Use of the term ‘bang’ has raised objections from many women’s pressure groups as an overtly sexual instruction. At the same time, conservation groups have objected to the implied support for shooting sports, and educationalists to the projection of weaponry towards young and impressionable minds. The Council for the Protection of Rural England have called for a outright ban on all similar ‘noise creation systems’.
Some time ago, knowing roughly how many bullets, ordnance and bombs had been used in the world since 1990, I tried to interest the BBC’s Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change Promotions Department in doing some research into the AGW aspects of military weapons use.
I know it’s not the BBC but they are so similar.
Sky news with Adam Boulton (anti Le Pen) interviewing two anti Le Pen commentators for a nice balanced view of the French election. Agnes de Poirier? and some wet lefty from the UK bubble.
How much longer will the lefties keep labelling anything they don’t like as the far right as in Le Pen, or fascist, as Zoe Williams called her on the Daily Politics.
Right now, Boulton is back on sky news with more anti Le Pen commentators sitting outside a French cafe.
If Marine wins, against all the msm, I wonder if the Russians will get the blame.
To me, we, alongside the eu and many other countries, are interfering in the French election much more than the Russians ‘hacked’ the American election.
Macron has tapped into the desire for wholesale change that also has propelled Marine Le Pen into the second round, now THAT desire is what is hankered for desperately here.
A millionaire banker? he s followed a well-worn path through elite French universities including the ENA, (which has groomed many French leaders). He s earned several million euros at Rothschild, Macron became an economic adviser to Hollande in 2012 and then to the economy minister two years later. he s establishment through and through like a bloody stick of rock.
He ll deceive and lie to get his job,(probably as much as Liar May … if that’s possible), these are, the festering swamp.
It is the media, the political establishment the old boy network, big finance,(just like over here) that is financing making it look something “new”, something different … just call him la May or Le Blair
… political establishment business as usual.
As soon as I learned that he was a creature of the Rothschilds, all suddenly became clear as to how he was able to launch a brand new political party from scratch and then go on to win the first round of the French presidential election: all within twelve months.
How long do you think, before the fickle French recognise their mistake and start to call Macron ‘Le Blair’? Always assuming, of course, that they make the mistake at all, though if the BBBC have anything to do with it, he’s a shooin.
It’s up to the French. If they like the way things are going, mass unemployment, mass immigration, soldiers on the streets, terror attacks etc, then vote Macron. If not, vote Le Pen. It’s their choice, and they will have to live with it. However, it may be the last choice they ever get to make.
Here is an interesting observation from a different thread which should strike a chord here.
Take a look at the images used by Labour Party candidates, especially in areas with a high Muslim population. Check how many Muslim women you can see, and if the ones in the photos are actually associated with the Labour party in some way.
The images I’ve seen have not a single Muslim woman present making Labours claims of equality massively hypocritical.
Vote Labour if you want your patriarchal archaic cultural hierarchy to continue unchallenged.
Labour politicians will remain silent on the rights of the individual to defend the right for sweeping gender oppression under the guise of cultural norms.
If Labour are refusing to challenge culturally embedded sexism simply because of an expediency for the Muslim block vote then they are quite simply not fit to hold office, because what else will they turn a blind eye to?
There’s no doubt the BBC have been stung again by the election result in France and are worried.
When I clicked on the main news site this morning the font size for the main headline announcing that Le Pen and Macron had won was very small and subdued.
Make no mistake, this signals that the BBC were not happy but had to report it.
As usual though, you have to go to other news/media outlets to get a true picture of what’s happening in France because RT are reporting the fact that there have been protests and scuffles with the French Police and cars set on fire.
I guess we don’t need to be told what political allegiance the protesters are from…..
Teenage pregnancies have been falling.
Labour free stuff made it highly desirable to get on the ‘baby train’.
Blair said unmarried girls would live in hostels with childcare, continue education and get a job. It never happened. Instead we had Sure Start but that meant they needed bigger free housing to store the free buggies, baby gates and nappies.
So long as the passive smoke and latest live-in dad doesn’t get to them first.
There latest BBC FB post (something about bed, so likely Newsbeat) suggests a glorious future, featuring as it does a young sleeping Asian (Oriental) girl with a slightly older Asian (Rotherham style) man sleeping behind behind here.
The EU Globalists in the MSM and elsewhere are crowing about Macron being an odds on certainty to win the presidency , which he almost certainly will. But Le Penn will get around 40% of the vote. Already 50% of the vote in the first round went to candidates , Le Penn and Melanchon , who want either to leave the EU or force through massive reform of it. So in the cradle of the EU half the voters are highly EU sceptical. Not a ringing endorsement, more like the tolling of the funeral bell for an institution that has lost support of the people and is only clinging on to life by unstinting support from the Global Elite. The time is coming when the EU will be overthrown by a democratic uprising. The Globalists may claim a victory in France , they will run around shedding tears of joy that ‘the centre has held, ‘ but they are losing the Global war.
No doubt the Remoaners in the UK will be keen to tell us that Macron will be very nasty towards Brexit and that we will be made to suffer. Let’s see what happens when he is confronted by the impact of Trade barriers on French agricultural products in the UK. Also what happens when the next terrorist atrocity hits France? Another Nice or Bataclan or worse. Is he going to give a Gallic shrug and tell the French people they will have to get used to it, because mass migration is here to stay? I can see an uprising if he does. I don’t know if the Constitution of the 5th Republic provides for impeachment or similar but he may not make the full five years. Marine may not have to wait until 2022 for next campaign.
She’ll have a hard job with MSM AND the establishment against her……. But, so did Trump. AND, so did BREXIT…… So, it’s NOT impossible. But, I think it unlikely that she’ll win….
Very good point. Do you think any of the British media would interview Le Pen or Macron to ask their view on Brexit and how they would look to treat Britain? Of course not because it would be a favourable position from Le Pen and a pro-EU anti-British position from Macron.
ps – saw he married his ex-school teacher 25 years his senior who first flirted with him when he was 15. What is it with these people? Always some fucking deviancy.
“ps – saw he married his ex-school teacher 25 years his senior who first flirted with him when he was 15.”
And if the MSM had information like THAT about The Donald wouldn’t we have been hearing about it? Ad nauseam from an outraged & offended feminazi base?
Quick bit of bias.
On Toady this morning a ‘discussion’ between the feminist zeolot of the Wimmin’s Equality Party and Philip Davies MP who is plowing a fairly lonely furrow exposing the unequalness of the so-called Equality Party positions and pointing out that mal es have a right to equality too.
Davies can hardly get a word in edgeways as rent-a-gob is given free rein. And then to cap it all, she, having been given the first lengthy segment, also gets the last word. Clear bias.
The bBBC. An anti-male state institution.
And btw they are not alone these days.
They decry divisive politics while droning on about discrimination while desperately wanting discrimination if it’s the ‘right’ kind of discrimination.
I think the word is, HYPOCRACY.
‘Hypocracy’ is a damn good neologism. After all, we have aristocracy, plutocracy, meritocracy, and so on, so why not ‘Hypocracy’ for a ruling group of hypocrites?!
Maybe the BBC could talk to Sarah Champion, Labour’s domestic violence shadow minister. I wonder if they would reference how she has was arrested and cautioned after assaulting her husband during an altercation?
Just to refresh your memories, here is a list of S Champion MP’s glorious recent achievements during the Referendum campaign. Which she lost.
A true stateswoman in the making.
It is very interesting watching the language that the BBC use. This morning, for example, we were treated to a constant “Emmanuel Macron is one vote away from becoming French President.”
Er, no. He is not. He will need lots of votes, a majority. Dare I say it? Use the populist word? He will need to remain more popular than Marine Le Pen. Was the BBC trying to send a subliminal message to French expats that they, if registered, must vote Macron in the second round? ‘He is one vote away, YOUR VOTE away, from the Presidency.’?
Was not the correct language to use “Emmanuel Macron is one round (or ‘one final Election/Election finale’ or ‘just the run-off’) away from becoming French President.” ?
Then, it is also interesting observing BBC passions. No, not those! “Put that doughnut down, Jennifer; step away from the doughnut!”
I mean where the balance of their interest in a particular subject lies and for how long and to what intensity.
There have been plenty of references on this site in the last couple of years, ever since the BBC have chosen to obsess about Womens Equality. For one year, did the UN choose to make it ‘The Year of Women’ ? Yes, I know there is an international Womens’ Day. This was something more and it seemed to set the BBC off on endless ‘Womens’ quest, with hardly a day passing without a programme or a web-site reference or a News or Current Affairs item about ‘Equality’ and ‘Rights’. Since then, ‘Gender’ has been included in the tribe for BBC coverage. Nitrous Oxide pollution in cities is a much more recent and equally intensive one.
My antennae were tweaked at the end of last year when the BBC started to obsess about Francois Fillon. Briefly, they were very much in favour. Fillon offered some past political experience with the advantage of being ‘not Marine Le Pen and Front National’.
Suddenly, they turned against Fillon and constantly, especially in the first week or two, brought up the subject of possible criminality, especially with regard to public monies and nepotism. Foolishly, I did not attempt to cross-check the BBC’s sudden interest with French print media, to see if the BBC were ahead of the game. That might have been interesting.
Thereafter, the BBC were relentless – apart from a temporary slight or partial U-turn – in condemning Fillon.
Strangely, simultaneously, their attention turned to Macron who had almost been languishing out of sight. He became coupled to any references to Fillon and alleged fraud. Then he started to merit references and greater attention in his own right.
Now, apparently with some possible help from the BBC, the outsider is in with a chance of gaining power in France.
The BBC, to an extent, joined in the Democratic Party outrage that ‘the Russians ‘hacked’ the US Presidential Election and helped Trump to victory.’. They started to carry the claims, and sometimes but very occasionally, mentioned the counter-claims or dismissals. But the outside interference became a big thing for a while both in BBC radio broadcasts (comedy included) as well as on the web-site. The fear was even expressed that the Russians might try to hack future UK elections and Referendums,the General Election not then having been announced.
The BBC, apparently, do not like the thought of Russia influencing democratic elections in other countries but they appear happy to indulge in a little of it themselves.
Does anyone else find it rather suspicious that M. Macron almost appeared out of nowhere? He worked for Rothschild’s bank and was a member of the Socialist party, then formed his own political party, ‘En Marche’ only last year. I’m not entirely sure how French politics works, but can you imagine in the UK somebody forming a political party and then winning an election only a year later, when pitted against someone who has a long history in politics?
Macron’s fans describe him as the French Obama, bringing, ‘Hope and Change’. Are the French that stupid
His rise is meteoric but for many I think he’s the protest vote – little do they know.
Macron is the man from nowhere. He is a classic Enarque, he worked for Rothschilds before being plucked from obscurity to the Hollande’s finance minister, a year later he is on the verge of the presidency. If the French deep state had had to create their ideal candidate, they would have come up with Macron. Which makes me think that is exactly what they did.
He is the Establishment candidate. He will change nothing, and France will continue to decline economically, tied to the Euro, and virtually an economic colony of Germany. If the French want nothing to change, they should vote for him. If they want France to have any chance of surviving, they must vote Le Pen.
Le Pen will have the full force of the French and European establishment against her, that is already clear. The MSM will be united against her. I only hope that the French remember that they are quite good at revolutions, and it is some time since the last one. The French are awkward buggers who don’t like being told what to do. I can only hope they decide to have their Brexit or Trump moment. If they really choose to elect the establishment’s Manchurian candidiate then they will have signed their own national death warrant.
Macron is the establishment’s preferred candidate and there’s plenty of evidence that the establishment are mobilising every effort to propagandise that fact. Whether it’s the regressive msm breathlessly puffing his praises or the EU publicly endorsing him, we know how this trajectory is supposed to go.
But will it? As you say, Rob, that is up to the French electorate. I’m not at all sure they have it in them to vote for Le Pen (and, by extension, national survival)…the French are typically too wedded to dreams of a socialist utopia even if Macron pretends to be a right wing centrist (he’s nothing of the sort – he’s a bought-and-paid-for common purpose worker drone who knows exactly which side his bread’s buttered on) for the purposes of this election.
I have very little faith in the French electorate, so maybe not this time for Le Pen. Still, with a few more years of ‘cultural enrichment’ under their belt (and don’t forget Ramadan kicks off later in May), perhaps the French electorate will feel a little more compelled to save themselves next time around. If it’s not too late by then.
