The extreme Left are never scrutinised by the BBC.
It’s about time there was an end put to third party interference in the democratic process.
These Communists just smear, lie and encourage violence.
If they believe in their ideology, they should stand as candidates and speak about what they are actually for, instead of just what they are against.
If you attack my family like you did with Nigel's you will regret it
Exactly, John. Let’s see UAF, Hate and Hate, Antifa etc. stand for election, but show the electorate their true, blood red, colours and see how they get on then.
As for Va-Gina Miller, she’d be lucky to get more than two votes in any constituency outside of North London.
Some people get a cheap laugh breaking up the speed limit
Scaring the pedestrians for a minute
Crossing up progress driving on the grass
Leaving just enough for room to pass
Sunday driver never took a test
Oh yeah, once upon a time in the west
Yes, it’s no use saying that you don’t know nothing
It’s still gonna get you if don’t do something
Sitting on a fence that’s a dangerous course
Oh, you could even catch a bullet from the peace-keeping force
Even the hero gets a bullet in the chest
Oh yeah, once upon a time in the west
Mother Mary your children are slaughtered
Some of you mothers ought to lock up your daughters
Who’s protecting the innocenti
Heap big trouble in the land of plenty
Tell me how we’re gonna do what’s best
You guess once upon a time in the west
BBC Rules say that prog makers must declare the CO2 footprint of each prog
“All independent programme makers will now have to log the carbon footprint of their output, using a calculation tool pioneered during the production of Eastenders by BBC Studios.”
– “What was the carbon footprint of that helicopter they used to film the police raiding Cliff Richards House?
– What’s the carbon footprint of the 420 people they sent to the Brazil Olympics? (more than we sent athletes).
– What is the carbon footprint of the 80-100 people that the BBC has been sending to Glastonbury for the last decade?” nick-booth-bbc-candidate-bonfire-insanities
Perhaps that’s why they appear to have purposefully destroyed Top Gear, under some bizarre misunderstanding that they’ll discourage public interest in motoring by forcing Clarkson, Hammond and May off the terrestrial airwaves.
Anyone with an ounce of sense will simply make up a plausible figure. They will never check, it is all feel good bullshit, designed to give a W1A suit a job title.
So if the bBC are so bothered about the CO2 footprint of each programme they make, why did Stargazing Live come from Australia this year and why is Springwatch coming from Japan tonight?
Good point Fred ! The Beeb have ‘correspondents’ on every street corner on the planet, so instead of us paying for ‘jollies’, they should dust off these overseas extras on the payroll and make’em start earning their money !
(as an aside, there is this character called James Wong, who appears to be the male version of Amanda Holden – popping up everwhere in his hunger for fame…. ie countryside guru / dietician with magazine recipes / gardening host at Chelsea / and faux scientist for a certain brand of beauty products !!!! )
Actually, Stew, the TV screen, especially if left on standby is the second biggest user of electricity in the home. LCD is worse than LED, or vice versa. Got to be right. Think I heard it on the BBC.
Point of order ..devices don’t use much power on standby
Less that 0.45W is a standard ie not even 10p/month
In reports they often cherry pick special devices which are not common.
BBC are part of “The Poseur Nostra” the PR arm of The LibMob
The PN is a Clanlike body which uses intimidation to push narratives and thus impress a demographic it craves the respect of ie the rest of LibMob.
“Don’t agree with us? then we’ll tell your family that you’re a nasty little racist” “sexist” or “sexist” or “a denier” etc.
“You will be sorry that you crossed us!”
“They’re pointing out the enemy to keep you deaf and blind
They want to sap your energy incarcerate your mind
They give you Rule Brittania, gassy beer, page three *
Two weeks in Espana and Sunday striptease’
Meanwhile the first Jesus says ‘I’d cure it soon
Abolish Monday mornings and Friday afternoons’ ..”
“Google/youtube appears to be at war with anyone adding watchable Fox News Tucker Carlson &or Sean Hanity nightly broadcasts. Within a day or two user banned.
If one was to believe google doesn’t want their customers to watch Carlson & Hanity demolishing Democrats I would not disagree.
eg “This account has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube’s policy against spam, deceptive practices, and misleading content or other Terms of Service violations.”
The only content on MrOptimus was Tucker Carlson news/opinion show.
Dortmund bomber was a speculator and not an Islamist! He would make money if the value of the Dortmund club dropped! The BBC website is running with this. At least it makes a change from smearing people with mental health problems.
Sounds far-fetched. How can we ever trust the BBC after they have cried wolf so many times?
are they really going with that line of story, fuck me its like the plot of GOLDFINGER only less believable
a speculator so stupid as to bomb a team bus to make the share price drop and by the look of it, by just 3 cents
and be stupid enough to do it himself from nearby, presumably because the profits were not big enough to hire someone else to do it
or he couldn’t work out how to find someone, but could build a remote controlled IED
apparently he had the options on 15000 share with them at 5.50 hes going to gain what somewhere a long way south of 80k euros max, sounds more like a funny way of betting on dortmund getting beat by Monaco to me
If you immediately blame Islamists for every attack, you will almost certainly come a cropper – just as BiasedBBC does. Responsible broadcasters on the other hand know to tread with care.
Of course, it’s easy for BiasedBBC and Alan to simply move on, nothing to see here….the Dortmund attack, the Munich shopping mall shooting, the Quebec mosque shooting etc etc
This was the man that threw his toys out of the pram when he didn’t get what he wanted, abandoned the UK, took a job paying nearly half a million pounds a year as head of a charity………yeah, sounds like a perfect candidate to be the next Labour leader
The typical career politician: a moral black-hole; shameless opportunist who will say and do anything to get more money and power; only sees their political career in terms of how it will help their career prospects, not what is best for the country; talks and sounds good but acts shamelessly. Had he ever even been to the seat he was meant to represent?
How can anyone think it is ok to get paid a fortune by a charity? You can bet when they ask for donations they have emotive pictures of starving children, not self-serving millionaires like him rubbing their hands.
Just like Bill Gates – the wealthiest on the planet, telling the UK not to reduce the Overseas Aid budget as it would have catastrophic effects on the welfare of millions of people ! According to him the U.S, UK and Germany are the only countries who provide substantial amounts. Words fail me. The UK could be dropped in the middle of Texas and still be lost, so are we to take it that Australia, Canada and other countries who are 10 times our size, don’t contribute as much ???
If Bill Gates, Bono, Sting, oh and Gary Lineker dug deep enough, their combined wealth could rescue those they are bleating about, and perhaps open their doors to house a few as well !!!!
Taking ‘humanitarian’ advice from Bill Gates is like taking health advice from Dracula. The man made his millions by lumbering the world with third rate software and driving his competitors out of business.
A relative of mine who serves in the British army has recently returned from providing security as part of a UN force for a Gates Foundation immunisation programme in Africa. The threat was from Boko Haram btw.
Try to be informed before holding a strong opinion on a subject.
What he does with his money once his conscience finally wakes up from a lifelong slumber is his business. What my government does with my tax money is another.
With respect, I copy and pasted – so I did quote accurately what you said – twice. But hey, anyone only has to scroll up a little to read for themselves.
Here’s another piece of advice for you – never be afraid to admit you were wrong.
It is just a vanity project for Gates. Does anyone know what audit procedures he has in place to see where his money goes ? As posted before, who the hell is he to tell Governments how to spend our money. Gates should butt out !
So if the Bill Gates foundation is so wealthy and virtuous with Warren Buffet alone pledging billions… Why is the British taxpayer footing his security bill (via the UN)? Personally (as a British taxpayer) I would rather those forces were used aggressively to destroy Boko Haram rather than provide cover for an Immunisation project. If this money were used to destroy Boko Haram (and ISIS etc) then Mr Gates and his pals can carry out as many bloody immunisation projects as they like without needing British forces members to protect them (and thus our money).
As a final point somehow in our liberal lefty loony world we now live in I think people seem to have forgotten the role of the armed forces. They are not there to hand out water to refugees, nor are they there to do “peacekeeping” in some far flung jungle, and they are most certainly not there to send soldiers like Marine A into taliban heartlands fighting a war to then prosecute them and virtue signal once they heroically return. They are there to destroy the enemy. Something my grandfather did in WW2 and I would like to see a lot more of, starting with the likes of Boko Haram and ISIS.
Totally agree. Why should British soldiers put their lives on the line to protect cnuts like Gates. He has enough money to fund his own private army. He is a total selfish sleazebag.
My understanding is that the Foundation paid for the security.
The troops were there to provide security and then remove all trace that the medical staff had been there. If Boko Haram had discovered or suspected their presence they likely would have burnt down the village and killed the inhabitants.
I have sympathy with your desire to destroy Boko Haram (and ISIS etc), but that isnt really a fair criticism of the Gates foundation.
Only on this site, could such vitriol be reserved for donating $28 billion to good causes and immunising children.
Gates urged the UK government to maintain its current absurd levels of overseas aid – money that we are borrowing and will be repaying for decades.
As has been said before, if Bill Gates wishes to salve his miserable conscience by throwing his own money at the demographic nightmare he is helping create in Africa, that is his affair.
Suggesting that we should do likewise is my objection.
Perhaps we have both missed each other’s point then. But I can only reply to what you actually said.
Gates is free to express a view like anyone else. My point was, that he appears to be qualified to hold a view. Hence why I pointed you to information about his humanitarian work.
You on the other hand believe ‘Taking ‘humanitarian’ advice from Bill Gates is like taking health advice from Dracula’.
I shall leave you alone now. I suspect your head hurts.
According to the latest figures from the OECD, in 2016 two G7 countries met the target: the UK and, for the first time, Germany. The other countries that spent at least 0.7% were Sweden, Luxembourg, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Denmark and Norway.
In absolute terms, however, by far the largest annual amount of foreign aid is given by the United States, although that represents only 0.18% of its national income.
I was simply providing some facts in relation to the discussion and the below comment by ‘Brissels’. I thought that might be helpful.
‘According to him the U.S, UK and Germany are the only countries who provide substantial amounts. Words fail me. The UK could be dropped in the middle of Texas and still be lost, so are we to take it that Australia, Canada and other countries who are 10 times our size, don’t contribute as much ???’
This is just a snippet from a post that I meant to appear in the open thread but accidentally put it under sanitising Islam. The programme was hard talk with Sarah Montague interviewing Russian EU ambassador Vladimir Chizov
If you have a chance listen to the beginning. I only lasted 3 minutes. Sarah quotes a French politician or bureaucrat saying that RT and Sputnik spread fake news. They’re picked up quoted and they influence democracy. Are you sure this wasn’t meant to be that the CBB spreads fake news which is picked up, quoted and influences democracy?
Don’t they spend millions of pounds 24/7 doing exactly this.
Watching This Week, as expected the BBC are trying hard to sell the idea of tactical voting and aProgressive Alliance. The chosen vehicle was the photogenic arch Remainer, Gina Miller , who was given a ten minute platform to try and whip up support for these notions. Brillo did a fair interview with her but nonetheless is was an advert for a manoeuvre designed to undermine Brexit. Because Miller isn’t a politician , or as far as I know a member of any political party, the BBC can give her a platform to spout anti Brexit propaganda and urge anti Tory voting without being accused of bias. Since the demise of Labour The corporation is very keen on the idea of a Progressive Alliance , they see it not just as a way of stopping or weakening Brexit , but as a full blown , long term , new Party of the ‘ Progressive ‘ left that by 2023 be ready to take power at the next GE after this one and implement their cherished liberal left agenda. We can expect to see Miller on the BBC a lot over the next few weeks doing the ground work for the putative Progressive Alliance. I suspect that she sees the PA as an anti Brexit vehicle and not a long term political party that wants to implement socialist policies , unless of course they allow the elite like her to continue to ride high on the hog, i.e. Blairism Mk 2.
Miller is of course a Globalist who has made a hell of a lot of money By working in the city. Therefore , as I wrote above, she is unlikely to share the politics of Corbyn’s Labour or the socialists north of the border. This so called Progressive Alliance is therefore a marriage of convenience between socialists on the one hand and Global capitalism and Blairism on the other. The only thing that unites these two factions is to stop Brexit. Exploiting that fault line between the two factions must be a key attack line for the Tories, both during he campaign and in the post election politics.
It is interesting how firmly we live in Orwell speak times. Not only has the word Populist been subverted but also so has the word Globalist.
Both are worthy of living between BBC ‘ ‘s, where we have neglected to put them in our posts.
That TV programme showed up Miller as a far worse ‘liar of the Left’ than Theresa May. Her cover has been blown to the nation. Many are no doubt hoping for a benefit from her campaigning, in terms of Lib Dem votes and a halt to Brexit but I wonder if it and she may deliver the opposite. I hope so.
It’s cheap and easy churnalism for the Beeb to regurgitate whatever cultural Marxist nonsense the charities spew out. What’s more, it lets them virtue signal at the same time.
Wacky EU rules mean INCREASING co2 counts as DECREASING CO2
Burning bio like at Drax releases masses of Co2 TODAY
but cos in theory over next 30 years a new tree will grow the EU discounts today’s CO2 to zero even though it’s up there in the atmosphere.
And even worse than that cos in the US where the trees are cut that co2 is also discounted off US co2 output.
Now you may say that in 10 years new foliage has grown up thus taking Co2 out of the atmosphere but by then you’ve got an even bigger rate of cutting so the off balance sheet Co2 keeps getting bigger and bigger even though it’s there in the atmosphere.
Lovely CO2! Never hurt anybody. The more the better, say I – there just isn’t enough of it at the moment – perhaps 1,000 parts per million, or more, and the atmosphere would be a much more comfortable place, and there’d be lots more trees!
I think most intelligent people in Astronomy now think that carbon dioxide has no effect on temperatures. A good explanation for this is provided in this paper (Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics, Gerhard Gerlich, 2009)
But after solving the problem by using the Grey body temperature, instead of the Black body temperature, and using thermodynamics instead of the Arrhenius method, there is a way in which carbon dioxide can cause warming, and that is to increase the mass of the Atmosphere. Nikolov & Zeller‘s “Unified Theory of Climate“ explains why a fall in the Earths average surface temperature in the last 50 million years correlates with a drop in the atmospheric pressure, despite the Sun getting warmer. The solution is that this correlates with higher atmospheric pressure, or in other words a decrease in the Earths atmospheric pressure at the surface due to the Earths atmosphere being lost to space since the time of the Dinosaurs. This also resolves two other anomalies, which are how a dinosaur’s heart could pump blood 23 feet upwards and how a giant flying Quetzalcoatlus had the energy to stay airborne, something that biology and aerodynamics says is not possible in today’s atmosphere. I think the carbon dioxide levels were about 1200 ppm which is three times that of today, so would indicate an atmospheric pressure of 3 bar.
I could go on about the 100ppm increase in CO2 being caused by the Medieval warm period and that the man-made CO2 of 4 percent representing a maximum of 16 ppm of that, can lead to a Judicial review of the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate and the need to purge the BBC of those W1A left-wing environmental activist clowns, posing as the best scientific experts, or telling the useful idiots at the BBC, what scientists think.
