The BBC loves fake news, so much so that it set up a special unit to hunt it down and expose those who create and exploit such deplorably misleading misinformation.
The BBC also loves telling us that the government has stitched up secret deals with businesses to persuade them to stick with the UK after Brexit. When Nissan went away happy after a meeting with May the BBC spent days going over it trying to spin a story that a secret deal had been done…despite denials and absolutely no evidence. The BBC is still peddling such gossip as news…only a couple of days ago it repeated the claim.
So the BBC is the champion of truth and honesty in news, the exposer of secret backroom deals with Big Business…especially when it concerns Brexit.
Or is it? It seems that such pious journalism is an option, a choice, such powers of investigative integrity only exercised when it suits.
Consider the government has met with the Scottish fishing industry to reassure them that their interests will be front and foremost after Brexit….the BBC would normally be all over it trying to invent some narrative about how sordid and corrupt this all is, it would be frontpage news and on every bulletin…however, all is quiet at the BBC…the story is relegated to the Scottish pages…this is their top story, on the frontpage, UK page and Scottish page…
Craig Whyte ‘mistaken for whisky tycoon’
I’m sure it’s a major story in Scotland…or not…but what about the Scottish fishing industry and its future?
Consider this…not only is this a big story about the future of Scottish fishing and a Brexit story to boot, it turns out Sturgeon has made a huge cock-up and has been peddling fake news about this meeting claiming that the government are planning to sell out the fishermen.
The BBC has decided this is not a story. And yet it is not one, but two major stories…Scottish fishing may have a much better future out of the EU and Sturgeon has caught lying, spreading fake news.
The Telegraph zones in on the important facts..
Ruth Davidson accuses Nicola Sturgeon of ‘grubby’ spin over leaked Brexit fishing deal letter
Ruth Davidson has accused Nicola Sturgeon of a “grubby” attempt to spread “trash” about the UK Government betraying Scotland’s fishermen during Brexit after the First Minister’s claim to have written proof backfired spectacularly.
Ms Sturgeon took to social media to highlight selective extracts of a private letter from Andrea Leadsom, the Environment Secretary, to the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) and claimed it showed the “Tories are planning to sell out Scottish fishing”.
But her claims prompted angry fishing leaders to release the full letter, with Bertie Armstrong, the federation’s chief executive, stating that on “any reading” it makes clear that the UK Government is committed to exiting the hated Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).
Even the Guardian has the central issue on the frontpage….
SNP accused of twisting Andrea Leadsom’s fishing industry remarks
The BBC’s heading, and remember, it’s buried on the Scottish page…so very anodyne…
Scottish fishermen given Brexit assurance
Nothing to see here is the BBC’s message…no ‘clickbait’ headline to attract reader’s attention….they hope that even if you do somehow end up on the Scottish page you’ll bypass this story.
The BBC burying bad news for the SNP….suddenly not interested in fake news, suddenly not interested in a major Brexit story. LOL.
As it becomes ever more apparent that the 27 are out to damage British economic interests to the maximum extent possible for the British electorate’s decision to leave their precious club, so we must make it clear to them that their stupidity will also have significant costs to them too. We can start with Spanish factory fleets fishing in our territorial waters. With truly free trade we may choose to buy Japanese over German cars , Californian over French wine etc and should Macon seek to end the current border arrangements we can levy very much higher penalties on rail and ferry operators who fail to ensure that their passengers have appropriate entry documents for the UK. The same goes for foreign road hauliers who fail to check for stow-aways.
The idiots in W1A are incapable of understanding that we are being attacked by our EU “friends’ or that this is only going to harden public opinion here against any “accommodation” with their ludicrous “demands”. Buckle up for a bumpy ride.
“The idiots in W1A are incapable of understanding that we are being attacked by our EU “friends’”
They understand alright, indeed they seek them out to give them a platform, such as Junker’s claim that ‘English’ was losing its importance in the EU, (how are they going to speak to Merkel’s ‘Kinder’ then?), yet say nothing about the Commission’s plans to force their ‘values’ onto the nation states, surely the main point of his ‘state of the union’ address in Florence last week.
