Week 2 of the GE17 Phoney War. If Week 1 and a Weak Weekend was bad for the Conservatives then Week 2 and the campaign as a whole has been going disastrously for the Labour Party.
We have been promised Bread and Circuses. So we had the Bread of Bank Holidays. Four new ones offered to us to feed the national spirit but I suspect that none of the four will coincide with 23 June. Why stop at four Mr Corbyn? Why not have five? A whole week of national holiday in that first month of the summer, starting with the weekend closest to the summer solstice, keeping the Pagans in a happy mood, lasting for a whole week at the end of June and taking in er …, well no, perhaps not.
Instead, perhaps we will celebrate diversity and help to keep Scotland and Northern Ireland in the Union with four Bank Holidays to celebrate the national Saint’s days. Isn’t that a bit too religious, Jeremy, a bit too Christian? Somewhat exclusive and not quite diverse enough. Oh well, just wait for the manifesto. That should have more details of Labour promises, promises, promises. Whatever happened to education?
The GE17 bidding war was started by Labour and then ramped up by them. They are currently at the level of tens of thousands. It helps to keep the maths easy, working in tens, doesn’t it Diane? Count on the fingers, eh? Especially on radio, where listeners cannot see you do it? So, that was the circus. That and the Local Authority and Mayoral Election results. What more could we want?
Police on the streets. That’s what we need. To keep the British safe from all the things they need keeping safe from while they enjoy their ice creams and fizzy drinks on all of these new Bank Holidays. What? No alcohol? Apparently not. Corbyn’s Labour as dry as Blair’s Labour was awash with the stuff.
And just to keep the feelgood factor going without any champagne, Labour are promising those who are rich and who earn £70,000, a £10,000 or 14% increase. Oops, no! Silly me. A bit of a Diane moment there! Those who earn £79,999 per annum have actually been downgraded – to ‘poor’. It’s now ‘official’, according to Labour. Earn less than £80,000 and you are poor.
Funny thing is, people who earn less than an average wage also tend to feel and actually be poor but there are no plans from Labour to raise everyone to the level of nearly rich nor anywhere near a median income. Only an increase in the minimum wage. Shame. But at least Labour will not hit you with an Income Tax rise. You possibly might pay more via indirect, stealth and hidden taxes. You may not get any lift in earnings from Labour and will just have to make do with four new Bank Holidays. Labour will however scrap the Pay Rise Limit for State Employees, apparently. That’s the policy that guaranteed the low paid a 1% pay rise while freezing pay at the top. So Good News and Bad News for the low paid and the high paid under Labour.
Increases in Income Tax but more pay for all those Chief Executives, Agency Directors, Consultants, etc, to help them pay it. Happy days ahead.
The Phoney War has ended, now for the real thing. The General Election campaign has started. We now have nearly five weeks of manifesto reading and conflict ahead.
Jon Ashworth, Labour Shadow Health Minister has just told me, courtesy of the TODAY programme, that 1 in 3* children leave school obese. The Labour Party are therefore planning to ban television adverts for ‘junk food’ before the 9pm ‘Watershed’.
Perhaps, if one in three children are obese by the time they leave school, they should ban education instead? That might be more effective. Or ban junk food? No, they will just ban the adverts. What about wrapping the High Street stores that children pass on the way to school in plain paper, Jon? Still time to get that in the Party manifesto.
(* That may be a Diane Abbott type of statistical calculation. I find it hard to believe.)
I’d like some figures on MPs leaving Parliament in an obese state, Mr Ashworth could have a look around the shadow cabinet for starters… and the main course.
The Hon Member for Brentwood and Ongar is not seeking re-election, I understand.
Actually, IIRC, he is leaving Parliament a lighter person than when he took up his seat. He realised he had a ‘weight problem’ and took it upon himself to do something about it. Took some personal responsibility, no less. Well done, Sir!
All MPs elected or re-elected on 8th June, please remember this when planning legislation to put before the House in future.
don’t suppose anyone noticed that BBC on daily basis open the news with Labours press release of the day ?
Today it’s
“Labour to ban junk food ads before 9pm”
what I heard on R5 5am then local news 6am
Well sometime after the Tory immigration cap was elevated
My Beeboid contact tell me it was on the BBNews twitterfeed at 7:24am
but they’d started the webnews page just after midnight
..don’t know why they didn’t report it earlier.
I came across this article by Raheem Kassam in Breitbart from September 21, 2015. It demonstrates how the BBC portrays the migrant invasion of Europe using carefully selected images. With the latest flotillas of invaders under way, it’s worth reexamining the story again.
“An analysis of photographs the BBC uses to illustrate Europe’s migrant crisis has revealed the publicly funded organisation is using mostly pictures of children, despite the actual number of children making the trip being suspiciously low.
The United Nations Refugee Agency reported last week there were 72 per cent men, 13 per cent women, and just 15 per cent children making the trip to Europe by sea. This was out of a total of 381,412 people, meaning that 274,616 of those making the trip were men, with just 49,583 women, and 57,211 children.
The numbers, updated for this week, claim there are now nearly 80,000 children arriving, and over 305,000 men, and just over 57,000 women.
But a Breitbart London analysis of over 200 images used by the BBC on its website shows a staggering 53 per cent of children as the focal points of images, with 36 per cent focused on the men, and just 10 per cent focused on women. By this measure, readers may assume that of the total number of sea arrivals, over 230,000 of them are children–an overestimation pushed by the BBC’s narrative of around 150,000.”
The point of sending the young men is to “grab a foothold” in the land you are planning to invade. Once these are established they will be allowed to bring their families legally. They will then have marriages arranged and will bring their new wives. Once the wives are established they will bring their families legally….
So for every quarter of a million males we take the true number will end up as something up to 10 million.
There will be a point when our country will no longer be our country and will be a third-world mess, then and only then will the numbers of invaders drop. The job will have been done.
The people of France have just voted to make this happen even more quickly. Some tw*t on television said that Macron’s election will be good for Britain (as in it will damage the chances of a good Brexit).
Demon – many of the Third World males who come here will marry / co-habit with (the more foolish) indigenous women, the progeny of such unions will not be British in any real or meaningful sense.
This accelerates the rate at which Britons will become a minority in Britain; it’s not good to be a minority in any country.
Al, I fully agree. Those women who marry will be behijabed as soon as they consent. Those who only co-habit will bring up their children alone as their partners will now be marrying someone brought over from the invading country.
Interesting point Demon.
My own view is that all European Governments know that where the muzzies come from i.e. principally the Middle East, control of the lunacy that is islam can only be held in check by a strong dictator. Hence the mess currently resulting when the West decides to remove the dictator. But now, as Europe and the UK becomes islamicised there is no dictator to keep a rein on the islamic madness. Yet. All a ruse to end up in dictatorship as the ‘needed’ response to protect the non islamic public? All, needless to say, on the assumption that the Goverment remains(?) non islamic otherwise it will be total madness.
Well, after careful thought and analysis they come up with this gem. “By the time British forces retook Stanley 74 days later, 907 people had lost their lives, most of them Argentine conscripts.” What relevance does the breakdown of deaths in the war have to do with penguins and why point out only Argentine deaths? And if it is relevant then why not mention the 255 British volunteers who died liberating the place from the invaders?
Isn’t the lesson that you shouldn’t start a war if you aren’t prepared to accept casualties?
I’m sorry that Argentine conscripts died in a pointless land grab, but the BBBC’s ire should be directed at the treacherous Argentine government that sent them to their deaths.
Next the BBBC will be blaming us for killing German, Italian and Japanese conscripts in WWII (if they haven’t already).
The bBC, and its version of the killings of eight IRA men and a civilian by the SAS 30 years ago: “The 30th anniversary of the killings of eight IRA men and a civilian by the SAS is given widespread coverage in both the News Letter and Irish News on Monday. “Loughgall: The inside story” is the front page of the Irish News, while the News Letter has an eight-page supplement on the killings. The Irish News has an interview with “Scout One”, an IRA man it says escaped the ambush. He tells the paper that after a sustained period of gunfire, he knew something was “badly wrong” when he saw an Army helicopter.Scout One says that he and a fellow IRA man drove into the County Armagh village and were quickly surrounded by SAS soldiers who trained their guns on their car.He says he could see the bodies of some of the IRA men who were killed and believes he was allowed to leave the scene because there was an elderly couple in a car behind them.”
Whilst the bBC reports that 8 IRA men were killed as they just happened to be driving through the village of Loughgall, Northern Ireland 30 years ago this day. Here are a few facts the Irish news reports which the bBC doesn’t:
“On the night of the ambush the IRA had planned to storm the police station with guns and a bomb placed in the bucket of a digger driven by Declan Arthurs, who was from Galbally, near Dungannon. The unit had hoped to reach the station as three RUC officers were expected to clock off duty. Sources say the IRA had been watching the police station in the run up to the attack and had established the officers left the station at the same time each night. The plan was to kill the RUC men and demolish the station immediately on entering the village.”
I wonder why the bBC left out that salient snippet
I remember this event with crystal clarity. The Telegraph headline at the time was “How SAS Sprung Provos’ Deathtrap”. 5 of the terrorists were killed in their Toyota Hiace van by a .50 cal machine gun and the others were on the JCB with the bomb – which they detonated before being killed. It was the best result in the whole “Troubles” in terms of wiping out murderers.
I remember it also. I was posted to Omagh a year later , was there when Ballygally happened and the killing by the Hereford Mafia of the IRA cell a few weeks later. They didn’t like how these murdering bastards met their end and Private Eye came out with this front page shocker:
Does anyone else find the World Service is the most vehemently left wing arm of Al Beeb?
This morning they bemoaned the laws against sanctuary cities being enforced, saying it ‘discriminated against minorities.’ The law has to discriminate against people – otherwise you have bedlam. Their crusade against the ‘racist’ Met police has resulted in ten deaths in the last fortnight from stabbings. Ten in a fortnight! They reported on some snowflake march against the murders yesterday, but that will change nothing. Only the Police free to do their jobs without being accused of ‘discriminating against minorities’ will actually prevent knife crime.
If you go to the BBC building, you will be asked for ID and proof to say you are there on official business; they also have security to turn away people who are not supposed to be there. By their logic, anyone who fancies marauding around their studios should just be free to come in the building – to do otherwise would be ‘discriminating against minorities.’ Imagine that! Some of those lovely hammer-wielding muggers just popping along Great Portland Street to say hello to their enablers. Then they not be able to whine about cultural appropriation when someone has just smashed them in the face with a hammer and stolen their Iphone!
The BBC do not know what the word ‘discrimination’ means. It simply means to ‘exercise judgement’ and is a good thing. For instance, we might say that someone has the ability to discriminate between a fine wine and a bad wine (or champagne, in the case of BBC staff). The key point is that the discrimination is based on something factual or widely perceived to be factual, rather than something arbitrary or unrelated or non-factual, which would then count as prejudice. Refusing to accept job applications from White Britons would be an example of prejudice, as race is not normally a requirement to perform the role (to use an example directly applicable to the BBC). Likewise, a disproportionate use of stop and search by the police on certain ethnic group teenagers is acceptable and justified, on the basis that a disproportionate number of knife crimes are committed by (and also affect) that group. Common sense is needed, not Common Purpose.
What neither of these articles will ever mention is that the owner of the dogs is, once again a social housing tenant.
95% of dog attacks resulting in death or serious injury have owners who live in social housing, yet the blindingly obvious connection is never made.
On media comment pages I have made this connection, and provided lists of such attacks, with a challenge to those who disagree to prove me wrong. I have been met in return by a string of vitriol from those opposed (as per usual) and not one shred of proof or evidence to the contrary. One lunatic leftie even wrote that a few dead or maimed kiddies was a price worth paying in the class war! Obviously that only applies so long as it isn’t his kids or a relatives.
In this case the owner of the dogs was found to have 5 Dogs and 5 Puppies at his address, an insane number of animals for a tiny 2 bed council house.
It wasn’t too much different with the Jade Anderson case just down the road, with a crazed woman who had far too many dogs in the house, and insufficient motivation to exercise them, or spend any time with them, allowing a pack mentality to develop. The council had ‘strict’ rules on the number of dogs allowed in their housing, but failed to enforce these rules. In nearly every instance, the council involved is yes you guessed it – Labour.
And so we will go on seeing more attacks of this nature, because the Tories are too idle to do anything about it, and the Left doesn’t see a problem with it.
I’m sure the new mayor, an utterly pointless exercise in adding another level of bureaucracy, can get right into looking at this, and then achieve absolutely nothing because his allocated budget has been swallowed up in a new vanity building and unproductive assistants.
You have to ask where is the deterrent?
A shocking adage, is the “timebomb” of growing number of not all but mainly muslim dog fighting gangs, breeding larger pitbulls, treating them appallingly
in towns and city estates for betting purposes.it is shocking.
