A brass neck award (embossed with a eunuch brass monkey) this morning for relentless adherence to the agenda goes to the BBC and their chums at the Royal Horticultural Society.
Poker-faced presenter delivers a spectacularly ill-timed lecture on Global Warming and how it is going to alter the traditional British garden delivered just as we bemused viewers wake up to another frost and our Carol Kirkwood promises yet another tomorrow.
Brrrr… It’s all body warmers and padded gillets with the wellies this morning for the BBC and RHS chaps and chapesses.
I’m reminded of Gordon Brown’s angry outburst accompanying his infamous “Bigoted Woman” comments : “Who arranged this?”
Global Warming and Climate Change has been put back 80 years! We were promised it two years ago. In fact, some claimed we would already be growing grapes and Joshua trees on our patios, let alone in the greenhouse, up in Aberdeen and in Fort William by 2010. Then, as it hadn’t arrived, recent estimates were for 2020, 2025 and – pick a number with a pin on the calendar and lo, it is – 2030.
Now, apparently, Global Warming and Climate Change is not going to turn up until 2100. That is later than the latest of late London buses has ever been.
Musn’t grumble too much. It has been an absolutely glorious Spring here, down in the south-east. Best one for years, RHS please note. Apologies to all elsewhere in the UK who are cold and wet elsewhere in the UK for reminding you how well we are doing down here. May the sun shine on you with abundance this summer.
In the meantime, in the light of this horrendous delay, we should get our money back.
I’ve been waiting for warmer climes for almost 30 years now. Al Gore promised me that by now I would be basking in Mediterranean temperatures – as it is, I’m sat here with my heater on, two fleeces and my hands are still cold. Al Gore, meanwhile, received a Nobel Prize for his science fiction film.
If we assume – bear with me, here – that 97% of climate scientists are correct that that CAGW is real, that it is ‘man-made’, that we are already past the CO2 ‘tipping point’ they keep shrieking about, that the science is ‘settled’, then we know (because they’ve told us) that there is nothing we can do about it.
That is the agreed narrative, right? So if we are already past the point of no return it follows that nothing we now do in terms of carbon reductions, so-called ‘renewables’, will make any difference whatsoever. So why are we still being bullied into accepting some kind of ‘carbon neutral’ future in which all fossil fuels are banned and we are returned to pre-industrial levels of fuel poverty and hardship?
Or perhaps they’ve been telling us lies. Perhaps global CO2 is not the smoking gun, perhaps the world can manage quite nicely with a very slowly rising global temperature (god knows, it could actually bring quite a few benefits), that rising CO2 might actually (whisper it) be good for a greening planet.
Perhaps Al Gore should think about returning his Nobel Prize.
It’s the total failure of the Warmists to have made accurate predictions that gives the lie to the entire scam. Genuine science enables observers to predict outcomes. Scientivists like the jokers at UEA fall at that hurdle.
Does the BBC ever subject their doomsaying to scrutiny? Never.
Accurate predictions evading the warmists. Rather like the BBC and their referendum / election predictions, hang on, also like the remainers and their predictions on the economy post Brexit.
Do I sense a correlation here, quick where’s me slide rule!
The BBC is literally obsessed
BBC News has more “project fear” crap, this one straight out of the f-ckwit Fallon “take on Russia in two yrs” scarebook.
Russian hackers are now targeting the campaign of French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron, say security experts.
Phishing emails, malware and fake net domains were all being used as attack techniques, said Feike Hacquebord, from security company Trend Micro.
The attackers are believed to be part of the same group that targeted the US election
… poor Hillary eh
The climate change bollax kicks off again on breakfast only a couple of days since the media was banging on about hose pipe bans in the South East. Breakfast is in Wisley and we are informed gardens in the North and South. Blah blah blah.
Its just arrant nonsense. We have had a dry winter and there is nothing unusual about that.
On the other hand, with the South of the country tipping downwards it is so overloaded with excess population and absolutely no investment whatsoever being made in new water resources, is it any wonder that one small blip in the weather catches us out?
The RHS, like so many of our institutions, was stormed and taken captive by ‘Greens’ in the 1980s, by the way. Anything it says these days (along with the National Trust) needs running through an anti Green filter before it can be believed.
As the old RAF guys used to say, “What goes up, must come down.”
Might not be too long before we are shivering in the showers of summer or tipping the wellies upside down to drain them after some serious non-dream over-topping.
Those RAF chappies knew a thing or two about evaporation and condensation and precipitation and it wasn’t just about the milk in the tea in the NAAFI.
When you see Bojo float past on his back, lying on his lilo, you’ll know we are in non-Global Warming trouble.
Another stabbing in London. We just have to pray that no hate crime has been committed, and that the assailant did not suffer the indignity of a stop and search.
If Paul Nuttall wants another idea for the UKIP manifesto to go along with the burka ban how about this.
Repeal and ban ALL hate crime legislation.
If I were to commit a crime against somebody, why should I be punished more severely if it was a muzzy as opposed to someone who was only an indigenous Brit.
Why is a crime against a white Brit deemed less important than exactly the same crime against an enricher.
I thought everyone was supposed to be equal.
Abolishing every hate law will deliver a fairer justice than this dogs breakfast that is currently imposed on us.
Along with: Equality Act 2010; Criminal Justice Act 2003; Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013; International Development Bill; Section 363 of the Communications Act 2003. Oh yes, and those who were prosecuted or imprisoned under the latter should receive pardons plus compensation taken from the BBC Pension Fund and the profits of Capita.
Hate crime is an affront to freedom and democracy, it has no placed in a civilised society.
Only the states favoured groups get to be included, and it would appear that there are many get outs available for those favoured groups if they transgress the law.
So if you are not a favoured group you have no additional protection, which is hardly fair. In addition the perpetrator of a crime can actually claim a lessening of a sentence if they belong to one of the favoured groups.
Well your honour I beat him to a pulp because he was a ‘racist’ and called me a name. Oh well that’s alright then, completely understandable, in fact we’ll throw the victim in jail for such a heinous act!
On the other hand I do not want to see a ‘burka ban’ which makes a victim group out of a certain group who are willing to constantly claim victim status. There is no good reason for anyone in this society to cover their face, save legal requirement (PPE etc) and having see the Fascist thugs in their new Black shirt uniforms complete with black face masks I would be only too happy for this to be included as a crime.
I’d like to see a clear definition of ‘racism’ &false allegations of racism made a criminal offence, along with every ‘ism’ and phobia the left has cooked up, with an obligation on the Police that they have to investigate every report. I’d also like to see a ban on employment in any government department or funded body for those found guilty.
False allegations of Racism are far more damaging than any kind of Racism unless it turns to physical violence.
Yes, apparently it’s possible to get 10 years in jail for just saying the word “black”.
For example, if I stab a swarthy individual to death shouting “you bastard” I might get 10 years behind bars.
If I stab this same swarthy individual shouting you “black bastard” then the tariff is doubled.
Doesn’t seem to work the other way around and for some reason.
Beeb Brother – or that most heinous of indignities: racial profiling. (Despite the obvious fact that certain, erm, ethnicities, commit a hugely disproportionate amount of gun and knife crimes.)
This week at Oxford Crown Court another muslim grooming gang was in court, I found out via Tommy Robinson on Facebook, I searched the 4 Billion Bbc website and Facebook tumbleweeds and silence. They did however have this on their headline page.
English children being raped,exploited,beaten , tortured…….nothing to see here , NO MSM INTEREST., make a nasty comments about muslim children and the world according to the Beeb will condemn you.
Yes I saw this article as well. It was only last week that I discovered that it is illegal in France to collect or publish statistics concerning race or religion. Not only is there a clear danger to free speech in such an approach there is also the question of how is it possible to make any informed policy decisions without accurate and relevant data. Its bonkers.
Ah Beziers on the south coast,I went through there nearly 30 years ago on my way to Narbonne to meet a cousin,he warned me about the Arabs in Beziers, it was overun then.
I can remember 20 + years ago being told that by this time we would be growing citrus fruit, and yet nothing even close has come to pass.
People have long grown wise to the crying wolf of the climate change lobby, when their alarmist forecasts have proven completely wrong.
Yes me too and it’s fucking freezing here on the east coast… just like yesterday and just like the forecast for tomorrow. …..global warming bollocks. ..
During the 1976 drought various experts were assuring us that northern European agriculture was in permanent change with rice and alfalfa becoming staples. The following year, after continuous rain, bitter cold and the crops rotting in the fields, combines went down to their axles in mud when attempting the harvest.
Strangely, none of the experts seemed available to explain the phenomenon.
PS. Roger Harrabin was probably still at school – but on the road to greatness…
Look, you were promised a “Mediterranean Climate” withing 50 (or was it 100?) years. I have been living in a “Mediterranean Climate” for over ten years, and I can tell you that you’re welcome to it – it’s fuckin’ cold…
…so discard your lemon tree saplings, and forget any thoughts of balmy, sunny days, with sangria beside your open air pools – it ain’t gonne happen. In fact you’d be better off investing in warm clothes and igloo-building kits.
Tsk tsk, back to the re-education camps, all of you! If it is warm, that is because of global warming. If it is cold, that is also because of global warming causing the ice caps to melt and the gulf stream to cool down. And anyway, it’s called ‘climate change’ now so there.
Cranmer, you make a good point. Mankind can control the climate!
Er what? As men have been so hopeless, despite spending zillions of roubles and dollars in the 1950s and 1960s, trying to influence just one small part of ‘climate’ and failing miserably before giving up, then I suggest a new solution.
Appoint a woman to be directly in charge of the World climate.
Not in charge of the people. In fact, I’d advise making 99.9% of the world’s climate scientists redundant immediately. Not the taxes. They should be scrapped – especially as they usually have an effect opposite to what they are trying to achieve. Not the various aspects of human activity that are made to bow to worship this god called Climate.
No. Let’s see them have a go. Let a woman be put in charge of the climate. That’ll sort it!
BBC News – BBC managers on £150,000 salaries rises despite pledge
“There were 98 people on that salary level last year, up from 89 in 2012.
The BBC said reductions in the overall number of senior managers mean some staff now have more responsibilities, which has been reflected in their pay”.
The BBC said? … its from your own site!, bloody hell, talk about controlled media.
Almost as bad as Liar May, but 😀 that ll take some doing …
Tory “a lie a day” goes into overdrive … with fake events, fake crowds, fake soap box, not even informing the media or journalist s of the agenda, so fake media which only leaves fake questions.
“”BBC managers on £150,000 salaries rises despite pledge””
“”MPs also said they were “concerned” about reports some Capita staff some had targeted vulnerable residents in collecting the licence fee, spurred on by an aggressive incentive scheme””
The bBBC going big on the NHS today.
Corbyn is going to give NHS workers four new bank holidays and big pay rises. In other words a transfer of resources from other people into a very inefficient part of the economy. Eventually Corbyn will want everyone to be paid by the NHS without actually doing any work at all !
I just hope those who will have to pay for this (private industry workers) will have the sense to realise.
It’s just a straight bribe as money for votes among NHS workers, supported no doubt by the NHS unions.
As for any critical review of such largesse, well the bBBC won’t be providing any.
Does anyone rememember a Spitting Image of Kinnock at the 87 election?
He’s endlessly shouting “Nurses Pensioners Nurses Pensioners”. Then he says “Nice people. People that people like”.
Thirty years later, Corbyn has exactly the same message for the gullible tax payer.
G – Listened to some rubbish on R4 yesterday about how some “asylum seekers” are not given enough money to travel around etc depending on how they got into the UK.
Back in ww2 refugees/asylum seekers were probably grateful to still have their own lives. How things have changed!
The ones they interviewed of course all spoke good english, wanted to work, and of course and appeared to be degree level qualified.
Obviously all asylum seekers must all be like this . Why did I ever think that this was not the case – I really must stop being so cynical – its only money!
The funniest was when for the World at One they interviewed someone affected by Trump’s ‘Muslim ban.’ She was a woman off to do PHD research at Harvard! So representative!
