Wow, Sopel is really pushing the idea that Trump fired Comey as a cover up. The BBC gave full air time to house democratic leader giving his anti Trump conspiracy cover up speech. The BBC is a disgrace, I don’t pay a license fee for this very reason. CBJ
Sopel is indeed a disgrace. His spittle-flecked incredulous piece on the Today programme this morning was shocking even for him. Bias by omission and commission. I find myself very much in agreement with Piers Morgan’s article in The Mail “Trump was right to fire drama queen Comey…”. Morgan considered that the recent appointment of Rod Rosenstein was key to the timing of Comey’s firing, and I think that is correct.
Totally agree. Am used to the hateful albeeb coverage of Trump – particularly Sopel – but they really are over the top on this . The only failure for Trump that I can see is that he didn’t fire every one hire by Obama on day one .
And to use this foreign story as a ten minute lead on the ten oclock news shows how desperate al beeb is to undermine any political movement against their liberal values.
“And to use this foreign story as a ten minute lead on the ten oclock news shows how desperate al beeb is to undermine any political movement against their liberal values.”
And divert attention from the ridiculous Libdems and Labour farces…
Would that the BBC would show half as much interest in China’s leadership as it does in the USA’s.
China – military expansion, rising economic power, aging population with gender imbalance, aggressive cyber power, provocative territorial claims on Taiwan and the South China sea, occupies Tibet, nuclear armed power, most populous and powerful dictatorship in history. According to the BBC, nothing to see.
If I want US news I can get it from Fox, Bloomberg or CNN – I don’t need the BBC.
Also murdered 50 million+ of their own population.
Prepared for nuclear war with far more “casualties”, according to Mao the “losses would soon be replaced”.
Not that AlBeeb ever worries about a “few” deaths, unless they are black. Then it’s our fault, again.
For goodness sake Treezer, what silly game has the BBC set you up in?
Posing on a settee with that Arthur Askey lookalike talking crap.
You are the PM of a major democracy. Act like it.
Was that the debate? there s plenty of airtime, of financial backing for garbage like that. After lying through her teeth day after day, after relentless propaganda, smears and obfuscation
… who gives a sh-t, Liar, go back to your grasping cronies no one cares.
and they ve cooked that election irregularities business down to one manageable case (shakes Head)
… Political establishment business as usual
Sheesh! does that putrid, festering swamp in No10 need draining?
Was the Soviet James Bond Vladimir Putin’s role model?
Detailed insightful fantasy from the former world-renowned broadcaster. Maybe they could make a TV series, with Sir Lenny playing the role of Putin?
I don’t know about shot-putters, but yesterday I was shocked, I tell you shocked ! to see Jo Durie – the tennis player of yesteryear. I know we all change body shape as we get older, but in comparison to her streamlined tennis playing years, she is now positively gargantuan complete with massive droopy boobs ! What happened there ??? she is now coaching, but even doing that should have kept the weight off.
This is very shocking, even by the standards of the Common Purpose Stasi which the police have become.
The only reason the police should invade someone’s home at 4.30 am is to arrest a dangerous violent criminal. Someone who is accused of a minor offence involving contempt of court should never be dealt with in this way, it is an outrageous abuse by the police. I can only hope that Tommy sues them for wrongful arrest, but I shan’t hold my breath.
Still, it’s good to know that the full force of the law is deployed to protect the rights of Pakistani paedophiles. It makes you proud to be British.
“Far right activist Tommy Robinson turned up at Canterbury Crown Court this afternoon (May 8) during an on going rape trial
The founder and former leader of the English Defence League (EDL) was working with his latest venture, Rebel Media, a self-proclaimed ‘fearless source of news that you won’t find anywhere else’.
Tommy and his cameraman told Kent Live they wanted to cover the case and said they had been standing on the court steps because they wanted to speak to the defendants.
But when the hearing was over for the day, the pair received a warning from police and court staff about contempt of court laws and the risk of breaking them.
Our reporter at the trial said the defendants in the trial were … (wait for it)
… held back from leaving the court when they heard Tommy Robinson was outside.
The police have been filming him continually, at every trial he has attended, and no of course coverage from the MSM.
The Liberty Parties Paul Weston was arrested for quoting Winston Churchill?
and …
Tommy Robinson got a 4.30am visit from police for journalism?
Shariamour! are we in Turkey?, in Saud?
Well done Tory Government and Amber and Treezer – you are in charge of the cops when it comes to arresting people for political embarrassment to the state
We need someone like Baroness Charabbatitity to defend the rights of journalists
In one day this video obtained over 40,000 hits and 6000 likes
Tomorrow it will have covered the civilised world.
Tommy Robinson will have legal protection and massive publicity.
Treezer, you can’t cover injustice up like you did when you were an Islamic compliant Home Secretary.
This evening it has 70,000 hits and 10,000 likes. It cannot be brushed under the rug.
I hope Treezer and her advisers realise they have to come clean over the epidemic of Moslem rapes we are experiencing
Tommy Robinson has to be treated a journalist and Treezer has to accept that she is not running one of the Middle Eastern dictrships she sucks up to.
BBC you are finished as a credible news broadcaster
“He was filming a video about a muslim rape gang…”
No. He was filming a video about some people “accused” of rape.
They may be guilty, they may be innocent. That’s probably best decided by the courts rather than a well documented liar, convicted fraudster and his video-blogging sycophants.
Quite right Max. They may indeed be innocent. Then again, how many of the other Pakistani child rapists were found not guilty? Maybe that’s not the way to bet. But you are right, innocent until proven guilty. Won’t be long now…
Don’t worry, British law will deal with Tommy Robinson.
But what he and his sycophants – as you call genuine reporters – are bringing to the world is what you and your BBC and UK Government do not want to be revealed. That is, the massive scale of Moslem related child rapes.
And even when these abusers are imprisoned the media you support will not demand the prosecution of the many hundreds of men these children were introduced to by these monsters.
Sleep well Maxicony, media silence backed by people like yourself, will ensure that justice will not reach out to the even a fraction of the abusers.
Please don’t put quotation marks around something which is not a quote.
As to Tommy et al, it is possible that:
a) the accused are innocent; and
b) Tommy has committed a contempt of court.
However, the question I would like you to think about, is when does someone who may have committed a breach of a very technical law deserve a police raid at 4.30 am? Normally, pre dawn raids are only used on violent and serious criminals, not on a family home where one member may (or may not) have committed a contempt of court.
Looking forward to reading your condemnation of the media, especially your BBC, for not reporting about the many rape victims. Their under reporting, with your blessing, is why baddies like Tommy Robinson are telling the world about it.
Or are you one of those antifa supporting cretins who say that he only reports on these rapes because he wants to establish some kind of fascist dictatorship?
“Normally, pre dawn raids are only used on violent and serious criminals, not on a family home where one member may (or may not) have committed a contempt of court.”
Perhaps you could provide evidence as to what is “normal” as regards pre-dawn raids? Bear in mind that “normal” doesn’t mean they are never used in other circumstances.
“…may have committed a breach of a very technical law…”
Contempt of Court is not a minor “very technical law”
It’s possible he had compromising material uploaded to his home computer that he could have published the following day. That could quite clearly explain the early morning arrest.
Perhaps you could provide a list of all the other people that you don’t think the police should have woken up at 4.30?
Tommy Robinson (made up name) is serial liar, violent criminal and convicted fraudster.
Night shift again?
You are like a dog with a bone. You are the best advert for the abolition of the telly tax or not paying it.
Still no offer of any bias.
😀 !
We all know that everything is risk assessed these days. A pre dawn raid is very unusual, especially when it involves a non violent offence and takes place at a family home with children present. The experience of having the police invade your home during the hours of darkness must be terrifying, especially for children. You clearly do not have a problem with this, because it involves Tommy Robinson.
As to contempt of court not being a technical law, you must be joking. It takes up pages to try and describe what might constitute a contempt. It is a technical law, of the type you might think they would teach at journalism colleges. Tommy is not a trained journalist, and may have acted in a way that constitutes a contempt, or he may not. But I cannot imagine any other journalist would be subject to a pre dawn raid on his home on a matter like this. But so long as it is Tommy Robinson, you seem to be fine with it.
I find it instructive that you are so keen to defend the rights of Pakistani men accused of raping children, but you do not have an ounce of empathy for a man who is clearly being harrassed by the police. Fair enough, I know where you stand.
Yes they do, but he s exposing Islamic child rape ganga (with now massive uncontrolled exposure), week after week.
Its hard to keep blabbering Rotherham and 1400 like on the BBC or Liar May, or hiding it away on some regional page, or not report at all
… when he s there, live on periscope or vids on Rebel Media with many 100,000s of views each time.
Two choices tell the f-cking truth No10, MSM, or
silence the “problem” Tommy Robinson, they choose the latter, but
… its too late, there s his co guys, there s Rebel media, there is a veritable army of avid followers who know about his mistreatment at the hands of Liar May, and the Police.
Will the establishment ensure he s silenced, with prison?
and subsequently because of that … far worse?
“Can some legal eagle enlighten me. How is it contempt of court to wait outside?
Who says he was arrested “for waiting outside”?
Four people are on trial for rape. Whether they are guilty or innocent will be decided in court.
However, Robinson (as part of his “justice campaign” [sic]) has been repeatedly describing the defendants as “rapists”. Not “alleged rapists”, just “rapists”.
Even in his “arrest video” posted to Facebook he says he was arrested for; “trying to video the Muslim paedophiles”.
You could well be right but Tommy is what your lot will never be and that is one of us. And that means everything and as always in England we stand with our own right or wrong.
White, English, Christian, Right-wing; “one of your own” Dave. You could at least admit that before trying to blame everyone else.
“Now who did Saville work for?”
Several people, including the person who gave him the keys to every hospital ward in the country. Another “one of your own” who you stand with, “right or wrong”…
You seem to be happy to criticise white Christians, Max. But the said scum do not do it as part of their religion. Generally, when such people are known they are prosecuted…… Except, for some reason, when they work for the Ministry of Truth. It appears that it was well-known about Saville’s depravity:
Oh, what a shame. I’ve missed maxi the Legal Eagle’s insomniac warblings.
However since, according to JimS’s post below, it’s to do with taking photographs IN a court, it appears he’s talking bo**ocks and my question still stands.
“However since, according to JimS’s post below, it’s to do with taking photographs IN a court, it appears he’s talking bo**ocks and my question still stands.”
“a photograph, portrait or sketch shall be deemed to be a photograph, portrait or sketch taken or made in court if it is taken or made in the court–room or in the building or in the precincts of the building in which the court is held,”
Photographs are forbidden on all court property both inside and outside the building.
You could of course have found that out yourself before accusing others of “talking bo**ocks”. But that would require a bit of effort and independence of thought seemingly lacking from you and your fellow sycophants.