“Asian gangs behind soaring cases of dog-fighting in Midlands”
“Muslims are ringleaders of 98% of Dogfighting in UK epidemic”
“Large Pakistani gangs are at the heart of a dog-fighting epidemic in the UK”
… Then again, blood sports eh! if only they would prance around in a red coat and blow a little tin horn, all the Westminster f-ckwit lobbyists would be lapping it up, and get them into the field “blood” sport society oops I mean the, Countryside Alliance.
I am sure the SJW snowflakes will not be trying to stop Pak gangs engaged in dog fighting. Apart from the fact it would be “racist”, they know the Paks would smash their heads in. It’s much more fun terrorizing white people riding horses.
Now on the serious subject of mental health on the BBC R4 TODAY programme. Contributor, Jenny Edwards, claims some statistical figures of 2 in 3 experiencing mental health breakdowns. No challenge from Justin Webb. Now, there’s a new claim that 1 in 3 visits to GPs have a mental health component. Again, no challenge from Justin Webb.
I find those statistical claims highly doubtful, especially in relation to other claims about the health of the UK population.
Never mind, it is now Mental Health Awareness Week.
“Our vision is for a world with good mental health for all. Our mission is to help people understand, protect and sustain their mental health. Prevention is at the heart of what we do, because the best way to deal with a crisis is to prevent it from happening in the first place.” (Mental Health Foundation)
Justin Webb did not have the wit or the courage to ask Jenny Edwards how much MHF receive in State Grant funding and whether winding up the MHF and giving the money to the NHS for its Mental Health services might be a much better way of doing things rather than asking for yet more taxpayer money via more taxes.
I would feel a lot less depressed without bodies like these constantly using taxpayers’ money to lobby, via the BBC who are in receipt of taxpayers’ money, for even more taxpayers’ money from a future UK Government. Mental illness is a serious problem for those that face it but magnifying the problem beyond the bounds of credibility (and previous statistics) to extract more tax money to pay NGOs, like the MHF, even more money I find incredibly depressing. No good can come from it.
Perfectly aligned to the Mental Health Foundations stated aims, is that not?
These will be many of the same people and organisations who campaigned to close the asylums down to be replaced with “community care”.
That went well.
Now instead of asylums, seriously mentally ill people often end up socially isolated, self medicating on drugs and alcohol, unable to access mental health services (often based on a flawed “recovery” model that denies their distress) and in and out of prison.
She just huffs and struts around the screen in a thoroughly unlikeable manner.
Started when she was eight, apparently. She was trying to impose her will on others when some of the boys called her ‘bossy’. It was at that moment she decided she was a faux-feminist. Check out her speech to the UN about this moment of epiphany. On second thoughts, don’t bother – she was probably only acting.
BBC News – Voters reject,(boo!) the “far right”,(booooo hiss!) Marine, (spit!) Le Penn
… and the choose a youthful,(aaah! purr purr!) former investment banker as
the new leader,(shiny pony, shiny pony)
… political establishment business as usual! tea with “Clone Dada” Hollande later I suppose, because you know I m
a erm … “radical” “outsider” “independent”. It s sickening.
The usual rotten political establishment manipulation here too, talking of which what s Liar May going to be misleading on this morning, after the nose growing whoppery of the tax bombshell poster,(projection, projection)the Tory “a lie a day” is obviously doubling up.
I saw that Tory “eejit” from the treasury select committee lying through his teeth last week too the incompetence is literally staggering, thank goodness they ve got the establishment backing, the hedge funds, the manipulated press, the manipulated media, the whole swathe of establishment and doctored figures to fall back on.
Ah! yes … Immigration,’tens of thousands’ target, I mean after Liar Mays failure for the past SEVEN YEARS … hmmm
… Quick!, get clown car Davis to big up the euro spat, pronto!, get a Corbyn poster, get “uncle Fester” Zahawi to say Liar has “a laser-like focus” ROFL! 😀
this time round etc.
… political establishment business as usual.
Does that stinking, putrid, self serving No10 swamp need draining
Just been looking through the BBC’s news about the French elections. Finally, the BBC have backed the winning side.
I suspect Treezer knew Le Pen would lose when she refused to meet her.
But when is Macron coming to the UK, to meet the Queen in a state visit?
Perhaps he can fill in the gaps of Trump’s postponed visit. That is, if the pro-Islamic establishment antifa blackshirts consent.
The bBC , singing the praises of the Mayor of London after 1 year in office:
Apparently this man is the best thing since sliced chapatti. Here are a few things the bBC don’t fully mention about Khan: TfL fares
Promise: ‘I want to be crystal clear – no ifs, no buts – what you’ll pay if I’m elected Mayor in May 2016 is what you’ll pay at the end of my 4 years in office’
Reality: Daily and weekly caps are rising by an average of 2%, Travelcard season ticket prices are rising by an average of 2%.
Affordable housing
Promise: “Sadiq will set a target for 50 per cent of all new homes in London to be genuinely affordable.”
Reality: His new policy is that he hopes to convince developers to voluntarily meet a target of 35% affordable housing.
Promise: 32,000 police officers on London’s streets.
Reality: Now only committing enough funds to maintain force’s current strength of 31,000 officers.
Promise: “plant two million trees by 2020”
Reality: “No tree planting has been funded since the beginning of this administration”
Green energy
Promise: Make London run on 100% green energy by 2050.
Reality: Sadiq’s team admit they have no idea what the percentage was when he took over, let alone today, because energy generation is apparently now a matter for central government. Strikes
Promise: “Make sure there are zero days of strikes”
Reality: Tube strike travel chaos for commuters today.
Promise: “plant two million trees by 2020”
Reality: “No tree planting has been funded since the beginning of this administration”
Perhaps he has been told that trees are racist because black people were hung from them and they cause Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome. Affected by PTSS, black people experience “fear and mistrust of forests and other green spaces… the tree is a racist symbol to black people.
The beeb are so far up his arse they have hailed him a new messiah like barry. He was proclaimed the best mayor evah on day one. They haven’t laid a finger on him and they have no intention to, he is their man. Another strike this morning and sad dick is kept out of the reports. Nothing to see here. Probably too busy sending selfies of himself to the beebs other hero of the day macaroni the manchurian candidate. Boris got attacked on a daily basis by the boys and gals at bbc london. It was all doom and gloom from day one to the last and even when he left and khan was in their for months they still attacked him just deflecting away from khan. Livingstone was waging a war on london drivers before he got kicked out by threatening a fee of 25 quid on 4×4’s to drive into central london well khan has nearly achieved that aim just twelve months in with his t charge scam. Will people start to wake up when their pockets are being robbed by this shyster? Manchester has just elected bodybags burnham in the same role, expect carnage but only adulation from the beeb. Manchester you have been warned.
One of the bus-driver’s son’s campaigns is air pollution from diesel cars. Despite DEFRA figures showing air pollution, including NOx is down substantially since 1970, he presses on, unbelievably with the backing of the transport minister Chris Grayling.
I wonder if there is some ulterior motive? Perhaps he favours Uber petrol/hybrid minicabs driven mainly by Muslims over the diesel black cabs driven mainly by whites, a sizeable proportion of whom are Jews?
‘The beeb are so far up his arse they have hailed him a new messiah like barry’.
Spot on.
The BBC will have him as their next Labour leader after Corbyn loses big, followed by Treezer’s near destruction of the Tory Party when she screws up Brexit under the influence of older woman loving Marcaroni
Interesting programme from Andrew Marr to ‘Start the week’ on Radio 4. Pretending an interest in understanding the current world by looking at past great literature etc, we start off with Shakespeare and Othello. Guess why? Correct: RACISM. And the motiveless and evil malignancy? Apparently Nigel Farage is a good example.
Expect Trump next, and you will not be disappointed. He comes up as a sort of evil con-man, who gets into the centre of things. The programme was so third-rate and trashy, with Marr and his plummy voice attempting to give it some intellectual credibility, while egging everyone on, I had to switch off. At that point the good Muslim on the fringes- being discriminated against of course, the wonder of polytheistic religions etc etc were being discussed, so one new exactly where everything was heading. So much for examining the great ethics of the past.
I heard the first 15 mins of this whilst I was drinking my morning coffee. What struck me (repeatedly, about the head) most was the fact that every single member of the panel and Marr himself were all agreed that we’re ‘living in dangerous and chaotic times’.
I switched off. Life really is too short for that sort of thing.
I love the wonderful ‘accuracy’ in that article: Figures from campaigners suggest as many as 3,292 people are surviving without a home across Greater Manchester.
So there we have it: not 3,291 people or 3,293 people but 3,292 exactly – that must be what they used to call Scientific Socialism. Also notice the sly term ‘people surviving without a home’, which is somewhat different from homelessness. For instance, someone living in temporary council accommodation or bed and breakfast falls into this category. It is not an enviable situation, but it’s not exactly the same as sleeping rough on the streets.
Coming soon: how importing millions of people into Britain is improving the housing situation for all – a special report from Panorama.
Interesting programme from Andrew Marr to ‘Start the week’ on Radio 4. Pretending an interest in understanding the current world by looking at past great literature etc, we start off with Shakespeare and Othello. Guess why? Correct: RACISM. And the motiveless and evil malignancy? Apparently Nigel Farage is a good example.
Expect Trump next, and you will not be disappointed. He comes up as a sort of evil con-man, who gets into the centre of things. The programme was so third-rate and trashy, with Marr and his plummy voice attempting to give it some intellectual credibility, while egging everyone on, I had to switch off. At that point the good Muslim on the fringes- being discriminated against of course, the wonder of polytheistic religions etc etc were being discussed, so one knew exactly where everything was heading. So much for examining the great ethics of the past.
I’ve been avoiding the news for the last couple of days, as I just couldn’t cope with the pro-Macron bias. As I suspected, France has embraced its own destruction, just as it did in 1940. At the very best, it will just be more of the same with Macron and daily life in France will look more and more like Belfast in the 1970s. I still have hope though – I don’t think France has gone completely, like Sweden. Le Pen had huge levels of support and the French do have something of a fighting spirit if roused, but we haven’t seen that since at least 1871!
Well, the BBC and the msm in general are all cock-a-hoop they got their man onto the French throne. I suppose it’s a small consolation for the fact they never did manage to get Hillary crowned the Queen of Washington (as was her god-given right, apparently).
So I guess the rest of us will have to suck this and suffer the smug crowing and triumphalism of the progressive media as they big-up their newest golden child and present him as the new Saviour.
It’ll be a pyrrhic victory of course, because bigger wheels are turning all over Europe and time and events and simple demographics will take care of the rest. Things could kick off quicker than they imagine, too: Ramadan beckons, now just a matter of weeks away. The Annual Ramadan Bomb-A-Thon runs for a whole month. Coming soon to a European capital near you. Just another facet of cultural enrichment, I guess. I hope the boy Macron is up to the challenge.
I would assume that 4 yrs time will be the tipping point, the next election … after ever growing Islamic terror attacks, rapefugee violence crisis, fast emerging Paristan and the demographic diaaster.
… but
it could be sooner, hope that they are pleased a vacuous shiny pony “don t touch the hair” mommies boy is at the helm.
… Maybe they are “cheese eating surrender monkeys”?
The Macron answer, Lights, Curtain, and Hit The Music!
“There maybe trouble ahead,
but while there s music and moonlight and love and romance”
Eiffel Tower – After the Paris landmark, is continually closed due to looting pickpocketing and sporadic violence.
Pres. Macron “unveils” his solution 😀
If the BBC reported on VE night it would be something like ‘VE night – we look at the plight of a transgendered GI who was not allowed to use the women’s lavatories despite winning a Purple Heart.’ etc.
I’ve mentioned before about the BBC’s selective use of adjectives and adverbs depending on their bias. So we have “Labour losing local elections” compared with “Macron’s crushing victory”. Many more examples available no doubt
Coburn was doing the same on DP today by saying that labour slipped in the results on friday when it was more like they fell on their big fat lying arses and broke both legs. Then they were speaking to a telegraph journo and a political commentator on college green as they were introduced. Said female commentator turned out to be working for the huffington post and was ex bbc but not a mention from coburn. I am always curious when they introduce people like this and mr google provided me with the results i feared.
BTW was watching the results come in on the bbc around 3.30 on friday afternoon when huw edwards had labours barry gardiner and the snp’s john nicholson along with a female tory. Gardiner is a real nasty piece of work and started to lay into the tory woman unleashing all his bile on her over losing seats and nicholson joined in while edwards looked on. Two nasty idiots who couldn’t take losing.
Green Party orchestrated campaign started
to say that they don’t get same coverage as UKIP
..but the figs they quote seem to be about CELEBRATION of victories
Of course the BBC gave a lot of time to UKIP cos they were ‘celebrating’ each UKip loss
Mr Bartley said the BBC was failing to cover the steady progress made by the Green Party.
“While Ukip makes cheap attempts to win headlines with Islamophobic policies, Greens are making a difference in their local communities and this contrast was made clear in Friday’s election results,” he said.
