The Red Wedge celebs are out in force for Corbyn, all the usual suspects and no doubt there will be many a comedian amongst them…some aiming to be funny, some not.
It’s just as Billy Bragg once admitted, that when a Tory government comes along its like putting lard balls out for the birds…they all come flocking…the birds being the lefty right-on bunch who get gainful employment from the BBC to fill the airwaves with their prejudices and call it comedy….the Obama worship comedy workshops are back industriously churning out Red Widgets by the millions for the People’s education and bemusement.
The latest humorous narrative that is amusing the Notting Hill hill-billies [they kinda are hill-billies, so inbred, only marrying and socialising with their own, stuck in their own little cultural backwater taking potshots at anyone who dares to enter into the swamp] is that Trump has killed satire, that he is so bizarre and absurd that nothing they can come up with can trump Trump for funny. Of course that is supposed to be a ‘satirical’ attack in itself….that Trump is so absurd….the people who really kill comedy and satire are the comedians themselves who suddenly vanish when a black man becomes president or someone who espouses their own values and beliefs…suddenly not so funny.
Nothing funny about Obama? The man who ‘won’ a Nobel peace prize even before he was President? Essentially because he was Black. A man who gloried in killing Osama and who dropped 30,000 bombs on the Middle East on the quiet when he thought no one was looking but made lots of noise about withdrawing all those boots on the ground out of the front door to great lefty liberal praise….never mind Iraq then was left to the tender mercies of its Shia rulers and left a vacuum for ISIS to step in…an ISIS recreated with lots of help from Assad who was free to operate and kill hundreds of thousands of his own, destabilise the Middle East and send millions of refugees fleeing across the region as Obama stood back from taking action that would mean having to take responsibility and again reaped the plaudits from his fans at the BBC for his ‘quiet diplomacy’. A man who was shocked and outraged by what he claimed was Russky interference in American Democracy and then proceed to lecture us in Blighty to vote to stay in the Eu and informed the German people that Merkel is the must-vote-for candidate. A man who promised so much but failed so badly…the Middle East in flames, Guantanamo still open, racial tensions in the US increased, Obamacare a disaster, politics ground to a standstill…and a man who refused to admit that Islamic terrorism was ‘Islamic’.
The BBC naturally loved Obama and could find little to criticise him over never mind mock and abuse him as they do Trump, not just in their ‘comedy’ but in their news programmes as well. There’s no comedy in the fact that Beeboids, to a gender-free-person, all would be appalled at anyone blacking-up and yet they all really, really want to be black themselves…well not black but you know, culturally black, with it, down with the hood, basically a form of colonialism, trying to appropriate a whole culture and say ‘we whiteys are here to help you poor little fellows…you need us to succeed’.
No, no comedy value in the BBC’s Obama worship. No comedy mileage in the BBC’s pre-Brexit hatred of Bankers, Big Business and Capitalism, its love of the populist Occupy movement and then the sudden screeching reversal when Brexit and Trump looked liked terrifying possibilities…then the new narrative became ‘populism’ is akin to Fascism, the Bankers, Big Business and Capitalism are our friends…we need them…they are what makes this country great, profitable and powerful.
Who’d have thought 40 years from now we’ll all be living in hole in t’road? Unseen footage of a Remain campaign advert that tells us how bad times were pre-the glorious EU and what we can look forward to if we voted for Brexit…
No comedy in the liberal tears as they declare the world is at an end, that the world now stops at the White Cliffs of more trips to Paree, no more wine, no more cheese, no more baguettes….it’s all over. Back to grey, drab, white, 1950’s Britain with rationing and living in holes in the road, with Fascists marching down the street lyncing anyone not quite white enough and the only food available is jellied eels and mash…fish and chips banned being a well known Jewish culinary creation. Yep, farewell multicultural Britain, farewell cosmopolitan, diverse Britain, farewell my Polish maid, my Romanian gardener and my Swedish Au Pair, farewell my lovelies, it’s been nice and thanks Jews for all the fried fish.
Never mind. Jim Davidson’s still alive and kicking…the BBC will still have him to fall back on when the luvvy comedians flee this benighted land stalked as it will be by angry little Englanders, economic ruin and deep misery.
Alan wrote:
“and no doubt there will be many a comedian amongst them…some aiming to be funny, some not.”
Best Corbyn joke going:
I have always enjoyed this site but frankly Alan your anti-Assad views are becoming a turn-off. As many have said he may be a bloodthirsty dictator but he is also the least bad option and frankly the only chance for a meaningful Christian population to continue to exist in the Middle East (obviously apart from in Israel).
