1. EUTV says:

    Not seen anything on the BBC about this.

    Gina Miller has a campaign that’s based around a notion of helping candidates of any party defeat Brexit, because, it will remove long established rights from the 48% who voted to remain in the EU.

    Only one thing, she’s allowing the SNP to trouser these funds as well, despite their wish to deny the 55% who voted to remain in the UK even longer held rights as citizens of the UK


  2. DJ says:

    File this one under ‘True Confessions’: on the Today program they were discussing Apple’s offshore cash pile and why they refuse to bring it back to the US when a Beeboid claimed that if they did, they would have to ‘give 35% back to the government’.

    See? They’re not taxing us, we’re just giving them their own money back!


  3. Pounce says:

    The bBC and how it openly backs Labour prior to the GE.

    The shadow home secretary ‘Diane Abbot’ has a car crash of an interview on LBC regards funding those 10,000 police officers.

    How does the bBC report this:


    With such an embarrassing interview , which lets be honest would be given prime time exposer if abbot was a tory, is not barely touched upon, but the bBC turns it into a postive example of Labour policies by bringing out St Jeremy:
    “Under Labour’s plans, the 43 forces in England and Wales would get an additional 10,000 police officers over five years. Speaking in Southampton, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said a 20,000 decrease in officer numbers under the Conservatives since 2010 was “unacceptable.Under Labour’s plans, the 43 forces in England and Wales would get an additional 10,000 police officers over five years. Speaking in Southampton, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said a 20,000 decrease in officer numbers under the Conservatives since 2010 was “unacceptable

    and how does the bBC finish off with abbott:
    Ms Abbott told BBC Radio 4’s Today the cash injection would enable an extra police officer to be put on the beat in every electoral ward in the country. “What local police forces are crying out for is more manpower,” she added. “In the Metropolitan Police, although they have not cut police numbers, they have cut civilian staff and in practice that means there are fewer policemen available.”I think police forces are going to be very grateful for this extra manpower and it is going to be community policing.”

    She even f-cks up on radio 4

    Now the reason for all this talk about Police is due to the rise in crime in multicultural London where non-whites are killing non whites not due to less policing, but rather down to people like fabbot emasculating the police by screaming ‘Racist’ when the Police try to do their job.


    • Guest Who says:

      OK, fully caught up already. Tx.


    • Guest Who says:

      That HYS got 11 posts. Off to find out what may have led to this… reboot? Hidden away? massive modding purge? Thirty seconds before closing?

      Got a URL?


    • Moodswing6 says:

      Are labour not in favour of unlimited immigration? Where is the money coming from to pay for the 10,000 extra hospitals, care homes, nursing staff, school teachers, schools, trains, buses, roads, houses, benefits, court cases (deportation appeals, criminal appeals) security operations. On and on and on and on.
      When asked no one will give you an answer as to how many more people this island can take. Thanks to the labour left snowflake crowd of social justice nut cases the police are unable to carry out their job without being branded racist, thugs, pigs. The restrictions imposed on our politically correct society are in large part due to people like you. Yes I’m referring to you Ms Abort. Save the money on 10,000 extra police (funds that you don’t have) reduce immigration to manageable levels and allow the police we already have to do their job without the prospect of being investigated and charged themselves. That’s the labour way. Crim goes free. Sues for compensation while the police are banged up. Bit like exceptionally brave soldiers who end up in jail for doing their job and fighting in a war. God I need a drink. Thankfully there is half a bottle of Prosecco in the fridge and I’m about to finish it.


      • Thoughtful says:

        Alas most of the UK no longer has a Police force as we used to understand the term. Now in this Brave New progressive world we have Political Correctness Enforcement Squads ready to pounce on anyone who fails to use correct terminology, finding hate crime everywhere, and responding to every falsified squeak by their Muslim overlords.

        We really don’t need any more of this and until they return to what they once were, there will be no support from me for extra numbers !


      • Scroblene says:

        Excellent points Moods!

        As for the Prosecco, I’ve got a case here, and am about to try and stand up…


  4. StewGreen says:

    4:00pm Radio4 Linguist @GeorgeLakoff will explain: Cucks, Snowflakes, Virtue Signalling etc.
    ” the new political words coming out of the US right now, mainly from the alt-right, and the effectiveness of Trump’s use of language. George Lakoff is the former Distinguished Professor of Cognitive Science and Linguistics at the University of California at Berkeley.
    His thesis is that people’s lives are significantly influenced by the central metaphors they use, whatever their political beliefs, and that how information is framed is crucial in how it is received.”


    • DJ says:

      So, basically one liberal interviewing another liberal on a liberal radio station about the alt-Right.

      Stand by for a half hour on how that rotter Trump bamboozled the hicks.


    • StewGreen says:

      Yep @DJ He spouts usual LibMob bile on his Twitter feed.
      I bet you can spot coded language tricks in his own tweets.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Interesting. I wonder what attracted the BBC to the views of a professor from the most left wing university in the most left wing city in the most left wing state in the USA? They must have lost Joe the Plumber’s phone number.


