New one on me. Our knife-wielding chappie at Westminster with his three knives was described as a “British Passport Holder” by the BBC.
Imagine we`ll be getting “British Driving License”…”British GCSE holder” in the next lower circles of hell that the BBC need to map out for us. Just in case we think it`s anything to do with Islam or Muslim blokes.
As if.
Yesterday, poster Edward made a very valid comment about the number of public sector “workers” who seem to appear on programmes such as Bargain Hunt. I was watching Pointless tonight and amongst the contestants were a couple of ex – Local Authority people who now work for the NHS. Alexander Armstrong asked one of them how long he had worked for the NHS and he replied that he had started “yesterday” (!)
I couldn’t help wondering how many employers in the private sector would be happy for a new employee to have their second day off to appear on a bloody quiz show?
Farron=A Minor Fart.
Reverend Nugee.
Hypocratic Oafs…and Loafers.
The Polly Wind Tunnelers…and Channels of Peace…Pipes of Piss etc.
Liked the Drame Greens and Fiberals…need a lexicon here eh?
Look North main headline :
‘Hull : Top Labour councillor arrested on paedophilia image charges at end of investigation’
..did it by chance get omitted from the national news ?
…Another on of those LOCAL stories ?
They think he has been put back in his box?
They’ve realised he’s not so bad after all?
Sopel and Pienarr are on holiday?
Things are going too well in the USA which they can no longer disguise?
Of course its only a tickbox exercise so hasn’t been selected for the normal Social Media promotion process of their Trump hating material
Read the BBC blurb here
BBC = LDB Load Dice Broadcasting = DiceLoaders
Question Time on bBBC crap.
Minute 1. First question (in terms) ” is the decision to call an election purely for the benefit of the Tory Party”
Huge cheer. Over to Labour Party spokesman. “Yes”. Big cheer.
Over to LibDem (whom lost her seat in 2015) for 2 minutes unchallenged remoaning. Huge cheer from audience.
Over to Damien Green. Shouted down by the other panellists. Finished speech. Total silence from audience.
QT is unwatchable unless the panel contains someone such as Starkey; Galloway; Katie Hopkins; Farage; Littlejohn; Melanie Griffiths; Douglas Murray; Hitchens; Rees-Mogg; Heffer; MacKenzie or Scruton – quite a few of whom used to be regulars but now don’t seem to get a look in.
I watched 15 minutes of it tonight – totally and utterly tedious. I just wish Julia Hartley-Brewer or KH had been invited on instead of that boring sod Camilla Cavendish.
@GCooper yes you were conned
Interesting case of fake-FakeNews
Retweeted by those who wanted to believe the Mail got it wrong.
“Zelo Street’s belief the story was a case of mistaken identity appears to be based on a US freelance blogger, who has since backtracked and deleted tweets about the matter, and on a post from a US Twitter user called Mark Tran.”
Indeed they properly fess up
“[UPDATE 13 April 0925 hours: Claire Connelly has now updated her findings. This is what she has to say.
To be frank, I think the entire story stinks. Dao’s behaviour seems weird but I’m not sure that his alleged past has any bearing on his treatment by UA or the airport security team and I’m suspicious that it emerged so quickly.
We’ll see if officers do suffer charges. But the normally Leftwing WashingtonPost gives the FOIA’d official account
“I’m not leaving this flight that I paid money for. I don’t care if I get arrested,” he told one of the officers, according to the report.
\\Dao ran back to the aircraft, held on to a pole inside and said: “I’m not getting off the plane. Just kill me. I want to go home.”//
“Judicial Watch recognizes the broad public interest in the removal of Mr. Dao from the United Airlines flight,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “These records provide a dramatically different account of the incident than seen on the infamous video.”
Fri 11-midnight Activism and women – on Radio 4, Late Night Woman’s hour
What does it mean to be an activist? From Greenham Common, to the Miner’s Strike, to the Women’s March,
Nimko Ali underwent FGM aged seven and spent years…met anti-FGM campaigner Efua Dorkenoo. Nimko went on to found the charity Daughters of Eve, aims to put a stop to the practice worldwide.
Julie Bindel founded Justice For Women charity, which campaigns on behalf of women who fight back against, or kill, violent men.
*Nicky Sadler was at the forefront of the Countryside Alliance’s campaign to defend fox-hunting.*
Mona Eltahawy is a feminist and pro-democracy activist. In 2011 she was involved in protests against the Egyptian government and was arrested by police during demonstrations in Tahrir Square. She was imprisoned and assaulted,
Apparently Bindel is labelled a TERF
Trans-exclusionary radical feminism (or TWEF)
subgroup of radical feminism characterized by transphobia, especially transmisogyny, and hostility to the third wave of feminism.
They believe that the only real women are those born with a vagina .
Radio 4 new briefing report that the terrorist in Whitehall was caught after ‘a tip-off from a member of the Muslim community.’ Well that puts a positive spin on the story. Wow – someone actually actually reported a potential mass murderer in their midst! Isn’t that fantastic! Give the man a knighthood!
OH dear. A bit of an own goal there by the BBC? I’m sure many will put 2 + 2 together and make 4 that the attacker was a member of the religion of peace.
Expect “a concerned British resident” in any similar circumstances in the future?
Interesting that the tip-off is identified as coming from a muslim. Terrorists are never identified in such a way, which is proof positive of the BBC using the news as propaganda tool.
As Radio 5 Live’s news unfolded during the 4:00 am bulletin, the report on the Prime Minister firmly repeating that she wanted a mandate for a proper Leave negotiation was immediately followed by a statement from the official BBC Opposition spokeswoman, Gina Miller, who of course understands everything the bBbeb needs to squeal inanities whenever they can, just to fill in the gaps left by other opposition parties.