In 1920 Syria was 25% Christian in a population of 2.5 million. In 2006 it was 12% out of a population of 18 million.
In 1948 there were over 30,000, today there are around 18.
Say what you will about Syrian, but it has never been the magnanimous place people purport it to be under Assad. At the end of the day Islam will always come first. But even then there is a pecking order.
In 1920 Syria was 25% Christian in a population of 2.5 million = 625,000.
In 2006 it was 12% out of a population of 18 million = 2.16 million.
What we do know is that Muslim birth rate is far higher then any other demographic.
Of course over the last century, there have been tumultuous changes in that region – fall of the Ottoman empire, and two world wars.
Never mind the Christians, if Assad’s Syria is so secular, someone might like to explain why there are no Jews living there?
i really dont care what assad does to keep control, we can be assured the non-assad replacement will be worse
I needed to look up.
Relevant chapter – 1942 | Immigrants or Pioneers?
I was surprised. I thought that Jews had to leave Syria after the 1967 war. Syria and Israel are still in a state of war.
‘Most Syrian Christians Aren’t Backing Assad’
However note to self though… cheerlead for a mass murderer, a war criminal who drops poison gas, napalm and barrel bombs on civilians, men, women and children, who bombs hospitals, schools and aid centres, who recreated ISIS as his enemies’ enemy and who uses refugees as a weapon against the West…ie you and me….oh and created a safe haven for Iraqi Baathists who needed a base to organise against the new Iraq government and who also eventually helped form ISIS, and opened his borders so that thousands of Islamic terrorists could transit through to reach Iraq and turn that place into a civil war….killing not just British and US troops but many, many thousands of Iraqis and making progress to a stable and economically and politically viable state impossible….Assad did a great deal to help create the Islamist threat that you dislike more than you dislike Assad….but hey, what’s not to like, he may or may not protect some Christians (10% of pop.)..but only because they are a useful ally against the Sunnis (70%) as the Alawites themselves make up a mere 12% of the population.
Perhaps if Assad were not there the Islamists he so assiduously courted for so long and now threaten the Christians would be more vulnerable and have no safe haven…and thus the threat to the Christians would reduce…Assad a friend of Christians or the man who stoked the sectarian tensions and put them in danger?
The article you link to Alan is not as ‘black and white’ as the heading suggests. Also, Raymond Ibrahim sees it differently.
Fact is, there are so many vested interests in this conflict it is impossible to know what really is going on there. I don’t believe anybody here is cheerleading for Assad, but we know we can’t trust the news that is being fed to us. and out of necessity are sitting on the fence, aware of our real ignorance.
Teddy Bear
I support Pres Assad, as there is no alternative. Anyone who is not prepared to cave in to ISIS, al Nusra, al Qaeda in Syria, and their Wahabbi supporters in Saudi Arabia or the USA, will have to be tough and determined. Either that or a blood bath of the innocents.
I pray that God will safe keep Pres Assad and his government. If he falls, its the end of Christianity in the country where it started. It would be like losing Rome and the Vatican to Islamic invader. But we will not be told of this unmitigated disaster. We will be celebrating the fall of Assad, the brutal dictator, while fleeing Christians are massacred.
NCBBC – I understand your view completely and would agree with much of it for the reasons you’ve stated.
But I’m more concerned about what is happening to our own society, as I’m sure you are too. The recent US attack on Assad rings alarm bells on how this conflict is being spun for various possible agendas. A lot of what we’ve been told by various agencies with the cooperation of the media simply doesn’t make sense and defies reason.
“If it looks like shit, and smells like shit….”
If indeed our governments have reached a point where they can directly manipulate the news for their own agenda, whether it’s Syria or Brexit then we are in a very dangerous world.
We have been noting BBC spin and its ilk for many years and recognise their agenda for pursuing the course they have. We have attributed our government going along with them as using the propaganda that has been generated. However if our governments are now manipulating facts and truth to serve their own purpose, with the mutual assistance of our media and other official agencies, then our world is in deeper shit than we have hitherto imagined.
I would like very much to be wrong on this issue – time will tell.
Teddy Bear wrote: If indeed our governments have reached a point where they can directly manipulate the news for their own agenda, whether it’s Syria or Brexit then we are in a very dangerous world.
Indeed we are. The bells toll not just for Syrians but for us. To me it is clear – the BBC will not be freed from state control, as it provides worldwide propaganda under the guise of a reputation earned in WWII.