    • GCooper says:

      Much as I hate to rain on the BBC’s parade (oh, OK, I don’t then…) the term ‘virtue signalling’ was not created in some Koch Brothers funded Colorado meme factory. It was actually coined by an ever-so-British writer for the ever-so-British Spectator.


      Still, Rosen is a very Far Left political activist whose parents fled from the USA because they were communists.

      Which is something else the BBC keeps to itself.


    • StewGreen says:

      Spot the projection in this WPost article.
      The first thing they do is use a new insult word ‘Alt-right’.
      And they go on to their argument that it’s non-libs who invent and utilize new insult words.

      Apparently, tried-and-true insults such as “fag,” “fairy,” “kike” and “hebe” (yes, I’m Jewish) are old-school, especially among the *alt-right*. That small, *far-right* movement that seeks a whites-only** state is developing new coded language, much as the Nazis once did, says noted linguist George Lakoff, a professor emeritus at the University of California at Berkeley.

      For instance, in February I wrote about Milo Yiannopoulos, the now-disgraced Breitbart News editor and *alt-right poster boy*.

      ** Note the false-equivalence fallacy there : Anyone who challenges LibMob dogma is put in the same box as a tiny fringe group namely white-supremecists
      The coded language of the alt-right is helping to power its rise


      • GCooper says:

        Hang on a minute. A writer for the WaPo has the audacity to accuse the the ‘alt.right’ of being ‘small’ – as in ‘of appealing to a tiny minority’?!

        It seems Obamacare must be funding irony-bypass surgery.


      • StewGreen says:

        I told you: spot the projection.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Stand Up to Virtue Signalling



    • StewGreen says:

      Oh his very first words were misframing language.
      He talked about a tiny minority by EXTREME Right Group like Breitbart.
      Asked to define Breitbart he didn’t simply say it’s an online newspaper he made up some conspiracy.


  5. Pounce says:

    Somebody want to explain this bBC headline about a missing person:
    Rapper goes missing on Dartmoor

    What the hell is a rapper in the gender stakes, is it a man,woman,child, a man who thinks he’s a woman, a woman who thinks she’s a man. a dog, a cat. What is it with the bbC and its inability to report the actual news.


  6. Guest Who says:

    OT, but just back from a stroll in the sun. Diane Abbott done anything smarter today?


  7. Pounce says:

    Got to give credit to the bBC on using a fantastic picture of Fabbot in their cover up of her train crash interview:


    • Guest Who says:

      I wonder if BBC ‘PR into news’ cut and paster Justin is now a bit worried about the lack of, well any semblance of journalism to today’s top BBC email summary story given, well, the reality:


      By Justin Parkinson

      Labour promises 10,000 more police on patrol

      There are 37 days to go until the general election and Labour’s promising to put an extra 10,000 police on the beat in England and Wales if it wins. In a speech in Southampton later, leader Jeremy Corbyn will say a decline of 20,000 officers since 2010 is “unacceptable”.

      Labour claims it can pay for more police by reversing Conservative plans to cut capital gains tax. But policing minister Brandon Lewis describes the plan as “nonsensical”, saying Mr Corbyn has “already spent the money for it three other ways” with other commitments.

      Brandon Lewis has a point, but it seems the Labour ShadHo has dug that hole all on her lonesome.


    • Banania says:

      I can’t look.


  8. Pounce says:

    The bbC gives up all pretext of political neutrality by openly promoting ..Labour:
    Equality in our country’


  9. Doublethinker says:

    I am often very critical of Ms Coburn on the Daily Politics but I must give her fulsome praise today. She did a Brillo on D Abbot, the Shadow Home Secretary, over her total ignorance of how much employing another 10,000 police officers would cost. It was Ms Abbotts second car crash interview of the day after an earlier disaster on LBC. The thought that this ignorant fool could be a government minister fills me with horror. Imagine her as Home Secretary, no don’t you will have night mares for weeks to come. Labour is a joke , well it always was but even the best efforts of the MSM can no longer cover this up.


    • scribblingscribe says:

      I can allow for someone screwing up once. Being interviewed in public, even from rehearsed notes, must be difficult. But to twice be left drowning in a sea of your own idiocy and ignorance is unforgivable. Is she so thick she couldn’t have brushed up on the facts after the first risible interview on LBC?

      Anyone know why Labour is trailing in the polls?


  10. thirdoption says:


    Ugly, fat, left-wing and stupid.

    Not fake news, not sexist, just true.


    • Pounce says:

      If ever there was a valid reason to force women to wear the burka in the UK. Fabbot is it.


    • pete ongyo says:

      Your description is very accurate. However, you do realise that if you had inadvertently slipped a ‘black’ descriptor in there, then you would be hunted down and imprisoned.


      • thirdoption says:

        If I describe her as looking like Serena Williams’s mother do you think I’d get away with it?


