The number of senior BBC managers paid more than £150,000 has risen, despite assurances the figure would fall. A National Audit Office report said there were 98 people on that salary level last year, up from 89 in 2012. The BBC said reductions in the overall number of senior managers mean some staff now have more responsibilities, which has been reflected in their pay.
It’s the “special funding model” which allows these scavengers to fill their boots at our expense.
Dear people the BBC needs your £147 per anum to survive, So you know what you have to do cancel your £147 a year BBC viewing tax and starve the BBC of the funds it needs to survive and have £147 a year to spend on something more worth while than the BBC….It only takes enough of us to cancel the BBC viewing tax you know it makes sence
It really isn’t fair .
There I am NOT paying anything to them , and they seem so concerned about me and my property . Always sending letters that they haven’t heard from me , can I get in touch , numerous investigations opened and then finalised about my house , and always letting me know when they’re in my area , presumably so we can meet up for a pint ?
I don’t want it to be all one sided . Next time I’m near Portland Place or Salford Quays I’ll pop in to their canteen or boardroom and have dinner with them . What would they like to discuss ?
Not only are there more of these overpaid nobodies, their incompetence has increased as they obviously can’t manage properly.
Bbc = A tax that 99% would not pay if they had a choice ……
I wonder how many of those managers on over £150,000 are paid well just to keep them silent and not to go the Police? So many skeletons in the BBC cupboards.
Why are they allowed to be paid more than the Prime Minister?
Are they more important?
Exactly what do they do?
The British Leyland of the airwaves. All it needs is it’s very own union militant group. Coming soon the Austin Allegro and Morris Marina of programmes. Keep facelifting tired old rubbish like Dr Who and Casualty.
Meanwhile Netflix and the rest are putting the BBc to the sword.
With the bbc now classed as the official opposition to The Conservatives, I suppose they think that all that money should put them on a par with people who actually bring wealth to the country.
Unfortunately most politicians shot themselves in both feet when they awarded themselves staggering pay rises, and eye-watering expenses and troughing opportunities, so the best manifesto pledge to cease funding the bbc would have to remain unstated, until about three o’clock a.m. on Friday 9th of June.
I’d do the proverbial stark-naked crawl over a mile of broken glass to see the slackening faces on all the smug ‘reporters’.
Dave S
the BBC became irelevant back in the mid 1950s when we got ITV, Now today in the era of multi-channel satellite, cable and terrestrial TV plus the internet, Youtube, Netflix etc etc the BBC is a pointless irrelevant entitiy that costs the UK taxpayer £4 billion a year. The BBC is a stagecoach in the era of Shinkansen and so due to the obsolecency and irrelevancy of the BBC should have been killed of decades ago as everyone else does what the BBC does better, cheaper and more efficeintly than what the BBC does
The cost of buying public opinion is an interesting one.
Here, the BBC ignores its own €5B contribution, It’s championing of the equally dubiously funded Gina Miller, and allows George to pose one of those questions the BBC likes to seed…
There is also a single Brexregret poll out today. The BBC may suddenly alight on this and demand it be stuck with.
“some staff now have more responsibilities, which has been reflected in their pay.”
Don’t make me laugh! Let’s make a comparison.
It is indeed a harsh world for many hard working self employed people who have to convince others to pay them by doing a good job, usually have to take on and solve additional unforeseen problems for free and may never be paid at all in many instances. The government rewards these people by requiring them to take over the work of HMRC for free whilst charging a myriad of harsh penalties for even minor compliance failures.
All the while, employees must be paid on time, somehow, whether or not there is anything left for the employer.
It makes me laugh when I hear about the likes of the BBC senior managers having more responsibilities. Where is the responsibility when they receive £150,000 plus per year, non-refundable, probably have free (to them) access to “experts to do the real work for them”, can get everything wrong and still walk off to the next overpaid job with a golden goodbye when it suits them.
I am sure I am being unfair but sometimes this is how it seems.
Just as with the NHS and other public institutions I suspect, the BBC have a practice whereby the job holder gets an automatic payrise just for surviving another year in the organisation. This comes on top of what is awarded as part of the annual settlement/ appraisal process. Hence the numbers of people paid exhorbitant salaries at our expense is bound to rise.
Also take into account those previously working on service contracts who are now being brought back in house that weren’t taken into account previously. These people would negotiate and be phased back into the BBC to manage tax issues, budgets etc, they wouldn’t have come back immediately.
I used to get a career progression increase then an annual cost of living award .My wage was nothing like any of these people and I never forgot the taxpayer was funding me.
I was a low level manager but more senior managers urged me to get up the greasy pole and improve my salary /pension.My face never really fitted in management so no chance .In my profession social services, it was well known the people at the top were useless but flitted from highly paid job to other highly paid jobs with golden goodbye deals and even golden hellos.More taxpayers money.
This attitude is replicated anywhere that public money is involved ,charities are on the bandwagon ,the NHS Quangos etc.
The BBCs output has got worse not better even without the rampant bias and improvement should be the only basis for a pay rise. As I have said before I would love for the Tories to make a pledge to privatise the BBC if they get a big majority but I’m sure they won’t .
In the end market forces may well do for it .
I for one am going to be complaining to Offcom as often as I can and see if they are really independent.
If the BBC ever forced to enter the real world it would rapidly learn to control its costs, But it is the BBC we are talking about here and the BBC has since its miserable birth never had to live in the real world, Instead the BBC has a £4 billion a year protection racket to protect it from the real world of having to deal with real things like costs, customers and shareholders, Customer and shareholders in the digital multichannel cable, satellite, internet age when faced with an outdated, obsolete and failing product like the BBC can now take their custom and money to better products and leave the BBC to die