It is going to be fun watching the BBC trying to polish the turd that is the Labour Party in the run up to the vote.
Hopefully, we will have lots of advice from political giants like Tim Farron and Diane Abbott to help us decide.
There is an air of spring & Easter jollity around this web-site, so could not resist an attempt to keep it going.
You and Limbaugh (@11.23am) both make very valid points.
Interesting times.
Abbott was on the radio earlier saying that the Tories will fight a dirty and xenophobic campaign.
Where as she can be trusted to post all of her bigoted racist view’s on twitter, showing her to be both honest and trustworthy. My largest fear is that she becomes leader. It gives me nightmares. Really it does. ?
Very inspiring speech. I will ignore the imminent wave of laughable BBC ‘analysis’ telling me what I should think.
I didn`t expect an early Election……… I`m getting the feeling that even she is becoming a bit pi$$ed off with all the pro EU guff…..
I do however think that a good deal of scrutiny will be needed regarding her real intentions on whether she intends to keep us in via the back door…
It`s a shame it would be too soon for a genuine UKIP surge in votes… However, they will still get my vote… Farage or no Farage..
I can’t see the tactical value of an early election. She could have kept Corbyn in position and then run another two years, and then taken the benefit then. Al she has accomplished is cashing in the chips early for short term gain – Tories all over really.
We only effectively have one party in the UK, and even the parties admit there is more that unites them than divides them, and May is a committed Socialist anyway.
To such an extent that a lifetime Labour voter I know think she is the best thing since sliced bread.
With a Muppet in charge of UKIP they are likely to suffer even more at the next election, incapable of making any headway at all until they get someone decent in charge.
On top of that are all the boundary changes which need to be voted through.
I think the PM has called an early election precisely because of the disarray within the Labour Party and UKIP. The Tories are delivering on Brexit, so will hoover up UKIP votes, and Corbyn is acknowledged as totally unelectable. Also, if Krankie loses any seats in Scotland it undermines her position.
An increased majority provides the stability when it is needed, shows the EU that the population of the UK is united, and avoids Brexit being messed about by the Westminster wannabies.
A great strategic move to my mind.
Steve Jones,
Quite right. The BBC and all the opposition parties must be shitting themselves. The Tories can only increase their votes. Maybe the first time Treezer ever got something right. Great decision. Bring it on !
Steve, for all of that they could have waited it out, taken the full five years and left Corbyn where he was until needed. The continual wrecking of the Labour party might well have destroyed it for certainly damaged it for the next 50 years or so.
The grasping short termism so typical of the Tories however means that although they might get 5 years now, they might not get another one after that, but that isn’t how the Tory mind works.
It’s more like the child shown a sweetie on a plate with the instruction, you can have that one now, or if you leave it, a whole bag in a hours time. The Tories will take the sweetie on the plate every time.
Krankie won’t lose any seats in Scotland but will campaign on a platform of a second referendum which will then be impossible for May to ignore. The alleged increased majority won’t give any greater stability – more likely greater in fighting as happened when Thatcher won her landslide.
I think it’s an incredibly silly strategic move which will cost the Tories dear in the fullness of time.
I live in Scotland. There is not a snowball’s chance in hell that we will vote to live in an ‘independent’ Scotland under the crushing jackboot heel of the EU.
The bBBC will never let you know this of course.
The cynic in me thinks that maybe the findings on the election expenses scandal was about to surface and trigger a swathe of by-elections. Calling a GE will effectively bury the issue.
Typical Tories, self serving, party before country, and take advantage of the turmoil, lets not forget that they for the most part deliberately created.
An election with the worst timing and position possible for our people, I m sure that Mandleson, Lord Sainsbury and co, are fully in the loop.
Political Establishment … business as usual
Don t drain the swamp,
but con the public to vote for it.
I wouldn’t rule out the potential effect of a Le Pen landslide on Treesa’s decision. Something in the wind, that’s for sure, but I doubt Erdogan being yet another mandated muslim dictator would be all that significant, more like the imminent collapse of the EU. That would make Brexit a rather wise move and nullify Labour AND the Libdems at a stroke.
Justin, manifestos will have to be written. Remember the fuss over Hammond’s memory lapse in the Budget with regard to the pre-2015 GE Budget and Manifesto? The Conservative Manifesto will have to set out clearly, but in general terms, what the Party – if forming a Government – will seek to do as far as Brexit is concerned.