  11. G says:

    Our (and the Germans) “enrichment” by our islamic brethren –
    More like children running amok in the confectioners – can’t believe their luck – no longer any so-called, “Dictator” to keep the lid on their criminal behaviour back ‘home’ thanks to the Bush/Blair duo. But, curious use of the word, “spiked” by the author: the Germans ought to get used to this level and or increases as the muslims are still pouring in. More ‘spikes’ to come ? – I’ll bet!
    And Mad Merkel?
    In German Government speak, early in 2016, “…when masses of migrants were pouring into Europe, the German Green Party Chairwoman Katrin Göring-Eckardt could not control her joy. “We have just received an unexpected gift in the form of people,” she told her fellow Germans, reminding them to be grateful. This gift, she said, was going to make the country “more religious, more colourful, more diverse and younger.” –
    As serious crime is all good and welcome to the Germans perhaps the BBC should highlight where we in the UK are lacking and what’s being done to redress the situation. Maybe increased levels of State Benefits for those convicted of child rape and grooming?


  12. davylars says:

    Jeremy Whine show today discussing the May Juncker dinner.
    Reporting by Tim Young
    I listened to this and wrote down these words from the account taken from the German newspaper as it was being discussed.
    Speculates, Allegedly, Most likely, Supposedly, Apparently, Seems to, In the EU’s interest.
    There you go. A report from the BBC telling us all of the facts….


    • Guest Who says:

      Alvar Liddell:

      “And here, is the BBC Speculates, Allegedly, Most likely, Supposedly, Apparently, Seems to… News”


      • BRISSLES says:

        For the uninitiated, Alva Liddell was a BBC news reader in the 40’s onwards – it was reported he wore a dinner jacket and black tie when reading the news. Nowadays on the tele, we’re lucky to see them wearing a tie, lets hope they don’t ‘do’ dress down Fridays, as the sight of Evan Davis in his leather and chains will have me reaching for the gin !


  13. Guest Who says:

    Luckily, the BBC has Laura K on hand to ensure they offend both sides equally, well, sort of…


    • Guest Who says:

      Either they are standing on boxes or she has dug another hole.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Perhaps she might graduate to a bacon sarnie. Silly woman.

      Now say ‘Strong and stable’ with a gob full of chips.


  14. Pounce says:

    Credit to the bBC for ripping Diane Fabbot a new one:
    Diane Abbott says she ‘misspoke’ on Labour’s police policy


  15. StewGreen says:

    R4 today the normal disproportionate representationn of BME and SJWs
    10am : WH :
    “Shakira Martin, the new President of the National Union of Students: her rise to the top, the challenges and triumphs of her career, and why she’s proud to call herself a, “black single mother from a working class family.”

    2:15 play Tumanbay
    serves as a vehicle to employ all the R4 BME
    Castlist : Rufus Wright, Hiran Abeysekera, Aiysha Hart, Matthew Marsh, Sagar Arya, Christopher Fulford, Danny Ashok, Nabil Elouahabi, Tanya Ravljen, Flaminia Cinque, Zaqi Ismail, Anjli Mohindra , Jonas Khan, Nadir Khan, Xavier Moras Spencer, Tia-Lana Chinapyal

    4pm Lefty namecaller, saying non-lefties are evil right-ing,far-right, nazis… cos they frame debate with namecalling
    Peaches Golding OBE,first *black* female High Sheriff chooses the *African American* politician Shirley Chisholm

    11:30pm disabled musician hero Clarence Adoo, just happens to be black.


  16. seismicboy says:

    Brexit leads first Evening Standard under George Osborne
    Well, an anti-brexit headline from that twat is no surprise. In fact, if we get down to brass tacks, brexit was always going to be acrimonious for the following reasons.
    > We have never liked the French
    > We have never liked the Germans
    > The French have never liked us
    > The Germans have never liked us
    > We have spoiled both Germany’s attempts to rule Europe (except the current one)
    > The French and the Spanish haven’t had a great deal of success against the British navy over the years
    Is it any surprise they all want to stab us in the back?


  17. Beeb Brother says:

    That Diane Abbott interview has really made my day. The interviewer throws the most basic questions at her and she responds like he is asking about the laws of thermodynamics.

    Cost? Er… Cost? You have really thrown me with that curve ball of a question.

    Obviously that is one of the first things he is likely to ask her.

    There are few professions when you can get away with being so incompetent. I had an interview to teach French at a college once and I had to give a class on clothing; when I was asked what the French was for dress and I had forgotten, I knew I would not get the job. Yet no matter how spectacularly useless they are, they cling on. They have subsidised bars in Parliament! Who thinks it is ok to get drunk at work AND get your boss to pay for the booze? No wonder we are in such a mess.


  18. Peter Sausages says:

    Not even the BBC can defend the Cretin fatty Abbott,Priceless !


  19. taffman says:

    Good Brexit News – Not yet on Al Beeb tv ?……………
    “Activity in the UK’s manufacturing sector grew at its fastest pace for three years in April, according to a closely-watched survey.
    The Markit/CIPS UK manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) rose to 57.3 from 54.2 in March, well above economists’ expectations.”
    Please can someone inform Nick Clegg ?