Projection is a hallmark of LibMob.
So what’s it mean when SJW prog BBC Tr(uthB)ending say US Far-Right trolls are trying to create a “MEME” about the French election ?
It means the “far-left” BBC Tr(uthB)ending trolls are trying to create a “MEME” about the French election.
In the actual prog they debunk themselves by mentioning although the US people sent 50K Pepe-the-frog tweets no one in the FN party picked it up in the 1.5million tweets they sent.
It is, Stew. It has been fascinating just this week to see ‘somewhere else’ (I do not wish to reveal where) how people commenting there, either just ahead or immediately afterwards, were precisely ‘parroting’ Labour and the Guardian and its writers.
And as we well know, where Labour and the Guardian lead, others follow.
So the magic money tree has arrived. Labour’s theory is to tax the rich further and give to the the poor. High ideals in a fantasist world.
I’m afraid Mr Corbyn, the world doesn’t work like that. Human beings like wealth and power, they don’t give it away.
Have they considered that, in net terms, almost 50% of the least well off in Britain already do not pay any income tax if one takes into account tax benefits,tax credits,etc. However, the top 1% of earners in this country pay just over 27% of the total amount of income tax. 10% of the country contribute nearly 50% of the country’s income tax take. 25% of income tax earners pay for 75% of the total tax take.
Labour claim to support the working person! Like hell it does!
Vote Labour, vote for a decline in funds available for public services.
Question to the Labour party how do you pay for the public services when tax receipts go abroad?
I don’t reckon we’re at the point where the Tories are the worst option. Give it a few years, memories will have faded, people fancying a change and Labour might then be led by Blair Version V.2 and then maybe, just maybe.
I listened to Sarah Montague interviewing some labour twat this morning in relation to taxing the “rich”. She tried desperately to get to the bottom of what is defined as, “rich” and at what level the tax should start. Problem is, the twat was hopeless at repartee. Should have answered, “we will set the tax at a level to include your salary Sarah, what is it, about £200,000?” A missed opportunity.
Yes G i thought that too. I was waiting for a chat between the Head Girl and St Hump about how many times richer each was than the Labour Party £70000 threshold definition. Sadly for some reason the moment passed.
I wonder if any mp has claimed £70k in expenses lately.
Don’t forget many of the BBC’s social justice warriors have found neat ways of minimising their tax obligations.
I think Jeremy would call it tax avoidance, but he and his anti-capitalist stormtroopers seem incapable of bracketing these BBC fat cats with tax-avoiding big business.
wronged, you need to look at the total Treasury tax take and where it comes from. Tax increased in the last two months on everyone, but it hit the lower nine deciles of the earning population much harder than the top ten per cent.
Think Council Tax, Insurance Tax and Vehicle Excise Duty to get the full picture.
I couldn’t wait to let you all know that I’ve finally cancelled my license and deleted my CBB I player app from my I pad. I can still listen to radio and watch catch up on other channels as long as it’s not being streamed live to air. It feels like such a relief. I’ve been told how good Netflix is and may decide to subscribe. I’ve also discovered a huge range of free documentaries on you tube and I have my library books. I feel quite giddy with excitement. Maybe my moodswings will decrease now.
Yes, and there’s less chance of putting a heavy book or boot through that hi-tech, digital TV, through which you can still watch hired or purchased films, documentaries and enjoy other on-line stuff, such as concerts.
Congratulations and well done at joining the protest.
Up2snuff, thank you for the thumbs up. I haven’t cancelled the license till now because I was hazy over just what I could still do without the license. No high tec tv only two small tube 14 inch ones with set top boxes attached (now detached) but they do have built in DVD players. I only paid about £10 each for the televisions and the picture quality was excellent. I have already taken a subscription with The Spectator which has some excellent reading and as I’ve mentioned previously there are so many other sources to access information and entertainment without the need for a license. I would still be more comfortable if the Continually Biased Broadcaster was back to being the British Broadcasting Corporation where once, if I remember correctly it was something to be proud of and respected around the world. Now I can’t imagine how anyone could begin to repair it nor did I ever dream that I would come to hate the organisation with such intensity.
My two sons live away from me and have no tv licence,they have Netflix and Amazon prime accounts and put me down as a joint member on their accounts so I get both for free, so if you know a Netflix subscriber…
Yes I saw the vomitfest on Breakfast promoting this
The BBc drone (has she had her hair done again) asked if she missed her family. She replied she had been re united with her brother and apparently the person pushing the wheelchair is her sister. I assume it was Christina Lamb with her, my interest was refistering around zero, telling us all how horrible the Hungarians were.
Not on my list of books to buy.
Bruce ‘Two Songs’ Springsteen has a new song, ‘Love Will Conquer Hate’.
If you do not subscribe you must be a racist, sexist, Islamophobic, unintelligent person and you will hated NOT loved by the lovely left.
One often wonders what becomes of brain cells after celebrity status is achieved. I believe a sort of soup ensues, of a red and green hue, the resultant “thoughts” of which are displayed in turn, one after the other.
Some great listening during WatO. Do listen via iPlayer if you were doing other things or lured away by other stations or TV. (BBC Radio 4 1-1.45pm)
It started with firmly placing the blame for yesterday’s police shooting at the door of the police and not the criminal terrorist who actually pulled the trigger.
Then there was BBC bias. Labour, now for 3 days in a row(?), on the campaign trail and getting the most attention. Unfortunately, reality bites. Past Labour policies and soundbites, the soundbiter bit, coming back to haunt them. Jeremy Corbyn has woken up and discovered education. ‘Education, education, education!’ was the war cry in 1997 just before the Labour Party threw open the doors of the UK to allcomers.
Unfortunately, young single people or young childless couples have been doing what comes naturally, whoever is in government, and now the UK’s schools are overfull. As some of those incomers were no doubt teachers, they have seen their pay fall in real terms due to oversupply in their sector and they are not happy. They are also struggling with the oversubscribed classes and their workload.
It was to be Jeremy Corbyn and Labour to the rescue today! Unfortunately, reality has bitten the BBC and perhaps in an attempt to clean up its own FakeNews and FalseNews reputation of the past, Mark Mardell – Labour friend that he is – got tough with Corbyn’s statistics. [It will also help with the BBC needing to fend off claims of bias if it attacks Labour a bit. 😉 ]
Apparently, Jezza got his statistics wrong. Oh dear! How will it go when he has to grapple with McDonnell’s tax proposals?
But Mardell softened the bite, he did not tackle the underlying cause of oversubscribed classes and challenge Labour over the root cause: the increase in the UK population. Perhaps he is hoping that the BBC presenters will be given some special exemption from paying 5%, 10%, 15% more Income Tax every year under Labour? Or perhaps he realises that Corbyn has the BBC, as part of the media, also as part of ‘the system’, centred in his sights and might be tempted to pull a hasty trigger on them. No more increases, maybe, in the Licence Fee?
Then, in an item on the French Election, well just a little more bias but with an interesting undertone of foreboding. I get a sense that the BBC have been bitten by another reality. Their beloved EU is starting to unravel. Marine Le Pen may win the French Election. Who will challenge her? To take away the pain of that bite, they tried to soften it by focusing on a late arriving candidate of the extreme Left (think it was Asselineau) who is a nobody with no policies and attracts no support but addresses a large room full of enthused people.
He wants France out of the EU. Ouch! Another bite on the BBC derrière!
I listened to that WatO and somebody was droning on and on about the increase in classroom sizes. Not once did anyone mention mass unlimited immigration as a cause – it was treated simply as an act of God – millions of little miracles dropped by the stork about which we can do nothing, except pump more taxpayers’ money into building schools for them.
Just checked, there’s no Conservative manifesto available yet. Brilliant tactic. The lib lab pact and, oooh, forgot, including the SNP shouting their mouths off about everybody and all in sundry. I’d say the Conservatives are monitoring closely to fine tune their manifesto before releasing. The likes of Corbyn et al. will be totally breathless by then and, thanks to the BBC the listener/viewer will be fed up hearing what the opposition has to say.
Over to Berlin with the BBC News Channel and we can’t help but come over all nostalgic for the Weimar Republic as we join our bright young BBC chap – floppy-haired deadringrer for Christopher Isherwood – or do I mean Michael York in the movie. Say hi to Sally Bowles for us ! (played by Jenny Hill)
What a tale to tell… seems the bombed soccer team bus was ‘nothing to do with terrorism’* (*Trade Mark)
So, there was this dual nationality Russo-German guy and he had this stock market bet on Dortmund FC shares bombing – do stop me if you’ve heard this one before – anyway, according to our BBC chap ‘Authorities are RELIEVED it was not Islamic Terrorism’
Sorry, you will have to run that one by me again, BBC. Authorities are relieved ! ? ! ?
We appear to enter a whole brave new world of stock market day trader bombing – and this is a RELIEF to the authorities. A good thing? Gosh, the Germans must be even more terrified of Islamic Terror than we thought.
My advice, best get out of Germany before the bloke starts to sing Tomorrow Belongs To Us.
Not sure which is worse:-
1)An army of religious fanatics?
2)An army of religious killers?
2)An army of unhinged killers?
4)An army of fanatical, unhinged, killers?
5)An army of Bet Fred patrons?
Coming 4:30pm on BBC More or Less
Pondering the “Kate Bush Conjecture”
Kyle D Evans – Flatland & Pop music in many dimensions
Ruth Dalton on navigation, mazes, architecture & dementia. Then to the Barbican Barry posted links debunking Prof Lew the Fake Debunker who they promoted last week
Ah prog page is up now : Corbyn Living standards claim, Guardian sexual harassment, accuracy of polling, maths music, blue passport cost
Jeremy Corbyn said this week that living standards are falling.
we decided to check it out.
Senior Economist Jonathan Cribb at the Institute for Fiscal Studies,…some interesting twists and turns to living standards.
A recent Guardian front page suggested that sexual harassment at British universities is at ‘epidemic levels’.
We looked at the data cited and we are not so sure the evidence backs that up.
Do the Conservatives really have a 20 point lead over Labour in the opinion polls?
We have been sceptical in the past of the accuracy of polling.
We speak to Matt Singh about whether we need to be worried again now.
Recent headlines suggested that returning to blue passports once we leave the EU may cost half a billion pounds. We discover this is not at all what it seems.
Lower income households substantially better off cos of prior benefit rises 2007-2009.
Top 10% saw NO income growth cos wage growth hasn’t been great ..benefit people don’t rely on wages.
Top 1-2% (£90K +) Income FALLEN the most after inflation
of concern cos they contribute much to tax take
Future : Expect fall income in poor due to cuts in real value of benefits tax credits after inflation.
Guardian survey 169 thru 2 million students
ie 1 in 72,000
in general society sex crime is 1 in 650 popn/year
Guardian quoted US saying 1 in 13 under reporting
“shock and awe headline” unjustified
“Recent headlines suggested that returning to blue passports once we leave the EU may cost half a billion pounds”.
That wouldn’t be ‘recent headlines’ from the BBC itself, by any chance?
But even if true, it’s not much. Less than two weeks worth of foreign ‘aid’, which Red Tess has kindly agreed not to cut should the Tories win the General Election.
And removing EU logos from letterheads will cost a Gazillion, Billion pounds AND throw the Earth off it’s axis, while bringing about the return of dinosaurs!
What do you mean, the return of dinosaurs? I thought they are here already in the BBC’s Labour Party: Corbynosaurus, Abbottdron, Thornberryopterix etc.
I wonder if they take into account the passports are changed on a 5 year cycle anyway. This is to make it harder to forge. Seems to me changing to a different colour would screw up the forgers requiring them to restock.
Ann Coulter rejects Berkeley’s proposal to reschedule her speech:-
Ann Coulter said no to a proposal by the University of California, Berkeley, that would reschedule her planned speech on campus — to a date when no formal classes are in session.
“You cannot impose arbitrary and harassing restrictions on the exercise of a constitutional right,” Coulter told “Hannity” on Thursday night. “None of this has to do with security.”
The conservative commentator initially agreed to speak at Berkeley on April 27 after college Republicans invited her, but the school cancelled on Wednesday citing threats of rioting and other violence. Still, Coulter said she would show up anyway.
Not reported on the BBC is an article in Der Speigel, concerning the FACT that German Turks eligible to vote in the Turkish referendum are so inadequately integrated into German society that they almost unbelievably have been able to swing the outcome of the Erdogan autocracy vote.
This means they are living in a Western democracy and voted for autocracy, capital punishment, the arrest of critical journalists and the jailing of the political opposition. Why is there no analysis of why & how this is happening?
Despite living in democracies and in freedom and safety, these people have essentially voted to eliminate democracy in Turkey
The cities of Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir all voted “no” on the referendum, but Berlin, Hamburg and Munich – in fact all 13 cities in Germany where Turkish-Germans eligible to vote could cast ballots – voted “yes.”
This phenomenon NEEDS coverage! Those people who have voted for unimaginable things clearly want them themselves, and they are living in safe democratic countries! What has gone so wrong with the looney liberal multi culti experiment to produce something like this?
Here is my own opinion. Anti ‘Waycism’ is a major problem in the West, responsible for the promotion & cover up of the rape of thousands of children and the rabid defence of absolutely anything the Muslims want to perpetrate. And so the extremists have been allowed free rein to go around proselytising forcing cajoling and persuading others to their own version of what is right & wrong, with anyone from the native populace being called ‘waycist’ if they spoke out about what has been going on.
This is the result and I hope the Fascist Left are proud of it.
Those people who have voted for unimaginable things clearly want them themselves, and they are living in safe democratic countries!
And the likes of the BBC are unable or unwilling to discuss the danger these people are to the West, including the BBC itself. This is a prime example of how Islam will not change, it will not adapt to become some Western-friendly, liberalised, more democratic version of itself. Islam is Islam, and will not bend.
The bBC is spending a lot of time and effort in trying to promote the view that US deathrow inmate Ledell Lee who was executed last night was actually an innocent man.
Whilst the bBC CS wax lyrical over the death of this so called ‘innocent man’ they leave out the full facts on why he was put to death:(from 2009)
The Supreme Court upheld the death sentence of Ledell Lee, 43, who was sentenced to die for the Feb. 9, 1993, beating and strangling death of Debra Reese, 26, in the Sunnyside addition, where he had attacked several other women…He was also convicted of raping two Jacksonville women and was tried for the murder of Christine Lewis, the daughter of the late Alderman Robert Lewis. Lee was also suspected of killing a Jacksonville prostitute and dumping her body in a shed near the railroad tracks. Lewis, 22, was abducted from her Sunnyside home in November 1989 as her 3-year-old child watched. She was raped and strangled and her body dumped in the closet of an abandoned home. The jury could not agree on a verdict in that trial, but prosecutors decided not to retry him when he received the death sentence in the Reese case and was convicted for raping two women. DNA evidence tied Lee to the murders and rapes.
The bBC where murderers,rapists and religious bigots can only be deemed as innocent , if they are non-white and living in the US.
The vermin at the BBC do not care about the victims. They do not care whether the condemned was innocent or guilty. They only care about their amoral agenda and it does not matter how many have to die. Beeboids are Nazis.
