Someone told me to have a watch of the so called ‘Black Shakespeare’ Akala especially when he had a pop at Tommy Robinson. I did, and came away sadly unimpressed.
I watched a BBC execution where every audience member was a snowflake capable only of screaming and shouting abuse and failing to answer any of the Challenges Robinson put to them.
Akala went a little further claiming that Islam had been a force for good because it introduced Coffee into Europe (wrong!) He neglected to mention that the drink had actually been discovered by Christian Monks in Ethiopia and refined before being taken to Europe by Venetian traders.
Then he claimed the Muslims had introduced Lemons into Europe – again this was wrong as the Lemon originated in Asia and was in Europe before the Roman Empire had fallen!
He then tried to claim that there was no difference between Jimmy Saville and the Muslim Paedophile gangs – wrong again because Saville never selected his victims on the basis of their race & religion, not either because his own religion told him it was OK to do so.
I then watched his address to the Oxford Union, and a thought struck me, not that Akala is going to like this, but he is in reality a modern day Uncle Tom, telling his bedtime stories to the children of wealthy parents, in their halls of residences, and comfortable homes.
Because Akala never challenges the angst ridden guilt tripping middle class kids of the Left, his Black history only covers what his wealthy white audience want to hear. He never challenges their miss-conceptions, and self hate filled minds, and he never strays from the path of what is acceptable.
Of course not, because if he did – just like Uncle Tom he would be cast out by his employers for telling their kids stories which gave them nightmares.
So don’t expect to hear anything approaching REAL Black History, especially when it comes to slavery. You won’t hear anything of the African tribes who sold their brothers to the white man as they can’t be criticised, and you won’t hear anything about the fact that the Arabic Muslims took around 100 times more slaves than the whites ever did, and were practicing it well into the 20th Century.
You won’t hear anything about the million plus Europeans who were taken into slavery either as the kiddies don’t want to know that they might be victims instead of perpetrators. You won’t hear him tell of Mohammed’s Black slave, Mahran nor that Islam directly sanctions slavery.
“In 2003 a controversial high-level Saudi jurist, Shaykh Saleh Al-Fawzan, said in a lecture “Slavery is a part of Islam. Slavery is part of jihad, and jihad will remain as long there is Islam.”
But shush Children, there’s nothing to worry about while Akalas around, because that inconvenient part of black history is never going to be told.
This has always been my contention with the way that Islam is presented for a long time.
Whilst I can accept that there may well (or may not) be a majority of Muslims in our country that just want a quiet life and probably would never in a million years contemplate taking part in some of the outrages that is done in their name. There are also a large number of muslims who would contemplate or support Jihad. Not only that, but the MSM and especially the BBC actively strives to shut down any debate about the islamic attitudes/mindset (especially concerning Jihad) which seems justifies any cruelty/sexual crimes if it is carried out against kuffars.
All we ever seem to be told about muslims is that they are permanent victims of racism and spend all their time supporting charitable foundations. What lovely people!
It says everything I need to know about this religion when I can go to a mosque read about about how slavery/sexual slavery is ok if it is undertaken as part of jihad. Then go and sexually assault any number of non muslim girls but not feel any guilt because Mo said its ok. As for sharia law – I dont think I even want to start on that one.
Whilst the liberal muslim apologists hold sway in the MSM. I am afraid We will never learn the truth directly about what is actually going on. Unfortunately these bastards (content and and holier than thou in their little bubble of self loathing) Have too much to lose by telling the truth both by reputation and financially. That is why they are also trying to control U tube and google.
They always say pride comes before a fall well lets hope it is them that fall and not the rest of us.
Bristol, that epicentre of rational thought, has decided to rename the city’s Colston Hall because of its association with Edward Colston who made rather a lot of money from the slave trade. Appalling, by today’s standards of course, but not of those at the time, not least because he was a noted philanthropist, using significant amounts of his ill-gotten gains to make Bristol a better place. Disregard that.
Disregard the fact that Colston was simply one of many who helped to make Bristol what it is today (opinions vary) but the reality is that a large proportion of today’s ‘great’ families made their money from the trade, exporting slaves, importing tobacco, sugar etc.
Those who made the Colston Hall decision might also search their consciences if they smoke tobacco, use cane sugar or cocoa and wear clothing made from cotton. And they must pull down all those Tate Galleries too.
Wanna bet that if you take any building named with an ethnic African name you could just do the same genealogical study and trace back to slave owning people ?
I am a proud Bristolian and I recognise that our city (along with many others) has some unpalatable history, but surely that’s the point, it’s history and nothing we can do now can change or erase it. On last nights local news (The ITV one as I struggle to not shout at the BBC version) the C.E.O. of the trust responsible talked about the “toxic heritage” associated with the name (which she continually and studiously managed not to actually say). She was stuck for a coherent response however when the reporter pointed out that in a recent survey 87% of actual Bristolians, as opposed to those snowflakes jumping on this bandwagon, were opposed to the change of name. When pressed as to what it might take as a new name she claimed, without a trace of irony, that the trust would be guided by public opinion.
Green Party ‘Party Election Broadcast’ just now
Full emotional blackmail, black and white film, Sad piano music
Starts with Syrian immigrant children
“90,000 Syrian refugee children yet Cameron offers to take 3,000”
(em most refugees want to stay close to border so are in Turkey and Lebanon etc. and often pop back)
NHS £22bn cuts far as government graphs go NHS certainly has not beeen cut the budget grows each year ..last ears £5bn more than previous years etc.)
May partners with Dangerous Climate Denier Donald Trump
(way to go pejorative labels ..that’ll win you respect )
1/8 of Britains live in poverty
Greens have 176 councillors (probably true)
Conservatives 8642 Labour 6769 Liberal Democrats 1820 UKIP 438 SNP 401
5th Richest country ..(Not sure about that, of all countries by GDP we are 24th
..adjusted for purchasing power
27th on this list
Fact or our HUGE debt and we’ll seem poorer) Truth exists
… but Greens world is quite different from that real world
\\Unfortunate juxtaposition:”Too few refugees allowed into UK” & “NHS is overstretched” //
Did you watch our broadcast tonight? This is what's at stake in #GE2017. But we can choose a better future. On 8 June that choice is yours.
Often quoted, ‘1/8 of Britains live in poverty’ ?
How can this be? We have one of the most generous welfare systems in the world. Is it because parents choose to spend money on luxuries?
I know for a fact that there is no poverty in this country. For if there was, wouldn’t our politicans address it, rather than send £13 billion overseas on so-called Foreign Aid? I understand our Prime Minister is the daughter of a vicar, in which case she may be familiar with verse 1 Timothy 5:8 from the New Testament – “Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever” i.e. charity begins at home.
“1 in 8 live in poverty”
..doh ! poverty is the defined RELATIVE to what median salary is
“In the EU, people falling below 60% of median income are said to be at-risk-of poverty.”
So when salaries rise poverty does not change.
And if your salary stays the same but property prices cause rich peoples income to go up ..that can push you into poverty
I really don’t get the way ‘poverty’ is depicted in this country.
For me poverty is living in cardboard boxes and corrugated shelters, like those in the slums of India and other third world countries. Poverty is what my granny, the eldest of 13 back in the early 20th century, endured when she shared shoes with her siblings to go to school, when they had lard sandwiches to eat, and when seriously ill could not afford the doctor so had neighbours come and sit and wait for the ‘crisis’ to come and go, after which you came through the illness or you were dead ! Compare that ‘poverty’ where there was no NHS, no welfare state, no social workers, outside lavvies and homes lit by candles, to the descriptive version today, and it doesn’t stack up.
“Professor Peter Townsend, a leading authority on UK poverty, defines relative poverty as when someone’s “resources are so seriously below those commanded by the average individual or family that they are, in effect, excluded from ordinary living patterns, customs and activities”.
Yes but if you tax the rich and reduce their incomes, or better still, drive them out of the country, the median income goes down and lots of people are no longer poor!
Poverty in the true sense – absolute poverty, which means not being able to afford food, clothing or shelter – does not exist in the UK and has not existed for generations. What we call ‘poverty’ now is subject to constantly moving goalposts in order to keep left wing MPs, socialist campaigners, NGOs etc in employment.
It’s the same with ‘racism’ which now just means any criticism of any favoured victim group, ideology etc even if it has nothing to do with race, eg, Islam.
This is quite unbelievable stuff from this Liebour drone, as if anyone in possession of all their faculties would let idiots such as this near the reins of power. A.N. kicks him around the studio for a good while.
Andrew needed to put Mr Harman further on his corksrew phallus.
The BBC?
The NHS?
Are THESE wealth creators or wealth extracters then Jack?
That was actually uncomfortable to watch particularly bearing in mind that he is a senior labour politician and shadow minister for labour. Mr. Neil was like a bored cat playing with an injured shrew.
Thanks for the clip Al, I saw it live too . Mr Dromie Harmon is always good for comedy on al Beeb. He said he was in the world or work for 30 years but I thought he was a union rep before being parachuted into a safe seat.
He might be the safe pair of hands labour needs after Corbin in order to lose the 2022 election for labour again.
Morphed into the One Show with it’s constant Virtue Signalling
– 30th anniversary of Yacht where men were banned
– Susan Calman
– Some celeb going on about dogs
– History : Britains indep Nuclear deterrent and how nuclear material was once left in the boot of a brokendown car in pub car park
Stew, in that last History one, did they mention the time that nuclear waste burnt through the floor of the truck carrying it up an English motorway whereupon said waste, started to dig in a break-out attempt to get to Australia?
It was medical nuclear waste collected from NHS Hospitals.
Just thought I’d mention it, as it’s Annual NHS Day again – for about the 125th time this year – on the BBC.
Tories have a monetary policy FFS wake up!
ROFL! … all the Tory chickens over their utter failure and corruption will be coming home to roost real soon,
… of course will be blamed on Brexit, or anything else they can pin it on.
Self serve, suck up and protect the wealthy,hammer and steal from everyone else
Oh I think the tories do have a plan for making money. Just not sure if Im included in that plan. Actually I know Im not as they stole my pension a couple of years ago.
France election: Macron heckled by pro-Le Pen workers
“Ms Le Pen upstaged her centrist rival earlier by turning up to speak to the workers as he met their union representatives a few miles away. Mr Macron, who is far ahead in opinion polls, is in Amiens, his home town, amid accusations of complacency. He got another boost when former President Nicolas Sarkozy endorsed him”
That’s a BBC narrative report, with a lame upbeat ending that incidentally has nothing to do with the story at all.
In reality, Macron was due to speak with union leaders at the Whirlpool factory over a dispute which could lead to jobs being moved from France to Poland. On his arrival, he was heckled by workers, why? for preferring to talk to the TV cameras instead of them. and some pro-Le Pen workers responded by chanting: “Marine, for President!” Macron proceeded then to give his speech to journalists inside the Whirlpool factory,
while Marine stood outside and met with the workers facing losing their jobs.
… Don t expect T “Liar” May to do anything like that anytime soon, she would be too busy selling them out
RT also covered well, and more fully than bBBC. Here in a central European hotel there are over 60 channels and only a madman would choose the half-baked, half story, half truths from the bBBC over RT, France 24, etc., etc..
It strikes me that the BBC is dying. Only those with historical attachments watch and listen to it. And we are the ones the BBC hates most. We will die out together like an old bitter couple who couldn’t divorce but long ago tired of each other.
Sounds all to likely to me Al-S.
By the time Le Pen wins in 2022, it will be on a tide of crimson with fires raging, cars alight and Paris a no-go area for all but the elites there.
An utter tragedy for a country so many of us love and visited in happier times.
Turkeys voting for Christmans-whilst it is still allowed as a national holiday anyway there.
Michel Hollebecqs “Submission” gets eerily closer to real-time prophecy by the day.
