… and May’s other decision, of which I heartily approve, is not to have leaders’ TV debates. This is likely to annoy the BBC considerably, which is never a bad thing.
I was at the first TV debate in 2010, and thought that Nick Clegg was an utter cock. Imagine my surprise when he was felt to have come across well on TV, and “I agree with Nick” became a slogan.
Mrs May is quite right to avoid a TV debate. As the incumbent, there is nothing in it for her, and God forbid “I agree with Tim” should become a meme!
We all owe the BBC a huge debt of gratitude and you big knockers should be ashamed of yourselves. If you are sitting down, I will begin. There was a time. Not very long ago in fairness. Maybe a year before the Brexit vote, when I really thought I was pretty much the only one who got it. Okay, that’s an exaggeration. I am aware that I am not the only Person with an IQ above 11. I knew there had to be other people who felt the way I did. Who could see with crystal clear clarity how it was all going pear shaped and becoming irredeemably fucked.
Having said that there are clearly many intelligent people with much higher IQ’s than that who clearly not only didn’t see it but we’re actually encouraging it.
Then came the vote and bugger me, it turned out the countries passed the intelligence test. For that reason we must all pay tribute to the not insubstantial part the BBC played. Their reporting became SO biased. SO ridiculous, SO partisan that everybody got it. Or enough people at least. They are doing a great job AND writing their own epitaph into the bargain.
When all this is done and dusted I think the BBC and House of Lords are in serious trouble.
Well said. I hope you are right. We need to get rid of the BBC and the House of Lords. To slightly misquote an African saying, they are big rocks in the way of the road of progress. They are reactionary has beens whose time has come.
On Newsnight last night Clarence the cock eyed lion gave Amber Rudd a really hard time and at times he had a little tantrum. Enter everyone else including Thornberry. Nice easy ride. (not literally I hope you understand)
I suspect Thornberry and Abbott went on the same public relations course. Both speak vindictive bile in the same calm husky tones and the same sneering, patronsising, condescending, looking-down-your-nose style.
So, needless to say, they are among the bBBC’s favourite go-to rent-a-gobs.
Diane Abbot professes to champion equality, yet when she was rightly mocked for pulling a sickie on the evening of the Brexit vote, as any man would have been, she claims to be a victim of sexism.
Imagine having double victim status like her. A black woman! You would walk on water. You never have to take any responsibility for any mistakes, as any legitimate criticism levelled at you could be characterised as racism or sexism. If she came out as gay then I imagine the skies would open and she would actually ascend to heaven instantly.
As Corbyn is a man of great propriety can we assume he will be declaring the £4bn the bBBC receives from licence fee payers as Labour Party general election expenses?
It is after all surely the world’s largest party political communications budget.
For me, the really interesting part was the BBC’s “race hate crime” narrative – that implies all such attacks are conducted by vile white folk againt the poor non-white – was sacrificed for the “nothing to do with Islam” line.
Despite this chap being a convert and called Muhammed, despite shouting “God is ths greatest in Arabic”, this was not terrorism. Which begs the all-important question, if this was indeed a race-hate crime rather than (yet another) Islamic attack, why then does the BBC totally ignore that angle and instead focus on the usual insidious response from “Fresno’s Muslim community” and how this is “nothing to do with Islam”?
I love the blatant lie that “Allahu Akbar” is “a prayer of peace for 1.8 billion Muslims around the world”. As the propagana continues: “The centre’s Imam, Seyed Ali Ghazvini, said Mr Muhammad was not known to them. This individual does not represent our faith or our community,” he told the Fresno Bee newspaper. “This individual does not represent your Muslim neighbour, your Muslim classmate or your co-worker. The Muslim community in the Valley are working hard for the well-being of our society and country.”
“I love the blatant lie that “Allahu Akbar” is “a prayer of peace”
It IS a prayer of peace, but only if you understand the Islamic version of ‘peace’ which is most definitely different to everyone elses version!
The cry of God is Greater is basically an assertion that theirs is the only true religion, and that there can only be peace when everyone else recognises that, or are subdued.
Alas I do not believe that the BBC realises or even wants to know that.
‘War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength”
Question. Which religion is constantly challenging your thought process with this “ours is a religion of peace”. Often quoted by our mind numb politicians, yet it goes against their actions, and the teachings of their holey book!
As I said on the last thread, was discussed on Fox last night. One commentator said that a hate crime is just a small terrorist incident – good comment I think. so it is all semantics – does it matter if it’s officially terrorism? Armed Muslim man, declaring hatred of white men, shooting without mercy.
The BBC website under World News has this:
US gunman kills three ‘in race attack’
The African American suspect was motivated by a hatred for white people, police in California say.
4 hours ago
From the section US & Canada
Related content
Why America remains segregated
Note the “Related Content” which, if you read it, basically says it’s all Whitey’s fault!
I see Victoria Derbyshire is braving the cold outside Parliament this morning .The BBC seem to have managed to dig up a pro EU panel all shivering on College Green.Presumably they are from Islington Lambeth and Notting Hill.
Definately they are pushing the soft Brexit conspiracy . More power for May = Soft Brexit and a defeat for the Eurosceptics .
As far as I’m concerned soft Brexit means no Brexit.
The dismantling of the BBC should be top of the Tory manifesto.
It’s more important than ever at this election, to write to your MP, particularly if they are Conservative, and ask them to clearly outline their position on Brexit, should they win.
Essentially we want to know if a strong Tory majority will guarantee that we leave the EU, the free trade area and the customs union.
You have it in black and white then.
If they’re serious about it, then you’ll get a clear cut answer. If they give a vague answer, then let them know that you won’t be voting for them, and you’ll be encouraging as many people as possible to do the same.
‘Tory majority will guarantee that we leave the EU’ — Er, and exactly what would be the terms of the ‘guarantee’? Theresa May to forfeit her head if she tries to break her promise? There are no guarantees in politics and ANYBODY who believes ANY politician left or right, deserves to be conned…
Well if everyone thought like that, then no one would bother even voting.
It would appear that May is going to the electorate promising us what I outlined above, as well as claiming that a larger majority will strengthen her hand when dealing with the EU and also those who wish to ignore the referendum result.
If, however, she promises these things, gets a good majority, but waters down Brexit, then it will be one of the biggest betrayals in modern British politics. Not even comparable to raising NI contributions for the self employed or some such.
Not only would she be ignoring the election result, but the referendum result too, and I think forfeiting her head would be an easy option under those circumstances, as it would effectively mean the breaking of the contract between the electorate and those which we elect to serve our interests. It would certainly destroy the Conservative Party, and quite possibly people’s faith in our current system.
I’ve found communicating directly with my local MP to be very worthwhile in the past, and I’ll certainly be keeping up the pressure. A written commitment which you go on to break so spectacularly can come back to haunt you. Just ask Nick Clegg.
Mice Height, after the Brexit referendum I wrote to my MP and told him my support for him in future elections would be conditional on his support of Brexit. I got a rather terse reply stating that although he did not agree with Brexit he would abide by the decision of the referendum. I suspect many people wrote similar letters, which is why the MPs voted for Article 50.
This angle that a good majority will allow the PM to crush Brexit hardliners and deliver a soft Brexit is just an attempt by the pro Remainers to stop UKIP voters switching to the Tories.
If the PM wanted a soft Brexit without upsetting her strong Eurosceptics , her best course of action would have been to carry on with a small majority and allow the pro Remain parties and the HoL to force concessions and weaken ourdeal with Brussels. By calling an election the PM has convinced me that if she wins a decent majority and hence mandate , she will deliver a Brexit that frees us from Brussels and its courts and from paying huge sums of money each year, and those are the things which matter.
The best thing that an happen from a Brexit view is for the Tories to win the GE with a majority of at least 50, preferably more than 80. This will demolish all the Remoaner arguments about mandates and Leavers not understanding what they voted for and it will crush any notion that there can be a second referendum etc. The Blair, Mandelson , Farron, Clegg goose will be well and truly cooked.
Since Jeremy Corbyn is currently earning £130,000-00 per annum, I think it’s highly unlikely he’ll doing any fruit picking when he retires…. Meanwhile May’s ‘Cherry Picking’, doesn’t seem to have gone too well does it? Unfortunately soft Brexit is on the cards…
Let’s hope Marin la Penn wins the French Election and the French vote for Frexit – That will be the effective end of the EU – Doesn’t the phrase ‘end of the EU’ have a nice ring to it…
Well for Labour the options will be legion, local government , unions, NHS, BBC, Guardian , Museum, head of quango, charity sector . In fact almost any non productive job , preferably in the public sector. The left look after their own and hope to once again inject them into the blood stream of public life in the future, just like the parasites they are.
That should read “only in the public sector”. No private business which actually has to earn a living would want to waste money employing a loser like an ex Labour MP.
Yes Double that’s what I think too.She could just let the opposition water everything down and say she had no choice .I think its showing leadership to call an election and get a mandate.
Corbyn’s supporters in the Antifa and Class War are preparing for the General Election.
Is there any chance that the cops will act?
They have made their intentions clear.
Fuck The Tories Bloc On Whitehall
Public · Hosted by HS161 – Antifascists
clock 27 May at 12:00 to 28 May at 12:00
Show Map
Downing Street
12 Downing Street, SW1A 2A London, United Kingdom
.HS161 are calling on all antifascists, anarchists, centrists, leftists… basically anyone who hates the Tories to march with us on………….
The Conservative party are a party of the elite, only serving the elite, while the make the poor suffer.
They are responsible for deaths through removal of benefits, a rise in food banks, child poverty and homelessness.
And now they are attempting a snap election as a power grab. They have done this at a time where opposition is so weak they have very little chance of losing.
Let’s stop them! Let’s show them they don’t represent us. Revolution time!
for more info.
Email: hs161antifascists@yandex.com
Oooooooh, Tarquin and Talulah are stamping their feet again. Waaaaaah! Waaaaaaah!
These Antifa cretins have been making utter twats of themselves in the USA just recently. Showing the Regressive Left’s true colours, causing more and more people to support the Right, and getting a good hiding from patriots at the same time.
Tarquin and Jemima should go back to their history books. A ‘snap election as a power grab’ doesn’t always work. It was probably why Conservative PM Edward Heath called a GE in February 1974 – but it resulted in a Labour victory with ‘Darling Harold’ and ‘Sunny Jim’ in power for five years. They should think positive and see this as an opportunity for St Jeremy of Corbyn to do the same!
Good to see the BBC have adjusted their output to continually finding a majority who condemn Treezers decision and, in so doing, breathing a new lease of life into very tiny Tim and the Fifth Columnists north of the Border. But where’s Clegg? -perhaps he’s on holiday and the BBC have yet to track him down.
More to the point, I, like many others, sense a conspiracy in relation to this, ‘snap election’. The public are denied the facts and only provided with the ‘froth’ behind Treezer’s decision. One simple question: why did Treezer gain so much immediate support for her decision from EU leaders including Merkel et al who she apparently spoke with?
My fear? – what’s certainly cooking beneath the surface?
One absolute certainty is that any government other than a Tory one will kill Brexit for all time. If you want Brexit you have to vote Tory , even if you do so holding your nose with your fingers crossed.
(I hope I’m not posting this twice, my first attempt disappeared…) If Merkel is pleased, then it can only be that there is some advantage to Germany. I do remember that shortly after the referendum when many gravy train passengers made menacing noises that Britain would be excluded from the single market, Germany’s industrialists were insisting that they must have a trade deal with Britain. After all, look how many German cars there are on Britain’s roads, and the allied trade in car parts, and the trade in beer, wine and with firms like Miele, Lidl and Aldi to name a few.
Let’s also not forget the REAL reason for Merkel’s opening of Germany’s borders in 2015, something that the SJWs with their short memory spans have forgotten (so much for the expansion of higher education). In the spring of 2015, Europe’s left set in motion a boycott of German goods in protest at their bullying of Greece. Then Mutti said “Let them come”, and the boycott, and Greece, was soon forgotten.
Merkel will always put Germany’s interests at the forefront.
G, it sure will not be over until it’s over and the Fat Lady is past hitting the highest notes. However, have there not been some rumours that around the EU member capitals a healthy dose of realism has hit home and they accept the UK is out? Therefore, a quick, easy-going, even-handed deal (yeah, I know, that’s a lot to hope for) will probably benefit both sides the most.
In contrast, a long-winded, hard-headed negotiation that seeks some reparation, especially on the EU side might damage the UK’s economic standing and economy but that hurt may then drag bits of the total EU (think Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, maybe even Commerzbank in Germany) over the edge into oblivion.
Ultimately, continuing GDP growth, low inflation, low interest rates and nursing the weakest Euro economies may trump any desire to play tough with the UK.
If Theresa May wins a healthy majority, I would not be at all surprised if there is a fairly quick offer for a clean, quick, clear break with the EU in March 2019. In fact I did wonder if that was to be the announcement yesterday, before the BBC rumours of a GE reached me after the actual announcement.
Apparently you can tell whether it is Party Political or National announcement by the lectern and badge they use. (Courtesy BBC R4 – doing just a little bit of informing and educating. Did not stop the BBC using the wrong photo on the web-site!)
In any trade negotiations between the UK and the EU the UK have the whip hand and even the EU are not so stupid as not to know that. We are in a very strong position.
Labour and the Liberal Democrats are un-electable which leaves the doors wide open for(in theory) UKIP and the Conservatives to clean up.
The BBC knows this, hence why their initial shrill of joy at a snap General Election(Brexit might be defeated!) sunk without a trace as the cold reality of a blue coloured juggernaut train hit them.
I now see the BBC has trotted out it’s old horse word “defends” in a new headline “May DEFENDS snap election plan”.
Obviously the BBC have indeed seen the writing on the wall.
Don’t fool yourself. The Tories are just the same as the Labour lot and the Fib Dems, all part of the uni party.
When they say there’s more which unites us than divides us, they aren’t kidding, you’d be lucky to get a cigarette paper between any of them.
Very many Tories are remainiacs and it seems that discipline over party selection is non existent.
Meanwhile Corbyn has set up the reasons the party will fail. He was going to allow the membership to vote on who gets to stand as PPCs, but now he has changed his mind with the timescale and will let all existing candidates continue.
When he loses, as he inevitably will, this will be given as the reason, and that there needs to be a purge of the Blairites.
Thoughtful, you may have something of a point or two there. OTOH, the people making the most noise for Anti-Brexit and/or very Soft, Almost Nothing Changes Brexit, are Soubry and Clarke together with Heseltine over in the Lords.
At least one of those is now gone and I would not be in the slightest bit surprised if House of Lords Reform features high in the Tory manifesto.
If the PM gets a good majority, let alone a large one, the hard-line Tory Remainiacs are weakened. Some of those who campaigned to Remain have already indicated that they accept Brexit and wish to move on. TM may have her ‘Falklands Effect’ moment. Just hope it doesn’t go to her head like the previous female incumbent at No.10 Downing Street.
Don’t fool yourself. The Tories are just the same as the Labour lot and the Fib Dems, all part of the uni party.
When they say there’s more which unites us than divides us, they aren’t kidding, you’d be lucky to get a cigarette paper between any of them.
Very many Tories are remainiacs and it seems that discipline over party selection is non existent.
Meanwhile Corbyn has set up the reasons the party will fail. He was going to allow the membership to vote on who gets to stand as PPCs, but now he has changed his mind with the timescale and will let all existing candidates continue.
When he loses, as he inevitably will, this will be given as the reason, and that there needs to be a purge of the Blairites.
Is there any chance of UKIP fighting amongst themselves on show again? R.I.P I’m afraid for me. I had often thought: vote UKIP ‘warts and all’ but now………. They should have one final drunken brawl on the lawn and end it all there.
Here’s where you detail the bias! Let us know what the BBC has doing to incur your wrath!
The BBC incurs my wrath by existing, and expecting me to beleive its propaganda and pro islam and pro EU agenda to the exclusion of facts and balance, but the worst thing by far that the BBC does to incur my wrath is that the BBC expects me to pay the BBC for its lies and propaganda
I wondered how long it would be before somebody said calling a GE would be undemocratic! Mind you I thought it would be Gina Miller rather than Chuckus Yermunny.
The only people who reject the idea of an opposition are Labour themselves, too busy in-fighting to form an effective one.
I shall add it to the comment that I received from my ex-MP that “I won’t tolerate intolerance”.
Another one that was a favourite of all politicians a few years ago; “sustainable growth”.
Chuka is a disgrace. He has conceded defeat already. I would have thought he would have welcomed Treezer’s decision as a democratic chance for Labout to sweep into power.