That is why this website is so important. Its one of the most important in the world, because the BBC is a lynch pin in the dissemination of news/propaganda worldwide. None of the US “news” disseminators have the capability or the reputation of the BBC. One can forget European media as they suffer the double hazard of language and culture. That is why RT employs native English speakers, and why it is considered a threat by Britain and America.
Therefore, despite my criticism of Alan on the Syria issue, I wholeheartedly support Alan and David on this website. There is nothing else.
So thank you Alan and Dave.
NCBBC – Seems like, on this anyway, we are of one mind 🙂
Re Raymond Ibrahim; He’s been documenting the persecution of Christians throughout the Islamic world for quite a few years now. It shows clearly how much our media, our government, and even the heads of the Church have ignored it to pursue their dim and dhimmi appeasement of Islam.
Succumb = Scum!
Teddy Bear
Yes. I have written to AB of C many times over the years. First it was when the genocide of Christians was taking place in Sudan. As the West didn’t care then, Muslims felt they had a Green Light to finish off the only threat that Islam has.
Only recently has the church seen the huge harm they have done to the Body of Christ. Open Doors and Barnabas Fund are widely read now. Their presence is felt. The Church is awake, but politicians are still singing from the Dhimmi hymn book. The malign and diabolic influence of Saudi Arabia runs deep in the body politic, plus the fear of riots and the accusation of “racism” and “Islamophobia”.
No more Political Correctness. Enough. Its killing innocents by the tens of thousands.
Unfortunately the Church still thinks that ‘turning the other cheek’ means sticking their heads in the sand with their arses in the air.
Church of England Spokesman: ‘Children Should Be Forced to Learn About Islam’.
The Church of England has called for parents to lose the right to withdraw their children from religious education classes – because some parents are apparently using it to pull their children out of lessons on Islam.
I would agree if they were taught the truth about Islam, but then if they were they’d then be accused of Islamophobia.
Teddy Bear
Thanks for the link to Raymond Ibrahim. Its worth reading.
I wonder what we would do if we were in Pres Assad’s shoes. Syria has a population that is majority Sunni. A lot of them would like nothing better then to turn Syria into a Wahhabi country, along the lines of our sainted Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia are funding ISIS, al Nusra, and the likes, and for that very reason, supported by the CIA, MI5/6, and the US Air Force.
All Christians and minorities will be murdered or thrown out, unless they pay the Jizya. A complete unmitigated disaster along the lines of Libya. Christians decapitated by the dozen as they were in Libya. Our media will be ordered not to report it, give it minimal coverage, or blame the Russians. The US media will simply go along with what they are told.
How will you protect minorities, as well Sunni Muslims of goodwill, from the unmitigated disaster, with no hope for the future? And even hold elections. Exactly how?
There is no point complaining that Assad is a dictator. He is, but I cant see anyone else doing a better job then he.
Repost – Here is a video of Assad with Christians at a convent in Aleppo.
Look at the faces of the nuns and the way they greet Pres Assad and his wife. These nuns stood bravely against the Islamic radicals, supported by Saudi Arabia & the CIA, with no support from the West – none. Would they greet a “brutal” dictator this way. Are these nuns paid by Pres Assad?
Then the children. You cant force children to be relaxed and happy. If the children were frightened of Assad, it would show.
Totally agree NCBBC.
All I know is that before the Saudi/Western inspired conflict – you had a country where there were Yazdis, Muslims and Christians pretty much living together.
The regime was harsh (and not what you would call democratic) but on the whole people were not actually slitting each others throats.
And now after we have been supporting “democratic” forces how many have died?
Apart from Israel – democracy really does seem to be the curse of the Middle East. No one is saying Assad is a nice guy but could a nice guy keep Syria together?
Even assuming Assads forces did carry out the gas attacks is that really justification for a prolonged war in which thousands upon thousands have been killed, raped, murdered and sent into exile.
Obviously it is because we would not still be supporting it.
“Muslims of goodwill”
No such thing, never has been, no signs whatsoever that there ever will be.
Muslims of ill will, billions of those, ill will against the West.
They understand only lead.
I agree with you. But this is what Wiki states
The majority of the Syrian military are Sunni, but most of the military leadership are Alawites.
So I suppose there are Sunnis who see that changing the leadership of the Syrian army would not be a good idea for Syria. There may be other more convoluted reasons, but for a change one notes, that the average Sunni Muslim soldier has not mutinied and imposed Sunni rule. The opportunity and availability of support for a coup must be there, as the USA is determined once more to inflict regime change. In this context anyway, one can assume a degree of goodwill for the nation at large.