The EU would rather let the French burn in the car than let them open a door and get out-it`s too vital as an EU symbol nowadays to do anything but burn out into national suttee and carnage.
There is a big push to get more women playing sport and more female comedians on television. Are there not evolutionary and biological reasons for the disparities in representations in these fields?
Men have higher levels of testosterone; they sublimate this aggression through sport.
Men know they attract women by making them laugh. Women do not need to make a man laugh to attract him, thus there will be more funny men overall.
Would that reasoning be sexist thoughtcrime? It seems rational to me, but the heresy of heresies is common sense.
Why can’t these equality hustlers just accept that diversity does actually mean that biological differences lead to differing preferences, interests and abilities?
It’s just another hypocrisy; you worship “diversity” but in reality you want everyone to be the same, have the same, do the same, feel the same way. The diversity they want is merely skin deep.
Exactly – you do not get harmony if everyone plays the same note.
Equality in the Biblical sense meant we were all one, all part of God’s family and equally deserving of his love. It did not mean sameness. I do not look down on my wife nor is her love for me in any way diminished by knowing how different we are, often in profound ways.
Again it is all Orwellian: “Diversity is sameness.”
I, like the so-called bbc, am totally in favour of equality in sport. I totally accept the need for the same payments/prize money etc.
Therefore I look forward to seeing how many women make it through the first round of Wimbledon tennis in a completely open non-segregated competition, in which men and women play against each other.
Mind you, it wouldnt half ruin my enjoyment of beach volleyball ( hastens to add….women’s beach volleyball lol).
The COOP is incredibly sexist and reflects one industry’s habit of priviliging women
Look at the magazine rack
of 50 mags the only solo male face is on Mens Health.
I would think that the BBC would like to see Corbyn go. He is not going to win for them, so replace him with a BBC favourite. My money is on the London Emir – young malleable, and his dad was a bus driver in case you have not heard.
Yes, the family arrived from Pakistan to Plymouth (although this has been removed from Wilkepedia) but clearly council properties were better in London so they moved to a 3 bed flat (Yes !), which is where Khan was born. Wonder how much that flat is worth now !!
“”Relationship with Russia even more complicated””. But how can this be? We were led by the media including the BBC, to think that President Trump was a ‘plant’ by Putin who clandestinely pulled all strings to get him elected. What has gone wrong for Putin now? How disrespectful President Trump is being toward the only person who sealed his election success………..
Today we woke up to be greeted To the Beebs bigging up of labours great NHS day. A glorious day indeed. However that glorious day came to a screeching halt after ending us in a pileup at pmq’s. Theresa was on fire for the hole of the session giving jezza a real mauling. No mercy shown at all. Jezza started with his letters from his fanclub crapola. It was like there was no election happening In His brain at all. When she had finished eviserating jezza she stuck the knife into the fragrant Diane Abbott and twisted. Angus Robinson also got slapped down for the idiot he is and little Timmeh didn’t escape either. It was jezzas last pmq’s but he made no effort. At the his rate labour are totally screwed
I understand that the problem is that we have been buying the wrong sort of television set. These new-fangled flat screen beasties just don’t have the space to mount ‘studio quality’ monitor speakers, such as the programme makers use or have fitted in their London basement ‘home cinemas’.
Besides ‘art’ is in the mind of the ‘artist’, it isn’t for the plebs.
You can always try the sub-titles, they are the funniest thing on TV! It would be even funnier if a militant ‘differently-abled’ person were to prosecute the broadcasters who have been getting away with this third-rate service for years.
P.S. Isn’t Alice Roberts just Victoria Coren Mitchell on a diet?
Biased BBC reporting Jezza Dustbin’s salary promise to the NHS will xost the rest of us £500m for each % rise.
Errr no. It will be nearer £700m because as usual the future cost of funding salary based pension liabilities has been ignored.
The bBBC consistently downplay the massive pension benefits which the public sector enjoy at the expense of the rest of us who have to struggle to create our own pwnsion provision.
Why? Because tgey don’t want the plebs like us to ask any awkward questions.
Can someone provide a link to the BBC poll of polls for the forthcoming GE. I have searched the BBC site but I am unable to find it. It was so easy in 2015 and I had expected that it would be this time round. But this morning I can only find something a week old saying that the Tories shouldn’t be carried away by a few polls showing them with a healthy lead. There seems to be nothing about all of the polls in the last week showing that this healthy lead has continued to grow into an enormous one. We pay , under threat of imprisonment, for the BBC and they only offer us week old news. Where are the polls BBC? If you have them please make them easy to find for duffers like me. Couldn’t you make them headline news please so I can see them easily. By the was folks the French polls are there it’s just the UK ones that seem to be missing.
Apparently we will be receiving some more refugee “children” Lets hope the Government have pulled their fingers out this time and organised proper “welcome” pacts including condoms and razors.
The interview on ‘Today’ Radio 4 with John Humphries & Boris Johnson was a disgrace, nothing more than two people talking at the same time.
Jonson must have never had more than 5 seconds free airtime to speak without Humphries interrupting, and they were rare. Most of it was Humphries constantly interrupting and talking over Johnson before he had a chance to answer.
For the first time ever the BBC asked a question about the £50 Billion the EU is demanding, so why has he never asked any other party or politician.
I was about to say exactly the same. Of all the ‘interviews’ conducted by the intolerably arrogant Humphreys, the one he conducted with Boris Johnson was certainly one of the worst. As always, it is a deliberate policy of Humphreys to ensure nothing is properly heard or understood from a politician of whom the BBC does not approve. These are not always Conservatives: Dominic Greave or Anna Soubury, for example, get rapt attention on the Today programme – but they speak the BBC language. So after Boris, Lorna Kuenssberg is immediately wheeled out to tell us all what we have heard, and how to interpret it. Thank you, LK, for patronising us in that way. We need a campaign to get Humphreys muted.
Well said on LK. I always tire of the Beeb wheeling out their political officer to make sure that we have understood the message that they are providing us with.
I can’t abide Boris but even I warmed toward him after listening to that interview. Humphrys was almost beyond belief, so miserable was his technique. If he’d wanted to stitch-up Boris he could easily have let the fool talk himself into a trap. Instead he badgered him and let Boris look like a victim.
Boris really dealt with the irascible Humphreys. Made him out to be the pompous ass he is. The, “What about the £350 million?” question was on par with the stupid first (and last?) question Kuenssberg put to President Trump. Perhaps a lesson for all other politicians to turn the tables on the BBC style of interview? Get aggressive but extremely polite in the process!
Rhod Sharp’s Up All Night ‘science’ spot last night had Climate Hero Dr. Karl, (he uses his media wages to pay for a large solar array that permits him the moral right to travel the world ‘carbon neutral’), spouting more male cow excretia than usual.
It turns out that a quarter of the world’s electrical consumption has been cut because of one Australian schoolgirl! All because she had two bright ideas! Sharp duly drools how marvelous that is, to have one bright idea is great but two!
So what were these amazing ideas? Superconductivity? Perpetual Motion? No!
Light bulbs get hot, therefore they waste energy! If only her school could be persuaded to use fluorescent tubes the world would be saved! There must be a Nobel Prize going spare there!
If that wasn’t enough for us he managed another ‘dump’ – eat potatoes as part of your ‘five-a-day’!
I really shouldn’t listen to these ‘fake news’ internet radio stations.
I think the offensive anti white racism was overcome by the admission by the learned American lady that she married an oik. { I think I may be one } Presumably for a bit of cred when talking in such generalisations as to become vacuous. I think today spent as much time chatting to that air head as they did interrupting boris.
Have you ever noticed that even on quiet news days al Beeb editors don’t allow enough time to get into anything like a deep discussion about important national ( not metropolitan) issues? I suppose they need to get some kind or drama/ excitement into confrontation interviewing but it does get a bit tedious. Listening beeboids?
Although the title appears what you thought, & I have to admit I thought it too, when the author came on she had a completely different slant.
The cluelessness about the white working class is that of the Fascist Left who abandoned the white working class in favour of immigrants, the environment, and political correctness. They are now clueless about them.
The Fascists cannot understand why the white working class voted for Trump, (or for that matter Brexit). They put it down to ignorance and a lack of education, but this condescension only makes the situation worse.
It’s the same old story in the US as here, the Left HATE white people with such a passion that they have relegated them to the status of the proles in 1984. This is what is killing their electoral chances, but because of Left Wing Denial they are incapable of admitting any of their policies or thinking might be wrong.
Title of a New book coming out in a couple of weeks
“White Working Class: Overcoming Class Cluelessness in America”
by Joan C. Williams Director @WorkLifeLawCtr, Prof @uchastingslaw. Founder . Coauthor, WHAT WORKS FOR WOMEN AT WORK
@JoanCWilliams convincingly discussed "white working class cluelessness": @BBCr4today. Gr8 combination of academic insight & political cause
“Around the world, populist movements are gaining traction among the white working class. Meanwhile, members of the professional elite―journalists, managers, and establishment politicians―are on the outside looking in, left to argue over the reasons. In White Working Class, Joan C. Williams, described as having “something approaching rock star status” by the New York Times, explains why so much of the elite’s analysis of the white working class is misguided, rooted in class cluelessness.
Williams explains that many people have conflated “working class” with “poor”―but the working class is, in fact, the elusive, purportedly disappearing middle class. They often resent the poor and the professionals alike. But they don’t resent the truly rich, nor are they particularly bothered by income inequality. Their dream is not to join the upper middle class, with its different culture, but to stay true to their own values in their own communities―just with more money. While white working-class motivations are often dismissed as racist or xenophobic, Williams shows that they have their own class consciousness.”
The Humph was having to rely on baiting BoJo with that old Remain £350m pw saw [ and sore! 🙂 ] while not believing it himself. Very tough to do that more than once, merely as an amusing baiter. Can’t think why John stuck with it as he knows the number was a slight under-estimate of the gross UK>EU contribution AND he also knows that the only people affected by it were Remainers who voted …
… er, …
to Remain in the EU.
Seem to recall that the Humph wasted a lot of time in his first ever TODAY interview with ‘Dave’ (whatever happened to him?) as Party Leader. Instead of nailing Cameron on some really important issues, the Humph went round and round in circles over the general issue of cutting Income Tax. Wasted about 15 minutes on it. Full-time Result – Dave 1 : The Humph 0.
You cannot help but think afterwards that the whole thing is a bit of a set-up and what we, the listeners, want asked and answered is just being avoided by both presenter and interviewee.
I realise this comment is not 100% related to the BBC and a bit late, but did anyone else noticed that in uber-diverse London its marathon and the spectators attending the over-hyped event are anything but?
Apart from those shipped in from Africa who were paid to run (as opposed to actually raising any money for charity), I would guess that 39,950 of the 40,000 runners were white. The same for the spectators. I wonder why.
Answers on a postcard.
Heritage bodies and national parks people are well aware of the lack of effnicks using their facilities. There was quite a big enquiry into this a few years ago. Of course, the findings were it was all down to institutional racism or something – I must have missed all those signs saying ‘Vir Gebruik Deur Blankes’ in the Lake District – and they totally failed to understand that people from developing countries do not have a culture of country walks or visiting stately homes, so why should we force them to adopt ours? Surely that would be ‘racist’ as well.
It is a perplexing one this, for it does seem that certain groups are not interested in the UK history. I am a longstanding detectorist and have never come across any ethnic minority involved in the hobby. But it is not the case with the Poles and other Europeans, there is even a Polish UK detecting club!
Black people, we are told, stay out of national parks and keep away from trees because they were lynched on them. ‘Black people are triggered by trees and suffer Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome flashbacks. You can’t expect them to go to on a hike’.