Greens (40 seats) complain to BBC Ukip (1 seat) 'disproportionate coverage' Then again only Tory voice in chart anti-Brexi 🙂 @shoutsatcowspic.twitter.com/i84ALwYMAk
Cherry pick
It’s a list of Question Time appearances
#1 Its only one prog
#2 Time period is over selected 10 years
and not over all time
Only Farage has been at the TOP of the GAME that long
course appeared more
All the years he was on Corbyn was a nobody.
Over all time Farage isn’t in the top 10
Kenneth Clarke 56 Shirley Williams 55 Menzies Campbell 46 Harriet Harman 44 Charles Kennedy 43 Michael Heseltine 37 Clare Short 37 Roy Hattersley 35 Paddy Ashdown 34 Simon Hughes 34
‘Greens got 40 councillors’ ..em No
The Green Party of England and Wales has 21 seats.
The other 19 are in Scotland which is a different party.
So Greens have pulled a fast one
Their ENGLAND-leader goes on BBC to say there’s bias cos BBC didn’t over all his gains
cheekily trying to add the 5 Scotland-Green-Party gains to his own Party’s
UKIP still have about 300 UK councillors to ENGLISH-Green’s 160 (plus 20 in Scotland) and Conservatives have 9,200
Greens claim their gains should be reported after all the Scottish Greens must be the party which got the SECOND most gains
Nope not even close.
QUIZ ..which party gained magnitudes more seats than the Scots Greens, but still way below the Tories gains ?
Can you name its 2 top leaders @Taffman ?
BBBC only started to give Farage publicity because they figured he would take votes from Camoron and hand the win to Milliperson. So, after 10 years of boycotting him, suddenly they stuck him on QT every fortnight for 3 months. How we laughed as that backfired!!
I’ve just read this rivetting piece of information on the BBC website. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-39843468
But I had to burst out laughing when I saw this typo error!
“Pepe has recently been depicted as Adolf Hitler and as a member of the US white supremacist Ku Klux Khan group.”
Oh dear, the peaceful ones won’t like that one little bit ……
It is so true what Milo says that the Left just isn’t fun or cool anymore. Why not hit back with their own funny meme? No, instead they ban the joke and go crying to the teacher. No doubt if someone used the frog to make a joke in a public speech he would be shouted down and beaten up – what’s fun, cool or progressive about that?
@BbcTrending are so busy constructing False-Narratives
that their typos show their own PROJECTION, that they’re Sadiq Supporters acting like fascists patrolling the internet lynching any soul that dares challenge LibMob dogma.
Newssniffer caught them before the normal #BBCstealthEdits https://www.newssniffer.co.uk/articles/1376426/diff/0/1
We middle class white people cheered to the rafters on Saturday when.a giant of a second row forward, who happens to be black, went over for the winning try.
Why did we cheer him? Because he was black? No. Because we were being politically correct? No.
We cheered because he was good!
And that of course is the problem with the bBBC in a nutshell.
Documents are extremely important. I could not teach in a school without my degree certificate. Should they just let anyone teach French? My dentist has his official certificates on the wall in his surgery. I would not let someone without his documents mess around with my mouth.
The same should apply to immigration. Where is this person coming from? What is his record? What are his beliefs? You have to do all sorts of tests and background checks for jobs, why not the same with immigration?
And just like at work you should have to sign a contract saying that any gross misconduct gets you kicked out. If you seek to undermine our way of life, you must leave; just as if I refused to teach in my school and instead went into other classes and threw things at teachers, I would lose my job. But I I get on with my job and make a positive contribution, of course the school are delighted to have me on the team.
That’s how it works in countries with “Australian style, points based immigration systems”(haven’t heard that line in this election campaign so far)…
….same in the US, Canada, Gulf States…virtually any independent nation on earth…..accompanied by conditional work permits, and return home if laws are broken or employment contract ends…. it`s beyond us though.
It wasnt beyond us, we have permits and no benefit’s for years, the only none white here are doctors nurses etc, we do have 60,000 migrants [English mainly London whingers] to our 30,000 indigenous, we make jokes about ”our” brits like you ”rip” your immigrants, only ours are not trying to kill at every turn, we are just not their BMW for, however they are the most progressive liberal wankers you will ever meet.
It wasnt beyond us, we have permits and no benefit’s for 5 years, the only none white here are doctors nurses etc, we do have 60,000 migrants [English mainly London whingers] to our 30,000 indigenous, we make jokes about ”our” Brits like you ”rip” your immigrants, only ours are not trying to kill at every turn, we are just not worth damaging their BMW for, however they are the most progressive liberal wankers you will ever meet.
Something Mishail Hussein might approve of. No mention on her people’s broadcaster, but Charlie has cancelled his visit to Israel.
‘Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, was set to travel to Israel in November to honor the 16,000 fallen British and Commonwealth World War One troops at the centenary of the British campaign to liberate the land from the Ottoman Empire and the historic Balfour Declaration.
Former Col. Richard Kemp, a prominent vocal supporter of Israel, slammed the Foreign Office as “camel corps” who were “pandering” to Arab dictators. A former commander of the British Forces in Afghanistan, he branded the decision an “insult to British war dead.”
We have to assume that the Prince is following advice from the Conservative Government.
Treezer does not want to upset the Mohamidans.
I will bear this in mind when I vote UKIP in the Gen Election, despite its likelihood of being a wasted vote.
In September 2016, the Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas told the UN General Assembly that Britain should apologise for the Balfour Declaration. In October 2016, anti-Israel activists launched a campaign to pressure the UK Government to apologise.
Financial Times have just sent me a marketing email
headed “Fighting Against Fake News”
… it actually doesn’t say anything other about FakeNews
just an assumption that FT is somehow better
Bet tmw it has an advertorial pullout for a corrupt dictatorship country.
This is a short film by Tommy Robinson about a young woman, Chelsey, from Sunderland who was gang raped by Syrian and Iraqi “refugees” none of whom have been prosecuted, although her brother who went to the house where it happened is now in prison. She shows incredible courage to talk about what happened to her but it reinforces how those who run our country, are willing to sacrifice the lives and innocence of working class indigenous females on the altar of multiculturalism and political correctness.
This is a moving film, one of the best since Tommy Robinson started with Rebel Media. It really captures the position of the British working classes today; they are not dressed in the smart gear of today’s so called refugees, they look defeated but their empathy for this wonderful and brave woman is moving. We are down but not out. Ignore us Labour and this Tory Government who does not give a shit about the crimes and their cover ups.
Small news item on Radio 4. Macron and Hollande attend the tomb of the unknown soldier to honour the war dead. Normally a very honourable thing to do but in Macron’s case it is a disgusting display of hyprocacy. A man who has made clear that France as a nation has no specific culture, yet here he is publicly laying a wreath for those men and women who died defending France.
Generations are born, grow and change. It’s not always easy and sometimes the changes are not for the better but at least we adapt and try to progress. (Islam being the exception)
The one constant that remained was taking pride in your country. Being proud and patriotic. These very qualities that publicly Macron was honouring at the tomb of the unknown soldier when he in effect despises those who want to fight to protect their country and identity. It’s this crucial change which has been bred out of the generations over the last 30 years or so that is at the crux of the forces threatening not only the past bravery of those who fought but the furure of what they fought for. We now have generations of spoiled, empty headed, (pretend) intellectually educated people who can only comprehend the next few hours ahead. To them the past isn’t relevant and the future, well aren’t they going to live forever and ever in a utopian open world. They are not going to grow old or die. Rebel media were interviewing French voters in London. Asking one young man “what do you think, is the most extreme stance Le Pen has?” His answer ‘ I think now we are living in a globalised world, I understand she’s trying to bring a national preference but I really think it’s outdated now’. He is absolutely right, it is outdated, bred out through ineffectual parenting, a corrupt EU and a very dumbed down education system. CBB employees are superb species as evidence of my beliefs.
The young man
” I think now we are living in a globalised world, I understand she’s trying to bring a national preference but I really think it’s outdated now’.
Dear me the castration is complete isn’t it? European Eunuchification
With their wanky little hooter, these Antifa scum really are a bunch of clowns.
I liked the tranny who tried to burn the flag. “She” had more stubble than a Syrian child refugee. I shall try my best not to laugh when the soldiers of the caliphate throw “her” from a high building.
Dan Evans has dropped in the rankings. Me neither: he’s a British professional tennis player. As a result of recent results, the reporter for R5 informed him, he’s dropped from third to fourth in the British male rankings. He’s changed places with the player who was fourth.
This confused DE. ‘Who are the others?’, he wondered. ‘Aljaž Bedene has moved up to third’, the reporter informed him, referring to the player who was born in Slovenia in 1989, represented Slovenia from the time he turned pro in 2008, and who qualified as a British tennis player—through residence—in 2015.
‘So I’m third, then’, Evans replied. ‘Yeah, well, he’s not . . . erm, you know . . .’, he expatiated, haltingly but with a growing realisation that he was cantering off-message. He has previous, of course, having been involved in twitterstorms (natch) on AB’s eligibility for the Davis Cup.
And you know, the funny thing is I’m not sure the BBC approved. The clip I heard was a repackaging on the News Channel in fact, not R5, so viewers were treated to the full top-and-tail, sound-and-vision disapproval: a funereal introduction from the Salford-based nodding head, and, following the completion of the report . . . Absolute Silence, held that editorialising moment longer than was strictly necessary before the next item began. The same kind of trick that political reporters employ (as another poster pointed out last week; apologies, I forget who) when they shout, ‘Have you resigned yet, Minister?’, to be greeted by the inevitable silence.
Since he’s a professional athlete, I’m not sure I’d expect Dan Evans to offer a Powellite disquisition on national identity. But if his views are considered to be, and are thus reported as, news, I would like them to be presented without the subtle, unspoken, editorial opinion.
…..This confused DE. ‘Who are the others?’, he wondered. ‘Aljaž Bedene has moved up to third’, the reporter informed him, referring to the player who was born in Slovenia in 1989, represented Slovenia from the time he turned pro in 2008, and who qualified as a British tennis player—through residence—in 2015…….
So, this is like Somalian born Mohammed Farrer who entrenched himself with a British passport, won a few medals then decided to upsticks to America, and then the UK kindly gave him a knighthood ?
Nice how those around the world can bring themselves and their sport here, change passports, get a bit of glory, sod of somewhere else to pay taxes and then we reward them for it !
Which other country on the planet are as soft, gullible and get taken for mugs like we do? nowhere.
– UK: Muslim took teens to join Islamic State in 2015, was released without charge, now arrested again
– Colorado: Muslim who kept sex slave refuses to speak with female therapists, says doing so would be un-Islamic
– Former Obama DHS official on Islamic State slaughtering Egyptian Christians: “how what goes around comes around”
Wonder why this murder is buried in ‘Regions’ on Beebistan website.
“Teenager killed in high street stabbing
The 17-year-old dies in hospital following knife attack in north-east London.”
Either it’s so common it’s no longer newsworthy, or it’s black on black crime and therefore the wrong sort of murder.
But if the suspect were white: HOLD THE FRONT PAGE!!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/england/london
I’ve written on this subject before here. I think the reason albeeb doesn’t focus on the carnage on London streets involving knives is that al beeb campaigned directly or indirectly for the police end stop and search of the youth . The Home Office under our current PM was complicit in this.
The latest killing took place quite close to where I live. The death rate will continue to grow at frightened teenagers tool up to, at least , protect themselves from other kids with knifes .
If it’s white on black albeeb will roll out dame Doreen lawrence and Mrs Balls to scream ” something must be done”, racism , underclass , all that stuff. Until then the kids will keep dying .
Live Italian TV show has a reporter covering the condition of sleeping migrants.
But the buggers get up and attack her, leaving the guy in the studio to call for the cops.
This is something you won’t see on the BBC
Because their compassionate reports about migrants are most likely filmed in studios with the migrants played by actors.
A disturbing encounter with reality for a snowflake journalist. I expect it has not shaken her liberal world view, though she will probably not be so stupid as to go to the centre of town at night any more. And so it begins…
Chilling! But I lived in Africa, I would never dare to tread where these stupid snowflakes trample without fear, I have seen how a single man with a knife can transform your life forever in an instant…..
More bBBC bias by omission. This is still not in the bBBC ‘news’ website, despite happening an hour ago. No doubt the bBBC can’t decide how to treat criticism of its party.
Simon Danczuk (Rochdale MP) resigned from the Labour Party, citing their obsession with communism and failure to consider ordinary people.
Poor Danczuk. He didn’t realise that these days in the Labour Party you have to pay Romanian rent boys for sex. Doing it with girls will get you into all kinds of bother.
Anyone know why the BBC haven’t buried this child abuse case down deep in the local news? For some strange reason they have put it on the main home page.
I can’t work out what is different from this child rape case to all the others we have to find buried deep down?!?
I haven’t watched East Enders for a decade or more, I suspect with BBC progressiveness ‘Queen Vic’ is more likely to be a geezer that runs the pub!
There is nothing on the BBC about the spate of killings of homosexuals in the Islamic paradise of Chechneya, nor any of the other Islamic states the BBC loves so much.
Comments section well worth a read. A lot of anger and realisation in the Gay ‘community’ that Islam is not really very nice to them and needs to be eliminated from the UK. If there is hope it lies in the Gays.
