Are there any Yazidis left ? You certainly wouldn’t know from the BBC. In fact the BBC’s silence on the Genocide being committed against christians is one of the worst disgraces of that disgraceful amoral organisation.
Things have gone a bit quiet on the thread at the moment so I thought I’d stick my beak in again and answer some of the earlier posts.
Firstly I would like to say welcome back to Essex man. You took a lot of hassling on this site maintaining your pro Tory and anti-Farage stand. Now you have come back to gloat as many on here are deserting the party and claiming it is finished. Well Essexman you have gloating rights as far as I’m concerned for taking it so well. The wheel turns, and you should enjoy the moment.
But to the Ukip doubters I would say think carefully before you abandon the only party that represents your views. Yes, it went through a few rough months back there and lost a few good people, but the strength of a political party is shown by it’s resilience and fortitude under pressing conditions. It is easy enough to join in the war-whoop when all is going well and just as easy abandoning ship when the going gets tough.
But I as I have tried to explain before, the political playing field in a democracy is not a smooth field like a snooker table where calculated moves will see steady progress but more like yachting in an ocean of tides and storms that you cannot control and will impede your journey some of the time
Look at the Lib Dems, correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t we all howling with laughter at their inevitable imminent demise just a year ago? It didn’t happen (unfortunately in my opinion) but they weathered the storm and now may be the big gainers in the coming election. Do they have more stamina than the kippers?
I keep hearing the cry, we can never replace Nigel! How defeatist is that? Please be sensible, Ukip is more than one man. Face it honestly, he was never a great leader of men. But many great politicians are not always true leaders. Enoch Powell for one example. Nigel Farage is one of the greatest politicians Britain has produced in the last few decades a great thinker, a courageous campaigner, and a solid decent bloke. But as he showed in the last election he is not a great tactician and does not really ‘get’ party dynamics. I can elaborate on that but won’t here.
But with Paul Nuttall as leader while Farage could be heading the Ukip electoral charge the party could go places again.
Despite all the travails Ukip has still a core vote of about 10% in England and Wales. That’s an achievement and a half if you consider the 2010 election where a 4% vote in a constituency was considered a rare good score.
Theresa May is not he answer to ukips’ dreams.The chances of her backsliding are very high. The presence of Ukip is needed now as much as ever and switching voting for the Tories will not make any difference to the Brexit outcome.
As an ex-pat I am open to criticism that it is none of my business but I still feel very British and I love being back there. I was interested in politics at a young age, but by the time I was in my teens Britain looked finished to me. There was no patriotic British Party apart from some semi-fascist groups which never appealed to me in the slightest.And I didn’t consider the BBC particularly helpful even in those days. It all seemed to be going downhill. But if there had been a Ukip then I probably wouldn’t have left.
So don’t be in a hurry to give up so precious so easily. Vote Ukip! (says I, probably the most far flung party member)
Anyway I ask again. Do the Lib Dems have more stamina than the Kippers? And the pansy Greens? Do they have more tenacity? Answers please.
There, I’ve had my rant. Please let me have your abuse. I will take it in my stride.
This is a brilliant analogy: “But I as I have tried to explain before, the political playing field in a democracy is not a smooth field like a snooker table where calculated moves will see steady progress but more like yachting in an ocean of tides and storms that you cannot control and will impede your journey some of the time”
Shame the Guardian Editor and her writers, during this week, were not sharp enough to realise that.
More agenda driven non news crapola,
“Cycling to work can cut cancer and heart disease, says study”
Apparently ” regular cycling cut the risk of death from any cause by 41%,” Any cause? The black death? Struck by lightning?
even being hit by a car while cycling? I doubt it.
“The team in Glasgow said cycling took no willpower once it became part of the work routine”
How exactly was this quantified by the ‘yes I can do science me’ team?
After five years of research, “The way the study, published in the British Medical Journal, was carried out means it is not possible to determine a clear cause and effect.” So why make the claim if other factors may be involved?
Who paid for this crap ? Cycling taking willpower. FFS.
Grant’s unpublished reasearch (self-funded ) suggests that getting out of bed each morning , unless you are seriously ill, is better for your health than staying in bed for your whole life. Cause and effect has yet to be established. There appears to be one exception. Lying in bed doing nothing is better for than getting up and having contact with the BBC.
People who are fit enough to cycle are more healthy than those that aren’t, who would have expected that?
“Cycling is thought to be better than walking as the exercise is both longer and more intense. “
Which implies that the cyclists live further away from their work than the pedestrians so they aren’t comparing like with like.
Perhaps the non-cyclists are stressed out by those cyclists that ride at 14 mph on pavements, 45 mph downhill in 30 mph zones, don’t use cycle lanes provided, ride through pedestians on crossings, ignore red lights and ‘no entry’ signs, tailgate vans, swerve onto zebra crossings at speed without looking, turn right without looking, undertake traffic, park under the noses of trucks and block pavements with their discarded ironwork?
Err….yes…it seems that all employers need to provide shower facilities so the sweaty cyclists dont pong all day at work.. what *^** ing planet do these tossers inhabit.
“Five years of study” So about the same time it takes to get a PHD, And results that could be summed up in a five minute conversation in the pub for free. I swear we need to downsize universities and get young men and women into work. All the theorising can then be done over a pint after a hard weeks work.
BBC London start as they mean to go on with a quick swipe at the Government over the issue of smart ticketing for commuter rail routes. No balance, no substantiation of criticism – just a talking-head campaigner confidently spouting about some supposed failure and apparent waste of tax payers’ money. I wait in anticipation for the inevitable appearance of Little Man Khan putting in his two pennies’ worth – he’s the son of a bus driver, dontcha know.
The BBC are absolutely delighted to reveal that the first Christian Mayor of Indonesia’s Capital City Jakarta has been defeated by a Muslim. The BBC have repeatedly slandered the now former Christian Mayor by repeating the allegation that one of his comments during his re-election campaign was blasphemous to Islam. Here is the BBC report: “Jakarta election: Christian governor concedes to Muslim rival”
One can hear the BBC feckers shouting allahu akbar in their offices.
As I drove in to work this morning Toady were having a debate about the accuracy of polling, and could Corbyn win despite being so far behind in the polls. As the talking heads despaired over how the polls could get it so wrong in recent elections I recalled how the BBC have equated it to some sort of crisis after each recent election, and then the penny dropped.
Nobody outside of the MSM cares about polling, and in France they ban them in the run up to their elections. Why the disproportionate concern over inaccurate polling? The BBC care because they really do have this insufferable arrogance, that they can and should control who the masses vote for. All control systems need a feedback loop, and polling is the BBC’s feedback loop. That is why they care so much.
Whilst I see no chance of Corbyn winning we must not forget that Treezer is not a great asset to the Tories. She is dull, boring, and has a record of failure as Home Secretary. She needs Corbyn and the loony left.
Here is a plea to all who publish here. Please do not complain to the BBC for their over exposure of Diane Abbot. Britain needs her to keep Labour out
I wonder why BBC Radio 4 is giving so much prominence to the sacking of Bill O’Reilly of Fox News. Many of us in the UK would say, who he? It seems to me it’s the usual solipsistic, “we journalists are such important people ” BBC world view. And of course, it’s Fox News, the bete noire of the BBC. They really are so self-important.
Question for the BBC (with apologies to Mrs Merton):
‘So what is it about the Fox News anchorman Bill O’ Reilly, who most people in the UK have never heard of, that made you decide to include the story of his sacking in your news bulletins?’
The BBC do not like divisiveness. For one thing, they want every single person in the UK to buy a TV Licence. They did not like the EU Referendum because it ‘divided the country’. Actually, it did no such thing as it was UK-wide. It only divided the UK from the EU according to its unexpected result.
It is strange, then, that they seem to be neutral or possibly quite keen for the Labour Party to pledge to hold another Referendum – if elected to Government – to endorse or overturn the result of the negotiations with the EU under Article 50. The BBC think that might gain Labour some votes from those who voted Remain last June.
There is no mention of the divisiveness that would cause.
‘As President Trump approaches the end of his first 100 days in office, he has received by far the most hostile press treatment of any incoming American president, with the broadcast networks punishing him with coverage that has been 89% negative. The networks largely ignored important national priorities such as jobs and the fight against ISIS, in favor of a news agenda that has been dominated by anti-Trump controversies and which closely matches what would be expected from an opposition party’
‘Eight years ago, in contrast, the broadcast networks rewarded new President Barack Obama with mainly positive spin, and spent hundreds of stories discussing the economic agenda of the incoming liberal administration’
‘When the President shares the media’s liberal mindset, journalists are willing to be seen as cheerleaders, shaking their pom-poms on behalf of the White House. But when voters select a President who challenges the liberal establishment, those cheerleaders morph into unleashed pitbulls, ferociously attacking both the President and his agenda’
The liberal media have got positive proof that O’ Bamagh was already a raging success at this stage of his presidency – he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize after a month for being the US’s first ‘black’* President.