If, as you say, photographs are forbidden on all court property, why does the MSM and, of course, your very own Ministry of Truth, not get prosecuted? Oh, sorry, they stand a few feet from the court steps…. I love technicalities.
Of course, the Plod, of which I used to be one and am now disgusted with their actions, have made themselves look more and more stupid with a dawn raid. As has been said previously, we only did dawn raids on violent suspects – not those who commit a technical offence.
I would say that Tommy, who is not a trained journalist, may have made a mistake in filming too close to court. He may, or may not, have committed a contempt of court by so doing. It is a technical offence, by which I mean it would take a court to decide if an offence had actually been committed. It is not cut and dried by any means.
As an ex-copper, perhaps you could give us a bit of information about the risk assessment which would go into mounting a pre dawn raid on a family home with children present? Can you imagine such a thing being done in respect of a possible contempt of court?
Anyone who thinks the establishment have not got it in for Tommy Robinson must also believe the moon is made of green cheese.
a) take or attempt to take in any court any photograph, or with a view to publication make or attempt to make in any court any portrait or sketch, of any person, being a judge of the court or a juror or a witness in or a party to any proceedings before the court, whether civil or criminal; or
b) publish any photograph, portrait or sketch taken or made in contravention of the foregoing provisions of this section or any reproduction thereof;
and if any person acts in contravention of this section he shall, on summary conviction, be liable in respect of each offence to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds.
(2)For the purposes of this section—
a) the expression “court” means any court of justice, including the court of a coroner:
b) the expression “Judge” includes . . . F1, registrar, magistrate, justice and coroner:
c) a photograph, portrait or sketch shall be deemed to be a photograph, portrait or sketch taken or made in court if it is taken or made in the court–room or in the building or in the precincts of the building in which the court is held, or if it is a photograph, portrait or sketch taken or made of the person while he is entering or leaving the court–room or any such building or precincts as aforesaid.
Whether Tommy Robinson is guilty of that or not is not for us to say but to this lay person it seems strange how the BBC regularly shows sketches of judges and defendants in news reports. The outside of our local courts must be very familiar to anyone who watches ‘the news from where you live’.
My question is if it is usual to raid someone’s home at 4.30 am if they are accused of this technical and non-violent offence? I rather doubt it.
It’s almost as if the cops wanted him to try and defend his family and home when they crashed his door before dawn. Then think of all the juicy charges they could have hit him with, assuming he survived, that is.
The authorities managed to ‘look the other way’ for years while children were being repeatedly abused. They couldn’t have overlooked a man snapping a few pics & talking to rape defendants?
This isn’t over yet!
People like that Maxi are all part of the Islamic rape-jihad culture.
Anyone making excuses for either the rapists, the Muslim culture or the cover-up operation is stamping approval on this crime.
Who speaks up for these girls? Who? While our media is parroting on- day in, day out about Donald Trump? All the outrage over a ruffled hijab! But nothing for our own children. It’s sickening!
Tommy Robinson is one of a few very brave men.
May the REAL God bless him.
Thank you for posting that. I am aware that British Sikhs & Hindus had been trying to draw attention to this problem for years. I believe they were fed up of their girls being targeted. And also of the Muslims being camouflaged within the wider “Asian Community”. There was an online petition at one point.
Most welcome Lucy, I have a lot of Sikh friends and they are heartily sick to the back teeth of these perverts, rapists, terrorists etc.,being labels as Asian, by the lying BBC and MSN, and not the country they originate from. Some are even taking flak from people who think they are Pakistani, all brown faces are the same and all that.
Only people like Tommy Robinson have really spoken out for these girls and the rest of the press (aided and abetted by the maxi/zeros off this world) have tried to play the whole thing down by either ignoring it, or as Toobi mentioned trying to use a smoke and mirrors approach by blaming people of “asian” culture rather than of “islamic” culture for these crimes.
Of course Tommy should not have filmed the accused before the trial. But at the end of the day if the mainstream press pretty much refuse to cover any of these crimes in any sort of meaningfull way then those who really do care about what is happening will have to use less conventional means to get publicity as there are no other ways to get justice and let people know the true extent of what is happening.
YES THAT IS RIGHT MAXIHONEY – THE TRUE EXTENT of what is happening and not just the BBC sanitised deliberately obscure versions which you and your BBC chums want the public to believe.
Of course our little troll friends will wax lyrical about Tommies “crime” because as we all know filming those accused of rape is a far worse crime than actually committing rape!
As for our Government – I have have nothing but contempt for them because Tommy is being punished for bringing the public’s attention to what the establishment with the connivance of the the media and the police has known about for years.
It has been said on this site a number of times – Would the BBC and the establishment have been quite so relaxed about mass rape if all the victims had been muslim girls and they had all been raped by white Christian men? I think apart from maxihoney – most of us here would all be drawing the same conclusion on this one – I wonder why?
For those of you with tellies this might be an interesting watch.
It will be quite educational to find out whether the BBC will finally bite the bullet and say the “I” word or will they go into their usual Houdiniesque contortions not to say this or will they just re-write history. Again!
“..defendants in the trial were.. held back from leaving the court..”
All odious characters, but I can’t help comparing this with the way the accused in the martyrdom of St Stephen of Lawrence had to run the gauntlet of a baying mob.
Sopel is a disgrace to journalism. Look at him with his osama picture on his twitter page! A week ago he was mumbling about the damage Comey had done to the Benghazi killer’s campaign and now we go again…Russia Russia Russia. The thing that upsets me most is that I pay for his wages and there is nothing I can do about it.
And this is just under 60 years. In another 60 years, the picture on the left could be a collector’s item – too much flesh on show for the Islamic Caliphate of France.
He was on his way back to Gambia, and last posted on the 24th April. However, according to his post on the 21st April Lobbie,
Thank you so much. I shall be online by the end of next week . The connection is by underwater cable from Dakar, so it should be ok, so long as it is not attacked by Lobsters.
It’s a terrible story. Because Boston is a Democrat city, the right to keep and bear arms does not really exist, and armed self defence is not possible. Thus, these two unfortunate people were as defenceless as British people would be when confronted with an armed and homicidal home invader. They died because Liberals cannot come to terms with reality.
“An Iraqi immigrant who stabbed two doctors to death at a Yorkshire hospital has won the right to remain in Britain – after judges ruled that he would pose a danger to the public in his homeland.”
R4 #YouAnYours
Cos there is inflation this year you’ll spend LESS this year than last year ??
The think tank @NIESRorg boy expert told @wrobinson101 for sure we’ll spend less. #NIESRreview
Narrative : ‘economy set to fall’
Last year you had enough money to buy the BigMac and cos you had money left over you bought fries as well.
This year you’ll feel scared and have less money so you won’t add the fries.
TWATO at about 13.35 visiting a school with deprived children in Cornwall. Headmaster talking about what he might need to cut, saying certain items are funded by the EU. This is repeated, at least twice iirc (I was eating lunch and nearly choked on it!) by the Al Beeb anus interviewer. Why the fuck did he not point out that it was OUR money being distributed back in part after paying Brussels anuses a scalping for looking after it for us.
Or is it just another example of Al Beeb pro-EUSSR bias?
Isn`t it about time that SOME party scotched these NHS/Education myths that the shakedown of any future money trees is -IN ANY WAY-correlated to their effectiveness for the pupil or the patient?
Look-schools and hospitals have long had their mouths stuffed with Danegeld blagged, borrowed and stolen from the stupid saps who open their veins and bare their breasts to the liberal consensus. This whole Blackmail by the Virtuoso State started with Heseltine and his Toxteth Garden City crap on 1981. And nobody but a few bravehearts like Minford or Scruton have dared to take on these lazy nostrums of the Progressive Leeching Class. Of COURSE these lazy scum skimmers want open veins and purses cut to go off on beanos, measure the emacited piglets and obese flophousers…how ELSE would they earn a piecrust if they didn`t big up the need for more money , more courses and more clients to pimp and whore off?
Islam isn`t going to need these adrenaline seeking first respondlicks when THEY take charge-it would be far better for US not to keep feeding the money grubs of the “knock-kneed professions” like “mental health” crime and education, health and social workie-tickets.
You bin God, you scorn Jesus-well THIS is what you get-a rampant nation state that dopes your kids up, lets the crims run your streets and mugs you off to pay for their idiocies and liberal fantasisings.
Islam is correct on this war-grivance seeking lawfare in one fist…and sharia-scoring independence on the other. Tactically, it`s a double whammy or double header as our media eejits in sports would tell you…but if you don`t see what the BBC and the idiot left and libbaz are doing to our very fabric, then you`d best find a REAL church or synagogue that has a higher tower than the coming mosques will.
knife-wielding man reported to be targeting Jewish people in in north London was arrested after threatening a shopkeeper on Tuesday.
Man with meat cleaver & large knife threatened a young Jewish girl in Clapton “you Jews run away from here before I kill you”
Sarah Vine of DM does a good hatchet job on biased Newsnight and pro-Corbyn sjw Maitlis, and the ridiculous agitprop ‘poet’ they had on, Kate Tempest.
“Bring back Paxo… PLEASE!
Newsnight, once feared and revered by politicians but lately resembling a soggy edition of The Guardian has, it’s sad to say, been on the slide for some time now.
The show reached a new low on Monday, though. In a segment extolling the liberal virtues of the new French President, Emmanuel Macron, Labour MP Chuka Umunna was somewhat taken aback at presenter Emily Maitlis’s assertion that Jeremy Corbyn was, like Macron, ‘asking the right questions for our time . . . Isn’t he, though, you know?’ she gushed. ‘He is looking at the unions, the grass roots, at questions of fairness and inequality.’
Pause. ‘Jeremy?’ replied Umunna, somewhat stunned.
‘Yes!’ replied Maitlis, enthusiastically.
Once that ‘grilling’ was over, we were treated to a lengthy segment on the evils of Brexit (episode 4,857), before ‘spoken word artist’ Kate Tempest was unleashed on our unsuspecting ears. This jumped-up sixth-form poet spouted student union cliches, thumping her chest in anguish against a backdrop of rolling waves and falling stars, urging the public to ‘wake up and love more’, while an unsmiling male companion produced mournful noises on an electric piano.
It was drivel, as pretentious as it was predictable.
How I longed for just a glimpse of that famous raised Jeremy Paxman eyebrow, quivering in disbelief and disdain.”
“Sarah Vine of DM does a good hatchet job on biased Newsnight…”
Translation: “Tory MP’s wife complains in Tory supporting newspaper that a known Tory supporter isn’t presenting Newsnight – all in the name of less biased reporting of course…”
And the Guardian journalists invited on by the Guardian reading BBC to agree with each other in their own little echo chamber studio are NOT presenting one sided arguments? Over and over again? And we have to pay for this? At least you can choose to pay for the Mail, if that floats your boat.
