Trump’s reached his century and of course they all hate him for it. Why hasn’t he been assassinated yet?
The BBC has been filling the airwaves with a relentless barrage of anti-Trump sneering and mockery, what’s new?, on Friday we had Malcolm Rifkind deriding Trump and telling us how dangerous he is to the world whilst going on to boast about how wonderful Malcolm Rifkind is because he stopped the Americans interfering in the Balkans…yes what a hero Rifkind is, in his own head…even the Guardian agrees…or not…
Britain’s refusal to act in the former Yugoslavia left the Serbs free to butcher thousands of Bosnians. Brendan Simms dissects a catastrophe of British foreign policy in ‘Unfinest Hour’.Simms mints the phrase ‘conservative pessimism’ to describe the mentality of Hurd, Malcolm Rifkind and David Owen. They evaded Serb responsibility for the atrocities and vastly overestimated the difficulties of intervention. Exhausted by Ireland and haunted by Suez and Vietnam, Conservative politicians and the ‘experts’ in the press and think-tanks maintained that ethnic cleansing was an unpleasant fact of life.
Yep, mass murder, an unpleasant, but acceptable, fact of life…just as Rifkind seems to say today as he abuses Trump for ‘dangerous’ intervention in the world.
Then we had a parade of other worthies who hadn’t a good word to say about Trump and his first 100 days as President….never once acknowledging that he essentially had the whole Establishment lined up against him from the 95% of the Media, to the Democrats, even much of his own Party, to the intelligence and security services and of course the activist judges.
Justin Webb has been off the ranch to write his own summing up in the Mail [LOL…they just can’t keep out of the hated rag…no doubt hoping they can ‘poison’ the minds of the horribly white and Right Mail readers with their liberal worldview…it’s the Beeboids missionary work to civilise the savage natives]. Webb admits Trump hasn’t in fact done badly, a view you don’t hear on the BBC itself, but he can’t help the digs…
His madcap, jumpingjack-flash of a presidency is going from . . . well, not exactly strength to strength — that would be stretching reality — but it’s still going somewhere, and in some respects it is going rather well.
Of course, as with any president, the reality of trying to deliver on noisy campaign promises soon becomes apparent when you arrive in the Oval Office.
Webb also admits that America is in many respects ‘broken’….’carnage’…a phrase for which Trump was roundly abused and condemned…and yet he was right….
If you have been to America recently, you will have noticed that much of the place is — to use the word Trump himself used in his inaugural speech — ‘carnage’. It’s broken. rusted. Sad.
Webb admits Trump has a very good team around him…
The Trump team is now a steady and experienced group of former soldiers and businesspeople. Their eyes do not swivel.
Webb even admits bombing Assad might have been a ‘good thing’ for the world….
By blasting a Syrian army air base to rubble in response to a sarin gas attack allegedly carried out by President Assad’s regime, he has proved that — unlike Obama — he is prepared to act.
That will have served to make Assad, and his allies in Moscow, think twice. It should worry them, and that’s a good thing.
But then Webb slips into the BBC’s normal approach to Trump, a man whose personality, worldview and way of doing ‘business’ they just can’t compute and therefore dismiss as dangerous ‘madness’…
If there is a real Trump weak spot, 100 days into this rollercoaster ride, it is still the temperament of the man himself. There is something quite breathtakingly narcissistic about him. All Presidents are bit odd. To look in the mirror and see a President of the United States staring back is, well, not the sign of a normal mind.
James Gilligan, a professor of psychiatry, told a conference at Yale University: ‘I’ve worked with murderers and rapists. I can recognise dangerousness from a mile away. You don’t have to be an expert to know how dangerous this man is.’
Will Trump crash and burn — and if he does, will he take us all with him? Nothing about this presidency is stable. Nothing predictable. And there are 1,361 days to go, assuming he isn’t impeached and doesn’t resign in the meantime.
His madcap, jumpingjack-flash of a presidency is going from.. .
I would rather have John Wayne sort out the bad-guys for me rather than “Johnny-intellect”
Speaking of John Wayne.
Trump has won the 100 Days War, because his main enemy is the media, and he has used the two weapons they have no defence against: disdain and ridicule.
They are used to being taken sooooo seriously (which is how they take themselves), and he has (1) called them out on their fake news, which they used to get away with, and (2) bypassed them using Twitter, as an additional insult.
Trump needs to increase the ridicule quotient, because that can be terminally devastating.
Remember when the Calais jungle was vomiting bearded adults into the UK under the guise of them being underage and hence vulnerable? Some wag suggested publicly that the charity should change its name from Save the Children to Shave the Children, and that ended all the Lefty wailing in an instant.
Argument is wasted on these ideologically possessed people; ridicule is the only answer.
Certainly going well for Tubbo:
It will take time, he is up against the well entrenched self serving establishment (The Swamp). He wants to stop American companies moving aboard and keep Americans in work, he wants to reduce imported products that can be made in America by Americans. I ask you what is wrong with that. If we had such politicians years ago perhaps we would not have lost our manufacturing industry to foreign competitors.
He also stated that Britain will go to the front of the queue, whereas Obama stated we will go to the back of the queue. This statement is not often quoted by our left leaning media.
After Leave winning the EU referendum, the next best thing was seeing how angry and incredulous the BBC were at Trump winning.