“living a nightmare he could not wake up from”. Well you can’t wake up now, can you, you b*stard.
Up to three murders, at least three rapes, solid DNA evidence.
Seems to me that there are innocent women alive and unmolested today because of his arrest, and he will never commit any offences again.
BBC radio Newcastle just can’t get enough of Islam.
This morning they had to resurrect the boxing muslim women story again.
Apparently it teaches them self defence and boosts their confidence when walking around the town.
As always the question about racial harassment was posted , hence the necessity for such lessons.
Perhaps if they assimilated with the population, instead of making a statement (we are Muslim) there would be no need for such resorts.
Here is an example. I support Sunderland for all my sins. However, there is no way I would don the colours and walk around the Newcastle United stadium on a match day and expect not to get some sort of harassment. For all I have the lawful right to do so, I also have the common sense to realise that there is some nutter out there who will take offence. I accept this and to avoid any provocation I would never do so.
BBC Pet issues : Hull Look North opened with the important NEWS
local foot fanzine has Joke about the club’s new Egyptian owner Assem Allam : “racist”
Funny when I check Twitter I see hundreds of tweets about Hull football not mentioning it
No one is complaining about it only 3 people mention it, only one complaining apart from Radio Humberside
A law firm just tweeted they’ll be on the show later
@RadioHumberside 2 hours ago
Tenfootcity magazine, which seeks to celebrate the street culture of Hull, is accused of racism in an article about Hull City.
Hull City is reporting comments made about its Egyptian owners in Tenfootcity magazine to police because of “potentially racist references”
Tenfootcity magazine says it’s ‘not racist, just distastefully funny” in a piece on Hull City’s owners, who are of Egyptian origin
Does anyone know where Muslim women in burkas go to give birth? (That’s a serious question, by the way, not the intro to a joke.)
A couple of years ago when my daughter-in-law was on a maternity ward after giving birth a heavily-pregnant woman in a burka was admitted into a separate side room. Just wondering if this might be some kind of NHS policy – you know, in the name of ‘inclusiveness’. Or does it come under the category ‘respecting other cultures’?
Clearly another nail in the coffin of Islamification ! special food and prayer rooms in prisons, prayer rooms in hospitals, Halal food every bloody where, special rooms in the hairdressers for hijab wearing women.
The Royals have advised us to forget the ‘stiff upper lip’ – which has been in evidence with political correctness, and why we’ve shrugged our shoulders with a what-will-be-will-be attitude towards this creeping ‘invasion’. Perhaps we should heed their advice and start to be ‘more open’ with our thoughts ! they’ll soon think twice before doling out advice !
Hey up They’ve just posted the web news story
With a warning label
* Warning: This report uses language some readers may find offensive *
These included the terms “sand-licker”, “pyramid trotter” and a reference to sexual activity with a camel.
Another section of the article referred to the club signing players from overseas and winning “the John Motson trophy for the the most unpronounceable names in the Prem”.
A spokesman for the magazine said: ”People should stop being so sensitive and read the rest of the magazine properly.”
the same edition of the free magazine, which claims to have a circulation of about 30,000, featured articles about helping Hull’s refugees and the history of Hull’s Rock Against Racism movement
He is hated for changing the name from “Hull City” to “Nineteen O‘Four“ using Arab numerals. Apparently its racist to ask the Arab to use “MCMIV” which stands for “Mighty City, Mighty In Victory”
In the unlikely event of a Corbyn victory, I trust even the biased BBC would have the good sense to make sure you are several thousand miles away from a microphone.
How the bBC reports on how a Muslim doctor was nabbed in the US for carrying out FGM on little girls: Two more arrested in Michigan in first FGM prosecution in US A Michigan doctor and his wife have been arrested in connection with the first ever prosecution for female genital mutilation (FGM) in the US. Dr Fakhruddin Attar, 53, and Farida Attar, 50, are charged with conspiracy to perform the banned surgery at their medical clinic in a Detroit suburb. They allegedly conspired with emergency room doctor, Jumana Nagarwala, who was arrested last week…..Local media have identified the three arrested as members of a small sect of Shia Islam that has been linked to Australia’s first FGM case.
Also whilst the bBC reports this: Since being charged, Dr Nagarwala has been placed on leave from her emergency room position at a local hospital.
The truth is a little different:
The hearing came four days after Nagarwala was arrested at Detroit Metropolitan Airport while trying to fly to Nairobi, Kenya.
and here is what the local media had to say 2 hours ago: Nagarwala, meanwhile, was charged in federal court April 12 and is being held without bond on charges that could send her to federal prison for life.
So according to the bBC, this is just an isolated case by a very small section of the Shia Muslim faith. Doesn’t explain why the bBC itself reports that 170,000 women have undergone this disgusting practice in the Uk, with 6000 alone between April 15 to March 16.
What was that the bBC stated about this all been the work of a minority shia sect?
Thank you Pounce for reporting on this. I know of the very real issues in Bristol with the illegal practise of FGM on Somali girls there. My teacher friend tells me teachers have been instructed to recognise and help. The schools are trying to stop girls going abroad for the operation but there are doctors prepared to do it in Bristol anyway. This is a very serious issue and a public broadcasting service should help these young women rather than ignore it.
“objectively, without emotion, we ve had the dead child on the beach, this is natural progression.”
I’m almost surprised that they didn’t push her in so they could have the byline “One empty wheelchair without an owner. Another victim of Donald Trump and Brexit not taking in enough refugees”.
Demon, I would imagine if a BBC reporter could get genuine footage of a tipped over empty wheelchair on a Greek beach, with one wheel slowly spinning, he or she would probably win a Pulitzer Prize.
Keeping the £13 billion for foreign aid and Hammond suggesting rises to tax and NI.
Well, there’s a bit of blue sky between the Tories and UKIP.
Most of us have charitable leanings but really? Like there aren’t things in the country desperate for cash?
Our prospective, (Labour) West Midlands Regional Mayor is promising £1 million for a Drugs Task Force. Come on, £1 million might provide a building, a few laptops and a coffee machine.
Keeping the £13 billion for foreign aid and Hammond suggesting rises to tax and NI.
Well, there’s a bit of blue sky between the Tories and UKIP.
Most of us have charitable leanings but really? Like there aren’t things in the country desperate for cash?
Our prospective, (Labour) West Midlands Regional Mayor is promising £1 million for a Drugs Task Force. Come on, £1 million might provide a building, a few laptops and a coffee machine.
The news that May, despite it being massively unpopular – will not cut the overseas aid budget (I’d prefer it to be zero) means I won’t vote tory. And with that statement she’s lost a number of seats she could have won easily.
And possible tax rises? Probably no reductions in immigration too, it’s as I’d feared.
UKIP is in a mess but there really is no alternative.
She could have struck out in a new direction with a strong mandate to bring in policies to keep them in Government for at least 10 years. But alas we’re going down the same old road, with most likely the weakest Brexit they can get away with.
I’m saddened but not really surprised. The silly cow deserves to have her majority reduced.
The most pampered group in the UK for the last decade or more, unless you believe they are all wrapped up in a shawl with the one bar electric fire on.
Most I know are planning where the next holiday of the three a year will be to – and I do not associate with “wealthy” people.
We don’t believe Al Beeb’s graphs, in fact we don’t think that they are sincere . That’s why we post on this site, to point out the bias of the broadcaster .
Why are you and Maxi here ? Do you work for them, are you a supporter, or merely an immature adolescent troll ?
“We don’t believe Al Beeb’s graphs, we don’t believe in facts, you can prove anything with facts…”
“Do you work for them, are you a supporter, or merely an immature adolescent troll?”
Christ on a bike, taffman; regardless of 60022Mallard’s argument, your response is utterly pathetic. Why are you here if that’s the best you can come up with?
The graph is from the Resolution Foundation, not the BBC.
And to head off the inevitable:
The Resolution Foundation is an independent British think tank. In June 2015 the former Conservative MP David Willetts took over as executive chairman.
I am not jealous, just a realist to know that the country cannot afford the largesse it provides to those who are already quite sufficiently provided for.
They had a huge taxpayer bung to subsidise purchase of their properties and if the state benefits were as they are now when they were “paying in” they would have been paying in plenty more at the time – as our children are going to be expected to do to keep us in the luxury to which we have become accustomed!
Unfortunately for any government once a concession is granted it is very difficult to take it away.
Mmmm, I don’t know any pensioners that are doing that well.
Most of them still have a slim budget as far as I can tell.
Not everyone owns their own home or retires in Spain.
Is one meant to feel guilty if they don’t have to live in a shoe box retirement flat in a multicultural slum when they get old?
you do realise my 85 year old man paid into 3 pensions and still pays tax mallard
and you do realise he worked and paid taxes for 51years
and you do realise that the state pension is paltry, and one of the worst in europe!!!
you do realise that triple locked rises on fuck all is still fuck all
and he was never unemployed for any of those 51years
but still you begrudge him it.
The real shame is gordon browns for ruining the largest pension funds in the world and throwing our pensioners into poverty and back on the largesse of the state.
first they steal everyones private pensions, and then they complain about having to support them all …. cheeky fuckin cunts
Well said Kaiser !
Us ‘pensioners’ had a totally different mindset and work ethic in our younger days to recent generations.
At 21 (1969) living at home and earning £15 per week I was offered the chance to join the company pension scheme. Like most I baulked at the idea, but 30p a week from my wages which I didn’t miss, plus the employers contribution, was probably the best decision I made. 20 odd years later and still with the firm, my contribution finally was £50 per month, from which I am benefitting from now.
I would add, that not only did I have a full time job at that age, but worked 2 nights behind a bar at the pub, did a Saturday job on a til at a DIY store, and was a ‘bookies runner’ during the lunch hour !
Today, I feel like I’ve won the lottery if the paperboy has delivered my paper !!
Regardless of current rates, I would always impress on any working youngsters to pay into a pension scheme. Retirement may seem like an eternity away, but it gallops up in the blink of an eye.
Oh Mallard,
Come to biasedbbc and write stuff straight from the youth department of The Guardian. I am not an OAP but I think if someone has spent their life in this country, paid their taxes and NI they deserve a comfortable level of support in the latter years.
I wonder how old you are and how much contact you have with the elderly. If you read this please don’t be offended that I disagree with your opinion.
I am naive enough to believe that Tory hq will realise that the overseas aid budget is a vote loser and will adapt it to include defence and counter terrorism. It is the main thing I disagree with on Tory policies.
Use the overseas aid budget to pay for the new nuclear boats!
Lefties are conditioned to think that they are clever and the rest of us are stupid. So it is a big shock for their little narrow-minded, parochial minds when they come up against arguments that they cannot refute. So they run and hide.
We can only hope that the overseas aid budget actually morphs into bombs to drop on Isis or boats to defend our newly freed up coastal waters . That’s as far as overseas should go…
She’s a weak and useless politician with virtually no charisma and even fewer ideas she’s been a utter failure with Cameron, and weak now as PM, the thing she is, is extremely devious, and underhand
I had to laugh, the talk of her astuteness on this election call 😀
Its not her, she s not bright enough, its the political establishment … Her resume is lies indecision, and turncoat ie NOT to be trusted.
Already disastrous on immigration, borders, police, prisons, beneath contempt on the NHS, wealth gap, living standards, essential services, selling off,(what s left) of our infrastructure, clueless on the economy and deliberate on neglect and social care for our elderly.
The 6 week timescale, is to avoid scrutiny, of her failure, and glaring lack of personality in dealing with it … no televised debates for May to pollute with her charisma vacuum either by the look of it.
Don t forget all the chickens are due to come home to roost in the near future over our nations utter mismanagement.
Wronged, imaynotalwaysloveyou
Me too
But note that this is Treezer’s first General Election before that she had her jobs handed to her. It is beginning to look as if she is catering for those in her liberal bubble.This decision is not going to play well and indicates she is fairly clueless with regard to opinion in the is country .
f the opposition were a little brighter she could be toppled.
Less than half an hour ago you were worried about your ‘starving’ children; now you’re describing the basic MP’s salary of £74,000 a year as ‘peanuts’.
Thank you Grant. Rest assured that if ever I need to know the closing time of every off-licence within a five mile radius you’ll be the first person I ask.
I am afraid our media, politicians and religious leaders (to their shame) were so keen to favour points with Mos followers that we have pretty much sat on our hands while many of the Christians in Syria and Iraq were murdered. Maybe we should ask the MCB in this country to run training courses in victimhood so the Christians can pick up some tips and get better media coverage.
Regarding the vicars daughter it is a pity she not so quick to grab the bible as she is the hijab. Still I suppose the Bible doesnt look so good with kitten heels.
It is also interesting that the one country left in the Middle East (now Syria has been pretty much wrecked) which remains secular in its outlook is Israel. It is also the one country that the Labour party seems to detest.
A few days ago I decided to spend my lunch break looking round Westminster Cathedral. An attendant at the door asked me to remove my hat. Do you think I should just of told him to fuck off?
Whenever I go into a church I remove my hat automatically as mark of respect. I don’t need to be told like you Maxi. I also take off my shoes when I go into a mosque and ensure I wear a hat in a synagogue or other Jewish place of respect.
If European women are forced to cover their heads and their arms when just on streets in a moslem country as a mark of respect, then surely taking off that barbaric attire would be a mark of respect in a Western country. Why does that only work one way?
Also, as Christianity is completely banned in Saudi Arabia, there must be no Saudi money allowed to pay to have mosques built in our countries. And not to our universities that were once great places of learning, and also leave our football clubs alone! Once we get the same rights in their countries as they demand in ours we should ban all their money to pay for our cultural institutions.
“Why did you need someone to point out to you that you were wearing a hat in a place of worship?”
I’m not a Catholic; why should I surrender to Catholic demands? Women can wear hats in Westminster Cathedral why can’t I? Do you think I should just of told him to fuck off?
I was brought up in an Anglican household, my father (catholic) had the upside/down candle treatment from the papists. WIND YOUR NECK IN ABOUT SOMETHING YOU ARE COMPLETELY IGNORANT.
FYI women in both catholic and Anglican churches are allowed to cover their hair.
I still await your response to my question WRT mosques and footwear.
Why were you asked to remove your hat? Was it all hats they were asking to be removed? Was it all headwear that they were asking to be removed? Was it a general policy or just an over officious individual. Am genuine interested. Your comments so far lack sufficient detail to assess what was going on.
Westminster Cathedral is Catholic. Catholic places of worship have strict dress codes; one of which is that men (and only men) shouldn’t cover their heads. It used to be the case that women had to cover their heads but that rule seems to have been relaxed in some (but not all) places.
Meanwhile, Synagogues and Mosques have other obscure rules about who should, can and can’t wear a hat.
Perhaps a bit of sensitivity was in order about your hat. Certainly the idea of going into a Christian church – Roman Catholic or Protestant – and then contemplating telling a member of staff to ” fuck off” kind of defeats any purpose of being there doesn’t it. Maybe if you are a Muslim you don’t understand the nuances of Christian culture. Me? I d turn the other cheek .
