One advantage of living in the country that you broadcast to is that you might know something about it.
A lady called in to Rhod Sharp’s Up All Night to ask if her homemade marmalade lurking at the back of the cupboard would be OK. Ozzie waffler-in-chief Doctor Karl begins to tell her that she will be fine then proceeds to develop an argument that an event beyond real might have happened and that the marmalade could well be ‘off’, even with no visible signs or bad smell. Perhaps his legal team were having a word in his ear?
Just as that section of the programme is coming to the end Rhod Sharp reads out a call from a Mr. W. of Tiptree, who says he has been making marmalade for 40 years and the newly-found jar should be fine. Further talk of preserving marmalade by making it with whisky is rubbish, (another bit of Sharp/Karl waffle), as the alcohol will have boiled off.
Our ex-pat Rhod Sharp, probably vaguely remembering that there is a ‘Tiptree’ in Essex, then wonders what the significance of Mr. W’s location was in relation to marmalade. Nothing at all of course, unless you have any connection with Wilkin & Sons of Tiptree who have been making jam for 130 years!
Rhod Sharp always gives the impression that he isn’t listening to anyone who calls in, but at Least our Aussi mate tries to inject si=ome science into a query.
But as most of the callers seem to have such dull queries, it’s not really surprising.
Radio 5 Live loves all the US papers like the Boston Globe, Wapo etc which get huge exposure, but which actually means bugger all to me, as they all hate President Trump and it shows.
At least Dotun actually communicates with callers with dignity.
It is another nice morning, despite promised rain. Happens. The Express has this down as the start of the desertification of the U.K. Be interesting how the BBC goes, given their 28Gate shaped narrative on what and who gets mentioned, or not, according to their unique editorial integrity…
The Far-Left Beebistan ‘explanatory’ article on socialist Venezuela’s cataclysm deserves some scrutiny:
“Venezuela crisis: What is behind the turmoil?
…Chavistas praise the two men for using Venezuela’s oil riches to markedly reduce inequality and for lifting many Venezuelans out of poverty…”
Reducing inequality and lifting many Venezuelans out of poverty?!?
And this in the country with the largest oil reserves in the world!!
And of course the mandatory implication that the US is behind the discontent:
“They also allege that opposition leaders are in the pay of the United States, a country with which Venezuela has had fraught relations in recent years.”
It obviously did not occur to the highly paid BBC journalists and News presenters that the so-called ‘leak’ of the Labour Party manifesto might have been an attempt to lead them and some newspapers by the nose.
Absolutely. I suspect what really happened is that the bbc and labour are complicit in this and it’s just a way of
a) getting labour in the limelight
b) floating ideas to the public for a week to see how they fly and then edit the ‘real’ manifesto next week because this was ‘just a draft’.
On balance I’d say the draft menaifesto would have been leaked by hard leftists in the Labour hierarchy. The manifesto was a draft, and had not been agreed, but it would be hard to go back on the left wing policies in it now, even if moderates wanted to tone it down.
I have recently thought that the BBC had finally woken up to the fact that their obsession with an Obesity Crisis in the UK really meant that they should not push food at viewers and listeners at every opportunity, including on their web-site HomePage.
For some days, more than a week I think, their HomePage cut food items down to just one.
Yesterday evening, however, they were back to six items on the page. This morning it is down to five although some are ‘repeats’. (Hah! The BBC – in reality – giving the people indigestion!) Is this a subconscious BBC propaganda feelgood thing?
Theresa May is cruel, forcing another premature General Election on the poor, democracy reluctant, over-democratised underfed, starving people of Britain. The BBC rides as White Knight to the rescue: “Here, have some comfort food. Feast your eyes on this.”
And on impartial Toady this morning we have an impartial vox pop of …..errrrrr…… working class Labour voters having a curry in Leeds with Toenails !!!!!
Why Leeds?
Was it convenient for Robinson on the way to the Man U match tonight?
The latest promo clip for Question Time boldly spoken by dimwit announces that there has been another shake up in world politics as France rejects the main stream parties by choosing an outsider. This weeks question time comes from France.
I watched two extremely interesting pieces by Lionel Nation and Stefan Molyneux on the firing of Comey by President Trump. The presenters were far more able to comment on this than the CBB. When I did here something on the CBB, it was an interview where they were doing everything possible to make Trump look like the ultimate villain. They get so petulant when things don’t morph into their world. There could be some very deep and dark secrets coming out in relation to cover ups and scandals within the Democratic Party. It seems that FBI director Comey was head of the protection squad keeping the scandals buried. Stay tuned to Lionel and Stephan on you tube.
\\This ‘leak’ has dominated the news cycle more effectively than the planned launch,giving it a wider audience.
A tactical masterstroke,and the media swallowed the bait.
Smart move Labour.//
Take a look at the leaked Labour manifesto and compare it with this one and see just how similar they are:
Politically, the Manifesto calls for:
Universal suffrage with a lowered voting age to 18 years, and voting and electoral office eligibility for all age 25 and up;
Proportional representation on a regional basis;
Voting for women (which was then opposed by most other European nations);
Representation at government level of newly created national councils by economic sector;
The abolition of the Italian Senate (at the time, the Senate, as the upper house of parliament, was by process elected by the wealthier citizens, but were in reality direct appointments by the king. It has been described as a sort of extended council of the crown);
The formation of a national council of experts for labor, for industry, for transportation, for the public health, for communications, etc. Selections to be made of professionals or of tradesmen with legislative powers, and elected directly to a general commission with ministerial powers.
In labor and social policy, the Manifesto calls for:
The quick enactment of a law of the state that sanctions an eight-hour workday for all workers;
A minimum wage;
The participation of workers’ representatives in the functions of industry commissions;
To show the same confidence in the labor unions (that prove to be technically and morally worthy) as is given to industry executives or public servants;
Reorganization of the railways and the transport sector;
Revision of the draft law on invalidity insurance;
Reduction of the retirement age from 65 to 55.
In military affairs, the Manifesto advocates:
Creation of a short-service national militia with specifically defensive responsibilities;
Armaments factories are to be nationalized;
A peaceful but competitive foreign policy.
In finance, the Manifesto advocates:
A strong progressive tax on capital (envisaging a “partial expropriation” of concentrated wealth);
The seizure of all the possessions of the religious congregations and the abolition of all the bishoprics, which constitute an enormous liability on the Nation and on the privileges of the poor;
Revision of all contracts for military provisions;
The revision of all military contracts and the seizure of 85 percent of the profits therein.
Of course this is the Fascist Manifesto of Mussolini in 1919, scarily close to the current Labour party one.
Mussolini started off as a socialist, and he didn’t travel far. He added nationalism to his socialism, as did Hitler and Nicola Sturgeon. People like Corbyn prefer international socialism, but the common thread of all these extremists is socialism.
…..Reduction of the retirement age from 65 to 55……..
ha! ha! ha! where did THAT one come from ??? this only happens to public sector workers ! Didn’t Jezzer get the memo that there’s a pension crisis and unless you start saving privately from your paper round, then future generations will be living a life of penury (after they’ve spent inheritances from Mum & Dads houses)
On that basis, the reduction of the retirement age, would that mean that all those who have retired at 65 (going on to 67, now) would be entitled to back-pansions? With interest, of course…..
Just listening, for the first time in a considerable time (2 or 3 years?), to Woman’s Hour.
I am not sure the BBC were wise to broadcast it because in its first item, it shed light on the criminality espoused by our politicians and civil servants and many charities. Worth a listen: BBC Radio 4 10am onwards. It should result in a lot of letters to MPs and Party leaders but apathy will probably rule.
I just spotted a trick being used by LibMob goons on Facebook
When we debunk the propaganda postings they (who are probably sitting in Labour central office) then block us so we can’t see their new comments and debunk them.
The counter-trick is to have the discussion open in another browser where you are no logged in , so that we can see the full discussion including the hidden posts.
That way I spotting posts which have been LIKED up to the top ..which I couldn’t debunk cos they were invisible to me logged inunder my own account.
I can then debunk their post by quoting it ..and the offender can’t counter cos they can’t see my debunk.
The diplomatic cables were a leak; as were the Iraqi war videos. It is not a ‘leak’ when the victim of the leak benefits hugely from it. It’s not exactly the plot to a Bond film.
“007 – you must make sure these half-baked ideas are never discovered by anyone, otherwise Blofeld will be angry and we will not get the PR bonanza we want!”
Dont forget your vote counts, your vote for the BBC, the peoples party is very important to us.
