On the Radio Facebook page the LibMob did their eleventh thread calling for a ban on Farage on the BBC
Is there anything that tracks the Green Party appearances ?
as well as the BBC embedded Greens the politicians seem to get lots of airtime
(The Marr show has a past guests page ..so you can see Labour get by far the most appearances)
I said this last week
France will have civil war, the percentage of Islamic adherents is now past critical mass, 60% of its prisoners are muslim, estimated 25,000
muslims on the red flag watch list, over 10, 000 back from Syria, there are not enough police to tail them all
… and attack after attack, with impunity ie nothing gets done.
Apart from a shitty vigil and candles, squat! … je suis charlatan eh!
Le Penn could deport en masse, and emergency tighten the borders.
Sadly it wouldn t be enough, and …
just like here in the UK the fix is in with the establishment, she won t get in.
So … yes, they will have war, I hope, hope the cheese eating surrender monkeys find the resolve … “Le Poney Brillant”, he ll fix it.
I keep hearing on al beebus and elsewhere, how the French have decided to choose from between two “outsiders” who will be their next president; in what meaningful sense is M. Macron, judged on his background, an “outsider”?
If he gets elected they will just get more of the same, Marine is the (only) one who offers change and a chance at reversal of their demographic and societal self-immolation to multiculturalism and open borders.
Macron isn’t remotely an outsider. He is a graduate of the Ecole Nationale d’Administration, which is the passport to the French elite, was a Rothschild banker, and was then the finance minister in Hollande’s government.
The fact is that the Socialist Party brand is now rubbish in France, so Macron, the insider, runs as if he is an outsider, with a phony new party and the full support of the MSM.
I must ask, if George Osborne had left the Conservatives, set up a new party and run as an “outsider”, would we have fallen for it?
The whole Macron story is a blatantly false narrative. He is part of the Establishment elite, and is supported by the entirety of the French and EU elite, as well as the entire MSM. There is no mystery about it, the facts are there to see.
So who are the French going to believe, the Franco-EU-MSM elite, or their lying eyes? It’s up to them, the very future of their country is at stake. If they choose the pretty boy, empty suit suit con man, they will only have themselves to blame.
See nobody has yet nailed, ‘poplarism’ or is it, ‘popularism’?
It’s a bad thing to say popular stuff – right? Because a party with popular policies is bad or not?
I like the bit about half way where the Muslim guest says “…since Brexit there has been an increase in Islamophobic attacks”.
Well, there has also been an increase in Muslim terror attacks in Europe since Brexit – perhaps, just maybe, that increase in Islamophobic attacks is in direct response to Islamic terror attacks – just a wild suggestion I’m throwing out there!
This emphasises to me everything that is wrong with the UKIP approach to debate. Here we have a Muslim woman with full face cover, and she was allowed to defend it by saying it was an expression of her faith, Expression?..and Identity? Her argument had no logic. The UKIP argument fell at the first fence when Liz Jones was asked about motorcycle helmets etc..Ban all full face covering; it is that bloody simple!
It was clear Liz Jones had not been properly briefed…
The BBC see UKIP as sitting ducks…..
In my opinion the UKIP argument cannot help but fall at the first fence.
This discussion on Victoria Derbyshire is an example of what is to come. UKIP (I happen to be a member) have shot themselves in the foot with this one.
Regardless of the reasons (and we all know what they are) in the unlikely event that it would ever become law it would be found to be unenforcible. It also plays into the hands of the liberal left who do not need much encouragement to brand UKIP as a far right facist party.
I am in agreement with Arron Banks over this – it is a bad idea.
mobile phones & driving is not enforced either, but still illegal. I think the law should cover specific public places – inside communal buildings, schools, transport hubs… and then it wouldn’t be worth wearing it anyway. In fact it could cover any head covering.
Loobyloo, ‘In fact it could cover any head covering’- agreed inside communal buildings etc. but this is not what UKIP is stating. They stipulate a total ban in public. Unworkable if you consider e.g. mum and kids walking to school in cold winds with hoods and scarfs wrapped around their faces to protect against the cold wind and perhaps rain or snow. Is it proposed that they are prosecuted?
Totally unworkable.
I agree, it is unworkable, but I think there has to be a policy whereby it’s seen as unacceptable to have face coverings in certain places. In the west, face to face communication is important. I don’t want to see a doctor whose face is covered, or have my kids taught by a person with their face covered. My local home bargains doesn’t allow hoods up in the shop, but I bet they don’t bother ropers.
Might have questioned the basis of multiculturalism. Why accept that multiculturalism is OK? That is to concede the argument, that all faiths are equal and must be equally respected.
Might have scored a few point with the viewers by pointing out that any faith requiring people to dress like idiots is barmy and belongs with other barmy beliefs
G.W.F. ‘Why accept that multiculturalism is OK?’ – a good point however the British way is to strive to be even handed in our application of our laws, hence opposition by many on this site (including myself) to the threat of a parallel system of law i.e. Sharia Courts. Many here maintain the notion of one system for all. Hence my concerns that banning the Burkha/Niquor will move from this ideal and discriminate against a minority, unless it is applied across the board, which makes it unworkable.
Le Pen won more Towns and villages than Macron – just like UKIP in our GE. Same kind of voters, voting for the same reasons.
That the established system mitigates against the success of such parties I get, but that so many are queuing up to help, along with a seriously sick Media,
I don’t get.
Alien implants, brainwashing, mass psychosis?
I am bemused as to why so many folks are busy destroying their own culture, customs , hard won freedoms , in short their civilisation. I think that this mass of useful idiots are being skillfully manipulated by two groups both oh whom call themselves Globalists.
The motivation of the first of these groups is just profit, they make loads of money from being able to produce in low cost countries and sell to the developed world. The unemployment caused in the West doesn’t matter to them. Nor perhaps does it’s future.
The second grouping of Globalists are motivated by a vision of a One World Socialist Utopia . Of course this isn’t just an altruistic calling, they make sure they do damn well out of it. They see Globalisation as a means to redistribute wealth from the developed world to the third world. They see the relative impoverishment of their own countrymen who loose their jobs s a necessary price to be paid in creating their One World Utopia. They also approve of mass migration as a way of breaking down the sense of nationhood in the developed world which they regard as a barrier to attainment of their vision. They despise the common man who likes his country . It is unclear to me if they recognise the danger posed by Islam. They certainly don’t seem to . Perhaps they are insane and would prefer to live in a totally Islamic world.
Both of these groups have an interdependence and seem able to manipulate many millions of ordinary folks into supporting the policy which will lead to their own impoverishment, to their loss of freedom and to their being forced to accept the Islamification of their continent.
Slowly the truth is beginning to dawn on the common people and they are showing signs of resistance, hence Trump, Brexit, Wilders, Le Pen . I have hopes that in France , where Le Pen does well amongst the younger folks, she can win in 2022. We in the UK have no party willing to fight against both Globalisation and Islamification and our young people seem very easily manipulated by the Globalists. UKIP will take years to become as powerful as the FN in France.
In days past tertiary syphilis often gave rise to a kind of mental condition – GPI or ‘General Paralysis of the Insane’. It gave rise to people forming wild and weird ideas like flipping the country over with giant levers and starting again on that side afresh.
That seems to be where we are at.
Same here gaxvil, it baffles me, but social media and common cause/purpose has melded.
Theres a science behind it, they’ve found a way into leftism, or rather how to trigger it, along with educating out rationalism.
Even in people who were considered normal rational human beings, they have divided us, purposefully, and you cant half buyin, its all ”your with us or against us’ so fuckem, sign me up in the against column, yall have a good day, and an even better election.
Yuri Besmenov nailed it 30 years ago – he also pointed out that the Leftists and Islamophiles will be the first to be executed when their globalist utopia turns out rather differently from how they imagined.
He talks of “complete and irreversible demoralisation”. A good summary of what we see from our political and chattering classes.
In the words of Anthony Jay the former BBC journalist, “we were anti-industry, anti-capitalism, anti-advertising, anti-selling, anti-profit, anti-patriotism, anti-monarchy, anti-Empire, anti-police, anti-armed forces, anti-bomb, anti-authority. Almost anything that made the world a freer, safer and more prosperous place, you name it, we were anti it.”
It is so infantile how they cannot mention Le Pen without the infantile, ad hominem attack ‘far-right.’ Imagine a world where you could actually discuss the issues that matter without being accused of being a Nazi or having a mental illness?
Prick Robinson was interviewing someone who had voted for Le Pen and was sneering about how Le Pen’s policies just were not possible and laughing at him. The man kept saying how he did not think his tone was appropriate; that is was terrible that they had to live among so many people who openly hated them yet these people were given so much money from the government. The man was really upset but Robinson kept laughing and sneering.
When will they realise how serious this all is? That sneering, name-calling, never-ending appeasement and pretending it is not a problem will not solve anything? I guess like any tyrant they will cling to power until they are taken away in a coffin. And it is human nature to not care as much or at all about something when you are unaffected by it.
They will be all triumphalist when Le Pen is defeated, but that she could gain so many votes shows what terrible problems there are. Why bother analysing the issues when you can just laugh at people, sneer and call them names? That is much more fun.
It is funny that Hope not Hate have sued Farage. That a group who calls anyone who is not far-left a Nazi could sue anyone for defamation is darkly comic. They can dish it out but cannot take it. In their Guardian article, they whine about Farage being ‘disgustingly offensive.’ What about you arseholes undermining democracy and bullying anyone who disagrees with you, like modern day brown shirts? What about you helping to create the environment where decent people who are suffering are afraid to say anything? That is disgustingly offensive.
I take a degree of comfort, BB, in the scenario of a few scant months ago when Hillary was, almost, universally expected to move to the White House and had very probably been looking with mounting excitement at curtain swatches and the US equivalent of Farrow & Ball paint charts…..
Toady reports on refugees resettled here becoming homeless. It seems to be more and more poor white men seem to be homeless. How about a report on that? Reporting on Bob the labourer getting kicked out of his digs just does not sound as virtuous as defending refugees, does it? I am sure homelessness is equally awful whatever the colour of your skin.
Has anyone noticed there seem to be more homeless people than there were ten years ago? It seems pretty obvious to me that if more and more people are coming into the country to do low-skilled jobs, working class white men will be hit the hardest. Plus with more and more people coming into the country and not enough homes being built, it is obvious more will be without a home. Has anyone done a study on this? I have also noticed there are very few homeless women, which seems odd as they are meant to be oppressed.
Toady headlining about refugees resettled here not having enough money and becoming homeless, but then in the detail of the report you realise that it is FAILED refugees they are talking about. The case is being made for failed refugees to receive the same sort of support as successful refugees, for there to be no refugee status at all. No borders basically, just keep on shaking that free money tree that clearly exists.
20 years ago I only ever saw anyone selling the ‘Big Issue’ when I visited a big city,now we have one every day in every Cumbrian market town,and they are all woman of the Muslim persuasion,what does this tell us?
It tells us that an idea to help UK homeless into work is now being used to provide economic migrants with National Insurance numbers and that the EU is exporting their unemployed to us as vibrant and diverse benefit claimants.
Everyone assumes that EU citizens can just up and leave to another country, but that’s not the case. Each country has its own rules but generally across the Channel you are required by law to apply for residency if you’re in the country for 3 months or more. To get residency you have to show that you’re not going to be a drain on public funds, so you need either a work contract, be self-employed or have plenty of funds in your bank account. I gather that if you’re retired and move to France, you are not entitled to free state healthcare and you need private medical insurance.
So this begs the question – why are EU citizens allowed into Britain with no visible means of support?
Are you sure those women are Moslem? I thought Moslem women were not allowed out. In my town it is usually women, but they are Rumanian, so probably Christian.
Usually the headscarf-wearing women who sell the Big Issue are Roma gypsies, who are usually Roman Catholics, not muslims. They look dark skinned because real gypsies (as opposed to Irish tinkers or ‘pikies’) originated from India in the middle ages.
On a recent Hard Talk (‘Hard on those we don’t like, Soft on liberal-lefties’). The imbecilic Stephen Sackur giving a hard time to the perfectly sensible French writer Pascal Bruckner for daring to suggest France might be having a problem with islam.
The whole interview is a case study in beeboid stupidity and bias but here are just a few gems:
1) Stephen Sucker: “something I find quite shocking, you say one of the biggest dangers and challenges facing France is political islam.”
He is SHOCKED by that BLINDINGLY OBVIOUS STATEMENT OF FACT?? And he’s a journalist?!? Has he not read a paper for the last 10 years?
2) Stephen Nut-Sack bangs on about it being only a tiny minority engaging in terrorism, to which Pascal replies that in a recent survey a terrifying 30% of young muslims in France (5-6 million) want sharia law to prevail over French law and want a return to the original islam of the prophet’s time (i.e. modern islam isn’t barbaric enough, let’s go back to medieval times when it was REALLY barbaric, presumably ISIS style stonings, amputations, torture etc)
Nut-sack completely ignores this inconvenient statistic.
3) Stephen Sack-butt approvingly quotes the UN Secretary General (oh how beeboids love the UN) as saying that TERRORISM is CAUSED by ISLAMOPHOBIA! What an upside down world they live in, where effect becomes cause.
4) Nut-sack: “Do you think France has a muslim problem? Pascal: “Yes of course”.