Hi , taffman , thought you may be interested to know I have been talking to various Kippers on FB & a huge amount , will be voting Conservative , to keep out the Unholy Alliance , of Corbyn , Farron & the SNP . Even Brexit Labourites are voting Conservative . Sorry to pass on bad, Kipper News. The BBC will be very annoyed too ! That`s very good news. Enjoy the election .
Its good to hear from you. Where have you been hiding ?
Anything that gets us out of the EU is Great News !
All thanks to Farage and his ‘kippers’. If we had relied on your pal Carmoron’s ‘big deal’ we would still be under the Big European Union Boot . I am going to relish the election 😀
The MSM are getting excited about demands to ban the sale of “Kodi” streaming boxes. I’m very much in two minds about this, having discussed it recently with a mate who knows far more about computers than I do.
Being a little cynical, I can’t help feeling that it has more to do with protecting their control over what we are allowed to know, than some high minded belief that the law must always be respected – which, of course, it isn’t. The police “prioritise” all the time.
Illegal streaming is, obviously, illegal. Can’t fault the logic in that argument. My issue is “is it immoral?”, taking into account the contempt that the MSM has for the general public, or large parts of it. I used to believe that illegal downloading was wrong under any circumstances, depriving film makers of revenue etc. Perhaps it still is, but I’ve softened my stance considerably. However, I haven’t gone as far as buying one of the things. Perhaps I’m just a coward who doesn’t want to risk being made an example of, although I understand the risk is small.
Anyway, I recall similar fears about the impact of cinema on the theatre (actually I don’t, I’m not that old), TV on radio, cassettes on LPs, VCRs on movie sales etc. In each case, fears turned out to be exaggerated and it proved impossible to suppress the constant demand for new technology. Some people argue that free music downloads stimulate interest in music but I can’t vouch for that. Somebody must be losing out.
I’m definitely leaning towards using Kodi or something similar to avoid paying the Licence Fee. I believe that the BBC in particular lost any moral right to my cash a long time ago, regardless of what the law says. Would I be wrong to do so?
Hell, for many years the bbc has had a very good run for our money. Enjoyed very nice jobs with very nice terms and conditions. Been insulated from the real world of work where many others have suffered and are suffering.
The bbc is in no way an essential service and it’s assured existence cannot be justified.
So I look forward to the likes of ‘Kodi’ etc..
Mr Eckerslyke, it’s an interesting point and I write as someone who has worked in the field of copyright law (albeit as a layman, not a lawyer).
I do not have a telly, on point of principle, but I do watch quite a lot of old films, plays etc on Youtube. Many of these are out of copyright but quite a lot cannot be due to their recent date.
Youtube does often remove material on copyright grounds, but a lot of stuff remains on there. My personal view is that if somebody’s livelihood is actively being affected by their material being posted illegally on Youtube, they will complain and it will be removed. So that which remains is presumably not considered of sufficient value to the copyright holder to bother about.
Also, a lot of old films and TV programmes are not available to purchase in any other format (DVD etc) so it is simply not possible to deprive the copyright holder of revenue by watching them on Youtube.
There is also the argument that watching streamed films and music on Youtube is no different to watching them on television or listening to them on the radio. It provides publicity for the artists, and they receive funding through Youtube advertising and click-throughs etc.
The law, as well as morality, is very grey in this area but it seems the big no-no is to actively profit from someone else’s copyrighted works, eg by illegally copying and distributing films for profit.
Apparently, a lot of old stuff is available online such as every Dr Who since William Hartnell (the “real” Dr Who, IMO). I’m not necessarily interested in watching these again, even out of nostalgia, but I take the view that I (or my parents, strictly speaking) contributed towards the production costs decades ago and shouldn’t have to pay for them again. In effect, we already “own” them. The royalties are a different matter.
So far as fair payment for more recent work is concerned, I agree. To be brutally honest though, do I really care? In view of the lies, lies by omission, and propaganda I am subjected to, I can’t summon up a great deal of concern. I think that distribution is changing and the TV companies will have to adapt. Movie makers have a better case.
It will sort itself out in time. Torrents used to be the biggest threat, now it’s streaming. Next year it will be something else.
Getting a full Kodi demonstration at the weekend. I understand that the software itself is legal. Should be interesting.
Cranmer: ” My personal view is that if somebody’s livelihood is actively being affected by their material being posted illegally on Youtube, they will complain and it will be removed. So that which remains is presumably not considered of sufficient value to the copyright holder to bother about.”
Possibly not so much for films but certainly with music, leaving material on YouTube can be a great way to enhance future sales. I have listened to music on YouTube and then have gone on to buy the CD as a result on several occasions.
Willy, “I believe that the BBC in particular lost any moral right to my cash a long time ago, regardless of what the law says. Would I be wrong to do so?”
Legally, yes. Morally? Well, it’s where you personally set the bar. There are practical as well as moral reasons why I choose to be legally Licence free.
On the other hand, the BBC has taken the Licence Fee at point of prosecution from poor people to make those that the BBC favours rich. Some of them receiving Licence Fee payers money are still not content with high earnings but then seek to avoid or evade the taxation due on those high earnings. Others have used those high earnings to indulge in illegal activities. In addition, the BBC preaches one kind of morality and sets a standard for its listeners and viewers, think Climate Change and reducing carbon emissions, but then needlessly indulges itself in unnecessary travel. A good example of this last point would be Justin Webb’s reports this week from the US:Mexico border.
Then there is the question of advertising. The BBC is, ostensibly, not carrying advertising and uses that as a reason for being entitled to the bulk of the Licence Fee. Except that it does carry advertising and the amount is growing. It is dispersed through News and Current Affairs and other programming, together with the web-site and on-line activities.
Then there is the matter of how the BBC treats repeats. Many repeats are disguised on re-broadcast. Continuity routinely does not mention that a programme is a repeat and has even claimed, on occasion, that a repeat is new programme broadcast for the first time. There are other problems over BBC accuracy, in its news reporting.
As for repeats available on CD/DVD/BluRay, the BBC expects further payment for a programme that Licence Fee payers have already paid for. Should it not, morally, be free to them?
Another justification for the Licence Fee is that the BBC is a national broadcaster and is a public broadcaster. On that last point, it routinely dismisses requests by its ‘owners’ (that is us, the public) for programme, scheduling and web-site changes, other reforms and for information or in reply to ‘complaints’. As for national coverage, it is but it is not. In a fragmented (and overly fragmented at that) way and with monopoly coverage of radio, it is a sort of national broadcaster but it is still very London-centric. It could be argued those are two more areas where the BBC is lacking in morality.
Personally, I would not encourage you to indulge in illegally accessing real-time broadcast TV. Should you consider it further, I would encourage you first to write to the Director General (not to tell him what you may or may not do) but to place these charges firmly on his desk and ask him what he is going to do to rectify the behaviour of the BBC.
I would prefer that you did not use any of the above verbatim but feel free to use it as a sort of template and to put it in your own words, with your own priority or ordering of the points I have made. Copying your letter to your MP might be a very good idea, as well as the new Minister responsible for Media after 8 June. I am sure that regulars here and on the Is The BBC Biased? web-site will be interested in what sort of reply you receive.
I’ll give some thought to writing to the BBC, my MP etc but I can’t help feeling that I might as well write to the Pope for all the good it would do. And, to be honest, I would resent the time it would take.
My decision might be influenced by the fact that the software on my BT YouView box has been updated and “improved” but they seem to have made a total pig’s ear of it. Lists of recordings have been replaced by trendy “tiles” or, put another way, pictures, but unlike much free software elsewhere, there is virtually no scope for customisation. There are other issues. BT or whoever is responsible clearly knows best. Sound familiar? The state/nationalised industry mentality hangs around for years like a bad smell.
Things are changing. The big, overbearing media companies are losing control and not a moment too soon, in my opinion.
They wont be able to ban the sale of Kodi boxes.
Any device that runs on android, or the apple ios, or windows, or linux, can be loaded with kodi as an operating system.
There are countless instruction videos on youtube, and you can even load kodi onto a smart tv using a usb memory stick of about 8 gigs.
Mind you…kodi aint for the easily pissed off, its very very changeable and forums and facebook groups exist to share info, but FB shuts em down.
I have installed/used an a*+*^*^n firestick, and a.n android tv box,.
To be honest, it has its place, but I found very very frustrating.
Mrs Dysgwr having the patience of a gnat had no chance of using.
As a retired programmer and having used an ‘unlocked’ Kodi box, they do work but the way the streamers switch feeds (to avoid the legalities) is real nerd territory and hardly worth the effort.
I’m veering between hopefulness and anxiety over this, hoping against hope that this will finally put a stop to the whinging from remoaners, but anxious that little Timmy Farron will pick up too many votes for my liking.
I’ve already had to endure his ugly little pinhead all over the telly this morning, and I’m not sure I can handle 7 more weeks of it.
I really need to see Eddie Izzard nail his colours to the remain, Lab/Lib mast to be sure of a Tory/Brexiteer victory.
Shelly – whinging from Remoaners ever shall be, world without end. What I am more concerned about is whether the GE will be seen as Referendum Round Two. Remainers may vote Liberal or Labour in the hope of a reversal of Brexit and if we had a Lib/Lab/SNP alliance in power this could easily happen. It depends, I think, how clear Labour are about whether they support Brexit or not.
One of those precious moments so easily overlooked by the pro’s on the sofa this morning: John McDonnell, oozing sincerity and speaking, as ever, ‘man-to-man’ – albeit to Louise Minchin – repeatedly damned Treesa for ‘breaking her word’ and calling a snap election as a desperate party-political move. And then, oh joy, he says ‘of course we’ve been planning and gearing up for this since last November…’ but, believe it or not Ms Minchin didn’t seem to think it worth querying the point. Shame really, but then, they had to leave plenty of time to repeat Brenda’s valuable contribution – of which we can expect far, far, more.
‘Farron is like the grid on a sewage pipe’ — Well the grid on a sewage pipe stops the raw, lumpy stuff coming out of the pipe. Farron doesn’t appear to have any such grid on his mouth…
I’m just amazed how much coverage the likes of Timmy and the Scottish nationalists get. The likes of Timmy want proportional representation yet how many people voted for them in the last election? And Scotland total population? 7 million ? Population of England ? Probably around 50 million – half of which is in the SE of England.( which is where I be). Yet who speaks for me on the Beeb ? No one. So not taxation without representation .
On a more upbeat note~ the PM was asked a planted question at PMQ about supporting the hair brained overseas aid budget and Carefully did not answer. Testing the waters for the manifesto finding away out of such a stupid liberal idea to send £13 billion of our money out of Blighty for no solid return.
If anything I think the BBC is “Scotcentric” rather than Londoncentric. That fishwife is never off the damn screen. More “Mancentric” than it used to be, but no increase in coverage East of the Pennines as far as I can see.
BBC bods just don’t travel far from where they’re located unless a sunny beach is involved.
Forget the General Election. Forget North Korea. Forget Syria. Forget the racist murders in California. The BBC knows what is really important. The home page of its website is currently running an item of news (sic) headed ‘Cara Delevingne mascara ad banned’ (no, me neither). Apparently ‘A Rimmel mascara advert starring Cara Delevingne has been banned for using tricks to exaggerate the look of her “dangerously bold lashes”‘. Dangerously bold lashes, eh? Presumably not of the sort handed out in Saudi Arabia. Whilst the former world-renowned broadcaster has a reputation for reporting trivia, it is interesting to speculate on what lies behind this piece. BBC employee has a partner turned down for a job at Rimmel? BBC fashion team not invited to a product launch? The possibilities are endless. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-39639704
I think it’s purely because she is an ‘it’ girl, and also, drumroll, ‘openly bisexual’. I think to myself, you can tell when you’re getting old because you just can’t be bothered to read tripe like that.
I suppose declaring yourself some version of none binary get’s you, publicity, sympathy, support but as you suggest, who gives a monkey’s.
It will soon be relegated to the ranks of, ‘so what’ and ‘big deal’.
Then the rest of us can pop up and declare we are, openly heterosexual. See how that goes.
I expect that the BBC will be trying to limit the size of the Tory majority. If they can keep the majority to 50 or less then the Remoaners can keep on believing . A majority of over 80 means the Remoaners dreams are dead. So the BBC has much to play for. They will therefore be majoring on the following themes :
1. U turn by PM so she is untrustworthy and doesn’t like democratic opposition i.e. She isn’t a democrat. This coming from anti democratic Remoaners is priceless
2. A large Tory majority means she can do a soft Brexit . This is ridiculous and aimed at stopping UKIP voters switching to the Tories.
3. If you want to stop Brexit you should vote tactically against the Tory and UKIP. They will have Farron on almost permanently , as if he were the leader of the opposition, and try to keep Corbyn off the screens.
4. Then of course the usual domestic stuff of NHS, Housing etc etc
Not sure that most voters will appreciate the subtlety of that or have time to think about it. Just the simple choice that the best chance to get out of the EU is to vote Tory. I am no friend of the Tories but that is Realpolitik.
I am faced with a very difficult choice. In Scotland, the fight is pro or anti independence referendum. I live in the only Scottish Labour seat left, so do I hold my nose and vote Labour in order to keep the SNP out, or do I vote Tory in the almost certain knowledge the Tory won’t win but it might well let in the SNP?
I don’t know if UKIP will be standing, but here it’s the very definition of a wasted vote.
Well I have a similar problem I will have to vote Labour for the first time in my life to keep Lib Dems out.He is a long term leaver.Tories /UKIP have no chance.i will hold my nose and do it.
I’m still waiting to hear any commentary by the BBC (or anyone, for that matter) as to why Labour has agreed to vote in favour of the General Election. I don’t know the exact numbers, but suspect that they could scupper it by voting against, as 2/3 of MPs have to vote in favour.
So just why are the turkeys voting in favour of Christmas?
Tricky one – they have to go for the GE in order to cling on to their last vestige of credibility but not withstanding that, Labour (with or without the big guns of Tim Farron) has all the plans to bring us heaven on Earth. I know this because the bbc tells us so.
Do the Lords have a say, as in the usual run of things? The BBC have neglected to inform me. In fact, at first yesterday they appeared to forget the Fixed Term Parliament Act altogether.
Oh the BBC are wetting themselves at the thought of a ‘progressive liberal left alliance’. It would appear that some kind of ‘post election pact’ has caught their imagination and they are fascinated at the prospect.
London Explosion house in Haringay
Police called to a disturbance at address in Stapleton Hall Road #StroudGreen Two injured following localised explosion in property”
Officer injured Met Twitter thread
Almost certainly a petrol vapour explosion. The guy pours petrol everywhere then threatens police for a few minutes. By the time he lights a match the vapour has mixed with air and reached higher explosive limit.
It really does put a solid gold cap on it with, neon lights, laser display and 100 piece orchestra.
A democratic, free, fair election, with opposition parties backed by our national broadcaster funded by the people, is somehow a bad thing?
I thought I’d seen it all but then I hear that Mrs May said she’d have cornflakes but changed her mind and had shreddies. Truly, we can not believe a word she says.
Any Radio 3 listeners here? I do like to wake up to the Through the Night programme, except when they have a ‘special’ of an 8 hour composition of modern sh*te by some composer I’ve never heard of.
It used to have a good website, but recently it seems to have been taken over by some spotty-faced yoof fresh out of design college. You wouldn’t believe that classical music had anything to do with white European men who are long dead, or that Radio 3 has anything to do with classical music at all. I am seriously wondering if I can tolerate the ads and switch to Classic FM. Surprisingly they have recently featured a long-dead European male; Bach, one of the greats of the baroque era, but the yoof have given his portrait a makeover that makes him look like a tranny. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p04z190t
Radio 3 – another candidate for closure or sell-off. Has less than half the audience of Classic FM; if the commercial sector can deliver this, why do we need a BBC offering?
PS Englishtothecore… an internet radio or an app like TuneIn Radio will give access to more than 300 classical stations from across the world, many dedicated to particular composers or genres, public service stations without adverts, many of high audio quality. All for free.
One more observation about the BBC website – I’m currently across the Channel (thankfully not for long) and the BBC News home page rarely has anything to do with British news when accessed from an IP address outside the UK.
Nonsense ” Victoria Beckham receives OBE for fashion “. You Philistines.”
Ha ha! Currently using an Italian IP and that didn’t appear on today’s home page, must be something to do with the Italian sense of fashion. They’d probably arrest her if she landed at Rome for crimes against style (or maybe just for being who she is).
I’ve had 2 recent trips back to Blighty and there really is far less British news on the home page when accessed from abroad. I do get your point though Ian, very true!
The BBC News website is a bit bit weird
What country does it belong to ? MediaBubbleworld ?
