The BBC’s fake news agenda is in full flow during the French Presidential election. Last night, the BBC chose to run with poll forecasts showing Macron in the lead even as the actual results showed Le Pen in the actual lead. Then, when Paris – that most enriched of French cities – came in for Macron, the BBC switched to actual results! Lamentable pro Macron bias. This morning it has become even more ludicrous as the BBC chooses to cast Macron as “the outsider”? WHAT? This former Rothschilds banker provided economic guidance to uber Socialist President Hollande! He is supported by Merkel and Obama. I see Osborne has rallied to his side. Blair supports him. He is the quintessential INSIDER, but the BBC are on one of their predictable fake narratives. What a fake broadcaster.
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Sorry, put this on the main thread instead of here so copy and paste…voila.
I know it’s not the BBC but they are so similar.
Sky news with Adam Boulton (anti Le Pen) interviewing two anti Le Pen commentators for a nice balanced view of the French election. Agnes de Poirier? and some wet lefty from the UK bubble.
How much longer will the lefties keep labelling anything they don’t like as the far right as in Le Pen, or fascist, as Zoe Williams called her on the Daily Politics.
Right now, Boulton is back on sky news with more anti Le Pen commentators sitting outside a French cafe.
If Marine wins, against all the msm, I wonder if the Russians will get the blame.
To me, we, alongside the eu and many other countries, are interfering in the French election much more than the Russians ‘hacked’ the American election.
Mr G, you missed out Comrade Naughtie on the today programme at th peak 0810 slot preaching his version of the Truth ( similarly to how he ran the Hillary can’t lose line when he was getting his expenses from the USA not France). Although careful in his words you can feel the nuanced displeasure at the idea of Le Pen.
No doubt is she does lose after the establishment has ganged up on her the Beeb will trumpet the end of popularism or whatever they call democracy in their spiteful smug bubble. And if Le Pen wins it will be the thick voters like our Brexit vote . Just watching….
And Le Pen is continuously labelled as being ‘far-right’ when a very unusual BBC indepth look at her suggests she is not ….
Is France’s National Front leader far-right?
Today Marine Le Pen is a nationalist. She is unabashedly opposed to immigration. But there is no hint in her of the far-right ideology that clung to members of her father’s generation.
The influence of her generation is key. “I noticed working with her that when a question came up her first reflex was a reflex of the left,” says the former adviser to Marine, who does not want to be named.
“She does not have right-wing reflexes. For me, right-wing people are people who value liberty over equality. And left-wing people are the opposite. Well, Marine always chose equality over liberty.”
For some strange reason the BBc dropped the Far right” term every time Le Pen was mentioned. They seem to have shifted to “Front National” On the 13:00 news. I’m unsure why they are making such a song and dance because how many of us have a say in the French Presidential elections?
Hardly a shift, that would be the name of her party.
I don’t think you have to ‘have a say’ in the election to be interested. Seems to have garnered some interest here.
It is a major European country and the result potentially has repercussions for the EU.
” Right wing people value liberty over equality ” a piece of BBC double speak or whoever they were interviewing.Why cannot you have both?
This doesn’t prove anything one way or another.I think Le Pen is a socialist but a nationalist.There are many meanings to equality and liberty not just the BBCs open border version.
“Last night, the BBC chose to run with poll forecasts showing Macron in the lead even as the actual results showed Le Pen in the actual lead.”
This is not unusual. Results will come from places with a particular following whereas the forecasts will be an average of the exit polls across the country. What is wrong is for the BBC to simply ignore the FN results.
Query: Why doesn’t the bBBC and all the other left-liberals etc etc etc support le Pen? I mean. Honestly. She’s a woman! The bBBC ALWAYS supports women – even corrupt ones like Killary…….. Until a woman seems to come from the so-called right, that is…. Like Trump’s campaign organiser Kellyanne Conway.
The bBBC don’t recognize her as being a Woman. Long blonde hair and pretty too.
To quailfy for that title she has to be a bull necked Lezza or black or a black bull necked Lezza. or if she weighs 20 plus stone and full of Corbyns man fat. 1 P.M. the subject is on the Jeremy Whine show on bBBc2
The CBB are not even in the gutter. They are in the sewer.
So if you didn’t know that the French have to vote again in a fortnights time in which to pick their new leader, whom would you think won yesterday according to the bBC:

With the voting at 23.8% for Macron to 21.5%. for Le Pen (which is less of a gap than the Brexit vote, but which the left keep telling me was really close) are the Le Pen Voters allowed to claim that actually they won the vote, that people weren’t informed and that with the violent left wing protests in France last night, that there has been a surge of ‘Penophobia’
Thanks for posting this Pounce, very interesting. So Le Pen’s support comes mainly from the regions with a land border with northern Europe and Italy, and Macron’s from the regions far away from those borders. You don’t have to be a genius to work out why that is.
That’s an interesting map – but I’m still waiting for the result from Sunderland.
Supple move on the BBCs part is they always put Macron first in print and spoken reports. They are crowning him already just as they did with a Hillary – just hope Le Pen comes through and if so can’t wait to see the faces at the BBC – Again….
On the daily politics today, Jo Corbin actually said Le Pen without saying ‘far right’ first.
I couldn’t understand this.
Then, she revealed a guest, a charming French lad sitting beside her. He was a FN supporter.
He quietly demolished Corbin’s attacks on the FN and Marine.
Just before, a UKIP lady brought up FGM going on in the UK. The hundreds of thousands of cases and no prosecutions.
The far left labour and the left conservative guests were just nodding away like a couple of car back window dogs agreeing that something ought to be done but in a Sir Humphrey sort of way.
Apparently the police would rather not get involved and look at it more like a domestic, you know, getting the clitoris cut out and the labia sewn together on very young schoolgirls.
Can’t upset the muzzies can we.
Next they’ll be wanting something done about the industrial scale of abuse of our little white girls, hundreds of thousands of them, by the enrichers. Not much chance of that though.
Meanwhile, drop a bacon sandwich somewhere near a mosk and your feet won’t touch the ground before you’re jailed for 15 months unless you get killed inside and come out feet first.
Macron is NOT the outsider.
Check this out for a bit of background.
Looks like Baldrique had a plan.
Macron is a phony and was – as we know – endorsed by another phony just last week from Tahiti …
As so often the case, BiasedBBC’s criticisms bear no relation to reality.
The coverage used French TV projections initially, and results from Kantar, one of the world’s largest insight, information and consultancy groups. Kantar initially projected 23% each for Le Pen and Macron, then 23/22 Macron, then 23.8%/21.7% . These were projections.
When the Interior Ministry results came in they were reported – Le Pen 24.38% to Macron 22.19%. As broadcast, the Interior Ministry results then showed Le Pen 23.6% vs Macron 22.78%
The result finished Macron 24% Le Pen 21.3%. French polls have proved to be quite accurate.
BBC News did not ‘cast Macron as “the outsider”?. They cast Macron casting himself as the ‘outsider’ (not surprising given anti-establishment sentiment) while describing his former banking career and his having been an advisor to Hollande.
The live coverage is still available:
One also has to wonder why the BBC would mislead with results as alleged, given that it’s never going to be that long before the full, official result was in. And known. Seems rather self-defeating.
So, whose is the fake narrative? Fake poster.
Are you conflating ‘BiasedBBC’ with single poster ‘Tomo’?
Seems a very BBC thing to do. Often.
No. I was replying the Mr Vance’s original post.