If she’s so blasted smart, why isn’t she trying to get a seat in Parliament, instead of just annoying more and more voters without realising what a fool she’s making of herself, and also trousering (should that be ‘skirting’) Mr Outraged from Necker’s 25 grand of pocket money!
So it’s easy for bBeeb ‘reporters’ now; all they have to do is ask Gina Miller’s opinion, disregard the facts as usual, and plough on regardless and trying to avoid the ‘winning team’ of Crobwyn and Abutt and the rest of the sorry crowd…
I woke up to BBC Radio 4 news headlines at 7am today…
Second headline was “Police have shot a woman in a raid in Kent. A 16 year old boy was also arrested” (no mention of religion). I think they also breify mentioned the arrest of the knife man near Westminster (no mention of religion).
About 4th item was the killing of Coptic Christians (no mention of any other religion).
After the news they interviewed UKIPs Paul Nuttal “who hates Muslims and wants to rip off their Burkas” – plenty of mentions of religion from the BBC for that bit!
And then Spidery Webb tried to get Lord Carlile to say that offences such as those for which enriching folk have just been arrested / shot for, shouldn’t be described as “terrorism”; unfortunately for Justine, he was having none of it and said that what is terrorism is defined in the Terrorism Act and if such activity falls within that, then it was correct to call it such.
I suppose Al beebus would prefer to say that a car bombing was a serious parking offence, instead of an act of terrorism,if it could.
Oh joy, a wonderful bit of push back at the BBC this morning.
Jonathan Goldberg QC representing Alexander Blackman (Marine A) trounces Charlie Stayt and the BBC’s mealy mouthed reaction to the overturning of the murder conviction against this British soldier in the killing of a Taliban fighter and the recent Marine Sergeant’s release. Our Charlie – who spends more time contemplating his make-up and hairdressing than he does the defence of the realm – delivers lots of the trade mark BBC mantra:
“Some people might say…”
The steely Goldberg shoots him down:
“You pays your money and you take your choice, if you’re a left wing bleeding heart liberal you might think that!”
And with that Mr Goldberg is already a hero of mine. But he surely deserves a medal citation for his next line to the flummoxed Stayt:
“You’re paid to be controversial and bleeding heart!”
This is a fine and rare example of the direct approach which I believe works best. The Beeboid reaches for the snide duplicitous ‘some people might say’ and the interviewee, rather than getting bogged down trying to counter the left liberal arguments, hits back at the weasely Beeboid deploying those arguments. They don’t like it up ‘em.
Stayt was left reeling: “I don’t think I’m paid to be controversial”
Presumably he’s no journalist, then?
As for the bleeding heart accusation – Stayt offered nothing in his own defence.
Watched that this morning, wife had subtitles on
Now folks go quick before they rectify it.
… racist BBC even on the subtitles
Watch it on iplayer with the subtitles on, 1hr 47 minutes in
the typist was thinking, aloud not about Marine A but his QC
who happens to be Jewish.
Be quick, can someone get a screen grab? that would be gold.
Well, Nick Robinson says that he is, so who’s right? Can a bBeeb ‘manager’ please explain? There must be one there somewhere, trying his hardest not to be controversial but disagreeing with anyone just for the sake of it, or isn’t that post-controversy…
“Some people might say” that he is, “Some people might say that he isn’t”!
The BBC may sometimes, rarely, get all bubbly over Brexit – but there’s always a hangover
On News Channel this morning we join an English wine grower who was happy to see the over-valued Pound come down to a lower level. He doubled his export orders to the US.
But the BBC can’t leave it at that ‘despite Brexit’ glass half-full statement….
Our wine grower is pumped for a down side. Well, there’s always the go-to dreaded ‘uncertainty’
But then it really goes south when he says “Labour costs may rise”
Oh my, doesn’t that leave a rather sour taste in the mouth?
I do believe we just happened on an important admission there folks. Don’t expect to see this clip again.
UKIP want to ban the burkha
Woman shot by police last night in Willesden carried out of the house in full burka. So today you would expect the World’s premier news gathering team to maybe link the two and do a piece on it – we have an election coming up don’t we and this policy is relevant and current.
They wouldn t have known male or female till the bin bag was removed
… ban! in the public space, outright ban with the sharia ban.
… Absolutely essential
Moffat said he “bent history” to delve into racial issues
This article give us some insight why the BBC are pushing for black people to play historically white people. I guess in BBC land the UK has been multi-culturally enriched for 100’s of years.
Just about sums up the entire BBC output
The truth you say? pah we don’t need the steeenking truth – we make everything up to fit our own agenda – we are even allowed to rewrite history dontcha know, now where is Gavin with my mocha chocca decaf latte?
Good find Tabs.
“It is bending history slightly, but in a progressive and useful way” says Moffat, Dr Who writer.
“bending history” ie lying, but in a “progressive way”. Deceitfully rewriting history but in a “useful way”. Adjusting the truth to advance the religious certainties the left has about the world. The old Soviet Union would be proud of the BBC.
Would it be ok for right wingers to rewrite history to enhance their present day views, I wonder.
BBC News – Paul Nuttell UKIP
“Mr Nuttall says he has asked local branches around the country to stand aside for “the real Brexiteers”.
Are these the vote leave guys? that along with now 30 Tory seats, also now under investigation. The Electoral Commission has begun an investigation into’s referendum spending return. This followed an assessment which concluded that there were grounds to suspect that potential offences under the law have occurred.
Oh … The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is also investigating for possible misuse of data.
ie So Paul con the public into voting for “the swamp”, ensuring it has more influence
instead of draining it?. The shamefully corrupt, self serving, and utterly incompetent swamp that festers in No10?
