I want to keep a record for later analysis (if I find the time) of the propaganda methods the BBC now use. They fill the video clips with flash images and mood music for their brainwashing techniques and I want to be able to keep a record of it. Thanks.
Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate ~flash images
I think this may be an important study. Now more than ever. I have been told by a film editor that quickly flashed images are impressionable to the human mind because they are so fast they bypass the conscious level of thought. It seems the subconscious mind can be tricked into taking in information without the filter of the conscious mind to accept or reject the details. I’m no expert in this area but it sounds dangerous.
Sorry I’m useless regarding your download question. Someone here must know how to do it. That sort of thing usually requires having the right software doesn’t it?
Lucy, B on Behalf,
Google “subliminal persuasion”. Then ask yourself what the BBC’s 40-second self-promoting ‘countdown’ to the news is actually doing.
If you have a mac you can download GetiPlayerAutomator and you can then download anything directly from iplayer or can pull up the link in a browser and hit “use link” or similar button
Five Live are reporting on their hourly news bulletin the heinous crime of a tennis player speaking off-microphone in a foreign language about Serena Williams’ pregnancy; apparently something racist was spoken.
Words spoken as an aside in a foreign language? There just are not enough hate crimes to go around for the left so they need to employ translators and spies. I thought Barkley’s grandfather being offended by proxy was a hard one to top but maybe this has done it.
I think the player was Romanian. I could see perhaps it being a story, albeit a pathetic one, if a British player were involved, but a Romanian one?
Who on Earth cares? I am sure that millionaire Serena Williams could not care less. How noble of the BBC to be offended on her behalf, Some idiot will always say something flippant – it is not a news story.
Yesterday being Friday, I wonder if any hateful things were spoken in a foreign tongue somewhere in this country? But of course Beeb Brother would never report on that.
The crime was compounded by someone asking for a girl’s room number and being a bit forward sexually! O the horror! Thank God this monster is being investigated!
And yet the BBC feckers constantly draw attention to committees being too white or too full of men or too full of heterosexuals – while ignoring all the committees filled with non-whites, women, LQBT. The BBC feckers are one of the most prejudiced organisations around.
If one did a global survey of all committees around the world the majority will be filled with non-white people – probably Asian given global demographics. It is only in the UK, Europe, Australia & NZ, US & Canada and S. Africa, that you have such a diverse group in committees. In the rest of the world it tends to be much less diverse.
The Beeb report how he ‘tightly’ put his arm round the British captain and asked for her room number. Tightly! You can almost feel the outrage. Wow, physical contact with a girl you find attractive, how horrendous! God someone get me to a safe space before I have a mental breakdown. You have to touch a girl if you want to get with her; if you just sit there and talk about your feelings you are never going to get laid.
Apparently Romanian journalists tried to pass off the ‘racist’ comment as a joke, which clearly the BBC seems as beneath contempt. Why not? People will always say flippant things. It is a totally victimless crime.
Why can’t they just leave us alone? Who are you to say what jokes we should make or how we should approach women? All this finger wagging and nannying, I am sick and tired of it.
Hi Beeb Brother – a lot of this is driven by English, Humanities, Sociology departments in Universities. They tend to get filled with feminists and the like that justify their academic positions, their courses and their research by claiming the world is filled with evil white straight Christian men oppressing women, muslims, gays, transgenders etc. They generate a lot of graduates with this worldview and these graduates then take up jobs in education, the BBC and elsewhere.
What infuriates me is how devoid of fun and humour it is. Some of the best times of my life have been taking the piss out of people, but as that is ‘offensive’ I guess the BBC thinks that should be outlawed.
You cannot give offence. You can only take it. If everyone could just ‘grow a pair’ and laugh off minor ‘offences’ like this it would be better for everyone.
This outrage over such minor things has a huge deterrent effect. People learn it is not safe to have fun or make jokes.
Someone on this site referred to the BBC as ‘condescending dickheads.’ I think that sums it up nicely. Why go crying to the teacher because someone said something naughty? Why spend your life being offended on other people’s behalf?
I remember when I noticed it all started, this offence culture.
One day someone mentioned that you can’t tell mother in law jokes on the tv. In the ’70’s I think. Les Dawson time.
We hadn’t heard of political correctness then.
Oh how we laughed at how silly it was, banning mother in law jokes.
My wife and I were driving to the shops one day when my wife took a phone call from her mother. After the call, Mrs Expat turned to me and said “Mum wants us to get her some cat litter while we’re shopping.”
I replied “no problem, but why can’t she use the toilet like everyone else?”
The person who laughed the most was Mrs Expat’s mother.
Some enlightenment on how Western civilisation could collapse from bBBC, according to an academic from an obscure university based on ‘computer models’. The main trigger of course will be environmental, undoubtedly caused by man-made (sorry, human-made) climate change. Also to blame is the 1% who are siphoning off the world’s wealth, leaving everyone else with a pittance and the 99% are going to be jolly upset about that.
“This website is produced by BBC Global News Ltd, a commercial company owned by the BBC (and just the BBC). No money from the licence fee was used to create this website. The money we make from it is re-invested to help fund the BBC’s international journalism.”
Pseudo-intellectual nonsense. One cause they missed out: a civilisation collapses when power is obtained by a degenerate, disillusioned, dysfunctional elite.
As Toynbee put it: “Great civilizations are not murdered. They commit suicide.” That’s Arthur Toynbee, by the way, not Polly Toynbee, who seems to favour assisted suicide for Western civilisation.
Wasn’t Arthur Toynbee a character in “Minder” ? The Leftie Globalist Elite fit the description. If these wretches get control we are all doomed. They must be stopped.
Not bad eh? A well-padded career based on being the niece of a little read academic and a Tuscan villa among the perks gained along the way. Ain’t socialism grand?
From what was once the world’s most respected broadcaster: “A missing labradoodle named Cooper, which sparked a major hunt after boarding the wrong flight in Canada, has been reunited with his owner.”. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-39675233
Scrap. It. Now.
I watched the Daily Politics yesterday , the two guests were the repugnant Zoe Williams of the Guardian and the feisty Laura Perrin of Conservative Women. The host was Ms Coburn , who is appearing far too often and turning the DP into just another BBC leftist propaganda programme rather than the programme created by Brillo that was unique on the BBC for its total lack of bias.
Predictably the BBC spent ten minutes pushing the Progressive Alliance mantra to try and stop the Tories and Brexit. This is going to be their favourite topic during the GE campaign. But the awful Zoe who, a couple of years ago , said spitting at Tories was OK as far as she was concerned, said that she thought that all ordinary voters were daft and Tory voters the daftest of all. I expect she thinks UKIP and Leaver voters are even dafter. Laura Perrins was quick to remonstrate , Ms Coburn much slower. So there we have a demonstration of what a senior Guardian columnist thinks, spit at Tories , literally not figuratively, and that all voters are daft. The left really do believe in their own superiority don’t they although the evidence overwhelmingly supports a directly opposite conclusion.
What you say is most unkind. Some Lefties are very intelligent. But all three of them seem to have a problem with rationalising and understanding the world around them.
I thought Laura was excellent and she beat the hapless Zoe on every subject she was allowed to talk about even though she was bing constantly interrupted by the other two lefties.
There’s a few good ‘conservative women’ about and they usually don’t hold back like the men.
Doublethinker, The incident a year or so ago, when the great unwashed and unthinking, rained globules of spit and threats of rape on anyone going into the Conservative Party Conference was barely mentioned by the BBC.
Newsnight said it happened but then interviewed two delightful middle class school teachers who were present at one of the marches, as if the the appalling behaviour had only been enacted by a few.
The intellectual colossus, Jess Philips, said she was only going to the Labour Party conference for one day to avoid the gobbing and rape threats.
I recall Zoe Williams defence of the abominable behaviour. The left do not regard people with whom they disagree as human beings.
Of course others do too. Sky News as supplied to our local radio station had a Graun vox popette reading out a Labour PPB in guise of what she claimed the country wanted.
This morning sees another subtle little shift of format in BBC Newswatch – the blink and you’ll miss it show in which the Corporation brushes aside viewers’ concerns over their news coverage.
Not only has the appearance of real live viewers been scrapped – even via dodgy skype links – but now the BBC news panjandrums are spared the trouble of a Newswatch subpoena to appear for an interview.
Our Samira Ahmed is now the only live personality in the studio – even a contribution from a BBC foreign correspondent was pre-recorded and phoned in. How funny that Newswatch was so closely juxtaposed with a BBC news report about the young Royals bravely subjecting themselves to a live broadcast radio appearance – ‘a dangerous situation where any question might be asked of them’.
And how ironic that part of the subject matter of this morning’s Newswatch concerned the supposed value of a BBC reporter going to North Korea where every location, every question to and response from every interviewee, as well as every word the reporter makes to camera is so obsessively monitored and censored by the authorities in Pyongyang.
All Licence Payer complaints are now reduced to BBC-pre-selected Twitter-esque short statements and are left hanging – the BBC not so much as rewarding them with a denial or response. The BBC now has the latter day Royal prerogative.
For example, in what our Samira characterised as ‘frenzied journalism’ immediately post-general election announcement viewers objected to pointless shouting across the road by BBC reporters at unresponsive ministers in Downing Street.
There was the early accusation of U-turn flung at the PM by a BBC reporter – one has to wonder: if the BBC doesn’t take its cue from Labour then surely Labour take their cue from the BBC.
The irritating dumbed-down elevation of hash-tag Brenda-from-Bristol by the BBC. There again the BBC’s apparent narked reaction to the calling of an election seems to mirror both SNP and Chucka Ummuna’s bizarre suggestions that it can be undemocratic to want to have a vote.
But to serious matters. At the close of the show (all of 12 minutes in length) a viewer’s question in light of the most recent Paris attack (just in case there has been another as I type I mean the one in the Champs-Élysées) just how does the BBC define Terrorism. Why do we have to wait for the killer’s supposed allegience to be discovered before the BBC can call it a Terror attack?
And of course following the new Newswatch format – like whistling in the wind or pissing in the ocean – this question too went unanswered.
While I fully understand people’s views regarding not voting Tory, because of continuing enormous foreign aid, at the same time our country suffers continuing austerity, I think this coming vote has to be tactical and that a vote for any party other than Tory will diminish our ability to tell the EU where to stuff their ‘tough negotiations’. The Tories need to show the EU that they do have the ability to walk away from the negotiating table with the full support of the country.
It must not be forgotten that this vote will be for one Parliamentary term and then you can vote for whoever you like, unlike the mugs remaining in the EU.
This wil be the most important tactical vote of our lifetimes and those of our children.
I rather suspect that the Tories are taking full advantage of that. You want Brexit? Then you must tolerate foreign aid, immigration, diversity, global warming, interventionist wars, BBC licence, Islamisation, Russophobia and all the other things that you would also get with, er, Labour. A real and sincere Tory government would use the opportunity to at least knock one or two of those on the head as well.
Problem is I do not agree with any of the Tory policies – not sure anyone else does either . This should be root and branch .
– Slash Foreign aid in half
– Trade with the Rest of the World
– Bonfire of the Climate change crap / sensible energy policies
– Reclaim fishing rights
– Control immigration
It really is not that difficult and then she would win by a landslide – so we have to ask ourselves why is none of this happening?
What is now needed from any Party with a desire to govern for a post-EU UK must be a root-tip to branch-tip review of State taxation and spending.
The UK tax code requires major reform but it cannot be done either overnight (for a GE17 manifesto) or in one full five year Parliamentary term in practice.
If the Tories have any real ‘nous’ at the top, they will set that out as a main manifesto ‘objective’. UKIP should as well. They have been horribly weak on policy other than that of leaving the EU.
Labour are sort of hinting at some tax reform measures but doing it in a haphazard way, mostly bolted on to spending the same money on two or three different things while guaranteeing something they cannot – that the UK economy will always grow.
The LibDems ought to be able to put together a really good tax and spending reform manifesto after experience in Government. I’m not sure they will be able to. At present they are torn between a faint attempt at being reasonable ‘Tory-lite’ to win votes, while being strongly Metro-Liberal-Elite socialists to collect the yoof and anti-Brexiteers votes as aggressive Pro-EU campaigners.
Anything the SNP ‘say’ now will be rather drowned out by their demand for another Independence Referendum. Their bolt is shot.
As is that, rather, of the Greens. Free movement across borders and Anti-Brexit as well as their usual agenda will make it hard for their voice to be heard, other than in the demographic that the LibDems are after.
Theresa May has had a sloppy couple of days. The Tories need to sharpen up. They may not do as well as they and mostly everyone else expects.
Agreed I have been real turned of by them of late – no idea what they stand for apart from more of the same – which is definitely NOT what people are looking for
The simple fact is that none of them are up to the job that has to be done. They are mainly incompetent dullards who are bereft of ideas and do not have the will to push through the revolutionary changes which are required, assuming their small brains are even aware of what changes are required.
Yes that is it – Politics has been the route for the <average intelligence for too long it is stacked with people who could not run a whelk school. The people with the brains go and earn a nice living. What we need is for those who have made it in the real World to turn back to Politics in later life
It has already been mentioned (leaked?) that it is likely that the 0.7% GDP on foreign ‘aid’ is to include unspecified items hitherto paid for from the defence budget. If this brings down the amount spent on ‘aid’ by one or two points, then that will be a good start. However, the whole aid budget, whatever its true percentage will be, needs a root-and-branch overhaul.
Okay this is a story that shows the BBC feckers to be feckers and I recommend Alan or David Vance to make a separate article out of it.
