In future acts won’t be chosen to suit the likes of fans but to meet ‘gender’ targets. Just like on Radio 4 where they only want female ‘experts’, (sorry Prof. your 30 years of experience is worth nothing compared to the need to make science and engineering exclusively female domains).
BBc 22:00 news almost 20 minutes on the Liebour party manifesto. Strangely no one interviewed on the street describes it as the bollocks is obviously is.
C5 Now Young and Old ..TV is edited to be manipulative
We see a young black racist is shouting at an older woman who is campaigning for UKIP, and happens to live on benefits being disabled.
The girl argues immigrants should have more rights that her cos they come here to work.
What is it like to be Muslim in today’s America?
A school in the US state of Virginia is using a holistic approach to help children embrace both cultures in an era of Islamaphobia.
We were #LIVE talking to students and teachers. Share your questions and comments below!
Could be going better for them, frankly, in this ‘era of BBC shit stirring’.
Pointless show as it only served to highlight the Scottish antipathy to all things English. Even Lady Nugee was unable to make the case for Labour being a national party and hence de facto unionist without being heckled.
Afterwards I watched a bit of the Portillo and Neal show. Douglas Murray is very very bright and had a serious point or two to make about immigration and the demographic future of Europe.But he had to tread so very carefully this being the BBC and the woman on the sofa with Portillo was just not up to grasping very much of his argument.Her face showed her bewildered refusal to face any non progressive view . Neither was Andrew Neal come to that. Still I suppose it was very brave of the BBC to allow Murray any voice at all.
Liz Kendall on This Week was following the normal leftie tactic of talking over anybody who is saying anything about immigration that does not fit tightly into the multiculti box, but which proves extremely irritating to viewers like me who actaully want to hear what they have to say. Andrew Neil lets her get away with it which is disappointing but perhaps his job is on the line?
And can anybody tell me what Douglas Murray was trying to get across after a discussion on how the public had never had the chance to vote on immigration as a single issue? He tried at least three times to say which question he would put on the ballot paper … after everyone else said it was impossible to find an appropriate question … and was blocked everytime, first by Kendall and then a couple of times by Neil. I really wanted to hear Murray’s suggestion!! They didn’t!! I wonder why? To me that makes it so interesting and I just desperately need to try and find out what they actually didn’t want us to hear? BBC attempting to look as if they are being so unbiased as to allow a “far right” commentator on a political show but then not allowing him to finish a sentence.
Dave S
The level of complacency in Europe is astonishing. Before I watched Murray, I watched Maischberger, the German QT. The topic was the rising crime rate and the terrorist threat. Could it have anything to do with the recent influx? Ironically, it’s only the children of the original Gastarbeiters who are courageous enough to criticise the situation. On the programme, Tania Kambouri, a chief superintendent in Bochum mentioned that in some areas,if there was just a simple traffic accident, the police had to turn up mob-handed to prevent the emergency services being attacked. The authority of women police officers counts for nothing in areas like this and contempt for the police in general is widespread as the justice system can never deport foreign criminals who have destroyed their documentation. Akif Pirinci, a German crime writer and son of Turkish Gastarbeiters, was recently fined around € 3000 for “incitement to hatred” in his article “Freigabe des Fickviehs” where he argued that the events at Cologne Station were simply the transfer of muslim mass rape culture to Germany. The German BBCs are also in a bit of a tizwaz about Franco A. a German army officer who convinced the authorites (BAMF) that he was a Syrian refugee!!!. He is supposedly a neonazi who was planning to bump off various German politicians and blame it on the Big Beards. He was arrested in Vienna trying to hide a pistol. Of course, the usual delusional leftist suspects are all now convinced that “Islamic terrorism” really does not have anything at all to do with Islam and that a Bundeswehr infiltrated by neonazi cells was to blame for all the outrages.
And another one ………….
“The winters are colder and a little bit shorter and spring is coming earlier and a lot warmer, which we love. Summers are longer instead of shorter,” says Ms Olanna.
“The winters are colder…..” ?
I wonder if anyone observed that in the south-east where much of the BBC is done, we’ve had a very dry spring which has been sunny and cool, then sunny and warm, then sunny and very cold before moving on to sunny and warm. Now it’s back to dull and cold with sunny periods.
Snuffy Towers has the central heating on briefly in the morning and evening and occasionally at other times. It is nearly mid-May!
Am getting worried that it may be a poor summer here in 2017 lacking lots of Anthropogenic Global Warming.
That goes with the previous winter in the Southern Hemisphere when they had heavy snows followed by a poorish summer there. Remember, greeny ‘mentalists’, it has got to be Warming and it has got to be Global, otherwise it is not AGW!
‘Eve of destruction’
‘Nowhere man’
‘Road to hell’
‘Fool on the hill’
‘Walk the dinosaur’
‘We won’t get fooled again’
‘Oh, what a circus’
‘Lyin’ eyes’
And (hopefully at some future election):
‘Making plans for Nigel’
Sorry if this is already on the first page.