Oaknash – I heard the same drivel on R4’s Today programme yesterday. The distinction between the groups being discussed was that one group had applied in the proper manner to to enter the UK and they were being treated accordingly, as asylum seekers, upon their arrival.
The other group had somehow arrived into the UK without properly applying for asylum, obviously having passed through several other safe countries to get here, any one of which should have been their first port of call for an asylum request…. but obviously the benefits system wasn’t up to their demands, so they forged ahead to the UK before applying.
Hmm – somehow, unlike the BBC, I don’t see the problem here in distinguishing between these two groups. The latter group had already achieved entry into a safe country before getting to the UK, anything beyond that is demanding economic refugee status, not seeking asylum. In other words – they shouldn’t be here. But hey – let’s bitch about UK being less than welcoming with open arms (and wallets), eh ?
But……. as always – BBC – some of the truth, some of the time.
Richard – I could be wrong because I often zone out when Aunty tries to send us on one of her magical guilt trips – But afterwards I also got the distinct impression that there was a subtle suggestion that if only we came up with more spondulicks they could all afford their bus fares and go out and get a masters degree (whatever that is)
Aunty loves trying to make us all feel guilty on anything to do with immigration. I have not made up my mind whether this is because
1 It makes us more amenable to even more doctors, teachers and engineers coming into the UK
2 Because the shits that run the BBC, all have an overwhelming sense of entitlement themselves they think that any of their special favourite groups should also, be granted whatever they want.
In the great scheme of things it matters not but it certainly grinds my gears!
Anyone who works in private business who votes Labour is a fool. Labour these days is the party of public sector workers and benefit claimants. All Labour is interested in is taking money from people who have earned it, to give to those who haven’t.
Great Free Schools debate on the TODAY programme (BBC R4) just before the pre-8am weather forecast.
No-one, Toby Young, Meg Hillier or the TODAY presenter, remembered the words of Comrade Corbyn last weekend. There is a crisis in our schools. A lack of schools, a lack of school places, children in over-large classes, schools facing unprecedented demand.
Now, today, we have too many schools, too many unfilled places, unnecessary Free Schools, built at great expense.
And Comrade Corbyn. Back in his corner. Ignored. Forgotten.
“The artwork shown above was created by Friedrich Kunath in 2010 for a solo exhibition at the Andrea Rosen Gallery in New York, making the work not amateur, not the winner of a contest, and not from the Netherlands. Additionally, Kunath’s art (which is called “Tropical Depression“), has nothing at all to do with Europe or multiculturalism”
Still, is all artwork not in the eye of the beholder. And if, for example, one were to draw a similarity between a man growing a tree in an attempt to commit suicide; and the swathes of europhiles waving “refugee’s welcome” banners at an invading horde of young men (who are the vangaurd of the religion of peace): Then it is entirely up to the viewer as to how to interpret the piece of art.
Just sticking with the Royal Horticultural Society and the surprise that gardeners would join in with the Global Warming and Climate Change nonsense, the BBC have this from a drought ridden, desertified part of the good, ole YOOOESSAaay: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-39671753
Hate is an emotion. Hate crime is effectively thought crime, which has somewhat sinister associations.
I would make virtue signalling a crime: anyone who says we must welcome all migrants must instantly prepare their spare room and have several migrants to stay with them. If they refuse to do so yet continue to virtue signal, they must go to prison.
Yes scanning the capitals press outlets there seems to be a frightening epidemic of knife crime, murders and assaults .
Most of the time little information is given out regarding the perpetrators / suspects other than they are usually teenage. Victims appear to range from teenagers to pensioners. Anyone who is in the wrong place. Though the greatest percentage again seems to be teenagers.
I’ll get to the point there is an epidemic increase in London which will continue and spread until a targeted approach to lock up up those carrying out these crimes. Mainly black Asian eastern European gangs.
Obviously I don’t expect anything to change in the near future because a targeted approach will be wracist. ……easier to bury our heads and pretend it’s not happening. ………
Insanity. ..
They certainly will. I have it on good authority that they intend to do absolutely nothing and suspect that they will do this absolute nothingness with great enthusiasm and effectiveness.
About 70% of suspects and victims are young black men. Their mothers are usually migrants from Africa or the Caribbean, and nobody knows who their fathers are.
Operation Trident was specifically formed to combat black on black gun crime. They were very successful, and expanded to deal with knife and violent gang crime. Even though they only dealt with black on black crime, they dealt with 90% of all shootings. 80% of all street robberies are committed by young black men. It was a wonder that the Met were allowed to create Trident after the accusations of racism continually thrown them.
The medias continual harassment over the imbalance of stop and search is another hindrance of police attempting to stem the violence. BBC has been front and centre when accusing the police of being racist, when in reality they are only trying to save lives.
It’s funny that BBC and newspaper reports would report stabbing some and shootings in London without identifying the victims – perps apart from the fact that is was being investigated by Trident . Msm really didn’t credit us with much brain eh?
The absolute nonsense that is being paraded on the TODAY programme this morning from all sources that is somewhat contradictory is absolutely amazing!
The Green Party have pledged an early manifesto promise for the GE2017. They have committed to not just scrapping Student Tuition Fees but also to reintroduce Student Grants. Unfortunately, the taxpayer in the form of business will pay for this via a Corporation Tax increase. (Have the Greens spoken to their Coalition, Co-operative Alliance-type Labour Party ‘friends’ about that?)
While at University, however, students will be able to learn interesting things like ‘drinking alcohol makes your heart rate go up*’ and ‘how to throw scrunched paper into a waste paper basket’.
Yes, honestly.
(*To be fair, the alcohol study did make an important finding that regular levels of high alcohol consumption may increase a ‘floor’ at which a person’s heart is vulnerable to arrhythmia. However, no-one in the TODAY Studio remembered that binge drinking is something of a phenomenon of the past – those good, old, Labour days, eh? – and that young people, especially, are consuming less alcohol now than say, ten years ago.)
The BBC are spending hundreds of millions to increase ‘diversity.’ Do they think when all this is done the gates of heaven will open and we will live in paradise? Do any of these assailants see black newsreaders and decide to forego a life of crime? Do they watch ‘Rasta Mouse’ as a child and feel so empowered they decide to work really hard at school?
Four deaths in a week! Horrendous. What can be done to stop this epidemic?
Of course such research would never be done, but I would be intrigued to know how many victims and perpetrators of knife crime listen to grime music, an especially dark rap form which glorifies violence and is often given a platform by that ultra diverse station radio 1tra? I would guess well over 70%.
The BBC’s ‘save Labour’ campaign is off to a flying start today! R 4’s 9 am news led with the most naked attempt at bribery yet – a Labour ‘promise’ to raise the wages of staff in the already hopelessly overpriced, bloated and inefficient NHS.
No mention, strangely, of the 4,000 ‘needless’ deaths reported in today’s Mail, nor the 13,000 mistreated last year with surgical instruments left inside patients, wrong drugs prescribed and so on. And, of course, definitely no mention of nursing standards that would shame a third world country in some cases.
So there we have it. From the party that brought us (then lied about and tried to hide) Andy Burhma’s Mid-Staffs deathcamp, yet more incentive to… um… vote anything but Labour.
Unless, of course, you are already on sucking on the public teat in the NHS or at the BBC.
I expect that hospital ‘managers’ will be rubbing their hands with glee with the prospect of tons of taxpayer’s hard earned cash will boost their pensions, allow more cover-ups, bring in more overseas staff now Burnham’s legacy party bumf is on the table as a manifesto lie.
Trouble is, they won’t ever get it when Liebour slump to about ninety seats after the GE.
So I suppose the ‘managers’ will just have to make do with money roughly the same as the bbc ‘managers’ get.
(WTF does the bbc need so many ‘managers’? Any normal business shuns management as a huge overhead to beat down at every turn)!
I think you answered your own question there. Most businesses don’t have the option of compelling people to buy their product on pain of imprisonment. I think Woolworths and BHS would still be in business if they had that sort of power.
“a Labour ‘promise’ to raise the wages of staff in the already hopelessly overpriced, bloated and inefficient NHS.”
I bet they referenced this promise to the other Labour promise of note this week, the one committing to 4 extra bank holidays each year. Then, I bet they did an impact assessment that these extra bank holidays would have on overtime payments within our rich and generous health service after these pay rises have been implemented?
What? They didn’t? Well that’s joined up reporting from the BBC for you…
Wake up and Labour PR leads the news headlines again
And then the 5Liv phone-in seem to be only for LibMob
“Tactical voting – making the most of your ballot, or undermining democracy?”
‘Yeh first past the post is not DEMOCRATIC
…so we have to vote tactically and get this Brexit STOPPED’
..Irony Meter broken again
..actually good point from a Labour supporter ..he’s hoping Labour don’t get voted in cos it’ a poisoned chalice ..cos “Labour will be blamed for Brexit mess”
I’ve been pondering whether a new Tory government might take on al beeb, sell off channel 4 and get ofcom to make public funded news output a bit more pro UK as opposed to rubbishing what is left of British identity after having been drowned by nonEnglish speakers and multiculturalism .
Suppose they’ve got to be carefully about wording in the manifesto .
Family breakdown and crap parenting coupled with poor quality teachers.. I don’t totally blame teachers just the trendy teach yourself ideas that prevail in class rooms.
White male tv presenters are fast becoming a thing of the past. Having just watched an early morning nonsense programme with Angela Rippon and….. Kevin Duala; followed by Homes Under the Hammer with….Dion Dublin (currently talking to new ‘developers’ – 2 Muslim women, one wearing the hijab)!!!; shortly followed by Claimed & Shamed hosted by …….. Ore Oduba; later this evening there is Being Black going Crazy…… Keith Dube.
None appear to have a journalistic cv, but past careers include footballer, actor, and a couple of I’ll Do Anything ! If they have been chosen on merit, ok, but its a growing phenomenon that men of colour are at the forefront of diversity at the expense of the white majority. A few years ago Media Studies was the favourite choice of many that went to University, so are these ‘footballers, actors’ etc being chosen above those who have studied media, and who are now unlikely to see themselves getting jobs because of diversity ?
R4 Scrapped Midweek and replaced it with an arts prog
which seems to be 90% about the 3% black people in the population
This week : Yinka Shonibare and David Adjaye
*Ah they are using a trick to block images
Last week Chi-chi Nwanoku and Yinka Shonibare
Ah the first week they had white people
Grayson Perry and Naomi Alderman – A transvestite and feminist writer
“Naomi Alderman’s The Power presents an alternative universe where women own the supreme power to rule, to manipulate, and to kill at their own will”
..”men can’t drive, men need the signature of a female guardian to go out and they can’t hang out in large numbers”
Lovely walk round Arles today on the Vincent Van Gogh trail. Great paintings, lots of black in them amoung the other varied colours. Never knew he was racist, although a prelidiction for Green Fairies may have assisted his artwork.
“Naomi Alderman’s The Power presents an alternative universe where women own the supreme power to rule, to manipulate, and to kill at their own will”
..”men can’t drive, men need the signature of a female guardian to go out and they can’t hang out in large numbers”
Sounds like she is describing the plight of women in Saudi Arabia.
Like most of the contributors to this site I despair of the BBC.
Does the BBC realise how much damage they have done to the morale and aspirations of the
“Ordinary” people of this country.?..Me and you and our families.
I cannot understand why over the last few years our lives ,way of life and culture has been
sacrificed on the alter of globalisation and multicultural dogma in such a short time.
BBC signed up hook line and sinker to the project …….so reel the plebs in!
The BBC has been the Pathfinder for the European project and beyond.
The BBC have no conscience.
Quislings! BBC that is!
“Frankly my dear listeners and viewers we could not give a damn!”
‘the search for a third presenter (Dion Dublin) was carried out in accordance with standard practice in the broadcasting industry. A production company spoke to, and viewed tapes from, dozens of potential candidates, eventually narrowing these down to a shortlist of 12. The process of appointment took just under a year.’
