The celebs who packed out the audience and were laughing so hard in 1997 aren’t laughing so loud now as the joke becomes reality, Littlejohn aside…let’s build that wall!!!…
Shame coz they need something to laugh about as their richly diverse and cosmopolitan lives are being devastated as one of their fave ethnic foods is being sabotaged and is off the shelves…
Houmous crisis hits supermarkets as ‘metallic-tasting’ dip recalled – leaving empty shelves
Well. That's my Saturday night RUINED. Houmous shortage in @sainsburys #FirstWorldProblems #gutted
— SamSam (@sammywammy30) April 22, 2017
Disabling comments on a YouTube video ?
That’s libtard BBC level
You can comment on the video here or on the full video in the link provided if you feel the need….though curiously you don’t comment…other than to carp about not being able to comment.
The site we upload from is purely an admin site to enable us to upload video that is difficult to do so by other means…it’s not intended for general Youtube entertainment. Sorry about that as Youtube might say.
And ‘Eddy Booth’…or Eddie as I know you, really? ‘Eddie Booth’, the racist bigot from Love Thy Neighbour? Anyone might be suspicious you are that ‘BBC Libtard’ trying to be funny by labelling commenters on this site as racist bigots by using that name.
Hi Eddy – Seems like a petty, meaningless comment to make? You can post your comments here on this thread!
Anyway thank you Alan for posting the full link to the Alf Garnett show (Johnny Speight creator of the character & actor Warren Mitchell who played the role) – there is a cleverness and relevancy to it.
This is the image I have when I think about these luvvies in the next decade or so.
The Following is from an article published in the Mancunian in October 2016 written by someone called Rosa Simonet.
God save the Queen’ stands in the way of progress
… Our own display of national pride and tribute to the monarchy through our own national anthem should be put under question … the presence of institutional racism … should be prompting action … institutional racism and discriminatory forces within British society can be rooted in our symbols of national pride. The idyllic portrait of empire in ‘God Save the Queen,’ acts as a tribute to those of upper class, White British descent. … [it] condones the brutality of colonialism and the discrimination of the Other. … refusing to change the song represents the lack of even a symbolic acknowledgement of atrocities committed in the Colonial Era. Among these atrocities were the slaughter of over 25,000 (22,000 being children) in the Boer concentration camps, the torture of 3,000 Cypriots, the exploitation of the Indian peoples, and countless instances of theft—both of land and of property … this dismissal of the lives that were brutally disadvantaged, and paying tribute to its main benefactors could be attributed to the lack of value for the lives of the non-white communities as well as other marginalised groups in modern day Britain. ‘God save the Queen,’ is not a call for inclusion, freedom, and equality. Instead, the song functions as a blatant praise of the prevailing hierarchy. It portrays the monarch and the extended elite as essential to Britain’s survival as a nation — a survival many believe is threatened in the midst of the refugee crisis. … the belief in White-British supremacy, continue to corrupt our institutions …
This is just a call for the indigenous British people to be permanently pushed down below the “non-white communities and other marginalised groups in modern day Britain” who, presumably, have been reluctantly herded onto these islands to live among the guilt-stained.
It is remarkable how so few from these rainy isles were able to inflict such pain on the rest of the world! Truly they must have been a superior species to have achieved that! The world must have been a Garden of Eden and peace before our ancestors took to the waves!
When I see Saudia Arabia looking forward to a Christian prime minister, Pakistan welcoming African immigrants and Kenya the Polish perhaps the writer might have a point. Until then I struggle to credit those who equate German Jews fleeing Germany in WW2 with Somali Muslim ‘refugees’ flooding into ‘racist’ Europe with any sense of reality.
Lets play the ‘Red Flag’ for Lenin/Stalin 60 million Christian deaths.
Lets play the ‘Red Flag’ for Moa 70-100 million deaths.
Lets play the ‘Red Flag’ for Pol Pot 2 million
Lets play the ‘Red Flag’ one more time for the 30 million in North Korea, Afghanistan, and Eastern Europe.