Our manifesto promises are.
A war on Racism
A war on Comedy
A war on the Right
A war on Isamophobia
A war on Climate Change
A war on free speech
A war on our Armed forces
A war on Christianity
A war on National Pride
A war on the Police
A war on ”old people”
A war on white kids
A war on social media
So the leaked Labour manifesto/suicide note says that the BBC is a national asset and that its future would be safe under Labour. Just watch the Tories say much the same in their manifesto, if they say anything at all. Unfortunately to all main political parties, the BBC is like the NHS – no one has the guts to criticise the out of date model and come up with imaginative alternatives that could save the taxpayer billions, still prevent a rush to the bottom in quality terms and yet inject some genuine competition to provide for a wider spectrum of political views.
As though poor old Jezza’s laughable election campaign hasn’t hit enough hurdles; his manifesto leaked…though to be honest hearing that Corbyn wants to nationalise gas, electric, water, the railways and the very air that we breathe is hardly a revelation…I think it was written by Arthur Scargill!
But now the poor bloke is in real trouble. Desperate to avoid the snappers he was whisked away from a meeting.
Alas, his car ran over a BBC cameraman, (I believe) breaking the unfortunate chap’s foot.
Look, I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but…
Are we certain the snapper was hit by a car? It was clearly something very heavy and in a hurry.
it’s close to lunch time and there was a McDonalds on the corner…
Has anyone seen Diane Abbott?
The Telegraph reports that “BBC cameraman ‘run over by Jeremy Corbyn’s car'”, but you have to search long and hard on the bBBC’s website where it’s buried away and described as an ‘incident’ with the car.
Can`t imagine the BBC will care TOO much about their cameraman getting a broken foot in Corbyns wacky race away from reality.
A martyr to Jezza`s cause, and we`ll not make fuss.
Now had it been a Tory getting a lycra lout to wobble in a bus lane?…well this wiould be Hate Crime Item #1 for the rest of the day. But it`s Labour, the BBC and Jezzas Cause-let nothing besmirch the beardy weirdo and His Misshun.
A whole hour of Leanne Wood on the Daily Politics. WHY? This is a UK wide election. Plaid isn’t even dominant in Wales. Why should everyone else in the UK give a damn what this empty headed nationalist socialist says?
Just been looking at Jezza’s manifesto promises (I decided to look for myself are accidentally seeing the Labour party TV station otherwise known as the BBC. I now realize his aim is to make us become a European Venezuela. The ideas are basically the same. (bribe everyone until the money runs out, nationalise everything, and make investing in the UK a nightmare fro business.) Look at this and the graphs if you don’t believe me.
The BBC seem not to have bothered to tell us how the French unions responded to Macrons election. Monday nights lockdown at the Gare Du Nord as the last Eurostar called by OUGHT to have made the news surely? Now imagine how the BBC would have played this story had LE PEN won that election…why, we`d STILL be hearing of it, as they`d hope to fan the revolution all over France. But no-no reporting.
Note too-no detailed demographic breakdown of how it was the YOUNG who voted for Le Pen, and the hated oldies went for Manni…would hate to imply that the young were racist now would we?…so no comment please.
Ditto the case of the eleven year old kid who died on a school trip to a Theme Park in Drayton.
Imagine how the BBC would be reporting THIS one had it been a parent who took their kid out of school for the day-but no, teachers and schools get no criticism. Especially when they`re meant to be revising for SATS in schools this week-as opposed to finishing term in mid May with pointless, cheap PlayawayDays like THIS one. Oh-Muslim school-clothing, girls?…no further questions from the BBC except to hope thay find some other kids who fell in the duckpond ther in 1998 or summat…to get the whole industry shut down, and get the state off the hook as ever.
The BBC CHOOSE their stories like fetid jigsaw pieces-we need to burn them off our backs and fast.
Regarding the Drayton Manor Park tragedy and the appropriateness or otherwise of this venue for a school trip and in the exam season , it’s worth checking the Ofsted reports of this Leicester school, the Jameah Academy. It’s clearly had some very critical inspections and the last one sounds like an over optimistic whitewash. One criticism was that the girls had little contact with wider ie non Islamic society. What genius thought that a theme park trip was the answer? Are ‘lock up your daughters ‘ Islamist schools, taking advantage of the Academy system, the answer to lack of integration and Muslim ghettos ? These schools should be banned.
I remember a report a few months ago of another Leicester faith school where the boys were doing academic subjects, but the girls did little else than knitting and sewing.
4:30pm R4 Science show gatekeepered by AdamRutherford
So usually plenty of Adam’s GreenUselessEnergy & arty mates, but no Brexiteer/Climateskeptic engineer types allowed
@McfarlandSinger and @Turi__King on genetics and art, ARTISTS
+ Tasmin Little on strads..
+ Katerina JOhnson on the shy Great Tits in @WythamWoods1
+ @HootingBroadway (Geoff Marsh Creative Producer) on japanese snow monkeys FILM ARTIST
BBC now doing its desperate best to make Labours leaked manifesto a vote winner. The Beeb is cherry picking the freebie to beneficiary type policies such as nationalising railways and ending tuition fees and asking commuters, students etc if they approve . Well what a surprise , most do . I think it would be cheaper and more effective for Corbyn just to drive around the UK chucking banknotes out of his car.
Corbyn’s car runs over a BBC cameraman.
Not sure if he was shouting about Allan’s snackbar but the passenger in the car is known to the police, said to suffer from mental problems which involve a fixation with earlier socialist policies, and has known connections to terrorist organizations. A copy of the Koran was found in the car, although sources say it was a leaked Labour Manifesto
The Labour Party is preparing for a backlash from outraged so called BBC reporters and trolls who support the BBC here
8pm Briefing Room @DAaronovitch not revealed the topic yet.
But he did tweet about Rochdale drama
Then a wise soul replied
“Essential viewing for Labour groupies,
vibrant diversity fans and cultural Marxists.
Will anything be learned though … ?”
Oooooooo! lots of coverage given to Beckham’s cameo speaking (sorry, squeaking) role in mockney mate Guy Ritchie’s film on King Arthur. According to Ritchie, Beckham has talent, (cue giggle). There is nothing this dreadful family won’t do for publicity, but at least for a few moments on film he got the knighthood he sooooo desperately wanted.
Interesting that Patrick Grant (host of Sewing Bee and qualified tailor) has commented that parachuting the offspring into top fashion jobs is causing unrest of those in the industry with bone fide qualifications. He should have included Mum Victoria in that then – receiving an OBE for services to the fashion industry, must have been for wearing the creations she pays her ‘team’ to design and stress over.
……It was just awful, he has no acting talent whatsoever……
Clearly the man is also lacking in intelligence, because, with no training whatsoever, why would anyone put themselves through such toe-curling embarrassment, and put themselves up for ridicule ? Sadly he must be surrounded by sycophants and believes his own publicity (except when calling the Honours Office a load of c…s).
AS yet, no serious critique of the mad student ravings of Corbyn and his fellow-weirdos allowed by the BBC or liberal media. Farron, Lucas and Brown all over Freeview-but no economic cold water re that Beanstalk or Magic Money Tree that we`re expected to reckon is “costed” or “serious”. So we`re reduced to some Labour Gimp on Martha`s Muffin Top Show trawling round Whitehaven reading out the bucket list of Corbyns Calamities-and our Labour muppets (hand picked and edited, no doubt) cheering every last request as he read them out. Bonkers-feel i`m living in PravdaLand circa 1974 or such.
Final lie of the BBC-they cite the “end of tuition fees as raised by the Coalition to £9,000 p.a”. But-fail to say who introduced them in the first place…very much the Red Diesel Covering Strategy for Labour/Liberal/Green lunacies as inflicted on us all so we`d fail to mention the Millennium Bug and Dome madnesses.
Oh sod the BBC and Labour-enjoy the meltdown and the lies-Planet Earth has long left the elite to chunder in their padded cells.
Anyone who watched Soppal doorstep Murdoch and saw the wry smile when he said to Soppal ”it is you who need worry about his job” would know its a done deal. the BBC’s worst nightmare kicks off in June when Treazer abolish’s the The EU Broadcasting extortion fee, and skeletor circles and then has them in his portfolio.
That would be marvellous, better than 23.6 16, better than President Trump’s election, it would a day that British patriots would celebrate as the true start of the British renaissance.