The BBC keep saying the people of Britain are Islamophobic, that they should be accepting more refugees, more migrants, and more Muslim refugees and migrants. They have also gone on and on about how it is racist to criticise Muslim women for wearing the hijab or the full veil. They have Muslim women saying their Hijab means freedom. They have Muslim women saying their Islamic identity is very important to them, that Islam is Peace and so forth.
Anyway here the BBC report on a Muslim female athlete who is now a “refugee” in the UK, having fled her home in Somalia – a Muslim country. And the reason she fled was because she and her family received death threats from the community she came from – because she says women are not allowed to engage in public sports where she came from.
So here we have a Muslim refugee from her Muslim Sharia Law community in Somalia. Yet the BBC skirt around this issue never mentioning it was because of Islam she fled. And they expect the British to be more accepting of the Islamic culture! It’s ridiculous.
Ah but all the Muslims in Somalia aren’t “proper” Muslims – they are so-called Muslims like so-called IS. Not real Muslims. real Muslims read the Guardian and only have one wife and drink lattes and write articles for the BBC explaining why white people are so awful. And they hardly ever stone anyone to death or throw homosexuals over cliffs or engage in industrial rape and child abuse. So-called Muslims number many hundreds of millions all around the world but real, sincere Muslims number about 100 and all work for the BBC.
Radio 4 Today announces a new programme for Wednesday, basically to say that ‘working class culture’ is too clever to vote for Le Pen. Brexit was a vote by the blue collar classes announcing the very reverse surely?
This looks like more BBC damage limitation and counter attack in the name of what lost at Brexit.
Also: there is a movement in the BBC programming to warn farmers against subsidy loss post Brexit – eg the Today Programme this morning, and Farming Today on Wednesday
No mention of the massive gain for fishermen in getting our waters back after decades of being given to others. I wonder how many billions per year that cost the UK?
I expect the fishing grounds will be negotiated away to the french and spanish, in return for the City of London retaining all rights to continue trading in europe.
Fishing for Leave are deeply suspicious http://ffl.org.uk/is-election-the-start-of-a-back-track-on-brexit/ and the government is ignoring them. Complete control of our fishing waters should go hand in hand with complete control of our borders, and both should be non negotiable.
“Also: there is a movement in the BBC programming to warn farmers against subsidy loss post Brexit”
Yes, this has been going on since the Brexit debates begun as farmers are strongly opposed to the EU.
The BBC doesn’t understand that farmers taxes help fund the EU. The farmers then watch the EU spend this cash on themselves, corruption, (the EU admits 130 billion euros is lost every year through corruption), wealthy landowners (40% of EU spend goes to wealthy landowners), pet projects and green groups, (Friends of the Earth has received 14.5 million from the generous EU, people who support it, (Paul Johnson of the IFS was paid 7,5 million up until last Summer), before dropping the spare change remaining back into the farmers pockets.
Still non entities like Nick Clegg (paid 2.5 million by EU) and Neil Kinnock (made a millionaire by EU plus 70K per year pension), are made wealthy for doing a few years ‘work’ for the EU, so there is something positive to be said about us paying the EU. Grrrrrr.
Certainly Hestletine and Benn probably benefit from subsidies for their farms and estates. How many others get so called subsidies.We know the BBC does.
The whole crooked construct is just another way of sucking money from taxpayers.Redistribution from the poorest to the richest .Nice ….These pseudo socialists have no shame.
Speaking of benefiting from subsidies on farms, why did I get the uncomfortable feeling that Sarah Montague was not being entirely open with Radio 4 listeners on the TODAY programme this morning? She seemed to be very keen for a UK Government to continue subsidies to farmers post-Brexit. The language and tone and tenor was interesting and had a ‘ring’ to it.
Rachel Burden ‘ the weather is going to become quite turbulent’
No dear the weather is about to become fffing freezing for the time of year next week
Wintry showers = Snow in case anyone is confused by the BBC language
Expect Warmest Year ever news around September time – just after we have all shivered through a cold summer – having not once turned off our central heating
Global Warming Folks – it is relentless we soon won’t even need a house it is getting so warm in the U.K.
Snow is forecast for sunny Perthshire here next week, but I shall be in even more sunny Gambia, sitting in the shade on my verandah, watching the birds and butterflies and with three wenches, my wife, daughter and housekeeper , to serve me ice-cold Julbrews. It’s tough work but I am up for it. Eat your hearts out, suckers !!
Thanks. Wow !, I always wanted to go to Cape Verde. Had some nice holidays in Portugal. My nearest Portuguese ex-colony is Guinea-Bissau which is a different kettle of fish. But, I shall get round to it one day , I hope.
Never seen waves like it in my life – crashing in from the Atlantic – truly magnificent . They don’t do urgent down there do they? – one person to check in 300 people on a 757 was a little disappointing. It’s kind of like the Caribbean 20 years ago – but it will get there
There’s an awful lot of anomalies and, simply, abysmal Government management, about the UK. I ask, “Tripple lock state pension” versus the Barnett Formula????? – check out how much the ENGLISH taxpayer is putting into the devolved, “Nations” and ask yourself whether this is fair. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-35977052
Overseas aid. The list could go on but, here’s the point, any chance of correcting the Goverments course on these issues? Let’s see what the Conservative Manifesto says but I won’t hold my breath.
“Drain the swamp”…………
Almost all of the politicians are garbage, but the Tories are the least bad option. Maybe the British people deserve no better, but it is very sad. All the high quality Brits seem to be in the professions or business.
The Tories are a disaster Grant, and its about due (as usual) for “the wheels to come off the Tory bus” after their total mismanagement, that’s why they have u turned on calling the GE, all that will be conveniently blamed on wait for it … Brexit.
There is enormous, literally eye watering financial/political influence at play to keep this status quo, to keep these self serving bastards in power
You are right about the politicians too, in all parties it is a cabal
a neo liberal political elite … a vote for the Tories is literally giving “the swamp” more influence, they lie, about everything, fiddle and utterly self serve.
The Red Tories in labour, the Lib Dems, these underhand deceitful crooks in No10. Totally self serving, and our nations people can swivel.
… We need massive investment, targeted properly
and there s always money, billions in fact for any white elephant, bloody vanity project (HS2 is a prime example), billions to throw away
syphoned into private interests to deplete our NHS, it is lunacy.
and that investment has to be for our desperately under sourced interests here at home, not on multi national private interests abroad
that have raped our nation screwing us for billions, and not on f-cking foreign aid, charity begins at home.
The Tory wet dream wealth gap, the disparity has to go the hitting the poorest, most vulnerable has to go, screwing the nations own workers and services, has to go … it is essential.
I know the odds, the big money, the influence, these nation raper s are stacked against letting it happen … but it has to.
If the country had voted Remain we would now have four years left Cameron and Osborne.
I am not a Tory but we voted to Leave and Brexit will happen.
May if she gets voted in will have five years.
Five years for another opposition party to be created – I am forever hopeful and probably delusional but yes I do want Brexit and I think the Tories are the best party to do this in the current climate.
If the country had voted Remain we would now have four years left of Cameron and Osborne.
I am not a Tory but we voted to Leave and Brexit will happen.
May if she gets voted in will have five years.
Five years for another opposition party to be created – I am forever hopeful and probably delusional but yes I do want Brexit and I think the Tories are the best party to get a good deal in the current climate.
BBC Website reports 123 cases of FGM in Wales in 2016. I always knew the Welsh were barbarians. FGM was made illegal there in 1985. There has not been one single prosecution. Credit to the BBC for reporting it, but quite surprising as I would expect the BBC to put it under the heading ” Traditional cultural practice “.
Good morning to everyone. Few things to get off my chest. Firstly my information comes from listening to very limited sound bites because I can’t cope with an entire programme, so if I do get things wrong please let me know. Radio 4 this morning and I think it was Sarah Montague interviewing a farmer and exporter of high tech milking equipment. She asked ‘Are you planning to continue the exports’ , or something to that effect. Given he had a market of 70 countries and a booming business particularly in Russia regardless of the political climate and Brexit why would he stop? He said ‘Of course’. Yet nothing is ever good enough for the CBB, especially when it is positive. So she adds,
‘But it will depend on negotiations’. (Presumably she meant Brexit) These few words quickly slipped in and fast as a kangaroo it was onto the next question. He made it clear that things were in limbo and the uncertainty was not ideal but he was also extremely positive and his only wish was for time to adjust and I think he may of meant time to get the negotiations right. This made me think because I wanted a hard, quick and tough Brexit not allowing the EU to treat us like dirt. So maybe my approach isn’t good but I’m afraid it’s all going to unravel and either we will remain or the negotiations will be slow and detrimental to us. What was thought to be a positive result is now turning into a muddy mess and I don’t trust anyone. This brings me to my deep dilemma of how to vote. I feel trapped frustrated confused and of course always angry. The choice, what choice do we have? On the surface it has to be the Tory party but I’m not happy with Mrs May nor their decision to maintain the foreign aid budget while at the same time hinting at tax rises, pensions and who knows what else. You can be certain that benefits will always be a target and all this while 13 Billion goes overseas. I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling uncomfortable or confused.
But you don’t need a trade agreement in order to export Moodswing6, this is a lie that has been promulgated by Remainers. All that trade agreements do is put in place more advantageous rules for the countries that are party to the agreement. If no trade agreement exists, World Trade Organisation rules apply. For Sarah Montague to suggest otherwise is nothing other than a lie.
It’s damn near impossible for a country to negotiate a trade deal with the EU, as all member states need to be in agreement. Remember Trudeau last year, trying to get a trade deal between Canada and the EU, and it had been in negotiation for 10 years? Some small and insignificant region in Belgium was withholding its consent, and they only got the deal agreed because the Leave campaign was highlighting it as a prime example of the EU’s incompetence.
It’s the EU’s failure to trade effectively outside the continent and its rampant protectionism that has made Europe’s economy the worst performing of all inhabited continents.
I am so dim that I posted the same message twice!
I am not happy with Mrs May either but could Jezza or Farron do a better job?
I repeat, see this as a tactical exercise whereby we can vote her out in 5 years other than booting out Cameron in 4 years time had we voted Remain but we would still have been stuck with the unelected EU and that we have no power over.
Hello Moodswing,
The metropolitan nature of the Beeb comes out on the today programme don’t you think? Going to Shropshire on a royal visit to a farm to get ” down with the farmers” phased MS Montague – especially when a farmer went off script and said he didn’t vote for brexit but now T.May should get on with it.
I’m with you on the overseas budget too and believe pensioners should not be threatened by a Tory policy change for no reason – unless they want the polls to favour labour a bit more to get the Tory vote out on the day- but that twisted logic might be a bit too much…
Hi Fedup, what a mess everything seems to be. Just have World Service 4am news on and first up is 50,000 police and 7,000 soldiers on duty to protect voters in France. The CBB say extra security is in place because of the latest attack. That’s not true because they were reporting the 50,000 figure before the police were attacked. Surely anyone hearing that fifty seven thousand people have to be on duty to try and ensure safety and protection would click that there is a serious problem from an enemy that wants to fuck France. AN ENEMY THAT IS WINNING. Not that the CBB would dare to question the ridiculous situation when a country needs to be protected while going to vote. The cost of this operation on top of running the election? Absolutely crazy. We are never told how much our government is spending on extra security but I believe it’s in the billions. We’ve got that Scottish nutter screaming for independence using this timing just to suit her own selfish ends. The way Brexit is being manipulated and now this Verhofstadt alien from the EU comes out with the usual nasty threats, saying don’t even think that a strong mandate from the UK voter will make any difference in securing a better Brexit deal. When I hear something like this it makes me want the government to tell Brussels to fuck off without spending another pound or one second on negotiations. Too many powerful and VERY SINISTER forces are actively in control. Then you have Teresa May starting to want to play with policy and potentially introduce unpopular changes at a time when a simple end of foreign aid or at least a massive cut, a strong stand on immigration and borders and a forceful Brexit exit policy with Brussels would give her a guaranteed win. Now I’m undecided about how I will vote. As I said at the beginning what a mess everything seems to be.
Moodswings things are certainly a mess and like in any wars you have to pick our battles.
If france does not vote Le Pen they are probably F####D as a nation as they are much further down the islamisation path than we are. The security bill for protecting us against these Islamic nutjobs is certainly huge and will keep on increasing as more doctors, teachers and engineers flood in and have kids of their own (who will also be doctors, teachers and engineers.
At some point our societies will need to make the choice either roll over to Islam “the Peace” (if you like) or take more active measures. This decision cannot be avoided and to avoid bloodshed the sooner it is done the better.
Regarding Guy “dodgy teeth” Verhostadt he is just playing the “good cop/bad cop game” in the hopes that all our quivering snowflakes will apply pressure on the Government to weaken our stance on brexit. You only need to look at Farron and Cleggy to realise that this works. Lets hope the teezer has the sense to realise that by listening to these twat she will ultimately lose far more credibility remembering that they lost the war and are now trying to win the peace by squealing like the weak little Euro piglets we know they are.
I agree that Theresa cannot be trusted but she is a political survivor if nothing else. As long as she gets the message hard and fast from us that too much tinkering with policies such as immigration will not be tolerated then to some extent she will be forced to do the right thing.
She (like most politicos) is in lots of ways weak and always courts good publicity but after the brexit vote I am hoping that even she now must realise that the BBC has lost credibility and therefore (hopefully) ignoring its siren voice will be that much easier – Lets hope!
