Not going well is it? The BBC’s ‘balanced’ reporting on the election that is. Two days of anti-Tory messaging..the subtle and not so subtle….
Tory immigration pledge is trashed and never mentioned wthout the refrain that promises were made before and not met….funny, ironic, that the ‘open borders’ BBC, which campaigns relentlessly for more immigration, should be criticising the Tories for having failed to control it…one reason of course is that pressure from the BBC itself means politicians are extremely nervous about taking effective measures because they know they will immediately encounter a storm of protest and accusations of racism. Similarly the NHS of course….any measures to cut spending would be met with an absolute s**t-storm from the left-wing media and Labour…the same Labour Party that proposed cutting NHS spending in 2010.
Then we have the energy price cap….naturally the BBC claims this is Ed Miliband’s idea…however when Miliband proposed it it was a good idea…now the Tories propose something similar [though uniquely different say the Tories] it’s a bad idea.
We had hardcore labour spin doctor, Tom Baldwin, wheeled in and he of course set about trashing the Tories when supposedly talking about something else….naturally we were not told he was Labour’s senior spinner at one time as he was allowed to freely attack May telling us she was robotic and brittle and that Brexit was definitely going to go wrong and fail.
Yesterday we had a day of ‘Andy Burnham’, Labour’s new mayor in Manchester…we were treated to endless reports of how he is going to end homelessness in Manchester….not a lot of time spent on any Tory mayors with similar ideas. And what did Burnham’s great idea amount to? Not much….get people to send in money and Burnham will send it on to the charities that deal with the homeless now… nothing new or innovative…just more of the same which didn’t solve anything before so what’s new?…but the BBC loved it and lavished praise and attention on him. Must be an election going on.
Today we had lots of trumpeting about the film ‘Brassed Off’…apparently the excuse for disinterring it was that it is the 21st anniversary of the film…no doubt the fact that it was about miners sacked by the horrible Fatcher might have had something to do with it in an election…and sure enough one of the actors voiced off telling us Thatcher was terrible but May is worse…more brutal and reactionary. Course she is luvvie.
The BBC is giving Corbyn and Co a very easy ride at the moment….Corbyn makes a speech today and …well, very little from the BBC so far in the way of negative comment…except this very interesting interview with Kuenssberg who seems to be pleading with Corbyn to say he’ll drop Brexit if negotiations don’t pan out the way he wants…should he be PM…Pretty clear what Kuenssberg is after here…giving hope to the Remainders…if Corbyn says he will drop Brexit they can vote for him….
‘This is a very important point to make for lots of people. As you say, we don’t know what will happen in the negotiations…. if you are PM can you categorically say we would definitely leave because if you won’t there is a chink of a possibility that things might change and we might end up thinking differently about our options.’
Then there’s McDonnell…given an extraordinarily soft interview by Red Andy….McDonnell is allowed to slither out of any question by giving very evasive, generalised answers that say nothing other than to give the impression that the Marxist McDonnell, whose intent is to destroy Britain, is completely harmless…talk about fake news…
At least we have the usual fallback…Andrew Neil, to do some real journalism….and comes to something when one BBC journo has to ‘reprimand’ another for failing to do his job in effect….
And almost finally, or at least only the stuff I have caught….the BBC had an orchestrated attack on the Tories’ election soundbite ‘strong and stable’…the attack was relentless and reached throughout the whole of the BBC…from its news programmes, current affairs, to its general programming, its website and of course its ‘comedy’. The intent? To undermine the Tory election by mocking and discrediting that line.
Contrast that with how they deal with Labour’s slogan ‘For the many not the few’. Well you can’t because the BBC has not uttered one word of criticism, mockery or disdain towards it despite it being repeated as many times as the Tories’ slogan.
Curious…even curiouser when you consider that even ‘Labour’ doesn’t like their own slogan…here’s LabourList…
Forget the 20 point plan – Corbyn urgently needs a decent slogan for June 8
Theresa May’s cut-and-run general election caught the Labour Party without a campaign slogan.
Labour had many other gaps, but lack of a slogan should be easy to remedy.
In 1997 Tony Blair won a landslide with “New Labour because Britain deserves better.” In 2001 he offered “Ambitions for Britain” and in 2005 “Britain forward, not back.”
With the exception of “Work or maintenance” none of these slogans committed the party to anything. Each served to create a vaguely uplifting atmosphere around a Labour government. The party should have been able to match them in short order, but its first reported effort at a slogan for 2017 was appalling: “the Tories are the real extremists”.