I visited Bolton Abbey in the Yorkshire Dales a few years ago and had to use the public loos. All the signs e.g. ‘now wash your hands’ and the like were in English and something I took to be Punjabi (well certainly not French or German), plus lots of signs in the same language with no English translation. Haven’t a clue what they said. Still, a complete waste of time that day, as there was nobody visiting who appeared to be able to read them.
It’s not their heritage, why should they? For me, being British means a bit more than having a British passport, but if your connection with a country begins and ends with the passport, why would you be bothered about the history and culture of what is, in effect, a foreign country?
I think its not as simple as that Rob. Look at it the other way round, there are plenty of Brits and other nationalities living abroad who are actively interested in the history and culture of the place they live or visit.
I don’t think the British living abroad go there with the attitude of jihadis (except the ones who go to Syria, of course).
I also notice that the man arrested in Whitehall has been described as a “British passport holder”, which I think backs up my point. Having a British passport shows that legally, you are British. It does not mean you care about the culture, history or heritage of Britain. In fact, you might even want to destroy it all in the name of the caliphate.
1. Take any typically British cultural activity be it bellringing, rambling, morris dancing, welly tossing etc.
2. Point out that few ethnic minorities take part in it, disregard any reasons why they might not (ie, none in the area, no cultural connections, too busy working etc).
3. Conclude it’s all to do with ‘racism’ and not making foreigners welcome enough.
4. Push for funding from taxpayers for NGOs, panels, committees etc to create jobs for people who will deal with the ‘problem’ in order to force ‘diversity’ whether it’s wanted or not.
5. Denounce anyone who disagrees as ‘racist’, ‘unwelcoming’, ‘insular’, ‘backward’ etc.
…if your connection with a country begins and ends with the passport, why would you be bothered about the history and culture of what is, in effect, a foreign country?…..
I would suspect that not many ex British nationals who now live under another Passport, are not drawing benefit in the country of their choice, unlike the tens of thousands foreigners domiciled here with the Gold Ticket of a passport.
This seems true of the second and third generation as well. Just no interest in what we are interested in. Completely absent from nearly all events and places visited by the indigenous. But pointing this reality our only draws the usual comments from the progressive.
But lots of Japanese visit our heritage sights and enjoy our cultural events, , and in my experience they show their appreciation.
You don’t see many asians at Crufts, apart from Japanese who are so enthusiastic and eager to ask questions and engage with the exhibitors.
Plenty of Japanese and Chinese tourists at Hampton Court, but I assume you mean “Britons” of south Asian heritage, or whatever the current euphemism is.
Big tax news yesterday in the states but not a thing about it on the beeb this morning. They are only upset with boris calling the three pound tramp a few names. oh how very dare he. Charlie the brekkie sofa beebette was getting very upset about it. Well after his mauling by may yesterday he deserves it but no the beeb will continue to promote and help and distract from his screwups
BBC london news are upset that Zac Goldsmith is back and standing in richmond against uber idiot olney. Lots of sneering and very much how dare he. I hope he takes that seat just to see the face on Timmeh the twat.
Not BBC but on sky atlantic tonight theres a special on the dons first 100 day by the sky correspondents notably hannah thomas peter. Expect lots of doom and gloom along with sneering and bile from this cretin. Spotted her in the audience yesterday at the tax briefing at the white house and she had a face like thunder like she didnt want to be there just looking down all the time instead of at the people speaking. And true to form her report later and this morning was full on negativity. She would be perfect for the beeb.
And no comment on the LibDems rolling over to give Lucas a clear run in Brighton then?
Tells you all that you need to know about the Coalition of Chaos-and their sly, smarmy tactics.
But it`s progressive-so the BBC purr at the stitch up.
I can’t understand why people aren’t calling out this ‘progressive alliance’. How is it democratic? What if I wanted to vote Lib Dem in Brighton? Seemingly it’s not because they’ve been banned or anything, just that they took the decision that only one candidate can go up against the Tories.
Well maybe that constituency wants to vote for the Conservatives.
“Here s some news the BBC won t report, after Huddersfield and 27 alleged nonces virtually all Muslim, who go to court as if their “gangsters”, who get there hands shaken by Muslims working in the court, and any other Muslim there for speeding or misdemeanours
Now to Oxford where another 17 are in, and who, with their harridans are arrogant and aggressive to anyone reporting on them. AND WHERE IS THE MEDIA? sticking the camera s in the faces of this Islamic scum.
These are utter scum, the lowest pigshit filthy nonces”.
This from when the story was first put up yesterday.
Today, thank goodness for independent media, its viewing figures are going through the roof
An example, this vid has over 95,000 views in less than 24 hrs and what the hell is going on with youtube is anyones guess as he had more views earlier than hours later
(that was yesterday)?
plus the repeat postings just like this one, plus the “mirrors” that get put up elsewhere.
As an adage, there s a little more on this story, and there is something
else to be forthcoming too
After years of smug, self-satisfied and unthinking Lefty groupthink, the BBC clearly see themselves as ringmaster of this 5-Ring Circus that is British cultural life.
I`m just sick of them setting up politicians that they hate-who the hell are THEY to tell me that “mugwump” is some kind of new low in personal abuse?
The elite are so used to policing the borders of language, and determining who the straw men are-that even a slight comic dig at Hamas Supporting, IRA backing, Anti-Semitic nomarks like thick Jezba-sets them off into hives.
This non-story has been running for hours now, and all manner of Nugees and Momentum scum are queuing up to clutch pearls, and feign disgust.
Compare to what THEY call Corbyn behind his back( a Labour mate of mine thinks that it`ll be progress when his endless walks of shame around the constituency is on a par with humping a sack of shit!)-Bojos comment is nothing.
These the same scum who laughed at the death of Mrs Thatcher then?
Thin skinned lefty scum-can only hope that the BBC get their selective thin skins pricked so the fat suasages explode on June 8th.
Their own search system fails
I get 1 hit
SJWomans Hour Wed 30 Nov 2016 “Will Marine le Pen become the first female President of France? Journalist Agnes Poirier looks at the career of the leader of the Front National.”
But For “Segolene Royal” “first female president”
I get 4 hits from 2006
Emma Barnett is hectoring a politician on Five Live for an ostensibly anti Semitic tweet he sent four years ago.
Who has not said or done something that might have offended someone at some point? Especially if you are in public life. Often the comment is wrenched from context and exaggerated; thus Trump’s comment that Mexico does not send its best citizens across the border becomes all Mexicans are rapists; criticism of Israeli policy during a Gaza conflict becomes admiring Hitler. Yet anyone who opposes the totalitarian left is smeared in this fashion and they have got away with it for decades. Thus someone like Trump who says reasonable things the vast majority of people agree with is portrayed as Satan.
Why not discuss the issues without resorting to infantile name-calling and smear tactics?
And they have the chutzpah to evoke 1984 in relation to Trump? Knowing that everything you have ever said or done could be used to condemn you, that is in no way creepy is it? Thank god we have the noble brotherhood Al Beeb to protect us from thought criminals.
I see Guido has caught the BBC forgetting to mention the Corbynista background of the poor downtrodden ‘Community Nurse’ they allowed free reign to yesterday evening. Bias by omission: It’s in their DNA.
It’s a pretty standard tactic among fake news broadcasters. They are fed contacts all the time by interested parties (unions, single issue pressure groups, trade bodies etc) and pass them off as somehow representative of the public.
Similarly, at the joining hands in solidarity on the Westminster Bridge the BBC journalist chanced upon a Muslim women’s rights campaigner who just happened to have appeared on the BBC before. They really are a law unto themselves.
It reminds me of my mate whose boss fancied the pants off him. He got to write his own reference, a hilarious panegyric with no basis in reality. The BBC is the kid who marks his own homework and always gets full marks.
\\‘Women’s rights activist, Akeela Ahmed, who helped organise Sunday’s event
…The BBC knows full well who she is.//
About 7 other hits on BBC website last bbc appearance 14 days before the bridge stunt on British Network sorry Asian Network
\\BBC Radio 4 – Today, 18/09/2014, Rise of far right after … – Sima kotecha reports on rise of far right and Hazel Blears & Akeela Ahmed discuss//
It’s a YouGov poll. No one but the very desperate pays the slightest attention to them. Yahoo! of course, is very desperate indeed, as it slides into well deserved oblivion.
Well after the hype comes the analysis, and here’s what UKpolling says:
The result that has got the most attention is the question on if people think Britain was right or wrong to vote to leave the EU. 43% said right, 45% said wrong. YouGov ask that question most weeks and almost invariably it shows people either think Britain made the right decision, or are evenly split. As a result, a lot of people have got rather excited about today’s figure, when they really shouldn’t.
As regular readers will know, all polls have a margin of error. I try not to fixate upon the specifics because the margin you always seen quoted (plus or minus 3% for a 1000 sample) is based on a pure random sample with no accounting for weighting or design effects. However, it is a good rough guide – polls are not precise, there is some degree of random variation from poll to poll.
So far this year YouGov have asked the right or wrong to Leave question fifteen times. On average the result has been Right 45%, Wrong 43%, a two point lead for “right”. As with all polls, it varies from week to week, so sometimes it has spat out a lead of four points, sometimes it has been neck-and-neck, and how it’s produced one finding with wrong ahead.
Looking at the figure over time I can’t really be confident in any trend. The gap is smaller than in January, but it’s not as if there’s a steady decline there, it looks more like noise:
Jan the average was Right 46%, Wrong 42%
February the average was Right 45%, Wrong 44%
March the average was Right 44%, Wrong 43%
April the average was Right 45%, Wrong 43%
My expectation is, as I’ve said before, the people will probably more towards “Bregret” to some degree, simply because Brexit will require some compromises and some people’s high hopes will be disappointed. However, there’s scant sign of it yet and people’s opinions are often much harder to shift than you’d think.
As ever, YouGov will ask the same question next week, and the week after than and so on. If that too shows people think it’s wrong to leave (and other polls start showing the same thing too) then we can start taking about a cross-over in opinion. As things stand, I really wouldn’t get too excited/worried yet.
I am not aware of any discussion in the media about the negative consequences of a Remain vote or a backtracking of the Leave victory. A Remain vote would be like a heavy prison door slamming shut.
And nobody, especially at the BBC, ever asks the question of a Remainer: ‘Exactly what was your plan for staying in the EU? Join the Euro? More political integration? Both?’
As everybody knows the EU does not stand still. Had Britain voted to stay ‘The Project’ would have been given a turbo charge towards full rule from Brussels with Germany pulling the strings and we would have ended up as little more than a German colony.
Good all the people who voted Brexit, myself included, who are inclined to be complacent, might see this poll and realise we still have battle on our hands.
The biggest worry for me is people not going out to vote as they think Brexit is in the bag, when we all know nothing is cut and dried yet.
Meanwhile my paltry efforts at boycotting, Virgin products, Walkers crisps and Pimlico plumbing do not appear to be having the desired effect.
I wrote to Walkers, shelley and told them that not one morsel of their tuber sourced product would pass my or any of my immediate circles lips whilst the human wing nut was a frontman for their offerings. They thanked me for my interest in Walkers products!
Boris ready to back Trump in a war with Syria. Same old, same old.
Watch it Boris, this time British people may not want to follow a deranged US President in a Middle East War. It could cost you the election
There is a huge difference this time around – as now Russia and Iran are well dug in there and Turkey is out to slaughter our Kurdish ‘allies’.
Anyhow, the UN should get stuck in and be arraigning Assad for using chemical weapons surely?
Have you not noticed how coy everyone is about actually blaming Assad now?
The so called proof the Turks claimed to have has never been produced nor has any thing else, and seeing the area is not under Syrian / Russian control they can’t physically show what exactly happened.
All the evidence points to the Western backed Rebels using the Sarin gas, so it begs the question if the US will launch attacks against them if it is proved that they have.