*Actually half-white, and some would say racist for being reluctant to admit it.
Notwithstanding the irony of an organisation (BBC) that just a few weeks ago was working itself into a frothy mess over claims of foreign (Russia) intervention in elections now giving a platform to a foreigner (Gates) trying to influence the UK election, I am reminded of the following:
Bill Gates – Net worth $81.5 billion
The BBC – Licence fee income £3.7 billion
The UK Government – £1.56 trillion in debt
I suppose we shouldn’t be too surprised to learn that the first two think they can tell the last one to give money away. That’s the charitable left in action.
The BBC are giving Mr Gates a lot of publicity over this. I suspect, that as The Evil One (Soros) prepares to shuffle his mortal coil, Mr Gates is being lined up as the public successor. At least he made his money in a more reputable fashion, providing goods and services that large numbers of people want, as opposed to say, manipulating currencies and governments. He has also put his wallet where his heart is, or where it professes to be. But there is still something rich (no pun intended) in one of the wealthiest men in the world effectively telling the British government to steal money from its own citizens to finance dubious overseas causes. Whilst there are hungry and homeless people in this country, people waiting for or unable to receive appropriate medical treatment, pensioners dying of hypothermia because they cannot afford heating plus millions of people living in sub-standard accommodation, not a penny should be sent overseas. The government, the BBC and Mr Gates should understand that the ordinary people of this country don’t give a toss about British “influence” and “prestige” overseas. And if this mass kleptocracy is supposed to “create stability to avoid war and migration” then it has clearly been a monumental failure, as people in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan and elsewhere will testify.
Top post. Gates has to realise that, to pay income tax in the UK, you do not have to have a very high income. He should also tell us what procedures he has in place to ensure that aid from the Gates Foundation is not stolen by corrupt dicatators. But, as you say, at least it is his own money. What British Governments do with our money is none of his business.
Ian, that great supporter of Capitalism albeeb chooses to run the Gate story as number two in the news. He, being a foreigner, unelected and a billionaire -is able to shape the opinion of the British in the run up to a general election- and is helped to do so by albeeb. I will declare a person interest because – like you Ian – I would close difd and put the £13billion of taxpayers money back into Blighty and not in the pockets of politicians. If Mr Gates is suddenly so concerned about rich men getting through the Gates oh Heaven he can make up the shortfall eh?
Listening to the Today programme ( and suffering- but sometimes laugh out loud ) – a painful exchange between two albeeb journos on politics in the south west of England. True al Beeb group think – basing the probable outcome of the general election there on what happened last time! They just do not understand the Brexit is happening. And comrade Corbin are now part of people’s thinking. They do the listener a great disservice.
I’m trying to work out the outcome of the election. I got the last election , brexit and trump right but still working on this one. I wonder if the libs will recover costing labour and the tories strengthen as ukipers call ” job done ” ( I know it’s not ). Thoughts welcome.
Mark Steyn has pointed out that Europe might be at peak gay. As the muslim demographic increases, so will persecution of gays. Gay rights can only exist in a tolerant western society, and the clock is ticking for that concept.
Kori Ali Muhammad shot and killed three whites in Fresno, California.
He shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ before shooting three white men.
Said he hates whites and wanted to kill as many as possible.
Nowhere on Al Beebistan, which is strange as they’re usually so keen to report racist crime. And so keen on mental illness too, usually.
Wrong kind of racism I guess.
Good ol’ beeb, can always be relied on to systematically downplay black-on-white crime and hype up white-on-black.
Systemic, institutional racism I call it.
Every time I listen to Melvyn Bragg on Radio 4 ‘In our time’ I find myself seething over the sexist way he talks to the female experts he has on. This is particularly noticeable when he also has a male guest as well.
This morning he has the poor woman virtually having a nervous breakdown as he harries her in a way which he doesn’t do with the men.
If this was a normal bloke on the radio it perhaps wouldn’t be so bad, but Bragg is a lifelong hypocritical wealthy elite Labour member. He is of the kind of BBC luvvie who spend their lives attacking others over the tiniest transgressions whilst being worse than any of them.
Anyone else noticed this about Bragg??
This mornings ‘Today’ interview with Emily Thornbury was classic BBC bias, where she was gently questioned about the political position of Corbyn & whether he was to the left of Michael Foot – she refused to answer at least 3 times, and was never really brought to heel.
But by far the most jaw dropping comment Humphries allowed to pass without comment was when she accused the Tories of being an out of touch elite ! Lady Nugee is perhaps the single most glaring example of the out of touch elite possible, yet no comment was made.
Apart from a requirement for policians to declare their wealth before commenting on the taxation or benefits of citizens – perhaps they should be required to declare any titles held – e.g. lady nugee .
This would apply to all politicians or mouthpieces of whatever colour . It’s a bit like looking at the educational background of BBC journos …
I read John Redwood’s article and my first thought was that it described typical behaviour from the BBC, not just in the way one programme wants to operate but across the whole output. Either someone is co-ordinating this or, like all ‘creatives’ they copy each other like crazy.
The really sad thing is that this is the way they have been operating for years and the politicians do nothing about it. The result is that democratic politics has all but been destroyed. The will of the people isn’t important, the plebs only get to vote every few years and then just once. The media however get to set the agenda every hour and the canny politician ‘goes with the flow’ and keeps to the damage limitation script from HQ. Consequently all parties and all politicians start sounding the same. They know that there are issues that are off-limits and they know the acceptable opinion on those subjects that can be mentioned.
The ‘truth’ and ‘common sense’ as would have been generally believed for a thousand years have been replaced by whatever the media peddle and any alternative views are suppressed. I expect that is why President Trump likes to directly ‘tweet’ and Mrs. May wants to avoid the TV debate on the media’s terms and instead to speak to the people.
Thanks for the post Mr Island, good comments too Jim.
I`ve largely gone off fussing with all the BBC and anything it says. Truth to tell, I usually reverse every loaded word they spout-if they say love, they mean hate-and check off with the other freeview and sites that DO stick to fields where truth may still be found.
If it helps-I have a picture of the BBC with its Spinal Tap model of Stonehenge…as the styrofoam and poxy resin Blue Peter mock offs are brought before us as “news and analysis”?
And then remember that the REAL Stonehenge is just a drive away, and it`s best to go and see it all for yourself every day in its local equivalents as you wish. THAT`S reality”-and all their choices of news are chosen prebaked angles of crap.
Why let them play perpetual pocket billiards on OUR slate?
Plenty Rocket Ronnies and “Grinders” here…all styles, we`re all out here and cueing nicely…time now to plant and pot the fuckers once and for all!
I`m both Bill and Benn-sure to God, I`m no BBC “Little Weed”…and the results of having been under the influence of “The Weed” is all too apparent as you look at them all.
In the beginning was the Weed eh geezerbirds and baybees?…
I think it might be a reference to Ronnie O’Sullivan who, I understand, is a player of the game of snooker which has some similarity to (pocket) billiards, (which is more onanistic).
Great to have an insight into the dishonesty of the BBC from one of the few honourable MPs who is not afraid to speak his mind and tell it like it is. We need more John Redwoods.
ROFL! the BBC 😀 AND … the Mail, and the Sun, and the Torygraph etc
I noticed Redwood, and indeed Letwin today, both crawling out from under their stones showing their faces on tv away from screwing all of us, every single one with the scandalous ruination of our NHS.
This morning (7:15) on Toady they had Helen Dickinson, the director general at the British Retail Consortium, on to tell us that prices will go up if we leave the Single Market because the average WTO tariff is 22%.
Such a blatant untruth and yet it went unchallenged.
Yep, even as we speak Bangladeshi textile manufacturers, Turkish TV manufacturers, Australian wine producers, Korean phone suppliers and the Chinese, who seem to make just about everything else, are rushing to impose 22% tarriffs and increase the price of their goods so that we won’t buy them. Not. Silly woman. Why doesn’t she encourage members of the British Retail Consortium to source and sell more British goods?
You will find that these countries have trading agreements with the EU (not to be confused with “free trade agreements”, but rather agreements which cover certain sectors. There is very little international trade on so-called “WTO rules”, which is why we really do need to conclude a trading agreement with the EU before we leave.
Grant, a possible translation might be “Trump saying one thing during the Presidential campaign to wrong-foot the anti-Trump media and see if the American people REALLY DID WANT TO TAKE A CHANCE WITH HIM (wish I could do italics on here) and then revert afterward to doing exactly the opposite to what they complained about pre-election just because it a) is the right choice at the right time (possibly), as well as b) it shows the media up as the hypocrites that they often/usually/always* are.”
OK, Katty uses ‘newspeak’ but I have to admit, it is a bit snappier than my translation.