Any hint of backsliding will enrage those who voted for Brexit and possibly drive their votes elsewhere. That could let in a non-Tory Coalition.
Corbyn has now committed Labour to being partially/substantially anti-Brexit. The SNP and LibDems are anti-Brexit. It seems a no-brainer that the Conservative Manifesto will be likely to be on the side of continuing the firm break with the EU. This could see the making or the end of UKIP. Nuttall and Co have a lot to do in not very much time.
However, the PM still has to win a vote in the House (and get Lords approval, too, don’t forget) before she can formally call the General Election. The Lords could theoretically scupper this and force a bit of a minor Constitutional Crisis with the Commons being forced to call on the Parliament Act.
Jezza will not be happy. I bet he will have scouts out seeing if he can get some Conservative MPs to jump ship. Farron, too.
We live in interesting times.
Great post Bel, and I agree there could be problems with the Lords … and for once I could see a point.
Party above nation, blatant profiteering over national disquiet that the party themselves created.
The BBC will have a tough job pushing the Labour message much harder than they have been doing. Today program extended to 3 hours. Followed by a 2 hour Now Show ?
BBC will be backing a Lib Dem and Labour coalition. Tim Farron already tweeted that a Lib Dem win will reverse hard Brexit and keep us in a single market.
I bet both Tim Farron and Gina Miller are in a taxi right now on their way to Broadcasting House.
As with Brexit the BBC needs to get its propaganda in while it can, before we enter the Election period.
Limbaugh, LOL!
(You should be offered a job on the Now Show script team!)
She is going to shaft you all, seriously, she has strung-out brexit, talked tough to be ‘our treazer’, You give her 5 years and she will shaft you on brexit, i hope i am wrong, but i’m not.
From a close neighbours view your country is ruled by Tory. and run by the liberal Left, at council and institutional level, that ”progressive ”infestation” is what needs fumigated ………….’common purpose’ should be declared illegal, it is nothing more than leftist masonry.
Be lucky, an interested Manxman. we are not in the EU.
That is all she is doing now, and with Cameron before… nothing new, the clues in the name CON … she and her No10 cronies are a grasping, self serving disaster, get ready for a lie a day.
“shaft” I concur totally, now with Brexit and our NHS, before with our borders, immigration, prisons and the police.
Manxman and Nogginboy totally agree with your takes on Theresa . She has almost singlehandedly allowed this situation to develop by sitting on her hands and surrounding herself with a cabinet which has little taste for brexit.
Before everyone goes round squeezing each others metaphorical testicles about how Labour is likely to lose, Lets just remember the amount of commitment that Theresa has shown to brexit and immigration control and lets also remember in lots of ways (especially with reference to social “justice” and immigration issues) there is very little real difference between the two parties these days.
The only distance is in rhetoric but not execution. In effect you could not put a fag paper between any of them.
Sorry to throw a bucket of water on proceedings but I think this is quite close to the truth. I will probably still vote Tory but I will definitely be making the best of a bad job only.
Manxman and Nogginboy
Agree with you both. Five years will give her the opportunity to negotiate a Brexit that is not a Brexit
Just one question though, who the hell DO we vote for eh ? we can do all the criticising in the world and get nowhere – Labour’s in meltdown, Lib Dems want to reverse the Brexit vote, and UKIP are back where they were 10 years ago ! so, if its not the Tory’s then WHO ????
This doesn’t make sense though. She was a reluctant Remainer only being loyal to David Cameron and not high profile at all in campaigning.
She could string it out now anyway and blame the non progress on the opposition ,Lords etc.
Any other electoral outcome than an increased tory majority will see us well and truly shafted anyway,unless you believe UKIP are going to rise from the ashes.
Well, we sure are living in interesting times. Anyhow it’ll mean Trump gets a break but NHS spending will be up on treating bbc pundits for stress and high blood pressure. Norman Smith will probably burst!
gaxvil, another LOL x 3!
Do Ex-Pats get to vote ? A lot of them are anti Brexit, and voting for the Lib Dems or Labour won’t impact on their Ex-Pat lifestyles, whereas anything that weakens Brexit is good news for them (I do know that not all Ex-Pats are anti Brexit but many are)
I’m worried.
Interesting point. If they are expats with no address in the UK which constituency do they vote in?