Regarding voting intentions – I will probably be voting Tory this time but I will certainly be holding my nose at the same time – I suppose these decisions are always heart vs head.
So do not despair – but at the moment we just have to keep on pushing so ultimately commonsense and not weakness prevails.
All sorts of career eu employees will come out of the woodwork to undermine the resolve for brexit – not just the liberals like that nice harmless Timmy.
Ironically as you saw Moodswing – things may be in such a mess that even the BBC may not be able to maintain its bias against changes in blighty , France , Germany and Trumpland
I’m not sure what the tories are up if they pledge to retain overseas aid and suggest cut backs on help for the elderly . Both of which are insane ideas.
I try to think through the next 8 weeks. I suppose the election will stay focused on brexit unless uk suffers further Islamic terrorist attacks – then it becomes a blame game .
Did anyone catch Nick (the BBC no longer has to be balanced) Robinson’s interview with Labour MP and Corbynite, Rachael Maskell on the Today Programme this morning?
The subject was the Unite stitch up…err election…and the Stalinist-like suspension of McClusky’s opponent during the Unite election process – a suspension that meant that challenger, Gerard Coyne was not even allowed to observe the count.
It soon became clear that Unite rep, Maskell wasn’t going to answer any questions and wasn’t the right person to answer them anyway…and it became even more apparent that Robinson wasn’t going to press this, despite some choreographed huffing and puffing. Neither did Robinson challenge the legitimacy of a result that cemented McClusky in power at the centre of Labour politics, with just 5.55% of the available vote.
I was left with the very distinct impression that this was a very perfunctory coverage of a story of immense concern, and that Toenails was simply going through the motions so that the BBC could tick a box to prove that it was somehow balanced by fulfilling its obligation to challenge the left (even though its heart wasn’t in it).
The BBC tend to sack their efficient truth telling journalists such as Andrew Gilligan who was proved to be totally right about the sexed up dossier. Another shameful BBC act that had profound implications for Dr Kelly.The real wrong doers they move sideways.
Much the same on Newsweek early this morning. It’s a point probably made before, but should anyone query the BBBC’s impartiality – soap and water mouthwash to hand, please – they will simply point to Ms Ahmed’s valuable contribution. This, to their apparent credit, includes many of the issues raised on here, including the execrable Brenda of Bristol, but aired at 7.30ish on a Saturday morning to minimise the impact, and the audience.
Equally probable would be the assurances from our noble edifice that time and scheduling cruelly hamper their desire to reach a wider public, but to effectively prove their point, a similar programme featuring viewers’ comments aired regularly at prime time, perhaps on a daily basis, would go a long way towards confirming the sincerity of the BBC’s stance on balanced news production.
Yes, well, hoisted with me own petard I think. Meant to be really clever and substitute Newswatch with Newsweak, then fell over my own brilliance. Smartarses never prosper.
Dateline London – well how else can we Licence Payers be served up our BBC prescribed weekly dose of the leftist cod liver oil tag team pairing of Yasmin Alibhai-Brown and Polly Toynbee?
This week sees our Polly living in ‘fear and terror’
Oh dear, has she finaly succumbed to a dread of Jihadi Terrorism ? Seems unlikely.
Perhaps nasty misogynist Twitter trolls have frightened our Polly direct from their parents’ basements? Shall we send round the plod?
No. Our nice BBC beta male chap chairing Dateline clarifies for us (not his words but mine) : Polly is living in fear and terror of the first woman candidate ever winning the French Presidential election.
Oh, they all believe that wimmin are oppressed, that femin[az]ism rules, that wimmin should take over…. but not Margaret, not Marine, oh no, they’re the wrong sort of wimmin…
Oh yes, Ben Elton, what was his catchphrase again… ‘a little bit of politics’
I have to say one of the most pleasing things I have ever heard in a BBC interview was when some Radio 5 Live lefty bint expecting to draw Elton into criticism of the Great War Poppy Commemoration got herself swatted. I quote from memory:
BBC Presenter: “Ben Elton, many people have said this was not an appropriate way to remember the war dead…”
Ben Elton: “No, it was not many people – it was just one bloke writing in the Guardian”
For that rare direct hit on BBC methodology our Ben deserves some award.
No idea it was Science Day. Looks like scientists were not invited by the Environmental activists. They must either be posing as the “best scientific experts” or telling everyone that the scientists are not hear because they are busy thinking about climate science, but denying that they are barred because of complaining about the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate.
These BBC type “fake scientists” are the ones that teach children these ten facts:
(1) Carbon Dioxide poisons plant life
(2) Warmth kills Plants and Animals such as Polar Bears
(3) Plants and Animals such as Polar Bears thrive in Cold
(4) Winter good, Summer bad
(5) Extreme weather is caused by Diesel Cars
(6) Sceptical Scientists are deniers of Science
(7) A Climate reality leader (Environmental Activist) is fighting for Science against the Sceptic (Scientist)
(8) Since 1997, Climate reality leaders (Environmental Activist) have been fighting for Science against the Denier (Scientist)
(9) The BBC is fighting against a ‘false balance’ between the best scientific experts (Environmental Activists) and Sceptics (Scientists)
(10) Deniers (scientists) deny the above
Al shubtill,
I like seeing msm journos / editors being put in their place.
The likes of mr Farage are the very few politicians who explain that the reason classes sizes, hospitals, housing supply, public transport … if failing is because of huge increases in populations over a very short period of time. I don’t thin hmg actually knows the population of the uk anymore. How Cameron are may could promise reductions in the number of immigrants while U.K.is signed up to freedom of movement was mad
I suppose sky adopts the Beeb approach to news for commercial purposes although I suppose sky employs the same type of media bubble people as the Beeb and channel 4.
Who else remembers those days when the BBC would go to Nigeria if there was a pointless vote in Lagos West?
Worship of the empty ballot box, the suckoff of Demos, less so Kratos?
All That Jazz n`ting?
So then-that being so. Yesterday Mighty McClusky wad duly elected for the constituency of Union Central, so I`m told.
SURELY-there needs to be a bit of pseph here!
Breakdown by constituency?portaloo cabin?
Landslide or the need for him to ally himself with Planet People?
And the voting share? Areas where he will have to have “That Conservation” with the oily overalls who toil in Diversity Boiler Rooms on the ninth floor of County Hall?
Why no night long special-or at least a few hours with Kellner and Curtice?
Is his opponent now standing in a landfill, teathered and waiting for Kims Red Tank of Destiny to send him to Progresso?…if only we could ALL suspend our opponents on the eve of an election result eh?
But-as yet-NO comment from the BBC. No analysis, no searching the turds for worm?
All this on a historic and monumental 12% turnup!
Wonder if my Fish Finger could get a Supreme Court Ruling to overturn this vote…I smell something very fishy here myself.
And its not where we usually sniff the fishoil.
Afghanistan – can’t help but be puzzled by the response of the President to the use of the MOAB. He said the US were using his country for weapons testing and saw it’s use as an affront. It killed around 30 ISIS fighters. Days later and ISIS kill over 100 Afghans.
Regional Midlands Mayor – we now have a booklet and a leaflet. I like the UKIP candidate (he’s the only one who lives in an ordinary house in an ordinary street) he doesn’t agree with the whole idea, stating that the process has already cost £14 million. I’m thinking this appointment will be as pointless and costly as the inception of elected Police Commissioners.
At best it seems like lazy journalism on the part of the BBC with all its overwhelming resources. At worst, it appears to be a slight breach of editorial integrity and impartiality.
Really important question Upta!
And-as yet -NEVER any kind of programme, analysis or rationale why some items get the Jo Cox Marathon tear-reet ment….whereas Hannh Bladons murder flies through the BBC firmament like an unwanted, despised shooting star.
But hey-why risk the Royal Family comedown as the BBC shone a little bit of light upon the magic that was the Queen in late-60s/early 70s. Seems that the BBC will investigate and set up all other agencies to scrutiny. But never themselves, as well as other sanctified agents of progressive loveliness like Labour, the NHS, Remainiacs, EU or UN to name but a few.
Really hope poeple are keeping tabs on who`s in the dock and for how long in the coming LXENs. Far as I can see its totally baised against real Tory, burying UKIP…but forever propping up the twin cadavers of LabourLibbers.
Update : Times Saturday : pg7 Diesel pollution crackdown shelved on eve of launch
People were expecting scrappage scheme cos of Client Earth court action but Friday gov used election as excuse to apply for delay until June 30th
I thought it amazing how the Mayor of London demanded the covering up of women in posters on the underground without anyone batting an eye lid.
Had a far right Christian censored pictures in the same manner then the BBC would have been all over it.
Muslims must learn we have artistic freedoms in the west. It is one of the reasons we don’t spend all day blowing the limbs off each other, stoning teenage girls to death because their rapist was married or throwing gay guys off the top of buildings.
Figures from police forces across the UK suggest that the number of assaults involving corrosive substances has risen by 30% in two years.
Now let us think which communities use acid and are those same communities increasing in population year on year?
The article has victim Samir Hussain telling his story. Jaf Shah, executive director of Acid Survivors Trust International, also explains a bit. Do those 2 names give us any clues to which communities are using acid.
Nah, not according to the BBC. No mention of any possible link whatsoever.
“I for example am fine with Islam. If people want to be Muslims, that’s absolutely OK with me. I don’t mind a bit. Jolly good luck to them. There are fifty-odd majority-Muslim nations where they can live out their lives in Islamic culture. Far as I’m concerned, they’re welcome to do so. I wish them joy.
If you want to be a Muslim, or a Zoroastrian, or an anarcho-syndicalist, or a blood-drinking head-hunter—go ahead. I wouldn’t dream of trying to interfere.
Just please stay in your own countries and be those things. Leave me in my country to enjoy the culture I grew up in and am familiar with: Modern, Western, not-very-religious, sexually egalitarian, easy-going, English-speaking social-democratic culture.
Is my culture better than yours? Pass. Is Islam a stupid, cruel, and wrong-headed religion? No idea. Does Sharia law entail a shackling, an enslavement of the human spirit? Beats my pair of jacks. Just, please, leave me the heck alone with the culture I know and am happy in; and I’ll return the favor.”
John Derbyshire
So can we now expect the biased BBC to be presenting the blessed Margaret as one of the first eco warriors? After all if she hadn’t closed down a few mines then Tony B Liar would have had to do it instead !
Not actually “day” but first 24 hour period cos last night the coal station came back on before midnight.
and its only 2 days since wind was so low that coal had to run for more than 24 hours.
He is right, France will have civil war, the percentage of Islamic adherents is now past critical mass, 60% of its prisoners are muslim, estimated 25,000
muslims on the red flag watch list, there are not enough police to tail them all … and attack after attack, with impunity ie nothing gets done.
Apart from a shitty vigil and candles, squat! … je suis charlatan eh!
Le Penn could deport en masse, and emergency tighten the borders.
Sadly it wouldn t be enough, and …
just like here in the UK the fix is in with the establishment, she won t get in.
So … they will have war, I hope, hope the cheese eating surrender monkeys find the resolve
Portsmouth ‘homophobic attack’ victims afraid to go out alone
Here is a truly sickening story of a terrible attack on women going about their peaceful lawful business of an evening when outnumbered 2 to one a very brave group of men attack them occasioning appalling injuries.
But yet again we find completely missing is the description of the attackers, and as we have come to learn in these oppressive times, this does not happen when the attackers are white, so we will have to yet again read between the lines – just like the Fascists did when the asylum seeker was attacked in Croyden – only this time the women surely saw their attackers, as did the CCTV cameras and the ethnicity is known.
I may have missed the event, but has the BBC made a broadcast either on TV or radio that is pro-Brexit?
This from last year:
The Corporation’s Director-General, Lord Hall, has agreed to review the BBC’s complaints procedures after a cross-party group of parliamentarians challenged him to name a single programme which has been enthusiastic about Brexit since the EU referendum on June 23 — and Lord Hall was unable to do so.
The parliamentarians included UKIP peer Lord Pearson, Labour’s Kate Hoey and Tory Philip Hollobone. Pearson hails Hall’s decision as a significant blow against ‘those at the top of the BBC who wish to see the referendum result reversed’.
No DS, they haven’t. It is outrageous that the state broadcaster which is compulsorily funded by all those who possess a television, has not produced a single programme outlining none of the benefits to the UK that will accrue after we leave the EU. This is after the majority of those who voted, voted to leave and did so on a huge turnout.
If nothing else tells us that al beebus should be completely restructured (and there’s plenty besides): it’s this completely blatant disregard for the views and opinions of the majority of those who voted in the referendum.
The Charter requires them to cater to minorities and majorities in the country but the bbc is just too big and clever to be bothered by a silly thing like a Royal Charter.
There is a problem
There is only one source for the story SEBASTIAN-SHAKESPEARE in the Mail 2016
So I suspect someone told him that story and its not true .
I’ve mentioned this here before.
From tonight’s output from our glorious State Broadcaster;
Casualty (or WTF it’s called these days) showing how dirty working class England football supporters are ugly and racist, not like those nice middle class graduate nurses and doctors, who happened to also be protesting at evil Tory cuts.
I’m working class, and used to “follow” the England team at the pub etc – numbers of times I’ve seen someone do a monkey chant at a black person in those 25 years? zero
Yes, out of that group of supporters only the long-haired son was depicted as being worthy of any sympathy – because he was gay. You could spot this early on, of course, as well as his sexual relationship with the young black man in the pub – agenda-driven plotlines are so predictable!