Homes Under the Hammer, BBC One – The complaint concerned the BBC’s choice of Dion Dublin as a presenter of Homes Under the Hammer:
short BBC WS prog “So I Can Breathe: What Difference Did It Make?
The season So I Can Breathe explored some of the ways the world is seeking to reduce air pollution. How much of an impact did it have. Head of the project Emily Kasriel* joins Rajan in the Over To You studio to explain the impetus for the season and listeners from around the world share their thoughts on its efficacy.”
*BBC employee who also works for NGO Skoll Foundation which funded Al Gore’s movie also
It will not be a revelation to contributors to this blog but yesterday, I overheard people discussing the Labour plans for Brexit and the Keir Starmer plan just announced. In essence, it was ridiculed as having likely been compiled by some junior with no experience of negotiation. The other party to the discussion said, “well, well, he (Starmer) was at one time the Attorney General in the Labour Government wasn’t he?”. “Yes”, the other replied, “it just goes to show the quality of the people that so-say run the country”. Just about say’s it all.
In news bulletins, Beeb are reporting on Moyes getting in trouble for his joke. Have you heard his tone? It was so blatantly obvious it was a joke. How can women have equality if men cannot banter amongst them as they would with men?
Nothing about the spate of stabbings. The Beeb have their priorities sorted.
Here’s one for the ‘Diversity Is Not Our Strength’ file. The ‘Today’ program covered the sudden emergence of a divide between rural and urban America, with the implication that it was all down the God Emperor (Chicago Jesus being famously respectful of the bitter clingers, of course).
Funnily enough, Britain was also suddenly divided last June. Meanwhile, the fact that nearly a quarter of the women in a *certain demographic* in the UK can’t speak any English is not a sign of division whatsoever.
Has Facebook censorship kicked in ?
I just posted a link to Newswatch’s bias reports
and within 2 mins the link preview graphic changed to become a blank spacer image leading to a dead link
Delayed censorship is a pain , cos it is stealth cos you don’t get to find straight away youve been censored.
Times: “Google pledging to ensure that results from reputable sources appear above conspiracy theories and racist material.”
We know where that one is going tricky blogpost
\\Google is asking for your help to spot fake news results.
On Tuesday, Google will have new feedback tools in its search results so users can flag content that appears to be false or misleading. (Facebook launched similar tools earlier this year …) This will help teach Google’s search algorithms to weed out hoaxes and, in theory, keep them buried in search results.
**Google also says its algorithms have now been trained to demote “low quality” content based on signals like whether the information comes from an “authoritative” page.//**
Times: “Google pledging to ensure that results from reputable sources appear above conspiracy theories and racist material.”
We know where that one is going
This is a scary development. Who do you reckon will be online day & night flagging information they don’t like as false or misleading?
Every time I read a post singing the praises of alternative news sources, (don’t we just love them?) I have to wonder how long our liberties will last.
We can’t keep shouting at the liberal establishment that we use sources outside the mainstream. We really don’t want to draw too much attention. I’m sure those in power will try to shut down or take over everything they can. Freedom of information scares them. They feel their grip slipping & I can’t imagine them going down without a fight.
With this google thing I think we should all invest some time “flagging false info” We might as well hit back while we still can.
Google is an evil company – something it has in common with many of the latest generation of railroad robber barons from the USA. Unfortunately, unlike its 19th century predecessors, Google doesn’t confine its activities to picking the public’s pockets – it wants to control our minds, too.
There is no point switching to Bing as it is not only useless but also controlled by another evil outfit, Microsoft
Fortunately, the Internet is (despite the best efforts of SJWs and politicians) resistant to this sort of control and will act as a hothouse for something to replace Google.
For news best search Twitter before you try Google.
Remember when I gave a link to Breitbart to a Delingpole story Simon Poole who is Marc Kermodes producer immediately blocked me just cos I’d linked to Breitbart.
Classic bit of BBC astroturfing right now on Jeremy Whine. They’re asking ‘Are you worried by partner’s firearms’?
Apparently, the police ‘gave a killer his shotguns back’ – you have to keep listening to realise they mean the police allowed a guy to have a shotgun who then went on *afterwards* to commit murder. The police certainly seem to have screwed up here but the BBC’s position – pushed via another of those eye-rolley interviews where one Beeboid interviews another Beeboid – seems to be that people should be deprived of their rights based on something they may do in future.
It’s not *exactly* the type of thing they ever put to Universal Shami or the rest of the Umanrites freaks. Indeed, in so far as this killer managed to kill half the people that died in the Westminister bridge incident, I can’t help wondering if the BBC will ever run items asking if you’re worried by your partner’s Koran?
The UK has a very low level of legal gun ownership, at about 1% of the population, so straightaway the show is dealing with a small number of people. The proportion of spouses “worried” about their other half’s guns must be a very small proportion of that small number.
This is simply not a problem. The fact is that Surrey Police did not do their job, and did not apply the law as it stands. It was their fault. The law is not defective, and law abiding gun owners have done nothing wrong.
I suppose all this is a bit too sensible for a twat like Whine?
Ah Pounce … but she was “politically” black, although white,(I know?, me neither??), Muslim and anti-Semitic to boot … of course the Al Beeb
couldn t see that, perhaps the BBC was hoping she was also a trannny to get the SJW “full house”.
BBC News – “The National Union of Students has elected its first black Muslim woman president, Malia Bouattia”.
Isn’t it strange how the political left of spectrum who are always calling for more equality in society when it comes to non white people, haven’t realised that having a black woman follow another so called black woman as the leader of the Student Union, in a country where at least 85%; of the population is white. makes a mockery of their so called white racist agenda.
The BBC seems to have an obsession with state sector workers whilst seemingly ignoring those in the private sector. A guilty pleasure of mine is to watch Bargain Hunt, but I’m always rolling my eyes when the contestants are introduced because it always seems to be teachers, nurses, NHS workers, police, fire, and council staff who appear on the show.
Just to prove I wasn’t imagining it, I took 5 episodes at random on iPlayer to see what careers the contestants have, and I’m not wrong.
That’s something else I was going to mention. Retired nurses and teachers are prominent on Bargain Hunt even though they look younger than me (51). Cuts? What f**cking cuts?
I know what you mean – an article a couple of weeks ago: Mrs******, a retired librarian aged 60…….
Yup, a hard life being in the public sector, thoroughly deserving of another 30 years on a gold-plated pension, funded by my taxes of course
They don’t seem to. They just have.
The money tree bBBC consistently airbrush out private business as if it did not exist.
They totally obsess on the public sector at all times, because they are institutionally committed to the begging bowl.
Well…here we go again…though i never tire of telling public sector people this, not that some of them don’t or won’t ‘get it’….Every penny, yes, every one, that public sector persons are paid, gross, comes from the taxes levied upon the private sector, in the form of income tax, business rates, VAT, you name it. Public sector workers pay……nothing…Zilch…Government, National and Local, have no money other than what they collect from the private sector….WE in the private sector pay the public sectors taxes too..think about it…and their pensions…..It all comes from their GROSS wages…many have trouble getting this…this is one reason Greece is a basket case, they seem to have more in the public than the private sector…probably why there is so much tax dodging…Try this on any public employed friends you have…….watch them ponder…or lose it….they go into denial….
Ivanka Trump appears on some wimmin’s moan-athon alongside Christine Lagarde (IMF) and Frau Merkel.
Lagarde has been found guilty of massive financial fraud and Merkel is responsible for more cases of sexual abuse and rape than anyone on the planet. Guess who gets boo-ed by the Libtards in the audience?
And guess who’s cheering from the sidelines – or should that be slime-lines?
Does anybody actually give a f-ck? and how the left who openly hate the Daily Mail for its lack of News, point to the bBC as the only provider of real news.
If the above is a sign of the times, how do you think the PC crowd would feel about targeting anything named….Mohammed.
A warlord, paedophile and slave trader.
Rename it, “Black” or “White Guilt” Hall and don’t mention Arab and African slavers? But we’d still have, master and slave cylinders?
On that line a good portion of Bristol, Liverpool and London should be razed to the ground. Maybe burn some books and level Germany too while they’re at it and then there’s Japan and none native Americans.
But, hey, you ain’t gonna change history.
Q Whats the difference between lord haw haw and lord hall
A While both carried out treasonious acts against the UK, We executed lord haw haw for his treasonious acts while lord hall still awaits the hangman’s noose or madame guillotine for his treasonious acts
Here s some news the BBC won t report, after Huddersfield and 27 alleged nonces virtually all Muslim, who go to court as if their “gangsters”, who get there hands shaken by Muslims working in the court, and any other Muslim there for speeding or misdemeanours
Now to Oxford where another 17 are in, and who, with their harridans are arrogant and aggressive to anyone reporting on them. AND WHERE IS THE MEDIA? sticking the camera s in the faces of this Islamic scum.
These are utter scum, the lowest pigshit filthy nonces.
Thank goodness for independent media, its viewing figures are going through the roof
I wonder what the reaction of those police would have been to EDL supporters who were appearing in court and pushed them away like those muzzies did and behaved so aggressively?
I expect we would have seen a slightly more “robust policing” style than that applied to the immigrant descendants TR was challenging.
Thanks for posting, although not good viewing for those with high blood pressure.
Look how aggressive and entitled the animals are, they know they have all the rights, they can lash out at him but they’d be squealing waycism and islamophobia if he did the same. Brave man.
My word, you have to admire this bloke. If it wasn’t for his courage and persistence we’d never know about these foul outrages. I’ve got more chance of winning the lottery than hearing about these repulsive rag-head rapists on the BBC.
Instead of depicting what is really happening in enriched areas like Luton, the dear old Beeb will hector us about “Islamophobia” and “hate crime.”
They persistently portray this brave patriot as an oafish thug. They sneer because he drops his aitches and doesn’t have the right accent. He didn’t go to the right school and certainly doesn’t follow the preferred BBC script.
He may be a bit of a rough diamond but he’s worth ten of any BBC presenter I can think of.
If you were in trouble who would you rather have at your back, Tommy or Evan Davis?
I’ll have nightmares now…
I don’t like what’s happening with regards to Muslims sexually attacking and exploiting young English white girls, but praise God we’ve got some British ‘tough nut’ like Tommy Robinson who’s not afraid to confront these sub human scumbags.
Tommy’s got the same birthday as Bruce Lee and Jimi Hendrix—he’s yet another 27th of November Sagittarius hero. Some people don’t like Sagittarius because they tend to tell the awkward truth – IT NEEDS TELLING IN THIS INSTANCE!!!
Don’t get robbed in Blackpool the police are too busy dealing with Fracking protesters.
Fracking protesters are ultimately protesting against possible damage to local humans and local economy.
But their harassment style protesting does damage the lives of locals and the economy.
Is there an underground aquifer which is unusable due to fracking.?
\\Lancashire police “stretched to the limit” but Government says no extra money for anti #fracking protests //
100 officers/day taken off other jobs , £100K/week cost ..Round number alarm.
“Mr Grunshaw said this means Lancashire Constabulary will have to pay at least £2.6m to police the protests ” http://www.lep.co.uk/news/crime/policing-fracking-adds-up-to-450-000-but-who-s-paying-1-8473922
Always enough cash for jolly-looking colourful vehicles bearing the legend “this, or that unit”, together with lots of “officers” standing around, and doing very little – have Lancs police their allotted quota of gay-pride rainbow-liveried vehicles, too, one wonders?
This is feeble stuff from the remainiacs at the BBC. Crops were being harvested by temporary labour long before the EU was forced on us by that bunch of crooks in Westminster. Just because someone picks turnips doesn’t mean we have to offer him and his extended family a lifetime of benefits and free housing.
GCooper, the Channel Islands are not part of the EU and yet most of the hotels, cafes etc seem staffed by eastern Europeans. I asked one of them about it, a Polish gentleman, and he said they are allowed to work there for six months on, six months off. He said it suited him anyway as he liked to spend time with friends and family back in Poland, and the money he earned in Guernsey lasted quite a long time there.