The bBBC has ‘a study of London youth‘, showing photographs of youngsters in what used to be our capital city. It doesn’t look very realistic, though: there is the obligatory vacant-staring half-caste woman with frizzy hair, but no black boys in hoodies carrying knives or enriching women hiding their faces.
JimS…… “I found the BBC 2 programme on the iplayer and it had a short item where two ladies ripped apart an old bear, but there was very little detail, most of the programme being taken up by a very tall ‘man of colour’ who did nothing but stick his nose into everything that was going on, like some sort of useless ‘manager’.”
Loved your bear story, and soooooo identified with it ! my sibling and I went head to head when he wanted to banish a box of MY toys to the tip !!
Anyway I agree with your analogy of the BBC pap on afternoon telly – usually commissioned by one Jo Street (as the credits attest). The ‘man of colour’ is Jay Blades who likes to wear a suit when half painting chair legs in various colours, and likes to say ‘Cool’ every other word. He clearly has ‘something’ that the BBC like (we can only wonder what THAT is), and no doubt scrambled around to find a vehicle for him – hence the ‘useless manager’ !!! I’m soon expecting other ‘projects’ that feature the rising stars of colour from other Jo Street commissions and her ilk.
Thank you Brissles! My ‘bear story’ is just part of my, so-far, silent protest against the pap!
I don’t see the point of these programmes, they tell us nothing about ‘how to do it’ and they imply that everything can be done ‘just like that’ without any effort. I will go further and say that they give us unrealistic expectations that we can all climb mountains, sail oceans, create companies or write books. The reality is that the people who do these things are often obsessive about one subject, (not everything, they make a choice), they can be selfish and often have a lot of support that we don’t get told about.
My sharp-witted aunt got it right years ago when she told my dad to pay more attention to his own family rather than the fake Archers family which has been dulling brains for fifty years!
The daily dose of VD on Al BBC2 … goes all out on UKIPs proposed Burkha Ban
BBC Burkha wearers on show again? with MCWales
(UKIP need to get themselves tight, ready for the excuses),
These excuses are literally hot air … and VD?,(shakes head) is a disgrace.
Wearers (just like her from MCWales) are those of political vent usually? wearing it IS a political act. … It is nowhere in the Quran girls!..
First, its wearing is an instrument, encouraged by the Islamic political extremists, impose the Islamic viewpoint on wider society.
aimed at preventing the integration of the Muslim community into mainstream Britain,
so … wearing it is used to visibly give the two fingers to our wider society.
It is an overt statement of deliberate concealment too, we see you, but we conceal ourselves?
… why be surprised if people don t trust you? The veil hides identity, any common citizenship involves trust, and trust cannot exist where one cannot see people’s faces in public
If it s for your religion, wear it in the Mosque,
If it s for your husband bloody wear it at home, in bed if you want … if it isn t?.
It is anti social, anti integration and those who encourage it need, and deserve the harshest critique
However did a call for “modesty” ever, get perverted into this eh!, and for the women in all this ?
“The veil sets women apart from men and apart from the world; it restrains them, confines them, it grooms them for docility”.
BBC News – UKIP Manifesto Burkha Ban
Britain won’t be taking any lessons on integration from the hate peddlers at UKIP … BBC Header ‘Stop adding to the problem’
I m SOOOOOO! glad I call them Al BBC
The BBC is the same as yesterday, Al Beeb central was on immediate focus all presses, with the whisper of a burkha ban …
BBC News – would you support a Burkha ban?
Usual Al BBC blood boiler I m afraid, tweets! give me strength!
… the only thing these morons are interested in,
wheel out Brendan Cox and co
… nauseating
I clicked on your link, but while it asks if I would support a burka ban, it’s not so keen on getting my answer. It seems only the filtered few were actually allowed to respond.
I’d like to ban it, but fear that UKIP are on a loser here as they’ll simply be made out as racist for suggesting it. Or sexist – “How DARE you tell women what to wear!” – when the reason many wear it in the first place is possibly because they’ve been told to. With an acid bath as unspoken threat.
The only way to get a burka ban, as I see it is if people start to wear it as identity concealment and go out causing trouble. I’m actually surprised it’s not been done – but would the MSM report if it had?
There are enough reasons above Rolli, to take it well away from squeals of “waycism” … and erm Islam is not a race its an ideology.
It s just UKIP need to be tight on this, and they are not.
Anti integration, public trust, security, some muslims have moved here … away from such abject backwardness, Islamic countries have banned it themselves, the wider public will, a political sign of Islamist extremism – this extremist political sign … not in the public sphere thanks, taking democracy just to subvert to more draconia needs to be exposed
Waffle about “waycism” and Islamofauxbia are just fluff and wind.
I ve relayed just some of the above and silenced, well not silenced but totally exposed people face to face, facts are what they are bud.
A Muslim woman, when asked her ‘feelings’ (like you do), if the veil ban became law, replied “I would feel imprisoned if I couldn’t wear what I wanted”. I was lost for words; she felt ‘imprisoned’ if her face was on view – er, work that one out !
The intelligence of people, whatever their colour or creed, these days, is deteriorating daily. The more I listen to those being interviewed on the street, the more I wonder what happened to teaching standards that I was lucky to benefit from in the 50’s and 60’s.
“The more I listen to those being interviewed on the street, the more I wonder what happened to teaching standards that I was lucky to benefit from in the 50’s and 60’s.”
Its selective interviewing . Interview many but only broadcast those that are on ‘message’.
It’s the burkha-loving, sharia law-loving appeasers who are the real Islamophobes — they’re so scared of what angry Muslims might do that they’re prepared to give them anything to keep them happy. That never works. Bullies understand only one thing – force.
The upshot of this relentless appeasing is that white, non-Muslim citizens of the UK are treated as second-class citizens, without the endless rights that Muslims have gained for themselves from the spineless political class.
How the bBC sanitizes violent crime in the UK: Teenager stabbed to death on Battersea estate A 17-year-old has been stabbed to death in south London. The victim was attacked in Ingrave Street, Battersea at about 01:25 BST on Sunday, the Met Police said.
So he was stabbed was he bBC: Here is how the London Evening Standard reports the very same story: Battersea murder: Cyclist, 17, ‘hacked to death by masked gang armed with machetes’ on south London estate
A 17-year-old cyclist was hacked to death by masked youths wielding machetes in a terrifying attack on a London housing estate, witnesses said today. The victim was chased by a gang wearing balaclavas and carrying large knives who stabbed him multiple times and left him sprawled on the bonnet of a car in Battersea. Neighbours told how they raised the alarm after being woken at 1.25am on Sunday by the boy’s scream of “help me, I’m dying”. He was rushed to a south London hospital by paramedics where he he was pronounced dead around 90 minutes later. He is the fourth teenager to be murdered in London in this month alone.
Isn’t it odd: when you import people into Britain from third world shitholes, they don’t suddenly start doing the crossword and drinking tea. No, they behave in exactly the same way that made their old homes into third world shitholes. The only difference is that now London is the third world shithole.
I’s like to explain this to a Leftist, but I know I’d be wasting my breath.
Rob in Cheshire
Merkel made the similar point seven years ago? …………
“Merkel says German multicultural society has failed”
“She said the so-called “multikulti” concept – where people would “live side-by-side” happily – did not work, and immigrants needed to do more to integrate – including learning German.”
Rob in Cheshire “multikulti” is in itself ‘divisive’- Simples .
Al Beeb needs to come to terms with this. Unfortunately for the past thirty years it has been trying to ‘brainwash’ the nation that “multikulti” is good for social cohesion ?
Rob in Cheshire – my view is that the globalists take London as their model for all countries in the future. A top tier of super rich insulated from reality, and a vast heterogeneous mass below of people with no affiliation to any one state, language or culture, there to act as servants to the 1%. In the middle, small groups of native functionaries (police, security services, politicians, BBC etc) to control them through propaganda and force when required.
“The only difference is that now London is the third world shithole.”
No it isn’t, it wouldn’t attract so many visitors or civilised immigrants from France otherwise. Try my home town across the Pennines, or several others on your side. They were lost years ago and no visitors to help out. Still never mind, have a tiresome pop at London if it makes you feel better.
I have a mate in London who would agree with Rob on London being a shithole, and let’s face it the visitors rarely go to the suburbs where ordinary people live as they usually only visit the touristy parts. I would also agree with you too Willy as I have lived in the North, they’re all as bad a shithole as London as far as I’m concerned.
I’ll be in a Herts town just inside the M25 this weekend, never been there before – it’s going to be interesting!
I wasn’t having a go at London. I lived there in the 80s and enjoyed it. But when young men are being hacked to death in the streets, the phrase “third world shithole” springs immediately to mind.
What has happened to London is not London’s fault. What happened to Britain is not Britain’s fault. No-one voted for our country to become a third world shithole, but that is the direction of travel.
Realistically the largest ‘white flight’ in the country is out of London – which says it all. Friends had lived in Chiswick since the early 50’s, but gradually the ethnic population from Hounslow and Southall began to encroach slowly into other surrounding boroughs, and so began the exodus. In the late 90’s friends found themselves surrounded and bailed out to Cornwall. This story has replayed all over London.
Just driving into the capital (from my end its the A1), and along the Hendon route there are (were) grand properties that have all immigrant owners, but most are in total disrepair with rubbish strewn front gardens. Nobody goes to London to hear English spoken, its become a place totally detached from the rest of the country.
Brissles – many British cities are following the capital’s lead in proving that one cannot maintain a first world country / region / city / town / area / village / street / garden shed with a majority third world population; if it were possible: then the third world wouldn’t exist and there wouldn’t be so many of them fleeing from it.
London – the UK’s very own canary in the (ever expanding) multicultural mine.
Totally agree with you Rob, that is exactly what my friend in London is saying. She won’t move, it’s her home, but she finds it heartbreaking. I’ve seen the same thing happening in certain cities in the Midlands and the North too.
“Outdated and over-applied leftright dualism makes almost any justification or defence of populism sound unspeakably right-wing, particularly to those who believe society always needs more socioeconomic liberalism and that paradise for all lies towards ever more progressive individualism.”
They’re preoccupied with identity politics, CND, open borders, refugees and virtue-signalling their political correctness rather than with the employment and housing conditions of the Somewheres they once championed and who once voted for them.
The BBC have interviewed David Goodhart, but it has been extremely cursory, and when even the Guardian (Goodhart was author of book of the week), and the Morning Star have articles then you know the bias has gone far too far at the BBC.
At the time of the referendum, the BBBC seemed to use “populist” pejoratively to describe a policy or party that was popular, but with which the BBBC disagreed.
Are they now trying to appropriate the concept?
I think many of us as teens were used to being stopped. It made me feel safe and the Police were polite. Only roughed up once but they were after someone else.
I was stopped in my younger days a couple of times for no particular reason. I did get stopped in the 80s in London when I was covering work there. I was asked if I “had any knives or drugs on me”. Their eyes lit up when I said “I’ve got some coke” They failed to see the funny side when I pulled two cans of coca cola out of my jacket pockets…
I’m surprised at al Beeb on knife murders in London. I suppose they don’t really make a big thing of it because it doesn’t happen in the bits where beeboids live. Anyway I’m waiting for some one to do the maths as to the number of searches conducted by police against the number of stabbing injuries reported.
Also – since it seems that a lot of incidents are black male on black male (young) then what are the chances of becoming a victim.? I get the feeling if young and black you are far more likely to be injured by a knife than winning the lottery.
I remember the days when BBC reporters would happily beat up the Met over some poor kid who’d been stopped ‘ for no reason’ sitting in the studio with his ‘mum’ ,a lawyer , ‘community worker’ and some one from the civil liberties industry such as Hattie Harmon. Result? Death.
And talking of discrimination and equality: In the largest study ever, it is found that short men earn significantly less than average height men.
Any idea of making it a hate or other crime to insult, injure or discriminate against short men was treated with derision. Well, it’s not valid, like a man in a frock who wants to be known as Shirley, is it?
And one more thing: Someone PLEASE explain to me why, in France, the Lefties (“Love Conquers Hate” new Springsteen song) are attacking and throwing fireworks at the Police?
And the fuckers call us, haters.