The BBC are making a very big deal about the sacking of FBI chief Comey by the Donald, and yet the head of the FBI is NOT the man who is hands on doing the mechanics of the investigation, just the head of the FBI.
So I thought I take a look back at how I remember the BBC reporting the FBI intervention into the election favourite Hilary Clinton, and whaddaya know? There’s next to nothing which comes in on the search! The only thing I was able to find using the BBC search engine, was the report that Clinton would not be facing charges – i.e. the most favourable article.
However the BBC search engine is not the only one and others will direct you to relevant pages, although mysteriously the links on these pages to other relevant stories are missing.
“Did Comey’s late intervention swing the election?
Mrs Clinton thinks so, citing it as a major factor in her surprise defeat.
Political analyst Nate Silver agrees, saying it “probably” cost the former first lady a return to the White House as president.
This is what BBC North America reporter Anthony Zurcher said at the time:
When determining the political fallout of this latest development, it’s worth remembering that the race between Mr Trump and Mrs Clinton was already tightening in the days leading up to the first Comey letter.
Surveys taken after the revelation indicated that few Americans considered the story grounds for changing their vote. The divide between the two candidates is simply too great to allow much ticket-switching at this point.
What the story did do was knock Mr Trump out of the headlines for over a week, giving him space to bring disaffected Republicans back into the fold. It also prevented Mrs Clinton from ending the campaign on a positive message and increased negative perceptions of her, which will make it harder for her to govern if she is elected.
Once this election is in the rear-view mirror, there will have to be a lot of soul-searching within the FBI and the media about how this story has played out and been covered. Following Mr Comey’s original letter, the nation’s top law-enforcement became a constant source of leaks, as internal factions and disputes spilled into public view.”
Given that final paragraph from a BBC correspondent when it was Clinton being skewered the current reporting of Comeys dismissal makes little sense, or coherence of events when these reports are read in context, but then, that’s not the BBC believes will happen. Removing links to these stories mean that although people might have a memory of how it was reported the vast majority will never really know.
It’s a little like Orwells 1984, it is an ‘un story’ which officially never existed and records of it have been expunged.
Excellent analysis, Thoughtful. The contortions the BBC hacks are undergoing to hype this story and, as you point out, completely negate what they were saying a few months ago, would defy an Indian fakir!
Echo GC’s sentiment, Thoughtful, a really good post. One which chimes with my memories of 2016 which were awoken by the news today of Comey’s dismissal. Good post from Rob, too, below.
Why the beef from the LiberalLeft and the BBC? Bizarre.
Others on here have posted in the last couple of days some examples of the swamp that Trump is facing, bucket in hand. I don’t think it’s a conspiracy too far, or at all for that matter, that Trump has been rather clever here.
Irrespective of whether Comey and his people have anything on Trump or not or are even seeking to find something against Trump, the President has sent a message to the powerful. Whether they are up to their necks, really dirty, slightly muddy or merely a little Swamp damp – Trump has said, “I’m on the case, your case!”. In addition, he has neutered some of the Democratic opposition at the same time. He’s done something that they cannot really criticise, ostensibly because their own hero Hillary was under attack from the FBI, late in the day during the election campaign and – in Democratic Whinge Theory – appeared to help Trump win.
Finally, Trump can now try to get someone into the big chair at the FBI that is, perhaps, closer to his way of thinking and doing things.
Keep this up Mr President until past mid-term, and get the US economy right, and I might possibly be willing to give you some grudging admiration at that point.
Clinton used an insecure private server for top secret State Department emails. That is not in dispute. Comey decided she should not be prosecuted because she did not mean to leak all the most secret documents in the United States. That was a shocking and wrong decision because:
a) the law is absolute, the fact she did not “mean” to leak the secrets is not a valid defence; and
b) the decision was not his to make, it should have been taken by the Attorney General.
From what I read, Comey has lost the confidence of all senior FBI agents, and was a dead man walking. I am only surprised The Donald took so long to fire the bum.
Naturally, the BBC is salivating about a re-run of Watergate, and are all over “impeachment” like an eager dog shagging the vicar’s leg. But they are left wing scum, and President Trump will, I trust, treat them with the absolute contempt they deserve.
The USA is in danger of having any Republican who has the misfortune to get elected impeached, simply because the whining babies in the MSM don’t like the result.
Woke up to the news that Trump sacked Comey.
Only the BBC and their Washington jock sniffers give a damn.
The BBC obsess on figureheads and office politics-meanwhile they drum up free Bank Holidays, more money for the Trojan Horse kinda governors in schools, as well as more nannies and mummies to displace Obama worshipping thick teachers on the sick as ever(too much cake, too may trips to see where Comic Relief money goes in regard of polar bear snow chain weighings of wh`evvaz!
Stuff the BBC-whatever THEY tell me-well, the truth will be the very opposite.
PS-didn`t the BBC etc tell us that Comey would find himself out of a job when Hillary became Queen anyway?
So-being positive-Comey got six more months and a few telly appearances more than he`d have got had Trump NOT won the election.
The newly elected Manchester Metropolitan Co-Chair of Manchester Labour Students, Tayyib Nawaz, has been forced to resign after the uncovering of Anti-Semitic and homophobic tweets.
Mind you, for every snivel and drip from Sopel there’s a smug and supercilious ripostette from ITV’s Robert Moore. On first name terms with ambassadors you know, we are privileged to hear this man’s valued assessments.
BeeBITNaC is a government sponsored organisation.
Did anyone else stay awake long enough to last for the whole episode of Word of Mouth on Radio 4 this week?
The politics of the Californian professor allowed to drone on interminably were so apparent as to be embarrassing. He was defining “new words” such as snowflake, social justice warrior, sanctuary cities, alt-right. They could just as easily provided a fee for a friend from the Guardian to pop along.
Ah just in
Amol Rajan @amolrajanBBC
Making my DEBUT as presenter of #R4MediaShow on @BBCRadio4 at 16.30.
#1 Election strategies
+ @TheAtlantic in London
+ @FoxNews on the agenda
I’ll be joined by
@helenlewis, @Sean_Kemp,
+James Fallows of @TheAtlantic,
+Douglas Wigdor of @WigdorLaw
“To help refugees and asylum seekers integrate into local communities, the Committee believes the role of community cohesion co-ordinators should be expanded. It also wants to see improvements in the provision of English for Speakers of Other Languages teaching.”
So all that money spent on the Welsh language was wasted? Or will there be ‘local communities’ and even more ‘local communties’, a ‘cylch mewnol’?
A few years ago I was called up for Jury Duty. Amongst all the paperwork was an A4 sheet of 15 different languages, informing potential foreign jurors what to do.
I was baffled by this. If instructions are given in their own language, this indicates they are unable to speak English. If they cannot speak or understand English, how in hell can they be included for jury duty and give a defendant a fair and just trial ????? And do defendants have the right to challenge a juror’s suitability ?
Yes, every single penny spent on Welsh language education, road signage, government forms etc etc etc has been well and truly wasted.
There is nothing wrong with the Welsh language, but it is a joke to pretend that it is the language of the Welsh. Every Welsh person speaks English, some know Welsh, and a very small number use Welsh at all times, even though they can speak English.
The state enforced imposition of Welsh is merely the iron fist of Nationalism in linguistic form. If Nationalists want children to learn Welsh, they can set up and pay for night schools where children can attend of their own free will. We all know the take-up would be close to zero.
All state expenditure on Welsh is a fraud against the taxpayer.
Lucy Pevensey
It just goes to show how out of touch the ‘white elephant’ – The Welsh Assembly, is with the people of Wales. Just as it was with the EU referendum.
We voted out, primarily because of immigration.
Lessons to be learned?
Well, Welsh education and the Health service is down the pan, bringing more people into Wales is not helpful to say the least.
That news was not circulated to broadcasters? if it was it was hidden in the back.
Time for a referendum on the future of Welsh Assembly?
Does Yahoo have privileged information denied to the rest of us? They list among the 100 Labour MPs itching to launch their own party, ‘Sir Keri Starmer’. It’s those eyes, isn’t it?
He had another go at working the, “I shouted at Rupert Murdoch the other week”, into his script, previously used on Jeremy Vine to pad out his ‘Kelvin MacKenzie’ non-story.
What next – “I raised my hand at a Trump press conference and glared at him”? Pathetic.
If they can’t fill Hewlett’s boots kill the show or put it on Radio One.
Particularly stupid bit of “feminist agitprop” today on Womans Hour. Some lady who`s a CEO apparently went to a “finishing school” and didn`t think herself so grand as not to pour a glass of wine for a bloke who was at her meeting.
This did NOT go down well with Jane Garvey and the sisters who thought her demeaning the tribe and oppressing wimmin by her actions. Cue drive by sneers at ” not going to finishing schools” as well.
Nasty little piece of virtue signalling for the Womens Equality Party-who (funnily enough) are NOT getting much publicity as and when they choose to stand against Labour.
This is NOT comradely sistas-so let`s not shine TOO much sunlight on how badly Labour have treated women since the year dot.
BBC-Womans Hour-utter hypocrites.
The twatterati were also at it, when Mr May referred to himself putting out the bins as ‘boys jobs’ on some tv show last night. What sort of f…..g society do we now live in where no-one dare open their mouth ? so what? boys jobs girls jobs – that’s real life, jesus, social media has created a monster whereby the opinionaters are always right with a ‘how dare you’ attitude. Its pathetic.
Or maybe ‘boy’s job’ as in de plantations. ‘Hey boy, put dese bins out’.
I checked the net and it said ‘boy’ used to be a term used to refer to servants or low ranking staff, as in a bellboy, houseboy or busboy, it was used in that sense to show low regard for the person being spoken to.
For God’s sake.
English is a rich and marvelous language and we bother with crappy discussions about trivial words
Only the idiot Eddie Mair would think himself smart to juxtapose some pro-Remain survey of his in Cumbria with a puff for Tim Harfords “More Or Less” show to flag up political lies and bias.
I say this because the Pro-Reamin piece that preceded Harford was a classic skewed sample as required by BBC editors these days.
WEre I to ask a bunch of liberal indulged fell runners what THEY`D be voting for-well, clearly the environment, A&E and more OS maps for their kids at school would ensure a need to stay in the EU. Add to that some hippie Fun Farm types with a pet sheep or two-and you`d have the ultimate biased set of luvvies who crave endless holidays and EU subsidies.
NOW-had they bothered to visit WEST Cumbria-the old shipyards, steel areas, nuclear and ex-fisheries-THEN they might have got a fair sample, maybe even a few people who don`t want insurance for paragliding or organic ice cream…but would like Sellafield, Trident and some return to fishing and to steel manufacture if possible. Hardly EU is it?
So the BBC stick with their Remoaners, Remainiacs and Friends of “A Minor Fart”. The chaves can go to hell.
Still though eh?…fake news and those Tories and their bias…eh?