In Trumpian circles there are those who seek a war in Syria and the gas business is still floating.
Here is an article on Trump’s plans for a visit to the Saudi’s and war with Syria seems to be on the agenda
‘During the visit Trump will discuss a proposed arms package for the Saudis, which would include a massive missile defense system as well as civilian nuclear technology. Behind the scenes McMaster will be seeking Saudi support for a ground war in Syria, which Mike Cernovich first reported in an article whose reporting was confirmed by Eli Lake of Bloomberg.’
3:30 R4 Saint Jon Snow was on
Talking about Black people who are oppressing WHITE people in Africa.
Seriously he was doing an appeal for an Albino charity.
Cos African society won’t do enough to help their own albinos charity has to be sent from Europe.
Well I’ll buy goods from those albino businesses, but the EU non-free trade block sticks massive import tariffs on them
….. roll on Brexit.
Saw a movie fifty plus years ago, “Leopard Men Behind Mombasa”. Witchcraft and murder in the Dark Continent – in all that time not much seems to have changed.
BBC Radio 4 on Facebook. Stevo got a nice jaunt for this ‘exclusive’.
EXCLUSIVE: Is Che Guevara still relevant – 50 years on from his death? Stephen Smith meets his younger brother
* features previously unseen footage of a young Che Guevara *
*Not footage of him personally slotting folk, though. The BBC seems to have missed on that.
Comments could be going better for BBC grasp of history and integrity.
BBC spin
“BBC Breaking News
UK government LOSES court bid to delay publication of air pollution strategy, and must publish after May election”
…LOSES is a loaded word
– The gov did ask for a delay until after both Local and National elections.
– The US funded Eco-bully activists wanted the report immediately published.
So the headline could have also read
“Activists lose”
UK government loses court bid to delay publication of air pollution strategy, and must publish after May election
bBC reporting on the Westminster arrest: Terror arrest near Houses of Parliament A man who was carrying knives near the Houses of Parliament has been arrested on suspicion of terrorism offences.The man, in his late 20s, was arrested at 14:22 BST by armed police as part of an intelligence-led operation on Parliament Street. A witness described seeing two knives on the ground, one of which he described as a large bread knife…The BBC’s home affairs correspondent June Kelly said: “It’s understood that the man was detained as part of an ongoing operation by Scotland Yard’s counter-terrorism command.
“Officers working on intelligence moved in on him in Whitehall. He was then searched and arrested. There are no details yet of his nationality or background.”
And here is how everybody else is displaying to the world what this man looks like who will be reported as having mental health issues who became angry at how MI5 tried to recruit him and whose family were kicked out of Israel in 1948 and has faced nothing but funny looks in the UK by racist white people, hence the reason why he was found with 3 knives.
Come on folks! It’s a wind up. Fancy-dressed Ringo Starr and David Milliband pretending to arrest a Masterchef contestant with Hugh Grant leading him back to the studio. Bet they gave him his kitchen knives back too.
I am sure either Riz Lateef or Assad Ahmed will give us all the facts about the altercation
in London today in their Londonistan Programme after the 6PM National News. This really is a programme you can really trust to give you the honest facts . And you can tell that to the marines.
BBC report on the effect the MOAB had on IS in Afghanistan.
According to their bias, apparently nothing.
Quote from the The BBC’s Auliya Atrafi. Reporter on hand.
“As we left the valley, the bombardment continued. It seemed clear that the bomb that was dropped on 13 April had not come close to delivering a knock-out blow to IS militants entrenched in the area, and the locals certainly expect more conflict ahead. To me, at least, the Mother Of All Bombs failed to live up to her reputation.”
Again they are rewriting the news. Nobody else thought it was ever intended to give the “knock out blow”
According to every other news report at the time, It was just muscle flexing and dropped to show the world, N Korea and Russia that it is available and can be used. Will their tirade of miss information and false news ever end.
I watched that report. According to the bBC, that bomb was meant to knock ISIS out of Afghanistan. It wasn’t it was used to target a hard to approach terrorist strong point which due to the large number of tunnels underneath would be a hard nut to crack using conventional methods. I was impressed by how the reporter stated he was surprised at how little damage there was on the ground, but then fails to substantiate that statement. I actually wrote about this using the following pictures pre and post strike:
If you click on the first link on my post it will take you an interactive sat map of the blast zone showing you exactly how hard the area is to reach and tackle
The bBC, its reporting from Gaza and half the story: Palestinian Authority ‘stops paying Israel for Gaza electricity’ The West Bank-based Palestinian Authority has told Israel that it will stop paying for electricity supplied to the Gaza Strip, Israeli officials say. Hamas called Thursday’s move “a grave escalation and an act of madness”. Gaza’s 1.9 million inhabitants already endure lengthy blackouts.The United Nations says there is no electricity in the coastal territory for up to 20 hours per day, meaning that basic services are “grinding to a halt”.
So the poor people of Gaza may see the electricity which Nasty Israel provides cut in the near future because the PA authority has said it will stop paying for the electricity Israel provides to Gaza.
What the bBC conveniently leaves out of the above sob story is that whilst Hamas collects payment from the population of Gaza for electricity, that money isn’t sent to the PA for reimbursement for the money they hand over. In fact this subject has been a hot topic for over a year, in January Gazans protested against Hamas over electricity: “People were shouting ‘tunnels’ and it was clear that they were saying: How is it that you have money for tunnels, but not to finance the diesel oil needed to produce electricity for the residents? I think that they did not even imagine that thousands would go out to demonstrate against them and would not fear them. Everyone is sick and tired of living this way, year after year, without a future and without hope.”
The bBC did report the above, but kind of left out exactly why the people were protesting.
Its the same with fuel oil for that Power station, Hamas is more than happy to play the victim regards imports, but has no problem not paying for anything. The last two shipments was paid for by Qatar and Turkey.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorist groups who can only be painted as…victims.
On PM R4, a potential Big Beard Knife-wielder was referred to as a “British passport holder”. Is this a first for the BBC? No use of the epithet “home-grown” to suggest staunch loyalty to Britain and that a bout of beheading is a thing any true born Brit could succumb to in a moment of madness? Maybe the BBC does not want to offend Big Beards by suggesting that they are native Britons.
So BBC / Government where is this all heading? will there have to be an exclusion zone around the seat of our democracy? and for what reason the Country is safe isn’t it? – we are not under attack from any particular group of people are we?. Plod tells us there are absolutely no comparisons between any of the attacks across Europe and I must admit I have yet to spot a common theme- it is baffling.
BBC East Midlands have just skipped over, very briefly, the news that Rolls Royce have won a billion pound contract from China for a consignment of jet engines. Good news for the local economy, but not good for those opposed to brexit.
The Rolls Royce story was nowhere near the top of the agenda. I remember when that kind of story would be the headline news story. That was before we voted to leave the EU.
BBC East Midlands are the most biased local branch of the BBC by far!
Could be a scale here Edward.
London of course being the Gold Standard of Bias…but I find that “South Today” would run you close. Maye we need a regional rep in each BBC location…Somerset is as good as it gets, but I`m afraid that the “Bristol Bleed-In” from nearby tends to mess it up.
Am happy to do Wessex and the South West anyway!
BBC Education Dept – History
The Islamic enlightenment … (hand-forehead-slap) Yep! there hasn t been one, the Al BBCs latest fake news to the impressionable.
Journalist and author Yasmin Alibhai-Brown interviews Christopher de Bellaigue about his new book The Islamic Enlightenment, which considers how the Muslim world has adapted to some of the wider changes of the 19th and 20th centuries
[audio src="" /]
… Its big(fake)news kids
Meet the Author: Christopher de Bellaigue
BBC R4 – Best of Today – On this week’s Meet the Author Christopher de Bellaigue talks to James Naughtie about his new book The Islamic Enlightenment.
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news TTK Won’t give MPs a vote on military action in Ukraine – come on – let’s get this…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
Someone told me to have a watch of the so called ‘Black Shakespeare’ Akala especially when he had a pop at Tommy Robinson. I did, and came away sadly unimpressed.
I watched a BBC execution where every audience member was a snowflake capable only of screaming and shouting abuse and failing to answer any of the Challenges Robinson put to them.
Akala went a little further claiming that Islam had been a force for good because it introduced Coffee into Europe (wrong!) He neglected to mention that the drink had actually been discovered by Christian Monks in Ethiopia and refined before being taken to Europe by Venetian traders.
Then he claimed the Muslims had introduced Lemons into Europe – again this was wrong as the Lemon originated in Asia and was in Europe before the Roman Empire had fallen!
He then tried to claim that there was no difference between Jimmy Saville and the Muslim Paedophile gangs – wrong again because Saville never selected his victims on the basis of their race & religion, not either because his own religion told him it was OK to do so.
I then watched his address to the Oxford Union, and a thought struck me, not that Akala is going to like this, but he is in reality a modern day Uncle Tom, telling his bedtime stories to the children of wealthy parents, in their halls of residences, and comfortable homes.
Because Akala never challenges the angst ridden guilt tripping middle class kids of the Left, his Black history only covers what his wealthy white audience want to hear. He never challenges their miss-conceptions, and self hate filled minds, and he never strays from the path of what is acceptable.
Of course not, because if he did – just like Uncle Tom he would be cast out by his employers for telling their kids stories which gave them nightmares.
So don’t expect to hear anything approaching REAL Black History, especially when it comes to slavery. You won’t hear anything of the African tribes who sold their brothers to the white man as they can’t be criticised, and you won’t hear anything about the fact that the Arabic Muslims took around 100 times more slaves than the whites ever did, and were practicing it well into the 20th Century.
You won’t hear anything about the million plus Europeans who were taken into slavery either as the kiddies don’t want to know that they might be victims instead of perpetrators. You won’t hear him tell of Mohammed’s Black slave, Mahran nor that Islam directly sanctions slavery.
“In 2003 a controversial high-level Saudi jurist, Shaykh Saleh Al-Fawzan, said in a lecture “Slavery is a part of Islam. Slavery is part of jihad, and jihad will remain as long there is Islam.”
But shush Children, there’s nothing to worry about while Akalas around, because that inconvenient part of black history is never going to be told.
Excellent points Thoughtful
This has always been my contention with the way that Islam is presented for a long time.
Whilst I can accept that there may well (or may not) be a majority of Muslims in our country that just want a quiet life and probably would never in a million years contemplate taking part in some of the outrages that is done in their name. There are also a large number of muslims who would contemplate or support Jihad. Not only that, but the MSM and especially the BBC actively strives to shut down any debate about the islamic attitudes/mindset (especially concerning Jihad) which seems justifies any cruelty/sexual crimes if it is carried out against kuffars.
All we ever seem to be told about muslims is that they are permanent victims of racism and spend all their time supporting charitable foundations. What lovely people!
It says everything I need to know about this religion when I can go to a mosque read about about how slavery/sexual slavery is ok if it is undertaken as part of jihad. Then go and sexually assault any number of non muslim girls but not feel any guilt because Mo said its ok. As for sharia law – I dont think I even want to start on that one.
Whilst the liberal muslim apologists hold sway in the MSM. I am afraid We will never learn the truth directly about what is actually going on. Unfortunately these bastards (content and and holier than thou in their little bubble of self loathing) Have too much to lose by telling the truth both by reputation and financially. That is why they are also trying to control U tube and google.
They always say pride comes before a fall well lets hope it is them that fall and not the rest of us.
Bristol, that epicentre of rational thought, has decided to rename the city’s Colston Hall because of its association with Edward Colston who made rather a lot of money from the slave trade. Appalling, by today’s standards of course, but not of those at the time, not least because he was a noted philanthropist, using significant amounts of his ill-gotten gains to make Bristol a better place. Disregard that.