As an ex-pat I should know. Errr.. I think that so long as you have been on an electoral register within the last 15 years, you are eligible to vote. It may be a bit more complicated than that with small print. I had better check !
You need to have been on the electoral register within the past 15 years and you apply to the district council where you were previously registered. Once you have passed the 15 years without applying to remain on the electoral register you lose your right to vote in UK elections.
I’m currently in one of the EU banking shambles countries that is teetering on an economic precipice and as a Brexiteer I’m definitely in a minority. Mind you, a lot of them have a rose-tinted view of their host country, living as they do in their vino-fuelled expat bubble, and are genuinely astonished when I tell them what is really going on in the finance world in the country in which they live.
I left Britain with a poor opinion of my native country, but now I’ve seen just how much worse it is in the EU I can’t wait to get home for good, which thankfully will be very soon.
Thanks, yes, I checked it out and that seems to be the system. Will get on with that today. Lucky I am in the UK just now !
She certainly has called them out although she mis-spoke when she said ALL PARTIES oppose Brexit. Quite how they’ll make a case for Labour, Liberals will be truly fascinating. I reckon the Communists will do well!
Always pro Brexit – UKIP, DUP
Now pro Brexit – Conservative
Confused – Labour
Anti Brexit – LibDem, Green, SNP, Plaid
Corbyn has committed Labour to the early GE. The SNP seem to be heading that way, possibly, maybe, probably.
Turkeys voting for Christmas?
Bring it on!
If the SNP do not increase their seats or if they lose seats, then that may – just – be the end of wee Nicola.
There may be all sorts of ‘upsides’ to this.
Yes, and if the Tories get a big majority, it may be just what they need to start taking on the BBC.
I know, I know. Just like to view my glass as half-full, that’s all.
Stranger things have happened !
You have a choice of 3 remainer’s, and a rudderless MP-less UKIP.
I will pray for yall.
Little Timmy will be like a Duracel bunny, busy busy busy timmy the dimmy, Oh god, new batteries in the remote will be worth the investment, he is like dial-a-twat.
Commeth the hour commeth the man, Sir Nigel [kick-ass] Farage.
Apparently, if the BBC sub-line on the PM’s annoucement replay is anything to go by, Tim Farron has had a wobble. He now wants a ‘soft-Brexit’.
Well, if true, the first explosive impact from a Teresa May ‘shell’ has had quite an effect. MOAB 1 from the Tories! Farron was still calling for another Referendum to overturn Brexit earlier this month.
Nasty, but dim, Tim is a joke. The Lib Dems are going to be destroyed in this election.
You are right, Grant, there is a ‘danger’ of that. Just losing a couple of seats with all the claimed extra members they have would lead to some disquiet, perhaps Farron’s removal or resignation. Now, could one of them be in Sheffield or will there be a ‘ungentlemanly agreement’ between Labour & the LibDems there?
There may be some interesting Constituency meetings hurriedly taking place around the country.
Manxman – Thats it you you have wound me up proper – I cant get the image of Timmy the busy duracell bunny out of my head (worrying!)
I know its before the watershed but Farron is nothing but a complete and utter W###ER!!!! (by the way any smartarses out there – I dont mean winner!)
In fact he is the W####rs choice or even the W####rs W#####r!!!
Must go and lie down!!!!!! – Wheres the ketamine!
Snuff dont push meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
A thought:
The European Convention on Human Rights provides;
Article 8 – Right to respect for private and family life
1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.
2. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
This provision has been used by criminals to argue that they shouldn’t be jailed and by invaders to claim benefits but what is ‘family life’?
I have seen documentaries where Americans have visited Africa and Britons have visited India and they felt at home, among their own. Something to do with ‘roots’ and being among others that look like them, like ‘family’.
One of my pastimes is genealogy. As a result I can document my family back some 250 years on these islands. Names on gravestones and family naming conventions that link in the female lines provide evidence of familial communities going back centuries. They are my ‘family’, these are my roots, this is my homeland.
Yet ‘my BBC’ denies all this. I haven’t got a culture worth defending. I have no homeland, I am just another ‘immigrant’ but one with nowhere to go when I see my land given over to sharia and its proponents.
Article 8 is not an absolute right, but a proportionate one, and has to be balanced with other requirements.
