And the ‘door stepping’ by the author doesn’t turn out too well for him:
Rupert Murdoch: ‘Nothing’s happening at Fox News’
Having heard a similar (same?) piece on Toady at 8.40ish I was just about to comment when I saw Looby’s post. I guess we are going to see Al Beeb reproducing this inquisition every hour until Ofcom decide.
Just btw, why didn’t the Fox guy just say that he understood that Al Beeb had a strong interest in not having a competitor for real news?
The Beeb are such a***holes for reporting on that white couple abusing kids so prominently, whilst nothing about the gangs recently on court in Huddersfield and countless others around the country. There is a world of difference between a one-off depraved couple and a deep rooted cultural issue of thinking that any young whitegirl who is not covered up and protected by her father is fair game. Even as they were convicted and led to the cells, many of these men still believed they had done nothing wrong – that is how irreconcilably different our cultures are.
I strongly suspect the scale of these crimes is on an unimaginably larger scale, given: the thought crime nature of acknowledging the offences; authorities’ desire to cover them up and protect themselves at all costs; certain groups’ propensities to close ranks in their communities and dissemble, to put it mildly. For all their talk of anti-racism, young white lives are clearly worthless to Al Beeb. How dare they try to make out this is a problem that is perpetrated on the same level by all communities. How stupid do they think we are? The cat is out the bag now.
They report on the racist abuse suffered by a footballer, as always trying to drag these tasty racism cases on for as long as humanly possible. (They managed over a week of coverage for the tennis coach’s ‘chocolate with milk’ joke.) What about the TEN deaths from knife crime in a fortnight? Chuck that straight down the memory hole; the feelings of a millionaire footballer are far more important than ten lives lost IN TWO WEEKS! Of course any discussion of the culture which might be leading to this epidemic is off-limits; having conflated culture and race (remember Islam is a race) for anyone to even suggest gang culture in certain communities might be an issue would be a crime of Emmanuel Goldstein proportions. So let’s just not mention it, eh? Let’s join hands along a bridge and have a hash tag. A good bit of emoting solves every problem, doesn’t it?
They report on a terrorist from Alum Rock who was ‘radicalised on the internet.’ That is a fake narrative if ever there was one. So nobody in his community or his place of worship told him how wrong this new interpretation was? Surely the first thing you would do having seen such videos online is speak to your trusted religious leader; surely their word and those of your peers would trump those of some random man online? And then obviously your peers would immediately report you to the Police, eager to prevent an atrocity? Surely if anyone you knew were plotting something so terrible you would report him immediately? Just imagine if you llst a loved one in one of these attacks – it does not bear thinking about.
This multicultural utopia they have ushered in is starting to look more like hell on Earth: no free speech; murder with machetes becoming just an every day event; poor girls unable to walk to and from school without some gang trying to lure them into a life of torture and slavery; the terrible, terrible knowledge that any moment some atrocity could be unleashed – and it could happen any time and anywhere; and the utter, abject betrayal and capitulation of our supposed guardians like Al Beeb who just pretend none of it is happening so they can have an easy life.
In the same vein i.e. dishonest reporting by omission but, I admit on a far less scale that you highlight, the BBC had to show us all the rioting and protests after the Trump election. Yet, on Macrons first day after winning the Presidency, I had to visit Russia Today news to ascertain the truthful position. That is, that there (and the viewer saw the filmed evidence) serious rioting in Paris by objectors to Macron.
The Worlds Most Dishonest Broadcaster?
They want us to believe in a world of Star Wars simplicity, when all the goodies are on the left and the baddies are right wing, with Trump being Darth Vader.
In reality there are shades of grey. Hillary was clearly not the whiter than white heroine they would have us believe. Obama clearly did spy on Trump’s team during the election. Plus both sides have nasty people on their extreme fringes, the most terrifying ones currently being on the left in my opinion. That Black Lives Matter could openly and successfully incite the murder of policemen is terrifying, as is the refusal to give a platform to right wing speakers at universities.
This surely represents a new low. Mischel ‘useless’ Hussein is hosting a social media special on Toady R4 this morning.
At 0735 for a full 5 minutes uninterrupted, we had a continuous stream of left wing propaganda from a carefully selected female snowflake SJW who was allowed to spout about her day reading twitter, and reading and reading out all her favourite left wing and anti-tory stories. Examples: a scare story informed by a $55,000 bill from a random USA healthcare example; and sympathy for negative press coverage of Dianne Abbott referencing her Maths skills. No accountability, careful editing, no challenge, no commentary from ‘useless’.
Mind you it did show the vacuous shallowness of her generation, who OMG are allowed to vote !!!!
Not a single atom of pretence to be impartial from the disgusting biased BBC.
Amol rajan again ex editor of the independent and seeing this clip tells you all you need to know as to why they hired him. They are desperate to stop Rupe taking over sky and channel 4 were at it as well last night by bringing the fox news lady over to ofcom and reporting it with glee. What i would give for a fox news equivalent here to scare the shit out of the beeb.
Pity none of these slugs are so dedicated in looking into Macaronis past and his meteoric rise to power but then that would mean doing their job
If you missed the latest London stabbing, don’t worry, there’ll be another one along in a minute.
BBC London News carries a wonderful sound bite of pure universal egalitarianism this morning – which goes totally unquestioned by BBC so-called journalists – from our Mayor, Little Man Khan:
“We’re all responsible for knife crime”
Well, that’s set me up for the day. Something to think about when I next go to the kitchen drawer.
I warned hereabouts that BBC London would quickly morph from doing a regular smear job on Boris into the PR department for Khan. And so it has come to pass.
I feel inclined to share with our little chap a small excerpt from the busman’s prayer… it will remind him of his old dad…
Our Farnham, who art in Hillingdon
Hackney be Thy name.
Thy Kingston come; thy Wimbledon,
In Erith as it is in Hendon…
#R4Today in full Conspiracy Theory Without Evidence mode
“We know the work of Cambridge Analytica had a TREMENDOUS* influence on the result of the US election
…..but they won’t talk to us”
* Mere Assertion is not evidence …#fallacy
And probably projection
“Presumably #r4today has no objection to Tony Blair, EU or Gina Miller trying to influence voter opinions because they’re on the same side”
“Needless to say but the BBC also use analytics with their app and cookies. ”
\\I wonder if #R4today realise that their beloved Gina Miller is in the same category as “very rich people trying to influence elections”?//
Don't you just love the BBC getting breathless about *other people* using subterfuge to influence stealthily? That's the BBC's job! #r4today
BBC R Humberside 9am MAIN headline
“immigration controls are causing a staffing CRISIS in curry restaurants”
“…. a third of them have closed” emm I don’t believe you
So why do all the staff in curry houses HAVE to come from the Subcontinent?
If I go into McDonalds, do I expect all the staff to be Americans?
The answer to that is “No”.
In any case, if authenticity is the issue surely in the Subcontinent virtually all the cooking is done by women. When did anybody here last see a female member of staff in one of them?
Good point! Having lived in India I can assure the BBC that the average ‘Indian restaurant’ and much of its menu in the UK doesn’t exist in India, so the authenticity argument is nonsense. Most Indian restaurants in India are ‘dhabas’, a sort of greasy spoon cafe, with a few simple dishes, mostly vegetarian, and no alcohol served.
Apparently the sauces in many of the restaurants are bought in from specialist catering suppliers – probably not the best ones, but in the middle of the road restaurants at least. This practice is common throughout the catering trade. It probably explains why your Madras arrives so quickly. No real “cheffy stuff” involved, any fool can heat up a polythene bag.
But let’s face it, this is about race, so all we can expect are bullshit, humbug, lies, and double standards.
Some Indian restaurants have probably closed because tastes have moved on to Thai, Nepalese, or whatever happens to be in vogue.
My tastes have moved on to food which does not include halal meat. For that reason I will never visit an “Indian” (actually Bangladeshi) restaurant again.
You don’t need to eat out, it’s not that special. Several years ago I signed up for an evening Indian cookery course with my wife – we happened to be working in the same area and we could travel home in relative peace after the rush hour (and a drink or two).
It was excellent. Our teacher was from S India and simply taught us recipes and methods that her community had been using for years. You can achieve a lot with a relatively small number of spices (not a Schwarz spice rack) and a few simple rules, like actually cooking the spices. We still use the recipes we walked away with.
Sadly, the course ended prematurely when she was attacked by a black girl during her day job in the local school. She didn’t mince her words about these kids in the way that a white person would have have been intimidated into doing. I think she enjoyed the evening classes because we were genuinely interested.
I don’t either. Al Beeb have been pushing this bullshit for years, not least via local radio in those areas with highest numbers of immigrants. I heard via them some years ago that it takes 6 years to train a curry chef, most of whom are Bangladeshi not Indian. Never an explanation as to why restaurants won’t train the legions of Bangla unemployed already here to do it rather than import more- who would want to import and marry their cousin(s), dependent Mum, uncles….you get the picture.
So true ! there are never any film reports of a ‘new man’ Indian/Pakistani cooking up a feast in the family home, its always half a dozen head covered women stirring the pots and pans. This is never mentioned though.
Actually though I do get what you mean, the new West Midlands Mayor is white and a Conservative, he ran John Lewis for a long time and in fact gave up that job to run for mayor.
AFAIK the West Midlands Mayor hasn’t been mentioned much on the BBC apart from a interview on Midlands Today, because let’s face it, the BBC are not interested in the Second City of this country, they prefer London and Manchester, which makes me angry.
I quite agree BCW. As a Black Country Mon, I can never understand why Manchester gets such preferential treatment in view of the fact that it is smaller in both physical and population terms.
But I suppose that the West Midlands isn’t “cool”.
I’ve heard it several times over the years on the Beeb. It’s total BS. It get’s retold by liars or morons only.
Curry is simple to make. You and I can do it. The curry houses could easily train locals to do it. Their claim that they have to bring in cheap cousins from the sub-continent is simply an immigration scam and an effort to break down the rule that a minimum wage should be paid before immigration is allowed.
The real reason curry houses are closing is because of competition from other outlets as many people have realised that the “food” in many of these establishments is overpriced, overspiced swill.
Jo…Apparently the sauces in many of the restaurants are bought in from specialist catering suppliers – probably not the best ones, but in the middle of the road restaurants at least. This practice is common throughout the catering trade. It probably explains why your Madras arrives so quickly. No real “cheffy stuff” involved, any fool can heat up a polythene bag……
My brother is ‘in’ Health & Safety, and one of his visits included the bakery/factory (apparently the size of a hangar) where all the Naan breads, chapatis and garlic breads are made for ALL the supermarkets, and a good percentage of the curry houses; and after seeing the conditions and how they are made and by whom, he swore he would never eat another one ever again.
Rumour has it that’s how curries came into being – no refrigeration in India, so like LP says, the spices killed the taste of meat that was ‘on the turn’.
Another reason they’re closing is that the donkey sanctuaries now have chains on the gates.
The last time I went to one of these places for a family celebration, was in 1994, and when we arrived for our specially booked and decorated table there was a local yob lounging in one of our places, with a fag on, waiting for a takeaway.
Crap food, far too late – didn’t even finish it, no tip, and never ever been to any of these awful dumps again.