I am searching for the BBC election polls but they are nowhere to be seen . In 2015 they had their poll of polls which indicated , wrongly, of course that simple Ed Stone could be PM , but ‘this year nothing. Where are they.? Are they hidden away in some corner of the BBC web site I don’t know about, or has here been a BBC editorial decision that the polls , with such a large Tory lead, are too disturbing for their audience which may include snowflakes. If so couldn’t they put trigger warnings before you opened the polls page. I realise that young , babyish , idiotic snowflakes and many grown up liberal Globalists , are going to be sent into a complete breakdown , or is that melt down, by these polls , but if they don’t see anything before the landslide victory for the Tories on June ninth won’t the effect on the poor dears be even worse? Surely for humanitarian reasons the BBC must publish the polls.
Could it be true?
Please God make it so!
If this is true God I promise never to say to Mrs Oak – I am just about to put it away !
Could it! Maybe !!
Possibly !!
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease God!
yes, yes Yes – but Nah – wrong one unfortunately – but it cheered me up for a nanosecond!!!
I lived in hope for about a microsecond ,then saw the photo. I confess the air was very blue in our house. If only, she’s another beauty that needs a good slapping like the scene from “Airplane” we could raffle tickets to be first in the queue.
Miss Kitty – maybe we could persuade them to sit in stocks and be pelted with sponges to raise money for their own personal charities. Once they were there we could also pop a few half bricks into the sponge bucket just to add a bit of interest!
Biased BBC1 6pm news.
Its now 6.15pm. Total coverage of the Corbyn manifesto.
No critique whatever. A lot of snowflake vox pop and to cap it all, your friend and mine Laura Cuntsberg giving the manifesto lots of pluses and telling us how mild it is.
Absolutely terrible.
Yes, Sluff……that was definitely a Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Trotskyist, Communist, open neck shirt, lazy libtard, Steptoe and Son Party. Nothing more, nothing less. The good ‘ole Beeb revel in it don’t they………Haaaarrrrrooooolllllddd, the skeleton has just fallen over can you pick it up?
And now an item on Brexit having a negative influence on the Eurovision song contest. Seeing as we haven’t won since 1997 I doubt Brexit would make a difference either way.
The Eurotrash Schlong Conflict has long been the stupidest programme we ever had to pay the tv tax for, and let us hope that the obvious lack of talent will spur the ‘voters’ (morons) that bother to watch such rubbish, to reconsider and shift to another can of Carlsberg Export.
I suppose Syria will get the sympathy vote, maybe Yemen a few as well. I put my money on Venezuela, and then Cuba as a consolation prize. Somalia will be a surprise third.
No doubt the judges will included Sir Cliff Richard, and the late (sir) Jimmy Savile.
And the next item, just to make sure we get the message, carefully positioned straight after the Labour manifesto launch , is a doom and gloom story about inflation, followed of course by yet more ‘on message’ vox pop.
Totally relentless. It’s now 6.20pm.
And yet more. After a 30 second story about a terror plot (move along) we move to a doom and gloom NHS story about waiting times.
And so it goes……..and goes………and goes……….The BBCLabour Party.
You would think one day the Conservative Party would get the hint wouldn’t you? The BBC do their best to send a clear message to them: “We hate you and we want you to lose”, but the Stupid Party never seem to get it.
As we so often lament on this site , why don’t the Tories deal with the BBC. I think Cameron was going to do something after the last election but then realised he needed the BBC to help him win the referendum and made a Faustian pact with the hateful corporation. Previously in the coalition years the Lib Dem would never have supported anything that may have harmed their chums at the State funded broadcaster. Before that we had thirteen years of misrule by Labour. But three factors make this the right time to act.
Firstly, for the first time in 20 years we will have A Tory government who has no need of the BBC and has the power to do something about it.
Secondly, As has been said many times on this site, the BBC has spent the past year sneering at more than half of those who are forced to pay for it. I don’t expect that they will shed any tears for the out of touch elite in Broadcasting House if the government acts.
Thirdly , technology has developed to make it easy to force the BBC to become a subscription service and for other broadcasters to offer a wide range of options to the public than the BBC.
The only ingredient missing for a perfect storm to hit the BBC , is , does the Tory government have the will to act? They will never have a better opportunity to cut the hated corporation down to size.
It was interesting how after the 15 minute non-stop propaganda over the so-called leaked manifesto, there was the traditional pause and the newsreader intoned the main points of the news today…. bong! “the Labour Party manifesto was leaked today”. They had told us nothing else for goodness sake.
Oh and the terror plot was special as it was the first all-female plot uncovered in the UK. Sistas doing it for themselves, yay!!! Equality at last for all.
I think it was ITV News at Ten’s report on the committal proceedings where they showed a drawing of the defendants (photos not allowed in court); two of the lovely ladies were shown as fully covered in burqas! Are defendants not these days supposed to identify themselves to the court? How does the public, and the court know who is inside the tent? Does this mean that all accused can now choose to cover up with balaclavas, motorbike helmets etc? At trial, how would the police confirm that the person in the dock was the one he arrested?
Well tonight’s Six O’Clock news managed to squeeze Brexit into a piece about the Eurovision Song Contest. Asking the British hopeful who I have never heard of and will probably never hear of again after Saturday night if she thought Brexit would spoil her chances of winning, she seemed rather surprised by the question and said she didn’t really think about it.
Then a little voiceover at the end of the piece saying even though we are going through Brexit, the French still love us, frankly who bloody cares! Anyone who watches Eurovision knows that it’s one great fix and has been for years, well before Brexit was even though of, but it’s a nice little way for the BBC to get it’s Remain message over again.
First point: UK’s record in Eurovision has been abysmal for years, well before Brexit was a twinkle in David Cameron’s eye.
Second point: the voting system dictates that you cannot vote for the country in which you reside. The consequence of this is that all those “EU nationals” in the UK vote for Poland, Lithuania, France, Spain, Portugal etc. In return, ex-pats in places like Spain can vote for the UK. However, there are many fewer ex-pat Britons in Europe than EU nationals in the UK so the UK receives proportionately fewer votes. There is also the large amount of immigration between countries in Europe where the same applies.
Basically we are stuffed, if we care about Eurovision results of course.
Has anyone noticed that the BBC iplayer is now asking people to set up a password and stating “you’ll soon need to sign in to use the BBC iplayer…”
Apparently “this is so we can make it more personal to you”
Then there is a section “how will the BBC use my data…?”
Hard questions were adddressed , it wasn’t done sneering BBC style
and Nuttall didn’t screw up.
Still not the charisma of Farage.
Hardest point was when she quoted his Brexit spokesman speaking against ALL Islam.
Nuttal said the terminology was wrong and it was only FUNDAMENTALIST Islam that should be condemned like that.
The BBC-Labour-Party are perfectly entitled to do their own PR
They have donors like any party
Their donors fund them to £3.7bn/year
which is slightly larger than the other parties.
Not a problem, DS, if those selected are chosen for their ability and not just the way they use the toilet for all bodily functions. Sadly, judging by recent showings, some labour women couldn’t find their arse with both hands and in Abbot’s case that’s saying something!
The bBBC can’t possibly have failed to have seen the parallel. I sometimes wonder whether they are goading their readers/viewers. When I searched for the article today I couldn’t find it – had to google it.
Can anyone explain simply the Tommy Robinson situation ?
From what I understand He was arrested yesterday at 4:30am
Then released on bail after 6 pm
With a court date of 22nd May seemingly on contempt of court.
But since the filming was NOT inside the court and only on the street
and didn’t identify jurors, it’s difficult to understand such a charge>
And strange that the police warned him, but did not arrest them at time of filming.
4:30am arrest seems strange for a public figure , who turn upp at a police station if asked.
They could have been trying to seize film on suspicion that jurors had been identified, but that still doesn’t make sense, police would have gone in straight away.
People might not like him or his message or his form of activism but even if only some of what he says in this video is true our justice system certainly isn’t working properly. There is no way that a charge under Section 41 of the Criminal Justice Act 1925 justifies being arrested at 4 a.m.
I have copied the link to the leading candidates standing for election in my constituency.
It does not make sense – unless the cops were being advised by the Government to scare him and stop him and his far right media outfit from drawing attention to the pedo/moslem scandal in the interests of diversity and the multiculture. Note the rest of the MSM were very compliant and had respectfully stayed away.
Normally this might work if Tommy only had the support of inarticulate working class people with tattoos who could be ignored and sneered at by the government supported antifa.
But Tommy is now reaching out to hundreds of thousands and I would advise that Islam grovelling tart with fancy shoes in No 10 to wise up.