This evening’s Panorama was a fairly flimsy piece, investigating Facebook and accusing them of allowing “fake news” to corrupt the voting in both Brexit and the Trump elections. No prizes for guessing the Beeb thought the winners had gained unfair advantage. These BBC blighters just can’t get over it, can they?
It made me think about how an organisation, completely unbiased and beyond reproach (such as) the dear old BBC, choose to report the news. And perhaps more importantly, what they choose not to report.
About 12 years ago another Panorama did an investigation into Nick Griffin, then leader of the BNP. He was covertly filmed in a northern pub warning his followers about the potential evils of Islam. One of the evils he mentioned was the grooming of under age white girls. Our beloved BBC, instead of investigating whether anything he said was true, passed their film onto the (now discredited ) Yorkshire police who took him to court. Poor old Nick could have got 7 years…for essentially telling the truth.
A decade later, when all hell had broken loose and we had all heard about these foul grooming gangs (of men…), Panorama did another of their investigations; this time into the failings of the Yorkshire police force and how no-one had listened to these poor abused girls. Well, actually somebody did listen to them and the BBC tried to put him in jail!
I’ve got a cracking idea for a new Panorama programme. How about they investigate the BBC and all the misinformation, mis-direction, cover ups and blatant bias they have been responsible for the past 20 years.
All those times we’ve been told that a group of (men!!!) have been found guilty of assaulting young girls.
Those ghastly crimes that have been committed by some “British lad” whose first name just happens to be Mohammad.
Perhaps they might look at how the Beeb covered Brexit, Trump and the recent French elections; just to see if there was just the teeniest hint of bias…
Panorama can then take their findings against the BBC to the police.
But best steer clear of that lot in Yorkshire though…
Useless bastards!
The entire concept of ‘fake news’ was got up in the USA by faux academics, horrified by the democratisation of the media, as their supporters in the MSM lost their stranglehold.
The irony is that the far greater threat to society comes from massively powerful corporations like Facebook, Twitter and Google, run by power crazed SJWs trying to enforce their ‘progressive’ agenda via naked censorship.
The BBC, naturally, is fully supportive of any attempt to clamp down on free speech, as long as it is enforced by the far Left.
BBC1 Panorama building the narrative
“Britain First pay Facebook to promote their videos, and it works they now have 1.6m followers” (sic they mean likes)
“Now in the Brexit vote …and Trump campaign da da da ”
… see they built the Narrative that Brexit and Trump votes didn’t come from REASONING but Facebook manipulation.
BBC are building the excuses for May winning election
Or are they saying Macron won due to Facebook ?
Facebook is a more level playing field than the BBC.
Cos if someone posts bias/untruism on Facebook it can be challenged in a comment
That’s not the same for the BBC/MSM unless they permit open uncensored comments.
I was going to click Like on Panorama’s own post
but I know I am being manipulated so I won’t.
Facebook’s mind manipulation team could be even more effective
..if they hijacked an established big broadcaster and created a 30 minute prog where they made assertions against the Right like Trump & Brexit, but didn’t bother to address the issue that a Left/Lib side might do the same..
..And unlike online material they wouldn’t have to deal with he problem of people debunking their campaign right below on the same page like happens online.
OR Yes Facecook could reform
It could strip out open commenting and hire some bod from Islington to filter out anything he considers Fakenews
..whilst pushing stuff he and his Islington mates agree with.
Then FB could hire Crapita to drive to every house in Britain and hammer on the door..and shout
“Pay up now, don’t deny you’ve been on Facebook
..handover £145 ! or we’ll send you to jail you suckers !”
I thought Facebook was a young persons obsession. I am absolutely certain that using scientific logic, the correlations between age and Facebook, and voting for Brexit, imply that Facebook caused the young to vote Remain, while the older generation was protected from Facebook propaganda, by not using it.
I am over sixty, therefore have never been on Facebook, and have been self-Educated on European Union governance by reading books written by experts censored by the BBC.
It’s a sign of the low intelligence of Remain supporters at the BBC, if they pick something with a contradictory correlation to prove a point that is contradicted by the facts, and then use this in a BBC Panorama documentary.
Not bbc but did anyone see the channel 4 hit piece tonight on trump and andrew wakefield. Cathy newman proving yet again to be no better than gutter journalism. This is the second blatant hit piece on wakefield ive seen in a week the other being on the wright stuff last week on 5 where matthew wright proceeded to attack wakefield over a movie that he had not seen and just threw smear after smear at him. I am not fully clued up on wakefield but he must have really pissed off the left for this treatment
I had an email about a Wadham College or Cambridge science debate many moons ago about Andrew Wakefield. There are many scientists who are smelling a rat over this story. As far as I can remember, I think it was about Vaccines using a Mercury based vaccine preservative called thimerosal, the mystery about research into its level of use present in those used to prove it does not cause Autism, and legal actions that could bring enormously expensive compensation for the establishment.
I think in Britain the use of thimerosal was ended after Blair was warned about a crony who had made money out of government contracts for Vaccines using thimerosal. It appears that its still used in the United States, while in Britain the medical profession is finding that the subject is fading away, with Wakefield being disgraced, deflecting litigation from victims, and scrutiny from low quality Journalists, who never seem to be independent Scientific Investigative Journalists, anymore. This seems to be a deliberate policy of the left-wing media elite, as the BBC told Mensa members that it has no scientific investigative Journalists, presumably because Lord Hall does not want a BBC Journalist to produce conclusions that could contradict BBC Policy as set out by the biased people he invites to his seminars.
Also this was linked to the exclusion of accounts of victims of the fake Philadelphia Experiment Conspiracy from Wikipedia entries, used to cover up victims of Radar experiments in the 1940’s who where microwaved, claiming compensation from the US Navy. All now seemed to have died, but their accounts were fed into the Philadelphia Experiment Myth, as a way of avoiding paying compensation to the Sailors, who probably never knew that their mysterious experiences were due to close contact to the highly inefficient Radar transmitters in the 1940’s. But then I do not believe that the US Navy in the 1940’s realised that Radar equipment could cause water molecules to heat up in close contact. Close contact of the head to the equipment could cause the Brain to be Microwaved, producing many of the Philadelphia Experiment Myths. But again, any legal action from families effected could still bring an enormously expensive bill of compensation for the US Navy.
Am I still in the UK?
The 10pm news on the state broadcasting channel is still banging on relentlessly about the result of the French election.
Apart from the fact that their nakedly obvious favoured candidate won, and their glee that they obviously perceive this will make the UK’s Brexit discussions more difficult, I am simply at a loss to understand why.
Perhaps the TV channel in question should be called ‘Fifth Column Broadcasting’, instead of BBC.
She’s left Benidorm and had been cast in the part of Dr Zaius, in a new series of Planet Of The Apes but as she is now the wife of the President of France that role will have to be shelved until he leaves office; in around two years time.
Just caught a BBC trailer for an upcoming drama about child sexual exploitation. The criminals appeared indigenous British with the only potential “South Asian” being a lawyer. Total realism!
I’m watching Newsnight tonight, which is hosted by Emily Maitlis. She hosted a discussion on Labour with Chuka Ummuna and someone from the Guardian. I didn’t realise that Emily Maitlis was part of Labour’s election team. At one point she said ‘Jeremy Corbyn is asking the right questions for our time.’.
She ended the discussion saying :- ‘We’re going to leave Labour on one side, but we know it will stay strong and we know it will stay stable’.
Strong and stable are not words that I would associate with the present Labour Party.
Just finished on R5 Live @BBCPhilWilliams segment seems to a studio meeting with grassroots Corbyn supporters
“older voters”
Tony, Frank, Mike
& Some random woman off the street called Audrey white
My thoughts exactly NISA ! I get really p….ed off with slebs (athletic or otherwise) who castigate someone as soon as they’ve been arrested, and sod whether they’re innocent or not. They should keep their traps shut until a verdict AND appeals have been given. JE-H will no doubt have ‘no comment’ to make if asked as per usual “how do you feel….” !!!!
They make a song and dance about us having the best justice system in the world, but most ASSUME that an arrest makes the perpetrator guilty.
First we need to forget about France and Macron. The problems facing France cannot be solved. So staying close to Mummy Merkel makes sense. Still short odds on a military ‘intervention’ in the next five years .
The last two days I have had the good fortune to be in the western shires . Superb weather and very quiet back roads ( the satnav generation no longer reads maps so roads that the system ignores are now quieter than fifty years ago). Old England looks fine. The people very much the same as they always have been . The villages with their churches still quiet and peaceful.
No sign of a diverse society in fact the opposite. So who is fooling who? These are the lands that voted to leave the EU and we who live in them know why. The progressives are fooling themselves by disparaging us as ignorant and misled. But we and our lands are now despised by them and in particular by the liberal media. So ,as in France, the culture war will intensify . Let the BBC enjoy it’s moment of Macron euphoria. It is but a little progressive bump on the road.
Wow @rhod_sharp’s @bbcRadio5 #UpAllNight is laying on #SJW emotional blackmail stuff very thick
1:50am played 10m of Libya refugee rescue calls
Then load of SJW stuff in the news
Then pushing line that saying @GenFlynn lied to Congress about meeting Russian ambassador before the election as fact.
I don’t think he did technically.
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Same with that euro pop thing – shows every year the descent of Europe
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I identify as someone who doesn’t feel right paying taxes. Don’t try and sublimate my being.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “… sublimate someone’s natural way of being” … Harriet Harman condemns paper’s ‘smear campaign’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-26320942 The Daily Mail has questioned…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:34 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC Culture — “Edward II: Did a gay love affair spark a 14th-Century royal crisis?” RSC co-artistic director Daniel Evans:…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Missile that struck Poland grain silo and killed two people in 2022 was fired by Ukraine Immediately following the explosion,…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Not BBC Wondering what the true president will announce tonight – about 2AM london time when he speaks to Congress…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Asia News — “USAID cuts shutter India’s first clinic for transgender people” “Vyjayanti Vasanta Mogli, a trans woman who has…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 At some stage these characters develop i kind of ‘ royal’ delivery which i think is based on the way…
AsISeeItMar 4, 11:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Netflix’s Black Doves update. I’m putting myself through this spy thriller like the preverbial Oscars-allied Sex Worker Community heart-of-gold hooker…
Week 2 of the GE17 Phoney War. If Week 1 and a Weak Weekend was bad for the Conservatives then Week 2 and the campaign as a whole has been going disastrously for the Labour Party.
We have been promised Bread and Circuses. So we had the Bread of Bank Holidays. Four new ones offered to us to feed the national spirit but I suspect that none of the four will coincide with 23 June. Why stop at four Mr Corbyn? Why not have five? A whole week of national holiday in that first month of the summer, starting with the weekend closest to the summer solstice, keeping the Pagans in a happy mood, lasting for a whole week at the end of June and taking in er …, well no, perhaps not.
Instead, perhaps we will celebrate diversity and help to keep Scotland and Northern Ireland in the Union with four Bank Holidays to celebrate the national Saint’s days. Isn’t that a bit too religious, Jeremy, a bit too Christian? Somewhat exclusive and not quite diverse enough. Oh well, just wait for the manifesto. That should have more details of Labour promises, promises, promises. Whatever happened to education?
The GE17 bidding war was started by Labour and then ramped up by them. They are currently at the level of tens of thousands. It helps to keep the maths easy, working in tens, doesn’t it Diane? Count on the fingers, eh? Especially on radio, where listeners cannot see you do it? So, that was the circus. That and the Local Authority and Mayoral Election results. What more could we want?
Police on the streets. That’s what we need. To keep the British safe from all the things they need keeping safe from while they enjoy their ice creams and fizzy drinks on all of these new Bank Holidays. What? No alcohol? Apparently not. Corbyn’s Labour as dry as Blair’s Labour was awash with the stuff.
And just to keep the feelgood factor going without any champagne, Labour are promising those who are rich and who earn £70,000, a £10,000 or 14% increase. Oops, no! Silly me. A bit of a Diane moment there! Those who earn £79,999 per annum have actually been downgraded – to ‘poor’. It’s now ‘official’, according to Labour. Earn less than £80,000 and you are poor.
Funny thing is, people who earn less than an average wage also tend to feel and actually be poor but there are no plans from Labour to raise everyone to the level of nearly rich nor anywhere near a median income. Only an increase in the minimum wage. Shame. But at least Labour will not hit you with an Income Tax rise. You possibly might pay more via indirect, stealth and hidden taxes. You may not get any lift in earnings from Labour and will just have to make do with four new Bank Holidays. Labour will however scrap the Pay Rise Limit for State Employees, apparently. That’s the policy that guaranteed the low paid a 1% pay rise while freezing pay at the top. So Good News and Bad News for the low paid and the high paid under Labour.
Increases in Income Tax but more pay for all those Chief Executives, Agency Directors, Consultants, etc, to help them pay it. Happy days ahead.
The Phoney War has ended, now for the real thing. The General Election campaign has started. We now have nearly five weeks of manifesto reading and conflict ahead.