A friend put me onto the web site ‘datashine’ which has all the demographics from the 2011 census, so you can search for levels of ‘enrichment’ by ethnicity. What is shocking is the concentration of efniks in city centres and certain towns, which invariably result in a Labour MP. Areas which do not have such enrichment rarely seem to vote Labour.
Try it and see because it really is quite a shock.
I have been a visitor to this site for several years because it one of the few sources where the BBC is called out for the liberal left bias that runs like an open sewer through the whole of its output. It came as great relief to me when I first came across the site , as for years , I had thought that I was alone in believing the BBC was biased and deliberately massaged the news to fits it views. Over the years I think that those who believe the BBC to be biased has grown substantially and this has been mirrored by a loss in trust in the corporation. I suspect that the extreme pro Remain stance of the BBC has angered many people . Somehow this anger has to be captured and used against the state funded broadcaster o force change.
The contributors to the site flag up many hundreds of instances of BBC bias each week and although it feels like trying to stop a charging bull elephant with a pea shooter, we must keep on doing so. The forces of change take a long time to build and in our own small way we are contributing to the building of that force for change at the BBC.
One thing that I would like know is if the themes of bias that we flag up are ever used to confront the BBC in a systematic way? Perhaps someone from the site organisers could let us know.
Well Mensa members thought they had John Whittingdale, but he seems to have been blackmailed, and then exposed.
Now we have talk of a Judicial Review, but that seems to have been delayed by the abolition of the BBC Trust and the General Election.
So after the General Election there could be a high profile Judicial Review of BBC bias supported by all the Labour and Tory Scientist-Politicians, including Jeremy Corbyns brother.
The bBC is reporting how the liberals and Greens are up in arms over how UKIP have stated that girls at risk of FGM should be physically checked once a year:
Yet fails to balance the UKIP agenda with this news story:
When did the Brighton Pixie have her clitoris removed? If not, would she be willing to show solidarity with her sistas who support FGM and have it removed?
Think the French are in a bit of a corner – many don’t want either candidate. Many want a bit of both. Again we come to, voting for the least worst as voters see it.
It is like a Lucas V Farage maybe?
Then 4:30 features another SJW
Telegraph’s “Geoff Lean was in a coma for a month, during this time he could hear and feel everything but it wasn’t until he woke up from the coma that he realised he had also unconsciously absorbed visual information through his eyes.”
Fox’s Tucker Carlson attempts to get a leftie to explain why Marine Le Pen is ‘far right’, when the vast majority of her policies are centre left, and seems a little stunned to learn that the ONLY reason Le Pen is ‘far right’ is because she wants to limit immigration and close down radical terrorist Mosques. It basically ends up with him (as I’ve also said) that calling some one ‘far right’ is simply an insult because the left are incapable of engaging in honest open debate over the issues.
The girl in the interview is a perfect example of what happens when you get thirty years of Marxist education. She has no idea, beyond the same old tired, discredited sloganeering and name-calling. Tucker was correct when he said the left use the term ‘far right’ as a pejorative to mean ‘nazis’ by implication. She had no answers, no critical argument, no basis for her vague, meaningless words. She was just a pre-programmed regressive worker drone, emptily reciting her well-rehearsed doctrinaire terminology. She wasn’t prepared in the slightest to consider, for one moment, that Tucker might actually have point – yet still, hilariously, she used the keywords about ‘having a conversation’.
Harf began her career at the Directorate of Intelligence at the CIA as an analyst focusing on Middle Eastern leadership issues. She later became the media spokesperson of the CIA.
During the 2012 presidential election, Harf helped craft U.S. President Barack Obama’s national security and communications strategy, and also served as campaign spokesperson on national security issues.
You will see from her entries that she is completely naïve and out of touch about Islam but worryingly has a close connection to Saudi Arabia.
It’s even more worrying to find that her father Jim Harf is bice President of Maryville University in St Louis ‘Office for international Student Success”
Maryville’s International Student Success department was founded in order to internationalize the university and prepare our students to become globally ready: armed with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to function effectively in today’s globalized society.
Judging by the academic knowledge of his daughter it appears the department might no be up to much!
She has since been taken on by Fox news as “a political commentator”
Don’t think Harf was a raving screaming Leftie (ie. as some of Tucker Carlson’s other interviewees have been – as referenced before by others on B-BBC) but she had carelessly, perhaps thoughtlessly, picked up the language and its labels ‘Far Right’ and ‘Fascist’ and is using them, lazily or otherwise.
I hold no brief for Le Pen and view her progress with interest merely for the effect it will have on the EU. However, I do recall that her father was a full-on Socialist. In France, that means about one notch on the dial up from Communist. Her whole background is from that milieu. She has been schooled in it from birth.
(Euh, loooke, ah ‘ave used a French wurrd. Magnifique!)
Best thing about that video clip? Did anyone else notice? Scrolling across the bottom of the screen. Syrian rebels, could be FSA, might be other Syrian rebel groups, are turning on and attacking ISIS. Caution: via Fox News. LibLefties would claim and scream “BIAS!” but may need cross-checking or confirmation anyway.
News is supposed to be something new and surprising thus useful
R4 4pm
– French President endorses Macron
…not surprising since Macron was previously in his cabinet
– Corbyn to introduce new Scottish bank
…that’s just a Labour advertisement
Stew, it is just a little bit surprising. Hollande is seen as being far left Socialist, probably one or at the most two notches up the ladder from Marine Le Pen’s father – possibly even on the same rung. Identical but just choosing to major on fiscal policy while ignoring the relevance of migration and integration.
Now, where have I seen that before?
Anyway, Macron is at least a couple of notches off Hollande on the political scale AND he is a banker. Even worse. That should drive loads of LibLefties in France to vote for Le Pen. Hollande’s endorsement sews seeds of confusion.
True, that’s a standard Socialist trick, but it could lead to the election of the candidate who is most likely to totally turnover Hollande’s policies and efforts of his time as President.
It will be, otherwise he wouldn’t have gotten the gig.
I watched a recent short series he presented on great British rivers – what an absolutely awful, awful b@st@rd.
10pm BBC4 repeat Marx: Genius of the Modern World
“At this stage in history it’s hard to look back at Karl Marx without imagining the millions of dead killed by the totalitarian states he inspired. But that’s exactly what Bettany Hughes attempts to do here”
Get the impression from some of her radio programmes that dear Bettany either does quite a lot while not imagining or while imagining too much of the wrong thing.
Here they have BBC middle east correspondent Quentin Sommerville posing all tough with machine gun touting Islamic rebels in a specially choreographed video clip inside Syria. He talks of the enemy being the so-called Islamic State and the Syrian Regime. You can be sure the rebels would have slit his throat if the BBC hadn’t already declared allegiance to them and to Islam:
Look, I really hope I’m wrong about this, but I think Marine Le Pen stands about as much chance of winning the French election as Timmy Farron does ours. I wish it was otherwise.
It’s not only that she has the entire French (and international) establishment against her, or that her vanquished and disgraced opponents are urging their supporters to back Macron, it’s a basic flaw in the French national character.
This nation has suffered more than any other at the hands of the Islamists; Le Pen should romp home, but there is this pathetic attitude of appeasement that infests the French psyche. Put rather crudely, they don’t have the bottle.
Without wishing to sound like Uncle Albert, during the war the French collaborated with their German invaders to such an extent that Winston Churchill ordered the destruction of their fleet. “Well, they’re not going to xxxxing use it, are they?” he reportedly fumed.
The Vichy government, led by Philippe Petain actively helped the Germans, recruiting their own people to fight against the allies. And he wasn’t unpopular, far from it. As late as April 1944 he received a “hero’s” reception when he arrived in Paris. Hoards of French people thronged the streets to welcome him home. Remember this was just a few short weeks before D Day!
We had an old family friend who used to make this observation about our Gallic neighbours. “After the war every Frenchman I met or heard about had been a member of The Resistance. They were all heroes. If they’d only shown such courage during the bloody war Hitler couldn’t have invaded.”
Of course there were many French people who displayed astonishing courage. But sadly they were a minority.
Le Pen is clearly one of the brave ones. She is far from the distorted caricature fascist peddled by the media; particularly our beloved Beeb. She’s a true patriot and a democrat fighting for her culture, her country, her way of life. A real modern day member of The Resistance!
Macron, despite his hollow blather about patriotism, is clearly an appeaser. A Blair lookalike with a Petain instinct for gutless surrender. French voters can look pleased with themselves and pretend that they’re voting against the fascist.
In reality it’s the coward’s vote of appeasement.
And deep down I think they know it…
I think the French are just far less worried about the state of things – they’ve always leaned into socialism, so the EU makes perfect sense to them. Their agriculture is propped up by all that free money, their education system is heavily invested in the European Project…and so on. Le Pen will just have to wait her turn. It will come. What was it MacMillan used to say?
‘Events, my dear boy, events.’
We’ll have to suffer the inevitable smugness of the regressive msm when she loses, but let them enjoy their pyrrhic victory. Meanwhile, time and simple demographics will conspire to unravel their triumphalism. Poor France. Sleepwalking into complete catastrophe.
The trouble is, if Le Pen loses, there may never be another chance. As the muslim population rises inexorably, there will be no prospect of the political system being able to respond to the islamization of France. Then, the only outcomes will be dhimmitude or violent resistance. No middle way is possible. It is a lot easier just to put an “X” next to Le Pen’s name next month.
But I agree, it comes down to whether the French have the bottle to do it. The Dutch didn’t and are probably doomed. It is up to the French whether they want to follow them to national oblivion.
I did mention some time ago that France is my favourite for the first Eu country to have a military coup. it might not look like one but it will be one.
Thing we forget about France is the sheer size of the place and the scope of its devolution. If you like, it has been a three hundred year prototype (or warning!) of what has happened in the UK over 50 years. London has become like Paris, divorced from the rest of the nation.
However, once you move away from Paris, France is tiny. (I could write at some length on that effect on the foundation of ‘the EU’ but don’t have time right now.) Not in land mass but in its population. The reverse, in fact, of the rest of the UK.
In rural France, the local Mayor holds sway. Unless he is a scoundrel or in the pay of a narrow interest, he tends to serve the whole community and their best interests, whatever Paris – or, for that matter, Brussels – may say. If he doesn’t, he receives little respect. Then he is voted out of office.
France may have its economic and other problems, but I gather, out in rural France, life can be good. Very good. Very little changes whoever is in the Élysée Palace.
French Election run-off in two weeks? New boy Macron? Le Pen? Shrug of the shoulders. Am off to the cafe to catch up on local gossip and for a pain au chocolat.
BTW, I’m very happy for our B-BBC French correspondents to tell me I’ve got that completely wrong from here in the UK. 🙂 That’s my understanding, for what it is worth, of France.
Oh, I forgot to mention the shape shifting of French borders and colonialism. That, too, will have to wait for another and more time.
Again, if he wins he can share security tips and compare bullet proof cars with May. Our Queen and Phil are more down with the people than any of our, so called, leaders.
Many of our heroic continental allies had their very own Waffen SS divisions – the Belgians, Dutch, Hungarians, Czechs, Ukrainians, Rumanians and Poles – but the largest, and one that took part in the final defence of Hitler’s bunker in Berlin, was the SS Charlemagne (1st French).
Beltane – the SS were some of the toughest soldiers of WW2, without them the Soviets would have overrun Europe entirely by 1944 and would have been in Normandy before Eisenhower.
“Do you think there wouldn’t have been a British if the Germans had successfully invaded?”
But the fact of the matter is, they didn’t. Unlike the rest of Western Europe, the British have always been nonconformist bastards who never go with the flow:
War with Holland
War with Spain
War with France
War with Sweden
War with Germany
Rejection of the EU
Maybe that explains the battle for Cable street in 1936 where fascism was shown the bloody door in the UK. Funny enough I can’t find any other example of such a protest anywhere else in Europe:
Then there was Defence Regulation 18B which locked up all the Nazis twats and I am pretty sure a load of them would have become brownbread if Hitler had invaded.
Pounce, what about the counter-Revolution in France?
You make an excellent point about Brits. However, we have also contradictingly also become the most placid and accepting of things at times as well. Unless one is a Brit who is a part of LeftMob, that is. Must be the French in us, from 1066 and all that.
However, when we are really pushed and our backs are against the wall, we can stand up and fight. 23 June 2016! Magnifique again!