Like it’s got an Election block
and then it goes on to stuff like a Fox anchor getting fired
Whereas ITV has the Election block and then
– Three police officers among injured in house explosion
..whys the BBC not cover that ?
– Bill Gates: UK aid saves lives and keeps Britain safe
..OK SJW Propaganda but British
– Nationwide disruption as fire closes Euston railway station
..London story
– Prince Harry: ‘I hope mum would be proud’
– Bill O’Reilly leaves Fox News after sexual harassment claims
– Weather: Cold start but sunny spells later
BBCNews homepage has media people stories : Harry, Beckham etc
and Weird sories :
– When cheap everyday things go designer
– How did the new Dragons make their millions?
– Charlie Chaplin: Growing up with an icon
– Fans mourn loss of Patrick the wombat
– Dirty cars turned into art
– ‘Living at home with my dead father’ (Indonesia)
* Virgin Money boss on battling depression
– How do you stop sharks attacking?
* Hugh Pym: Health will be key issue in election
– Snipers and green tea on Helmand’s front line
* Are lower earners bearing the tax burden?
* Firebrand Mélenchon galvanises French left
…* denotes adverts for their friends + pet issues
– Live updates from Barcelona v Juventus and Monaco v Dortmund
– LIVE British Swimming Championships
* Farah injection not recorded properly
– Snooker LIVE Watch: Hawkins v Ford & Day v Xiao
* Fox to ‘drop Bill O’Reilly’ amid lawsuits
– ‘Progress’ in fighting tropical diseases
– Most teenagers ‘happy with life’
– Holiday Inn hotels hit by payment hack
– Physicists observe ‘negative mass’
– Theatre boss lifts lid on backstage rows
ON the UK page the additional stories are
* Young voters on why they’re glad an election is on the way
– Who are the British and Irish Lions on tour this summer?
– The three portraits vying for this year’s BP Portrait Award
– Pregnant woman savaged by dogs
– Dad and 2-year-old killed by rising sea
– School punishes charity haircut teen
– Hunt for TV star’s boyfriend over attack
– Officer who shot IRA man ‘deserves medal’
– Council admits Thunderbird death Mix Up
(They advertised Gerry Anderson would be at Cromer festival, despite him being dead)
I thought the big news is that Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth were finned by the Election Commission
Consider the Conservatives were fined £90K for non cooperation
and yet Greenpeace have been fined £30K
See Paul Homewood’s blog
One would think that there was plenty of scope for a broadcaster in just playing and providing background detail of the composers and performers of classical music.
But the BBC uses every channel to push its dogma. So homosexuality, advancement of women, social justice and global warming now compete with Albinoni, Bach and Chopin.
Unfortunately not all of their favoured brown-eyed boys are in to music:
“In conclusion, avoid all singing, music, gatherings of entertainment, except for gatherings of melodious remembrance of Allah and His Messenger. And, be cautious if singing and music which are of spiritually happiness (not material) and also leads one to remember Allah and only listen sparingly if one could not avoid it at all.”
so that puts some constraints on keeping to the agenda.
“Has less than half the audience of Classic FM; if the commercial sector can deliver this, why do we need a BBC offering?”
I wouldn’t object to that if R3 were doing its job, like it used to. It was never expected to attract high ratings.
I can never figure out why the BBC has so many orchestras when, outside the Proms season, they seem to have such a low profile. Why aren’t they made use of in regular music documentaries for young people? I’m pretty certain that the members are salaried so why don’t we see them on TV?
We know the answer of course. R3, the orchestras, the Proms are probably regarded as Dead White European Male relics and if they could get away with ignoring the genre entirely, I’m sure they would.
Perhaps the BBC music programme planners would prefer something like this (although it looks a little like cultural appropriation to me):
I’m afraid Radio 3 has succumbed to the dumbing down and sound bite era.Not to mention diversity .I tuned in to a recent Parsifal recording from Bayreuth only to hear the commentator ecstatic because the German director set it in the Middle East with the flower maidens in Burkas .You cannot get away from it.
The ads on Classic FM which really get my goat (sorry Old Goat!), are the ones which at the end gabble through the terms and conditions at Warp Factor 8 so that no-one could possibly take them in.
Radio 5 ‘live’ has an irritating section where they have to repeat all the shrieking and squealing of sports ‘reporters’ when someone wins a car race or kicks a goal.
At 3:30am, when all is a bit bleak, the last thing you want to hear is some overpaid twonk yelling his stupid head off…
Last night Radio 5’s French Election expert told us that three-quarters of ‘left- winger’ Mélenchon’s policies were the same as le Pen’s, who, as the BBC constantly spits out, is ‘far right’, so how can that be? Has someone been feeding us ‘fake news’ all these years?
I heard Kinnock say that there won’t be another Labour government in his lifetime, in that case I hope that the old windbag has an exceedingly good innings indeed.
Court decision on Economic migrants using Human Rights act to claim damages for being arrested for entering UK on false passport
Times pg 57 Case of SXH vs CPS
2008 Somalian Refugee flies in to Stansted on Fake passport shes given option of returning to Eindhoven ..or arrest for fake passport.
but in court CPS offer no evidence
So her lawyers turn around and sue UK for breach of Human Rights etc.
BTW this parasite was given political asylum anyway despite committing (at least one) criminal offence by using forged documents to attempt entry into the UK. She had travelled from Somalia to the Netherlands (where, significantly, she hadn’t applied for asylum) and from there to here. She is not and was not a “refugee” – she was a migrant and a criminal one at that – and still was granted asylum. Two years after being granted asylum she had the sheer chutzpah to sue HM government (ie you and me) to get a bit of cash on the basis that her “human rights” were breached. We are not told in the judgement who paid for her case: I reckon though – again – you and I coughed up for this travesty.
Undoubtedly the appellant suffered grievously in her native country but, after all, she was granted asylum here when arguably she shouldn’t have been, having travelled via the Netherlands which I believe still qualifies as a safe place for a putative asylum seeker. Even so, Lord Kerr, although finding against her regretted that she was “forced” to use forged papers to enter the UK. Kerr is one of the most right-on members of the Supreme Court arguing – according to the Spectator – that “human rights treaties have effect in English law even without legislation”.
The creation of the Supreme Court ,staffed by unelected judges , is one of Blairs most cunning creations. He handed over the judiciary to his liberal left placemen so they can continue the liberal lefts policies even when the left have been voted out of government. These appointed judges have no accountability and seemingly little requirement to follow and enforce the law of the land but with the authority to make any interpretation of the law that they feel is expedient. This allows Blair’s gang of Globalists to thwart the will of Parliament and hence of the people. It has in fact handed over power and the governance of the country to unelected judges who were appointed because of their New Labour credentials.
Not only have we to get rid of the rule from Brussels but also we need to get rid of the rule of these unelected judges. We need to do a hell of a lot of work to get our country back!
Even when they sat in the House of Lords the senior judiciary (and the rest of the judiciary) has always been appointed not elected. One problem is who appoints them. Another problem is that the legal profession is showing signs of being corrupted by the march through the institutions arguably seriously begun (as far as the judiciary is concerned) in the 60s.
For the time being the senior (and junior) judiciary is not finacially corrupt. Passing brown envelopes stuffed with cash to secure acquittals or a favourable (civil) judgement is still frowned upon. However, the appearance of right-on judges (eg Lord Kerr and Lady Hale) at the very apogee of judicial life is a worrying harbinger of the expanding SJW agenda of the courts.
While the judges were restricted to applying the principles of Common Law and Equity they could be relied upon to bring in verdicts which adhered to common sense and accorded with the experience of ordinary life. The intrusion of continental law – particularly “human rights” ordure – has removed this barrier and we see on a daily basis nonsense paraded as “law”: nonsense, I might add, leaning distinctly to the left.
Recently there was a lot of fuss about we plebs criticising the judiciary, as if they are poor innocents that ‘impartialy’ apply the law and are above such things as politics. That argument might carry more weight if each court ‘up the chain’ always came to the same conclusions after an appeal.
A criticism of judges that surely can be made is the way that, after spending weeks or even years reviewing the evidence, they can condemn someone for making the wrong spilt-second decision. That is pretty rich for a well-paid profession where the greatest threat is getting a paper cut.
slightly off thread..but was just watching ITV and saw a dreadful advert called the “Co-op Way”..I nearly puked. A beautiful language like English reduced to some dreadful effnik patois..FFS! The Rochdale Pioneers would turn in their graves!
sadly,in a funny sort of way (old age etc.) I remember it very well.
If I recall correctly(!?)..we had a very nice little Co-op store just round the corner from where we lived in Cambridge in the late 60’s . I used to go by my “Ski” yoghourt there..good stuff that was (we thought!)…p.s. thinks..could have been a Fine Fare store..or even a Tesco (oh those times!…wonderful)
The Co-op were everywhere in the 50’s, the butchers, funeral directors, furniture and clothing – I was kitted out for school from the co-op. My mum’s divi was 18057 (just one of those things that ‘stick), and I had my photo taken sitting on Santa’s knee in the big Christmas display, – would that be allowed now ????
Sorry, I have different memories of the Coop from the 40’s and 50’s.
Our branch – mum’s number was 628 – had food downstairs and clothing upstairs. Downstairs on one side was sugar, bread, etc and the other side meat products You queued up at each side. Most of us paid by credit and each month settled up – or when we could afford it.
In the centre was a kind of box with a window and a bureaucrat sitting there. Women who had not been punctual in settling up would be publicly called to the box where they would receive a very public bollocking plus threats to cancel their account. This was a small community and everyone would share your humiliation. Women on the borderline, like my mum, lived in fear of Mrs Millington in the box. A word from her and you would not be served.
R4 Media Show will soon talk about FakeNews in French election.
And Teacher telling students how to handle FakeNews.
Hope it’s not about filling their heads with LibMob bunk.
She did nutcase qns to BBC News guy
“So Ukip will be allocated no time since it has no MPs ?”
Candidate vows to batter Tim Farron in the GE dressed as a FISH FINGER:-
A social internet poll reportedly found that people would trust a fish finger ahead of Mr Farron to govern the country.
Alongside an outrageous outfit, the Parliamentary candidate has vowed to change his name by deed poll to Mr Fish Finger.
The statement on the crowd-funding website said: “We must raise £500 to pay the deposit for Mr Fish Finger to run for MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale.
“This seat has been held since 2005 by Tim Farron, who lost to a fish finger – by a margin of around 99 per cent – in a poll of over 1,000 people, when asked Who would you trust to lead you more?.
“Mr Fish Finger will conduct any related business dressed as a fish finger.”
A Single Market is like a market with tariffs in the form of taxation for the payment of membership of a Single Market. Therefore a more progressive progress would be to leave the Single Market for a “tax and tariff free” Free Market relationship, or even a tariffed market on world trading rules would be cheaper for a nation with a trade deficit in a single market, such as Britain.
So progressive, both economic and democratic, means, Britain leaving the European Union.
Real Liberals or Classical Liberals became Libertarian or nice Right-wing people who believe in democratic rule and freedom from the state.
While the Hypocritical Liberals became Liberal Fascists or nasty Left-wing people who believe in the authoritarian rule of the Liberal elite.
The most important news item on the BBC and the one discussed incessantly is that Mrs May is refusing to play the BBC’s game and take part in a “presidential” debate. No-one – not even Dominic Raab when interviewed by Norman Smith – pointed out that the UK is a parliamentary democracy and the person who becomes prime minister is not elected directly as prime minister but has to command a majority of Commons seats won in the election. Sure the leader is important but – in theory anyway – in any particular seat the electorate votes for an individual who is usually a party member and it’s that individual who chooses which person to support as PM.
Of course, with the media – particularly the BBC – it’s me! me! me! me!, what about me!!! The BBC (and Sky?) are apparently threatening to “empty chair” Mrs M in a putative “leaders” debate. It’s time the MSM in the UK (as is happening in the US) were told to f*** off big time. I hope Mrs M has the balls to persevere with this one.
Posted before, but no-one is compelled to vote. The BBC cocking up as usual. If the stupid Brendas of this world do not want to vote, who cares ? Apart from the BBC , that is.
Grant – I think Brenda was just pissed off at the time cos she was late for Bingo. I suspect there is very little goes through her head other than that and Coronation street.
Forgetting Theresas part in all of this. What really grinds my gears are all these pious politicians and BBC 6th form socialist interviewers who have spent the last ten months undermining brexit and platforming all these fifth column arseholes like Clegg, Soudry and Little Timmy. And encouraging the likes of the lovely Gina to stir night soil pot with her saintly and well manicured finger.
As if by magic they have suddenly become all holier than thou. Suggesting that Theresa only wants an election to reinforce her own authority in the Tory party. How could she!
Brexit was all going along very nicely without this – was it?
It is at times like this that I realise that my grasp of reality and their s is very different!
One of the problems for the BBC , fellow Lefties and Remainers is that they are just having to follow events and can’t set the agenda. That is one of the causes of their increasing demented behaviour. They are control freaks but they are not in control. I am thoroughly enjoying it.
It is possible Brenda was a stooge.
But if not, however much we may disagree with her, she is entitled to her view.
The issue of course is that the biased BBC CHOOSE to select her comments and CHOOSE to big her comments up and as of 1825 this evening they are STILL doing so in that patronising ‘Oxbridge looking down on the plebs’ manner at which they excel.
So the question is..why are the bBBC doing that?
The answer of course is to undermine the legitimacy of May’s decision. The very bias this excellent website exists to highlight.
It is so wonderful that the Left are terrified about this election !!! They have almost accepted defeat before the vote. But, at last, they have found an old person that they like !
In view of the after effects of the Referendum last year and similarly the Trump election, will everybody accept (grudgingly or not) this June election result? I maintain ‘first past the post’ has had its day. At least it will never be considered ‘final’ ever again. But the alternative PR was voted down in the Referendum, was it 2011? What’s left to satisfy the Lib/Lab pact that is quickly coalescing? Maybe a continual cycle of elections whittling numbers down all the way?
I know, as normal, let very Tiny Tim and all his friends go for the sedition they yearn for and keep the pot on the boil!
I think the clarion call for this election is Freedom.
Freedom from the shackles of the EU.
I am sure the dark forces are still plotting to undermine Brexit.
“The secret of Happiness is Freedom,
And the secret of Freedom,Courage”
Thucydides. 460-395 BC
I see the vile BBC have used numerous over-the-top massive photos of Corbyn in front of adoring crowds of goons holding ‘Vote Labour’ placards as their main pictures for the General Election story on their news homepage webshite; subtle but typical indoctrination tactic by the BBC aimed at imparting a message of who to vote for. It was TM who decided to call the election so why the hell are the BBC festooning their pathetic ‘news’ site with huge photos of Corbyn and his comrades? I bloody hate the BBC and Labour! All we’ve had these last two days is pathetic left-wing bias bemoaning TM’s decision. It seems the left only want democracy when it suits them.
bBBC, already in ‘anyone but the tories’ overdrive, wheel on a couple of journo’s to discuss election issues, one of which is the odious ratbag Owen Jones. This ‘orrible little weasel of a man rants on about May’s decision not to participate in any tv debates. Next we have the opinion of the second journalist, a lady, who Owen Jones immediately interrupts to continue with his own gobshite shit. bBBC interviewer does Jack Shit. These pages are going to be very busy reporting all the bias over the coming campaign.
There will have to be impartial when the election proper kicks in .They are just making the most of it while they can.ive avoided them today as much as I can. I do think a lot of the screeching from the left shows they have been caught napping and they can see the future. I don’t want to be complacent though.
Be prepared to complain to Offcom during the campaign.
They will just use various degrees of separation from the usual suspects to ‘report’ stuff that they can’t push themselves.
Change.org just sent me a petition ‘demanding’ Mrs. May debates their BFFs. About as daft as it gets, but they may crank up the necessary nonsense to get the BBC to ‘analyse’ its import.
I am amazed at how much coverage of the USA the bBBC is giving at the moment. I’m never sure though how much is different though as I’m looking from the USA – I do go to the UK page. For instance
Under the business heading, for goodness sake. How much interest to the UK?…but the bBBC will be gleefully rubbing their thighs as the far-left take down another high profile, conservative commentator. Makes me wonder…who is demonstrating outside offices over this? Who is funding a plane to drag a banner? Over-reaction?? This is a top anchor from Trump’s favourite news channel, who has interviewed the president recently..etc etc. Chip, chip, chip. The far-left are not going to give up.
Why is that slimy, beta-male little toad Farron suddenly ubiquitous across the BBC? He wants to continue Clegg’s golden legacy of betraying the British people which is why the Beeb love him so much.
What was he in before politics, child catching? He freaks me out.