“Could Brexit lead way to a united Ireland?”
Fergal Keane “investigates”, well if propaganda can be described as investigating.
You would love it, you treasonous BBC filth.
The BBC backed the IRA all through their “struggle”, we have not forgotten.
Sorry, it will not happen, the Unionists will not allow it, and we will back tham.
Personally I would back the Unionists even more if they caused some explosions at Broadlying House.
Dead Beeboids, I’m all for it.
Nice little BBC story on the World Servce this morning about how Merkel is confidant in beating Schultz in the forthcoming EU election. This story was being played as if somehow Schulz represented some sort of real choice for Germany and wasnt Merkel doing well.
Actually I heard that Schulz has changed his opinion on immigration and wants to send them all back ASAP. I also he has
A pet flying pig called Diane.
A pet unicorn called Caroline
A pet slug called Jeremy
A bad tempered and unstable Yorkie called Nicola
And two loyal lapdogs called Nick and Timmy.
He also has a Red setter in training called Theresa (which he bought after the adoring Dave the Labrador died from an infection after licking the back of Merkels and Junkers trousers too much) Apparently Theresas not quite there yet but he reckons that with enough training she will definitely improve. It may take a bit longer but Martin reckons it will be worth it in the long term as she has a lot to give.
I agree, I was liking the comment up to the Dead Beeboids. Destroy an empty Broadcasting House, legally lock up all those who have been perverting the course of democracy fair enough but not calling for them to be killed. That brings us down to their level.
Further to the actual comment, I saw the IRA’s Gerry Adams demanding that Northern Ireland be allowed to stay in the EU. We should never listen to evil men like that.
I blame Blair for giving the IRA a share in the Northern Ireland government at the point when they were just about beaten. He should be in prison for life (Adams I mean, but Blair? Hmmm – maybe).
I agree,too far, but feelings run high if you were ever impacted by the IRA attacks in this country. There is never any Birmingham 6 or Guildford 4 sympathy for victims on our BBC.
There are lots of options that are never considered.
If there is another Scottish independence referendum, maybe the Scottish Borders, strongly unionist, should have a referendum on whether they want to be “taken out of the UK against their will”. I’m sure no SNP freedom fighter would want the majority to oppress a minority within own its borders.
7am WS news. President Trump top of the list again, still trying to link the sacking of the FBI director as an action in trying to cover up his mystical connections to Russia. If you want to find out in depth about what is going on there is a brilliant 1 hour you tube talk by Stefan Molyneux. It’s almost a bit too intense but you get an entire background where both democrats and Republicans are speaking out agreeing the dismissal was warranted.
I listened to a few more items. Merkel is calling for less bureaucracy. The solution is obvious. Kill the EU. The US has forged a better trade deal with China. You would expect that to be quite significant. What’s the point of keeping the radio on to hear more of CBB in depth discussion on any of their stories. It is always going to be biased and any commentator they speak too will have been screened to maintain the gold standard. Surely it’s harder to manipulate news than to simply report it and discuss and comment fairly. Oh I almost forgot Corbin is to announce his policy regarding defence but the intro to this was and this isn’t an exact quote “In his bid to TOPPLE the conservatives at the next election……blah blah blah”. The word topple was definitely used. The only thing that needs to be toppled is the CBB. Please let it be in my life time.
Yes watched Douglas Murray on the al beeb i spy player. I suppose his reasonable and agreeable view got through because albeeb assumes no one watches the programme . The Labour lady – former MP for Leicester couldn’t say much because she needs to keep her multi cultural constituency .
If you’re fedup with popcorn watching Labour car crashes it’s worth a look
Remember that bit of social media teasing about a less than impressive PhotoFit image issued by the police?
Well it turns out HuffPo has triggered a community living in permanent outrage for its new avatar logo, which looks like a suicide bomber’s head lying some distance from the detonation.
(a) take or attempt to take in any court any photograph, or with a view to publication make or attempt to make in any court any portrait or sketch, of any person, being a judge of the court or a juror or a witness in or a party to any proceedings before the court, whether civil or criminal; or
(b) publish any photograph, portrait or sketch taken or made in contravention of the foregoing provisions of this section or any reproduction thereof;
make or attempt to make a sketch in any court with a view to publication
I am not aware of TheRebelMedia/ Tommy Robinson doing anything like that
And I can’t imagine making sketches to publish.
So surely it must get kicked out of court
Malicious prosecution ?
And so it is with BBC London News this morning as we hear two men are charged with the murder of the young man stabbed to death during a mass brawl in west London, the latest in a surge of knife attacks across the capital.
Just for the record the Met Police name:
Neville Marlon Bowen, 23 (04.09.1993) of Breakspears Road, SE4 and [B] Mohammad Mustapha Khalid, 19 (01.09.1997) of Sir John Cass Hall, Well Street, E9 have both been charged with murder
I guess BBC London journos were a bit busy or due to time restraints couldn’t fit the names into their bulletins or maybe all the BBC chaps and gals just had their phones snatched by moped muggers.