Watched Doctor Who for the first time in years this evening, when The Doctor referred to a select group of humans as “the shepherds, the bravest and brightest” – the ones that we saw were all Asian women! When other humans joined the story later – white people, plus one black guy, from what I could see – out came the guns and violent solutions! No message there, then?
Very worthwhile read on the destruction of the West and Sweden in particular by the ‘globalists’.
“Leftwing globalists wrongly assume their open-mindedness, worldview, inclusiveness, and commitment to unity guarantees everyone a happily-ever-after ending. Frankly, their ideology might make them feel good, but it’s killing the rest of us.”
Typical BBC bias on Casualty a load of white “thugs” chanting and mocking some black and Asian guys.
However, it’s the black guys who were physically violent and beat the crap out of them.
Of course it will be the white right wing thugs’ faults as they were disrespectful to them.
Whatever happened to “sticks and stones….”?
Skin colour doesn’t bother me ..I’ll talk to anyone.
But something strange around here .. in the old days minorities seemed to be few but more integrated.
These days I realised in this region all the normal shops/pubs have completely white staff with one or two East Europeans only. Same for most cultural things and big Sunday market
The ethnic biz are pretty much 100% ethnic ..corner shops , Chinese/Indian restaurants takeaways.
The gov offices have some BMEs.
And then you step inside a hospital and it’s suddenly like 20+% BME staff.
Seems to me there’s been ghettoisation
Bit of a random one here, but this has been on my mind and wanted to vent – so I signed up on this great blog to do so.
I’ve noticed that supporters of mass immigration (who are typically also apologists for Islamic terrorism) were besides themselves with glee when it turned out the Westminster Bridge whacky racer and the shooter of the French copper were “British” and “French” respectively.
They love this because of course it would appear to immediately shut down the claims of immigration causing all of this destruction.
But it doesn’t.
Leftys have had to wait a long time, but finally the results of this unprecedented mass immigration experiment are finally producing “home grown” terrorists that don’t fit the mould, in lefty-vision, of the foreign criminal – because “he was born here! he’s French!” – as if he’s a stripey jumper, onions around the neck, beret wearing etc etc
But of course it *is* a direct result of the last 20 years of immigration, because even if these animals were born here before the experiment started, they have had 20 years now of Islamic immigration and appeasement to fuel their hatred.
So don’t let Islamic terrorism apologists clog up Twitter and the like with their claims that these events are nothing to do with their globalist immigration experiment – they are *everything* to do with immigration, even when the perpertrators are born in the country they are attacking.
“home-grown” terrorism is probably the most annoying and misleading phrase ever invented. It is a crass attempt to pretend that the legal procedure of being granted British citizenship, or just simply living in Britain for a number of years, is the same as being culturally British. Becoming British in the cultural sense is rather like becoming a native English speaker. Both are the result of imitating parents and family with a particular heritage and living in a community of similar individuals. This is why “British values” are always being prattled about on the BBC. Supposedly, sharing “British values” is what makes the British British. The British obviously have values because of the way they are brought up, these are the customs and mores that are transmitted through tradition and language. Making a conscious decision to adopt an abstract set of rules is as relevant to being culturally British as learning English grammar rules has to becoming a native English speaker. When “home-grown” muslim terrorists start being Joe Bloggs or Steven Smith rather that Mustapha Massaka, then will be the time to wonder if there is something rotten in British society
Maybe I’m mistaken, but has Sir Bob Geldof kept his promise back in September of 2015 of taking in Syrian refugees into all of his homes? He is very, very rich and I’m sure his generosity is honestly held. He did after all make an informed political gesture by giving the ‘V’ sign to Brexit supporting fishermen in the Thames that year.
Here’s a quote:
“”Bob Geldof, in a highly charged interview on Irish radio, offered to take in four families immediately and give them shelter in his homes in Kent and London. Geldof said: “If there’s a new economy then there needs to be a new politics, and it’s a failure of that new politics that’s led to this disgrace, this absolute sickening disgrace,” he said.
“I’m prepared – I’m lucky, I’ve a place in Kent and a flat in London – me and (partner) Jeanne would be prepared to take three families immediately in our place in Kent and a family in our flat in London, immediately, and put them up until such time as they can get going and get a purchase on their future.””
Chris Hall @111chrishall Apr 11
gave a total
Rowling = 0
Lineker = 0
Allen = 0
Geldof = 0
C Church = 0
Khan = 0
And all the other melts with refugees welcome signs = 0
I’m half Irish (my dad) & I live in Kent.
And Geldof can Feck off!
“A purchase on their future” What about the future of our own children?
Under the boot of Muslim overlords perhaps?
There are a lot of people out of work who could use help. Any ideas Bob?
Or are the English an irrelevance to you?
Sorry for venting but the man is an arse.
I caught the last 30 minutes of BBC young Dancer of the Year. After the 3rd dancer I noticed they were all Indian, black and/or gay. When the judges were brought on stage and introduced they were Indian, gay and/or wheel chair bound.
A black girl won the competition in the end – which was a surprise to me!!!
Tabs. I caight by total chance the last 2 minutes of this and am suffering from severe sickness due to equality/diversity/multi- culti propaganda overload.
Six people on stage – the judges?
Three men, three women.
One man of working age in a wheelchair (this is statistically very unusual)
Two black women. One wearing something which you would normally see on the Dalai Lama.
To see them all in a line on stage, an assembly created by box-tickers like the ill-fitting parts which created the Bride of Frankenstein tells you so much about the bBBC’s utterly warped and deluded mind set and disdain for our country.
And as you point out Tabs, the winner was a black woman. What a surprise. Not.
Pass the sick bag and make it a large one.
In other words, yet again in bBBC la la land. White males need not apply. Especially if also heterosexual.
Just watched on Fox the update on Afghanistan. How Obama gave it away, how Pakistan retains Taliban safe havens and how the Taliban now holds more territory than it did 16 years ago.
Estimated 40,000 US troops would be required to get the Taliban to the peace table but then what? Continuing murderous insurgency as the Taliban attempt to take the entire country. Wondering if this is the future for Europe?
Tabs, I didn’t see it, but I did see snatches from the promo where a black girl is at the end finishing her dance until fade out. My immediate thought was ‘I bet she wins it’ – clearly she did !!!
Thing is if you’re wealthy, live in nice places, have a cosy life for you and your family, a nice pension to look forward to, an armed security team, armoured limo’s and not forgetting nuclear proof bunkers – you would be Theresa May and things would have to get really, I mean really, bad before you start to worry.
Yet still the French won’t support Le Pen. Little action is taken to stop the murders. They just carry on. At what point do the French people say enough is enough. Just how many more people have to die. How many more families have to suffer at the hands of these Jihadists.
The French currently lack respect for the souls of the murdered innocents by their inaction. They are showing themselves to be a weak people led by politically correct left wing cowards.
The French msm / lib-left Establishment have managed to toxify the Front National brand so it’s seen as fascist/neo-nazi. Same trick the beebistan plays with all right wing movements in UK.
Clearly the increased tax created during these mysteriously productive periods will be used to fund the also promised reduction in class sizes at Hogwarts.
Would love Brillo to have Labour’s Shadow Smoke and Mirrors spokeschampagnesocialist JK on to run us all through Labour’s Potternomics.
All Krankie needs to do is promise a deep fried Mars bar delivered to your bedside and she has Scotland sewn up.
You are a troll destroyer Taffman. You are very good at it.
Are they the same trolls that I had to zap before? They seem to have different names. Sorry I stopped your fun at the time by the way. Happy to let them go on for a while longer until they bore me. They’re generally best ignored.But I still might zap them all the same.They contribute so little in terms of their personal position on an issue. I enjoyed it most when they moaned and bleated. Trolls won’t get zapped by me if they put forward a good, constructive contrary point of view. I’ve seen little evidence of it so far though.
What do you think Taffman?
Happy to let you have a bit of fun with them.- For a while.
“They” are worth it just for their sense of humour and jokes. They must be Beeboids, because the BBC do not do comedy any more. Well, not intentional comedy.
Grant – They will raise a crescent flag or a black isis flag (with all that gobbledygook on it) over the television centre – Just to remind us who they would really like to be in charge!
No Labour just cut NHS work hours by 2 %
If you give nurses and medical staff 4 days extra holidays from the 200 days/year they work, then you’ve cut 2 working days from each 100.
I’ve never heard of such a naive and gimmicky policy.
I have always believed that all public holidays should be abolished and employers required to add the equivalent days to annual leave, thereby giving people the freedom to choose.
No actually Labour would be CUTTING pool of NHS work hours by 3-5%
My father points out that you wouldn’t be replacing 1 lost holiday day with a new regular worker; no since it’s a bank holiday each worker doing overtime would be paid a premium of time and a half or double time and agency commissions as well.
There is effectively no difference between increasing public holidays and increasing taxes..both end up costing the taxpayer more.
I think albeeb was preoccupied I preparing the ” le pen fails” script. Unfortunately for them it seems she got through the first part of the French election. I dipped into albeeb coverage and caught a smug Paris based Beeb type saying “well done “to a mouthpiece for le pens opponent.i don’t give a damn about the French generally but if they put up borders- kill off Shengen – and undermine the EU that’s fine by me. . No doubt the msm and the French establishment will put in an acceptable mouthpiece to be president.
Andrew Marr is currently interviewing Jeremy Corbyn, allowing him full rein to prate out his utopian and juvenile rubbish, pretty much uninterrupted. So before this site descends into petty name calling and minor invective, lets lift things to a higher plane from the outset. Unbefuckinglieeeevable.
Tables of sitting MPs who would be affected by a swing of 5 – 10% and the way their constituency voted over Brexit. Unfortunately they are mixed between Tory & Labour MPs with no identifiers as to party.
Over 10% swing needed.
The Liberal Democrats will have to pull out some impressive swings to get more than a modest number of gains. There are only ten Conservative seats with the Lib Dems in second that have majorities under 10%, another fifteen with majorities under 20%. Few of these seats were strongly pro-Remain
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news TTK Won’t give MPs a vote on military action in Ukraine – come on – let’s get this…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cwynrn0g0lko ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
Help! I need to download BBC “news story” video clips. How do I do this? For example this clip here:
I want to keep a record for later analysis (if I find the time) of the propaganda methods the BBC now use. They fill the video clips with flash images and mood music for their brainwashing techniques and I want to be able to keep a record of it. Thanks.
Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate ~flash images
I think this may be an important study. Now more than ever. I have been told by a film editor that quickly flashed images are impressionable to the human mind because they are so fast they bypass the conscious level of thought. It seems the subconscious mind can be tricked into taking in information without the filter of the conscious mind to accept or reject the details. I’m no expert in this area but it sounds dangerous.
Sorry I’m useless regarding your download question. Someone here must know how to do it. That sort of thing usually requires having the right software doesn’t it?
Lucy, B on Behalf,
Google “subliminal persuasion”. Then ask yourself what the BBC’s 40-second self-promoting ‘countdown’ to the news is actually doing.
Not as if they havent researched it.
Broadcasting on behalf…. good idea
If you have a mac you can download GetiPlayerAutomator and you can then download anything directly from iplayer or can pull up the link in a browser and hit “use link” or similar button
Not sure how you do it on Windows
Five Live are reporting on their hourly news bulletin the heinous crime of a tennis player speaking off-microphone in a foreign language about Serena Williams’ pregnancy; apparently something racist was spoken.
Words spoken as an aside in a foreign language? There just are not enough hate crimes to go around for the left so they need to employ translators and spies. I thought Barkley’s grandfather being offended by proxy was a hard one to top but maybe this has done it.
I think the player was Romanian. I could see perhaps it being a story, albeit a pathetic one, if a British player were involved, but a Romanian one?
Who on Earth cares? I am sure that millionaire Serena Williams could not care less. How noble of the BBC to be offended on her behalf, Some idiot will always say something flippant – it is not a news story.
Yesterday being Friday, I wonder if any hateful things were spoken in a foreign tongue somewhere in this country? But of course Beeb Brother would never report on that.
The crime was compounded by someone asking for a girl’s room number and being a bit forward sexually! O the horror! Thank God this monster is being investigated!
And yet the BBC feckers constantly draw attention to committees being too white or too full of men or too full of heterosexuals – while ignoring all the committees filled with non-whites, women, LQBT. The BBC feckers are one of the most prejudiced organisations around.
If one did a global survey of all committees around the world the majority will be filled with non-white people – probably Asian given global demographics. It is only in the UK, Europe, Australia & NZ, US & Canada and S. Africa, that you have such a diverse group in committees. In the rest of the world it tends to be much less diverse.
The Beeb report how he ‘tightly’ put his arm round the British captain and asked for her room number. Tightly! You can almost feel the outrage. Wow, physical contact with a girl you find attractive, how horrendous! God someone get me to a safe space before I have a mental breakdown. You have to touch a girl if you want to get with her; if you just sit there and talk about your feelings you are never going to get laid.
Apparently Romanian journalists tried to pass off the ‘racist’ comment as a joke, which clearly the BBC seems as beneath contempt. Why not? People will always say flippant things. It is a totally victimless crime.
Why can’t they just leave us alone? Who are you to say what jokes we should make or how we should approach women? All this finger wagging and nannying, I am sick and tired of it.
Hi Beeb Brother – a lot of this is driven by English, Humanities, Sociology departments in Universities. They tend to get filled with feminists and the like that justify their academic positions, their courses and their research by claiming the world is filled with evil white straight Christian men oppressing women, muslims, gays, transgenders etc. They generate a lot of graduates with this worldview and these graduates then take up jobs in education, the BBC and elsewhere.
