Go for it Scrob!
We in all likelihood will be doing a dog walk in the rain up on the Cornish cliffs.
And despite the rain, despite the cloud-bolted cake-filled misery, and despite the presence of the ticks (and I am not just referring to the London elite) There is a still a lot of beauty left in this country worth fighting for. And after our walk we will indulge our misery with a cup of tea and a hevva bun.
I consider that these days England starts after London. It is always worth remembering London could not survive without England but England does not need London!
Compare the BBC reaction to this miscarriage of justice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbJacmA_I7U to how they reacted to the return of our Taliban volunteers from Gitmo. National disgrace hardly does their treachery justice.
Now the man responsible for what Jonathan Goldberg QC (Blackman’s lawyer) calls ‘this lamentable court martial’ Judge Advocate General Jeff Blackett needs to be held to account. Will our national broadcaster do any ‘gold standard’ investigating into this? Unlikely when they were most prominent in condemning Blackman in the first place.
Alex – in the days when the majority of the MSM still had some loyalty to our country this parasite would have had his head metaphorically impaled on a spike by the Tower.
In some ways I actually consider Blackett worse than Shiner. Shiner was merely some snivelling little lawyer who found he could make bags of money for himself and demonstrate his “right on lefty credentials” by extending the suffering of those who fought for Queen and Country.
Blacket however has even less excuse for his behavior. I think he comes from a militarily
(RN) background so probably would have been well aware (more than most of us) of what soldiers like Blackman had been through. Despite this he put his career and the establishment cover up first, before the rights of a brave man merely to further his own career..
This man obviously possesses the personal standards and ethics of a bott fly. Maybe he should get a job at the BBC. As justice does not seem to be his forte.
Just to recall that Help for Heroes refused to take money collected by the EDL. That little bout of gratuitous nastiness made me decide to stop donating to them.
I guess in some ways Blacket is symbolic of the liberal self serving elite. Wherein they permeate and ramify themselves into as many high profile institutions and charities, both to enhance their own profile as “doers of good works” and ensure these institutions follow the PC pathway.
As I said earlier people like this are no better than bott flies where they burrow under the skin of society spoiling that which is untouched and gorging themselves only to leave and infect new innocent hosts when they have had enough.
“France election: Macron says EU must reform or face ‘Frexit” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-39766334
EU reform????!
Are the cracks beginning to show?
Frexit ? Will both French ‘runners’ go for a Referendum promise ?
Odds are – Macron 1/9, Le Pen 11/2
That subconscious albeeb bias showing with Macron often being described as “the favourite” which translates into “our favourite “. It will be interesting to see if French voting behaviour follows the British last general election with either only internet users being polled or people too afraid of the msm to admit to voting conservative – i.e. Telling the msm want it wants to hear. ….
Catholic Tim Farron was inquisitioned about whether he thought gay sex was a sin. Funny, I don’t recall the meeja grilling Emir Khan whether he agreed with murdering gays, or simply outlawing them as a large percentage of his co-religionists believe in every opinion poll. Or whether he agreed with Islamic views on women, unbelievers, Jews, apostasy, jihad, the caliphate, Sharia etc.
No, that would have been waycist and islamophobic. Yet not Christianophobic in wee Tim’s case.
The Left are such bullies, whilst simultaneously decrying ‘hate speech’ Anyone who veers from their extreme standards of ‘tolerance’ is not tolerated.
Who cares what he thinks about sex? Can he fix the problems? That is all we want from our politicians. Blair had all the right-on opinions and look how monumentally he messed everything up.
I can’t understand why Mr Farron didn’t say yes as a Christian, I believe in the Bible and that says it’s a sin for man to lie with man as with a woman. That doesn’t mean gays should be persecuted because the commission of sin is between the individual and God. If no laws are broken then it’s no one else’s concern.
Tim Farron’s volte face is, I’m afraid, understandable in the face of the current media stance in respect of Christianity. We have had 40 years of the BBC dismissing, side-lining, sneering, denigrating, scorning and vilifying Christian beliefs and doctrine. Whenever anyone says anything contrary to their PC leftist agenda (i.e. BBC-permitted speech), they descend as the Moghul horde to terrorise and to demand a retraction, and won’t let go until the poor victim has apologised for his ‘egregious error’. But I agree – Farron could have clearly stated his Christian position along the lines you mention, and firmly slapped down any interviewer who tries to argue. He would gained respect had he done so. And, by the way, the treatment of Tim Farron by Bercow has been abominable.
I heard the interview with Mr Farron and LBC radio and the reporter behaved like a barrister cross-examining a witness, constantly asking ‘do you or do you not believe gay sex is a sin, yes or no’. I think Mr Farron realised that if he said ‘yes’ it would be plastered all over the news and taken totally out of context, because we have different ideas of what ‘sin’ means.
For example, some people believe divorce is a sin, myself included, but I am divorced, and I hope that I may be forgiven for it. That doesn’t mean I hate divorced people or think that divorce should not be allowed. I accept it as part of the human condition. For all we know Mr Farron may believe the same thing about homosexual sex, but he couldn’t sum that up in a soundbite or get the average journo to understand it.
Exactly, John. Sin is a transgression against divine law. Nothing more, nothing less. A sin is not necessarily synonymous with a crime. In the Judaeo-Christian tradition, gay sex is clearly a sin but in modern Britain it is clearly not a crime. Farron should have stuck to his guns and just stated these facts. By caving in and saying gay sex is not a sin, Farron has shown himself to be a pathetic representative of Christianity and even more clearly to be a political coward. Nobody follows cowards.
Al Beeb is leading news bulletins with the fight against ‘Hate Speech.’ They had the intrepid head of Tell Mama offer his expert advice – a man who counted online comments posted abroad as ‘hate crimes.’ It’s not exactly Auchwitz, is it?
Just the two terrorist incidents last week. A man arrested with a bag full of knives in Whitehall – thank God he only had knives and was not posting offensive comments somewhere online! Now that would really be something to worry about.
Nothing but utter, abject capitulation. Any attempt to counter this poison is ‘hatred’ and will not be tolerated. That is the message they are proclaiming. They are a disgrace.
How this proven fabricator who utterly perverts the translation of what word hate delineates gets any airtime? … just shows the gutter the BBC trawls to be onside with the establishment.
“Hate” Crime? This is literally an now industry emboldened by encouragement to report them, whilst simultaneously making the criteria for them both loose and absurd.
“its not a good look” … if you tie that into an ideology that has an insane level of victim mentality, that deftly uses “projection” of its own worldview onto everyone else as a cover for is own deeds … and has gained significantly by doing so, mainly because of the cowardice of our media(like the BBC) and political elite.
Mughal and the thoroughly discredited Tell MAMA, the controversial project claiming to measure anti-Muslim attacks did not have its government grant renewed after police and civil servants raised concerns about its methods, this dodgy Mughal guy?, Tell Mama did not mention, that 57 per cent of the 212 reports referred to activity that took place only online, mainly offensive postings on Twitter and Facebook, or that a further 16 per cent of the 212 reports had not been verified … and laughably not all of the so called online abuse even originated in Britain.
Now it appears that just such claims not only are no problem to funding, but even get you jail time too (see below). I just hope that Mr Burton is safe
considering our hopelessly compromised prison system
“As the founder of the anti-Muslim hate monitoring and support service, Tell MAMA, the report of the Home Affairs Select Committee on social media companies and their inaction to remove extremist and illegal material is a breath of fresh air and a vindication for many of us who for years have been brushed aside by the arrogance of social media corporations and their public relations teams.
For years we highlighted how their platforms have been used to humiliate people because of their identities and to promote extremism, as well as anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim hatred”
The, “system” is trampling heavily on any, any, criticism of islam in their now, rapidly accelerating efforts to ‘shoe-horn’ that cult into the fabric of everyday UK life to make it the “norm”. Sickening but still no real declared motive for the ongoing destruction of the UK? I wrote to Treezer asking that question but still no reply. Perhaps it will be in the manifesto? [dream on…..]
Thinking about dreaming on – Meanwhile, in the Church of England….. https://www.jihadwatch.org/2017/04/hugh-fitzgerald-derek-holloway-a-podsnap-for-the-present-age
Ever since Mad Ma Merkel was overheard on an open microphone at a 2015 UN meeting complaining to Zuckeberg of Facebook fame that he was not doing enough to curb anti-refugee posts, it is clear where this heightened sensitivity to “hate speech” or “Volksverhetzung” came from. The tsumani of criticism that hit German politicians on the social media unhinged them. There was always some German politician complaining that they were receiving death threats, that the political debate was being coarsened, the flames of populism were being fanned by fanatics, etc. Rather than accept that large sections of the German population detested them because of Merkel’s decision, and had their own uncensoed voice, they are foolishly trying to silence legitimate opinion through “hate speech” legislation and forcing social media companies to do their censoring dirty work for them through various forms of suasion. Post-Brexit the British government have also jumped on the “hate speech” bandwagon. Supposedly, it’s those nasty Islamist videos and child pornography they want to stop, but they have had years to deal with those problems. The politicians and their media helpers always say they want an “informed political debate”. What they mean, of course, is a political debatd based on information flows they can filter and skew before they reach the public. A free exchange of opinions and information amongst citizens, is too populistic for their taste, has not passed through the BBC and so could be “fake news”.
Tim Burton had just been sentenced to 12 weeks in prison for exchanging a few tweets with the Tell Mama muslim man. That decision effectively means a little more sharia law has been introduced into our judicial system and no one seems to care. In addition, let’s hope Mr Burton survives his time in prison without being attacked by the muslim criminals he’s likely to be incarcerated with. One Englishman has already died and the prison and judicial system did their damnedest to kill Tommy Robinson.
There wasn’t just a few tweets and it amounted to a case of harassment!
Burton is an idiot, if he thinks picking on a single individual and harassing him is going to achieve anything then he is sadly mistaken.
If on the other hand he had exposed the problems this country has with Islam he might have advanced his cause.
It doesn’t mean more Sharia at all, it just means Burton is a dick who can’t leave well enough alone, and who turned a wounded dog into a victim figure.
I can tell you exactly why BLiar wants to get back into UK politics.
Since Cameron resigned and he became next in line for the bribe money for betraying his country, BLiars money feed from the Middle East has dried up. How strange is that? A man whose work on policy and speeches that were allegedly so valuable suddenly no longer needed by the buyers!
It’s just yet another pointer to the prima Facie case that Western politicians are being bribed by Wahabist Muslim in the Middle East to promote Islam – Wahabist & Salafist versions which are the most violent & backwards.
BLiar wants to get back into politics for one reason only, and that is to restart the money feed again, and to do this he will once again open the flood gates to Islcmic terrorist like he did last time, to Islamic terror groups – illegal in most civilised countries, and unlimited uncontrolled Muslim migration.
BLiar doesn’t care what happens to this country, because both he & his grasping wife have enough money to leave the sinking ship, leaving the rest of us once again to deal with the destruction he caused.
Yes I believe the irony in this is that Blair and Brown opened the gates to Eastern European accession states thus causing millions of people to come to the uk in a short period time without public services and housing to be ready for them . Hence the full classrooms , strained NHS and the rest in particular parts of Blighty.
And to my mind putting fuel on the fire of Brexiteers as long resident brits see standards falling even when the economy is on the up.
And now he is deluded enough to think we have forgotten what he did.
Msm was cloaked in political correctness even more so than now – so much so that I think even the word immigration was banned .
I dread the next recession when things will get much worse. Sorry for the downer.
I am reading “The Road to Somewhere” by David Goodhart and he makes it quite plain that Blair opened our borders to uncontrolled immigration.
This was also reported in the Telegraph in 2009
“The huge increases in migrants over the last decade were partly due to a politically motivated attempt by ministers to radically change the country and “rub the Right’s nose in diversity”, according to Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett.
He said Labour’s relaxation of controls was a deliberate plan to “open up the UK to mass migration” but that ministers were nervous and reluctant to discuss such a move publicly for fear it would alienate its “core working class vote”.
It’s even worse than that. The Mail reported in 2013 that Mandelson had admitted Labour ‘sent out search parties’ to encourage immigration to the UK. As a consequence of this government of traitors, immigration was in the region of 2.2 million between 2007 and 2010 – and that assumes you believe the government’s own figures which I, for one, do not.
When the treason trials begin I am going to have a smile like the Cheshire cat’s
Thank you CatsRule – I might well look at that book myself. It’s hard to believe that such a disastrous decision should have been taken so informally leading to such wide ranging unhappiness and political change for years – decades to come. If we could step out of the time in which we live and ponder what those in the future [if there is one] might think I wonder what that would be. ( apologies if I lack clarity on this but I hope you understand what I mean! )
The history of the accession is not just down to Blair & Brown, it was a sequence of leaders decisions – some of them made for understandable reasons.
Margaret Thatcher wanted to extend Western European influence over the newly liberated Eastern states to ensure they didn’t fall under Russian sphere of influence again.
John Major presided over the Maastricht Treaty which led to the creation of the Euro, a common foreign & security policy, Justice & home affairs. This ceded many powers to Europe.
Tony B Liar ignored the warnings about the scale of migration and chose not to exercise his rights to limit it resulting in flows more than 10 times estimated and setting a trend for the future.
The public needs to be reminded of all this the next time Blair opens his mouth. From the information it shows a cynical ploy by Blair et al to de-stabilise the UK for their own selfish ends. And it has gone some way in achieving that objective.
BLiar said it was all about ‘diversity’ but what makes you so certain he was telling the truth?
Look at who he allowed in. Virtually all of them were Muslims, including some horrible extremists which led directly to terrorist attacks in the UK and in Europe, kicking them out (and not all of them) has cost many millions.
And he was richly rewarded for it, according to his biographers, £130 million from his Saudi masters, for the promotion of Islam.
Yes, indeed – but that is something the BBC will never do.
Personally I would add to Blair’s charge sheet the overwhelming majority of the terrorist incidents that have occurred in recent years, the ruination of our capital city and the long term destruction of Northern Ireland.
People sometimes joke that the reason Blair did away with the death penalty for treason was because he was about to commit it. I often wonder if that isn’t simply the naked truth.
Perchance has he revived his ambition to be EU headman ? If he had delivered us into the Euro during his reign of terror , he would have had a good chance. (That was stymied by Broon – for personal reasons – he hated Bliar , not sound Economics.) Has another offer be dangled in front of his grasping paws – help to scupper Brexit and you’re in , name your price. This reptile will do anything for money/position, no doubt egged on by that avaricious harpy Mrs Bliar. We can expect his (but not our) good friends @ BBC to provide (a)moral support.
“Democrats say they now know exactly why Clinton lost”
Here’s a wild guess, Democrats: Cos people preferred him and his policies to her and hers, maybe?
Oh, and they were fed up with useless Hussein O’Bummer and his party.