Just put an opening angle bracket ‘<‘, letter ‘I’ and closing angle bracket ‘>’ at the point that you want ‘italics’ to start, then an opening angle bracket ‘<‘, forward slash ‘/’, letter ‘I’ and closing angle bracket ‘>’ where you want it to stop.
The pair of angle brackets at the start and end are the basis of all ‘tags’, the closing tag being indicated by the ‘/’. You can substitute letters like ‘B’ for ‘bold’ for getting a different effect.
Heard a bit of Today on my Toilet Radio – They seemed to giving the Leftlibs all the deference one would reserve for someone in shock or of restricted mental capacity.
I await the Labour Manifesto:- Spend, spend, spend, free stuff, tax, more free stuff, more tax and spend. Then moving to, spend, borrow, tax, free stuff, borrow, spend and leave the country bankrupt but blame the Tories.
What about reopening fully the Blair gates of immigration and abandoning any suggestion of “tens of thousands”? I suggest this is the primary ‘soft-spot’ for labour.
Bring in compulsory voter proof of identity at the polling stations.
Abolish the postal vote except for proven medical reasons.
End the crimes of voting by personation and/or illegal residency.
Should just about halve the Labour vote in London and the West Midlands.
The BBC at it again then?
At 7.3O or so, Nigel Farage was brought into Head Preacher Humphrys for a “summons”.
To explain what the hell he`s doing with his life, can`t he either sod off back to Brussels or fail again in Thanet or summat.
Obnoxious emissions from the BBC “Peoples Tribune” as ever-yes, I know Nigel can laugh it off, but its sheer drive-by filth and abuse.
Well, in the course of the Freisler-like hectorings Farage said that Nuttall will either pass or fail as a “UKIP Leader” based on how the party itself behaves, campaigns in the run-up to June 8th.
As surely will May, Corbyn,Sturgeon and Farron surely…I mean, isn`t that what elections are SUPPOSED to do?
Certainly to the Licensed Goon Squad that infest what remains of politics as we know it-I mean, what the hell else do the BBC media scum do but seek leaders, tally polls-then fuck up, abuse and get the whole thing wrong?
Well-9am news headlines…and the BBC brownshirt who reads our headlines as handed down-he tells me that “Nigel Farage has told UKIP Leader Paul Nuttall that he has only six weeks to turn things around and prove himself fit to be a leader”…that kind of thing!
This was NOT what Nigel said-I`m pretty clear that this was a prebaked, crowning turtle all ready to touch the cloth and be served coiled and masquearding as a Danish Pastry…when we all KNOW what it was. Drive-by sheet….utter shit!
Now moving on and swiftly forward eh?…job done.
When will UKIP realise that Stockholm is now MORE than a”syndrome”-it`s a reality and UKIP themselves need to stop laughing this off-and maybe join me in my Nasty Party in finally being the “Peoples Terrorists”.
I mean-if Mc Guiness has been knocked off his f___in perch anyway.
Come the local elections and GE in June, it is wise to understand what, inter alia, Labour and the Libdems stand for –
So, overwhelmingly 18 out of the 22 local authority areas in Wales voted for Brexit June 2016 and in particular their concerns centered around immigration. The Welsh Assembly did not get the message and they have to be sent a reminder through the ballot box this year.
I just loved the expression on Huw Edwards face last time, chewing a wasp or what. Still makes me smile. Two days in and I’m jaded already with the Corbyn love fest…….ugh that’s reminded me of Diane Fatbot…..oh help brain bleach needed. Only 50 more days to go, God help us all.
Grant, think she may have to be PM, Deputy PM, Chancellor and Foreign Secretary as well. Corbyn ruled out a Coalition after 9 June yesterday. After the fuss that the Guardian and BBC made about Theresa May being a liar, he could not now very well go back on his word again, could he?
Jeremy Vine providing oxygen for Gina Miller who is telling us to vote tactically to ensure a result for the remoaners. BBC, the real opposition in the UK!
We had the cleggster on Newnight last night being asked about a possible Labour/LibDem coalition as well, Grant. Makes one wonder what is in the air conditioning at Broadcasting House.
Such is the speed of ‘modern’ life that the saying ‘a week is a long time in politics’ might now be reduced to ‘a day (or two) is a long time in politics’.
The BBC has carried the news of a change of mind by Ken Clarke who WILL now stand for re-election on 8th June. I wonder if the Guardian will attack a Poster Boy of the Tory Remoaners for ‘being a liar’?
A shame, in my view, I was hoping that the GE2017 would see the back of him.
I suppose Fatty Clarke reckons that if he does not stand, his constituency would nominate a Leaver. He puts his own interests and those of the EU ahead of his constituents and his country. A vile creature.
There should be an age limit on running, really there should. Fat, rich, git – he can offer nothing of value except maybe an apology for the NHS Internal Market and the rest of the canker.
Quite agree. Why should politicians be allowed to work more than the rest of us ? I would say 65, even if that triggers a by-election. At the other end, minimum age 30 and a requirement that they have had a job outside politics first.
For reasons of regional diversity and, no doubt, for our general edification, BBC News Channel whisk us off to Holyrood for First Minister’s Question Time.
A rare glimpse of how women do politics.
Apparently the ‘hemiscycle’ arrangment of the chamber (common across European legislatures) is intended to encourage concensus and compromise.
Just me, or does Nicola Strugeon, Ruth Davidson and Kezia Dugdale’s performance remind anyone else out there rather more of those three sour-faced witches from Macbeth, bitching and scrapping across an over-sized Ikea showroom
A total embarrassment to my country. I am ashamed. If you think the HoC is bad, just look at Holyrood. By the way, the useless building started falling apart about 2 years after it was built.
As a little aside – I’m informed that our primary and junior kids run about the playground shouting, Allah u Akbar for a laugh.
Kids eh.
With us it was, Geronimo.
I’ve noticed youngsters using the phrase ‘Allah u Akbar’ as a verb meaning to perform an action similar in nature to that which an older generation might describe as to Kamikaze
Though BBC is 50% against Corbyn
It’s still 99% For a Labour Government
Curiously this seems to have upset some. Don't think Jeremy would disagree with a word. Details may follow but never been his speaking style
His more SM savvy colleagues must shudder (pleasure or horror depending on which SM) when Nick hits twitter. The old coot spends most of his time explaining what he meant. How this is a person to educate and inform the public is a mystery.
At 1.15pm they showed ‘Reality Check’, a feature on overseas aid. The UK has almost the highest percentage contribution worldwide, except for Sweden. Far more than the USA.
The feature failed to identify how aid was squandered through fraud. Instead, it showed air drops to the hungry in Africa as if this was how it was all done.Plenty of black children were shown to provide an emotional tug.
At the end, a black mother in an aid tent started weeping in front of the camera.
No context. Little fact. Much emotion. Left Wing Politics At Their Finest.
Arrogantly said if public stick with BBC they’re free from fake news.
Same day Shukmann aired his Debunked page about Tellurium
– Later More or Less disgraced itself by promoting Wacky Lew The Conspiracy theory nut who wrote a pamphlet full of BUNK promoting his climate activism and used the ambush name the Debunking Handbook.
Of course BBC thinks it’s ahead of the curve on FakeNews whereas it’s 10-15 years since it became widely known their mates at activist NGOs were building such schemes such as Lew’s crew at the also ambush named Skeptical Sciience ..and Desmog Blog run by dodgy PR professionals in Canada/US.
Retraction Watch give some background on Lews efforts to smear his opponents as the conspiracy theorists.
As an ex essential services worker, my wife still is, used to rises of 1% and having lost any benefits that there were, just wondering what bbc employees get?
As an ex essential services worker, my wife still is, used to rises of 1% and having lost any benefits that there were, just wondering what bbc employees get?
As an ex essential services worker, my wife still is, used to rises of 1% and having lost any benefits that there were, just wondering what bbc employees get?
Apologies for multiples but not my fault but I do think the £4 billion could be just a little better spent.
Constantly and forever we hear there’s, no money but we know it isn’t so.
R4 now Woman engineer may counter anti-diesel propaganda
4:30pm R4 talking about particulates
Will they mention volcanoes account for some London pollution?
“Next week, Theresa May will unveil her plans to kerb air pollution and it is believed that some diesel drivers could be paid up to £2,000 to trade in their vehicles. Diesel cars emit nitrogen oxides – a pollutant that has been linked to nearly 12,000 UK deaths in 2013. This is the second highest in Europe after Italy. However, this isn’t the first scrappage scheme to be brought in. Philippa Oldham @Philippa_IMechE from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and Adam discuss the merits and pitfalls of an initiative like this.”
(Interesting article by @Philippa_IMechE “Demonising diesel” let’s not jump to conclusions & make a unadvised decision )
Appalling anti Conservative propaganda program from ex Beeboid LBC presenter Shelagh Foggerty today, trying to whip up enthusiasm for a so called ‘progressive alliance’ against the Government!
Imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the Globalist Tendency if Conservatives were to form an anti Globalist alliance with UKIP. This is precisely what they should do IMO if these anti democratic tactics are employed by the globalist parties.
Voting tactically fine, but parties denying voters choice is another story. What next? A one pro EU party state?
I thought that was what we’ve had for the last forty years?
If it hadn’t been for Cameron gambling on shooting UKIP’s fox by having a faux EU reform followed by a ‘landslide’ Pro-EU referendum result we would still be in that state, (but will ‘they’ let us leave?).
No is the answer. It looks like the election is stage 2 of plan B .
There is too much at stake for these parasites to allow us one man one vote plebs to derail their grand schemes.
There is a good essay on on the peculiar German tendency to cause havoc in Europe every once in a while. They are now suffering from a surfeit of moral indignation and righteousness. Odd lot really but there you go.
Isn’t that simply accepting that not one of the other parties can win because well, simply put, they aren’t very popular with the public but if we all club together we can force the will of the unpopular minorities onto the majority.
Which is like all the negatives of proportional representation. Good to see that some are pushing for something so fundamentally undemocratic.
Grant ( or anyone)
If the albeeb can be accused of not producing comedy any more ( after The Thick of it) then listening to Dawn Butler being interviewed during the 5pm news was worth the effort. If ever a case of overpromotion …a true car crash…. I don’t think labour HQ will let her out again.. next leader after Corbin. ?
Grant, nearly all Labour did. All of the SNP in Westminster did. Wee Nicola has them under her thumb at times. It would have been very embarrassing for her – after her comments about Theresa May being unelected – to let her troops do otherwise.
Didn’t stop her moaning about the PM calling GE2017, though.
I wonder if that little barb – apparently Sturgeon repeated it at the weekend – was the thing that clinched it for May for Tuesday morning?
And, if so, I wonder who will regret it the most on 9 June 2017?
The hypocrisy and double-thinking is laid bare. They object to Treezer calling the election, but vote for it in the hope that they just might get power. Venal vermin, the whole lot of them .
When Trump was anti-establishment in the run-up to the US elections, he was ridiculed by the bbc.
‘anti-establishment’ Corbyn gets the bbc banner headlines all day long, completely unchallenged.
How strange.
Chris Hughton has just become the first manager to take Brighton to the Premier League. And he is black!
Why don’t the BBC run a programme celebrating the achievement? A black man achieved what no white man has ever done. They could also celebrate how over-represented black players are in football teams, which is such a tremendous achievement for race relations; every boy’s dream job is becoming a footballer and forty years ago such over-representation like this was unthinkable.
The BBC is a liability, but “consumed with its own agenda” 😀
… from a Tory? ROFL! now that is comedy gold
One who along with Letwin have their own “agenda” of screwing every single person in this country through the ruination of the NHS
… who collectively (as usual) put party before country?.
consumed with its own agenda, irony that is funny
nearly as much as this 😀
But to work feverishly behind the scenes to dismantle our NHS with that other snake Letwin, is unforgivable, Grant
They are the J Hunt puppet masters, and installing a NHS chief executive Simon Stevens’ whose last job was as a bloody UnitedHealth executive! and Hunt? on record as saying that the NHS should be privatised, And dismantled
All of these crooks are beneath contempt J Hunt at the last Tory Conf spouted NHS safe in our hands????
When just before he attended a large event at the which discussed the future of the NHS: under the misleading moniker “putting patients first”, organised by the right-wing thinktank called the Institute of Economic Affairs. Which is interesting. Because the IEA thinks the NHS should be abolished. But don’t take my word for it. The IEA has openly published articles on its website describing exactly how to do it.
Chwarae teg GWF. Mind you, a friend of mine (first language Cymraeg, orllewin) was in Ynys Mon last year and the waiter in his hotel was speaking Cwmraeg to him. They both communicated in Saesneg so they could understand each other.
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Even more excellent news – Rachel from accounts has said smaller companies can get the urgent defence contract for the…
wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 17:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “A psychotic Nigerian armed robber and crack cocaine dealer has been spared deportation because he would be considered “possessed” in…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC says Zelenski has gone on X and grovelled like the b@tch he is ( after being told – no…
GreencoatMar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I see that the Guardian’s review of Ash Sarkar’s new book refers to the British working class as the ‘lower…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news – Italy has said it won’t be sending Italian soldiers to die in Ukraine to keep Zelenski in…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Beeby doesn’t have much to say about Yazidis but still insists Islamic State is “So-Called”.
The so-called Yazidis gather for the first time since 2014 to celebrate their so-called New Year.
Are there any Yazidis left ? You certainly wouldn’t know from the BBC. In fact the BBC’s silence on the Genocide being committed against christians is one of the worst disgraces of that disgraceful amoral organisation.
The BBC/Labour can’t win the election.
Their tactic is to destroy it’s credibility as in ‘The Viral Brenda Outburst’ recently.
Soon, the hand of Putin will be discovered by ‘some observers’…
Great to hear the Farage’s take on May’s decision to call a GE.
A cancer patient from Gaza caught smuggling explosives into Israel.
Entry into Israel had been approved for the patient and her sister for the purpose of obtaining cancer treatment.
It’s a bit illiterate. I think I’ll re-do it and put it in my window.
Things have gone a bit quiet on the thread at the moment so I thought I’d stick my beak in again and answer some of the earlier posts.
Firstly I would like to say welcome back to Essex man. You took a lot of hassling on this site maintaining your pro Tory and anti-Farage stand. Now you have come back to gloat as many on here are deserting the party and claiming it is finished. Well Essexman you have gloating rights as far as I’m concerned for taking it so well. The wheel turns, and you should enjoy the moment.
But to the Ukip doubters I would say think carefully before you abandon the only party that represents your views. Yes, it went through a few rough months back there and lost a few good people, but the strength of a political party is shown by it’s resilience and fortitude under pressing conditions. It is easy enough to join in the war-whoop when all is going well and just as easy abandoning ship when the going gets tough.
But I as I have tried to explain before, the political playing field in a democracy is not a smooth field like a snooker table where calculated moves will see steady progress but more like yachting in an ocean of tides and storms that you cannot control and will impede your journey some of the time
Look at the Lib Dems, correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t we all howling with laughter at their inevitable imminent demise just a year ago? It didn’t happen (unfortunately in my opinion) but they weathered the storm and now may be the big gainers in the coming election. Do they have more stamina than the kippers?
I keep hearing the cry, we can never replace Nigel! How defeatist is that? Please be sensible, Ukip is more than one man. Face it honestly, he was never a great leader of men. But many great politicians are not always true leaders. Enoch Powell for one example. Nigel Farage is one of the greatest politicians Britain has produced in the last few decades a great thinker, a courageous campaigner, and a solid decent bloke. But as he showed in the last election he is not a great tactician and does not really ‘get’ party dynamics. I can elaborate on that but won’t here.
But with Paul Nuttall as leader while Farage could be heading the Ukip electoral charge the party could go places again.
Despite all the travails Ukip has still a core vote of about 10% in England and Wales. That’s an achievement and a half if you consider the 2010 election where a 4% vote in a constituency was considered a rare good score.
Theresa May is not he answer to ukips’ dreams.The chances of her backsliding are very high. The presence of Ukip is needed now as much as ever and switching voting for the Tories will not make any difference to the Brexit outcome.
As an ex-pat I am open to criticism that it is none of my business but I still feel very British and I love being back there. I was interested in politics at a young age, but by the time I was in my teens Britain looked finished to me. There was no patriotic British Party apart from some semi-fascist groups which never appealed to me in the slightest.And I didn’t consider the BBC particularly helpful even in those days. It all seemed to be going downhill. But if there had been a Ukip then I probably wouldn’t have left.
So don’t be in a hurry to give up so precious so easily. Vote Ukip! (says I, probably the most far flung party member)
Anyway I ask again. Do the Lib Dems have more stamina than the Kippers? And the pansy Greens? Do they have more tenacity? Answers please.
There, I’ve had my rant. Please let me have your abuse. I will take it in my stride.
Yasser – many thanks for that excellent and thought provoking post!
Thanks for that Yasser. A great post.
This is a brilliant analogy: “But I as I have tried to explain before, the political playing field in a democracy is not a smooth field like a snooker table where calculated moves will see steady progress but more like yachting in an ocean of tides and storms that you cannot control and will impede your journey some of the time”
Shame the Guardian Editor and her writers, during this week, were not sharp enough to realise that.
Top post !
More agenda driven non news crapola,
“Cycling to work can cut cancer and heart disease, says study”
Apparently ” regular cycling cut the risk of death from any cause by 41%,” Any cause? The black death? Struck by lightning?
even being hit by a car while cycling? I doubt it.