BBC website has a page entitled “General election: What you need to know” (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-39631768). It includes such intriguing questions as “What has happened?” and “What is a general election?”! But under “How unusual is a ‘snap election’?”, they tell us: “It depends how you define it but if we’re talking about one that was called less than four years after the previous election, you have to go back to 1966 – in that case the then Prime Minister Harold Wilson wanted to increase the number of Labour MPs in Parliament and a mandate to govern”.
So what was the October 1974 General Election if it wasn’t a snap election called a mere 8 months after the previous one? Yet more fake news from the BBC.
OneShow Now has item about policing trolls on Google/Facebook/Twitter
… talk of hatespeak
..bet they are promoting censorship
..Father argues for ending anonymous accounts
..Tht point is minorities are the major user of anon accounts ..like a gay guy in Iran can’t just post under his real name.
People trust Labour with the NHS – FFS Why?
The decline began under Ken Clarke et al and continued under Blair with, the icing on the cake of, crippling con of PFI.
The NHS cannot be funded with uncontrolled migration and a busted economy – so I ask again, why trust Labour with the NHS?
All of a sudden George’s enthusiasm for solving the refugee crisis seemed to take a back seat. Scared of upsetting the neighbours, perhaps? Or maybe having got his very own exclusion zone enshrined in law, he’s reluctant to give it up in a hurry?
But then they are just two of his homes – maybe the others are chokka with assorted Afghans, Pakistanis, Syrians, Somalians etc etc, all enjoying the fruits of the ‘social justice’ George keeps lecturing us about.
But us racist, uneducated plebs won’t really know until some world-beating investigative journalism gets to the bottom of it, will we?
Bias all the way from the appropriately named ‘Katty’ Kay and the super-light-weight Christian Fraser
Quite why the BBC feels the need to devote a separate show to 100 days of Trump-watching (more like Trump-bashing) remains a mystery to this Licence Payer – I guess it’s a copy of what the liberal media in the States are up to.
So to content and bias. After a couple of minutes on the UK election (wait a minute, I thought this was supposed to be about the US?) we get a report about the French elections. A nice one for the spotters of bias by subtle almost subliminal imagery – we see a film of a street in France with two election posters – one of Macron and one of Le Pen – defaced.
Next comes bias by slip of the tongue. The BBC have relocated some light-weight young reporter usually based in Africa back to his native France and to the ‘rust belt’ of Amiens. A working class area where he tells us “there is a worry voters will turn to Le Pen”. No such BBC ‘worries’ accompany votes going to any other party across the political spectrum.
Finally (I just couldn’t bear anymore after this next embarrassment) our Katty and Christian (the latter who has such a bland mug one imagines one wouldn’t tire of thumping it – were it transposed onto a street poster) have a right little magic moment of shared chuckling about the location of the US aircraft carrier. (Look up the story if you don’t know it). Oh how our two BBCers tickled oneanothers’ funnybones. One minute we’re afraid of all-out nuclear war and blaming ‘maverick’ Trump and the next these BBC jokers are having a laugh at the expense of the US Navy. It’s not as if anyone’s life might be at stake if the North Koreans kick off with a Pearl Harbour-type pre-ememptive attack… target co-ordinates courtesy of the left-liberal media/BBC and all these two wastes of space can do is giggle (don’t the Beeb have some form on this sort of thing from the Falklands?)
Exactly, I doubt even Le Pen would resort to mass arrests, torture and having people ‘disappeared’ or even make herself President for life, so why the, ‘worry’?
I just caught the end of this as well. Now, this might not be BBC bias but what is it with the mothers of immigrant children and their aspirations for their offspring?
An item on immigrant children being allowed in to the school system in Greece. At one point a mother of one of the children was interviewed (subtitled) and she said something like (paraphrasing but the final part is key) “we want our children to get a good education so they can become doctors or engineers”.
‘Doctors or engineers’? Why not florists, train drivers, nurses, street cleaners, police officers etc etc? Did the BBC subtitle incorrectly? Are they given guidance? [“Say doctor or engineer, the left LOVE that”].
It’s a genuine question: why do they say this or is it seriously an aspiration in some countries – bar no other profession – to be either a doctor or an engineer? We had careers evenings at my school and there was a huge variety of organisations and careers within to consider. Just curious.
‘..is it seriously an aspiration in some countries..’
Assuming the translation is correct…
Either the BBC are quoting directly some proverbial phrase popular in both N Africa and the Near East or else the migrants have got the quote off pat from the BBC.
Exactly my thoughts. Or they get guidance on what to say by one of the agencies involved in ‘refugees’.
To me, it’s in the same vein as ‘aspiring footballer’. Just jars, somewhat.
I’m guessing that in developing countries, most don’t have ‘career aspirations’ – you don’t have a careers advisor or a careers fair at school, you just continue in peasantry like your parents, or if you are lucky, go into whatever trade they themselves can train you in. So immigrants who move to the west can aspire higher and the only professions they’re likely to know about or aspire to are medicine and engineering (which to them probably means any kind of skilled mechanical work). There aren’t really that many other professions in tin-pot countries that ordinary people can aspire to because fields like politics, the armed forces, the judiciary, the imams etc are, I imagine, only gained through nepotism. But it’s also possible they do pick the phrase ‘doctors and engineers’ and repeat it like a lucky charm because they hear it so often.
True. In many poor countries there is almost an obsession with turning out a doctor child, its a route to migration, medical qualifications largely being accepted internationally, unlike legal ones, which is another of the few professions peasants may have heard of.
I still think the BBC prime all interviewed migrants though, or film more and edit carefully to select those they feel say the right things.
Bit of a bbc obsession these days with the USA eh?
Ofcom should check it. It’s at the expense of UK news, not to mention OUR expense, and if we want REAL US news we have Fox News.com.
Ofcom wouldnt consider it. They have no sanction over the choice of stories broadcasters choose to cover or how much coverage is given to it. A free press being a fundamental of democracy, no body can dictate or sanction this area.
In the coming weeks Al Beeb will do its damnedest to scupper Brexit with its bias and propaganda.
It will focus on the younger voters. ‘The weakest link’.
– Selective use of vox pops to give impression May is an opportunist, doing it for her own benefit
– Selective use of vox pops to give impression majority support Remain
– Up Project Fear from idling into overdrive
– Swamp the airwaves with the usual suspects: Abbott, Mandelson, Clarke, Blair, Miliband Sr., O’ Bamagh etc and ring in a few new ones e.g. Osborne
– Ensure Conservatives/Brexit supporters are outnumbered at least 3 to 1 in any discussion
– Ensure no-one asks about ‘plans for Remain’ (such as full political integration)
– Ramp up further (if it were at all possible) scare stories about schools and ‘our’ NHS
– Never, ever ask a Labour politician where the extra money is to come from
– Never, ever ask the Scots Nats about how they would ‘re-join’ the EU
– Never, ever ask the Scots Nats why they want independence so they can be governed by Brussels
– Emphasize how Brexit is for climate change deniers
– Repeatedly point out Brexiteers are uneducated, knuckle-dragging, racist, xenophobic, isolationist Little Englanders
– Never suggest Scots Nats are ‘Little Scotlanders’, least of all on R4 ‘comedy’ programmes
– Never, ever reveal the Marxist manifesto of the Green Party
I don’t know if others here are affected, but we still have a County Council Election to deal with on May 4th!
Presumably the bBeeb are hoping for a leftie result, but the councils are so dire here, in Kent, that there’ll be all sorts of tears just a few weeks before the GE!
Grammar Schools will figure large, and so will immigration, as every blasted illegal seems to come though here at some time or other, and we have to pay for them!
Local TV is more like the Cbeebies anyway; there’s always a fat sod too lazy to work, and an even fatter sod getting treatment a day late and whingeing and whining.
Our County Council squandered hundreds of thousands of pounds on failing ‘chief executives’ and even more of our poll tax on people who just sit there and do exactly bugger all!
Council senior managers rank alongside the BBC as both huge troughers from the public purse and leading members of the left- liberal elite who have dominated this country for decades . Council Chief Execs and their acolytes such as ‘service’ directors are now paid obscene amounts. £300- 600 k is becoming common . Cameron huffed and puffed and as usual did nothing. Payoffs for failure are also enormous . The gold plated pension encourages salary inflation as its based on the last few years earnings, or was until recently. Many of those made redundant or retired early turn up again as consultants .
It’s even worse in county council areas like Kent where you fund both county and district councils . A crazy waste .
Kent is also hard done by as pointed out, due to receiving all the bogus asylum seekers, economic migrants etc the who cross the channel . No doubt it suited Treezer as gone secretary to allow tnis to carry on rather than central government funding the problem or better still securing our borders to stop it.
Maybe a film worth watching here. About the Armenian genocide. Starring Christian Bale.
Muslims are already trying to suppress it.
Bare Naked Islam reports:
The Promise, a $100 million movie starring Christian Bale, has already received over 60,000 one-star reviews on IMDb, despite the fact that it has only been screened one time ever. An army of nationalist Muslim trolls from Turkey, desperate to suppress the period of history shown in the film, that shows Muslims for the savages that they really are, allegedly are to blame. http://www.barenakedislam.com/2017/04/19/turkish-muslim-army-of-online-trolls-try-to-sabotage-armenian-genocide-movie-with-bad-reviews/
I haven’t seen it yet. I would think probably not. It’s hard enough trying to get the world to face up to Ottoman atrocities. The Kurds register quite highly on the liberal victim scale. Imagine trying to highlight Kurdish involvement as well. A lot of today’s SJW’s don’t even realise Kurds are Muslim or that they persecute the Assyrians in Iraq to this day. They’re like lesser Palestinians. Always displaced victims.
“The Turks have been trying to erase the genocide from history, shortly after they gave up trying to erase the Armenians from history.
Kurdish leaders, however, have been frank in acknowledging the genocide, and the role their own people played as soldiers of the Ottoman Empire. Turkish journalist Uzay Bulut took a long look at the Kurdish recognition, and the desire of Turkish writers to break ranks with their government and acknowledge the past, for International Business Times.
Bulut lays out the background of the Kurds living under Ottoman rule and serving in its military. “During the 1915 genocide, some Kurdish tribes were also exploited and encouraged by the Turkish Ottoman regime to attack the deportation caravans of Armenians,” she writes. “However, it should be noted that there were many cases where Kurds refused to attack the Armenians and rescued them from certain death.”
Kurdish leaders are not soft-pedalling the former to emphasize the latter. “Without hesitation, I recognize the Armenian genocide,” said Selahattin Demirtas, co-chair of the Peoples’ Democrat Party.”
Selahattin Demirtaş is an imprisoned Zaza Kurdish politician who is co-leader of the left-wing pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), serving alongside Figen Yüksekdağ. Demirtaş was the presidential candidate of the HDP in the 2014 election, coming in third place with 9.77% of the vote. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selahattin_Demirta%C5%9F
All credit to the Kurds . Now will the Arnenians admit that the Dashnaks and Hunchaks massacred tens of thousands of thousands of innocent Turkish men , women and children in the months leading up to the Genocide ? I doubt it.
For anyone interested, in my opinion, the best introduction is Prof. Guenter Lewy’s ” The Armenian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey : A disputed genocide “. He is Jewish , so may have a vested interest in minimising any Genocide in contrast to the Holocaust. But he does detail the atrocities carried out by many sides, including the Armenians.
I would also recommend the brilliant “The Fall of the Ottomans ” by Prof. Eugene Rogan , also Jewish. His treatment of the Genocide is also very fair.
At that time , no-ones hands were clean. It was a very complex situation, but there is no excuse for the Genocide carried out by the Turks and Kurds. There was also no excuse for the massacres carried out by the Armenians.
We can expect it to go straight to DVD then…pressure from far-lefties (Soros), threats from the ROP, and maybe a few stabbings/drive-ins at cinemas?
Kudos to the actors and people who got the film made. I’m even amazed that they got $100mill in funding, these days.
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… and May’s other decision, of which I heartily approve, is not to have leaders’ TV debates. This is likely to annoy the BBC considerably, which is never a bad thing.
Quite agree. Whether on BBC or commercial channels, they are a farce and would be totally loaded against Treezer.
I was at the first TV debate in 2010, and thought that Nick Clegg was an utter cock. Imagine my surprise when he was felt to have come across well on TV, and “I agree with Nick” became a slogan.
Mrs May is quite right to avoid a TV debate. As the incumbent, there is nothing in it for her, and God forbid “I agree with Tim” should become a meme!
OT, but Sky News is running top of the hour ‘news’ that she is ‘accused of’ being frit by Jezza and Krankie.
Rather funny that wee Timmy not even mentioned.
I didn’t know Krankie was standing in this election. So why should she be in a debate anyway?
As with the EU referendum if people don’t know by now what the frig it is they’re voting for, they don’t deserve a vote.
TV debates are no better than talent shows. Like the girl with the dancing dog, where is Nick Clegg now….
We all owe the BBC a huge debt of gratitude and you big knockers should be ashamed of yourselves. If you are sitting down, I will begin. There was a time. Not very long ago in fairness. Maybe a year before the Brexit vote, when I really thought I was pretty much the only one who got it. Okay, that’s an exaggeration. I am aware that I am not the only Person with an IQ above 11. I knew there had to be other people who felt the way I did. Who could see with crystal clear clarity how it was all going pear shaped and becoming irredeemably fucked.
Having said that there are clearly many intelligent people with much higher IQ’s than that who clearly not only didn’t see it but we’re actually encouraging it.
Then came the vote and bugger me, it turned out the countries passed the intelligence test. For that reason we must all pay tribute to the not insubstantial part the BBC played. Their reporting became SO biased. SO ridiculous, SO partisan that everybody got it. Or enough people at least. They are doing a great job AND writing their own epitaph into the bargain.
When all this is done and dusted I think the BBC and House of Lords are in serious trouble.
Tony H
Hear ! Hear !
Tony H,
Well said. I hope you are right. We need to get rid of the BBC and the House of Lords. To slightly misquote an African saying, they are big rocks in the way of the road of progress. They are reactionary has beens whose time has come.
On Newsnight last night Clarence the cock eyed lion gave Amber Rudd a really hard time and at times he had a little tantrum. Enter everyone else including Thornberry. Nice easy ride. (not literally I hope you understand)
I suspect Thornberry and Abbott went on the same public relations course. Both speak vindictive bile in the same calm husky tones and the same sneering, patronsising, condescending, looking-down-your-nose style.
So, needless to say, they are among the bBBC’s favourite go-to rent-a-gobs.
“Abbott went on the same public relations course. Both speak ….. looking-down-your-nose style.”
I think you’re being unreasonable. It just gives her a broader outlook.
Well, Abbott and Thornberry are certainly both rather broad ……
And they both despise the English.
And I suspect that, deep down, they are very unhappy people.
We can but hope.
And they both enjoy more privelege than your average punter.
I wouldn’t call them broads, though
Diane Abbot professes to champion equality, yet when she was rightly mocked for pulling a sickie on the evening of the Brexit vote, as any man would have been, she claims to be a victim of sexism.
Imagine having double victim status like her. A black woman! You would walk on water. You never have to take any responsibility for any mistakes, as any legitimate criticism levelled at you could be characterised as racism or sexism. If she came out as gay then I imagine the skies would open and she would actually ascend to heaven instantly.
The only problem with that is that I doubt there is a winged horse strong enough to carry the weight.
If only she would. Is there a petition?
Abbott should be deployed everywhere, often.
And is. Keep up the good work, BBC.
I would pay good money to see that ride!
As Corbyn is a man of great propriety can we assume he will be declaring the £4bn the bBBC receives from licence fee payers as Labour Party general election expenses?
It is after all surely the world’s largest party political communications budget.
Thus the TV tax will be used to bolster the opposition parties…
Yeah – really good value that! I wonder if they’ll sling the Limpdems a few quid, just to keep them quiet?
More money down the drain…
The bBC, its use of the term #Racist’ when reporting from America and half the story.
So the bBC finally got round to reporting on the killing of 4 people ) not 3 bBC who all were murdered because of the colour of their skin.
California gunman kills three ‘in race attack’ in Fresno

So the bbC which has no problem reporting how the following can be deemed racist:
Food bloggers
Donald Trump
Jeff Sessions
A shop selling British made goods
British Army
Is somewhat remiss when it comes to a Black man who has just murdered 4 people for being…White.
The bBC, the biggest race hustler in the West
For me, the really interesting part was the BBC’s “race hate crime” narrative – that implies all such attacks are conducted by vile white folk againt the poor non-white – was sacrificed for the “nothing to do with Islam” line.