“The BBC will fight Brexit on the beaches….”
Jon Ashworth, Labour Shadow Health Minister has just told me, courtesy of the TODAY programme, that 1 in 3* children leave school obese. The Labour Party are therefore planning to ban television adverts for ‘junk food’ before the 9pm ‘Watershed’.
Perhaps, if one in three children are obese by the time they leave school, they should ban education instead? That might be more effective. Or ban junk food? No, they will just ban the adverts. What about wrapping the High Street stores that children pass on the way to school in plain paper, Jon? Still time to get that in the Party manifesto.
(* That may be a Diane Abbott type of statistical calculation. I find it hard to believe.)
Being obese must be a result of living in poverty – all that free food bank grub.
ED, and free school meals, too.
No obesity in the WWII concentration camps was there. That was real poverty.
I’d like some figures on MPs leaving Parliament in an obese state, Mr Ashworth could have a look around the shadow cabinet for starters… and the main course.
The Hon Member for Brentwood and Ongar is not seeking re-election, I understand.
Actually, IIRC, he is leaving Parliament a lighter person than when he took up his seat. He realised he had a ‘weight problem’ and took it upon himself to do something about it. Took some personal responsibility, no less. Well done, Sir!
All MPs elected or re-elected on 8th June, please remember this when planning legislation to put before the House in future.
I thank you.
Did he also mention the notion that an even larger number leave school uneducated?
OG, they wouldn’t wish to be distracted by a minor issue, a mere bagatelle like that. Much more important for Labour to be decisive and ban something.
Control everything, for everyone, from cradle to grave. That is the goal.
For that I blame Blair.
Eric, as well as Tony.
don’t suppose anyone noticed that BBC on daily basis open the news with Labours press release of the day ?
Today it’s
“Labour to ban junk food ads before 9pm”
what I heard on R5 5am then local news 6am
Well sometime after the Tory immigration cap was elevated
My Beeboid contact tell me it was on the BBNews twitterfeed at 7:24am
but they’d started the webnews page just after midnight
..don’t know why they didn’t report it earlier.
It jumps off the website ‘news’ (sic) page and has done all day.
Day after day, the tired old Labour horse is tipped by the BBC for the race – when all it is fit for is the knacker’s yard.
I came across this article by Raheem Kassam in Breitbart from September 21, 2015. It demonstrates how the BBC portrays the migrant invasion of Europe using carefully selected images. With the latest flotillas of invaders under way, it’s worth reexamining the story again.
“An analysis of photographs the BBC uses to illustrate Europe’s migrant crisis has revealed the publicly funded organisation is using mostly pictures of children, despite the actual number of children making the trip being suspiciously low.
The United Nations Refugee Agency reported last week there were 72 per cent men, 13 per cent women, and just 15 per cent children making the trip to Europe by sea. This was out of a total of 381,412 people, meaning that 274,616 of those making the trip were men, with just 49,583 women, and 57,211 children.
The numbers, updated for this week, claim there are now nearly 80,000 children arriving, and over 305,000 men, and just over 57,000 women.
But a Breitbart London analysis of over 200 images used by the BBC on its website shows a staggering 53 per cent of children as the focal points of images, with 36 per cent focused on the men, and just 10 per cent focused on women. By this measure, readers may assume that of the total number of sea arrivals, over 230,000 of them are children–an overestimation pushed by the BBC’s narrative of around 150,000.”
I’ve also noticed that when they publish a photo of migrant children, they’re always about 5 and not 35.
The point of sending the young men is to “grab a foothold” in the land you are planning to invade. Once these are established they will be allowed to bring their families legally. They will then have marriages arranged and will bring their new wives. Once the wives are established they will bring their families legally….
So for every quarter of a million males we take the true number will end up as something up to 10 million.
There will be a point when our country will no longer be our country and will be a third-world mess, then and only then will the numbers of invaders drop. The job will have been done.
The people of France have just voted to make this happen even more quickly. Some tw*t on television said that Macron’s election will be good for Britain (as in it will damage the chances of a good Brexit).
Demon – many of the Third World males who come here will marry / co-habit with (the more foolish) indigenous women, the progeny of such unions will not be British in any real or meaningful sense.
This accelerates the rate at which Britons will become a minority in Britain; it’s not good to be a minority in any country.
Al, I fully agree. Those women who marry will be behijabed as soon as they consent. Those who only co-habit will bring up their children alone as their partners will now be marrying someone brought over from the invading country.
Interesting point Demon.
My own view is that all European Governments know that where the muzzies come from i.e. principally the Middle East, control of the lunacy that is islam can only be held in check by a strong dictator. Hence the mess currently resulting when the West decides to remove the dictator. But now, as Europe and the UK becomes islamicised there is no dictator to keep a rein on the islamic madness. Yet. All a ruse to end up in dictatorship as the ‘needed’ response to protect the non islamic public? All, needless to say, on the assumption that the Goverment remains(?) non islamic otherwise it will be total madness.
As someone posted on the BBC News Facebook page last night, the French Nation has just committed suicide.
The glee from the BBC is abysmal.
A delightful and whimsical article about cute penguins living in minefields in the Falkland Islands. How could the BBC possibly make this offensive?
Well, after careful thought and analysis they come up with this gem. “By the time British forces retook Stanley 74 days later, 907 people had lost their lives, most of them Argentine conscripts.” What relevance does the breakdown of deaths in the war have to do with penguins and why point out only Argentine deaths? And if it is relevant then why not mention the 255 British volunteers who died liberating the place from the invaders?
British lives don’t matter to the BBC.
Is it cos the penguins is black?
Also notice the picture of a black dog in one of the photos, plus one of a black ‘Zimbabwean’ mine clearing expert. They can’t resist themselves…
IR, they are also white, as well. Diversity in nature. Multi-cultured – doh! no – multi-coloured in a near monochromatic sort of way.
It’s like Gavin Esler and every one of his DateLine London groupies wrote the brief.
Isn’t the lesson that you shouldn’t start a war if you aren’t prepared to accept casualties?
I’m sorry that Argentine conscripts died in a pointless land grab, but the BBBC’s ire should be directed at the treacherous Argentine government that sent them to their deaths.
Next the BBBC will be blaming us for killing German, Italian and Japanese conscripts in WWII (if they haven’t already).
The bBC, and its version of the killings of eight IRA men and a civilian by the SAS 30 years ago:

“The 30th anniversary of the killings of eight IRA men and a civilian by the SAS is given widespread coverage in both the News Letter and Irish News on Monday. “Loughgall: The inside story” is the front page of the Irish News, while the News Letter has an eight-page supplement on the killings. The Irish News has an interview with “Scout One”, an IRA man it says escaped the ambush. He tells the paper that after a sustained period of gunfire, he knew something was “badly wrong” when he saw an Army helicopter.Scout One says that he and a fellow IRA man drove into the County Armagh village and were quickly surrounded by SAS soldiers who trained their guns on their car.He says he could see the bodies of some of the IRA men who were killed and believes he was allowed to leave the scene because there was an elderly couple in a car behind them.”
Whilst the bBC reports that 8 IRA men were killed as they just happened to be driving through the village of Loughgall, Northern Ireland 30 years ago this day. Here are a few facts the Irish news reports which the bBC doesn’t:
“On the night of the ambush the IRA had planned to storm the police station with guns and a bomb placed in the bucket of a digger driven by Declan Arthurs, who was from Galbally, near Dungannon. The unit had hoped to reach the station as three RUC officers were expected to clock off duty. Sources say the IRA had been watching the police station in the run up to the attack and had established the officers left the station at the same time each night. The plan was to kill the RUC men and demolish the station immediately on entering the village.”
I wonder why the bBC left out that salient snippet
“BBC Editorial Integrity means there is not always time or space for details that ruin a carefully-contrived narrative”
TLM = Terrorists Lives Matter
especially to the “B”BC
I remember this event with crystal clarity. The Telegraph headline at the time was “How SAS Sprung Provos’ Deathtrap”. 5 of the terrorists were killed in their Toyota Hiace van by a .50 cal machine gun and the others were on the JCB with the bomb – which they detonated before being killed. It was the best result in the whole “Troubles” in terms of wiping out murderers.
The PIRA chose to play by big boys’ rules. That night they lost. Remind me what the BBC is for?
I remember it also. I was posted to Omagh a year later , was there when Ballygally happened and the killing by the Hereford Mafia of the IRA cell a few weeks later. They didn’t like how these murdering bastards met their end and Private Eye came out with this front page shocker:

Laugh? I nearly cried.
BBC ‘News’…
love the way the cracks spread up into the whole starry circle…that symbolises the result of a net contributor departing.
Down with the EU, long live a free Europe of sovereign nations!
I hope this is a piece that he has to update regularly with blue paint.
Looks like a painter using a carpenter’s mallet to hit a brickie’s chisel!
Was he trying to make the result look like a hammer and sickle?
Does anyone else find the World Service is the most vehemently left wing arm of Al Beeb?
This morning they bemoaned the laws against sanctuary cities being enforced, saying it ‘discriminated against minorities.’ The law has to discriminate against people – otherwise you have bedlam. Their crusade against the ‘racist’ Met police has resulted in ten deaths in the last fortnight from stabbings. Ten in a fortnight! They reported on some snowflake march against the murders yesterday, but that will change nothing. Only the Police free to do their jobs without being accused of ‘discriminating against minorities’ will actually prevent knife crime.
If you go to the BBC building, you will be asked for ID and proof to say you are there on official business; they also have security to turn away people who are not supposed to be there. By their logic, anyone who fancies marauding around their studios should just be free to come in the building – to do otherwise would be ‘discriminating against minorities.’ Imagine that! Some of those lovely hammer-wielding muggers just popping along Great Portland Street to say hello to their enablers. Then they not be able to whine about cultural appropriation when someone has just smashed them in the face with a hammer and stolen their Iphone!
The BBC do not know what the word ‘discrimination’ means. It simply means to ‘exercise judgement’ and is a good thing. For instance, we might say that someone has the ability to discriminate between a fine wine and a bad wine (or champagne, in the case of BBC staff). The key point is that the discrimination is based on something factual or widely perceived to be factual, rather than something arbitrary or unrelated or non-factual, which would then count as prejudice. Refusing to accept job applications from White Britons would be an example of prejudice, as race is not normally a requirement to perform the role (to use an example directly applicable to the BBC). Likewise, a disproportionate use of stop and search by the police on certain ethnic group teenagers is acceptable and justified, on the basis that a disproportionate number of knife crimes are committed by (and also affect) that group. Common sense is needed, not Common Purpose.
Yes, I ‘m sure if you attempt to gain entry to the building, you can avoid any form of admonishment by claiming that you are simply ‘undocumented’.
Or just declare that you are in favour of “open borders”.
Just imagine the welcome they would give Tommy Robinson if he turned up unexpectedly.
Liverpool dog attack: Two-year-old girl injured in garden
What neither of these articles will ever mention is that the owner of the dogs is, once again a social housing tenant.
95% of dog attacks resulting in death or serious injury have owners who live in social housing, yet the blindingly obvious connection is never made.
On media comment pages I have made this connection, and provided lists of such attacks, with a challenge to those who disagree to prove me wrong. I have been met in return by a string of vitriol from those opposed (as per usual) and not one shred of proof or evidence to the contrary. One lunatic leftie even wrote that a few dead or maimed kiddies was a price worth paying in the class war! Obviously that only applies so long as it isn’t his kids or a relatives.
In this case the owner of the dogs was found to have 5 Dogs and 5 Puppies at his address, an insane number of animals for a tiny 2 bed council house.
It wasn’t too much different with the Jade Anderson case just down the road, with a crazed woman who had far too many dogs in the house, and insufficient motivation to exercise them, or spend any time with them, allowing a pack mentality to develop. The council had ‘strict’ rules on the number of dogs allowed in their housing, but failed to enforce these rules. In nearly every instance, the council involved is yes you guessed it – Labour.
And so we will go on seeing more attacks of this nature, because the Tories are too idle to do anything about it, and the Left doesn’t see a problem with it.
I’m sure the new mayor, an utterly pointless exercise in adding another level of bureaucracy, can get right into looking at this, and then achieve absolutely nothing because his allocated budget has been swallowed up in a new vanity building and unproductive assistants.
You have to ask where is the deterrent?
A shocking adage, is the “timebomb” of growing number of not all but mainly muslim dog fighting gangs, breeding larger pitbulls, treating them appallingly
in towns and city estates for betting purposes.it is shocking.
“Asian gangs behind soaring cases of dog-fighting in Midlands”
“Muslims are ringleaders of 98% of Dogfighting in UK epidemic”
“Large Pakistani gangs are at the heart of a dog-fighting epidemic in the UK”
… Then again, blood sports eh! if only they would prance around in a red coat and blow a little tin horn, all the Westminster f-ckwit lobbyists would be lapping it up, and get them into the field “blood” sport society oops I mean the, Countryside Alliance.