Couldn’t agree more. I was stuck in a traffic jam with the other half and apart from being irritated by the time-wasting infantile contextualisation of the presenter pretending to puff running up fells we thought we’d entertain ourselved by “bias counting.” Score was 4 pro remain 0 pro leave, 4 LibDem/Lab voices 0 possible Tories.
Boring, boring predictable biased tosh.
As for the endless bigging-up of the Comey firing…… Yet more infantile juxtaposing with endless references to Trump saying “You’re fired.”
What exactly is their mental age?
Kay Burley, Diane Fatbot, Lady Nugee and Laura Kuntersberg are my female nominations and I use the word female without knowing anything and not wanting to know the truth.
Isn’t Quilliam a joke? An extremist suddenly has a Damascene conversation to peaceful and lucrative ways. He starts a think tank to spread the word which receives millions in government funding. Everyone’s a winner: he gets a hefty wage and the government get to look good for doing something about the problem.
The website seems nothing but nav-gazing to me. As with so many lavishly funded lefty organisations, it is impossible to measure any sort of progress or achievements; and the people running the organisations have a vested interest in perpetuating issues as they make a living from them. Nobody paid to deal with racism in football would say there is virtually none left as it would put him out of a job.
I think this has been moved from the main page of the website..another one taken out by the lefty elite?? I would be very suspicious too if I was him, but his past record isn’t going to help his defence much.. I’m sure Rochdale have got a lot of other potential candidates for a landslide postal voting victory.
Just seen some photos and heard a story of a Tory Grammar school 6th former attending a Q&A session with two Labour MPs, dressed himself up as Margaret Thatcher knowing the stupid Labourites wouldn’t dare question his attire for fear of looking ‘homofaubik’ or maybe worse ‘transfaubik’.
A really funny joke at their expense in the vein of the Emporors new clothes
My God, what utter vermin! And what the hell was that revolting white woman, with the mock Jafakan accent ranting about?
This is the sort of aggressive, ugly, left-wing fascist scum that this country really must stand up to.
This trash are all very brave when there are thirty of them and only one brave chap on his tod. I’d really love to see that gobby bitch and the other soap dodgers up against a mob of angry men. They’d shit themselves.
“Nazi scum, Nazi scum.”
Yes, you’re absolutely right.
That’s precisely what you are!
Oh, and you’re unspeakably hideous as well…
Agree Jeff. You would expect to see this sort of thing in China or Russia. How sad that our society/government is tolerating this. Amazingly there are elements of this in the US, and now I understand why they want to arm themselves. I read today that Melanie Phillips was dissuaded from speaking in a popular Jewish location on the Berkeley campus. Hard to believe.
Perhaps someone could ask them to explain what exactly is fascist and / or nazi about openly debating ideas?
If such things are no longer to be allowed, then surely all the universities must close, to be replaced with mass learning, by rote, of the wisdom handed down by leftist teachers.
Oh, hang on…
Time to realize that these Antifa shit bags are part of the progressive movement against far right extremism as conceived by our Government. No cops came to support this individual. They are working together, and the Antifa can go a little further than the cops who are restrained from direct political ativity
Twenty minutes into ‘King Charles III’ and every bit as vile, condescending, precious, PC and insulting as feared. Conceived and written in Islington by Guardianistas for Guardianistas, the whole of the rest of the country will, quite rightly, be outraged – proving of course our inability to grasp the message, our insularity and ignorance. Poor us.
Wasn’t that subtle quavery little touch of Islam in the choral work at the beginning just a delight?
I was determined NOT to watch it but I was so curious to see what it was all about so I did switch on. That lasted about 3 minutes; I went to bed with a good book.
I really do hope the majority of the country speak out about this load of…..well, words that I can type fail me. The bBc really do have such a thick skin and think they are so wonderful…how can any sensible person have ever thought it was a great idea to commission and broadcast stuff like this.
Their contempt for the people of this country, our monarchy, our British culture and way of life and plain ordinary manners is quite breath-taking.
yes. every member of the royal family seemed straight out of Dynasty and they were all eaither feeble, mad or wicked. it re-introduced some kind of tony blair as PM and pushed every non white resident of the tower block in tower hamlet as saviour and our hope for the future. that was it. ah i forgot, to sound like a ‘classic’ it used shakespearean language
Good idea. I am sure Macron’s IT gnomes created fake documents showing offshore investments just to embarrass any hackers silly enough to believe them. Take that, you Russian fiends!
“What do u think about Juncker’s previous role when PM of Luxembourg and his organisation of his tax haven country for the greed of global corporations?”
King Charles III: It seemed like a comedy rather than a serious play, but the comedy hasn’t got any plausible scenarios, and seems to have been written by someone without any life experience, wisdom or understanding of human motivations. For a start, Prince Charles wants to be George VII, not Charles III. Looking at Williams children indicates that it is set in the near future, just after the general election. The Queen dies shortly after Prince Phillip, and we see that most of the mourners are black people and young white females. Then we see that the Prime Minister does not look like either Theresa May or Jeremy Corbyn. So the BBC has the LibDems wining the election because of Remain supporters, and Theresa May has been replaced as leader of the Tory opposition by Priti Patel, who has also married a Mr Stevens. Prince Harry seems to have run off with his girlfriends mother, and wants to socialise with the black population for the rest of his life, as a normal person. The BBC’s message seems to be that the Royals are like Black people, they both take more from the system than they give in taxes.
Then a Civil War beckons as King Charles III refuses to sign away the freedom of the press, won in a Civil War against King Charles I and King Charles II. The LibDems supported by Hacked Off rioters are trying to put the right-wing free press under state control. But Charles dissolves Parliament, causing a General Election. But the LibDems are refusing to hold a General Election, and tanks at Buckingham Palace are defending Charles from the mass riots from Hacked Off supporters. William calls for his father to abdicate because the people do not want a “Free Press” General Election, just after that “Brexit” General Election. The people have become tired of General Elections and would prefer Charles to abdicate. But Camilla becomes violently angry, and slaps William across the face.
But all decisions are made by emotions, so Charles signs the instrument of abdication. William then hastily signs away the freedom of the press, the people rejoice and William is then crowned King William V, King of Australia, Canada, Britain, New Zealand and twelve other Realms, including all one hundred territories of the Royal Commonwealth.
Charles crowns William, King, to the sounds of a Catholic Choral piece in Latin? Wah, Wah, Wah.
The Beeb are reporting on Labour’s ‘leaked dossier.’ Remember the ‘leaked dossier’ from an accounting firm to do with Brexit? Isn’t it odd how these ‘leaks’ always seem to fit the Beeb’s agenda?
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 12:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Davie wears suit and tie alert as he squirms in front of DCMS Committee:
wwfcMar 4, 12:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 With everything going on in the world a lighter note some idiots in a field dancing to Benny Hill lol…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Same with that euro pop thing – shows every year the descent of Europe
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I identify as someone who doesn’t feel right paying taxes. Don’t try and sublimate my being.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “… sublimate someone’s natural way of being” … Harriet Harman condemns paper’s ‘smear campaign’ The Daily Mail has questioned…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:34 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC Culture — “Edward II: Did a gay love affair spark a 14th-Century royal crisis?” RSC co-artistic director Daniel Evans:…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Missile that struck Poland grain silo and killed two people in 2022 was fired by Ukraine Immediately following the explosion,…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Not BBC Wondering what the true president will announce tonight – about 2AM london time when he speaks to Congress…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Asia News — “USAID cuts shutter India’s first clinic for transgender people” “Vyjayanti Vasanta Mogli, a trans woman who has…
Wow, Sopel is really pushing the idea that Trump fired Comey as a cover up. The BBC gave full air time to house democratic leader giving his anti Trump conspiracy cover up speech. The BBC is a disgrace, I don’t pay a license fee for this very reason. CBJ
Seems deep pan BBC across the board. Here is the impartial Today lead, who leaves his politics at the door. Apparently:
Sopel is indeed a disgrace. His spittle-flecked incredulous piece on the Today programme this morning was shocking even for him. Bias by omission and commission. I find myself very much in agreement with Piers Morgan’s article in The Mail “Trump was right to fire drama queen Comey…”. Morgan considered that the recent appointment of Rod Rosenstein was key to the timing of Comey’s firing, and I think that is correct.
Totally agree. Am used to the hateful albeeb coverage of Trump – particularly Sopel – but they really are over the top on this . The only failure for Trump that I can see is that he didn’t fire every one hire by Obama on day one .
And to use this foreign story as a ten minute lead on the ten oclock news shows how desperate al beeb is to undermine any political movement against their liberal values.
“And to use this foreign story as a ten minute lead on the ten oclock news shows how desperate al beeb is to undermine any political movement against their liberal values.”
And divert attention from the ridiculous Libdems and Labour farces…
My (inevitably Trump-related) video for the week
Would that the BBC would show half as much interest in China’s leadership as it does in the USA’s.
China – military expansion, rising economic power, aging population with gender imbalance, aggressive cyber power, provocative territorial claims on Taiwan and the South China sea, occupies Tibet, nuclear armed power, most populous and powerful dictatorship in history. According to the BBC, nothing to see.
If I want US news I can get it from Fox, Bloomberg or CNN – I don’t need the BBC.
Also murdered 50 million+ of their own population.
Prepared for nuclear war with far more “casualties”, according to Mao the “losses would soon be replaced”.
Not that AlBeeb ever worries about a “few” deaths, unless they are black. Then it’s our fault, again.
Accidentally pressed report comment on GUEST WHOs post.
I shall await the knock on the door at 4am.
For goodness sake Treezer, what silly game has the BBC set you up in?
Posing on a settee with that Arthur Askey lookalike talking crap.
You are the PM of a major democracy. Act like it.
Was that the debate? there s plenty of airtime, of financial backing for garbage like that. After lying through her teeth day after day, after relentless propaganda, smears and obfuscation
… who gives a sh-t, Liar, go back to your grasping cronies no one cares.
and they ve cooked that election irregularities business down to one manageable case (shakes Head)
… Political establishment business as usual
Sheesh! does that putrid, festering swamp in No10 need draining?
Proper “edge of the seat” stuff here!
Stay tuned for the latest updates!
I suppose it might be newsworthy if it happened in Saudi Arabia.
Was the Soviet James Bond Vladimir Putin’s role model?
Detailed insightful fantasy from the former world-renowned broadcaster. Maybe they could make a TV series, with Sir Lenny playing the role of Putin?
They could have Jo Brand playing the part of one of their “female” shot-putters whose gender was always a bit iffy.
I don’t know about shot-putters, but yesterday I was shocked, I tell you shocked ! to see Jo Durie – the tennis player of yesteryear. I know we all change body shape as we get older, but in comparison to her streamlined tennis playing years, she is now positively gargantuan complete with massive droopy boobs ! What happened there ??? she is now coaching, but even doing that should have kept the weight off.