What infuriates me is how devoid of fun and humour it is. Some of the best times of my life have been taking the piss out of people, but as that is ‘offensive’ I guess the BBC thinks that should be outlawed.
You cannot give offence. You can only take it. If everyone could just ‘grow a pair’ and laugh off minor ‘offences’ like this it would be better for everyone.
This outrage over such minor things has a huge deterrent effect. People learn it is not safe to have fun or make jokes.
Someone on this site referred to the BBC as ‘condescending dickheads.’ I think that sums it up nicely. Why go crying to the teacher because someone said something naughty? Why spend your life being offended on other people’s behalf?
You have to remember that Lefties have no sense of humour and are boring as hell.
I remember when I noticed it all started, this offence culture.
One day someone mentioned that you can’t tell mother in law jokes on the tv. In the ’70’s I think. Les Dawson time.
We hadn’t heard of political correctness then.
Oh how we laughed at how silly it was, banning mother in law jokes.
Look at the monster it has spawned.
I wonder if a single mother-in-law has ever been offended ?
Did’nt hear much from the ‘unacceptability’ lot when the Rotherham scandal broke ! where were the soundbite interviews from the pc brigade then ?
My wife and I were driving to the shops one day when my wife took a phone call from her mother. After the call, Mrs Expat turned to me and said “Mum wants us to get her some cat litter while we’re shopping.”
I replied “no problem, but why can’t she use the toilet like everyone else?”
The person who laughed the most was Mrs Expat’s mother.
My mother-in-law deserved to be offended.
Some enlightenment on how Western civilisation could collapse from bBBC, according to an academic from an obscure university based on ‘computer models’. The main trigger of course will be environmental, undoubtedly caused by man-made (sorry, human-made) climate change. Also to blame is the 1% who are siphoning off the world’s wealth, leaving everyone else with a pittance and the 99% are going to be jolly upset about that.
Oh, and migration into the West just might be a factor in tipping the balance, there’s a passing nod to that but blink and you’ll miss it.
“This website is produced by BBC Global News Ltd, a commercial company owned by the BBC (and just the BBC). No money from the licence fee was used to create this website. The money we make from it is re-invested to help fund the BBC’s international journalism.”
Pseudo-intellectual nonsense. One cause they missed out: a civilisation collapses when power is obtained by a degenerate, disillusioned, dysfunctional elite.
As Toynbee put it: “Great civilizations are not murdered. They commit suicide.” That’s Arthur Toynbee, by the way, not Polly Toynbee, who seems to favour assisted suicide for Western civilisation.
Or Arnold Toynbee, rather!
Wasn’t Arthur Toynbee a character in “Minder” ? The Leftie Globalist Elite fit the description. If these wretches get control we are all doomed. They must be stopped.
That was Arthur Daley, a shady, dishonest fixer and wheeler-dealer. But somewhat superior on a moral level than most politicans…
LOL ! They just don’t make programmes like that any more.
Arnold Toynbee was a staunch supporter of a European state superseding nation states , and is a grand uncle to Our Polly .
Not bad eh? A well-padded career based on being the niece of a little read academic and a Tuscan villa among the perks gained along the way. Ain’t socialism grand?
From what was once the world’s most respected broadcaster: “A missing labradoodle named Cooper, which sparked a major hunt after boarding the wrong flight in Canada, has been reunited with his owner.”. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-39675233
Scrap. It. Now.
They really are going for Heat and Chat magazine’s readership.
I watched the Daily Politics yesterday , the two guests were the repugnant Zoe Williams of the Guardian and the feisty Laura Perrin of Conservative Women. The host was Ms Coburn , who is appearing far too often and turning the DP into just another BBC leftist propaganda programme rather than the programme created by Brillo that was unique on the BBC for its total lack of bias.
Predictably the BBC spent ten minutes pushing the Progressive Alliance mantra to try and stop the Tories and Brexit. This is going to be their favourite topic during the GE campaign. But the awful Zoe who, a couple of years ago , said spitting at Tories was OK as far as she was concerned, said that she thought that all ordinary voters were daft and Tory voters the daftest of all. I expect she thinks UKIP and Leaver voters are even dafter. Laura Perrins was quick to remonstrate , Ms Coburn much slower. So there we have a demonstration of what a senior Guardian columnist thinks, spit at Tories , literally not figuratively, and that all voters are daft. The left really do believe in their own superiority don’t they although the evidence overwhelmingly supports a directly opposite conclusion.
Yes, undoubtedly Lefties are less intelligent. They would have to be to believe all that nonsense.
What you say is most unkind. Some Lefties are very intelligent. But all three of them seem to have a problem with rationalising and understanding the world around them.
As many as 3 ?
Yes. One of them does the thinking and the other two keep an eye on the intellectual.
Don’t laugh. It actually happened.
Albania, China, East Germany, Romania … to name but a few in alphabetical order.
It probably still happens in North Korea, some of the now autonomous eastern Russian satellite States and, to an extent, still in Cuba.
I thought Laura was excellent and she beat the hapless Zoe on every subject she was allowed to talk about even though she was bing constantly interrupted by the other two lefties.
There’s a few good ‘conservative women’ about and they usually don’t hold back like the men.
Doublethinker, The incident a year or so ago, when the great unwashed and unthinking, rained globules of spit and threats of rape on anyone going into the Conservative Party Conference was barely mentioned by the BBC.
Newsnight said it happened but then interviewed two delightful middle class school teachers who were present at one of the marches, as if the the appalling behaviour had only been enacted by a few.
The intellectual colossus, Jess Philips, said she was only going to the Labour Party conference for one day to avoid the gobbing and rape threats.
I recall Zoe Williams defence of the abominable behaviour. The left do not regard people with whom they disagree as human beings.
The use of a proxy is bbc SOP. Graun favoured.
Of course others do too. Sky News as supplied to our local radio station had a Graun vox popette reading out a Labour PPB in guise of what she claimed the country wanted.
No Brillo – no Daily Politics.
This morning sees another subtle little shift of format in BBC Newswatch – the blink and you’ll miss it show in which the Corporation brushes aside viewers’ concerns over their news coverage.
Not only has the appearance of real live viewers been scrapped – even via dodgy skype links – but now the BBC news panjandrums are spared the trouble of a Newswatch subpoena to appear for an interview.
Our Samira Ahmed is now the only live personality in the studio – even a contribution from a BBC foreign correspondent was pre-recorded and phoned in. How funny that Newswatch was so closely juxtaposed with a BBC news report about the young Royals bravely subjecting themselves to a live broadcast radio appearance – ‘a dangerous situation where any question might be asked of them’.
And how ironic that part of the subject matter of this morning’s Newswatch concerned the supposed value of a BBC reporter going to North Korea where every location, every question to and response from every interviewee, as well as every word the reporter makes to camera is so obsessively monitored and censored by the authorities in Pyongyang.
All Licence Payer complaints are now reduced to BBC-pre-selected Twitter-esque short statements and are left hanging – the BBC not so much as rewarding them with a denial or response. The BBC now has the latter day Royal prerogative.
For example, in what our Samira characterised as ‘frenzied journalism’ immediately post-general election announcement viewers objected to pointless shouting across the road by BBC reporters at unresponsive ministers in Downing Street.
There was the early accusation of U-turn flung at the PM by a BBC reporter – one has to wonder: if the BBC doesn’t take its cue from Labour then surely Labour take their cue from the BBC.
The irritating dumbed-down elevation of hash-tag Brenda-from-Bristol by the BBC. There again the BBC’s apparent narked reaction to the calling of an election seems to mirror both SNP and Chucka Ummuna’s bizarre suggestions that it can be undemocratic to want to have a vote.
But to serious matters. At the close of the show (all of 12 minutes in length) a viewer’s question in light of the most recent Paris attack (just in case there has been another as I type I mean the one in the Champs-Élysées) just how does the BBC define Terrorism. Why do we have to wait for the killer’s supposed allegience to be discovered before the BBC can call it a Terror attack?
And of course following the new Newswatch format – like whistling in the wind or pissing in the ocean – this question too went unanswered.
While I fully understand people’s views regarding not voting Tory, because of continuing enormous foreign aid, at the same time our country suffers continuing austerity, I think this coming vote has to be tactical and that a vote for any party other than Tory will diminish our ability to tell the EU where to stuff their ‘tough negotiations’. The Tories need to show the EU that they do have the ability to walk away from the negotiating table with the full support of the country.
It must not be forgotten that this vote will be for one Parliamentary term and then you can vote for whoever you like, unlike the mugs remaining in the EU.
This wil be the most important tactical vote of our lifetimes and those of our children.
I rather suspect that the Tories are taking full advantage of that. You want Brexit? Then you must tolerate foreign aid, immigration, diversity, global warming, interventionist wars, BBC licence, Islamisation, Russophobia and all the other things that you would also get with, er, Labour. A real and sincere Tory government would use the opportunity to at least knock one or two of those on the head as well.
I get the feeling you are just antagonising and you are being extremely OTT mate.
Problem is I do not agree with any of the Tory policies – not sure anyone else does either . This should be root and branch .
– Slash Foreign aid in half
– Trade with the Rest of the World
– Bonfire of the Climate change crap / sensible energy policies
– Reclaim fishing rights
– Control immigration
It really is not that difficult and then she would win by a landslide – so we have to ask ourselves why is none of this happening?
What is now needed from any Party with a desire to govern for a post-EU UK must be a root-tip to branch-tip review of State taxation and spending.
The UK tax code requires major reform but it cannot be done either overnight (for a GE17 manifesto) or in one full five year Parliamentary term in practice.
If the Tories have any real ‘nous’ at the top, they will set that out as a main manifesto ‘objective’. UKIP should as well. They have been horribly weak on policy other than that of leaving the EU.
Labour are sort of hinting at some tax reform measures but doing it in a haphazard way, mostly bolted on to spending the same money on two or three different things while guaranteeing something they cannot – that the UK economy will always grow.
The LibDems ought to be able to put together a really good tax and spending reform manifesto after experience in Government. I’m not sure they will be able to. At present they are torn between a faint attempt at being reasonable ‘Tory-lite’ to win votes, while being strongly Metro-Liberal-Elite socialists to collect the yoof and anti-Brexiteers votes as aggressive Pro-EU campaigners.
Anything the SNP ‘say’ now will be rather drowned out by their demand for another Independence Referendum. Their bolt is shot.
As is that, rather, of the Greens. Free movement across borders and Anti-Brexit as well as their usual agenda will make it hard for their voice to be heard, other than in the demographic that the LibDems are after.
Theresa May has had a sloppy couple of days. The Tories need to sharpen up. They may not do as well as they and mostly everyone else expects.
Agreed I have been real turned of by them of late – no idea what they stand for apart from more of the same – which is definitely NOT what people are looking for
The simple fact is that none of them are up to the job that has to be done. They are mainly incompetent dullards who are bereft of ideas and do not have the will to push through the revolutionary changes which are required, assuming their small brains are even aware of what changes are required.
Yes that is it – Politics has been the route for the <average intelligence for too long it is stacked with people who could not run a whelk school. The people with the brains go and earn a nice living. What we need is for those who have made it in the real World to turn back to Politics in later life
It has already been mentioned (leaked?) that it is likely that the 0.7% GDP on foreign ‘aid’ is to include unspecified items hitherto paid for from the defence budget. If this brings down the amount spent on ‘aid’ by one or two points, then that will be a good start. However, the whole aid budget, whatever its true percentage will be, needs a root-and-branch overhaul.
Okay this is a story that shows the BBC feckers to be feckers and I recommend Alan or David Vance to make a separate article out of it.
The BBC keep saying the people of Britain are Islamophobic, that they should be accepting more refugees, more migrants, and more Muslim refugees and migrants. They have also gone on and on about how it is racist to criticise Muslim women for wearing the hijab or the full veil. They have Muslim women saying their Hijab means freedom. They have Muslim women saying their Islamic identity is very important to them, that Islam is Peace and so forth.
Anyway here the BBC report on a Muslim female athlete who is now a “refugee” in the UK, having fled her home in Somalia – a Muslim country. And the reason she fled was because she and her family received death threats from the community she came from – because she says women are not allowed to engage in public sports where she came from.
So here we have a Muslim refugee from her Muslim Sharia Law community in Somalia. Yet the BBC skirt around this issue never mentioning it was because of Islam she fled. And they expect the British to be more accepting of the Islamic culture! It’s ridiculous.
Ah but all the Muslims in Somalia aren’t “proper” Muslims – they are so-called Muslims like so-called IS. Not real Muslims. real Muslims read the Guardian and only have one wife and drink lattes and write articles for the BBC explaining why white people are so awful. And they hardly ever stone anyone to death or throw homosexuals over cliffs or engage in industrial rape and child abuse. So-called Muslims number many hundreds of millions all around the world but real, sincere Muslims number about 100 and all work for the BBC.
Radio 4 Today announces a new programme for Wednesday, basically to say that ‘working class culture’ is too clever to vote for Le Pen. Brexit was a vote by the blue collar classes announcing the very reverse surely?
This looks like more BBC damage limitation and counter attack in the name of what lost at Brexit.
Also: there is a movement in the BBC programming to warn farmers against subsidy loss post Brexit – eg the Today Programme this morning, and Farming Today on Wednesday
No mention of the massive gain for fishermen in getting our waters back after decades of being given to others. I wonder how many billions per year that cost the UK?
I expect the fishing grounds will be negotiated away to the french and spanish, in return for the City of London retaining all rights to continue trading in europe.