Somewhat different to the propaganda we are constantly fed about the UK grinding to a halt without its cheap eastern European work force.
That put me off Jersey for life…went iin 2011…astonished,…so many pubs were full of E.Europeans, and a nasty atmosphere in most i found, drunkeness, aggression…stuff that, i stayed out and drank back at the hotel, where at least the staff behaved themselves…i’m 60 by the way, not a punchy teen.
When I was a kid families in our street went fruit and veg picking, so did a lot of travellers. Times change and no indigenous people are that poor anymore.
Nigerian Psycho
The widow of a man who was stabbed to death has been denied legal aid to be represented at his inquest
Article lists 4 crimbos who were given legal aid
The widow of a man who was stabbed to death has been denied legal aid to be represented at his inquest https://t.co/auMLxLyfm8
The same as the relatives of the families of those Household Cavalry troopers murdered by that IRA nail bomb in Hyde Park, they are funded by public donations.
It’s appalling how the families of all those “innocent” Iraqis which the British Army were falsely alleged to have tortured and killed, never seemed to want for any funds from the public purse in bringing their, spurious, litigation and were never short of lawyers who would represent them.
There are things which are really sickening about how things are done in our country; Legal Aid and its allocation falls within that category.
Change in Times daily DieselsRpaedos campaign
For first time they criticise Gordon Brown’s diesel promo
Then criticise Drax bio-con
And windfarns
“We’re All Victims Of The Great Green Swindle”
I don’t suppose there is any hope that he might be banned from the airwaves, too? It’s long past the time when Botney’s arrogance and fawning toadyism was removed from our screens.
Don’t be so hard on him scribbling. The BBC continuously assure us that they pay themselves the going rate for the job. Yentob simply gets a bit more than most – although it is true to say that most of them get a lot more than most of us.
I wonder if these people fall into the category of Corbyn’s wealth extractors, you know, the one’s that Dromey had such trouble defining in his Andrew Neil interview on the Daily Politics recently?
I’m getting old.
There’s a discussion/debate currently on Sky between 2 young ladies on tax, corporation tax, finding money to fund the NHS etc etc. I wasn’t watching, but heard their voices. Both sounded about 14, and one – an American looked it ! Why do I feel unsettled by this ? Not for a second am I decrying the ability of these ‘youngsters’, but its clearly an ‘age’ thing, where I appear to trust (if you can call it that), the more mature reasoning of someone in my own age category.
That article has been removed
dunno why ? BBC lawyers
I grabbed a Google cached version
snapshot of the page as it appeared on 26 Apr 2017 12:47:31 GMT.
Partial grab
The BBC wilfully confuses the policy of extreme right-wing ideologies with just about any party or politician who dares question the sanctity of mass immigration, says David Sedgwick.
In the run-up to the French elections the BBC have been excelling themselves. Fearing victory for Marine Le Pen’s Front National party, our impartial national broadcaster has responded by upping their anti-Le Pen rhetoric to even higher levels, if that were at all possible.
Who’s funding France’s Far-Right? asked Panorama just a week ago. The list goes on, and on. Whether on television, radio or the corporation’s website, not a sentence nor utterance goes by wherein Le Pen’s name or that of her party is either preceded or predicated by two little words: “.”
Le Pen’s proposal to implement a manageable and moderate system of immigration while promoting France – its culture, heritage and values – has certainly struck a chord with French voters. Whether such policies can be justified as ‘far-right’ seems highly dubious at best, deliberately misleading and not to mention inflammatory at worst.
Easy. Play the ‘far-right’ card. Smear. After all, pulling out a smear is far less taxing then constructing a compelling enough argument that convinces people to abandon their heritage. Playing the far-right card allows the BBC and its fellow travellers to simply bypass potentially bothersome arguments they know they cannot possibly win.
I think now that it has been three days running where the BBC chooses to lead its flagship 8am news headlines with “What Jeremy Corbyns Labour Party will do for us all if they win the election”. This is NOT news BBC-this is aspiration!
I fail to see how a series of Labour piecrust fantasias re more holidays, more money for Shipman and Mid Staffs-and all the usual magic money tree musings of the sick and deluded left-can POSSIBLY be construed as “News Headlines”-this is just Lefty Barnum Barking, whilst playing the Caitlyn Geezerbird by the Bois Du Boulogne. Shameless Lefty lies disguised as “news”. It`s called Black Props a la Sturmer, Friesler and Uncle Josef G.
Sick of it-sick of them too!
Look on the bright side chrisH. If you’d not turned in early with your Horlicks you’d have enjoyed 98% Labour devotions on Newsnight too. Evan was absolutely on top of things, the little master.
Top and tail my sad says with Radio Gaga in the morning, then fall in and under the spell of Newswipe before Matron catches me with the butterfly net of hegemonic thought crime deviance control?
Nah-randon drive bys into BBC Lala Land these days-they`re failed, fucked and finished-but I grant you that the doomsday death rattlings appear as loud white noise and DO give an impression that the BBC is still breathing and on our life support still.
But we all know what`s going on now-hysterical and ahistorical garbage with just a few notable exceptions( Copyright or Wrong last week-Adam Nicolson and the KJV, to name two rarities of late).
Witness Today earlier-Husain knows less about housebuilding than the Tory she`s haranguing, but all that heat seems to please the BBC).
Some crap about the Tories wasting money on cancer cures-well, yes I`m sure-but what of Labours HIPs?,,,their ILAs etc?
And-in recent times-what of Kids Company(as well as a current similar case that I only knew of via the Telegraph-another education/higher ed scam to compare with Yentobs Sovs and Camillas “Bourbons in Turbans” caste of clowns who escape BBC censure or investigation.
Evan-Baiter or Baker Beltane?-all the same to me (Book of Lemmy/Ace of Spades!)
Here`s the odious Stephen Sackur trying to browbeat some clever lefty intellectual re Islamophobia.
Pascal Bruckner swats him off like the lank turd that Ballsackie is.
But he really should not have to waste his time and translating powers on BBC scum like Sackboy.
Good to see even the Soixante-huiters Rive Gauche clots of old are finally getting mugged by reality-but the BBC would rather they roll under their tanks than say anything about what is happening to a formerly great nation like France.
I watched that edition of HardTalk and was disgusted by the whole thing, it started off as just being background noise while I was online (there was nothing on Sky I fancied watching), it was a dreadful so called interview.
By the end of that so called interview, my mouth was open wide and I wasn’t interested in what I was looking at online, I’m just amazed that the French gentleman didn’t walk out.
But therein lies your problem Blackwell.
It is NOT hard to trail the usual lefty tropes about “Islamophobia”-about ” talking about Islam will only make things worse for the good Muslims(and, of course, show us up for the craven,lazy godless privileged elite that WE are at the BBC),
But what`s said here in brackets stays CLEARLY off Sackurs intray doesn`t it?
No-HARDTALK really ought to be-to do-what it says on the tin. Maybe Tommy Robinson or Roger Scruton, Douglas Murray or Melanie Phillips/Mark Regev!
Mais non…far easier to slate a Rive Guache renegade in his second language. Sackurs a plank, don`t walk it Blackwell!
Ah poor David Ward Ex – Fib Dem candidate for Bradford East, Fascist, and yet another victim of the Saudi owned UK university system.
The BBC has been as kind as they can be to a man who has been sacked because of his virulent anti Semitism, but this isn’t just one incident, Ward has been guilty of a string of Anti Semitic behaviour over the past 5 years, no one asked the Fib Dem leader why they had put up with this for so long before taking action:
But Ward himself appears to be yet another victim of our corrupted and dangerous university system which has been connected to for decades.
Ward is apparently studying at the time for a Middle East Politics and Security Studies MA at Bradford University. Take a look at the vicious anti Semitism cited by Campus watch in US Middle Eastern studies departments, and you will find any number of similar individuals being indoctrinated by Saudi funded departments and professors.
Hopefully we will not see this man in public office again, but alas yet again we find the problem lies in a UK University and Ward is almost certainly not the only anti Semite they have produced.
tomoMar 4, 12:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://youtu.be/HOJS3qQlVjE I doubt that a single main party dumbass in Westminster has watched this. What a contrast to Kamala…….
diggMar 4, 12:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The police president of The Black Police Association has complained because a tweet he made has been flagged as offensive…
Guest WhoMar 4, 12:45 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://thegrayzone.substack.com/p/un-demands-answers-from-uk-on-terror? Big pow wow between Starmer and Davie on this one. “Stick with saying nothing?” “Yup”
moggiemooMar 4, 12:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 You should also start adding UK Terror ‘can’t find to watch’ List.
GMar 4, 12:32 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC – “A German Man”. A German man can be a naturalised German ex Arab…….. Just saying.
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 12:28 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wimmin to have to pay a £10k stud fee. https://nsfa.org.uk/ Well they can do it with horses, can’t they? Any…
tomoMar 4, 12:26 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We should see *who* curated that list of “inspirational mums” – and they should be confronted on their choices. [img]https://i.ibb.co/fdvtrW3L/1737579521368.jpg[/img]…
A brass neck award (embossed with a eunuch brass monkey) this morning for relentless adherence to the agenda goes to the BBC and their chums at the Royal Horticultural Society.
Poker-faced presenter delivers a spectacularly ill-timed lecture on Global Warming and how it is going to alter the traditional British garden delivered just as we bemused viewers wake up to another frost and our Carol Kirkwood promises yet another tomorrow.
Brrrr… It’s all body warmers and padded gillets with the wellies this morning for the BBC and RHS chaps and chapesses.
I’m reminded of Gordon Brown’s angry outburst accompanying his infamous “Bigoted Woman” comments : “Who arranged this?”
AISI, I think we should complain!
Global Warming and Climate Change has been put back 80 years! We were promised it two years ago. In fact, some claimed we would already be growing grapes and Joshua trees on our patios, let alone in the greenhouse, up in Aberdeen and in Fort William by 2010. Then, as it hadn’t arrived, recent estimates were for 2020, 2025 and – pick a number with a pin on the calendar and lo, it is – 2030.
Now, apparently, Global Warming and Climate Change is not going to turn up until 2100. That is later than the latest of late London buses has ever been.
Musn’t grumble too much. It has been an absolutely glorious Spring here, down in the south-east. Best one for years, RHS please note. Apologies to all elsewhere in the UK who are cold and wet elsewhere in the UK for reminding you how well we are doing down here. May the sun shine on you with abundance this summer.
In the meantime, in the light of this horrendous delay, we should get our money back.
“That is later than the latest of late London buses has ever been.”
Even the one driven by Sadiq Khan’s dad?
Lobster – was Mr Khan’s dad a bus driver? Funny, I’ve never heard him mention it!
Did you ever hear anyone ask the Emir if he thought gay sex was sinful, or is that just something the MSM do to Christian politicians?
I’ve been waiting for warmer climes for almost 30 years now. Al Gore promised me that by now I would be basking in Mediterranean temperatures – as it is, I’m sat here with my heater on, two fleeces and my hands are still cold. Al Gore, meanwhile, received a Nobel Prize for his science fiction film.
If we assume – bear with me, here – that 97% of climate scientists are correct that that CAGW is real, that it is ‘man-made’, that we are already past the CO2 ‘tipping point’ they keep shrieking about, that the science is ‘settled’, then we know (because they’ve told us) that there is nothing we can do about it.
That is the agreed narrative, right? So if we are already past the point of no return it follows that nothing we now do in terms of carbon reductions, so-called ‘renewables’, will make any difference whatsoever. So why are we still being bullied into accepting some kind of ‘carbon neutral’ future in which all fossil fuels are banned and we are returned to pre-industrial levels of fuel poverty and hardship?
Or perhaps they’ve been telling us lies. Perhaps global CO2 is not the smoking gun, perhaps the world can manage quite nicely with a very slowly rising global temperature (god knows, it could actually bring quite a few benefits), that rising CO2 might actually (whisper it) be good for a greening planet.