“The team in Glasgow said cycling took no willpower once it became part of the work routine”
How exactly was this quantified by the ‘yes I can do science me’ team?
After five years of research, “The way the study, published in the British Medical Journal, was carried out means it is not possible to determine a clear cause and effect.” So why make the claim if other factors may be involved?
Who paid for this crap ? Cycling taking willpower. FFS.
Grant’s unpublished reasearch (self-funded ) suggests that getting out of bed each morning , unless you are seriously ill, is better for your health than staying in bed for your whole life. Cause and effect has yet to be established. There appears to be one exception. Lying in bed doing nothing is better for than getting up and having contact with the BBC.
PS BBC Website ” Is eating food better for your health than starvation ? We would like your comments “.
Grant, love that one. Have you sent it to the BBC? Do.
The BBC would probably take it seriously !
Old, that MUST come under the category of FalseNews if it is not FakeNews.
Cycling to work in Glasgow most months, but especially winter, may see other health issues arise.
People who are fit enough to cycle are more healthy than those that aren’t, who would have expected that?
“Cycling is thought to be better than walking as the exercise is both longer and more intense. “
Which implies that the cyclists live further away from their work than the pedestrians so they aren’t comparing like with like.
Perhaps the non-cyclists are stressed out by those cyclists that ride at 14 mph on pavements, 45 mph downhill in 30 mph zones, don’t use cycle lanes provided, ride through pedestians on crossings, ignore red lights and ‘no entry’ signs, tailgate vans, swerve onto zebra crossings at speed without looking, turn right without looking, undertake traffic, park under the noses of trucks and block pavements with their discarded ironwork?
‘Cycling took no willpower’ LOL. Does it become an involuntary reaction, jumping onto a bike and pedalling if your knee is tapped with a hammer?
Err….yes…it seems that all employers need to provide shower facilities so the sweaty cyclists dont pong all day at work.. what *^** ing planet do these tossers inhabit.
Cycling 10Km including hills doesn’t make me pong.
If you need a prework shower then your commuting distance is too long.
“Five years of study” So about the same time it takes to get a PHD, And results that could be summed up in a five minute conversation in the pub for free. I swear we need to downsize universities and get young men and women into work. All the theorising can then be done over a pint after a hard weeks work.
There is a lot of litter that needs to be picked up and a lot of potholes which need to be filled !
BBC London start as they mean to go on with a quick swipe at the Government over the issue of smart ticketing for commuter rail routes. No balance, no substantiation of criticism – just a talking-head campaigner confidently spouting about some supposed failure and apparent waste of tax payers’ money. I wait in anticipation for the inevitable appearance of Little Man Khan putting in his two pennies’ worth – he’s the son of a bus driver, dontcha know.
The BBC are absolutely delighted to reveal that the first Christian Mayor of Indonesia’s Capital City Jakarta has been defeated by a Muslim. The BBC have repeatedly slandered the now former Christian Mayor by repeating the allegation that one of his comments during his re-election campaign was blasphemous to Islam. Here is the BBC report: “Jakarta election: Christian governor concedes to Muslim rival”
One can hear the BBC feckers shouting allahu akbar in their offices.
As if we need any more evidence that the BBC love muslims and hate christians. Beeboids are moral perverts on every level.
As I drove in to work this morning Toady were having a debate about the accuracy of polling, and could Corbyn win despite being so far behind in the polls. As the talking heads despaired over how the polls could get it so wrong in recent elections I recalled how the BBC have equated it to some sort of crisis after each recent election, and then the penny dropped.
Nobody outside of the MSM cares about polling, and in France they ban them in the run up to their elections. Why the disproportionate concern over inaccurate polling? The BBC care because they really do have this insufferable arrogance, that they can and should control who the masses vote for. All control systems need a feedback loop, and polling is the BBC’s feedback loop. That is why they care so much.
“…the accuracy of polling, and could Corbyn win despite being so far behind in the polls”
This just has to be the best laugh of the morning.
Yes, the pathetic BBC clinging to straws !
Whilst I see no chance of Corbyn winning we must not forget that Treezer is not a great asset to the Tories. She is dull, boring, and has a record of failure as Home Secretary. She needs Corbyn and the loony left.
Here is a plea to all who publish here. Please do not complain to the BBC for their over exposure of Diane Abbot. Britain needs her to keep Labour out
Quite agree. Especially about Rabbit. The more we see of her the better. Ditto Corbyn. They are both great assets to the Tories.
If Labour were more moderate and had a good leader ( much as I despise Blair, he knew how to win elections ), Treezer would be in trouble.
I wonder why BBC Radio 4 is giving so much prominence to the sacking of Bill O’Reilly of Fox News. Many of us in the UK would say, who he? It seems to me it’s the usual solipsistic, “we journalists are such important people ” BBC world view. And of course, it’s Fox News, the bete noire of the BBC. They really are so self-important.
The funny thing is that O’Reilly was sacked for sexual harassment. The BBC report it with no sense of irony.
A victory for The New York Times is a victory for the BBC, and a victory for the BBC is a victory for The New York Times.
And Lo, Mark Thompson smiled upon them both, and it was good.
Question for the BBC (with apologies to Mrs Merton):
‘So what is it about the Fox News anchorman Bill O’ Reilly, who most people in the UK have never heard of, that made you decide to include the story of his sacking in your news bulletins?’
The BBC do not like divisiveness. For one thing, they want every single person in the UK to buy a TV Licence. They did not like the EU Referendum because it ‘divided the country’. Actually, it did no such thing as it was UK-wide. It only divided the UK from the EU according to its unexpected result.
It is strange, then, that they seem to be neutral or possibly quite keen for the Labour Party to pledge to hold another Referendum – if elected to Government – to endorse or overturn the result of the negotiations with the EU under Article 50. The BBC think that might gain Labour some votes from those who voted Remain last June.
There is no mention of the divisiveness that would cause.
As with the US election, the EU referendum was simply a means for revealing how divided the country already was.
One wonders whether the BBC reads this site – if so, here’s one for Katty Kay and Christian Fraser
‘Honeymoon from Hell: The Liberal Media vs. President Trump’
‘As President Trump approaches the end of his first 100 days in office, he has received by far the most hostile press treatment of any incoming American president, with the broadcast networks punishing him with coverage that has been 89% negative. The networks largely ignored important national priorities such as jobs and the fight against ISIS, in favor of a news agenda that has been dominated by anti-Trump controversies and which closely matches what would be expected from an opposition party’
‘Eight years ago, in contrast, the broadcast networks rewarded new President Barack Obama with mainly positive spin, and spent hundreds of stories discussing the economic agenda of the incoming liberal administration’
‘When the President shares the media’s liberal mindset, journalists are willing to be seen as cheerleaders, shaking their pom-poms on behalf of the White House. But when voters select a President who challenges the liberal establishment, those cheerleaders morph into unleashed pitbulls, ferociously attacking both the President and his agenda’
The liberal media have got positive proof that O’ Bamagh was already a raging success at this stage of his presidency – he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize after a month for being the US’s first ‘black’* President.
*Actually half-white, and some would say racist for being reluctant to admit it.
Notwithstanding the irony of an organisation (BBC) that just a few weeks ago was working itself into a frothy mess over claims of foreign (Russia) intervention in elections now giving a platform to a foreigner (Gates) trying to influence the UK election, I am reminded of the following:
Bill Gates – Net worth $81.5 billion
The BBC – Licence fee income £3.7 billion
The UK Government – £1.56 trillion in debt
I suppose we shouldn’t be too surprised to learn that the first two think they can tell the last one to give money away. That’s the charitable left in action.
The BBC are giving Mr Gates a lot of publicity over this. I suspect, that as The Evil One (Soros) prepares to shuffle his mortal coil, Mr Gates is being lined up as the public successor. At least he made his money in a more reputable fashion, providing goods and services that large numbers of people want, as opposed to say, manipulating currencies and governments. He has also put his wallet where his heart is, or where it professes to be. But there is still something rich (no pun intended) in one of the wealthiest men in the world effectively telling the British government to steal money from its own citizens to finance dubious overseas causes. Whilst there are hungry and homeless people in this country, people waiting for or unable to receive appropriate medical treatment, pensioners dying of hypothermia because they cannot afford heating plus millions of people living in sub-standard accommodation, not a penny should be sent overseas. The government, the BBC and Mr Gates should understand that the ordinary people of this country don’t give a toss about British “influence” and “prestige” overseas. And if this mass kleptocracy is supposed to “create stability to avoid war and migration” then it has clearly been a monumental failure, as people in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan and elsewhere will testify.
Top post. Gates has to realise that, to pay income tax in the UK, you do not have to have a very high income. He should also tell us what procedures he has in place to ensure that aid from the Gates Foundation is not stolen by corrupt dicatators. But, as you say, at least it is his own money. What British Governments do with our money is none of his business.