We don’t like being ripped off. That is one of the foundations of the UK’s squabble with the EU. Unfortunately, until that day last year we did not get ourselves organised enough to do anything about it.
Steven Sackur gleefully interviewing the Egyptian Archbishop of the Coptic Church.
“Well, Christianity is finished in the Middle East then?” (Please say, ‘yes’ or I’ll scream ’till I’m sick.)
India has a long history of ‘transgenders’ going back thousands of years, they are known as ‘hijra’ and are connected with Hindu mysticism and tradition. They are in some ways revered for religious reasons but also quite badly treated apparently so it is sort of linked to the caste system and inequality – but it’s rather astonishing the BBC doesn’t even mention this – India does not really have ‘trannies’ in the sense we understand them. They’re more like the tradition of court eunuchs in the Ottoman empire.
In the middle of a story about some clearly ‘troubled’ Jewish kid who has used peoples WiFi networks to make several threats about slaughtering Jews, plus hoax bomb threats against aircraft.
Towards the end of the article the BBC have inserted an audio recording titled ‘this is what a hate call sounds like’ – The BBC spoke to a Muslim-American couple targeted by an abusive caller.
Well of course they did, because the anti Semitic BBC wouldn’t interested in talking to Jewish victims, but why is this article of any relevance to this story? The answer is that it isn’t of any relevance save to promote the victim status of Muslims.
Just to add further insult they take a swipe at Donald Trump (can’t resist can they).
“A reported spike in anti-Jewish incidents led to criticism of the Trump administration, with some saying they did not react quickly or forcefully enough to the hate threats.”
Will NHS stats spark polling day debate?
The scheming bBBC’s Hugh Pym is giving advance notice that they will try to swing the result by discussing NHS statistics on Election Day: In the absence of campaign coverage before the close of polls at 22:00 BST, the NHS figures published that day for the month of April may generate a certain amount of broadcast and online media interest.
You can bet your life that they won’t link the problems of the NHS with the importation of millions of new patients, most of whom have a lifetime of untreated health issues.
Drip drip drip the propaganda
7:19pm BBC1 Angela Rippon Talking about her new daytime show Health: Truth or Scare
“Oh we show that diesel city pollution really does cause children’s asthma”
…hmm that would be world breaking research AFAIK ..drip drip drip
And the actual prog blurb says
“After headlines claiming a third of people diagnosed with asthma might not actually have the condition, asthma sufferer Angela gets retested for the first time in 50 years, explores the impact of being wrongly diagnosed and asks whether we are on the cusp of an explosion in new asthma cases.” That prog was on this morning .. anyone see it ?
R4 Now the prog is full of people saying
“Of course I hate Le Pen, but try to understand why 90% of my village vote for her”
BBC online. Hollande urges France to reject Le Pen.
Well of course he would. BBC stating the obvious.
He doesn’t care about the every day French working class. No, he lives in an armed guarded Palace.
With all that’s going on in the world, it’s good to see that our multi-billion pound broadcaster sees this as newsworthy.
Money well spent, clearly.
I had been wondering why on the earth the BBC and its idiot mirrors all over Freeview have not shut up since Macron squeaked his win to the Final round.
Endless liberal commentators with Clouseau tribute voices-and all manner of fey tards-des neiges in college cafeterias in Lewisham or such-have been crowing and on endless loops about Macron-as if he`s Blair and Obama, Clegg and Mandela rolled into one.
As if 1997-2016 has taught them nothing…the Liberal Project is dead, can`t be brought back to life-even IF Macron wins. First Calais, Nice of Bataclan after the election?
And no answers. If the French are cowed enough to do this, well let them. We`ll have left the EU by the time Le Pen tramples through-next election or this, all depends on if France will prefer to please Snow and take the pain that`s inevitable with Macaroon.
So the bBC reports on Leigh Day (and Co) and their time at the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal Leigh Day lawyers accused of misconduct over Iraq claims A law firm has been accused of misconduct over the way it handled claims that British troops tortured civilians during the Iraq War. Leigh Day failed to disclose evidence its Iraqi clients were members of a “murderous” militia group when it represented them in compensation cases, a tribunal has heard. The claims caused years of anguish to falsely accused soldiers, it was told. Leigh Day and solicitors Martyn Day and Sapna Malik deny 19 misconduct charges.
As this is the bBC they have to ensure that the Army can only be painted in a negative light: The Al-Sweady inquiry concluded in its final report that the conduct of some soldiers towards detainees breached the Geneva Convention.
Taken from the bBCs own report on the subject:
It found that:
The detainees should have been given some privacy while being strip-searched and should have been given proper food when they were first detained
They should not have been deprived of sleep before they were questioned or shouted at during interrogation
They were deprived of sight by being made to wear blacked-out goggles for prolonged periods when this had no security purpose
It also described as “ill treatment” an interrogator banging a tent peg on a table and walking around a blindfolded detainee blowing on the back of his neck.
where it is reported:
So it is that, at various stages during the Report, I have come to the conclusion that the
conduct of various individual soldiers and some of the procedures being followed by the
British military in 2004 fell below the high standards normally to be expected of the BritishArmy. In addition, on a number of other occasions, my findings went further. Thus, as I make clear at various stages of the Report, I have come to the conclusion that certain aspects ofthe way in which the nine Iraqi detainees, with whom this Inquiry is primarily concerned,were treated by the British military, during the time they were in British custody during 2004, amounted to actual or possible ill-treatment.
And there was me thinking that the Geneva Convention applied to uniformed, clearly defined, members of opposing armed forces, and not to militia members, those dressed as civilians, or those not clearly identifying themselves as combatants.
Here s one for P Nutter and the UKippers, a trip down memory lane to a time before Islamic countries became theocracies ruled by Sharia Law, a cautionary tale
Its a real cautionary tale, unlike the Al BBC and squealing “waycist” and far right,
the media the politico s are too moronic to understand, that not addressing this dangerous ideology now … will end up creating the very thing they squeal about.
All the enemedia, including the Al BBC are touting for France s very own Trudeau
“Le Poney Brillant”
… with terrorist attacks every other day, and 10% of the nation muslim, and 8 complete no go zones in “Paree” alone.
A wet, mommies boy who makes Hollande look like Rambo is just the ticket 😀
I mean … what could go wrong
Hey, maybe he will Macron-manage it
I ll get me coat!
Oh no buddy, Trudeau is Canada s shiny pony, called so for his coiffeur look, and uselessness, (is that a word 😀 )
Macron will be France s equivalent … they desperately need Le Penn
but just like here with Liar May, the media, the erm influence, the big money, the establishment is pushing to keep “the festering swamp” and their corrupt and utterly self serving fingers on power.
BBC4 Marx prog
Paul Mason pops on screen to explain that end of capitalism is inevitable due to constant exploitation of the workers
“just look at those Bangladeshi sweat shop workers.”
to which I say
“just look at those Silicon Valley big pay packet workers.”
Had Paul mason had more time he could have compared Bangledeshi sweat shops to the conditions of those living in socialist utopias like the former eastern Block, or present day Cuba or North Korea. Perhaps China before it adopted the market system. He would have been lost for choice to compare to the Muslim country of Bangladesh, which is ruled by relatives of the Labour MP Tulip Saddiq.
Surely the ‘exploitation’ of the Bangladeshi workers is part and parcel of Globalisation. Those folks who made garments in the west are now redundant and the Bangladeshis have their jobs. The same with many other industries, just as Le Pen and President Trump say. Of course the owners of the company that sell the garments make more money because the garments cost less to make. So Blair , Cameron , Clinton and Macron’s chums make a packet, the Bangladeshis are probably better off than they would be without the jobs, the only people who are worse off are the workers in the West who have lost their jobs.
Mr Mason is one of a breed of chancers who inhabit the merry-go-round of living off the public purse without actually doing very much. An ex-music teacher, Business editor at Newsnight, Culture and digital editor at C4, now apparently a film maker. No doubt when the film work dries up he’ll call in a favour from one of his mates and get another job title. And the cycle continues.
tomoMar 4, 12:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I doubt that a single main party dumbass in Westminster has watched this. What a contrast to Kamala…….
diggMar 4, 12:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The police president of The Black Police Association has complained because a tweet he made has been flagged as offensive…
Guest WhoMar 4, 12:45 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Big pow wow between Starmer and Davie on this one. “Stick with saying nothing?” “Yup”
moggiemooMar 4, 12:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 You should also start adding UK Terror ‘can’t find to watch’ List.
GMar 4, 12:32 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC – “A German Man”. A German man can be a naturalised German ex Arab…….. Just saying.
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 12:28 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wimmin to have to pay a £10k stud fee. Well they can do it with horses, can’t they? Any…
tomoMar 4, 12:26 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We should see *who* curated that list of “inspirational mums” – and they should be confronted on their choices. [img][/img]…
Jeremy Corbyn’s proposed new hand gun for the armed forces.
He’s a clown.
Use of the term ‘bang’ has raised objections from many women’s pressure groups as an overtly sexual instruction. At the same time, conservation groups have objected to the implied support for shooting sports, and educationalists to the projection of weaponry towards young and impressionable minds. The Council for the Protection of Rural England have called for a outright ban on all similar ‘noise creation systems’.
Some time ago, knowing roughly how many bullets, ordnance and bombs had been used in the world since 1990, I tried to interest the BBC’s Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change Promotions Department in doing some research into the AGW aspects of military weapons use.
They were not interested. OCEM.
Only Car Emissions Matter.
Forgive me seismic, but I think that your photo has a spelling mistake.
Pop is spelt p-o-p.
I know it’s not the BBC but they are so similar.
Sky news with Adam Boulton (anti Le Pen) interviewing two anti Le Pen commentators for a nice balanced view of the French election. Agnes de Poirier? and some wet lefty from the UK bubble.
How much longer will the lefties keep labelling anything they don’t like as the far right as in Le Pen, or fascist, as Zoe Williams called her on the Daily Politics.
Right now, Boulton is back on sky news with more anti Le Pen commentators sitting outside a French cafe.
If Marine wins, against all the msm, I wonder if the Russians will get the blame.
To me, we, alongside the eu and many other countries, are interfering in the French election much more than the Russians ‘hacked’ the American election.
Fascinating piece here on how the Globalists manoeuvred Macron into position to become President of France.
Macron has tapped into the desire for wholesale change that also has propelled Marine Le Pen into the second round, now THAT desire is what is hankered for desperately here.
A millionaire banker? he s followed a well-worn path through elite French universities including the ENA, (which has groomed many French leaders). He s earned several million euros at Rothschild, Macron became an economic adviser to Hollande in 2012 and then to the economy minister two years later. he s establishment through and through like a bloody stick of rock.
He ll deceive and lie to get his job,(probably as much as Liar May … if that’s possible), these are, the festering swamp.
It is the media, the political establishment the old boy network, big finance,(just like over here) that is financing making it look something “new”, something different … just call him la May or Le Blair
… political establishment business as usual.
As soon as I learned that he was a creature of the Rothschilds, all suddenly became clear as to how he was able to launch a brand new political party from scratch and then go on to win the first round of the French presidential election: all within twelve months.
How long do you think, before the fickle French recognise their mistake and start to call Macron ‘Le Blair’? Always assuming, of course, that they make the mistake at all, though if the BBBC have anything to do with it, he’s a shooin.
It’s up to the French. If they like the way things are going, mass unemployment, mass immigration, soldiers on the streets, terror attacks etc, then vote Macron. If not, vote Le Pen. It’s their choice, and they will have to live with it. However, it may be the last choice they ever get to make.
Here is an interesting observation from a different thread which should strike a chord here.
Take a look at the images used by Labour Party candidates, especially in areas with a high Muslim population. Check how many Muslim women you can see, and if the ones in the photos are actually associated with the Labour party in some way.
The images I’ve seen have not a single Muslim woman present making Labours claims of equality massively hypocritical.
Vote Labour if you want your patriarchal archaic cultural hierarchy to continue unchallenged.
Labour politicians will remain silent on the rights of the individual to defend the right for sweeping gender oppression under the guise of cultural norms.
If Labour are refusing to challenge culturally embedded sexism simply because of an expediency for the Muslim block vote then they are quite simply not fit to hold office, because what else will they turn a blind eye to?
I think we all know that answer to that one.