Anyway, Mrs Scroblene lived in The Far East for a time, and makes a damn good curry…
BBC 1 London news at 6.30 pm on Monday, on the scourge of ever increasing knife crime, aka murder, in London: an image of a male figure with a large knife clasped in both hands, behind his back. White hands. As everyone in London knows, this is absolutely representative of the fact that young white men are being murdered by other young white men on the streets of London on a daily basis. The BBC: ideologically incapable of telling the truth.
Ah those library pictures of the cuffed white hands – it’s a BBC perenial.
A couple of years ago a BBC journo was mugged.
There followed a series of reports on him meeting the offender and trying to understand the criminal.
Throughout the BBC on-line article there were no pictures of the offender – only the newspaper press reports revealed that he was black.
And yet the BBC reports – feeling the need for some imagery of some sort – included the picture of those now famous cuffed white hands.
See also the BBC library pictures of knife and gun wielding drug dealing and domesticly abusive white hands.
Plus of course the closely associated creepy white perverts white child beaters white rapists white terrorists etc etc…
Who’s for Lenny Henry to head up the out cry over the outrageous discrimination against black hand models in the crime-related library photo archive industry?
Different subject altogether but I am currently watching the Russian VD parade in Red Square.
I have so far avoided BBC News today.
RT is advertising an “exclusive interview with Mahmoud Abbas” later.
Beeby must be jealous! They normally love giving the platform to “Palestinian’ terrorists.
As Abbas is demanding an apology for Balfour from the British government
I would have thought Beeby would be all over this in support of Abbas.
Jesus, it’s pathetic isn’t and so playground like. More people voted for a different opinion so the only explanation is that they were sheep who were so easily seduced by these Morpheus like characters influencing them through their Facebook, Twitter and Amazon baskets.
You mean that those who are attempting to squash democracy are complaining about
“hijacked democracy”.
Will they ever get over themselves & their double standards?
So outside the Ofcom door ready to give evidence of character
A woman sexually harassed by a Fox employee
– And another line a mile long is victims/families abused by Bbc Beebophiles
I suggest Fox runs a feature on the hundreds of underage victims of Jimmy Savile, who were molested on BBC property, and which senior managers covered up. By the standards the BBC are setting for Fox, the BBC should be shut down without delay.
This culture of making any victim a sudden expert is so moronic. Thus we had a companion of Steven Lawrence giving his expert opinion on why stop and search is a bad thing. Has he studied policing? Does he have a grasp of statistical analysis? He is only fit to pass judgment on the issue if he has studied and understood all the relevant facts. By their logic, I should have been able to fix my boiler on Sunday when water started coming through the ceiling, as I was very much negatively affected by the faulty boiler. Of course I could not.
As for this woman, what bearing does her personal story of being groped or whatever have on the broader ethnical and legal issues? This is a vast company worth billions which affects thousands. Should the opinion of one slighted former employee sway the process?
If anything the opinion of people like this should be discounted as they are so obviously biased.
I’m an old geezer so I may not be clued up, but I feel that the BBC Radio4 “Word of mouth” (Mon 23:00) allowed an “expert” to provide a very biased interpretation of modern terms, without contradiction or challenge. The programme was about words and the expert guest was George Lakoff, a prof from Berkeley. according to him:-
“Snowflake” has homophobic roots
The “Alt” in “Alt-righ” relates to German for old as well as alternative, “and that is significant”. Surely not saying all German is Nazi, are we prof?
He suggested that “Antifa” was a term applied by the movement’s opponents, who were self confessed “fas”, i.e. fascists.
“Cuck” not only was short for cuckold, but also related to the ownership of women, i.e. the term being used by people who considered women as chattels.
There might have been more
This came up shortly after the broadcast. The ‘professor’ was a noted American far-Left loon whose lack of knowledge beggared belief. The ‘alt’ in alt right refers to ‘alternative’ and has nothing whatsoever to do with either German or National Socialism. ‘Snowflake’ has no connection with anti-homosexual views and ‘virtue signalling’ was coined by a British journalist writing in a British publication. Either he has no business posing as a pundit, or he was deliberately spreading, um…’fake news’.
As I also pointed out at the time, Rosen himself is a far-left political activist (something the BBC keeps quiet about) and the programme he took over (it was created by Frank Delaney) is not what it was. Like many Radio 4 programmes before the far Left stormed the palace and took it over, it was well informed and entertaining. Under the awful Rosen, the best that can be said about it is that it is something to laugh at now and again.
GC: “Like many Radio 4 programmes before the far Left stormed the palace and took it over, it was well informed and entertaining. Under the awful Rosen, the best that can be said about it is that it is something to laugh at now and again.”
I’ve given up complaining to the BBC, Up2snuff. My life is far too busy to waste arguing with the chimps in the complaints department.
Of course, there’s Ofcom to complain to now but that’s staffed by ex-BBC hacks and the usual quango morons who have made such a roaring success of all these ‘governing bodies’ (Ofcom, Ofrail, Offtoss and all the rest.)
It’s just insulting that our politicians think we are too stupid to notice what they are doing.
I took a complaint about the BBC to OFCOM, after I got no joy from the Beeb. It was solid case of inaccuracy and a breach of impartiality of the Beeb not reviewing the film Hacksaw Ridge on Film 2017 purely so that the host could land a holocaust denial joke at the expense of the director, Mel Gibson.
Ofcom had a nice line that if they decide to pursue it, they will but if they think there isn’t a case to answer they won’t respond to your enquiry. Surely that breeds an apathy of not bothering with anything because you don’t have to account or explain why you chose not to do anything.
I note the at the past two trials the Al BBC as per usual, showed no interest, this time it may get a headline.
Re the police, I must confess I wondered how long it would be
… Far right activist Tommy Robinson warned by police after turning up at Canterbury Crown Court
“Tommy and his cameraman told Kent Live they wanted to cover the case and said they had been standing on the court steps because they wanted to speak to the defendants.
Does this mean that Joshua Rosenburg can receive a police warning if he is commenting on a legal case and one of the participants doesn’t want to run into him or his cameraman?
Jo Phillips was introduced as a ‘political commentator’ on the News Channel Paper Review last night. I suppose that does cover things like her time as a BBC news editor and as a Lib Dem spin doctor. Oh, and a parliamentary candidate as well. It has been noticeable that ‘political commentators’ are being invited on more frequently nowadays. It is fun, trying to find out what the BBC are not disclosing about their guests.
Mr Mackenzie was suspended after comparing the player – who has a Nigerian grandfather – to a gorilla.
Isn’t that a little short of the truth? MacKenzie wrote: “Perhaps unfairly, I have always judged Ross Barkley as one of our dimmest footballers. There is something about the lack of reflection in his eyes which makes me certain not only are the lights not on, there is definitely nobody at home.
“I get a similar feeling when seeing a gorilla at the zoo. The physique is magnificent but it’s the eyes that tell the story.”
Nothing racial about comparing Barclay’s intellect to that of a gorilla!
Not being a reader of The Sun or The Guardian, not living in Liverpool and the last footballer that I could match face and name being Bobby Moore, I think it is fair to say that I don’t have ‘a dog in the game’.
But how sad listening to Jeremy Vine today. The opening question was whether comparisons with Gorillas was ‘racist’ but that soon got lost as the BBC’s star reporter was far more concerned about what he had managed to shout at Rupert Murdoch in the streets of the USA than the original story. Was Murdoch the real villain? Was he trying to do the impossible and redeem himself?
Then to Polly Toynbee, spitting bile, right, right and centre. Katie Hopkins, Donald Trump, hate speakers all, not like, our modest maiden of moderation, who spends her time spouting, well.. hate speech. Just to make the point, on come a pack of ‘the people’, not a bit of ‘Christian charity’ among them, hardly good examples of how we apparently should behave.
Perhaps it is just as well that we never did get around to the original question. Can a human share the characteristics of a Gorilla? The answer to that is clearly yes because David Attenborough says so. If there is a racial insult tucked away in there surely only a racist can see it?
P.S. Not directly related but last week I bought some bags of compost. There were two stacks, one was green and one was blue. Both types of bag weighed the same, had the same brand and appeared to contain the same compost. Upset at the till, wrong price. Turns out the blue bags had an added ingredient and had a higher price. No problem, cancel the sale, change the bags. The sales assistant was very pleasant and even the queue stayed happy. Later in the week came back for some more. The shop was a lot quieter this time but I was served by the same assistant. “I’ve got the right colour this time!”, I said. We shared the joke and passed a few other pleasantries.
It wasn’t until I got home that it dawned on me that exchange had been with a young woman ‘of colour’ and no doubt, in the right ears, would constitute a ‘hate crime’. We live in sad times, but not because of Katie Hopkins et al.
‘Mr Mackenzie was suspended after comparing the player – who has a Nigerian grandfather – to a gorilla.’
A little short of the truth on two counts. Perhaps if the BBC had broadcast these words, it would have been more honest;
Mr Mackenzie was suspended after comparing the player – who IT SUBSEQUENTLY EMERGED (to the surprise of everyone) HAS A MIXED RACE Nigerian grandfather – to a gorilla.
Just found a photo of Ross Barkley, and to me he looks like a regular white Guy. Who could possibly guess he had a black grandfather? Hope I haven’t offended anyone by my comment!
What makes the knife crime epidemic all the more absurd is that we now have so many more non-white Police officers and a London mayor who is not white as well. Wasn’t that supposed to be the problem? If we could just have a more ‘diverse’ Police force communities would respect them more.
It is almost as if that argument was total b***ocks and was just a pathetic attempt to shirk responsibility. Of course Al Beeb totally bought into the spurious argument that the racial make up of the Police must reflect the community they serve. What sort of racist cares so much about skin colour? If you obey the law you will never have many problems with the Police anyway.
It is far more serious than our progressives would have us believe and that includes most of the political elite and certainly the BBC.
Imagine if this was 1957. That these killings were taking place in May . There would be a national outcry. Police chiefs would be dismissed and almost certainly Home Secretaries. Perhaps even a PM. The Londoners of that time would not have tolerated it and there would be no handwringing.
This is a crucial difference and tells us that our tolerance of these killings is actually a sign that our civilisation is collapsing. You cannot get any sense out of a snowflake progressive. They are just not mentally able to process this.
it is also a further step on the road to the death of London as a capital city. Money and commerce will keep it alive for a while but it is dying. A future is made up of millions of little decisions by individuals. Those are now being made and whatever the mayor and the media say London is going the way of Baltimore and Detroit. It is just a matter of time.
‘…our tolerance of these killings is actually a sign that our civilization is collapsing.’ I think it’s more that our civilization, or at least our capital city, is morphing into a sort of city-state of the British colonial era, somewhere like Alexandria, Hong Kong or Bombay. A vast melting pot of races, colours and creeds living in squalor and murdering one another, while a white British/European elite tenuously hold onto power while gradually handing it over to the ‘natives’. The only difference is back in those days the Brits had a bit of spine and weren’t averse to demonstrations of force if things got out of hand.
I think the crystal balls that were consulted decades ago along with Enoch Powells warnings of dire consequences, were acted upon. Hence your absolutely correct observation that, “…back in those days the Brits had a bit of spine and weren’t averse to demonstrations of force if things got out of hand”. Any ‘action’ has since been legislated against over and over again in ever increasing coverage during the intervening years. Right now, virtually all action is “illegal” as will, shortly, any comment or criticism aka, shortly to be, ‘incitement’. The real crunch will only come when the islamicists decide that criticism of their behaviour and cult in general is blasphemous and, as we well know, they have ample punishments to deal with this.