  20. Moodswing6 says:

    I wasn’t sure about posting this but it’s bugging me so here goes. I’ve tried to get more detailed information by listening to a recording but the piece isn’t there, nor can I find the female presenters name. It sounds like Nomia Akbal. It’s as close as I can get. Trying to keep this short, it’s about a World Service story on Newsday early this morning regarding Hamas and their latest policy change towards Israel. Ok so I get that a lot of you are anti Jewish and anti Israel. Fine, as a Jew I can deal with it. What I can’t deal with is when Nomia, or who ever it was on air put to one of their ‘go to people’ she said something like ‘But don’t Hamas still want to destroy Israel?’ His response was something like ‘That’s not Important’. Stop right there. Regardless of your personal stuff towards Jews and Israel, wanting to wipe a country out is important. Not for this Nomia twit. What did she f…..g do on hearing this remark. NOTHING. Absolutely Zero. If she had any credibility as a legitimate journalist she should have questioned this remark and asked why he thought that wanting to destroy a country isn’t important. She shouldn’t be on air and she is an ideal goon working where she belongs for the CBB. This is a perfect example of the Continusouly Biased Broadcaster in harmony with its agendas. Her silence said it all. Celebrate Palestine and screw Israel.


    • Pounce says:

      Is this what you are looking for


    • seismicboy says:

      I cannot remember seeing any anti-Semitic views on this website. (there may be some trolls who abuse the site, but they are largely ignored) If there was any genuine anti-Semitism I would not be visiting here again.
      Maybe you are confusing us with bbb.com/news. There coverage of Israel/Palestine/Hammas could be seen anti-semitic. (avoiding libel)


      • G.W.F. says:

        ‘Ok so I get that a lot of you are anti Jewish and anti Israel. Fine, as a Jew I can deal with it’.

        I am sure you have the wrong site on this. One of our regular complaints of BBC Bias is its attitude to Jews and Israel. A regular criticism of the BBC you will find here is of the shelving of the Balen Report



        • Moodswing6 says:

          G. W. F. Thank you for the link. I was barging in on the defensive. I’m used to watching other you tube clips and reading some filthy comments about Jews and it hurts. There is good and bad in everyone but I was in my teens when I found out just how much hatred there is. Thus with me posting what I considered to be a fragile subject I was apprehensive. I could rave on but I’ll get myself into very hot water.


      • Lucy Pevensey says:

        – anti-Semitic views
        I haven’t seen that here either. I wouldn’t have continued to visit this place if it was an anti-Semitic or anti-Israeli gathering point.
        My whole family & many of my friends & acquaintances are firmly pro-Israel & what you might call ‘Jew friendly’. That isn’t to say that there won’t be an odd Jewish person who I disagree with. Jews seem to be as susceptible to liberal insanity as anyone other people group IMO. Some are illogically anti_Israel & pro Islam for example. But I’m happy for there to be a continued presence of British Jews & UK citizens. And I support the right of the only Jewish state in the world to exist (governing themselves) in safety on their own land. I’ve expressed those kind of views many times here & never had any sort of argument over them.


        • Heisenberg says:

          Yes, I’m also a strong supporter of Israel and of the Jewish people, and wouldn’t come to this site if it was in any way anti-Semitic.


          • Moodswing6 says:

            Moodswing says BRAVO! and thank you to everyone. The Prosecco is really kicking in.


        • Moodswing6 says:

          Lucy, I should have known better from the quality of responses and discussions on here but I’ve stated I was nervous and in all honesty I think for good reason. All too often any mention of Israel and Jews causes angst and venom, as it can do with the mention of Muslims and Islam. Jews can be extremely obnoxious and very difficult but also warm, kind, generous and what they do have is a fantastic sense of humour. The Jews send themselves up and laugh.
          Sadie takes Harry to the doctor. He’s been very ill and she is worried big time. After examining Harry he asks him if he can have a word with Sadie alone. ALONE, something I shouldn’t hear, something wrong. No, no not at all says the doctor. I just want to tell her what she can do at home to make you feel better. Sure, ok. Harry goes to the car while Sadie chats to the doctor.
          So vuts up with my Harry. Listen Sadie it’s quite serious. I haven’t told him but only you can save him. You mean with all this medical pills he can’t have a pill. No he needs you to bring back his libido, his sense of worth, his masculinity. So you want me to do what. Firstly, no nagging him and lots of bed rest. Oy Vey, ME NAG, don’t be mashugana. Breakfast in bed, plenty of chicken soup. Lots of attention and loving. And in loving I mean making love again. Spice things up for him because if you don’t you won’t have him around much longer.
          She leaves the doctor, goes to the car and they start the drive home in silence. Finally Harry says So, What did the the doctor say. …..He says your gonna die.


          • Teddy Bear says:

            Here’s one, more related to this site:
            A guy in London saw a pit bull attacking a toddler.
            He killed the pit bull and saved the child’s life.
            A BBC reporter approached the fellow.
            “Tell us! What’s your name? All London will love you! Tomorrow’s headline will be: “London Hero Saves Girl from Vicious Dog!”
            The guy says, “But I’m not from London.
            “Reporter: “That’s OK. Then the whole of Britain will love you and tomorrow’s headline will read: ‘British Hero Saves Girl from Vicious Dog!’”
            The guy says, “I’m not from Britain, either.”
            Reporter: “That’s OK also. All Europe will love you. Tomorrow’s headlines will shout: ‘European Hero Saves Girl from Vicious Dog!’”
            The guy says, “I’m not from Europe, either.
            “Reporter: “So, where ARE you from?
            The guy says, “I’m from Israel.
            “Reporter: “OK. Then tomorrow’s headlines will proclaim to the world:
            ‘Israeli Kills Girl’s Dog!’”