How about their main sponsor and a blatantly rigged election?
There’s no doubt the BBC have been stung again by the election result in France and are worried.
When I clicked on the main news site this morning the font size for the main headline announcing that Le Pen and Macron had won was very small and subdued.
Make no mistake, this signals that the BBC were not happy but had to report it.
The main headline and narrative changed very soon though and now reads “Newcomer Macron targets presidency”.
In other words, they’re fighting for Macron.
As usual though, you have to go to other news/media outlets to get a true picture of what’s happening in France because RT are reporting the fact that there have been protests and scuffles with the French Police and cars set on fire.
I guess we don’t need to be told what political allegiance the protesters are from…..
Teenage pregnancies have been falling.
Labour free stuff made it highly desirable to get on the ‘baby train’.
Blair said unmarried girls would live in hostels with childcare, continue education and get a job. It never happened. Instead we had Sure Start but that meant they needed bigger free housing to store the free buggies, baby gates and nappies.
Just in the local corner shop and a young breeder was ahead in line, 3 year old guarding babe in pram.
Her purchases were: £10 of baccy, 4 cans of a lager I have never heard of, and a lottery thingie.
She must have significant funding, if possibly unique.
I do take your point, but without these selfless girls producing mostly white babies where would the growth in the white population come from?
I do take your point, but without these selfless girls producing mostly white babies where would the growth in the white population come from?
I think you will find that mulatto and not pure white is the growing trend across the UK
So long as the passive smoke and latest live-in dad doesn’t get to them first.
There latest BBC FB post (something about bed, so likely Newsbeat) suggests a glorious future, featuring as it does a young sleeping Asian (Oriental) girl with a slightly older Asian (Rotherham style) man sleeping behind behind here.
Not a combo I have seen often, TBH.
Yes, a good points but do we need to breed, feckless, benefit dependants?
Strange that they should want to vote for any party in the UK GE, when they’re clearly in the US.
Looking at the photos of these single mothers my instant reaction is that there are a lot of brave men out there.
Rather suspect the 4 cans of lager play a part.
The EU Globalists in the MSM and elsewhere are crowing about Macron being an odds on certainty to win the presidency , which he almost certainly will. But Le Penn will get around 40% of the vote. Already 50% of the vote in the first round went to candidates , Le Penn and Melanchon , who want either to leave the EU or force through massive reform of it. So in the cradle of the EU half the voters are highly EU sceptical. Not a ringing endorsement, more like the tolling of the funeral bell for an institution that has lost support of the people and is only clinging on to life by unstinting support from the Global Elite. The time is coming when the EU will be overthrown by a democratic uprising. The Globalists may claim a victory in France , they will run around shedding tears of joy that ‘the centre has held, ‘ but they are losing the Global war.
No doubt the Remoaners in the UK will be keen to tell us that Macron will be very nasty towards Brexit and that we will be made to suffer. Let’s see what happens when he is confronted by the impact of Trade barriers on French agricultural products in the UK. Also what happens when the next terrorist atrocity hits France? Another Nice or Bataclan or worse. Is he going to give a Gallic shrug and tell the French people they will have to get used to it, because mass migration is here to stay? I can see an uprising if he does. I don’t know if the Constitution of the 5th Republic provides for impeachment or similar but he may not make the full five years. Marine may not have to wait until 2022 for next campaign.
She’ll have a hard job with MSM AND the establishment against her……. But, so did Trump. AND, so did BREXIT…… So, it’s NOT impossible. But, I think it unlikely that she’ll win….
Very good point. Do you think any of the British media would interview Le Pen or Macron to ask their view on Brexit and how they would look to treat Britain? Of course not because it would be a favourable position from Le Pen and a pro-EU anti-British position from Macron.
ps – saw he married his ex-school teacher 25 years his senior who first flirted with him when he was 15. What is it with these people? Always some fucking deviancy.
“ps – saw he married his ex-school teacher 25 years his senior who first flirted with him when he was 15.”
And if the MSM had information like THAT about The Donald wouldn’t we have been hearing about it? Ad nauseam from an outraged & offended feminazi base?
Quick bit of bias.
On Toady this morning a ‘discussion’ between the feminist zeolot of the Wimmin’s Equality Party and Philip Davies MP who is plowing a fairly lonely furrow exposing the unequalness of the so-called Equality Party positions and pointing out that mal es have a right to equality too.
Davies can hardly get a word in edgeways as rent-a-gob is given free rein. And then to cap it all, she, having been given the first lengthy segment, also gets the last word. Clear bias.
The bBBC. An anti-male state institution.
And btw they are not alone these days.
They decry divisive politics while droning on about discrimination while desperately wanting discrimination if it’s the ‘right’ kind of discrimination.
I think the word is, HYPOCRACY.
‘Hypocracy’ is a damn good neologism. After all, we have aristocracy, plutocracy, meritocracy, and so on, so why not ‘Hypocracy’ for a ruling group of hypocrites?!
Yes – very good thought.
Maybe the BBC could talk to Sarah Champion, Labour’s domestic violence shadow minister. I wonder if they would reference how she has was arrested and cautioned after assaulting her husband during an altercation?
I think you’ll find that went down the memory tube.
Remember the BBC’s rule: there are no enemies on the Left.
Just to refresh your memories, here is a list of S Champion MP’s glorious recent achievements during the Referendum campaign. Which she lost.
A true stateswoman in the making.
I thought it was very good of Mr Magoo to give her the first AND last word. Tw@t!
It is very interesting watching the language that the BBC use. This morning, for example, we were treated to a constant “Emmanuel Macron is one vote away from becoming French President.”
Er, no. He is not. He will need lots of votes, a majority. Dare I say it? Use the populist word? He will need to remain more popular than Marine Le Pen. Was the BBC trying to send a subliminal message to French expats that they, if registered, must vote Macron in the second round? ‘He is one vote away, YOUR VOTE away, from the Presidency.’?
Was not the correct language to use “Emmanuel Macron is one round (or ‘one final Election/Election finale’ or ‘just the run-off’) away from becoming French President.” ?
Then, it is also interesting observing BBC passions. No, not those! “Put that doughnut down, Jennifer; step away from the doughnut!”
I mean where the balance of their interest in a particular subject lies and for how long and to what intensity.
There have been plenty of references on this site in the last couple of years, ever since the BBC have chosen to obsess about Womens Equality. For one year, did the UN choose to make it ‘The Year of Women’ ? Yes, I know there is an international Womens’ Day. This was something more and it seemed to set the BBC off on endless ‘Womens’ quest, with hardly a day passing without a programme or a web-site reference or a News or Current Affairs item about ‘Equality’ and ‘Rights’. Since then, ‘Gender’ has been included in the tribe for BBC coverage. Nitrous Oxide pollution in cities is a much more recent and equally intensive one.
My antennae were tweaked at the end of last year when the BBC started to obsess about Francois Fillon. Briefly, they were very much in favour. Fillon offered some past political experience with the advantage of being ‘not Marine Le Pen and Front National’.
Suddenly, they turned against Fillon and constantly, especially in the first week or two, brought up the subject of possible criminality, especially with regard to public monies and nepotism. Foolishly, I did not attempt to cross-check the BBC’s sudden interest with French print media, to see if the BBC were ahead of the game. That might have been interesting.
Thereafter, the BBC were relentless – apart from a temporary slight or partial U-turn – in condemning Fillon.
Strangely, simultaneously, their attention turned to Macron who had almost been languishing out of sight. He became coupled to any references to Fillon and alleged fraud. Then he started to merit references and greater attention in his own right.
Now, apparently with some possible help from the BBC, the outsider is in with a chance of gaining power in France.
The BBC, to an extent, joined in the Democratic Party outrage that ‘the Russians ‘hacked’ the US Presidential Election and helped Trump to victory.’. They started to carry the claims, and sometimes but very occasionally, mentioned the counter-claims or dismissals. But the outside interference became a big thing for a while both in BBC radio broadcasts (comedy included) as well as on the web-site. The fear was even expressed that the Russians might try to hack future UK elections and Referendums,the General Election not then having been announced.
The BBC, apparently, do not like the thought of Russia influencing democratic elections in other countries but they appear happy to indulge in a little of it themselves.
Does anyone else find it rather suspicious that M. Macron almost appeared out of nowhere? He worked for Rothschild’s bank and was a member of the Socialist party, then formed his own political party, ‘En Marche’ only last year. I’m not entirely sure how French politics works, but can you imagine in the UK somebody forming a political party and then winning an election only a year later, when pitted against someone who has a long history in politics?
Macron’s fans describe him as the French Obama, bringing, ‘Hope and Change’. Are the French that stupid
His rise is meteoric but for many I think he’s the protest vote – little do they know.
Macron will be welcome in No 10. Le Penn was snubbed by Treezer, who is tipped to win the election.
Two shits together
I agree with you 100%.
Macron is the man from nowhere. He is a classic Enarque, he worked for Rothschilds before being plucked from obscurity to the Hollande’s finance minister, a year later he is on the verge of the presidency. If the French deep state had had to create their ideal candidate, they would have come up with Macron. Which makes me think that is exactly what they did.
He is the Establishment candidate. He will change nothing, and France will continue to decline economically, tied to the Euro, and virtually an economic colony of Germany. If the French want nothing to change, they should vote for him. If they want France to have any chance of surviving, they must vote Le Pen.
Le Pen will have the full force of the French and European establishment against her, that is already clear. The MSM will be united against her. I only hope that the French remember that they are quite good at revolutions, and it is some time since the last one. The French are awkward buggers who don’t like being told what to do. I can only hope they decide to have their Brexit or Trump moment. If they really choose to elect the establishment’s Manchurian candidiate then they will have signed their own national death warrant.
Macron is the establishment’s preferred candidate and there’s plenty of evidence that the establishment are mobilising every effort to propagandise that fact. Whether it’s the regressive msm breathlessly puffing his praises or the EU publicly endorsing him, we know how this trajectory is supposed to go.
But will it? As you say, Rob, that is up to the French electorate. I’m not at all sure they have it in them to vote for Le Pen (and, by extension, national survival)…the French are typically too wedded to dreams of a socialist utopia even if Macron pretends to be a right wing centrist (he’s nothing of the sort – he’s a bought-and-paid-for common purpose worker drone who knows exactly which side his bread’s buttered on) for the purposes of this election.
I have very little faith in the French electorate, so maybe not this time for Le Pen. Still, with a few more years of ‘cultural enrichment’ under their belt (and don’t forget Ramadan kicks off later in May), perhaps the French electorate will feel a little more compelled to save themselves next time around. If it’s not too late by then.
I see the bookies are running at Macron 1/8 and Le Pen at 5/1.
Worth a bet ?
Macron is a Soros surrogate.
One of Soros’s agitator associations is named “Move On” which translates as “En Marche!”, the name of Macron’s party.
The bBBC has ‘a study of London youth‘, showing photographs of youngsters in what used to be our capital city. It doesn’t look very realistic, though: there is the obligatory vacant-staring half-caste woman with frizzy hair, but no black boys in hoodies carrying knives or enriching women hiding their faces.
JimS…… “I found the BBC 2 programme on the iplayer and it had a short item where two ladies ripped apart an old bear, but there was very little detail, most of the programme being taken up by a very tall ‘man of colour’ who did nothing but stick his nose into everything that was going on, like some sort of useless ‘manager’.”
Loved your bear story, and soooooo identified with it ! my sibling and I went head to head when he wanted to banish a box of MY toys to the tip !!
Anyway I agree with your analogy of the BBC pap on afternoon telly – usually commissioned by one Jo Street (as the credits attest). The ‘man of colour’ is Jay Blades who likes to wear a suit when half painting chair legs in various colours, and likes to say ‘Cool’ every other word. He clearly has ‘something’ that the BBC like (we can only wonder what THAT is), and no doubt scrambled around to find a vehicle for him – hence the ‘useless manager’ !!! I’m soon expecting other ‘projects’ that feature the rising stars of colour from other Jo Street commissions and her ilk.
Thank you Brissles! My ‘bear story’ is just part of my, so-far, silent protest against the pap!
I don’t see the point of these programmes, they tell us nothing about ‘how to do it’ and they imply that everything can be done ‘just like that’ without any effort. I will go further and say that they give us unrealistic expectations that we can all climb mountains, sail oceans, create companies or write books. The reality is that the people who do these things are often obsessive about one subject, (not everything, they make a choice), they can be selfish and often have a lot of support that we don’t get told about.