Was at best only half listening so maybe another reader can put me right.
Did I overhear on Question Time last night…
Emily Thornberry (yet again) saying how good the Corbyn manifesto was and getting a huge cheer from the impartial audience.
Followed by a Tory type (didnt recognise him) injecting some realism and saying some basic things about the market economy. One person from the impartial audience clapped.
At this point I took a tip from Warren Buffettt, and decided not to spend time doing something I didnt really want to do, and switched the TV off.
A guy called Barry Gardner was sent on to the Toady programme today to justify the Labour Party defence ‘policy’.
Now although he did’t have a leg to stand on, he dealt with Toenails admirably.
Toenails just has such a rubbish style of interviewing. And on his salary!!!!!! Classic public sector. Useless people featherbedded endlessly, never removed.
Nick Ferrari is so much better. Let them talk, and give them just enough rope to hang themselves.
Is it just me or does this leak of Labour’s manifesto seem like a cynical ploy to control the story? If all journalists had got it at the same time then all the stupidities would have been highlighted like the attempt to destroy the railways. That would have been the narrative.
But by leaking it to the BBC with a nudge-nudge-wink-wink the narrative would be controlled by the BBC, staunch allies of the Labour Party (some might call them the broadcast arm of the Labour Party, others their propaganda machine). The BBC would then control the narrative and all else would have to fall in line just to catch up.
As we all on here know, including Maxi despite him denying it, the BBC will not find any level too low to push the aims of the Labour Leninists, the Stalinist Socialists, the “Progressive” pillocks, the “Liberal” lunatics and the Maoist monsters.
Demon, yes. Not only that, Corbyn will now be able to ‘pull a Trump card’ and claim the media is against the Labour Party and also is corrupt in encouraging leaks and over-publicising the results.
The producer of a BBC drama based on the Rochdale abuse scandal is confident the programme will not provide a platform for far-right groups to whip up racial tensions.
Susan Hogg was motivated to make Three Girls following revelations in 2012 of widespread grooming and sexual assault of girls and young women in Rochdale by a gang of Asian men.
The first episode of Three Girls airs on BBC One on Tuesday, May 16.
I’m imagining the entry music for this new version of Take Three Girls.
Come up to Rochdale town, see the young girls there
Trafficked round and round with no time to spare
Look around for someone
Find a new abuser if you can
If you’re strong
Can’t go wrong
I just don’t trust Beeby to be the ones making a program about Rochdale.
This is going to be a cover-up & pro-Islam piece. Produced in the Islamic State of Propagandastan. They’ll no doubt find a way to lay the blame mostly at the feet of Whitey.
Already they are pushing the fictitious “far-right” at us.
“A” gang of “Asian” men. We already have a falsehood going.
Only one gang Beeby? Asian men Beeby? Were they Chinese or Zoroastrian then?
Perhaps the Chief Prosecuter for Rochdale/Rotherham area, Nazir Afzal, will be represented as a Moslem hero who engineered a few token arrests and claimed it had nothing to do with Mohamidanism
I did hear him speak at a university recently where he spoke of a Hollywood film to be made on the issue, and expressed a wish that he should be played by Denzil Washington.
Alarm bells are ringing as if my head is stuck in the tower of Big Ben.
Every piece I have read about this drama refers to Asians. No BBC. Some Sikh girls were victims too. I hope the BBC at least mentions the religion of peace.
Maxine Peake stars as the woman who brought it all to the public’s attention. Hmm, be interesting seeing her play Andrew Norfolk, the Time Journalist who actually fought hard to publicise the atrocities being carried out in Rotherham. Even he didn’t realise the scale of it when he came across the first families. But I guess this is BBC and people with cocks cannot be seen in a positive light.
Nor have I seen any mention of the police, (54 Rotherham police officers arrested on child sexual assault charges). Nor the council’s involvement. The women councillors are still so terrified of the Muslim councillors that they refused to speak to the inquiry teams.
As the BBC’s favourite male writer, Stephen Moffat says, it is ok to whitewash the past in the interest of progressive politics. “It is bending history slightly, but in a progressive and useful way”. (And no, it isn’t ok Stephen.)
I will hopefully have my views challenged when I see it, and have my faith in the BBC renewed, but I doubt it.
If it were to be accurate what will BBC viewers say, who will have no idea that 1,4000 children were tortured and sexually assaulted?
Dreadful bit of BBC propaganda for ‘no real Brexit from the EU’ at 8.10am on the TOADY Programme. (BBC R4) John Humphrys was useless as Presenter, I think his memory may be going. It really is time to send him off into well-earned retirement before he makes an idiot of himself on a daily basis. I would like to remember him as the good presenter he was not the unthinking programmed robot he has become.
Contributors were Dame Ngaire Woods and Andrew Lilico. The latter was none too sharp, either. The dear Dame – a Remain campaigner, IIRC – was able to propagandise for Brexit-related gloom & disaster with only reasoned but quiet & unchallenging facts from Lilico.