Despite this chap being a convert and called Muhammed, despite shouting “God is ths greatest in Arabic”, this was not terrorism. Which begs the all-important question, if this was indeed a race-hate crime rather than (yet another) Islamic attack, why then does the BBC totally ignore that angle and instead focus on the usual insidious response from “Fresno’s Muslim community” and how this is “nothing to do with Islam”?
I love the blatant lie that “Allahu Akbar” is “a prayer of peace for 1.8 billion Muslims around the world”. As the propagana continues: “The centre’s Imam, Seyed Ali Ghazvini, said Mr Muhammad was not known to them. This individual does not represent our faith or our community,” he told the Fresno Bee newspaper. “This individual does not represent your Muslim neighbour, your Muslim classmate or your co-worker. The Muslim community in the Valley are working hard for the well-being of our society and country.”
I guess, in the oppression Olympics, Muslims win.
“I love the blatant lie that “Allahu Akbar” is “a prayer of peace”
It IS a prayer of peace, but only if you understand the Islamic version of ‘peace’ which is most definitely different to everyone elses version!
The cry of God is Greater is basically an assertion that theirs is the only true religion, and that there can only be peace when everyone else recognises that, or are subdued.
Alas I do not believe that the BBC realises or even wants to know that.
‘War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength”
Question. Which religion is constantly challenging your thought process with this “ours is a religion of peace”. Often quoted by our mind numb politicians, yet it goes against their actions, and the teachings of their holey book!
Thoughtful – Islamic peace is the peace of the grave.
As I said on the last thread, was discussed on Fox last night. One commentator said that a hate crime is just a small terrorist incident – good comment I think. so it is all semantics – does it matter if it’s officially terrorism? Armed Muslim man, declaring hatred of white men, shooting without mercy.
It’s in BBC ‘quotes’ so can mean whatever they want it to mean, or nothing as far as CECUFKATT is concerned.
Guest, Am I behind the times? Dont know what that means (in capitals)
Sorry, my little in-joke.
Stands for Complaints, ECU, Formerly Known As The Trust
Of course it is now CECUO: Complaints, ECU, OFCOM.
Interestingly, the end result is always the same anyway.
The BBC website under World News has this:
US gunman kills three ‘in race attack’
The African American suspect was motivated by a hatred for white people, police in California say.
4 hours ago
From the section US & Canada
Related content
Why America remains segregated
Note the “Related Content” which, if you read it, basically says it’s all Whitey’s fault!
I see Victoria Derbyshire is braving the cold outside Parliament this morning .The BBC seem to have managed to dig up a pro EU panel all shivering on College Green.Presumably they are from Islington Lambeth and Notting Hill.
Definately they are pushing the soft Brexit conspiracy . More power for May = Soft Brexit and a defeat for the Eurosceptics .
As far as I’m concerned soft Brexit means no Brexit.
The dismantling of the BBC should be top of the Tory manifesto.
It’s more important than ever at this election, to write to your MP, particularly if they are Conservative, and ask them to clearly outline their position on Brexit, should they win.
Essentially we want to know if a strong Tory majority will guarantee that we leave the EU, the free trade area and the customs union.
You have it in black and white then.
If they’re serious about it, then you’ll get a clear cut answer. If they give a vague answer, then let them know that you won’t be voting for them, and you’ll be encouraging as many people as possible to do the same.
Good idea.
‘Tory majority will guarantee that we leave the EU’ — Er, and exactly what would be the terms of the ‘guarantee’? Theresa May to forfeit her head if she tries to break her promise? There are no guarantees in politics and ANYBODY who believes ANY politician left or right, deserves to be conned…
Well if everyone thought like that, then no one would bother even voting.
It would appear that May is going to the electorate promising us what I outlined above, as well as claiming that a larger majority will strengthen her hand when dealing with the EU and also those who wish to ignore the referendum result.
If, however, she promises these things, gets a good majority, but waters down Brexit, then it will be one of the biggest betrayals in modern British politics. Not even comparable to raising NI contributions for the self employed or some such.
Not only would she be ignoring the election result, but the referendum result too, and I think forfeiting her head would be an easy option under those circumstances, as it would effectively mean the breaking of the contract between the electorate and those which we elect to serve our interests. It would certainly destroy the Conservative Party, and quite possibly people’s faith in our current system.
I’ve found communicating directly with my local MP to be very worthwhile in the past, and I’ll certainly be keeping up the pressure. A written commitment which you go on to break so spectacularly can come back to haunt you. Just ask Nick Clegg.
Mice Height, after the Brexit referendum I wrote to my MP and told him my support for him in future elections would be conditional on his support of Brexit. I got a rather terse reply stating that although he did not agree with Brexit he would abide by the decision of the referendum. I suspect many people wrote similar letters, which is why the MPs voted for Article 50.
This angle that a good majority will allow the PM to crush Brexit hardliners and deliver a soft Brexit is just an attempt by the pro Remainers to stop UKIP voters switching to the Tories.
If the PM wanted a soft Brexit without upsetting her strong Eurosceptics , her best course of action would have been to carry on with a small majority and allow the pro Remain parties and the HoL to force concessions and weaken ourdeal with Brussels. By calling an election the PM has convinced me that if she wins a decent majority and hence mandate , she will deliver a Brexit that frees us from Brussels and its courts and from paying huge sums of money each year, and those are the things which matter.
The best thing that an happen from a Brexit view is for the Tories to win the GE with a majority of at least 50, preferably more than 80. This will demolish all the Remoaner arguments about mandates and Leavers not understanding what they voted for and it will crush any notion that there can be a second referendum etc. The Blair, Mandelson , Farron, Clegg goose will be well and truly cooked.
There must be quite a lot of soon-to-be-Ex-mps wondering what they’ll do when they lose their seats!
Fruit-picking is good for June, maybe car-washing or something like that!
Scroblene – Not car washing – don’t forget we have boatloads of brain surgeons, nuclear physicists and brilliant microbiologists to do that.
Out of work MPs can just cash in their Saudi payments, maybe get a cushy job in a Saudi financed University as a director of Islamic Studies
Since Jeremy Corbyn is currently earning £130,000-00 per annum, I think it’s highly unlikely he’ll doing any fruit picking when he retires…. Meanwhile May’s ‘Cherry Picking’, doesn’t seem to have gone too well does it? Unfortunately soft Brexit is on the cards…
Let’s hope Marin la Penn wins the French Election and the French vote for Frexit – That will be the effective end of the EU – Doesn’t the phrase ‘end of the EU’ have a nice ring to it…
According to his shadow chancellor McDonnell, Worzel Dustybyn is one of the wealthy elite that need to be taxed more.
Solidarity brothers!
Well for Labour the options will be legion, local government , unions, NHS, BBC, Guardian , Museum, head of quango, charity sector . In fact almost any non productive job , preferably in the public sector. The left look after their own and hope to once again inject them into the blood stream of public life in the future, just like the parasites they are.
“preferably in the public sector”
That should read “only in the public sector”. No private business which actually has to earn a living would want to waste money employing a loser like an ex Labour MP.
The Guardian isn’t officially paid for by taxation so I put preferably
Yes lots of vacancies, now that the evil Brexiteers have booted out the hard working EU migrants.
The only thing that can really demolish the loathsome EU quickly enough, will be Frexit – Here’s hoping…
Yes Double that’s what I think too.She could just let the opposition water everything down and say she had no choice .I think its showing leadership to call an election and get a mandate.
Corbyn’s supporters in the Antifa and Class War are preparing for the General Election.
Is there any chance that the cops will act?
They have made their intentions clear.
Fuck The Tories Bloc On Whitehall
Public · Hosted by HS161 – Antifascists
clock 27 May at 12:00 to 28 May at 12:00
Show Map
Downing Street
12 Downing Street, SW1A 2A London, United Kingdom
.HS161 are calling on all antifascists, anarchists, centrists, leftists… basically anyone who hates the Tories to march with us on………….
The Conservative party are a party of the elite, only serving the elite, while the make the poor suffer.
They are responsible for deaths through removal of benefits, a rise in food banks, child poverty and homelessness.
And now they are attempting a snap election as a power grab. They have done this at a time where opposition is so weak they have very little chance of losing.
Let’s stop them! Let’s show them they don’t represent us. Revolution time!
for more info.
Email: hs161antifascists@yandex.com
Oooooooh, Tarquin and Talulah are stamping their feet again. Waaaaaah! Waaaaaaah!
These Antifa cretins have been making utter twats of themselves in the USA just recently. Showing the Regressive Left’s true colours, causing more and more people to support the Right, and getting a good hiding from patriots at the same time.
I love James Woods, there aren’t many like him in the left wing cesspit of Hollywood.
Agree. Very few Hollywood actors support freedom and democracy – most want MORE state control
I thought he was dead! Now realised I was confusing him with Dennis Hopper (cuckoo!)
Tarquin and Jemima should go back to their history books. A ‘snap election as a power grab’ doesn’t always work. It was probably why Conservative PM Edward Heath called a GE in February 1974 – but it resulted in a Labour victory with ‘Darling Harold’ and ‘Sunny Jim’ in power for five years. They should think positive and see this as an opportunity for St Jeremy of Corbyn to do the same!
Do these morons really think they can stop a general election with their pathetic protests,I hope the Police give them a good kicking?
Under Common Purpose Commissioner Dick they are more likely to stand back and let them get on with it.
Never was a senior police officer more aptly named.
She should get together with Prick Robinson.
Grant – Perhaps Ed Balls might be better ……
this image ??

@GWF I think this is Antifa Demo event image that you posted but doesn’t show
Good to see the BBC have adjusted their output to continually finding a majority who condemn Treezers decision and, in so doing, breathing a new lease of life into very tiny Tim and the Fifth Columnists north of the Border. But where’s Clegg? -perhaps he’s on holiday and the BBC have yet to track him down.
More to the point, I, like many others, sense a conspiracy in relation to this, ‘snap election’. The public are denied the facts and only provided with the ‘froth’ behind Treezer’s decision. One simple question: why did Treezer gain so much immediate support for her decision from EU leaders including Merkel et al who she apparently spoke with?
My fear? – what’s certainly cooking beneath the surface?
If it is true that Merkel is pleased then Brexit is dead. This looks more and more like stage 2 of plan B .
One absolute certainty is that any government other than a Tory one will kill Brexit for all time. If you want Brexit you have to vote Tory , even if you do so holding your nose with your fingers crossed.
(I hope I’m not posting this twice, my first attempt disappeared…) If Merkel is pleased, then it can only be that there is some advantage to Germany. I do remember that shortly after the referendum when many gravy train passengers made menacing noises that Britain would be excluded from the single market, Germany’s industrialists were insisting that they must have a trade deal with Britain. After all, look how many German cars there are on Britain’s roads, and the allied trade in car parts, and the trade in beer, wine and with firms like Miele, Lidl and Aldi to name a few.
Let’s also not forget the REAL reason for Merkel’s opening of Germany’s borders in 2015, something that the SJWs with their short memory spans have forgotten (so much for the expansion of higher education). In the spring of 2015, Europe’s left set in motion a boycott of German goods in protest at their bullying of Greece. Then Mutti said “Let them come”, and the boycott, and Greece, was soon forgotten.
Merkel will always put Germany’s interests at the forefront.
Merkel NEVER puts Germany’s interest at the forefront look at the mass immigration and the blind obedience to every EU marxist diktat
G, it sure will not be over until it’s over and the Fat Lady is past hitting the highest notes. However, have there not been some rumours that around the EU member capitals a healthy dose of realism has hit home and they accept the UK is out? Therefore, a quick, easy-going, even-handed deal (yeah, I know, that’s a lot to hope for) will probably benefit both sides the most.
In contrast, a long-winded, hard-headed negotiation that seeks some reparation, especially on the EU side might damage the UK’s economic standing and economy but that hurt may then drag bits of the total EU (think Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, maybe even Commerzbank in Germany) over the edge into oblivion.
Ultimately, continuing GDP growth, low inflation, low interest rates and nursing the weakest Euro economies may trump any desire to play tough with the UK.
If Theresa May wins a healthy majority, I would not be at all surprised if there is a fairly quick offer for a clean, quick, clear break with the EU in March 2019. In fact I did wonder if that was to be the announcement yesterday, before the BBC rumours of a GE reached me after the actual announcement.
Apparently you can tell whether it is Party Political or National announcement by the lectern and badge they use. (Courtesy BBC R4 – doing just a little bit of informing and educating. Did not stop the BBC using the wrong photo on the web-site!)
In any trade negotiations between the UK and the EU the UK have the whip hand and even the EU are not so stupid as not to know that. We are in a very strong position.
Labour and the Liberal Democrats are un-electable which leaves the doors wide open for(in theory) UKIP and the Conservatives to clean up.
The BBC knows this, hence why their initial shrill of joy at a snap General Election(Brexit might be defeated!) sunk without a trace as the cold reality of a blue coloured juggernaut train hit them.
I now see the BBC has trotted out it’s old horse word “defends” in a new headline “May DEFENDS snap election plan”.
Obviously the BBC have indeed seen the writing on the wall.
Role on June 8th.
Don’t fool yourself. The Tories are just the same as the Labour lot and the Fib Dems, all part of the uni party.
When they say there’s more which unites us than divides us, they aren’t kidding, you’d be lucky to get a cigarette paper between any of them.
Very many Tories are remainiacs and it seems that discipline over party selection is non existent.
Meanwhile Corbyn has set up the reasons the party will fail. He was going to allow the membership to vote on who gets to stand as PPCs, but now he has changed his mind with the timescale and will let all existing candidates continue.
When he loses, as he inevitably will, this will be given as the reason, and that there needs to be a purge of the Blairites.
Thoughtful, you may have something of a point or two there. OTOH, the people making the most noise for Anti-Brexit and/or very Soft, Almost Nothing Changes Brexit, are Soubry and Clarke together with Heseltine over in the Lords.
At least one of those is now gone and I would not be in the slightest bit surprised if House of Lords Reform features high in the Tory manifesto.
If the PM gets a good majority, let alone a large one, the hard-line Tory Remainiacs are weakened. Some of those who campaigned to Remain have already indicated that they accept Brexit and wish to move on. TM may have her ‘Falklands Effect’ moment. Just hope it doesn’t go to her head like the previous female incumbent at No.10 Downing Street.
Don’t fool yourself. The Tories are just the same as the Labour lot and the Fib Dems, all part of the uni party.
When they say there’s more which unites us than divides us, they aren’t kidding, you’d be lucky to get a cigarette paper between any of them.
Very many Tories are remainiacs and it seems that discipline over party selection is non existent.
Meanwhile Corbyn has set up the reasons the party will fail. He was going to allow the membership to vote on who gets to stand as PPCs, but now he has changed his mind with the timescale and will let all existing candidates continue.
When he loses, as he inevitably will, this will be given as the reason, and that there needs to be a purge of the Blairites.
Is there any chance of UKIP fighting amongst themselves on show again? R.I.P I’m afraid for me. I had often thought: vote UKIP ‘warts and all’ but now………. They should have one final drunken brawl on the lawn and end it all there.
Here’s where you detail the bias! Let us know what the BBC has doing to incur your wrath!
The BBC incurs my wrath by existing, and expecting me to beleive its propaganda and pro islam and pro EU agenda to the exclusion of facts and balance, but the worst thing by far that the BBC does to incur my wrath is that the BBC expects me to pay the BBC for its lies and propaganda
Chuka, admitting that he and his Party are weak and useless.
I wondered how long it would be before somebody said calling a GE would be undemocratic! Mind you I thought it would be Gina Miller rather than Chuckus Yermunny.
The only people who reject the idea of an opposition are Labour themselves, too busy in-fighting to form an effective one.
Boo hoo Treezer is a big bully. Poor Chuka
Beat me to it! My thought was, boo-hoo, I’m in the losing party!
I think he redefines the word “pillock”.
‘We shouldn’t hold an election because we are not a dictatorship’ is probably the most bizarre example of lefty ‘logic’ I have heard in a long time.
I shall add it to the comment that I received from my ex-MP that “I won’t tolerate intolerance”.
Another one that was a favourite of all politicians a few years ago; “sustainable growth”.
Chuka is a disgrace. He has conceded defeat already. I would have thought he would have welcomed Treezer’s decision as a democratic chance for Labout to sweep into power.
One of the wits on here once said that Chukka was so in love with his image in the mirror that he could eat himself !! I’m still chukkaling !!
Has he been married yet, to that woman who looked like ‘rent a fiancee’?
It was the walk in the clean Welsh fresh air that did it for Treez to call the ‘Game On’. Thats why we in the west all voted Brexxxxxxxit !
Goodness knows what she would have one if it had been clean Scottish Air !