Ian, that great supporter of Capitalism albeeb chooses to run the Gate story as number two in the news. He, being a foreigner, unelected and a billionaire -is able to shape the opinion of the British in the run up to a general election- and is helped to do so by albeeb. I will declare a person interest because – like you Ian – I would close difd and put the £13billion of taxpayers money back into Blighty and not in the pockets of politicians. If Mr Gates is suddenly so concerned about rich men getting through the Gates oh Heaven he can make up the shortfall eh?
Listening to the Today programme ( and suffering- but sometimes laugh out loud ) – a painful exchange between two albeeb journos on politics in the south west of England. True al Beeb group think – basing the probable outcome of the general election there on what happened last time! They just do not understand the Brexit is happening. And comrade Corbin are now part of people’s thinking. They do the listener a great disservice.
I’m trying to work out the outcome of the election. I got the last election , brexit and trump right but still working on this one. I wonder if the libs will recover costing labour and the tories strengthen as ukipers call ” job done ” ( I know it’s not ). Thoughts welcome.
Seems the gay community in France is not conforming to BBC expectations at election time, and they are confused:
BBC Newsbeat
The main gay district in Paris is full of bars, clubs and sex shops. Not a place you’d expect to find support for banning same-sex marriage…
Seems disquiet at certain other aspects of the culture there now take priority over BBC ideals. Who could have guessed?
GuestWho; this is the idiocy of identity politics. Because you are gay you must act and think in a certain way.
The comments they are garnering must make awkward reading unless they don’t care.
That is one reason they hate Milo so much !
BUT who poses the greatest threat to the gay community?
Ah, that would be Muslims and NOT Le Pen.
Mark Steyn has pointed out that Europe might be at peak gay. As the muslim demographic increases, so will persecution of gays. Gay rights can only exist in a tolerant western society, and the clock is ticking for that concept.
Kori Ali Muhammad shot and killed three whites in Fresno, California.
He shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ before shooting three white men.
Said he hates whites and wanted to kill as many as possible.
Nowhere on Al Beebistan, which is strange as they’re usually so keen to report racist crime. And so keen on mental illness too, usually.
Wrong kind of racism I guess.
Good ol’ beeb, can always be relied on to systematically downplay black-on-white crime and hype up white-on-black.
Systemic, institutional racism I call it.
Every time I listen to Melvyn Bragg on Radio 4 ‘In our time’ I find myself seething over the sexist way he talks to the female experts he has on. This is particularly noticeable when he also has a male guest as well.
This morning he has the poor woman virtually having a nervous breakdown as he harries her in a way which he doesn’t do with the men.
If this was a normal bloke on the radio it perhaps wouldn’t be so bad, but Bragg is a lifelong hypocritical wealthy elite Labour member. He is of the kind of BBC luvvie who spend their lives attacking others over the tiniest transgressions whilst being worse than any of them.
Anyone else noticed this about Bragg??
This mornings ‘Today’ interview with Emily Thornbury was classic BBC bias, where she was gently questioned about the political position of Corbyn & whether he was to the left of Michael Foot – she refused to answer at least 3 times, and was never really brought to heel.
But by far the most jaw dropping comment Humphries allowed to pass without comment was when she accused the Tories of being an out of touch elite ! Lady Nugee is perhaps the single most glaring example of the out of touch elite possible, yet no comment was made.
Apart from a requirement for policians to declare their wealth before commenting on the taxation or benefits of citizens – perhaps they should be required to declare any titles held – e.g. lady nugee .
This would apply to all politicians or mouthpieces of whatever colour . It’s a bit like looking at the educational background of BBC journos …
I believe Lord Bragg’s first wife committed suicide, and he has just left his second wife for a much younger woman.
Isn’t life great when you are a right-on, feminist, socialist millionaire?
John Redwood’s diary today ‘The BBC wants to change the news, not report it’.
I read John Redwood’s article and my first thought was that it described typical behaviour from the BBC, not just in the way one programme wants to operate but across the whole output. Either someone is co-ordinating this or, like all ‘creatives’ they copy each other like crazy.
The really sad thing is that this is the way they have been operating for years and the politicians do nothing about it. The result is that democratic politics has all but been destroyed. The will of the people isn’t important, the plebs only get to vote every few years and then just once. The media however get to set the agenda every hour and the canny politician ‘goes with the flow’ and keeps to the damage limitation script from HQ. Consequently all parties and all politicians start sounding the same. They know that there are issues that are off-limits and they know the acceptable opinion on those subjects that can be mentioned.
The ‘truth’ and ‘common sense’ as would have been generally believed for a thousand years have been replaced by whatever the media peddle and any alternative views are suppressed. I expect that is why President Trump likes to directly ‘tweet’ and Mrs. May wants to avoid the TV debate on the media’s terms and instead to speak to the people.
Yes JimS “The really sad thing is that this is the way they have been operating for years and the politicians do nothing about it”.
How do we get patriotic ‘politicians’ with integrity?
Thanks for the post Mr Island, good comments too Jim.
I`ve largely gone off fussing with all the BBC and anything it says. Truth to tell, I usually reverse every loaded word they spout-if they say love, they mean hate-and check off with the other freeview and sites that DO stick to fields where truth may still be found.
If it helps-I have a picture of the BBC with its Spinal Tap model of Stonehenge…as the styrofoam and poxy resin Blue Peter mock offs are brought before us as “news and analysis”?
And then remember that the REAL Stonehenge is just a drive away, and it`s best to go and see it all for yourself every day in its local equivalents as you wish. THAT`S reality”-and all their choices of news are chosen prebaked angles of crap.
Why let them play perpetual pocket billiards on OUR slate?
Plenty Rocket Ronnies and “Grinders” here…all styles, we`re all out here and cueing nicely…time now to plant and pot the fuckers once and for all!
I`m both Bill and Benn-sure to God, I`m no BBC “Little Weed”…and the results of having been under the influence of “The Weed” is all too apparent as you look at them all.
In the beginning was the Weed eh geezerbirds and baybees?…
LOL ! What is a “Rocket Ronnie ” ?
I think it might be a reference to Ronnie O’Sullivan who, I understand, is a player of the game of snooker which has some similarity to (pocket) billiards, (which is more onanistic).
Great to have an insight into the dishonesty of the BBC from one of the few honourable MPs who is not afraid to speak his mind and tell it like it is. We need more John Redwoods.
ROFL! the BBC 😀 AND … the Mail, and the Sun, and the Torygraph etc
I noticed Redwood, and indeed Letwin today, both crawling out from under their stones showing their faces on tv away from screwing all of us, every single one with the scandalous ruination of our NHS.
Are you lost, little man?
errr … who are you?
This morning (7:15) on Toady they had Helen Dickinson, the director general at the British Retail Consortium, on to tell us that prices will go up if we leave the Single Market because the average WTO tariff is 22%.
Such a blatant untruth and yet it went unchallenged.
Yep, even as we speak Bangladeshi textile manufacturers, Turkish TV manufacturers, Australian wine producers, Korean phone suppliers and the Chinese, who seem to make just about everything else, are rushing to impose 22% tarriffs and increase the price of their goods so that we won’t buy them. Not. Silly woman. Why doesn’t she encourage members of the British Retail Consortium to source and sell more British goods?
You will find that these countries have trading agreements with the EU (not to be confused with “free trade agreements”, but rather agreements which cover certain sectors. There is very little international trade on so-called “WTO rules”, which is why we really do need to conclude a trading agreement with the EU before we leave.
I see the bbc’s impartiality lasted less than a day. Now it’s corbyn corbyn corbyn.
FFS, talk about polishing a turd.
‘Fantasy Island all I ever dreamed of ooh oooh ………………….’
Even to the extent of being the headline story on BBC website. Hilarious.
And, heeeeeeeer’s Kattyyyyyyy…..!
So good she shared it twice. Shame not the NYT.
I am too dim to know what that means. Maybe Katty can explain to me .
Grant, a possible translation might be “Trump saying one thing during the Presidential campaign to wrong-foot the anti-Trump media and see if the American people REALLY DID WANT TO TAKE A CHANCE WITH HIM (wish I could do italics on here) and then revert afterward to doing exactly the opposite to what they complained about pre-election just because it a) is the right choice at the right time (possibly), as well as b) it shows the media up as the hypocrites that they often/usually/always* are.”
OK, Katty uses ‘newspeak’ but I have to admit, it is a bit snappier than my translation.
* delete according to your personal estimation
“[I] wish I could do italics on here”
Just put an opening angle bracket ‘<‘, letter ‘I’ and closing angle bracket ‘>’ at the point that you want ‘italics’ to start, then an opening angle bracket ‘<‘, forward slash ‘/’, letter ‘I’ and closing angle bracket ‘>’ where you want it to stop.