… Thought he was launching UKIP big today? not Liar May s dog whistle
BBC – Tiny Tim wants to talk about Brexit again today, Lib Dems want to talk Brexit, or stopping it?, because they don t want to talk about supporting the failure of “austerity” Tuition fees, and economic sanctions on the poorest and most vulnerable.
Good stuff nogginator.
I mocked the Libdumps for giving Lucas a clear run in Brighton.
Only to find that UKIP are similarly compromised.
Of course the TRUE Brexiteers shold not be contested…UKIP ought to be helping Hoey in London and little else in that swampfest for Brexit.
But as for the electoral shenanigans-UKIP really ought to ne checking on the truth with this, and gunning for the illegals who chose to pleay fast and loose with whatever weird laws pertained in 2015.
Politics at UKIP level is tactics…and Nuttall is out of his depth already. Send for Victoria Ayling, beg Stephen Woolf to take over…ANYTHING but a load of serried blazers and gumbies like Nuttall. I mean-if you can`t stick one on Michael Crick-you`re hardly Roy Keane are you. let alone Graeme Souness of Ollie McNamee.
WE want fighteers-would Tommy Robinson lead UKIP if we asked him nicely, and crowd sourced it?
If UKIP get one MP and more than 150,000 votes across the entire country they will be entitled to receive “Short Money” to help pay their expenses. The important point is that the total is increased by £33.33 for every 200 votes gained. Even where UKIP has no chance of winning the constituency votes will translate in to Short Money, provided they have one MP somewhere. On this basis no UKIP vote can be called a wasted vote.
There may be tactical reasons for UKIP to support a particular non-UKIP candidate, but that should be a very rare exception, and I would prefer it not to happen at all.
On Fivelive they are discussing LGBT segregation in elderly care homes. The woman says that though people are generally not prejudiced against them, they have low self-esteem and expect them to be; therefore, Emma Barnett advises, they need to ‘come out as not homophobic’ by having a gay rainbow flag in their office for example.
This is beyond parody. I am sure most gay people are not so pathetic that they assume the worst in everyone and need to be reassured; I have worked with loads of gay people and they never experienced any ‘phobia’ from anyone. This is all 30 years too late. Nobody cares anymore.
Why pretend your sexuality defines you? I like broccoli; my friend does not. Who cares? I would find it demeaning and a waste of time for everyone to give me special treatment because I like broccoli, or to have pictures of broccoli around them to reassure me they approve of my tastes.
‘LGBTQ community’ is nonsense. We are all individuals. I like football, reading and women. It does not mean I am part of the ‘reading’ community.
Beeb Brother – you are dead right. Most of the regulars on this site will know that I don’t hide the fact that I am gay, but on the other hand I don’t shout it from the rooftops and make a big issue of it – it’s just one part of who I am.
I must confess that for many years I have encountered very little animosity from other people and in the main people just accept me for what and who I am, and it’s not a problem for them or me. Whether that will change in the future with the increase in the number of the “Peaceful Ones” is anybody’s guess.
The most spectacularly talented people I know have been gay. Shakespeare was homosexual and he could not have written so well if he had not been. Freddie Mercury was the greatest frontman ever.
The idea that all ‘victim groups’ must be treated like helpless children is demeaning. If we are all equal, which we clearly are, then let’s just get on with it and stop wasting so much time wallowing in victimhood, much of which is confected as victimhood is such a prized asset in our insane society.
#bbcSocialEngineering 3pm yesterday Radio 4 country programme
BBC diversity means less posh white London presenters
The prog had a black presenter
from London..
He David Lindo was OK he didn’t SJW like normal presenters do.
Even he said “Oh look another black person, you really don’t see many of them in the countryside”
Apparently Radio4 has a complete blackout on Green politics haha
min14:30 to 19:30 2 female antifracking activists stated their case
‘Ooh the testing will shake the Earth ..they’ll be no jobs for locals cos too technical’
Presenter DavidLindo wasn’t terrible minimally countered
Interview with George Mondeo BBC WS – Reporter begins, “Pollution is such a huge problem in the UK but you don’t appear to be getting through?”
It seems to me, pollution in the UK has only become a “huge problem” this year?
It hasn’t been a “huge” problem since the fifties. The figures they quote are all bollocks, and as for diesel cars – if they cocked up then, with their preference for diesel based on shoddy, inaccurate data, then they’re just as likely to have done the same thing again, when they try and tell us how bad diesel vehicles are. If they stopped the use of diesel engines tomorrow, the world would grind to a halt. I suppose a return to the Dark Ages is eminently preferable to a few particulates in the air, which most of us can tolerate without undue harm.
Interesting how all the “scientific facts” which are bandied about, and which politicians unquestionably believe, and cling to without question, invariably result in tougher, more expensive lives for us all, without improving anything. One day, they’ll make a correct judgement, which may benefit us, without costing the earth. But I shan’t hold my breath…
What you’ll find, especially on local news, are pieces dressed up as news but no more than either (a) free advertising for some local business or (b) a link to a programme on the so-called BBC later. Sometimes even both! (The website is no different, links to “stories”, that are usually things being aired on TV or the dreadful VD show later) The fifth columnists at the so-called BBC love stuff like this because it does their work for them.
Likewise for Twatter; instead of doing what journalists are supposed to do, you know, like actually getting off their arse and going out finding stories, let’s “see what they’re saying on social media!” I really think this is a big reason why they lost touch with the plebs cos Twatter seems to me to be one big vanity project – the online equivalent of someone jumping up and down to get your attention. Meanwhile the rest of us just get on with it.
Once again, thank you so much to the selfless on here who suffer the unutterable bollocks on the BBC so many of us don’t have to.
My heart doctor thanks you too, but the TV/Radio repair man asks that you desist forthwith.