Apart from insulting the Irish and Maltese who have English as one of their official languages, what difference will the scrapping of English within the EU matter to us anyway? We won’t be there to require its usage.
Junkers is bonkers, maybe that’s what he should be renamed Jean-Claude Bonkers.
I am afraid there are pretty much no depths that this decaying corpse would not lower itself to, in order to further its own left wing/liberal political objectives.
I particularly love the way the BBC has set itself up as the arbiter of “fake news” which it regularly pronounces on with all the gravitas and moral pomposity that only a truly principled and honourable person or downright con artist and swindler can muster. And I think we all know which one the BBC is.
Not only do they lie about real events they even try and rewrite history – I think Kim Jong Un would be quite proud of their efforts.
Their arrogance and sheer effrontery would be comic if it did not have such serious implications. Surely now, only but the most ill informed now treat BBC “news” as a serious news organisation. Unfortunately there are still a lot of ill informed people out there – who out of habit or sheer laziness still listen to this shit and I suppose this is what the BBC relies on.
It is no wonder that they hate alternative sources such as Breitbart or Paul Joseph Watson so much and want to label them as generators of hate crime and fake news.
What we should take comfort in however is that some realisation must now be dawning on the BBC that apart from Londonistan they have become increasingly irrelevant. Hence the louder they scream for control of alternative media sites the more under threat they must feel.
Ultimately they have lied themselves to irrelevance. And like all deluded individuals they will be the last to “get it” because now they have pretty much defined themselves by the lies and deceit they promulgate all dressed up as a social conscience.
People have increasingly turned their backs on them.And yet they still seem totally unaware of how truly irrelevant they have become to much of the population. They have become like a intemperate and aggressive tramp who is unaware he has soiled himself and cannot understand why he cant get a seat at a top restaurant.
It really is time the the Government finally pulled the plug on the BBC. And the longer they leave it the more difficult it will be. I am afraid this particular tramp has outlived his usefulness and it is time instead of feeding him truffles from the backdoor they seriously need to think about feeding him waldorf salad a la hemlock instead and walk away leaving him in a stinking heap of pissy trousers and vomit.
Unfortunately Lefty/Liberals, and there are a couple in my family, still see the BBC as it was years ago and because it reflects their Lefty/Liberal view of the world they think it’s reporting The Truth. I keep pointing out to the rellies that much of what they “report” is in fact opinion and not fact. The facts they do report are often edited and/or couched in sneering language if the Beeboids don’t approve.
You could suggest that it is actually carefully “filtered” news (opinion?) that they put out.
Kaffir, even when I was still a bit lefty-liberal (15 or 20 years or so ago) I’d started to feel the the BBC’s standards were declining. For example, factual programmes seemed dumbed-down and gimmick-ridden, while quality dramas and comedies were giving way to cheap reality TV and home-improvement shows.
Is it worth pointing this out to your lefty relatives, in the hope of shaking their respect for the BBC? Perhaps they’re too young to remember the organisation’s glory days around (I’d say)the seventies and eighties. A channel with ludicrous politically correct historical distortions in its dramas may not be the most reliable provider of news.
The Beeb’s reporting on the firing of Comey is reaching levels of hysteria.
The most egregious being that of their ‘BBC senior North America reporter’ Anthony Zurcher.
This is the headline of his latest article: “Did President Trump fire James Comey as part of a cover-up?” Up there with ‘When did you stop beating your wife?’ and certainly vying for the fake news award of the year.
Having watched Zurcher’s coverage of the presidential election it would be fair to describe him as a Clinton poodle.
On his twatter account he helpfully describes himself as ‘A Texan who explains US politics to Brits, UK politics to Americans & Canadian politics to everyone.’
I’d describe him as more of a plonker.
More twatism.