Tommy Robinson has been arrested again. 10/05/17
They came at 04:30 in the middle of the night/morning, just like other unmentionable police organisations. They got him out of bed.
He was arrested because he was trying to expose some Muslim child rapers/abusers so obviously he needed arresting.
This is very shocking, even by the standards of the Common Purpose Stasi which the police have become.
The only reason the police should invade someone’s home at 4.30 am is to arrest a dangerous violent criminal. Someone who is accused of a minor offence involving contempt of court should never be dealt with in this way, it is an outrageous abuse by the police. I can only hope that Tommy sues them for wrongful arrest, but I shan’t hold my breath.
Still, it’s good to know that the full force of the law is deployed to protect the rights of Pakistani paedophiles. It makes you proud to be British.
Sopel on 12 midnight BBC last night apoplectic with rage. He could barely contain his anger at Comey’s dismissal.
His mask has well and truly slipped.
quick update on this story
“Far right activist Tommy Robinson turned up at Canterbury Crown Court this afternoon (May 8) during an on going rape trial
The founder and former leader of the English Defence League (EDL) was working with his latest venture, Rebel Media, a self-proclaimed ‘fearless source of news that you won’t find anywhere else’.
Tommy and his cameraman told Kent Live they wanted to cover the case and said they had been standing on the court steps because they wanted to speak to the defendants.
But when the hearing was over for the day, the pair received a warning from police and court staff about contempt of court laws and the risk of breaking them.
Our reporter at the trial said the defendants in the trial were … (wait for it)
… held back from leaving the court when they heard Tommy Robinson was outside.
The police have been filming him continually, at every trial he has attended, and no of course coverage from the MSM.
The Liberty Parties Paul Weston was arrested for quoting Winston Churchill?
and …
Tommy Robinson got a 4.30am visit from police for journalism?
Shariamour! are we in Turkey?, in Saud?
Well done Tory Government and Amber and Treezer – you are in charge of the cops when it comes to arresting people for political embarrassment to the state
We need someone like Baroness Charabbatitity to defend the rights of journalists
Can some legal eagle enlighten me. How is it contempt of court to wait outside? Don’t journalists do that all the time?
It is possible the British legal system has as many loopholes, exemptions and uniques to serve the establishment as does the national broadcaster.
This time details of his arrest will go viral.
In one day this video obtained over 40,000 hits and 6000 likes
Tomorrow it will have covered the civilised world.
Tommy Robinson will have legal protection and massive publicity.
Treezer, you can’t cover injustice up like you did when you were an Islamic compliant Home Secretary.
And BBC silence is nothing anymore
This evening it has 70,000 hits and 10,000 likes. It cannot be brushed under the rug.
I hope Treezer and her advisers realise they have to come clean over the epidemic of Moslem rapes we are experiencing
Tommy Robinson has to be treated a journalist and Treezer has to accept that she is not running one of the Middle Eastern dictrships she sucks up to.
BBC you are finished as a credible news broadcaster
From your clip:
“He was filming a video about a muslim rape gang…”
No. He was filming a video about some people “accused” of rape.
They may be guilty, they may be innocent. That’s probably best decided by the courts rather than a well documented liar, convicted fraudster and his video-blogging sycophants.
Quite right Max. They may indeed be innocent. Then again, how many of the other Pakistani child rapists were found not guilty? Maybe that’s not the way to bet. But you are right, innocent until proven guilty. Won’t be long now…
Rob in Cheshire,
“But how many of the other rapists weren’t rapists?”
Outstanding, Rob.
Maxicony aka Zero
Don’t worry, British law will deal with Tommy Robinson.
But what he and his sycophants – as you call genuine reporters – are bringing to the world is what you and your BBC and UK Government do not want to be revealed. That is, the massive scale of Moslem related child rapes.
And even when these abusers are imprisoned the media you support will not demand the prosecution of the many hundreds of men these children were introduced to by these monsters.
Sleep well Maxicony, media silence backed by people like yourself, will ensure that justice will not reach out to the even a fraction of the abusers.
Please don’t put quotation marks around something which is not a quote.
As to Tommy et al, it is possible that:
a) the accused are innocent; and
b) Tommy has committed a contempt of court.
However, the question I would like you to think about, is when does someone who may have committed a breach of a very technical law deserve a police raid at 4.30 am? Normally, pre dawn raids are only used on violent and serious criminals, not on a family home where one member may (or may not) have committed a contempt of court.
Seriously, what do you think of that?
Maxi aka zero
Looking forward to reading your condemnation of the media, especially your BBC, for not reporting about the many rape victims. Their under reporting, with your blessing, is why baddies like Tommy Robinson are telling the world about it.
Or are you one of those antifa supporting cretins who say that he only reports on these rapes because he wants to establish some kind of fascist dictatorship?
“for not reporting about the many rape victims.”
Including those of Jimmy Saville of course. By maxi’s reasoning however, he is also just an “accused” so all good.
I have always found the concept of “contempt of court” rather interesting when one considers that they are currently contemptible institutions.
Rob in Cheshire,
“Normally, pre dawn raids are only used on violent and serious criminals, not on a family home where one member may (or may not) have committed a contempt of court.”
Perhaps you could provide evidence as to what is “normal” as regards pre-dawn raids? Bear in mind that “normal” doesn’t mean they are never used in other circumstances.
“…may have committed a breach of a very technical law…”
Contempt of Court is not a minor “very technical law”
It’s possible he had compromising material uploaded to his home computer that he could have published the following day. That could quite clearly explain the early morning arrest.
Perhaps you could provide a list of all the other people that you don’t think the police should have woken up at 4.30?
Tommy Robinson (made up name) is serial liar, violent criminal and convicted fraudster.
“Seriously, what do you think of that?”
Night shift again?
You are like a dog with a bone. You are the best advert for the abolition of the telly tax or not paying it.
Still no offer of any bias.
😀 !
I am very disappointed at your reply.
We all know that everything is risk assessed these days. A pre dawn raid is very unusual, especially when it involves a non violent offence and takes place at a family home with children present. The experience of having the police invade your home during the hours of darkness must be terrifying, especially for children. You clearly do not have a problem with this, because it involves Tommy Robinson.
As to contempt of court not being a technical law, you must be joking. It takes up pages to try and describe what might constitute a contempt. It is a technical law, of the type you might think they would teach at journalism colleges. Tommy is not a trained journalist, and may have acted in a way that constitutes a contempt, or he may not. But I cannot imagine any other journalist would be subject to a pre dawn raid on his home on a matter like this. But so long as it is Tommy Robinson, you seem to be fine with it.
I find it instructive that you are so keen to defend the rights of Pakistani men accused of raping children, but you do not have an ounce of empathy for a man who is clearly being harrassed by the police. Fair enough, I know where you stand.
Yes they do, but he s exposing Islamic child rape ganga (with now massive uncontrolled exposure), week after week.
Its hard to keep blabbering Rotherham and 1400 like on the BBC or Liar May, or hiding it away on some regional page, or not report at all
… when he s there, live on periscope or vids on Rebel Media with many 100,000s of views each time.
Two choices tell the f-cking truth No10, MSM, or
silence the “problem” Tommy Robinson, they choose the latter, but
… its too late, there s his co guys, there s Rebel media, there is a veritable army of avid followers who know about his mistreatment at the hands of Liar May, and the Police.
Will the establishment ensure he s silenced, with prison?
and subsequently because of that … far worse?
Kent Online has the comment section closed on this story.
“Can some legal eagle enlighten me. How is it contempt of court to wait outside?
Who says he was arrested “for waiting outside”?
Four people are on trial for rape. Whether they are guilty or innocent will be decided in court.
However, Robinson (as part of his “justice campaign” [sic]) has been repeatedly describing the defendants as “rapists”. Not “alleged rapists”, just “rapists”.
Even in his “arrest video” posted to Facebook he says he was arrested for; “trying to video the Muslim paedophiles”.
That in it’s self is probable contempt of court.
You could well be right but Tommy is what your lot will never be and that is one of us. And that means everything and as always in England we stand with our own right or wrong.
“You could well be right but Tommy is what your lot will never be and that is one of us.”
“Us” being who exactly? Convicted fraudsters with a cocaine habit who kick off duty policemen in the head?
“…as always in England we stand with our own right or wrong.”
I await your defence of Jimmy Saville; “one of our own, right or wrong”
Your lot aka the progressive BBC
Now who did Saville work for?
White, English, Christian, Right-wing; “one of your own” Dave. You could at least admit that before trying to blame everyone else.
“Now who did Saville work for?”
Several people, including the person who gave him the keys to every hospital ward in the country. Another “one of your own” who you stand with, “right or wrong”…
You seem to be happy to criticise white Christians, Max. But the said scum do not do it as part of their religion. Generally, when such people are known they are prosecuted…… Except, for some reason, when they work for the Ministry of Truth. It appears that it was well-known about Saville’s depravity:
However, like the Religion of Peace, people seem to have been scared to say anything about it….
Oh, what a shame. I’ve missed maxi the Legal Eagle’s insomniac warblings.
However since, according to JimS’s post below, it’s to do with taking photographs IN a court, it appears he’s talking bo**ocks and my question still stands.
“However since, according to JimS’s post below, it’s to do with taking photographs IN a court, it appears he’s talking bo**ocks and my question still stands.”
“a photograph, portrait or sketch shall be deemed to be a photograph, portrait or sketch taken or made in court if it is taken or made in the court–room or in the building or in the precincts of the building in which the court is held,”
Photographs are forbidden on all court property both inside and outside the building.
You could of course have found that out yourself before accusing others of “talking bo**ocks”. But that would require a bit of effort and independence of thought seemingly lacking from you and your fellow sycophants.
If, as you say, photographs are forbidden on all court property, why does the MSM and, of course, your very own Ministry of Truth, not get prosecuted? Oh, sorry, they stand a few feet from the court steps…. I love technicalities.
Of course, the Plod, of which I used to be one and am now disgusted with their actions, have made themselves look more and more stupid with a dawn raid. As has been said previously, we only did dawn raids on violent suspects – not those who commit a technical offence.
Thanks for your comments.
I would say that Tommy, who is not a trained journalist, may have made a mistake in filming too close to court. He may, or may not, have committed a contempt of court by so doing. It is a technical offence, by which I mean it would take a court to decide if an offence had actually been committed. It is not cut and dried by any means.
As an ex-copper, perhaps you could give us a bit of information about the risk assessment which would go into mounting a pre dawn raid on a family home with children present? Can you imagine such a thing being done in respect of a possible contempt of court?
Anyone who thinks the establishment have not got it in for Tommy Robinson must also believe the moon is made of green cheese.
The Befordshire News says that he has been charged under Section 41 of the Criminal Justice Act 1925.