The Beauty Broadcasting Corporation and its Mark Mardell on the BBC Radio 4 News at 1300 absolutely excelled themselves. When the programme started Mardell announced that it would be dedicated to analysing Donald Trumps first 100 days. My instinct was to shut the radio off there and then knowing what was to come however, I decided to persevere, primarily in wondering if I was to detect any support or change of heart. I was not disappointed in the direction the ‘analysis’ took. Apart from one very short interview, all the interviewees condemned DT: he is hopeless, dangerous, unpredictable, he reversed all his rhetoric from his campaign and his team was equally hopeless. Finally, the discussion degenerated into whether he would last his term before being impeached or causing a revolution in the US by his reversals upsetting his elector base. But this is what you get, you stupid US voters, for not voting Democrat! Pure, naked hatred.
Yes, and why is the BRITISH BC so obsessed with telling us about the politics of a far away foreign country on domestic radio broadcasts?
Could it have something to do with all those lovely expense account funded trips to that foreign country? Or perhaps a deep desire to undermine a politically-conservative leader who is anti-globalist … wouldn’t want it catching-on here would we?
The usual bBBC bias by omission: the woman in a burqa shot by Police yesterday is, according to the bBBC news, just ‘a woman’.
They just can’t stop themselves, can they? The time was when R4 plays provided a varied mix of entertainment. Now all we get are sermons by cultural Marxists.
How the bBC tells half a story about yet another child rapist: Ex-Jackanory presenter John Earle jailed for sex assaults on boy A former children’s television presenter has been jailed for sexually assaulting a young boy almost 60 years ago. Former Jackanory storyteller John Earle admitted indecently assaulting the boy from when he was nine-years-old.
Anybody know why the bBC left out exactly what station 'Jackanory' was aired on at around 4pm everyday. Which is strange as you can actually buy Jackanory episodes from the bBC store.
20:50pm R4 wacky A L Kennedy is going to patronise us again.
“Listening to our media, our public voices, as if we’re listening to people in our everyday lives, holding them to that standard and not their own can help us to know when we’re being driven towards the sound of a faked emotion or spun a tale.”
Jeremy Swine Show this lunchtime airing the (Al beebus approved) history of the Spanish Civil War, Franco and the Nationalists: evil scum; Republicans – beautiful “democratically elected” people.
Now folks go quick before they rectify it.
… racist BBC even on the subtitles
Watch it on iplayer with the subtitles on, 1hr 47 minutes in
the typist was thinking, aloud not about Marine A but about his QC
who happens to be Jewish.
Be quick, If someone can get a screen grab? that would be gold.
Van HelsingMar 4, 19:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, The Russian economy is in a mess – the ruble’s value has plummeted, interest rates are high and (most…
Fedup2Mar 4, 19:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The picture on X where he isn’t wearing a Lone Ranger mask has a more pronounced dusky miffed eastern hue…
Mrs KittyMar 4, 18:51 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 As India has both a space program and a nuclear program I don’t see why any country would send money…
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:47 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder if Farage has seen the interview – I have – he refers to countries which have not been…
moggiemooMar 4, 18:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 … or alienating his potential support base. I’ve lost interest in Reform, I feel they will prove to be no…
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 18:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Nigel just can’t stop burning bridges.
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Another picture of the dusky ‘ German ‘ who killed at least 2 in mannheim yesterday ( now forgotten )……
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Van – I saw that the Russian defence industry was operating on a war footing and is well financed through…
New one on me. Our knife-wielding chappie at Westminster with his three knives was described as a “British Passport Holder” by the BBC.
Imagine we`ll be getting “British Driving License”…”British GCSE holder” in the next lower circles of hell that the BBC need to map out for us. Just in case we think it`s anything to do with Islam or Muslim blokes.
As if.
Alicia liked the post..indeed!..but “as if”? at the end? must mean surely Asif!
Yesterday, poster Edward made a very valid comment about the number of public sector “workers” who seem to appear on programmes such as Bargain Hunt. I was watching Pointless tonight and amongst the contestants were a couple of ex – Local Authority people who now work for the NHS. Alexander Armstrong asked one of them how long he had worked for the NHS and he replied that he had started “yesterday” (!)
I couldn’t help wondering how many employers in the private sector would be happy for a new employee to have their second day off to appear on a bloody quiz show?
Not really BBC bias, but this video of how our enrichers handle technology is worth a laugh
Isn’t that Roger Harrabin’s missus? Or perhaps Emma Jane Kirby catching up with the homework after her holidays at Camp Calais?
The lawnmower will work if allah wills it.
She ought to have a word with Mow-hammed.
@Thoughtful that’s a good one
– The Fiberals
Add that to
– DramaGreens
– Liebour
– Flabott
What we got for Clegg, Farron and Steptoe ?
Farron=A Minor Fart.
Reverend Nugee.
Hypocratic Oafs…and Loafers.
The Polly Wind Tunnelers…and Channels of Peace…Pipes of Piss etc.
Liked the Drame Greens and Fiberals…need a lexicon here eh?
Look North main headline :
‘Hull : Top Labour councillor arrested on paedophilia image charges at end of investigation’
..did it by chance get omitted from the national news ?
…Another on of those LOCAL stories ?
Has the BBC given up on Trump?
If so, why?
The BBC sometimes run minor features against what was their declared beast.
But not so much now.
@DS wow coincidence you posted whilst I was typing the comment below !
They think he has been put back in his box?
They’ve realised he’s not so bad after all?
Sopel and Pienarr are on holiday?
Things are going too well in the USA which they can no longer disguise?
They seem to be focussing more on the ladies.
Staying classy, as always.