You just can’t get away from SJWs can you? The letters page of the Telegraph has a letter from a Professor, the head of Durham Law School. Arguing that net migration targets should be dropped as they are counterproductive he states “However, reducing the numbers of migrants may not lead to shorter queues at A&E – especially when migrants are more likely to be doctors than patients”. So, it appears that we must build many more hospitals – not, I have to say, to provide treatment but to employ all those doctors! Must be expecting a call from More or Less any day now.
He’s right, popeye, I saw a couple of what must have been consultants on a fag break and taking the oppoptunity to make a little extra selling Big Issues at the same time.
I wonder whether he’d be so keen on immigration if it created a surplus of law professors in the country, ones that would do his job but for far less money than he receives for doing it?
It’s just BS and worrying that some folk actually believe it. If these folk are qualified they can apply through the usual channels. I have a family member who is a consultant and some of the things she tells me are toe-curling. they are so desperate they will practically take anyone. She had an african ‘doc’ who couldn’t tell her what symptoms he’d be looking for in a cardiac arrest. Remember what they are being paid for this…
My advice for what it’s worth – always google your consultant to find out their background
Look you have all got this very wrong.
The only immigrants entering our shores are very well qualified Doctors and nurses, without whom the NHS would completely colllapse.
The immigrants do not use our welfare state, they do not use our schools,NHS,housing stock or receive tax credits or any other form of benefits. They are not a financial burden on our country and the very rich employers can exploit their labour for vast profits very cheaply.
This is the Remainers belief system.(They are traitors, lets call them what they are. -Blinking TRAITORS)
Most of the taxpaying workers in the country meanwhile, have to subsidise all of these immigrant Doctors and nurses. Per capita as a population we have fewer schools, worse NHS care, poorer welfare state, greater demand for housing stock, undercutting of priced work.
I know this fact about all immigrants namely Doctors and nurses to be true because the Remainers keep telling us on the Blinking BBC.
It’s like a socialist mantra
All immigrants are Doctors and Nurses, the NHS would collapse without them.
All immigrants are Doctors and Nurses, the NHS would collapse without them.
All immigrants are Doctors and Nurses, the NHS would collapse without them.
All immigrants are Doctors and Nurses, the NHS would collapse without them.
All immigrants are Doctors and Nurses, the NHS would collapse without them.
No doubt some leftie goon will say the mantra tonight on Question Time.
When are the liberal mainstream Left like the BBC and Sky actually going to do their jobs and hold the likes of Corbyn and his basket case of a manifesto to account then? On a day when all manner of chaos ensues, and a BBC cameraman gets run over by Corbyns SUV-where the heck are these fearless seekers after truth, reality check types that the BBC claims to have?
Corbyn and his goons have had a free ride, and nobody is asking the basic question-how the heck do we pay for the uncosted madness, and will we be Mogadishu or Caracas after eighteen months of civil war?
Unbelievable, traitorous lunacy on stilts-but the BBC sticks this Surestart bilge up on the fridge and adds its glitter to the sticky pasta-and tells me that it`s Picasso.
Hope to God that this country bins Labour and the Left for this effrontery-and actively moves to ensure that the Fake News Fantasia of Hampstead and Islington gets stuffed into the BBCs hole-so we no longer pay for this endless insulting of the national mind.
More so from the ‘leaked’ draft feminasto, Alicia! (Please excuse the gender-attachment to your clearly lovely feminine name and actually one of my favourites..:0) (Shaddup Scrobs, you’re becoming a bore and yet another bore, and Mrs O’Blene will not be a happy person if you persist)…
Back to business; the ‘leak’ has been the easiest way for Steptoe to get some sort of garbled message across to beeb believers ahead of actually saying or doing anything.
Naturally the bbbc have lapped it all up as they’re paid to do, and we now have the ridiculous situation of hearing the proposals without a true word in print!
It’ll all die down soon, as there will be all sorts of disagreements, but you have to admire the bbbc ‘manager’ who thought that one up. The Oldlabour people wouldn’t have had a clue.
I rarely read the local socialist, diversity-loving rag (Bristol Evening Post) but this story I find rather incredible for the lenient sentences. If I could live my life over again, knowing how the country would turn out I would surely sign up for a life of criminality. And top priority would be converting to a certain religion first!
The perps seem to have been in receipt of and had knowledge of quite a bit of information, IMNALY, re this heist, including the company involved, (not difficult) and the monies owing (harder). I would be looking for someone either at the construction company or even the zoo, come to that. No mention in the article of this money being recovered or did I miss it?. Suspended sentences? One law for them again as usual. I would have let them have a petting session with the lions and tigers!
and I quote with disbelief …”Ali pleaded guilty to possessing £1.26 million of criminal property and has been given a suspended prison sentence along with three co-defendants. ”
I was caught speeding, 34 in 30 mph zone, and paid £60 fine. My offence was a lack of concentration, Ali’s was deliberate, calculated and planned, in order to steal staggering levels of money. Can someone explain?
Final 3 of Masterchef includes the obligatory e/m – forget that she served up raw chicken, forget that she only cooks Indian food – but gobby Greg has clearly taken a shine to her. If she wins she will of course join Nadya, and Ori and will be on every talk show going. Remember Jane Devonshire, white and a Mum – no neither does anyone else – she was last year’s winner.
No if about it Brissles. Ever prepared to put money alongside mouth, I said a week ago she’d win and it looks very much as though my wife will shortly owe me £2K. (Cheques not accepted)
I saw the photo of the two lesbians that came with that crap and didn’t bother reading any further. But then your link prompted me to read further and the only mystery outstanding is: How come one of the lesbians is called BJ – surely a contradiction?
I opened my front door today to an elderly lady who wanted to discuss the four horsemen of the Apocalypse with me. Made more sense than Corbyn’s manifesto.
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Would you fight for this country?” “No, I’m from Brazil.” What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:56 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “🇩🇪🇺🇸‼️🚨 GERMAN GOVERNMENT ATTACKS ELON AND PAID FOR THIS CAR! One of the topical Carnival cars in Düsseldorf shows: -…
DoublethinkerMar 4, 13:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Find Jeffery Sachs on YouTube and he explains why the Ukraine / Russia war started . Basically it was the…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WE HAVE NO MONEY … Dear MP Darren Henry, 13 Parliament’s £13 billion restoration. 150 HS2 £150 billion, original budget…
One advantage of living in the country that you broadcast to is that you might know something about it.
A lady called in to Rhod Sharp’s Up All Night to ask if her homemade marmalade lurking at the back of the cupboard would be OK. Ozzie waffler-in-chief Doctor Karl begins to tell her that she will be fine then proceeds to develop an argument that an event beyond real might have happened and that the marmalade could well be ‘off’, even with no visible signs or bad smell. Perhaps his legal team were having a word in his ear?
Just as that section of the programme is coming to the end Rhod Sharp reads out a call from a Mr. W. of Tiptree, who says he has been making marmalade for 40 years and the newly-found jar should be fine. Further talk of preserving marmalade by making it with whisky is rubbish, (another bit of Sharp/Karl waffle), as the alcohol will have boiled off.
Our ex-pat Rhod Sharp, probably vaguely remembering that there is a ‘Tiptree’ in Essex, then wonders what the significance of Mr. W’s location was in relation to marmalade. Nothing at all of course, unless you have any connection with Wilkin & Sons of Tiptree who have been making jam for 130 years!
Rhod Sharp always gives the impression that he isn’t listening to anyone who calls in, but at Least our Aussi mate tries to inject si=ome science into a query.
But as most of the callers seem to have such dull queries, it’s not really surprising.
Radio 5 Live loves all the US papers like the Boston Globe, Wapo etc which get huge exposure, but which actually means bugger all to me, as they all hate President Trump and it shows.
At least Dotun actually communicates with callers with dignity.
It is another nice morning, despite promised rain. Happens. The Express has this down as the start of the desertification of the U.K. Be interesting how the BBC goes, given their 28Gate shaped narrative on what and who gets mentioned, or not, according to their unique editorial integrity…
I think any rise in global temperatures could be a result of all the hot air coming from the Labour Party of late.
The Far-Left Beebistan ‘explanatory’ article on socialist Venezuela’s cataclysm deserves some scrutiny:
“Venezuela crisis: What is behind the turmoil?
…Chavistas praise the two men for using Venezuela’s oil riches to markedly reduce inequality and for lifting many Venezuelans out of poverty…”
Reducing inequality and lifting many Venezuelans out of poverty?!?