Nutsack: “Are you aware that for so many people watching this programme, to talk of a mulim problem is incitement?”
WHAT??? INCITEMENT??? To state the blindingly obvious is INCITEMENT? In Alice in Beebistanland maybe, but not in the real world Nutsack!
And on and on, all very revealing of beeboid mentality.
Sackur is beyond self-satisfied. Have a listen to the BBC ad/discussion on Hardtalk where he gushes incessantly and threatens to travel the world for more interviewees who can’t make it to London.
You can guess their point of view about us.
For the fact you correctly identify in your first sentence, I will not listen or watch so-called, ‘Hard Talk’ it is too depressing to listen to the blatant BBC bias.
I agree, Hard Talk IS depressing, BUT its not far behind the Victoria Derbyshire show, which I gave up watching long ago, – it was the perfect reason in reaching for the Valium ! If you (and forgive me here) haven’t got mental issues when you start watching it, you sure as well will have after a month of watching it ! Nobody laughs or even smiles EVER !
If criticism incites you to mass-murder and violence, then obviously the problem lies with the critic and not you. We all know the sensible way to respond to criticism is rioting and violence – our civilisation was built on that core value.
CECUO will of course comfortably pronounce he got it about right, but I find the tonality and content of this latest tweet from a senior BBC presenter hard to reconcile with politics left at the door:
Listen to how the Tories have embraced what they once dubbed a Marxist, anti competitive 1970s energy price cap – https://t.co/8t3JjlGQg5
But Beeboids tweet the same way about Labour polcies ?
Another day
Once again BBC Radio Humberside leads with the days Labour press release
#1 Labour guarantees current EU nationals to continue their right of residence (same policy as Farage)
#2 Trussel Trust says more people using foodbanks (by a fraction)
Anybody else notice that the anti-Brexit rhetoric has been turned up on the BBC this week? Guest after guest on the BBC have been telling us how difficult it’s going to be. Now I know that Nick Robinson thinks that this is perfectly okay post-Referendum, but since this election has been called the Brexit election, and there have been calls to put aside party and vote for Remain candidates, I wonder how the BBC feel they can justify this.
Quis and Al. This somewhat contradicts some of my previous comments but maybe when we leave the EU things could certainly be difficult in the short term as the EU is hardly going to want to encourage other doubting nations to leave so I expect there will be some degree of punishment.
Maybe we must expect this.
But where I have most of my issues with the BBC bias is that no real analysis is ever really undertaken of where the EU superstate is going. Many of its members after many years of living a profligate/corupt lifestyles, now have failing economies and are having to be propped up. As well as having absorbed millions of so called “asylum seekers. The question is who will have to pay for this?
The answer is of course the economies who are still functioning OK! Until of course they also get dragged down to the same level (also losing their cultures at the same time)
And this of course is why so many of us “waycists” voted brexit. We have all seen the “bleedin obvious” that the MSM and the politicians refused to acknowledge -And we dont like it!
My main issue with BBC bias is the lack of it, at least when it comes to Britain and the British people. It’s a bias that one expects from a state broadcaster.
I am sure that most of us accept that it is not going to be straightforward, but the British people have decided, and we are leaving the EU. I would expect our state broadcaster to accept this, and present it in as positive a way as possible to help it be as successful as possible. This would be in the interests of everybody whether they voted to Leave or Remain.
There is a time to be impartial, and then there is a time to show bias. When England play Wales the BBC should be impartial, but when Wales play Germany the BBC should, and does, show bias. Now we have decided to leave the EU the BBC should be acting more like the latter.
I broadly agree with what you say QQ . And certainly at the moment the BBC are behaving more like the official spokesman for Drunker and Merkl rather than keeping us informed about what is actually happening.
Still I suppose these days just telling the news rather than left wing fairy tales is just sooooooooooooooooooo boring!”
I wonder if readers on this site would do me a small favour?
There is a rumour circulating that Theresa May has cancelled the HS2 high speed train (despite the millions wasted on preparatory work) with its projected £56 billion cost. The reason being rumoured was to support ‘the cost of Brexit’.
Personally I think the whole HS2 scheme was a vanity project & needed to be cancelled away, but the other part of this rumour is that the money is instead to be used to pay the EU off and enter into negotiations which will probably end in failure.
I know that the British people do not support giving the EU even £10 Billion, but the Tories are lazy spineless and duplicitous, it would not surprise me in the slightest if these rumours are indeed true, and May incapable of standing her ground is intending to give away billions of our money to the EU.
If this does turn out to be true then UKIP might well have a chance of regaining some ground – even with Nuttall the Muppet in charge.
Please watch out for any signs that this might be true, May & her gang of spineless idlers need to have their feet held to the fire on this.
Expected or unexpected? Sooner or later the Sunni/Shia divide will open up in the UK.
Come now BBC, can’t you keep us informed about how and why islamic “diversity” is really working well in the UK
BBC reporting these days is frankly third class. Doubtless this is a result of their policy of hiring individuals specifically because of their: race, gender, class, politics and sexuality, rather than their ability to do the job. I’ve got no problem with them taking on a one legged, black lesbian, if she is also a fine reporter, but if they take her on BECAUSE she is a one legged, black lesbian, and she’s a crap reporter that really isn’t going to help the quality of output is it?
Anyone who knows anything about the Middle East, or the history of Islam, will tell you that there are Muslims and Muslims, despite the lies the BBC spout, it is actually a very diverse religion (much like Christianity). Some are complete moderates, my own ancestors included Kurds who immigrated to the UK several generations ago and never attracted attention for their religion – in fact you could have lived next door to one of my relations and would never have known they were Muslim – most of the neighbours apparently thought they were Welsh(!)
To be fair, most of the Kurds are actually only Muslim by default, and if you look into it their culture retains much of the pre-Islamic Zoroastrianism, Christianity and Judaism of the region. Historically most converted to Islam because it was a better option than death, or paying extortionate taxes and facing persecution as ‘unbelievers’, not too different to the reason many became Christian in various times and places (Spain, France, Americas etc…). The Yazidis are Kurds too, but ones who refused to convert, and there are other religious groups that mix those bits of Islam they like with the older ways, such as the Ahmadis (arguably the Sikhs too), these groups are only persecuted by the most extreme Muslims – a group we’ve seen a massive rise in, in this generation, because (I’m sure) of moronic political correctness.
To my relations, being accepted in UK society was more important than anything else, my Grandmother attended a Catholic Church, whilst still considering herself a ‘Muslim’, because her friend and neighbour was Catholic. It was more important to her to spend time with her friend and pay respect to God, than to worry about what building it happened in, and in her generation they all wore ‘head scarves’ when going out anyway. My maternal ancestors didn’t attempt to convert anyone to their way of life, or insist that anything in British culture was changed to suit them, and now their descendants (including me) consider ourselves completely English (I have more English, Welsh and Irish blood than Kurdish anyway). Incidentally I’m an atheist, like most of my family now, but some in the family are very moderate Muslims, others half arsed Catholics, and one a rather pious Mormon convert – I think, I try to avoid discussions on religion with that one.
The problem we have these days is the ‘politically correct’ brigade falling over themselves to virtue signal, decrying and destroying their own culture in the process, and pandering to the extremists – who by definition will always want MORE and MORE. Look at the extreme ‘feminists’ for another example, the fourth generation, or whatever they call themselves, not happy with equality enshrined in law – the original and perfectly reasonable goal of feminism, they keep on banging the same old drum, and the fools at the BBC keep falling over themselves to try to placate them – an impossible task.
This masochistic PC culture is harmful, and totally unnecessary, in fact it’s imbecilic, moderate Muslims don’t need it, or want it, much as the moderates of other religions (Jews, Hindus, Sikhs etc…) don’t demand it, or want it. They came here (often generations ago) because they wanted to be British and start a new life here, because they thought British culture and traditions were great just as they were… not because they wanted to stay living where they were, that’s what they were trying to escape from!
BBC reporting these days is frankly third class. Doubtless this is a result of their policy of hiring individuals specifically because of their: race, gender, class, politics and sexuality, rather than their ability to do the job. I’ve got no problem with them taking on a one legged, black lesbian, if she is also a fine reporter, but if they take her on BECAUSE she is a one legged, black lesbian, and she’s a crap reporter that really isn’t going to help the quality of output is it?
The problem is there is a whole ecosystem of professional victims. If you are paid a lot of money to deal with women’s issues, you are not going to say they have pretty much all been resolved and now activists are doing more harm than good. That would be turkeys voting for Christmas. Women have overtaken men on so many metrics, but to mention that is thoughtcrime.
That they are still reporting on that tennis coach’s racist joke off microphone the other day shows what a supply and demand problem there is for the PC mob. It’s not exactly Rosa Parks, is it? Nobody is racist these days and that must worry people who are paid to fight racism: if your job is to find racial discrimination, you are going to find it somewhere.
Hi reject. With regard to your first paragraph- I’m developing a theory that the ‘field’ BBC reporters say what they say as part of the interview process to get a top job on the Today programme. Like any other job there must always be an internal pecking order so unless a beeboid goes native and opens up on this fine website we might never know.
My money is on a female black beeboid who might swing both ways as the next Today type. Must have gone through the Beeb affirmative action and done a bit of PPE with a few life long political bubble types …. or as I think about it .. maybe a soon to be unemployed labour type who can’t get on the post MP peerage gravy train.
Interesting stuff Reject.
It is good to remember that not everyone from an Islamic background wishes us ill. However I would argue that everyone who believes in spreading the word of Allah in the traditional Islamic fashion by default probably does.
I have never had a problem with people of different faiths living here. Provided the numbers are not too great and provided the ones who come do not work against us and at least in public respect our cultures and ways.
I think you made a really good point regarding PC culture. It is certainly divisive between communities. Especially when we are told by the media and public bodies that certain religions should treated with even more respect than is given to our own culture and traditions.
How can that ever be right and how can it ever lead to a peaceful society and not lead to hostility and resentment?
It is interesting that most of this PC head in the clouds rubbish has originated from people (such as Hattie H) who have never really had to dirty their hands in the real world – knowing that there is always a rich family to fall back on. If you have never really been part of “real” society how can you ever understand how the vast proportion “real” people think. I am afraid reading “Everyday Socialism” by Keir Hardy (I made that up!) or other such rubbish will never help you understand how the majority of “normal” working people think.
If you could have invented a potion that is totally destructive to society then these idiots have certainly formulated one.
They are a bit like vivisectionists who cant resist carrying out multiple experiments on animals (because they can) but then take no real interest in the results.
The trouble is at the end of the day we will all pay the price.
More proof of the power and the control Saudi Arabia has over Western politicians was shown yesterday when almost unbelievably Saudi Arabia – the worlds most misogynistic country was elected to a four year term on the UN commission on the status of women.
Alas the UNwatch site is so unusable that every time an attempt is made to copy & paste the page falls over and has to be recovered.
So where are the cries of condemnation and angst from the Feminazi groups? Silent as usual over the appalling treatment of women by Muslims, which is perfectly fine because as we know, it’s not oppression / rape / insert what ever problematic meme you wish when Muslims do it !
It’s the selective dishonesty I find so appalling. We expect politicians to massage the truth but for the others it is quite pitiful. We used to look at Third World countries with no free press – crowds repeating chants because they were uninformed, afraid or because they were paid. We’d say to ourselves – glad that’s not here in the enlightened West. Well, it is now.
Tucker covered it, and expressed his astonishment. Again, wouldn’t see that in the UK, on any station.
On the subject of Fox – the far-left rabid dogs are out to get the conservative press and supporters of Trump. It is worrying. Bill O’Reilly has gone, Hannity is taking legal action against a fake accuser (allegedly), Alex Jones is being sued (publicised by good old Facebook, that which allows murders to be broadcast live). Soros lurking in the shadows.
Had the misfortune to hear bits of Today and the News Quiz. Felt odd, like I was in a foreign country – a staunchly anti British country. Not a nice feeling.
I find it quite disturbing the thought of Le Pen winning. But the thought of Macron winning fills me with the dread realisation that it is probably too late to stop the march of the globalists.
For me Le Pen is easily the lesser of two evils, but I will hold my judgement on her until and if she is elected. If she is I will have a look at what she is doing and saying. We know what Macron will do as he is the puppet of the evil one-world government types.
The results are very much a protest vote but the French do petulance big time.
Macron does sound very much like any new UK Labour party: One nation, bigger, better, fairer and of course, spend, spend, spend.
An unusually positive report on the government’s budget deficit Government borrowing fell by £20bn to £52bn in the year to the end of March, according to official data.(2.6% of GDP)
That was the lowest level since the financial crisis of 2008, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said.
The hole in the UK’s public finances has shrunk since hitting a peak of nearly 10% of GDP shortly after the global financial crisis.
However the BBC turn to their usual angel of death to curb the enthusiasm However, economists said that the deficit was set to rise again this year.
“The OBR expects borrowing to rise to £58.3bn this year, nearly 3% of GDP, as self-assessment tax receipts fall back,” said Samuel Tombs, chief UK economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics.