Perhaps Al Gore should think about returning his Nobel Prize.
It’s the total failure of the Warmists to have made accurate predictions that gives the lie to the entire scam. Genuine science enables observers to predict outcomes. Scientivists like the jokers at UEA fall at that hurdle.
Does the BBC ever subject their doomsaying to scrutiny? Never.
Accurate predictions evading the warmists. Rather like the BBC and their referendum / election predictions, hang on, also like the remainers and their predictions on the economy post Brexit.
Do I sense a correlation here, quick where’s me slide rule!
Obiwan. You might be interested in this report about the opening of the northern passage which will save millions on shipping costs.
Even if you believe global warming is a conspiracy, the BBC have a duty to follow the scientific consensus. In that respect, there is no bias.
The BBC is literally obsessed
BBC News has more “project fear” crap, this one straight out of the f-ckwit Fallon “take on Russia in two yrs” scarebook.
Russian hackers are now targeting the campaign of French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron, say security experts.
Phishing emails, malware and fake net domains were all being used as attack techniques, said Feike Hacquebord, from security company Trend Micro.
The attackers are believed to be part of the same group that targeted the US election
… poor Hillary eh
Putin s the problem
The climate change bollax kicks off again on breakfast only a couple of days since the media was banging on about hose pipe bans in the South East. Breakfast is in Wisley and we are informed gardens in the North and South. Blah blah blah.
Its just arrant nonsense. We have had a dry winter and there is nothing unusual about that.
On the other hand, with the South of the country tipping downwards it is so overloaded with excess population and absolutely no investment whatsoever being made in new water resources, is it any wonder that one small blip in the weather catches us out?
The RHS, like so many of our institutions, was stormed and taken captive by ‘Greens’ in the 1980s, by the way. Anything it says these days (along with the National Trust) needs running through an anti Green filter before it can be believed.
As the old RAF guys used to say, “What goes up, must come down.”
Might not be too long before we are shivering in the showers of summer or tipping the wellies upside down to drain them after some serious non-dream over-topping.
Those RAF chappies knew a thing or two about evaporation and condensation and precipitation and it wasn’t just about the milk in the tea in the NAAFI.
When you see Bojo float past on his back, lying on his lilo, you’ll know we are in non-Global Warming trouble.
Another stabbing in London. We just have to pray that no hate crime has been committed, and that the assailant did not suffer the indignity of a stop and search.
I put this on Breitbart yesterday.
If Paul Nuttall wants another idea for the UKIP manifesto to go along with the burka ban how about this.
Repeal and ban ALL hate crime legislation.
If I were to commit a crime against somebody, why should I be punished more severely if it was a muzzy as opposed to someone who was only an indigenous Brit.
Why is a crime against a white Brit deemed less important than exactly the same crime against an enricher.
I thought everyone was supposed to be equal.
Abolishing every hate law will deliver a fairer justice than this dogs breakfast that is currently imposed on us.
Along with: Equality Act 2010; Criminal Justice Act 2003; Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013; International Development Bill; Section 363 of the Communications Act 2003. Oh yes, and those who were prosecuted or imprisoned under the latter should receive pardons plus compensation taken from the BBC Pension Fund and the profits of Capita.
Hate crime is an affront to freedom and democracy, it has no placed in a civilised society.
Only the states favoured groups get to be included, and it would appear that there are many get outs available for those favoured groups if they transgress the law.
So if you are not a favoured group you have no additional protection, which is hardly fair. In addition the perpetrator of a crime can actually claim a lessening of a sentence if they belong to one of the favoured groups.
Well your honour I beat him to a pulp because he was a ‘racist’ and called me a name. Oh well that’s alright then, completely understandable, in fact we’ll throw the victim in jail for such a heinous act!
On the other hand I do not want to see a ‘burka ban’ which makes a victim group out of a certain group who are willing to constantly claim victim status. There is no good reason for anyone in this society to cover their face, save legal requirement (PPE etc) and having see the Fascist thugs in their new Black shirt uniforms complete with black face masks I would be only too happy for this to be included as a crime.
I’d like to see a clear definition of ‘racism’ &false allegations of racism made a criminal offence, along with every ‘ism’ and phobia the left has cooked up, with an obligation on the Police that they have to investigate every report. I’d also like to see a ban on employment in any government department or funded body for those found guilty.
False allegations of Racism are far more damaging than any kind of Racism unless it turns to physical violence.
Lots of cabinet ministers recently have been PPE men. Have they been wearing masks all this time and I didn’t notice?
Yes, apparently it’s possible to get 10 years in jail for just saying the word “black”.
For example, if I stab a swarthy individual to death shouting “you bastard” I might get 10 years behind bars.
If I stab this same swarthy individual shouting you “black bastard” then the tariff is doubled.
Doesn’t seem to work the other way around and for some reason.
Beeb Brother – or that most heinous of indignities: racial profiling. (Despite the obvious fact that certain, erm, ethnicities, commit a hugely disproportionate amount of gun and knife crimes.)
This week at Oxford Crown Court another muslim grooming gang was in court, I found out via Tommy Robinson on Facebook, I searched the 4 Billion Bbc website and Facebook tumbleweeds and silence. They did however have this on their headline page.
English children being raped,exploited,beaten , tortured…….nothing to see here , NO MSM INTEREST., make a nasty comments about muslim children and the world according to the Beeb will condemn you.
Yes I saw this article as well. It was only last week that I discovered that it is illegal in France to collect or publish statistics concerning race or religion. Not only is there a clear danger to free speech in such an approach there is also the question of how is it possible to make any informed policy decisions without accurate and relevant data. Its bonkers.
Yet another symptom of the Age of Stupid. Now, where is that long awaited war?>
Ah Beziers on the south coast,I went through there nearly 30 years ago on my way to Narbonne to meet a cousin,he warned me about the Arabs in Beziers, it was overun then.
I can remember 20 + years ago being told that by this time we would be growing citrus fruit, and yet nothing even close has come to pass.
People have long grown wise to the crying wolf of the climate change lobby, when their alarmist forecasts have proven completely wrong.
Yes me too and it’s fucking freezing here on the east coast… just like yesterday and just like the forecast for tomorrow. …..global warming bollocks. ..
During the 1976 drought various experts were assuring us that northern European agriculture was in permanent change with rice and alfalfa becoming staples. The following year, after continuous rain, bitter cold and the crops rotting in the fields, combines went down to their axles in mud when attempting the harvest.
Strangely, none of the experts seemed available to explain the phenomenon.
PS. Roger Harrabin was probably still at school – but on the road to greatness…
Look, you were promised a “Mediterranean Climate” withing 50 (or was it 100?) years. I have been living in a “Mediterranean Climate” for over ten years, and I can tell you that you’re welcome to it – it’s fuckin’ cold…
…so discard your lemon tree saplings, and forget any thoughts of balmy, sunny days, with sangria beside your open air pools – it ain’t gonne happen. In fact you’d be better off investing in warm clothes and igloo-building kits.
Tsk tsk, back to the re-education camps, all of you! If it is warm, that is because of global warming. If it is cold, that is also because of global warming causing the ice caps to melt and the gulf stream to cool down. And anyway, it’s called ‘climate change’ now so there.
Cranmer, you make a good point. Mankind can control the climate!
Er what? As men have been so hopeless, despite spending zillions of roubles and dollars in the 1950s and 1960s, trying to influence just one small part of ‘climate’ and failing miserably before giving up, then I suggest a new solution.
Appoint a woman to be directly in charge of the World climate.
Not in charge of the people. In fact, I’d advise making 99.9% of the world’s climate scientists redundant immediately. Not the taxes. They should be scrapped – especially as they usually have an effect opposite to what they are trying to achieve. Not the various aspects of human activity that are made to bow to worship this god called Climate.
No. Let’s see them have a go. Let a woman be put in charge of the climate. That’ll sort it!
BBC News – BBC managers on £150,000 salaries rises despite pledge
“There were 98 people on that salary level last year, up from 89 in 2012.
The BBC said reductions in the overall number of senior managers mean some staff now have more responsibilities, which has been reflected in their pay”.
The BBC said? … its from your own site!, bloody hell, talk about controlled media.
Almost as bad as Liar May, but 😀 that ll take some doing …
Tory “a lie a day” goes into overdrive … with fake events, fake crowds, fake soap box, not even informing the media or journalist s of the agenda, so fake media which only leaves fake questions.
BBC Online News:
“”BBC managers on £150,000 salaries rises despite pledge””
“”MPs also said they were “concerned” about reports some Capita staff some had targeted vulnerable residents in collecting the licence fee, spurred on by an aggressive incentive scheme””
The vulnerable harassed and imprisoned to pay £150k BBC managers’ salaries? The Labour Party must take up this injustice!
Nogginator, great minds think alike!!
The bBBC going big on the NHS today.
Corbyn is going to give NHS workers four new bank holidays and big pay rises. In other words a transfer of resources from other people into a very inefficient part of the economy. Eventually Corbyn will want everyone to be paid by the NHS without actually doing any work at all !
I just hope those who will have to pay for this (private industry workers) will have the sense to realise.
It’s just a straight bribe as money for votes among NHS workers, supported no doubt by the NHS unions.
As for any critical review of such largesse, well the bBBC won’t be providing any.
Does anyone rememember a Spitting Image of Kinnock at the 87 election?
He’s endlessly shouting “Nurses Pensioners Nurses Pensioners”. Then he says “Nice people. People that people like”.
Thirty years later, Corbyn has exactly the same message for the gullible tax payer.
The note left in the Treasury for the successor when Liebour left power last time: “There’s no money left”.
G – Listened to some rubbish on R4 yesterday about how some “asylum seekers” are not given enough money to travel around etc depending on how they got into the UK.
Back in ww2 refugees/asylum seekers were probably grateful to still have their own lives. How things have changed!
The ones they interviewed of course all spoke good english, wanted to work, and of course and appeared to be degree level qualified.
Obviously all asylum seekers must all be like this . Why did I ever think that this was not the case – I really must stop being so cynical – its only money!
The funniest was when for the World at One they interviewed someone affected by Trump’s ‘Muslim ban.’ She was a woman off to do PHD research at Harvard! So representative!
BB – As you do!
Do I detect a note of sarcasm in your post!
Oaknash – I heard the same drivel on R4’s Today programme yesterday. The distinction between the groups being discussed was that one group had applied in the proper manner to to enter the UK and they were being treated accordingly, as asylum seekers, upon their arrival.
The other group had somehow arrived into the UK without properly applying for asylum, obviously having passed through several other safe countries to get here, any one of which should have been their first port of call for an asylum request…. but obviously the benefits system wasn’t up to their demands, so they forged ahead to the UK before applying.
Hmm – somehow, unlike the BBC, I don’t see the problem here in distinguishing between these two groups. The latter group had already achieved entry into a safe country before getting to the UK, anything beyond that is demanding economic refugee status, not seeking asylum. In other words – they shouldn’t be here. But hey – let’s bitch about UK being less than welcoming with open arms (and wallets), eh ?
But……. as always – BBC – some of the truth, some of the time.
Richard – I could be wrong because I often zone out when Aunty tries to send us on one of her magical guilt trips – But afterwards I also got the distinct impression that there was a subtle suggestion that if only we came up with more spondulicks they could all afford their bus fares and go out and get a masters degree (whatever that is)
Aunty loves trying to make us all feel guilty on anything to do with immigration. I have not made up my mind whether this is because
1 It makes us more amenable to even more doctors, teachers and engineers coming into the UK
2 Because the shits that run the BBC, all have an overwhelming sense of entitlement themselves they think that any of their special favourite groups should also, be granted whatever they want.
In the great scheme of things it matters not but it certainly grinds my gears!
Anyone who works in private business who votes Labour is a fool. Labour these days is the party of public sector workers and benefit claimants. All Labour is interested in is taking money from people who have earned it, to give to those who haven’t.
Great Free Schools debate on the TODAY programme (BBC R4) just before the pre-8am weather forecast.