Fishing for Leave are deeply suspicious http://ffl.org.uk/is-election-the-start-of-a-back-track-on-brexit/ and the government is ignoring them. Complete control of our fishing waters should go hand in hand with complete control of our borders, and both should be non negotiable.
ND and theisland,
All part of the stitch-up about to happen. Whether we like it or not, no matter who you vote for, we get the same.
“Also: there is a movement in the BBC programming to warn farmers against subsidy loss post Brexit”
Yes, this has been going on since the Brexit debates begun as farmers are strongly opposed to the EU.
The BBC doesn’t understand that farmers taxes help fund the EU. The farmers then watch the EU spend this cash on themselves, corruption, (the EU admits 130 billion euros is lost every year through corruption), wealthy landowners (40% of EU spend goes to wealthy landowners), pet projects and green groups, (Friends of the Earth has received 14.5 million from the generous EU, people who support it, (Paul Johnson of the IFS was paid 7,5 million up until last Summer), before dropping the spare change remaining back into the farmers pockets.
Still non entities like Nick Clegg (paid 2.5 million by EU) and Neil Kinnock (made a millionaire by EU plus 70K per year pension), are made wealthy for doing a few years ‘work’ for the EU, so there is something positive to be said about us paying the EU. Grrrrrr.
Certainly Hestletine and Benn probably benefit from subsidies for their farms and estates. How many others get so called subsidies.We know the BBC does.
The whole crooked construct is just another way of sucking money from taxpayers.Redistribution from the poorest to the richest .Nice ….These pseudo socialists have no shame.
Speaking of benefiting from subsidies on farms, why did I get the uncomfortable feeling that Sarah Montague was not being entirely open with Radio 4 listeners on the TODAY programme this morning? She seemed to be very keen for a UK Government to continue subsidies to farmers post-Brexit. The language and tone and tenor was interesting and had a ‘ring’ to it.
Is she or her family involved in farming?
Rachel Burden ‘ the weather is going to become quite turbulent’
No dear the weather is about to become fffing freezing for the time of year next week
Wintry showers = Snow in case anyone is confused by the BBC language
Expect Warmest Year ever news around September time – just after we have all shivered through a cold summer – having not once turned off our central heating
Global Warming Folks – it is relentless we soon won’t even need a house it is getting so warm in the U.K.
Snow is forecast for sunny Perthshire here next week, but I shall be in even more sunny Gambia, sitting in the shade on my verandah, watching the birds and butterflies and with three wenches, my wife, daughter and housekeeper , to serve me ice-cold Julbrews. It’s tough work but I am up for it. Eat your hearts out, suckers !!
It’s a tough life – but somebody has to do it Grant as they say – enjoy mate
I was kind of down that way a couple of weeks ago – Cape Verde
Thanks. Wow !, I always wanted to go to Cape Verde. Had some nice holidays in Portugal. My nearest Portuguese ex-colony is Guinea-Bissau which is a different kettle of fish. But, I shall get round to it one day , I hope.
Never seen waves like it in my life – crashing in from the Atlantic – truly magnificent . They don’t do urgent down there do they? – one person to check in 300 people on a 757 was a little disappointing. It’s kind of like the Caribbean 20 years ago – but it will get there
There’s an awful lot of anomalies and, simply, abysmal Government management, about the UK. I ask, “Tripple lock state pension” versus the Barnett Formula????? – check out how much the ENGLISH taxpayer is putting into the devolved, “Nations” and ask yourself whether this is fair.
Overseas aid. The list could go on but, here’s the point, any chance of correcting the Goverments course on these issues? Let’s see what the Conservative Manifesto says but I won’t hold my breath.
“Drain the swamp”…………
Almost all of the politicians are garbage, but the Tories are the least bad option. Maybe the British people deserve no better, but it is very sad. All the high quality Brits seem to be in the professions or business.
Um, hope you’re not including Dicky Pickle, Philip Green and Alan Sugar in that list Grant.
Who ? I don’t count them as businessmen !
The Tories are a disaster Grant, and its about due (as usual) for “the wheels to come off the Tory bus” after their total mismanagement, that’s why they have u turned on calling the GE, all that will be conveniently blamed on wait for it … Brexit.
There is enormous, literally eye watering financial/political influence at play to keep this status quo, to keep these self serving bastards in power
You are right about the politicians too, in all parties it is a cabal
a neo liberal political elite … a vote for the Tories is literally giving “the swamp” more influence, they lie, about everything, fiddle and utterly self serve.
The Red Tories in labour, the Lib Dems, these underhand deceitful crooks in No10. Totally self serving, and our nations people can swivel.
… We need massive investment, targeted properly
and there s always money, billions in fact for any white elephant, bloody vanity project (HS2 is a prime example), billions to throw away
syphoned into private interests to deplete our NHS, it is lunacy.
and that investment has to be for our desperately under sourced interests here at home, not on multi national private interests abroad
that have raped our nation screwing us for billions, and not on f-cking foreign aid, charity begins at home.
The Tory wet dream wealth gap, the disparity has to go the hitting the poorest, most vulnerable has to go, screwing the nations own workers and services, has to go … it is essential.
I know the odds, the big money, the influence, these nation raper s are stacked against letting it happen … but it has to.
If the country had voted Remain we would now have four years left Cameron and Osborne.
I am not a Tory but we voted to Leave and Brexit will happen.
May if she gets voted in will have five years.
Five years for another opposition party to be created – I am forever hopeful and probably delusional but yes I do want Brexit and I think the Tories are the best party to do this in the current climate.
If the country had voted Remain we would now have four years left of Cameron and Osborne.
I am not a Tory but we voted to Leave and Brexit will happen.
May if she gets voted in will have five years.
Five years for another opposition party to be created – I am forever hopeful and probably delusional but yes I do want Brexit and I think the Tories are the best party to get a good deal in the current climate.
BBC Website reports 123 cases of FGM in Wales in 2016. I always knew the Welsh were barbarians. FGM was made illegal there in 1985. There has not been one single prosecution. Credit to the BBC for reporting it, but quite surprising as I would expect the BBC to put it under the heading ” Traditional cultural practice “.
Good morning to everyone. Few things to get off my chest. Firstly my information comes from listening to very limited sound bites because I can’t cope with an entire programme, so if I do get things wrong please let me know. Radio 4 this morning and I think it was Sarah Montague interviewing a farmer and exporter of high tech milking equipment. She asked ‘Are you planning to continue the exports’ , or something to that effect. Given he had a market of 70 countries and a booming business particularly in Russia regardless of the political climate and Brexit why would he stop? He said ‘Of course’. Yet nothing is ever good enough for the CBB, especially when it is positive. So she adds,
‘But it will depend on negotiations’. (Presumably she meant Brexit) These few words quickly slipped in and fast as a kangaroo it was onto the next question. He made it clear that things were in limbo and the uncertainty was not ideal but he was also extremely positive and his only wish was for time to adjust and I think he may of meant time to get the negotiations right. This made me think because I wanted a hard, quick and tough Brexit not allowing the EU to treat us like dirt. So maybe my approach isn’t good but I’m afraid it’s all going to unravel and either we will remain or the negotiations will be slow and detrimental to us. What was thought to be a positive result is now turning into a muddy mess and I don’t trust anyone. This brings me to my deep dilemma of how to vote. I feel trapped frustrated confused and of course always angry. The choice, what choice do we have? On the surface it has to be the Tory party but I’m not happy with Mrs May nor their decision to maintain the foreign aid budget while at the same time hinting at tax rises, pensions and who knows what else. You can be certain that benefits will always be a target and all this while 13 Billion goes overseas. I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling uncomfortable or confused.
But you don’t need a trade agreement in order to export Moodswing6, this is a lie that has been promulgated by Remainers. All that trade agreements do is put in place more advantageous rules for the countries that are party to the agreement. If no trade agreement exists, World Trade Organisation rules apply. For Sarah Montague to suggest otherwise is nothing other than a lie.
It’s damn near impossible for a country to negotiate a trade deal with the EU, as all member states need to be in agreement. Remember Trudeau last year, trying to get a trade deal between Canada and the EU, and it had been in negotiation for 10 years? Some small and insignificant region in Belgium was withholding its consent, and they only got the deal agreed because the Leave campaign was highlighting it as a prime example of the EU’s incompetence.
It’s the EU’s failure to trade effectively outside the continent and its rampant protectionism that has made Europe’s economy the worst performing of all inhabited continents.
I am so dim that I posted the same message twice!
I am not happy with Mrs May either but could Jezza or Farron do a better job?
I repeat, see this as a tactical exercise whereby we can vote her out in 5 years other than booting out Cameron in 4 years time had we voted Remain but we would still have been stuck with the unelected EU and that we have no power over.
Hello Moodswing,
The metropolitan nature of the Beeb comes out on the today programme don’t you think? Going to Shropshire on a royal visit to a farm to get ” down with the farmers” phased MS Montague – especially when a farmer went off script and said he didn’t vote for brexit but now T.May should get on with it.
I’m with you on the overseas budget too and believe pensioners should not be threatened by a Tory policy change for no reason – unless they want the polls to favour labour a bit more to get the Tory vote out on the day- but that twisted logic might be a bit too much…
Hi Fedup, what a mess everything seems to be. Just have World Service 4am news on and first up is 50,000 police and 7,000 soldiers on duty to protect voters in France. The CBB say extra security is in place because of the latest attack. That’s not true because they were reporting the 50,000 figure before the police were attacked. Surely anyone hearing that fifty seven thousand people have to be on duty to try and ensure safety and protection would click that there is a serious problem from an enemy that wants to fuck France. AN ENEMY THAT IS WINNING. Not that the CBB would dare to question the ridiculous situation when a country needs to be protected while going to vote. The cost of this operation on top of running the election? Absolutely crazy. We are never told how much our government is spending on extra security but I believe it’s in the billions. We’ve got that Scottish nutter screaming for independence using this timing just to suit her own selfish ends. The way Brexit is being manipulated and now this Verhofstadt alien from the EU comes out with the usual nasty threats, saying don’t even think that a strong mandate from the UK voter will make any difference in securing a better Brexit deal. When I hear something like this it makes me want the government to tell Brussels to fuck off without spending another pound or one second on negotiations. Too many powerful and VERY SINISTER forces are actively in control. Then you have Teresa May starting to want to play with policy and potentially introduce unpopular changes at a time when a simple end of foreign aid or at least a massive cut, a strong stand on immigration and borders and a forceful Brexit exit policy with Brussels would give her a guaranteed win. Now I’m undecided about how I will vote. As I said at the beginning what a mess everything seems to be.
Moodswings things are certainly a mess and like in any wars you have to pick our battles.
If france does not vote Le Pen they are probably F####D as a nation as they are much further down the islamisation path than we are. The security bill for protecting us against these Islamic nutjobs is certainly huge and will keep on increasing as more doctors, teachers and engineers flood in and have kids of their own (who will also be doctors, teachers and engineers.
At some point our societies will need to make the choice either roll over to Islam “the Peace” (if you like) or take more active measures. This decision cannot be avoided and to avoid bloodshed the sooner it is done the better.
Regarding Guy “dodgy teeth” Verhostadt he is just playing the “good cop/bad cop game” in the hopes that all our quivering snowflakes will apply pressure on the Government to weaken our stance on brexit. You only need to look at Farron and Cleggy to realise that this works. Lets hope the teezer has the sense to realise that by listening to these twat she will ultimately lose far more credibility remembering that they lost the war and are now trying to win the peace by squealing like the weak little Euro piglets we know they are.
I agree that Theresa cannot be trusted but she is a political survivor if nothing else. As long as she gets the message hard and fast from us that too much tinkering with policies such as immigration will not be tolerated then to some extent she will be forced to do the right thing.
She (like most politicos) is in lots of ways weak and always courts good publicity but after the brexit vote I am hoping that even she now must realise that the BBC has lost credibility and therefore (hopefully) ignoring its siren voice will be that much easier – Lets hope!
Regarding voting intentions – I will probably be voting Tory this time but I will certainly be holding my nose at the same time – I suppose these decisions are always heart vs head.
So do not despair – but at the moment we just have to keep on pushing so ultimately commonsense and not weakness prevails.
All sorts of career eu employees will come out of the woodwork to undermine the resolve for brexit – not just the liberals like that nice harmless Timmy.
Ironically as you saw Moodswing – things may be in such a mess that even the BBC may not be able to maintain its bias against changes in blighty , France , Germany and Trumpland
I’m not sure what the tories are up if they pledge to retain overseas aid and suggest cut backs on help for the elderly . Both of which are insane ideas.
I try to think through the next 8 weeks. I suppose the election will stay focused on brexit unless uk suffers further Islamic terrorist attacks – then it becomes a blame game .
Did anyone catch Nick (the BBC no longer has to be balanced) Robinson’s interview with Labour MP and Corbynite, Rachael Maskell on the Today Programme this morning?
The subject was the Unite stitch up…err election…and the Stalinist-like suspension of McClusky’s opponent during the Unite election process – a suspension that meant that challenger, Gerard Coyne was not even allowed to observe the count.
It soon became clear that Unite rep, Maskell wasn’t going to answer any questions and wasn’t the right person to answer them anyway…and it became even more apparent that Robinson wasn’t going to press this, despite some choreographed huffing and puffing. Neither did Robinson challenge the legitimacy of a result that cemented McClusky in power at the centre of Labour politics, with just 5.55% of the available vote.