Neither of them pointed out that currencies fluctuate all the time and that this affects our UK inflation rate, favourably as well as unfavourably. Neither pointed out that much of the UK’s exporting industries for years had been wanting a lower £ to save them from the effort of selling overseas. Neither observed the effect on the £, the halving of the UK Base Rate (when other countries around the globe were raising theirs) post-referendum. Neither of them observed that the pound had been in a period of slight decline against other currencies. And none of them (all Labour Party supporters, perhaps?) observed that 2.3%-2.8% inflation was pretty normal for the UK since the mid-1990s and nobody at the BBC worried about it as much as they do now. So, what has changed?
Aah, the Government. A Conservative Government. And the EU Referendum with its much hated result.
In the past week – just seven days! – BBC Radio News has covered the PM, Theresa May, AND the Leader of the Opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, observing that UK bosses and other high earners have been grabbing increases in already high pay at the expense of their workers. In addition, the Conservatives have pledged – in the last seven days and covered by the BBC! – to bring down immigration to the UK to ‘the tens of thousands’.
Andrew Lilico correctly pointed out the effect of that on the vast proportion of UK workers who are seeing wages depressed as a result.
The BBC, however, with all its resources, is incapable of joining up the dots.
“Top bosses pay to be limited to a multiple of the lowest workers pay”
Doh such regulation leads to worse situations as of course people find their way around them
#1 You split your company into a low compny and a management company
#2 The boss instead of cutting his salary simply gets rid of the lowest paid workers on the books , by outsourcing those jobs to overseas divisions or overseas contractors.
You are going to get stuff like a small tech startup with a dozen grunts and 3 top engineers ..but you won’t be able to pay your engineers enough, so they’ll go work abroad.
Not sure if anyone else noticed or mentioned this : Last night News at 10 on BBC1 – the first 17 minutes of our state broadcaster’s main national news bulletin were dedicated to covering the leaked Labour manifesto. In other words, a manifesto that has not even been confirmed or released yet, and could absolutely change before release. This delivered the opportunity to deliver numerous ‘special reports’ on how badly the current energy suppliers, rail systems, etc. are being run. The entire ‘news’ programme is really not ‘news’ at all, it is George Orwell’s two minutes of hate, times 20.
Then they had Mark Carney’s announcement – our intrepid BBC reporter Kamal Ahmed asked about wage stagnation, the one thing that all members of the opposition and BBBC go on about all the time. Carney gave some high-faloutin answer about rates and things, all pretending not to know that as long as you import 600,000 unskilled people every year, you will be reducing the cost of ‘slaves’ forever. Stop unskilled immigration and wages will rise. Simples.
Take the link now – – there are four headline video clips, every single one piece of ‘news’ in the entire world right now somehow involves the ill fortune of foreign women in burkhas….
lojo, good point. “BBC reporter Kamal Ahmed asked about wage stagnation”
Shame Kamal forgot all about that question that he asked when he wrote his Blog yesterday.
And an even greater shame that no-one in BBC N&CA could remember their output of the previous day when putting together their TODAY Programme for this morning.
Listening to Sophie Walker of the Womens Equality Party. Their fiscal and political strategy completely ignores the economic results of their policies. No really probing questions from Presenter, Jenni Murray. No inflation concerns from Jenni, either, despite that being an overriding concern of the BBC for the past ten months.
What is she on? No, not medication. Or ‘medication’? What does she earn? £75,000? £100,000? £150,000? £200,000? Not worth the Minimum Wage, Jenni. Real equality with J. Humphrys this morning, then, on today’s showing. True equality with men at last!
Many many years ago I shared a student house with a feminist.
She had a poster. It read’ women who want to be equal to men lack imagination’.
And here we are ….in 2017……and it’s all coming true…….
Mark Steyn makes some interesting comments, (as always), regarding the irrelevence of the election of Macron. His remarks concern the whole of Europe and, even out of the EU, us. Essentially the population of Europe is static whereas Africa’s is not. With the EU’s ‘taxi service’ and indeed Tim Farron only this morning urging us to import more the future doesn’t look good.
Thanks Jim I hadnt come across Mark Steyn before, very interesting. What he is saying corresponds to believe it or not a BBC program I saw Don’t Panic – The Truth About Population by the Swede Professor Hans Rosling.
Of course the spin was that there isn’t really anything to worry about, but as the graph shows (and backed by the Prof) nearly all the world’s population growth is taking place in Africa and we in Europe should be deeply worried. The other obvious point is that we can basically kiss goodbye to all African wildlife over the next 50yrs, what a legacy for our children.
Perhaps you have already discovered that on You Tube there are some terrific (and humorous) speeches by Mark Steyn. He is, in my opinion, is one of the best of a dwindling number of great and honest journalists of our time.
I would actually say the graph is wrong for Europe as its population is increasing by the immigration of Africans and Asians. The European population of Europe is, no doubt, coming down but not the total number of all people living here.