Not BBC bias but a comment on the Conservatives GE17 strategy. It’s not going well so far.
At first, I thought the Conservatives might be taking a trick out of Labour’s book from 1997-2010. Float a ‘policy’ when it is no more than ‘an idea’ to see what the media and public response will be. Then, if favourably received adopt it. If the response is hostile, develop severe amnesia with it. It was either some of that or Theresa May’s supposed legendary strategic planning and organisation had temporarily deserted her during Week 1 of the Phoney GE17 War.
Now it seems to be more the latter. She’s tied her future Chancellor’s hands on VAT, which she has a right to do, but which seems extremely unwise especially in view of Brexit and the style of the UK economy. The UK economy is highly retail dependent. It is also unwise in that it undermines her own key ‘fairness’ policy as VAT is seen as a form of double taxation and makes energy bills worse (another Tory policy blooper and contradiction there) and VAT is also, to an extent, regressive. It hits those ‘struggling to get by’ which the PM has also pledged to help. Theresa May is starting to undermine her own previously espoused policies.
Unless she rolls back on this VAT pledge – and perhaps the foreign aid commitment as well – and takes the resulting heat from the media for yet more U-turns, Theresa May is setting herself up for problems in the years ahead.
Meanwhile, Jeremy Corbyn is spending on behalf of Labour as though there is no tomorrow.
23:30 Radio4 : The Muhammadan Bean: The Secret History of Islam and Coffee
“Journalist Abdul-Rehman Malik has always been captivated by coffee. Recently he uncovered a little known story about its Islamic roots and how this delicious brew came to change the world.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07tq8cd
#FalseNarrative Muslims are our saviours they invented everything
It’s not like we have to rescue them from female oppression, honour killings, FGM, “obey the big-man dogma” which leads to BOTH : out of control child abuse and terrorist violence … getting away without being properly challenged.
Seeing as the Al BBC has set a precedent with its , “The Muhammadan Bean” association
I look forward to the next report on Islamic Muhammadan terrorism/mass murder,
or Islamic Muhammadan child gang rape case,
or Islamic Muhammadan attack on Jewish people or homosexuals
Remember the Al BBC hype over this “crock”? http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0078vf4
“Hart-Davis builds and tests some of the most extraordinary inventions from… the early Islamic World. From soap to torpedoes and from water pumps to windmills”
Remember there hype over this exhibit “1001 Islamic Inventions”
how they virtually created a hashtag, then shamelessly promoted it,
,over those questioning the veracity of such claims?
The irony of Muslim claims to science is that Islam today totally rejects the Islam that was at least tolerant to the Jews and Christians who were doing the science or at least rescuing the science of the Greeks and the Romans.
‘Goodness Gracious Me’ used to have a character who claimed everything in history was created by Indians. Nowadays people can say everything was created by Muslims and it’s not even considered comedy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tw7LIykvBw
Sunday evening I used to enjoy a nice, lightweight piece of historical drama. No effing and blinding, no urban, left-wing message, no pc politicking. I thought I might be safe watching ITV’s period piece, Grantchester. Oh dear…
The programme opened beautifully, depicting that most quintessentially English scene, a village cricket match. Lovely. White flannels, leather and willow. The village priest bowling to the local copper; beer and sandwiches, pretty women in 1950’s frocks. It was all too good to last.
Soon we were confronted by the local bigot, played with (ham! fisted) gusto by Peter Davidson. Blimey, this bloke ticked all the boxes; upper crust, thoroughly snobby, a mason, a racist…oh, and of course white!
He objected to the two (thoroughly decent, honest and upright) Muslim lads, one of whom was playing cricket and also (God’s teeth!) covertly courting his daughter. Pretty soon the young man was dead. Murdered! No prizes for guessing who committed the foul deed (actually to save you watching this crap, it was the bigot’s wife, who was both barking and bigoted).
The surviving Muslim lectured us at length about our tawdry country. God, what an awful place England was (pre enrichment) in the 1950’s. We were racist, narrow minded, a nation in terminal decline and our education system was dreadful. I don’t think I’ve left anything out…
I’m thankful to ITV for bringing this to me; usually I have to rely on the dear old Beeb if I want to feel thoroughly wretched about my nation; good of ITV to get in on the act.
You know sometimes I hanker after those cracking period pieces they used to make like Miss Marple with the superb Joan Hickson. I just sat there with a cup of tea and let it wash over me. It was like a tele-visual warm bath. I didn’t feel as though I had been to socialist workers lecture about the endless horrors that Britain has inflicted on the world and I went to bed with a smile on my face.
Those were the days…
Jeff, if you hanker for films and drama such as that, I recommend the channel “Talking Pictures”; it is available on Freeview if you don’t have a satellite or cable subscription. I have found it a wonderful antidote to the PC BS which seeps into 95% of tv and film made today.
I have discovered films on there which would (presently) never see the light of day on al beebus, nor ITV for that matter, as they don’t comply with the multicultural tick box strictures under which programmes are created today and define the older ones which remain (for now) tolerable for them to broadcast.
Sadly, Talking Pictures is just one of many channels the appalling Freeserve doesn’t offer in my area.
Despite being forced to pay the license fee we are also unable to receive BBC 4 in HD (the only BBC channel which still carries the occasional programme for people with IQs greater than their shoe sizes and a channel which would actually benefit from HD).
Of course, we can get plenty of shopping channels and endless amounts of porn.
And people wonder why I consider British broadcasting to be little more than a conspiracy to keep the masses as ill informed and as quiescent as possible.
Jeff, you must have been watching Granchester on a different channel to the one I saw part of last night. I think I only saw the ending but it finished with a rather more graphic sex scene than I thought necessary – glad I wasn’t watching it with friends or relations.
This is one of the reasons why I don’t watch contemporary TV dramas. The writers simply cannot resist shoehorning their PC opinions and social engineering into the stories. Even the normally quite good ITV series ‘Endeavour’ (Young Inspector Morse) is guilty of this sometimes.
I prefer to watch films on Youtube from the 1930s to the early 1960s. Films of that era had to appeal to wide audience ranges (because cinemas were open to all ages) with differing tastes and opinions, so difficult subjects had to be handled discretely and tactfully. The result is usually well written scripts and a lack of unecessarily explicit sex and violence. Film then was still primarily a form of entertainment, not social engineering. Propaganda films were usually fairly obvious.
Oh, it appears to be par for the course now for any drama, regardless what time zone its set in – just shove a black face in it to keep within today’s boundaries of ‘acceptability’.
I often go to stay with friends in the depths of a Cornish village – it could be a perfect copy of St Mary Mead, with not an ethnic face to be seen – which wouldn’t be the case if it was featured on the tele ! Which begs the question,… currently private development housing estates must include a quota of social housing, so how long (or perhaps it does happen) before there is a clause that insists a certain percentage of ethnics are housed so that an all white community does not exist ?
You are quite right about this. Are we the only country where our past is continuously misrepresented in this way?
We are meant to believe that in a small village in Cambridgeshire in the 1950s one of the vicars is gay, the archdeacon is a black African, and two Pakistani brothers are met with unremitting racism, despite which one of them manages to get one of the local girls pregnant.
That is fairly unlikely in 2017, for a drama set in the 1950s it is off the scale of improbability. It is just bad writing and thoroughly second rate in all respects.
Its absolutely crackers Rob. I rather suspect that there were at most half a dozen black African men of the cloth in the 1950’s in the UK, and I doubt if any were of high ranking. The village I lived in at the time, 35 miles north of London, even in the 1970’s there were no people of colour, and then after Idi Amin expelled the Asians, we had a new member of the cricket club – but again he didn’t live in the village but in the large town nearby. And they expect us to believe that in Grantchester in the FIFTIES that the place was almost awash with people of colour ?? Clearly the scriptwriters are soooo young and don’t know their history, but then, its only us, over the age of 55/60 who knew what it was like back then.
You’re right but even if they did know things were different, they are on a mission to rewrite the past. This is no accident. Scriptwriters for the BBC and ITV (Hollywood too, come to that) are on a mission. Even the Soviet Union would have been impressed by their audacity.
That is the point exactly. None of this is an accident. The rewriting of our past is quite deliberate. They wish to show that a) Britain has always been “diverse” and b) that indigenous British people are backwards and bigoted, and are shown up by the erudition and good manners of immigrants.
It is a form of cultural self-loathing, a sort of intellectual ethnic cleansing. It is a drip, drip, drip of hatred for our past, and by extention, for everything Britain stands for. They seek to rewrite the past to control the present.
If you ever see a “person of colour” in a historical drama (even if, historically, that is either implausible or impossible), you can guarantee that he will be wise and noble, and the white British people will be bigoted and uneducated. Why do we put up with this blatant agitprop?
Excellent comments Rob, and the last paragraph is very true. (no way would Lenny Henry be cast as the rapist in Broadchurch for example!).
Production and film companies love to produce dramas that are based on real life events, so I wonder if we’ll ever see the day when a docudrama is made about the Rotherham atrocities – although I think there’s more chance of hell freezing over.
13:45 Radio4 Marketing faith and idealism: Coca Cola.. to contemporary Islamic branding.
Shelina Janmohamed – writer and vice-president of Ogilvy Noor, the world’s first Islamic branding consultancy – outlines the emergence of “Generation M”: the world’s 1 billion Muslims under the age of 30, of whom 90% say their faith informs their consumer decisions.
Meanwhile, senior ad creative Steve Henry and composer Roger Greenaway tell the story of perhaps the most famous “message” advertisement in history: Coca-Cola’s “Hilltop” ad of 1971, which gave the world the song “I’d Like To Teach The World To Sing”.
14:00 Radio4 Drama : Ben Tagoe’s warm-hearted drama set in the high octane world of competitive Scrabble set in Nigeria. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b05xqbmb
Yes did a bit of a trawl through BBC radio output 4 and 4x but not a lot to appeal to Anglo chaps apart from dads army again. Wimins hour seems to take up most of the day but glad to report no documentary about fgm ( or is it gmf) or Dom violent but looking for the documentary tonight on the Islamic Mr Bean mentioned by other good posters here….
The decline of R4 was the canary in the coal mine for me. That once wonderful radio station’s slide into cultural Marxism and from that to complete irrelevance was the sign that the BBC was doomed.
I’m now almost entirely BBC-free. But I won’t pretend it hasn’t left a gap.
I see food wastage has been selected for #bbcOperationBangingOn
I bet there is some NGO PR dept behind the campaign
The BBC’s campaign existed in June last year
her’s a screen shot of the BBC business page
Fair enough we live in a diverse society but are white/ non trans invisible ?
10 articles* and 4 radio progs on the food waste topic
Is what I see when I search BBC for the last month alone.
Seems like a campaign to me.
But the problem is the BBC isn’t democratically accountable
* Setting the search to 1 year reveals 35 articles, with maybe just a couple of duplicates in there.
Has anyone asked what happens to all the food which is chucked away on their Baking and Chefy programmes? An awful lot of it seems to go into the bin. Not to mention all that wasted electricity and gas used with the multitude of ovens, stoves and cookers all going at the same time.
I expect the best bits are dug out, brushed off, and give to the homeless…
I’d heard that the BBC donates the leftovers to SJWs to distribute to the Bangladeshis in the East End – not sure how that works with congealed ‘high end’ dishes that Torrode and Wallace have had their forks in.
I just thought you might like to enjoy this.
Whenever there is trouble it is ALWAYS the left that start it with their sjw, antifa, hate not soap and other various groups of thugs going about attacking any peaceful march by the likes of pegida or anything slightly right of their fanatical communism fantasy views.
Here’s how the right do it, classy and with a great sense of humour.
I’m so glad I’m on the right side and not one of those miserable moaning lefty BBC loving children.
BBC NE news lunchtime.
Yet another long drawling piece on how wonderful Islam is.
Hartlepool mosque open day.
They go to all the trouble to get a crew down to Hartlepool, then film a report, showing about three people plus a Jeremy Corbyn lookalike telling us how good Islam and diversity is. The local iman (I think) saying how the religion is wrongly associated with terrorism and the usual bullshit how all religions live together harmoniously.
Makes you puke.
The bBC has no problem promoting the policies of the current Government as the reason why everybody is angry, you only have to look at how the bBC has had a field day in attacking the tories and promoting Socialist Labour. (There’s a reason why I stated socialist)
Yesterday I posted an official Radio4 Facebook item which some said they can’t see :
Friday’s Book of The week
“When James Corden patted Donald Trump’s bottom
Nicholas Hytner, who directed the smash hit play One Man Two Guvnors, tells how when the play opened on Broadway James Corden had a close encounter with the future President during some audience participation.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p051f2rg
It took 15 mins for a negative angle to be mentioned
“I love it, but I do have a problem with BIG CORPORATIONS normalising the wearing, cos in Iran and Afghanistan it is used as a tool to repress women”
I bet if you asked 100 people at random, not a single one would have an idea what the BBC is going on about. I only know because I read about it on Guido Fawkes.
If you ever wanted proof that the BBC is a W1A, left wing echo chamber, this is it.
I dont know about the BBC being a W1A leftwing echo chamber but in my 60 years on this planet it is clear to this Engineer that the BBC to use an Engineering term is “Unfit For Purpose” and has been for decades
Good God ! how old is that photograph ?? looks the sort that’s posted on dating websites by hopeful chaps who are well past their sell by date in real life!
Even a BBC comedy show whitewashes history and shows total disregard for feelings of those who were effected by that history. I happened to hear Mark Steel “comedy” show on radio 4 at 11.30am. He was performing in St Annes, Alderney. His comedy programme included some detailed “humorous” descriptions of the impact of the Nazi invasion of the tiny Channel Island during WW2. His comments were totally insensitive and inappropriate in the light of the true facts about Alderney during the war. The island was used to house two Nazi concentration camps (Lager Norderney and Lager Syit) in which hundreds of slave labourers including Russians, Poles and Jews were murdered through being shot or ill-treated, or died from malnutrition and “work accidents”. Many thousands of inmates were then shipped by the Nazis to mainland Europe in 1944 where we can assume they met their final demise. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alderney_camps
I have just taken a look at the Election Latest on the BBC web site. It is as though the Tories were in hibernation. Its Labour , SNP non stop with a bit of light relief from the Lib Dems. Of course there are loads of attacks on the Tories being from the other parties but almost zero in the way of Tory announcements or neutral reporting. We are also treated to our daily dose of pro EU , anti Brexit nonsense.
We know that the BBC is working flat out to keep the Tory majority to 50 or less so enabling the lack of legitimacy claims for Brexit to continue. Once the majority gets to a hundred even the most one eyed Remoaner, which is probably most of them, must realise that the game is up.