The pair of angle brackets at the start and end are the basis of all ‘tags’, the closing tag being indicated by the ‘/’. You can substitute letters like ‘B’ for ‘bold’ for getting a different effect.
Heard a bit of Today on my Toilet Radio – They seemed to giving the Leftlibs all the deference one would reserve for someone in shock or of restricted mental capacity.
I await the Labour Manifesto:- Spend, spend, spend, free stuff, tax, more free stuff, more tax and spend. Then moving to, spend, borrow, tax, free stuff, borrow, spend and leave the country bankrupt but blame the Tories.
What about reopening fully the Blair gates of immigration and abandoning any suggestion of “tens of thousands”? I suggest this is the primary ‘soft-spot’ for labour.
True and Labour will be full on to get the Islamic vote of course with lax rules and LOADS OF FREE STUFF!
Bring in compulsory voter proof of identity at the polling stations.
Abolish the postal vote except for proven medical reasons.
End the crimes of voting by personation and/or illegal residency.
Should just about halve the Labour vote in London and the West Midlands.
The BBC at it again then?
At 7.3O or so, Nigel Farage was brought into Head Preacher Humphrys for a “summons”.
To explain what the hell he`s doing with his life, can`t he either sod off back to Brussels or fail again in Thanet or summat.
Obnoxious emissions from the BBC “Peoples Tribune” as ever-yes, I know Nigel can laugh it off, but its sheer drive-by filth and abuse.
Well, in the course of the Freisler-like hectorings Farage said that Nuttall will either pass or fail as a “UKIP Leader” based on how the party itself behaves, campaigns in the run-up to June 8th.
As surely will May, Corbyn,Sturgeon and Farron surely…I mean, isn`t that what elections are SUPPOSED to do?
Certainly to the Licensed Goon Squad that infest what remains of politics as we know it-I mean, what the hell else do the BBC media scum do but seek leaders, tally polls-then fuck up, abuse and get the whole thing wrong?
Well-9am news headlines…and the BBC brownshirt who reads our headlines as handed down-he tells me that “Nigel Farage has told UKIP Leader Paul Nuttall that he has only six weeks to turn things around and prove himself fit to be a leader”…that kind of thing!
This was NOT what Nigel said-I`m pretty clear that this was a prebaked, crowning turtle all ready to touch the cloth and be served coiled and masquearding as a Danish Pastry…when we all KNOW what it was. Drive-by sheet….utter shit!
Now moving on and swiftly forward eh?…job done.
When will UKIP realise that Stockholm is now MORE than a”syndrome”-it`s a reality and UKIP themselves need to stop laughing this off-and maybe join me in my Nasty Party in finally being the “Peoples Terrorists”.
I mean-if Mc Guiness has been knocked off his f___in perch anyway.
Where have you been ?
I wondered that. He seems a bit upset.
With the BBC.
Probably rightly so!
Come the local elections and GE in June, it is wise to understand what, inter alia, Labour and the Libdems stand for –
So, overwhelmingly 18 out of the 22 local authority areas in Wales voted for Brexit June 2016 and in particular their concerns centered around immigration. The Welsh Assembly did not get the message and they have to be sent a reminder through the ballot box this year.
Dimbleby to host election for BBC, can’t wait to see his face as the results come in.
Or Harry Enfield?
I just loved the expression on Huw Edwards face last time, chewing a wasp or what. Still makes me smile. Two days in and I’m jaded already with the Corbyn love fest…….ugh that’s reminded me of Diane Fatbot…..oh help brain bleach needed. Only 50 more days to go, God help us all.
Krankie says she will deliver an SNP/Labour/Lib Dem coalition. Presumebly with her as PM or Deputy PM . She is mentally deranged !
Grant, think she may have to be PM, Deputy PM, Chancellor and Foreign Secretary as well. Corbyn ruled out a Coalition after 9 June yesterday. After the fuss that the Guardian and BBC made about Theresa May being a liar, he could not now very well go back on his word again, could he?
If Salmond was the Joker, Sturgeon is Poison Ivy.
Farage is Batman, of course and May, Catwoman.
Farron, Killer Croc and Corbyn, the Riddler.
Diane Abbott is squeezing herself into her Fatwoman catsuit as we speak (Sorry if anyone is eating lunch)
Who’s the Penguin then? Ken Clarke?
Perhaps he could be King Tut, fat and past it. As played by Victor Buono.
Ken Clarke is 76 years old.
Is that all? He seems to have been around for ever.
Jeremy Vine providing oxygen for Gina Miller who is telling us to vote tactically to ensure a result for the remoaners. BBC, the real opposition in the UK!
Who the hell are Gina or the BBC to tell us which way to vote ? The good sign is that they are running scared !
Grant, indeed! Or Bill Gates to write manifestos for our political Parties?
We had the cleggster on Newnight last night being asked about a possible Labour/LibDem coalition as well, Grant. Makes one wonder what is in the air conditioning at Broadcasting House.
BBC AC comes with Waccy Baccy included.
Should get 150 seats between them.
Tactical voting isn’t even democratic,if you can’t vote for the party you want in power then don’t bother.
Such is the speed of ‘modern’ life that the saying ‘a week is a long time in politics’ might now be reduced to ‘a day (or two) is a long time in politics’.
The BBC has carried the news of a change of mind by Ken Clarke who WILL now stand for re-election on 8th June. I wonder if the Guardian will attack a Poster Boy of the Tory Remoaners for ‘being a liar’?
A shame, in my view, I was hoping that the GE2017 would see the back of him.
I suppose Fatty Clarke reckons that if he does not stand, his constituency would nominate a Leaver. He puts his own interests and those of the EU ahead of his constituents and his country. A vile creature.
There should be an age limit on running, really there should. Fat, rich, git – he can offer nothing of value except maybe an apology for the NHS Internal Market and the rest of the canker.
Quite agree. Why should politicians be allowed to work more than the rest of us ? I would say 65, even if that triggers a by-election. At the other end, minimum age 30 and a requirement that they have had a job outside politics first.
If Soubry loses, will that be classed as a ‘Conservative Gain’?
For reasons of regional diversity and, no doubt, for our general edification, BBC News Channel whisk us off to Holyrood for First Minister’s Question Time.
A rare glimpse of how women do politics.
Apparently the ‘hemiscycle’ arrangment of the chamber (common across European legislatures) is intended to encourage concensus and compromise.
Just me, or does Nicola Strugeon, Ruth Davidson and Kezia Dugdale’s performance remind anyone else out there rather more of those three sour-faced witches from Macbeth, bitching and scrapping across an over-sized Ikea showroom
A total embarrassment to my country. I am ashamed. If you think the HoC is bad, just look at Holyrood. By the way, the useless building started falling apart about 2 years after it was built.
How much did it cost? Several hundred million, wasn’t it.
It was budgeted at £40 million, but ended up costing £400 million. The sort of mistake anyone spending public money could easily make.
As a little aside – I’m informed that our primary and junior kids run about the playground shouting, Allah u Akbar for a laugh.
Kids eh.
With us it was, Geronimo.
I’ve noticed youngsters using the phrase ‘Allah u Akbar’ as a verb meaning to perform an action similar in nature to that which an older generation might describe as to Kamikaze
Our changing enemies, eh
Our kids or ‘our’ kids? There is difference between joking and practising.
They’re just learning to be “men”.
Though BBC is 50% against Corbyn
It’s still 99% For a Labour Government
Robo first tweeted against Corbyn then apologized
see link
One of the tweets says that as Prick was once President of the Conservatives at Oxford he cannot be expected to be impartial. You have to laugh !
His more SM savvy colleagues must shudder (pleasure or horror depending on which SM) when Nick hits twitter. The old coot spends most of his time explaining what he meant. How this is a person to educate and inform the public is a mystery.
Often such mistakes turn out to be part of clever scheming.
Just watched the BBC TV News at One.
At 1.15pm they showed ‘Reality Check’, a feature on overseas aid. The UK has almost the highest percentage contribution worldwide, except for Sweden. Far more than the USA.
The feature failed to identify how aid was squandered through fraud. Instead, it showed air drops to the hungry in Africa as if this was how it was all done.Plenty of black children were shown to provide an emotional tug.
At the end, a black mother in an aid tent started weeping in front of the camera.
No context. Little fact. Much emotion. Left Wing Politics At Their Finest.
Reality Check team on WS Over To You gave an update last week
Arrogantly said if public stick with BBC they’re free from fake news.
Same day Shukmann aired his Debunked page about Tellurium
– Later More or Less disgraced itself by promoting Wacky Lew The Conspiracy theory nut who wrote a pamphlet full of BUNK promoting his climate activism and used the ambush name the Debunking Handbook.
Of course BBC thinks it’s ahead of the curve on FakeNews whereas it’s 10-15 years since it became widely known their mates at activist NGOs were building such schemes such as Lew’s crew at the also ambush named Skeptical Sciience ..and Desmog Blog run by dodgy PR professionals in Canada/US.