It might well have been used by various people, but has it been successful? One area in which you might think this act would & should have provided protection is in the area of divorce where a mother is denying a father access to his children and vice versa. However this has been dismissed as a mothers right to abuse the kids is a greater priority for the state than article 8 rights.
I’ve seen a clear assault on English identity since the 1980s. We’re constantly told that ‘we’re a nation of immigrants’ but the DNA evidence is clear in that about 75% of the DNA of native English is very ancient, over 8000 years old. The truth is that the invasions from the Romans onwards had little impact on the DNA of the local people. The book ‘The Origins of the British’ is a very interesting read (if you can wade through all the discussion on haplogroups), and strongly suggests that the ‘English’ were a distinct and separate culture from the Welsh and Scots long before the Romans arrived.
Of course the lefties in the media and academe love to push the English as immigrants narrative – recently there was a skeleton of an African found in Leicester, buried in Roman times, and the archaeologist called the find ‘thrilling’.
Probably too dim to think that the African was probably a slave that the Romans brought with them .
Perhaps the polling shows good numbers for Le Pen. If they are as biased as in the UK, the 61% of the population agreeing that islam is incompatible with French life could be much more than the liberal/lefties are willing to disclose.
Let’s hope so.
Radio4 motto
“where you’re never more than 60mins away from the next Virtue Signalling”
10am WH had Malala’s Mum on
Who couldn’t do the interview in English despite studying it for 3 years whilst living in Birmingham.
9:45 Book – Ethiopian Poet
11:30 Ethiopian musical nun
2:15 Play: LGBT ” What does love look like in a world of non-binary, gender-fluid, constantly hyphenated thinking?”
3:30pm The Climate Panic Show
4:30pm Famous Albanian soprano talks about famous Albanian nun Mother Theresa
8pm Trump at Studio 54 nightclub
…probably a vehicle for conspiracy theories
Any idea what odds I would get for Nigel Farage to be asked to lead UKIP by next week?
Tories must have done some discreet polling on which way the Remainers would vote in a General Election.
Will the Tories win back some seats in Scotland?
A final point is, when will someone in the media rename the Liberal Democrats the Illiberal Autocrats as some wag on this site once correctly labelled them.
wronged, we have a bookies’ advisor on here who may be able to help you.
I think the PM will have been talking intensively with her Whips about this decision. It is possible that they have ‘intelligence’ about a variety of possible and probable events. We know there is some disquiet among some SNP MPs and SNP MSPs about Sturgeon’s leadership and also that Mhairi Black wishes to leave Parliament.
Listening now to the full statement, I am left wondering whether the PM had info from the Whips that some Conservative MPs were about to leave for the LibDems or Labour over Brexit. This move by the PM is pre-emptive and puts their re-selection at risk.
Smart. Very smart.
I hope so Snuff and I really hope I am wrong about her – but I still think she sat on her hands too long which allowed all our in house traitors to organise. This I still think does bring her political judgement into some question.
If I am wrong I will be the first to admit it and I will look forward to doing so!
On the bright side I expect the likes of Soudbry has got some very fast talking to do to her local party. Hopefully this sour faced harpee will do the decent thing and we will not have to listen to it again.
“when will someone in the media rename the Liberal Democrats the Illiberal Autocrats”
I thought they were the Liberal Dumbocrats
Whatever the result of the General Election, there is one definite positive. It is going to provide this site with wonderful entertainment from the BBC. Just when you thought they coudn’t get more demented……..
Stormin Norman the left wing otherwise unbiased BBC deputy political editor was his usual self this morning . Theresa May has broken her word , is scuttling to the electorate and heavens above the BBC says ‘some say’ that she is a political opportunist . How could a government call an election just because it’s to the governing party’s advantage ? shock horror!
No doubt we will get more of this drivel from Norman, comrade Piennar, guardianista Marr etc
Upsides do exist thank goodness . Corbyn faces oblivion, Wee Krankie faces a setback if the SNP vote or number of seats goes down . Unfortunately little Timmy Farron will gain and so 5 more years of remoaning from him .
I watched a clip of Smith that the BBC put up on the web-site piece about the May announcement. Watching his eyebrows, mouth & forehead wrinkles was amusing. He obviously didn’t know whether to be delighted or not that there will be an early GE.
Kuenssberg is going to have to work a lot harder if she is to avoid increasing calls for her replacement. She is fortunate that she does not appear to have a challenger in Smith.