The bBC the current situation inside Yemen regards food and half the story: Yemen aid summit seeks to pull nation from brink A pledging conference to raise funds for Yemen is taking place in Geneva on Tuesday, amidst what the UN describes as “the world’s largest humanitarian crisis”. Before the conflict between the Saudi-led coalition, supporting Yemen’s government, and Houthi rebels began, Yemen was already the poorest country in the Middle East. Now, after two years of civil war, the World Food Programme says the country is on the brink of famine.
and here is what the bBC was reporting 7 years ago: United Nations warns of humanitarian crisis in Yemen Yemen is facing a major humanitarian crisis if donor countries do not meet the needs of the aid agencies working there, the United Nations has warned.
Now here’s a clue:
In 1970 the Population for Yemen was 6 Million, today it is 27 Million. and here’s another bBC article from 2010: Yemen suffers ‘silent emergency’ as food runs short Hunger in Yemen is what aid workers here call a “silent emergency”. With the world’s third highest rate of malnutrition, worse than anywhere in sub-Saharan Africa, generations of Yemeni children grow up stunted, physically and mentally….Abdo Abdo al-Amry is a farmer from Bilad at-Taam. He uses his motorbike as a taxi to earn a dollar or two, to feed his family of 20. Standing at the edge of his family’s single stone room, he proudly introduces us to his 14 children….Beside the children are Abdo’s two wives. Though her black abbaya is long and loose, it can’t quite hide the bump that shows that Saeda al-Amry, Abdo’s second wife, is pregnant, for the 12th time.
And then there’s this from the bBC in 2013 Yemen facing water shortage crisis
Yemen is facing a severe water crisis with some estimates suggesting the capital, Sanaa, could run dry in 10 years. With little being done to harness rainfall in the country, farmers are drilling deeper than ever for water – without any government regulation. Agriculture uses around 90% of the country’s water resources – with around half of that being used to cultivate the herbal stimulant khat.
Sometimes it helps to inform the world exactly why Yemen is starving, instead of simply screaming…”Think of the children”
Agreed; there are a lot of children in these benighted places that frequently suffer famine. St. Bob Geldof emoted about the plight of Ethiopia 30 years ago, yet its population has more than doubled since then.
Time for some serious family planning before any more aid is wasted.
Can somebody please explain this bBC headline: Action urged on school holiday hunger Going hungry in the school holidays is a growing problem for up to three million UK children, MPs and peers say. The All Party Parliamentary Group on Hunger warns too many children have to survive on crisps and energy drinks when school kitchens are closed.
That’a the impression the left love to peddle out about the state of children in the Uk. I mean not only do they want the Government to feed all the children whilst they are at school. But now they wish to expand that to 365 days a year.
But here’s a few snippets from the child poverty action group:
London is the area with the highest rates of child poverty in the country.
Children in large families are at a far greater risk of living in poverty. 35% of children in poverty live in families with three or more children.
Surely, the obese ones should ,in a caring gesture , give their huge packed lunches to their class mates who are starving. In fact I am surprised that Labour and the BBC aren’t advocating forced confiscation of lunches from the obese and redistribution to those who have a BMI less than the average. This would mean another million public sector jobs to run the confiscation and redistribution system. To oil the wheels parents of the obese children could be prosecuted for child cruelty.
Seemingly these days, it’s just to bring the sprog into the world, register the birth (to turn on the benefit tap), enrol it in “free” childcare asap, then off to school with breakfast club, after-school club to fill all the daylight hours.
Then at 18, off to uni. “Now where did those years go, when they were growing up?”
In the BBBC’s world, the State, not the parent, provides for children. They cannot therefore comprehend that feeding children is parents’ responsibility. After all what are child benefit and family tax credits for?
If they start from that position they will never ask the most simple questions about why “action” should be urged from the State.
Islamoohobia causes terrorism. This means that people are killed in the name of Islam due to an irrational fear of Islam. That is doublethink on stilts.
For the realist who knows that islamic terrorism can only increase here and in Europe with the Government and BBC’s tacit sanction, I recommend this publication which, unfortunately was published before the atrocity in London a few weeks ago. All the very interesting facts and statistics you really wanted to know but found the thought of the research involved, daunting – Enjoy –
There is no magic fairy out there to prevent Europe becoming like the Middle East. There are just government and NGO facilitators and a media of Fifth Columnists.
Car bombs, suicide bombers and terrorists wearing stolen Police uniforms with thirty to eighty fatalities becoming the norm.
There are universities and the buck stops with them.
When the USA had McCarthyism to root out Communist sympathisers – and there were quite a few, and the left still collectively shudders at the mention of his name, the universities also came under scrutiny. This is detailed in “No Ivory Tower” by Ellen W. Schrecker with the most unbelievable precis.
“This is the first systematic study of McCarthyism – the attempt to label people as communists or communist sympathizers, and so hold them up to public scorn and deprive them of their livelihood. American university life was affected almost as much as the entertainment industry and government service: public universities such as Michigan, Washington, and Rutgers actually expelled faculty members, while those at private institutions like Harvard and Reed were only defended after great controversy. This book first traces how the machinery of McCarthyism worked, then deals with general questions of academic freedom and McCarthyite challenges to it on various campuses (both before and during the 1950s). Finally it deals with the academic blacklist and its effect on individual scholars. Students of modern American political history.”
How ironic that the Fascists cannot see that you only need to change the name from Communist to non leftists, and the entire passage would be as correct for todays Uni’s as under McCarthy.
Governments, NGOs, Journalists and everyone passing through one of these universities MUST conform to their versions of Political Correctness and exhibit conformity to the thought control or they will not graduate.
This is where our great problem lies, and unless we tackle it at its roots we are lost.
We heard that Brexit was divided between those with a university education, and those who did not. This doesn’t mean that a clever person could work out the future any better than the less gifted, merely that the graduate had been successfully brainwashed by a University system which is a malign influence to society.
Thoughtful wrote:
“There are universities and the buck stops with them.”
Well written and what you wrote should be given more air. The left whilst screaming out that only they can fight intolerance, have become what they claim to hate the most:
Green Issues
Nasty Party
Homosexual issues
In all of the above anybody who questions radical Islam,defends Jews, looks funny at a Black man, voted to leave the EU. votes Tory, has a little Money, makes a joke is deemed to be an intolerant bastard who will never change and thus should be character assassinated until they are run out of town, physically attacked or even jailed.
Q What kind of halfwit would reveal some of their cards before the game has even started?
A A labour halfwit wanting populate an otherwise sparse manifesto with liberal point-scoring, half-baked and ill-conceived nonsense.
Labour’s lost the expat vote then, by committing to unilateral guarantees for EU citizens in the UK without securing guarantees for British expats. I know a lot of expats who are in no rush to return to Britain and they are all crapping themselves about their pension rights and access to healthcare. (Personally I don’t see why they should get a higher pension than an expat in, say, Australia or Canada.) They’re organising too and I think that all who are eligible to vote will ensure that they’re registered. It’s a not inconsiderable number of voters, about 1 million live in the EU.
It’s capitulation by labour and to say it was typical of socialists would be an understatement.
The arguments against are obvious as you have stated – what about a deal for brits abroad?
Of course the gargoyle Koonsberg hasn’t got the balls to point out the uncomfortable if not slightly obvious elephant in the room, she just takes what ever labour says like mother’s milk.
Guess Starmer knows his Party leader won’t be going to see the Queen on June 9 so positioning himself for the ‘top job’ post Corbin.personally I think it’s a matter of noting which ‘senior’ labour players aren’t heard during the campaign ( bit like both May and Corbin during the brexit campaign. ) I’ve put my pound on Mrs Balls ( at a generous 20/1) as I think they’d like a girl in charge of their rabble for the next five years… unless either Mr Balls or the charidee Milliband can find a safe Labour seat…
My friend made an NGO funded doco about how slavery was so cultural in Nepal that most MPs still kept slave farm workers.
That was 10 years ago.
Since then the slaves have been released and work for their masters for money which they spend at the master’s shops.
I expect that in Nepali there are similar so it’s similar to sweat shops.Maybe worse.
It mystifies me why there is so much discussion on historical slavery and yet so little about slavery that exists so widely in the modern world. I’ve seen a lot of migrants who are clearly enslaved in continental Europe. Is that because no Brits or Americans are involved?
It’s all up, according to some well heeled, Lefty: “We are doing the equivalent of dropping Sarin gas on Syrians because our pollution controls are too lax”.
I’d accept that coming from school kids debate but not from a supposedly educated and informed adult with media presence.
R2 now
“London is very nice place
the rich people say”
is being sung by Roy Hudd from his old time musicals album
Actual lyrics
“The greatest city of the world is London
At least, that’s what the wealthy people say
It’s very nice for some, who always get the plum
I only get what people throw away
It’s very nice for starving boys in winter
It’s very nice to camp it out at nights
A doorstep for a bed, another for your head
Because you haven’t sold your blooming lights.
Chorus: While London sleeps, and all the lamps are gleaming
Millions of its people, now lie sweetly dreaming
Some have no homes, and o’er their sorrows weep
Others laugh and play the game while London’s fast asleep.
Stew in reply to your cockney monologue post- thanks for that I’d like to get the album. Saturday night in Bethnall Green is my favourite. BTW Mr Hudd is a proper gent, wrote to him after seeing him perform it on the good old days.
The bBC, its not so neutral stance in reporting the news by replacing plain facts with a political agenda: Can plastic roads help save the planet? Engineer Toby McCartney explains how his Scottish start-up MacRebur is persuading councils to use local waste plastic to build roads. Two English councils have already started building roads this way.
So watching the above film clip I am informed that over 40 million kilometres of roads across the world made using Hundreds of millions of barrels of Oil. I take it the plank who made this film hasn’t driven on the countless hundreds of miles of roads I have across the world made out of concrete (Especially in hot countries) or even nothing (which explains why you find so many 4×4 on their roads) Anyway after being informed that only 10% of a road is asphalt , this geezer is allowed to promote his new start up by saying he wants to save the worlds seas from plastic and so he he found a way to reuse plastic from the rubbish system in place in the UK. But then the bBC goes all eco-radical stupid. Hear are a couple of screen shots to explain what I mean: “Likes of Shell and Total ???” Apparently the bBC doesn’t know that Bitumen is the residue left behind when you fractional distillate Crude Oil (Hey my ‘A’ level Chemistry has come in handy) Hang on, they do know:
taken from: BBC/GCSE Bitesize/Fuels from crude oil
and then they end with this:
The bBC, where promoting political activism is much better than promoting actual facts.
I watched that clip. All the way through, I was thinking ‘he will mention that the plastic bottles come from oil products, won’t he?’ and ‘he will mention that these new surfaces can reduce road noise, fuel consumption and tyre wear, won’t he?’ and ‘he will mention that worn-out tyres are as big an environmental problem as burnt fuel emissions, won’t he?’.
No mentions of those important aspects.
Inform? Well, it did a bit. Mostly as an advert really for the start-up. Educate? No. Missed that opportunity, big time, didn’t you BBC? Entertain. Nope. Made me miserable, despite it being a good news story.
R2 Vine & BBC behind the curve AGAIN
Jesus The Princess Cruises waste dumping bypass pipe is an OLD 2013 story been in the court’s years but reached end 1Dec 2016 when all other media reported it.
What’s new is 5 days ago the whistleblower was awarded $1m bounty from that fine.
\\Christopher Keays newly hired engineer on the Caribbean Princess reported that a so-called “magic pipe” had been used on Aug. 23, 2013, to illegally discharge oily waste off the coast of England. //
His Times guest sounds like a kid
Going to be discussing Princess Cruises' illegal waste dumping (story in today's Times) with @theJeremyVine on @BBCRadio2 at 12.30 approx ????
BBC leading with labour dreamer and naïve fool Sir Keir Starmer.
First of all he claims that Labour would prevent a cliff edge Bexit. It doesn’t appear to have crossed his mind that before he even gets to the negotiating table the EU has demanded that we pay them £50 Billion, I think we can assume that the reckless Labour loons will simply hand over what ever is requested.
Then he claims that parliament will have a vote on whether to accept the deal reached, which is another crazy idea as it will be the only one and if they don’t accept it then it’s back to the cliff edge which they’ve already said they don’t want !
He then went on about immigration which as ever went unchallenged about what the British people might want.
The man is clearly out of touch, or alternatively he is clever and just a mouthpiece for a party which he knows is a mile away from sanity, but for historical reasons wants to stick with it.
Right now on BBC: “Ivanka Trump forced to defend father at G20 women’s summit”
Was she actually forced, i.e. made to say so by physical force? No, it turns out she spoke fondly of her own father and the passive-aggressive audience moaned as she did so.
Given the care they take when describing terror incidents (or mental health incidents as they believe), isn’t this a little careless? No, it’s hugely biased.
The “forced” word appears with monotonous regularity in the press, too, the suggestion being that people were threatened at gunpoint, and made to do things involuntarily.
Phrases like “obliged to”, “considered it advisable to”, “thought that they should” or “found it necessary to”, are far more appropriate, and adult.
Thought I might share the following with you. (Richard Littlejohn in the D/Mail)…..
“So-called ‘millennials’, mostly born in the late 80’s and 90’s, say they don’t feel properly grown-up until they reach the grand old age of 27.
Call me old-fashioned, but when I was 27, I was married with 2 kids, on to my 4th mortgage and was trying to hold down a high-pressure job on a busy Fleet Street Newspaper. Pitt the Younger was 24 when he became Prime Minister, for heaven’s sake.
Yet at that age, it would appear, most millennials haven’t even worked out if they are male, female or gender fluid. No wonder they are the first generation who can expect to be worse off than their parents.”