Then lets never hear the little red death anthem anymore.
Hi DElf,
Interesting you citing Pol Pot because although his number was only a pathetic 2 million I have a suspicion that as a PROPORTION of his population it was by a long way the highest.
So a more capable gentleman than the stats would first have you believe.
Credit where it’s due surely comrade?
Well, you forgot Angola, Zimbabwe, Mengistu’s Ethiopia, Cuba, Venezuela…
I think that the worst thing, for me, about seeing the surviving evidence for the Killing Fields of Cambodia, isn’t the piles of exhumed bones, surprisingly, but the thousands of photographs displayed at Tuol Sleng, once a Phnom Penh school, then a holding-camp for people destined for the Killing Fields. These are the pictures of people still alive, possibly minutes from death, who had no idea why they were ever in that place. Teachers, some of them, imprisoned in a school by a regime which despised learning (a regime whose leaders picked up their marxism at the Sorbonne). There are men and women, boys and girls, tiny children.
One exhibit, when I was there (it may be permanent) refers to a delegation of Swedish leftists, who miraculously failed to find fault with the Khmer Rouge at the height of the killing, much as Durranty, Shaw, H G Wells and the Webbs saw nothing wrong in the USSR under Stalin. Over thirty years later, one (and only one) of the Swedes returned to acknowledge his error and to apologize. Now, his original colleagues may have been dead, or too infirm, to make the journey, but they had had plenty of time to make amends for endorsing Pol Pot beforehand. Not one had done so.
Well, you forgot Angola, Zimbabwe, Mengistu’s Ethiopia, Cuba, Venezuela…
I think that the worst thing, for me, about seeing the surviving evidence for the Killing Fields of Cambodia, isn’t the piles of exhumed bones, surprisingly, but the thousands of photographs displayed at Tuol Sleng, once a Phnom Penh school, then a holding-camp for people destined for the Killing Fields. These are the pictures of people still alive, possibly minutes from death, who had no idea why they were ever in that place. Teachers, some of them, imprisoned in a school by a regime which despised learning (a regime whose leaders picked up their marxism at the Sorbonne). There are men and women, boys and girls, tiny children.
One exhibit, when I was there (it may be permanent), refers to a delegation of Swedish leftists, who miraculously failed to find fault with the Khmer Rouge at the height of the killing, much as Durranty, Shaw, H G Wells and the Webbs saw nothing wrong in the USSR under Stalin. Over thirty years later, one (and only one) of the Swedes returned to acknowledge his error and to apologize. Now, his original colleagues may have been dead, or too infirm, to make the journey, but they had had plenty of time to make amends for endorsing Pol Pot beforehand. Not one had done so.
Dear Alan and David Vance, may I suggest you have a “BBC Loon of The Week Thread” or “Leftie Loon of the Week thread”, where you open up a thread noting one specific looney article, or tweet, or something a given person has written or done, and then the rest of us have to find other articles etc written/done by the same person, as well as digging up biographical details.
So much material.. where would we start?
This just goes to show the uselessness of the snowflake generation. No hummus on the supermarket shelves? Make your own! I remember bread shortages in the early 70s during all the industrial unrest, so my mum made bread. Thanks to mum and a good cookery teaching at school I can make most things from scratch, but a lot of basic skills are being lost nowadays.
It always tickles me that Johnny Speight and Warren Mitchell were trying to make fun of ‘bigotry’ with Alf Garnett but ended up creating a hugely popular enduring character who struck a chord with many people – Garnett could say the things that many were thinking but didn’t dare utter. By contrast, a comedy character that made fun of far-left views, ‘Citizen Smith’ never reached such heights of popularity, probably because the people it mocked were largely without a sense of humour.
Pity that, Cranmer, because Citizen Smith was a good show. But, as you say, the Left do not seem to have a sense of humour.
” the Left do not seem to have a sense of humour.”
But they must have, if they keep Abutt and Crobyn in key positions!