But Labour’s replacement is not much better: “for the many not the few.”
Blairites have pointed out gleefully that this was first used by Tony Blair.
But the BBC has so far steadfastly refused to point out that Corbyn’s slogan is not only tired and dull but second hand. Not as if the BBC doesn’t know…it reported in early May that Blair had used it…but made no comment on its recycling by Corbyn…
Blair sketched out, in vague but confident terms, his vision of a modern, united country fit for a new millennium. A country for the “many not the few”.
Not only that but in 2012 the LibDems used exactly the same slogan....
Nice to know that commie Corbyn is actually going to save Capitalism….
And really finally…Matthew Taylor….Blair’s head of policy unit and in charge of drawing up Labour’s election manifestos as well as being in charge of rebutting any anti-Labour press reports…bizarrely now employed by May to head a review of workers’ rights and practices, he has hit the airwaves with loud criticisms of low skilled jobs…in essence, according to the BBC interpretation, which was loud and frequent on the radio today, this means that the much vaunted employment boom is all smoke and mirrors, a mirage created by employing cheap labour and not training them…thus we get low productivity and low wages…erm…isn’t that actually a result of Labour’s open border policy and Big Business demanding the right to import this cheap labour…..a right they demand to keep never mind the Brexit vote? And now? All those jobs done by cheap imported migrants are bad for our economy!!!!
Any chance that May’s choice of employee has badly backfired and he is stabbing her in the back, old loyalties die hard when another chance to get Labour back in office is on the horizon. Back in 2016 he was hardly ‘onboard’ the Tory bandwagon…
Last month, he also said the government’s flagship new benefit system, universal credit, was on the way to joining an “inglorious list” of disasters alongside the poll tax and rail privatisation.
Curious though…you’d hardly know of his real allegiances…it was mentioned once today but not any other time when I heard him being quoted extensively by the BBC…and nor is his Labour Party connection mentioned in this web report by Kamal Ahmed [not the most reliable of reporters…very pro-Remain it would seem]…here he links Taylor to the government as if to give him credibility and a pro-Tory gloss, which is a complete deception…
The head of the government’s review into zero-hours contracts and the less secure world of work has said that too many businesses still allow “bad work” to flourish.
Ahead of a speech on Tuesday evening, Matthew Taylor told the BBC that workers should be “engaged” by employers and feel more in control of how they work.
“I think bad work is unacceptable when so many people in work are in poverty,” Mr Taylor told me.
“Bad work is clearly bad for our health and well-being, it leads to people dropping out of work.
“Bad work is bad for productivity, so it’s bad for our economy.
Ahmed tells us that Taylor’s report will be released after the election…in the meantime he has given the BBC early, privileged access it seems…wonder why?
Mr Taylor said his review, which will be delivered to Number 10 shortly after the election whoever becomes Prime Minister, will call for a mix of new tax rules and workplace regulations as well as the promotion of a “new norm” around how businesses treat their employees.
Yep….all round a busy two days for the BBC….too busy to find anything genuinely critical to say about Labour it almost seems.
The bBC, and what it leaves out in its coverage of a real labour of love:
Cow sex suspect hunted by police helicopter
Police scrambled a helicopter in a bid to track down a man suspected of committing a sex act on a cow. The suspect was reportedly seen interfering with the farm animal near Denham Way, in Maple Cross, Hertfordshire, on Saturday morning. Despite the aerial search, officers were unable to locate him after they were called at 07:18 BST, the St Albans and Harpenden Review reported. Hertfordshire Police said the cow was unhurt.
And here is what the bBC left out of the above story:
Officers were called to Denham Way in Maple Cross just after 7am on Saturday morning to reports of a man carrying out the explicit act on a cow.The offender is described as an Asian man, aged in his mid-20s, around 6ft tall and of slim build. He has black short hair and was wearing a shell type jacket, which looked old, in a faded green colour, and dark coloured trousers.
Dianne flatbott was asked and she said her sex life was not up for discussion,
Since when was Cow sex illegal anyway, political correctness gorn mad?
“Hertfordshire Police said the cow was unhurt.” but she was pretty upset the following day when her “date” didn’t phone.
Kuenssberg: “our options.”
Our? whose? BBC STAFF and Momentum-groupies of course!
Kuenssberg was nodding in the affirmative so much at Corbyn’s 60’s socialist drivel I thought her head was going to drop off… a lovely thought though!
“For the Dhimmi, not the Jew”
It’s the little things….