And this in the country with the largest oil reserves in the world!!
And of course the mandatory implication that the US is behind the discontent:
“They also allege that opposition leaders are in the pay of the United States, a country with which Venezuela has had fraught relations in recent years.”
The beeb are truly vile.
8.10 Toady interview with Labour guy.
“Well this leak is a mistake but it does give us a chance to talk about Labour’s plans for the country.”
Cue a party political broadcast.
Leak? As if. This is just a sexy way of getting attention, a slick PR stunt.
It obviously did not occur to the highly paid BBC journalists and News presenters that the so-called ‘leak’ of the Labour Party manifesto might have been an attempt to lead them and some newspapers by the nose.
Gullibles’ travels?
Absolutely. I suspect what really happened is that the bbc and labour are complicit in this and it’s just a way of
a) getting labour in the limelight
b) floating ideas to the public for a week to see how they fly and then edit the ‘real’ manifesto next week because this was ‘just a draft’.
On balance I’d say the draft menaifesto would have been leaked by hard leftists in the Labour hierarchy. The manifesto was a draft, and had not been agreed, but it would be hard to go back on the left wing policies in it now, even if moderates wanted to tone it down.
My thoughts exactly.
Either that or it’s those pesky meddling Russians again.
I have recently thought that the BBC had finally woken up to the fact that their obsession with an Obesity Crisis in the UK really meant that they should not push food at viewers and listeners at every opportunity, including on their web-site HomePage.
For some days, more than a week I think, their HomePage cut food items down to just one.
Yesterday evening, however, they were back to six items on the page. This morning it is down to five although some are ‘repeats’. (Hah! The BBC – in reality – giving the people indigestion!) Is this a subconscious BBC propaganda feelgood thing?
Theresa May is cruel, forcing another premature General Election on the poor, democracy reluctant, over-democratised underfed, starving people of Britain. The BBC rides as White Knight to the rescue: “Here, have some comfort food. Feast your eyes on this.”
Scum, i would love 5 minutes in a locked room with them, one after another, keep them coming.
Manky bastards.
And on impartial Toady this morning we have an impartial vox pop of …..errrrrr…… working class Labour voters having a curry in Leeds with Toenails !!!!!
Why Leeds?
Was it convenient for Robinson on the way to the Man U match tonight?
Getting the feeling that the bbc really has a poor grasp of irony?
Imagine a rather terse call from the head of TV licensing being fielded now by Lord Tony.
The latest promo clip for Question Time boldly spoken by dimwit announces that there has been another shake up in world politics as France rejects the main stream parties by choosing an outsider. This weeks question time comes from France.
I watched two extremely interesting pieces by Lionel Nation and Stefan Molyneux on the firing of Comey by President Trump. The presenters were far more able to comment on this than the CBB. When I did here something on the CBB, it was an interview where they were doing everything possible to make Trump look like the ultimate villain. They get so petulant when things don’t morph into their world. There could be some very deep and dark secrets coming out in relation to cover ups and scandals within the Democratic Party. It seems that FBI director Comey was head of the protection squad keeping the scandals buried. Stay tuned to Lionel and Stephan on you tube.
now R5 Phone in – A man called PAUL is on talking about economics
….Guess what his surname is ?
…question for 7 year olds
The BBC-Labour-Party Phone-in is about Labour’s LEAKED manifesto
….Leak often means “passed to me by the public relations department”
think, Labour are doing well out of it …they’ve got an hour long advert on 5 Live
…..Quiz answer ..MASON
“Leaked”? Probably more to do with a weak labour bladder.
Labour Madi-festo has been leaked
they call a leak cos it’s p*ssing away money
\\This ‘leak’ has dominated the news cycle more effectively than the planned launch,giving it a wider audience.
A tactical masterstroke,and the media swallowed the bait.
Smart move Labour.//
I think you use sarc> and \sarc> for comments like that.
Take a look at the leaked Labour manifesto and compare it with this one and see just how similar they are:
Politically, the Manifesto calls for:
Universal suffrage with a lowered voting age to 18 years, and voting and electoral office eligibility for all age 25 and up;
Proportional representation on a regional basis;
Voting for women (which was then opposed by most other European nations);
Representation at government level of newly created national councils by economic sector;
The abolition of the Italian Senate (at the time, the Senate, as the upper house of parliament, was by process elected by the wealthier citizens, but were in reality direct appointments by the king. It has been described as a sort of extended council of the crown);
The formation of a national council of experts for labor, for industry, for transportation, for the public health, for communications, etc. Selections to be made of professionals or of tradesmen with legislative powers, and elected directly to a general commission with ministerial powers.
In labor and social policy, the Manifesto calls for:
The quick enactment of a law of the state that sanctions an eight-hour workday for all workers;
A minimum wage;
The participation of workers’ representatives in the functions of industry commissions;
To show the same confidence in the labor unions (that prove to be technically and morally worthy) as is given to industry executives or public servants;
Reorganization of the railways and the transport sector;
Revision of the draft law on invalidity insurance;
Reduction of the retirement age from 65 to 55.
In military affairs, the Manifesto advocates:
Creation of a short-service national militia with specifically defensive responsibilities;
Armaments factories are to be nationalized;
A peaceful but competitive foreign policy.
In finance, the Manifesto advocates:
A strong progressive tax on capital (envisaging a “partial expropriation” of concentrated wealth);
The seizure of all the possessions of the religious congregations and the abolition of all the bishoprics, which constitute an enormous liability on the Nation and on the privileges of the poor;
Revision of all contracts for military provisions;
The revision of all military contracts and the seizure of 85 percent of the profits therein.
Of course this is the Fascist Manifesto of Mussolini in 1919, scarily close to the current Labour party one.
Mussolini started off as a socialist, and he didn’t travel far. He added nationalism to his socialism, as did Hitler and Nicola Sturgeon. People like Corbyn prefer international socialism, but the common thread of all these extremists is socialism.
…..Reduction of the retirement age from 65 to 55……..
ha! ha! ha! where did THAT one come from ??? this only happens to public sector workers ! Didn’t Jezzer get the memo that there’s a pension crisis and unless you start saving privately from your paper round, then future generations will be living a life of penury (after they’ve spent inheritances from Mum & Dads houses)
On that basis, the reduction of the retirement age, would that mean that all those who have retired at 65 (going on to 67, now) would be entitled to back-pansions? With interest, of course…..
Just listening, for the first time in a considerable time (2 or 3 years?), to Woman’s Hour.
I am not sure the BBC were wise to broadcast it because in its first item, it shed light on the criminality espoused by our politicians and civil servants and many charities. Worth a listen: BBC Radio 4 10am onwards. It should result in a lot of letters to MPs and Party leaders but apathy will probably rule.
I just spotted a trick being used by LibMob goons on Facebook
When we debunk the propaganda postings they (who are probably sitting in Labour central office) then block us so we can’t see their new comments and debunk them.
The counter-trick is to have the discussion open in another browser where you are no logged in , so that we can see the full discussion including the hidden posts.
That way I spotting posts which have been LIKED up to the top ..which I couldn’t debunk cos they were invisible to me logged inunder my own account.
I can then debunk their post by quoting it ..and the offender can’t counter cos they can’t see my debunk.
Interesting to see Nicola Sturgeon is appearing in panto in Manchester this year:
RE: ‘Leak.’
The diplomatic cables were a leak; as were the Iraqi war videos. It is not a ‘leak’ when the victim of the leak benefits hugely from it. It’s not exactly the plot to a Bond film.
“007 – you must make sure these half-baked ideas are never discovered by anyone, otherwise Blofeld will be angry and we will not get the PR bonanza we want!”
Dont forget your vote counts, your vote for the BBC, the peoples party is very important to us.
Our manifesto promises are.
A war on Racism
A war on Comedy
A war on the Right
A war on Isamophobia
A war on Climate Change
A war on free speech
A war on our Armed forces
A war on Christianity
A war on National Pride
A war on the Police
A war on ”old people”
A war on white kids
A war on social media
So the leaked Labour manifesto/suicide note says that the BBC is a national asset and that its future would be safe under Labour. Just watch the Tories say much the same in their manifesto, if they say anything at all. Unfortunately to all main political parties, the BBC is like the NHS – no one has the guts to criticise the out of date model and come up with imaginative alternatives that could save the taxpayer billions, still prevent a rush to the bottom in quality terms and yet inject some genuine competition to provide for a wider spectrum of political views.