Having nieces and nephews (whom I love dearly) around the age of 30 but who still have an 18 year old mentality, I can concur with the above. This I believe is due to an extended educational environment and are therefore not ‘worldly’ at an earlier age. So when I hear them in conversation about the current political climate, I despair; they glean information from Twatter and any debate with them borders on the childish. I dread to think what fate has in store for them.
Its a totally lost cause.
The educational system and a cosseted lifestyle has done for their common sense.
I can only sit back and enjoy it ( hat tip to a previous poster some weeks ago) as their generation completely fuck this country up even more than it is at present. Enjoy it? Wrong? No not really, before they bring sharia to my part of the world I’ll be pushing up daisies.
If the gay community are so thick they wish to defend Islam, so be it, but realists have seen the results of majority moslem culture.
Feminists ( so-called) truly believe the burkha is a garment that empowers moslem women and girls, close their eyes to FGM, and ignores all the paedo filth of the moslem males. I could go on, but you get the picture.
First began to see the stupidity of youth in discussions about the EU referendum.
It was the youth involved who didnt want to discuss issues, simply comparing UKIP to nazis, and indulging in virtue signalling to attempt to score points.
These are people who should have information at their fingertips, and not have to rely on the MSM, but it was obvious it was spoonfed bullshit filling their heads.
So, as each disaster unfolds, I will chuckle, and see them squirm.
This is not bitterness, but reality.
Let the snowflakes fuck it up even more, keep electing traitors, and good luck with the future.
I always felt a weighty responsibility that we should leave the best we could for future generations, but there comes a point when you have to surrender and let them continue.
A group of youngsters were interviewed in the street the day after the GE date was confirmed. I say ‘youngsters’ – it was difficult to assess how ‘old’ they were as they were all dressed like hobos.
All was revealed however, as one discovered the art of speech and admitted to being 23, had never voted and didn’t intend to start now !!
Honest to God, what was the point of fighting Hitler in the war ? what was the point of my Dad at age 21 serving on the Russian Convoys in minus degree temperatures ? All those lives lost, for what? that some brain dead 23 year old couldn’t give a monkey’s arse about what goes on around him and not prepared to do anything about it. Sadly its not just him or his generation, its probably his parents attitude also.
Dysgwr_Cymraeg, George Orwell wrote that in 1939 we were ‘…all sleeping the deep, deep sleep of England, from which I sometimes fear that we shall never wake till we are jerked out of it by the roar of bombs.’ He was of course right. I fear that it is the same for us and the ‘snowflakes’ in 2017. Only this time the bombs are more likely to be on the street thrown by our own ‘citizens’ than dropped from German aeroplanes.
During their childhood, they were never allowed to play unsupervised with other children, which is where you learn a lot about taking stick, giving stick, standing up for yourself, cooperating, and solving your own problems. It’s how you learn to become an adult.
They always had an adult to turn to, so never had the opportunity to grow up naturally by themselves. (This is why university students always run to the Dean at the merest whisper that someone they disagree with will be coming to speak).
Add that to the insane over-inflated focus on self-esteem, which regards as irrelevant all sorts of social, historical and moral values, and you have a lost generation.
Complete demoralisation, in the literal sense of the word.
The BBC-Guardian is now nothing more than an advertising agency for Liebour. I mean for days their headlines have been all Labour and all positive. For example, Labour’s pathetic ‘pledge’ for EU nationals has been headlining all feckin’ day. I’m sick of it.
I admit to being interested in the Indy100 article above..the young lady shown had nothing to do with it!…snigger…oops sorry.
While there I found this piece:
“This list of 14 early warning signs of fascism is going viral for good reason”
hope the link is correct.
I thought Turkey did pretty well tbh!
UK ..well we’re getting there..a bit more subtle here..can do better al Beeb..c’mon get with the programmme
BBC radio today has been wall to wall coverage of Keir Starmer’s Brexit speech. The BBC sense another way to undermine the will of the British people and they are practically salivating.
Is there even any pretence at balance? It is pure propaganda. The message is clear: unhappy remainers should vote for Labour.
Another Snowflake march coming Saturday
They’ll drive all the way into London and complain if the BBC doesn’t give them wall to wall coverage about how they care about CO2 …and subsidies
“Peoples Climate March – London
Saturday, April 29, 2017 9:30 AM”
Not necessarily true ..new buses trucks and big cars are very clean
cos the bigger the vehicle the better the filters work
Small new cars are still safe but operate over the official limit ..but thats only cos the limit is ridiculously low
Old old big vehicles abroad can be very polluting ..theyd get nabbed by roadside testing in the UK.
No one is showing any harm data for bus and taxi drivers who sit in pollution all day ..so it can’t be that bad ..and anyway the road side air in on average 70% cleaner that 30 years ago
The Age of Stupid continues apace. Common sense, truth, and morality have done a runner, possibly never to return. Humanity deserves an imminent demise.
There’s one small solace I suppose, at least when I’m buried in to my grave I’ll be certain that the masses of young, placard waving useful young idiots complicit in destroying western civilisation will not be long following me there.
Japan does pretty well on those metrics, as do other Asian nations such as Singapore.
Here in Thailand there is national pride, religious respect, a sense of community, a conservative morality and almost universal politeness. Common sense, well, er, ……..
I just watched on the BBC 6PM News on of the most surreal political journalist events I have ever
seen!! If it was if Laura Kuenssberg was saying to us ” You think that I am a Labour supporter? Well I will show you !” And to be honest I think her and her editor should both be
sacked for what was set up !
Mother Theresa was in Wales today in the Labour Heartlands. Laura said that does she think that she can take votes away from Labour? Then came her bombshell , with a facetiously intoned REALLY ? I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. BUT what followed amazed me . We were introduced to Labour voters who were going to vote Tory and basically telling us what a c–t Corbyn was. It’s not the fact that Labour voters may vote Tory which shocked me. It was that THIS had been set up by the BBC.
Yes we all know how the BBC is capable of manipulating the news. The unbalanced reporting from Israel being a prime example. But I don’t think I have ever seen before a General Election the BBC play this type of political joke. Like something out of Fox News.
Laura Kuennsberg and your editor may of thought it was being politically funny an “in” joke
on us all. Well Laura , you really shocked me. But I wasn’t laughing.
You might have also noted that those interviewed were all ‘lower class’, predominantly ‘geriatric’ and typically chosen to represent Brexit supporters. Naturally, the BBC and especially a thug like Pienaar wouldn’t expect to encounter anyone remotely compos mentis in Wales – he and they would never admit the fact, even to themselves – but it shows, to their great discredit, of course.
If I hear of another petition or ‘march’ I will explode. Anyone can click a mouse or hold a placard. Imagine the Battle of Agincourt if Islington luvvies were conscripted:
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more!
Or close the wall up with our English dead!
Oh crap, they have weapons!
Sign a petition quickly!
Tell them how upset we are!
8pm mini news on 1 nobly reports on Keir Starmer’s Brexit plans. Then we hear of how Ivanka Trump’s comments that her dad treats her with respect were met with groans. What, and this wall-to-wall coverage of Starmer does not elicit groans? If I hear any more of this nonsense it might elicit my suicide.
Makes me wonder whether TM the PM is wanting a few more Conservative MPs behind her that will come, 9 June onwards, from former Labour but EU Leaving constituencies.
Or am I clutching at straws? Am aware that many here feel that TM the PM will let Brexiteers down and leave us half in with lots of bills to pay.
Rees Mogg is a hopeless Eton toff, and we know from bitter experience what that means.
Idle self serving and bereft of ideas, the only thing any of them want to do is to hold onto their inherited wealth, because they are enterprising enough to earn it themselves.
What ideas does Rees Mogg have for rolling back the horror of Tony BLiar ? None as far as I’ve ever seen!
Perhaps if one is following a particular Twitter theme then brief, arcane tweets make sense but I’m afraid isolated tweets leave me lost.
The same can be said about hanging links, they point to something, but what? At least following them leads to some sort of enlightenment, (usually), but tweets? They are for the birds.
Looking at the above picture I’m struck that I don’t like these head-coverings at all, even though we can see the faces. I wouldn’t feel comfortable living alongside people who wore T-shirts with “Kill the Jews” or “Shoot the Blacks” slogans on them and these head-coverings are an exact equivalent. They are a visible indication that the person does not share traditional ‘British values’ and that either by democratic or violent means they will work to abolish them.
If that seems too extreme then draw a parallel with someone working at Conservative HQ with a LibDem “I Love Tim” badge on their lapel. Could they be trusted? Just as a “Tim Lover” is perfectly welcome to work at LibDem HQ our ‘covered’ ladies will find a welcome in Pakistan I’m sure, to our mutual satisfaction.
‘They are a visible indication that the person does not share traditional ‘British values’ and that either by democratic or violent means they will work to abolish them.’
Yes. In the nineteenth century the Church of England worked with the burgeoning Jewish immigrant population to ‘anglicise’ and integrate them, creating offices such as the Chief Rabbi, the title of Reverend for rabbis, and promoting Anglican architectural designs and practice in synagogues, such as the chanting of psalms, and services in English rather than Yiddish.
Can you imagine such a proposal today with Muslims? It would be laughed out of court at best, and probably declared a hate crime.
The BBC is literally obsessed
BBC News – Russian hackers are now targeting the campaign of French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron, say security experts.
Phishing emails, malware and fake net domains were all being used as attack techniques, said Feike Hacquebord, from security company Trend Micro.
The attackers are believed to be part of the same group that targeted the US election.
“100 days-100 voters” and 100 little pricks at the BBC.
How can anyone take this crap seriously. And let us not forget the immortal words of Katty Kay- “the BBC has never taken sides in an election”- ha ha ! The BBC- the Ultimate Fifth Column.
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news TTK Won’t give MPs a vote on military action in Ukraine – come on – let’s get this…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cwynrn0g0lko ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
On the Radio Facebook page the LibMob did their eleventh thread calling for a ban on Farage on the BBC

Is there anything that tracks the Green Party appearances ?
as well as the BBC embedded Greens the politicians seem to get lots of airtime
(The Marr show has a past guests page ..so you can see Labour get by far the most appearances)
I said this last week
France will have civil war, the percentage of Islamic adherents is now past critical mass, 60% of its prisoners are muslim, estimated 25,000
muslims on the red flag watch list, over 10, 000 back from Syria, there are not enough police to tail them all
… and attack after attack, with impunity ie nothing gets done.
Apart from a shitty vigil and candles, squat! … je suis charlatan eh!
Le Penn could deport en masse, and emergency tighten the borders.
Sadly it wouldn t be enough, and …
just like here in the UK the fix is in with the establishment, she won t get in.
So … yes, they will have war, I hope, hope the cheese eating surrender monkeys find the resolve … “Le Poney Brillant”, he ll fix it.
I keep hearing on al beebus and elsewhere, how the French have decided to choose from between two “outsiders” who will be their next president; in what meaningful sense is M. Macron, judged on his background, an “outsider”?
If he gets elected they will just get more of the same, Marine is the (only) one who offers change and a chance at reversal of their demographic and societal self-immolation to multiculturalism and open borders.
Macron isn’t remotely an outsider. He is a graduate of the Ecole Nationale d’Administration, which is the passport to the French elite, was a Rothschild banker, and was then the finance minister in Hollande’s government.
The fact is that the Socialist Party brand is now rubbish in France, so Macron, the insider, runs as if he is an outsider, with a phony new party and the full support of the MSM.
I must ask, if George Osborne had left the Conservatives, set up a new party and run as an “outsider”, would we have fallen for it?
The whole Macron story is a blatantly false narrative. He is part of the Establishment elite, and is supported by the entirety of the French and EU elite, as well as the entire MSM. There is no mystery about it, the facts are there to see.
So who are the French going to believe, the Franco-EU-MSM elite, or their lying eyes? It’s up to them, the very future of their country is at stake. If they choose the pretty boy, empty suit suit con man, they will only have themselves to blame.
See nobody has yet nailed, ‘poplarism’ or is it, ‘popularism’?
It’s a bad thing to say popular stuff – right? Because a party with popular policies is bad or not?
The daily dose of festering VD on Al BBC2
… goes all out on UKIPs proposed Burkha Ban
BBC Burkha wearers on show again? with MCWales
Remember the, ‘NO HOODIES’ signs – same thing, same reasons or was it rampant, youthophobia?
I like the bit about half way where the Muslim guest says “…since Brexit there has been an increase in Islamophobic attacks”.
Well, there has also been an increase in Muslim terror attacks in Europe since Brexit – perhaps, just maybe, that increase in Islamophobic attacks is in direct response to Islamic terror attacks – just a wild suggestion I’m throwing out there!
This emphasises to me everything that is wrong with the UKIP approach to debate. Here we have a Muslim woman with full face cover, and she was allowed to defend it by saying it was an expression of her faith, Expression?..and Identity? Her argument had no logic. The UKIP argument fell at the first fence when Liz Jones was asked about motorcycle helmets etc..Ban all full face covering; it is that bloody simple!
It was clear Liz Jones had not been properly briefed…
The BBC see UKIP as sitting ducks…..
Sad if LJ hasn’t learned from Farage.
Wonder how many Ukippers are Tory plants.
In my opinion the UKIP argument cannot help but fall at the first fence.