So why have you wasted your life posting on here then ? You could have saved some of it by just taking off you hat. Or better still, ‘stop talking through it’ .
Grant and Jim to me it is basically a statement saying that this bloke is a lazy, decadent twat.
It appears to me that some modern art has evolved into a weird perversion of what most of us understand as art. It has become some sort of weird phenomena where the ability to shock has become more important than any visual stimulation or emotion provided by the work of art itself.
I suppose people like this bloke, Tracey Emmin with her foul bed and stained sheets and Damien Hurst with his pointless obsession with mutilating dead animals. All have found that shocking liberal, bored, decadent, over remunerated Islington types is easy money. These people are so desperate to be seen as right on and edgy that they will pay good money for this sort of crap. And I suppose in their view somehow demonstrating that they like this shit somehow validates them.
All very BBC I think!
Grant – They are just a bunch of W####rs with too much time and too much money on their hands. Its a bit like all those sensitive, empty, arty types who thought they were somehow occupying the moral high ground when they dressed as a drowned six year old and lay down on a beach to have their photo taken.
Even if you forget all the media lies and back story about this shite frankly it was pathetic.
Maybe they should try real drowning at least it would reduce their contributions to the gene pool.
I think its supposed to represent the 76,646 blue blooded Hull people, gassed by the local Labour council, for voting Brexit. The council would have used the sewers to deliver the gas. I smelt the awful pong after a non-fatal test run last year.
With all those naked bodies laying, ahem, cheek to jowl I should think the sewers stinking of gas are the last thing to worry about if you are in the middle of that lot, with ‘gas’ quietly being delivered from other areas !!!!
“Labour using children in their latest cringeworthy and laughably pathetic advert. #GE2017”
“Primary school children are surely the only people who could be taken in by this kind of #Labour s*** ”
“Hang your heads in shame Labour Party using innocent children to spout your politics! ”
“Labour is teacher – a kind, big, patient, wise, sympathetic educator.
You, voters, are children. ”
“That Labour PPB w/ the teacher explaining education cuts to the small children has rather heavy overtones of indoctrination. (I’m a leftie!)”
“Will vote Labour and maybe in a simplified way what is said is true but don’t really like children used and scripted as in this bit of spin.”
“i like how the labour party political broadcast is a teacher telling children how to vote and why”
This advert really says: ‘Under Corbyn’s Labour, teachers will tell your children which political party to support’
“If Labour hadn’t encouraged all the migrants children in there might be more space in the classroom”
@jeremycorbyn just seen the disgusting Labour Party broadcast using children to launch education policy. Policy ok but not using children.
Way to go Labour – show teachers putting children under psychological distress as your Party Political broadcast!???
this evening stated that under Tories there will be “Less teachers*”; which side actually DOES speak for educational standards?
Anybody else feel as outraged as I do that the Labour Election Broadcast tonight used (abused?) very young school children in a brain-washing exercise and represented teachers with an illiterate actor/scriptwriter (“less libraries*”!)?
* sic Fewer
The first Labour Party broadcast – totally vomit-inducing. And I speak as a Headteacher who is totally against the cuts.
I’m labour. It’s not the messenger it’s the message. Political indoctrination of kids. Piss easy target for the Mail. Stupid ad
.”I’ve just realised it wasn’t that diverse, children-wise.”
Stew – Sometimes I do miss having a telly, but at times like this I think it is one of the best and most de-stressing things I have ever done. And it also saves much energy having to empty the vomit bucket.
Can only imagine all the child actors involved were all sent to Tower Hamlets afterwards, by way of a school trip reward for doing the Pyongyang Squat, without ever needing to exercise and get some fresh air( TBF, Kim John Nutboy at LEAST doesn`t pen them up in classrooms at Easter as Corbz do!…fankmiteech for migrammy bruvz!
As for our blonde poppetteer?…is it Doha or Muscat where we`ll next see her as she doles of the Trukish Delight or Chocolates Fry or Flake?
Bit broad in the beam, but a fancy pants suit, so the Harem Pants may not be TOO big a stretch for her. And not even a portrait of Corbyn on the school wall where a crucifix might once have been?
You`d think that Labour would rather we NOT be reminded of the Beardibolluk who leads them.
Ah well-maybe he was lying in the chiller fridge of the local Iceland getting fitted for his mausoleum stint soon to come.
FFS!…when did politcs come to THIS then by way of erectioneeering?
Ten reasons why today’s children do not go to a Library:
(1) They may be snatched by Muslims, for sex work
(2) They are imprisoned by a lefty parent for Health and Safety reasons
(3) They cannot read, because of left-wing progressive teaching methods
(4) Most of the new books are unreadable due to not being written in English
(5) They cannot move far due to obesity
(6) They are right-wing geniuses who use the internet
(7) Because Kippers like Uncle Richard have lots of books
(8) The Library does not stock any books with the word “Man” in them
(9) Most of the books in the Library have been stolen, and sold on EBay
(10) The Labour Council needs the money to pay its rich cronies
Good one ! No comeback on that. If Labour value reading so much , why have they progressively dumbed down the education system ? What is the point of books if fewer and fewer people can read them ?
TODAY The BBC’s favoured wind power has zigzagged between 2GW and 4GW.
But naturally they won’t tell you this!
Meanwhile conventional technologies of gas and nuclear have been reliably supplying up to 25GW of demand, a good deal more than two thirds.
Quite right. The BBC is wholly owned by the ‘Green’ movement and has been for about 20 years. After the second world war the allies had a programme to ‘de-Nazify’ Germany (with how much success is a moot point). If we ever manage to get the BBC overthrown, I hate to thing how much de-Greening it would take to restore sanity and reason to the airwaves.
You beat me to it Stew! More climate change BS propaganda from the BBC. Your link puts the record straight but how many will bother to read it?
I also like the picture used by the BBC to illustrate coal mining. Those two poor miners working in dreadful conditions. Lucky they used a picture from the 20s rather than a more modern one. Is the subliminal message that it was after all a good idea, because climate change trumps the BBC’s visceral hatred of Margaret Thatcher, to close the mines and save the workers from these conditions?
God Almighty, listening to Evan Davis giving a Frenchman a right old grilling about Marine Le Pen, he’s lucky not to be given a bunch of fives ! and the BBC maintain its not biased. Who gave this idiot a job in the first place I wonder.
Newsnight’s Evan Davies completely lost it tonight.
Firstly, he interviewed a goodie, a man supporting the BBC’s candidate in the French election, Emmanuel Macron. This supporter was invited to give his opinions, listened to as if he was Buddha issuing amusing, exactitudes on the world we inhabit. Then Evan interviewed some poor sod who happened to support Le Pen. What did this guy have to say? I don’t know. Evan started interrupting him as soon as he attempted a reply to the antagonistic questioning. Within about 30 seconds Evan actually shouting at the poor fellow who couldn’t get more than a few words out before being scolded and attacked with a new hostile question.
Evan threw deceits around, such as Le Pen wants to expel immigrants when actually, Le Penn wants to expel all those whom the security forces have suspicions.
How does Evan know if he disagrees with the guy if he doesn’t listen to any of his thoughts?
A program with Newsnight’s pretensions must be able to offer views alien to those who make it.Else it is doomed.
I usually avoid Newsnight like the plague, but did see the latter part of Davis’s love-in with the Macron supporter, and then watched with increasing anger and disbelief his arrogant rudeness when interviewing (aka aggressively confronting) M. Messiha, the Le Pen supporter. Davis’s attitude was, and habitually is, absolutely unacceptable and he should be held to account. But who will do this? Not the Newsnight management, nor the BBC, nor Ofcom, and on present evidence, nor the government. So its down to a posse with baseball bats (only joking, naturally).
Al Beeb’s Trolls attack in pairs. They must be under pressure at Al Beeb HQ. Things are not going their way so they come to attempt to disrupt this site.
andyjsnapeMar 4, 13:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What pause in US military aid could mean for Ukraine “could mean” – could? “it may be months” may?…
tomoMar 4, 12:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I doubt that a single main party dumbass in Westminster has watched this. What a contrast to Kamala…….
diggMar 4, 12:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The police president of The Black Police Association has complained because a tweet he made has been flagged as offensive…
Guest WhoMar 4, 12:45 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Big pow wow between Starmer and Davie on this one. “Stick with saying nothing?” “Yup”
The extreme Left are never scrutinised by the BBC.
It’s about time there was an end put to third party interference in the democratic process.
These Communists just smear, lie and encourage violence.
If they believe in their ideology, they should stand as candidates and speak about what they are actually for, instead of just what they are against.
Absolutely, Mice H; remind me again where Gina Miller is standing?
Exactly, John. Let’s see UAF, Hate and Hate, Antifa etc. stand for election, but show the electorate their true, blood red, colours and see how they get on then.
As for Va-Gina Miller, she’d be lucky to get more than two votes in any constituency outside of North London.
As it’s the weekend….Some Music?
These lyrics seem to fit our current situation
Some people get a cheap laugh breaking up the speed limit
Scaring the pedestrians for a minute
Crossing up progress driving on the grass
Leaving just enough for room to pass
Sunday driver never took a test
Oh yeah, once upon a time in the west
Yes, it’s no use saying that you don’t know nothing
It’s still gonna get you if don’t do something
Sitting on a fence that’s a dangerous course
Oh, you could even catch a bullet from the peace-keeping force
Even the hero gets a bullet in the chest
Oh yeah, once upon a time in the west
Mother Mary your children are slaughtered
Some of you mothers ought to lock up your daughters
Who’s protecting the innocenti
Heap big trouble in the land of plenty
Tell me how we’re gonna do what’s best
You guess once upon a time in the west
Once upon a time in the west…
BBC Rules say that prog makers must declare the CO2 footprint of each prog
“All independent programme makers will now have to log the carbon footprint of their output, using a calculation tool pioneered during the production of Eastenders by BBC Studios.”
– “What was the carbon footprint of that helicopter they used to film the police raiding Cliff Richards House?
– What’s the carbon footprint of the 420 people they sent to the Brazil Olympics? (more than we sent athletes).
– What is the carbon footprint of the 80-100 people that the BBC has been sending to Glastonbury for the last decade?”
Perhaps that’s why they appear to have purposefully destroyed Top Gear, under some bizarre misunderstanding that they’ll discourage public interest in motoring by forcing Clarkson, Hammond and May off the terrestrial airwaves.
Anyone with an ounce of sense will simply make up a plausible figure. They will never check, it is all feel good bullshit, designed to give a W1A suit a job title.
So if the bBC are so bothered about the CO2 footprint of each programme they make, why did Stargazing Live come from Australia this year and why is Springwatch coming from Japan tonight?
Good point Fred ! The Beeb have ‘correspondents’ on every street corner on the planet, so instead of us paying for ‘jollies’, they should dust off these overseas extras on the payroll and make’em start earning their money !
(as an aside, there is this character called James Wong, who appears to be the male version of Amanda Holden – popping up everwhere in his hunger for fame…. ie countryside guru / dietician with magazine recipes / gardening host at Chelsea / and faux scientist for a certain brand of beauty products !!!! )
I think it’s the CO2 footprint of the viewers that’s the problem. The BBC’s CO2 footprint has no effect whatsoever, naturally.
Actually, Stew, the TV screen, especially if left on standby is the second biggest user of electricity in the home. LCD is worse than LED, or vice versa. Got to be right. Think I heard it on the BBC.
NOx and CO2 killed the telly show!
Point of order ..devices don’t use much power on standby
Less that 0.45W is a standard ie not even 10p/month
In reports they often cherry pick special devices which are not common.
How many trees get cut down for them to send out their harassment letters?
Rob, I don’t think it’s feelgood bullshit to be honest. It’s more about enforcing compliance with climate change ideology.
The stomping Green jackboots will never cease until we are all forced into some kind of ‘carbon’ rationing.
All, that is, except for them.
BBC are part of “The Poseur Nostra” the PR arm of The LibMob
The PN is a Clanlike body which uses intimidation to push narratives and thus impress a demographic it craves the respect of ie the rest of LibMob.
“Don’t agree with us? then we’ll tell your family that you’re a nasty little racist” “sexist” or “sexist” or “a denier” etc.
“You will be sorry that you crossed us!”
They stopped using the hashtag #bbcSustainability 3 years ago
And created the WeAreALBERT
Twitter account
More Lyrics
“They’re pointing out the enemy to keep you deaf and blind
They want to sap your energy incarcerate your mind
They give you Rule Brittania, gassy beer, page three *
Two weeks in Espana and Sunday striptease’
Meanwhile the first Jesus says ‘I’d cure it soon
Abolish Monday mornings and Friday afternoons’ ..”
* BakeOff, BGT etc,
“Two men say they’re Jesus, one of them must be wrong”
Not if they self-identify as such.
“Google/youtube appears to be at war with anyone adding watchable Fox News Tucker Carlson &or Sean Hanity nightly broadcasts. Within a day or two user banned.
If one was to believe google doesn’t want their customers to watch Carlson & Hanity demolishing Democrats I would not disagree.
eg “This account has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube’s policy against spam, deceptive practices, and misleading content or other Terms of Service violations.”
The only content on MrOptimus was Tucker Carlson news/opinion show.
My cartoon for the week, for those that didn’t catch the election thread on Tuesday:
Dortmund bomber was a speculator and not an Islamist! He would make money if the value of the Dortmund club dropped! The BBC website is running with this. At least it makes a change from smearing people with mental health problems.
Sounds far-fetched. How can we ever trust the BBC after they have cried wolf so many times?
Just because he bought shares doesn’t mean he isn’t a terrorist!
are they really going with that line of story, fuck me its like the plot of GOLDFINGER only less believable
a speculator so stupid as to bomb a team bus to make the share price drop and by the look of it, by just 3 cents
and be stupid enough to do it himself from nearby, presumably because the profits were not big enough to hire someone else to do it
or he couldn’t work out how to find someone, but could build a remote controlled IED
apparently he had the options on 15000 share with them at 5.50 hes going to gain what somewhere a long way south of 80k euros max, sounds more like a funny way of betting on dortmund getting beat by Monaco to me
Is it in the Quaran though?
I read that article and wondered just how stupid they think we are.
If you immediately blame Islamists for every attack, you will almost certainly come a cropper – just as BiasedBBC does. Responsible broadcasters on the other hand know to tread with care.
Of course, it’s easy for BiasedBBC and Alan to simply move on, nothing to see here….the Dortmund attack, the Munich shopping mall shooting, the Quebec mosque shooting etc etc
And he will continue making the same mistake.
Theresa May has been getting a lot of comments for refusing to do a tv debate with Corblimey.
Maybe she is planning a snap tv debate in the last week to catch the old duffer off guard and without a script written?
There are calls being made to BBC poster boy David Miliband to return to the UK and save the Labour Party.
This was the man that threw his toys out of the pram when he didn’t get what he wanted, abandoned the UK, took a job paying nearly half a million pounds a year as head of a charity………yeah, sounds like a perfect candidate to be the next Labour leader
Until you posted, I had forgotten that he existed. Can anyone remember anything he did when he was a Minister ?