No-one, Toby Young, Meg Hillier or the TODAY presenter, remembered the words of Comrade Corbyn last weekend. There is a crisis in our schools. A lack of schools, a lack of school places, children in over-large classes, schools facing unprecedented demand.
Now, today, we have too many schools, too many unfilled places, unnecessary Free Schools, built at great expense.
And Comrade Corbyn. Back in his corner. Ignored. Forgotten.
Recently there was an amateur art contest in the Netherlands,
and people were invited to create a work of art depicting the
current era of multiculturalism in Europe
a depiction of their experience in the modern melting pot.
This was the winner.
magic, cannot see it – doesn’t open properly.
The link doesn’t work.
Did it refer to this perhaps?
link to picture
“The artwork shown above was created by Friedrich Kunath in 2010 for a solo exhibition at the Andrea Rosen Gallery in New York, making the work not amateur, not the winner of a contest, and not from the Netherlands. Additionally, Kunath’s art (which is called “Tropical Depression“), has nothing at all to do with Europe or multiculturalism”
Possibly some great detective work, there, Jim. Well done.
Still, is all artwork not in the eye of the beholder. And if, for example, one were to draw a similarity between a man growing a tree in an attempt to commit suicide; and the swathes of europhiles waving “refugee’s welcome” banners at an invading horde of young men (who are the vangaurd of the religion of peace): Then it is entirely up to the viewer as to how to interpret the piece of art.
So even thought it’s a lie…it’s still true. Welcome to Trumpland.
Just tried it and got
“Error and forbidden that’s all we know ”
Is it one of THOSE pages that Google doesn’t want me to see or am I Mrs Paranoid
It is, it seems, verboten.
Just sticking with the Royal Horticultural Society and the surprise that gardeners would join in with the Global Warming and Climate Change nonsense, the BBC have this from a drought ridden, desertified part of the good, ole YOOOESSAaay: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-39671753
That should not be happening.
According to ‘some people’.
RE: Hate crime.
Hate is an emotion. Hate crime is effectively thought crime, which has somewhat sinister associations.
I would make virtue signalling a crime: anyone who says we must welcome all migrants must instantly prepare their spare room and have several migrants to stay with them. If they refuse to do so yet continue to virtue signal, they must go to prison.
If they refuse to take in any enrichers, would that be a ‘hate crime’?
*seems odd me speaking to b brother.
Yes scanning the capitals press outlets there seems to be a frightening epidemic of knife crime, murders and assaults .
Most of the time little information is given out regarding the perpetrators / suspects other than they are usually teenage. Victims appear to range from teenagers to pensioners. Anyone who is in the wrong place. Though the greatest percentage again seems to be teenagers.
I’ll get to the point there is an epidemic increase in London which will continue and spread until a targeted approach to lock up up those carrying out these crimes. Mainly black Asian eastern European gangs.
Obviously I don’t expect anything to change in the near future because a targeted approach will be wracist. ……easier to bury our heads and pretend it’s not happening. ………
Insanity. ..
Once the Tories slaughter all the other parties in the election they will be free to do whatever they like as regards knife crime and anything else.
They certainly will. I have it on good authority that they intend to do absolutely nothing and suspect that they will do this absolute nothingness with great enthusiasm and effectiveness.
But they will definitely restrict immigration to 100,000 a year won’t they?
About 70% of suspects and victims are young black men. Their mothers are usually migrants from Africa or the Caribbean, and nobody knows who their fathers are.
Operation Trident was specifically formed to combat black on black gun crime. They were very successful, and expanded to deal with knife and violent gang crime. Even though they only dealt with black on black crime, they dealt with 90% of all shootings. 80% of all street robberies are committed by young black men. It was a wonder that the Met were allowed to create Trident after the accusations of racism continually thrown them.
The medias continual harassment over the imbalance of stop and search is another hindrance of police attempting to stem the violence. BBC has been front and centre when accusing the police of being racist, when in reality they are only trying to save lives.
It’s funny that BBC and newspaper reports would report stabbing some and shootings in London without identifying the victims – perps apart from the fact that is was being investigated by Trident . Msm really didn’t credit us with much brain eh?
Truth is truth
The absolute nonsense that is being paraded on the TODAY programme this morning from all sources that is somewhat contradictory is absolutely amazing!
The Green Party have pledged an early manifesto promise for the GE2017. They have committed to not just scrapping Student Tuition Fees but also to reintroduce Student Grants. Unfortunately, the taxpayer in the form of business will pay for this via a Corporation Tax increase. (Have the Greens spoken to their Coalition, Co-operative Alliance-type Labour Party ‘friends’ about that?)
While at University, however, students will be able to learn interesting things like ‘drinking alcohol makes your heart rate go up*’ and ‘how to throw scrunched paper into a waste paper basket’.
Yes, honestly.
(*To be fair, the alcohol study did make an important finding that regular levels of high alcohol consumption may increase a ‘floor’ at which a person’s heart is vulnerable to arrhythmia. However, no-one in the TODAY Studio remembered that binge drinking is something of a phenomenon of the past – those good, old, Labour days, eh? – and that young people, especially, are consuming less alcohol now than say, ten years ago.)
BBC on social media has followed a predictable path.
Mostly Trump obsessing, with a bit of Gina.
And a dead rabbit.
Bet UA wish they could simply say they got it about right then clam up.
RE: Knife crime.
The BBC are spending hundreds of millions to increase ‘diversity.’ Do they think when all this is done the gates of heaven will open and we will live in paradise? Do any of these assailants see black newsreaders and decide to forego a life of crime? Do they watch ‘Rasta Mouse’ as a child and feel so empowered they decide to work really hard at school?
Four deaths in a week! Horrendous. What can be done to stop this epidemic?
Of course such research would never be done, but I would be intrigued to know how many victims and perpetrators of knife crime listen to grime music, an especially dark rap form which glorifies violence and is often given a platform by that ultra diverse station radio 1tra? I would guess well over 70%.
Looks like you can add another one to that list –
I very much doubt any Englishmen were hurt during the making of these headlines.
The BBC’s ‘save Labour’ campaign is off to a flying start today! R 4’s 9 am news led with the most naked attempt at bribery yet – a Labour ‘promise’ to raise the wages of staff in the already hopelessly overpriced, bloated and inefficient NHS.
No mention, strangely, of the 4,000 ‘needless’ deaths reported in today’s Mail, nor the 13,000 mistreated last year with surgical instruments left inside patients, wrong drugs prescribed and so on. And, of course, definitely no mention of nursing standards that would shame a third world country in some cases.
So there we have it. From the party that brought us (then lied about and tried to hide) Andy Burhma’s Mid-Staffs deathcamp, yet more incentive to… um… vote anything but Labour.
Unless, of course, you are already on sucking on the public teat in the NHS or at the BBC.
I expect that hospital ‘managers’ will be rubbing their hands with glee with the prospect of tons of taxpayer’s hard earned cash will boost their pensions, allow more cover-ups, bring in more overseas staff now Burnham’s legacy party bumf is on the table as a manifesto lie.
Trouble is, they won’t ever get it when Liebour slump to about ninety seats after the GE.
So I suppose the ‘managers’ will just have to make do with money roughly the same as the bbc ‘managers’ get.
(WTF does the bbc need so many ‘managers’? Any normal business shuns management as a huge overhead to beat down at every turn)!
“Any normal business”
I think you answered your own question there. Most businesses don’t have the option of compelling people to buy their product on pain of imprisonment. I think Woolworths and BHS would still be in business if they had that sort of power.
“a Labour ‘promise’ to raise the wages of staff in the already hopelessly overpriced, bloated and inefficient NHS.”
I bet they referenced this promise to the other Labour promise of note this week, the one committing to 4 extra bank holidays each year. Then, I bet they did an impact assessment that these extra bank holidays would have on overtime payments within our rich and generous health service after these pay rises have been implemented?
What? They didn’t? Well that’s joined up reporting from the BBC for you…
Wake up and Labour PR leads the news headlines again
And then the 5Liv phone-in seem to be only for LibMob
“Tactical voting – making the most of your ballot, or undermining democracy?”
‘Yeh first past the post is not DEMOCRATIC
…so we have to vote tactically and get this Brexit STOPPED’
..Irony Meter broken again
..actually good point from a Labour supporter ..he’s hoping Labour don’t get voted in cos it’ a poisoned chalice ..cos “Labour will be blamed for Brexit mess”
i dont think ive ever seen the idea of tactical voting pushed so heavily, if at all before
The BBC only ever does it when there is a Conservative government. There are no enemies on the Left.
I’ve been pondering whether a new Tory government might take on al beeb, sell off channel 4 and get ofcom to make public funded news output a bit more pro UK as opposed to rubbishing what is left of British identity after having been drowned by nonEnglish speakers and multiculturalism .
Suppose they’ve got to be carefully about wording in the manifesto .
They have multiple techniques:
On VD they are interviewing a man who has done research into teachers experiencing more abuse and stress.
VD: “Is this increase due to cuts in public services?”
MAN: “Our research did not actually look at that.”
Bias on a stick!
Family breakdown and crap parenting coupled with poor quality teachers.. I don’t totally blame teachers just the trendy teach yourself ideas that prevail in class rooms.
More abuse and stress?
Maybe the ever increasing number of pupils from ethnic minorities in urban schools?
R5 Headline sports news : David Moyes charged by FA over calling reporter girl
upto May 3 to plead
Was it not for saying she might get a slap?
White male tv presenters are fast becoming a thing of the past. Having just watched an early morning nonsense programme with Angela Rippon and….. Kevin Duala; followed by Homes Under the Hammer with….Dion Dublin (currently talking to new ‘developers’ – 2 Muslim women, one wearing the hijab)!!!; shortly followed by Claimed & Shamed hosted by …….. Ore Oduba; later this evening there is Being Black going Crazy…… Keith Dube.
None appear to have a journalistic cv, but past careers include footballer, actor, and a couple of I’ll Do Anything ! If they have been chosen on merit, ok, but its a growing phenomenon that men of colour are at the forefront of diversity at the expense of the white majority. A few years ago Media Studies was the favourite choice of many that went to University, so are these ‘footballers, actors’ etc being chosen above those who have studied media, and who are now unlikely to see themselves getting jobs because of diversity ?
R4 Scrapped Midweek and replaced it with an arts prog

which seems to be 90% about the 3% black people in the population
This week : Yinka Shonibare and David Adjaye
*Ah they are using a trick to block images
Last week Chi-chi Nwanoku and Yinka Shonibare
Ah the first week they had white people
Grayson Perry and Naomi Alderman – A transvestite and feminist writer
“Naomi Alderman’s The Power presents an alternative universe where women own the supreme power to rule, to manipulate, and to kill at their own will”
..”men can’t drive, men need the signature of a female guardian to go out and they can’t hang out in large numbers”
*Ah they are using a trick to block images from being show off the BBC website
here’s this weeks image
Only blacks make great art, whites are too bourgeois.
Did you know Leonardo was black? Michelangelo too. Turner too, not many people know that.
Only blacks make great art, whites are too bourgeois.
Did you know Leonardo was black? Michelangelo too. Turner too, not many people know that.
Lovely walk round Arles today on the Vincent Van Gogh trail. Great paintings, lots of black in them amoung the other varied colours. Never knew he was racist, although a prelidiction for Green Fairies may have assisted his artwork.
“Naomi Alderman’s The Power presents an alternative universe where women own the supreme power to rule, to manipulate, and to kill at their own will”
..”men can’t drive, men need the signature of a female guardian to go out and they can’t hang out in large numbers”
Sounds like she is describing the plight of women in Saudi Arabia.
Like most of the contributors to this site I despair of the BBC.
Does the BBC realise how much damage they have done to the morale and aspirations of the
“Ordinary” people of this country.?..Me and you and our families.
I cannot understand why over the last few years our lives ,way of life and culture has been
sacrificed on the alter of globalisation and multicultural dogma in such a short time.
BBC signed up hook line and sinker to the project …….so reel the plebs in!