This discussion on Victoria Derbyshire is an example of what is to come. UKIP (I happen to be a member) have shot themselves in the foot with this one.
Regardless of the reasons (and we all know what they are) in the unlikely event that it would ever become law it would be found to be unenforcible. It also plays into the hands of the liberal left who do not need much encouragement to brand UKIP as a far right facist party.
I am in agreement with Arron Banks over this – it is a bad idea.
mobile phones & driving is not enforced either, but still illegal. I think the law should cover specific public places – inside communal buildings, schools, transport hubs… and then it wouldn’t be worth wearing it anyway. In fact it could cover any head covering.
Loobyloo, ‘In fact it could cover any head covering’- agreed inside communal buildings etc. but this is not what UKIP is stating. They stipulate a total ban in public. Unworkable if you consider e.g. mum and kids walking to school in cold winds with hoods and scarfs wrapped around their faces to protect against the cold wind and perhaps rain or snow. Is it proposed that they are prosecuted?
Totally unworkable.
I agree, it is unworkable, but I think there has to be a policy whereby it’s seen as unacceptable to have face coverings in certain places. In the west, face to face communication is important. I don’t want to see a doctor whose face is covered, or have my kids taught by a person with their face covered. My local home bargains doesn’t allow hoods up in the shop, but I bet they don’t bother ropers.
How does France enforce it ?
Might have questioned the basis of multiculturalism. Why accept that multiculturalism is OK? That is to concede the argument, that all faiths are equal and must be equally respected.
Might have scored a few point with the viewers by pointing out that any faith requiring people to dress like idiots is barmy and belongs with other barmy beliefs
G.W.F. ‘Why accept that multiculturalism is OK?’ – a good point however the British way is to strive to be even handed in our application of our laws, hence opposition by many on this site (including myself) to the threat of a parallel system of law i.e. Sharia Courts. Many here maintain the notion of one system for all. Hence my concerns that banning the Burkha/Niquor will move from this ideal and discriminate against a minority, unless it is applied across the board, which makes it unworkable.
Al Beeb have the advantage of selective editing .
Le Pen won more Towns and villages than Macron – just like UKIP in our GE. Same kind of voters, voting for the same reasons.
That the established system mitigates against the success of such parties I get, but that so many are queuing up to help, along with a seriously sick Media,
I don’t get.
Alien implants, brainwashing, mass psychosis?
I wonder if Calais voted for Le Pen?
yes it did
I am bemused as to why so many folks are busy destroying their own culture, customs , hard won freedoms , in short their civilisation. I think that this mass of useful idiots are being skillfully manipulated by two groups both oh whom call themselves Globalists.
The motivation of the first of these groups is just profit, they make loads of money from being able to produce in low cost countries and sell to the developed world. The unemployment caused in the West doesn’t matter to them. Nor perhaps does it’s future.
The second grouping of Globalists are motivated by a vision of a One World Socialist Utopia . Of course this isn’t just an altruistic calling, they make sure they do damn well out of it. They see Globalisation as a means to redistribute wealth from the developed world to the third world. They see the relative impoverishment of their own countrymen who loose their jobs s a necessary price to be paid in creating their One World Utopia. They also approve of mass migration as a way of breaking down the sense of nationhood in the developed world which they regard as a barrier to attainment of their vision. They despise the common man who likes his country . It is unclear to me if they recognise the danger posed by Islam. They certainly don’t seem to . Perhaps they are insane and would prefer to live in a totally Islamic world.
Both of these groups have an interdependence and seem able to manipulate many millions of ordinary folks into supporting the policy which will lead to their own impoverishment, to their loss of freedom and to their being forced to accept the Islamification of their continent.
Slowly the truth is beginning to dawn on the common people and they are showing signs of resistance, hence Trump, Brexit, Wilders, Le Pen . I have hopes that in France , where Le Pen does well amongst the younger folks, she can win in 2022. We in the UK have no party willing to fight against both Globalisation and Islamification and our young people seem very easily manipulated by the Globalists. UKIP will take years to become as powerful as the FN in France.
In days past tertiary syphilis often gave rise to a kind of mental condition – GPI or ‘General Paralysis of the Insane’. It gave rise to people forming wild and weird ideas like flipping the country over with giant levers and starting again on that side afresh.
That seems to be where we are at.
Same here gaxvil, it baffles me, but social media and common cause/purpose has melded.
Theres a science behind it, they’ve found a way into leftism, or rather how to trigger it, along with educating out rationalism.
Even in people who were considered normal rational human beings, they have divided us, purposefully, and you cant half buyin, its all ”your with us or against us’ so fuckem, sign me up in the against column, yall have a good day, and an even better election.
Yuri Besmenov nailed it 30 years ago – he also pointed out that the Leftists and Islamophiles will be the first to be executed when their globalist utopia turns out rather differently from how they imagined.
He talks of “complete and irreversible demoralisation”. A good summary of what we see from our political and chattering classes.
Oh dear! We’re a bit late catching up with him. Spookily accurate though.
In the words of Anthony Jay the former BBC journalist, “we were anti-industry, anti-capitalism, anti-advertising, anti-selling, anti-profit, anti-patriotism, anti-monarchy, anti-Empire, anti-police, anti-armed forces, anti-bomb, anti-authority. Almost anything that made the world a freer, safer and more prosperous place, you name it, we were anti it.”
That was then – time they grew up and stopped behaving like spoilt little kids on a student project.
Sounds like Corbyn’s manifesto?
Couldn’t understand a word.
Lucy, that’s hilarious.
Brilliant stuff!
I think she is making much more sense here than normal!
It is so infantile how they cannot mention Le Pen without the infantile, ad hominem attack ‘far-right.’ Imagine a world where you could actually discuss the issues that matter without being accused of being a Nazi or having a mental illness?
Prick Robinson was interviewing someone who had voted for Le Pen and was sneering about how Le Pen’s policies just were not possible and laughing at him. The man kept saying how he did not think his tone was appropriate; that is was terrible that they had to live among so many people who openly hated them yet these people were given so much money from the government. The man was really upset but Robinson kept laughing and sneering.
When will they realise how serious this all is? That sneering, name-calling, never-ending appeasement and pretending it is not a problem will not solve anything? I guess like any tyrant they will cling to power until they are taken away in a coffin. And it is human nature to not care as much or at all about something when you are unaffected by it.
They will be all triumphalist when Le Pen is defeated, but that she could gain so many votes shows what terrible problems there are. Why bother analysing the issues when you can just laugh at people, sneer and call them names? That is much more fun.
It is funny that Hope not Hate have sued Farage. That a group who calls anyone who is not far-left a Nazi could sue anyone for defamation is darkly comic. They can dish it out but cannot take it. In their Guardian article, they whine about Farage being ‘disgustingly offensive.’ What about you arseholes undermining democracy and bullying anyone who disagrees with you, like modern day brown shirts? What about you helping to create the environment where decent people who are suffering are afraid to say anything? That is disgustingly offensive.
I take a degree of comfort, BB, in the scenario of a few scant months ago when Hillary was, almost, universally expected to move to the White House and had very probably been looking with mounting excitement at curtain swatches and the US equivalent of Farrow & Ball paint charts…..
Toady reports on refugees resettled here becoming homeless. It seems to be more and more poor white men seem to be homeless. How about a report on that? Reporting on Bob the labourer getting kicked out of his digs just does not sound as virtuous as defending refugees, does it? I am sure homelessness is equally awful whatever the colour of your skin.
Has anyone noticed there seem to be more homeless people than there were ten years ago? It seems pretty obvious to me that if more and more people are coming into the country to do low-skilled jobs, working class white men will be hit the hardest. Plus with more and more people coming into the country and not enough homes being built, it is obvious more will be without a home. Has anyone done a study on this? I have also noticed there are very few homeless women, which seems odd as they are meant to be oppressed.
Toady headlining about refugees resettled here not having enough money and becoming homeless, but then in the detail of the report you realise that it is FAILED refugees they are talking about. The case is being made for failed refugees to receive the same sort of support as successful refugees, for there to be no refugee status at all. No borders basically, just keep on shaking that free money tree that clearly exists.
20 years ago I only ever saw anyone selling the ‘Big Issue’ when I visited a big city,now we have one every day in every Cumbrian market town,and they are all woman of the Muslim persuasion,what does this tell us?
That some women did actually manage to get on the boats?
It tells us that an idea to help UK homeless into work is now being used to provide economic migrants with National Insurance numbers and that the EU is exporting their unemployed to us as vibrant and diverse benefit claimants.
Everyone assumes that EU citizens can just up and leave to another country, but that’s not the case. Each country has its own rules but generally across the Channel you are required by law to apply for residency if you’re in the country for 3 months or more. To get residency you have to show that you’re not going to be a drain on public funds, so you need either a work contract, be self-employed or have plenty of funds in your bank account. I gather that if you’re retired and move to France, you are not entitled to free state healthcare and you need private medical insurance.
So this begs the question – why are EU citizens allowed into Britain with no visible means of support?
I doubt it although the clothing might suggest that and even some Muslims outside mosques are taken in.
Are you sure those women are Moslem? I thought Moslem women were not allowed out. In my town it is usually women, but they are Rumanian, so probably Christian.
Usually the headscarf-wearing women who sell the Big Issue are Roma gypsies, who are usually Roman Catholics, not muslims. They look dark skinned because real gypsies (as opposed to Irish tinkers or ‘pikies’) originated from India in the middle ages.
that the blokes send them out to earn money while they sit at home watching TV/youtube/plotting?
More people in has meant rises in rent and scarcity of flats.
Maybe,who cares,they shouldn’t be here if they haven’t got a proper job and home.
On a recent Hard Talk (‘Hard on those we don’t like, Soft on liberal-lefties’). The imbecilic Stephen Sackur giving a hard time to the perfectly sensible French writer Pascal Bruckner for daring to suggest France might be having a problem with islam.
The whole interview is a case study in beeboid stupidity and bias but here are just a few gems:
1) Stephen Sucker: “something I find quite shocking, you say one of the biggest dangers and challenges facing France is political islam.”
He is SHOCKED by that BLINDINGLY OBVIOUS STATEMENT OF FACT?? And he’s a journalist?!? Has he not read a paper for the last 10 years?
2) Stephen Nut-Sack bangs on about it being only a tiny minority engaging in terrorism, to which Pascal replies that in a recent survey a terrifying 30% of young muslims in France (5-6 million) want sharia law to prevail over French law and want a return to the original islam of the prophet’s time (i.e. modern islam isn’t barbaric enough, let’s go back to medieval times when it was REALLY barbaric, presumably ISIS style stonings, amputations, torture etc)
Nut-sack completely ignores this inconvenient statistic.
3) Stephen Sack-butt approvingly quotes the UN Secretary General (oh how beeboids love the UN) as saying that TERRORISM is CAUSED by ISLAMOPHOBIA! What an upside down world they live in, where effect becomes cause.
4) Nut-sack: “Do you think France has a muslim problem? Pascal: “Yes of course”.
Nutsack: “Are you aware that for so many people watching this programme, to talk of a mulim problem is incitement?”
WHAT??? INCITEMENT??? To state the blindingly obvious is INCITEMENT? In Alice in Beebistanland maybe, but not in the real world Nutsack!
And on and on, all very revealing of beeboid mentality.
One wonders if Mr. Sackur is aware that demanding airing of legitimate concerns be suppressed is censorship and the end of free speech?
For so many people still forced to uniquely fund the BBC, such talk is an insult to democracy.
Sackur is beyond self-satisfied. Have a listen to the BBC ad/discussion on Hardtalk where he gushes incessantly and threatens to travel the world for more interviewees who can’t make it to London.
You can guess their point of view about us.
For the fact you correctly identify in your first sentence, I will not listen or watch so-called, ‘Hard Talk’ it is too depressing to listen to the blatant BBC bias.
I agree, Hard Talk IS depressing, BUT its not far behind the Victoria Derbyshire show, which I gave up watching long ago, – it was the perfect reason in reaching for the Valium ! If you (and forgive me here) haven’t got mental issues when you start watching it, you sure as well will have after a month of watching it ! Nobody laughs or even smiles EVER !
If criticism incites you to mass-murder and violence, then obviously the problem lies with the critic and not you. We all know the sensible way to respond to criticism is rioting and violence – our civilisation was built on that core value.
CECUO will of course comfortably pronounce he got it about right, but I find the tonality and content of this latest tweet from a senior BBC presenter hard to reconcile with politics left at the door:
But Beeboids tweet the same way about Labour polcies ?
Another day
Once again BBC Radio Humberside leads with the days Labour press release
#1 Labour guarantees current EU nationals to continue their right of residence (same policy as Farage)
#2 Trussel Trust says more people using foodbanks (by a fraction)
12pm news R2 same narratives
Anybody else notice that the anti-Brexit rhetoric has been turned up on the BBC this week? Guest after guest on the BBC have been telling us how difficult it’s going to be. Now I know that Nick Robinson thinks that this is perfectly okay post-Referendum, but since this election has been called the Brexit election, and there have been calls to put aside party and vote for Remain candidates, I wonder how the BBC feel they can justify this.
They’re never forced to justify it or any of their other biases, so the need to worry about how to do so is never considered.