I was left with the very distinct impression that this was a very perfunctory coverage of a story of immense concern, and that Toenails was simply going through the motions so that the BBC could tick a box to prove that it was somehow balanced by fulfilling its obligation to challenge the left (even though its heart wasn’t in it).
The BBC tend to sack their efficient truth telling journalists such as Andrew Gilligan who was proved to be totally right about the sexed up dossier. Another shameful BBC act that had profound implications for Dr Kelly.The real wrong doers they move sideways.
Much the same on Newsweek early this morning. It’s a point probably made before, but should anyone query the BBBC’s impartiality – soap and water mouthwash to hand, please – they will simply point to Ms Ahmed’s valuable contribution. This, to their apparent credit, includes many of the issues raised on here, including the execrable Brenda of Bristol, but aired at 7.30ish on a Saturday morning to minimise the impact, and the audience.
Equally probable would be the assurances from our noble edifice that time and scheduling cruelly hamper their desire to reach a wider public, but to effectively prove their point, a similar programme featuring viewers’ comments aired regularly at prime time, perhaps on a daily basis, would go a long way towards confirming the sincerity of the BBC’s stance on balanced news production.
Yes, well, hoisted with me own petard I think. Meant to be really clever and substitute Newswatch with Newsweak, then fell over my own brilliance. Smartarses never prosper.
The Unbelievable Truth:
FakeNews? Or FalseNews?
You decide.
“American Airlines suspends employee after clash over pram”
In other news: “Packet of wine gums stolen from corner shop”
Correction: The wine gums were confiscated. Shop owner Mr Muhammad al-Barginns is scheduled to appear before the Rochdale sharia court later today.
Sacré Pinko !
So much for the sisterhood
Dateline London – well how else can we Licence Payers be served up our BBC prescribed weekly dose of the leftist cod liver oil tag team pairing of Yasmin Alibhai-Brown and Polly Toynbee?
This week sees our Polly living in ‘fear and terror’
Oh dear, has she finaly succumbed to a dread of Jihadi Terrorism ? Seems unlikely.
Perhaps nasty misogynist Twitter trolls have frightened our Polly direct from their parents’ basements? Shall we send round the plod?
No. Our nice BBC beta male chap chairing Dateline clarifies for us (not his words but mine) : Polly is living in fear and terror of the first woman candidate ever winning the French Presidential election.
Polly is lucky, she can always go and live in her villa in Tuscany if she does not like the UK.
Oh, they all believe that wimmin are oppressed, that femin[az]ism rules, that wimmin should take over…. but not Margaret, not Marine, oh no, they’re the wrong sort of wimmin…
Right Wing comedian to give the inaugural Ronnie Barker lecture on BBC1 this summer
His name is Ben Elton
Oh yes, Ben Elton, what was his catchphrase again… ‘a little bit of politics’
I have to say one of the most pleasing things I have ever heard in a BBC interview was when some Radio 5 Live lefty bint expecting to draw Elton into criticism of the Great War Poppy Commemoration got herself swatted. I quote from memory:
BBC Presenter: “Ben Elton, many people have said this was not an appropriate way to remember the war dead…”
Ben Elton: “No, it was not many people – it was just one bloke writing in the Guardian”
For that rare direct hit on BBC methodology our Ben deserves some award.
How can anyone speak of Ben Elton and Ronnie Barker in the same breath ?
Ben who ? To be fair, Ben Elton is far from the worst.
LibMob do March for Science Day
With pejorative dogmatic name calling
Not supposed to be #MarchForDogma
And the UK ones also hijacked by Green dogmatists
The official Twitter account* just retweeted a polar bear on tiny ice piece.
*(March For Science UK –@ScienceMarchUK)
The green sorts really astound me. Their, truly so called, ‘Green Lifestyle’ is totally dependant on industrial and necessarily polluting, processes.
No idea it was Science Day. Looks like scientists were not invited by the Environmental activists. They must either be posing as the “best scientific experts” or telling everyone that the scientists are not hear because they are busy thinking about climate science, but denying that they are barred because of complaining about the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate.
These BBC type “fake scientists” are the ones that teach children these ten facts:
(1) Carbon Dioxide poisons plant life
(2) Warmth kills Plants and Animals such as Polar Bears
(3) Plants and Animals such as Polar Bears thrive in Cold
(4) Winter good, Summer bad
(5) Extreme weather is caused by Diesel Cars
(6) Sceptical Scientists are deniers of Science
(7) A Climate reality leader (Environmental Activist) is fighting for Science against the Sceptic (Scientist)
(8) Since 1997, Climate reality leaders (Environmental Activist) have been fighting for Science against the Denier (Scientist)
(9) The BBC is fighting against a ‘false balance’ between the best scientific experts (Environmental Activists) and Sceptics (Scientists)
(10) Deniers (scientists) deny the above
Another one from Josh’s article on WattsUp
Farage puts a SkyNews presenter straight on a few things.
Al shubtill,
I like seeing msm journos / editors being put in their place.
The likes of mr Farage are the very few politicians who explain that the reason classes sizes, hospitals, housing supply, public transport … if failing is because of huge increases in populations over a very short period of time. I don’t thin hmg actually knows the population of the uk anymore. How Cameron are may could promise reductions in the number of immigrants while U.K.is signed up to freedom of movement was mad
I suppose sky adopts the Beeb approach to news for commercial purposes although I suppose sky employs the same type of media bubble people as the Beeb and channel 4.
Who else remembers those days when the BBC would go to Nigeria if there was a pointless vote in Lagos West?
Worship of the empty ballot box, the suckoff of Demos, less so Kratos?
All That Jazz n`ting?
So then-that being so. Yesterday Mighty McClusky wad duly elected for the constituency of Union Central, so I`m told.
SURELY-there needs to be a bit of pseph here!
Breakdown by constituency?portaloo cabin?
Landslide or the need for him to ally himself with Planet People?
And the voting share? Areas where he will have to have “That Conservation” with the oily overalls who toil in Diversity Boiler Rooms on the ninth floor of County Hall?
Why no night long special-or at least a few hours with Kellner and Curtice?
Is his opponent now standing in a landfill, teathered and waiting for Kims Red Tank of Destiny to send him to Progresso?…if only we could ALL suspend our opponents on the eve of an election result eh?
But-as yet-NO comment from the BBC. No analysis, no searching the turds for worm?
All this on a historic and monumental 12% turnup!
Wonder if my Fish Finger could get a Supreme Court Ruling to overturn this vote…I smell something very fishy here myself.
And its not where we usually sniff the fishoil.
Afghanistan – can’t help but be puzzled by the response of the President to the use of the MOAB. He said the US were using his country for weapons testing and saw it’s use as an affront. It killed around 30 ISIS fighters. Days later and ISIS kill over 100 Afghans.
CORRECTION: it was in fact the Taliban who killed over 100 Afghans and NOT ISIS.
Can’t see this helping with the much vaunted Taliban peace talks.
Just a thought, gax, but wasn’t it the somewhat corrupt former president of Afghanistan who said that? Didn’t the current incumbent actually approve?
Oh Lordy – I think you’re right – at this rate I’ll have to be getting a job at the bbc!
In which case I still find the Karzai response puzzling.
Regional Midlands Mayor – we now have a booklet and a leaflet. I like the UKIP candidate (he’s the only one who lives in an ordinary house in an ordinary street) he doesn’t agree with the whole idea, stating that the process has already cost £14 million. I’m thinking this appointment will be as pointless and costly as the inception of elected Police Commissioners.
Who chooses the BBC’s content? The BBC’s Producers and Editors? The relevant station or channel Directors or Director of Digital?
Or the Guardian? Or the Labour Party? Or the Labour Party AND the Guardian?
On the BBC web-site Home Page first thing this morning, this was nowhere to be seen: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-39678321
The Guardian however carried this: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/apr/22/nearly-40-million-people-live-in-uk-areas-with-illegal-air-pollution
on its opening page if you visited their web-site. Since mid-day, the BBC have been carrying a very similar item on their Home Page.
At best it seems like lazy journalism on the part of the BBC with all its overwhelming resources. At worst, it appears to be a slight breach of editorial integrity and impartiality.
Really important question Upta!
And-as yet -NEVER any kind of programme, analysis or rationale why some items get the Jo Cox Marathon tear-reet ment….whereas Hannh Bladons murder flies through the BBC firmament like an unwanted, despised shooting star.
But hey-why risk the Royal Family comedown as the BBC shone a little bit of light upon the magic that was the Queen in late-60s/early 70s. Seems that the BBC will investigate and set up all other agencies to scrutiny. But never themselves, as well as other sanctified agents of progressive loveliness like Labour, the NHS, Remainiacs, EU or UN to name but a few.
Really hope poeple are keeping tabs on who`s in the dock and for how long in the coming LXENs. Far as I can see its totally baised against real Tory, burying UKIP…but forever propping up the twin cadavers of LabourLibbers.
Update : Times Saturday : pg7 Diesel pollution crackdown shelved on eve of launch
People were expecting scrappage scheme cos of Client Earth court action but Friday gov used election as excuse to apply for delay until June 30th
BBC news – Metro Mayor candidate Mohammed Aslam
His 1 minute manifesto, anyone notice anything?
BBC news – Metro Mayor candidate Mohammed Aslam
His 1 minute manifesto, anyone notice anything?
Better get used to it. It is coming to a city and town near you !
Muslim Mayors & MPs today. Paving the way for a Muslim PM tomorrow. Insidious takeover.
The muslim Mayor of Londonistan could learn a few things from his muslim counterpart in Rotterdam – https://www.jihadwatch.org/2017/04/netherlands-rotterdam-allows-pro-hamas-event-bans-counter-protest
I thought it amazing how the Mayor of London demanded the covering up of women in posters on the underground without anyone batting an eye lid.
Had a far right Christian censored pictures in the same manner then the BBC would have been all over it.
Muslims must learn we have artistic freedoms in the west. It is one of the reasons we don’t spend all day blowing the limbs off each other, stoning teenage girls to death because their rapist was married or throwing gay guys off the top of buildings.
Holland committing suicide. I am amazed that Europe is surrendering without a fight. The Islamists must know that they have won. Unbelievable.
Acid attacks ‘hidden’ by fearful victims, say police
Figures from police forces across the UK suggest that the number of assaults involving corrosive substances has risen by 30% in two years.
Now let us think which communities use acid and are those same communities increasing in population year on year?
The article has victim Samir Hussain telling his story. Jaf Shah, executive director of Acid Survivors Trust International, also explains a bit. Do those 2 names give us any clues to which communities are using acid.
Nah, not according to the BBC. No mention of any possible link whatsoever.
Are the victims mainly women ? I do not really need to ask !
“I for example am fine with Islam. If people want to be Muslims, that’s absolutely OK with me. I don’t mind a bit. Jolly good luck to them. There are fifty-odd majority-Muslim nations where they can live out their lives in Islamic culture. Far as I’m concerned, they’re welcome to do so. I wish them joy.
If you want to be a Muslim, or a Zoroastrian, or an anarcho-syndicalist, or a blood-drinking head-hunter—go ahead. I wouldn’t dream of trying to interfere.
Just please stay in your own countries and be those things. Leave me in my country to enjoy the culture I grew up in and am familiar with: Modern, Western, not-very-religious, sexually egalitarian, easy-going, English-speaking social-democratic culture.
Is my culture better than yours? Pass. Is Islam a stupid, cruel, and wrong-headed religion? No idea. Does Sharia law entail a shackling, an enslavement of the human spirit? Beats my pair of jacks. Just, please, leave me the heck alone with the culture I know and am happy in; and I’ll return the favor.”
John Derbyshire
Homophobic attack … Perps BBC ??
Five women attacked by a group of men in “a brutal, homophobic attack”
Rather than surrender to the Romans, the Jews, on their mountain top fortress city, chose suicide.
So, the first day the UK has used no coal to produce electricity.
Anyhow, I much prefer that safe, green alternative – nuclear.
So can we now expect the biased BBC to be presenting the blessed Margaret as one of the first eco warriors? After all if she hadn’t closed down a few mines then Tony B Liar would have had to do it instead !
Not actually “day” but first 24 hour period cos last night the coal station came back on before midnight.
and its only 2 days since wind was so low that coal had to run for more than 24 hours.
But I’ll believe it when I see it.
British Tars ?
Royal Marine Commandos ?
Vive la France!
Vive Madame le Pen!
An ‘ex-Muslim’ speaks out…
That’s very good, thanks for posting it OG. Mind you, he’ll probably now be killed.
He is right, France will have civil war, the percentage of Islamic adherents is now past critical mass, 60% of its prisoners are muslim, estimated 25,000
muslims on the red flag watch list, there are not enough police to tail them all … and attack after attack, with impunity ie nothing gets done.
Apart from a shitty vigil and candles, squat! … je suis charlatan eh!
Le Penn could deport en masse, and emergency tighten the borders.
Sadly it wouldn t be enough, and …
just like here in the UK the fix is in with the establishment, she won t get in.
So … they will have war, I hope, hope the cheese eating surrender monkeys find the resolve
Portsmouth ‘homophobic attack’ victims afraid to go out alone
Here is a truly sickening story of a terrible attack on women going about their peaceful lawful business of an evening when outnumbered 2 to one a very brave group of men attack them occasioning appalling injuries.
But yet again we find completely missing is the description of the attackers, and as we have come to learn in these oppressive times, this does not happen when the attackers are white, so we will have to yet again read between the lines – just like the Fascists did when the asylum seeker was attacked in Croyden – only this time the women surely saw their attackers, as did the CCTV cameras and the ethnicity is known.