The BBC has been the Pathfinder for the European project and beyond.
The BBC have no conscience.
Quislings! BBC that is!
“Frankly my dear listeners and viewers we could not give a damn!”
‘the search for a third presenter (Dion Dublin) was carried out in accordance with standard practice in the broadcasting industry. A production company spoke to, and viewed tapes from, dozens of potential candidates, eventually narrowing these down to a shortlist of 12. The process of appointment took just under a year.’
Homes Under the Hammer, BBC One – The complaint concerned the BBC’s choice of Dion Dublin as a presenter of Homes Under the Hammer:
Click to access sep_15.pdf
You are also referring to the inventor of ‘The Dube’:
He also has dark skin.
R5 now Michael Gove being given a hard time Emma SJW Barnett
“Emma you are always fair”
short BBC WS prog “So I Can Breathe: What Difference Did It Make?
The season So I Can Breathe explored some of the ways the world is seeking to reduce air pollution. How much of an impact did it have. Head of the project Emily Kasriel* joins Rajan in the Over To You studio to explain the impetus for the season and listeners from around the world share their thoughts on its efficacy.”
*BBC employee who also works for NGO Skoll Foundation which funded Al Gore’s movie also
She’s still campaigning today
but wondering why people like her make so little difference
(hint : you are behind the curve, not ahead of it EK)
I suspect that the BBC, (if it deigned to broadcast this news), could create pity and concern for the unfortunate individual within liberal ranks –
What’s holding the BBC back I wonder? Its the ideal item of news the BBC surely would love to exploit in support of its favoured cult.
It will not be a revelation to contributors to this blog but yesterday, I overheard people discussing the Labour plans for Brexit and the Keir Starmer plan just announced. In essence, it was ridiculed as having likely been compiled by some junior with no experience of negotiation. The other party to the discussion said, “well, well, he (Starmer) was at one time the Attorney General in the Labour Government wasn’t he?”. “Yes”, the other replied, “it just goes to show the quality of the people that so-say run the country”. Just about say’s it all.
In news bulletins, Beeb are reporting on Moyes getting in trouble for his joke. Have you heard his tone? It was so blatantly obvious it was a joke. How can women have equality if men cannot banter amongst them as they would with men?
Nothing about the spate of stabbings. The Beeb have their priorities sorted.
Here’s one for the ‘Diversity Is Not Our Strength’ file. The ‘Today’ program covered the sudden emergence of a divide between rural and urban America, with the implication that it was all down the God Emperor (Chicago Jesus being famously respectful of the bitter clingers, of course).
Funnily enough, Britain was also suddenly divided last June. Meanwhile, the fact that nearly a quarter of the women in a *certain demographic* in the UK can’t speak any English is not a sign of division whatsoever.
Or,you know, it’s the good sort of division.
Has Facebook censorship kicked in ?

I just posted a link to Newswatch’s bias reports
and within 2 mins the link preview graphic changed to become a blank spacer image leading to a dead link
Delayed censorship is a pain , cos it is stealth cos you don’t get to find straight away youve been censored.
and now even that blank graphic has gone.
Ha there is an image is my post above but in your browser it may not show if you have a white background
You are just a paranoid racist Stew. You should have posted on a black background. 😉
Same link works on my own FB wall
So maybe FB was having teething troubles moving from link text below to a new system of text on the right
Times: “Google pledging to ensure that results from reputable sources appear above conspiracy theories and racist material.”
We know where that one is going
tricky blogpost
\\Google is asking for your help to spot fake news results.
On Tuesday, Google will have new feedback tools in its search results so users can flag content that appears to be false or misleading. (Facebook launched similar tools earlier this year …) This will help teach Google’s search algorithms to weed out hoaxes and, in theory, keep them buried in search results.
**Google also says its algorithms have now been trained to demote “low quality” content based on signals like whether the information comes from an “authoritative” page.//**
Times: “Google pledging to ensure that results from reputable sources appear above conspiracy theories and racist material.”
We know where that one is going
This is a scary development. Who do you reckon will be online day & night flagging information they don’t like as false or misleading?
Every time I read a post singing the praises of alternative news sources, (don’t we just love them?) I have to wonder how long our liberties will last.
We can’t keep shouting at the liberal establishment that we use sources outside the mainstream. We really don’t want to draw too much attention. I’m sure those in power will try to shut down or take over everything they can. Freedom of information scares them. They feel their grip slipping & I can’t imagine them going down without a fight.
With this google thing I think we should all invest some time “flagging false info” We might as well hit back while we still can.
Google is an evil company – something it has in common with many of the latest generation of railroad robber barons from the USA. Unfortunately, unlike its 19th century predecessors, Google doesn’t confine its activities to picking the public’s pockets – it wants to control our minds, too.
There is no point switching to Bing as it is not only useless but also controlled by another evil outfit, Microsoft
Fortunately, the Internet is (despite the best efforts of SJWs and politicians) resistant to this sort of control and will act as a hothouse for something to replace Google.
If only the same were true of the BBC!
For news best search Twitter before you try Google.
Remember when I gave a link to Breitbart to a Delingpole story Simon Poole who is Marc Kermodes producer immediately blocked me just cos I’d linked to Breitbart.
Pretty sure they took this comment off my news feed but it’s still on my home page
Re Facebook appeasing blasphemy in Pakistan
Classic bit of BBC astroturfing right now on Jeremy Whine. They’re asking ‘Are you worried by partner’s firearms’?
Apparently, the police ‘gave a killer his shotguns back’ – you have to keep listening to realise they mean the police allowed a guy to have a shotgun who then went on *afterwards* to commit murder. The police certainly seem to have screwed up here but the BBC’s position – pushed via another of those eye-rolley interviews where one Beeboid interviews another Beeboid – seems to be that people should be deprived of their rights based on something they may do in future.
It’s not *exactly* the type of thing they ever put to Universal Shami or the rest of the Umanrites freaks. Indeed, in so far as this killer managed to kill half the people that died in the Westminister bridge incident, I can’t help wondering if the BBC will ever run items asking if you’re worried by your partner’s Koran?
Even by the standards of Whine this is lame.
The UK has a very low level of legal gun ownership, at about 1% of the population, so straightaway the show is dealing with a small number of people. The proportion of spouses “worried” about their other half’s guns must be a very small proportion of that small number.
This is simply not a problem. The fact is that Surrey Police did not do their job, and did not apply the law as it stands. It was their fault. The law is not defective, and law abiding gun owners have done nothing wrong.
I suppose all this is a bit too sensible for a twat like Whine?
Breaking news from the bBC:

It appears the bBC have forgotten that the previous incumbent was single, claimed to be black and was seen by the rest of us as a mother.
Shows the BBC’s priorities. The most important thing to them is that she’s black and a single mother. Not her name, or the ticket she was standing on.
Or perhaps they’re right. Maybe she WAS standing on the “black single mother” ticket which for the snowflakes voting was the most important thing.
Ah Pounce … but she was “politically” black, although white,(I know?, me neither??), Muslim and anti-Semitic to boot … of course the Al Beeb
couldn t see that, perhaps the BBC was hoping she was also a trannny to get the SJW “full house”.
BBC News – “The National Union of Students has elected its first black Muslim woman president, Malia Bouattia”.
Isn’t it strange how the political left of spectrum who are always calling for more equality in society when it comes to non white people, haven’t realised that having a black woman follow another so called black woman as the leader of the Student Union, in a country where at least 85%; of the population is white. makes a mockery of their so called white racist agenda.
Black and single mother? A shoo-in.
And when she’s done causing trouble as NUS Pres, give that girl a job at beebistan.
Truly a role model but wot? Got both legs and heterosexual?
Daily Telegraph has some more information about this woman that I found interesting.
The BBC seems to have an obsession with state sector workers whilst seemingly ignoring those in the private sector. A guilty pleasure of mine is to watch Bargain Hunt, but I’m always rolling my eyes when the contestants are introduced because it always seems to be teachers, nurses, NHS workers, police, fire, and council staff who appear on the show.
Just to prove I wasn’t imagining it, I took 5 episodes at random on iPlayer to see what careers the contestants have, and I’m not wrong.
Try it.
No-one else can get enough time off?
No, they are usually “retired” at about 55.
That’s something else I was going to mention. Retired nurses and teachers are prominent on Bargain Hunt even though they look younger than me (51). Cuts? What f**cking cuts?
I know what you mean – an article a couple of weeks ago: Mrs******, a retired librarian aged 60…….
Yup, a hard life being in the public sector, thoroughly deserving of another 30 years on a gold-plated pension, funded by my taxes of course
They don’t seem to. They just have.
The money tree bBBC consistently airbrush out private business as if it did not exist.
They totally obsess on the public sector at all times, because they are institutionally committed to the begging bowl.
Well…here we go again…though i never tire of telling public sector people this, not that some of them don’t or won’t ‘get it’….Every penny, yes, every one, that public sector persons are paid, gross, comes from the taxes levied upon the private sector, in the form of income tax, business rates, VAT, you name it. Public sector workers pay……nothing…Zilch…Government, National and Local, have no money other than what they collect from the private sector….WE in the private sector pay the public sectors taxes too..think about it…and their pensions…..It all comes from their GROSS wages…many have trouble getting this…this is one reason Greece is a basket case, they seem to have more in the public than the private sector…probably why there is so much tax dodging…Try this on any public employed friends you have…….watch them ponder…or lose it….they go into denial….
harrow council officers raid finds 40 people crammed into squalid 3-bed house sharing one toilet
East Europeans
Ivanka Trump appears on some wimmin’s moan-athon alongside Christine Lagarde (IMF) and Frau Merkel.
Lagarde has been found guilty of massive financial fraud and Merkel is responsible for more cases of sexual abuse and rape than anyone on the planet. Guess who gets boo-ed by the Libtards in the audience?
And guess who’s cheering from the sidelines – or should that be slime-lines?
“The audience doesn’t agree, Ivanka…”
I thought innocent until proven guilty was a liberal value.
Tol-Lib = Tolerant Liberal = Hysterically intolerant
We live in a tol-Lib society
Ivanka dear, take your hand out of that piece of shit
Leftism is literally a mental illness. These people are not right in the head, you cannot expect rational behaviour from them, it is not possible.
bBC headline:
Caitlyn Jenner talks about life as a transwoman and why she prefers being single.
Does anybody actually give a f-ck? and how the left who openly hate the Daily Mail for its lack of News, point to the bBC as the only provider of real news.
Who says they don’t have male guests on Woman’s Hour ?
YouTube: Queens of Pop, ‘Call me Caitlyn’ – says it all.
Did Dame Jenni do the interview? Now that might have been a bit awkward.
Here’s something to ponder:
Bristol’s Colston Hall to drop ‘toxic’ slave trader name
A music venue is to ditch the “toxic” name it shares with a 17th Century slave trader.
If the above is a sign of the times, how do you think the PC crowd would feel about targeting anything named….Mohammed.
A warlord, paedophile and slave trader.
Unfortunately Bristol Mecca Bingo is now closed!
Elsewhere history is being re-written too:
New Orleans Begins Removing Confederate Memorials
Rename it, “Black” or “White Guilt” Hall and don’t mention Arab and African slavers? But we’d still have, master and slave cylinders?
On that line a good portion of Bristol, Liverpool and London should be razed to the ground. Maybe burn some books and level Germany too while they’re at it and then there’s Japan and none native Americans.
But, hey, you ain’t gonna change history.
Q Whats the difference between lord haw haw and lord hall
A While both carried out treasonious acts against the UK, We executed lord haw haw for his treasonious acts while lord hall still awaits the hangman’s noose or madame guillotine for his treasonious acts
Here s some news the BBC won t report, after Huddersfield and 27 alleged nonces virtually all Muslim, who go to court as if their “gangsters”, who get there hands shaken by Muslims working in the court, and any other Muslim there for speeding or misdemeanours
Now to Oxford where another 17 are in, and who, with their harridans are arrogant and aggressive to anyone reporting on them. AND WHERE IS THE MEDIA? sticking the camera s in the faces of this Islamic scum.