Four years ago I remember a joke from some liberal comedian. He basically said set up refugee camps, and house the women and children on cruise ships. Then when the last crazy bastard shoots themselves in the face they can move back in. Some times I think he had a point. Unfortunately now I only see a good result coming from Nato making a deal with Russia and a large modern army taking charge in. It worked for Yugoslavia, and I know it would be difficult, but what wouldn’t.
I watch very very little BBC output these days, but saw Have I Got News For You last week for the first time in ages, largely because back in the day, I used to enjoy it… watching that, it’s like the BBC want to get all their prejudices out there before the election “proper” starts on May 8th, ie a month before polling day, when they must pay lip service to impartiality.
I have discovered Netflix, and Prison Break and the early series of Homeland. Proper stuff, the like of which we don’t see on BBC…
Ditto with “The Now Show”-heard but a few minutes , baled out with the braying idiocies of Scottish lesbians, Oxbridge Marcus-clones as well as the poison dwarf called Andy Hamilton-is he the bearded one or the balded one-it`s the beardy bald one anyway!)
I`m hearing Der Starmer now on TWATO as I write-Martha`s got her gummy bear molars in as she gently quotes Corbyn at Hattersley-and gets a joyful and devasting critique of Corbyns uniquely useless pitch to we, the punters,
Martha far from happy-so up comes ANOTHER Labour gobshite to pour smoothies on those troubled waters.
And-as yet-no reply allowed by a bleeding Tory…typical scale leanings by the Godwaful wankbag that passes for a national broadcaster.
Imagine Mair has her gnashers that get used on Tories-cos Martha is useless and thick.
PS-or was it Andy Parsons?….
I would be very surprised if it were Andy Hamilton – to me an honourable exception in the ranks of BBC “comedians” / comedy writers.
John Finnemore still tries to provide non-political “comedy” in my book too.
Andy Hamilton is a totally typical, BBC privileged comedian who can do absolutely no wrong in whatever BBC programme (usually radio) that he chooses to appear in.
His “input” *always* receives the mandatory BBC “laughy-clappy” [down with Thatcher!] adulatory applause whether deserved or not.
He gets his money under false pretences *FROM* my old-age pension, amongst other pecuniary sources. He is a rogue, a charlatan and a definite vagabond!
The day that Andy Hamilton, well known anti Tory ranter on BBC Radio 4 “comedy” programmes becomes some “honourable exception” in the “ranks of BBC ‘comedians'” will be the day when the untalented poor soul collects his jotters because he simply could not keep up with the crowd.
In the meantime, the wee, devious, nasty little chap is doing extremely well for himself and no doubt collecting massive BBC fees and maybe bonuses for his input to anti-Tory points of view.
I simply have to agree with you in every single way.
“Back in the day”, as you say I was a regular viewer of HIGNFY plus many, many other comedy and political programmes. I used to enjoy them.
Then, over a period of time, my thoughts used to drift away from the supposed subjects of the programmes and I would often find myself suddenly asking,
“Whoa! Hang on a minute! Just what are you talking about here?”
This became more and more frequent. Programmes were no longer neutral; news/reporting programmes, as they were *meant* to be under the BBC Charter, but were now becoming actual propaganda outlets. They were pumping out a left-wing bias/slant on news stories and yet any and every complaint to the BBC was totally dismissed with a judgement of, “You the viewer are biased! We, the BBC are impartial!”
Their time will come! All tyrannies – and I include the BBC as a totally biased tyranny, wishing to impose its views onto a quiet and usually acceptive population:
*WELL* one day in the not too far distant future, there will be a great outcrying objection *against* the BBC! People who said nothing for far too long, will one day speak out *AGAINST* this National Broadcaster of now-known ill repute!
People *WILL* demand that this travesty of a supposed National Broadcaster is gone and its punitive tax regime goes along with it.
I hope that I do live to see the day!
Any TV channel that has a programme called ‘car share’ and calls it comedy has seriously lost it’s way.
The BBC have made Richard Kay unfunny.
Richard Kay, he used to live in a shoe box in middle of t’road.
Then he was moved to a hole in the road and he is no longer funny.
Must be getting up half an hour before he goes to bed.
I agree with John about Alan. Assad is not our enemy. He has been the last bulwark against ISIS. Without him, ISIS would be in charge right across Syria and not just in Raqqa.
We were lucky that Cameron never got to bomb him out of office and to let the terrorists take over in his wake.
Removing Assad will not result in Syria becoming a liberal western democracy and sometime a strongman in power is the least-worst option and here I reference Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi. What follows is worse.