      • Moodswing6 says:

        Pounce, thanks for the link but it isn’t the one. It’s under Hamas Policy change yet the interview I heard doesn’t seem to be there. Instead it’s Alan Kasujja interviewing an American guy. Your link is Hamas Eases its Stance on Israel and yet there is also another title, New Hamas Policy Stance Aims To Soften Image. I’m thoroughly confused but not mistaken on what I heard. She was interviewing a guy from Al Monitor. I’m probably trying to make too much of this but it did stand out and it did annoy me. Thanks for trying and taking an interest.


        • Oaknash says:

          Moodswings I did hear the Hamas report on both the world service and on Today. I was going to post about it tonight but did not because I got over excited about the Fatbot interview.

          What struck me about the Hamas report was that on the World Service it was reported that Hamas want to be more fluffy but still did not “recognise Israels right to exist” But on Toady it was still reported that Hamas wanted to be more fluffy but this time just “refused to recognise Israel”

          Quite a difference I believe in what they are saying. But I suppose with lots more of Mo’ s mates in good ol blighty these days, I guess the BBC doesnt want to be seen as broadcasting anything negative that puts any of these doctors, teachers and engineers in anything but an altruistic light.

          So BBC does Hamas recognise Israels right to exist or not?

          No dont bother answering because I just dont believe you these days!


      • Doublethinker says:

        I too can’t remember any anti semitism on this site and as with the numerous other posters I would like to say that I am a strong supporter of Israel .


  21. Lucy Pevensey says:


    “ISIS and other jihadis are pretending to be injured Libyan troops in order to be treated, only then to move on across into the rest of Europe.”

    Surprise! Who could have seen THAT coming?


    • Kaiser says:

      lucy lol

      man those ISIS chaps must be fookin genius’s they’ve outwitted the entire EU


      • G.W.F. says:

        Kaiser, those Isis chaps are stupid but their thinking and plans for them is carried out by the European Governments, which is why Isis men – some posing as children – are being carefully looked after and brought into the EU countries


  22. JimS says:

    I can’t believe what I’m hearing at the moment on Word of Mouth. A totally one-sided dissertation by some lefty American.

    He tells us that ‘snowflake’ is an anti-gay term; that’s news to me but Rosen and Co. are lapping in up.


  23. KatieH says:

    From yesterdays white house press briefing. Go to 36 minutes onwards to see what mike Cernovich says to the journos. Something you will never see on the beeb and the smug faces on the journos tells you all you need to know


  24. seismicboy says:

    I don’t think I will need to wait until Friday to announce the winner of the BBC Dross of the Week award. This will never be beaten.
    Oxford University sorry for eye contact racism claim
    Just when you think you are PC, you’re not ! It’s tough on planet PC, soon the racism police will know what you are thinking – before you’ve even thought it.


    • G.W.F. says:

      So non violence is racist



      • Kaiser says:

        but what happens when use my quad-martial arts skills to punch her right in her ugly nose ring?

        what is the violence then?

        effective i would say, but no doubt she would be straight on the blower to the statist, racist, patriarchy to arrest me


      • Lobster says:

        Isn’t everything?


  25. Beeb Brother says:

    Of the top ten most read articles on BBC news:

    2. Johnny Depp is fed lines through earpiece.
    3. Peter Kay says no more Car Share
    7. Cheryl’s baby name inspires social jokers
    8. JK Rowling apologises for killing Snape.
    9. Fidget spinners sweep school playgrounds.

    What a world class news organisation. When did celebrity gossip become news? I guess they do not like reporting on actual news as most of the stuff which is happening does not fit their PC narrative; they do not want to offend anyone. Well, reporting on the name of a celebrity’s baby deeply offends me on so many levels.


  26. Guest Who says:

    In other news….


    Feeling their pain.


    “The BBC has been described as something between church and Post Office’

    Never heard that. Other apologies are available. Maybe she is looking mostly at the money?

    Still, there are always the ex’s too:


    ‘Adrian Van Klaveren, still billed as Head of Strategic Change and Portfolio Management, belatedly declared a July trip to Mongolia, which must make his portfolio enormous”

    Maybe he likes oily men?


  27. Sluff says:

    Quick bit of grade A bias.
    At the end of the bBBC 1 6pm news.
    Fiona ‘mournful tones’ Bruce reads out in terms that Theresa May says she is going to be a ‘Bloody Difficult Woman’ in negotiations with the EU. This was clearly meant to imply criticism.
    Except that she never said it. Earlier, when interviewed vy Laura Kuntsberg, May calmy mentioned that a colleague had simply DESCRIBED her as being a BDF. She never claimed it as her own description.