Disregard the fact that Colston was simply one of many who helped to make Bristol what it is today (opinions vary) but the reality is that a large proportion of today’s ‘great’ families made their money from the trade, exporting slaves, importing tobacco, sugar etc.
Those who made the Colston Hall decision might also search their consciences if they smoke tobacco, use cane sugar or cocoa and wear clothing made from cotton. And they must pull down all those Tate Galleries too.
Chatsworth and Harewood House would have to go too, as would anything bearing the Cavendish or Lascelles family names.
Wanna bet that if you take any building named with an ethnic African name you could just do the same genealogical study and trace back to slave owning people ?
I am a proud Bristolian and I recognise that our city (along with many others) has some unpalatable history, but surely that’s the point, it’s history and nothing we can do now can change or erase it. On last nights local news (The ITV one as I struggle to not shout at the BBC version) the C.E.O. of the trust responsible talked about the “toxic heritage” associated with the name (which she continually and studiously managed not to actually say). She was stuck for a coherent response however when the reporter pointed out that in a recent survey 87% of actual Bristolians, as opposed to those snowflakes jumping on this bandwagon, were opposed to the change of name. When pressed as to what it might take as a new name she claimed, without a trace of irony, that the trust would be guided by public opinion.
Green Party ‘Party Election Broadcast’ just now
Full emotional blackmail, black and white film, Sad piano music
Starts with Syrian immigrant children
“90,000 Syrian refugee children yet Cameron offers to take 3,000”
(em most refugees want to stay close to border so are in Turkey and Lebanon etc. and often pop back)
NHS £22bn cuts far as government graphs go NHS certainly has not beeen cut the budget grows each year ..last ears £5bn more than previous years etc.)
May partners with Dangerous Climate Denier Donald Trump
(way to go pejorative labels ..that’ll win you respect )
1/8 of Britains live in poverty
Greens have 176 councillors (probably true)
Conservatives 8642 Labour 6769 Liberal Democrats 1820 UKIP 438 SNP 401
5th Richest country ..(Not sure about that, of all countries by GDP we are 24th
..adjusted for purchasing power
27th on this list
Fact or our HUGE debt and we’ll seem poorer) Truth exists
… but Greens world is quite different from that real world
\\Unfortunate juxtaposition:”Too few refugees allowed into UK” & “NHS is overstretched” //
Often quoted, ‘1/8 of Britains live in poverty’ ?
How can this be? We have one of the most generous welfare systems in the world. Is it because parents choose to spend money on luxuries?
I know for a fact that there is no poverty in this country. For if there was, wouldn’t our politicans address it, rather than send £13 billion overseas on so-called Foreign Aid? I understand our Prime Minister is the daughter of a vicar, in which case she may be familiar with verse 1 Timothy 5:8 from the New Testament – “Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever” i.e. charity begins at home.
“1 in 8 live in poverty”
..doh ! poverty is the defined RELATIVE to what median salary is
“In the EU, people falling below 60% of median income are said to be at-risk-of poverty.”
So when salaries rise poverty does not change.
And if your salary stays the same but property prices cause rich peoples income to go up ..that can push you into poverty
I really don’t get the way ‘poverty’ is depicted in this country.
For me poverty is living in cardboard boxes and corrugated shelters, like those in the slums of India and other third world countries. Poverty is what my granny, the eldest of 13 back in the early 20th century, endured when she shared shoes with her siblings to go to school, when they had lard sandwiches to eat, and when seriously ill could not afford the doctor so had neighbours come and sit and wait for the ‘crisis’ to come and go, after which you came through the illness or you were dead ! Compare that ‘poverty’ where there was no NHS, no welfare state, no social workers, outside lavvies and homes lit by candles, to the descriptive version today, and it doesn’t stack up.
“Professor Peter Townsend, a leading authority on UK poverty, defines relative poverty as when someone’s “resources are so seriously below those commanded by the average individual or family that they are, in effect, excluded from ordinary living patterns, customs and activities”.
In other words they can’t go on holidays abroad.
Yes but if you tax the rich and reduce their incomes, or better still, drive them out of the country, the median income goes down and lots of people are no longer poor!
The politics of envy produces some weird results.
Stew, that’s correct. The UK median income is quite high, rapidly heading toward £35,000 if not already there.
That’s halfway to being rich, according to Comrade Corbyn and John McDonnell.
Poverty in the true sense – absolute poverty, which means not being able to afford food, clothing or shelter – does not exist in the UK and has not existed for generations. What we call ‘poverty’ now is subject to constantly moving goalposts in order to keep left wing MPs, socialist campaigners, NGOs etc in employment.
It’s the same with ‘racism’ which now just means any criticism of any favoured victim group, ideology etc even if it has nothing to do with race, eg, Islam.
I always used to be surprised that the highest concentration of satellite dishes seemed to be in the poorest areas.
well It made me cry… cos of the disrespect for maths, science, fairness and grownup debate.
This is quite unbelievable stuff from this Liebour drone, as if anyone in possession of all their faculties would let idiots such as this near the reins of power. A.N. kicks him around the studio for a good while.
As dickheads go, Dromey is in the Premier League.
Jack Dromey is married to Harriet Harman. A case of having your ‘PIE’ and eating it?
“In my former experience in the world of work”… so says the only man to ever have won an all-woman’s shortlist
Andrew needed to put Mr Harman further on his corksrew phallus.
The BBC?
The NHS?
Are THESE wealth creators or wealth extracters then Jack?
That image needs mind napalm not bleach!
That was actually uncomfortable to watch particularly bearing in mind that he is a senior labour politician and shadow minister for labour. Mr. Neil was like a bored cat playing with an injured shrew.
Thanks for the clip Al, I saw it live too . Mr Dromie Harmon is always good for comedy on al Beeb. He said he was in the world or work for 30 years but I thought he was a union rep before being parachuted into a safe seat.
He might be the safe pair of hands labour needs after Corbin in order to lose the 2022 election for labour again.
Morphed into the One Show with it’s constant Virtue Signalling
– 30th anniversary of Yacht where men were banned
– Susan Calman
– Some celeb going on about dogs
– History : Britains indep Nuclear deterrent and how nuclear material was once left in the boot of a brokendown car in pub car park
Am I alone in having never heard of Susan Calman until she showed up as a ‘person of stunted growth’ on an afternoon quiz show ?
Stew, in that last History one, did they mention the time that nuclear waste burnt through the floor of the truck carrying it up an English motorway whereupon said waste, started to dig in a break-out attempt to get to Australia?
It was medical nuclear waste collected from NHS Hospitals.
Just thought I’d mention it, as it’s Annual NHS Day again – for about the 125th time this year – on the BBC.
The One Show is absolute pish.
Careful. raging obscenity insult like that will get Nick Robbo on his high horse and Jon calling you a NaughtieMarr.
Not on al beebistan, “Man ‘sentenced to death for atheism’ in Saudi Arabia.”
Tells you all you need to know about the Religion of Fear and Coercion, doesn’t it?
Any cult that kills people for trying to leave it is on a par with the Soviet Empire for killing people trying to escape. Of course they had their leftie beeboid apologists too.
The Tories have a Monetary Policy.
Labour and the Greens have a Money Tree Policy.
Tories have a monetary policy FFS wake up!
ROFL! … all the Tory chickens over their utter failure and corruption will be coming home to roost real soon,
… of course will be blamed on Brexit, or anything else they can pin it on.
Self serve, suck up and protect the wealthy,hammer and steal from everyone else
Oh I think the tories do have a plan for making money. Just not sure if Im included in that plan. Actually I know Im not as they stole my pension a couple of years ago.
Guy, guys, it was a bit of fun, like err a play on words. Never mind, I’m also stuck for a party to support.
Carry on like this and the right will be accused of not having a sense of humour, gaxil. LOL
France election: Macron heckled by pro-Le Pen workers
“Ms Le Pen upstaged her centrist rival earlier by turning up to speak to the workers as he met their union representatives a few miles away. Mr Macron, who is far ahead in opinion polls, is in Amiens, his home town, amid accusations of complacency. He got another boost when former President Nicolas Sarkozy endorsed him”
That’s a BBC narrative report, with a lame upbeat ending that incidentally has nothing to do with the story at all.
In reality, Macron was due to speak with union leaders at the Whirlpool factory over a dispute which could lead to jobs being moved from France to Poland. On his arrival, he was heckled by workers, why? for preferring to talk to the TV cameras instead of them. and some pro-Le Pen workers responded by chanting: “Marine, for President!” Macron proceeded then to give his speech to journalists inside the Whirlpool factory,
while Marine stood outside and met with the workers facing losing their jobs.
… Don t expect T “Liar” May to do anything like that anytime soon, she would be too busy selling them out
Both Sky and France 24 (in English) give far better coverage than the biased bBC
RT also covered well, and more fully than bBBC. Here in a central European hotel there are over 60 channels and only a madman would choose the half-baked, half story, half truths from the bBBC over RT, France 24, etc., etc..
It strikes me that the BBC is dying. Only those with historical attachments watch and listen to it. And we are the ones the BBC hates most. We will die out together like an old bitter couple who couldn’t divorce but long ago tired of each other.
This is an interesting article on why it is virtually impossible for Le Pen to win.
Sounds all to likely to me Al-S.
By the time Le Pen wins in 2022, it will be on a tide of crimson with fires raging, cars alight and Paris a no-go area for all but the elites there.
An utter tragedy for a country so many of us love and visited in happier times.
Turkeys voting for Christmans-whilst it is still allowed as a national holiday anyway there.
Michel Hollebecqs “Submission” gets eerily closer to real-time prophecy by the day.
The EU would rather let the French burn in the car than let them open a door and get out-it`s too vital as an EU symbol nowadays to do anything but burn out into national suttee and carnage.
RE: ‘Diversity’
There is a big push to get more women playing sport and more female comedians on television. Are there not evolutionary and biological reasons for the disparities in representations in these fields?
Men have higher levels of testosterone; they sublimate this aggression through sport.
Men know they attract women by making them laugh. Women do not need to make a man laugh to attract him, thus there will be more funny men overall.
Would that reasoning be sexist thoughtcrime? It seems rational to me, but the heresy of heresies is common sense.
More female comedians on television? I assume that will mean more Jo Brands and Mirandas, rather than Victoria Woods and Joyce Grenfells.
Even dead, Victoria Woods would still be funnier and more talented than the Jo Brands and Mirandas.
Is Jo Brand a comedian ?
Beeb Bro
Why can’t these equality hustlers just accept that diversity does actually mean that biological differences lead to differing preferences, interests and abilities?
It’s just another hypocrisy; you worship “diversity” but in reality you want everyone to be the same, have the same, do the same, feel the same way. The diversity they want is merely skin deep.
Exactly – you do not get harmony if everyone plays the same note.
Equality in the Biblical sense meant we were all one, all part of God’s family and equally deserving of his love. It did not mean sameness. I do not look down on my wife nor is her love for me in any way diminished by knowing how different we are, often in profound ways.
Again it is all Orwellian: “Diversity is sameness.”
I, like the so-called bbc, am totally in favour of equality in sport. I totally accept the need for the same payments/prize money etc.
Therefore I look forward to seeing how many women make it through the first round of Wimbledon tennis in a completely open non-segregated competition, in which men and women play against each other.
Mind you, it wouldnt half ruin my enjoyment of beach volleyball ( hastens to add….women’s beach volleyball lol).
The COOP is incredibly sexist and reflects one industry’s habit of priviliging women
Look at the magazine rack
of 50 mags the only solo male face is on Mens Health.
Can anybody believe this??? There’s now a petition to stop the BBC’s ‘smear’ campaign of Jeremy Corbyn???
Looks like they can’t please anybody. No wonder they suckle big Mo’s teat. ?