Didn’t he regularly get mistaken for some bloke called Ed Miliband?
Reminds me a bit of Mr. Bean without his intelligence.
Is he one of the tax avoiding Milibands?
Can anyone remember anything he did when he was a Minister?
Exactly, Grant.
The BBC nearly always refer to him as a Labour ‘big beast’ and revere him like he’s the love child of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and Nelson Mandela.
In reality, he looked and sounded well out of his depth once placed in a senior cabinet post.
As I say Mr. Bean without the humour and intelligence . Pathetic .
1 He breathed
2 he ate
3 he drank
4 he “used the bathroom”
er, that’s it.
Apologies to Private Eye
LOL !!
The typical career politician: a moral black-hole; shameless opportunist who will say and do anything to get more money and power; only sees their political career in terms of how it will help their career prospects, not what is best for the country; talks and sounds good but acts shamelessly. Had he ever even been to the seat he was meant to represent?
How can anyone think it is ok to get paid a fortune by a charity? You can bet when they ask for donations they have emotive pictures of starving children, not self-serving millionaires like him rubbing their hands.
Just like Bill Gates – the wealthiest on the planet, telling the UK not to reduce the Overseas Aid budget as it would have catastrophic effects on the welfare of millions of people ! According to him the U.S, UK and Germany are the only countries who provide substantial amounts. Words fail me. The UK could be dropped in the middle of Texas and still be lost, so are we to take it that Australia, Canada and other countries who are 10 times our size, don’t contribute as much ???
If Bill Gates, Bono, Sting, oh and Gary Lineker dug deep enough, their combined wealth could rescue those they are bleating about, and perhaps open their doors to house a few as well !!!!
Another beauty. Never had a job outside politics until he landed this plum one. And charities are really just a continuation of politics.
Taking ‘humanitarian’ advice from Bill Gates is like taking health advice from Dracula. The man made his millions by lumbering the world with third rate software and driving his competitors out of business.
He should be shunned by decent folk as a pariah.
Agreed. Each version of Windows is increasingly crap, to give one example.
‘Taking ‘humanitarian’ advice from Bill Gates is like taking health advice from Dracula.’
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation:
A relative of mine who serves in the British army has recently returned from providing security as part of a UN force for a Gates Foundation immunisation programme in Africa. The threat was from Boko Haram btw.
Try to be informed before holding a strong opinion on a subject.
I am very well informed about Gates, thank you.
What he does with his money once his conscience finally wakes up from a lifelong slumber is his business. What my government does with my tax money is another.
So not ‘like taking health advice from Dracula’ then.
You really need to clamber down off that high horse. You’re in no position to patronise me when you can’t even accurately quote what I wrote.
Which was, just in case your reading skills are as retarded as your manners, “taking ‘humanitarian’ advice”.
Now, back to clown school before someone clips you round the ear for playing truant.
Arrogance = Ignorance
With respect, I copy and pasted – so I did quote accurately what you said – twice. But hey, anyone only has to scroll up a little to read for themselves.
Here’s another piece of advice for you – never be afraid to admit you were wrong.
I’m sure you have a great deal of experience of being wrong. Most probably a daily occurrence.
Don’t you just love the way they pick up on details ? LOL !
It is just a vanity project for Gates. Does anyone know what audit procedures he has in place to see where his money goes ? As posted before, who the hell is he to tell Governments how to spend our money. Gates should butt out !
So if the Bill Gates foundation is so wealthy and virtuous with Warren Buffet alone pledging billions… Why is the British taxpayer footing his security bill (via the UN)? Personally (as a British taxpayer) I would rather those forces were used aggressively to destroy Boko Haram rather than provide cover for an Immunisation project. If this money were used to destroy Boko Haram (and ISIS etc) then Mr Gates and his pals can carry out as many bloody immunisation projects as they like without needing British forces members to protect them (and thus our money).
As a final point somehow in our liberal lefty loony world we now live in I think people seem to have forgotten the role of the armed forces. They are not there to hand out water to refugees, nor are they there to do “peacekeeping” in some far flung jungle, and they are most certainly not there to send soldiers like Marine A into taliban heartlands fighting a war to then prosecute them and virtue signal once they heroically return. They are there to destroy the enemy. Something my grandfather did in WW2 and I would like to see a lot more of, starting with the likes of Boko Haram and ISIS.
Totally agree. Why should British soldiers put their lives on the line to protect cnuts like Gates. He has enough money to fund his own private army. He is a total selfish sleazebag.
My understanding is that the Foundation paid for the security.
The troops were there to provide security and then remove all trace that the medical staff had been there. If Boko Haram had discovered or suspected their presence they likely would have burnt down the village and killed the inhabitants.
I have sympathy with your desire to destroy Boko Haram (and ISIS etc), but that isnt really a fair criticism of the Gates foundation.
Only on this site, could such vitriol be reserved for donating $28 billion to good causes and immunising children.
And the participation of British soldiers was voluntary.
Please tell me a joke .
Once again you entirely miss the point.
Gates urged the UK government to maintain its current absurd levels of overseas aid – money that we are borrowing and will be repaying for decades.
As has been said before, if Bill Gates wishes to salve his miserable conscience by throwing his own money at the demographic nightmare he is helping create in Africa, that is his affair.
Suggesting that we should do likewise is my objection.
I admire your patience !
Perhaps we have both missed each other’s point then. But I can only reply to what you actually said.
Gates is free to express a view like anyone else. My point was, that he appears to be qualified to hold a view. Hence why I pointed you to information about his humanitarian work.
You on the other hand believe ‘Taking ‘humanitarian’ advice from Bill Gates is like taking health advice from Dracula’.
I shall leave you alone now. I suspect your head hurts.
Where do guys like Blackwell get the time to pick about ? These Trolls are humourless clones . Utterly boring.
Reality Check: How much does the UK spend on overseas aid?
Which other countries meet the UN’s 0.7% target?
According to the latest figures from the OECD, in 2016 two G7 countries met the target: the UK and, for the first time, Germany. The other countries that spent at least 0.7% were Sweden, Luxembourg, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Denmark and Norway.
In absolute terms, however, by far the largest annual amount of foreign aid is given by the United States, although that represents only 0.18% of its national income.
So what ? And how is it defined , measured and audited ? Totally meaningless dross.
I was simply providing some facts in relation to the discussion and the below comment by ‘Brissels’. I thought that might be helpful.
‘According to him the U.S, UK and Germany are the only countries who provide substantial amounts. Words fail me. The UK could be dropped in the middle of Texas and still be lost, so are we to take it that Australia, Canada and other countries who are 10 times our size, don’t contribute as much ???’
I thank you for providing “facts” which any 8-year old can google. But , can you please tell me a joke that will make me laugh ?
We’re wasting our time, Grant. Arguing with a Leftie usually is.
They are automatons, clones, not an original idea among the whole lot of them . Pathetic.
Another problem with this site – anyone who disagrees with anything, is labelled a ‘Leftie’.
Only when they support banal Left wing notions.
I suspect ‘Brissels’ won’t appreciate having his knowledge or googling skills compared unfavourably to an 8 year old.
Blacky boy,
Brissles is a woman !!!
PS and she is not transgender !
Thus amply demonstrating Blackwell’s profound knowledge of this site and qualifying his or her opinion of it.
Or not, as the case may be.
I do hope the Tories haven’t thrown this out (again). Just in case.
This is just a snippet from a post that I meant to appear in the open thread but accidentally put it under sanitising Islam. The programme was hard talk with Sarah Montague interviewing Russian EU ambassador Vladimir Chizov
If you have a chance listen to the beginning. I only lasted 3 minutes. Sarah quotes a French politician or bureaucrat saying that RT and Sputnik spread fake news. They’re picked up quoted and they influence democracy. Are you sure this wasn’t meant to be that the CBB spreads fake news which is picked up, quoted and influences democracy?
Don’t they spend millions of pounds 24/7 doing exactly this.
Watching This Week, as expected the BBC are trying hard to sell the idea of tactical voting and aProgressive Alliance. The chosen vehicle was the photogenic arch Remainer, Gina Miller , who was given a ten minute platform to try and whip up support for these notions. Brillo did a fair interview with her but nonetheless is was an advert for a manoeuvre designed to undermine Brexit. Because Miller isn’t a politician , or as far as I know a member of any political party, the BBC can give her a platform to spout anti Brexit propaganda and urge anti Tory voting without being accused of bias. Since the demise of Labour The corporation is very keen on the idea of a Progressive Alliance , they see it not just as a way of stopping or weakening Brexit , but as a full blown , long term , new Party of the ‘ Progressive ‘ left that by 2023 be ready to take power at the next GE after this one and implement their cherished liberal left agenda. We can expect to see Miller on the BBC a lot over the next few weeks doing the ground work for the putative Progressive Alliance. I suspect that she sees the PA as an anti Brexit vehicle and not a long term political party that wants to implement socialist policies , unless of course they allow the elite like her to continue to ride high on the hog, i.e. Blairism Mk 2.
Miller is of course a Globalist who has made a hell of a lot of money By working in the city. Therefore , as I wrote above, she is unlikely to share the politics of Corbyn’s Labour or the socialists north of the border. This so called Progressive Alliance is therefore a marriage of convenience between socialists on the one hand and Global capitalism and Blairism on the other. The only thing that unites these two factions is to stop Brexit. Exploiting that fault line between the two factions must be a key attack line for the Tories, both during he campaign and in the post election politics.
Good post, Double.
It is interesting how firmly we live in Orwell speak times. Not only has the word Populist been subverted but also so has the word Globalist.
Both are worthy of living between BBC ‘ ‘s, where we have neglected to put them in our posts.
That TV programme showed up Miller as a far worse ‘liar of the Left’ than Theresa May. Her cover has been blown to the nation. Many are no doubt hoping for a benefit from her campaigning, in terms of Lib Dem votes and a halt to Brexit but I wonder if it and she may deliver the opposite. I hope so.
Excellent analysis, Double.
Here’s today’s charideeeeeeeeeee headline, which conveniently covers both homelessness AND mental health issues!
By the way, the Chief Exec of Shelter is on £122k a year salary. No doubt worth every penny.
It’s cheap and easy churnalism for the Beeb to regurgitate whatever cultural Marxist nonsense the charities spew out. What’s more, it lets them virtue signal at the same time.
What’s not to like?
GC, couldn’t agree more. Beeb get their story done for them, charideeeeee gets free publicity. Everyone’s a winner.
If you look on their website, every day there’s at least one charideeeeee survey dressed up as news. And here’s another one!
How do you get a job in charity BTW? Looks like it beats working for a living.
Complete a Common Purpose indoctrination course would be a good start.
Wacky EU rules mean INCREASING co2 counts as DECREASING CO2
Burning bio like at Drax releases masses of Co2 TODAY
but cos in theory over next 30 years a new tree will grow the EU discounts today’s CO2 to zero even though it’s up there in the atmosphere.
And even worse than that cos in the US where the trees are cut that co2 is also discounted off US co2 output.
Now you may say that in 10 years new foliage has grown up thus taking Co2 out of the atmosphere but by then you’ve got an even bigger rate of cutting so the off balance sheet Co2 keeps getting bigger and bigger even though it’s there in the atmosphere.
Lovely CO2! Never hurt anybody. The more the better, say I – there just isn’t enough of it at the moment – perhaps 1,000 parts per million, or more, and the atmosphere would be a much more comfortable place, and there’d be lots more trees!
I think most intelligent people in Astronomy now think that carbon dioxide has no effect on temperatures. A good explanation for this is provided in this paper (Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics, Gerhard Gerlich, 2009)
But after solving the problem by using the Grey body temperature, instead of the Black body temperature, and using thermodynamics instead of the Arrhenius method, there is a way in which carbon dioxide can cause warming, and that is to increase the mass of the Atmosphere. Nikolov & Zeller‘s “Unified Theory of Climate“ explains why a fall in the Earths average surface temperature in the last 50 million years correlates with a drop in the atmospheric pressure, despite the Sun getting warmer. The solution is that this correlates with higher atmospheric pressure, or in other words a decrease in the Earths atmospheric pressure at the surface due to the Earths atmosphere being lost to space since the time of the Dinosaurs. This also resolves two other anomalies, which are how a dinosaur’s heart could pump blood 23 feet upwards and how a giant flying Quetzalcoatlus had the energy to stay airborne, something that biology and aerodynamics says is not possible in today’s atmosphere. I think the carbon dioxide levels were about 1200 ppm which is three times that of today, so would indicate an atmospheric pressure of 3 bar.
I could go on about the 100ppm increase in CO2 being caused by the Medieval warm period and that the man-made CO2 of 4 percent representing a maximum of 16 ppm of that, can lead to a Judicial review of the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate and the need to purge the BBC of those W1A left-wing environmental activist clowns, posing as the best scientific experts, or telling the useful idiots at the BBC, what scientists think.
Projection is a hallmark of LibMob.
So what’s it mean when SJW prog BBC Tr(uthB)ending say US Far-Right trolls are trying to create a “MEME” about the French election ?
It means the “far-left” BBC Tr(uthB)ending trolls are trying to create a “MEME” about the French election.
In the actual prog they debunk themselves by mentioning although the US people sent 50K Pepe-the-frog tweets no one in the FN party picked it up in the 1.5million tweets they sent.
Breitbart have an article
It is, Stew. It has been fascinating just this week to see ‘somewhere else’ (I do not wish to reveal where) how people commenting there, either just ahead or immediately afterwards, were precisely ‘parroting’ Labour and the Guardian and its writers.
And as we well know, where Labour and the Guardian lead, others follow.
Don’t they, BBC?
“Projection is a hallmark of LibMob.”
You are projecting yourself by accusing “others” of projection.
Surely the greatest B-BBC post of all time?
Labour draws up most leftwing manifesto since Michael Foot years
Thanks Lucy.
So the magic money tree has arrived. Labour’s theory is to tax the rich further and give to the the poor. High ideals in a fantasist world.
I’m afraid Mr Corbyn, the world doesn’t work like that. Human beings like wealth and power, they don’t give it away.
Have they considered that, in net terms, almost 50% of the least well off in Britain already do not pay any income tax if one takes into account tax benefits,tax credits,etc. However, the top 1% of earners in this country pay just over 27% of the total amount of income tax. 10% of the country contribute nearly 50% of the country’s income tax take. 25% of income tax earners pay for 75% of the total tax take.
Labour claim to support the working person! Like hell it does!
Vote Labour, vote for a decline in funds available for public services.
Question to the Labour party how do you pay for the public services when tax receipts go abroad?
I don’t reckon we’re at the point where the Tories are the worst option. Give it a few years, memories will have faded, people fancying a change and Labour might then be led by Blair Version V.2 and then maybe, just maybe.
I listened to Sarah Montague interviewing some labour twat this morning in relation to taxing the “rich”. She tried desperately to get to the bottom of what is defined as, “rich” and at what level the tax should start. Problem is, the twat was hopeless at repartee. Should have answered, “we will set the tax at a level to include your salary Sarah, what is it, about £200,000?” A missed opportunity.