That’s assuming the assessment for replacement might be based on ability, Up2. More commonly it’s based on how many friends and family are currently signed up for Guardian subs.
Jeremy Corbyn:
” Labour is ready for an Election , should one be called. ”
Captain of the Titanic:
“Bring on the Iceberg !”
Jeremy Corbyn has called for an end to sleeping rough….
Is the Labour Party leader expressing his social and humanitarian ideals?
Or is this a rather impolite reference to his ex, Diane Abbott?
More potential ‘upsides’ from a GE2017. End of Ken Clarke’s and, possibly, that of Anna Soubry’s careers?
Or will Jezza or Tim be able to get one or both to jump ship?
Signs that wee Nicola does not like the news?
‘Sturgeon: May election move ‘huge miscalculation’ ‘
Strange . I would have thought she would have welcomed an election.
She did not do too well last year. The post-IndyRef SNP ‘boom’ did not lead to increased seats. Then, in addition, some SNP people are on record via the BBC over not wanting another IndyRef. I got the impression that they did not like Sturgeon’s performance on behalf of Scotland generally.
Tommy Shepherd, was I think one. Have I got that name right? And one of her Ministers is another, cannot remember a name.
I was being a bit too sarcastic ! Anecdotal only but I know that a lot of people up here are getting sick of her. If anything she seems to be more unpopular with women than men.
“Huge” not wee?
Nah, who wants democracy when it don’t get the ‘right’ result?
Sturgeon is blustering. If I recall, the SNP share of the vote went down at the last Scottish election. While the SNP are still immensely powerful, I just wonder if they have passed their high water mark . If they have, then Theresa May can tell Sturgeon to get lost and that there will be no referendum following the GE.
One thing we can be sure of- the Nats both Scottish and Welsh, will get far more airtime from the BBC than their share of the UK vote warrants.
Wood’s Welsh Nats & Tiny Tim’s Libtards – no hopers.
And Jerrs ? Like Carswell – a Tory plant . 😉
EE: ” While the SNP are still immensely powerful, I just wonder if they have passed their high water mark . If they have, then Theresa May can tell Sturgeon to get lost and that there will be no referendum following the GE.”
Spot on.
It will be weapons grade bias on steroids, EE, wall to wall faron, clegg and other quislings, 24/7!
Now that UKIP has served its function – how about setting up a Party to Bring BBC to Justice for Treason and promoting Islamofascism. The following are just a few of the many BBC reports promoting the use of the Islamic Hijab produced in the last 6 weeks:
Not a bad swamp draining plan there.
Line from ‘I Claudius’ when they’re all plotting against him, “Let all the poison that is in the wood hatch out”.
BBC Hijab fixation ??
3 hours since their last tweet for coming hijab item
And a few hours since their last hijab item
And there they go again. Not only promoting headbags but advertising for NIKE.
Stew, that top picture is of a Royal Navy anti-flash hood.
Typical Navy. How’s wearing one of those going to stop flashing?
BBC Engineers record “Songs of Praise” from Calais.
Its to stop you being identified when you are flashing. Mess 4F HMS Fearless, cooks, writers, storesmen and medics. All the victuals and drugs you could wish for. Happy days.
There they go again. Not only promoting headbags but advertising for NIKE.
Hilarious if unintentional but oh so revealing moment on bBBC news at 1.15pm.
Referencing the snap GE, Sophie Raworth announces the next section “so what does Brussels think of the announcement”.
Errrr…….we don’t care, luv. Got that?
Nope. The biased BBC still don’t get it.
Best switch my brain off for the next 8 weeks of BBC sponsored, compulsory licence fee payer funded, government-undermining remoaner bias.
More votes for Le Pen ?
Top of the Froths
Is the Radio Scotland Media Review on Thursdays
It doesn’t waste time talking about terrorists & North Korea cos they really know the true priorities are.
For the last 2 weeks that’s :
– That David Moyes called a female reporter”girl” in a 20 second interchange that she laughed at.
– Sean Spicer for wearing a badly fitting suit and saying Hitler didn’t use Chemical Weapons like Syria does.
– And United Airlines for one passenger getting injuree when he decided to resist a police bouncer.
All interspersed with Virtue Signalling rants to show they hate Trump, Brexit, Daily Mail, Farage & anything English.