By they, I meant the BBC not pleasing the lefties. Sorry for not clarifying.
Have you read the points of the petition?
you ll find them valid, why?
political establishment … business as usual
I would think that the BBC would like to see Corbyn go. He is not going to win for them, so replace him with a BBC favourite. My money is on the London Emir – young malleable, and his dad was a bus driver in case you have not heard.
Yes, the family arrived from Pakistan to Plymouth (although this has been removed from Wilkepedia) but clearly council properties were better in London so they moved to a 3 bed flat (Yes !), which is where Khan was born. Wonder how much that flat is worth now !!
Well click the TALK button and check the edit history.
You’ll fnd the sanitization.h
BBC Online News:
“”President Trump: Seven ways the world has changed””
“”Heightened nuclear tensions in Asia””
“”Relationship with Russia even more complicated””
“”Greater focus on Nato””
“”Use of force””
“”Climate change rethink””
There you have it. Nothing positive in BBC world.
“”Relationship with Russia even more complicated””. But how can this be? We were led by the media including the BBC, to think that President Trump was a ‘plant’ by Putin who clandestinely pulled all strings to get him elected. What has gone wrong for Putin now? How disrespectful President Trump is being toward the only person who sealed his election success………..
Today we woke up to be greeted To the Beebs bigging up of labours great NHS day. A glorious day indeed. However that glorious day came to a screeching halt after ending us in a pileup at pmq’s. Theresa was on fire for the hole of the session giving jezza a real mauling. No mercy shown at all. Jezza started with his letters from his fanclub crapola. It was like there was no election happening In His brain at all. When she had finished eviserating jezza she stuck the knife into the fragrant Diane Abbott and twisted. Angus Robinson also got slapped down for the idiot he is and little Timmeh didn’t escape either. It was jezzas last pmq’s but he made no effort. At the his rate labour are totally screwed
BBC4 now Alice Roberts is whispering
competing against the loud background music
£4bn worth of resources & BBC can’t even make audible documentaries.
I understand that the problem is that we have been buying the wrong sort of television set. These new-fangled flat screen beasties just don’t have the space to mount ‘studio quality’ monitor speakers, such as the programme makers use or have fitted in their London basement ‘home cinemas’.
Besides ‘art’ is in the mind of the ‘artist’, it isn’t for the plebs.
You can always try the sub-titles, they are the funniest thing on TV! It would be even funnier if a militant ‘differently-abled’ person were to prosecute the broadcasters who have been getting away with this third-rate service for years.
P.S. Isn’t Alice Roberts just Victoria Coren Mitchell on a diet?
Biased BBC reporting Jezza Dustbin’s salary promise to the NHS will xost the rest of us £500m for each % rise.
Errr no. It will be nearer £700m because as usual the future cost of funding salary based pension liabilities has been ignored.
The bBBC consistently downplay the massive pension benefits which the public sector enjoy at the expense of the rest of us who have to struggle to create our own pwnsion provision.
Why? Because tgey don’t want the plebs like us to ask any awkward questions.
Mon dessin animé pour la semaine
(My cartoon for the week)
Can someone provide a link to the BBC poll of polls for the forthcoming GE. I have searched the BBC site but I am unable to find it. It was so easy in 2015 and I had expected that it would be this time round. But this morning I can only find something a week old saying that the Tories shouldn’t be carried away by a few polls showing them with a healthy lead. There seems to be nothing about all of the polls in the last week showing that this healthy lead has continued to grow into an enormous one. We pay , under threat of imprisonment, for the BBC and they only offer us week old news. Where are the polls BBC? If you have them please make them easy to find for duffers like me. Couldn’t you make them headline news please so I can see them easily. By the was folks the French polls are there it’s just the UK ones that seem to be missing.
Apparently we will be receiving some more refugee “children” Lets hope the Government have pulled their fingers out this time and organised proper “welcome” pacts including condoms and razors.
Yvette applying to build an affordable home using Jezza’s incentives for that refugee she is still vetting?
The interview on ‘Today’ Radio 4 with John Humphries & Boris Johnson was a disgrace, nothing more than two people talking at the same time.
Jonson must have never had more than 5 seconds free airtime to speak without Humphries interrupting, and they were rare. Most of it was Humphries constantly interrupting and talking over Johnson before he had a chance to answer.
For the first time ever the BBC asked a question about the £50 Billion the EU is demanding, so why has he never asked any other party or politician.
I was about to say exactly the same. Of all the ‘interviews’ conducted by the intolerably arrogant Humphreys, the one he conducted with Boris Johnson was certainly one of the worst. As always, it is a deliberate policy of Humphreys to ensure nothing is properly heard or understood from a politician of whom the BBC does not approve. These are not always Conservatives: Dominic Greave or Anna Soubury, for example, get rapt attention on the Today programme – but they speak the BBC language. So after Boris, Lorna Kuenssberg is immediately wheeled out to tell us all what we have heard, and how to interpret it. Thank you, LK, for patronising us in that way. We need a campaign to get Humphreys muted.
I think Boris had the upper hand though, people label him as a ‘buffoon’ but he is a very clever man.
I loved Boris’s putdowns:
“Sorry to interrupt your interruption.”
“You are making our listeners put their heads in their hands.”
Imagine if they talked over Baroness Warsi like that! It would never happen.
Well said on LK. I always tire of the Beeb wheeling out their political officer to make sure that we have understood the message that they are providing us with.
I can’t abide Boris but even I warmed toward him after listening to that interview. Humphrys was almost beyond belief, so miserable was his technique. If he’d wanted to stitch-up Boris he could easily have let the fool talk himself into a trap. Instead he badgered him and let Boris look like a victim.
What a pompous amateur!
Don’t forget that Boris was twice London Mayor,he is no fool.
Ken Livingstone and Sadik Kahn have also been Mayors of London. Are you sure about that?
Boris really dealt with the irascible Humphreys. Made him out to be the pompous ass he is. The, “What about the £350 million?” question was on par with the stupid first (and last?) question Kuenssberg put to President Trump. Perhaps a lesson for all other politicians to turn the tables on the BBC style of interview? Get aggressive but extremely polite in the process!
Yes, I agree. Boris did make him sound like a numbskull. And we do need politicians prepared to take on these biased imbeciles head to head.
Rhod Sharp’s Up All Night ‘science’ spot last night had Climate Hero Dr. Karl, (he uses his media wages to pay for a large solar array that permits him the moral right to travel the world ‘carbon neutral’), spouting more male cow excretia than usual.
It turns out that a quarter of the world’s electrical consumption has been cut because of one Australian schoolgirl! All because she had two bright ideas! Sharp duly drools how marvelous that is, to have one bright idea is great but two!
So what were these amazing ideas? Superconductivity? Perpetual Motion? No!
Light bulbs get hot, therefore they waste energy! If only her school could be persuaded to use fluorescent tubes the world would be saved! There must be a Nobel Prize going spare there!
If that wasn’t enough for us he managed another ‘dump’ – eat potatoes as part of your ‘five-a-day’!
I really shouldn’t listen to these ‘fake news’ internet radio stations.
Did anyone hear the item on Today this morning that was being trailed before the 8 o`clock news entitled “white working class cluelessness”?
I thought it better for me and other road users not to listen whilst driving.
I hate to state the obvious but can anyone imagine the BBC talking about black cluelessness?
How can the BBC get away with such blatant racism?
How can the BBC get away with such blatant racism?
Because it has a budget of £4bn plus a mandate from the Government?
Just a wild guess.
That and unique levels of exemption from accountability or censure.
I think the offensive anti white racism was overcome by the admission by the learned American lady that she married an oik. { I think I may be one } Presumably for a bit of cred when talking in such generalisations as to become vacuous. I think today spent as much time chatting to that air head as they did interrupting boris.
Have you ever noticed that even on quiet news days al Beeb editors don’t allow enough time to get into anything like a deep discussion about important national ( not metropolitan) issues? I suppose they need to get some kind or drama/ excitement into confrontation interviewing but it does get a bit tedious. Listening beeboids?
Although the title appears what you thought, & I have to admit I thought it too, when the author came on she had a completely different slant.
The cluelessness about the white working class is that of the Fascist Left who abandoned the white working class in favour of immigrants, the environment, and political correctness. They are now clueless about them.
The Fascists cannot understand why the white working class voted for Trump, (or for that matter Brexit). They put it down to ignorance and a lack of education, but this condescension only makes the situation worse.
It’s the same old story in the US as here, the Left HATE white people with such a passion that they have relegated them to the status of the proles in 1984. This is what is killing their electoral chances, but because of Left Wing Denial they are incapable of admitting any of their policies or thinking might be wrong.
Thanks Thoughtful, so it could more accurately have been trailed as “leftist electoral cluelessness”… can`t think why it wasn`t!!!
Title of a New book coming out in a couple of weeks
“White Working Class: Overcoming Class Cluelessness in America”
by Joan C. Williams Director @WorkLifeLawCtr, Prof @uchastingslaw. Founder . Coauthor, WHAT WORKS FOR WOMEN AT WORK
“Around the world, populist movements are gaining traction among the white working class. Meanwhile, members of the professional elite―journalists, managers, and establishment politicians―are on the outside looking in, left to argue over the reasons. In White Working Class, Joan C. Williams, described as having “something approaching rock star status” by the New York Times, explains why so much of the elite’s analysis of the white working class is misguided, rooted in class cluelessness.
Williams explains that many people have conflated “working class” with “poor”―but the working class is, in fact, the elusive, purportedly disappearing middle class. They often resent the poor and the professionals alike. But they don’t resent the truly rich, nor are they particularly bothered by income inequality. Their dream is not to join the upper middle class, with its different culture, but to stay true to their own values in their own communities―just with more money. While white working-class motivations are often dismissed as racist or xenophobic, Williams shows that they have their own class consciousness.”
Boris Johnson was brilliant on radio 4 this morning,kicked John Humphrys arse!
The Humph was having to rely on baiting BoJo with that old Remain £350m pw saw [ and sore! 🙂 ] while not believing it himself. Very tough to do that more than once, merely as an amusing baiter. Can’t think why John stuck with it as he knows the number was a slight under-estimate of the gross UK>EU contribution AND he also knows that the only people affected by it were Remainers who voted …
… er, …
to Remain in the EU.
Seem to recall that the Humph wasted a lot of time in his first ever TODAY interview with ‘Dave’ (whatever happened to him?) as Party Leader. Instead of nailing Cameron on some really important issues, the Humph went round and round in circles over the general issue of cutting Income Tax. Wasted about 15 minutes on it. Full-time Result – Dave 1 : The Humph 0.
You cannot help but think afterwards that the whole thing is a bit of a set-up and what we, the listeners, want asked and answered is just being avoided by both presenter and interviewee.
Or just careless?
I realise this comment is not 100% related to the BBC and a bit late, but did anyone else noticed that in uber-diverse London its marathon and the spectators attending the over-hyped event are anything but?
Apart from those shipped in from Africa who were paid to run (as opposed to actually raising any money for charity), I would guess that 39,950 of the 40,000 runners were white. The same for the spectators. I wonder why.
Answers on a postcard.
You never see Asian / other ethnics hill climbing or rambling in the National Parks, never see them yachting . Plenty on tele though reporting it !
“You never see Asian / other ethnics hill climbing or rambling in the National Parks.” Thank God!
lets keep it that way.
Nor do you see them looking round Hampton Court or other stately homes.
Heritage bodies and national parks people are well aware of the lack of effnicks using their facilities. There was quite a big enquiry into this a few years ago. Of course, the findings were it was all down to institutional racism or something – I must have missed all those signs saying ‘Vir Gebruik Deur Blankes’ in the Lake District – and they totally failed to understand that people from developing countries do not have a culture of country walks or visiting stately homes, so why should we force them to adopt ours? Surely that would be ‘racist’ as well.