Quis and Al. This somewhat contradicts some of my previous comments but maybe when we leave the EU things could certainly be difficult in the short term as the EU is hardly going to want to encourage other doubting nations to leave so I expect there will be some degree of punishment.
Maybe we must expect this.
But where I have most of my issues with the BBC bias is that no real analysis is ever really undertaken of where the EU superstate is going. Many of its members after many years of living a profligate/corupt lifestyles, now have failing economies and are having to be propped up. As well as having absorbed millions of so called “asylum seekers. The question is who will have to pay for this?
The answer is of course the economies who are still functioning OK! Until of course they also get dragged down to the same level (also losing their cultures at the same time)
And this of course is why so many of us “waycists” voted brexit. We have all seen the “bleedin obvious” that the MSM and the politicians refused to acknowledge -And we dont like it!
My main issue with BBC bias is the lack of it, at least when it comes to Britain and the British people. It’s a bias that one expects from a state broadcaster.
I am sure that most of us accept that it is not going to be straightforward, but the British people have decided, and we are leaving the EU. I would expect our state broadcaster to accept this, and present it in as positive a way as possible to help it be as successful as possible. This would be in the interests of everybody whether they voted to Leave or Remain.
There is a time to be impartial, and then there is a time to show bias. When England play Wales the BBC should be impartial, but when Wales play Germany the BBC should, and does, show bias. Now we have decided to leave the EU the BBC should be acting more like the latter.
I broadly agree with what you say QQ . And certainly at the moment the BBC are behaving more like the official spokesman for Drunker and Merkl rather than keeping us informed about what is actually happening.
Still I suppose these days just telling the news rather than left wing fairy tales is just sooooooooooooooooooo boring!”
The bbc message couldn’t be more clear especially for those who want a second Referendum:-
Vote Labour – Scrap Brexit.
Is the reason for BBC’S extreme tribal bias
I wonder if readers on this site would do me a small favour?
There is a rumour circulating that Theresa May has cancelled the HS2 high speed train (despite the millions wasted on preparatory work) with its projected £56 billion cost. The reason being rumoured was to support ‘the cost of Brexit’.
Personally I think the whole HS2 scheme was a vanity project & needed to be cancelled away, but the other part of this rumour is that the money is instead to be used to pay the EU off and enter into negotiations which will probably end in failure.
I know that the British people do not support giving the EU even £10 Billion, but the Tories are lazy spineless and duplicitous, it would not surprise me in the slightest if these rumours are indeed true, and May incapable of standing her ground is intending to give away billions of our money to the EU.
If this does turn out to be true then UKIP might well have a chance of regaining some ground – even with Nuttall the Muppet in charge.
Please watch out for any signs that this might be true, May & her gang of spineless idlers need to have their feet held to the fire on this.
Denial from yesterday:
And a refusal to deny:
‘Some say’ that HS2 is an EU project anyway, part of a master plan to link the extremities of the EU together.
Perhaps we can sell the EU a wayleave to run a high speed railway to the Irish Republic?
I think it is generally accepted that wherever islam and its cult members are, there will be conflict and war. It is probably far more widespread in the UK than commonly known but, here’s the perspective in Cardiff –
Expected or unexpected? Sooner or later the Sunni/Shia divide will open up in the UK.
Come now BBC, can’t you keep us informed about how and why islamic “diversity” is really working well in the UK
BBC reporting these days is frankly third class. Doubtless this is a result of their policy of hiring individuals specifically because of their: race, gender, class, politics and sexuality, rather than their ability to do the job. I’ve got no problem with them taking on a one legged, black lesbian, if she is also a fine reporter, but if they take her on BECAUSE she is a one legged, black lesbian, and she’s a crap reporter that really isn’t going to help the quality of output is it?
Anyone who knows anything about the Middle East, or the history of Islam, will tell you that there are Muslims and Muslims, despite the lies the BBC spout, it is actually a very diverse religion (much like Christianity). Some are complete moderates, my own ancestors included Kurds who immigrated to the UK several generations ago and never attracted attention for their religion – in fact you could have lived next door to one of my relations and would never have known they were Muslim – most of the neighbours apparently thought they were Welsh(!)
To be fair, most of the Kurds are actually only Muslim by default, and if you look into it their culture retains much of the pre-Islamic Zoroastrianism, Christianity and Judaism of the region. Historically most converted to Islam because it was a better option than death, or paying extortionate taxes and facing persecution as ‘unbelievers’, not too different to the reason many became Christian in various times and places (Spain, France, Americas etc…). The Yazidis are Kurds too, but ones who refused to convert, and there are other religious groups that mix those bits of Islam they like with the older ways, such as the Ahmadis (arguably the Sikhs too), these groups are only persecuted by the most extreme Muslims – a group we’ve seen a massive rise in, in this generation, because (I’m sure) of moronic political correctness.
To my relations, being accepted in UK society was more important than anything else, my Grandmother attended a Catholic Church, whilst still considering herself a ‘Muslim’, because her friend and neighbour was Catholic. It was more important to her to spend time with her friend and pay respect to God, than to worry about what building it happened in, and in her generation they all wore ‘head scarves’ when going out anyway. My maternal ancestors didn’t attempt to convert anyone to their way of life, or insist that anything in British culture was changed to suit them, and now their descendants (including me) consider ourselves completely English (I have more English, Welsh and Irish blood than Kurdish anyway). Incidentally I’m an atheist, like most of my family now, but some in the family are very moderate Muslims, others half arsed Catholics, and one a rather pious Mormon convert – I think, I try to avoid discussions on religion with that one.
The problem we have these days is the ‘politically correct’ brigade falling over themselves to virtue signal, decrying and destroying their own culture in the process, and pandering to the extremists – who by definition will always want MORE and MORE. Look at the extreme ‘feminists’ for another example, the fourth generation, or whatever they call themselves, not happy with equality enshrined in law – the original and perfectly reasonable goal of feminism, they keep on banging the same old drum, and the fools at the BBC keep falling over themselves to try to placate them – an impossible task.
This masochistic PC culture is harmful, and totally unnecessary, in fact it’s imbecilic, moderate Muslims don’t need it, or want it, much as the moderates of other religions (Jews, Hindus, Sikhs etc…) don’t demand it, or want it. They came here (often generations ago) because they wanted to be British and start a new life here, because they thought British culture and traditions were great just as they were… not because they wanted to stay living where they were, that’s what they were trying to escape from!
We as sane, rational people see what you say. Times gone by I would have expected to hear such thoughts expressed via our national broadcast service.
BBC Reject,
You highlight the growing, “Them and us” all fanned on by the BBC. It will end in tears.
BBC reporting these days is frankly third class. Doubtless this is a result of their policy of hiring individuals specifically because of their: race, gender, class, politics and sexuality, rather than their ability to do the job. I’ve got no problem with them taking on a one legged, black lesbian, if she is also a fine reporter, but if they take her on BECAUSE she is a one legged, black lesbian, and she’s a crap reporter that really isn’t going to help the quality of output is it?
It be nice if the bBC actually employed people I could bloody understand:
The problem is there is a whole ecosystem of professional victims. If you are paid a lot of money to deal with women’s issues, you are not going to say they have pretty much all been resolved and now activists are doing more harm than good. That would be turkeys voting for Christmas. Women have overtaken men on so many metrics, but to mention that is thoughtcrime.
That they are still reporting on that tennis coach’s racist joke off microphone the other day shows what a supply and demand problem there is for the PC mob. It’s not exactly Rosa Parks, is it? Nobody is racist these days and that must worry people who are paid to fight racism: if your job is to find racial discrimination, you are going to find it somewhere.
Hi reject. With regard to your first paragraph- I’m developing a theory that the ‘field’ BBC reporters say what they say as part of the interview process to get a top job on the Today programme. Like any other job there must always be an internal pecking order so unless a beeboid goes native and opens up on this fine website we might never know.
My money is on a female black beeboid who might swing both ways as the next Today type. Must have gone through the Beeb affirmative action and done a bit of PPE with a few life long political bubble types …. or as I think about it .. maybe a soon to be unemployed labour type who can’t get on the post MP peerage gravy train.
Interesting stuff Reject.
It is good to remember that not everyone from an Islamic background wishes us ill. However I would argue that everyone who believes in spreading the word of Allah in the traditional Islamic fashion by default probably does.
I have never had a problem with people of different faiths living here. Provided the numbers are not too great and provided the ones who come do not work against us and at least in public respect our cultures and ways.
I think you made a really good point regarding PC culture. It is certainly divisive between communities. Especially when we are told by the media and public bodies that certain religions should treated with even more respect than is given to our own culture and traditions.
How can that ever be right and how can it ever lead to a peaceful society and not lead to hostility and resentment?
It is interesting that most of this PC head in the clouds rubbish has originated from people (such as Hattie H) who have never really had to dirty their hands in the real world – knowing that there is always a rich family to fall back on. If you have never really been part of “real” society how can you ever understand how the vast proportion “real” people think. I am afraid reading “Everyday Socialism” by Keir Hardy (I made that up!) or other such rubbish will never help you understand how the majority of “normal” working people think.
If you could have invented a potion that is totally destructive to society then these idiots have certainly formulated one.
They are a bit like vivisectionists who cant resist carrying out multiple experiments on animals (because they can) but then take no real interest in the results.
The trouble is at the end of the day we will all pay the price.
Rather sweet that the Graun thinks hot guys for tots on the BBC is for ‘mums’.
More proof of the power and the control Saudi Arabia has over Western politicians was shown yesterday when almost unbelievably Saudi Arabia – the worlds most misogynistic country was elected to a four year term on the UN commission on the status of women.
Alas the UNwatch site is so unusable that every time an attempt is made to copy & paste the page falls over and has to be recovered.
So where are the cries of condemnation and angst from the Feminazi groups? Silent as usual over the appalling treatment of women by Muslims, which is perfectly fine because as we know, it’s not oppression / rape / insert what ever problematic meme you wish when Muslims do it !
It’s the selective dishonesty I find so appalling. We expect politicians to massage the truth but for the others it is quite pitiful. We used to look at Third World countries with no free press – crowds repeating chants because they were uninformed, afraid or because they were paid. We’d say to ourselves – glad that’s not here in the enlightened West. Well, it is now.
Tucker covered it, and expressed his astonishment. Again, wouldn’t see that in the UK, on any station.
On the subject of Fox – the far-left rabid dogs are out to get the conservative press and supporters of Trump. It is worrying. Bill O’Reilly has gone, Hannity is taking legal action against a fake accuser (allegedly), Alex Jones is being sued (publicised by good old Facebook, that which allows murders to be broadcast live). Soros lurking in the shadows.
Had the misfortune to hear bits of Today and the News Quiz. Felt odd, like I was in a foreign country – a staunchly anti British country. Not a nice feeling.
I find it quite disturbing the thought of Le Pen winning. But the thought of Macron winning fills me with the dread realisation that it is probably too late to stop the march of the globalists.
For me Le Pen is easily the lesser of two evils, but I will hold my judgement on her until and if she is elected. If she is I will have a look at what she is doing and saying. We know what Macron will do as he is the puppet of the evil one-world government types.
The results are very much a protest vote but the French do petulance big time.
Macron does sound very much like any new UK Labour party: One nation, bigger, better, fairer and of course, spend, spend, spend.
An unusually positive report on the government’s budget deficit
Government borrowing fell by £20bn to £52bn in the year to the end of March, according to official data.(2.6% of GDP)
That was the lowest level since the financial crisis of 2008, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said.
The hole in the UK’s public finances has shrunk since hitting a peak of nearly 10% of GDP shortly after the global financial crisis.
However the BBC turn to their usual angel of death to curb the enthusiasm
However, economists said that the deficit was set to rise again this year.
“The OBR expects borrowing to rise to £58.3bn this year, nearly 3% of GDP, as self-assessment tax receipts fall back,” said Samuel Tombs, chief UK economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics.
Are we still throwing £350 billion at the EU?
Far more important is our trade imbalance.
The bBC the current situation inside Yemen regards food and half the story:
Yemen aid summit seeks to pull nation from brink
A pledging conference to raise funds for Yemen is taking place in Geneva on Tuesday, amidst what the UN describes as “the world’s largest humanitarian crisis”. Before the conflict between the Saudi-led coalition, supporting Yemen’s government, and Houthi rebels began, Yemen was already the poorest country in the Middle East. Now, after two years of civil war, the World Food Programme says the country is on the brink of famine.
and here is what the bBC was reporting 7 years ago:
United Nations warns of humanitarian crisis in Yemen
Yemen is facing a major humanitarian crisis if donor countries do not meet the needs of the aid agencies working there, the United Nations has warned.
Now here’s a clue:
In 1970 the Population for Yemen was 6 Million, today it is 27 Million. and here’s another bBC article from 2010:
Yemen suffers ‘silent emergency’ as food runs short
Hunger in Yemen is what aid workers here call a “silent emergency”. With the world’s third highest rate of malnutrition, worse than anywhere in sub-Saharan Africa, generations of Yemeni children grow up stunted, physically and mentally….Abdo Abdo al-Amry is a farmer from Bilad at-Taam. He uses his motorbike as a taxi to earn a dollar or two, to feed his family of 20. Standing at the edge of his family’s single stone room, he proudly introduces us to his 14 children….Beside the children are Abdo’s two wives. Though her black abbaya is long and loose, it can’t quite hide the bump that shows that Saeda al-Amry, Abdo’s second wife, is pregnant, for the 12th time.