    But the bBBC editors decided to twist the facts to get a nice anti-Tory headline.Which also had the effect of getting the Dianne Flabbott car crash interview off the lead story.

    Biased BBC. Banged to rights.


    • Guest Who says:


  28. Dave666 says:

    WTF? The tossers at North west have now set their sights on wood burning stoves as the latest air poisoning death dealing devices, Apparently they can be as bad as a 1,000 petrol cars. Strangely they say they don’t contribute to global warming. But with their own twisted conspiracy how can burning wood not contribute. There is of course no suggestion they should be banned the “presenter” informs us.


    • ToobiWan says:

      I’ve had a wood burning stove in my present home, Dave for the last 15 years and they are supposed to be “carbon neutral”, using a fuel that has not had its carbon locked away for millennia. I feed it with a lot of wood that would only end up in landfill. It’s also good for destroying mail, documents and the like that could be used in identity theft, etc.
      I also live in the North West and over the last 15 years, I have found that I have had to use the stove later into the spring and also the need to start using it earlier in the autumn, because of the bloody cold, so much for global warming! They may not have any plans to ban them but I am surprised that they have not taken the opportunity to tax or permit them in some way.


  29. KatieH says:

    It was like the tag team of shite on the tv sofas and radio airwaves this morning with abbott and clegg. It didnt last long as pompous clegg got mauled by piers on itv and abbott was shown up for the lying thick idiot that she is on lbc by nick ferrari in a pileup of huge proportions. She then popped up on the beeb brekkie where she got an easier ride from the two sofa dwellers. she was amongst friends. But then she showed up on the daily politics later where she continued the pileup even with coburn trying to help her but gave up. Roll on this afternoon and the beeb and even sky are desperately trying damage limitations for the cretin by telling us about the policy she was trying to push. Too late guys the damage was done by her at 8 this morning. Reminded me of the NHS day last wednesday where the beeb gloriously told us about labour and their nhs plan only for jezza to come a big cropper at PMQ’s.

    Today will be disappeared down the plughole like it never happened. What crazy plan will be pushed tomorrow is anyones guess no doubt the beeb will duly oblige.


    • AsISeeIt says:

      ‘abbott was shown up for the lying thick idiot that she is on lbc’

      You have to admire Labour’s explantion that poor Diane had been in seven interviews this morning and except for this one isolated blip everything had gone swimmingly.

      Presumably she was ok on the BBC

      The thought occurs that Nick Ferrari of LBC must have been the first of the seven to ask a challenging question.


  30. AsISeeIt says:

    Talking of strangely deadpan references….

    Did you know Sadiq Khan’s dad was a bus driver?

    Not BBC but I feel compelled to share a general moan about the all pervasiveness of cultural marxism.

    From educational material produced by the London Transport Museum:

    “It was a city of extremes where the wealthy lived in the West End and used their own carriages, or they hired carriages or cabs, when they needed to travel. The poor meanwhile lived in overcrowded squalor close to where they worked, mostly in the centre. For them the notion of public transport did not exist.”

    We’ll keep the red flag flying here, eh Comrades!

    “The Busman’s Prayer’ had been circulating in the bus workforce in various versions for many years. The most popular version known today is Ian Dury’s rendition, performed with his band the Blockheads. Dury may have learned the poem from his father, a bus driver…”

    Now, to be fair they made a couple of good records but if the museum think they’re getting down with the kids by quoting Ian Drury I’m afraid they will get some blank looks from today’s teenagers.

    “London Transport used a strangely deadpan reference to the Wham! hit Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go to promote one day bus passes in 1986…”

    Getting more up to date but I think an actual reference to George Michael might have got more recognition and perhaps ticked an extra box.

    Click to access Omnibus_exclusive_book_preview.pdf


  31. Guest Who says:

    You will never guess what Katty is banging on about still…


  32. Restroom Mole says:

    Holby City tonight.

    Sly little dig at those who might consider immigration needs controlling. The head honcho of the hospital, a Swede, reports that a patient he met in the toilet was “obnoxious” because the patient told him “the country’s full up”.
    Head honcho also remarked that the ghastly patient must have confused him with an Anglo-Saxon.
    Of course no-one, not even those who are possibly Anglo-Saxon objected to these wise words from the superior Swede.
    The BBBC, always happy to slip in a little bit of gratuitous race slandering whenever they can.


    • AsISeeIt says:

      I find it implausible on the grounds that the ‘head honcho of the hospital’ is using the same toilet as the patients.


    • StewGreen says:

      there’s “inverted racism”
      the same way there’s “inverted snobbery”


  33. foxcote7822 says:

    The fella at 2.15 ” I’ve never felt in my adult life so depressed at the state of this country” What! Where’s he been living for the past 70 odd years under a stone! Ask anyone what it was like to live in the 50s 60s 70s and 80s and anyone apart from those the BBC seem to dig up will tell you this country is in a far better state than what it was back then.