Does anyone else listen to this Scotch Froth ?
BBC working with Labour in pushing the agenda of
Labour = Soft (friendly, cuddly) Brexit
Conservative = Hard (stern, unreasonable) Brexit.
A final point, why didn’t May wait until the Boundary changes took place in October, 2018 where there would be about 20 extra seats coming in her direction?
Twitter Trend page right now
Conservatives 38.9K Tweets
UKIP 20K Tweets
Liberal Democrats 4,219 Tweets
Lib Dem 7,969 Tweets
#Labour 5,961 Tweets
#BBC Thousands of Twats.
CONFIRMED: @Arron_banks to stand in Clacton
Nice that Martha Kearney gave the last word on PM to fatbot – Wittering on about zenophobia and unpleasant election campaigns!
Bloody ell is this woman as truly clueless about her own remarks as she gives the impression. Thick or arrogant – I know not
I really dont know how she can look at herself in the mirror
Actually I am sure she doesnt!!!!
I think she really should do so – Then she would know how the rest of you lot feel when you have to see her on the telly!
Don’t mock the afflicted.
Expect the word ‘divisive’ to be used a lot. wronged wants some help with his bet at the bookies. Maybe we need an informal book running on how many times ‘divisive’ is used by the BBC. And ‘populist’.
Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell are going to have their work cut out to come up with a manifesto that is ‘populist’ enough to win.
Another thought lurking at the back of my mind is whether the PM has some information on the state of the Parties in France about the likely vote in the Election there. Could it be that the Conservatives in the UK know that Le Pen is likely to win?
The Conservatives with a better majority here and Le Pen starting to dismantle the EU further would then be in a very strong position. No going back on Brexit because the EU might not exist in 2022. The LibDems & Labour & SNP even more disadvantaged.
I’m rather surprised that Corbyn has jumped in with immediate support from Labour for a GE2017. Perhaps he is thinking of retirement?
Yep! don t drain the swamp … “Con” the electorate to vote for it!,
give it more influence? No10, “tastrophe” and her cronies are the problem.
All this finger in the wind crap , they are simply riding the coat tails again … last week Trump this week probably Le Penn? now its U Turn – Party 1st, the nation can swivel … short term opportunists.
A rotten, corrupt, grasping, liability who will twist Brexit into everything … But this is a general election, not a referendum.
You are giving consent on every issue to a Government which follows
Already disastrous on immigration, borders, police, prisons, beneath contempt on the NHS, wealth gap, living standards, essential services, selling off,(what s left) of our infrastructure, deliberate neglect on social care for our elderly…. A liability
Agreed. This is when the fix starts to go in. May is and was a remainer with an eye to the main chance- a typical politician then.
As a betting man I have never thought the odds on us really leaving the EU to be other than very long indeed.
Stitching up us peasants. This is what the Tory party is good at and always has been. They do it with a patronising smile but have no doubt about their contempt for us. For money nothing but love. For the nation and people nothing.
As for the Lib Dems there is nothing to say . Really nothing at all. For Labour ? Now it is a party of the progressive whining classes it is worse than useless. UKIP? It will not be allowed to win much. Just watch the media gang up.
i have no interest in a political charade.
Labour supporters feverously altering old posters to read, “Labour IS Working”.
Corbyn has ordered his loud hailer, porta-potty and donkey jacket.
BBc news 14:00. May calls a snap election BBc get racist Abbott on to talk bollocks.
That must come naturally to her. Let’s face it, she’s had plenty of practice.
I would like to see more of Rabbit on the BBC. She is a great asset…. to the Tories.
BBc in full damage limitation mode talking down Tory / UKIP outcomes in coming election.
good thoughts but I fear that, in keeping with most political commentators, Le Pen will fall quite badly at the final hurdle. The French have often lacked a bit of spine, post Napoleon that is.
They won’t leave the EU. They get too good a deal with their Common Agricultural policy. They are also meant to pay 10billion into the EU but in fact only pay 5 billion due to ‘stitched up’ rebates. Besides which, they would hate to work alongside Britain. They much prefer Germany as a country.
You could be right. It was just a lurking ‘I wonder if … ‘.
However, things can turn in a moment. Some more terrorist attacks might just make enough voters back Le Pen.