My sharp-witted aunt got it right years ago when she told my dad to pay more attention to his own family rather than the fake Archers family which has been dulling brains for fifty years!
i’m sick of this man or woman of colour crap, i’m a man of colour white!
The daily dose of VD on Al BBC2 … goes all out on UKIPs proposed Burkha Ban
BBC Burkha wearers on show again? with MCWales
(UKIP need to get themselves tight, ready for the excuses),
These excuses are literally hot air … and VD?,(shakes head) is a disgrace.
Wearers (just like her from MCWales) are those of political vent usually? wearing it IS a political act. … It is nowhere in the Quran girls!..
First, its wearing is an instrument, encouraged by the Islamic political extremists, impose the Islamic viewpoint on wider society.
aimed at preventing the integration of the Muslim community into mainstream Britain,
so … wearing it is used to visibly give the two fingers to our wider society.
It is an overt statement of deliberate concealment too, we see you, but we conceal ourselves?
… why be surprised if people don t trust you? The veil hides identity, any common citizenship involves trust, and trust cannot exist where one cannot see people’s faces in public
If it s for your religion, wear it in the Mosque,
If it s for your husband bloody wear it at home, in bed if you want … if it isn t?.
It is anti social, anti integration and those who encourage it need, and deserve the harshest critique
However did a call for “modesty” ever, get perverted into this eh!, and for the women in all this ?
“The veil sets women apart from men and apart from the world; it restrains them, confines them, it grooms them for docility”.
BBC News – UKIP Manifesto Burkha Ban
Britain won’t be taking any lessons on integration from the hate peddlers at UKIP … BBC Header ‘Stop adding to the problem’
I m SOOOOOO! glad I call them Al BBC
The BBC is the same as yesterday, Al Beeb central was on immediate focus all presses, with the whisper of a burkha ban …
BBC News – would you support a Burkha ban?
Usual Al BBC blood boiler I m afraid, tweets! give me strength!
… the only thing these morons are interested in,
wheel out Brendan Cox and co
… nauseating
I clicked on your link, but while it asks if I would support a burka ban, it’s not so keen on getting my answer. It seems only the filtered few were actually allowed to respond.
I’d like to ban it, but fear that UKIP are on a loser here as they’ll simply be made out as racist for suggesting it. Or sexist – “How DARE you tell women what to wear!” – when the reason many wear it in the first place is possibly because they’ve been told to. With an acid bath as unspoken threat.
The only way to get a burka ban, as I see it is if people start to wear it as identity concealment and go out causing trouble. I’m actually surprised it’s not been done – but would the MSM report if it had?
There are enough reasons above Rolli, to take it well away from squeals of “waycism” … and erm Islam is not a race its an ideology.
It s just UKIP need to be tight on this, and they are not.
Anti integration, public trust, security, some muslims have moved here … away from such abject backwardness, Islamic countries have banned it themselves, the wider public will, a political sign of Islamist extremism – this extremist political sign … not in the public sphere thanks, taking democracy just to subvert to more draconia needs to be exposed
Waffle about “waycism” and Islamofauxbia are just fluff and wind.
I ve relayed just some of the above and silenced, well not silenced but totally exposed people face to face, facts are what they are bud.
A Muslim woman, when asked her ‘feelings’ (like you do), if the veil ban became law, replied “I would feel imprisoned if I couldn’t wear what I wanted”. I was lost for words; she felt ‘imprisoned’ if her face was on view – er, work that one out !
The intelligence of people, whatever their colour or creed, these days, is deteriorating daily. The more I listen to those being interviewed on the street, the more I wonder what happened to teaching standards that I was lucky to benefit from in the 50’s and 60’s.
“The more I listen to those being interviewed on the street, the more I wonder what happened to teaching standards that I was lucky to benefit from in the 50’s and 60’s.”
Its selective interviewing . Interview many but only broadcast those that are on ‘message’.
Good point Taffman.
BBC News – “would you support a Burkha ban?”
but no HYS thread … i guess they know the answer
personally i would prefer them all to wear ethnic garb, i like to see my enemies coming thx
It’s the burkha-loving, sharia law-loving appeasers who are the real Islamophobes — they’re so scared of what angry Muslims might do that they’re prepared to give them anything to keep them happy. That never works. Bullies understand only one thing – force.
The upshot of this relentless appeasing is that white, non-Muslim citizens of the UK are treated as second-class citizens, without the endless rights that Muslims have gained for themselves from the spineless political class.
How the bBC sanitizes violent crime in the UK:
Teenager stabbed to death on Battersea estate
A 17-year-old has been stabbed to death in south London. The victim was attacked in Ingrave Street, Battersea at about 01:25 BST on Sunday, the Met Police said.
So he was stabbed was he bBC: Here is how the London Evening Standard reports the very same story:
Battersea murder: Cyclist, 17, ‘hacked to death by masked gang armed with machetes’ on south London estate
A 17-year-old cyclist was hacked to death by masked youths wielding machetes in a terrifying attack on a London housing estate, witnesses said today. The victim was chased by a gang wearing balaclavas and carrying large knives who stabbed him multiple times and left him sprawled on the bonnet of a car in Battersea. Neighbours told how they raised the alarm after being woken at 1.25am on Sunday by the boy’s scream of “help me, I’m dying”. He was rushed to a south London hospital by paramedics where he he was pronounced dead around 90 minutes later. He is the fourth teenager to be murdered in London in this month alone.
Matt Damon best watch his six.
Isn’t it odd: when you import people into Britain from third world shitholes, they don’t suddenly start doing the crossword and drinking tea. No, they behave in exactly the same way that made their old homes into third world shitholes. The only difference is that now London is the third world shithole.
I’s like to explain this to a Leftist, but I know I’d be wasting my breath.
Rob in Cheshire
Merkel made the similar point seven years ago? …………
“Merkel says German multicultural society has failed”
“She said the so-called “multikulti” concept – where people would “live side-by-side” happily – did not work, and immigrants needed to do more to integrate – including learning German.”
She was right then. Shame, that, to quote Ken Livingstone, she “then went mad”.
Rob in Cheshire “multikulti” is in itself ‘divisive’- Simples .
Al Beeb needs to come to terms with this. Unfortunately for the past thirty years it has been trying to ‘brainwash’ the nation that “multikulti” is good for social cohesion ?
Rob in Cheshire – my view is that the globalists take London as their model for all countries in the future. A top tier of super rich insulated from reality, and a vast heterogeneous mass below of people with no affiliation to any one state, language or culture, there to act as servants to the 1%. In the middle, small groups of native functionaries (police, security services, politicians, BBC etc) to control them through propaganda and force when required.
“The only difference is that now London is the third world shithole.”
No it isn’t, it wouldn’t attract so many visitors or civilised immigrants from France otherwise. Try my home town across the Pennines, or several others on your side. They were lost years ago and no visitors to help out. Still never mind, have a tiresome pop at London if it makes you feel better.
I have a mate in London who would agree with Rob on London being a shithole, and let’s face it the visitors rarely go to the suburbs where ordinary people live as they usually only visit the touristy parts. I would also agree with you too Willy as I have lived in the North, they’re all as bad a shithole as London as far as I’m concerned.
I’ll be in a Herts town just inside the M25 this weekend, never been there before – it’s going to be interesting!
I wasn’t having a go at London. I lived there in the 80s and enjoyed it. But when young men are being hacked to death in the streets, the phrase “third world shithole” springs immediately to mind.
What has happened to London is not London’s fault. What happened to Britain is not Britain’s fault. No-one voted for our country to become a third world shithole, but that is the direction of travel.
Realistically the largest ‘white flight’ in the country is out of London – which says it all. Friends had lived in Chiswick since the early 50’s, but gradually the ethnic population from Hounslow and Southall began to encroach slowly into other surrounding boroughs, and so began the exodus. In the late 90’s friends found themselves surrounded and bailed out to Cornwall. This story has replayed all over London.
Just driving into the capital (from my end its the A1), and along the Hendon route there are (were) grand properties that have all immigrant owners, but most are in total disrepair with rubbish strewn front gardens. Nobody goes to London to hear English spoken, its become a place totally detached from the rest of the country.
Brissles – many British cities are following the capital’s lead in proving that one cannot maintain a first world country / region / city / town / area / village / street / garden shed with a majority third world population; if it were possible: then the third world wouldn’t exist and there wouldn’t be so many of them fleeing from it.
London – the UK’s very own canary in the (ever expanding) multicultural mine.
RiC – solid post.
Totally agree with you Rob, that is exactly what my friend in London is saying. She won’t move, it’s her home, but she finds it heartbreaking. I’ve seen the same thing happening in certain cities in the Midlands and the North too.
The Barbarians are no longer at the gates, they’re well and truly inside.
It’s not often I would post something from the Morning Star, but I did think this was worthwhile:
“Outdated and over-applied leftright dualism makes almost any justification or defence of populism sound unspeakably right-wing, particularly to those who believe society always needs more socioeconomic liberalism and that paradise for all lies towards ever more progressive individualism.”
They’re preoccupied with identity politics, CND, open borders, refugees and virtue-signalling their political correctness rather than with the employment and housing conditions of the Somewheres they once championed and who once voted for them.
The BBC have interviewed David Goodhart, but it has been extremely cursory, and when even the Guardian (Goodhart was author of book of the week), and the Morning Star have articles then you know the bias has gone far too far at the BBC.
BBC TV News at 1.04pm today.
With reference to the French election result:
“Populism is no longer the preserve of the Right”.
So, there you have it. Populism is now good as far as the BBC are concerned.
We no longer have the tyranny of the majority, then?
BBC editorial integrity is a wondrous, and wondrously adaptable thing to behold.
However, unlike BBC pension shortfall corrections, they can revert to earlier levels.
What does the BBBC mean by populism?
At the time of the referendum, the BBBC seemed to use “populist” pejoratively to describe a policy or party that was popular, but with which the BBBC disagreed.
Are they now trying to appropriate the concept?
French ‘le voix populaire’ – hooray!
British ‘Populism’ – booh!
‘It’s the way I tell ’em.’ Frank Carson
Wry smiles here as Trump truly rattles the Chinese cage.
If the Police were free to stop and search whenever they wanted, I wonder if they would have felt confident enough to go our carrying machetes?
Still, stop and seach hurts feelings, and we know not causing offence is more important than saving lives.
I think many of us as teens were used to being stopped. It made me feel safe and the Police were polite. Only roughed up once but they were after someone else.
I was stopped in my younger days a couple of times for no particular reason. I did get stopped in the 80s in London when I was covering work there. I was asked if I “had any knives or drugs on me”. Their eyes lit up when I said “I’ve got some coke” They failed to see the funny side when I pulled two cans of coca cola out of my jacket pockets…
I’m surprised at al Beeb on knife murders in London. I suppose they don’t really make a big thing of it because it doesn’t happen in the bits where beeboids live. Anyway I’m waiting for some one to do the maths as to the number of searches conducted by police against the number of stabbing injuries reported.
Also – since it seems that a lot of incidents are black male on black male (young) then what are the chances of becoming a victim.? I get the feeling if young and black you are far more likely to be injured by a knife than winning the lottery.
I remember the days when BBC reporters would happily beat up the Met over some poor kid who’d been stopped ‘ for no reason’ sitting in the studio with his ‘mum’ ,a lawyer , ‘community worker’ and some one from the civil liberties industry such as Hattie Harmon. Result? Death.
And talking of discrimination and equality: In the largest study ever, it is found that short men earn significantly less than average height men.
Any idea of making it a hate or other crime to insult, injure or discriminate against short men was treated with derision. Well, it’s not valid, like a man in a frock who wants to be known as Shirley, is it?
And one more thing: Someone PLEASE explain to me why, in France, the Lefties (“Love Conquers Hate” new Springsteen song) are attacking and throwing fireworks at the Police?
And the fuckers call us, haters.
I backed Trump at decent odds. I do not know if there is some way of them rigging it against Le Pen? I am tempted to put a month’s wages on her.
A friend put me onto the web site ‘datashine’ which has all the demographics from the 2011 census, so you can search for levels of ‘enrichment’ by ethnicity. What is shocking is the concentration of efniks in city centres and certain towns, which invariably result in a Labour MP. Areas which do not have such enrichment rarely seem to vote Labour.