Pupil died from allergic reaction
“…may have been saved by prompt use of EpiPen – coroner”
Maybe it’s time teachers learnt a bit of common sense and first aid instead of filling their heads with LGBT poppycock and PC twaddle.
I read yesterday they were considering head-cams for teachers in case they end up in a law suit for ‘touching’ pupils (not touching up !).
FFS what has this country become?
I’ve just watched last night’s Question Time, quite why I put myself through this anti British ordeal I don’t know.
Ben Wallace was appallingly weak, bordering on pathetic. If this is the best candidate the Tories can put forward to take on the SNP then wave the white flag in Scotland now.
Ruth Davidson must have had a tearful evening. Totally let down by her own party.
The Tories need a streetfighting debater to take on the Sturgeon’s thugs, not people who come across as out of touch ‘sound biting’ wimps.
I think Ben Wallace was chosen, for precisely the same reason as the more usual inept, inarticulate Conservative women MPs are picked for QT – unless they’re remainers like Soubry. Where QT is concerned from panel to questions to audience, nothing is left to chance.
No idea Wronged, but if that’s the system devised to ensure balance and fairness it makes the over exposure of Abbott and Thornberry – to name but two – an odd reality. And does the same system, that decides Toynbee, Jones, Mason and all the other free-riders on the BBC battle-bus of public opinion as the final arbiters of what is the right way to think, also apply?
How can the BBC seriously report Corbyn’s claims that he is not a pacifist? Does anyone seriously believe that? In fact Corbyn is worse than a pacifist . He is not motivated by loving peace but rather a desire to see the enemies of the West succeed on the world stage. just as any good Marxist would.
Corbyn denies his own ostensibly sincere beliefs and tells us he is not a pacifist. McDonnell denies his own ostensibly sincere beliefs and denies being a Marxist. Such men, prepared to be fundamentally disloyal to themselves for the sake of temporary power, are beneath contempt – and yet the BBC will continue to promote and enhance them.
It is weird and rather sad in the extreme to note that Corbyn is polling almost as well in the opinin polls as Milliband did in the 2015 election.
Has every Labour voter suddenly become a CND supporting pacifist, ot do they just have a shortage of brain cells and thus are programmed only to recognise a red rosette attached to the person in front of them? A sort of Pavlovian response?
Its simply a matter of more media coverage, and him getting out of the poisonous cesspool of Westminster, and that s despite the rabid smearing from the press gutter rags like, The Sun, The Torygraph, The Mail, The Express etc.
Don t forget, like him or not, he has worked tirelessly to hold the Labour party together despite an almost totally biased media campaign to blacken his name and mendacious troublemaking from so called Labour MPs, (nothing but traitorous underhand Red Tories), within his own party.
He is passionate about what he believes in and believe me would wipe the floor with Liar May in a genuine debate.
Objectively the facts speak for themselves, Corbyn achieved those 2 leaderships because of the unhappiness felt by the grassroots Labour supporters in the street with the current crop of wildly disconnected, privately schooled, university educated Labour “so called” elite who have the brazen audacity to pretend to stand for ‘the working man’
While feathering their own nests at the expense of the country… Self serving greed, unfortunately is not restricted to politicians of just one stripe, however but is a symptom of our deliberately manufactured grasping and venal society, being particularly prevalent among all politicians.
Sheesh! just look at Liar May and the Tory front bench for the perfect example, devious, utterly incompetent, smearing fork tongues
who will screw our nations people, and sell them down the river.
There is an eye watering amount of influence, airtime and money in keeping Liar May in No 10, despite her putting party first over our nation, causing deliberate damaging delay over EU, disastrous over our national debt, barefaced lying over the election, a proven not to be trusted turncoat … and a withering failure in every bloody job she s held … a devious, spiteful, underhand, smearing politician of the lowest order
EE, you make a very good point. Anyone with a reasonable knowledge of Jeremy Corbyn over the years will remember he has – as a man with honest, decent, principles (of a sort) – equivocated over Irish Republican and Palestinian terrorism, to name but two major conflicts.
The BBC. Turning things upside down?
Is my memory defective? I seem to recall that the Front National in France derived much of its support from THE SOUTH of France. Yet here, ,
the BBC are trying to claim that her traditional support is in the North. That is despite the BBC’s own reports from touring around France (AGW notwithstanding) that included ‘Vox Pops’ with unemployed voters who were reluctant to vote for FN.
You cannot win as heavily as Macron did without encroaching on your opponent’s territory and taking votes from them. [ Unless, there was election fraud, perhaps sustained by dark forces, such as President Putin, the FSB and Russia Today. 😉 ]
The BBC, in analysing the French Presidential Election appear to me to be turning things upside down. Or am I completely mistaken about where the traditional support for FN exists? Or that something has rapidly changed in French politics? Now, that would really be something!
Or is the BBC – unthinkingly or accidentally or deliberately – presenting us with FalseNews?
