The BBC continues to propagandise on behalf of immigration and to denigrate those who want to control it as ignorant, racist little Englanders. In a remarkably patronising and arrogant, not to mention unpleasant, snide little piece on R4 Simon Barnes uses Sport to attack ‘nationalism’…we hear we must erase borders, erase nationality….the voice of nationalism is getting louder and it’s so unnecessary.
Barnes tells us that he was never happier than when we ‘got rid of the Brits’ in a competition so that he could concentrate of the beauty of the sport…..kind of sums up the BBC attitude….the trouble with Britain is that it is full of nasty, hideously white Brits…let’s get rid of them so we can celebrate diversity, cheap plumbers and baristos who work for a pittance so we can sup on ZHC subsidised cappuccinos as we, elegantly and effortlessly cosmopolitan, pose in our ‘continental’ pavement cafés.
“…let’s get rid of them so we can celebrate diversity, cheap plumbers and baristos who work for a pittance…”
Didn’t Britain abolish slavery in 1833? Why should we be ashamed of that historic period and not this?
Funny how the regressive left keeps guilt-tripping Britain and the USA for slavery, which both countries abolished well over a century ago, yet have no interest in the 30m+ slaves that exist today in sub-Saharan Africa, India, and the Middle East.
As usual, it has nothing to do with defending the victims – it’s just an excuse to attack white western European structures.
ALM, nor the encouraging of slavery via trafficking by throwing open the borders of the EU in late summer 2015?
In today’s “Nothing to do with Islam” news it was announced that the airport alert was Nothing to do with Islam and that the Muslim male arrested screaming Allahu Akbar was also Nothing to do with Islam. The airport will begin employing more Muslim security guards as a result because terrorism is Nothing to do with Islam. For an alternative view of reality read Phillip K Dick or “2030: Your Children’s Future in Islamic Britain” by David Vincent, Amazon and Kindle.
I think the BBC is just acting as it always does.
It is the official mouthpiece of the liberal, socialist, revolutionary left historically manned by callow students, bearded prigs with dirty nails, angry young yoofs looking for a cause to chuck a few bricks and political chancers keen to make a name and career for themselves.
My rudimentary understanding of “revolutionaries” suggests that basically they “know” they are right we and are wrong and democracy is just a technicality to be done away with as soon as the opportunity arises.
For decades the left (cheerled by the BBC) have tried to to persuade us to throw away the “shackles of capitalism” for something that resembles their libtard dreamworld. And funnily enough most people are not too keen to do it. Still preferring a society where hard work is rewarded above inactivity.
The BBC is full of people who are handsomely paid and have never really done a real days work. These people are full of theories about how society should function picked up at University and being so clever they cannot understand why we dont agree with them.
I think now that like all spiteful and spoilt children since they cannot change society by persuasion they have moved on to breaking it, by supporting the importation of large numbers of immigrants many of whom despise our ways and have no intention of integrating and most of whom have high birth rates.. This has also co-incided with the increased powers of super corporations and globalists who do not recognise national boundaries and cultures and just want to be able to move “human resources” to wherever they think fit.
I expect the left in their naive fairy tale existence probably think that all these immigrants will integrate and give their allegiance to the left led by the “creative” types in the MSM and hence they will finally achieve socialist nirvana.
Unfortunately I expect the only nirvana they will achieve is one where wife beaters, rapists, and ignorance and poverty rule. The funny thing is I expect most of these tossers will be the first to jump on the aeroplane with their kids when it all goes tits up. Leaving the rest of us to deal with the mess.
Thank you Aunty – But I am afraid you can stick your “socialism” to where the sun dont shine.
Last night I watched a BBC documentary about nuclear weapons. I did not realise that Britain’s nuclear deterrent was instituted by the 1945 Labour government. Foreign Sec and trade union bigwig Ernest Bevin did it for reasons of national pride and said “We’ve got to have this thing over here, whatever it costs…We’ve got to have the bloody Union Jack on top of it.”
Can you imagine a Labour MP, or even a Conservative, coming out with that sort of patriotism nowadays? What happened to our country in just a few decades? Back then even the left had national pride and a belief in their own culture.
The documentary on the British a bomb must have got through the albeeb censors . Straightforward – old style presentation – no al Beeb favoured celebrity wandering about the globe at taxpayers expense.
I am not a supporter of the current Labour Party. God only knows what a great PM like Attlee – would think of his party as it is now with shadow home secs who can’t do sums, a leader who is – well- a subverter of Britain and bunch of professional gravy trainers busy on the expenses claims.
My biggest criticism of the bomb documentary was that Attlee had to decide to go ahead with the bomb research even though Blighty was bust and still on rationing into the 1950s. I always remember that when people spout on about the ‘special relationship’.
Our country had spent a lot of blood and treasure freeing Europe . The Europeans now say forget that – it was a long time ago – why keep on about it? Well I believe they still owe us. So when it comes to leaving their failing club- shake hands – say bye and don’t ask us for money .
I have read that the French still owe us money we lent them for the FIRST world war never mind the second world war
Annnnnd the obvious question arises: if Britain is such a dullsville dive, full of knuckle-dragging bumpkins, why does it need its own broadcasting corporation? Why would anyone want to pollute the airwaves with the dribblings of a bunch of insular, suburban morons?
Surely the only moral thing to do is to close the BBC down, and *enrich* our TV with a range of vibrant programs from abroad?
I believe the BBBC is acting in the way Oaknash describes in his earlier comment “most of these tossers will be the first to jump on the aeroplane with their kids when it all goes tits up”.
They are developing the World Service into a global information/indoctrination service, at the expense of Britons; when the excrement hits the fan, they will abandon Britain for pastures new.
Would have been handy if he had managed to get the score correct when he speaks in his first example of England vs Argentina, and Maradona,s goals in 1986 World Cup quarter finals .
The final score was 2-1 not 2-0……..
Lost me right there , after all he has been a Times sports journalist for years….
Useless, its all just relativism.
Infact very good relativistic Journalism, very factual in a relativistic way.
Thats how i see it, relativistic-ally, i mean ive been quite clear about this havent i.