SHOCK ! new BBC documentary on Trump is not a sneerfest
Cos it’s a first person diary recorded by Staten Island Trump supporter Joe Borelli
Of course its only a tickbox exercise so hasn’t been selected for the normal Social Media promotion process of their Trump hating material
Read the BBC blurb here
BBC = LDB Load Dice Broadcasting = DiceLoaders
BBC Online News:
“”Blue Whale: Should you be worried about online pressure groups?””
“”Reports are circulating in the media of vulnerable people being encouraged to take their own lives by following a series of online challenges””
“”In Russia, the deaths of some teenagers have been linked to the ‘Blue Whale’ challenge – though these reports have not been confirmed””
And we pay for this tripe?
Some here think the BBC has an odd obsession with sex.
I’ll just leave this little late evening gem from BBC Radio 4 Facebook with you…
?? “There are 42 different kinds of nipple…”
43 if you include Tim Faron, GW. He’s not quite a complete tit yet!
Question Time on bBBC crap.
Minute 1. First question (in terms) ” is the decision to call an election purely for the benefit of the Tory Party”
Huge cheer. Over to Labour Party spokesman. “Yes”. Big cheer.
Over to LibDem (whom lost her seat in 2015) for 2 minutes unchallenged remoaning. Huge cheer from audience.
Over to Damien Green. Shouted down by the other panellists. Finished speech. Total silence from audience.
So as usual, absolute impartiality.
omg is this the worst question time everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
well except the infamous one
and what the fuck do the snp have to do with oxford
and really the donald is worse than kim jong????
ffs tele off
QT is unwatchable unless the panel contains someone such as Starkey; Galloway; Katie Hopkins; Farage; Littlejohn; Melanie Griffiths; Douglas Murray; Hitchens; Rees-Mogg; Heffer; MacKenzie or Scruton – quite a few of whom used to be regulars but now don’t seem to get a look in.
I watched 15 minutes of it tonight – totally and utterly tedious. I just wish Julia Hartley-Brewer or KH had been invited on instead of that boring sod Camilla Cavendish.
Well who knows anyone sane who doesn’t think the BBC is a great big misguided student SJW activist group ?
It’s an excellent introduction to the people of Britain for the slimy SNP dickhead Stephen Gethins.
Dao and United airlines settle
“A condition of the settlement includes a provision that the amount remain confidential.”
Dr Dao will be chartering private jets to travel in from now on I think.
Actually I suspect UA have some deep dirt on the less than cleancut Dao.
Something to do with him being struck off perhaps.
Sex and Drugs but no Rock& Roll.
Unless I am much mistaken, I believe that story turned out to be false. They had the wrong Dr Dao.
@GCooper yes you were conned
Interesting case of fake-FakeNews
Retweeted by those who wanted to believe the Mail got it wrong.
“Zelo Street’s belief the story was a case of mistaken identity appears to be based on a US freelance blogger, who has since backtracked and deleted tweets about the matter, and on a post from a US Twitter user called Mark Tran.”
Indeed they properly fess up
“[UPDATE 13 April 0925 hours: Claire Connelly has now updated her findings. This is what she has to say.
“It turns out David A Dao was correctly identified as the man with the sordid past. I maintain none of those details should ever have been reported ..”
Thanks for the update. I had seen the original story and its counter story but not the finale.
Think about it : If the Mail had been proved wrong BBC/MSM would have reported endlessly.
To be frank, I think the entire story stinks. Dao’s behaviour seems weird but I’m not sure that his alleged past has any bearing on his treatment by UA or the airport security team and I’m suspicious that it emerged so quickly.
We’ll see if officers do suffer charges. But the normally Leftwing WashingtonPost gives the FOIA’d official account
“I’m not leaving this flight that I paid money for. I don’t care if I get arrested,” he told one of the officers, according to the report.
\\Dao ran back to the aircraft, held on to a pole inside and said: “I’m not getting off the plane. Just kill me. I want to go home.”//
“Judicial Watch recognizes the broad public interest in the removal of Mr. Dao from the United Airlines flight,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “These records provide a dramatically different account of the incident than seen on the infamous video.”
Police have shot a woman in an anti terrorist raid in north London.
I hope the injuries aren’t minor.
Fri 11-midnight Activism and women – on Radio 4, Late Night Woman’s hour
What does it mean to be an activist? From Greenham Common, to the Miner’s Strike, to the Women’s March,
Nimko Ali underwent FGM aged seven and spent years…met anti-FGM campaigner Efua Dorkenoo. Nimko went on to found the charity Daughters of Eve, aims to put a stop to the practice worldwide.
Julie Bindel founded Justice For Women charity, which campaigns on behalf of women who fight back against, or kill, violent men.
*Nicky Sadler was at the forefront of the Countryside Alliance’s campaign to defend fox-hunting.*
Mona Eltahawy is a feminist and pro-democracy activist. In 2011 she was involved in protests against the Egyptian government and was arrested by police during demonstrations in Tahrir Square. She was imprisoned and assaulted,
Apparently Bindel is labelled a TERF
Trans-exclusionary radical feminism (or TWEF)
subgroup of radical feminism characterized by transphobia, especially transmisogyny, and hostility to the third wave of feminism.
They believe that the only real women are those born with a vagina .
See Tol-Libs again sneering
Hackers flood Isis social media accounts with gay porn.
Radio 4 new briefing report that the terrorist in Whitehall was caught after ‘a tip-off from a member of the Muslim community.’ Well that puts a positive spin on the story. Wow – someone actually actually reported a potential mass murderer in their midst! Isn’t that fantastic! Give the man a knighthood!
OH dear. A bit of an own goal there by the BBC? I’m sure many will put 2 + 2 together and make 4 that the attacker was a member of the religion of peace.
Expect “a concerned British resident” in any similar circumstances in the future?