BBC News, BBC Politics, BBC Breakfast, BBC V Drearybyshire –
Caitlyn Jenner: ‘I could enter politics’
“Reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner says she is considering entering US politics in a bid to promote transgender issues. She told the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme she had been “really upset” by some of President Donald Trump’s policies on the LGBT community”
TV blanket coverage for the 0.1% again
… a lot of political establishment drive behind this, particularly on the impressionable minds of children
Surely the logical conclusion of Corbyn’s marxist economics is to have a tax rate of 100% on all earnings.
Then resources would be allocated by the state according to need. Food, education, housing, healthcare etc etc.
The providers of the goods and services would all be in public ownership, managed centrally by politicians and administrators so that resources do not spill over into a greedy private sector making profits out of essential services.
All those paying the 100% tax would be happy to pay it, knowing that the output of their skills and labour would be shared across society as a whole.
Surely that would be the ultimate ‘fair society’?
What could possibly go wrong?
“What could possibly go wrong?” – We would go back to the three day week, power cuts, domestic rubbish uncollected, undertakers on strike, etc etc. Certainly the rail unions, realising that they could extort pay increases from the State would be constantly on strike, enough for the current disputes to pale into insignificance. On and on I could go, but those old enough to remember the issue of petrol ration cards as well, will get the picture.
But amongst all that, Corbyn would immediately, ‘do a Blair’ and beckon (in true Merkel fashion) anyone that was inclined, to come to good-ol’ UK to suck on the teats of the Welfare State. That would be the ultimate, ‘fair(!) society’ for all but the Brits.
After one hour of Leanne Wood yesterday, the Daily Politics burdens us today with one hour of Polly Toynbee, another unrepentant socialist. We then get the apalling Stephen Gethins of the SNP to give us an anti , anti Tory diatribe . Next an interview with The Socialist Party of Britain who are honest Marxists rather than covert Marxists like McDonnell and Corbyn.
Indeed EE, quite why that sadly blurred old bag is inflicted so frequently is beyond logic, let alone common humanity. But, in the interest of fair play and credit – however rare – being due, I thought Jo Coburn was almost Neil-like in her occasionally forceful impartiality.
“A mob screamed and shouted at the defendants as they arrived at court for the hearing this morning. A group of 29 people have been charged with historical sex offences against children.
Prosecutor Richard Wright QC told the court that the defendants have been split into three groups which are set to face three different trials early next year”
Leeds, Canterbury, Oxford on and on it goes.
Hopefully you ve read “easy meat” the comprehensive data source on the decades of epidemic Islamic child rape gangs if you re a B-BBCer.
An excellent adjunct to this is Anne Marie s extensive “Perfect storm”.
highlighting todays continuing wilful denial by the Police, No10 to act to accept the causes and eradicate this cancer … its deliberate!.
Thanks nogginator for that link to Anne Marie Waters, a fascinating indepth read. Laid out like that the horror of the Muslim Rape Gangs stand out so why are the MSM not shouting it from the rooftops ????? a) it will never affect them or any female relatives as they all live in safe enclaves b) so deluded they don’t believe the men involved are “REAL MUSLIMS” or both.
An interesting interview half an hour ago on R5 with Ruth Ibegbuna, who’s the chief executive of Reclaim, a charity devoted to improving social mobility and helping ‘working-class young persons’ achieve their potential. From their website: ‘We are proud to be leaders in discussing leadership and community pride through the lens of social class.’
Hmm; the discourse of sociology, much? And if the photos on the website are anything to go by, the word community is important. But fair enough; if it works, it works. A clip from the website was played, though, which featured a young boy pointing out that no fewer than 19 Prime Ministers had come from Eton College (a private school ‘which costs £11,000 . . . a term!’), forty-odd from Oxbridge, and none at all from Salford (where the charity’s based).
Which is truly shocking, as compulsory state education in England was, of course, introduced by Edward II in 1326, nearly 400 years before Robert Walpole became the first statesman to be known as ‘Prime Minister’.
Playing fast and loose with history is iffy in an absolute sense, but the charity can present its views in any way it sees fit. What grieves is the fact that all this went unchallenged by the BBC’s soothing voice, who conducted the softest kind of from-me-to-you interview. Comfortably more than 99% of the working class from any given community have never been in a position to serve as PM. The nation’s favourite broadcaster seems to think working-class people are too thick to spot historical illiteracy and agitprop.
The bBC is currently going overboard on singing the praises of JC and how whislt he isn’t a pacifist he (if elected) will have a minister of peace. Meanwhile on HYS I saw this comment: “He might be a pacifist but he must be a very brave man to have dated Diane Abbott.”
Excellent article in Con Woman on why it is time the BBC acknowledged public opinion and accepted Brexit.
I do hope the General election will produce a couple of Tory MPs who might stand up to the BBC
Alas, true Conservatives are a dying breed. I am old enough to remember the days when a tory government would simply not have tolerated the left-wing bias of the state broadcaster, freedom of the press or not.
