Nick Robinson Talks Tosh…What’s New?


The election is on and the manifesto’s are being forged as we wait breathlessly……Nick Robinson has been dissecting the media response, the Tory supporting media response that is and found that the Daily Mail is abandoning its principles and supporting May regardless….but is that true?…here’s what reliable old Nick says…..

‘Striking the leeway a Tory paper like the Daily Mail is willing to give to her…they hate that pledge on aid and yet nowhere is it on the front page and you have to turn to page 6 to find a fond headline…Theresa bites the bullet….as if she is doing precisely what the paper asked instead of exactly the opposite.’

Trouble is that is a load of old twaddle…the Daily Mail in no-way gives May complete unquestioning support over ‘aid’…and the headline was not just on aid but on two other possible manifesto issues…

Theresa bites the bullet: Mrs May risks upsetting Tory supporters saying she will KEEP the 0.7% foreign aid law, DUMP the ‘no tax rise’ pledge and may DROP their commitment to the pension triple lock

And note none of those other issues were ‘on the front page’ either….so Robinson’s focus on aid alone is misleading in itself.

And does the Mail not mention that it thinks the aid budget is bonkers?…[note that the print edition which Robinson is talking about also states that the Mail itself opposed her aid plans]…..

Meanwhile, Theresa May confirmed the Government will stick to its controversial commitment to spend 0.7 per cent of national income on foreign aid, quashing growing speculation it would be scraped.

Speaking in her home town of Maidenhead, Mrs May said the party will stick to its controversial foreign aid commitment which last year equated to more than £13billion of taxpayers’ money.

And this in the same report…

Theresa May insists she will KEEP controversial target on foreign aid spending

Theresa May has said she will she will keep the controversial target for minimum spending of billions on foreign aid at her latest campaign stop today.

The Prime Minister said it was important to ensure the money – equivalent to 0.7 per cent of national income and more than £13billion last year – is spent properly.

But as she returned home to Maidenhead for the first time since calling a snap general election, Mrs May ended speculation she would dump the controversial policy.


The Mail makes it quite plain that the aid budget is controversial and that the Mail opposed it [in the print edition].

Robinson just seems to make it up to suit his own agenda…that the Mail is supinely cheerleading for May regardless of what she says.


Pat Marie  Pat Marie The BBC is the propaganda arm of the Tory Party. Watch Newsnight 19th April. Constant bashing and negative comments about Jeremy Corbyn. Not one single voice from the other side. The BBC is a bloody joke.


Oh…and have to laugh at this after Robinson warned his colleagues about badmouthing Corbyn…

BBC journalist Nick Robinson sparked an impartiality row as he appeared to criticise Jeremy Corbyn after his first major campaign speech. 

The Radio 4 Today programme presenter faced a barrage of criticism after posting a tweet in which he accused Labour’s leader of being “long on passion and short on details”.

“No-one should be surprised that @jeremycorbyn is running v the “Establishment” & is long on passion & short on details. Story of his life,” Mr Robinson’s tweet said.

I hadn’t realised he was talking about Corbyn….thought he was actually referring to the BBC…long  on compassion, short on details…and truth.

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6 Responses to Nick Robinson Talks Tosh…What’s New?

  1. Sluff says:

    Both Toenails and Doomsberg have delusions of grandeur. They don’t want just to report the news, they think they ARE the news.
    The bBBC’s self-importance.Paid for by others.


  2. Grant says:

    I love the pally “Jeremy”. Prick Robinson is well passed his sell-by date. A total has-been.


    • Guest Who says:

      There is a saying: ‘Standing on the shoulders of giants’.

      By contrast, I believe Mr. Robinson’s nickname is, for some reason, ‘Toenails’.


      • Grant says:


        I believe that it is because he crawls so far up some politicians jacksys that all you can see are his toenails !