Whichever way you look at it, the mismanagement of UK inc. will continue.
Obama’s ‘war’ on terrorist islam? –
As though poor old Jezza’s laughable election campaign hasn’t hit enough hurdles; his manifesto leaked…though to be honest hearing that Corbyn wants to nationalise gas, electric, water, the railways and the very air that we breathe is hardly a revelation…I think it was written by Arthur Scargill!
But now the poor bloke is in real trouble. Desperate to avoid the snappers he was whisked away from a meeting.
Alas, his car ran over a BBC cameraman, (I believe) breaking the unfortunate chap’s foot.
Look, I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but…
Are we certain the snapper was hit by a car? It was clearly something very heavy and in a hurry.
it’s close to lunch time and there was a McDonalds on the corner…
Has anyone seen Diane Abbott?
The Telegraph reports that “BBC cameraman ‘run over by Jeremy Corbyn’s car'”, but you have to search long and hard on the bBBC’s website where it’s buried away and described as an ‘incident’ with the car.
Can`t imagine the BBC will care TOO much about their cameraman getting a broken foot in Corbyns wacky race away from reality.
A martyr to Jezza`s cause, and we`ll not make fuss.
Now had it been a Tory getting a lycra lout to wobble in a bus lane?…well this wiould be Hate Crime Item #1 for the rest of the day. But it`s Labour, the BBC and Jezzas Cause-let nothing besmirch the beardy weirdo and His Misshun.
here is a video of the event
Looks like the “experienced cameraman” scratched the car too.
God Dammit, was it his car, lucky it wasnt a daily mail reporter.
”’Mail man attacks Corbyn over leaked manifesto outrage”’
Man heard screaming you bastard you bastard so damaging are the policies to the Tories.
A whole hour of Leanne Wood on the Daily Politics. WHY? This is a UK wide election. Plaid isn’t even dominant in Wales. Why should everyone else in the UK give a damn what this empty headed nationalist socialist says?
Was it only an hour? Seemed longer to me, somehow.
Just been looking at Jezza’s manifesto promises (I decided to look for myself are accidentally seeing the Labour party TV station otherwise known as the BBC. I now realize his aim is to make us become a European Venezuela. The ideas are basically the same. (bribe everyone until the money runs out, nationalise everything, and make investing in the UK a nightmare fro business.) Look at this and the graphs if you don’t believe me.
The BBC seem not to have bothered to tell us how the French unions responded to Macrons election. Monday nights lockdown at the Gare Du Nord as the last Eurostar called by OUGHT to have made the news surely? Now imagine how the BBC would have played this story had LE PEN won that election…why, we`d STILL be hearing of it, as they`d hope to fan the revolution all over France. But no-no reporting.
Note too-no detailed demographic breakdown of how it was the YOUNG who voted for Le Pen, and the hated oldies went for Manni…would hate to imply that the young were racist now would we?…so no comment please.
Ditto the case of the eleven year old kid who died on a school trip to a Theme Park in Drayton.
Imagine how the BBC would be reporting THIS one had it been a parent who took their kid out of school for the day-but no, teachers and schools get no criticism. Especially when they`re meant to be revising for SATS in schools this week-as opposed to finishing term in mid May with pointless, cheap PlayawayDays like THIS one. Oh-Muslim school-clothing, girls?…no further questions from the BBC except to hope thay find some other kids who fell in the duckpond ther in 1998 or summat…to get the whole industry shut down, and get the state off the hook as ever.
The BBC CHOOSE their stories like fetid jigsaw pieces-we need to burn them off our backs and fast.
Katie Hopkins makes a very good point about the school trip in the DM – how is a school trip to a theme park educational?
Regarding the Drayton Manor Park tragedy and the appropriateness or otherwise of this venue for a school trip and in the exam season , it’s worth checking the Ofsted reports of this Leicester school, the Jameah Academy. It’s clearly had some very critical inspections and the last one sounds like an over optimistic whitewash. One criticism was that the girls had little contact with wider ie non Islamic society. What genius thought that a theme park trip was the answer? Are ‘lock up your daughters ‘ Islamist schools, taking advantage of the Academy system, the answer to lack of integration and Muslim ghettos ? These schools should be banned.
I remember a report a few months ago of another Leicester faith school where the boys were doing academic subjects, but the girls did little else than knitting and sewing.
Maybe get the little white girls to go to school by taxi.
That should give them an enriching time.
4:30pm R4 Science show gatekeepered by AdamRutherford
So usually plenty of Adam’s GreenUselessEnergy & arty mates, but no Brexiteer/Climateskeptic engineer types allowed
@McfarlandSinger and @Turi__King on genetics and art, ARTISTS
+ Tasmin Little on strads..
+ Katerina JOhnson on the shy Great Tits in @WythamWoods1
+ @HootingBroadway (Geoff Marsh Creative Producer) on japanese snow monkeys FILM ARTIST
BBC now doing its desperate best to make Labours leaked manifesto a vote winner. The Beeb is cherry picking the freebie to beneficiary type policies such as nationalising railways and ending tuition fees and asking commuters, students etc if they approve . Well what a surprise , most do . I think it would be cheaper and more effective for Corbyn just to drive around the UK chucking banknotes out of his car.
From Guido
Corbyn’s car runs over a BBC cameraman.
Not sure if he was shouting about Allan’s snackbar but the passenger in the car is known to the police, said to suffer from mental problems which involve a fixation with earlier socialist policies, and has known connections to terrorist organizations. A copy of the Koran was found in the car, although sources say it was a leaked Labour Manifesto
The Labour Party is preparing for a backlash from outraged so called BBC reporters and trolls who support the BBC here
I thought it was Diane Abbott who was usually responsible for Labour Party car crashes.
One down, 4000 to go
Thats funny………Ruppert will make most redundant in 2018.
8pm Briefing Room @DAaronovitch not revealed the topic yet.
But he did tweet about Rochdale drama
Then a wise soul replied
“Essential viewing for Labour groupies,
vibrant diversity fans and cultural Marxists.
Will anything be learned though … ?”
I see the Communist actress Maxine Peake is in yet another BBC show. I wonder what they find so compelling about her?
“Labour draft manifesto pledges to take railways, Royal Mail and energy cos. &back into public sector, claims Telegraph ”
Oooooooo! lots of coverage given to Beckham’s cameo speaking (sorry, squeaking) role in mockney mate Guy Ritchie’s film on King Arthur. According to Ritchie, Beckham has talent, (cue giggle). There is nothing this dreadful family won’t do for publicity, but at least for a few moments on film he got the knighthood he sooooo desperately wanted.
Interesting that Patrick Grant (host of Sewing Bee and qualified tailor) has commented that parachuting the offspring into top fashion jobs is causing unrest of those in the industry with bone fide qualifications. He should have included Mum Victoria in that then – receiving an OBE for services to the fashion industry, must have been for wearing the creations she pays her ‘team’ to design and stress over.
Ha ha ha, Brissles – nice one.
Didn’t Beckham want desperately to be an actor, and finished up on a dire performance of ‘Only fools and horses’? Cheridee?
It was just awful, he has no acting talent whatsoever.
Meanwhile, Cotton Traders makes a lot of money from doing a selling job properly…
Fran Cotton? Remember him – great rugby player! Don’t remember him on ‘Doctor What’!
……It was just awful, he has no acting talent whatsoever……
Clearly the man is also lacking in intelligence, because, with no training whatsoever, why would anyone put themselves through such toe-curling embarrassment, and put themselves up for ridicule ? Sadly he must be surrounded by sycophants and believes his own publicity (except when calling the Honours Office a load of c…s).
AS yet, no serious critique of the mad student ravings of Corbyn and his fellow-weirdos allowed by the BBC or liberal media. Farron, Lucas and Brown all over Freeview-but no economic cold water re that Beanstalk or Magic Money Tree that we`re expected to reckon is “costed” or “serious”. So we`re reduced to some Labour Gimp on Martha`s Muffin Top Show trawling round Whitehaven reading out the bucket list of Corbyns Calamities-and our Labour muppets (hand picked and edited, no doubt) cheering every last request as he read them out. Bonkers-feel i`m living in PravdaLand circa 1974 or such.
Final lie of the BBC-they cite the “end of tuition fees as raised by the Coalition to £9,000 p.a”. But-fail to say who introduced them in the first place…very much the Red Diesel Covering Strategy for Labour/Liberal/Green lunacies as inflicted on us all so we`d fail to mention the Millennium Bug and Dome madnesses.