41 Prohibition on taking photographs, &c., in court.
(1)No person shall—
a) take or attempt to take in any court any photograph, or with a view to publication make or attempt to make in any court any portrait or sketch, of any person, being a judge of the court or a juror or a witness in or a party to any proceedings before the court, whether civil or criminal; or
b) publish any photograph, portrait or sketch taken or made in contravention of the foregoing provisions of this section or any reproduction thereof;
and if any person acts in contravention of this section he shall, on summary conviction, be liable in respect of each offence to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds.
(2)For the purposes of this section—
a) the expression “court” means any court of justice, including the court of a coroner:
b) the expression “Judge” includes . . . F1, registrar, magistrate, justice and coroner:
c) a photograph, portrait or sketch shall be deemed to be a photograph, portrait or sketch taken or made in court if it is taken or made in the court–room or in the building or in the precincts of the building in which the court is held, or if it is a photograph, portrait or sketch taken or made of the person while he is entering or leaving the court–room or any such building or precincts as aforesaid.
Whether Tommy Robinson is guilty of that or not is not for us to say but to this lay person it seems strange how the BBC regularly shows sketches of judges and defendants in news reports. The outside of our local courts must be very familiar to anyone who watches ‘the news from where you live’.
My question is if it is usual to raid someone’s home at 4.30 am if they are accused of this technical and non-violent offence? I rather doubt it.
It’s almost as if the cops wanted him to try and defend his family and home when they crashed his door before dawn. Then think of all the juicy charges they could have hit him with, assuming he survived, that is.
The authorities managed to ‘look the other way’ for years while children were being repeatedly abused. They couldn’t have overlooked a man snapping a few pics & talking to rape defendants?
This isn’t over yet!
People like that Maxi are all part of the Islamic rape-jihad culture.
Anyone making excuses for either the rapists, the Muslim culture or the cover-up operation is stamping approval on this crime.
Who speaks up for these girls? Who? While our media is parroting on- day in, day out about Donald Trump? All the outrage over a ruffled hijab! But nothing for our own children. It’s sickening!
Tommy Robinson is one of a few very brave men.
May the REAL God bless him.
From February 2016, plus ca change, Lucy.
Thank you for posting that. I am aware that British Sikhs & Hindus had been trying to draw attention to this problem for years. I believe they were fed up of their girls being targeted. And also of the Muslims being camouflaged within the wider “Asian Community”. There was an online petition at one point.
I didn’t know there was a Youtube clip available.
Most welcome Lucy, I have a lot of Sikh friends and they are heartily sick to the back teeth of these perverts, rapists, terrorists etc.,being labels as Asian, by the lying BBC and MSN, and not the country they originate from. Some are even taking flak from people who think they are Pakistani, all brown faces are the same and all that.
Absolutely 100% agree with you Lucy.
You have hit the nail on the head.
Only people like Tommy Robinson have really spoken out for these girls and the rest of the press (aided and abetted by the maxi/zeros off this world) have tried to play the whole thing down by either ignoring it, or as Toobi mentioned trying to use a smoke and mirrors approach by blaming people of “asian” culture rather than of “islamic” culture for these crimes.
Of course Tommy should not have filmed the accused before the trial. But at the end of the day if the mainstream press pretty much refuse to cover any of these crimes in any sort of meaningfull way then those who really do care about what is happening will have to use less conventional means to get publicity as there are no other ways to get justice and let people know the true extent of what is happening.
YES THAT IS RIGHT MAXIHONEY – THE TRUE EXTENT of what is happening and not just the BBC sanitised deliberately obscure versions which you and your BBC chums want the public to believe.
Of course our little troll friends will wax lyrical about Tommies “crime” because as we all know filming those accused of rape is a far worse crime than actually committing rape!
As for our Government – I have have nothing but contempt for them because Tommy is being punished for bringing the public’s attention to what the establishment with the connivance of the the media and the police has known about for years.
It has been said on this site a number of times – Would the BBC and the establishment have been quite so relaxed about mass rape if all the victims had been muslim girls and they had all been raped by white Christian men? I think apart from maxihoney – most of us here would all be drawing the same conclusion on this one – I wonder why?
For those of you with tellies this might be an interesting watch.
It will be quite educational to find out whether the BBC will finally bite the bullet and say the “I” word or will they go into their usual Houdiniesque contortions not to say this or will they just re-write history. Again!
Since the star is the Communist “actor” Maxine Peake, I think I would back the view that it will be politically correct to the max.
“..defendants in the trial were.. held back from leaving the court..”
All odious characters, but I can’t help comparing this with the way the accused in the martyrdom of St Stephen of Lawrence had to run the gauntlet of a baying mob.
What exactly are they charging Tommy Robinson with?
With being an enemy of the Common Purpose.
Sopel is a disgrace to journalism. Look at him with his osama picture on his twitter page! A week ago he was mumbling about the damage Comey had done to the Benghazi killer’s campaign and now we go again…Russia Russia Russia. The thing that upsets me most is that I pay for his wages and there is nothing I can do about it.
And this is just under 60 years. In another 60 years, the picture on the left could be a collector’s item – too much flesh on show for the Islamic Caliphate of France.
It is truly awful. Previous civilizations have fallen to barbarians, but is ours the first where our leaders have invited them in to destroy us?
Look up “The woodcutter and the trees”
Where is Grant?
Anyone know?
I think he went back to his beloved Gambia
I’d noticed he was quiet.
Assumed he was travelling back to Gambia.
I hope he remembered to register for a postal vote
Grant who?
He was on his way back to Gambia, and last posted on the 24th April. However, according to his post on the 21st April
Thank you so much. I shall be online by the end of next week . The connection is by underwater cable from Dakar, so it should be ok, so long as it is not attacked by Lobsters.
GWF…yes, I’ve missed him too.
Liberal Judge in America…..
Under-Qualified Liberal Judge Saved from Deportation the African Migrant Who Killed the Two Boston Doctors
Two Boston Doctors had their throats slit.
It’s a terrible story. Because Boston is a Democrat city, the right to keep and bear arms does not really exist, and armed self defence is not possible. Thus, these two unfortunate people were as defenceless as British people would be when confronted with an armed and homicidal home invader. They died because Liberals cannot come to terms with reality.
Why am I reminded of this?
“An Iraqi immigrant who stabbed two doctors to death at a Yorkshire hospital has won the right to remain in Britain – after judges ruled that he would pose a danger to the public in his homeland.”
Read more at:
R4 #YouAnYours
Cos there is inflation this year you’ll spend LESS this year than last year ??
The think tank @NIESRorg boy expert told @wrobinson101 for sure we’ll spend less. #NIESRreview
Narrative : ‘economy set to fall’
Last year you had enough money to buy the BigMac and cos you had money left over you bought fries as well.
This year you’ll feel scared and have less money so you won’t add the fries.
It’s all because of BREXIT!! THE SKY IS FALLING I TELL THEE!!!
TWATO at about 13.35 visiting a school with deprived children in Cornwall. Headmaster talking about what he might need to cut, saying certain items are funded by the EU. This is repeated, at least twice iirc (I was eating lunch and nearly choked on it!) by the Al Beeb anus interviewer. Why the fuck did he not point out that it was OUR money being distributed back in part after paying Brussels anuses a scalping for looking after it for us.
Or is it just another example of Al Beeb pro-EUSSR bias?
Isn`t it about time that SOME party scotched these NHS/Education myths that the shakedown of any future money trees is -IN ANY WAY-correlated to their effectiveness for the pupil or the patient?
Look-schools and hospitals have long had their mouths stuffed with Danegeld blagged, borrowed and stolen from the stupid saps who open their veins and bare their breasts to the liberal consensus. This whole Blackmail by the Virtuoso State started with Heseltine and his Toxteth Garden City crap on 1981. And nobody but a few bravehearts like Minford or Scruton have dared to take on these lazy nostrums of the Progressive Leeching Class. Of COURSE these lazy scum skimmers want open veins and purses cut to go off on beanos, measure the emacited piglets and obese flophousers…how ELSE would they earn a piecrust if they didn`t big up the need for more money , more courses and more clients to pimp and whore off?
Islam isn`t going to need these adrenaline seeking first respondlicks when THEY take charge-it would be far better for US not to keep feeding the money grubs of the “knock-kneed professions” like “mental health” crime and education, health and social workie-tickets.
You bin God, you scorn Jesus-well THIS is what you get-a rampant nation state that dopes your kids up, lets the crims run your streets and mugs you off to pay for their idiocies and liberal fantasisings.
Islam is correct on this war-grivance seeking lawfare in one fist…and sharia-scoring independence on the other. Tactically, it`s a double whammy or double header as our media eejits in sports would tell you…but if you don`t see what the BBC and the idiot left and libbaz are doing to our very fabric, then you`d best find a REAL church or synagogue that has a higher tower than the coming mosques will.
More multi-culti knife enrichment in Londinistan
knife-wielding man reported to be targeting Jewish people in in north London was arrested after threatening a shopkeeper on Tuesday.

Man with meat cleaver & large knife threatened a young Jewish girl in Clapton “you Jews run away from here before I kill you”
Poor man must have a mental issue.
Meat cleaver man has not been charged with antisemitism, or hate crime, interestingly – perhaps that’s reserved only for islamophobia.
wot a strangely shaped face obscurer, must have a chin like jimmy hill
Or a big beard?
Sarah Vine of DM does a good hatchet job on biased Newsnight and pro-Corbyn sjw Maitlis, and the ridiculous agitprop ‘poet’ they had on, Kate Tempest.
“Bring back Paxo… PLEASE!
Newsnight, once feared and revered by politicians but lately resembling a soggy edition of The Guardian has, it’s sad to say, been on the slide for some time now.
The show reached a new low on Monday, though. In a segment extolling the liberal virtues of the new French President, Emmanuel Macron, Labour MP Chuka Umunna was somewhat taken aback at presenter Emily Maitlis’s assertion that Jeremy Corbyn was, like Macron, ‘asking the right questions for our time . . . Isn’t he, though, you know?’ she gushed. ‘He is looking at the unions, the grass roots, at questions of fairness and inequality.’
Pause. ‘Jeremy?’ replied Umunna, somewhat stunned.
‘Yes!’ replied Maitlis, enthusiastically.
Once that ‘grilling’ was over, we were treated to a lengthy segment on the evils of Brexit (episode 4,857), before ‘spoken word artist’ Kate Tempest was unleashed on our unsuspecting ears. This jumped-up sixth-form poet spouted student union cliches, thumping her chest in anguish against a backdrop of rolling waves and falling stars, urging the public to ‘wake up and love more’, while an unsmiling male companion produced mournful noises on an electric piano.
It was drivel, as pretentious as it was predictable.
How I longed for just a glimpse of that famous raised Jeremy Paxman eyebrow, quivering in disbelief and disdain.”