I am sure the SJW snowflakes will not be trying to stop Pak gangs engaged in dog fighting. Apart from the fact it would be “racist”, they know the Paks would smash their heads in. It’s much more fun terrorizing white people riding horses.
Now on the serious subject of mental health on the BBC R4 TODAY programme. Contributor, Jenny Edwards, claims some statistical figures of 2 in 3 experiencing mental health breakdowns. No challenge from Justin Webb. Now, there’s a new claim that 1 in 3 visits to GPs have a mental health component. Again, no challenge from Justin Webb.
I find those statistical claims highly doubtful, especially in relation to other claims about the health of the UK population.
Never mind, it is now Mental Health Awareness Week.
“Our vision is for a world with good mental health for all. Our mission is to help people understand, protect and sustain their mental health. Prevention is at the heart of what we do, because the best way to deal with a crisis is to prevent it from happening in the first place.” (Mental Health Foundation)
Justin Webb did not have the wit or the courage to ask Jenny Edwards how much MHF receive in State Grant funding and whether winding up the MHF and giving the money to the NHS for its Mental Health services might be a much better way of doing things rather than asking for yet more taxpayer money via more taxes.
I would feel a lot less depressed without bodies like these constantly using taxpayers’ money to lobby, via the BBC who are in receipt of taxpayers’ money, for even more taxpayers’ money from a future UK Government. Mental illness is a serious problem for those that face it but magnifying the problem beyond the bounds of credibility (and previous statistics) to extract more tax money to pay NGOs, like the MHF, even more money I find incredibly depressing. No good can come from it.
Perfectly aligned to the Mental Health Foundations stated aims, is that not?
If 1% of people being homosexual is ‘normal’ then surely two out of three people having ‘mental health problems’ must be super-normal!
What’s the problem?
These will be many of the same people and organisations who campaigned to close the asylums down to be replaced with “community care”.
That went well.
Now instead of asylums, seriously mentally ill people often end up socially isolated, self medicating on drugs and alcohol, unable to access mental health services (often based on a flawed “recovery” model that denies their distress) and in and out of prison.
Not sure the ‘upsetting all sides’ balance pitch is really cutting it…
Hurray! Emma Watson wins the first gender neutral award at MTV (only open to women to actually win it of course but who cares).
Fantastic! and the BBC are delighted. Presumably they will now be campaigning for gender-neutral awards in tennis?
Hurray 2 – she is a shoo in to play the hero/ine in “Yvette Cooper’s Schooldays”
When she gets nominated to play Diane Abbott in the film of her life story, then I’ll be impressed…
Too late. Sir Lenny already booked and locked in a room with Mrs. Doubtfire tapes to get in character.
Blimey. There are even less white males at those awards than you get in a BBC newsroom or children’s TV studio.
They are all down in the dark end of the carpark wiping down their camper vans.
What’s ridiculous is the fact that she can’t act. She just huffs and struts around the screen in a thoroughly unlikeable manner.
She just huffs and struts around the screen in a thoroughly unlikeable manner.
Started when she was eight, apparently. She was trying to impose her will on others when some of the boys called her ‘bossy’. It was at that moment she decided she was a faux-feminist. Check out her speech to the UN about this moment of epiphany. On second thoughts, don’t bother – she was probably only acting.
More than once its been questioned as to how she gets ‘acting’ parts. She was ‘of her time’ in Harry Potter, but hasn’t succeeded as an adult actress.
“hasn’t succeeded as an adult actress.”
I haven’t seen those films.
But… isn’t Emma Watson a man?
From the BBC:
“She beat other male stars including James McAvoy and Hugh Jackman.”
Perhaps that is why we have the comma?
BBC News – Voters reject,(boo!) the “far right”,(booooo hiss!) Marine, (spit!) Le Penn
… and the choose a youthful,(aaah! purr purr!) former investment banker as
the new leader,(shiny pony, shiny pony)
… political establishment business as usual! tea with “Clone Dada” Hollande later I suppose, because you know I m
a erm … “radical” “outsider” “independent”. It s sickening.
The usual rotten political establishment manipulation here too, talking of which what s Liar May going to be misleading on this morning, after the nose growing whoppery of the tax bombshell poster,(projection, projection)the Tory “a lie a day” is obviously doubling up.
I saw that Tory “eejit” from the treasury select committee lying through his teeth last week too the incompetence is literally staggering, thank goodness they ve got the establishment backing, the hedge funds, the manipulated press, the manipulated media, the whole swathe of establishment and doctored figures to fall back on.
Ah! yes … Immigration,’tens of thousands’ target, I mean after Liar Mays failure for the past SEVEN YEARS … hmmm
… Quick!, get clown car Davis to big up the euro spat, pronto!, get a Corbyn poster, get “uncle Fester” Zahawi to say Liar has “a laser-like focus” ROFL! 😀
this time round etc.
… political establishment business as usual.
Does that stinking, putrid, self serving No10 swamp need draining
Just been looking through the BBC’s news about the French elections. Finally, the BBC have backed the winning side.
I suspect Treezer knew Le Pen would lose when she refused to meet her.
But when is Macron coming to the UK, to meet the Queen in a state visit?
Perhaps he can fill in the gaps of Trump’s postponed visit. That is, if the pro-Islamic establishment antifa blackshirts consent.
The bBC , singing the praises of the Mayor of London after 1 year in office:

Apparently this man is the best thing since sliced chapatti. Here are a few things the bBC don’t fully mention about Khan:
TfL fares
Promise: ‘I want to be crystal clear – no ifs, no buts – what you’ll pay if I’m elected Mayor in May 2016 is what you’ll pay at the end of my 4 years in office’
Reality: Daily and weekly caps are rising by an average of 2%, Travelcard season ticket prices are rising by an average of 2%.
Affordable housing
Promise: “Sadiq will set a target for 50 per cent of all new homes in London to be genuinely affordable.”
Reality: His new policy is that he hopes to convince developers to voluntarily meet a target of 35% affordable housing.
Promise: 32,000 police officers on London’s streets.
Reality: Now only committing enough funds to maintain force’s current strength of 31,000 officers.
Promise: “plant two million trees by 2020”
Reality: “No tree planting has been funded since the beginning of this administration”
Green energy
Promise: Make London run on 100% green energy by 2050.
Reality: Sadiq’s team admit they have no idea what the percentage was when he took over, let alone today, because energy generation is apparently now a matter for central government.
Promise: “Make sure there are zero days of strikes”
Reality: Tube strike travel chaos for commuters today.
and then there’s the rise in knife crime in London:
Did he promise not to wear the “Christian” necktie? That’s one he’s keeping.
Promise: “plant two million trees by 2020”
Reality: “No tree planting has been funded since the beginning of this administration”
Perhaps he has been told that trees are racist because black people were hung from them and they cause Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome. Affected by PTSS, black people experience “fear and mistrust of forests and other green spaces… the tree is a racist symbol to black people.
The beeb are so far up his arse they have hailed him a new messiah like barry. He was proclaimed the best mayor evah on day one. They haven’t laid a finger on him and they have no intention to, he is their man. Another strike this morning and sad dick is kept out of the reports. Nothing to see here. Probably too busy sending selfies of himself to the beebs other hero of the day macaroni the manchurian candidate. Boris got attacked on a daily basis by the boys and gals at bbc london. It was all doom and gloom from day one to the last and even when he left and khan was in their for months they still attacked him just deflecting away from khan. Livingstone was waging a war on london drivers before he got kicked out by threatening a fee of 25 quid on 4×4’s to drive into central london well khan has nearly achieved that aim just twelve months in with his t charge scam. Will people start to wake up when their pockets are being robbed by this shyster? Manchester has just elected bodybags burnham in the same role, expect carnage but only adulation from the beeb. Manchester you have been warned.
One of the bus-driver’s son’s campaigns is air pollution from diesel cars. Despite DEFRA figures showing air pollution, including NOx is down substantially since 1970, he presses on, unbelievably with the backing of the transport minister Chris Grayling.
I wonder if there is some ulterior motive? Perhaps he favours Uber petrol/hybrid minicabs driven mainly by Muslims over the diesel black cabs driven mainly by whites, a sizeable proportion of whom are Jews?
‘The beeb are so far up his arse they have hailed him a new messiah like barry’.
Spot on.
The BBC will have him as their next Labour leader after Corbyn loses big, followed by Treezer’s near destruction of the Tory Party when she screws up Brexit under the influence of older woman loving Marcaroni
Interesting programme from Andrew Marr to ‘Start the week’ on Radio 4. Pretending an interest in understanding the current world by looking at past great literature etc, we start off with Shakespeare and Othello. Guess why? Correct: RACISM. And the motiveless and evil malignancy? Apparently Nigel Farage is a good example.
Expect Trump next, and you will not be disappointed. He comes up as a sort of evil con-man, who gets into the centre of things. The programme was so third-rate and trashy, with Marr and his plummy voice attempting to give it some intellectual credibility, while egging everyone on, I had to switch off. At that point the good Muslim on the fringes- being discriminated against of course, the wonder of polytheistic religions etc etc were being discussed, so one new exactly where everything was heading. So much for examining the great ethics of the past.
I heard the first 15 mins of this whilst I was drinking my morning coffee. What struck me (repeatedly, about the head) most was the fact that every single member of the panel and Marr himself were all agreed that we’re ‘living in dangerous and chaotic times’.
I switched off. Life really is too short for that sort of thing.
It is coordinated with some commonality of purpose:
I love the wonderful ‘accuracy’ in that article:
Figures from campaigners suggest as many as 3,292 people are surviving without a home across Greater Manchester.
So there we have it: not 3,291 people or 3,293 people but 3,292 exactly – that must be what they used to call Scientific Socialism. Also notice the sly term ‘people surviving without a home’, which is somewhat different from homelessness. For instance, someone living in temporary council accommodation or bed and breakfast falls into this category. It is not an enviable situation, but it’s not exactly the same as sleeping rough on the streets.
Coming soon: how importing millions of people into Britain is improving the housing situation for all – a special report from Panorama.
Manchester are so lucky to have a humanitarian like bodybags.
“we start off with Shakespeare and Othello. Guess why? Correct: RACISM.”
But not, of course, The Merchant of Venice.
Not all victim groups are equal.
Interesting programme from Andrew Marr to ‘Start the week’ on Radio 4. Pretending an interest in understanding the current world by looking at past great literature etc, we start off with Shakespeare and Othello. Guess why? Correct: RACISM. And the motiveless and evil malignancy? Apparently Nigel Farage is a good example.
Expect Trump next, and you will not be disappointed. He comes up as a sort of evil con-man, who gets into the centre of things. The programme was so third-rate and trashy, with Marr and his plummy voice attempting to give it some intellectual credibility, while egging everyone on, I had to switch off. At that point the good Muslim on the fringes- being discriminated against of course, the wonder of polytheistic religions etc etc were being discussed, so one knew exactly where everything was heading. So much for examining the great ethics of the past.
I’ve been avoiding the news for the last couple of days, as I just couldn’t cope with the pro-Macron bias. As I suspected, France has embraced its own destruction, just as it did in 1940. At the very best, it will just be more of the same with Macron and daily life in France will look more and more like Belfast in the 1970s. I still have hope though – I don’t think France has gone completely, like Sweden. Le Pen had huge levels of support and the French do have something of a fighting spirit if roused, but we haven’t seen that since at least 1871!
Well, the BBC and the msm in general are all cock-a-hoop they got their man onto the French throne. I suppose it’s a small consolation for the fact they never did manage to get Hillary crowned the Queen of Washington (as was her god-given right, apparently).
So I guess the rest of us will have to suck this and suffer the smug crowing and triumphalism of the progressive media as they big-up their newest golden child and present him as the new Saviour.
It’ll be a pyrrhic victory of course, because bigger wheels are turning all over Europe and time and events and simple demographics will take care of the rest. Things could kick off quicker than they imagine, too: Ramadan beckons, now just a matter of weeks away. The Annual Ramadan Bomb-A-Thon runs for a whole month. Coming soon to a European capital near you. Just another facet of cultural enrichment, I guess. I hope the boy Macron is up to the challenge.
I would assume that 4 yrs time will be the tipping point, the next election … after ever growing Islamic terror attacks, rapefugee violence crisis, fast emerging Paristan and the demographic diaaster.
… but
it could be sooner, hope that they are pleased a vacuous shiny pony “don t touch the hair” mommies boy is at the helm.
… Maybe they are “cheese eating surrender monkeys”?
The Macron answer, Lights, Curtain, and Hit The Music!
“There maybe trouble ahead,
but while there s music and moonlight and love and romance”
Eiffel Tower – After the Paris landmark, is continually closed due to looting pickpocketing and sporadic violence.
Pres. Macron “unveils” his solution 😀
C mon you Kippers!
Oh, the irony. Today is VE Day (no, don’t look to the BBC for coverage). Yet in France it is 22nd June 1940, Part Deux.
If the BBC reported on VE night it would be something like ‘VE night – we look at the plight of a transgendered GI who was not allowed to use the women’s lavatories despite winning a Purple Heart.’ etc.