  34. foxcote7822 says:

    The fella at 2.15 ” I’ve never felt in my adult life so depressed at the state of this country” What! Where’s he been living for the past 70 odd years under a stone! Ask anyone what it was like to live in the 50s 60s 70s and 80s and anyone apart from those the BBC seem to dig up will tell you this country is in a far better state than what it was back then.


    • Dave S says:

      This interview is typical and shows that Kuenesberg is wanting to be the star of her own story like the rest of our media elite. So it is useless and a mere ego trip for her. The BBC has gone so far down the road into mediocrity and banality that it is pointless to keep it in existence. Give us back our money and some of us can drink more,gamble more and generally live it up a little bit.
      The BBC presenting and editorial staff can find something more useful to do. Fruit picking , office cleaning and making coffee in the numberless coffee ships. Nothing to difficult to handle for them poor dears.


    • KatieH says:

      Its the beeb i wouldnt put it past them calling these to show up and mouth off for the camera. If some digging was done those two may turn out to be labour or lib dem activists. I remember the same thing happening when cameron was out and about in 2010 when bartley who is now the green co leader lol just happened to come across dave with a camera crew in tow and started mouthing off.


  35. Manxman says:

    I Will put this comment here.

    It has occurred to me that we are all going to get our dearest wish, and before August, the Tories will abolish the TV licence in late june early july.

    Brussels Broadcasting wont even see it coming, She has them, I really think about UKIP having put it out there, will be very popular policy, and she eliminates all the their negativity through the negotiations, with Al Beeb trying their damnedest to hand Europe every advantage they can against her/us.

    I’m telling you lads its a done deal, the announcement of ch4 being relocated oop north out the London sets clutches was planning, and the silent coup by financial strangulation, ch4 the only national broadcaster, infinitely easier to fumigate the far left influence out off, thats the new Tory channel, free from El beeb influence.

    The Guardian folding at the same time once the surreptitious funding from Al BeeB dries up, is a nice brucie.

    But the real sweet part is their worst nightmare, Rupert the koala taking control before he snuffs it, that would defo rears its head.

    Think about it, May can walk away liked for it, and have 3 years of her reign bbc and Guardian free.


  36. Manxman says:

    Trust me, I’m a window cleaner, ive seen things no man should have to witness, and they even had the cheek to scream, but anyway enough about credentials, bbc cannot be reformed its to far gone, it cannot be controlled by a liberal left quango with no intention of controlling it,.

    So keep it close, let it choose its own wording in policy etc, keep them sweet over the charter, knowing you are going to cut their head off a day or 2 after the election you denied you would call for weeks if not months, oh its game on alright.

    It explains why the Tories have been so weak with them, bbc think the Tories fear them, which they do individually, they wont see it coming, it will hit them like a tonne of bricks.


  37. Lucy Pevensey says:




  38. Pounce says:

    So I’m having a quick butchers at the news before I go to bed and I come across One in four’ Mid East men back equality from the bBC: Look bottom left
    Clicking the link brings you to this article:

    Now the story is about a survey (well worth a look) undertaken by the International Men and Gender Equality Survey. An advocacy project that has been carrying out extensive household surveys of attitudes to gender issues around the world and whilst the report doesn’t make for good reading if you believe in equality for all , the bBC goes well out of its way in which to turn the whole survey around. Starting with that headline, the bBC start their article as such:
    “At least a quarter of men in the Arab region support equality for women in some areas but most still believe a woman’s primary role is at home, a survey suggests.”
    Anybody else find this a strange way to report the facts. Why the Left-wing guardian reports this story with the following headline:
    Majority of men in Middle East survey believe a woman’s place is in the home
    Study carried out across Middle East and north Africa shows sexist attitudes prevail, with men’s views of equality at odds with hopes of young women.

    You’d think the bBC (The champion of equality) would have mirrored how the Guardian reported the facts. And then the bBC actually goes out of its way in which to offer an excuse to why women are treated like shit by Islamic males (Yes people these are Muslim men we are talking about)
    “But men in the region are said to face “tremendous stress” to be providers.”
    Excuse me?

    Its as if the bBC simply cannot tell the truth about the mindset that Islamic males have towards women. So they do what they do the best like the cephalopods they are (spineless) they ink the reader and then scuttle up the nearest dark hole in which to get a rise.
    (screen dumps from the report will follow below)


  39. Pounce says:

    And Palestine:

    Apologies for the length of this post, but I am bloody disgusted at how the bBC has turned this story around in which to make the abusers (Islamic men) the victims.


  40. Loobyloo says:

    Sorry if it’s been remarked upon already, but this article seems to me to be about assisting the downfall of a right wing news channel:

    What is going on at Fox News, and could it affect Sky bid?
    Amol Rajan
    Media editor

    It is quite a long article, with much opinion and unsubstantiated claims like:
    ‘There is now chatter that Sean Hannity, the senior anchor who tweeted last week that Fox News would be finished without Shine, could be the next to go.’
    Drip drip drip, the BBCs helping hand at destroying something conservative. I am thinking of emailing the link to Hannity.


    • KatieH says:

      Its written by amol rajan ex independent editor and now one of the beebs new stars who they are pushing relentlessly. Another lefty and i wouldnt trust a word out of his mouth. He has plenty of form.


