In a prevous post we noted that Corbyn was spouting a new line on nuclear weapons, that he wouldn’t use a ‘first strike’. This gives the impression, no doubt intended, that he may use nuclear weapons in response to an attack…when everything he has said in the past has suggested he would not, under any circumstances, use nuclear weapons. This new position by him was completely accepted by Marr and Humphrys without questions, no journalistic scoop about Corbyn’s apparent bombshell u-turn that he would now use nukes. That is odd because Jo Coburn on today’s Daily Politics was pretty sure that Corbyn had said he would never, ever use nuclear weapons in any circumstances…..
Note Nia Griffith also comes up with the idea that he wouldn’t use a first strike…thus perpetuating the myth that Corbyn would use it….because ultimately it would be his decision whatever ‘we’, the Labour Party, thought as a group. The interview cuts off there in the clip and so I haven’t seen if Coburn responds to that first strike comment….it is surely a crucial phrase that utterly changes Corbyn’s position on nukes…either he is lying or he has u-turned hugely. I wait for the BBC to clear this up….and their own reporting…can’t have one lot reporting Corbyn will use nukes and one lot saying he never, ever will under any circumstances can we?
Just watched the whole thing and after Griffith mentions ‘first strike’ Coburn ignores that and says Corbyn is mouthing his usual line…ie never, ever press the button…but that’s not true is it if he is now disengenuously suggesting he might…but not as a first strike.
No point in having nuclear weapons if you tell the world you won’t use them first. That’s not a deterrent.
Is Worzel Dustybin really intending to explain to Britons after a nuclear attack that his pacifist principles were intact? What a consolation that would be to the millions of dead and injured.
Jeremy Corbyn is pressed to condemn the IRA atrocities but refuses to do so:
Why is this not the BBC News website’s lead story?
Don’t the British public have a right to know that the man who wants to lead this country won’t condemn terrorist attacks on innocent British civilians?
Instead, their lead story is: ‘Labour says it would scrap Theresa May’s Brexit plans and unilaterally guarantee the rights of EU residents before talks start, if they win power.’
Maybe that’s why they don’t want to give too much coverage to Corbyn’s stance on terrorism…
If Corbyn has changed his mind on that then he must be a liar according to the BBC, after all that’s what they call May for changing her mind on when to hold an election.
Corbyn Chaos? – I cringe when I hear Corbyn “trying” to come over as showing his “righteous indignation”
Corbyn Chaos? – I see that is long haired pretty “groupies” alongside him have increased in number as they push to one side his body guards!