I don’t think France prefers Germany. They dragged Germany into what became the EU to keep control over it when Germany was still war ravaged and partly still under Allied control. Things have changed. Since the end of the 1980s, France has wanted Britain in the EU as a hedge against German power, including economic power. Germany, I think, wants Britain in the EU as a hedge against France.
Outside the EU, all could still be pals. We are so intertwined and invested in each other that EU or no, we have vested interests in each others’ well-being. I’m very positive about Brexit being good all round, especially if it meant wholesale reform to the EU, whatever is left of it.
Then there is life in the EU minus the UK £10bn net. Those French rebates are about to shrink.
Until Blair I was a labour supporter – I know, but I came from generations dirt poor folk.
Blair sucked up to the rich and became rich. He gave lots and lots of free stuff to those who contributed less than zero to the country. Left the country broke, took us into a pointless war and now lectures, for big bucks, on what we should do.
Corbyn? I have no words.
gaxvil. Snap! I voted Liebour up until Blair took over. Looks like I made the right move.
I was dipping into TWATO while I was driving. Beeboids seemed very subdued. I wonder if they are anticipating a quadruple whammy. General Election, Brexit, Trump, General Election. Some people, like me, are just not following the Beeboid script. We must be stupid.
” We must be stupid”
Yep, unintelligent, ill educated not vote Labour/Liberal – that would be us.
I haven’t felt this distant from chunks of my countrymen since the seventies.
gaxvil – and Grant – I think I detect a swing toward Brexit by some Remainers. That can only be due, in part, to the scorn and insults heaped on Brexiteers, post-23/24 June. The lack of fulfilment of any of the Remain predictions for the immediate aftermath will account for the rest of the swing. In addition, Cameron has quickly become a distant memory.
Gove claimed on TWatO today that support for Brexit is increasing. I can believe that from what I have seen from posted Comments on the BBC web-site. That is probably more accurate these days than the polling from the usual sources.
Theresa May also claimed this morning that “the country is coming together”. I wonder if that is backed up by some informal polling out in the shires and cities by MPs and others? I suspect the UK is more robust as a whole than the SNP, Plaid, the Greens, Labour & the LibDems may give credit for, especially when ‘up against it’.
I suspect you may be right. Leavers voted on a matter of principle so are unlikely to have changed their minds. Remainers voted for self-interest and may now be wondering if they might not be better off if the UK is out.
That’s spot on, Grant.
Remainers only wanted to retain their huge organisations’ presence, which paid them too well, and weren’t prepared for a proper reflux of proper people!
Fabulous stuff!
Such excitement for the next couple of months! This site will have enormous support and we can all get bigger as the pathetic parties like the limps and the reds get even more worried!
I think they are a bit gobsmacked to be honest.They don’t seem to have got their counter talking points together.
Its quite good seeing them so subdued but I’m sure it won’t last.
Friends! My good friend Saveed Miliband has written a very wise piece in the Far-Right Guardian, in which he totally opposes this so-called General Election, and calls for it to be scrapped and replaced by Our Second Referendum on Hard-Right Extreme Tory Breggggsit!
And as ever, I have viciously reproduced his piece in my Blog, which can be found here:
SOL, Our lives have been, literally, poorer without your commentary over the past week or two.
Friend Up2snuff! Thank you! I am really sorry about this. I have also been grievously neglecting my other two “homes”, the Far-Right Guido Fawkes and the Hard-Right Going Postal, owing to the increasing amount of time the Alt-Right Twitter is viciously stealing from me. I just wish there was – literally – more than 24 hours in each day!
[Duplicate post. I blame Thatcher.]
I know that “Transgenderism ” is in fashion with the BBC and Leftists generally, but I think that “Bullingdon Boy May ” is going too far. Shame on you. If I were Terence May, I would sue you.
Friend Grant! It’s “Bullingdon *Bully* Boy May”.
Sorry, I misread it, or maybe I was letting my imagination run riot.
Grant, that’s too scary by far!
I still feel a bit twitchy when Theresa May starts ‘channelling’ Margaret Thatcher or I see photos of Theresa May in profile, usually in unfavourable pose & unflattering light, where the similarities are quite striking.
She spoke well in Downing Street today. I hope that all the parties can put together honest and good (good and true?) manifestos and then campaign well but I fear this GE may be a bloody one. Hope too that it will be safe & secure from the terrorism & the fraud that it might attract.