Surely after this astonishingly blatant 24/7 ,year long , anti Brexit bias from the state funded broadcaster , even the most timid Tory must be driven to do something about the out of control BBC. The corporation believes itself to be above the law and to be in the right when opposing the will of the people. It will never stop attacking Brexit and never stop attacking the Tories but it never attacks its liberal left chums. Corbyn’s only fault in the eyes of the BBC, is that he has made Labour unelectable and thus allowed Brexit to go ahead. All his other faults are nothing in comparison.
I feel sure that after 52 % of the public have been continually insulted by the abBC for the best part of a year , support for the overmighty corporation amongst ordinary License Fee payers will be at an all time low. Now is your time to strike Tories, just stick the knife in and twist it . Whoever kills the BBC will have my life long gratitude and I suspect that of several million ordinary folks.
It baffles me why the BBC give the SNP so much coverage, as only about 10% of the population of the UK are even entitled to vote for them, and far fewer actually do.
Not just that Lobster, they only field candidates in one nation of the United Kingdom; any coverage of them in the media should be proportional to that.
Doublethinker I made the ultimate attack on the BBC nearly five years ago and cancelled my BBC viewing tax and am now £729 better off. Being as the BBC now no longer serves the interests of the UK or the population of the UK unless you are a leftard, a luvvie, a muslim or a guardianista. Then cancelling your BBC viewing tax is the only sane decission to take when it comes to dealing with the BBC. And remember if you do get a visit from a BBC/TVL/Capita goon remember they have NO power of entry and search unless they have one of the less than 150 search warrents issued and plod with them. So remember when dealing with BBC/TVL/Capita goons just identify and ignore ie Identify and if its a BBC/TVL/Capita goon ignore and close the door then go back to whatever it was that you were doing before the BBC/TVL/Capita goon interrupted you now with a warm feeling that you have denied the BBC of £147 yet another nail in the coffin of the irrelevant, obsolete and dying BBC.
JosF, I stopped paying the licence fee two years ago. I agree, this is the ONLY way that ordinary people have to effectively protest against BBC bias. No political party or organisation will dare take on Auntie, as they will be dismissed as right wing cranks, anti-‘culture’ etc.
JosF, Cranmer – regarding no longer paying the licence.
There really isn’t any other way you can register a protest against them otherwise, and I’d recommend any posters or recent visitors here to do the same if they can.
Complain to them and they trot out the template that ‘we got it about right’. Badger your Tory MP – and he/she’s just as likely to be a statist socialist in disguise.
So, go for Netflix, Amazon, Kodi or just watch You Tube videos- whatever alternatives you like. But don’t hand over that £145.
The problem for this site is – some poor sods need to actually watch their output to monitor the bias, but for me personally I haven’t needed any more convincing for years.
The BBC is the antithesis of what a quality news/media broadcaster should be. Anyone who values impartiality in their documentaries, or decent writing & plausible plots in their dramas can see through what the BBC churns out – feeble agitprop by 6th form Sociology students.
All overseen by an older set of establishment traitors who, unless you’re some kind of minority – absolutely loathe you.
A group of seventy two MPs have accused the BBC of being pessimistic and skewed in its coverage of Brexit, saying that it is unfairly representing leave voters by focusing on those who regret their decision, despite polling evidence showing that far more Remain voters regret voting for the EU, due to “Project Fear”. They also complain about the BBC’s inability to accept that Project Fear had been proven wrong, and the BBC’s failure to accept new facts was distorting its reporting. Good economic news was played down and any doubts were magnified. Research found there were three times more anti-Brexit speakers than pro-Brexit speakers in prestigious slots, which is evidence that the BBC had broke its charter requirement to be impartial. Labour MP Kate Hoey said: “This report is further evidence that the BBC has not accepted the verdict of the British people to leave the EU. Their continuous negative coverage and their downgrading of positive stories with the phrase ‘despite Brexit’ must stop. It is clear that many of the BBC journalists have not been able to hide their personal bias in favour of staying in the EU. The public has the right to expect genuine impartiality and fair reporting.” Peter Bone, the Conservative MP for Wellingborough says “There is a real problem with the BBC“
BBC Reporters interview each other, their ignorance of EU governance compared to Commonwealth self government, and the single market compared to the free market, and the greater standard of living in the White Commonwealth and other territories similar to Britain, but not in the EU, is shown by the childish emotions of doom and despondency. Ignorant and decrepit old Europhile has-beens are wheeled out to spout their usual anti-democratic and elitist bullshit, such as a Member of the House of Lords describing democracy as a populist “tyranny of the majority“. The few pro-Brexit speakers are subjected to aggression and contempt, and as usual, those MP’s identified by Mensa as having unusually high IQ’s, Graham Stringer and Frank Field, who just happen to be committed Brexiteers, are absent from the BBC.
Question Time still has a majority of the panellists taking the Europhile position, despite the Brexit majority in the real world, while the audience is regularly packed with Remainer thugs, baying at the token Brexeteer who defies the BBC Question Time panel consensus.
Also, a comment spotted in May’s edition of the Mensa Magazine: “I believe we have a biased media that hires and promotes people with liberal mindsets and they in turn present anyone with differing views in a negative light while positively praising those with a likeminded agenda“.
Graham Stringer is absent from the BBC for the same reason that the BBC rid itself of other scientists, such as Prof David Bellamy, science writers such as Nigel Calder, science presenters like Johnny Ball. They all disagreed with the arts and humanities environmentalists at the BBC about Global warming, sorry Climate Change.
In the late 1990s the BBC did push Prof Lovelock on to our sets, morning, noon and night until he changed his mind about man made global warming and campaigned against environmentalists and wind farm.
(Just to be factual, Lovelock believes the theory of man made global warming should be “reevaluated” because of the cooling at the end of the the 20th century.)
Also the BBC has pretended for years that the only MPs who supported Brexit were “Tory Scum little Engladers” who were tearing the lying Tory party apart. Oddly, the majority of Tory MPs actually voted for Remain and nearly all the left wing Labour MPs voted Brexit. And sorry BBC, which party is tearing itself apart over Europe?
We won’t see the intelligent and knowledgeable Graham Stringer on the BBC.
(1) Graham Stringer was last seen on either a science committee meeting on BBC Parliament or celebrity University Challenge.
(2) David Bellamy was last seen in Australia talking to David Archibald.
(3) Nigel Calder has just died after editing a Mensa article about Professor Lockwood, who was involved with the production of the bogus rebuttal of the Svensmark theory using low energy cosmic rays, rebutting a theory based upon high energy cosmic rays, which seems to have been successful in fooling all known journalists with the exception of Nigel Calder.
(4) Johnny Ball was last seen in this months Mensa magazine, in an advert for Mensa members to go to one of his debates.
(5) Prof Lovelock was last seen talking to Jeremy Paxman.
(6) And ten Labour MP’s had the intelligence to vote for Brexit.
Indeed, and just to add to that, as I need to get it out of my system …
Back in the 1990s Nigel Calder was in the dreadful position of having expertise on climate, or weather as it was then known. He made a series of award winning docs for Horizon, when Horizon used to be about science. His programs centred on explaining the weather. So, the poor fellow had to explain to the arts and humanities left wing environmentalists, who populate the BBC, how the world was cooling and has been for the last 10,000 years. I guess that didn’t go down too well.
Still look at Horizon today, invariably fronted by a left-wing comedian or ‘star name’, seeking emotional links to items.
I`m a bit confused. How come that it was required to vote in the First Woman President of the USA a few months ago-because she was a woman, and er-that`s it really!
But it is NOT required now to vote in the first-ever Woman President of France in the form of Marine Le Pen?
Both female, both breaking that old glass ceiling. Yet Womans Hour will NOT be trumpeting the victory for feminism and women. nor (in any shape or form)encourage any oif that voting sort of thing to get Marine into the Presidential Palace.
Women eh?…complicated creatures are they not?
Hope Marine gets in.
You’re forgetting that unless she’s left wing a female politician doesn’t count as a woman. Even though any common or garden transexual does. Confusing eh?
Crist, I once read a leftie journalist (I forget who, but it may have been La Toynbee) explain that Thatcher didn’t count as a woman PM, because ‘she had to act like a man to get there.’ How can you counter logic like that!?
Noted that the Head teachers hope to get a half day or more out of school teaching, due to Tory Cuts. In short, a four day week or half day off by way of duvet days.
Thought they were busy fining parents who chose to take their kids on holiday, as opposed to drinking Obamas stale piss and inhaling Al Gores laughing gas, where science used to be.
Let`s hope parents will sue the heads and their useless unions for-well, whatever it is that they accuse decent parents of in not sending them in to swaap condoms or blag their Ritalin as per.
Hypotwats-is that a word yet?
Hi Chris
The 4.5 day week is now to be introduced here in North East Scotland starting in August. 30 periods has been changed to 38 shorter periods but with Friday afternoon off.
Mexico is a large country, ravaged by crime, drugs and violence but home to some brave and decent people. Yet compared to it’s US obsession the BBC largely ignores Mexico because it does not fit the narrative. News like this is routinely ignored.
The BBC likes to ignore the fact that there is a huge problem in Mexico, hence the massive illegal immigration to the US with associated criminality and the call for a ‘wall’.
The world’s biggest news channel prefers to indulge it’s prejudices by sneering at Trump from air-conditioned all expenses paid hotels in the US, rather than risk the water and more in Mexico.
According to Wikipedia, with 5,775 deaths since January 1st, it’s currently the second biggest war on Earth.
But with Trumps Wall, its not surprising that the BBC wants to censor its existence.
They’re non too keen to go to Venezuela either… Stephen Sackur had to hide in the UK Embassy recently. No mention of the straightforward larceny of the socialist hero Chavez (PBOH) and his family and acolytes.
Beeboids like to go to the USA. They speak English there, and by and large it is safe, and they can mix with the left wing elite and deplore Donald Trump, Republicans, and white trailer trash. If they reported from Mexico, they would have to learn Spanish, and might find themselves in danger from the powerful drugs cartels. It is easier to sit in Washington and mock the white trash who are losing their jobs and falling victim to mass immigration.
Al Beeb are leading bulletins with news of Theresa’s tough conversation with Junkker which was reported in a newspaper. According to the newspaper, he ended the dinner ‘ten times more confused.’ How could they possibly know that? You cannot quantify the metaphysical state of confusion.
Reporting stuff made up by someone else makes fakery seem real. “It was reported in the newspaper that . . .” How do they know the newspaper is not just making it up? Journalists should report on the facts they have researched themselves, not just repeat someone else’s ideas which just happen to fit their agenda. Apparently it is a ‘leaked report’ i.e. total bollocks.
The news also shows Macron at the site where someone murdered by a far right activist is remembered. 20 years ago. How many murdered just last year in France by certain ideologues? Shameless, shameless stuff from Al Beeb.
Junker was probably too drunk to understand anything that was said . He went into the meeting drunk ( confused) and came out extremely drunk ( very confused) . No more need be said about this apology for a politician.
Apparently Junker didn’t like the menu at number 10- briscit with purée of Brussels . The EU apparently is after 60 000 000 000 euros as an exit fee from the EU. I wonder which article contains that requirement ? [ the answer is none]
On another point – I remember two key comments made by Brexiteers such as mr. Farage said – first that freedom from the EU was more important than a drop – however temporary – in GDP .
And secondly – the £350 million a week was not for the NHS – it is the taxpayers money that is given to the EU so that the EU can spend it – sometimes on projects in U.K. But often elsewhere.
It’s remainers such as al Beeb which has re interpreted that message in order to undermine Brexit.
The best thing about Junker is that he is so absurd he undoes all the hours of pro-EU propaganda that the BBC pumps out. No one but the barking mad can treat a pantomime figure like Junker with any seriousness.
Here is the Ch 4 ‘news’… reportedly. Complete with a denial they set up. Allegedly.
Juncker reportedly tells May he is ’10 times more sceptical’ on Brexit
On tonight’s Channel 4 News – Number 10 denies reports in a German newspaper of an allegedly disastrous meeting on Brexit between Theresa May and European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker. According to a leaked account – Mr Juncker emerged saying he was 10 times more sceptical than he was before. Downing Street insist it was all very constructive. Michael Crick is out on the campaign trail with Mrs May – and at a left wing May Day rally in Lancashire.
And we’ll have more on what leaks about the Juncker meeting reveal.
Good to know ex BBC weasel Crick is at a left wing rally again.
Bet ex BBC Anger and Protests Editor Paul Mason torn between that and the kick off in gay Paree..
The BBC doesn’t think they need to hide their agenda when covering the French Presidential
Election. You would think that they would want to use some subtlety in their hatred of Marine Le Pen. No they continually refer her as the FAR right candidate . Then we are taken to Paris where one of the BBC’S positive discrimination women reporters Lucy Williamson tells
us that there is a memorial to some Moroccan murdered by somebody from the FAR right.
Never mind the score upon score of indigenous French citizens murdered by Islamic terrorists.
To be honest unless you are to the left of being a Liberal fascist you cant watch the BBC news without wanting to smash the screen!
If you throw a molotov cocktail at a policeman, you're a feckin' terrorist (at best a criminal), not a demonstrator. Just saying @BBC#Parispic.twitter.com/XordbZ69u4
— UK Rants: Where is my Thatcher statue? (@uk_rants) May 1, 2017
And if anyone thinks France is not heading for real trouble then they are insane. The attitude of the para military police and the regular army is unknown.
Here’s a little thought which Le Pen seems to have missed.
In two years time the UK will leave the EU along with the £13 Billion (plus any more his apparatchiks think we can afford, remember the extra £1.7 Billion Cameron said he wouldn’t pay & then handed over?) we have been paying them. Do you seriously think that perma pissed Junker is planning to trim the EU budget by £13 Billion?
At the moment he appears to be preparing himself and his officials for the fallout when the other contributor nations find out that they are going to be making up that shortfall!
Seeing as the three biggest contributors were Germany France & Britain. Others such as Holland & Belgium are also contributors and the bill will also fall on them too.
If the UK exits without paying the EU anything, or does not commit to annual payments, then all of this funding will need to be found elsewhere.
Maybe £4 Bn from Germany, £3 Bn from France, and £2 Bn from each of the others. These countries are struggling already, with Germany suffering under Merkels madness, plus Greece, France with its Euro membership crippling competitiveness, Holland already upset at EU membership.
Will this spell the end for the EU and is the £50 Bn demanded by the EU as a leaving bill merely a way of providing a 4 year breathing space for the remaining contributors to get used to the idea, and Junkers retirement.
Thoughtful, I suppose the difficult thing for joe public (us) to understand is what the effect of a hard Brexit will be. I know that wto rules kick in on trade but other elements of the relationship with them [the eu] hasn’t really been spelled out by the likes of al Beeb. I suspect it might be against the interest of remainers to talk about even the whiff of an optimistic outcome from a British point of view ; as well as the potentially painful effect of countries with substantial numbers making a living in Blighty who might need to apply to stay here [ with the reciprocal effect on brits abroad]. Shame the msm hasn’t really tried to deal with this.