Retraction Watch give some background on Lews efforts to smear his opponents as the conspiracy theorists.
I agree with whoever she is, but the BBC are incapable of giving in-depth stories so we have to go elsewhere for that.
As for fake news, the BBC are the world leaders.
The Great British Fake Off?
‘Half Baked and Full of Graunty Bits – Your BBC’
Any Falkland veterans ?
I see he’s tweeted against Farage twice in last 24 hours.
He seems to be a clone of every other BBC droid. Not an original thought in his head and unlikely ever to have one this side of Armageddon
As an ex essential services worker, my wife still is, used to rises of 1% and having lost any benefits that there were, just wondering what bbc employees get?
As an ex essential services worker, my wife still is, used to rises of 1% and having lost any benefits that there were, just wondering what bbc employees get?
As an ex essential services worker, my wife still is, used to rises of 1% and having lost any benefits that there were, just wondering what bbc employees get?
Apologies for multiples but not my fault but I do think the £4 billion could be just a little better spent.
Constantly and forever we hear there’s, no money but we know it isn’t so.
Don’t worry , the BBC repeat the same old stuff more than 3 times.
Daily Mail reports that Jeremy Corbyn’s brother, Piers Corbyn, says the BBC is evil and biased against the Labour leader .
He is correct on the first point!
R4 now Woman engineer may counter anti-diesel propaganda
4:30pm R4 talking about particulates
Will they mention volcanoes account for some London pollution?
“Next week, Theresa May will unveil her plans to kerb air pollution and it is believed that some diesel drivers could be paid up to £2,000 to trade in their vehicles. Diesel cars emit nitrogen oxides – a pollutant that has been linked to nearly 12,000 UK deaths in 2013. This is the second highest in Europe after Italy. However, this isn’t the first scrappage scheme to be brought in. Philippa Oldham @Philippa_IMechE from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and Adam discuss the merits and pitfalls of an initiative like this.”
(Interesting article by @Philippa_IMechE “Demonising diesel” let’s not jump to conclusions & make a unadvised decision )
Would that be £2000 for a 15 plate, Audi A10 – that’ll work.
Appalling anti Conservative propaganda program from ex Beeboid LBC presenter Shelagh Foggerty today, trying to whip up enthusiasm for a so called ‘progressive alliance’ against the Government!
Imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the Globalist Tendency if Conservatives were to form an anti Globalist alliance with UKIP. This is precisely what they should do IMO if these anti democratic tactics are employed by the globalist parties.
Voting tactically fine, but parties denying voters choice is another story. What next? A one pro EU party state?
“What next? A one pro EU party state?”
I thought that was what we’ve had for the last forty years?
If it hadn’t been for Cameron gambling on shooting UKIP’s fox by having a faux EU reform followed by a ‘landslide’ Pro-EU referendum result we would still be in that state, (but will ‘they’ let us leave?).
No is the answer. It looks like the election is stage 2 of plan B .
There is too much at stake for these parasites to allow us one man one vote plebs to derail their grand schemes.
There is a good essay on on the peculiar German tendency to cause havoc in Europe every once in a while. They are now suffering from a surfeit of moral indignation and righteousness. Odd lot really but there you go.
Fine – but it won’t offer, any progress and they certainly won’t be allies so bring it on.
Isn’t that simply accepting that not one of the other parties can win because well, simply put, they aren’t very popular with the public but if we all club together we can force the will of the unpopular minorities onto the majority.
Which is like all the negatives of proportional representation. Good to see that some are pushing for something so fundamentally undemocratic.
It’s now 10 years since a BBC headline didn’t begin by glorifying Corbyn
Well 24 hours anyway
Oh Carswell is standing down at the election.
Part of your £5.7bn/year buys a £750K designer bungalow for a retired BBC producer Charles Denton
The bbc are public servants?
They serve only some of the public though?
Looks like they have better terms than other, public servants?
The BBC are self-servants.
Grant ( or anyone)
If the albeeb can be accused of not producing comedy any more ( after The Thick of it) then listening to Dawn Butler being interviewed during the 5pm news was worth the effort. If ever a case of overpromotion …a true car crash…. I don’t think labour HQ will let her out again.. next leader after Corbin. ?
Didn’t hear the interview, but she voted in favour of the election. You have to laugh. Labour in total disarray.
Grant, nearly all Labour did. All of the SNP in Westminster did. Wee Nicola has them under her thumb at times. It would have been very embarrassing for her – after her comments about Theresa May being unelected – to let her troops do otherwise.
Didn’t stop her moaning about the PM calling GE2017, though.
I wonder if that little barb – apparently Sturgeon repeated it at the weekend – was the thing that clinched it for May for Tuesday morning?
And, if so, I wonder who will regret it the most on 9 June 2017?
The hypocrisy and double-thinking is laid bare. They object to Treezer calling the election, but vote for it in the hope that they just might get power. Venal vermin, the whole lot of them .
When Trump was anti-establishment in the run-up to the US elections, he was ridiculed by the bbc.
‘anti-establishment’ Corbyn gets the bbc banner headlines all day long, completely unchallenged.
How strange.
Douglas Carswell not standing and supporting the Tory candidate is great news for UKIP.
Chris Hughton has just become the first manager to take Brighton to the Premier League. And he is black!
Why don’t the BBC run a programme celebrating the achievement? A black man achieved what no white man has ever done. They could also celebrate how over-represented black players are in football teams, which is such a tremendous achievement for race relations; every boy’s dream job is becoming a footballer and forty years ago such over-representation like this was unthinkable.
Why would such a show never be commissioned?
OK, so here is a great 30 seconds of a Liebour MP given exposure by Radio 4 – and demonstrating clearly why she has no business in any kind of ‘thinking’ role –
Never heard of her , but she is clearly thick as two short planks. Why did she not vote against the motion ? LOL ! Labour are eating themselves !
She sounds, unintelligent and ill-educated with working class antecedents – just like us!
BBC Website now. All headlines and photos feature Corbyn . You have to laugh.
I’ve only just seen John Redwood’s comments at, so apologies if this has already been mentioned. Definitely worth a read.
Somebody needs to point Mr Redwood towards this site. Cheers Hiesenberg.
The BBC is a liability, but “consumed with its own agenda” 😀
… from a Tory? ROFL! now that is comedy gold
One who along with Letwin have their own “agenda” of screwing every single person in this country through the ruination of the NHS
… who collectively (as usual) put party before country?.
consumed with its own agenda, irony that is funny
nearly as much as this 😀
Have you got a bee in your bonnet ?
It was remiss of his civil servants not to instruct the Secretary of State for Wales how to bluff his way through the Welsh national anthem . Invaluable at rugby matches.
Mr Natural,
True, but not a reason for some people to condemn the man forever !
But to work feverishly behind the scenes to dismantle our NHS with that other snake Letwin, is unforgivable, Grant
They are the J Hunt puppet masters, and installing a NHS chief executive Simon Stevens’ whose last job was as a bloody UnitedHealth executive! and Hunt? on record as saying that the NHS should be privatised, And dismantled
All of these crooks are beneath contempt J Hunt at the last Tory Conf spouted NHS safe in our hands????
When just before he attended a large event at the which discussed the future of the NHS: under the misleading moniker “putting patients first”, organised by the right-wing thinktank called the Institute of Economic Affairs. Which is interesting. Because the IEA thinks the NHS should be abolished. But don’t take my word for it. The IEA has openly published articles on its website describing exactly how to do it.
I do not know the detail , but agree that the NHS is a disaster. Surely the Labour party also played its part in the decline of the NHS ?
Don’t laugh at Redwood’s rendering of the Welsh National Anthem. Here is a Welshman truly buggering it up
Take it away Sir Tom
oops ! Maybe he lived in the US so long that he forgot. I think he came from South Wales. Over to you Taffy !!!
Grant, in fear of Taffman I am,
They don’t speak proper Welsh in South Wales. I was born and educated in North Wales and learnt the Anthem in school and in chapel
Chwarae teg GWF. Mind you, a friend of mine (first language Cymraeg, orllewin) was in Ynys Mon last year and the waiter in his hotel was speaking Cwmraeg to him. They both communicated in Saesneg so they could understand each other.
Rhif Saith
Its all about North and South Welsh .
Mind you, Treez did well on her visit up here and her in walk in fresh air of the North ? 😀
Different dialects. I do have a slight problem with some English accents myself, so no problem with gogledd/se.
At the risk of starting a war, most gogs I’ve met have a scouse accent as well. Did Treez take a phrase book?
“Orl roit der la?”
Rhif Saith
“At the risk of starting a war, most gogs I’ve met have a scouse accent as well. Did Treez take a phrase book?”
Poor border control . 😉
Grant Et Al
‘Its Not Unusual’
😀 !