Interesting that the tip-off is identified as coming from a muslim. Terrorists are never identified in such a way, which is proof positive of the BBC using the news as propaganda tool.
Toady reads about the attacker from a newspaper.
“The speed at which the suspect was apprehended is a great source of reassurance.”
A man is arrested with a bag full of knives about to go on a killing spree and we are supposed to feel reassured? What sort of hell on Earth is this?
As Radio 5 Live’s news unfolded during the 4:00 am bulletin, the report on the Prime Minister firmly repeating that she wanted a mandate for a proper Leave negotiation was immediately followed by a statement from the official BBC Opposition spokeswoman, Gina Miller, who of course understands everything the bBbeb needs to squeal inanities whenever they can, just to fill in the gaps left by other opposition parties.
If she’s so blasted smart, why isn’t she trying to get a seat in Parliament, instead of just annoying more and more voters without realising what a fool she’s making of herself, and also trousering (should that be ‘skirting’) Mr Outraged from Necker’s 25 grand of pocket money!
So it’s easy for bBeeb ‘reporters’ now; all they have to do is ask Gina Miller’s opinion, disregard the facts as usual, and plough on regardless and trying to avoid the ‘winning team’ of Crobwyn and Abutt and the rest of the sorry crowd…
I woke up to BBC Radio 4 news headlines at 7am today…
Second headline was “Police have shot a woman in a raid in Kent. A 16 year old boy was also arrested” (no mention of religion). I think they also breify mentioned the arrest of the knife man near Westminster (no mention of religion).
About 4th item was the killing of Coptic Christians (no mention of any other religion).
After the news they interviewed UKIPs Paul Nuttal “who hates Muslims and wants to rip off their Burkas” – plenty of mentions of religion from the BBC for that bit!
And then Spidery Webb tried to get Lord Carlile to say that offences such as those for which enriching folk have just been arrested / shot for, shouldn’t be described as “terrorism”; unfortunately for Justine, he was having none of it and said that what is terrorism is defined in the Terrorism Act and if such activity falls within that, then it was correct to call it such.
I suppose Al beebus would prefer to say that a car bombing was a serious parking offence, instead of an act of terrorism,if it could.
Oh joy, a wonderful bit of push back at the BBC this morning.
Jonathan Goldberg QC representing Alexander Blackman (Marine A) trounces Charlie Stayt and the BBC’s mealy mouthed reaction to the overturning of the murder conviction against this British soldier in the killing of a Taliban fighter and the recent Marine Sergeant’s release. Our Charlie – who spends more time contemplating his make-up and hairdressing than he does the defence of the realm – delivers lots of the trade mark BBC mantra:
“Some people might say…”
The steely Goldberg shoots him down:
“You pays your money and you take your choice, if you’re a left wing bleeding heart liberal you might think that!”
And with that Mr Goldberg is already a hero of mine. But he surely deserves a medal citation for his next line to the flummoxed Stayt:
“You’re paid to be controversial and bleeding heart!”
This is a fine and rare example of the direct approach which I believe works best. The Beeboid reaches for the snide duplicitous ‘some people might say’ and the interviewee, rather than getting bogged down trying to counter the left liberal arguments, hits back at the weasely Beeboid deploying those arguments. They don’t like it up ‘em.
Stayt was left reeling: “I don’t think I’m paid to be controversial”
Presumably he’s no journalist, then?
As for the bleeding heart accusation – Stayt offered nothing in his own defence.
AISI, I saw that one too, and have only just stopped laughing.
I think we should give Charlie Stayt a flak jacket and a rifle, and send him to the front line. He could show us all how to fight the Taliban!
Eagerly await the YouTube…
‘Marine A released… Lawyer calls BBC bleeding heart liberals’
Sweet. Tvm.
“I’m just paid to ask questions”.
Interesting. When the BBC is asked questions, many more paid by the BBC are there to ensure the BBC, uniquely, does not have to answer.
Right, Charlie?
Watched that this morning, wife had subtitles on
Now folks go quick before they rectify it.
… racist BBC even on the subtitles
Watch it on iplayer with the subtitles on, 1hr 47 minutes in
the typist was thinking, aloud not about Marine A but his QC
who happens to be Jewish.
Be quick, can someone get a screen grab? that would be gold.
““I don’t think I’m paid to be controversial”
Well, Nick Robinson says that he is, so who’s right? Can a bBeeb ‘manager’ please explain? There must be one there somewhere, trying his hardest not to be controversial but disagreeing with anyone just for the sake of it, or isn’t that post-controversy…
“Some people might say” that he is, “Some people might say that he isn’t”!
But seriously, the big news today is surely…
Apologies; totally jumped the gun. Clearly, this is:
Can’t wait for Katty or Charlie to interview a spokes-thug, especially if they are in their Hugo Boss ninja uniform…
The BBC may sometimes, rarely, get all bubbly over Brexit – but there’s always a hangover
On News Channel this morning we join an English wine grower who was happy to see the over-valued Pound come down to a lower level. He doubled his export orders to the US.
But the BBC can’t leave it at that ‘despite Brexit’ glass half-full statement….
Our wine grower is pumped for a down side. Well, there’s always the go-to dreaded ‘uncertainty’
But then it really goes south when he says “Labour costs may rise”
Oh my, doesn’t that leave a rather sour taste in the mouth?
I do believe we just happened on an important admission there folks. Don’t expect to see this clip again.
UKIP want to ban the burkha
Woman shot by police last night in Willesden carried out of the house in full burka. So today you would expect the World’s premier news gathering team to maybe link the two and do a piece on it – we have an election coming up don’t we and this policy is relevant and current.
They wouldn t have known male or female till the bin bag was removed
… ban! in the public space, outright ban with the sharia ban.