It was so obvious what would happen. Did they really think people of all races and creeds would hold hands and create utopia? Obviously if you come from a violent and corrupt culture you will bring elements of that culture with you, especially when the rule is that anything different and ‘diverse’ is a wonderful thing to be celebrated.
Did Blair not know this would happen? He is an extremely clever man, he must have known what would happen.
If anyone fancies a good dose of black (excuse the pun) comedy, I suggest reading the government white paper from 2004 entitled ‘Strength in Diversity.’
“Thanks to immigration we have better food, clothing and music. Immigrant communities have enriched us by bringing fresh perspectives and new ways of doing things.”
So when someone attacks you with a machete when you are on the way to rescue your daughter from a grooming gang, you can feel reassured knowing you can have a good curry afterwards – that makes it all worthwhile.
Beeb Brother,
Hardly as serious as machete attacks but the culture war plays out on many levels. I have been of the opinion for many years now that attacks on eating habits have been part of the underlying agenda to devalue everything British. Cuisine is a part of culture. Curry is OK if you like it but it isn’t superior to onion gravy. For a while they put curry on everything. More recently the favoured spice is chilli. Stinking chilli on everything including chocolate. (I can’t stand the stuff) But every item of British food is classed as oh so bland & tasteless. Does foreign food actually taste better? Or is the taste of the actual FOOD simply buried in spices?
I’ll have a good old fashioned jacket potato please with lots of butter.
Hold the spices!
Then we get lectured by Telly chefs how Tea is not British but we adopted it. Therefore we should adopt everything else. Everything as long as it’s foreign is presented as so much more delightful than ours. I sometimes like a different dish but most of the time I want real food that isn’t covered in cumin & dyed yellow.
Yes beeb brother you are 100% correct. If you can be bothered read up on the Lord Scarman report of the 1981 Brixton riots and the MacPherson report on the murder of Stephen Lawrance. Both stated that the implementation of safer neighborhoods andstopping the ” indiscriminate ” searching of black youths would stop the riots and violence in black areas, and we could all sing cumbayaa and live in peace and harmony.
The police new it was bollox in the 80s and ignored it. But after Stephen Lawrence political pressure forced the changes. While i would not say that safer neighborhood policing is a failure it does nothing to stop riots or stop black boys knifing each other on a daily basis. The only tools police have are stop and search and surveillance. Surveillance is expensive and you need good intell to instigate it, so we are left with…..
Jane Hill anchoring BBC News Channel just now presents a news item about which she can genuinely show personal pleasure – she positively beams with approval signalling to her audience that this report amounts to a double-plus good thing.
Of course it’s more of an in-house diversity box-ticking announcement than real news – BBC have have given the Len Goodman Strictly gig to a woman.
She’ll be frounting a major tv show watched by millions enthuses the BBC
Blimey, what will the BBC say when the ghastly Patriarchy allow a female Head of State or Prime Minister… oh wait a minute…
Albeit born in this country, I cant see the new judge Shirley Ballas being popular, when there are equally qualified Brits waiting in the wings. We clearly have no capability on the tele in the judging stakes, as we have to import them from the 4 corners of the planet….
S.Africa……. Prue Leith – Gt British Menu / Bake Off
France …….. Benoit Blin – Crème de la Crème
Singapore…… Cherish Finden – ” ”
Denmark ……. Sandi Toksvig – on everything if it pays
Australia ….. John Torode – Master Chef
USA ……….. Loyd Grosman – ” ”
Australia ….. Craig Revel Horwood SCD
Italy ……… Bruno Tonioli ”
U.S.A ….. Will-I-am – The Voice
I believe the rot set in with that Canadian .. Hughie Green – Double Your Money !!
I heard the news part way through, “..the new judge is an expert in Latin.”, and I wondered if they were on the Supreme Court bench or the like and some poor barrister would be getting this sort of treatment:
Tuesday Daily Politics . Didn’t watch live as that idiot Jo Coburne was I/c. Guido has tweeted her perfect biased mismanagement of beeb regular Owen Jones who appears to be the Acceptable Leftie championing all things minority . He was against some poor bloke from the Christian Alliance ( or similar) . The albeeb let Jones rip in a truly over the top way and then disallowed a right of reply. Just truly awful and inept .
Fed up, he managed to get some sort of reply in the end but coburne’s face was a picture ad she kept trying to cut him off after he tried to reply to a Jones tirade against him.
I liked the labour lass earlier, Champion or somebody, who, after being interrupted by coburne said ” I have an answer if you want to hear it”
Ah yes, Sarah Champion, the MP for Rotherham who before being their MP worked in a children’s hospice but seemingly had little to say about, and managed to escape untarnished from, the horrific and systematic abuse of 1,400 girls in the area right under her nose.
She was also appointed the shadow Home Office minister focusing on women, equality and domestic violence even though she was arrested but not charged strangely for assaulting her husband when they were getting divorced.
Fair play to the Christian fellow, he didn’t let JoCo talk over him, and accused her of being BBC fake news. The wicked witch didn’t like that, but she deserved it. She had let Owen Jones attack him ad hominem, as left wing pukes always do, but would not let him reply to the odious little creep. People have got to stand up to this sort of thing, and I am glad he had a go back.
I do hope little Owen will be attending the Gays Against Sharia demonstration this weekend in Manchester. He gets so passionate in his defence of gays and Islamists.
JUN 10
Gays Against Shariah/Orlando Memorial Rally. UK and USA United
Public · Hosted by Gays Against Shariah – UK
Saturday, June 10 at 2 PM
Manchester, United Kingdom
Raising awareness of the widespread homophobia within Shariah Law and remembering the victim’s of the Orlando terrorist attack
Thanks Mr Goldstein,
I don’t understand where this Owen Jones gets his right to a permanent seat in al beeb. Wiki just seems to say he went to uni and then a journo. I suppose al beeb thinks he is worth the appearance money.
Just generally i really think it would be better if the albeeb journos are given enough time for opposing sides to explain their positions rather than ritual confrontation. R4 “today ” is worst.
At least Andrew Neil asks a question and tries for an answer but he’s an honourable exception.
Owen Jones’s voice is strictly unlistenable to, harsh and penetrating. If he took the trouble to cultivate a special accent there are much more pleasant ones to choose from.
Owen has spent several years cultivating his spurious ‘Luncashur’ accent – much like idiotic fiddle playing Nigel Kennedy’s mockney. Both spoke rather gentile English as children.
The bBC, the South Korean presidential election and its own twist on history: Moon Jae-in: South Korean liberal claims presidency win Liberal candidate Moon Jae-in has claimed victory in South Korea’s presidential election. Mr Moon favours greater dialogue with North Korea, in a change to current South Korean policy…When Mr Moon was last in government, in the early 2000s, South Korea had a “Sunshine Policy” which meant co-operation with North Korea, a policy which was abandoned as North Korea tested nuclear weapons.
The above bBC article promotes the view that Mr Moon intends to talk his way to peace with North Korea, and scrap the belligerent form of diplomacy enforced on SK by the US. I quote from the article: For the last eight years, Seoul and Washington have been in lock-step over North Korea, with ever tighter sanctions and isolation. That is not Mr Moon’s way. Is it Donald Trump’s?
According to the bBC this is all down to the scrapping of the “Sunshine Policy” due to NKs Nuclear testing. Here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you:
The Sunshine Policy was formally abandoned by the new South Korean President Lee Myung-bak in 2010. Due to the March 26, 2010, sinking of the South Korean navy ship ROKS Cheonan with a crew of 104, sank off Baengnyeong Island in the Yellow Sea. On May 20, 2010, a team of international researchers published results claiming that the sinking had been caused by a North Korean torpedo; South Korea agreed with the findings from the research group and President Lee Myung-bak declared afterwards that Seoul would cut all trade with North Korea as part of measures primarily aimed at striking back at North Korea diplomatically and financially
On November 23, North Korea’s artillery fired at South Korea’s Yeonpyeong island in the Yellow Sea and South Korea returned fire. Two South Korean marines and two civilians were killed, more than a dozen were wounded, including three civilians. About 10 North Koreans were believed to be killed; however the North Korean government denies this. The town was evacuated and South Korea warned of stern retaliation, with President Lee Myung-bak ordering the destruction of a nearby North Korea missile base if further provocation should occur.
The official North Korean news agency, KCNA, stated that North Korea only fired after the South had “recklessly fired into our sea area.
Instead of the facts the bBC, promotes a anti American slant in which to promote its CS leftwing agenda.
The BBC must of been in a quandary this evening to be “balanced” because the Prime Minister
is on the One Show. The answer was to have TWO party political broadcasts on behalf of the Labour Party. The second one was the official one telling us that Labour are going to bleed dry the “few” to support the “many.”
The other Labour party political broadcast was the Londonistan Programme. Where one after
another presenter and reporter told us what filth the Metropolitan Police are to Black Folk. Not withstanding that stabbing each other is the natural past time of a section of black criminal youth and the police and the TORRRRIESSSSSSS , just don’t understand the aspirations of black youth.
Riz Lateef then told us if we turned if to. the BBC election website JEREMY CORBYN
would explain everything.We saw a picture of the website with Jeremy Corbyn expounding his theories. I know that reporters are just doing the “bidding” of their Trotskyist editors.However maybe I shouldn’t be surprised that there is now not a degree of subtlety in the way the Labour party is being supported on this programme.
listening to PM tonight, there’s Laura Kuenssberg interviewing Jeremy Corbyn, in a quite astonishing manner.
Corbyn is firmly telling her that he would negotiate a misty eyed rose tinted set of terms from Europe, which Kuenssberg repeatedly asks whether he would definitely leave the EU – here’s clue Laura, when someone is talking about negotiating terms they are indicating to you very clearly that they intend to carry out a course of action. In the end Kuenssberg lets that cat out of the bag – “Mr Corbyn couldn’t you give people a chink of hope that you might not go through with leaving the EU”
It was desperate stuff, quite startling and this then carried on by quizzing the Big C on why he had not gone further with his left wing policies. She quoted ‘The Socialist party’ who had insulted him by describing him as a revisionist (if memory serves) and that his policies were nowhere near left wing enough.
Then there were quotes from the leader of Momentum plus others, and all the time the questions were being asked as to why Labour was not more authentically ‘socialist’
Normally you would expect a series of question the opposite way, why Labour is too left wing, and why the Tories are too right wing, but not with the BBC today!
Corbyn is a leaver at heart as should all good socialists be. France has just elected a bankster puppet and Corbyn must know this. Kuenssberg is of the bankster mould as are all BBC progressives. Little in common so hence the interview.
…“Mr Corbyn couldn’t you give people a chink of hope that you might not go through with leaving the EU”….
Its those few words “a chink of hope” that concern me. For her to include that phrase within her questioning, is biased at its most blatant, and she should be hauled up for it. Clearly there is no monitoring by the BBC on the conduct of their journalists – whether they’re at the top or not.
I hope you guys are enjoying the bBBC in depth coverage of US politics….they are sooooo desperate to rubbish Trump. Bias in all articles, though to be fair they do state some valid reasons for Trump firing Comey. I am just amazed that it is top story on the website!!
However, when it is the BBC, and they (especially Tony, Katty’s devotee) are hiding behind the loaded question rather than offer any substantive proof, it may be as well to wait and see.