International trade has been part of life for millenia. Willing seller and a willing buyer . A good product and price . Everything else is secondary. The problem is most people in the media and positions of influence have no real knowledge of how the world works and anyway they are a fear ridden bunch of pussies.
Dave S, could’nt agree more. The BBC would be the last ones to admit to this fact, even though they would have ample opportunity in their various history or ‘social science’ programmes i.e. in free market capitalism, politics rides on the back of trade, unlike communism where trade rides on the back of politics.
The BBC returns to its comfort zone, with added hocus pocus…
Given what we’ve seen over the past 100 days, anything is possible with President Donald J. Trump.
So Anthony Zurcher uses a Magic 8-Ball to make the predictions.
More prima facie evidence Western leaders are being controlled by Saudi money.
“internal emails reveal that Belgium instructed its diplomats to vote Saudi Arabia onto the U.N. women’s rights commission — and to make sure the fundamentalist regime knew of Belgium’s support.”
Why would high level government ministers need to make Saudi aware that they had their support?
Well, there was a bit of unpleasantness in Brussels last year wasn’t there? Shame if it were to happen again. Easier just to pay the protection racket isn’t it?
“How will the mayor fight funding cuts to the police and NHS in the north of England?”
Might have been better phrased how will the mayor deal with the reduced funding available for……
However the bulk of the cuts have already been dealt with and no further work on that scale will be required so why even bring it up ?
“Will the mayor stand up and resist austerity measures being implemented by the government, which increase poverty and homelessness?”
No he will not because there aren’t any austerity measures and they won’t affect so called poverty and honmelessness (notice the image the BBC has bought from a stock library of a homeless young woman of whom there are vanishingly few.
‘Sources in Brussels’ have told the BBC Brexit will go awry. What ‘sources’? I cannot get a job reference without naming the referee as it could easily be a biased friend, or I could just be making it up. It is true what Trump says – they ought to name the source, otherwise they can lie with impunity.
Isn’t it odd how this mystery source just happens to support Al Beeb’s narrative?
The ‘fake news’ narrative submitted that sensationalist click bait on the internet tilted the election for Trump. But fanciful tales from a dodgy website are easy to dismiss. The Beeb’s style of fakery is much darker as it comes from an ostensibly reputable source and they have decades of experience in making their lies convincing. No doubt several articulate and reputable people will be wheeled out to discuss the revelations of the ‘source’ to lend it credibility; they will grill and MP about the ‘revelations’, thus giving them the perfect point d’appui to steer their questions in their desired direction.
Macron PLUMMETS in the polls as Marine Le Pen enjoys boost a WEEK AWAY from election vote
A rather tabloidesque headline admittedly but read it while it’s there as you won’t see it on the bbc. The poll is by Harris so there is more than an element of reliability.
I just wonder if the French really have the stomach for a modern day revolution. Personally I doubt it, if one had to summarise the French, the word capitulation wouldn’t be too far away from the page.
Jeff made a good point in his excellent post about ITV’s drama ‘Grantchester’. I too have been dismayed to notice the spread of the BBC’s political correctness virus to commercial channels. ITV’s ‘Mr Selfridge’ was an initially enjoyable light drama about the staff and founder of the Selfridge store from 1908 to 1928. (I thought it far better than its BBC rival ‘The Paradise’.) Well, until the fourth and final series in 2016, that is. We then had two storylines (with no basis in reality that I know of) about noble non-white characters suffering appalling racism from white bosses and staff. Such undeserved guilt-tripping and finger-wagging lectures really do NOT pull the viewers in.
I’ve seen the commercial channels here in Australia move towards pushing fashionable leftist causes in their news and breakfast shows in the last couple of years.It’s puzzling that supposedly market-driven TV producers are heading this way. Logically, you’d think they’d see profit in pleasing tastes that the lefty publicly funded channels don’t cater to. You’d also think the companies who spend a fortune on advertising would complain that endlessly pushing Islam, anti-racism and gay marriage might lead to a mass switch-off.
Helena, I think you might enjoy the remake of The Magnificent Seven currently being shown on Sky.
Did you know that the man in charge was a black man, that they had a Native American Indian, a Mexican and a Chinese man in the seven. The three whites were a womaniser, a drunk and a seemingly backward mountain man.
The town they were saving was a wimpy white town (apart from a feisty brave mixed race woman) and no longer some Latin American place.
Of course, the evil bad man was white.
It should have been called ‘The PC Seven’.
Hollywood tiptoes through its liberal culturally sensitive values until drama is drained from a movie.
“Selma” is a brilliant film exposing the ludicrous racism of US southern states in the 1960s. It is jaw dropping to recall these events only took place a few decades ago. However, the culprits were mainly southern Democrat states and the ’villain’ of the movie is George Wallace. At no time does the film even hint at the fact he is a democrat as that might upset the sensitive liberals who they would have wanted to have voted Hillary.
Recently the brilliant Homeland series lectured its viewers, Guardian/BBC style on how Muslims were only driven to murder people because of the US involvement abroad. Odd, Obama avoided foreign incursions the way I avoid the BBC news, yet Muslims still killed people all over the world.
EG – Yes the multiculti Magnificent 7 was dreadful really.
I only watched it because I like westerns and old Denzel is usually pretty good in most things, as is Ethan Hawke and Vince D’Onofrio. It really was a case of progressive-directing-by-numbers. This surprised me as I expected better from Antoine Fuqua, who did the excellent’Training Day’ years ago but now seems to have lost his way.
When they are in meetings with the bright young dahlings from advertising agencies being shown their latest works of genius, few businesspeople would dare object. They are under the same pressure as the rest of us – the ‘r’ could could be uttered!
There is another angle to it, as well. Most ‘marketing’ people tend to be young and graduated from our former polytechnics with stellar degrees in worthless subjects. More significantly, they will have had the statutory three years of brainwashing, so are only too willing to go along with this idiocy.
My own bank, here in the UK, has recently run a campaign not so subtly promoting interracial gay marriage. But who dares complain? To make it even worse, the bank (Lloyds) is more or less government owned, yet no one dares say a thing for fear of being accused of thought crime.
JimS…………. Sofas appear to be the exclusive domain of ‘customers of colour’ now..
Nobody would disagree on THAT one ! All adverts and fillers between programmes now contain mixed race families – how did that happen ! which means we are led to believe that the population of this country is 50/50 black and white, which is utter b….cks. You can imagine the scenario when advertising agencies are presenting their ideas to the board of the commissioning company, and not one of them dare stick their head above the parapet and question the demographic for fear of being called a bigot.
GCooper is also correct in saying that being faced with this, nobody dare challenge it for fear of being called racist, – the genie is out of the bottle and we’re stuffed.
As I’ve posted here before, the head of one of the advertising trade bodies in the UK is on record (via the BBC, of course!) saying that the pro-‘progressive’ propaganda ‘benefits’ of advertising are one of its major justifications.
As so often, this doesn’t happen by accident, advertising people do this very deliberately, trying to ‘nudge’ public acceptance of things that same public has previously frowned upon.
As Pepsi recently found out, it can backfire but by and large complaints are handled by air-headed SJWs anyway. Try complaining to Lloyds about its advertising – no one with sufficient braincells to scare a cabbage will ever get to see your objections.
I’m sure this is true. Ad agencies are full of young urban snowflakes, who wish to promote their right-on worldview, and their clients are clearly too gutless to stand up to them.
In a company like Lloyds Bank, I am sure there are dozens if not hundreds of marketing and advertising managers, and not one would have the guts to ask if most Lloyds customers really want to see a man proposing to another man in one of their adverts. The wishes of customers are second to virtue signalling. The purpose of these ads seems less about drumming up business for the client, and more about making the hip young urban professionals feel good about themselves.
After all, if they produced ads without gay couples, mixed race couples and muslim girls in headscarves boxing, they would be a laughing stock at the Groucho Club. Their coke dealers would probably refuse to do business with them. No Class A’s for bigots!
BBC favourite Diane Abbott (Shadow Home Secretary) did a car crash interview on the subject of police recruitment with Nick Ferrari on LBC Radio this morning. Listen to it, it is both jaw dropping and hilarious at the same time.
No other comment apart from wow and what did the UK do to deserve such quality choices as Diane for Parliament?
I think this quote sums it up.
Dear Diane,
“If your brains were dynamite there wouldn’t be enough to blow your hat off.”
― Kurt Vonnegut, Timequake
No wonder our insurance premiums are going up, Abbott has perpetuated more car crashes than Vin Diesel. She’s been everywhere this morning, talking utter b*llocks.
Speaking of utter b*llocks, another pointless ‘consultation’ on ‘Increasing the Regional Impact of Channel 4 Corporation’.
Tory remainer Simon Kirby Brighton Kemptown MP has written to remainer Matt Hancock, Minister for Digital and Culture, advocating Brighton as the new location.
Here’s an EU issue the BBC seems keen NOT to report on.
Official EU eurostat figures taken from the European commission “2016 Annual Report on intra-EU Labour Mobility”
So, back in 2015 one third of EU migrants had moved to the UK, placing an unfair burden on the countries infrastructure, and when we complained about the scale of this movement the only thing we got back was “Nein” from EU leader Angela Merkel.
Eurostat data shows that low paid workers in the UK contribute less taxes than they would in every other EU country except the island of Malta which has a population of less than half a million and Ireland. In 2015 the UK had received 84% of all recent EU migration from Ireland, 63.3% of all Lithuanian migrants, 52.2% of all Polish migrants, 44.1% of Spanish migrants, 35.1% of Portuguese migrants, 24.6% of Bulgarian migrants and 14.4% of all Romanian migrants.
Now in 2017 the UK already has a larger share of trade in goods outside the EU than inside it.
Given that the UK is paying these migrant benefits (tax credits, child benefits, job seekers, etc etc), which they are sending out of the UK we should have some leverage over the EU in terms of their residency post Brexit. There are 1.7 million of them here in the UK, and if we sent even half of them back to Europe the burden would fall hard on the other remaining 27 countries.
This should be a strong negotiating point, but Fascists back home (including the BBC)determined to wreck the UKs negotiating position are screaming the usual meaningless bully words every time the subject is even briefly mentioned.
“Given that the UK is paying these migrant benefits (tax credits, child benefits, job seekers, etc etc), which they are sending out of the UK we should have some leverage over the EU in terms of their residency post Brexit. There are 1.7 million of them here in the UK, and if we sent even half of them back to Europe the burden would fall hard on the other remaining 27 countries.”
And of course a large proportion of UK citizens living in the EU-27 are retired and are spending their UK pensions and UK savings there instead of here. The flow of money is in the same direction.
Is that arch libtard snowflake David Millipede on the left (as usual)? I see him sucking his lips into his mouth like he’s swallowed a wasp! Clearly he believes that Berkley is correct in silencing any speech he doesn’t like just as he did when he was a senior member of the Fascist Labour party.
AlthepalerpMar 4, 13:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Let us assume for a minute Russia invades Britain in a few years. Gen Z cant be bovered to fight,…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 13:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What pause in US military aid could mean for Ukraine https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ce8yz5dk82wo “could mean” – could? “it may be months” may?…
tomoMar 4, 12:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://youtu.be/HOJS3qQlVjE I doubt that a single main party dumbass in Westminster has watched this. What a contrast to Kamala…….
diggMar 4, 12:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The police president of The Black Police Association has complained because a tweet he made has been flagged as offensive…
Guest WhoMar 4, 12:45 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://thegrayzone.substack.com/p/un-demands-answers-from-uk-on-terror? Big pow wow between Starmer and Davie on this one. “Stick with saying nothing?” “Yup”
May Day – May Day – getting out on all engines!
Go for it Scrob!
We in all likelihood will be doing a dog walk in the rain up on the Cornish cliffs.
And despite the rain, despite the cloud-bolted cake-filled misery, and despite the presence of the ticks (and I am not just referring to the London elite) There is a still a lot of beauty left in this country worth fighting for. And after our walk we will indulge our misery with a cup of tea and a hevva bun.
I consider that these days England starts after London. It is always worth remembering London could not survive without England but England does not need London!
At last Sergeant Alexander Blackman is out.
Compare the BBC reaction to this miscarriage of justice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbJacmA_I7U to how they reacted to the return of our Taliban volunteers from Gitmo. National disgrace hardly does their treachery justice.
Now the man responsible for what Jonathan Goldberg QC (Blackman’s lawyer) calls ‘this lamentable court martial’ Judge Advocate General Jeff Blackett needs to be held to account. Will our national broadcaster do any ‘gold standard’ investigating into this? Unlikely when they were most prominent in condemning Blackman in the first place.
Jeff Blackman must face the music: http://john-moloney.blogspot.com/2017/04/sergeant-blackman-it-aint-over-or.html
Alex – in the days when the majority of the MSM still had some loyalty to our country this parasite would have had his head metaphorically impaled on a spike by the Tower.
In some ways I actually consider Blackett worse than Shiner. Shiner was merely some snivelling little lawyer who found he could make bags of money for himself and demonstrate his “right on lefty credentials” by extending the suffering of those who fought for Queen and Country.
Blacket however has even less excuse for his behavior. I think he comes from a militarily
(RN) background so probably would have been well aware (more than most of us) of what soldiers like Blackman had been through. Despite this he put his career and the establishment cover up first, before the rights of a brave man merely to further his own career..
This man obviously possesses the personal standards and ethics of a bott fly. Maybe he should get a job at the BBC. As justice does not seem to be his forte.
Irony of ironies……..Blackett is on the board of trustees for Help the Heroes.
Just to recall that Help for Heroes refused to take money collected by the EDL. That little bout of gratuitous nastiness made me decide to stop donating to them.
I didnt know that John thanks for telling us.
I guess in some ways Blacket is symbolic of the liberal self serving elite. Wherein they permeate and ramify themselves into as many high profile institutions and charities, both to enhance their own profile as “doers of good works” and ensure these institutions follow the PC pathway.
As I said earlier people like this are no better than bott flies where they burrow under the skin of society spoiling that which is untouched and gorging themselves only to leave and infect new innocent hosts when they have had enough.
AF – that is a very good article by John Moloney, thanks for linking it.
“France election: Macron says EU must reform or face ‘Frexit”
EU reform????!
Are the cracks beginning to show?
Frexit ? Will both French ‘runners’ go for a Referendum promise ?
Odds are – Macron 1/9, Le Pen 11/2
Odds have shortened slightly over weekend Taff
I put money on Le Pen at 6/1 last week (same odds I got on Brexit)
Let’s see where they are Thurs/Fri
That subconscious albeeb bias showing with Macron often being described as “the favourite” which translates into “our favourite “. It will be interesting to see if French voting behaviour follows the British last general election with either only internet users being polled or people too afraid of the msm to admit to voting conservative – i.e. Telling the msm want it wants to hear. ….