Yes G i thought that too. I was waiting for a chat between the Head Girl and St Hump about how many times richer each was than the Labour Party £70000 threshold definition. Sadly for some reason the moment passed.
I wonder if any mp has claimed £70k in expenses lately.
Don’t forget many of the BBC’s social justice warriors have found neat ways of minimising their tax obligations.
I think Jeremy would call it tax avoidance, but he and his anti-capitalist stormtroopers seem incapable of bracketing these BBC fat cats with tax-avoiding big business.
Funny, that.
wronged, you need to look at the total Treasury tax take and where it comes from. Tax increased in the last two months on everyone, but it hit the lower nine deciles of the earning population much harder than the top ten per cent.
Think Council Tax, Insurance Tax and Vehicle Excise Duty to get the full picture.
I couldn’t wait to let you all know that I’ve finally cancelled my license and deleted my CBB I player app from my I pad. I can still listen to radio and watch catch up on other channels as long as it’s not being streamed live to air. It feels like such a relief. I’ve been told how good Netflix is and may decide to subscribe. I’ve also discovered a huge range of free documentaries on you tube and I have my library books. I feel quite giddy with excitement. Maybe my moodswings will decrease now.
Mood: “Maybe my moodswings will decrease now.”
Yes, and there’s less chance of putting a heavy book or boot through that hi-tech, digital TV, through which you can still watch hired or purchased films, documentaries and enjoy other on-line stuff, such as concerts.
Congratulations and well done at joining the protest.
Up2snuff, thank you for the thumbs up. I haven’t cancelled the license till now because I was hazy over just what I could still do without the license. No high tec tv only two small tube 14 inch ones with set top boxes attached (now detached) but they do have built in DVD players. I only paid about £10 each for the televisions and the picture quality was excellent. I have already taken a subscription with The Spectator which has some excellent reading and as I’ve mentioned previously there are so many other sources to access information and entertainment without the need for a license. I would still be more comfortable if the Continually Biased Broadcaster was back to being the British Broadcasting Corporation where once, if I remember correctly it was something to be proud of and respected around the world. Now I can’t imagine how anyone could begin to repair it nor did I ever dream that I would come to hate the organisation with such intensity.
My two sons live away from me and have no tv licence,they have Netflix and Amazon prime accounts and put me down as a joint member on their accounts so I get both for free, so if you know a Netflix subscriber…
To paraphrase a Bob Monkhouse joke, your two sons live away from you ? What is it ? Something about the smell ?
No prizes for guessing who the BBC is backing in the French elections:
13:46 R4 beeboid apologising to Syrian refugee Muzoon Almellehan,
Item has been shoehorned into prog about’chaos’
Earlier R4 Toady had emotional blackmail story of Syrian who’d allegedly pushed wheelchair to Germany
My sympathy and empathy account is heavily in the red I’m afraid.
Not just you
LibMobs sympathy is for only those they can see
There are 100s of millions of sad stories across the world away from TV cameras
Me neither
Yes I saw the vomitfest on Breakfast promoting this
The BBc drone (has she had her hair done again) asked if she missed her family. She replied she had been re united with her brother and apparently the person pushing the wheelchair is her sister. I assume it was Christina Lamb with her, my interest was refistering around zero, telling us all how horrible the Hungarians were.
Not on my list of books to buy.
Bruce ‘Two Songs’ Springsteen has a new song, ‘Love Will Conquer Hate’.
If you do not subscribe you must be a racist, sexist, Islamophobic, unintelligent person and you will hated NOT loved by the lovely left.
PS: Sadly love won’t conquer AK47s.
One often wonders what becomes of brain cells after celebrity status is achieved. I believe a sort of soup ensues, of a red and green hue, the resultant “thoughts” of which are displayed in turn, one after the other.
Gaxvil – “PS: Sadly love won’t conquer AK47s.”
Do you think candles, flowers and teddy bears might?
Possibly not ……..
Kill ’em all – then light a candle.
Too bl**dy right.
Maybe an exploding teddy bear or two might do the job.
What you people are failing to understand is that you have to have a hand held vigil. Job done.
Reality bites!
Some great listening during WatO. Do listen via iPlayer if you were doing other things or lured away by other stations or TV. (BBC Radio 4 1-1.45pm)
It started with firmly placing the blame for yesterday’s police shooting at the door of the police and not the criminal terrorist who actually pulled the trigger.
Then there was BBC bias. Labour, now for 3 days in a row(?), on the campaign trail and getting the most attention. Unfortunately, reality bites. Past Labour policies and soundbites, the soundbiter bit, coming back to haunt them. Jeremy Corbyn has woken up and discovered education. ‘Education, education, education!’ was the war cry in 1997 just before the Labour Party threw open the doors of the UK to allcomers.
Unfortunately, young single people or young childless couples have been doing what comes naturally, whoever is in government, and now the UK’s schools are overfull. As some of those incomers were no doubt teachers, they have seen their pay fall in real terms due to oversupply in their sector and they are not happy. They are also struggling with the oversubscribed classes and their workload.
It was to be Jeremy Corbyn and Labour to the rescue today! Unfortunately, reality has bitten the BBC and perhaps in an attempt to clean up its own FakeNews and FalseNews reputation of the past, Mark Mardell – Labour friend that he is – got tough with Corbyn’s statistics. [It will also help with the BBC needing to fend off claims of bias if it attacks Labour a bit. 😉 ]
Apparently, Jezza got his statistics wrong. Oh dear! How will it go when he has to grapple with McDonnell’s tax proposals?
But Mardell softened the bite, he did not tackle the underlying cause of oversubscribed classes and challenge Labour over the root cause: the increase in the UK population. Perhaps he is hoping that the BBC presenters will be given some special exemption from paying 5%, 10%, 15% more Income Tax every year under Labour? Or perhaps he realises that Corbyn has the BBC, as part of the media, also as part of ‘the system’, centred in his sights and might be tempted to pull a hasty trigger on them. No more increases, maybe, in the Licence Fee?
Then, in an item on the French Election, well just a little more bias but with an interesting undertone of foreboding. I get a sense that the BBC have been bitten by another reality. Their beloved EU is starting to unravel. Marine Le Pen may win the French Election. Who will challenge her? To take away the pain of that bite, they tried to soften it by focusing on a late arriving candidate of the extreme Left (think it was Asselineau) who is a nobody with no policies and attracts no support but addresses a large room full of enthused people.
He wants France out of the EU. Ouch! Another bite on the BBC derrière!
Desperate days at the BBC.
I listened to that WatO and somebody was droning on and on about the increase in classroom sizes. Not once did anyone mention mass unlimited immigration as a cause – it was treated simply as an act of God – millions of little miracles dropped by the stork about which we can do nothing, except pump more taxpayers’ money into building schools for them.
Just checked, there’s no Conservative manifesto available yet. Brilliant tactic. The lib lab pact and, oooh, forgot, including the SNP shouting their mouths off about everybody and all in sundry. I’d say the Conservatives are monitoring closely to fine tune their manifesto before releasing. The likes of Corbyn et al. will be totally breathless by then and, thanks to the BBC the listener/viewer will be fed up hearing what the opposition has to say.
I’m not too happy about this, though.
Maybe she’s thinking, better to spend to keep them over there?
Are we still sending aid to China and India FFS?
Indeed – they should put that to Referendum.
Over to Berlin with the BBC News Channel and we can’t help but come over all nostalgic for the Weimar Republic as we join our bright young BBC chap – floppy-haired deadringrer for Christopher Isherwood – or do I mean Michael York in the movie. Say hi to Sally Bowles for us ! (played by Jenny Hill)
What a tale to tell… seems the bombed soccer team bus was ‘nothing to do with terrorism’* (*Trade Mark)
So, there was this dual nationality Russo-German guy and he had this stock market bet on Dortmund FC shares bombing – do stop me if you’ve heard this one before – anyway, according to our BBC chap ‘Authorities are RELIEVED it was not Islamic Terrorism’
Sorry, you will have to run that one by me again, BBC. Authorities are relieved ! ? ! ?
We appear to enter a whole brave new world of stock market day trader bombing – and this is a RELIEF to the authorities. A good thing? Gosh, the Germans must be even more terrified of Islamic Terror than we thought.
My advice, best get out of Germany before the bloke starts to sing Tomorrow Belongs To Us.
Not sure which is worse:-
1)An army of religious fanatics?
2)An army of religious killers?
2)An army of unhinged killers?
4)An army of fanatical, unhinged, killers?
5)An army of Bet Fred patrons?
Answers on a postcard PLEASE!
6) An army of Beeboids
Coming 4:30pm on BBC More or Less
Pondering the “Kate Bush Conjecture”
Kyle D Evans – Flatland & Pop music in many dimensions
Ruth Dalton on navigation, mazes, architecture & dementia. Then to the Barbican
Barry posted links debunking Prof Lew the Fake Debunker who they promoted last week
Ah prog page is up now : Corbyn Living standards claim, Guardian sexual harassment, accuracy of polling, maths music, blue passport cost
Jeremy Corbyn said this week that living standards are falling.
we decided to check it out.
Senior Economist Jonathan Cribb at the Institute for Fiscal Studies,…some interesting twists and turns to living standards.
A recent Guardian front page suggested that sexual harassment at British universities is at ‘epidemic levels’.
We looked at the data cited and we are not so sure the evidence backs that up.
Do the Conservatives really have a 20 point lead over Labour in the opinion polls?
We have been sceptical in the past of the accuracy of polling.
We speak to Matt Singh about whether we need to be worried again now.
Recent headlines suggested that returning to blue passports once we leave the EU may cost half a billion pounds. We discover this is not at all what it seems.
Lower income households substantially better off cos of prior benefit rises 2007-2009.
Top 10% saw NO income growth cos wage growth hasn’t been great ..benefit people don’t rely on wages.
Top 1-2% (£90K +) Income FALLEN the most after inflation
of concern cos they contribute much to tax take
Future : Expect fall income in poor due to cuts in real value of benefits tax credits after inflation.
Guardian survey 169 thru 2 million students
ie 1 in 72,000
in general society sex crime is 1 in 650 popn/year
Guardian quoted US saying 1 in 13 under reporting
“shock and awe headline” unjustified
“Recent headlines suggested that returning to blue passports once we leave the EU may cost half a billion pounds”.
That wouldn’t be ‘recent headlines’ from the BBC itself, by any chance?
But even if true, it’s not much. Less than two weeks worth of foreign ‘aid’, which Red Tess has kindly agreed not to cut should the Tories win the General Election.
One of the most pathetic Fear stories yet. I would love to see a costing of that estimate.
And removing EU logos from letterheads will cost a Gazillion, Billion pounds AND throw the Earth off it’s axis, while bringing about the return of dinosaurs!
Better just to stay in then. It is really just a passport issue.
What do you mean, the return of dinosaurs? I thought they are here already in the BBC’s Labour Party: Corbynosaurus, Abbottdron, Thornberryopterix etc.
Also the ancient (and fishy) Blairacanth. Believed to be (mercifully) long extinct, a mere fossil, it now shows signs of life.
The deadly Tory Tarzanosaurus Rex seems also in danger of a ‘Jurassic Park’ style of comeback.
I wonder if they take into account the passports are changed on a 5 year cycle anyway. This is to make it harder to forge. Seems to me changing to a different colour would screw up the forgers requiring them to restock.
If the Remainers are reduced to this Fear argument, they really have lost the plot.
Ann Coulter rejects Berkeley’s proposal to reschedule her speech:-
Ann Coulter said no to a proposal by the University of California, Berkeley, that would reschedule her planned speech on campus — to a date when no formal classes are in session.
“You cannot impose arbitrary and harassing restrictions on the exercise of a constitutional right,” Coulter told “Hannity” on Thursday night. “None of this has to do with security.”
The conservative commentator initially agreed to speak at Berkeley on April 27 after college Republicans invited her, but the school cancelled on Wednesday citing threats of rioting and other violence. Still, Coulter said she would show up anyway.
‘…but the school cancelled on Wednesday citing threats of rioting and other violence.’
We are now seeing rule by the mob.
Not reported on the BBC is an article in Der Speigel, concerning the FACT that German Turks eligible to vote in the Turkish referendum are so inadequately integrated into German society that they almost unbelievably have been able to swing the outcome of the Erdogan autocracy vote.
This means they are living in a Western democracy and voted for autocracy, capital punishment, the arrest of critical journalists and the jailing of the political opposition. Why is there no analysis of why & how this is happening?
Despite living in democracies and in freedom and safety, these people have essentially voted to eliminate democracy in Turkey
The cities of Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir all voted “no” on the referendum, but Berlin, Hamburg and Munich – in fact all 13 cities in Germany where Turkish-Germans eligible to vote could cast ballots – voted “yes.”
This phenomenon NEEDS coverage! Those people who have voted for unimaginable things clearly want them themselves, and they are living in safe democratic countries! What has gone so wrong with the looney liberal multi culti experiment to produce something like this?
Here is my own opinion. Anti ‘Waycism’ is a major problem in the West, responsible for the promotion & cover up of the rape of thousands of children and the rabid defence of absolutely anything the Muslims want to perpetrate. And so the extremists have been allowed free rein to go around proselytising forcing cajoling and persuading others to their own version of what is right & wrong, with anyone from the native populace being called ‘waycist’ if they spoke out about what has been going on.
This is the result and I hope the Fascist Left are proud of it.
Those people who have voted for unimaginable things clearly want them themselves, and they are living in safe democratic countries!
And the likes of the BBC are unable or unwilling to discuss the danger these people are to the West, including the BBC itself. This is a prime example of how Islam will not change, it will not adapt to become some Western-friendly, liberalised, more democratic version of itself. Islam is Islam, and will not bend.
what if the carbon footprint has dog shit on it?
The bBC is spending a lot of time and effort in trying to promote the view that US deathrow inmate Ledell Lee who was executed last night was actually an innocent man.

Whilst the bBC CS wax lyrical over the death of this so called ‘innocent man’ they leave out the full facts on why he was put to death:(from 2009)
The Supreme Court upheld the death sentence of Ledell Lee, 43, who was sentenced to die for the Feb. 9, 1993, beating and strangling death of Debra Reese, 26, in the Sunnyside addition, where he had attacked several other women…He was also convicted of raping two Jacksonville women and was tried for the murder of Christine Lewis, the daughter of the late Alderman Robert Lewis. Lee was also suspected of killing a Jacksonville prostitute and dumping her body in a shed near the railroad tracks. Lewis, 22, was abducted from her Sunnyside home in November 1989 as her 3-year-old child watched. She was raped and strangled and her body dumped in the closet of an abandoned home. The jury could not agree on a verdict in that trial, but prosecutors decided not to retry him when he received the death sentence in the Reese case and was convicted for raping two women. DNA evidence tied Lee to the murders and rapes.
The bBC where murderers,rapists and religious bigots can only be deemed as innocent , if they are non-white and living in the US.
The vermin at the BBC do not care about the victims. They do not care whether the condemned was innocent or guilty. They only care about their amoral agenda and it does not matter how many have to die. Beeboids are Nazis.