Hi , taffman , thought you may be interested to know I have been talking to various Kippers on FB & a huge amount , will be voting Conservative , to keep out the Unholy Alliance , of Corbyn , Farron & the SNP . Even Brexit Labourites are voting Conservative . Sorry to pass on bad, Kipper News. The BBC will be very annoyed too ! That`s very good news. Enjoy the election .
Its good to hear from you. Where have you been hiding ?
Anything that gets us out of the EU is Great News !
All thanks to Farage and his ‘kippers’. If we had relied on your pal Carmoron’s ‘big deal’ we would still be under the Big European Union Boot . I am going to relish the election 😀
The MSM are getting excited about demands to ban the sale of “Kodi” streaming boxes. I’m very much in two minds about this, having discussed it recently with a mate who knows far more about computers than I do.
Being a little cynical, I can’t help feeling that it has more to do with protecting their control over what we are allowed to know, than some high minded belief that the law must always be respected – which, of course, it isn’t. The police “prioritise” all the time.
Illegal streaming is, obviously, illegal. Can’t fault the logic in that argument. My issue is “is it immoral?”, taking into account the contempt that the MSM has for the general public, or large parts of it. I used to believe that illegal downloading was wrong under any circumstances, depriving film makers of revenue etc. Perhaps it still is, but I’ve softened my stance considerably. However, I haven’t gone as far as buying one of the things. Perhaps I’m just a coward who doesn’t want to risk being made an example of, although I understand the risk is small.
Anyway, I recall similar fears about the impact of cinema on the theatre (actually I don’t, I’m not that old), TV on radio, cassettes on LPs, VCRs on movie sales etc. In each case, fears turned out to be exaggerated and it proved impossible to suppress the constant demand for new technology. Some people argue that free music downloads stimulate interest in music but I can’t vouch for that. Somebody must be losing out.
I’m definitely leaning towards using Kodi or something similar to avoid paying the Licence Fee. I believe that the BBC in particular lost any moral right to my cash a long time ago, regardless of what the law says. Would I be wrong to do so?
Hell, for many years the bbc has had a very good run for our money. Enjoyed very nice jobs with very nice terms and conditions. Been insulated from the real world of work where many others have suffered and are suffering.
The bbc is in no way an essential service and it’s assured existence cannot be justified.
So I look forward to the likes of ‘Kodi’ etc..
Mr Eckerslyke, it’s an interesting point and I write as someone who has worked in the field of copyright law (albeit as a layman, not a lawyer).
I do not have a telly, on point of principle, but I do watch quite a lot of old films, plays etc on Youtube. Many of these are out of copyright but quite a lot cannot be due to their recent date.
Youtube does often remove material on copyright grounds, but a lot of stuff remains on there. My personal view is that if somebody’s livelihood is actively being affected by their material being posted illegally on Youtube, they will complain and it will be removed. So that which remains is presumably not considered of sufficient value to the copyright holder to bother about.
Also, a lot of old films and TV programmes are not available to purchase in any other format (DVD etc) so it is simply not possible to deprive the copyright holder of revenue by watching them on Youtube.
There is also the argument that watching streamed films and music on Youtube is no different to watching them on television or listening to them on the radio. It provides publicity for the artists, and they receive funding through Youtube advertising and click-throughs etc.
The law, as well as morality, is very grey in this area but it seems the big no-no is to actively profit from someone else’s copyrighted works, eg by illegally copying and distributing films for profit.
Thank you.
Apparently, a lot of old stuff is available online such as every Dr Who since William Hartnell (the “real” Dr Who, IMO). I’m not necessarily interested in watching these again, even out of nostalgia, but I take the view that I (or my parents, strictly speaking) contributed towards the production costs decades ago and shouldn’t have to pay for them again. In effect, we already “own” them. The royalties are a different matter.
So far as fair payment for more recent work is concerned, I agree. To be brutally honest though, do I really care? In view of the lies, lies by omission, and propaganda I am subjected to, I can’t summon up a great deal of concern. I think that distribution is changing and the TV companies will have to adapt. Movie makers have a better case.
It will sort itself out in time. Torrents used to be the biggest threat, now it’s streaming. Next year it will be something else.
Getting a full Kodi demonstration at the weekend. I understand that the software itself is legal. Should be interesting.
Cranmer: ” My personal view is that if somebody’s livelihood is actively being affected by their material being posted illegally on Youtube, they will complain and it will be removed. So that which remains is presumably not considered of sufficient value to the copyright holder to bother about.”
Possibly not so much for films but certainly with music, leaving material on YouTube can be a great way to enhance future sales. I have listened to music on YouTube and then have gone on to buy the CD as a result on several occasions.
Willy, “I believe that the BBC in particular lost any moral right to my cash a long time ago, regardless of what the law says. Would I be wrong to do so?”
Legally, yes. Morally? Well, it’s where you personally set the bar. There are practical as well as moral reasons why I choose to be legally Licence free.
On the other hand, the BBC has taken the Licence Fee at point of prosecution from poor people to make those that the BBC favours rich. Some of them receiving Licence Fee payers money are still not content with high earnings but then seek to avoid or evade the taxation due on those high earnings. Others have used those high earnings to indulge in illegal activities. In addition, the BBC preaches one kind of morality and sets a standard for its listeners and viewers, think Climate Change and reducing carbon emissions, but then needlessly indulges itself in unnecessary travel. A good example of this last point would be Justin Webb’s reports this week from the US:Mexico border.
Then there is the question of advertising. The BBC is, ostensibly, not carrying advertising and uses that as a reason for being entitled to the bulk of the Licence Fee. Except that it does carry advertising and the amount is growing. It is dispersed through News and Current Affairs and other programming, together with the web-site and on-line activities.
Then there is the matter of how the BBC treats repeats. Many repeats are disguised on re-broadcast. Continuity routinely does not mention that a programme is a repeat and has even claimed, on occasion, that a repeat is new programme broadcast for the first time. There are other problems over BBC accuracy, in its news reporting.
As for repeats available on CD/DVD/BluRay, the BBC expects further payment for a programme that Licence Fee payers have already paid for. Should it not, morally, be free to them?
Another justification for the Licence Fee is that the BBC is a national broadcaster and is a public broadcaster. On that last point, it routinely dismisses requests by its ‘owners’ (that is us, the public) for programme, scheduling and web-site changes, other reforms and for information or in reply to ‘complaints’. As for national coverage, it is but it is not. In a fragmented (and overly fragmented at that) way and with monopoly coverage of radio, it is a sort of national broadcaster but it is still very London-centric. It could be argued those are two more areas where the BBC is lacking in morality.
Personally, I would not encourage you to indulge in illegally accessing real-time broadcast TV. Should you consider it further, I would encourage you first to write to the Director General (not to tell him what you may or may not do) but to place these charges firmly on his desk and ask him what he is going to do to rectify the behaviour of the BBC.
I would prefer that you did not use any of the above verbatim but feel free to use it as a sort of template and to put it in your own words, with your own priority or ordering of the points I have made. Copying your letter to your MP might be a very good idea, as well as the new Minister responsible for Media after 8 June. I am sure that regulars here and on the Is The BBC Biased? web-site will be interested in what sort of reply you receive.
Thank you for your comments.
I’ll give some thought to writing to the BBC, my MP etc but I can’t help feeling that I might as well write to the Pope for all the good it would do. And, to be honest, I would resent the time it would take.
My decision might be influenced by the fact that the software on my BT YouView box has been updated and “improved” but they seem to have made a total pig’s ear of it. Lists of recordings have been replaced by trendy “tiles” or, put another way, pictures, but unlike much free software elsewhere, there is virtually no scope for customisation. There are other issues. BT or whoever is responsible clearly knows best. Sound familiar? The state/nationalised industry mentality hangs around for years like a bad smell.
Things are changing. The big, overbearing media companies are losing control and not a moment too soon, in my opinion.
They wont be able to ban the sale of Kodi boxes.
Any device that runs on android, or the apple ios, or windows, or linux, can be loaded with kodi as an operating system.
There are countless instruction videos on youtube, and you can even load kodi onto a smart tv using a usb memory stick of about 8 gigs.
Mind you…kodi aint for the easily pissed off, its very very changeable and forums and facebook groups exist to share info, but FB shuts em down.
I have installed/used an a*+*^*^n firestick, and a.n android tv box,.
To be honest, it has its place, but I found very very frustrating.
Mrs Dysgwr having the patience of a gnat had no chance of using.
As a retired programmer and having used an ‘unlocked’ Kodi box, they do work but the way the streamers switch feeds (to avoid the legalities) is real nerd territory and hardly worth the effort.
I’m veering between hopefulness and anxiety over this, hoping against hope that this will finally put a stop to the whinging from remoaners, but anxious that little Timmy Farron will pick up too many votes for my liking.
I’ve already had to endure his ugly little pinhead all over the telly this morning, and I’m not sure I can handle 7 more weeks of it.
I really need to see Eddie Izzard nail his colours to the remain, Lab/Lib mast to be sure of a Tory/Brexiteer victory.
Shelly – whinging from Remoaners ever shall be, world without end. What I am more concerned about is whether the GE will be seen as Referendum Round Two. Remainers may vote Liberal or Labour in the hope of a reversal of Brexit and if we had a Lib/Lab/SNP alliance in power this could easily happen. It depends, I think, how clear Labour are about whether they support Brexit or not.
nail his colours, or colour his nails?
One of those precious moments so easily overlooked by the pro’s on the sofa this morning: John McDonnell, oozing sincerity and speaking, as ever, ‘man-to-man’ – albeit to Louise Minchin – repeatedly damned Treesa for ‘breaking her word’ and calling a snap election as a desperate party-political move. And then, oh joy, he says ‘of course we’ve been planning and gearing up for this since last November…’ but, believe it or not Ms Minchin didn’t seem to think it worth querying the point. Shame really, but then, they had to leave plenty of time to repeat Brenda’s valuable contribution – of which we can expect far, far, more.
Utter Rowlocks from McWotsit!
Not only is he a politician, he’s a far lefty politico!
The wet, anti-Trump brigade will vote Liberal. Farron is like the grid on a sewage pipe.
‘Farron is like the grid on a sewage pipe’ — Well the grid on a sewage pipe stops the raw, lumpy stuff coming out of the pipe. Farron doesn’t appear to have any such grid on his mouth…
I’m just amazed how much coverage the likes of Timmy and the Scottish nationalists get. The likes of Timmy want proportional representation yet how many people voted for them in the last election? And Scotland total population? 7 million ? Population of England ? Probably around 50 million – half of which is in the SE of England.( which is where I be). Yet who speaks for me on the Beeb ? No one. So not taxation without representation .
On a more upbeat note~ the PM was asked a planted question at PMQ about supporting the hair brained overseas aid budget and Carefully did not answer. Testing the waters for the manifesto finding away out of such a stupid liberal idea to send £13 billion of our money out of Blighty for no solid return.
If anything I think the BBC is “Scotcentric” rather than Londoncentric. That fishwife is never off the damn screen. More “Mancentric” than it used to be, but no increase in coverage East of the Pennines as far as I can see.
BBC bods just don’t travel far from where they’re located unless a sunny beach is involved.
Forget the General Election. Forget North Korea. Forget Syria. Forget the racist murders in California. The BBC knows what is really important. The home page of its website is currently running an item of news (sic) headed ‘Cara Delevingne mascara ad banned’ (no, me neither). Apparently ‘A Rimmel mascara advert starring Cara Delevingne has been banned for using tricks to exaggerate the look of her “dangerously bold lashes”‘. Dangerously bold lashes, eh? Presumably not of the sort handed out in Saudi Arabia. Whilst the former world-renowned broadcaster has a reputation for reporting trivia, it is interesting to speculate on what lies behind this piece. BBC employee has a partner turned down for a job at Rimmel? BBC fashion team not invited to a product launch? The possibilities are endless.
I am happy that the BBC are not lowering their high standards.
I think it’s purely because she is an ‘it’ girl, and also, drumroll, ‘openly bisexual’. I think to myself, you can tell when you’re getting old because you just can’t be bothered to read tripe like that.
I suppose declaring yourself some version of none binary get’s you, publicity, sympathy, support but as you suggest, who gives a monkey’s.
It will soon be relegated to the ranks of, ‘so what’ and ‘big deal’.
Then the rest of us can pop up and declare we are, openly heterosexual. See how that goes.
I expect that the BBC will be trying to limit the size of the Tory majority. If they can keep the majority to 50 or less then the Remoaners can keep on believing . A majority of over 80 means the Remoaners dreams are dead. So the BBC has much to play for. They will therefore be majoring on the following themes :
1. U turn by PM so she is untrustworthy and doesn’t like democratic opposition i.e. She isn’t a democrat. This coming from anti democratic Remoaners is priceless
2. A large Tory majority means she can do a soft Brexit . This is ridiculous and aimed at stopping UKIP voters switching to the Tories.
3. If you want to stop Brexit you should vote tactically against the Tory and UKIP. They will have Farron on almost permanently , as if he were the leader of the opposition, and try to keep Corbyn off the screens.
4. Then of course the usual domestic stuff of NHS, Housing etc etc
Not sure that most voters will appreciate the subtlety of that or have time to think about it. Just the simple choice that the best chance to get out of the EU is to vote Tory. I am no friend of the Tories but that is Realpolitik.
I am faced with a very difficult choice. In Scotland, the fight is pro or anti independence referendum. I live in the only Scottish Labour seat left, so do I hold my nose and vote Labour in order to keep the SNP out, or do I vote Tory in the almost certain knowledge the Tory won’t win but it might well let in the SNP?
I don’t know if UKIP will be standing, but here it’s the very definition of a wasted vote.
This may help others (not sure if the BBC will bring it up):
Well I have a similar problem I will have to vote Labour for the first time in my life to keep Lib Dems out.He is a long term leaver.Tories /UKIP have no chance.i will hold my nose and do it.
Good news. That sleazebag Osborne has resigned as MP. Lets hope Tatton choose a Brexiteer.
I’m still waiting to hear any commentary by the BBC (or anyone, for that matter) as to why Labour has agreed to vote in favour of the General Election. I don’t know the exact numbers, but suspect that they could scupper it by voting against, as 2/3 of MPs have to vote in favour.
So just why are the turkeys voting in favour of Christmas?
Tricky one – they have to go for the GE in order to cling on to their last vestige of credibility but not withstanding that, Labour (with or without the big guns of Tim Farron) has all the plans to bring us heaven on Earth. I know this because the bbc tells us so.
Do the Lords have a say, as in the usual run of things? The BBC have neglected to inform me. In fact, at first yesterday they appeared to forget the Fixed Term Parliament Act altogether.
Oh the BBC are wetting themselves at the thought of a ‘progressive liberal left alliance’. It would appear that some kind of ‘post election pact’ has caught their imagination and they are fascinated at the prospect.
London Explosion house in Haringay
Police called to a disturbance at address in Stapleton Hall Road #StroudGreen Two injured following localised explosion in property”
Officer injured
Met Twitter thread
WTF is going on with all these domestic explosions lately? Is it meth labs, bomb factories, Polish moonshine stills, or what?
Almost certainly a petrol vapour explosion. The guy pours petrol everywhere then threatens police for a few minutes. By the time he lights a match the vapour has mixed with air and reached higher explosive limit.
It really does put a solid gold cap on it with, neon lights, laser display and 100 piece orchestra.
A democratic, free, fair election, with opposition parties backed by our national broadcaster funded by the people, is somehow a bad thing?
I thought I’d seen it all but then I hear that Mrs May said she’d have cornflakes but changed her mind and had shreddies. Truly, we can not believe a word she says.
Which constituency and for which party is Gina Miller standing?
Good question and I would assume the BBC Party will be fielding numerous candidates?
The BBC Party will be fielding 650 candidates or so. They will designate them as Labour or Labour Co-operative.
I guess it will not be Labour after McDonnell’s little £70,000 or £80,000 performance this morning.
Could hear the BBC’s pips squeaking!
Any Radio 3 listeners here? I do like to wake up to the Through the Night programme, except when they have a ‘special’ of an 8 hour composition of modern sh*te by some composer I’ve never heard of.
It used to have a good website, but recently it seems to have been taken over by some spotty-faced yoof fresh out of design college. You wouldn’t believe that classical music had anything to do with white European men who are long dead, or that Radio 3 has anything to do with classical music at all. I am seriously wondering if I can tolerate the ads and switch to Classic FM. Surprisingly they have recently featured a long-dead European male; Bach, one of the greats of the baroque era, but the yoof have given his portrait a makeover that makes him look like a tranny. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p04z190t
Funny you should mention shite. When asked if he had ever listened to Stockhausen, Sir Thomas Beecham replied ” No, but I think I trod in some once “.