And then there’s this from the bBC in 2013
Yemen facing water shortage crisis
Yemen is facing a severe water crisis with some estimates suggesting the capital, Sanaa, could run dry in 10 years. With little being done to harness rainfall in the country, farmers are drilling deeper than ever for water – without any government regulation. Agriculture uses around 90% of the country’s water resources – with around half of that being used to cultivate the herbal stimulant khat.
Sometimes it helps to inform the world exactly why Yemen is starving, instead of simply screaming…”Think of the children”
Agreed; there are a lot of children in these benighted places that frequently suffer famine. St. Bob Geldof emoted about the plight of Ethiopia 30 years ago, yet its population has more than doubled since then.
Time for some serious family planning before any more aid is wasted.
Can somebody please explain this bBC headline:
Action urged on school holiday hunger
Going hungry in the school holidays is a growing problem for up to three million UK children, MPs and peers say. The All Party Parliamentary Group on Hunger warns too many children have to survive on crisps and energy drinks when school kitchens are closed.
Soup kitchens at the end of every street?
That’a the impression the left love to peddle out about the state of children in the Uk. I mean not only do they want the Government to feed all the children whilst they are at school. But now they wish to expand that to 365 days a year.
But here’s a few snippets from the child poverty action group:
London is the area with the highest rates of child poverty in the country.
Children in large families are at a far greater risk of living in poverty. 35% of children in poverty live in families with three or more children.
and here is an interactive Map of the UK which shows the areas with the highest rates of child poverty in the UK. Notice something about the highest areas?
interesting map ..just had a quick look and having spent some time yesterday looking at the distribution of Muslims in UK on
http://datashine.org.uk/#table=QS208EW&col=QS208EW0006&ramp=YlOrRd&layers=BTTT&zoom=8&lon=-2.2852&lat=51.9883 could there be some sort of a correlation? Would have to spend more time on that.
However, the big news on the child poverty map appears to be the building of a huge almost rectangular piece of reclaimed land in the Bristol Channel/Severn estuary. Is this the new 5th London airport? Haven’t been down that way for a long time and can’t rely on Al Beeb to report unimportant stuff that like that!:https://mss.carto.com/viz/b5cd6e7e-a36d-11e6-9889-0e05a8b3e3d7/embed_map
perhaps it’s not like that on others’ computers??..probably cos I’m running on Ubuntu lol! Can anyone else see the same as me?
Maybe they’re using child slave labour to build it because according to the map a quarter of kids there are very poor?
its im too feckin lazy to make a couple of sandwiches
(a) before i go to work
(b) before i get wrecked and lie in bed all day, sod the kids i only had them for a council house and fag money anyway
Nailed it.
The Irony here is the very same media (bBC) which opines about the above is also guilty of screaming out:
One in five children obese leaving primary school
and this:
Obesity campaigners call for more salads and fewer puddings in school
Surely, the obese ones should ,in a caring gesture , give their huge packed lunches to their class mates who are starving. In fact I am surprised that Labour and the BBC aren’t advocating forced confiscation of lunches from the obese and redistribution to those who have a BMI less than the average. This would mean another million public sector jobs to run the confiscation and redistribution system. To oil the wheels parents of the obese children could be prosecuted for child cruelty.
I know a school where the children brush their teeth every day after breakfast club. At school? Just what are parents’ responsibilities?
Seemingly these days, it’s just to bring the sprog into the world, register the birth (to turn on the benefit tap), enrol it in “free” childcare asap, then off to school with breakfast club, after-school club to fill all the daylight hours.
Then at 18, off to uni. “Now where did those years go, when they were growing up?”
I know a school where the children brush their teeth every day after breakfast club. At school? Just what are parents’ responsibilities?
In the BBBC’s world, the State, not the parent, provides for children. They cannot therefore comprehend that feeding children is parents’ responsibility. After all what are child benefit and family tax credits for?
If they start from that position they will never ask the most simple questions about why “action” should be urged from the State.
Islamoohobia causes terrorism. This means that people are killed in the name of Islam due to an irrational fear of Islam. That is doublethink on stilts.
For the realist who knows that islamic terrorism can only increase here and in Europe with the Government and BBC’s tacit sanction, I recommend this publication which, unfortunately was published before the atrocity in London a few weeks ago. All the very interesting facts and statistics you really wanted to know but found the thought of the research involved, daunting – Enjoy –
Click to access Islamist-Terrorism-preview-1.pdf
There is no magic fairy out there to prevent Europe becoming like the Middle East. There are just government and NGO facilitators and a media of Fifth Columnists.
Car bombs, suicide bombers and terrorists wearing stolen Police uniforms with thirty to eighty fatalities becoming the norm.
Not quite true.
There are universities and the buck stops with them.
When the USA had McCarthyism to root out Communist sympathisers – and there were quite a few, and the left still collectively shudders at the mention of his name, the universities also came under scrutiny. This is detailed in “No Ivory Tower” by Ellen W. Schrecker with the most unbelievable precis.
“This is the first systematic study of McCarthyism – the attempt to label people as communists or communist sympathizers, and so hold them up to public scorn and deprive them of their livelihood. American university life was affected almost as much as the entertainment industry and government service: public universities such as Michigan, Washington, and Rutgers actually expelled faculty members, while those at private institutions like Harvard and Reed were only defended after great controversy. This book first traces how the machinery of McCarthyism worked, then deals with general questions of academic freedom and McCarthyite challenges to it on various campuses (both before and during the 1950s). Finally it deals with the academic blacklist and its effect on individual scholars. Students of modern American political history.”
How ironic that the Fascists cannot see that you only need to change the name from Communist to non leftists, and the entire passage would be as correct for todays Uni’s as under McCarthy.
Governments, NGOs, Journalists and everyone passing through one of these universities MUST conform to their versions of Political Correctness and exhibit conformity to the thought control or they will not graduate.
This is where our great problem lies, and unless we tackle it at its roots we are lost.
We heard that Brexit was divided between those with a university education, and those who did not. This doesn’t mean that a clever person could work out the future any better than the less gifted, merely that the graduate had been successfully brainwashed by a University system which is a malign influence to society.
Thoughtful wrote:
“There are universities and the buck stops with them.”
Well written and what you wrote should be given more air. The left whilst screaming out that only they can fight intolerance, have become what they claim to hate the most:
Green Issues
Nasty Party
Homosexual issues
In all of the above anybody who questions radical Islam,defends Jews, looks funny at a Black man, voted to leave the EU. votes Tory, has a little Money, makes a joke is deemed to be an intolerant bastard who will never change and thus should be character assassinated until they are run out of town, physically attacked or even jailed.
Is it 80% or 90% of US academics that vote Democrat?
Laura Kuntsberg drooling over Labour’s anti-Brexit plans…
“Labour’s Brexit plan takes shape”
Keir Starmer is one of the dangerous puppets dwelling somewhere in the middle of the ‘pyramid of corruption’, with a foot in many doors.
Q What kind of halfwit would reveal some of their cards before the game has even started?
A A labour halfwit wanting populate an otherwise sparse manifesto with liberal point-scoring, half-baked and ill-conceived nonsense.
Labour’s lost the expat vote then, by committing to unilateral guarantees for EU citizens in the UK without securing guarantees for British expats. I know a lot of expats who are in no rush to return to Britain and they are all crapping themselves about their pension rights and access to healthcare. (Personally I don’t see why they should get a higher pension than an expat in, say, Australia or Canada.) They’re organising too and I think that all who are eligible to vote will ensure that they’re registered. It’s a not inconsiderable number of voters, about 1 million live in the EU.
It’s capitulation by labour and to say it was typical of socialists would be an understatement.
The arguments against are obvious as you have stated – what about a deal for brits abroad?
Of course the gargoyle Koonsberg hasn’t got the balls to point out the uncomfortable if not slightly obvious elephant in the room, she just takes what ever labour says like mother’s milk.
Guess Starmer knows his Party leader won’t be going to see the Queen on June 9 so positioning himself for the ‘top job’ post Corbin.personally I think it’s a matter of noting which ‘senior’ labour players aren’t heard during the campaign ( bit like both May and Corbin during the brexit campaign. ) I’ve put my pound on Mrs Balls ( at a generous 20/1) as I think they’d like a girl in charge of their rabble for the next five years… unless either Mr Balls or the charidee Milliband can find a safe Labour seat…
My friend made an NGO funded doco about how slavery was so cultural in Nepal that most MPs still kept slave farm workers.
That was 10 years ago.
Since then the slaves have been released and work for their masters for money which they spend at the master’s shops.
I expect that in Nepali there are similar so it’s similar to sweat shops.Maybe worse.
It mystifies me why there is so much discussion on historical slavery and yet so little about slavery that exists so widely in the modern world. I’ve seen a lot of migrants who are clearly enslaved in continental Europe. Is that because no Brits or Americans are involved?
It’s all up, according to some well heeled, Lefty: “We are doing the equivalent of dropping Sarin gas on Syrians because our pollution controls are too lax”.
I’d accept that coming from school kids debate but not from a supposedly educated and informed adult with media presence.
R2 now
“London is very nice place
the rich people say”
is being sung by Roy Hudd from his old time musicals album
Actual lyrics
“The greatest city of the world is London
At least, that’s what the wealthy people say
It’s very nice for some, who always get the plum
I only get what people throw away
It’s very nice for starving boys in winter
It’s very nice to camp it out at nights
A doorstep for a bed, another for your head
Because you haven’t sold your blooming lights.
Chorus: While London sleeps, and all the lamps are gleaming
Millions of its people, now lie sweetly dreaming
Some have no homes, and o’er their sorrows weep
Others laugh and play the game while London’s fast asleep.
There’s a lot of wealth and happiness in London
There’s lots of starving misery as well
Circa 1890…continues
Stew in reply to your cockney monologue post- thanks for that I’d like to get the album. Saturday night in Bethnall Green is my favourite. BTW Mr Hudd is a proper gent, wrote to him after seeing him perform it on the good old days.
BBC = Vichy-Media
The bBC, its not so neutral stance in reporting the news by replacing plain facts with a political agenda:
Can plastic roads help save the planet?
Engineer Toby McCartney explains how his Scottish start-up MacRebur is persuading councils to use local waste plastic to build roads. Two English councils have already started building roads this way.
So watching the above film clip I am informed that over 40 million kilometres of roads across the world made using Hundreds of millions of barrels of Oil. I take it the plank who made this film hasn’t driven on the countless hundreds of miles of roads I have across the world made out of concrete (Especially in hot countries) or even nothing (which explains why you find so many 4×4 on their roads) Anyway after being informed that only 10% of a road is asphalt , this geezer is allowed to promote his new start up by saying he wants to save the worlds seas from plastic and so he he found a way to reuse plastic from the rubbish system in place in the UK. But then the bBC goes all eco-radical stupid. Hear are a couple of screen shots to explain what I mean:

“Likes of Shell and Total ???” Apparently the bBC doesn’t know that Bitumen is the residue left behind when you fractional distillate Crude Oil (Hey my ‘A’ level Chemistry has come in handy) Hang on, they do know:
taken from:
BBC/GCSE Bitesize/Fuels from crude oil
and then they end with this:

The bBC, where promoting political activism is much better than promoting actual facts.
Excellent points, Pounce.
I watched that clip. All the way through, I was thinking ‘he will mention that the plastic bottles come from oil products, won’t he?’ and ‘he will mention that these new surfaces can reduce road noise, fuel consumption and tyre wear, won’t he?’ and ‘he will mention that worn-out tyres are as big an environmental problem as burnt fuel emissions, won’t he?’.
No mentions of those important aspects.
Inform? Well, it did a bit. Mostly as an advert really for the start-up. Educate? No. Missed that opportunity, big time, didn’t you BBC? Entertain. Nope. Made me miserable, despite it being a good news story.
R2 Vine & BBC behind the curve AGAIN
Jesus The Princess Cruises waste dumping bypass pipe is an OLD 2013 story been in the court’s years but reached end 1Dec 2016 when all other media reported it.
What’s new is 5 days ago the whistleblower was awarded $1m bounty from that fine.
\\Christopher Keays newly hired engineer on the Caribbean Princess reported that a so-called “magic pipe” had been used on Aug. 23, 2013, to illegally discharge oily waste off the coast of England. //
His Times guest sounds like a kid
BBC leading with labour dreamer and naïve fool Sir Keir Starmer.
First of all he claims that Labour would prevent a cliff edge Bexit. It doesn’t appear to have crossed his mind that before he even gets to the negotiating table the EU has demanded that we pay them £50 Billion, I think we can assume that the reckless Labour loons will simply hand over what ever is requested.
Then he claims that parliament will have a vote on whether to accept the deal reached, which is another crazy idea as it will be the only one and if they don’t accept it then it’s back to the cliff edge which they’ve already said they don’t want !
He then went on about immigration which as ever went unchallenged about what the British people might want.
The man is clearly out of touch, or alternatively he is clever and just a mouthpiece for a party which he knows is a mile away from sanity, but for historical reasons wants to stick with it.
All BBC social media follow ups read like a Labour press release.
Also seems Nick was too polite, or something, to raise the U turn cited by Guido.
Classic FM news just now was the ‘Keir Labour says’ show too.