Try it and see because it really is quite a shock.
I have been a visitor to this site for several years because it one of the few sources where the BBC is called out for the liberal left bias that runs like an open sewer through the whole of its output. It came as great relief to me when I first came across the site , as for years , I had thought that I was alone in believing the BBC was biased and deliberately massaged the news to fits it views. Over the years I think that those who believe the BBC to be biased has grown substantially and this has been mirrored by a loss in trust in the corporation. I suspect that the extreme pro Remain stance of the BBC has angered many people . Somehow this anger has to be captured and used against the state funded broadcaster o force change.
The contributors to the site flag up many hundreds of instances of BBC bias each week and although it feels like trying to stop a charging bull elephant with a pea shooter, we must keep on doing so. The forces of change take a long time to build and in our own small way we are contributing to the building of that force for change at the BBC.
One thing that I would like know is if the themes of bias that we flag up are ever used to confront the BBC in a systematic way? Perhaps someone from the site organisers could let us know.
Well Mensa members thought they had John Whittingdale, but he seems to have been blackmailed, and then exposed.
Now we have talk of a Judicial Review, but that seems to have been delayed by the abolition of the BBC Trust and the General Election.
So after the General Election there could be a high profile Judicial Review of BBC bias supported by all the Labour and Tory Scientist-Politicians, including Jeremy Corbyns brother.
The bBC is reporting how the liberals and Greens are up in arms over how UKIP have stated that girls at risk of FGM should be physically checked once a year:
Yet fails to balance the UKIP agenda with this news story:

……….And how many prosecutions so far ?
Just the one I think.
Rather different to the way, a while ago, people who took pictures of THEIR OWN children were investigated.
Different MPs urgently needed for Brighton Pavilion and Hackney North.
Vile creatures.
When did the Brighton Pixie have her clitoris removed? If not, would she be willing to show solidarity with her sistas who support FGM and have it removed?
She has had work in order for her to talk thru’ via her arse though.
It was her penis that was removed.
If you don’t like fracking you don’t need a clitoris.
Please can introduce a mandatory trigger warning when a photograph of Diane Abbott is about to appear?
I’m shuddering every time I scroll past that evil pixie face.
Reminds me of my childhood nightmare!
Here she is – the Brighton pixie
Not nice GWF, not nice at all.
Where is the BBC report with comments from Featherstone and Lucus? I can’t find it.
Just because you wouldn’t want your house over run with spiders does not mean you are phobic toward spiders.
Think the French are in a bit of a corner – many don’t want either candidate. Many want a bit of both. Again we come to, voting for the least worst as voters see it.
It is like a Lucas V Farage maybe?
Compare the operating costs of the EU with those of the WTO for example :
€144Bn EU budget for 27 countries in 2016 compared to :
€184M, that’s right MILLIONS NOT Billions for 162 countries in 2016
Or nearly 800 times as much.
But you’re forgetting the EU uses Toy Town money. It’s all free, completely unearned and as we know entirely unaccountable.
I suspect the WTO has to work to rather more stringent rules.
One of the very, very best bbc quotes from the week-end: “With only nine seats the Lib Dems are in an ideal position to mount a come back.”
Timmy as the Black Knight?
‘Timmy the once and future King’.
Sorry gax, proof-reading glitch: ‘With only nine seats each LibDem is in an ideal position to become a mountebank.’
4pm R4 Charlotte Church
Your non-diversity of thought station another SJW
Then 4:30 features another SJW
Telegraph’s “Geoff Lean was in a coma for a month, during this time he could hear and feel everything but it wasn’t until he woke up from the coma that he realised he had also unconsciously absorbed visual information through his eyes.”
Now she is explaining she’s enlightened cos she reads New Scientist
unaware that it’s not a proper science magazine but rather a vehicle for pushing advertising at the gullible thus telling them what they want to hear.
A sobering appraisal of France the day after the first round –
Fox’s Tucker Carlson attempts to get a leftie to explain why Marine Le Pen is ‘far right’, when the vast majority of her policies are centre left, and seems a little stunned to learn that the ONLY reason Le Pen is ‘far right’ is because she wants to limit immigration and close down radical terrorist Mosques. It basically ends up with him (as I’ve also said) that calling some one ‘far right’ is simply an insult because the left are incapable of engaging in honest open debate over the issues.
The girl in the interview is a perfect example of what happens when you get thirty years of Marxist education. She has no idea, beyond the same old tired, discredited sloganeering and name-calling. Tucker was correct when he said the left use the term ‘far right’ as a pejorative to mean ‘nazis’ by implication. She had no answers, no critical argument, no basis for her vague, meaningless words. She was just a pre-programmed regressive worker drone, emptily reciting her well-rehearsed doctrinaire terminology. She wasn’t prepared in the slightest to consider, for one moment, that Tucker might actually have point – yet still, hilariously, she used the keywords about ‘having a conversation’.
The regressive left in a nutshell.
What should scare you even more is that is no ordinary ‘girl’ in the interview she is Marie Harf and has her own Wikipedia entry.
Harf began her career at the Directorate of Intelligence at the CIA as an analyst focusing on Middle Eastern leadership issues. She later became the media spokesperson of the CIA.
During the 2012 presidential election, Harf helped craft U.S. President Barack Obama’s national security and communications strategy, and also served as campaign spokesperson on national security issues.
You will see from her entries that she is completely naïve and out of touch about Islam but worryingly has a close connection to Saudi Arabia.
It’s even more worrying to find that her father Jim Harf is bice President of Maryville University in St Louis ‘Office for international Student Success”
Maryville’s International Student Success department was founded in order to internationalize the university and prepare our students to become globally ready: armed with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to function effectively in today’s globalized society.
Judging by the academic knowledge of his daughter it appears the department might no be up to much!
She has since been taken on by Fox news as “a political commentator”
Don’t think Harf was a raving screaming Leftie (ie. as some of Tucker Carlson’s other interviewees have been – as referenced before by others on B-BBC) but she had carelessly, perhaps thoughtlessly, picked up the language and its labels ‘Far Right’ and ‘Fascist’ and is using them, lazily or otherwise.
I hold no brief for Le Pen and view her progress with interest merely for the effect it will have on the EU. However, I do recall that her father was a full-on Socialist. In France, that means about one notch on the dial up from Communist. Her whole background is from that milieu. She has been schooled in it from birth.
(Euh, loooke, ah ‘ave used a French wurrd. Magnifique!)
Best thing about that video clip? Did anyone else notice? Scrolling across the bottom of the screen. Syrian rebels, could be FSA, might be other Syrian rebel groups, are turning on and attacking ISIS. Caution: via Fox News. LibLefties would claim and scream “BIAS!” but may need cross-checking or confirmation anyway.
News is supposed to be something new and surprising thus useful
R4 4pm
– French President endorses Macron
…not surprising since Macron was previously in his cabinet
– Corbyn to introduce new Scottish bank
…that’s just a Labour advertisement
Stew, it is just a little bit surprising. Hollande is seen as being far left Socialist, probably one or at the most two notches up the ladder from Marine Le Pen’s father – possibly even on the same rung. Identical but just choosing to major on fiscal policy while ignoring the relevance of migration and integration.
Now, where have I seen that before?
Anyway, Macron is at least a couple of notches off Hollande on the political scale AND he is a banker. Even worse. That should drive loads of LibLefties in France to vote for Le Pen. Hollande’s endorsement sews seeds of confusion.
True, that’s a standard Socialist trick, but it could lead to the election of the candidate who is most likely to totally turnover Hollande’s policies and efforts of his time as President.
“Years & Years singer to front BBC3 film investigating LGBT mental health issues”
That would be olly alexander a sneering smug nasty piece of work no wonder the beeb love him. Another lily allen in the making.
Panorama is about Trump
It’s Paxman so it might not be 100% hitjob–trumps-first-100-days
May 3 it’s Madeleine McCann: 10 Years On
It will be, otherwise he wouldn’t have gotten the gig.
I watched a recent short series he presented on great British rivers – what an absolutely awful, awful b@st@rd.
10pm BBC4 repeat Marx: Genius of the Modern World
“At this stage in history it’s hard to look back at Karl Marx without imagining the millions of dead killed by the totalitarian states he inspired. But that’s exactly what Bettany Hughes attempts to do here”
Get the impression from some of her radio programmes that dear Bettany either does quite a lot while not imagining or while imagining too much of the wrong thing.
“Detectives say they are keeping an “open mind” about the motive for the assault which left the man lying in the street next to a plumber’s van.
An open mind.
What the feck are the BBC doing?
Here they have BBC middle east correspondent Quentin Sommerville posing all tough with machine gun touting Islamic rebels in a specially choreographed video clip inside Syria. He talks of the enemy being the so-called Islamic State and the Syrian Regime. You can be sure the rebels would have slit his throat if the BBC hadn’t already declared allegiance to them and to Islam:
Look, I really hope I’m wrong about this, but I think Marine Le Pen stands about as much chance of winning the French election as Timmy Farron does ours. I wish it was otherwise.
It’s not only that she has the entire French (and international) establishment against her, or that her vanquished and disgraced opponents are urging their supporters to back Macron, it’s a basic flaw in the French national character.
This nation has suffered more than any other at the hands of the Islamists; Le Pen should romp home, but there is this pathetic attitude of appeasement that infests the French psyche. Put rather crudely, they don’t have the bottle.
Without wishing to sound like Uncle Albert, during the war the French collaborated with their German invaders to such an extent that Winston Churchill ordered the destruction of their fleet. “Well, they’re not going to xxxxing use it, are they?” he reportedly fumed.
The Vichy government, led by Philippe Petain actively helped the Germans, recruiting their own people to fight against the allies. And he wasn’t unpopular, far from it. As late as April 1944 he received a “hero’s” reception when he arrived in Paris. Hoards of French people thronged the streets to welcome him home. Remember this was just a few short weeks before D Day!
We had an old family friend who used to make this observation about our Gallic neighbours. “After the war every Frenchman I met or heard about had been a member of The Resistance. They were all heroes. If they’d only shown such courage during the bloody war Hitler couldn’t have invaded.”
Of course there were many French people who displayed astonishing courage. But sadly they were a minority.
Le Pen is clearly one of the brave ones. She is far from the distorted caricature fascist peddled by the media; particularly our beloved Beeb. She’s a true patriot and a democrat fighting for her culture, her country, her way of life. A real modern day member of The Resistance!
Macron, despite his hollow blather about patriotism, is clearly an appeaser. A Blair lookalike with a Petain instinct for gutless surrender. French voters can look pleased with themselves and pretend that they’re voting against the fascist.
In reality it’s the coward’s vote of appeasement.
And deep down I think they know it…
I think the French are just far less worried about the state of things – they’ve always leaned into socialism, so the EU makes perfect sense to them. Their agriculture is propped up by all that free money, their education system is heavily invested in the European Project…and so on. Le Pen will just have to wait her turn. It will come. What was it MacMillan used to say?
‘Events, my dear boy, events.’
We’ll have to suffer the inevitable smugness of the regressive msm when she loses, but let them enjoy their pyrrhic victory. Meanwhile, time and simple demographics will conspire to unravel their triumphalism. Poor France. Sleepwalking into complete catastrophe.
The trouble is, if Le Pen loses, there may never be another chance. As the muslim population rises inexorably, there will be no prospect of the political system being able to respond to the islamization of France. Then, the only outcomes will be dhimmitude or violent resistance. No middle way is possible. It is a lot easier just to put an “X” next to Le Pen’s name next month.
But I agree, it comes down to whether the French have the bottle to do it. The Dutch didn’t and are probably doomed. It is up to the French whether they want to follow them to national oblivion.
I did mention some time ago that France is my favourite for the first Eu country to have a military coup. it might not look like one but it will be one.
Maybe. Came close under de Gaulle, Dave.
Thing we forget about France is the sheer size of the place and the scope of its devolution. If you like, it has been a three hundred year prototype (or warning!) of what has happened in the UK over 50 years. London has become like Paris, divorced from the rest of the nation.
However, once you move away from Paris, France is tiny. (I could write at some length on that effect on the foundation of ‘the EU’ but don’t have time right now.) Not in land mass but in its population. The reverse, in fact, of the rest of the UK.