Catholic Tim Farron was inquisitioned about whether he thought gay sex was a sin. Funny, I don’t recall the meeja grilling Emir Khan whether he agreed with murdering gays, or simply outlawing them as a large percentage of his co-religionists believe in every opinion poll. Or whether he agreed with Islamic views on women, unbelievers, Jews, apostasy, jihad, the caliphate, Sharia etc.
No, that would have been waycist and islamophobic. Yet not Christianophobic in wee Tim’s case.
The Left are such bullies, whilst simultaneously decrying ‘hate speech’ Anyone who veers from their extreme standards of ‘tolerance’ is not tolerated.
Who cares what he thinks about sex? Can he fix the problems? That is all we want from our politicians. Blair had all the right-on opinions and look how monumentally he messed everything up.
I can’t understand why Mr Farron didn’t say yes as a Christian, I believe in the Bible and that says it’s a sin for man to lie with man as with a woman. That doesn’t mean gays should be persecuted because the commission of sin is between the individual and God. If no laws are broken then it’s no one else’s concern.
Tim Farron’s volte face is, I’m afraid, understandable in the face of the current media stance in respect of Christianity. We have had 40 years of the BBC dismissing, side-lining, sneering, denigrating, scorning and vilifying Christian beliefs and doctrine. Whenever anyone says anything contrary to their PC leftist agenda (i.e. BBC-permitted speech), they descend as the Moghul horde to terrorise and to demand a retraction, and won’t let go until the poor victim has apologised for his ‘egregious error’. But I agree – Farron could have clearly stated his Christian position along the lines you mention, and firmly slapped down any interviewer who tries to argue. He would gained respect had he done so. And, by the way, the treatment of Tim Farron by Bercow has been abominable.
I heard the interview with Mr Farron and LBC radio and the reporter behaved like a barrister cross-examining a witness, constantly asking ‘do you or do you not believe gay sex is a sin, yes or no’. I think Mr Farron realised that if he said ‘yes’ it would be plastered all over the news and taken totally out of context, because we have different ideas of what ‘sin’ means.
For example, some people believe divorce is a sin, myself included, but I am divorced, and I hope that I may be forgiven for it. That doesn’t mean I hate divorced people or think that divorce should not be allowed. I accept it as part of the human condition. For all we know Mr Farron may believe the same thing about homosexual sex, but he couldn’t sum that up in a soundbite or get the average journo to understand it.
Exactly, John. Sin is a transgression against divine law. Nothing more, nothing less. A sin is not necessarily synonymous with a crime. In the Judaeo-Christian tradition, gay sex is clearly a sin but in modern Britain it is clearly not a crime. Farron should have stuck to his guns and just stated these facts. By caving in and saying gay sex is not a sin, Farron has shown himself to be a pathetic representative of Christianity and even more clearly to be a political coward. Nobody follows cowards.
Al Beeb is leading news bulletins with the fight against ‘Hate Speech.’ They had the intrepid head of Tell Mama offer his expert advice – a man who counted online comments posted abroad as ‘hate crimes.’ It’s not exactly Auchwitz, is it?
Just the two terrorist incidents last week. A man arrested with a bag full of knives in Whitehall – thank God he only had knives and was not posting offensive comments somewhere online! Now that would really be something to worry about.
Nothing but utter, abject capitulation. Any attempt to counter this poison is ‘hatred’ and will not be tolerated. That is the message they are proclaiming. They are a disgrace.
How this proven fabricator who utterly perverts the translation of what word hate delineates gets any airtime? … just shows the gutter the BBC trawls to be onside with the establishment.
“Hate” Crime? This is literally an now industry emboldened by encouragement to report them, whilst simultaneously making the criteria for them both loose and absurd.
“its not a good look” … if you tie that into an ideology that has an insane level of victim mentality, that deftly uses “projection” of its own worldview onto everyone else as a cover for is own deeds … and has gained significantly by doing so, mainly because of the cowardice of our media(like the BBC) and political elite.
Mughal and the thoroughly discredited Tell MAMA, the controversial project claiming to measure anti-Muslim attacks did not have its government grant renewed after police and civil servants raised concerns about its methods, this dodgy Mughal guy?, Tell Mama did not mention, that 57 per cent of the 212 reports referred to activity that took place only online, mainly offensive postings on Twitter and Facebook, or that a further 16 per cent of the 212 reports had not been verified … and laughably not all of the so called online abuse even originated in Britain.
Now it appears that just such claims not only are no problem to funding, but even get you jail time too (see below). I just hope that Mr Burton is safe
considering our hopelessly compromised prison system
and … this odious individual gets an OBE!
“As the founder of the anti-Muslim hate monitoring and support service, Tell MAMA, the report of the Home Affairs Select Committee on social media companies and their inaction to remove extremist and illegal material is a breath of fresh air and a vindication for many of us who for years have been brushed aside by the arrogance of social media corporations and their public relations teams.
For years we highlighted how their platforms have been used to humiliate people because of their identities and to promote extremism, as well as anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim hatred”
The, “system” is trampling heavily on any, any, criticism of islam in their now, rapidly accelerating efforts to ‘shoe-horn’ that cult into the fabric of everyday UK life to make it the “norm”. Sickening but still no real declared motive for the ongoing destruction of the UK? I wrote to Treezer asking that question but still no reply. Perhaps it will be in the manifesto? [dream on…..]
Thinking about dreaming on – Meanwhile, in the Church of England…..
Beeb Brother
Ever since Mad Ma Merkel was overheard on an open microphone at a 2015 UN meeting complaining to Zuckeberg of Facebook fame that he was not doing enough to curb anti-refugee posts, it is clear where this heightened sensitivity to “hate speech” or “Volksverhetzung” came from. The tsumani of criticism that hit German politicians on the social media unhinged them. There was always some German politician complaining that they were receiving death threats, that the political debate was being coarsened, the flames of populism were being fanned by fanatics, etc. Rather than accept that large sections of the German population detested them because of Merkel’s decision, and had their own uncensoed voice, they are foolishly trying to silence legitimate opinion through “hate speech” legislation and forcing social media companies to do their censoring dirty work for them through various forms of suasion. Post-Brexit the British government have also jumped on the “hate speech” bandwagon. Supposedly, it’s those nasty Islamist videos and child pornography they want to stop, but they have had years to deal with those problems. The politicians and their media helpers always say they want an “informed political debate”. What they mean, of course, is a political debatd based on information flows they can filter and skew before they reach the public. A free exchange of opinions and information amongst citizens, is too populistic for their taste, has not passed through the BBC and so could be “fake news”.
Tim Burton had just been sentenced to 12 weeks in prison for exchanging a few tweets with the Tell Mama muslim man. That decision effectively means a little more sharia law has been introduced into our judicial system and no one seems to care. In addition, let’s hope Mr Burton survives his time in prison without being attacked by the muslim criminals he’s likely to be incarcerated with. One Englishman has already died and the prison and judicial system did their damnedest to kill Tommy Robinson.
No it doesn’t!
There wasn’t just a few tweets and it amounted to a case of harassment!
Burton is an idiot, if he thinks picking on a single individual and harassing him is going to achieve anything then he is sadly mistaken.
If on the other hand he had exposed the problems this country has with Islam he might have advanced his cause.
It doesn’t mean more Sharia at all, it just means Burton is a dick who can’t leave well enough alone, and who turned a wounded dog into a victim figure.
Great work.
Thoughtful – “If we don’t all hang together, then we’ll be hung together.”
Tony Bliar is ‘worried about Britain’
Well Tone, not half as much as Britain is worried about YOU ever coming anywhere near politics again.
Quote: “You need to get your hands dirty and I will.” Now THAT I believe – very dirty indeed, I’m sure.
‘What’s happening in Britain worries me’
I can tell you exactly why BLiar wants to get back into UK politics.
Since Cameron resigned and he became next in line for the bribe money for betraying his country, BLiars money feed from the Middle East has dried up. How strange is that? A man whose work on policy and speeches that were allegedly so valuable suddenly no longer needed by the buyers!
It’s just yet another pointer to the prima Facie case that Western politicians are being bribed by Wahabist Muslim in the Middle East to promote Islam – Wahabist & Salafist versions which are the most violent & backwards.
BLiar wants to get back into politics for one reason only, and that is to restart the money feed again, and to do this he will once again open the flood gates to Islcmic terrorist like he did last time, to Islamic terror groups – illegal in most civilised countries, and unlimited uncontrolled Muslim migration.
BLiar doesn’t care what happens to this country, because both he & his grasping wife have enough money to leave the sinking ship, leaving the rest of us once again to deal with the destruction he caused.
In previous times his head would have been impaled on a spike on London Bridge.
Yes I believe the irony in this is that Blair and Brown opened the gates to Eastern European accession states thus causing millions of people to come to the uk in a short period time without public services and housing to be ready for them . Hence the full classrooms , strained NHS and the rest in particular parts of Blighty.
And to my mind putting fuel on the fire of Brexiteers as long resident brits see standards falling even when the economy is on the up.
And now he is deluded enough to think we have forgotten what he did.
Msm was cloaked in political correctness even more so than now – so much so that I think even the word immigration was banned .
I dread the next recession when things will get much worse. Sorry for the downer.
I am reading “The Road to Somewhere” by David Goodhart and he makes it quite plain that Blair opened our borders to uncontrolled immigration.
This was also reported in the Telegraph in 2009
“The huge increases in migrants over the last decade were partly due to a politically motivated attempt by ministers to radically change the country and “rub the Right’s nose in diversity”, according to Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett.
He said Labour’s relaxation of controls was a deliberate plan to “open up the UK to mass migration” but that ministers were nervous and reluctant to discuss such a move publicly for fear it would alienate its “core working class vote”.
It’s even worse than that. The Mail reported in 2013 that Mandelson had admitted Labour ‘sent out search parties’ to encourage immigration to the UK. As a consequence of this government of traitors, immigration was in the region of 2.2 million between 2007 and 2010 – and that assumes you believe the government’s own figures which I, for one, do not.
When the treason trials begin I am going to have a smile like the Cheshire cat’s
Thank you CatsRule – I might well look at that book myself. It’s hard to believe that such a disastrous decision should have been taken so informally leading to such wide ranging unhappiness and political change for years – decades to come. If we could step out of the time in which we live and ponder what those in the future [if there is one] might think I wonder what that would be. ( apologies if I lack clarity on this but I hope you understand what I mean! )
I totally understand what you mean. Let us hope we write the history and not the likes of Blair.
The history of the accession is not just down to Blair & Brown, it was a sequence of leaders decisions – some of them made for understandable reasons.
Margaret Thatcher wanted to extend Western European influence over the newly liberated Eastern states to ensure they didn’t fall under Russian sphere of influence again.
John Major presided over the Maastricht Treaty which led to the creation of the Euro, a common foreign & security policy, Justice & home affairs. This ceded many powers to Europe.
Tony B Liar ignored the warnings about the scale of migration and chose not to exercise his rights to limit it resulting in flows more than 10 times estimated and setting a trend for the future.
The public needs to be reminded of all this the next time Blair opens his mouth. From the information it shows a cynical ploy by Blair et al to de-stabilise the UK for their own selfish ends. And it has gone some way in achieving that objective.
BLiar said it was all about ‘diversity’ but what makes you so certain he was telling the truth?
Look at who he allowed in. Virtually all of them were Muslims, including some horrible extremists which led directly to terrorist attacks in the UK and in Europe, kicking them out (and not all of them) has cost many millions.
And he was richly rewarded for it, according to his biographers, £130 million from his Saudi masters, for the promotion of Islam.
Yes, indeed – but that is something the BBC will never do.
Personally I would add to Blair’s charge sheet the overwhelming majority of the terrorist incidents that have occurred in recent years, the ruination of our capital city and the long term destruction of Northern Ireland.
People sometimes joke that the reason Blair did away with the death penalty for treason was because he was about to commit it. I often wonder if that isn’t simply the naked truth.
I don’t know about Blair getting his hands dirty again, but he was always a dirty politician.
Perchance has he revived his ambition to be EU headman ? If he had delivered us into the Euro during his reign of terror , he would have had a good chance. (That was stymied by Broon – for personal reasons – he hated Bliar , not sound Economics.) Has another offer be dangled in front of his grasping paws – help to scupper Brexit and you’re in , name your price. This reptile will do anything for money/position, no doubt egged on by that avaricious harpy Mrs Bliar. We can expect his (but not our) good friends @ BBC to provide (a)moral support.
“Democrats say they now know exactly why Clinton lost”
Here’s a wild guess, Democrats: Cos people preferred him and his policies to her and hers, maybe?
Oh, and they were fed up with useless Hussein O’Bummer and his party.
I wonder if Barry has yet been back to visit his old haunts in the Chicago bathhouses?
Not BBC bias but a comment on the Conservatives GE17 strategy. It’s not going well so far.
At first, I thought the Conservatives might be taking a trick out of Labour’s book from 1997-2010. Float a ‘policy’ when it is no more than ‘an idea’ to see what the media and public response will be. Then, if favourably received adopt it. If the response is hostile, develop severe amnesia with it. It was either some of that or Theresa May’s supposed legendary strategic planning and organisation had temporarily deserted her during Week 1 of the Phoney GE17 War.
Now it seems to be more the latter. She’s tied her future Chancellor’s hands on VAT, which she has a right to do, but which seems extremely unwise especially in view of Brexit and the style of the UK economy. The UK economy is highly retail dependent. It is also unwise in that it undermines her own key ‘fairness’ policy as VAT is seen as a form of double taxation and makes energy bills worse (another Tory policy blooper and contradiction there) and VAT is also, to an extent, regressive. It hits those ‘struggling to get by’ which the PM has also pledged to help. Theresa May is starting to undermine her own previously espoused policies.
Unless she rolls back on this VAT pledge – and perhaps the foreign aid commitment as well – and takes the resulting heat from the media for yet more U-turns, Theresa May is setting herself up for problems in the years ahead.
Meanwhile, Jeremy Corbyn is spending on behalf of Labour as though there is no tomorrow.
23:30 Radio4 : The Muhammadan Bean: The Secret History of Islam and Coffee
“Journalist Abdul-Rehman Malik has always been captivated by coffee. Recently he uncovered a little known story about its Islamic roots and how this delicious brew came to change the world.”
#FalseNarrative Muslims are our saviours they invented everything
It’s not like we have to rescue them from female oppression, honour killings, FGM, “obey the big-man dogma” which leads to BOTH : out of control child abuse and terrorist violence … getting away without being properly challenged.