It is a perplexing one this, for it does seem that certain groups are not interested in the UK history. I am a longstanding detectorist and have never come across any ethnic minority involved in the hobby. But it is not the case with the Poles and other Europeans, there is even a Polish UK detecting club!
Eastern europeans will take as much as they can out of our country, even if that means using a metal detector!
Black people, we are told, stay out of national parks and keep away from trees because they were lynched on them. ‘Black people are triggered by trees and suffer Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome flashbacks. You can’t expect them to go to on a hike’.
I visited Bolton Abbey in the Yorkshire Dales a few years ago and had to use the public loos. All the signs e.g. ‘now wash your hands’ and the like were in English and something I took to be Punjabi (well certainly not French or German), plus lots of signs in the same language with no English translation. Haven’t a clue what they said. Still, a complete waste of time that day, as there was nobody visiting who appeared to be able to read them.
It’s not their heritage, why should they? For me, being British means a bit more than having a British passport, but if your connection with a country begins and ends with the passport, why would you be bothered about the history and culture of what is, in effect, a foreign country?
I think its not as simple as that Rob. Look at it the other way round, there are plenty of Brits and other nationalities living abroad who are actively interested in the history and culture of the place they live or visit.
I don’t think the British living abroad go there with the attitude of jihadis (except the ones who go to Syria, of course).
I also notice that the man arrested in Whitehall has been described as a “British passport holder”, which I think backs up my point. Having a British passport shows that legally, you are British. It does not mean you care about the culture, history or heritage of Britain. In fact, you might even want to destroy it all in the name of the caliphate.
It usually goes like this:
1. Take any typically British cultural activity be it bellringing, rambling, morris dancing, welly tossing etc.
2. Point out that few ethnic minorities take part in it, disregard any reasons why they might not (ie, none in the area, no cultural connections, too busy working etc).
3. Conclude it’s all to do with ‘racism’ and not making foreigners welcome enough.
4. Push for funding from taxpayers for NGOs, panels, committees etc to create jobs for people who will deal with the ‘problem’ in order to force ‘diversity’ whether it’s wanted or not.
5. Denounce anyone who disagrees as ‘racist’, ‘unwelcoming’, ‘insular’, ‘backward’ etc.
…if your connection with a country begins and ends with the passport, why would you be bothered about the history and culture of what is, in effect, a foreign country?…..
I would suspect that not many ex British nationals who now live under another Passport, are not drawing benefit in the country of their choice, unlike the tens of thousands foreigners domiciled here with the Gold Ticket of a passport.
This seems true of the second and third generation as well. Just no interest in what we are interested in. Completely absent from nearly all events and places visited by the indigenous. But pointing this reality our only draws the usual comments from the progressive.
But lots of Japanese visit our heritage sights and enjoy our cultural events, , and in my experience they show their appreciation.
You don’t see many asians at Crufts, apart from Japanese who are so enthusiastic and eager to ask questions and engage with the exhibitors.
Plenty of Japanese and Chinese tourists at Hampton Court, but I assume you mean “Britons” of south Asian heritage, or whatever the current euphemism is.
Might not be quite true. I’ve read about ‘secret’ jihadi training camps in the Lakes and Welsh mountains. Anyone know more about this?
Big tax news yesterday in the states but not a thing about it on the beeb this morning. They are only upset with boris calling the three pound tramp a few names. oh how very dare he. Charlie the brekkie sofa beebette was getting very upset about it. Well after his mauling by may yesterday he deserves it but no the beeb will continue to promote and help and distract from his screwups
BBC london news are upset that Zac Goldsmith is back and standing in richmond against uber idiot olney. Lots of sneering and very much how dare he. I hope he takes that seat just to see the face on Timmeh the twat.
Not BBC but on sky atlantic tonight theres a special on the dons first 100 day by the sky correspondents notably hannah thomas peter. Expect lots of doom and gloom along with sneering and bile from this cretin. Spotted her in the audience yesterday at the tax briefing at the white house and she had a face like thunder like she didnt want to be there just looking down all the time instead of at the people speaking. And true to form her report later and this morning was full on negativity. She would be perfect for the beeb.
And no comment on the LibDems rolling over to give Lucas a clear run in Brighton then?
Tells you all that you need to know about the Coalition of Chaos-and their sly, smarmy tactics.
But it`s progressive-so the BBC purr at the stitch up.
I can’t understand why people aren’t calling out this ‘progressive alliance’. How is it democratic? What if I wanted to vote Lib Dem in Brighton? Seemingly it’s not because they’ve been banned or anything, just that they took the decision that only one candidate can go up against the Tories.
Well maybe that constituency wants to vote for the Conservatives.
BBC Trots and the UAF are feeling uneasy and worried that Le Pen might win the Presidency.
Fortunately the award winning film maker and creator of Left Unity will be addressing a UAF supported rally to prevent her from winning.
I bet Marine is shaking in her boots at this news. Corbyns biggest fan and beeb regular talking crap again.
What’s the French for “piss soaked tramp”?
I see they’ve kitted Michael Foot out with something more up-market than his donkey jacket.
Le Pen is mightier than this turd.
“Here s some news the BBC won t report, after Huddersfield and 27 alleged nonces virtually all Muslim, who go to court as if their “gangsters”, who get there hands shaken by Muslims working in the court, and any other Muslim there for speeding or misdemeanours
Now to Oxford where another 17 are in, and who, with their harridans are arrogant and aggressive to anyone reporting on them. AND WHERE IS THE MEDIA? sticking the camera s in the faces of this Islamic scum.
These are utter scum, the lowest pigshit filthy nonces”.
This from when the story was first put up yesterday.
Today, thank goodness for independent media, its viewing figures are going through the roof
An example, this vid has over 95,000 views in less than 24 hrs and what the hell is going on with youtube is anyones guess as he had more views earlier than hours later
(that was yesterday)?
plus the repeat postings just like this one, plus the “mirrors” that get put up elsewhere.
As an adage, there s a little more on this story, and there is something
else to be forthcoming too
This chap is the real deal.
This is another good one from TR.
I love this quotation:
“There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
Even worse when the payment benefits the tyrant a great deal more than those forced to pay.
Bless. She’ll be on QT next.
Amy Rutland will be proud.
Reptilian Elite? I think David Icke may have been on to something.
It’s been a few day since the BBC have last had a “sex with a child” article – a favourite topic for them.
Uganda’s Punishment Island: ‘I was left to die on an island for getting pregnant’
Pregnant 12 year old left to die on a island until a fisherman, let’s call him Savile (not his real name), takes her “to be his wife”.
After years of smug, self-satisfied and unthinking Lefty groupthink, the BBC clearly see themselves as ringmaster of this 5-Ring Circus that is British cultural life.
I`m just sick of them setting up politicians that they hate-who the hell are THEY to tell me that “mugwump” is some kind of new low in personal abuse?
The elite are so used to policing the borders of language, and determining who the straw men are-that even a slight comic dig at Hamas Supporting, IRA backing, Anti-Semitic nomarks like thick Jezba-sets them off into hives.
This non-story has been running for hours now, and all manner of Nugees and Momentum scum are queuing up to clutch pearls, and feign disgust.
Compare to what THEY call Corbyn behind his back( a Labour mate of mine thinks that it`ll be progress when his endless walks of shame around the constituency is on a par with humping a sack of shit!)-Bojos comment is nothing.
These the same scum who laughed at the death of Mrs Thatcher then?
Thin skinned lefty scum-can only hope that the BBC get their selective thin skins pricked so the fat suasages explode on June 8th.
BBC news website searches
clinton first female president
le pen first female president
Just sayin’
Wrong sort of woman: attractive, heterosexual, patriotic.
Their own search system fails
I get 1 hit
SJWomans Hour Wed 30 Nov 2016 “Will Marine le Pen become the first female President of France? Journalist Agnes Poirier looks at the career of the leader of the Front National.”
But For “Segolene Royal” “first female president”
I get 4 hits from 2006
Emma Barnett is hectoring a politician on Five Live for an ostensibly anti Semitic tweet he sent four years ago.
Who has not said or done something that might have offended someone at some point? Especially if you are in public life. Often the comment is wrenched from context and exaggerated; thus Trump’s comment that Mexico does not send its best citizens across the border becomes all Mexicans are rapists; criticism of Israeli policy during a Gaza conflict becomes admiring Hitler. Yet anyone who opposes the totalitarian left is smeared in this fashion and they have got away with it for decades. Thus someone like Trump who says reasonable things the vast majority of people agree with is portrayed as Satan.
Why not discuss the issues without resorting to infantile name-calling and smear tactics?
And they have the chutzpah to evoke 1984 in relation to Trump? Knowing that everything you have ever said or done could be used to condemn you, that is in no way creepy is it? Thank god we have the noble brotherhood Al Beeb to protect us from thought criminals.
I see Guido has caught the BBC forgetting to mention the Corbynista background of the poor downtrodden ‘Community Nurse’ they allowed free reign to yesterday evening. Bias by omission: It’s in their DNA.
It’s a pretty standard tactic among fake news broadcasters. They are fed contacts all the time by interested parties (unions, single issue pressure groups, trade bodies etc) and pass them off as somehow representative of the public.
Similarly, at the joining hands in solidarity on the Westminster Bridge the BBC journalist chanced upon a Muslim women’s rights campaigner who just happened to have appeared on the BBC before. They really are a law unto themselves.
It reminds me of my mate whose boss fancied the pants off him. He got to write his own reference, a hilarious panegyric with no basis in reality. The BBC is the kid who marks his own homework and always gets full marks.
\\‘Women’s rights activist, Akeela Ahmed, who helped organise Sunday’s event
…The BBC knows full well who she is.//
About 7 other hits on BBC website last bbc appearance 14 days before the bridge stunt on British Network sorry Asian Network
\\BBC Radio 4 – Today, 18/09/2014, Rise of far right after … – Sima kotecha reports on rise of far right and Hazel Blears & Akeela Ahmed discuss//
Disgusted to see this news-vert at the top of the Yahoo page
I wonder how much Gina’s secret backers paid for it ?
It’s a YouGov poll. No one but the very desperate pays the slightest attention to them. Yahoo! of course, is very desperate indeed, as it slides into well deserved oblivion.
Isn’t that the outfit that is/was run by the hubby of EU bigwig Baroness Ashton?
No chance of bias there then ……
Bloomberg is puffing this too, but as the source is YouGov I wouldn’t give it much credence.
I gather the Times paid for it. And you know what they say about the payment scheme for pipers and the tunes they play as a consequence…
Well after the hype comes the analysis, and here’s what UKpolling says:
The result that has got the most attention is the question on if people think Britain was right or wrong to vote to leave the EU. 43% said right, 45% said wrong. YouGov ask that question most weeks and almost invariably it shows people either think Britain made the right decision, or are evenly split. As a result, a lot of people have got rather excited about today’s figure, when they really shouldn’t.
As regular readers will know, all polls have a margin of error. I try not to fixate upon the specifics because the margin you always seen quoted (plus or minus 3% for a 1000 sample) is based on a pure random sample with no accounting for weighting or design effects. However, it is a good rough guide – polls are not precise, there is some degree of random variation from poll to poll.
So far this year YouGov have asked the right or wrong to Leave question fifteen times. On average the result has been Right 45%, Wrong 43%, a two point lead for “right”. As with all polls, it varies from week to week, so sometimes it has spat out a lead of four points, sometimes it has been neck-and-neck, and how it’s produced one finding with wrong ahead.