“living a nightmare he could not wake up from”. Well you can’t wake up now, can you, you b*stard.
Up to three murders, at least three rapes, solid DNA evidence.
Seems to me that there are innocent women alive and unmolested today because of his arrest, and he will never commit any offences again.
Good riddance.
Well said. As I say the Left do not care about the victims. They worship evil, that is their religion.
BBC radio Newcastle just can’t get enough of Islam.
This morning they had to resurrect the boxing muslim women story again.
Apparently it teaches them self defence and boosts their confidence when walking around the town.
As always the question about racial harassment was posted , hence the necessity for such lessons.
Perhaps if they assimilated with the population, instead of making a statement (we are Muslim) there would be no need for such resorts.
Here is an example. I support Sunderland for all my sins. However, there is no way I would don the colours and walk around the Newcastle United stadium on a match day and expect not to get some sort of harassment. For all I have the lawful right to do so, I also have the common sense to realise that there is some nutter out there who will take offence. I accept this and to avoid any provocation I would never do so.
BBC Pet issues : Hull Look North opened with the important NEWS
local foot fanzine has Joke about the club’s new Egyptian owner Assem Allam : “racist”
Funny when I check Twitter I see hundreds of tweets about Hull football not mentioning it
No one is complaining about it only 3 people mention it, only one complaining apart from Radio Humberside
A law firm just tweeted they’ll be on the show later
By coincidence Assem’s wife just opened this birth pool in Hull today under her own name
Does anyone know where Muslim women in burkas go to give birth? (That’s a serious question, by the way, not the intro to a joke.)
A couple of years ago when my daughter-in-law was on a maternity ward after giving birth a heavily-pregnant woman in a burka was admitted into a separate side room. Just wondering if this might be some kind of NHS policy – you know, in the name of ‘inclusiveness’. Or does it come under the category ‘respecting other cultures’?
Clearly another nail in the coffin of Islamification ! special food and prayer rooms in prisons, prayer rooms in hospitals, Halal food every bloody where, special rooms in the hairdressers for hijab wearing women.
The Royals have advised us to forget the ‘stiff upper lip’ – which has been in evidence with political correctness, and why we’ve shrugged our shoulders with a what-will-be-will-be attitude towards this creeping ‘invasion’. Perhaps we should heed their advice and start to be ‘more open’ with our thoughts ! they’ll soon think twice before doling out advice !
I heard they get special treatment at airport security too.
Hey up They’ve just posted the web news story
With a warning label
* Warning: This report uses language some readers may find offensive *
These included the terms “sand-licker”, “pyramid trotter” and a reference to sexual activity with a camel.
Another section of the article referred to the club signing players from overseas and winning “the John Motson trophy for the the most unpronounceable names in the Prem”.
A spokesman for the magazine said: ”People should stop being so sensitive and read the rest of the magazine properly.”
the same edition of the free magazine, which claims to have a circulation of about 30,000, featured articles about helping Hull’s refugees and the history of Hull’s Rock Against Racism movement
Seems to me a case of the BBC driving the news
10 people have just tweeted since the BBc put the story up
Context is Hull City fans don’t hate Egyptians it’s Allem they’ve disliked for years cos of his decisions like trying to change the club’s name.
He is hated for changing the name from “Hull City” to “Nineteen O‘Four“ using Arab numerals. Apparently its racist to ask the Arab to use “MCMIV” which stands for “Mighty City, Mighty In Victory”
Anybody know why the bBC hasn’t reported this story:
Israel: Two sisters travelling from Gaza for Cancer treatment found with hidden explosives.
Naughtie reporting on the French general elections on yesterday’s Today programme more farcical and funnier than ever.
Couldn’t bring himself to refer to Melenchon as ‘Far Left’ or even ‘Hard Left’.
With what seemed like some form of alternative Tourette’s he blurted out his description ‘Outside Left’.
What a Jeremy you are, Jim (no, not your beloved leader – your Malopropised version).
You’re also a leftist tosser in denial of reality, because Melenchon is very much Hard Left:
In the unlikely event of a Corbyn victory, I trust even the biased BBC would have the good sense to make sure you are several thousand miles away from a microphone.
On the other hand…
Everyone with their own mind is aware of the BBC’s proclivities.
Brilliant !
How the bBC reports on how a Muslim doctor was nabbed in the US for carrying out FGM on little girls:
Two more arrested in Michigan in first FGM prosecution in US
A Michigan doctor and his wife have been arrested in connection with the first ever prosecution for female genital mutilation (FGM) in the US. Dr Fakhruddin Attar, 53, and Farida Attar, 50, are charged with conspiracy to perform the banned surgery at their medical clinic in a Detroit suburb. They allegedly conspired with emergency room doctor, Jumana Nagarwala, who was arrested last week…..Local media have identified the three arrested as members of a small sect of Shia Islam that has been linked to Australia’s first FGM case.
Also whilst the bBC reports this:
Since being charged, Dr Nagarwala has been placed on leave from her emergency room position at a local hospital.
The truth is a little different:
The hearing came four days after Nagarwala was arrested at Detroit Metropolitan Airport while trying to fly to Nairobi, Kenya.
and here is what the local media had to say 2 hours ago:
Nagarwala, meanwhile, was charged in federal court April 12 and is being held without bond on charges that could send her to federal prison for life.
So according to the bBC, this is just an isolated case by a very small section of the Shia Muslim faith. Doesn’t explain why the bBC itself reports that 170,000 women have undergone this disgusting practice in the Uk, with 6000 alone between April 15 to March 16.
What was that the bBC stated about this all been the work of a minority shia sect?
Thank you Pounce for reporting on this. I know of the very real issues in Bristol with the illegal practise of FGM on Somali girls there. My teacher friend tells me teachers have been instructed to recognise and help. The schools are trying to stop girls going abroad for the operation but there are doctors prepared to do it in Bristol anyway. This is a very serious issue and a public broadcasting service should help these young women rather than ignore it.
Lib Dems raise £500,000 in 2 days.
That should be plenty to pay for a nanny for 7 weeks, some new crayons, blackboard and chalk etc.
Outlook BBC world service
Fleeing Syria in a Wheelchair
Syrian refugee: ‘She’s not afraid any more’
BBC2 … Daily dose of VD
No Borders Al BBC, still peddling the illegal immigrant agenda
get here by wheelchair, … roller skates next? maybe even get Frank Gardiner to strap her wheelchair to his to get the all important photo opportunity, or video clip.
Objectively, without emotion, we ve had the dead child on the beach, this is natural progression.
“objectively, without emotion, we ve had the dead child on the beach, this is natural progression.”
I’m almost surprised that they didn’t push her in so they could have the byline “One empty wheelchair without an owner. Another victim of Donald Trump and Brexit not taking in enough refugees”.
Demon, I would imagine if a BBC reporter could get genuine footage of a tipped over empty wheelchair on a Greek beach, with one wheel slowly spinning, he or she would probably win a Pulitzer Prize.
Keeping the £13 billion for foreign aid and Hammond suggesting rises to tax and NI.
Well, there’s a bit of blue sky between the Tories and UKIP.
Most of us have charitable leanings but really? Like there aren’t things in the country desperate for cash?
Our prospective, (Labour) West Midlands Regional Mayor is promising £1 million for a Drugs Task Force. Come on, £1 million might provide a building, a few laptops and a coffee machine.
Keeping the £13 billion for foreign aid and Hammond suggesting rises to tax and NI.
Well, there’s a bit of blue sky between the Tories and UKIP.
Most of us have charitable leanings but really? Like there aren’t things in the country desperate for cash?
Our prospective, (Labour) West Midlands Regional Mayor is promising £1 million for a Drugs Task Force. Come on, £1 million might provide a building, a few laptops and a coffee machine.
General election 2017: No cut to UK aid spending, says May
Which is just one reason why I will be voting for UKIP.
Theresa May needs her feet held close to the fire.
Unless of course I hear a compelling argument in favour of feeding the neighbour’s children while my own children starve, still waiting…..
The news that May, despite it being massively unpopular – will not cut the overseas aid budget (I’d prefer it to be zero) means I won’t vote tory. And with that statement she’s lost a number of seats she could have won easily.
And possible tax rises? Probably no reductions in immigration too, it’s as I’d feared.
UKIP is in a mess but there really is no alternative.
She could have struck out in a new direction with a strong mandate to bring in policies to keep them in Government for at least 10 years. But alas we’re going down the same old road, with most likely the weakest Brexit they can get away with.
I’m saddened but not really surprised. The silly cow deserves to have her majority reduced.
And the bitch is going to hit pensioners . She is a stupid cnut.
About time too.
The most pampered group in the UK for the last decade or more, unless you believe they are all wrapped up in a shawl with the one bar electric fire on.
Most I know are planning where the next holiday of the three a year will be to – and I do not associate with “wealthy” people.
Maybe some of them worked hard for it. Why should you be jealous ?
PS, I am talking about pensioners struggling on the basic pension .
Of course you are. The view of all pensioners we are fed by such as Age Concern, but that is not necessarily reality.
Nobody should be on the “basic pension” because of the minimum income guarantee of extra benefits.
Anyway a BBC piece on the subject.
You said that pensioners are ” The most pampered group in the UK ” . Please elucidate .
Their disposable incomes have been rising faster than those working, much to do with state expenditure.
See the graph in the BBC article. The average pensioner now has more disposable income than the average working person.
Why is this a big issue for you ? It seems like a personal matter .
We don’t believe Al Beeb’s graphs, in fact we don’t think that they are sincere . That’s why we post on this site, to point out the bias of the broadcaster .
Why are you and Maxi here ? Do you work for them, are you a supporter, or merely an immature adolescent troll ?
“We don’t believe Al Beeb’s graphs, we don’t believe in facts, you can prove anything with facts…”
“Do you work for them, are you a supporter, or merely an immature adolescent troll?”
Christ on a bike, taffman; regardless of 60022Mallard’s argument, your response is utterly pathetic. Why are you here if that’s the best you can come up with?
The graph is from the Resolution Foundation, not the BBC.
And to head off the inevitable:
The Resolution Foundation is an independent British think tank. In June 2015 the former Conservative MP David Willetts took over as executive chairman.
If it is a BBC article it will be Fake News !
What, like BBC final salary pensioners.
I am not jealous, just a realist to know that the country cannot afford the largesse it provides to those who are already quite sufficiently provided for.
They had a huge taxpayer bung to subsidise purchase of their properties and if the state benefits were as they are now when they were “paying in” they would have been paying in plenty more at the time – as our children are going to be expected to do to keep us in the luxury to which we have become accustomed!
Unfortunately for any government once a concession is granted it is very difficult to take it away.
What was the “bung” for them to buy properties ?
Mmmm, I don’t know any pensioners that are doing that well.
Most of them still have a slim budget as far as I can tell.
Not everyone owns their own home or retires in Spain.
Is one meant to feel guilty if they don’t have to live in a shoe box retirement flat in a multicultural slum when they get old?
you do realise my 85 year old man paid into 3 pensions and still pays tax mallard
and you do realise he worked and paid taxes for 51years
and you do realise that the state pension is paltry, and one of the worst in europe!!!
you do realise that triple locked rises on fuck all is still fuck all
and he was never unemployed for any of those 51years
but still you begrudge him it.
The real shame is gordon browns for ruining the largest pension funds in the world and throwing our pensioners into poverty and back on the largesse of the state.
first they steal everyones private pensions, and then they complain about having to support them all …. cheeky fuckin cunts
Mallard has a personal bee in his bonnet which I do not understand and care even less.
Well said Kaiser !
Us ‘pensioners’ had a totally different mindset and work ethic in our younger days to recent generations.
At 21 (1969) living at home and earning £15 per week I was offered the chance to join the company pension scheme. Like most I baulked at the idea, but 30p a week from my wages which I didn’t miss, plus the employers contribution, was probably the best decision I made. 20 odd years later and still with the firm, my contribution finally was £50 per month, from which I am benefitting from now.
I would add, that not only did I have a full time job at that age, but worked 2 nights behind a bar at the pub, did a Saturday job on a til at a DIY store, and was a ‘bookies runner’ during the lunch hour !
Today, I feel like I’ve won the lottery if the paperboy has delivered my paper !!
Regardless of current rates, I would always impress on any working youngsters to pay into a pension scheme. Retirement may seem like an eternity away, but it gallops up in the blink of an eye.
Oh Mallard,
Come to biasedbbc and write stuff straight from the youth department of The Guardian. I am not an OAP but I think if someone has spent their life in this country, paid their taxes and NI they deserve a comfortable level of support in the latter years.
I wonder how old you are and how much contact you have with the elderly. If you read this please don’t be offended that I disagree with your opinion.
I am naive enough to believe that Tory hq will realise that the overseas aid budget is a vote loser and will adapt it to include defence and counter terrorism. It is the main thing I disagree with on Tory policies.
Use the overseas aid budget to pay for the new nuclear boats!
Lefties are conditioned to think that they are clever and the rest of us are stupid. So it is a big shock for their little narrow-minded, parochial minds when they come up against arguments that they cannot refute. So they run and hide.
We can only hope that the overseas aid budget actually morphs into bombs to drop on Isis or boats to defend our newly freed up coastal waters . That’s as far as overseas should go…
Some of it’s been going to North Korea!
She’s a weak and useless politician with virtually no charisma and even fewer ideas she’s been a utter failure with Cameron, and weak now as PM, the thing she is, is extremely devious, and underhand
I had to laugh, the talk of her astuteness on this election call 😀
Its not her, she s not bright enough, its the political establishment … Her resume is lies indecision, and turncoat ie NOT to be trusted.
Already disastrous on immigration, borders, police, prisons, beneath contempt on the NHS, wealth gap, living standards, essential services, selling off,(what s left) of our infrastructure, clueless on the economy and deliberate on neglect and social care for our elderly.
The 6 week timescale, is to avoid scrutiny, of her failure, and glaring lack of personality in dealing with it … no televised debates for May to pollute with her charisma vacuum either by the look of it.
Don t forget all the chickens are due to come home to roost in the near future over our nations utter mismanagement.
What is your solution to the problem ?
Wronged, imaynotalwaysloveyou
Me too
But note that this is Treezer’s first General Election before that she had her jobs handed to her. It is beginning to look as if she is catering for those in her liberal bubble.This decision is not going to play well and indicates she is fairly clueless with regard to opinion in the is country .
f the opposition were a little brighter she could be toppled.
Pay politicians peanuts you get monkeys. Barring Farage, Rees Mogg and a few others that is precisely what we have got.
Cut the number of politicians in half, pay them well and get some quality in.
Thatcher was the first to restrict politicians wages. She advocated that politicians could make up their pay through expenses.
Boy did that backfire!!
“Pay politicians peanuts you get monkeys.”
Less than half an hour ago you were worried about your ‘starving’ children; now you’re describing the basic MP’s salary of £74,000 a year as ‘peanuts’.
You appear to be a little bit confused.
Well spotted ! You are sharp as a knife. Well done !
“Well done!”
Thank you Grant. Rest assured that if ever I need to know the closing time of every off-licence within a five mile radius you’ll be the first person I ask.