… Absolutely essential
Doctor Who’s Steven Moffat to tackle whitewashing in new episode
Moffat said he “bent history” to delve into racial issues
This article give us some insight why the BBC are pushing for black people to play historically white people. I guess in BBC land the UK has been multi-culturally enriched for 100’s of years.
Just about sums up the entire BBC output
The truth you say? pah we don’t need the steeenking truth – we make everything up to fit our own agenda – we are even allowed to rewrite history dontcha know, now where is Gavin with my mocha chocca decaf latte?
Good find Tabs.
“It is bending history slightly, but in a progressive and useful way” says Moffat, Dr Who writer.
“bending history” ie lying, but in a “progressive way”. Deceitfully rewriting history but in a “useful way”. Adjusting the truth to advance the religious certainties the left has about the world. The old Soviet Union would be proud of the BBC.
Would it be ok for right wingers to rewrite history to enhance their present day views, I wonder.
BBC News – Paul Nuttell UKIP
“Mr Nuttall says he has asked local branches around the country to stand aside for “the real Brexiteers”.
Are these the vote leave guys? that along with now 30 Tory seats, also now under investigation. The Electoral Commission has begun an investigation into’s referendum spending return. This followed an assessment which concluded that there were grounds to suspect that potential offences under the law have occurred.
Oh … The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is also investigating for possible misuse of data.
ie So Paul con the public into voting for “the swamp”, ensuring it has more influence
instead of draining it?. The shamefully corrupt, self serving, and utterly incompetent swamp that festers in No10?
… Thought he was launching UKIP big today? not Liar May s dog whistle
BBC – Tiny Tim wants to talk about Brexit again today, Lib Dems want to talk Brexit, or stopping it?, because they don t want to talk about supporting the failure of “austerity” Tuition fees, and economic sanctions on the poorest and most vulnerable.
Good stuff nogginator.
I mocked the Libdumps for giving Lucas a clear run in Brighton.
Only to find that UKIP are similarly compromised.
Of course the TRUE Brexiteers shold not be contested…UKIP ought to be helping Hoey in London and little else in that swampfest for Brexit.
But as for the electoral shenanigans-UKIP really ought to ne checking on the truth with this, and gunning for the illegals who chose to pleay fast and loose with whatever weird laws pertained in 2015.
Politics at UKIP level is tactics…and Nuttall is out of his depth already. Send for Victoria Ayling, beg Stephen Woolf to take over…ANYTHING but a load of serried blazers and gumbies like Nuttall. I mean-if you can`t stick one on Michael Crick-you`re hardly Roy Keane are you. let alone Graeme Souness of Ollie McNamee.
WE want fighteers-would Tommy Robinson lead UKIP if we asked him nicely, and crowd sourced it?
If UKIP get one MP and more than 150,000 votes across the entire country they will be entitled to receive “Short Money” to help pay their expenses. The important point is that the total is increased by £33.33 for every 200 votes gained. Even where UKIP has no chance of winning the constituency votes will translate in to Short Money, provided they have one MP somewhere. On this basis no UKIP vote can be called a wasted vote.
There may be tactical reasons for UKIP to support a particular non-UKIP candidate, but that should be a very rare exception, and I would prefer it not to happen at all.
Sounds like a BBC dream outing.
The activists look about as active as I want to see them.
Would be funny if they were at the wrong place. Corbyn: Harlow? I thought you told me Harrow!
I had to enlarge photo as I couldn’t see the activists for the trees. Alright,alright I’m going .
On Fivelive they are discussing LGBT segregation in elderly care homes. The woman says that though people are generally not prejudiced against them, they have low self-esteem and expect them to be; therefore, Emma Barnett advises, they need to ‘come out as not homophobic’ by having a gay rainbow flag in their office for example.
This is beyond parody. I am sure most gay people are not so pathetic that they assume the worst in everyone and need to be reassured; I have worked with loads of gay people and they never experienced any ‘phobia’ from anyone. This is all 30 years too late. Nobody cares anymore.
Why pretend your sexuality defines you? I like broccoli; my friend does not. Who cares? I would find it demeaning and a waste of time for everyone to give me special treatment because I like broccoli, or to have pictures of broccoli around them to reassure me they approve of my tastes.
‘LGBTQ community’ is nonsense. We are all individuals. I like football, reading and women. It does not mean I am part of the ‘reading’ community.
Beeb Brother – you are dead right. Most of the regulars on this site will know that I don’t hide the fact that I am gay, but on the other hand I don’t shout it from the rooftops and make a big issue of it – it’s just one part of who I am.
I must confess that for many years I have encountered very little animosity from other people and in the main people just accept me for what and who I am, and it’s not a problem for them or me. Whether that will change in the future with the increase in the number of the “Peaceful Ones” is anybody’s guess.
The most spectacularly talented people I know have been gay. Shakespeare was homosexual and he could not have written so well if he had not been. Freddie Mercury was the greatest frontman ever.
The idea that all ‘victim groups’ must be treated like helpless children is demeaning. If we are all equal, which we clearly are, then let’s just get on with it and stop wasting so much time wallowing in victimhood, much of which is confected as victimhood is such a prized asset in our insane society.
The collective terrorist news in the Uk for the past 2 days:
UK: Busy couple of days in the fight against radical Islam.
#bbcSocialEngineering 3pm yesterday Radio 4 country programme
BBC diversity means less posh white London presenters
The prog had a black presenter
from London..
He David Lindo was OK he didn’t SJW like normal presenters do.
Even he said “Oh look another black person, you really don’t see many of them in the countryside”
Apparently Radio4 has a complete blackout on Green politics haha
min14:30 to 19:30 2 female antifracking activists stated their case
‘Ooh the testing will shake the Earth ..they’ll be no jobs for locals cos too technical’
Presenter DavidLindo wasn’t terrible minimally countered
Interview with George Mondeo BBC WS – Reporter begins, “Pollution is such a huge problem in the UK but you don’t appear to be getting through?”