  41. Foscari says:

    In my opinion the BBC operate with an inverted racism. Their news coverage is what I would call Liberal Fascism. But it is who they chose to present this is what annoys me. So we hear many ethnic news presenters speaking in southern oxbridge accents .
    The other day I heard on the World Service a West Indian ethnic lady news reader telling us about a dozen times what MISS May was doing on the election trail. I thought this was terrific. I think that it could of only been better if she spoke in Patois.
    Yes why don’t we hear more regional accents or in fact World English accents on the BBC ?
    Sky Sports have a wonderful Irish girl reporting the sports news in an Irish brogue I can’t
    understand a word she is saying. BUT this is true diversity.
    In the film North West Frontier with Kenneth Moore.Prince Kishan says to Gupta the train driver ” your English is hopeless.” How I would love all the sub Indian continent news readers and reporters on the BBC to talk their English like Gupta. This is what I would call real diversity. BBC get somebody like the Scouser Jamie Carragher to read the news. If
    a Scottish accent or dialect is considered OK why not a Brummie accent or a Geordie accent?
    BBC diversity is your name of the game. So no half measures.


  42. Beeb Brother says:

    On The World Service, they report on racist shootings by white officers somewhere in Africa; and an American football player being racially abused.

    Why report this stuff? I am sure there was plenty of racism recently coming from all corners, but why stir things up? Is it to make themselves feel virtuous? They should just not report on it. Certain vile crimes committed in Huddersfield and across the land have gone straight down the memory hole. Why not do the same when whites are the perpetrators?

    Ah, a nice bit of 5am race baiting. Good old Auntie.


  43. AsISeeIt says:

    So this morning the BBC reveals why their weekend news bulletines led with Madeleine McCann – it’s not news, it’s just a primer for this week’s Panorama

    BBC London News, never slow to jump on the lastest leftist fads, carries worries ‘from an expert’ about the ‘psychological torture’ suffered by CHILDREN having to WAIT for gender-related medical treatment. Happily – for the BBC – an NHS Trust is spending more on reducing waiting lists.

    Can’t help but notice that the BBC delivers the news that the EU want an exit fee of £100 billion – or is E100 billion – their accountants will get back to us on that, after a boozy lunch with Juncker. Do you notice how the BBC announces these attempted EU extortions without a blink. This morning we are told the demands will cause consternation in Downing Street.

    Well, I’ve news for you, BBC. The EU are causing flipping consternation in EVERY bloody street.

    I’ve a theory that the more the BBC nail themselves to the EU mast and tacitly support this nonsense the more the BBC will alienate their British Licence Payers.


    • Guest Who says:

      The bbc are surely priming Brendan Cox to be the next McCann anniversary sad face of TV?

      Fewer questions hanging over the back story.


  44. Oldspeaker says:

    And the real reason for an early election? I’m sure a few on here will have received the same email,
    “You recently signed the petition “Abolish the tv licence, it shouldn’t be a legal requirement”. The petition debate about TV licences (which was due to happen on Monday 8 May) has had to be cancelled because of the general election.”


  45. Guest Who says:

    Have to hand it to Laura, didn’t even change the headed notepaper to run this ‘story’:


    • Guest Who says:

      Just hoping the BBC wheel out Mx. Abbott to ‘explain’. Or maybe they will tell her just to sit there and be eye candy while they do Labour Spokesnumpties’ jobs for them.


  46. Al Shubtill says:

    Just heard the (Aussie / Kiwi?) business correspondent on Toady, make numerous attempts at getting an American hedge fund manager to say something / anything (pretty please) against Donald Trump – all to no avail; he was having none of it and didn’t criticise him in any way.
    It really was quite pathetic, even by the standards of al beebus.


    • Restroom Mole says:


      Yes that was a remarkable interview. It started with a reasonable examination of the performance of the hedge fund, then it was as if Aussie boy Dominic had turned over the page of his questions, and he went off on a fishing expedition looking for anti-Trump comments. Getting nowhere on that front, he turned to page 3 (of his questions, NOT the Sun), and started looking for dirt on Brexit.
      As is usual with hard-nosed businessmen, the hedge fund manager wasn’t interested in this posturing. His only concern was to improve his fund’s performance, and he batted away Dominic’s bouncers, googlies and reverse-swing with nonchalant ease.
      Back to the nets for our Dominic for some more bowling practice.


  47. Guest Who says:

    Boredom. That will be it. Totally.

    If the BBC’s lost the Metro they are in trouble.


    • KatieH says:

      Its all the political and diversity box ticking thats killed this show and numerous others on the beeb and sadly itv are heading down the same road to oblivion with this as well


  48. Restroom Mole says:

    Toady presenter Justin gets called scallywag by Labour shadow chancellor McDonnell for allegedly peddling “Tory lies”.
    Interview ends in a jocular fashion though, so it’s all just a bit of banter, eh lads?

    Labour on a mission to (attempt to) prove that the BBBC is biased, but against Labour. Just because Lady Diana can’t do her sums.