These days the conservatives have morphed into an wishy-washy hybrid entity where power has eclipsed policy and principles as the order of the day.
Jeremy Corbyn, a BBC TV Reporter and a British soldier were captured by ISIS and were, as usual, sentenced to death by beheading.
Unexpectedly, the ISIS leader said they could have one last wish each before sentence was carried out.
Corbyn asked to hear a rendering of keep the red flag flying here.
The Reporter asked that the beheading be televised so that even when he was dead his face would be on TV.
The Trooper asked to be kicked three times up the arse.
This was carried out first, and as the last kick landed the Trooper pulled a hidden 9 mm pistol out of his smock shot three terrorists dead, grabbed one of their fallen AK47s and shot dead the rest of the terrorists.
The other two prisoners were amazed, and asked why he requested to be kicked three times before drawing his gun.
“Because” said the Trooper “when we get back to the UK I don’t want you pair of arseholes saying it was an unprovoked attack!”
The Today programme must have been getting a trifle uneasy about the wall-to-wall anti-Trump coverage – without any objective voices allowed to sully their airwaves (they think the airwaves belong to them). So, forced to include some balance, who did they invite this morning, but Conrad Black. He spoke well and effectively, but since the BBC have spent years denigrating the man (unfairly), they know that many listeners will regard him as ‘damaged goods’. I expect, therefore, that the Today producers are hugging themselves with glee at their ‘brilliant’ choice.
4:30pm More or Less
– Are nurses badly paid or averaging £31K ?
The Great Scottish Election Conspiracy.
Did the SNP lose seven seats or gain six. (7 losses are estimates cos they are new seats).
‘The first NewFronts presentation from centered on the trust the publisher has earned over the past 100 years and its reputation for accuracy.’
Seems the BBC is not the only one guilty of cut and pasting less than credible PR as News press releases.
Anyone else sick to the back teeth of hearing/reading about President Trump? Articles full of speculation and innuendo. Why can’t they just shut up and let everyone get on with their jobs. The vicious left can’t let go of the Russia thread, as if we are still living in the 50s and everyones scared of Russian infiltration…there are far more important things around the world to be concerned about. Sky is just as bad, and Fox has pretty much wall to wall Trump coverage – but at least it’s their country.
The people of America, especially the lefties, are acting like crazy fools, and making America look like a shambles to the rest of the world. They are supposed to be a superpower, not a laughing stock. So I guess this is part of the big plan, discussed by Fox also, that the left will not let anything that Trump does go by without obstructing, denigrating, criticising, spreading rumours and lies and insinuations. And of course they are assisted in this aim by the BBC. Bad situation.
“Why can’t they just shut up and let everyone get on with their jobs.” Because there’s a war going on and the MSM role, including BBC, is to batter Trump at every opportunity.
Agree absolutely that there’s far too much about Trump on BBC news. But the BBC can’t stop. Trump is an existential threat to their Globalist worldview and strategy.
This interview with deranged academic and Jew hater Noam Chomsky is aired by the BBC. He follows BBC logic on climate change all the way to claiming that the Republican Party is worse that Isis, the Nazis etc., because they intend to kill everyone in the world by ignoring climate change
Could be shared as a joke were it not for his influence over thousands of gormless students.
Oh dear, it looks like the virus which affected several NHS trust is likely to be used by the BBC and other unscrupulous media outlets to claim that the cause is the Tories underfunding the NHS when it is nothing of the sort.
This is partly the fault of managers who have not upgraded security on software, because they wanted to spend the money elsewhere, also the fact that someone actually clicked on a link in an Email and allowed the virus into the system.
On top of that is a myriad of equipment which runs all kinds of software versions, but still work.
There is an issue with the capabilities of NHS IT staff who could and should have strengthened the security of the Email system – running a separate computer for this would have been advisable in any event – even Hilary could manage that one !
Expect the BBC to be rubbing its hands at a chance to beat the Tories over funding cuts.
Bang to rights, Stew 🙂 I was clicking on a “recommendation” from someone looking over my shoulder and a box popped from the NYPD (yeh right) complete with a web cam view of our shocked faces. I was fortunate to get back in in safe mode and did a system restore followed by a number of sweeps of Malwarebytes.
NHS warned last year re vulnerability of WXP following lack of MS support.
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Even more excellent news – Rachel from accounts has said smaller companies can get the urgent defence contract for the…
wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 17:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “A psychotic Nigerian armed robber and crack cocaine dealer has been spared deportation because he would be considered “possessed” in…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC says Zelenski has gone on X and grovelled like the b@tch he is ( after being told – no…
GreencoatMar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I see that the Guardian’s review of Ash Sarkar’s new book refers to the British working class as the ‘lower…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news – Italy has said it won’t be sending Italian soldiers to die in Ukraine to keep Zelenski in…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
I see that ‘Glastonbury’ has caught BBCitis.