Seeing as the Al BBC has set a precedent with its , “The Muhammadan Bean” association
I look forward to the next report on Islamic Muhammadan terrorism/mass murder,
or Islamic Muhammadan child gang rape case,
or Islamic Muhammadan attack on Jewish people or homosexuals
Remember the Al BBC hype over this “crock”?
“Hart-Davis builds and tests some of the most extraordinary inventions from… the early Islamic World. From soap to torpedoes and from water pumps to windmills”
Remember there hype over this exhibit “1001 Islamic Inventions”
how they virtually created a hashtag, then shamelessly promoted it,
,over those questioning the veracity of such claims?
The irony of Muslim claims to science is that Islam today totally rejects the Islam that was at least tolerant to the Jews and Christians who were doing the science or at least rescuing the science of the Greeks and the Romans.
I always thought Ben Kingsley was a Pratt but this video shows him to be a dangerous Pratt.
‘Goodness Gracious Me’ used to have a character who claimed everything in history was created by Indians. Nowadays people can say everything was created by Muslims and it’s not even considered comedy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tw7LIykvBw
Well, the Queens father was the last Emperor of India, and the most famous Muslim creation is terrorism.
Sunday evening I used to enjoy a nice, lightweight piece of historical drama. No effing and blinding, no urban, left-wing message, no pc politicking. I thought I might be safe watching ITV’s period piece, Grantchester. Oh dear…
The programme opened beautifully, depicting that most quintessentially English scene, a village cricket match. Lovely. White flannels, leather and willow. The village priest bowling to the local copper; beer and sandwiches, pretty women in 1950’s frocks. It was all too good to last.
Soon we were confronted by the local bigot, played with (ham! fisted) gusto by Peter Davidson. Blimey, this bloke ticked all the boxes; upper crust, thoroughly snobby, a mason, a racist…oh, and of course white!
He objected to the two (thoroughly decent, honest and upright) Muslim lads, one of whom was playing cricket and also (God’s teeth!) covertly courting his daughter. Pretty soon the young man was dead. Murdered! No prizes for guessing who committed the foul deed (actually to save you watching this crap, it was the bigot’s wife, who was both barking and bigoted).
The surviving Muslim lectured us at length about our tawdry country. God, what an awful place England was (pre enrichment) in the 1950’s. We were racist, narrow minded, a nation in terminal decline and our education system was dreadful. I don’t think I’ve left anything out…
I’m thankful to ITV for bringing this to me; usually I have to rely on the dear old Beeb if I want to feel thoroughly wretched about my nation; good of ITV to get in on the act.
You know sometimes I hanker after those cracking period pieces they used to make like Miss Marple with the superb Joan Hickson. I just sat there with a cup of tea and let it wash over me. It was like a tele-visual warm bath. I didn’t feel as though I had been to socialist workers lecture about the endless horrors that Britain has inflicted on the world and I went to bed with a smile on my face.
Those were the days…
Jeff, if you hanker for films and drama such as that, I recommend the channel “Talking Pictures”; it is available on Freeview if you don’t have a satellite or cable subscription. I have found it a wonderful antidote to the PC BS which seeps into 95% of tv and film made today.
I have discovered films on there which would (presently) never see the light of day on al beebus, nor ITV for that matter, as they don’t comply with the multicultural tick box strictures under which programmes are created today and define the older ones which remain (for now) tolerable for them to broadcast.
Sadly, Talking Pictures is just one of many channels the appalling Freeserve doesn’t offer in my area.
Despite being forced to pay the license fee we are also unable to receive BBC 4 in HD (the only BBC channel which still carries the occasional programme for people with IQs greater than their shoe sizes and a channel which would actually benefit from HD).
Of course, we can get plenty of shopping channels and endless amounts of porn.
And people wonder why I consider British broadcasting to be little more than a conspiracy to keep the masses as ill informed and as quiescent as possible.
Jeff, you must have been watching Granchester on a different channel to the one I saw part of last night. I think I only saw the ending but it finished with a rather more graphic sex scene than I thought necessary – glad I wasn’t watching it with friends or relations.
This is one of the reasons why I don’t watch contemporary TV dramas. The writers simply cannot resist shoehorning their PC opinions and social engineering into the stories. Even the normally quite good ITV series ‘Endeavour’ (Young Inspector Morse) is guilty of this sometimes.
I prefer to watch films on Youtube from the 1930s to the early 1960s. Films of that era had to appeal to wide audience ranges (because cinemas were open to all ages) with differing tastes and opinions, so difficult subjects had to be handled discretely and tactfully. The result is usually well written scripts and a lack of unecessarily explicit sex and violence. Film then was still primarily a form of entertainment, not social engineering. Propaganda films were usually fairly obvious.
Oh, it appears to be par for the course now for any drama, regardless what time zone its set in – just shove a black face in it to keep within today’s boundaries of ‘acceptability’.
I often go to stay with friends in the depths of a Cornish village – it could be a perfect copy of St Mary Mead, with not an ethnic face to be seen – which wouldn’t be the case if it was featured on the tele ! Which begs the question,… currently private development housing estates must include a quota of social housing, so how long (or perhaps it does happen) before there is a clause that insists a certain percentage of ethnics are housed so that an all white community does not exist ?
Brissles – they have that in the US already and it would have expanded greatly had Clinton got in.
You are quite right about this. Are we the only country where our past is continuously misrepresented in this way?
We are meant to believe that in a small village in Cambridgeshire in the 1950s one of the vicars is gay, the archdeacon is a black African, and two Pakistani brothers are met with unremitting racism, despite which one of them manages to get one of the local girls pregnant.
That is fairly unlikely in 2017, for a drama set in the 1950s it is off the scale of improbability. It is just bad writing and thoroughly second rate in all respects.
Its absolutely crackers Rob. I rather suspect that there were at most half a dozen black African men of the cloth in the 1950’s in the UK, and I doubt if any were of high ranking. The village I lived in at the time, 35 miles north of London, even in the 1970’s there were no people of colour, and then after Idi Amin expelled the Asians, we had a new member of the cricket club – but again he didn’t live in the village but in the large town nearby. And they expect us to believe that in Grantchester in the FIFTIES that the place was almost awash with people of colour ?? Clearly the scriptwriters are soooo young and don’t know their history, but then, its only us, over the age of 55/60 who knew what it was like back then.
You’re right but even if they did know things were different, they are on a mission to rewrite the past. This is no accident. Scriptwriters for the BBC and ITV (Hollywood too, come to that) are on a mission. Even the Soviet Union would have been impressed by their audacity.
That is the point exactly. None of this is an accident. The rewriting of our past is quite deliberate. They wish to show that a) Britain has always been “diverse” and b) that indigenous British people are backwards and bigoted, and are shown up by the erudition and good manners of immigrants.
It is a form of cultural self-loathing, a sort of intellectual ethnic cleansing. It is a drip, drip, drip of hatred for our past, and by extention, for everything Britain stands for. They seek to rewrite the past to control the present.
If you ever see a “person of colour” in a historical drama (even if, historically, that is either implausible or impossible), you can guarantee that he will be wise and noble, and the white British people will be bigoted and uneducated. Why do we put up with this blatant agitprop?
Excellent comments Rob, and the last paragraph is very true. (no way would Lenny Henry be cast as the rapist in Broadchurch for example!).
Production and film companies love to produce dramas that are based on real life events, so I wonder if we’ll ever see the day when a docudrama is made about the Rotherham atrocities – although I think there’s more chance of hell freezing over.
13:45 Radio4 Marketing faith and idealism: Coca Cola.. to contemporary Islamic branding.
8pm Radio4 The Invention of America.
They could choose any image they want to represent the prog
They chose this one. ….bit negative isn’t it ?
14:00 Radio4 Drama : Ben Tagoe’s warm-hearted drama set in the high octane world of competitive Scrabble set in Nigeria.
Yes did a bit of a trawl through BBC radio output 4 and 4x but not a lot to appeal to Anglo chaps apart from dads army again. Wimins hour seems to take up most of the day but glad to report no documentary about fgm ( or is it gmf) or Dom violent but looking for the documentary tonight on the Islamic Mr Bean mentioned by other good posters here….
The decline of R4 was the canary in the coal mine for me. That once wonderful radio station’s slide into cultural Marxism and from that to complete irrelevance was the sign that the BBC was doomed.
I’m now almost entirely BBC-free. But I won’t pretend it hasn’t left a gap.
I see food wastage has been selected for #bbcOperationBangingOn
I bet there is some NGO PR dept behind the campaign
The BBC’s campaign existed in June last year

her’s a screen shot of the BBC business page
Fair enough we live in a diverse society but are white/ non trans invisible ?
There’s great joy over at Labour Party Communications and PR HQ this am:
Sophie Cook may become UK’s first trans MP!
10 articles* and 4 radio progs on the food waste topic

Is what I see when I search BBC for the last month alone.
Seems like a campaign to me.
But the problem is the BBC isn’t democratically accountable
* Setting the search to 1 year reveals 35 articles, with maybe just a couple of duplicates in there.
Has anyone asked what happens to all the food which is chucked away on their Baking and Chefy programmes? An awful lot of it seems to go into the bin. Not to mention all that wasted electricity and gas used with the multitude of ovens, stoves and cookers all going at the same time.
I expect the best bits are dug out, brushed off, and give to the homeless…
I’d heard that the BBC donates the leftovers to SJWs to distribute to the Bangladeshis in the East End – not sure how that works with congealed ‘high end’ dishes that Torrode and Wallace have had their forks in.
‘I expect the best bits are dug out, brushed off, and give to the homeless…’
Probably more likely to be saved for Diane Abbott, she’s like a semi-permanent fixture in the BBC studios anyway.
Diane Abbot’s food is air-dropped from the back of a Hercules
Old Goat
It is put into huge sacks and is delivered to the studio audience for QT where it is devoured Satyricon style
The BBC Metro-elite of whatever skin colour take the wastefood home and distribute it among their own FOREIGN domestic servants.
I think Friends of The Erf should be put in charge of BBC catering.
yup…. that would be fun
I’m not sure which NGO people are driving the campaign but a look at TearFunds twitterfeed shows it’s heavily eco-campaigning
type foodwaste bbc
into Twitter search to see a mass of stories
Old Goat…. I love that word, ‘Chefy’ ! but its spot on.
I just thought you might like to enjoy this.
Whenever there is trouble it is ALWAYS the left that start it with their sjw, antifa, hate not soap and other various groups of thugs going about attacking any peaceful march by the likes of pegida or anything slightly right of their fanatical communism fantasy views.
Here’s how the right do it, classy and with a great sense of humour.
I’m so glad I’m on the right side and not one of those miserable moaning lefty BBC loving children.
The islamic indoctrination of UK school children – the Church of England’s views –
Sorry all, the link is:
BBC NE news lunchtime.
Yet another long drawling piece on how wonderful Islam is.
Hartlepool mosque open day.
They go to all the trouble to get a crew down to Hartlepool, then film a report, showing about three people plus a Jeremy Corbyn lookalike telling us how good Islam and diversity is. The local iman (I think) saying how the religion is wrongly associated with terrorism and the usual bullshit how all religions live together harmoniously.
Makes you puke.
It’s called right wing because it’s Right
It’s called left wing because it’s been Left behind in the dark ages.;)
The bBC has no problem promoting the policies of the current Government as the reason why everybody is angry, you only have to look at how the bBC has had a field day in attacking the tories and promoting Socialist Labour. (There’s a reason why I stated socialist)
Across in Latin America, Venezuela, the country with the worlds largest oil reserves has subscribed to the policies that Labour and the bBC want to see ushered in:
Hand over hods of cash to other countries
Import loads of third world migrants.
Blame the US for everything
Defend Islamic terrorism
Get into bed with Russia
Nationalise everything
Shackle the media(other than the state one)
Hand out jobs to lackies
Handing over money, homes to the poor has only made them poorer
Attack Israel
Get into bed with Iran
and what has happened to Venezuela?
Economic and social collapse. Yet this so called bBC video explanation on why people are protesting doesn’t mention the socialist policies as the reason why people in Venezuela are angry. In fact the bBC has afforded more coverage to women wearing the hijab in the racist UK than it has the collapse of such an Oil rich country.
Here is what the bBC isn’t telling you about Venezuela, its as if they are scared to do so before a British General election, in case people are scared off from voting socialist Labour. A Labour party I should add which has stated it is going to implement all of the above if if gets in.
The bBC, where its own impartiality rules allows it to promote the labour party and attack the Tories.
Pounce – “Economic and social collapse” in Venezuela. Collapse is too mild: MELTDOWN.
Yesterday I posted an official Radio4 Facebook item which some said they can’t see :
Friday’s Book of The week
“When James Corden patted Donald Trump’s bottom
Nicholas Hytner, who directed the smash hit play One Man Two Guvnors, tells how when the play opened on Broadway James Corden had a close encounter with the future President during some audience participation.”
MayDay Quiz
WS Radio BBC Trending just did a positive prog about which item of clothing ?
It took 15 mins for a negative angle to be mentioned
“I love it, but I do have a problem with BIG CORPORATIONS normalising the wearing, cos in Iran and Afghanistan it is used as a tool to repress women”
BbcTrending are on a different planet
I bet if you asked 100 people at random, not a single one would have an idea what the BBC is going on about. I only know because I read about it on Guido Fawkes.
If you ever wanted proof that the BBC is a W1A, left wing echo chamber, this is it.
Please pardon my ignorance, but WTF is Ed Balls day?
Apparently, Ed Balls sent a tweet which simply consisted of the words “Ed Balls”.
Yes, it really is that lame.
Dear God !! Thanks for enlightening me Rob, but it really redefines the word “pathetic”, doesn’t it?
Rob in Cheshire
I dont know about the BBC being a W1A leftwing echo chamber but in my 60 years on this planet it is clear to this Engineer that the BBC to use an Engineering term is “Unfit For Purpose” and has been for decades
Good God ! how old is that photograph ?? looks the sort that’s posted on dating websites by hopeful chaps who are well past their sell by date in real life!
Good point, let’s hope the Curse of Strictly doesn’t strike the Balls household!
Even a BBC comedy show whitewashes history and shows total disregard for feelings of those who were effected by that history. I happened to hear Mark Steel “comedy” show on radio 4 at 11.30am. He was performing in St Annes, Alderney. His comedy programme included some detailed “humorous” descriptions of the impact of the Nazi invasion of the tiny Channel Island during WW2. His comments were totally insensitive and inappropriate in the light of the true facts about Alderney during the war. The island was used to house two Nazi concentration camps (Lager Norderney and Lager Syit) in which hundreds of slave labourers including Russians, Poles and Jews were murdered through being shot or ill-treated, or died from malnutrition and “work accidents”. Many thousands of inmates were then shipped by the Nazis to mainland Europe in 1944 where we can assume they met their final demise.