These are utter scum, the lowest pigshit filthy nonces.
Thank goodness for independent media, its viewing figures are going through the roof
I wonder what the reaction of those police would have been to EDL supporters who were appearing in court and pushed them away like those muzzies did and behaved so aggressively?
I expect we would have seen a slightly more “robust policing” style than that applied to the immigrant descendants TR was challenging.
Thanks for posting, although not good viewing for those with high blood pressure.
Look how aggressive and entitled the animals are, they know they have all the rights, they can lash out at him but they’d be squealing waycism and islamophobia if he did the same. Brave man.
A separate thought … what the hell is going on with youtube?
he had more views than that hours ago?
My word, you have to admire this bloke. If it wasn’t for his courage and persistence we’d never know about these foul outrages. I’ve got more chance of winning the lottery than hearing about these repulsive rag-head rapists on the BBC.
Instead of depicting what is really happening in enriched areas like Luton, the dear old Beeb will hector us about “Islamophobia” and “hate crime.”
They persistently portray this brave patriot as an oafish thug. They sneer because he drops his aitches and doesn’t have the right accent. He didn’t go to the right school and certainly doesn’t follow the preferred BBC script.
He may be a bit of a rough diamond but he’s worth ten of any BBC presenter I can think of.
If you were in trouble who would you rather have at your back, Tommy or Evan Davis?
I’ll have nightmares now…
I don’t like what’s happening with regards to Muslims sexually attacking and exploiting young English white girls, but praise God we’ve got some British ‘tough nut’ like Tommy Robinson who’s not afraid to confront these sub human scumbags.
Tommy’s got the same birthday as Bruce Lee and Jimi Hendrix—he’s yet another 27th of November Sagittarius hero. Some people don’t like Sagittarius because they tend to tell the awkward truth – IT NEEDS TELLING IN THIS INSTANCE!!!
Go Tommy and may God protect you always…
Don’t get robbed in Blackpool the police are too busy dealing with Fracking protesters.
Fracking protesters are ultimately protesting against possible damage to local humans and local economy.

But their harassment style protesting does damage the lives of locals and the economy.
Is there an underground aquifer which is unusable due to fracking.?
\\Lancashire police “stretched to the limit” but Government says no extra money for anti #fracking protests //
100 officers/day taken off other jobs , £100K/week cost ..Round number alarm.
“Mr Grunshaw said this means Lancashire Constabulary will have to pay at least £2.6m to police the protests ”
Anyone know why those charged with civil disorder offenses aren’t obliged to pay towards the policing of these events?
Always enough cash for jolly-looking colourful vehicles bearing the legend “this, or that unit”, together with lots of “officers” standing around, and doing very little – have Lancs police their allotted quota of gay-pride rainbow-liveried vehicles, too, one wonders?
Who would have thought it?
As more and more researchers look into it ADHD can even occur in adult ‘snowflakes’.
I don’t suppose that it could be just a fad, like ‘gender fluidity’ etc. etc. or ‘Lack of Moral Fibre’?
Still look on the bright side, our F1 Hybrid generation will be replaced by barbarian rootstock within a decade or two!
Who will harvest the crops ? Say Brexit Doomsters
“Mass produced Thorvald farm robots could replace humans. Some much for cheapo EU seasonal pickers”
This is feeble stuff from the remainiacs at the BBC. Crops were being harvested by temporary labour long before the EU was forced on us by that bunch of crooks in Westminster. Just because someone picks turnips doesn’t mean we have to offer him and his extended family a lifetime of benefits and free housing.
GCooper, the Channel Islands are not part of the EU and yet most of the hotels, cafes etc seem staffed by eastern Europeans. I asked one of them about it, a Polish gentleman, and he said they are allowed to work there for six months on, six months off. He said it suited him anyway as he liked to spend time with friends and family back in Poland, and the money he earned in Guernsey lasted quite a long time there.
Somewhat different to the propaganda we are constantly fed about the UK grinding to a halt without its cheap eastern European work force.
What a excellent point!
Perhaps it was Guernsey
Not so in Jersey.
Cheap Eastern European work force in Jersey!..
That put me off Jersey for life…went iin 2011…astonished,…so many pubs were full of E.Europeans, and a nasty atmosphere in most i found, drunkeness, aggression…stuff that, i stayed out and drank back at the hotel, where at least the staff behaved themselves…i’m 60 by the way, not a punchy teen.
When I was a kid families in our street went fruit and veg picking, so did a lot of travellers. Times change and no indigenous people are that poor anymore.
School holidays, pea picking. And sometimes picking strawberries.
GC – solid post. Also, so long as we are in the EU they just need to come here and be “looking for work” to claim social security etc.
Selling the Beeg Ishoo is their passport to housing benefit, income support and all the rest. The Roma can’t believe their luck.
GC – solid post. Also, so long as we are in the EU they just need to come here and be “looking for work” to claim social security etc.
Indeed, as they do with the ‘Beeg Ishoo’ – another blatant scam which the BBC does nothing to expose.
Nigerian Psycho
The widow of a man who was stabbed to death has been denied legal aid to be represented at his inquest
Article lists 4 crimbos who were given legal aid
The same as the relatives of the families of those Household Cavalry troopers murdered by that IRA nail bomb in Hyde Park, they are funded by public donations.
It’s appalling how the families of all those “innocent” Iraqis which the British Army were falsely alleged to have tortured and killed, never seemed to want for any funds from the public purse in bringing their, spurious, litigation and were never short of lawyers who would represent them.
There are things which are really sickening about how things are done in our country; Legal Aid and its allocation falls within that category.
Change in Times daily DieselsRpaedos campaign
For first time they criticise Gordon Brown’s diesel promo
Then criticise Drax bio-con
And windfarns
“We’re All Victims Of The Great Green Swindle”
Less of the “we”, some of us were never taken in by any of this bullshit.
Oi Yentob
“Kids Company trustees could be banned from serving as company directors”
I don’t suppose there is any hope that he might be banned from the airwaves, too? It’s long past the time when Botney’s arrogance and fawning toadyism was removed from our screens.
Banned? They should be imprisoned and made to pay back as much money as they possess in order to repay the millions they swindled from the tax payer.
Don’t be so hard on him scribbling. The BBC continuously assure us that they pay themselves the going rate for the job. Yentob simply gets a bit more than most – although it is true to say that most of them get a lot more than most of us.
I wonder if these people fall into the category of Corbyn’s wealth extractors, you know, the one’s that Dromey had such trouble defining in his Andrew Neil interview on the Daily Politics recently?
Reading between the lines Corbyn says: “Are we going for a Government for some of the people or a Government for ethnics and scutters?”
I’m getting old.
There’s a discussion/debate currently on Sky between 2 young ladies on tax, corporation tax, finding money to fund the NHS etc etc. I wasn’t watching, but heard their voices. Both sounded about 14, and one – an American looked it ! Why do I feel unsettled by this ? Not for a second am I decrying the ability of these ‘youngsters’, but its clearly an ‘age’ thing, where I appear to trust (if you can call it that), the more mature reasoning of someone in my own age category.
Good article here on the shifting boundaries of the BBC’s far right
That article has been removed
dunno why ? BBC lawyers
I grabbed a Google cached version
snapshot of the page as it appeared on 26 Apr 2017 12:47:31 GMT.
Partial grab
It’s still there Stew?
Good article.
I think now that it has been three days running where the BBC chooses to lead its flagship 8am news headlines with “What Jeremy Corbyns Labour Party will do for us all if they win the election”. This is NOT news BBC-this is aspiration!
I fail to see how a series of Labour piecrust fantasias re more holidays, more money for Shipman and Mid Staffs-and all the usual magic money tree musings of the sick and deluded left-can POSSIBLY be construed as “News Headlines”-this is just Lefty Barnum Barking, whilst playing the Caitlyn Geezerbird by the Bois Du Boulogne. Shameless Lefty lies disguised as “news”. It`s called Black Props a la Sturmer, Friesler and Uncle Josef G.
Sick of it-sick of them too!
Look on the bright side chrisH. If you’d not turned in early with your Horlicks you’d have enjoyed 98% Labour devotions on Newsnight too. Evan was absolutely on top of things, the little master.
Top and tail my sad says with Radio Gaga in the morning, then fall in and under the spell of Newswipe before Matron catches me with the butterfly net of hegemonic thought crime deviance control?
Nah-randon drive bys into BBC Lala Land these days-they`re failed, fucked and finished-but I grant you that the doomsday death rattlings appear as loud white noise and DO give an impression that the BBC is still breathing and on our life support still.
But we all know what`s going on now-hysterical and ahistorical garbage with just a few notable exceptions( Copyright or Wrong last week-Adam Nicolson and the KJV, to name two rarities of late).
Witness Today earlier-Husain knows less about housebuilding than the Tory she`s haranguing, but all that heat seems to please the BBC).
Some crap about the Tories wasting money on cancer cures-well, yes I`m sure-but what of Labours HIPs?,,,their ILAs etc?
And-in recent times-what of Kids Company(as well as a current similar case that I only knew of via the Telegraph-another education/higher ed scam to compare with Yentobs Sovs and Camillas “Bourbons in Turbans” caste of clowns who escape BBC censure or investigation.
Evan-Baiter or Baker Beltane?-all the same to me (Book of Lemmy/Ace of Spades!)
Here`s the odious Stephen Sackur trying to browbeat some clever lefty intellectual re Islamophobia.
Pascal Bruckner swats him off like the lank turd that Ballsackie is.
But he really should not have to waste his time and translating powers on BBC scum like Sackboy.
Good to see even the Soixante-huiters Rive Gauche clots of old are finally getting mugged by reality-but the BBC would rather they roll under their tanks than say anything about what is happening to a formerly great nation like France.
Everybody ought to watch that edition of Hardtalk. It is as good an example as any of what is wrong with the BBC. It is available on iplayer.
Banania, sadly, I am no longer allowed to. I play by the rules.
Does the BBC play by the rules?
I watched that edition of HardTalk and was disgusted by the whole thing, it started off as just being background noise while I was online (there was nothing on Sky I fancied watching), it was a dreadful so called interview.
By the end of that so called interview, my mouth was open wide and I wasn’t interested in what I was looking at online, I’m just amazed that the French gentleman didn’t walk out.
Good of you to pick up on an interviewer asking questions on a programme called ‘Hardtalk’.
But therein lies your problem Blackwell.
It is NOT hard to trail the usual lefty tropes about “Islamophobia”-about ” talking about Islam will only make things worse for the good Muslims(and, of course, show us up for the craven,lazy godless privileged elite that WE are at the BBC),
But what`s said here in brackets stays CLEARLY off Sackurs intray doesn`t it?
No-HARDTALK really ought to be-to do-what it says on the tin. Maybe Tommy Robinson or Roger Scruton, Douglas Murray or Melanie Phillips/Mark Regev!
Mais non…far easier to slate a Rive Guache renegade in his second language. Sackurs a plank, don`t walk it Blackwell!
Ah poor David Ward Ex – Fib Dem candidate for Bradford East, Fascist, and yet another victim of the Saudi owned UK university system.
The BBC has been as kind as they can be to a man who has been sacked because of his virulent anti Semitism, but this isn’t just one incident, Ward has been guilty of a string of Anti Semitic behaviour over the past 5 years, no one asked the Fib Dem leader why they had put up with this for so long before taking action:
But Ward himself appears to be yet another victim of our corrupted and dangerous university system which has been connected to for decades.
Ward is apparently studying at the time for a Middle East Politics and Security Studies MA at Bradford University. Take a look at the vicious anti Semitism cited by Campus watch in US Middle Eastern studies departments, and you will find any number of similar individuals being indoctrinated by Saudi funded departments and professors.
Hopefully we will not see this man in public office again, but alas yet again we find the problem lies in a UK University and Ward is almost certainly not the only anti Semite they have produced.