Oh sod the BBC and Labour-enjoy the meltdown and the lies-Planet Earth has long left the elite to chunder in their padded cells.
Anyone who watched Soppal doorstep Murdoch and saw the wry smile when he said to Soppal ”it is you who need worry about his job” would know its a done deal. the BBC’s worst nightmare kicks off in June when Treazer abolish’s the The EU Broadcasting extortion fee, and skeletor circles and then has them in his portfolio.
Wasn’t Soppel
They all look the same to me……….sorry couldnt help it,…. it must have mixed up their N American correspondent with the other doughnut.
That would be marvellous, better than 23.6 16, better than President Trump’s election, it would a day that British patriots would celebrate as the true start of the British renaissance.
Thought ittoo good to be true, but still disappointed.
Labour Draft Manifesto.
Ffs cant even spell daft right.
I am searching for the BBC election polls but they are nowhere to be seen . In 2015 they had their poll of polls which indicated , wrongly, of course that simple Ed Stone could be PM , but ‘this year nothing. Where are they.? Are they hidden away in some corner of the BBC web site I don’t know about, or has here been a BBC editorial decision that the polls , with such a large Tory lead, are too disturbing for their audience which may include snowflakes. If so couldn’t they put trigger warnings before you opened the polls page. I realise that young , babyish , idiotic snowflakes and many grown up liberal Globalists , are going to be sent into a complete breakdown , or is that melt down, by these polls , but if they don’t see anything before the landslide victory for the Tories on June ninth won’t the effect on the poor dears be even worse? Surely for humanitarian reasons the BBC must publish the polls.
Don’t panic – here they are
Don’t panic – here they are
Could it be true?
Please God make it so!
If this is true God I promise never to say to Mrs Oak – I am just about to put it away !
Could it! Maybe !!
Possibly !!
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease God!
yes, yes Yes – but Nah – wrong one unfortunately – but it cheered me up for a nanosecond!!!
I lived in hope for about a microsecond ,then saw the photo. I confess the air was very blue in our house. If only, she’s another beauty that needs a good slapping like the scene from “Airplane” we could raffle tickets to be first in the queue.
Miss Kitty – maybe we could persuade them to sit in stocks and be pelted with sponges to raise money for their own personal charities. Once they were there we could also pop a few half bricks into the sponge bucket just to add a bit of interest!
Thank you. Are they real? Where were they hiding, in plain site I expect, but I really didn’t find them.
Biased BBC1 6pm news.
Its now 6.15pm. Total coverage of the Corbyn manifesto.
No critique whatever. A lot of snowflake vox pop and to cap it all, your friend and mine Laura Cuntsberg giving the manifesto lots of pluses and telling us how mild it is.
Absolutely terrible.
Yes, Sluff……that was definitely a Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Trotskyist, Communist, open neck shirt, lazy libtard, Steptoe and Son Party. Nothing more, nothing less. The good ‘ole Beeb revel in it don’t they………Haaaarrrrrooooolllllddd, the skeleton has just fallen over can you pick it up?
And now an item on Brexit having a negative influence on the Eurovision song contest. Seeing as we haven’t won since 1997 I doubt Brexit would make a difference either way.
Totally unbelievable comment from bBBC…
The Eurotrash Schlong Conflict has long been the stupidest programme we ever had to pay the tv tax for, and let us hope that the obvious lack of talent will spur the ‘voters’ (morons) that bother to watch such rubbish, to reconsider and shift to another can of Carlsberg Export.
I suppose Syria will get the sympathy vote, maybe Yemen a few as well. I put my money on Venezuela, and then Cuba as a consolation prize. Somalia will be a surprise third.
No doubt the judges will included Sir Cliff Richard, and the late (sir) Jimmy Savile.
If we ccould’nt win it with Wogan, we’ll never win it. And when we do i’ll miss it.
And the next item, just to make sure we get the message, carefully positioned straight after the Labour manifesto launch , is a doom and gloom story about inflation, followed of course by yet more ‘on message’ vox pop.
Totally relentless. It’s now 6.20pm.
And yet more. After a 30 second story about a terror plot (move along) we move to a doom and gloom NHS story about waiting times.
And so it goes……..and goes………and goes……….The BBCLabour Party.
You would think one day the Conservative Party would get the hint wouldn’t you? The BBC do their best to send a clear message to them: “We hate you and we want you to lose”, but the Stupid Party never seem to get it.
As we so often lament on this site , why don’t the Tories deal with the BBC. I think Cameron was going to do something after the last election but then realised he needed the BBC to help him win the referendum and made a Faustian pact with the hateful corporation. Previously in the coalition years the Lib Dem would never have supported anything that may have harmed their chums at the State funded broadcaster. Before that we had thirteen years of misrule by Labour. But three factors make this the right time to act.
Firstly, for the first time in 20 years we will have A Tory government who has no need of the BBC and has the power to do something about it.
Secondly, As has been said many times on this site, the BBC has spent the past year sneering at more than half of those who are forced to pay for it. I don’t expect that they will shed any tears for the out of touch elite in Broadcasting House if the government acts.
Thirdly , technology has developed to make it easy to force the BBC to become a subscription service and for other broadcasters to offer a wide range of options to the public than the BBC.
The only ingredient missing for a perfect storm to hit the BBC , is , does the Tory government have the will to act? They will never have a better opportunity to cut the hated corporation down to size.
Cut their legs off and shove the soggy ends up Lord Hall’s ass.
It was interesting how after the 15 minute non-stop propaganda over the so-called leaked manifesto, there was the traditional pause and the newsreader intoned the main points of the news today…. bong! “the Labour Party manifesto was leaked today”. They had told us nothing else for goodness sake.
Oh and the terror plot was special as it was the first all-female plot uncovered in the UK. Sistas doing it for themselves, yay!!! Equality at last for all.
I think it was ITV News at Ten’s report on the committal proceedings where they showed a drawing of the defendants (photos not allowed in court); two of the lovely ladies were shown as fully covered in burqas! Are defendants not these days supposed to identify themselves to the court? How does the public, and the court know who is inside the tent? Does this mean that all accused can now choose to cover up with balaclavas, motorbike helmets etc? At trial, how would the police confirm that the person in the dock was the one he arrested?
Well tonight’s Six O’Clock news managed to squeeze Brexit into a piece about the Eurovision Song Contest. Asking the British hopeful who I have never heard of and will probably never hear of again after Saturday night if she thought Brexit would spoil her chances of winning, she seemed rather surprised by the question and said she didn’t really think about it.
Then a little voiceover at the end of the piece saying even though we are going through Brexit, the French still love us, frankly who bloody cares! Anyone who watches Eurovision knows that it’s one great fix and has been for years, well before Brexit was even though of, but it’s a nice little way for the BBC to get it’s Remain message over again.
It cost the “BBC” £310,000 (10K policmen/women, Diane?) to enter this pile of shyte in 2012, BCW, so you can guess it will be a lot higher now.
BC Wench
First point: UK’s record in Eurovision has been abysmal for years, well before Brexit was a twinkle in David Cameron’s eye.
Second point: the voting system dictates that you cannot vote for the country in which you reside. The consequence of this is that all those “EU nationals” in the UK vote for Poland, Lithuania, France, Spain, Portugal etc. In return, ex-pats in places like Spain can vote for the UK. However, there are many fewer ex-pat Britons in Europe than EU nationals in the UK so the UK receives proportionately fewer votes. There is also the large amount of immigration between countries in Europe where the same applies.
Basically we are stuffed, if we care about Eurovision results of course.
Has anyone noticed that the BBC iplayer is now asking people to set up a password and stating “you’ll soon need to sign in to use the BBC iplayer…”
Apparently “this is so we can make it more personal to you”
Then there is a section “how will the BBC use my data…?”
Hmmm I wonder…?
Yes but it let me click a “login later” button.
ITV now the Paul Nuttal interview
Hard questions were adddressed , it wasn’t done sneering BBC style
and Nuttall didn’t screw up.
Still not the charisma of Farage.
Hardest point was when she quoted his Brexit spokesman speaking against ALL Islam.
Nuttal said the terminology was wrong and it was only FUNDAMENTALIST Islam that should be condemned like that.
BBC Online News:
“General election 2017: Labour selects most female candidates”
And, their point is….?
The BBC-Labour-Party are perfectly entitled to do their own PR
They have donors like any party
Their donors fund them to £3.7bn/year
which is slightly larger than the other parties.