Looby, the BBC, despite their socialist inclinations, just luurvve America.
At any and every opportunity, they cannot wait to tell us of the death of some American musician – who was a one-hit-wonder – that we have never or have hardly ever heard of.
Interesting that this article does not mention Khan’s ban on adverts featuring scantily clad women, and it’s been approved for use on the tube? The whole thing was a storm in a teacup whipped up by whingers with too much time on their hands.
Also interesting the BBC on Facebook (ironically), besides going after another Trump relative, has a piece asking (questions, questions) if social media can sway the election.
With £4 billion in the wrong 40,000 hands, I’d say with some confidence that this is more than likely, and in fact well underway.
The World Service are positively orgasmic about Comey’s sacking.
“Links to Russia . . . Nixonian.”
They get loads of Democrats on to say how bad it is, then sneakily throw in a Republican for ‘balance.’ Of course the Republican is John McCain, who hates Trump. What balance!
BB – they make great play about Nixon similarities, what about those with Jimmy Carter?
Who when he took office, fired up to 2000 CIA agents including its Director; who later became President Bush The First.
The CIA then ensured Carter’s re-election failed via manipulating the hostage crisis at the US embassy in Tehran.
Trump has a big problem with the Deep State, which may explain why he has rowed back on so many of the things that he said which actually got him elected President.
Overtly northern lass Angela Rayner Labour education spokesperson graces the BBC Breakfast red sofa and is warmly welcomed to said scarlet tv perch by lanky lightweight Dan Walker.
You have to question our Dan’s interview technique. On the difficult area for Labour of their multiple promises of where it would spend a proposed corporation tax hike our Dan uses the dubious opener “The Tories claim you have promised….”
This was easily batted away by the scrubbed-up-well Nora Batty with “The Tories say a lot of things…”
It is a maater of fact – a matter of record – that Labour have double, triple and quadruple promised where they will spend this same cash. It is NOT the opinion of the Tories. Bad form, Dan.
Then on the difficult question for Labour as to where does Corbyn stand on the EU – Brexit, probably?
Our Dan gently asks about yesterday’s Corbyn muddle and obfuscation.
Our friend from the north claims bold as brass that she “didn’t see the interview”
Our Dan lets that go at that.
Weak, very weak from the BBC, verging on a deliberate soft touch.
Tuned it to Radio 4 ‘Today’ this morning to find the interviewer grilling Labour thicko MP Angela Rayner about whether the Labour party might NOT go through with Brexit – again!
Are the BBC so desperate to remain in the EU that they are prepared to try to change the policies of their favourite party, even when constantly and consistently told no?
Thoughtful, another Abbottesque car crash, that one. For the BBC, too. Poor old Humph was too dim, even in front of the Labour Party’s Shadow Education Secretary, to ask how she would have enough money from the Capital Gains Tax increase to fund her education spending after Diane Abbott had spent it all on taking policemen to lunch. Well either lunch, or the dry cleaners. Perhaps both?
Or is that all of us?
Labour are planning to take the whole nation to the cleaners.
Good old Grammar School boy Humph, despite passing his 11-Plus without a private tutor, was not sharp enough – despite years of interviewing Prime Ministers, Chancellors of the Exchequer, First Secretaries to the Treasury as well as successful business people – did not have the nous to ask Angela Rayner the killer Capital Gains Tax question.
To raise money from Capital Gains Tax you have to have the Capital Gains to tax in the first place. What do you do if the market goes down?
Up2Snuff, I too thought that Humph could have done better with that interview if he had tried. I presume there are instructions from up high to say not to allow any more Abbott like interviews. If the question is too hard, just move on to a softer one (probably as agreed in advance).
Maybe, Deborah. I’m getting an increasing feeling that the BBC do not like Corbyn for the reasons I have outlined in the past: they are all going to be paying more tax under a Corbyn-led Labour Government.
Laura Kuenssberg’s tone of voice when interviewing Jeremy Corbyn the other day was not soft, warm, mellow, engaging. The tongue was sharp!
That, in her case, could be for a variety of reasons.
Make the BBC look balanced despite their obvious LiberalLeft Socialist inclinations? Some guilt induced by the flak she may have received via post and e-mail from lots of BBC Licence Fee payers for being soft on Nicola Sturgeon and hard on Theresa May in their recent interviews? Shore up or even resurrect her flagging career as BBC Political Editor?
The BBC is also petty and unprofessional enough to indulge in ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’ , but mainly such things are cold, hard calculation.
Corbyn is the leader of Labour Party, and IIRC specifically told the BBC they were safe under him. Under Labour a done deal anyway, so redundant but a smart lock in.
Trouble is, while the BBC is basically Labour to the core, Jez, Di, Emily, Chukka, etc have made Labour not only unelectable, but toxic.
So the BBC has to put some space between them to act as the real opposition they see themselves as being.
Dead wood Corbyn is simply collateral sacrifice, with the plus of ‘must be getting it about right by screwing up all ways’.
The TODAY Programme on BBC Radio 4 is telling me this morning that Bernie Sanders, defeated US President Democratic nominee, is to make a State visit, a Royal visit even, to Britain before our General Election on 8 June. Get ready to stand to attention.
The Russians are hacking our General Election. Facebook and Twitter are hacking our General Election. Now Bernie Sanders, on behalf of ‘the Cousins’ is to start hacking our General Election.
The BBC are very keen on Emmanuel Macron. They keep mentioning that their poster boy is the youngest French President since Napoleon.
How long before the French are coming to hack our General Election?
Very dangerous smoke and innuendo. Today’s email ‘news’ summary:
Trump sacks FBI boss Comey
Donald Trump has surprised Washington by firing FBI director James Comey over his handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails. The move came after it emerged Mr Comey had given inaccurate information to Congress on the matter.
Mrs Clinton blames Mr Comey for her loss in last year’s presidential election, which happened shortly after he reopened the investigation into whether her use of a private email server while secretary of state had compromised national security. And to complicate matters further, the FBI is looking into allegations that members of Mr Trump’s campaign team colluded with Russia.
(With added BBC ‘questions’ from Trump obsessed, and hating, Anthony Zurcher:)
“So, what’s going on? Is it a cover-up? “The abruptness and timing of Mr Comey’s dismissal, to put it mildly, are highly suspicious,” says the BBC North America reporter Anthony Zurcher”
The BBC citing a BBC anti Trump shill’s ‘suspicions’ about a foreign world leader in the form of ‘questions’ designed to allude without proof, strikes me as dubious path to tread.
As noted above , Thicko Rayner has been all over the airwaves today . Forget the BBC’s soft interviews. Listen to Nick Ferrari demolish her on LBC. Clip on Guido Fawkes.
The Telegraph reports that Labour moderate MPs will form a new party if Corbyn stays on after June 8. Pity they hadn’t done that the moment Corbyn was elected by the infiltrators . We would then have been spared the likes of Abbot, Rayner and Long Bailey .
Thanks for the reference. If you want to be cheered up today listen the the LBC extract of the interview with Angela Raynor – shadow Education Secretary. After the Diane car crash interview I might have thought Labour types would have important numbers ready but she had to be told how many kids are in large classes .
I don’t vote Labour . I don’t have kids at school . But what does concern me is that ‘transformational'( her fav word)Rayner gets an easy ride from sympathetic beeb journos but is ripped apart in a minute by a commercial radio station.
4 weeks to the election . At this rate there will be a compilation video of inept Labour interviews. But it won’t be on al beeb.
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Would you fight for this country?” “No, I’m from Brazil.” What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:56 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “🇩🇪🇺🇸‼️🚨 GERMAN GOVERNMENT ATTACKS ELON AND PAID FOR THIS CAR! One of the topical Carnival cars in Düsseldorf shows: -…
DoublethinkerMar 4, 13:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Find Jeffery Sachs on YouTube and he explains why the Ukraine / Russia war started . Basically it was the…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WE HAVE NO MONEY … Dear MP Darren Henry, 13 Parliament’s £13 billion restoration. 150 HS2 £150 billion, original budget…
Strange ?
The 100th day of Trump’s presidency was April 29, 2017
Yet bbradio4 finished recording Trump100days documentary 8 days before that date.
Presenter M Goldfarb is a tasteful man
What in a news prog bbc did another Fake LePen 100 days documentary
And this one
Is this VFM news ?
How come such BBC staff get a pension and I don’t ?
One of bBBCs pet projects – assist in the downfall of a conservative organisation (even better that it’s a news station) that supports Trump
‘Block Fox bid for Sky’, says ex-guest claiming harassment
And the ‘door stepping’ by the author doesn’t turn out too well for him:
Rupert Murdoch: ‘Nothing’s happening at Fox News’
Having heard a similar (same?) piece on Toady at 8.40ish I was just about to comment when I saw Looby’s post. I guess we are going to see Al Beeb reproducing this inquisition every hour until Ofcom decide.
Just btw, why didn’t the Fox guy just say that he understood that Al Beeb had a strong interest in not having a competitor for real news?
The Beeb are such a***holes for reporting on that white couple abusing kids so prominently, whilst nothing about the gangs recently on court in Huddersfield and countless others around the country. There is a world of difference between a one-off depraved couple and a deep rooted cultural issue of thinking that any young whitegirl who is not covered up and protected by her father is fair game. Even as they were convicted and led to the cells, many of these men still believed they had done nothing wrong – that is how irreconcilably different our cultures are.
I strongly suspect the scale of these crimes is on an unimaginably larger scale, given: the thought crime nature of acknowledging the offences; authorities’ desire to cover them up and protect themselves at all costs; certain groups’ propensities to close ranks in their communities and dissemble, to put it mildly. For all their talk of anti-racism, young white lives are clearly worthless to Al Beeb. How dare they try to make out this is a problem that is perpetrated on the same level by all communities. How stupid do they think we are? The cat is out the bag now.
They report on the racist abuse suffered by a footballer, as always trying to drag these tasty racism cases on for as long as humanly possible. (They managed over a week of coverage for the tennis coach’s ‘chocolate with milk’ joke.) What about the TEN deaths from knife crime in a fortnight? Chuck that straight down the memory hole; the feelings of a millionaire footballer are far more important than ten lives lost IN TWO WEEKS! Of course any discussion of the culture which might be leading to this epidemic is off-limits; having conflated culture and race (remember Islam is a race) for anyone to even suggest gang culture in certain communities might be an issue would be a crime of Emmanuel Goldstein proportions. So let’s just not mention it, eh? Let’s join hands along a bridge and have a hash tag. A good bit of emoting solves every problem, doesn’t it?
They report on a terrorist from Alum Rock who was ‘radicalised on the internet.’ That is a fake narrative if ever there was one. So nobody in his community or his place of worship told him how wrong this new interpretation was? Surely the first thing you would do having seen such videos online is speak to your trusted religious leader; surely their word and those of your peers would trump those of some random man online? And then obviously your peers would immediately report you to the Police, eager to prevent an atrocity? Surely if anyone you knew were plotting something so terrible you would report him immediately? Just imagine if you llst a loved one in one of these attacks – it does not bear thinking about.
This multicultural utopia they have ushered in is starting to look more like hell on Earth: no free speech; murder with machetes becoming just an every day event; poor girls unable to walk to and from school without some gang trying to lure them into a life of torture and slavery; the terrible, terrible knowledge that any moment some atrocity could be unleashed – and it could happen any time and anywhere; and the utter, abject betrayal and capitulation of our supposed guardians like Al Beeb who just pretend none of it is happening so they can have an easy life.