Read more:
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“Sarah Vine of DM does a good hatchet job on biased Newsnight…”
Translation: “Tory MP’s wife complains in Tory supporting newspaper that a known Tory supporter isn’t presenting Newsnight – all in the name of less biased reporting of course…”
And the Guardian journalists invited on by the Guardian reading BBC to agree with each other in their own little echo chamber studio are NOT presenting one sided arguments? Over and over again? And we have to pay for this? At least you can choose to pay for the Mail, if that floats your boat.
Have you any example of the Right Wing Bias of Al Beeb?
You keep on defending them – Why?
Are you a Troll, employee, or both?
The BBC are making a very big deal about the sacking of FBI chief Comey by the Donald, and yet the head of the FBI is NOT the man who is hands on doing the mechanics of the investigation, just the head of the FBI.
So I thought I take a look back at how I remember the BBC reporting the FBI intervention into the election favourite Hilary Clinton, and whaddaya know? There’s next to nothing which comes in on the search! The only thing I was able to find using the BBC search engine, was the report that Clinton would not be facing charges – i.e. the most favourable article.
However the BBC search engine is not the only one and others will direct you to relevant pages, although mysteriously the links on these pages to other relevant stories are missing.
“Hillary Clinton says she is “confident” a new FBI probe linked to her emails will not change its original finding that she should not be prosecuted.”
“Did Comey’s late intervention swing the election?
Mrs Clinton thinks so, citing it as a major factor in her surprise defeat.
Political analyst Nate Silver agrees, saying it “probably” cost the former first lady a return to the White House as president.
This is what BBC North America reporter Anthony Zurcher said at the time:
When determining the political fallout of this latest development, it’s worth remembering that the race between Mr Trump and Mrs Clinton was already tightening in the days leading up to the first Comey letter.
Surveys taken after the revelation indicated that few Americans considered the story grounds for changing their vote. The divide between the two candidates is simply too great to allow much ticket-switching at this point.
What the story did do was knock Mr Trump out of the headlines for over a week, giving him space to bring disaffected Republicans back into the fold. It also prevented Mrs Clinton from ending the campaign on a positive message and increased negative perceptions of her, which will make it harder for her to govern if she is elected.
Once this election is in the rear-view mirror, there will have to be a lot of soul-searching within the FBI and the media about how this story has played out and been covered. Following Mr Comey’s original letter, the nation’s top law-enforcement became a constant source of leaks, as internal factions and disputes spilled into public view.”
Given that final paragraph from a BBC correspondent when it was Clinton being skewered the current reporting of Comeys dismissal makes little sense, or coherence of events when these reports are read in context, but then, that’s not the BBC believes will happen. Removing links to these stories mean that although people might have a memory of how it was reported the vast majority will never really know.
It’s a little like Orwells 1984, it is an ‘un story’ which officially never existed and records of it have been expunged.
Excellent analysis, Thoughtful. The contortions the BBC hacks are undergoing to hype this story and, as you point out, completely negate what they were saying a few months ago, would defy an Indian fakir!
Echo GC’s sentiment, Thoughtful, a really good post. One which chimes with my memories of 2016 which were awoken by the news today of Comey’s dismissal. Good post from Rob, too, below.
Why the beef from the LiberalLeft and the BBC? Bizarre.
Others on here have posted in the last couple of days some examples of the swamp that Trump is facing, bucket in hand. I don’t think it’s a conspiracy too far, or at all for that matter, that Trump has been rather clever here.
Irrespective of whether Comey and his people have anything on Trump or not or are even seeking to find something against Trump, the President has sent a message to the powerful. Whether they are up to their necks, really dirty, slightly muddy or merely a little Swamp damp – Trump has said, “I’m on the case, your case!”. In addition, he has neutered some of the Democratic opposition at the same time. He’s done something that they cannot really criticise, ostensibly because their own hero Hillary was under attack from the FBI, late in the day during the election campaign and – in Democratic Whinge Theory – appeared to help Trump win.
Finally, Trump can now try to get someone into the big chair at the FBI that is, perhaps, closer to his way of thinking and doing things.
Keep this up Mr President until past mid-term, and get the US economy right, and I might possibly be willing to give you some grudging admiration at that point.
Clinton used an insecure private server for top secret State Department emails. That is not in dispute. Comey decided she should not be prosecuted because she did not mean to leak all the most secret documents in the United States. That was a shocking and wrong decision because:
a) the law is absolute, the fact she did not “mean” to leak the secrets is not a valid defence; and
b) the decision was not his to make, it should have been taken by the Attorney General.
From what I read, Comey has lost the confidence of all senior FBI agents, and was a dead man walking. I am only surprised The Donald took so long to fire the bum.
Naturally, the BBC is salivating about a re-run of Watergate, and are all over “impeachment” like an eager dog shagging the vicar’s leg. But they are left wing scum, and President Trump will, I trust, treat them with the absolute contempt they deserve.
The USA is in danger of having any Republican who has the misfortune to get elected impeached, simply because the whining babies in the MSM don’t like the result.
Woke up to the news that Trump sacked Comey.
Only the BBC and their Washington jock sniffers give a damn.
The BBC obsess on figureheads and office politics-meanwhile they drum up free Bank Holidays, more money for the Trojan Horse kinda governors in schools, as well as more nannies and mummies to displace Obama worshipping thick teachers on the sick as ever(too much cake, too may trips to see where Comic Relief money goes in regard of polar bear snow chain weighings of wh`evvaz!
Stuff the BBC-whatever THEY tell me-well, the truth will be the very opposite.
PS-didn`t the BBC etc tell us that Comey would find himself out of a job when Hillary became Queen anyway?
So-being positive-Comey got six more months and a few telly appearances more than he`d have got had Trump NOT won the election.
The newly elected Manchester Metropolitan Co-Chair of Manchester Labour Students, Tayyib Nawaz, has been forced to resign after the uncovering of Anti-Semitic and homophobic tweets.
Sopel is contemptible – the archetypal sneering, ultra biased BBC ‘journalist.’
Liquid Sopel. One squirt is quite enough.
Mind you, for every snivel and drip from Sopel there’s a smug and supercilious ripostette from ITV’s Robert Moore. On first name terms with ambassadors you know, we are privileged to hear this man’s valued assessments.
BeeBITNaC is a government sponsored organisation.
Did anyone else stay awake long enough to last for the whole episode of Word of Mouth on Radio 4 this week?
The politics of the Californian professor allowed to drone on interminably were so apparent as to be embarrassing. He was defining “new words” such as snowflake, social justice warrior, sanctuary cities, alt-right. They could just as easily provided a fee for a friend from the Guardian to pop along.
I think he escaped from the Fast Show.
4:30 R4 MediaShow
I can’t tell you whats coming up, cos presenter is too busy using BBC time4 tweeting #MetroBubble hate for Trump
Ah just in
Amol Rajan @amolrajanBBC
Making my DEBUT as presenter of #R4MediaShow on @BBCRadio4 at 16.30.
#1 Election strategies
+ @TheAtlantic in London
+ @FoxNews on the agenda
I’ll be joined by
@helenlewis, @Sean_Kemp,
+James Fallows of @TheAtlantic,
+Douglas Wigdor of @WigdorLaw
“Obsessed with Trump, Western media ignore the march of authoritarianism around the world”
That’s BBC editorial integrity for you in a nutshell.
“Katty, Anthony… you are on in five…”
Cymrustan proposal for a faster national suicide.
“To help refugees and asylum seekers integrate into local communities, the Committee believes the role of community cohesion co-ordinators should be expanded. It also wants to see improvements in the provision of English for Speakers of Other Languages teaching.”
So all that money spent on the Welsh language was wasted? Or will there be ‘local communities’ and even more ‘local communties’, a ‘cylch mewnol’?
A few years ago I was called up for Jury Duty. Amongst all the paperwork was an A4 sheet of 15 different languages, informing potential foreign jurors what to do.
I was baffled by this. If instructions are given in their own language, this indicates they are unable to speak English. If they cannot speak or understand English, how in hell can they be included for jury duty and give a defendant a fair and just trial ????? And do defendants have the right to challenge a juror’s suitability ?
Yes, every single penny spent on Welsh language education, road signage, government forms etc etc etc has been well and truly wasted.
There is nothing wrong with the Welsh language, but it is a joke to pretend that it is the language of the Welsh. Every Welsh person speaks English, some know Welsh, and a very small number use Welsh at all times, even though they can speak English.
The state enforced imposition of Welsh is merely the iron fist of Nationalism in linguistic form. If Nationalists want children to learn Welsh, they can set up and pay for night schools where children can attend of their own free will. We all know the take-up would be close to zero.
All state expenditure on Welsh is a fraud against the taxpayer.
Lucy Pevensey
It just goes to show how out of touch the ‘white elephant’ – The Welsh Assembly, is with the people of Wales. Just as it was with the EU referendum.
We voted out, primarily because of immigration.
Lessons to be learned?
Well, Welsh education and the Health service is down the pan, bringing more people into Wales is not helpful to say the least.
That news was not circulated to broadcasters? if it was it was hidden in the back.
Time for a referendum on the future of Welsh Assembly?
GWPF Have started a petition :-
Needless to say I have signed
Does Yahoo have privileged information denied to the rest of us? They list among the 100 Labour MPs itching to launch their own party, ‘Sir Keri Starmer’. It’s those eyes, isn’t it?
Must be another gender fluid Labour MP. I’ll always think of her as “Keri” from now on.
Also Times Editorial
Indonesia 2 year jail for Christian governor
It’s evil wherever it gains power.
When a viking chief died they put him in his longboat and set fire to it.
When Steve Hewlett died they should have put him in The Media Show and set fire to it.
Better still, put the cub reporter that replaced him in The Media Show and set fire to it. Talk about amateurism, can a programme get any worse?
JimS, I quite like Amol. He sounds just like Gary Bellamy.
I hope a Felix Dexter sound alike can spoof The Media Show with a phone call sometime soon.
Totally naïve you mean?
He had another go at working the, “I shouted at Rupert Murdoch the other week”, into his script, previously used on Jeremy Vine to pad out his ‘Kelvin MacKenzie’ non-story.
What next – “I raised my hand at a Trump press conference and glared at him”? Pathetic.
If they can’t fill Hewlett’s boots kill the show or put it on Radio One.
Particularly stupid bit of “feminist agitprop” today on Womans Hour. Some lady who`s a CEO apparently went to a “finishing school” and didn`t think herself so grand as not to pour a glass of wine for a bloke who was at her meeting.
This did NOT go down well with Jane Garvey and the sisters who thought her demeaning the tribe and oppressing wimmin by her actions. Cue drive by sneers at ” not going to finishing schools” as well.
Nasty little piece of virtue signalling for the Womens Equality Party-who (funnily enough) are NOT getting much publicity as and when they choose to stand against Labour.
This is NOT comradely sistas-so let`s not shine TOO much sunlight on how badly Labour have treated women since the year dot.