I have just taken a look at the Election Latest on the BBC web site. It is as though the Tories were in hibernation. Its Labour , SNP non stop with a bit of light relief from the Lib Dems. Of course there are loads of attacks on the Tories being from the other parties but almost zero in the way of Tory announcements or neutral reporting. We are also treated to our daily dose of pro EU , anti Brexit nonsense.
We know that the BBC is working flat out to keep the Tory majority to 50 or less so enabling the lack of legitimacy claims for Brexit to continue. Once the majority gets to a hundred even the most one eyed Remoaner, which is probably most of them, must realise that the game is up.
Surely after this astonishingly blatant 24/7 ,year long , anti Brexit bias from the state funded broadcaster , even the most timid Tory must be driven to do something about the out of control BBC. The corporation believes itself to be above the law and to be in the right when opposing the will of the people. It will never stop attacking Brexit and never stop attacking the Tories but it never attacks its liberal left chums. Corbyn’s only fault in the eyes of the BBC, is that he has made Labour unelectable and thus allowed Brexit to go ahead. All his other faults are nothing in comparison.
I feel sure that after 52 % of the public have been continually insulted by the abBC for the best part of a year , support for the overmighty corporation amongst ordinary License Fee payers will be at an all time low. Now is your time to strike Tories, just stick the knife in and twist it . Whoever kills the BBC will have my life long gratitude and I suspect that of several million ordinary folks.
It baffles me why the BBC give the SNP so much coverage, as only about 10% of the population of the UK are even entitled to vote for them, and far fewer actually do.
Not just that Lobster, they only field candidates in one nation of the United Kingdom; any coverage of them in the media should be proportional to that.
Doublethinker I made the ultimate attack on the BBC nearly five years ago and cancelled my BBC viewing tax and am now £729 better off. Being as the BBC now no longer serves the interests of the UK or the population of the UK unless you are a leftard, a luvvie, a muslim or a guardianista. Then cancelling your BBC viewing tax is the only sane decission to take when it comes to dealing with the BBC. And remember if you do get a visit from a BBC/TVL/Capita goon remember they have NO power of entry and search unless they have one of the less than 150 search warrents issued and plod with them. So remember when dealing with BBC/TVL/Capita goons just identify and ignore ie Identify and if its a BBC/TVL/Capita goon ignore and close the door then go back to whatever it was that you were doing before the BBC/TVL/Capita goon interrupted you now with a warm feeling that you have denied the BBC of £147 yet another nail in the coffin of the irrelevant, obsolete and dying BBC.
JosF, I stopped paying the licence fee two years ago. I agree, this is the ONLY way that ordinary people have to effectively protest against BBC bias. No political party or organisation will dare take on Auntie, as they will be dismissed as right wing cranks, anti-‘culture’ etc.
JosF, Cranmer – regarding no longer paying the licence.
There really isn’t any other way you can register a protest against them otherwise, and I’d recommend any posters or recent visitors here to do the same if they can.
Complain to them and they trot out the template that ‘we got it about right’. Badger your Tory MP – and he/she’s just as likely to be a statist socialist in disguise.
So, go for Netflix, Amazon, Kodi or just watch You Tube videos- whatever alternatives you like. But don’t hand over that £145.
The problem for this site is – some poor sods need to actually watch their output to monitor the bias, but for me personally I haven’t needed any more convincing for years.
The BBC is the antithesis of what a quality news/media broadcaster should be. Anyone who values impartiality in their documentaries, or decent writing & plausible plots in their dramas can see through what the BBC churns out – feeble agitprop by 6th form Sociology students.
All overseen by an older set of establishment traitors who, unless you’re some kind of minority – absolutely loathe you.
Have just received this email about the BBC:
A group of seventy two MPs have accused the BBC of being pessimistic and skewed in its coverage of Brexit, saying that it is unfairly representing leave voters by focusing on those who regret their decision, despite polling evidence showing that far more Remain voters regret voting for the EU, due to “Project Fear”. They also complain about the BBC’s inability to accept that Project Fear had been proven wrong, and the BBC’s failure to accept new facts was distorting its reporting. Good economic news was played down and any doubts were magnified. Research found there were three times more anti-Brexit speakers than pro-Brexit speakers in prestigious slots, which is evidence that the BBC had broke its charter requirement to be impartial. Labour MP Kate Hoey said: “This report is further evidence that the BBC has not accepted the verdict of the British people to leave the EU. Their continuous negative coverage and their downgrading of positive stories with the phrase ‘despite Brexit’ must stop. It is clear that many of the BBC journalists have not been able to hide their personal bias in favour of staying in the EU. The public has the right to expect genuine impartiality and fair reporting.” Peter Bone, the Conservative MP for Wellingborough says “There is a real problem with the BBC“
BBC Reporters interview each other, their ignorance of EU governance compared to Commonwealth self government, and the single market compared to the free market, and the greater standard of living in the White Commonwealth and other territories similar to Britain, but not in the EU, is shown by the childish emotions of doom and despondency. Ignorant and decrepit old Europhile has-beens are wheeled out to spout their usual anti-democratic and elitist bullshit, such as a Member of the House of Lords describing democracy as a populist “tyranny of the majority“. The few pro-Brexit speakers are subjected to aggression and contempt, and as usual, those MP’s identified by Mensa as having unusually high IQ’s, Graham Stringer and Frank Field, who just happen to be committed Brexiteers, are absent from the BBC.
Question Time still has a majority of the panellists taking the Europhile position, despite the Brexit majority in the real world, while the audience is regularly packed with Remainer thugs, baying at the token Brexeteer who defies the BBC Question Time panel consensus.
Also, a comment spotted in May’s edition of the Mensa Magazine: “I believe we have a biased media that hires and promotes people with liberal mindsets and they in turn present anyone with differing views in a negative light while positively praising those with a likeminded agenda“.
Graham Stringer is absent from the BBC for the same reason that the BBC rid itself of other scientists, such as Prof David Bellamy, science writers such as Nigel Calder, science presenters like Johnny Ball. They all disagreed with the arts and humanities environmentalists at the BBC about Global warming, sorry Climate Change.
In the late 1990s the BBC did push Prof Lovelock on to our sets, morning, noon and night until he changed his mind about man made global warming and campaigned against environmentalists and wind farm.
(Just to be factual, Lovelock believes the theory of man made global warming should be “reevaluated” because of the cooling at the end of the the 20th century.)
Also the BBC has pretended for years that the only MPs who supported Brexit were “Tory Scum little Engladers” who were tearing the lying Tory party apart. Oddly, the majority of Tory MPs actually voted for Remain and nearly all the left wing Labour MPs voted Brexit. And sorry BBC, which party is tearing itself apart over Europe?
We won’t see the intelligent and knowledgeable Graham Stringer on the BBC.
(1) Graham Stringer was last seen on either a science committee meeting on BBC Parliament or celebrity University Challenge.
(2) David Bellamy was last seen in Australia talking to David Archibald.
(3) Nigel Calder has just died after editing a Mensa article about Professor Lockwood, who was involved with the production of the bogus rebuttal of the Svensmark theory using low energy cosmic rays, rebutting a theory based upon high energy cosmic rays, which seems to have been successful in fooling all known journalists with the exception of Nigel Calder.
(4) Johnny Ball was last seen in this months Mensa magazine, in an advert for Mensa members to go to one of his debates.
(5) Prof Lovelock was last seen talking to Jeremy Paxman.
(6) And ten Labour MP’s had the intelligence to vote for Brexit.
Indeed, and just to add to that, as I need to get it out of my system …
Back in the 1990s Nigel Calder was in the dreadful position of having expertise on climate, or weather as it was then known. He made a series of award winning docs for Horizon, when Horizon used to be about science. His programs centred on explaining the weather. So, the poor fellow had to explain to the arts and humanities left wing environmentalists, who populate the BBC, how the world was cooling and has been for the last 10,000 years. I guess that didn’t go down too well.
Still look at Horizon today, invariably fronted by a left-wing comedian or ‘star name’, seeking emotional links to items.
I`m a bit confused. How come that it was required to vote in the First Woman President of the USA a few months ago-because she was a woman, and er-that`s it really!
But it is NOT required now to vote in the first-ever Woman President of France in the form of Marine Le Pen?
Both female, both breaking that old glass ceiling. Yet Womans Hour will NOT be trumpeting the victory for feminism and women. nor (in any shape or form)encourage any oif that voting sort of thing to get Marine into the Presidential Palace.
Women eh?…complicated creatures are they not?
Hope Marine gets in.
It also wasn’t a requirement to vote for the UK’s first woman Prime Minister. Or the second, come to think of it.
Funny, that …..
You’re forgetting that unless she’s left wing a female politician doesn’t count as a woman. Even though any common or garden transexual does. Confusing eh?
Crist, I once read a leftie journalist (I forget who, but it may have been La Toynbee) explain that Thatcher didn’t count as a woman PM, because ‘she had to act like a man to get there.’ How can you counter logic like that!?
With a pickaxe handle?
Noted that the Head teachers hope to get a half day or more out of school teaching, due to Tory Cuts. In short, a four day week or half day off by way of duvet days.
Thought they were busy fining parents who chose to take their kids on holiday, as opposed to drinking Obamas stale piss and inhaling Al Gores laughing gas, where science used to be.
Let`s hope parents will sue the heads and their useless unions for-well, whatever it is that they accuse decent parents of in not sending them in to swaap condoms or blag their Ritalin as per.
Hypotwats-is that a word yet?
Apart from the cost of running the lighting, what savings would be made by closing for half a day? Presumably the teachers wouldn’t be paid any less.
Hi Chris
The 4.5 day week is now to be introduced here in North East Scotland starting in August. 30 periods has been changed to 38 shorter periods but with Friday afternoon off.
Mexico is a large country, ravaged by crime, drugs and violence but home to some brave and decent people. Yet compared to it’s US obsession the BBC largely ignores Mexico because it does not fit the narrative. News like this is routinely ignored.
During last week 35 people were killed in drug gang clashes that broke out all over Mexico
The BBC likes to ignore the fact that there is a huge problem in Mexico, hence the massive illegal immigration to the US with associated criminality and the call for a ‘wall’.
The world’s biggest news channel prefers to indulge it’s prejudices by sneering at Trump from air-conditioned all expenses paid hotels in the US, rather than risk the water and more in Mexico.
According to Wikipedia, with 5,775 deaths since January 1st, it’s currently the second biggest war on Earth.
But with Trumps Wall, its not surprising that the BBC wants to censor its existence.
They’re non too keen to go to Venezuela either… Stephen Sackur had to hide in the UK Embassy recently. No mention of the straightforward larceny of the socialist hero Chavez (PBOH) and his family and acolytes.
I wonder at the headline “Venezuela protests: Maduro hikes minimum wage by 60%” as in 60% of near zero (and decreasing) is not much…
Plenty of coverage of climate marches and “science” marches stateside though…
Beeboids like to go to the USA. They speak English there, and by and large it is safe, and they can mix with the left wing elite and deplore Donald Trump, Republicans, and white trailer trash. If they reported from Mexico, they would have to learn Spanish, and might find themselves in danger from the powerful drugs cartels. It is easier to sit in Washington and mock the white trash who are losing their jobs and falling victim to mass immigration.
Build a wall indeed, the very thought!
Al Beeb are leading bulletins with news of Theresa’s tough conversation with Junkker which was reported in a newspaper. According to the newspaper, he ended the dinner ‘ten times more confused.’ How could they possibly know that? You cannot quantify the metaphysical state of confusion.
Reporting stuff made up by someone else makes fakery seem real. “It was reported in the newspaper that . . .” How do they know the newspaper is not just making it up? Journalists should report on the facts they have researched themselves, not just repeat someone else’s ideas which just happen to fit their agenda. Apparently it is a ‘leaked report’ i.e. total bollocks.
The news also shows Macron at the site where someone murdered by a far right activist is remembered. 20 years ago. How many murdered just last year in France by certain ideologues? Shameless, shameless stuff from Al Beeb.
Junker was probably too drunk to understand anything that was said . He went into the meeting drunk ( confused) and came out extremely drunk ( very confused) . No more need be said about this apology for a politician.
The standard of ‘journalism’ is atrocious.
“Someone said he was upset.”
Then wheel out Farron for the umpteenth time to spout his message.
The BBC news studios look so impressive. They must all just be playing World of Warcraft and looking at lists on Buzz Feed.
Apparently Junker didn’t like the menu at number 10- briscit with purée of Brussels . The EU apparently is after 60 000 000 000 euros as an exit fee from the EU. I wonder which article contains that requirement ? [ the answer is none]
On another point – I remember two key comments made by Brexiteers such as mr. Farage said – first that freedom from the EU was more important than a drop – however temporary – in GDP .
And secondly – the £350 million a week was not for the NHS – it is the taxpayers money that is given to the EU so that the EU can spend it – sometimes on projects in U.K. But often elsewhere.
It’s remainers such as al Beeb which has re interpreted that message in order to undermine Brexit.
The best thing about Junker is that he is so absurd he undoes all the hours of pro-EU propaganda that the BBC pumps out. No one but the barking mad can treat a pantomime figure like Junker with any seriousness.
Here is the Ch 4 ‘news’… reportedly. Complete with a denial they set up. Allegedly.
Juncker reportedly tells May he is ’10 times more sceptical’ on Brexit
On tonight’s Channel 4 News – Number 10 denies reports in a German newspaper of an allegedly disastrous meeting on Brexit between Theresa May and European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker. According to a leaked account – Mr Juncker emerged saying he was 10 times more sceptical than he was before. Downing Street insist it was all very constructive. Michael Crick is out on the campaign trail with Mrs May – and at a left wing May Day rally in Lancashire.
And we’ll have more on what leaks about the Juncker meeting reveal.
Good to know ex BBC weasel Crick is at a left wing rally again.
Bet ex BBC Anger and Protests Editor Paul Mason torn between that and the kick off in gay Paree..
From what I hear, Juncker was as pissed as a newt when he met the Pope. Why should we think he was sober when he met Theresa May?
Just got a phishing email supposedly coming from Inoreader.com .
It asked me to sign in but was a generic email cos it was addressed to someone else.
Inoreader is a tool which tracks changes to the discussions/forums so you don’t have to read it all from the top.
The BBC doesn’t think they need to hide their agenda when covering the French Presidential
Election. You would think that they would want to use some subtlety in their hatred of Marine Le Pen. No they continually refer her as the FAR right candidate . Then we are taken to Paris where one of the BBC’S positive discrimination women reporters Lucy Williamson tells
us that there is a memorial to some Moroccan murdered by somebody from the FAR right.
Never mind the score upon score of indigenous French citizens murdered by Islamic terrorists.
To be honest unless you are to the left of being a Liberal fascist you cant watch the BBC news without wanting to smash the screen!
That really was shameless. One person murdered twenty years ago! Yeah the Far Right really is the clear and present danger.