Spot on Beeb Brother.
BB – solid post.
Being radicalized is not really your fault; it just happens to you – Cf “I fell pregnant”.
In the same vein i.e. dishonest reporting by omission but, I admit on a far less scale that you highlight, the BBC had to show us all the rioting and protests after the Trump election. Yet, on Macrons first day after winning the Presidency, I had to visit Russia Today news to ascertain the truthful position. That is, that there (and the viewer saw the filmed evidence) serious rioting in Paris by objectors to Macron.
The Worlds Most Dishonest Broadcaster?
They want us to believe in a world of Star Wars simplicity, when all the goodies are on the left and the baddies are right wing, with Trump being Darth Vader.
In reality there are shades of grey. Hillary was clearly not the whiter than white heroine they would have us believe. Obama clearly did spy on Trump’s team during the election. Plus both sides have nasty people on their extreme fringes, the most terrifying ones currently being on the left in my opinion. That Black Lives Matter could openly and successfully incite the murder of policemen is terrifying, as is the refusal to give a platform to right wing speakers at universities.
This surely represents a new low. Mischel ‘useless’ Hussein is hosting a social media special on Toady R4 this morning.
At 0735 for a full 5 minutes uninterrupted, we had a continuous stream of left wing propaganda from a carefully selected female snowflake SJW who was allowed to spout about her day reading twitter, and reading and reading out all her favourite left wing and anti-tory stories. Examples: a scare story informed by a $55,000 bill from a random USA healthcare example; and sympathy for negative press coverage of Dianne Abbott referencing her Maths skills. No accountability, careful editing, no challenge, no commentary from ‘useless’.
Mind you it did show the vacuous shallowness of her generation, who OMG are allowed to vote !!!!
Not a single atom of pretence to be impartial from the disgusting biased BBC.
Luckily Nick ‘sources who say’ Robinson is here to restore balance and explain how it is done:
…in which the BBC is either very brave, very forgetful, or dumber than a room full of BBC editors….
I’m erring more on b) and c).
Amol rajan again ex editor of the independent and seeing this clip tells you all you need to know as to why they hired him. They are desperate to stop Rupe taking over sky and channel 4 were at it as well last night by bringing the fox news lady over to ofcom and reporting it with glee. What i would give for a fox news equivalent here to scare the shit out of the beeb.
Pity none of these slugs are so dedicated in looking into Macaronis past and his meteoric rise to power but then that would mean doing their job
The Independent? The paper that went bust as no one wanted to pay for its editorial?
That would explain the move to the BBC then.
Excitable little chap when he thinks he’s in the big league, isn’t he?
And here’s a charming reply.
As Mishal is at Twitter, maybe she can translate?
If you missed the latest London stabbing, don’t worry, there’ll be another one along in a minute.
BBC London News carries a wonderful sound bite of pure universal egalitarianism this morning – which goes totally unquestioned by BBC so-called journalists – from our Mayor, Little Man Khan:
“We’re all responsible for knife crime”
Well, that’s set me up for the day. Something to think about when I next go to the kitchen drawer.
I warned hereabouts that BBC London would quickly morph from doing a regular smear job on Boris into the PR department for Khan. And so it has come to pass.
I feel inclined to share with our little chap a small excerpt from the busman’s prayer… it will remind him of his old dad…
Our Farnham, who art in Hillingdon
Hackney be Thy name.
Thy Kingston come; thy Wimbledon,
In Erith as it is in Hendon…
Move along now, please
It is always someone else’s fault. We must never take any responsibility for our own actions.
Khan is out of his depth. His pusillanimous platitudes in moments of crisis have all the calming effect of a metal shed in a thunder storm.
…“We’re all responsible for knife crime”
Well, that’s set me up for the day. Something to think about when I next go to the kitchen drawer…….
Still chuckling !!!! love it.
This looks like a must not miss, especially given all the questions raised…
Ah perkins underneath that very thin veneer of kooky girly lesbian is a real nasty spiteful piece of work and comic she aint
#R4Today in full Conspiracy Theory Without Evidence mode
“We know the work of Cambridge Analytica had a TREMENDOUS* influence on the result of the US election
…..but they won’t talk to us”
* Mere Assertion is not evidence …#fallacy
And probably projection
“Presumably #r4today has no objection to Tony Blair, EU or Gina Miller trying to influence voter opinions because they’re on the same side”
“Needless to say but the BBC also use analytics with their app and cookies. ”
\\I wonder if #R4today realise that their beloved Gina Miller is in the same category as “very rich people trying to influence elections”?//
#r4today claim
Friends : Miller, BLiar et al are just informing voters of facts?
Enemies : those with opposing views are trying to “influence”?
Well spotted, Stew, & great post.
\\Dear Today programme, of all the things to take The Canary to task for, you went for their use of the word ‘arse’? //
The BBC likely a bit embarrassed having to use The Morning Star to mix things up in a balanced way, especially since The Indepedent bit the dust.
Still, there’s always HuffPo for a laugh.
8:50am #r4today A discredited outlet of naked political propaganda masquerading as news. Interviews Breitbart and the Canary.
And which one did they promote ?
Oh, sorry, that page does not exist. Well, any more.
Maybe one of the evening trolls could pop next door and ask the guys what it said.
I have a page capture if they say it didn’t happen:)
If anyone can waybacksniff it that would be helpful.
Does @TweetstheBBCdelete exist yet to match those of MPs?
Is Mx Mendoza the result of Jeremy Corbyn’s affaire with Diane Abbott?
#R4Today again promoted Labour mates
BBC R Humberside 9am MAIN headline
“immigration controls are causing a staffing CRISIS in curry restaurants”
“…. a third of them have closed” emm I don’t believe you
So why do all the staff in curry houses HAVE to come from the Subcontinent?
If I go into McDonalds, do I expect all the staff to be Americans?
The answer to that is “No”.
In any case, if authenticity is the issue surely in the Subcontinent virtually all the cooking is done by women. When did anybody here last see a female member of staff in one of them?
Good point! Having lived in India I can assure the BBC that the average ‘Indian restaurant’ and much of its menu in the UK doesn’t exist in India, so the authenticity argument is nonsense. Most Indian restaurants in India are ‘dhabas’, a sort of greasy spoon cafe, with a few simple dishes, mostly vegetarian, and no alcohol served.
Apparently the sauces in many of the restaurants are bought in from specialist catering suppliers – probably not the best ones, but in the middle of the road restaurants at least. This practice is common throughout the catering trade. It probably explains why your Madras arrives so quickly. No real “cheffy stuff” involved, any fool can heat up a polythene bag.
But let’s face it, this is about race, so all we can expect are bullshit, humbug, lies, and double standards.
Some Indian restaurants have probably closed because tastes have moved on to Thai, Nepalese, or whatever happens to be in vogue.
My tastes have moved on to food which does not include halal meat. For that reason I will never visit an “Indian” (actually Bangladeshi) restaurant again.
You don’t need to eat out, it’s not that special. Several years ago I signed up for an evening Indian cookery course with my wife – we happened to be working in the same area and we could travel home in relative peace after the rush hour (and a drink or two).
It was excellent. Our teacher was from S India and simply taught us recipes and methods that her community had been using for years. You can achieve a lot with a relatively small number of spices (not a Schwarz spice rack) and a few simple rules, like actually cooking the spices. We still use the recipes we walked away with.
Sadly, the course ended prematurely when she was attacked by a black girl during her day job in the local school. She didn’t mince her words about these kids in the way that a white person would have have been intimidated into doing. I think she enjoyed the evening classes because we were genuinely interested.
Still grateful for her expertise.
I don’t either. Al Beeb have been pushing this bullshit for years, not least via local radio in those areas with highest numbers of immigrants. I heard via them some years ago that it takes 6 years to train a curry chef, most of whom are Bangladeshi not Indian. Never an explanation as to why restaurants won’t train the legions of Bangla unemployed already here to do it rather than import more- who would want to import and marry their cousin(s), dependent Mum, uncles….you get the picture.
So true ! there are never any film reports of a ‘new man’ Indian/Pakistani cooking up a feast in the family home, its always half a dozen head covered women stirring the pots and pans. This is never mentioned though.
To be fair, not all can be mayors in the West Midlands.
Unless… there is some kind of rota?
Is the plural of that ‘roti’ which we often see on Bangla curry house menus?
Actually though I do get what you mean, the new West Midlands Mayor is white and a Conservative, he ran John Lewis for a long time and in fact gave up that job to run for mayor.
AFAIK the West Midlands Mayor hasn’t been mentioned much on the BBC apart from a interview on Midlands Today, because let’s face it, the BBC are not interested in the Second City of this country, they prefer London and Manchester, which makes me angry.
I quite agree BCW. As a Black Country Mon, I can never understand why Manchester gets such preferential treatment in view of the fact that it is smaller in both physical and population terms.
But I suppose that the West Midlands isn’t “cool”.
It takes six years to train a doctor. I cannot believe it takes as long to learn how to mix a few spices.
Good grief, surely not that tired old lie again!
I’ve heard it several times over the years on the Beeb. It’s total BS. It get’s retold by liars or morons only.
Curry is simple to make. You and I can do it. The curry houses could easily train locals to do it. Their claim that they have to bring in cheap cousins from the sub-continent is simply an immigration scam and an effort to break down the rule that a minimum wage should be paid before immigration is allowed.
The real reason curry houses are closing is because of competition from other outlets as many people have realised that the “food” in many of these establishments is overpriced, overspiced swill.
or closed by food hygene inspectors
That’s closer to the truth NISA !
Jo…Apparently the sauces in many of the restaurants are bought in from specialist catering suppliers – probably not the best ones, but in the middle of the road restaurants at least. This practice is common throughout the catering trade. It probably explains why your Madras arrives so quickly. No real “cheffy stuff” involved, any fool can heat up a polythene bag……
My brother is ‘in’ Health & Safety, and one of his visits included the bakery/factory (apparently the size of a hangar) where all the Naan breads, chapatis and garlic breads are made for ALL the supermarkets, and a good percentage of the curry houses; and after seeing the conditions and how they are made and by whom, he swore he would never eat another one ever again.
Heavy spice is perfect for masking the taste of rancid food.
Rumour has it that’s how curries came into being – no refrigeration in India, so like LP says, the spices killed the taste of meat that was ‘on the turn’.
Another reason they’re closing is that the donkey sanctuaries now have chains on the gates.
The last time I went to one of these places for a family celebration, was in 1994, and when we arrived for our specially booked and decorated table there was a local yob lounging in one of our places, with a fag on, waiting for a takeaway.
Crap food, far too late – didn’t even finish it, no tip, and never ever been to any of these awful dumps again.
Anyway, Mrs Scroblene lived in The Far East for a time, and makes a damn good curry…
Getting closer by the day. Geert Wilders doesn’t need to be reminded!
And, meanwhile just, in Indonesia –
A Christian Governor of Jakarta, “..implied that Islamic leaders were trying to trick voters by using a verse in the Koran to argue that Muslims should not vote for a non-Muslim leader.” (how can anyone believe this……?) –
When the cult of islam reaches critical dimensions in the UK, this it what can be expected.