I’ve mentioned before about the BBC’s selective use of adjectives and adverbs depending on their bias. So we have “Labour losing local elections” compared with “Macron’s crushing victory”. Many more examples available no doubt
Coburn was doing the same on DP today by saying that labour slipped in the results on friday when it was more like they fell on their big fat lying arses and broke both legs. Then they were speaking to a telegraph journo and a political commentator on college green as they were introduced. Said female commentator turned out to be working for the huffington post and was ex bbc but not a mention from coburn. I am always curious when they introduce people like this and mr google provided me with the results i feared.
BTW was watching the results come in on the bbc around 3.30 on friday afternoon when huw edwards had labours barry gardiner and the snp’s john nicholson along with a female tory. Gardiner is a real nasty piece of work and started to lay into the tory woman unleashing all his bile on her over losing seats and nicholson joined in while edwards looked on. Two nasty idiots who couldn’t take losing.
Green Party orchestrated campaign started
to say that they don’t get same coverage as UKIP
..but the figs they quote seem to be about CELEBRATION of victories
Of course the BBC gave a lot of time to UKIP cos they were ‘celebrating’ each UKip loss
Something came up ..spot the Cherry pick
Cherry pick
It’s a list of Question Time appearances
#1 Its only one prog
#2 Time period is over selected 10 years
and not over all time
Only Farage has been at the TOP of the GAME that long
course appeared more
All the years he was on Corbyn was a nobody.
Over all time Farage isn’t in the top 10
Kenneth Clarke 56 Shirley Williams 55 Menzies Campbell 46 Harriet Harman 44 Charles Kennedy 43 Michael Heseltine 37 Clare Short 37 Roy Hattersley 35 Paddy Ashdown 34 Simon Hughes 34
‘Greens got 40 councillors’ ..em No
The Green Party of England and Wales has 21 seats.
The other 19 are in Scotland which is a different party.
Net changes in councillor seats
UKIP down to 1 councillor quoted as 114 losses
GreensEngland UP 1 councillor to 21
So Greens have pulled a fast one
Their ENGLAND-leader goes on BBC to say there’s bias cos BBC didn’t over all his gains
cheekily trying to add the 5 Scotland-Green-Party gains to his own Party’s
UKIP still have about 300 UK councillors to ENGLISH-Green’s 160 (plus 20 in Scotland) and Conservatives have 9,200
Greens claim their gains should be reported after all the Scottish Greens must be the party which got the SECOND most gains
Nope not even close.
QUIZ ..which party gained magnitudes more seats than the Scots Greens, but still way below the Tories gains ?
Can you name its 2 top leaders @Taffman ?
Now when you think of it there’s probably some minor local party’s (see link) than gained more new seats than the ENGLISH-Greens gained (which was in Wales)
BBBC only started to give Farage publicity because they figured he would take votes from Camoron and hand the win to Milliperson. So, after 10 years of boycotting him, suddenly they stuck him on QT every fortnight for 3 months. How we laughed as that backfired!!
I’ve just read this rivetting piece of information on the BBC website.
But I had to burst out laughing when I saw this typo error!
“Pepe has recently been depicted as Adolf Hitler and as a member of the US white supremacist Ku Klux Khan group.”
Oh dear, the peaceful ones won’t like that one little bit ……
It is so true what Milo says that the Left just isn’t fun or cool anymore. Why not hit back with their own funny meme? No, instead they ban the joke and go crying to the teacher. No doubt if someone used the frog to make a joke in a public speech he would be shouted down and beaten up – what’s fun, cool or progressive about that?

@BbcTrending are so busy constructing False-Narratives
that their typos show their own PROJECTION, that they’re Sadiq Supporters acting like fascists patrolling the internet lynching any soul that dares challenge LibMob dogma.
Newssniffer caught them before the normal #BBCstealthEdits
Anyone know the French word for “wankfest”?
Because that is what we have today on the bBBC.
Or should that be the CBFb?
“L`ouankfestivale de Macron”…….is the phrase you`re looking for.
Isn’t Macron something you take when your nose gets all blocked up?
Or perhaps Bile Beans for Chlamydia… (guess what that’s short for..;0)
We middle class white people cheered to the rafters on Saturday when.a giant of a second row forward, who happens to be black, went over for the winning try.
Why did we cheer him? Because he was black? No. Because we were being politically correct? No.
We cheered because he was good!
And that of course is the problem with the bBBC in a nutshell.
RE: ‘Undocumented workers.’
Documents are extremely important. I could not teach in a school without my degree certificate. Should they just let anyone teach French? My dentist has his official certificates on the wall in his surgery. I would not let someone without his documents mess around with my mouth.
The same should apply to immigration. Where is this person coming from? What is his record? What are his beliefs? You have to do all sorts of tests and background checks for jobs, why not the same with immigration?
And just like at work you should have to sign a contract saying that any gross misconduct gets you kicked out. If you seek to undermine our way of life, you must leave; just as if I refused to teach in my school and instead went into other classes and threw things at teachers, I would lose my job. But I I get on with my job and make a positive contribution, of course the school are delighted to have me on the team.
Undocumented = illegal = deport.
That’s how it works in countries with “Australian style, points based immigration systems”(haven’t heard that line in this election campaign so far)…
….same in the US, Canada, Gulf States…virtually any independent nation on earth…..accompanied by conditional work permits, and return home if laws are broken or employment contract ends…. it`s beyond us though.
It wasnt beyond us, we have permits and no benefit’s for years, the only none white here are doctors nurses etc, we do have 60,000 migrants [English mainly London whingers] to our 30,000 indigenous, we make jokes about ”our” brits like you ”rip” your immigrants, only ours are not trying to kill at every turn, we are just not their BMW for, however they are the most progressive liberal wankers you will ever meet.
It wasnt beyond us, we have permits and no benefit’s for 5 years, the only none white here are doctors nurses etc, we do have 60,000 migrants [English mainly London whingers] to our 30,000 indigenous, we make jokes about ”our” Brits like you ”rip” your immigrants, only ours are not trying to kill at every turn, we are just not worth damaging their BMW for, however they are the most progressive liberal wankers you will ever meet.
Something Mishail Hussein might approve of. No mention on her people’s broadcaster, but Charlie has cancelled his visit to Israel.
‘Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, was set to travel to Israel in November to honor the 16,000 fallen British and Commonwealth World War One troops at the centenary of the British campaign to liberate the land from the Ottoman Empire and the historic Balfour Declaration.
Former Col. Richard Kemp, a prominent vocal supporter of Israel, slammed the Foreign Office as “camel corps” who were “pandering” to Arab dictators. A former commander of the British Forces in Afghanistan, he branded the decision an “insult to British war dead.”
We have to assume that the Prince is following advice from the Conservative Government.
Treezer does not want to upset the Mohamidans.
I will bear this in mind when I vote UKIP in the Gen Election, despite its likelihood of being a wasted vote.
Richard Kemp is correct. The sabotage by the Foreign Office is a disgrace. I too will be voting UKIP if there is a candidate in my constituency.
In September 2016, the Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas told the UN General Assembly that Britain should apologise for the Balfour Declaration. In October 2016, anti-Israel activists launched a campaign to pressure the UK Government to apologise.
Financial Times have just sent me a marketing email
headed “Fighting Against Fake News”
… it actually doesn’t say anything other about FakeNews
just an assumption that FT is somehow better
Bet tmw it has an advertorial pullout for a corrupt dictatorship country.
Ah, yes, the dear old Gordon Brown supporting FT, whose editor is such a paragon of patriotism that he has actually been awarded the legion d’honneur
As Mr Littlejohn would say – you couldn’t make it up!
This is a short film by Tommy Robinson about a young woman, Chelsey, from Sunderland who was gang raped by Syrian and Iraqi “refugees” none of whom have been prosecuted, although her brother who went to the house where it happened is now in prison. She shows incredible courage to talk about what happened to her but it reinforces how those who run our country, are willing to sacrifice the lives and innocence of working class indigenous females on the altar of multiculturalism and political correctness.
This is a moving film, one of the best since Tommy Robinson started with Rebel Media. It really captures the position of the British working classes today; they are not dressed in the smart gear of today’s so called refugees, they look defeated but their empathy for this wonderful and brave woman is moving. We are down but not out. Ignore us Labour and this Tory Government who does not give a shit about the crimes and their cover ups.
Small news item on Radio 4. Macron and Hollande attend the tomb of the unknown soldier to honour the war dead. Normally a very honourable thing to do but in Macron’s case it is a disgusting display of hyprocacy. A man who has made clear that France as a nation has no specific culture, yet here he is publicly laying a wreath for those men and women who died defending France.
Generations are born, grow and change. It’s not always easy and sometimes the changes are not for the better but at least we adapt and try to progress. (Islam being the exception)
The one constant that remained was taking pride in your country. Being proud and patriotic. These very qualities that publicly Macron was honouring at the tomb of the unknown soldier when he in effect despises those who want to fight to protect their country and identity. It’s this crucial change which has been bred out of the generations over the last 30 years or so that is at the crux of the forces threatening not only the past bravery of those who fought but the furure of what they fought for. We now have generations of spoiled, empty headed, (pretend) intellectually educated people who can only comprehend the next few hours ahead. To them the past isn’t relevant and the future, well aren’t they going to live forever and ever in a utopian open world. They are not going to grow old or die. Rebel media were interviewing French voters in London. Asking one young man “what do you think, is the most extreme stance Le Pen has?” His answer ‘ I think now we are living in a globalised world, I understand she’s trying to bring a national preference but I really think it’s outdated now’. He is absolutely right, it is outdated, bred out through ineffectual parenting, a corrupt EU and a very dumbed down education system. CBB employees are superb species as evidence of my beliefs.
The young man
” I think now we are living in a globalised world, I understand she’s trying to bring a national preference but I really think it’s outdated now’.
Dear me the castration is complete isn’t it? European Eunuchification
I’m pretty sure the bBC would report this as rightwing violence against a chick with a dick
With their wanky little hooter, these Antifa scum really are a bunch of clowns.
I liked the tranny who tried to burn the flag. “She” had more stubble than a Syrian child refugee. I shall try my best not to laugh when the soldiers of the caliphate throw “her” from a high building.
Antifa are the real fascists.
Also the most likely reason that trump will stick around for a second term.
Dan Evans has dropped in the rankings. Me neither: he’s a British professional tennis player. As a result of recent results, the reporter for R5 informed him, he’s dropped from third to fourth in the British male rankings. He’s changed places with the player who was fourth.
This confused DE. ‘Who are the others?’, he wondered. ‘Aljaž Bedene has moved up to third’, the reporter informed him, referring to the player who was born in Slovenia in 1989, represented Slovenia from the time he turned pro in 2008, and who qualified as a British tennis player—through residence—in 2015.
‘So I’m third, then’, Evans replied. ‘Yeah, well, he’s not . . . erm, you know . . .’, he expatiated, haltingly but with a growing realisation that he was cantering off-message. He has previous, of course, having been involved in twitterstorms (natch) on AB’s eligibility for the Davis Cup.
And you know, the funny thing is I’m not sure the BBC approved. The clip I heard was a repackaging on the News Channel in fact, not R5, so viewers were treated to the full top-and-tail, sound-and-vision disapproval: a funereal introduction from the Salford-based nodding head, and, following the completion of the report . . . Absolute Silence, held that editorialising moment longer than was strictly necessary before the next item began. The same kind of trick that political reporters employ (as another poster pointed out last week; apologies, I forget who) when they shout, ‘Have you resigned yet, Minister?’, to be greeted by the inevitable silence.
Since he’s a professional athlete, I’m not sure I’d expect Dan Evans to offer a Powellite disquisition on national identity. But if his views are considered to be, and are thus reported as, news, I would like them to be presented without the subtle, unspoken, editorial opinion.
…..This confused DE. ‘Who are the others?’, he wondered. ‘Aljaž Bedene has moved up to third’, the reporter informed him, referring to the player who was born in Slovenia in 1989, represented Slovenia from the time he turned pro in 2008, and who qualified as a British tennis player—through residence—in 2015…….
So, this is like Somalian born Mohammed Farrer who entrenched himself with a British passport, won a few medals then decided to upsticks to America, and then the UK kindly gave him a knighthood ?
Nice how those around the world can bring themselves and their sport here, change passports, get a bit of glory, sod of somewhere else to pay taxes and then we reward them for it !
Which other country on the planet are as soft, gullible and get taken for mugs like we do? nowhere.
The BBC opinion on Das Kapital
Forward, Komrades!
More muslim titbits the beebistan won’t be telling you in a hurry:
– UK: Muslim took teens to join Islamic State in 2015, was released without charge, now arrested again
– Colorado: Muslim who kept sex slave refuses to speak with female therapists, says doing so would be un-Islamic
– Former Obama DHS official on Islamic State slaughtering Egyptian Christians: “how what goes around comes around”
With Dame Janet Smith’s report, the BBC is engaged in yet another cover-up
Wonder why this murder is buried in ‘Regions’ on Beebistan website.
“Teenager killed in high street stabbing
The 17-year-old dies in hospital following knife attack in north-east London.”