Looking at the figure over time I can’t really be confident in any trend. The gap is smaller than in January, but it’s not as if there’s a steady decline there, it looks more like noise:
Jan the average was Right 46%, Wrong 42%
February the average was Right 45%, Wrong 44%
March the average was Right 44%, Wrong 43%
April the average was Right 45%, Wrong 43%
My expectation is, as I’ve said before, the people will probably more towards “Bregret” to some degree, simply because Brexit will require some compromises and some people’s high hopes will be disappointed. However, there’s scant sign of it yet and people’s opinions are often much harder to shift than you’d think.
As ever, YouGov will ask the same question next week, and the week after than and so on. If that too shows people think it’s wrong to leave (and other polls start showing the same thing too) then we can start taking about a cross-over in opinion. As things stand, I really wouldn’t get too excited/worried yet.
I am not aware of any discussion in the media about the negative consequences of a Remain vote or a backtracking of the Leave victory. A Remain vote would be like a heavy prison door slamming shut.
And nobody, especially at the BBC, ever asks the question of a Remainer: ‘Exactly what was your plan for staying in the EU? Join the Euro? More political integration? Both?’
As everybody knows the EU does not stand still. Had Britain voted to stay ‘The Project’ would have been given a turbo charge towards full rule from Brussels with Germany pulling the strings and we would have ended up as little more than a German colony.
Good all the people who voted Brexit, myself included, who are inclined to be complacent, might see this poll and realise we still have battle on our hands.
The biggest worry for me is people not going out to vote as they think Brexit is in the bag, when we all know nothing is cut and dried yet.
Meanwhile my paltry efforts at boycotting, Virgin products, Walkers crisps and Pimlico plumbing do not appear to be having the desired effect.
I wrote to Walkers, shelley and told them that not one morsel of their tuber sourced product would pass my or any of my immediate circles lips whilst the human wing nut was a frontman for their offerings. They thanked me for my interest in Walkers products!
Boris ready to back Trump in a war with Syria. Same old, same old.
Watch it Boris, this time British people may not want to follow a deranged US President in a Middle East War. It could cost you the election
Man with a knife arrested in Westminster.
Backlash imminent and Treezer will bring out her speech about Islam being a great religion.
Move on.
Let’s not jump to conclusions just yet. The BBC have only said it was a “man”.
Yes but they have published this picture:
There is a huge difference this time around – as now Russia and Iran are well dug in there and Turkey is out to slaughter our Kurdish ‘allies’.
Anyhow, the UN should get stuck in and be arraigning Assad for using chemical weapons surely?
Have you not noticed how coy everyone is about actually blaming Assad now?
The so called proof the Turks claimed to have has never been produced nor has any thing else, and seeing the area is not under Syrian / Russian control they can’t physically show what exactly happened.
All the evidence points to the Western backed Rebels using the Sarin gas, so it begs the question if the US will launch attacks against them if it is proved that they have.
In Trumpian circles there are those who seek a war in Syria and the gas business is still floating.
Here is an article on Trump’s plans for a visit to the Saudi’s and war with Syria seems to be on the agenda
‘During the visit Trump will discuss a proposed arms package for the Saudis, which would include a massive missile defense system as well as civilian nuclear technology. Behind the scenes McMaster will be seeking Saudi support for a ground war in Syria, which Mike Cernovich first reported in an article whose reporting was confirmed by Eli Lake of Bloomberg.’
View at
Lack of diversity in Whitehall incident?
Looking at some of the photos of the incident in Whitehall, appears to be one of ‘the usual suspects’.
Picture on RT:
Looks like a child to me!
Kerrect, tabs, the facial hair is a dead giveaway.
My goodness, that is a photograph of a child
Isn’t it illegal to publish photos of a child without the parents’ permission? Off to the gulag with you!
He working on a ‘hoping the lightning doesn’t strike twice’ security status theory?
Or a few knives short of a table setting?
OK what’s Aunty told us to think today ?
What have “the Conservative been FORCED to defend” ?
3:30 R4 Saint Jon Snow was on
Talking about Black people who are oppressing WHITE people in Africa.
Seriously he was doing an appeal for an Albino charity.
Cos African society won’t do enough to help their own albinos charity has to be sent from Europe.
Well I’ll buy goods from those albino businesses, but the EU non-free trade block sticks massive import tariffs on them
….. roll on Brexit.
Saw a movie fifty plus years ago, “Leopard Men Behind Mombasa”. Witchcraft and murder in the Dark Continent – in all that time not much seems to have changed.
BBC Radio 4 on Facebook. Stevo got a nice jaunt for this ‘exclusive’.
EXCLUSIVE: Is Che Guevara still relevant – 50 years on from his death? Stephen Smith meets his younger brother
* features previously unseen footage of a young Che Guevara *
*Not footage of him personally slotting folk, though. The BBC seems to have missed on that.
Comments could be going better for BBC grasp of history and integrity.
Che Guevara – a sadist and a rapist.
Stefan Molyneux’s lecture about him is an eye opener to say the least.
Che Guevara was such a dick that even Fidel Castro got sick of him, and sent him off to South America to lead a revolution and get himself killed.
He was only ever of use to the Left because his rat like little face made for a good poster.
BBC spin
“BBC Breaking News
UK government LOSES court bid to delay publication of air pollution strategy, and must publish after May election”
…LOSES is a loaded word
– The gov did ask for a delay until after both Local and National elections.
– The US funded Eco-bully activists wanted the report immediately published.
So the headline could have also read
“Activists lose”
Don’t hold your breath…
bBC reporting on the Westminster arrest:
Terror arrest near Houses of Parliament
A man who was carrying knives near the Houses of Parliament has been arrested on suspicion of terrorism offences.The man, in his late 20s, was arrested at 14:22 BST by armed police as part of an intelligence-led operation on Parliament Street. A witness described seeing two knives on the ground, one of which he described as a large bread knife…The BBC’s home affairs correspondent June Kelly said: “It’s understood that the man was detained as part of an ongoing operation by Scotland Yard’s counter-terrorism command.
“Officers working on intelligence moved in on him in Whitehall. He was then searched and arrested. There are no details yet of his nationality or background.”
And here is how everybody else is displaying to the world what this man looks like who will be reported as having mental health issues who became angry at how MI5 tried to recruit him and whose family were kicked out of Israel in 1948 and has faced nothing but funny looks in the UK by racist white people, hence the reason why he was found with 3 knives.

Glad to see that Ian Hislop has got the hoodie under control!
His face is currently the first thing that greets you on the homepage:
Come on folks! It’s a wind up. Fancy-dressed Ringo Starr and David Milliband pretending to arrest a Masterchef contestant with Hugh Grant leading him back to the studio. Bet they gave him his kitchen knives back too.
Damn these “known wolves”!
The CommentCentral item
“The BBC’s ever shifting far-right goal posts”
is back up
The BBC’s ever shifting far-right goal posts
I am sure either Riz Lateef or Assad Ahmed will give us all the facts about the altercation
in London today in their Londonistan Programme after the 6PM National News. This really is a programme you can really trust to give you the honest facts . And you can tell that to the marines.
BBC report on the effect the MOAB had on IS in Afghanistan.
According to their bias, apparently nothing.
Quote from the The BBC’s Auliya Atrafi. Reporter on hand.
“As we left the valley, the bombardment continued. It seemed clear that the bomb that was dropped on 13 April had not come close to delivering a knock-out blow to IS militants entrenched in the area, and the locals certainly expect more conflict ahead. To me, at least, the Mother Of All Bombs failed to live up to her reputation.”
Again they are rewriting the news. Nobody else thought it was ever intended to give the “knock out blow”
According to every other news report at the time, It was just muscle flexing and dropped to show the world, N Korea and Russia that it is available and can be used. Will their tirade of miss information and false news ever end.

I watched that report. According to the bBC, that bomb was meant to knock ISIS out of Afghanistan. It wasn’t it was used to target a hard to approach terrorist strong point which due to the large number of tunnels underneath would be a hard nut to crack using conventional methods. I was impressed by how the reporter stated he was surprised at how little damage there was on the ground, but then fails to substantiate that statement. I actually wrote about this using the following pictures pre and post strike:
If you click on the first link on my post it will take you an interactive sat map of the blast zone showing you exactly how hard the area is to reach and tackle
The bBC, its reporting from Gaza and half the story:
Palestinian Authority ‘stops paying Israel for Gaza electricity’
The West Bank-based Palestinian Authority has told Israel that it will stop paying for electricity supplied to the Gaza Strip, Israeli officials say. Hamas called Thursday’s move “a grave escalation and an act of madness”. Gaza’s 1.9 million inhabitants already endure lengthy blackouts.The United Nations says there is no electricity in the coastal territory for up to 20 hours per day, meaning that basic services are “grinding to a halt”.
So the poor people of Gaza may see the electricity which Nasty Israel provides cut in the near future because the PA authority has said it will stop paying for the electricity Israel provides to Gaza.
What the bBC conveniently leaves out of the above sob story is that whilst Hamas collects payment from the population of Gaza for electricity, that money isn’t sent to the PA for reimbursement for the money they hand over. In fact this subject has been a hot topic for over a year, in January Gazans protested against Hamas over electricity:
“People were shouting ‘tunnels’ and it was clear that they were saying: How is it that you have money for tunnels, but not to finance the diesel oil needed to produce electricity for the residents? I think that they did not even imagine that thousands would go out to demonstrate against them and would not fear them. Everyone is sick and tired of living this way, year after year, without a future and without hope.”
The bBC did report the above, but kind of left out exactly why the people were protesting.
Its the same with fuel oil for that Power station, Hamas is more than happy to play the victim regards imports, but has no problem not paying for anything. The last two shipments was paid for by Qatar and Turkey.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorist groups who can only be painted as…victims.
On PM R4, a potential Big Beard Knife-wielder was referred to as a “British passport holder”. Is this a first for the BBC? No use of the epithet “home-grown” to suggest staunch loyalty to Britain and that a bout of beheading is a thing any true born Brit could succumb to in a moment of madness? Maybe the BBC does not want to offend Big Beards by suggesting that they are native Britons.
The BBC are savvy, literally.
So even if said passport was removed from a victim, or all that was left post boom, technically they would still be correct.
So BBC / Government where is this all heading? will there have to be an exclusion zone around the seat of our democracy? and for what reason the Country is safe isn’t it? – we are not under attack from any particular group of people are we?. Plod tells us there are absolutely no comparisons between any of the attacks across Europe and I must admit I have yet to spot a common theme- it is baffling.
Shocked I tell you; shocked.
BBC East Midlands have just skipped over, very briefly, the news that Rolls Royce have won a billion pound contract from China for a consignment of jet engines. Good news for the local economy, but not good for those opposed to brexit.
The Rolls Royce story was nowhere near the top of the agenda. I remember when that kind of story would be the headline news story. That was before we voted to leave the EU.
BBC East Midlands are the most biased local branch of the BBC by far!
Could be a scale here Edward.
London of course being the Gold Standard of Bias…but I find that “South Today” would run you close. Maye we need a regional rep in each BBC location…Somerset is as good as it gets, but I`m afraid that the “Bristol Bleed-In” from nearby tends to mess it up.
Am happy to do Wessex and the South West anyway!
Here’s a tricky one. See if you can spot why the BBC has put this clip on its website:
BBC Education Dept – History
The Islamic enlightenment … (hand-forehead-slap) Yep! there hasn t been one, the Al BBCs latest fake news to the impressionable.
Journalist and author Yasmin Alibhai-Brown interviews Christopher de Bellaigue about his new book The Islamic Enlightenment, which considers how the Muslim world has adapted to some of the wider changes of the 19th and 20th centuries
[audio src="" /]
… Its big(fake)news kids
Meet the Author: Christopher de Bellaigue
BBC R4 – Best of Today – On this week’s Meet the Author Christopher de Bellaigue talks to James Naughtie about his new book The Islamic Enlightenment.