But Ebba Åkerlund meant nothing to the FAR left BBC.
Mardan Uni Pakistan
staff urged students mob who lynch blasphemer.
And if anyone thinks France is not heading for real trouble then they are insane. The attitude of the para military police and the regular army is unknown.
Here’s a little thought which Le Pen seems to have missed.
In two years time the UK will leave the EU along with the £13 Billion (plus any more his apparatchiks think we can afford, remember the extra £1.7 Billion Cameron said he wouldn’t pay & then handed over?) we have been paying them. Do you seriously think that perma pissed Junker is planning to trim the EU budget by £13 Billion?
At the moment he appears to be preparing himself and his officials for the fallout when the other contributor nations find out that they are going to be making up that shortfall!
Seeing as the three biggest contributors were Germany France & Britain. Others such as Holland & Belgium are also contributors and the bill will also fall on them too.
If the UK exits without paying the EU anything, or does not commit to annual payments, then all of this funding will need to be found elsewhere.
Maybe £4 Bn from Germany, £3 Bn from France, and £2 Bn from each of the others. These countries are struggling already, with Germany suffering under Merkels madness, plus Greece, France with its Euro membership crippling competitiveness, Holland already upset at EU membership.
Will this spell the end for the EU and is the £50 Bn demanded by the EU as a leaving bill merely a way of providing a 4 year breathing space for the remaining contributors to get used to the idea, and Junkers retirement.
Thoughtful, I suppose the difficult thing for joe public (us) to understand is what the effect of a hard Brexit will be. I know that wto rules kick in on trade but other elements of the relationship with them [the eu] hasn’t really been spelled out by the likes of al Beeb. I suspect it might be against the interest of remainers to talk about even the whiff of an optimistic outcome from a British point of view ; as well as the potentially painful effect of countries with substantial numbers making a living in Blighty who might need to apply to stay here [ with the reciprocal effect on brits abroad]. Shame the msm hasn’t really tried to deal with this.
International trade has been part of life for millenia. Willing seller and a willing buyer . A good product and price . Everything else is secondary. The problem is most people in the media and positions of influence have no real knowledge of how the world works and anyway they are a fear ridden bunch of pussies.
Dave S, could’nt agree more. The BBC would be the last ones to admit to this fact, even though they would have ample opportunity in their various history or ‘social science’ programmes i.e. in free market capitalism, politics rides on the back of trade, unlike communism where trade rides on the back of politics.
The BBC returns to its comfort zone, with added hocus pocus…
Given what we’ve seen over the past 100 days, anything is possible with President Donald J. Trump.
So Anthony Zurcher uses a Magic 8-Ball to make the predictions.
Anything is possible.
More prima facie evidence Western leaders are being controlled by Saudi money.
“internal emails reveal that Belgium instructed its diplomats to vote Saudi Arabia onto the U.N. women’s rights commission — and to make sure the fundamentalist regime knew of Belgium’s support.”
Why would high level government ministers need to make Saudi aware that they had their support?
Well, there was a bit of unpleasantness in Brussels last year wasn’t there? Shame if it were to happen again. Easier just to pay the protection racket isn’t it?
More bias on the BBC Website
“How will the mayor fight funding cuts to the police and NHS in the north of England?”
Might have been better phrased how will the mayor deal with the reduced funding available for……
However the bulk of the cuts have already been dealt with and no further work on that scale will be required so why even bring it up ?
“Will the mayor stand up and resist austerity measures being implemented by the government, which increase poverty and homelessness?”
No he will not because there aren’t any austerity measures and they won’t affect so called poverty and honmelessness (notice the image the BBC has bought from a stock library of a homeless young woman of whom there are vanishingly few.
‘Sources in Brussels’ have told the BBC Brexit will go awry. What ‘sources’? I cannot get a job reference without naming the referee as it could easily be a biased friend, or I could just be making it up. It is true what Trump says – they ought to name the source, otherwise they can lie with impunity.
Isn’t it odd how this mystery source just happens to support Al Beeb’s narrative?
The ‘fake news’ narrative submitted that sensationalist click bait on the internet tilted the election for Trump. But fanciful tales from a dodgy website are easy to dismiss. The Beeb’s style of fakery is much darker as it comes from an ostensibly reputable source and they have decades of experience in making their lies convincing. No doubt several articulate and reputable people will be wheeled out to discuss the revelations of the ‘source’ to lend it credibility; they will grill and MP about the ‘revelations’, thus giving them the perfect point d’appui to steer their questions in their desired direction.
Macron PLUMMETS in the polls as Marine Le Pen enjoys boost a WEEK AWAY from election vote
A rather tabloidesque headline admittedly but read it while it’s there as you won’t see it on the bbc. The poll is by Harris so there is more than an element of reliability.
I just wonder if the French really have the stomach for a modern day revolution. Personally I doubt it, if one had to summarise the French, the word capitulation wouldn’t be too far away from the page.
Jeff made a good point in his excellent post about ITV’s drama ‘Grantchester’. I too have been dismayed to notice the spread of the BBC’s political correctness virus to commercial channels. ITV’s ‘Mr Selfridge’ was an initially enjoyable light drama about the staff and founder of the Selfridge store from 1908 to 1928. (I thought it far better than its BBC rival ‘The Paradise’.) Well, until the fourth and final series in 2016, that is. We then had two storylines (with no basis in reality that I know of) about noble non-white characters suffering appalling racism from white bosses and staff. Such undeserved guilt-tripping and finger-wagging lectures really do NOT pull the viewers in.
I’ve seen the commercial channels here in Australia move towards pushing fashionable leftist causes in their news and breakfast shows in the last couple of years.It’s puzzling that supposedly market-driven TV producers are heading this way. Logically, you’d think they’d see profit in pleasing tastes that the lefty publicly funded channels don’t cater to. You’d also think the companies who spend a fortune on advertising would complain that endlessly pushing Islam, anti-racism and gay marriage might lead to a mass switch-off.
Any explanations?
Helena, I think you might enjoy the remake of The Magnificent Seven currently being shown on Sky.
Did you know that the man in charge was a black man, that they had a Native American Indian, a Mexican and a Chinese man in the seven. The three whites were a womaniser, a drunk and a seemingly backward mountain man.
The town they were saving was a wimpy white town (apart from a feisty brave mixed race woman) and no longer some Latin American place.
Of course, the evil bad man was white.
It should have been called ‘The PC Seven’.
Hollywood tiptoes through its liberal culturally sensitive values until drama is drained from a movie.
“Selma” is a brilliant film exposing the ludicrous racism of US southern states in the 1960s. It is jaw dropping to recall these events only took place a few decades ago. However, the culprits were mainly southern Democrat states and the ’villain’ of the movie is George Wallace. At no time does the film even hint at the fact he is a democrat as that might upset the sensitive liberals who they would have wanted to have voted Hillary.
Recently the brilliant Homeland series lectured its viewers, Guardian/BBC style on how Muslims were only driven to murder people because of the US involvement abroad. Odd, Obama avoided foreign incursions the way I avoid the BBC news, yet Muslims still killed people all over the world.
EG – Yes the multiculti Magnificent 7 was dreadful really.
I only watched it because I like westerns and old Denzel is usually pretty good in most things, as is Ethan Hawke and Vince D’Onofrio. It really was a case of progressive-directing-by-numbers. This surprised me as I expected better from Antoine Fuqua, who did the excellent’Training Day’ years ago but now seems to have lost his way.
Sofas appear to be the exclusive domain of ‘customers of colour’ now.
At least the rag dolls that design and make them are still white! I guess a tinted rag doll might look a bit too golliwoggy?
Not that the ‘creatives’ would ever had read it but Little Black Sambo showed what happens when a (PC) tiger chases its tail around a tree!

That’s not the real LBS. Look here url=http://www.sterlingtimes.co.uk/sambo.htm for the authentic version. (Sorry, don’t know how to provide a link.)
I have a partial explanation, Ms Hand-Basket.
When they are in meetings with the bright young dahlings from advertising agencies being shown their latest works of genius, few businesspeople would dare object. They are under the same pressure as the rest of us – the ‘r’ could could be uttered!
There is another angle to it, as well. Most ‘marketing’ people tend to be young and graduated from our former polytechnics with stellar degrees in worthless subjects. More significantly, they will have had the statutory three years of brainwashing, so are only too willing to go along with this idiocy.
My own bank, here in the UK, has recently run a campaign not so subtly promoting interracial gay marriage. But who dares complain? To make it even worse, the bank (Lloyds) is more or less government owned, yet no one dares say a thing for fear of being accused of thought crime.
JimS…………. Sofas appear to be the exclusive domain of ‘customers of colour’ now..
Nobody would disagree on THAT one ! All adverts and fillers between programmes now contain mixed race families – how did that happen ! which means we are led to believe that the population of this country is 50/50 black and white, which is utter b….cks. You can imagine the scenario when advertising agencies are presenting their ideas to the board of the commissioning company, and not one of them dare stick their head above the parapet and question the demographic for fear of being called a bigot.
GCooper is also correct in saying that being faced with this, nobody dare challenge it for fear of being called racist, – the genie is out of the bottle and we’re stuffed.
As I’ve posted here before, the head of one of the advertising trade bodies in the UK is on record (via the BBC, of course!) saying that the pro-‘progressive’ propaganda ‘benefits’ of advertising are one of its major justifications.
As so often, this doesn’t happen by accident, advertising people do this very deliberately, trying to ‘nudge’ public acceptance of things that same public has previously frowned upon.
As Pepsi recently found out, it can backfire but by and large complaints are handled by air-headed SJWs anyway. Try complaining to Lloyds about its advertising – no one with sufficient braincells to scare a cabbage will ever get to see your objections.
I’m sure this is true. Ad agencies are full of young urban snowflakes, who wish to promote their right-on worldview, and their clients are clearly too gutless to stand up to them.
In a company like Lloyds Bank, I am sure there are dozens if not hundreds of marketing and advertising managers, and not one would have the guts to ask if most Lloyds customers really want to see a man proposing to another man in one of their adverts. The wishes of customers are second to virtue signalling. The purpose of these ads seems less about drumming up business for the client, and more about making the hip young urban professionals feel good about themselves.
After all, if they produced ads without gay couples, mixed race couples and muslim girls in headscarves boxing, they would be a laughing stock at the Groucho Club. Their coke dealers would probably refuse to do business with them. No Class A’s for bigots!
BBC favourite Diane Abbott (Shadow Home Secretary) did a car crash interview on the subject of police recruitment with Nick Ferrari on LBC Radio this morning. Listen to it, it is both jaw dropping and hilarious at the same time.
The Conservatives could simply run that unedited as their next PPB.
The BBC will need to deep six this day’s efforts and retrain their favourite daughter.
And here is BBC EU hero Nick batting for the Lib Dems with equal savvy:
Mind like a computer. It took Abbot Shadow of a Home Secretary no less than 8 seconds to re-calculate the cost of paying for the extra police.
Please Treezer don’t screw up the election campaign and allow this idiot into Government
Diane’s a genius. She has found a way to recruit 250,000 extra police for £8,000 a year. I think she was reading her KFC bill by mistake.
‘BBC favourite Diane Abbott (Shadow Home Secretary) did a car crash interview’
£8,000 a year coppers… Toe-curling stuff from our Diane
Cooper, Thornberry and Abbott, they really are the personification of finger nails scraped across the blackboard of life
Do we know who is standing against her in the GE?
Whoever it is has no chance. Her racist constituents will vote according to skin colour so that she can continue to call white people racists.
I know I wouldn’t fancy standing against her. Ugh!
No other comment apart from wow and what did the UK do to deserve such quality choices as Diane for Parliament?
I think this quote sums it up.
Dear Diane,
“If your brains were dynamite there wouldn’t be enough to blow your hat off.”
― Kurt Vonnegut, Timequake
No wonder our insurance premiums are going up, Abbott has perpetuated more car crashes than Vin Diesel. She’s been everywhere this morning, talking utter b*llocks.
Speaking of utter b*llocks, another pointless ‘consultation’ on ‘Increasing the Regional Impact of Channel 4 Corporation’.
Tory remainer Simon Kirby Brighton Kemptown MP has written to remainer Matt Hancock, Minister for Digital and Culture, advocating Brighton as the new location.
This will be much more convenient for gabbling C. Lucas to be interviewed by Snow et al.
e.g. https://www.channel4.com/news/interview-barry-gardiner-and-caroline-lucas
Pages 20-21 of the Consultation Doc give the Beeb’s shining relocation to Salford as a case study.
Here’s an EU issue the BBC seems keen NOT to report on.
Official EU eurostat figures taken from the European commission “2016 Annual Report on intra-EU Labour Mobility”
So, back in 2015 one third of EU migrants had moved to the UK, placing an unfair burden on the countries infrastructure, and when we complained about the scale of this movement the only thing we got back was “Nein” from EU leader Angela Merkel.
Eurostat data shows that low paid workers in the UK contribute less taxes than they would in every other EU country except the island of Malta which has a population of less than half a million and Ireland. In 2015 the UK had received 84% of all recent EU migration from Ireland, 63.3% of all Lithuanian migrants, 52.2% of all Polish migrants, 44.1% of Spanish migrants, 35.1% of Portuguese migrants, 24.6% of Bulgarian migrants and 14.4% of all Romanian migrants.
Now in 2017 the UK already has a larger share of trade in goods outside the EU than inside it.
Given that the UK is paying these migrant benefits (tax credits, child benefits, job seekers, etc etc), which they are sending out of the UK we should have some leverage over the EU in terms of their residency post Brexit. There are 1.7 million of them here in the UK, and if we sent even half of them back to Europe the burden would fall hard on the other remaining 27 countries.
This should be a strong negotiating point, but Fascists back home (including the BBC)determined to wreck the UKs negotiating position are screaming the usual meaningless bully words every time the subject is even briefly mentioned.
Great post. Thank you.
“Given that the UK is paying these migrant benefits (tax credits, child benefits, job seekers, etc etc), which they are sending out of the UK we should have some leverage over the EU in terms of their residency post Brexit. There are 1.7 million of them here in the UK, and if we sent even half of them back to Europe the burden would fall hard on the other remaining 27 countries.”
And of course a large proportion of UK citizens living in the EU-27 are retired and are spending their UK pensions and UK savings there instead of here. The flow of money is in the same direction.
Was that our very own low testosterone International Rescue muppet David Miliband sitting there hypocritically nodding in favour of free speech ?
Has banana man forgotten all the PC/Human Rights nonsense the Blair government put on our statute books ?
Is that arch libtard snowflake David Millipede on the left (as usual)? I see him sucking his lips into his mouth like he’s swallowed a wasp! Clearly he believes that Berkley is correct in silencing any speech he doesn’t like just as he did when he was a senior member of the Fascist Labour party.