Either it’s so common it’s no longer newsworthy, or it’s black on black crime and therefore the wrong sort of murder.
But if the suspect were white: HOLD THE FRONT PAGE!!!
I’ve written on this subject before here. I think the reason albeeb doesn’t focus on the carnage on London streets involving knives is that al beeb campaigned directly or indirectly for the police end stop and search of the youth . The Home Office under our current PM was complicit in this.
The latest killing took place quite close to where I live. The death rate will continue to grow at frightened teenagers tool up to, at least , protect themselves from other kids with knifes .
If it’s white on black albeeb will roll out dame Doreen lawrence and Mrs Balls to scream ” something must be done”, racism , underclass , all that stuff. Until then the kids will keep dying .
Live Italian TV show has a reporter covering the condition of sleeping migrants.
But the buggers get up and attack her, leaving the guy in the studio to call for the cops.
This is something you won’t see on the BBC
Because their compassionate reports about migrants are most likely filmed in studios with the migrants played by actors.
A disturbing encounter with reality for a snowflake journalist. I expect it has not shaken her liberal world view, though she will probably not be so stupid as to go to the centre of town at night any more. And so it begins…
Chilling! But I lived in Africa, I would never dare to tread where these stupid snowflakes trample without fear, I have seen how a single man with a knife can transform your life forever in an instant…..
More bBBC bias by omission. This is still not in the bBBC ‘news’ website, despite happening an hour ago. No doubt the bBBC can’t decide how to treat criticism of its party.
Simon Danczuk (Rochdale MP) resigned from the Labour Party, citing their obsession with communism and failure to consider ordinary people.
Poor Danczuk. He didn’t realise that these days in the Labour Party you have to pay Romanian rent boys for sex. Doing it with girls will get you into all kinds of bother.
Unless of course you are of Pakistani Muslim Heritage !
“My resignation letter from the Labour party”,
“My resignation letter to the Labour party”?
Abbottesque English?
Perhaps better?: “My resignation from the Labour party letter”.
As the great Eric Morecombe might have said, “the right words but not necessarily in the right order”.
‘Monster’ couple jailed for 84 child abuse charges
Anyone know why the BBC haven’t buried this child abuse case down deep in the local news? For some strange reason they have put it on the main home page.
I can’t work out what is different from this child rape case to all the others we have to find buried deep down?!?
A fake news alert on Eastenders ” The financial hub in London has taken a pretty hefty knock since Brexit” No it f***ing hasn’t !!!
eastenders is getting more and more political every week and its blatant.
I haven’t watched it since 1986. Is the Queen Vic a mosque yet?
I haven’t watched East Enders for a decade or more, I suspect with BBC progressiveness ‘Queen Vic’ is more likely to be a geezer that runs the pub!
There is nothing on the BBC about the spate of killings of homosexuals in the Islamic paradise of Chechneya, nor any of the other Islamic states the BBC loves so much.
Comments section well worth a read. A lot of anger and realisation in the Gay ‘community’ that Islam is not really very nice to them and needs to be eliminated from the UK. If there is hope it lies in the Gays.
They are beginning and deserve support which they are not getting from the left or the media
This evening’s Panorama was a fairly flimsy piece, investigating Facebook and accusing them of allowing “fake news” to corrupt the voting in both Brexit and the Trump elections. No prizes for guessing the Beeb thought the winners had gained unfair advantage. These BBC blighters just can’t get over it, can they?
It made me think about how an organisation, completely unbiased and beyond reproach (such as) the dear old BBC, choose to report the news. And perhaps more importantly, what they choose not to report.
About 12 years ago another Panorama did an investigation into Nick Griffin, then leader of the BNP. He was covertly filmed in a northern pub warning his followers about the potential evils of Islam. One of the evils he mentioned was the grooming of under age white girls. Our beloved BBC, instead of investigating whether anything he said was true, passed their film onto the (now discredited ) Yorkshire police who took him to court. Poor old Nick could have got 7 years…for essentially telling the truth.
A decade later, when all hell had broken loose and we had all heard about these foul grooming gangs (of men…), Panorama did another of their investigations; this time into the failings of the Yorkshire police force and how no-one had listened to these poor abused girls. Well, actually somebody did listen to them and the BBC tried to put him in jail!
I’ve got a cracking idea for a new Panorama programme. How about they investigate the BBC and all the misinformation, mis-direction, cover ups and blatant bias they have been responsible for the past 20 years.
All those times we’ve been told that a group of (men!!!) have been found guilty of assaulting young girls.
Those ghastly crimes that have been committed by some “British lad” whose first name just happens to be Mohammad.
Perhaps they might look at how the Beeb covered Brexit, Trump and the recent French elections; just to see if there was just the teeniest hint of bias…
Panorama can then take their findings against the BBC to the police.
But best steer clear of that lot in Yorkshire though…
Useless bastards!
The entire concept of ‘fake news’ was got up in the USA by faux academics, horrified by the democratisation of the media, as their supporters in the MSM lost their stranglehold.
The irony is that the far greater threat to society comes from massively powerful corporations like Facebook, Twitter and Google, run by power crazed SJWs trying to enforce their ‘progressive’ agenda via naked censorship.
The BBC, naturally, is fully supportive of any attempt to clamp down on free speech, as long as it is enforced by the far Left.
Didn’t they also try the same thing in Heywood when the grooming scandal was being exposed by those they didn’t approve of ?
BBC1 Panorama building the narrative
“Britain First pay Facebook to promote their videos, and it works they now have 1.6m followers” (sic they mean likes)
“Now in the Brexit vote …and Trump campaign da da da ”
… see they built the Narrative that Brexit and Trump votes didn’t come from REASONING but Facebook manipulation.
BBC are building the excuses for May winning election
Or are they saying Macron won due to Facebook ?
Facebook is a more level playing field than the BBC.
Cos if someone posts bias/untruism on Facebook it can be challenged in a comment
That’s not the same for the BBC/MSM unless they permit open uncensored comments.
I was going to click Like on Panorama’s own post
but I know I am being manipulated so I won’t.
Facebook’s mind manipulation team could be even more effective
..if they hijacked an established big broadcaster and created a 30 minute prog where they made assertions against the Right like Trump & Brexit, but didn’t bother to address the issue that a Left/Lib side might do the same..
..And unlike online material they wouldn’t have to deal with he problem of people debunking their campaign right below on the same page like happens online.
OR Yes Facecook could reform
It could strip out open commenting and hire some bod from Islington to filter out anything he considers Fakenews
..whilst pushing stuff he and his Islington mates agree with.
Then FB could hire Crapita to drive to every house in Britain and hammer on the door..and shout
“Pay up now, don’t deny you’ve been on Facebook
..handover £145 ! or we’ll send you to jail you suckers !”
Spot the BBC’s Fake News, using scientific logic.
I thought Facebook was a young persons obsession. I am absolutely certain that using scientific logic, the correlations between age and Facebook, and voting for Brexit, imply that Facebook caused the young to vote Remain, while the older generation was protected from Facebook propaganda, by not using it.
I am over sixty, therefore have never been on Facebook, and have been self-Educated on European Union governance by reading books written by experts censored by the BBC.
It’s a sign of the low intelligence of Remain supporters at the BBC, if they pick something with a contradictory correlation to prove a point that is contradicted by the facts, and then use this in a BBC Panorama documentary.
Not bbc but did anyone see the channel 4 hit piece tonight on trump and andrew wakefield. Cathy newman proving yet again to be no better than gutter journalism. This is the second blatant hit piece on wakefield ive seen in a week the other being on the wright stuff last week on 5 where matthew wright proceeded to attack wakefield over a movie that he had not seen and just threw smear after smear at him. I am not fully clued up on wakefield but he must have really pissed off the left for this treatment
I had an email about a Wadham College or Cambridge science debate many moons ago about Andrew Wakefield. There are many scientists who are smelling a rat over this story. As far as I can remember, I think it was about Vaccines using a Mercury based vaccine preservative called thimerosal, the mystery about research into its level of use present in those used to prove it does not cause Autism, and legal actions that could bring enormously expensive compensation for the establishment.
I think in Britain the use of thimerosal was ended after Blair was warned about a crony who had made money out of government contracts for Vaccines using thimerosal. It appears that its still used in the United States, while in Britain the medical profession is finding that the subject is fading away, with Wakefield being disgraced, deflecting litigation from victims, and scrutiny from low quality Journalists, who never seem to be independent Scientific Investigative Journalists, anymore. This seems to be a deliberate policy of the left-wing media elite, as the BBC told Mensa members that it has no scientific investigative Journalists, presumably because Lord Hall does not want a BBC Journalist to produce conclusions that could contradict BBC Policy as set out by the biased people he invites to his seminars.
Also this was linked to the exclusion of accounts of victims of the fake Philadelphia Experiment Conspiracy from Wikipedia entries, used to cover up victims of Radar experiments in the 1940’s who where microwaved, claiming compensation from the US Navy. All now seemed to have died, but their accounts were fed into the Philadelphia Experiment Myth, as a way of avoiding paying compensation to the Sailors, who probably never knew that their mysterious experiences were due to close contact to the highly inefficient Radar transmitters in the 1940’s. But then I do not believe that the US Navy in the 1940’s realised that Radar equipment could cause water molecules to heat up in close contact. Close contact of the head to the equipment could cause the Brain to be Microwaved, producing many of the Philadelphia Experiment Myths. But again, any legal action from families effected could still bring an enormously expensive bill of compensation for the US Navy.
Am I still in the UK?
The 10pm news on the state broadcasting channel is still banging on relentlessly about the result of the French election.
Apart from the fact that their nakedly obvious favoured candidate won, and their glee that they obviously perceive this will make the UK’s Brexit discussions more difficult, I am simply at a loss to understand why.
Perhaps the TV channel in question should be called ‘Fifth Column Broadcasting’, instead of BBC.
“Let them eat Halal” – Emanuel Macron.
We are going to have weeks of this worship of France’s leading couple – Briggitte and Emanuelle
His missus has confirmed that she’ll no longer be playing the part of Madge in any future series of Benidorm.
She’s left Benidorm and had been cast in the part of Dr Zaius, in a new series of Planet Of The Apes but as she is now the wife of the President of France that role will have to be shelved until he leaves office; in around two years time.
Just caught a BBC trailer for an upcoming drama about child sexual exploitation. The criminals appeared indigenous British with the only potential “South Asian” being a lawyer. Total realism!
Just shows that not all child molesters are Mohamidans doesn’t it. It was there on the tele. Whites it was.
Need to report it to Sir Lenny of Katanga who is concerned about lack of diversity in the acting profession.
I’m watching Newsnight tonight, which is hosted by Emily Maitlis. She hosted a discussion on Labour with Chuka Ummuna and someone from the Guardian. I didn’t realise that Emily Maitlis was part of Labour’s election team. At one point she said ‘Jeremy Corbyn is asking the right questions for our time.’.
She ended the discussion saying :- ‘We’re going to leave Labour on one side, but we know it will stay strong and we know it will stay stable’.
Strong and stable are not words that I would associate with the present Labour Party.
Just finished on R5 Live @BBCPhilWilliams segment seems to a studio meeting with grassroots Corbyn supporters
“older voters”
Tony, Frank, Mike
& Some random woman off the street called Audrey white
Ched Evans has signed back with Sheffield United 3 Year deal
Oh dear, will BBC favourite Ennis-Hill still insist that her name be removed from the Bramhall Lane stand?
My thoughts exactly NISA ! I get really p….ed off with slebs (athletic or otherwise) who castigate someone as soon as they’ve been arrested, and sod whether they’re innocent or not. They should keep their traps shut until a verdict AND appeals have been given. JE-H will no doubt have ‘no comment’ to make if asked as per usual “how do you feel….” !!!!
They make a song and dance about us having the best justice system in the world, but most ASSUME that an arrest makes the perpetrator guilty.
First we need to forget about France and Macron. The problems facing France cannot be solved. So staying close to Mummy Merkel makes sense. Still short odds on a military ‘intervention’ in the next five years .
The last two days I have had the good fortune to be in the western shires . Superb weather and very quiet back roads ( the satnav generation no longer reads maps so roads that the system ignores are now quieter than fifty years ago). Old England looks fine. The people very much the same as they always have been . The villages with their churches still quiet and peaceful.
No sign of a diverse society in fact the opposite. So who is fooling who? These are the lands that voted to leave the EU and we who live in them know why. The progressives are fooling themselves by disparaging us as ignorant and misled. But we and our lands are now despised by them and in particular by the liberal media. So ,as in France, the culture war will intensify . Let the BBC enjoy it’s moment of Macron euphoria. It is but a little progressive bump on the road.
Wow @rhod_sharp’s @bbcRadio5 #UpAllNight is laying on #SJW emotional blackmail stuff very thick
1:50am played 10m of Libya refugee rescue calls
Then load of SJW stuff in the news
Then pushing line that saying @GenFlynn lied to Congress about meeting Russian ambassador before the election as fact.
I don’t think he did technically.