BBC 1 London news at 6.30 pm on Monday, on the scourge of ever increasing knife crime, aka murder, in London: an image of a male figure with a large knife clasped in both hands, behind his back. White hands. As everyone in London knows, this is absolutely representative of the fact that young white men are being murdered by other young white men on the streets of London on a daily basis. The BBC: ideologically incapable of telling the truth.
Ah those library pictures of the cuffed white hands – it’s a BBC perenial.
A couple of years ago a BBC journo was mugged.
There followed a series of reports on him meeting the offender and trying to understand the criminal.
Throughout the BBC on-line article there were no pictures of the offender – only the newspaper press reports revealed that he was black.
And yet the BBC reports – feeling the need for some imagery of some sort – included the picture of those now famous cuffed white hands.
See also the BBC library pictures of knife and gun wielding drug dealing and domesticly abusive white hands.
Plus of course the closely associated creepy white perverts white child beaters white rapists white terrorists etc etc…
Who’s for Lenny Henry to head up the out cry over the outrageous discrimination against black hand models in the crime-related library photo archive industry?
Different subject altogether but I am currently watching the Russian VD parade in Red Square.
I have so far avoided BBC News today.
RT is advertising an “exclusive interview with Mahmoud Abbas” later.
Beeby must be jealous! They normally love giving the platform to “Palestinian’ terrorists.
As Abbas is demanding an apology for Balfour from the British government
I would have thought Beeby would be all over this in support of Abbas.
Anybody spot the irony in a mass retweet campaign of this ?
Jesus, it’s pathetic isn’t and so playground like. More people voted for a different opinion so the only explanation is that they were sheep who were so easily seduced by these Morpheus like characters influencing them through their Facebook, Twitter and Amazon baskets.
You mean that those who are attempting to squash democracy are complaining about
“hijacked democracy”.
Will they ever get over themselves & their double standards?
Labour spinners are trying to promote idea BBC is biased against Labour.

And this is best they’ve got
Postman has just dropped the 8th of June poll cards through the letterbox.
From the people part of an orchestrated Twitter campaign yesterday
BBC giving up a whole page for this fake news:
I wonder why the BBC is so interested in this anti-Fox story?
Another beauty.
See this tweet narrative and apply same logic to BBC
So outside the Ofcom door ready to give evidence of character
A woman sexually harassed by a Fox employee
– And another line a mile long is victims/families abused by Bbc Beebophiles
I suggest Fox runs a feature on the hundreds of underage victims of Jimmy Savile, who were molested on BBC property, and which senior managers covered up. By the standards the BBC are setting for Fox, the BBC should be shut down without delay.
Great idea Rob. Perhaps Nigel could suggest this to them in his capacity as Fox contributor.
This culture of making any victim a sudden expert is so moronic. Thus we had a companion of Steven Lawrence giving his expert opinion on why stop and search is a bad thing. Has he studied policing? Does he have a grasp of statistical analysis? He is only fit to pass judgment on the issue if he has studied and understood all the relevant facts. By their logic, I should have been able to fix my boiler on Sunday when water started coming through the ceiling, as I was very much negatively affected by the faulty boiler. Of course I could not.
As for this woman, what bearing does her personal story of being groped or whatever have on the broader ethnical and legal issues? This is a vast company worth billions which affects thousands. Should the opinion of one slighted former employee sway the process?
If anything the opinion of people like this should be discounted as they are so obviously biased.
BBC have a very special filter for Voxes they think are populi.
I’m an old geezer so I may not be clued up, but I feel that the BBC Radio4 “Word of mouth” (Mon 23:00) allowed an “expert” to provide a very biased interpretation of modern terms, without contradiction or challenge. The programme was about words and the expert guest was George Lakoff, a prof from Berkeley. according to him:-
“Snowflake” has homophobic roots
The “Alt” in “Alt-righ” relates to German for old as well as alternative, “and that is significant”. Surely not saying all German is Nazi, are we prof?
He suggested that “Antifa” was a term applied by the movement’s opponents, who were self confessed “fas”, i.e. fascists.
“Cuck” not only was short for cuckold, but also related to the ownership of women, i.e. the term being used by people who considered women as chattels.
There might have been more
This came up shortly after the broadcast. The ‘professor’ was a noted American far-Left loon whose lack of knowledge beggared belief. The ‘alt’ in alt right refers to ‘alternative’ and has nothing whatsoever to do with either German or National Socialism. ‘Snowflake’ has no connection with anti-homosexual views and ‘virtue signalling’ was coined by a British journalist writing in a British publication. Either he has no business posing as a pundit, or he was deliberately spreading, um…’fake news’.
As I also pointed out at the time, Rosen himself is a far-left political activist (something the BBC keeps quiet about) and the programme he took over (it was created by Frank Delaney) is not what it was. Like many Radio 4 programmes before the far Left stormed the palace and took it over, it was well informed and entertaining. Under the awful Rosen, the best that can be said about it is that it is something to laugh at now and again.
GC: “Like many Radio 4 programmes before the far Left stormed the palace and took it over, it was well informed and entertaining. Under the awful Rosen, the best that can be said about it is that it is something to laugh at now and again.”
and complain about, I hope!
I’ve given up complaining to the BBC, Up2snuff. My life is far too busy to waste arguing with the chimps in the complaints department.
Of course, there’s Ofcom to complain to now but that’s staffed by ex-BBC hacks and the usual quango morons who have made such a roaring success of all these ‘governing bodies’ (Ofcom, Ofrail, Offtoss and all the rest.)
It’s just insulting that our politicians think we are too stupid to notice what they are doing.
I took a complaint about the BBC to OFCOM, after I got no joy from the Beeb. It was solid case of inaccuracy and a breach of impartiality of the Beeb not reviewing the film Hacksaw Ridge on Film 2017 purely so that the host could land a holocaust denial joke at the expense of the director, Mel Gibson.
Ofcom had a nice line that if they decide to pursue it, they will but if they think there isn’t a case to answer they won’t respond to your enquiry. Surely that breeds an apathy of not bothering with anything because you don’t have to account or explain why you chose not to do anything.
I note the at the past two trials the Al BBC as per usual, showed no interest, this time it may get a headline.
Re the police, I must confess I wondered how long it would be
… Far right activist Tommy Robinson warned by police after turning up at Canterbury Crown Court
“Tommy and his cameraman told Kent Live they wanted to cover the case and said they had been standing on the court steps because they wanted to speak to the defendants.
But when the hearing was over for the day, the pair received a warning from police and court staff about contempt of court laws and the risk of breaking them.
Our reporter at the trial said the defendants in the trial
… were held back from leaving the court when they heard Tommy Robinson was outside.”
I hope Kent Live get a now quite infamous “Troll Watch” visit
Does this mean that Joshua Rosenburg can receive a police warning if he is commenting on a legal case and one of the participants doesn’t want to run into him or his cameraman?
#R4Today were pushing the narrative that high tech social media analysis helps drive voting
Vesselin Popov’s site, as just mentioned by Mishal Husain:
The results were garbage when she tested in
Came out as a man etc.
Did she also come out as one who feels there are not enough dead Jews?
Or was that pretty clear from her own record?
Jo Phillips was introduced as a ‘political commentator’ on the News Channel Paper Review last night. I suppose that does cover things like her time as a BBC news editor and as a Lib Dem spin doctor. Oh, and a parliamentary candidate as well. It has been noticeable that ‘political commentators’ are being invited on more frequently nowadays. It is fun, trying to find out what the BBC are not disclosing about their guests.
BBC editorial integrity leaves no time or space to but ‘experts’ in context. Unless they are ones the BBC feels undermine stories they don’t like.
Julie Hesmondhalgh currently giving it welly in Manchester at the Labour kick off, and introducing Jerry Dustbin with passion.
Ex coronation street and now seems to be a corbynista sjw. A total fuckwit
Was Maxine Peake too busy to attend?
Yes. She was busy recording Corbyn’s Party Political Broadcast…on behalf of the Momentum Party.
Mr Mackenzie was suspended after comparing the player – who has a Nigerian grandfather – to a gorilla.
Isn’t that a little short of the truth?
MacKenzie wrote: “Perhaps unfairly, I have always judged Ross Barkley as one of our dimmest footballers. There is something about the lack of reflection in his eyes which makes me certain not only are the lights not on, there is definitely nobody at home.
“I get a similar feeling when seeing a gorilla at the zoo. The physique is magnificent but it’s the eyes that tell the story.”
Nothing racial about comparing Barclay’s intellect to that of a gorilla!
Not being a reader of The Sun or The Guardian, not living in Liverpool and the last footballer that I could match face and name being Bobby Moore, I think it is fair to say that I don’t have ‘a dog in the game’.
But how sad listening to Jeremy Vine today. The opening question was whether comparisons with Gorillas was ‘racist’ but that soon got lost as the BBC’s star reporter was far more concerned about what he had managed to shout at Rupert Murdoch in the streets of the USA than the original story. Was Murdoch the real villain? Was he trying to do the impossible and redeem himself?
Then to Polly Toynbee, spitting bile, right, right and centre. Katie Hopkins, Donald Trump, hate speakers all, not like, our modest maiden of moderation, who spends her time spouting, well.. hate speech. Just to make the point, on come a pack of ‘the people’, not a bit of ‘Christian charity’ among them, hardly good examples of how we apparently should behave.
Perhaps it is just as well that we never did get around to the original question. Can a human share the characteristics of a Gorilla? The answer to that is clearly yes because David Attenborough says so. If there is a racial insult tucked away in there surely only a racist can see it?
P.S. Not directly related but last week I bought some bags of compost. There were two stacks, one was green and one was blue. Both types of bag weighed the same, had the same brand and appeared to contain the same compost. Upset at the till, wrong price. Turns out the blue bags had an added ingredient and had a higher price. No problem, cancel the sale, change the bags. The sales assistant was very pleasant and even the queue stayed happy. Later in the week came back for some more. The shop was a lot quieter this time but I was served by the same assistant. “I’ve got the right colour this time!”, I said. We shared the joke and passed a few other pleasantries.
It wasn’t until I got home that it dawned on me that exchange had been with a young woman ‘of colour’ and no doubt, in the right ears, would constitute a ‘hate crime’. We live in sad times, but not because of Katie Hopkins et al.
‘Mr Mackenzie was suspended after comparing the player – who has a Nigerian grandfather – to a gorilla.’
A little short of the truth on two counts. Perhaps if the BBC had broadcast these words, it would have been more honest;
Mr Mackenzie was suspended after comparing the player – who IT SUBSEQUENTLY EMERGED (to the surprise of everyone) HAS A MIXED RACE Nigerian grandfather – to a gorilla.
Just found a photo of Ross Barkley, and to me he looks like a regular white Guy. Who could possibly guess he had a black grandfather? Hope I haven’t offended anyone by my comment!
What makes the knife crime epidemic all the more absurd is that we now have so many more non-white Police officers and a London mayor who is not white as well. Wasn’t that supposed to be the problem? If we could just have a more ‘diverse’ Police force communities would respect them more.
It is almost as if that argument was total b***ocks and was just a pathetic attempt to shirk responsibility. Of course Al Beeb totally bought into the spurious argument that the racial make up of the Police must reflect the community they serve. What sort of racist cares so much about skin colour? If you obey the law you will never have many problems with the Police anyway.
It is far more serious than our progressives would have us believe and that includes most of the political elite and certainly the BBC.