I think someone here pointed this would be unsurprising as Global ‘News’ is in fact a BBC ‘product’.
What are we to make of this utterly bizarre story about a woman who might have lost 500lbs or might have not?
Really crap wig.
Is there something she’s trying to tell us?
Right now on BBC: “Ivanka Trump forced to defend father at G20 women’s summit”
Was she actually forced, i.e. made to say so by physical force? No, it turns out she spoke fondly of her own father and the passive-aggressive audience moaned as she did so.
Given the care they take when describing terror incidents (or mental health incidents as they believe), isn’t this a little careless? No, it’s hugely biased.
‘Defend’ is a BBC reporting fave.
Adding ‘forced’ is doubleplusgood.
Usually means a daft or rude question (down K-berg, you beauty) that a polite target has to wearily field.
The “forced” word appears with monotonous regularity in the press, too, the suggestion being that people were threatened at gunpoint, and made to do things involuntarily.
Phrases like “obliged to”, “considered it advisable to”, “thought that they should” or “found it necessary to”, are far more appropriate, and adult.
Thought I might share the following with you. (Richard Littlejohn in the D/Mail)…..
“So-called ‘millennials’, mostly born in the late 80’s and 90’s, say they don’t feel properly grown-up until they reach the grand old age of 27.
Call me old-fashioned, but when I was 27, I was married with 2 kids, on to my 4th mortgage and was trying to hold down a high-pressure job on a busy Fleet Street Newspaper. Pitt the Younger was 24 when he became Prime Minister, for heaven’s sake.
Yet at that age, it would appear, most millennials haven’t even worked out if they are male, female or gender fluid. No wonder they are the first generation who can expect to be worse off than their parents.”
Having nieces and nephews (whom I love dearly) around the age of 30 but who still have an 18 year old mentality, I can concur with the above. This I believe is due to an extended educational environment and are therefore not ‘worldly’ at an earlier age. So when I hear them in conversation about the current political climate, I despair; they glean information from Twatter and any debate with them borders on the childish. I dread to think what fate has in store for them.
The best any parent can do today is help your kids develop a healthy cynicism and active bullshit detector.
Its a totally lost cause.
The educational system and a cosseted lifestyle has done for their common sense.
I can only sit back and enjoy it ( hat tip to a previous poster some weeks ago) as their generation completely fuck this country up even more than it is at present. Enjoy it? Wrong? No not really, before they bring sharia to my part of the world I’ll be pushing up daisies.
If the gay community are so thick they wish to defend Islam, so be it, but realists have seen the results of majority moslem culture.
Feminists ( so-called) truly believe the burkha is a garment that empowers moslem women and girls, close their eyes to FGM, and ignores all the paedo filth of the moslem males. I could go on, but you get the picture.
First began to see the stupidity of youth in discussions about the EU referendum.
It was the youth involved who didnt want to discuss issues, simply comparing UKIP to nazis, and indulging in virtue signalling to attempt to score points.
These are people who should have information at their fingertips, and not have to rely on the MSM, but it was obvious it was spoonfed bullshit filling their heads.
So, as each disaster unfolds, I will chuckle, and see them squirm.
This is not bitterness, but reality.
Let the snowflakes fuck it up even more, keep electing traitors, and good luck with the future.
I always felt a weighty responsibility that we should leave the best we could for future generations, but there comes a point when you have to surrender and let them continue.
So true DC.
A group of youngsters were interviewed in the street the day after the GE date was confirmed. I say ‘youngsters’ – it was difficult to assess how ‘old’ they were as they were all dressed like hobos.
All was revealed however, as one discovered the art of speech and admitted to being 23, had never voted and didn’t intend to start now !!
Honest to God, what was the point of fighting Hitler in the war ? what was the point of my Dad at age 21 serving on the Russian Convoys in minus degree temperatures ? All those lives lost, for what? that some brain dead 23 year old couldn’t give a monkey’s arse about what goes on around him and not prepared to do anything about it. Sadly its not just him or his generation, its probably his parents attitude also.
Dysgwr_Cymraeg, George Orwell wrote that in 1939 we were ‘…all sleeping the deep, deep sleep of England, from which I sometimes fear that we shall never wake till we are jerked out of it by the roar of bombs.’ He was of course right. I fear that it is the same for us and the ‘snowflakes’ in 2017. Only this time the bombs are more likely to be on the street thrown by our own ‘citizens’ than dropped from German aeroplanes.
There’s nothing that can be done with them.
During their childhood, they were never allowed to play unsupervised with other children, which is where you learn a lot about taking stick, giving stick, standing up for yourself, cooperating, and solving your own problems. It’s how you learn to become an adult.
They always had an adult to turn to, so never had the opportunity to grow up naturally by themselves. (This is why university students always run to the Dean at the merest whisper that someone they disagree with will be coming to speak).
Add that to the insane over-inflated focus on self-esteem, which regards as irrelevant all sorts of social, historical and moral values, and you have a lost generation.
Complete demoralisation, in the literal sense of the word.
Antifa upset because they can’t punch everyone to their right in the face without consequences
I’d love to smack some of those filthy hippies myself.
German’s refuse to be lectured to by the English about the war
English refuse to be lectured by Germans – PERIOD.
Ah Dec 18th called out pollution hyperbola
No worse than, salt, sugar and pathogenic microbes.
Watch it it debunks the 40K dead stat naive MPs used yesterday in parliament
It was made by Mark Lobel
Who is hated by Labour for daring to ask Corbyn qn about Syria at a press conference April 11
Labmob shouted him down.
The BBC-Guardian is now nothing more than an advertising agency for Liebour. I mean for days their headlines have been all Labour and all positive. For example, Labour’s pathetic ‘pledge’ for EU nationals has been headlining all feckin’ day. I’m sick of it.
Is my memory at fault or hadn’t the bbc had to be none political leading to an election?
@Alex The worldly know Guardian/Indy are wacko TribalisticTosh
wasting their funders money
But the Indy’s Indy100 list system (Buzzfeed-like) means stories use clickbait headlines to get VOTED UP the list position.
List1 https://www.indy100.com/discover
list2 https://www.indy100.com/news
I admit to being interested in the Indy100 article above..the young lady shown had nothing to do with it!…snigger…oops sorry.
While there I found this piece:
“This list of 14 early warning signs of fascism is going viral for good reason”
hope the link is correct.
I thought Turkey did pretty well tbh!
UK ..well we’re getting there..a bit more subtle here..can do better al Beeb..c’mon get with the programmme
BBC radio today has been wall to wall coverage of Keir Starmer’s Brexit speech. The BBC sense another way to undermine the will of the British people and they are practically salivating.
Is there even any pretence at balance? It is pure propaganda. The message is clear: unhappy remainers should vote for Labour.
Another Snowflake march coming Saturday
They’ll drive all the way into London and complain if the BBC doesn’t give them wall to wall coverage about how they care about CO2 …and subsidies
“Peoples Climate March – London
Saturday, April 29, 2017 9:30 AM”
How are they getting to it?
In diesel cars, before they all get scrapped
Heard some bloke saying, a scrappage for buses and trucks would make more sense.
Not necessarily true ..new buses trucks and big cars are very clean
cos the bigger the vehicle the better the filters work
Small new cars are still safe but operate over the official limit ..but thats only cos the limit is ridiculously low
Old old big vehicles abroad can be very polluting ..theyd get nabbed by roadside testing in the UK.
No one is showing any harm data for bus and taxi drivers who sit in pollution all day ..so it can’t be that bad ..and anyway the road side air in on average 70% cleaner that 30 years ago
The Age of Stupid continues apace. Common sense, truth, and morality have done a runner, possibly never to return. Humanity deserves an imminent demise.
There’s one small solace I suppose, at least when I’m buried in to my grave I’ll be certain that the masses of young, placard waving useful young idiots complicit in destroying western civilisation will not be long following me there.
Not everywhere on the planet.
Japan does pretty well on those metrics, as do other Asian nations such as Singapore.
Here in Thailand there is national pride, religious respect, a sense of community, a conservative morality and almost universal politeness. Common sense, well, er, ……..
I just watched on the BBC 6PM News on of the most surreal political journalist events I have ever
seen!! If it was if Laura Kuenssberg was saying to us ” You think that I am a Labour supporter? Well I will show you !” And to be honest I think her and her editor should both be
sacked for what was set up !
Mother Theresa was in Wales today in the Labour Heartlands. Laura said that does she think that she can take votes away from Labour? Then came her bombshell , with a facetiously intoned REALLY ? I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. BUT what followed amazed me . We were introduced to Labour voters who were going to vote Tory and basically telling us what a c–t Corbyn was. It’s not the fact that Labour voters may vote Tory which shocked me. It was that THIS had been set up by the BBC.
Yes we all know how the BBC is capable of manipulating the news. The unbalanced reporting from Israel being a prime example. But I don’t think I have ever seen before a General Election the BBC play this type of political joke. Like something out of Fox News.
Laura Kuennsberg and your editor may of thought it was being politically funny an “in” joke
on us all. Well Laura , you really shocked me. But I wasn’t laughing.
You might have also noted that those interviewed were all ‘lower class’, predominantly ‘geriatric’ and typically chosen to represent Brexit supporters. Naturally, the BBC and especially a thug like Pienaar wouldn’t expect to encounter anyone remotely compos mentis in Wales – he and they would never admit the fact, even to themselves – but it shows, to their great discredit, of course.
If I hear of another petition or ‘march’ I will explode. Anyone can click a mouse or hold a placard. Imagine the Battle of Agincourt if Islington luvvies were conscripted:
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more!
Or close the wall up with our English dead!
Oh crap, they have weapons!
Sign a petition quickly!
Tell them how upset we are!
8pm mini news on 1 nobly reports on Keir Starmer’s Brexit plans. Then we hear of how Ivanka Trump’s comments that her dad treats her with respect were met with groans. What, and this wall-to-wall coverage of Starmer does not elicit groans? If I hear any more of this nonsense it might elicit my suicide.
Why on earth isn’t this chap in the cabinet?
Interesting, Al. Thanks for that.
Makes me wonder whether TM the PM is wanting a few more Conservative MPs behind her that will come, 9 June onwards, from former Labour but EU Leaving constituencies.
Or am I clutching at straws? Am aware that many here feel that TM the PM will let Brexiteers down and leave us half in with lots of bills to pay.
Rees Mogg is a hopeless Eton toff, and we know from bitter experience what that means.
Idle self serving and bereft of ideas, the only thing any of them want to do is to hold onto their inherited wealth, because they are enterprising enough to earn it themselves.
What ideas does Rees Mogg have for rolling back the horror of Tony BLiar ? None as far as I’ve ever seen!
Al, I disagree with the video title. In a level-headed reply he stated he was ” full of optimism”. A titter-free interview.
BBC’s favourite Brendan Cox has been to a Muslim Leadership dinner.
Is “Muslim Leadership” to be taken literally?
Wonder if that one was segregated ?
Is he the tall one at the lectern?
Perhaps if one is following a particular Twitter theme then brief, arcane tweets make sense but I’m afraid isolated tweets leave me lost.
The same can be said about hanging links, they point to something, but what? At least following them leads to some sort of enlightenment, (usually), but tweets? They are for the birds.
Looking at the above picture I’m struck that I don’t like these head-coverings at all, even though we can see the faces. I wouldn’t feel comfortable living alongside people who wore T-shirts with “Kill the Jews” or “Shoot the Blacks” slogans on them and these head-coverings are an exact equivalent. They are a visible indication that the person does not share traditional ‘British values’ and that either by democratic or violent means they will work to abolish them.
If that seems too extreme then draw a parallel with someone working at Conservative HQ with a LibDem “I Love Tim” badge on their lapel. Could they be trusted? Just as a “Tim Lover” is perfectly welcome to work at LibDem HQ our ‘covered’ ladies will find a welcome in Pakistan I’m sure, to our mutual satisfaction.
‘They are a visible indication that the person does not share traditional ‘British values’ and that either by democratic or violent means they will work to abolish them.’
Yes. In the nineteenth century the Church of England worked with the burgeoning Jewish immigrant population to ‘anglicise’ and integrate them, creating offices such as the Chief Rabbi, the title of Reverend for rabbis, and promoting Anglican architectural designs and practice in synagogues, such as the chanting of psalms, and services in English rather than Yiddish.
Can you imagine such a proposal today with Muslims? It would be laughed out of court at best, and probably declared a hate crime.
‘More in common’
Muslim Leadership means Domination. Coming soon.
The BBC is literally obsessed
BBC News – Russian hackers are now targeting the campaign of French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron, say security experts.
Phishing emails, malware and fake net domains were all being used as attack techniques, said Feike Hacquebord, from security company Trend Micro.
The attackers are believed to be part of the same group that targeted the US election.
Feike Hacquebord??? Well he (or she) should know, I suppose.
I just read on the Telegraph site that fines for evasion of the BBC Tax, last year, totalled £34m.
“100 days-100 voters” and 100 little pricks at the BBC.
How can anyone take this crap seriously. And let us not forget the immortal words of Katty Kay- “the BBC has never taken sides in an election”- ha ha ! The BBC- the Ultimate Fifth Column.
BBC News
Syrian refugees are turning to sex to survive in Lebanon. Benjamin Zand meets them for BBC Pop Up.
? http://bbc.in/2q1z3hH
By the hour?