From ‘Notalotofpeopleknowthat’….
BBC’s Silly Anthrax Scare Story
The BBC have gone right over the top now, with this latest silly little scare story:
‘Throughout history, humans have existed side-by-side with bacteria and viruses. From the bubonic plague to smallpox, we have evolved to resist them, and in response they have developed new ways of infecting us.
However, what would happen if we were suddenly exposed to deadly bacteria and viruses that have been absent for thousands of years, or that we have never met before?
We may be about to find out. Climate change is melting permafrost soils that have been frozen for thousands of years, and as the soils melt they are releasing ancient viruses and bacteria that, having lain dormant, are springing back to life.’
The BBC report then regales us with viruses, thousands of years old, which will be released to kill us all as the permafrost further melts.
Given that it has been warmer than now for most of the last 8000 years, this seems extremely remote, to put it mildly.
the whole report is fake news. As has been well established by proper scientists, malaria and dengue fever are not affected by temperatures.
As one of the world’s leading specialists in the natural history and biology of mosquitoes, Prof Paul Reiter, told the Parliamentary Select Committee on Economic Affairs in 2005:
“The most catastrophic epidemic [of malaria] on record anywhere in the world occurred in the Soviet Union in the 1920s, with a peak incidence of 13 million cases per year, and 600,000 deaths. Transmission was high in many parts of Siberia, and there were 30,000 cases and 10,000 deaths due to falciparum infection (the most deadly malaria parasite) in Archangel, close to the Arctic circle.”
But I don’t know why I am surprised. The BBC long ago lost any credibility where reporting on climate change is concerned.
Maybe they are keen to keep the flame burning brightly for 2 billion reasons, maybe they believe their pension propaganda.
The world is learning fast that climate pseudo-science is fraught with fraud. The best way to go to the heart of any moneymaking scam is to follow the money. Here is where we take you on a journey from the toilet of the United Nations to the BBC’s top floor. For non-British readers the BBC extorts an annual compulsory license fee of £142.50 (US $200) per household via government legislation for the privilege of owning a television.
The BBC Pension Trust is worth about £8 billion while its mainstream operations are struggling to reverse an estimated £2billion deficit as reported on last weekend by that fine journalist and writer, James Delingpole of the ‘Telegraph.’
The BBC’s handsome pension pot is invested in the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) alongside another 50 plus member funds. The total assets of this consortium is around €4trillion (Euros) that, in turn is invested in a larger consortium known as ‘UNEP FI’ worth about $15 trillions (US).
UNEP FI is fast becoming seriously embarrassed with its strong ties with the now discredited Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that lurches from one climate data fraud scandal to another. Nonetheless, the UNEP FI puts on a smug face and gleefully describes itself as,
“ a global partnership between UNEP and the financial sector. Over 180 institutions, including banks, insurers and fund managers, work with UNEP to understand the impacts of environmental and social considerations on financial performance.”
The UNEP FI Insurance Working Group boasts of its “ground-breaking report” on its website that I well recommend to readers. These swindlers advise is that there is a “complex relationship” between environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, core insurance operations, and the insurance industry. Yes – and so much more complex since criminal climate scientists destroyed their ‘fudged’ data and refused to obey lawful freedom of information requests for over seven years.
Despite the string of climate calamities that have befallen the UN since the Climategate scandal first broke last November, the UNEP FI consortium is feverishly demanding that governments impose higher fuel duties and caps on carbon emissions that will encourage scarcity and demand. Thus this profit-chasing unholy alliance of conspirators will still be able to cream off some of the loot for their ‘green’ pension scams.
The losers in the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time are western taxpayers and Third World poor who will likely suffer starvation and disease due to the increased costs of food and essential medicines.
The chairman of IIGCC and BBC head of pensions investment Peter Dunscombe said:
“The credibility of emissions trading schemes would be greatly improved with a robust price signal as well as clear and frequent communication from the regulator on trading data and improved transparency over direct government participation in schemes.”
Yes, you did read that correctly: “IIGCC chairman and BBC head of pensions investment Peter Dunscombe…”
The BBC is in the Chair of this Carbon Trading driven investment scheme! Now you know why the BBC’s thought police have been censoring climate skeptics shamelessly for years.
UKIP’s Member of the European Parliament, Godfrey Bloom was vilified by the warmist press for refusing to back down from his attack on the BBC in the UK’s fine Daily Telegraph, in which he said:
“The BBC has blocked skeptics of climate change for four years now, no debate is allowed on the BBC. It is biased reporting and it is censorship.”
Speaking to Left Foot Forward, Mr Bloom continued:
“I absolutely stand by what I said. This is one of the most important subjects since the war. The whole thing has been a complete farce and a cover-up. Name me one instance of an informed debate on the subject? “
But Godfrey Bloom is now being entirely vindicated as we see that the BBC has been shamelessly plugging its own profiteering agenda and ignoring any dissent even when it involves news stories of great interest to its viewers and listeners. And all for the so-greater good of that ‘Low-Carbon Economy.’ The investor statement reads,
“ it is imperative that efforts advance this year to negotiate and conclude a legally binding agreement with ambitious greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.”
The BBC’s Peter Dunscombe as Chair of the IIGCC endorses ( he may have even written) that in his pension trust’s policy statements that,
“Without government actions, however, private-sector investment will not reach the scale required to address climate change effectively.”
You got that? Climate change has to be addressed ‘effectively’ i.e. effective for his pension pot. With a shameful hidden agenda like that its no wonder viewers are abandoning television and coming to the Internet for impartial news reporting. This self-serving hypocrite baloney goes further:
“….we remain firmly convinced that climate change presents both material risks and significant opportunities for investment portfolios…”
The ‘risks’ it seems are wholly upon gullible taxpayers, the incentives for BBC newsreaders, environment correspondents, journalists, planners, schedulers, documentary program makers, etc. is enormous. No wonder the BBC produces the best environmental television in the world – BBC employee thinks: ‘investment portfolios’!
Meanwhile, something for all our readers in North America – a story waiting to be written concerning that other vast consortium in the U.S. known as the Investor Network on Climate Risk (INCR). INCR has over 80 members and $8 trillion in assets across its network of North American private funds and very much tied up with UNEP FI.
So for anyone wondering why the American mainstream media has done diddly to report on the great climate swindle, we’re betting it’s something to do with INCR.
For U.S. readers looking to know more about what INCR is doing you may contact: Mindy Lubber at Web:
For European readers would like to know more about the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) we suggest you contact: Stephanie Pfeifer at Web:
Those British organizations tied into IIGCC who may have a conflict of interest when they communicate with you include the following:
Baptist Union of Great Britain
Bedfordshire Pension Fund
BT Pension Scheme
Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church
Corporation of London Pension Fund
Environment Agency Pension Fund
Greater Manchester Pension Fund
Kent County Council
London Borough of Hounslow Pension Fund
London Borough of Islington Pension Fund
London Borough of Newham Pension Fund
London Pensions Fund Authority
Merseyside Pension Fund
Roman Catholic Diocese of Plymouth
Roman Catholic Diocese of Salford
South Yorkshire Pensions Authority
The Church Commissioners for England
The Church in Wales
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth
United Reform Church
Universities Superannuation Scheme
West Midlands Metropolitan Authorities Pension Fund
West Yorkshire Pension Fund
“we have evolved to resist them” ?
Evolved? Have vaccines played NO part? [scratches head]