Imagine if this was 1957. That these killings were taking place in May . There would be a national outcry. Police chiefs would be dismissed and almost certainly Home Secretaries. Perhaps even a PM. The Londoners of that time would not have tolerated it and there would be no handwringing.
This is a crucial difference and tells us that our tolerance of these killings is actually a sign that our civilisation is collapsing. You cannot get any sense out of a snowflake progressive. They are just not mentally able to process this.
it is also a further step on the road to the death of London as a capital city. Money and commerce will keep it alive for a while but it is dying. A future is made up of millions of little decisions by individuals. Those are now being made and whatever the mayor and the media say London is going the way of Baltimore and Detroit. It is just a matter of time.
‘…our tolerance of these killings is actually a sign that our civilization is collapsing.’ I think it’s more that our civilization, or at least our capital city, is morphing into a sort of city-state of the British colonial era, somewhere like Alexandria, Hong Kong or Bombay. A vast melting pot of races, colours and creeds living in squalor and murdering one another, while a white British/European elite tenuously hold onto power while gradually handing it over to the ‘natives’. The only difference is back in those days the Brits had a bit of spine and weren’t averse to demonstrations of force if things got out of hand.
I think the crystal balls that were consulted decades ago along with Enoch Powells warnings of dire consequences, were acted upon. Hence your absolutely correct observation that, “…back in those days the Brits had a bit of spine and weren’t averse to demonstrations of force if things got out of hand”. Any ‘action’ has since been legislated against over and over again in ever increasing coverage during the intervening years. Right now, virtually all action is “illegal” as will, shortly, any comment or criticism aka, shortly to be, ‘incitement’. The real crunch will only come when the islamicists decide that criticism of their behaviour and cult in general is blasphemous and, as we well know, they have ample punishments to deal with this.
Islamization seems to be going well in Canada:
It was so obvious what would happen. Did they really think people of all races and creeds would hold hands and create utopia? Obviously if you come from a violent and corrupt culture you will bring elements of that culture with you, especially when the rule is that anything different and ‘diverse’ is a wonderful thing to be celebrated.
Did Blair not know this would happen? He is an extremely clever man, he must have known what would happen.
If anyone fancies a good dose of black (excuse the pun) comedy, I suggest reading the government white paper from 2004 entitled ‘Strength in Diversity.’
“Thanks to immigration we have better food, clothing and music. Immigrant communities have enriched us by bringing fresh perspectives and new ways of doing things.”
So when someone attacks you with a machete when you are on the way to rescue your daughter from a grooming gang, you can feel reassured knowing you can have a good curry afterwards – that makes it all worthwhile.
Beeb Brother,
Hardly as serious as machete attacks but the culture war plays out on many levels. I have been of the opinion for many years now that attacks on eating habits have been part of the underlying agenda to devalue everything British. Cuisine is a part of culture. Curry is OK if you like it but it isn’t superior to onion gravy. For a while they put curry on everything. More recently the favoured spice is chilli. Stinking chilli on everything including chocolate. (I can’t stand the stuff) But every item of British food is classed as oh so bland & tasteless. Does foreign food actually taste better? Or is the taste of the actual FOOD simply buried in spices?
I’ll have a good old fashioned jacket potato please with lots of butter.
Hold the spices!
Then we get lectured by Telly chefs how Tea is not British but we adopted it. Therefore we should adopt everything else. Everything as long as it’s foreign is presented as so much more delightful than ours. I sometimes like a different dish but most of the time I want real food that isn’t covered in cumin & dyed yellow.
I think you need to look at murder rates in other parts of the UK.
Sounds like wishful thinking on your part more than anything else.
Yes beeb brother you are 100% correct. If you can be bothered read up on the Lord Scarman report of the 1981 Brixton riots and the MacPherson report on the murder of Stephen Lawrance. Both stated that the implementation of safer neighborhoods andstopping the ” indiscriminate ” searching of black youths would stop the riots and violence in black areas, and we could all sing cumbayaa and live in peace and harmony.
The police new it was bollox in the 80s and ignored it. But after Stephen Lawrence political pressure forced the changes. While i would not say that safer neighborhood policing is a failure it does nothing to stop riots or stop black boys knifing each other on a daily basis. The only tools police have are stop and search and surveillance. Surveillance is expensive and you need good intell to instigate it, so we are left with…..
All you need to know about the Scarman report is in the clip from Ashes to Ashes.
The ladies doth protest too much, methinks
Jane Hill anchoring BBC News Channel just now presents a news item about which she can genuinely show personal pleasure – she positively beams with approval signalling to her audience that this report amounts to a double-plus good thing.
Of course it’s more of an in-house diversity box-ticking announcement than real news – BBC have have given the Len Goodman Strictly gig to a woman.
She’ll be frounting a major tv show watched by millions enthuses the BBC
Blimey, what will the BBC say when the ghastly Patriarchy allow a female Head of State or Prime Minister… oh wait a minute…
But is she a gay woman or a trans woman? I think we should be told.
If she’s smiling, perhaps she fancies her !
Albeit born in this country, I cant see the new judge Shirley Ballas being popular, when there are equally qualified Brits waiting in the wings. We clearly have no capability on the tele in the judging stakes, as we have to import them from the 4 corners of the planet….
S.Africa……. Prue Leith – Gt British Menu / Bake Off
France …….. Benoit Blin – Crème de la Crème
Singapore…… Cherish Finden – ” ”
Denmark ……. Sandi Toksvig – on everything if it pays
Australia ….. John Torode – Master Chef
USA ……….. Loyd Grosman – ” ”
Australia ….. Craig Revel Horwood SCD
Italy ……… Bruno Tonioli ”
U.S.A ….. Will-I-am – The Voice
I believe the rot set in with that Canadian .. Hughie Green – Double Your Money !!
Brissles – Don’t forget New Zealander Michael Miles – Take Your Pick !
(I’m showing my age now – mind you, Lobsters can live to over 100!)
I heard the news part way through, “..the new judge is an expert in Latin.”, and I wondered if they were on the Supreme Court bench or the like and some poor barrister would be getting this sort of treatment:
Either English is not Laura K’s first language, a bot is writing her Labour PR, or they have given up pretending to care.
Possibly all three.
If Corbyn wins then, I bet Gordon Brown will make a run for it.
Tuesday Daily Politics . Didn’t watch live as that idiot Jo Coburne was I/c. Guido has tweeted her perfect biased mismanagement of beeb regular Owen Jones who appears to be the Acceptable Leftie championing all things minority . He was against some poor bloke from the Christian Alliance ( or similar) . The albeeb let Jones rip in a truly over the top way and then disallowed a right of reply. Just truly awful and inept .
Fed up, he managed to get some sort of reply in the end but coburne’s face was a picture ad she kept trying to cut him off after he tried to reply to a Jones tirade against him.
I liked the labour lass earlier, Champion or somebody, who, after being interrupted by coburne said ” I have an answer if you want to hear it”
Ah yes, Sarah Champion, the MP for Rotherham who before being their MP worked in a children’s hospice but seemingly had little to say about, and managed to escape untarnished from, the horrific and systematic abuse of 1,400 girls in the area right under her nose.
She was also appointed the shadow Home Office minister focusing on women, equality and domestic violence even though she was arrested but not charged strangely for assaulting her husband when they were getting divorced.
Another one of Labour’s conviction politicians…
Fair play to the Christian fellow, he didn’t let JoCo talk over him, and accused her of being BBC fake news. The wicked witch didn’t like that, but she deserved it. She had let Owen Jones attack him ad hominem, as left wing pukes always do, but would not let him reply to the odious little creep. People have got to stand up to this sort of thing, and I am glad he had a go back.
BBC = Fake News.
I do hope little Owen will be attending the Gays Against Sharia demonstration this weekend in Manchester. He gets so passionate in his defence of gays and Islamists.
JUN 10
Gays Against Shariah/Orlando Memorial Rally. UK and USA United
Public · Hosted by Gays Against Shariah – UK
Saturday, June 10 at 2 PM
Manchester, United Kingdom
Raising awareness of the widespread homophobia within Shariah Law and remembering the victim’s of the Orlando terrorist attack
Gays Against Shariah.
Now why are the left wing gays opposing this?
Come on Owen – you were so upset over Orlando that you walked out of the Sky studio.
Very interesting, but of course the Police and UAF etc., won’t allow it to happen.
Thanks Mr Goldstein,
I don’t understand where this Owen Jones gets his right to a permanent seat in al beeb. Wiki just seems to say he went to uni and then a journo. I suppose al beeb thinks he is worth the appearance money.
Just generally i really think it would be better if the albeeb journos are given enough time for opposing sides to explain their positions rather than ritual confrontation. R4 “today ” is worst.
At least Andrew Neil asks a question and tries for an answer but he’s an honourable exception.
Emmanuel please, all of you. We’re all mates here.
He’s a Guardian columnist Fedup, that’s the only requirement for permanent appearance fees.
Owen Jones’s voice is strictly unlistenable to, harsh and penetrating. If he took the trouble to cultivate a special accent there are much more pleasant ones to choose from.
Owen has spent several years cultivating his spurious ‘Luncashur’ accent – much like idiotic fiddle playing Nigel Kennedy’s mockney. Both spoke rather gentile English as children.
Jeremy Corbyn on whether the UK will definitely leave the EU –
Well, there you have it. As clear as mud.
The bBC, the South Korean presidential election and its own twist on history:
Moon Jae-in: South Korean liberal claims presidency win
Liberal candidate Moon Jae-in has claimed victory in South Korea’s presidential election. Mr Moon favours greater dialogue with North Korea, in a change to current South Korean policy…When Mr Moon was last in government, in the early 2000s, South Korea had a “Sunshine Policy” which meant co-operation with North Korea, a policy which was abandoned as North Korea tested nuclear weapons.
The above bBC article promotes the view that Mr Moon intends to talk his way to peace with North Korea, and scrap the belligerent form of diplomacy enforced on SK by the US. I quote from the article:
For the last eight years, Seoul and Washington have been in lock-step over North Korea, with ever tighter sanctions and isolation. That is not Mr Moon’s way. Is it Donald Trump’s?
According to the bBC this is all down to the scrapping of the “Sunshine Policy” due to NKs Nuclear testing. Here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you:
The Sunshine Policy was formally abandoned by the new South Korean President Lee Myung-bak in 2010. Due to the March 26, 2010, sinking of the South Korean navy ship ROKS Cheonan with a crew of 104, sank off Baengnyeong Island in the Yellow Sea. On May 20, 2010, a team of international researchers published results claiming that the sinking had been caused by a North Korean torpedo; South Korea agreed with the findings from the research group and President Lee Myung-bak declared afterwards that Seoul would cut all trade with North Korea as part of measures primarily aimed at striking back at North Korea diplomatically and financially
On November 23, North Korea’s artillery fired at South Korea’s Yeonpyeong island in the Yellow Sea and South Korea returned fire. Two South Korean marines and two civilians were killed, more than a dozen were wounded, including three civilians. About 10 North Koreans were believed to be killed; however the North Korean government denies this. The town was evacuated and South Korea warned of stern retaliation, with President Lee Myung-bak ordering the destruction of a nearby North Korea missile base if further provocation should occur.
The official North Korean news agency, KCNA, stated that North Korea only fired after the South had “recklessly fired into our sea area.