It seems to me, pollution in the UK has only become a “huge problem” this year?
It hasn’t been a “huge” problem since the fifties. The figures they quote are all bollocks, and as for diesel cars – if they cocked up then, with their preference for diesel based on shoddy, inaccurate data, then they’re just as likely to have done the same thing again, when they try and tell us how bad diesel vehicles are. If they stopped the use of diesel engines tomorrow, the world would grind to a halt. I suppose a return to the Dark Ages is eminently preferable to a few particulates in the air, which most of us can tolerate without undue harm.
Interesting how all the “scientific facts” which are bandied about, and which politicians unquestionably believe, and cling to without question, invariably result in tougher, more expensive lives for us all, without improving anything. One day, they’ll make a correct judgement, which may benefit us, without costing the earth. But I shan’t hold my breath…
BBC London News: A mixed race actor is appearing on the London stage. They interview him about the play.
Is this news? It is just an advert for a play.
What you’ll find, especially on local news, are pieces dressed up as news but no more than either (a) free advertising for some local business or (b) a link to a programme on the so-called BBC later. Sometimes even both! (The website is no different, links to “stories”, that are usually things being aired on TV or the dreadful VD show later) The fifth columnists at the so-called BBC love stuff like this because it does their work for them.
Likewise for Twatter; instead of doing what journalists are supposed to do, you know, like actually getting off their arse and going out finding stories, let’s “see what they’re saying on social media!” I really think this is a big reason why they lost touch with the plebs cos Twatter seems to me to be one big vanity project – the online equivalent of someone jumping up and down to get your attention. Meanwhile the rest of us just get on with it.
Once again, thank you so much to the selfless on here who suffer the unutterable bollocks on the BBC so many of us don’t have to.
My heart doctor thanks you too, but the TV/Radio repair man asks that you desist forthwith.
The Beauty Broadcasting Corporation and its Mark Mardell on the BBC Radio 4 News at 1300 absolutely excelled themselves. When the programme started Mardell announced that it would be dedicated to analysing Donald Trumps first 100 days. My instinct was to shut the radio off there and then knowing what was to come however, I decided to persevere, primarily in wondering if I was to detect any support or change of heart. I was not disappointed in the direction the ‘analysis’ took. Apart from one very short interview, all the interviewees condemned DT: he is hopeless, dangerous, unpredictable, he reversed all his rhetoric from his campaign and his team was equally hopeless. Finally, the discussion degenerated into whether he would last his term before being impeached or causing a revolution in the US by his reversals upsetting his elector base. But this is what you get, you stupid US voters, for not voting Democrat! Pure, naked hatred.
Yes, and why is the BRITISH BC so obsessed with telling us about the politics of a far away foreign country on domestic radio broadcasts?
Could it have something to do with all those lovely expense account funded trips to that foreign country? Or perhaps a deep desire to undermine a politically-conservative leader who is anti-globalist … wouldn’t want it catching-on here would we?
Greed and politics, BBC style.
The usual bBBC bias by omission: the woman in a burqa shot by Police yesterday is, according to the bBBC news, just ‘a woman’.
I just won £1. Placed a £100 bet on the name of the ‘man’ carrying knives in Whitehall.
Hint: it starts with M.
Bloody hell Sir Arthur! You must be clairvoyant! I would never have guessed that in a hundred years!
Or do I mean a hundred nanoseconds …..
‘Hint: it starts with M.’
Ah, but did you guess the correct spelling? You know when it comes to counting the most popular British boys’ names these days the spelling matters.
23:55 Radio4 replay the “I’ve got a friend with a headscarf” story

Faiza and Lauren
Here’s the latest regards covering up for Allah from the within the wonderful EU:
President Van Der Bellen: All women should be made to cover their heads in which to defend Islam.
They just can’t stop themselves, can they? The time was when R4 plays provided a varied mix of entertainment. Now all we get are sermons by cultural Marxists.
How the bBC tells half a story about yet another child rapist:
Ex-Jackanory presenter John Earle jailed for sex assaults on boy
A former children’s television presenter has been jailed for sexually assaulting a young boy almost 60 years ago. Former Jackanory storyteller John Earle admitted indecently assaulting the boy from when he was nine-years-old.
Anybody know why the bBC left out exactly what station 'Jackanory' was aired on at around 4pm everyday. Which is strange as you can actually buy Jackanory episodes from the bBC store.
NEXT week’s R4 Any Questions
Nigel Farage, Sarah Olney, Emily Thornberry
..yes seriously
NEXT week’s R4 Any Questions
Nigel Farage, Sarah Olney, Emily Thornberry: The lion, the donkey and the horse! Or The leo, the ass and the nag.
The Lion, the Bitch and the Cardboard?
Apologies to C.S. Lewis.
20:50pm R4 wacky A L Kennedy is going to patronise us again.
“Listening to our media, our public voices, as if we’re listening to people in our everyday lives, holding them to that standard and not their own can help us to know when we’re being driven towards the sound of a faked emotion or spun a tale.”
Jeremy Swine Show this lunchtime airing the (Al beebus approved) history of the Spanish Civil War, Franco and the Nationalists: evil scum; Republicans – beautiful “democratically elected” people.
Attn – Biased BBCers – re report on Marine A
Watched that this morning, my wife had subtitles on
Now folks go quick before they rectify it.
… racist BBC even on the subtitles
Watch it on iplayer with the subtitles on, 1hr 47 minutes in
the typist was thinking, aloud not about Marine A but about his QC
who happens to be Jewish.
Be quick, If someone can get a screen grab? that would be gold.