I was looking at this story earlier on, but on the Portsmouth local news website, some of the comments are interesting.
I may have missed the event, but has the BBC made a broadcast either on TV or radio that is pro-Brexit?
This from last year:
The Corporation’s Director-General, Lord Hall, has agreed to review the BBC’s complaints procedures after a cross-party group of parliamentarians challenged him to name a single programme which has been enthusiastic about Brexit since the EU referendum on June 23 — and Lord Hall was unable to do so.
The parliamentarians included UKIP peer Lord Pearson, Labour’s Kate Hoey and Tory Philip Hollobone. Pearson hails Hall’s decision as a significant blow against ‘those at the top of the BBC who wish to see the referendum result reversed’.
I fail to see any benefits at all of Hall’s alleged decision. The BBC remains as wedded to the remainiac cause as ever.
And I’ve a growing sense that Charles Moore is right – Treezer is exactly the same.
No DS, they haven’t. It is outrageous that the state broadcaster which is compulsorily funded by all those who possess a television, has not produced a single programme outlining none of the benefits to the UK that will accrue after we leave the EU. This is after the majority of those who voted, voted to leave and did so on a huge turnout.
If nothing else tells us that al beebus should be completely restructured (and there’s plenty besides): it’s this completely blatant disregard for the views and opinions of the majority of those who voted in the referendum.
The Charter requires them to cater to minorities and majorities in the country but the bbc is just too big and clever to be bothered by a silly thing like a Royal Charter.
There is a problem
There is only one source for the story SEBASTIAN-SHAKESPEARE in the Mail 2016
So I suspect someone told him that story and its not true .
I’ve mentioned this here before.
From tonight’s output from our glorious State Broadcaster;
Casualty (or WTF it’s called these days) showing how dirty working class England football supporters are ugly and racist, not like those nice middle class graduate nurses and doctors, who happened to also be protesting at evil Tory cuts.
I’m working class, and used to “follow” the England team at the pub etc – numbers of times I’ve seen someone do a monkey chant at a black person in those 25 years? zero
Yes, out of that group of supporters only the long-haired son was depicted as being worthy of any sympathy – because he was gay. You could spot this early on, of course, as well as his sexual relationship with the young black man in the pub – agenda-driven plotlines are so predictable!
Watched Doctor Who for the first time in years this evening, when The Doctor referred to a select group of humans as “the shepherds, the bravest and brightest” – the ones that we saw were all Asian women! When other humans joined the story later – white people, plus one black guy, from what I could see – out came the guns and violent solutions! No message there, then?
Very worthwhile read on the destruction of the West and Sweden in particular by the ‘globalists’.
“Leftwing globalists wrongly assume their open-mindedness, worldview, inclusiveness, and commitment to unity guarantees everyone a happily-ever-after ending. Frankly, their ideology might make them feel good, but it’s killing the rest of us.”
Typical BBC bias on Casualty a load of white “thugs” chanting and mocking some black and Asian guys.
However, it’s the black guys who were physically violent and beat the crap out of them.
Of course it will be the white right wing thugs’ faults as they were disrespectful to them.
Whatever happened to “sticks and stones….”?
Whatever happened to simple storytelling that isn’t designed to force a point of view down the viewer’s throat?
BBC drama has become unwatchable.
Alice in Wonderland !
Skin colour doesn’t bother me ..I’ll talk to anyone.
But something strange around here .. in the old days minorities seemed to be few but more integrated.
These days I realised in this region all the normal shops/pubs have completely white staff with one or two East Europeans only. Same for most cultural things and big Sunday market
The ethnic biz are pretty much 100% ethnic ..corner shops , Chinese/Indian restaurants takeaways.
The gov offices have some BMEs.
And then you step inside a hospital and it’s suddenly like 20+% BME staff.
Seems to me there’s been ghettoisation
Bit of a random one here, but this has been on my mind and wanted to vent – so I signed up on this great blog to do so.
I’ve noticed that supporters of mass immigration (who are typically also apologists for Islamic terrorism) were besides themselves with glee when it turned out the Westminster Bridge whacky racer and the shooter of the French copper were “British” and “French” respectively.
They love this because of course it would appear to immediately shut down the claims of immigration causing all of this destruction.
But it doesn’t.
Leftys have had to wait a long time, but finally the results of this unprecedented mass immigration experiment are finally producing “home grown” terrorists that don’t fit the mould, in lefty-vision, of the foreign criminal – because “he was born here! he’s French!” – as if he’s a stripey jumper, onions around the neck, beret wearing etc etc
But of course it *is* a direct result of the last 20 years of immigration, because even if these animals were born here before the experiment started, they have had 20 years now of Islamic immigration and appeasement to fuel their hatred.
So don’t let Islamic terrorism apologists clog up Twitter and the like with their claims that these events are nothing to do with their globalist immigration experiment – they are *everything* to do with immigration, even when the perpertrators are born in the country they are attacking.
“home-grown” terrorism is probably the most annoying and misleading phrase ever invented. It is a crass attempt to pretend that the legal procedure of being granted British citizenship, or just simply living in Britain for a number of years, is the same as being culturally British. Becoming British in the cultural sense is rather like becoming a native English speaker. Both are the result of imitating parents and family with a particular heritage and living in a community of similar individuals. This is why “British values” are always being prattled about on the BBC. Supposedly, sharing “British values” is what makes the British British. The British obviously have values because of the way they are brought up, these are the customs and mores that are transmitted through tradition and language. Making a conscious decision to adopt an abstract set of rules is as relevant to being culturally British as learning English grammar rules has to becoming a native English speaker. When “home-grown” muslim terrorists start being Joe Bloggs or Steven Smith rather that Mustapha Massaka, then will be the time to wonder if there is something rotten in British society
Maybe I’m mistaken, but has Sir Bob Geldof kept his promise back in September of 2015 of taking in Syrian refugees into all of his homes? He is very, very rich and I’m sure his generosity is honestly held. He did after all make an informed political gesture by giving the ‘V’ sign to Brexit supporting fishermen in the Thames that year.
Here’s a quote:
“”Bob Geldof, in a highly charged interview on Irish radio, offered to take in four families immediately and give them shelter in his homes in Kent and London. Geldof said: “If there’s a new economy then there needs to be a new politics, and it’s a failure of that new politics that’s led to this disgrace, this absolute sickening disgrace,” he said.
“I’m prepared – I’m lucky, I’ve a place in Kent and a flat in London – me and (partner) Jeanne would be prepared to take three families immediately in our place in Kent and a family in our flat in London, immediately, and put them up until such time as they can get going and get a purchase on their future.””
Source, The Guardian:
Has he fuck ! You can be sure he would be trumpetting it. He is an asshole .
Chris Hall @111chrishall Apr 11
gave a total
Rowling = 0
Lineker = 0
Allen = 0
Geldof = 0
C Church = 0
Khan = 0
And all the other melts with refugees welcome signs = 0
Dover Sentry Re: Geldof
I’m half Irish (my dad) & I live in Kent.
And Geldof can Feck off!
“A purchase on their future” What about the future of our own children?
Under the boot of Muslim overlords perhaps?
There are a lot of people out of work who could use help. Any ideas Bob?
Or are the English an irrelevance to you?
Sorry for venting but the man is an arse.
I caught the last 30 minutes of BBC young Dancer of the Year. After the 3rd dancer I noticed they were all Indian, black and/or gay. When the judges were brought on stage and introduced they were Indian, gay and/or wheel chair bound.
A black girl won the competition in the end – which was a surprise to me!!!
Tabs. I caight by total chance the last 2 minutes of this and am suffering from severe sickness due to equality/diversity/multi- culti propaganda overload.
Six people on stage – the judges?
Three men, three women.
One man of working age in a wheelchair (this is statistically very unusual)
Two black women. One wearing something which you would normally see on the Dalai Lama.
To see them all in a line on stage, an assembly created by box-tickers like the ill-fitting parts which created the Bride of Frankenstein tells you so much about the bBBC’s utterly warped and deluded mind set and disdain for our country.
And as you point out Tabs, the winner was a black woman. What a surprise. Not.
Pass the sick bag and make it a large one.
In other words, yet again in bBBC la la land. White males need not apply. Especially if also heterosexual.
Just watched on Fox the update on Afghanistan. How Obama gave it away, how Pakistan retains Taliban safe havens and how the Taliban now holds more territory than it did 16 years ago.
Estimated 40,000 US troops would be required to get the Taliban to the peace table but then what? Continuing murderous insurgency as the Taliban attempt to take the entire country. Wondering if this is the future for Europe?
Tabs, I didn’t see it, but I did see snatches from the promo where a black girl is at the end finishing her dance until fade out. My immediate thought was ‘I bet she wins it’ – clearly she did !!!
Thing is if you’re wealthy, live in nice places, have a cosy life for you and your family, a nice pension to look forward to, an armed security team, armoured limo’s and not forgetting nuclear proof bunkers – you would be Theresa May and things would have to get really, I mean really, bad before you start to worry.
BBC Website ” Labour plans 4 more bank holidays ” FFS. I am going to vote for that !
Free owls for everyone! Only this time they are serious
238 murdered in France by Jihadist since 2015
Source http://www.westmonster.com/
Yet still the French won’t support Le Pen. Little action is taken to stop the murders. They just carry on. At what point do the French people say enough is enough. Just how many more people have to die. How many more families have to suffer at the hands of these Jihadists.
The French currently lack respect for the souls of the murdered innocents by their inaction. They are showing themselves to be a weak people led by politically correct left wing cowards.
A French trait. Treachery treason and collaboration
The French msm / lib-left Establishment have managed to toxify the Front National brand so it’s seen as fascist/neo-nazi. Same trick the beebistan plays with all right wing movements in UK.
Clearly the increased tax created during these mysteriously productive periods will be used to fund the also promised reduction in class sizes at Hogwarts.
Would love Brillo to have Labour’s Shadow Smoke and Mirrors spokeschampagnesocialist JK on to run us all through Labour’s Potternomics.
All Krankie needs to do is promise a deep fried Mars bar delivered to your bedside and she has Scotland sewn up.
As we approach the GE expect more ‘Troll’ attacks from Al Beeb’s employees.
You are a troll destroyer Taffman. You are very good at it.
Are they the same trolls that I had to zap before? They seem to have different names. Sorry I stopped your fun at the time by the way. Happy to let them go on for a while longer until they bore me. They’re generally best ignored.But I still might zap them all the same.They contribute so little in terms of their personal position on an issue. I enjoyed it most when they moaned and bleated. Trolls won’t get zapped by me if they put forward a good, constructive contrary point of view. I’ve seen little evidence of it so far though.
What do you think Taffman?
Happy to let you have a bit of fun with them.- For a while.
Beware , they will be back – same fingerprint, same guys .
They do more harm to Al Beeb although they work for the broadcaster .
“They” are worth it just for their sense of humour and jokes. They must be Beeboids, because the BBC do not do comedy any more. Well, not intentional comedy.
This seems handy:
Some seem less keen:
Happy St. George’s Day ! I wonder what the BBC will do to celebrate it ?
What will the BBC do? Why, of course, they will promote a nutty Corbyn policy
‘General election 2017: Labour wants four new bank holidays’
I suspect that this idiotic idea by Corbyn will lose more votes than it gains. “Nutty” indeed !
Grant – They will raise a crescent flag or a black isis flag (with all that gobbledygook on it) over the television centre – Just to remind us who they would really like to be in charge!
No Labour just cut NHS work hours by 2 %
If you give nurses and medical staff 4 days extra holidays from the 200 days/year they work, then you’ve cut 2 working days from each 100.
I’ve never heard of such a naive and gimmicky policy.
I have always believed that all public holidays should be abolished and employers required to add the equivalent days to annual leave, thereby giving people the freedom to choose.
No actually Labour would be CUTTING pool of NHS work hours by 3-5%
My father points out that you wouldn’t be replacing 1 lost holiday day with a new regular worker; no since it’s a bank holiday each worker doing overtime would be paid a premium of time and a half or double time and agency commissions as well.
There is effectively no difference between increasing public holidays and increasing taxes..both end up costing the taxpayer more.
I think albeeb was preoccupied I preparing the ” le pen fails” script. Unfortunately for them it seems she got through the first part of the French election. I dipped into albeeb coverage and caught a smug Paris based Beeb type saying “well done “to a mouthpiece for le pens opponent.i don’t give a damn about the French generally but if they put up borders- kill off Shengen – and undermine the EU that’s fine by me. . No doubt the msm and the French establishment will put in an acceptable mouthpiece to be president.
The BBC always get it wrong. Last General election, Brexit, Trump, now Le Pen. I wonder how these bastards will spin it if she wins !
Andrew Marr is currently interviewing Jeremy Corbyn, allowing him full rein to prate out his utopian and juvenile rubbish, pretty much uninterrupted. So before this site descends into petty name calling and minor invective, lets lift things to a higher plane from the outset. Unbefuckinglieeeevable.
LOL ! The more exposure Corbyn gets , the more votes he loses.
Tables of sitting MPs who would be affected by a swing of 5 – 10% and the way their constituency voted over Brexit. Unfortunately they are mixed between Tory & Labour MPs with no identifiers as to party.
Over 10% swing needed.
The Liberal Democrats will have to pull out some impressive swings to get more than a modest number of gains. There are only ten Conservative seats with the Lib Dems in second that have majorities under 10%, another fifteen with majorities under 20%. Few of these seats were strongly pro-Remain
Other interesting constituencies.
Thanks for the interesting info Thoughtful. Do you have a link for the source?