Radio 3 – another candidate for closure or sell-off. Has less than half the audience of Classic FM; if the commercial sector can deliver this, why do we need a BBC offering?
PS Englishtothecore… an internet radio or an app like TuneIn Radio will give access to more than 300 classical stations from across the world, many dedicated to particular composers or genres, public service stations without adverts, many of high audio quality. All for free.
Thanks for that Ian, being rather behind on tech stuff I hadn’t thought of that. I’ll give it a try.
I love that quote, Grant!
One more observation about the BBC website – I’m currently across the Channel (thankfully not for long) and the BBC News home page rarely has anything to do with British news when accessed from an IP address outside the UK.
“the BBC News home page rarely has anything to do with British news”
Same thing within the UK, I’m afraid.
Nonsense ” Victoria Beckham receives OBE for fashion “. You Philistines.
Nonsense ” Victoria Beckham receives OBE for fashion “. You Philistines.”
Ha ha! Currently using an Italian IP and that didn’t appear on today’s home page, must be something to do with the Italian sense of fashion. They’d probably arrest her if she landed at Rome for crimes against style (or maybe just for being who she is).
LOL ! Well you are lucky you had me to point out what you are missing.
I’ve had 2 recent trips back to Blighty and there really is far less British news on the home page when accessed from abroad. I do get your point though Ian, very true!
The BBC News website is a bit bit weird
What country does it belong to ? MediaBubbleworld ?
Like it’s got an Election block
and then it goes on to stuff like a Fox anchor getting fired
Whereas ITV has the Election block and then
– Three police officers among injured in house explosion
..whys the BBC not cover that ?
– Bill Gates: UK aid saves lives and keeps Britain safe
..OK SJW Propaganda but British
– Nationwide disruption as fire closes Euston railway station
..London story
– Prince Harry: ‘I hope mum would be proud’
– Bill O’Reilly leaves Fox News after sexual harassment claims
– Weather: Cold start but sunny spells later
BBCNews homepage has media people stories : Harry, Beckham etc
and Weird sories :
– When cheap everyday things go designer
– How did the new Dragons make their millions?
– Charlie Chaplin: Growing up with an icon
– Fans mourn loss of Patrick the wombat
– Dirty cars turned into art
– ‘Living at home with my dead father’ (Indonesia)
* Virgin Money boss on battling depression
– How do you stop sharks attacking?
* Hugh Pym: Health will be key issue in election
– Snipers and green tea on Helmand’s front line
* Are lower earners bearing the tax burden?
* Firebrand Mélenchon galvanises French left
…* denotes adverts for their friends + pet issues
– Live updates from Barcelona v Juventus and Monaco v Dortmund
– LIVE British Swimming Championships
* Farah injection not recorded properly
– Snooker LIVE Watch: Hawkins v Ford & Day v Xiao
* Fox to ‘drop Bill O’Reilly’ amid lawsuits
– ‘Progress’ in fighting tropical diseases
– Most teenagers ‘happy with life’
– Holiday Inn hotels hit by payment hack
– Physicists observe ‘negative mass’
– Theatre boss lifts lid on backstage rows
There’s no stories I’m interested to click on
ON the UK page the additional stories are
* Young voters on why they’re glad an election is on the way
– Who are the British and Irish Lions on tour this summer?
– The three portraits vying for this year’s BP Portrait Award
– Pregnant woman savaged by dogs
– Dad and 2-year-old killed by rising sea
– School punishes charity haircut teen
– Hunt for TV star’s boyfriend over attack
– Officer who shot IRA man ‘deserves medal’
– Council admits Thunderbird death Mix Up
(They advertised Gerry Anderson would be at Cromer festival, despite him being dead)
I thought the big news is that Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth were finned by the Election Commission
Consider the Conservatives were fined £90K for non cooperation
and yet Greenpeace have been fined £30K
See Paul Homewood’s blog
One would think that there was plenty of scope for a broadcaster in just playing and providing background detail of the composers and performers of classical music.
But the BBC uses every channel to push its dogma. So homosexuality, advancement of women, social justice and global warming now compete with Albinoni, Bach and Chopin.
Unfortunately not all of their favoured brown-eyed boys are in to music:
“In conclusion, avoid all singing, music, gatherings of entertainment, except for gatherings of melodious remembrance of Allah and His Messenger. And, be cautious if singing and music which are of spiritually happiness (not material) and also leads one to remember Allah and only listen sparingly if one could not avoid it at all.”
so that puts some constraints on keeping to the agenda.
“Has less than half the audience of Classic FM; if the commercial sector can deliver this, why do we need a BBC offering?”
I wouldn’t object to that if R3 were doing its job, like it used to. It was never expected to attract high ratings.
I can never figure out why the BBC has so many orchestras when, outside the Proms season, they seem to have such a low profile. Why aren’t they made use of in regular music documentaries for young people? I’m pretty certain that the members are salaried so why don’t we see them on TV?
We know the answer of course. R3, the orchestras, the Proms are probably regarded as Dead White European Male relics and if they could get away with ignoring the genre entirely, I’m sure they would.
Perhaps the BBC music programme planners would prefer something like this (although it looks a little like cultural appropriation to me):
I’m afraid Radio 3 has succumbed to the dumbing down and sound bite era.Not to mention diversity .I tuned in to a recent Parsifal recording from Bayreuth only to hear the commentator ecstatic because the German director set it in the Middle East with the flower maidens in Burkas .You cannot get away from it.
Classic FM is no better – lefties, all, with lefty “news” and lefty ads, to boot.
The ads on Classic FM which really get my goat (sorry Old Goat!), are the ones which at the end gabble through the terms and conditions at Warp Factor 8 so that no-one could possibly take them in.
…and then they have the nerve to deluge us with ads from the Advertising Standards Authority itself…
Plus side is I am well versed on the myriad reasons not to buy a car.
Can’t actually recall anything about the cars being advertised, so all good.
Radio 5 ‘live’ has an irritating section where they have to repeat all the shrieking and squealing of sports ‘reporters’ when someone wins a car race or kicks a goal.
At 3:30am, when all is a bit bleak, the last thing you want to hear is some overpaid twonk yelling his stupid head off…
Heck – thanks for the warning OG!
FT 100 down 0.25% on the day so far. So beginning to stabilise.
If Farage stands and gets in, it would make for some wonderful bbc output and the Commons would be so much fun.
But if he was in the House of Lords we could run a book on how many cases of apoplexy during each of his speeches.
The cardiac ward in Tommy’s (hospital) would be overflowing.
I’m puzzled.
Last night Radio 5’s French Election expert told us that three-quarters of ‘left- winger’ Mélenchon’s policies were the same as le Pen’s, who, as the BBC constantly spits out, is ‘far right’, so how can that be? Has someone been feeding us ‘fake news’ all these years?
I heard Kinnock say that there won’t be another Labour government in his lifetime, in that case I hope that the old windbag has an exceedingly good innings indeed.
Never thought I would wish Pillock good health and a long life but I have just done a U-turn.
He does have quite some experience of being unelectable.
Bad news is that Kinnock was always shit at forecasting anything.
Court decision on Economic migrants using Human Rights act to claim damages for being arrested for entering UK on false passport
Times pg 57 Case of SXH vs CPS
2008 Somalian Refugee flies in to Stansted on Fake passport shes given option of returning to Eindhoven ..or arrest for fake passport.
but in court CPS offer no evidence
So her lawyers turn around and sue UK for breach of Human Rights etc.
FFS it’s good that court resources aren’t needed for British people
BTW this parasite was given political asylum anyway despite committing (at least one) criminal offence by using forged documents to attempt entry into the UK. She had travelled from Somalia to the Netherlands (where, significantly, she hadn’t applied for asylum) and from there to here. She is not and was not a “refugee” – she was a migrant and a criminal one at that – and still was granted asylum. Two years after being granted asylum she had the sheer chutzpah to sue HM government (ie you and me) to get a bit of cash on the basis that her “human rights” were breached. We are not told in the judgement who paid for her case: I reckon though – again – you and I coughed up for this travesty.
Undoubtedly the appellant suffered grievously in her native country but, after all, she was granted asylum here when arguably she shouldn’t have been, having travelled via the Netherlands which I believe still qualifies as a safe place for a putative asylum seeker. Even so, Lord Kerr, although finding against her regretted that she was “forced” to use forged papers to enter the UK. Kerr is one of the most right-on members of the Supreme Court arguing – according to the Spectator – that “human rights treaties have effect in English law even without legislation”.
The creation of the Supreme Court ,staffed by unelected judges , is one of Blairs most cunning creations. He handed over the judiciary to his liberal left placemen so they can continue the liberal lefts policies even when the left have been voted out of government. These appointed judges have no accountability and seemingly little requirement to follow and enforce the law of the land but with the authority to make any interpretation of the law that they feel is expedient. This allows Blair’s gang of Globalists to thwart the will of Parliament and hence of the people. It has in fact handed over power and the governance of the country to unelected judges who were appointed because of their New Labour credentials.
Not only have we to get rid of the rule from Brussels but also we need to get rid of the rule of these unelected judges. We need to do a hell of a lot of work to get our country back!
Even when they sat in the House of Lords the senior judiciary (and the rest of the judiciary) has always been appointed not elected. One problem is who appoints them. Another problem is that the legal profession is showing signs of being corrupted by the march through the institutions arguably seriously begun (as far as the judiciary is concerned) in the 60s.
For the time being the senior (and junior) judiciary is not finacially corrupt. Passing brown envelopes stuffed with cash to secure acquittals or a favourable (civil) judgement is still frowned upon. However, the appearance of right-on judges (eg Lord Kerr and Lady Hale) at the very apogee of judicial life is a worrying harbinger of the expanding SJW agenda of the courts.
While the judges were restricted to applying the principles of Common Law and Equity they could be relied upon to bring in verdicts which adhered to common sense and accorded with the experience of ordinary life. The intrusion of continental law – particularly “human rights” ordure – has removed this barrier and we see on a daily basis nonsense paraded as “law”: nonsense, I might add, leaning distinctly to the left.
Recently there was a lot of fuss about we plebs criticising the judiciary, as if they are poor innocents that ‘impartialy’ apply the law and are above such things as politics. That argument might carry more weight if each court ‘up the chain’ always came to the same conclusions after an appeal.
A criticism of judges that surely can be made is the way that, after spending weeks or even years reviewing the evidence, they can condemn someone for making the wrong spilt-second decision. That is pretty rich for a well-paid profession where the greatest threat is getting a paper cut.
slightly off thread..but was just watching ITV and saw a dreadful advert called the “Co-op Way”..I nearly puked. A beautiful language like English reduced to some dreadful effnik patois..FFS! The Rochdale Pioneers would turn in their graves!
A different time, a different people!
lovely..can we all please rewind..
sadly,in a funny sort of way (old age etc.) I remember it very well.
If I recall correctly(!?)..we had a very nice little Co-op store just round the corner from where we lived in Cambridge in the late 60’s . I used to go by my “Ski” yoghourt there..good stuff that was (we thought!)…p.s. thinks..could have been a Fine Fare store..or even a Tesco (oh those times!…wonderful)
One of my Aunties worked for Co-op in 1970’s Stockport
Ah yes I remember it well! That is part of the main Co-op in my hometown Darlington.
The Co-op were everywhere in the 50’s, the butchers, funeral directors, furniture and clothing – I was kitted out for school from the co-op. My mum’s divi was 18057 (just one of those things that ‘stick), and I had my photo taken sitting on Santa’s knee in the big Christmas display, – would that be allowed now ????
Sorry, I have different memories of the Coop from the 40’s and 50’s.
Our branch – mum’s number was 628 – had food downstairs and clothing upstairs. Downstairs on one side was sugar, bread, etc and the other side meat products You queued up at each side. Most of us paid by credit and each month settled up – or when we could afford it.
In the centre was a kind of box with a window and a bureaucrat sitting there. Women who had not been punctual in settling up would be publicly called to the box where they would receive a very public bollocking plus threats to cancel their account. This was a small community and everyone would share your humiliation. Women on the borderline, like my mum, lived in fear of Mrs Millington in the box. A word from her and you would not be served.
Saw that last night. Bloody vomit inducing crapola.
R4 Media Show will soon talk about FakeNews in French election.
And Teacher telling students how to handle FakeNews.
Hope it’s not about filling their heads with LibMob bunk.
She did nutcase qns to BBC News guy
“So Ukip will be allocated no time since it has no MPs ?”
“What will you do about FakeNews?”
Candidate vows to batter Tim Farron in the GE dressed as a FISH FINGER:-
A social internet poll reportedly found that people would trust a fish finger ahead of Mr Farron to govern the country.
Alongside an outrageous outfit, the Parliamentary candidate has vowed to change his name by deed poll to Mr Fish Finger.
The statement on the crowd-funding website said: “We must raise £500 to pay the deposit for Mr Fish Finger to run for MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale.
“This seat has been held since 2005 by Tim Farron, who lost to a fish finger – by a margin of around 99 per cent – in a poll of over 1,000 people, when asked Who would you trust to lead you more?.
“Mr Fish Finger will conduct any related business dressed as a fish finger.”
Good news He has already raised £675.00.
Isn’t the word, ‘Progressive’ when attached to the word, ‘Liberal’ a contradiction in terms or am I not thinking straight.
A Single Market is like a market with tariffs in the form of taxation for the payment of membership of a Single Market. Therefore a more progressive progress would be to leave the Single Market for a “tax and tariff free” Free Market relationship, or even a tariffed market on world trading rules would be cheaper for a nation with a trade deficit in a single market, such as Britain.
So progressive, both economic and democratic, means, Britain leaving the European Union.
Real Liberals or Classical Liberals became Libertarian or nice Right-wing people who believe in democratic rule and freedom from the state.
While the Hypocritical Liberals became Liberal Fascists or nasty Left-wing people who believe in the authoritarian rule of the Liberal elite.
The most important news item on the BBC and the one discussed incessantly is that Mrs May is refusing to play the BBC’s game and take part in a “presidential” debate. No-one – not even Dominic Raab when interviewed by Norman Smith – pointed out that the UK is a parliamentary democracy and the person who becomes prime minister is not elected directly as prime minister but has to command a majority of Commons seats won in the election. Sure the leader is important but – in theory anyway – in any particular seat the electorate votes for an individual who is usually a party member and it’s that individual who chooses which person to support as PM.
Of course, with the media – particularly the BBC – it’s me! me! me! me!, what about me!!! The BBC (and Sky?) are apparently threatening to “empty chair” Mrs M in a putative “leaders” debate. It’s time the MSM in the UK (as is happening in the US) were told to f*** off big time. I hope Mrs M has the balls to persevere with this one.
Good for her AND good for us.
Hear, hear!
Be nice if she sent Farage to stand in – I’d watch!
54 seconds into PM and it’s BBC’s B***dy Brenda again. You’ve got to be joking BBC.
Posted before, but no-one is compelled to vote. The BBC cocking up as usual. If the stupid Brendas of this world do not want to vote, who cares ? Apart from the BBC , that is.
Grant – I think Brenda was just pissed off at the time cos she was late for Bingo. I suspect there is very little goes through her head other than that and Coronation street.
Forgetting Theresas part in all of this. What really grinds my gears are all these pious politicians and BBC 6th form socialist interviewers who have spent the last ten months undermining brexit and platforming all these fifth column arseholes like Clegg, Soudry and Little Timmy. And encouraging the likes of the lovely Gina to stir night soil pot with her saintly and well manicured finger.
As if by magic they have suddenly become all holier than thou. Suggesting that Theresa only wants an election to reinforce her own authority in the Tory party. How could she!
Brexit was all going along very nicely without this – was it?
It is at times like this that I realise that my grasp of reality and their s is very different!
One of the problems for the BBC , fellow Lefties and Remainers is that they are just having to follow events and can’t set the agenda. That is one of the causes of their increasing demented behaviour. They are control freaks but they are not in control. I am thoroughly enjoying it.
It is possible Brenda was a stooge.
But if not, however much we may disagree with her, she is entitled to her view.
The issue of course is that the biased BBC CHOOSE to select her comments and CHOOSE to big her comments up and as of 1825 this evening they are STILL doing so in that patronising ‘Oxbridge looking down on the plebs’ manner at which they excel.
So the question is..why are the bBBC doing that?
The answer of course is to undermine the legitimacy of May’s decision. The very bias this excellent website exists to highlight.
@JimS So Brenda been selected for #BbcOperationBangingOn
It is so wonderful that the Left are terrified about this election !!! They have almost accepted defeat before the vote. But, at last, they have found an old person that they like !
Can Brenda bake a Lemon Drizzle Cake?