Luckily, bbbc will be ‘interviewing’ Diane Abbott on every occasion, so that’s about a thousand votes per chat lost for Father Corbyn’s lot.
Dear old boy Corbyn, not a bad lad, but hopeless really.
The fun will really come when Tiny Tim gets a microphone – if he can reach it…
Just arrived here after cutting the grass to learn the unbiased news and decent opinion. So, a GE 8th June eh? My immediate thought? What will the Tories put forward for a manifesto? I’m intrigued.
Well they have to put Brexit at the top, so Tory remainers will have to stand down, switch to another party, or wriggle their way out of it !
Good point Grant; I’m still learning about all this having not watched the box all day or spied the Ipad, as there are many more important things to do like potting on Mrs O’Blene’s zinnias, and having a kip after a few glasses of red at tincture time…
I’d love to see a manifesto pledge to reconsider this years cop- out BBC charter. Or at the very least an opening up of the market for terrestrial news broadcasting with either no subsidies or a fairer spread of subsidies to promote competition . Let’s spike the guns of the BBC and the even worse C4.
My other favourites would be
End to 0.7 percent of GDP on foreign aid
Increase defence spending to 2.5 per cent of GDP
No Scottish independence referendum In next parliament
End ring fencing of NHS spending and admit its a busted model for healthcare delivery
Boost spending on social care in return for end of triple lock on pensions
Look again at structure of NI and move over time to a genuine fund principle. Individual accounts for pensions and welfare. The more you put in the more you take out. No freeloading by the feckless and immigrants.
Clean Brexit including robust immigration controls by 2020.
Boot out failed asylum seekers.
Include commitment to grammar schools nationally especially in poorer areas . Watch the return of upward social mobility after 40 years of the opposite.
Enough for now!
Super stuff there EE.
Nothing to deal with muzzies? (the sort you cant’ get a can of something from the hardware store for!)
I didn’t want to monopolise this thread!!. Yes, as someone who posts frequently about the Muslim takeover of the UK , I’d like something in about RoPers but I see no chance of May doing it. She’s built her career in the last decade on Muslim appeasement.
Anyway how about these
Firm commitment to end Sharia law in UK
Start tackling the Muslim Ghettos ( horrendously difficult but a start must be made ) . Fewer Mosques, better ethnic mix to include whites and Christians, no Muslim dominated schools, stricter investigation into Trojan Horse practices, end postal voting abuse and corrupt councils dominated by Muslims .
I’d rather see some continued EU net migration and a total pause to immigration from Kashmir , Pakistan, Somalia etc . Good luck with that one !
I’m sure you can all think of more !
And, Hijab of the Day!
Unnecessary article, just a chance to show a pic of a hijab? I haven;t read it cos I;m not interested.
Drip drip drip
So it’s Vote EE then.
EE, don’t expect much on the BBC front in specific terms but ‘cyber, web and broadcast security will be a priority’, some way down the Tory list. Obviously setting out to attack the BBC in a manifesto would be a vote loser, imv. So it may be just hinted at.
Similarly, committing to ‘No Scottish Referendum for 5 years’ might enrage Tory & Labour voters who wish to be rid of Scotland. They do exist and may be growing in number.
Think tax reform will be near the top of the list as you suggest but perhaps wider ranging than NI.
Manifesto? Increasing class 4 NI conts?
Cancel any plans you have for tonight Tuesday 18 because Radio 4 has a programme you won’t want to miss. It’s about that famous night club in New York called Studio 54. Its title is TRUMP AT STUDIO 54.
Yep, I heard the trailer for that. Incredible. The beeb now seem to be having a go at Trump because he DIDN’T dance, drink, or take drugs!!!!!!!
Clearly totally anathema to the activist student bBBC expectations.
Labour MP, Tom Blenkinsop ( No, me neither ) has said he is standing down. His majority over the Tories was 2000.
How long has he been there?
Ex-MP’s pensions are absurdly generous at about £3,300 each year in ‘office’. Ten years is enough to keep the wolf from the door I’d say.
Lots of the skivers from HOC will be doing the same I suppose. Can’t be bothered to find out who, as I’ve got some serious gardening to do tomorrow, and Mrs O’Blene needs to go to the library to get some more books…
Even more for Ofcom to get busy on – coming soon to a bbc outlet near you.