Instead of the facts the bBC, promotes a anti American slant in which to promote its CS leftwing agenda.
I think the US have something major in the works for North Korea.
The Gary Lineker effect?
Walker crisps Peterlee factory to close in December
must be those two 6 packs a week i no longer buy
And according to ‘sources’, not a comment has been made by the obnoxious Lineaker.
The BBC must of been in a quandary this evening to be “balanced” because the Prime Minister
is on the One Show. The answer was to have TWO party political broadcasts on behalf of the Labour Party. The second one was the official one telling us that Labour are going to bleed dry the “few” to support the “many.”
The other Labour party political broadcast was the Londonistan Programme. Where one after
another presenter and reporter told us what filth the Metropolitan Police are to Black Folk. Not withstanding that stabbing each other is the natural past time of a section of black criminal youth and the police and the TORRRRIESSSSSSS , just don’t understand the aspirations of black youth.
Riz Lateef then told us if we turned if to. the BBC election website JEREMY CORBYN
would explain everything.We saw a picture of the website with Jeremy Corbyn expounding his theories. I know that reporters are just doing the “bidding” of their Trotskyist editors.However maybe I shouldn’t be surprised that there is now not a degree of subtlety in the way the Labour party is being supported on this programme.
The best comment I’ve seen today – H/T Guido Comments.
Well they are becoming a joke – in addition to the BBC.
I suppose Diane Abbott would get the Feedback…
listening to PM tonight, there’s Laura Kuenssberg interviewing Jeremy Corbyn, in a quite astonishing manner.
Corbyn is firmly telling her that he would negotiate a misty eyed rose tinted set of terms from Europe, which Kuenssberg repeatedly asks whether he would definitely leave the EU – here’s clue Laura, when someone is talking about negotiating terms they are indicating to you very clearly that they intend to carry out a course of action. In the end Kuenssberg lets that cat out of the bag – “Mr Corbyn couldn’t you give people a chink of hope that you might not go through with leaving the EU”
It was desperate stuff, quite startling and this then carried on by quizzing the Big C on why he had not gone further with his left wing policies. She quoted ‘The Socialist party’ who had insulted him by describing him as a revisionist (if memory serves) and that his policies were nowhere near left wing enough.
Then there were quotes from the leader of Momentum plus others, and all the time the questions were being asked as to why Labour was not more authentically ‘socialist’
Normally you would expect a series of question the opposite way, why Labour is too left wing, and why the Tories are too right wing, but not with the BBC today!
Corbyn is a leaver at heart as should all good socialists be. France has just elected a bankster puppet and Corbyn must know this. Kuenssberg is of the bankster mould as are all BBC progressives. Little in common so hence the interview.
…“Mr Corbyn couldn’t you give people a chink of hope that you might not go through with leaving the EU”….
Its those few words “a chink of hope” that concern me. For her to include that phrase within her questioning, is biased at its most blatant, and she should be hauled up for it. Clearly there is no monitoring by the BBC on the conduct of their journalists – whether they’re at the top or not.
I choked with laughter at this.
Thanks for brightening up my evening
Trigger warning: Diane Abbott coming up. But worth clicking on this.
Bias ?
Which way though ?
Take your pick.
But we know. – How many posts have there been on this site about Al Beeb’s right wing bias?
Over to you Maxi……,.
I hope you guys are enjoying the bBBC in depth coverage of US politics….they are sooooo desperate to rubbish Trump. Bias in all articles, though to be fair they do state some valid reasons for Trump firing Comey. I am just amazed that it is top story on the website!!
Questions are being asked…
However, when it is the BBC, and they (especially Tony, Katty’s devotee) are hiding behind the loaded question rather than offer any substantive proof, it may be as well to wait and see.
Looby, the BBC, despite their socialist inclinations, just luurvve America.
At any and every opportunity, they cannot wait to tell us of the death of some American musician – who was a one-hit-wonder – that we have never or have hardly ever heard of.
Interesting that this article does not mention Khan’s ban on adverts featuring scantily clad women, and it’s been approved for use on the tube? The whole thing was a storm in a teacup whipped up by whingers with too much time on their hands.
Also interesting the BBC on Facebook (ironically), besides going after another Trump relative, has a piece asking (questions, questions) if social media can sway the election.
With £4 billion in the wrong 40,000 hands, I’d say with some confidence that this is more than likely, and in fact well underway.
The World Service are positively orgasmic about Comey’s sacking.
“Links to Russia . . . Nixonian.”
They get loads of Democrats on to say how bad it is, then sneakily throw in a Republican for ‘balance.’ Of course the Republican is John McCain, who hates Trump. What balance!
BB – they make great play about Nixon similarities, what about those with Jimmy Carter?
Who when he took office, fired up to 2000 CIA agents including its Director; who later became President Bush The First.
The CIA then ensured Carter’s re-election failed via manipulating the hostage crisis at the US embassy in Tehran.
Trump has a big problem with the Deep State, which may explain why he has rowed back on so many of the things that he said which actually got him elected President.
Believing the unbelievable thing before breakfast
Overtly northern lass Angela Rayner Labour education spokesperson graces the BBC Breakfast red sofa and is warmly welcomed to said scarlet tv perch by lanky lightweight Dan Walker.
You have to question our Dan’s interview technique. On the difficult area for Labour of their multiple promises of where it would spend a proposed corporation tax hike our Dan uses the dubious opener “The Tories claim you have promised….”
This was easily batted away by the scrubbed-up-well Nora Batty with “The Tories say a lot of things…”
It is a maater of fact – a matter of record – that Labour have double, triple and quadruple promised where they will spend this same cash. It is NOT the opinion of the Tories. Bad form, Dan.
Then on the difficult question for Labour as to where does Corbyn stand on the EU – Brexit, probably?
Our Dan gently asks about yesterday’s Corbyn muddle and obfuscation.
Our friend from the north claims bold as brass that she “didn’t see the interview”
Our Dan lets that go at that.
Weak, very weak from the BBC, verging on a deliberate soft touch.
Tuned it to Radio 4 ‘Today’ this morning to find the interviewer grilling Labour thicko MP Angela Rayner about whether the Labour party might NOT go through with Brexit – again!
Are the BBC so desperate to remain in the EU that they are prepared to try to change the policies of their favourite party, even when constantly and consistently told no?
Thoughtful, another Abbottesque car crash, that one. For the BBC, too. Poor old Humph was too dim, even in front of the Labour Party’s Shadow Education Secretary, to ask how she would have enough money from the Capital Gains Tax increase to fund her education spending after Diane Abbott had spent it all on taking policemen to lunch. Well either lunch, or the dry cleaners. Perhaps both?
Or is that all of us?
Labour are planning to take the whole nation to the cleaners.
Good old Grammar School boy Humph, despite passing his 11-Plus without a private tutor, was not sharp enough – despite years of interviewing Prime Ministers, Chancellors of the Exchequer, First Secretaries to the Treasury as well as successful business people – did not have the nous to ask Angela Rayner the killer Capital Gains Tax question.
To raise money from Capital Gains Tax you have to have the Capital Gains to tax in the first place. What do you do if the market goes down?
The old dog has lost his bite.
Up2Snuff, I too thought that Humph could have done better with that interview if he had tried. I presume there are instructions from up high to say not to allow any more Abbott like interviews. If the question is too hard, just move on to a softer one (probably as agreed in advance).
Maybe, Deborah. I’m getting an increasing feeling that the BBC do not like Corbyn for the reasons I have outlined in the past: they are all going to be paying more tax under a Corbyn-led Labour Government.
Laura Kuenssberg’s tone of voice when interviewing Jeremy Corbyn the other day was not soft, warm, mellow, engaging. The tongue was sharp!
That, in her case, could be for a variety of reasons.
Make the BBC look balanced despite their obvious LiberalLeft Socialist inclinations? Some guilt induced by the flak she may have received via post and e-mail from lots of BBC Licence Fee payers for being soft on Nicola Sturgeon and hard on Theresa May in their recent interviews? Shore up or even resurrect her flagging career as BBC Political Editor?
The BBC is also petty and unprofessional enough to indulge in ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’ , but mainly such things are cold, hard calculation.
Corbyn is the leader of Labour Party, and IIRC specifically told the BBC they were safe under him. Under Labour a done deal anyway, so redundant but a smart lock in.
Trouble is, while the BBC is basically Labour to the core, Jez, Di, Emily, Chukka, etc have made Labour not only unelectable, but toxic.
So the BBC has to put some space between them to act as the real opposition they see themselves as being.
Dead wood Corbyn is simply collateral sacrifice, with the plus of ‘must be getting it about right by screwing up all ways’.
Unique indeed.
The TODAY Programme on BBC Radio 4 is telling me this morning that Bernie Sanders, defeated US President Democratic nominee, is to make a State visit, a Royal visit even, to Britain before our General Election on 8 June. Get ready to stand to attention.
The Russians are hacking our General Election. Facebook and Twitter are hacking our General Election. Now Bernie Sanders, on behalf of ‘the Cousins’ is to start hacking our General Election.
The BBC are very keen on Emmanuel Macron. They keep mentioning that their poster boy is the youngest French President since Napoleon.
How long before the French are coming to hack our General Election?
Time to beef up those old Cinque Ports, I think.
On Toady John Humphreys mentioned impeachment! They are hysterical.
Why can’t he fire someone if he wants to?
It is all hollow smoke and innuendo.
Very dangerous smoke and innuendo. Today’s email ‘news’ summary:
Trump sacks FBI boss Comey
Donald Trump has surprised Washington by firing FBI director James Comey over his handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails. The move came after it emerged Mr Comey had given inaccurate information to Congress on the matter.
Mrs Clinton blames Mr Comey for her loss in last year’s presidential election, which happened shortly after he reopened the investigation into whether her use of a private email server while secretary of state had compromised national security. And to complicate matters further, the FBI is looking into allegations that members of Mr Trump’s campaign team colluded with Russia.
(With added BBC ‘questions’ from Trump obsessed, and hating, Anthony Zurcher:)
“So, what’s going on? Is it a cover-up? “The abruptness and timing of Mr Comey’s dismissal, to put it mildly, are highly suspicious,” says the BBC North America reporter Anthony Zurcher”
The BBC citing a BBC anti Trump shill’s ‘suspicions’ about a foreign world leader in the form of ‘questions’ designed to allude without proof, strikes me as dubious path to tread.
As noted above , Thicko Rayner has been all over the airwaves today . Forget the BBC’s soft interviews. Listen to Nick Ferrari demolish her on LBC. Clip on Guido Fawkes.
The Telegraph reports that Labour moderate MPs will form a new party if Corbyn stays on after June 8. Pity they hadn’t done that the moment Corbyn was elected by the infiltrators . We would then have been spared the likes of Abbot, Rayner and Long Bailey .
Thanks for the reference. If you want to be cheered up today listen the the LBC extract of the interview with Angela Raynor – shadow Education Secretary. After the Diane car crash interview I might have thought Labour types would have important numbers ready but she had to be told how many kids are in large classes .
I don’t vote Labour . I don’t have kids at school . But what does concern me is that ‘transformational'( her fav word)Rayner gets an easy ride from sympathetic beeb journos but is ripped apart in a minute by a commercial radio station.
4 weeks to the election . At this rate there will be a compilation video of inept Labour interviews. But it won’t be on al beeb.