BBC-Womans Hour-utter hypocrites.
The twatterati were also at it, when Mr May referred to himself putting out the bins as ‘boys jobs’ on some tv show last night. What sort of f…..g society do we now live in where no-one dare open their mouth ? so what? boys jobs girls jobs – that’s real life, jesus, social media has created a monster whereby the opinionaters are always right with a ‘how dare you’ attitude. Its pathetic.
Or maybe ‘boy’s job’ as in de plantations. ‘Hey boy, put dese bins out’.
I checked the net and it said ‘boy’ used to be a term used to refer to servants or low ranking staff, as in a bellboy, houseboy or busboy, it was used in that sense to show low regard for the person being spoken to.
For God’s sake.
English is a rich and marvelous language and we bother with crappy discussions about trivial words
I wonder what constitute “boys jobs” round at Keith Vaz’s place?
Anyone who doesn’t like the term “boy” should stay out of Norfolk.
Only the idiot Eddie Mair would think himself smart to juxtapose some pro-Remain survey of his in Cumbria with a puff for Tim Harfords “More Or Less” show to flag up political lies and bias.
I say this because the Pro-Reamin piece that preceded Harford was a classic skewed sample as required by BBC editors these days.
WEre I to ask a bunch of liberal indulged fell runners what THEY`D be voting for-well, clearly the environment, A&E and more OS maps for their kids at school would ensure a need to stay in the EU. Add to that some hippie Fun Farm types with a pet sheep or two-and you`d have the ultimate biased set of luvvies who crave endless holidays and EU subsidies.
NOW-had they bothered to visit WEST Cumbria-the old shipyards, steel areas, nuclear and ex-fisheries-THEN they might have got a fair sample, maybe even a few people who don`t want insurance for paragliding or organic ice cream…but would like Sellafield, Trident and some return to fishing and to steel manufacture if possible. Hardly EU is it?
So the BBC stick with their Remoaners, Remainiacs and Friends of “A Minor Fart”. The chaves can go to hell.
Still though eh?…fake news and those Tories and their bias…eh?
Couldn’t agree more. I was stuck in a traffic jam with the other half and apart from being irritated by the time-wasting infantile contextualisation of the presenter pretending to puff running up fells we thought we’d entertain ourselved by “bias counting.” Score was 4 pro remain 0 pro leave, 4 LibDem/Lab voices 0 possible Tories.
Boring, boring predictable biased tosh.
As for the endless bigging-up of the Comey firing…… Yet more infantile juxtaposing with endless references to Trump saying “You’re fired.”
What exactly is their mental age?
It was getting lower and lower… but now it’s gone negative.
Is it just me or does Jon Sopel have one of those faces you just want to lamp the second you see it on TV? He’s a smug, self-important prat!
True Alex, but then the same could be said of most so-called bbc so-called journalists.
Kay Burley, Diane Fatbot, Lady Nugee and Laura Kuntersberg are my female nominations and I use the word female without knowing anything and not wanting to know the truth.
I agree, Charlie, but Sopel really does take the prize – and I’ve covered that on Alan’s dedicated post…
He is the reason why so many voted for Trump and Brexit. We are sick of being patronised by condescending dickheads like him.
I believe the technical term for this is “Owen Jones Syndrome”.
This is an excellent analysis as to why the Tall Man got the chop from The Donald.
What are they laughing at?
Isn’t Quilliam a joke? An extremist suddenly has a Damascene conversation to peaceful and lucrative ways. He starts a think tank to spread the word which receives millions in government funding. Everyone’s a winner: he gets a hefty wage and the government get to look good for doing something about the problem.
The website seems nothing but nav-gazing to me. As with so many lavishly funded lefty organisations, it is impossible to measure any sort of progress or achievements; and the people running the organisations have a vested interest in perpetuating issues as they make a living from them. Nobody paid to deal with racism in football would say there is virtually none left as it would put him out of a job.
I think this has been moved from the main page of the website..another one taken out by the lefty elite?? I would be very suspicious too if I was him, but his past record isn’t going to help his defence much.. I’m sure Rochdale have got a lot of other potential candidates for a landslide postal voting victory.
Just seen some photos and heard a story of a Tory Grammar school 6th former attending a Q&A session with two Labour MPs, dressed himself up as Margaret Thatcher knowing the stupid Labourites wouldn’t dare question his attire for fear of looking ‘homofaubik’ or maybe worse ‘transfaubik’.
A really funny joke at their expense in the vein of the Emporors new clothes
We laughed at John Cleese in Monty Python.
We laughed at John Cleese in Fawlty Towers…
Well we are not laughing now….what a boring b*****d !!!!!!
My God, what utter vermin! And what the hell was that revolting white woman, with the mock Jafakan accent ranting about?
This is the sort of aggressive, ugly, left-wing fascist scum that this country really must stand up to.
This trash are all very brave when there are thirty of them and only one brave chap on his tod. I’d really love to see that gobby bitch and the other soap dodgers up against a mob of angry men. They’d shit themselves.
“Nazi scum, Nazi scum.”
Yes, you’re absolutely right.
That’s precisely what you are!
Oh, and you’re unspeakably hideous as well…
Agree Jeff. You would expect to see this sort of thing in China or Russia. How sad that our society/government is tolerating this. Amazingly there are elements of this in the US, and now I understand why they want to arm themselves. I read today that Melanie Phillips was dissuaded from speaking in a popular Jewish location on the Berkeley campus. Hard to believe.
Perhaps someone could ask them to explain what exactly is fascist and / or nazi about openly debating ideas?
If such things are no longer to be allowed, then surely all the universities must close, to be replaced with mass learning, by rote, of the wisdom handed down by leftist teachers.
Oh, hang on…
Jeff, I think that would go down a bit like this Antifa Feminazi at Berkeley did.
Time to realize that these Antifa shit bags are part of the progressive movement against far right extremism as conceived by our Government. No cops came to support this individual. They are working together, and the Antifa can go a little further than the cops who are restrained from direct political ativity
Why did the police not intervene?
Or maybe they plan to go to his home and arrest him at 0430?
how do i share this worldwide?
Just have a word with Maxi
And the police we glimpsed in that piece did NOTHING !!!!
“They think in slogans and they speak in bullets.”
George Orwell, who knew a thing or two about the Left.
Twenty minutes into ‘King Charles III’ and every bit as vile, condescending, precious, PC and insulting as feared. Conceived and written in Islington by Guardianistas for Guardianistas, the whole of the rest of the country will, quite rightly, be outraged – proving of course our inability to grasp the message, our insularity and ignorance. Poor us.
Wasn’t that subtle quavery little touch of Islam in the choral work at the beginning just a delight?
I have no idea. The BBC wore out its welcome with me a long while ago. I will no longer subject myself to their drivel.
I lasted 15 minutes ! watching the shopping channels are infinitely more interesting. Yes, I’ve become that sad.
I was determined NOT to watch it but I was so curious to see what it was all about so I did switch on. That lasted about 3 minutes; I went to bed with a good book.
I really do hope the majority of the country speak out about this load of…..well, words that I can type fail me. The bBc really do have such a thick skin and think they are so wonderful…how can any sensible person have ever thought it was a great idea to commission and broadcast stuff like this.
Their contempt for the people of this country, our monarchy, our British culture and way of life and plain ordinary manners is quite breath-taking.
yes. every member of the royal family seemed straight out of Dynasty and they were all eaither feeble, mad or wicked. it re-introduced some kind of tony blair as PM and pushed every non white resident of the tower block in tower hamlet as saviour and our hope for the future. that was it. ah i forgot, to sound like a ‘classic’ it used shakespearean language
NY Times has theories on the Macron Hacking
Good idea. I am sure Macron’s IT gnomes created fake documents showing offshore investments just to embarrass any hackers silly enough to believe them. Take that, you Russian fiends!
“What do u think about Juncker’s previous role when PM of Luxembourg and his organisation of his tax haven country for the greed of global corporations?”
For ‘balance’. It will be interesting how the rest of the BBC covers this.
I am sure Michael Crick will chase her round the country like a self-righteous prick.
Anyone notice how the ‘resident’ Troll always appears when the going gets tough for Al Beeb, Cor-bin and the Labour Party?
He’s going to get busy over the next few weeks then.
Very busy indeed!? But not offering any bias just trolling his life away ?
King Charles III: It seemed like a comedy rather than a serious play, but the comedy hasn’t got any plausible scenarios, and seems to have been written by someone without any life experience, wisdom or understanding of human motivations. For a start, Prince Charles wants to be George VII, not Charles III. Looking at Williams children indicates that it is set in the near future, just after the general election. The Queen dies shortly after Prince Phillip, and we see that most of the mourners are black people and young white females. Then we see that the Prime Minister does not look like either Theresa May or Jeremy Corbyn. So the BBC has the LibDems wining the election because of Remain supporters, and Theresa May has been replaced as leader of the Tory opposition by Priti Patel, who has also married a Mr Stevens. Prince Harry seems to have run off with his girlfriends mother, and wants to socialise with the black population for the rest of his life, as a normal person. The BBC’s message seems to be that the Royals are like Black people, they both take more from the system than they give in taxes.
Then a Civil War beckons as King Charles III refuses to sign away the freedom of the press, won in a Civil War against King Charles I and King Charles II. The LibDems supported by Hacked Off rioters are trying to put the right-wing free press under state control. But Charles dissolves Parliament, causing a General Election. But the LibDems are refusing to hold a General Election, and tanks at Buckingham Palace are defending Charles from the mass riots from Hacked Off supporters. William calls for his father to abdicate because the people do not want a “Free Press” General Election, just after that “Brexit” General Election. The people have become tired of General Elections and would prefer Charles to abdicate. But Camilla becomes violently angry, and slaps William across the face.
But all decisions are made by emotions, so Charles signs the instrument of abdication. William then hastily signs away the freedom of the press, the people rejoice and William is then crowned King William V, King of Australia, Canada, Britain, New Zealand and twelve other Realms, including all one hundred territories of the Royal Commonwealth.
Charles crowns William, King, to the sounds of a Catholic Choral piece in Latin? Wah, Wah, Wah.
I’m glad you watched it so I didn’t have to.
The Beeb are reporting on Labour’s ‘leaked dossier.’ Remember the ‘leaked dossier’ from an accounting firm to do with Brexit? Isn’t it odd how these ‘leaks’ always seem to fit the Beeb’s agenda?
Nick Robinson: “Some of the policies from this leaked dossier are the equivalent to dropping a fiver on the floor compared to Brexit.”
So impartial!
I’m sorry, but I don’t understand a word of Nick Robinson’s piece!
What on earth is he talking about?
Is the dossier ‘dodgy’, like the one Campbell doctored, or is this a leaked fake dossier? Or perhaps a faked, leaked and dodgy dossier?
Obfuscation? By our National Broadcasting Treasure?
Naaaah, can’t be…