In rural France, the local Mayor holds sway. Unless he is a scoundrel or in the pay of a narrow interest, he tends to serve the whole community and their best interests, whatever Paris – or, for that matter, Brussels – may say. If he doesn’t, he receives little respect. Then he is voted out of office.
France may have its economic and other problems, but I gather, out in rural France, life can be good. Very good. Very little changes whoever is in the Élysée Palace.
French Election run-off in two weeks? New boy Macron? Le Pen? Shrug of the shoulders. Am off to the cafe to catch up on local gossip and for a pain au chocolat.
BTW, I’m very happy for our B-BBC French correspondents to tell me I’ve got that completely wrong from here in the UK. 🙂 That’s my understanding, for what it is worth, of France.
Oh, I forgot to mention the shape shifting of French borders and colonialism. That, too, will have to wait for another and more time.
ObiWan at 5.01 above..”Sleepwalking into complete catastrophe.”..indeed..but sadly we’re not far behind!
Again, if he wins he can share security tips and compare bullet proof cars with May. Our Queen and Phil are more down with the people than any of our, so called, leaders.
Many of our heroic continental allies had their very own Waffen SS divisions – the Belgians, Dutch, Hungarians, Czechs, Ukrainians, Rumanians and Poles – but the largest, and one that took part in the final defence of Hitler’s bunker in Berlin, was the SS Charlemagne (1st French).
Beltane – the SS were some of the toughest soldiers of WW2, without them the Soviets would have overrun Europe entirely by 1944 and would have been in Normandy before Eisenhower.
You have a point but it is a, ‘I wouldn’t start from there’ premises.
Do you think there wouldn’t have been a British if the Germans had successfully invaded?
“Do you think there wouldn’t have been a British if the Germans had successfully invaded?”
But the fact of the matter is, they didn’t. Unlike the rest of Western Europe, the British have always been nonconformist bastards who never go with the flow:
War with Holland
War with Spain
War with France
War with Sweden
War with Germany
Rejection of the EU
Maybe that explains the battle for Cable street in 1936 where fascism was shown the bloody door in the UK. Funny enough I can’t find any other example of such a protest anywhere else in Europe:
Then there was Defence Regulation 18B which locked up all the Nazis twats and I am pretty sure a load of them would have become brownbread if Hitler had invaded.
Pounce, what about the counter-Revolution in France?
You make an excellent point about Brits. However, we have also contradictingly also become the most placid and accepting of things at times as well. Unless one is a Brit who is a part of LeftMob, that is. Must be the French in us, from 1066 and all that.
However, when we are really pushed and our backs are against the wall, we can stand up and fight. 23 June 2016! Magnifique again!
We don’t like being ripped off. That is one of the foundations of the UK’s squabble with the EU. Unfortunately, until that day last year we did not get ourselves organised enough to do anything about it.
Steven Sackur gleefully interviewing the Egyptian Archbishop of the Coptic Church.
“Well, Christianity is finished in the Middle East then?” (Please say, ‘yes’ or I’ll scream ’till I’m sick.)
How utterly tasteless! What a sociopath!
Thank you BBC for the following video clip: “French election: Voters take yellow chair challenge”
now please take your yellow chair and your shameless hijab – Islam promotion and feck off
“Ooh I really like this yellow chair.” Political analysis at its finest. Or maybe not.
On the BBC African News Page the top story is: “Africa Live: Kano Emir ‘investigated for corruption’, Uganda row over ‘sex lubricant'”
Dear BBC please take your sex lubricant and stick it up where the sun don’t shine.
Luckily, Newsbeat has yet to pick up on this, however…
A prom dress with a difference ?
Student’s prom dress promotes Black Lives Matter
Information and education, see?
Don’t forget the BBC is still pushing like crazy transgender rights. The following is just the latest newsbeat transgender story directed at the 12 – 24 year age group: “The ad that’s gone viral because it sticks up for transgender rights in India”
You would think there was nothing more important to report about India – such as the caste system and massive inequality.
India has a long history of ‘transgenders’ going back thousands of years, they are known as ‘hijra’ and are connected with Hindu mysticism and tradition. They are in some ways revered for religious reasons but also quite badly treated apparently so it is sort of linked to the caste system and inequality – but it’s rather astonishing the BBC doesn’t even mention this – India does not really have ‘trannies’ in the sense we understand them. They’re more like the tradition of court eunuchs in the Ottoman empire.
Indeed – they are still there in Pakistan too…. I have seen them in Karachi – made me think of Dick Emery for some reason.
You are awful!
This is a quite astonishing example of BBC pro Muslim victim status bias.
In the middle of a story about some clearly ‘troubled’ Jewish kid who has used peoples WiFi networks to make several threats about slaughtering Jews, plus hoax bomb threats against aircraft.
Towards the end of the article the BBC have inserted an audio recording titled ‘this is what a hate call sounds like’ – The BBC spoke to a Muslim-American couple targeted by an abusive caller.
Well of course they did, because the anti Semitic BBC wouldn’t interested in talking to Jewish victims, but why is this article of any relevance to this story? The answer is that it isn’t of any relevance save to promote the victim status of Muslims.
Just to add further insult they take a swipe at Donald Trump (can’t resist can they).
“A reported spike in anti-Jewish incidents led to criticism of the Trump administration, with some saying they did not react quickly or forcefully enough to the hate threats.”
Will NHS stats spark polling day debate?
The scheming bBBC’s Hugh Pym is giving advance notice that they will try to swing the result by discussing NHS statistics on Election Day: In the absence of campaign coverage before the close of polls at 22:00 BST, the NHS figures published that day for the month of April may generate a certain amount of broadcast and online media interest.
You can bet your life that they won’t link the problems of the NHS with the importation of millions of new patients, most of whom have a lifetime of untreated health issues.
Drip drip drip the propaganda
7:19pm BBC1 Angela Rippon Talking about her new daytime show Health: Truth or Scare
“Oh we show that diesel city pollution really does cause children’s asthma”
…hmm that would be world breaking research AFAIK ..drip drip drip
And the actual prog blurb says
“After headlines claiming a third of people diagnosed with asthma might not actually have the condition, asthma sufferer Angela gets retested for the first time in 50 years, explores the impact of being wrongly diagnosed and asks whether we are on the cusp of an explosion in new asthma cases.”
That prog was on this morning .. anyone see it ?
R4 Now the prog is full of people saying
“Of course I hate Le Pen, but try to understand why 90% of my village vote for her”
Is that BBC presenter AH a Lefty ?
BBC online. Hollande urges France to reject Le Pen.
Well of course he would. BBC stating the obvious.
He doesn’t care about the every day French working class. No, he lives in an armed guarded Palace.
Why has le Pen stepped down as party leader? No hope of getting an explanation from the National Broadcaster
With all that’s going on in the world, it’s good to see that our multi-billion pound broadcaster sees this as newsworthy.
Money well spent, clearly.
I had been wondering why on the earth the BBC and its idiot mirrors all over Freeview have not shut up since Macron squeaked his win to the Final round.
Endless liberal commentators with Clouseau tribute voices-and all manner of fey tards-des neiges in college cafeterias in Lewisham or such-have been crowing and on endless loops about Macron-as if he`s Blair and Obama, Clegg and Mandela rolled into one.
As if 1997-2016 has taught them nothing…the Liberal Project is dead, can`t be brought back to life-even IF Macron wins. First Calais, Nice of Bataclan after the election?
And no answers. If the French are cowed enough to do this, well let them. We`ll have left the EU by the time Le Pen tramples through-next election or this, all depends on if France will prefer to please Snow and take the pain that`s inevitable with Macaroon.
So the bBC reports on Leigh Day (and Co) and their time at the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal
Leigh Day lawyers accused of misconduct over Iraq claims
A law firm has been accused of misconduct over the way it handled claims that British troops tortured civilians during the Iraq War. Leigh Day failed to disclose evidence its Iraqi clients were members of a “murderous” militia group when it represented them in compensation cases, a tribunal has heard. The claims caused years of anguish to falsely accused soldiers, it was told. Leigh Day and solicitors Martyn Day and Sapna Malik deny 19 misconduct charges.
As this is the bBC they have to ensure that the Army can only be painted in a negative light:
The Al-Sweady inquiry concluded in its final report that the conduct of some soldiers towards detainees breached the Geneva Convention.
Taken from the bBCs own report on the subject:
It found that:
The detainees should have been given some privacy while being strip-searched and should have been given proper food when they were first detained
They should not have been deprived of sleep before they were questioned or shouted at during interrogation
They were deprived of sight by being made to wear blacked-out goggles for prolonged periods when this had no security purpose
It also described as “ill treatment” an interrogator banging a tent peg on a table and walking around a blindfolded detainee blowing on the back of his neck.
and here is the actual report summary:
where it is reported:
So it is that, at various stages during the Report, I have come to the conclusion that the
conduct of various individual soldiers and some of the procedures being followed by the
British military in 2004 fell below the high standards normally to be expected of the BritishArmy. In addition, on a number of other occasions, my findings went further. Thus, as I make clear at various stages of the Report, I have come to the conclusion that certain aspects ofthe way in which the nine Iraqi detainees, with whom this Inquiry is primarily concerned,were treated by the British military, during the time they were in British custody during 2004, amounted to actual or possible ill-treatment.
He never states the GC, the bbC does.
The bBC, the propaganda arm of terrorism.
And there was me thinking that the Geneva Convention applied to uniformed, clearly defined, members of opposing armed forces, and not to militia members, those dressed as civilians, or those not clearly identifying themselves as combatants.
Have I lost the [BBC defined] plot agin?
Here s one for P Nutter and the UKippers, a trip down memory lane to a time before Islamic countries became theocracies ruled by Sharia Law, a cautionary tale
Its a real cautionary tale, unlike the Al BBC and squealing “waycist” and far right,
the media the politico s are too moronic to understand, that not addressing this dangerous ideology now … will end up creating the very thing they squeal about.
All the enemedia, including the Al BBC are touting for France s very own Trudeau
“Le Poney Brillant”
… with terrorist attacks every other day, and 10% of the nation muslim, and 8 complete no go zones in “Paree” alone.
A wet, mommies boy who makes Hollande look like Rambo is just the ticket 😀
I mean … what could go wrong
Hey, maybe he will Macron-manage it
I ll get me coat!
nog, was there a typo in there? Macron – le phoney brillant?
Oh no buddy, Trudeau is Canada s shiny pony, called so for his coiffeur look, and uselessness, (is that a word 😀 )
Macron will be France s equivalent … they desperately need Le Penn
but just like here with Liar May, the media, the erm influence, the big money, the establishment is pushing to keep “the festering swamp” and their corrupt and utterly self serving fingers on power.
She only got 5% of the Paris vote, despite all the trouble and attacks
BBC4 Marx prog
Paul Mason pops on screen to explain that end of capitalism is inevitable due to constant exploitation of the workers
“just look at those Bangladeshi sweat shop workers.”
to which I say
“just look at those Silicon Valley big pay packet workers.”
Had Paul mason had more time he could have compared Bangledeshi sweat shops to the conditions of those living in socialist utopias like the former eastern Block, or present day Cuba or North Korea. Perhaps China before it adopted the market system. He would have been lost for choice to compare to the Muslim country of Bangladesh, which is ruled by relatives of the Labour MP Tulip Saddiq.
Surely the ‘exploitation’ of the Bangladeshi workers is part and parcel of Globalisation. Those folks who made garments in the west are now redundant and the Bangladeshis have their jobs. The same with many other industries, just as Le Pen and President Trump say. Of course the owners of the company that sell the garments make more money because the garments cost less to make. So Blair , Cameron , Clinton and Macron’s chums make a packet, the Bangladeshis are probably better off than they would be without the jobs, the only people who are worse off are the workers in the West who have lost their jobs.
What is it about Paul Mason that attracts the BBC to him so?
Mr Mason is one of a breed of chancers who inhabit the merry-go-round of living off the public purse without actually doing very much. An ex-music teacher, Business editor at Newsnight, Culture and digital editor at C4, now apparently a film maker. No doubt when the film work dries up he’ll call in a favour from one of his mates and get another job title. And the cycle continues.
Was he ever concerned about the Foxconn workers assembling the iEverything toys the BBC showered him with?