Let me know if you find a proposal to cut aid in the manifesto of any party in with a serious chance of being represented in the Commons on June 9th.
Ditto of proceeding with Brexit.
It looks like we will be stuck with her unless there is (unlikely) a massive UKIP resurgence or a revolt within the Conservative Party
With so many Christians killed and persecuted in the Middle East. According to Farage, only 1% refugees entering Britain were of the Christian faith.
Nice one Theresa, the daughter of a Christian vicar.
I am afraid Christians these days are the “wrong” sort of refugee.
I am afraid our media, politicians and religious leaders (to their shame) were so keen to favour points with Mos followers that we have pretty much sat on our hands while many of the Christians in Syria and Iraq were murdered. Maybe we should ask the MCB in this country to run training courses in victimhood so the Christians can pick up some tips and get better media coverage.
Regarding the vicars daughter it is a pity she not so quick to grab the bible as she is the hijab. Still I suppose the Bible doesnt look so good with kitten heels.
It is also interesting that the one country left in the Middle East (now Syria has been pretty much wrecked) which remains secular in its outlook is Israel. It is also the one country that the Labour party seems to detest.
A few days ago I decided to spend my lunch break looking round Westminster Cathedral. An attendant at the door asked me to remove my hat. Do you think I should just of told him to fuck off?
Welcome back. We missed your humour . How are you ?
Its childish humor.
He offers no evidence of Bias, Right, Left or Centre. He is a waste of time .
He’s back in school next week.
Whenever I go into a church I remove my hat automatically as mark of respect. I don’t need to be told like you Maxi. I also take off my shoes when I go into a mosque and ensure I wear a hat in a synagogue or other Jewish place of respect.
If European women are forced to cover their heads and their arms when just on streets in a moslem country as a mark of respect, then surely taking off that barbaric attire would be a mark of respect in a Western country. Why does that only work one way?
Also, as Christianity is completely banned in Saudi Arabia, there must be no Saudi money allowed to pay to have mosques built in our countries. And not to our universities that were once great places of learning, and also leave our football clubs alone! Once we get the same rights in their countries as they demand in ours we should ban all their money to pay for our cultural institutions.
Why did you need someone to point out to you that you were wearing a hat in a place of worship ?
What did you say to that fellow then ?
“Why did you need someone to point out to you that you were wearing a hat in a place of worship?”
I’m not a Catholic; why should I surrender to Catholic demands? Women can wear hats in Westminster Cathedral why can’t I? Do you think I should just of told him to fuck off?
Big Rabbit
I was brought up in an Anglican household, my father (catholic) had the upside/down candle treatment from the papists. WIND YOUR NECK IN ABOUT SOMETHING YOU ARE COMPLETELY IGNORANT.
FYI women in both catholic and Anglican churches are allowed to cover their hair.
I still await your response to my question WRT mosques and footwear.
Croeso y Cymru.
“And it’s all gone quiet over there”.
Has your shift finished @BBC Central finished Big Rabbit?
Rhif Saith
He is checking for an answer with his supervisor because he’s ‘twp’, if you know what I mean? 😀
Number 7;
“FYI women in both catholic and Anglican churches are allowed to cover their hair.”
Yes, so what? I’m not Catholic so why should I take my hat off when visiting a Catholic Church?
Why were you asked to remove your hat? Was it all hats they were asking to be removed? Was it all headwear that they were asking to be removed? Was it a general policy or just an over officious individual. Am genuine interested. Your comments so far lack sufficient detail to assess what was going on.
“Why were you asked to remove your hat?”
Westminster Cathedral is Catholic. Catholic places of worship have strict dress codes; one of which is that men (and only men) shouldn’t cover their heads. It used to be the case that women had to cover their heads but that rule seems to have been relaxed in some (but not all) places.
Meanwhile, Synagogues and Mosques have other obscure rules about who should, can and can’t wear a hat.
Perhaps a bit of sensitivity was in order about your hat. Certainly the idea of going into a Christian church – Roman Catholic or Protestant – and then contemplating telling a member of staff to ” fuck off” kind of defeats any purpose of being there doesn’t it. Maybe if you are a Muslim you don’t understand the nuances of Christian culture. Me? I d turn the other cheek .
Durr. I think it may have something to do with the nations (current) religious culture.
I assume you would make the same response to the imam on entering your local Mosque, upon being asked to remove your footwear.
Guess what. Respect works in various directions. You seem to have a problem WRT the indigenous culture.
PS. Are Big n Rabbits anything to do with ‘Watership Down’?
Number 7;
“Durr. I think it may have something to do with the nations (current) religious culture.”
I was asked to remove my hat because of “the nations religious culture”?
Erm, no. I was asked to remove my hat because of Catholic culture – CofE churches couldn’t care less what you’ve got on your head.
“I assume you would make the same response to the imam on entering your local Mosque, upon being asked to remove your footwear.”
I didn’t say what my response was,; I asked a question what it should have been.
“You seem to have a problem WRT the indigenous culture.”
“indigenous culture?”
That’s a new one. That would be eating maggots and erecting stone circles.
Personally, I’d rather just remove my hat.
So why have you wasted your life posting on here then ? You could have saved some of it by just taking off you hat. Or better still, ‘stop talking through it’ .
The precious little egos on this site are so fragile even the mildest counter opinion causes complete panic.
“Just shut up”; is as close to an argument you ever get.
Why were you going into Westminster Cathedral in the first place ?
Hola maxincony ?
I’m young, left wing, and live near your HQ. Quick Chablis at mine so we can sort these racist little englanders out?
Mwah ?
Brutal xxx
“Unless of course I hear a compelling argument in favour of feeding the neighbour’s children while my own children starve, still waiting…..”
Are your children starving, ‘wronged’? I thought there was no such thing as poverty in the UK?
Not according to the way St Steptoe keeps banging on about it.
May is making the mistake of trying to appeal to all voters.
Thatcher led Politics.
May is led by Politics.
R4 Now “Trumps Team’s ignorance on Nazi Atrocities”
A L Kennedy reflects on the way our past shapes our present and our future.
… #MetroBubbleword
Can I be offended at this?
Spencer Tunick’s Sea of Hull nude artworks unveiled
Doesn’t it look a bit like this?
Yes it is childish. Is it glorifying the Holocaust ? I do not know . But it looks like a death cult to me .
Grant and Jim to me it is basically a statement saying that this bloke is a lazy, decadent twat.
It appears to me that some modern art has evolved into a weird perversion of what most of us understand as art. It has become some sort of weird phenomena where the ability to shock has become more important than any visual stimulation or emotion provided by the work of art itself.
I suppose people like this bloke, Tracey Emmin with her foul bed and stained sheets and Damien Hurst with his pointless obsession with mutilating dead animals. All have found that shocking liberal, bored, decadent, over remunerated Islington types is easy money. These people are so desperate to be seen as right on and edgy that they will pay good money for this sort of crap. And I suppose in their view somehow demonstrating that they like this shit somehow validates them.
All very BBC I think!
It is a death cult. These people never celebrate life and love. They are sick.
Grant – They are just a bunch of W####rs with too much time and too much money on their hands. Its a bit like all those sensitive, empty, arty types who thought they were somehow occupying the moral high ground when they dressed as a drowned six year old and lay down on a beach to have their photo taken.
Even if you forget all the media lies and back story about this shite frankly it was pathetic.
Maybe they should try real drowning at least it would reduce their contributions to the gene pool.
Yes, they can only fake reality because they have never experienced it .
May I help you with your spelling ? It is Wankers !
Sorry Grant – I was trying to spell Onanists – bloody ell I did it who needs wankers anymore! (Apart from Hope not Hate and the liberals of course)
Talking of onanists – trolls still seem very quiet.
Oak, the word “public” seems to be missing before the word “money” in your 10:35pm post…
I think its supposed to represent the 76,646 blue blooded Hull people, gassed by the local Labour council, for voting Brexit. The council would have used the sewers to deliver the gas. I smelt the awful pong after a non-fatal test run last year.
With all those naked bodies laying, ahem, cheek to jowl I should think the sewers stinking of gas are the last thing to worry about if you are in the middle of that lot, with ‘gas’ quietly being delivered from other areas !!!!
Good response to Labour’s PPB here
Labour PPB getting a kicking on Twitter
“Labour using children in their latest cringeworthy and laughably pathetic advert. #GE2017”
“Primary school children are surely the only people who could be taken in by this kind of #Labour s*** ”
“Hang your heads in shame Labour Party using innocent children to spout your politics! ”
“Labour is teacher – a kind, big, patient, wise, sympathetic educator.
You, voters, are children. ”
“That Labour PPB w/ the teacher explaining education cuts to the small children has rather heavy overtones of indoctrination. (I’m a leftie!)”
“Will vote Labour and maybe in a simplified way what is said is true but don’t really like children used and scripted as in this bit of spin.”
“i like how the labour party political broadcast is a teacher telling children how to vote and why”
This advert really says: ‘Under Corbyn’s Labour, teachers will tell your children which political party to support’
“If Labour hadn’t encouraged all the migrants children in there might be more space in the classroom”
@jeremycorbyn just seen the disgusting Labour Party broadcast using children to launch education policy. Policy ok but not using children.
Way to go Labour – show teachers putting children under psychological distress as your Party Political broadcast!???
this evening stated that under Tories there will be “Less teachers*”; which side actually DOES speak for educational standards?
Anybody else feel as outraged as I do that the Labour Election Broadcast tonight used (abused?) very young school children in a brain-washing exercise and represented teachers with an illiterate actor/scriptwriter (“less libraries*”!)?
* sic Fewer
The first Labour Party broadcast – totally vomit-inducing. And I speak as a Headteacher who is totally against the cuts.
I’m labour. It’s not the messenger it’s the message. Political indoctrination of kids. Piss easy target for the Mail. Stupid ad
.”I’ve just realised it wasn’t that diverse, children-wise.”
The out-takes are coming in
Stew – Sometimes I do miss having a telly, but at times like this I think it is one of the best and most de-stressing things I have ever done. And it also saves much energy having to empty the vomit bucket.
Can only imagine all the child actors involved were all sent to Tower Hamlets afterwards, by way of a school trip reward for doing the Pyongyang Squat, without ever needing to exercise and get some fresh air( TBF, Kim John Nutboy at LEAST doesn`t pen them up in classrooms at Easter as Corbz do!…fankmiteech for migrammy bruvz!
As for our blonde poppetteer?…is it Doha or Muscat where we`ll next see her as she doles of the Trukish Delight or Chocolates Fry or Flake?
Bit broad in the beam, but a fancy pants suit, so the Harem Pants may not be TOO big a stretch for her. And not even a portrait of Corbyn on the school wall where a crucifix might once have been?
You`d think that Labour would rather we NOT be reminded of the Beardibolluk who leads them.
Ah well-maybe he was lying in the chiller fridge of the local Iceland getting fitted for his mausoleum stint soon to come.
FFS!…when did politcs come to THIS then by way of erectioneeering?
Ten reasons why today’s children do not go to a Library:
(1) They may be snatched by Muslims, for sex work
(2) They are imprisoned by a lefty parent for Health and Safety reasons
(3) They cannot read, because of left-wing progressive teaching methods
(4) Most of the new books are unreadable due to not being written in English
(5) They cannot move far due to obesity
(6) They are right-wing geniuses who use the internet
(7) Because Kippers like Uncle Richard have lots of books
(8) The Library does not stock any books with the word “Man” in them
(9) Most of the books in the Library have been stolen, and sold on EBay
(10) The Labour Council needs the money to pay its rich cronies
I would suggest another reason…
‘Unless taken by car they wouldn’t find their way’ !!!
Good one ! No comeback on that. If Labour value reading so much , why have they progressively dumbed down the education system ? What is the point of books if fewer and fewer people can read them ?
“We regularly have many days when wind power is effectively zero.”
Yet BBC is poised to celebrate having a day with close to zero coal power
TODAY The BBC’s favoured wind power has zigzagged between 2GW and 4GW.
But naturally they won’t tell you this!
Meanwhile conventional technologies of gas and nuclear have been reliably supplying up to 25GW of demand, a good deal more than two thirds.
Quite right. The BBC is wholly owned by the ‘Green’ movement and has been for about 20 years. After the second world war the allies had a programme to ‘de-Nazify’ Germany (with how much success is a moot point). If we ever manage to get the BBC overthrown, I hate to thing how much de-Greening it would take to restore sanity and reason to the airwaves.
You beat me to it Stew! More climate change BS propaganda from the BBC. Your link puts the record straight but how many will bother to read it?
I also like the picture used by the BBC to illustrate coal mining. Those two poor miners working in dreadful conditions. Lucky they used a picture from the 20s rather than a more modern one. Is the subliminal message that it was after all a good idea, because climate change trumps the BBC’s visceral hatred of Margaret Thatcher, to close the mines and save the workers from these conditions?
Another Beauty
God Almighty, listening to Evan Davis giving a Frenchman a right old grilling about Marine Le Pen, he’s lucky not to be given a bunch of fives ! and the BBC maintain its not biased. Who gave this idiot a job in the first place I wonder.
Evan who ? He is gay so a job with the BBC is a shoe-in .
Don’t mention the ‘Albert’!!
Newsnight’s Evan Davies completely lost it tonight.
Firstly, he interviewed a goodie, a man supporting the BBC’s candidate in the French election, Emmanuel Macron. This supporter was invited to give his opinions, listened to as if he was Buddha issuing amusing, exactitudes on the world we inhabit. Then Evan interviewed some poor sod who happened to support Le Pen. What did this guy have to say? I don’t know. Evan started interrupting him as soon as he attempted a reply to the antagonistic questioning. Within about 30 seconds Evan actually shouting at the poor fellow who couldn’t get more than a few words out before being scolded and attacked with a new hostile question.
Evan threw deceits around, such as Le Pen wants to expel immigrants when actually, Le Penn wants to expel all those whom the security forces have suspicions.
How does Evan know if he disagrees with the guy if he doesn’t listen to any of his thoughts?
A program with Newsnight’s pretensions must be able to offer views alien to those who make it.Else it is doomed.
Sounds like wee Evan had another teenage hissy fit. I doubt if he will ever grow up.
I usually avoid Newsnight like the plague, but did see the latter part of Davis’s love-in with the Macron supporter, and then watched with increasing anger and disbelief his arrogant rudeness when interviewing (aka aggressively confronting) M. Messiha, the Le Pen supporter. Davis’s attitude was, and habitually is, absolutely unacceptable and he should be held to account. But who will do this? Not the Newsnight management, nor the BBC, nor Ofcom, and on present evidence, nor the government. So its down to a posse with baseball bats (only joking, naturally).
He looked pissed or spaced I`d say. Random Drug Tests—NOW!
smoking diesel gun and now the eu will fine britain for it, perhaps blair and brown can chip in
Al Beeb’s Trolls attack in pairs. They must be under pressure at Al Beeb HQ. Things are not going their way so they come to attempt to disrupt this site.
Maxi you are letting the BBC down, you are doing a disservice, you are not helping .