Not a problem, DS, if those selected are chosen for their ability and not just the way they use the toilet for all bodily functions. Sadly, judging by recent showings, some labour women couldn’t find their arse with both hands and in Abbot’s case that’s saying something!
Totally to be encouraged, frankly.
If only for the LoLz.
Did anyone see this article about the closure of the Israeli state broadcaster?!
The bBBC can’t possibly have failed to have seen the parallel. I sometimes wonder whether they are goading their readers/viewers. When I searched for the article today I couldn’t find it – had to google it.
Well one can only dream….
Can anyone explain simply the Tommy Robinson situation ?
From what I understand He was arrested yesterday at 4:30am
Then released on bail after 6 pm
With a court date of 22nd May seemingly on contempt of court.
But since the filming was NOT inside the court and only on the street
and didn’t identify jurors, it’s difficult to understand such a charge>
And strange that the police warned him, but did not arrest them at time of filming.
4:30am arrest seems strange for a public figure , who turn upp at a police station if asked.
They could have been trying to seize film on suspicion that jurors had been identified, but that still doesn’t make sense, police would have gone in straight away.
One can only speculate, (in private), however it would appear to be part of a pattern.
The video at Rebel Media is worth watching.
People might not like him or his message or his form of activism but even if only some of what he says in this video is true our justice system certainly isn’t working properly. There is no way that a charge under Section 41 of the Criminal Justice Act 1925 justifies being arrested at 4 a.m.
I have copied the link to the leading candidates standing for election in my constituency.
It does not make sense – unless the cops were being advised by the Government to scare him and stop him and his far right media outfit from drawing attention to the pedo/moslem scandal in the interests of diversity and the multiculture. Note the rest of the MSM were very compliant and had respectfully stayed away.
Normally this might work if Tommy only had the support of inarticulate working class people with tattoos who could be ignored and sneered at by the government supported antifa.
But Tommy is now reaching out to hundreds of thousands and I would advise that Islam grovelling tart with fancy shoes in No 10 to wise up.
You just can’t get away from SJWs can you? The letters page of the Telegraph has a letter from a Professor, the head of Durham Law School. Arguing that net migration targets should be dropped as they are counterproductive he states “However, reducing the numbers of migrants may not lead to shorter queues at A&E – especially when migrants are more likely to be doctors than patients”. So, it appears that we must build many more hospitals – not, I have to say, to provide treatment but to employ all those doctors! Must be expecting a call from More or Less any day now.
He’s right, popeye, I saw a couple of what must have been consultants on a fag break and taking the oppoptunity to make a little extra selling Big Issues at the same time.
I wonder whether he’d be so keen on immigration if it created a surplus of law professors in the country, ones that would do his job but for far less money than he receives for doing it?
It’s just BS and worrying that some folk actually believe it. If these folk are qualified they can apply through the usual channels. I have a family member who is a consultant and some of the things she tells me are toe-curling. they are so desperate they will practically take anyone. She had an african ‘doc’ who couldn’t tell her what symptoms he’d be looking for in a cardiac arrest. Remember what they are being paid for this…
My advice for what it’s worth – always google your consultant to find out their background
Look you have all got this very wrong.
The only immigrants entering our shores are very well qualified Doctors and nurses, without whom the NHS would completely colllapse.
The immigrants do not use our welfare state, they do not use our schools,NHS,housing stock or receive tax credits or any other form of benefits. They are not a financial burden on our country and the very rich employers can exploit their labour for vast profits very cheaply.
This is the Remainers belief system.(They are traitors, lets call them what they are. -Blinking TRAITORS)
Most of the taxpaying workers in the country meanwhile, have to subsidise all of these immigrant Doctors and nurses. Per capita as a population we have fewer schools, worse NHS care, poorer welfare state, greater demand for housing stock, undercutting of priced work.
I know this fact about all immigrants namely Doctors and nurses to be true because the Remainers keep telling us on the Blinking BBC.
It’s like a socialist mantra
All immigrants are Doctors and Nurses, the NHS would collapse without them.
All immigrants are Doctors and Nurses, the NHS would collapse without them.
All immigrants are Doctors and Nurses, the NHS would collapse without them.
All immigrants are Doctors and Nurses, the NHS would collapse without them.
All immigrants are Doctors and Nurses, the NHS would collapse without them.
No doubt some leftie goon will say the mantra tonight on Question Time.
Here is another lefty mantra.
Nurses have to go to food banks
Nurses have to go to food banks
Nurses have to go to food banks
Nurses have to go to food banks
So if all of our nurses are immigrants not only are they taking our nursing jobs but they are also taking our food for free now as well!
Blinking Liberty!
If this is true, wronged, the land whales at my local hospital cartainly ain’t jogging to them!
Did Mark ever find his Florence?
When are the liberal mainstream Left like the BBC and Sky actually going to do their jobs and hold the likes of Corbyn and his basket case of a manifesto to account then? On a day when all manner of chaos ensues, and a BBC cameraman gets run over by Corbyns SUV-where the heck are these fearless seekers after truth, reality check types that the BBC claims to have?
Corbyn and his goons have had a free ride, and nobody is asking the basic question-how the heck do we pay for the uncosted madness, and will we be Mogadishu or Caracas after eighteen months of civil war?
Unbelievable, traitorous lunacy on stilts-but the BBC sticks this Surestart bilge up on the fridge and adds its glitter to the sticky pasta-and tells me that it`s Picasso.
Hope to God that this country bins Labour and the Left for this effrontery-and actively moves to ensure that the Fake News Fantasia of Hampstead and Islington gets stuffed into the BBCs hole-so we no longer pay for this endless insulting of the national mind.
“Corbyn and his goons have had a free ride”
More so from the ‘leaked’ draft feminasto, Alicia! (Please excuse the gender-attachment to your clearly lovely feminine name and actually one of my favourites..:0) (Shaddup Scrobs, you’re becoming a bore and yet another bore, and Mrs O’Blene will not be a happy person if you persist)…
Back to business; the ‘leak’ has been the easiest way for Steptoe to get some sort of garbled message across to beeb believers ahead of actually saying or doing anything.
Naturally the bbbc have lapped it all up as they’re paid to do, and we now have the ridiculous situation of hearing the proposals without a true word in print!
It’ll all die down soon, as there will be all sorts of disagreements, but you have to admire the bbbc ‘manager’ who thought that one up. The Oldlabour people wouldn’t have had a clue.
I rarely read the local socialist, diversity-loving rag (Bristol Evening Post) but this story I find rather incredible for the lenient sentences. If I could live my life over again, knowing how the country would turn out I would surely sign up for a life of criminality. And top priority would be converting to a certain religion first!
The perps seem to have been in receipt of and had knowledge of quite a bit of information, IMNALY, re this heist, including the company involved, (not difficult) and the monies owing (harder). I would be looking for someone either at the construction company or even the zoo, come to that. No mention in the article of this money being recovered or did I miss it?. Suspended sentences? One law for them again as usual. I would have let them have a petting session with the lions and tigers!
and I quote with disbelief …”Ali pleaded guilty to possessing £1.26 million of criminal property and has been given a suspended prison sentence along with three co-defendants. ”
I was caught speeding, 34 in 30 mph zone, and paid £60 fine. My offence was a lack of concentration, Ali’s was deliberate, calculated and planned, in order to steal staggering levels of money. Can someone explain?
Farage is on LBC now ..8-9 instead of the normal 7-8pm
Final 3 of Masterchef includes the obligatory e/m – forget that she served up raw chicken, forget that she only cooks Indian food – but gobby Greg has clearly taken a shine to her. If she wins she will of course join Nadya, and Ori and will be on every talk show going. Remember Jane Devonshire, white and a Mum – no neither does anyone else – she was last year’s winner.
No if about it Brissles. Ever prepared to put money alongside mouth, I said a week ago she’d win and it looks very much as though my wife will shortly owe me £2K. (Cheques not accepted)
BBC Online News:
“”Breastfeeding at work: Women’s stories””
News for BBC. Nobody cares apart from Left Wing activists and wimmin.
I saw the photo of the two lesbians that came with that crap and didn’t bother reading any further. But then your link prompted me to read further and the only mystery outstanding is: How come one of the lesbians is called BJ – surely a contradiction?
I opened my front door today to an elderly lady who wanted to discuss the four horsemen of the Apocalypse with me. Made more sense than Corbyn’s manifesto.
Who did she say they were? Was it Corbyn; McDonnell; Abbott & Starmer?
I like it but I fear the actual Horsemen are less threatening that your horror show.