In view of the after effects of the Referendum last year and similarly the Trump election, will everybody accept (grudgingly or not) this June election result? I maintain ‘first past the post’ has had its day. At least it will never be considered ‘final’ ever again. But the alternative PR was voted down in the Referendum, was it 2011? What’s left to satisfy the Lib/Lab pact that is quickly coalescing? Maybe a continual cycle of elections whittling numbers down all the way?
I know, as normal, let very Tiny Tim and all his friends go for the sedition they yearn for and keep the pot on the boil!
The Left will never accept the result of any election or referendum unless they win.
I think the clarion call for this election is Freedom.
Freedom from the shackles of the EU.
I am sure the dark forces are still plotting to undermine Brexit.
“The secret of Happiness is Freedom,
And the secret of Freedom,Courage”
Thucydides. 460-395 BC
I see the vile BBC have used numerous over-the-top massive photos of Corbyn in front of adoring crowds of goons holding ‘Vote Labour’ placards as their main pictures for the General Election story on their news homepage webshite; subtle but typical indoctrination tactic by the BBC aimed at imparting a message of who to vote for. It was TM who decided to call the election so why the hell are the BBC festooning their pathetic ‘news’ site with huge photos of Corbyn and his comrades? I bloody hate the BBC and Labour! All we’ve had these last two days is pathetic left-wing bias bemoaning TM’s decision. It seems the left only want democracy when it suits them.
bBBC, already in ‘anyone but the tories’ overdrive, wheel on a couple of journo’s to discuss election issues, one of which is the odious ratbag Owen Jones. This ‘orrible little weasel of a man rants on about May’s decision not to participate in any tv debates. Next we have the opinion of the second journalist, a lady, who Owen Jones immediately interrupts to continue with his own gobshite shit. bBBC interviewer does Jack Shit. These pages are going to be very busy reporting all the bias over the coming campaign.
There will have to be impartial when the election proper kicks in .They are just making the most of it while they can.ive avoided them today as much as I can. I do think a lot of the screeching from the left shows they have been caught napping and they can see the future. I don’t want to be complacent though.
Be prepared to complain to Offcom during the campaign.
They will just use various degrees of separation from the usual suspects to ‘report’ stuff that they can’t push themselves.
Change.org just sent me a petition ‘demanding’ Mrs. May debates their BFFs. About as daft as it gets, but they may crank up the necessary nonsense to get the BBC to ‘analyse’ its import.
VOTE LABOUR! and the streets will be paved with shite.
No, not biased just honest opinion and voting Tory I will not find easy.
Oh for goodness sakes, BBC give it a rest…
How is this news?
I am amazed at how much coverage of the USA the bBBC is giving at the moment. I’m never sure though how much is different though as I’m looking from the USA – I do go to the UK page. For instance
Under the business heading, for goodness sake. How much interest to the UK?…but the bBBC will be gleefully rubbing their thighs as the far-left take down another high profile, conservative commentator. Makes me wonder…who is demonstrating outside offices over this? Who is funding a plane to drag a banner? Over-reaction?? This is a top anchor from Trump’s favourite news channel, who has interviewed the president recently..etc etc. Chip, chip, chip. The far-left are not going to give up.
Why is that slimy, beta-male little toad Farron suddenly ubiquitous across the BBC? He wants to continue Clegg’s golden legacy of betraying the British people which is why the Beeb love him so much.
What was he in before politics, child catching? He freaks me out.
He believes being gay is a sin just as ISIS do.
Sounds unreconstructed rather than ‘progressive liberal’?
BBC website has a page entitled “General election: What you need to know” (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-39631768). It includes such intriguing questions as “What has happened?” and “What is a general election?”! But under “How unusual is a ‘snap election’?”, they tell us: “It depends how you define it but if we’re talking about one that was called less than four years after the previous election, you have to go back to 1966 – in that case the then Prime Minister Harold Wilson wanted to increase the number of Labour MPs in Parliament and a mandate to govern”.
So what was the October 1974 General Election if it wasn’t a snap election called a mere 8 months after the previous one? Yet more fake news from the BBC.
What would we do without the BBC to educate, inform and tell us what to think ?
OneShow Now has item about policing trolls on Google/Facebook/Twitter
… talk of hatespeak
..bet they are promoting censorship
..Father argues for ending anonymous accounts
..Tht point is minorities are the major user of anon accounts ..like a gay guy in Iran can’t just post under his real name.
People trust Labour with the NHS – FFS Why?
The decline began under Ken Clarke et al and continued under Blair with, the icing on the cake of, crippling con of PFI.
The NHS cannot be funded with uncontrolled migration and a busted economy – so I ask again, why trust Labour with the NHS?
‘George Clooney’s stunning country house’.
Surprisingly refugee-lite, by the looks of things.
Maybe this is a clue:
All of a sudden George’s enthusiasm for solving the refugee crisis seemed to take a back seat. Scared of upsetting the neighbours, perhaps? Or maybe having got his very own exclusion zone enshrined in law, he’s reluctant to give it up in a hurry?
But then they are just two of his homes – maybe the others are chokka with assorted Afghans, Pakistanis, Syrians, Somalians etc etc, all enjoying the fruits of the ‘social justice’ George keeps lecturing us about.
But us racist, uneducated plebs won’t really know until some world-beating investigative journalism gets to the bottom of it, will we?
How are you fixed, Panorama team?
Closer to home, Yvette Cooper is now the new face of Labour.
By coincidence, chez Balls stays a bit lite on the deeds vs. words front still.
Bias all the way from the appropriately named ‘Katty’ Kay and the super-light-weight Christian Fraser
Quite why the BBC feels the need to devote a separate show to 100 days of Trump-watching (more like Trump-bashing) remains a mystery to this Licence Payer – I guess it’s a copy of what the liberal media in the States are up to.
So to content and bias. After a couple of minutes on the UK election (wait a minute, I thought this was supposed to be about the US?) we get a report about the French elections. A nice one for the spotters of bias by subtle almost subliminal imagery – we see a film of a street in France with two election posters – one of Macron and one of Le Pen – defaced.
Next comes bias by slip of the tongue. The BBC have relocated some light-weight young reporter usually based in Africa back to his native France and to the ‘rust belt’ of Amiens. A working class area where he tells us “there is a worry voters will turn to Le Pen”. No such BBC ‘worries’ accompany votes going to any other party across the political spectrum.
Finally (I just couldn’t bear anymore after this next embarrassment) our Katty and Christian (the latter who has such a bland mug one imagines one wouldn’t tire of thumping it – were it transposed onto a street poster) have a right little magic moment of shared chuckling about the location of the US aircraft carrier. (Look up the story if you don’t know it). Oh how our two BBCers tickled oneanothers’ funnybones. One minute we’re afraid of all-out nuclear war and blaming ‘maverick’ Trump and the next these BBC jokers are having a laugh at the expense of the US Navy. It’s not as if anyone’s life might be at stake if the North Koreans kick off with a Pearl Harbour-type pre-ememptive attack… target co-ordinates courtesy of the left-liberal media/BBC and all these two wastes of space can do is giggle (don’t the Beeb have some form on this sort of thing from the Falklands?)
Poor poor show, BBC
“Poor poor show, BBC”
No! It should be Poor poor show Blue Peter.
A working class area where he tells us “there is a worry voters will turn to Le Pen”
I don’t suppose he revealed who was doing the worrying, or were his wet pants a bit of a giveaway?
Exactly, I doubt even Le Pen would resort to mass arrests, torture and having people ‘disappeared’ or even make herself President for life, so why the, ‘worry’?
I just caught the end of this as well. Now, this might not be BBC bias but what is it with the mothers of immigrant children and their aspirations for their offspring?
An item on immigrant children being allowed in to the school system in Greece. At one point a mother of one of the children was interviewed (subtitled) and she said something like (paraphrasing but the final part is key) “we want our children to get a good education so they can become doctors or engineers”.
‘Doctors or engineers’? Why not florists, train drivers, nurses, street cleaners, police officers etc etc? Did the BBC subtitle incorrectly? Are they given guidance? [“Say doctor or engineer, the left LOVE that”].
It’s a genuine question: why do they say this or is it seriously an aspiration in some countries – bar no other profession – to be either a doctor or an engineer? We had careers evenings at my school and there was a huge variety of organisations and careers within to consider. Just curious.
‘..is it seriously an aspiration in some countries..’
Assuming the translation is correct…
Either the BBC are quoting directly some proverbial phrase popular in both N Africa and the Near East or else the migrants have got the quote off pat from the BBC.
Exactly my thoughts. Or they get guidance on what to say by one of the agencies involved in ‘refugees’.
To me, it’s in the same vein as ‘aspiring footballer’. Just jars, somewhat.
All these immigrant children are way above average intelligence are they then? I think not.
I’m guessing that in developing countries, most don’t have ‘career aspirations’ – you don’t have a careers advisor or a careers fair at school, you just continue in peasantry like your parents, or if you are lucky, go into whatever trade they themselves can train you in. So immigrants who move to the west can aspire higher and the only professions they’re likely to know about or aspire to are medicine and engineering (which to them probably means any kind of skilled mechanical work). There aren’t really that many other professions in tin-pot countries that ordinary people can aspire to because fields like politics, the armed forces, the judiciary, the imams etc are, I imagine, only gained through nepotism. But it’s also possible they do pick the phrase ‘doctors and engineers’ and repeat it like a lucky charm because they hear it so often.
If they’d got any intelligence at all, they’d become Human Rights Lawyers specialising in migration and asylum – and make twice the doctor’s salary !
True. In many poor countries there is almost an obsession with turning out a doctor child, its a route to migration, medical qualifications largely being accepted internationally, unlike legal ones, which is another of the few professions peasants may have heard of.
I still think the BBC prime all interviewed migrants though, or film more and edit carefully to select those they feel say the right things.
Bit of a bbc obsession these days with the USA eh?
Ofcom should check it. It’s at the expense of UK news, not to mention OUR expense, and if we want REAL US news we have Fox News.com.
Ofcom wouldnt consider it. They have no sanction over the choice of stories broadcasters choose to cover or how much coverage is given to it. A free press being a fundamental of democracy, no body can dictate or sanction this area.
In the coming weeks Al Beeb will do its damnedest to scupper Brexit with its bias and propaganda.
It will focus on the younger voters. ‘The weakest link’.
“It will focus on the younger voters” and all those who just love the thought of getting ‘free’ stuff!
BBC strategy for the election:
– Selective use of vox pops to give impression May is an opportunist, doing it for her own benefit
– Selective use of vox pops to give impression majority support Remain
– Up Project Fear from idling into overdrive
– Swamp the airwaves with the usual suspects: Abbott, Mandelson, Clarke, Blair, Miliband Sr., O’ Bamagh etc and ring in a few new ones e.g. Osborne
– Ensure Conservatives/Brexit supporters are outnumbered at least 3 to 1 in any discussion
– Ensure no-one asks about ‘plans for Remain’ (such as full political integration)
– Ramp up further (if it were at all possible) scare stories about schools and ‘our’ NHS
– Never, ever ask a Labour politician where the extra money is to come from
– Never, ever ask the Scots Nats about how they would ‘re-join’ the EU
– Never, ever ask the Scots Nats why they want independence so they can be governed by Brussels
– Emphasize how Brexit is for climate change deniers
– Repeatedly point out Brexiteers are uneducated, knuckle-dragging, racist, xenophobic, isolationist Little Englanders
– Never suggest Scots Nats are ‘Little Scotlanders’, least of all on R4 ‘comedy’ programmes
– Never, ever reveal the Marxist manifesto of the Green Party
In fact, just keep it BBC ‘business as usual’.
On a positive note ………..
2015 General Election Al Beeb v Tories – Tory Win!
2016 Referendum Al Beeb v Farage – Farage Win!
2016 US Elections Al Beeb v Trump – Trump Win!
Conclusion to be drawn by their so called ‘Trustees’ – Al Beeb are losers.
And on each occasion 100% propaganda from the BBC had no effect. Will they ever learn ?
I don’t know if others here are affected, but we still have a County Council Election to deal with on May 4th!
Presumably the bBeeb are hoping for a leftie result, but the councils are so dire here, in Kent, that there’ll be all sorts of tears just a few weeks before the GE!
Grammar Schools will figure large, and so will immigration, as every blasted illegal seems to come though here at some time or other, and we have to pay for them!
Local TV is more like the Cbeebies anyway; there’s always a fat sod too lazy to work, and an even fatter sod getting treatment a day late and whingeing and whining.
Our County Council squandered hundreds of thousands of pounds on failing ‘chief executives’ and even more of our poll tax on people who just sit there and do exactly bugger all!
Probably a model for the bbc no doubt…
Council senior managers rank alongside the BBC as both huge troughers from the public purse and leading members of the left- liberal elite who have dominated this country for decades . Council Chief Execs and their acolytes such as ‘service’ directors are now paid obscene amounts. £300- 600 k is becoming common . Cameron huffed and puffed and as usual did nothing. Payoffs for failure are also enormous . The gold plated pension encourages salary inflation as its based on the last few years earnings, or was until recently. Many of those made redundant or retired early turn up again as consultants .
It’s even worse in county council areas like Kent where you fund both county and district councils . A crazy waste .
Kent is also hard done by as pointed out, due to receiving all the bogus asylum seekers, economic migrants etc the who cross the channel . No doubt it suited Treezer as gone secretary to allow tnis to carry on rather than central government funding the problem or better still securing our borders to stop it.
Maybe a film worth watching here. About the Armenian genocide. Starring Christian Bale.
Muslims are already trying to suppress it.
Bare Naked Islam reports:
The Promise, a $100 million movie starring Christian Bale, has already received over 60,000 one-star reviews on IMDb, despite the fact that it has only been screened one time ever. An army of nationalist Muslim trolls from Turkey, desperate to suppress the period of history shown in the film, that shows Muslims for the savages that they really are, allegedly are to blame.
Does it show how much of the dirty work was done by Kurds ? I bet not !
I haven’t seen it yet. I would think probably not. It’s hard enough trying to get the world to face up to Ottoman atrocities. The Kurds register quite highly on the liberal victim scale. Imagine trying to highlight Kurdish involvement as well. A lot of today’s SJW’s don’t even realise Kurds are Muslim or that they persecute the Assyrians in Iraq to this day. They’re like lesser Palestinians. Always displaced victims.
Grant said “much of the dirty work was done by Kurds”.
I don’t know enough (yet) to comment on the “much” part of the dirty work..but at least they admit its existence by contrast to erdog and his gang!
“The Turks have been trying to erase the genocide from history, shortly after they gave up trying to erase the Armenians from history.
Kurdish leaders, however, have been frank in acknowledging the genocide, and the role their own people played as soldiers of the Ottoman Empire. Turkish journalist Uzay Bulut took a long look at the Kurdish recognition, and the desire of Turkish writers to break ranks with their government and acknowledge the past, for International Business Times.
Bulut lays out the background of the Kurds living under Ottoman rule and serving in its military. “During the 1915 genocide, some Kurdish tribes were also exploited and encouraged by the Turkish Ottoman regime to attack the deportation caravans of Armenians,” she writes. “However, it should be noted that there were many cases where Kurds refused to attack the Armenians and rescued them from certain death.”
Kurdish leaders are not soft-pedalling the former to emphasize the latter. “Without hesitation, I recognize the Armenian genocide,” said Selahattin Demirtas, co-chair of the Peoples’ Democrat Party.”
Selahattin Demirtaş is an imprisoned Zaza Kurdish politician who is co-leader of the left-wing pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), serving alongside Figen Yüksekdağ. Demirtaş was the presidential candidate of the HDP in the 2014 election, coming in third place with 9.77% of the vote.
All credit to the Kurds . Now will the Arnenians admit that the Dashnaks and Hunchaks massacred tens of thousands of thousands of innocent Turkish men , women and children in the months leading up to the Genocide ? I doubt it.
For anyone interested, in my opinion, the best introduction is Prof. Guenter Lewy’s ” The Armenian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey : A disputed genocide “. He is Jewish , so may have a vested interest in minimising any Genocide in contrast to the Holocaust. But he does detail the atrocities carried out by many sides, including the Armenians.
I would also recommend the brilliant “The Fall of the Ottomans ” by Prof. Eugene Rogan , also Jewish. His treatment of the Genocide is also very fair.
At that time , no-ones hands were clean. It was a very complex situation, but there is no excuse for the Genocide carried out by the Turks and Kurds. There was also no excuse for the massacres carried out by the Armenians.
We can expect it to go straight to DVD then…pressure from far-lefties (Soros), threats from the ROP, and maybe a few stabbings/drive-ins at cinemas?
Kudos to the actors and people who got the film made. I’m even amazed that they got $100mill in funding, these days.
be on kodi soon, even if never on the bbc