In future acts won’t be chosen to suit the likes of fans but to meet ‘gender’ targets. Just like on Radio 4 where they only want female ‘experts’, (sorry Prof. your 30 years of experience is worth nothing compared to the need to make science and engineering exclusively female domains).
Worth reading:
Higher Education Gender Gap Favors Women
Traditional Masculinity Is A Shield Against State Power
Glastonbury is serious crap. So what they do to it is irrelevant. It has been the BBC/progressive jaunt of choice for years.
BBc 22:00 news almost 20 minutes on the Liebour party manifesto. Strangely no one interviewed on the street describes it as the bollocks is obviously is.
C5 Now Young and Old ..TV is edited to be manipulative
We see a young black racist is shouting at an older woman who is campaigning for UKIP, and happens to live on benefits being disabled.
The girl argues immigrants should have more rights that her cos they come here to work.
Mrs Dave pointed this program out. I declined on the basis that things on it were going to manipulated to fit an agenda.
BBC Facebook earlier today, updated just now:
What is it like to be Muslim in today’s America?
A school in the US state of Virginia is using a holistic approach to help children embrace both cultures in an era of Islamaphobia.
We were #LIVE talking to students and teachers. Share your questions and comments below!
Could be going better for them, frankly, in this ‘era of BBC shit stirring’.
Er, like this?
Pretty hostile audience on questionable time. Independence for England I say.
Pointless show as it only served to highlight the Scottish antipathy to all things English. Even Lady Nugee was unable to make the case for Labour being a national party and hence de facto unionist without being heckled.
Afterwards I watched a bit of the Portillo and Neal show. Douglas Murray is very very bright and had a serious point or two to make about immigration and the demographic future of Europe.But he had to tread so very carefully this being the BBC and the woman on the sofa with Portillo was just not up to grasping very much of his argument.Her face showed her bewildered refusal to face any non progressive view . Neither was Andrew Neal come to that. Still I suppose it was very brave of the BBC to allow Murray any voice at all.
Dave S
IMHO, Douglas Murray , Nigel Farage and Jacob Rees-Mog should be the next government of the UK .
Liz Kendall on This Week was following the normal leftie tactic of talking over anybody who is saying anything about immigration that does not fit tightly into the multiculti box, but which proves extremely irritating to viewers like me who actaully want to hear what they have to say. Andrew Neil lets her get away with it which is disappointing but perhaps his job is on the line?
And can anybody tell me what Douglas Murray was trying to get across after a discussion on how the public had never had the chance to vote on immigration as a single issue? He tried at least three times to say which question he would put on the ballot paper … after everyone else said it was impossible to find an appropriate question … and was blocked everytime, first by Kendall and then a couple of times by Neil. I really wanted to hear Murray’s suggestion!! They didn’t!! I wonder why? To me that makes it so interesting and I just desperately need to try and find out what they actually didn’t want us to hear? BBC attempting to look as if they are being so unbiased as to allow a “far right” commentator on a political show but then not allowing him to finish a sentence.
Dave S
The level of complacency in Europe is astonishing. Before I watched Murray, I watched Maischberger, the German QT. The topic was the rising crime rate and the terrorist threat. Could it have anything to do with the recent influx? Ironically, it’s only the children of the original Gastarbeiters who are courageous enough to criticise the situation. On the programme, Tania Kambouri, a chief superintendent in Bochum mentioned that in some areas,if there was just a simple traffic accident, the police had to turn up mob-handed to prevent the emergency services being attacked. The authority of women police officers counts for nothing in areas like this and contempt for the police in general is widespread as the justice system can never deport foreign criminals who have destroyed their documentation. Akif Pirinci, a German crime writer and son of Turkish Gastarbeiters, was recently fined around € 3000 for “incitement to hatred” in his article “Freigabe des Fickviehs” where he argued that the events at Cologne Station were simply the transfer of muslim mass rape culture to Germany. The German BBCs are also in a bit of a tizwaz about Franco A. a German army officer who convinced the authorites (BAMF) that he was a Syrian refugee!!!. He is supposedly a neonazi who was planning to bump off various German politicians and blame it on the Big Beards. He was arrested in Vienna trying to hide a pistol. Of course, the usual delusional leftist suspects are all now convinced that “Islamic terrorism” really does not have anything at all to do with Islam and that a Bundeswehr infiltrated by neonazi cells was to blame for all the outrages.
Another BBC Climate article written by GreenBlob NGOs linked to Green Biz subsidy/hedgefund barons
says fossil fuel corps that have too much influence in climate talks process
has open comments
And another one ………….
“The winters are colder and a little bit shorter and spring is coming earlier and a lot warmer, which we love. Summers are longer instead of shorter,” says Ms Olanna.
“The winters are colder…..” ?
I wonder if anyone observed that in the south-east where much of the BBC is done, we’ve had a very dry spring which has been sunny and cool, then sunny and warm, then sunny and very cold before moving on to sunny and warm. Now it’s back to dull and cold with sunny periods.
Snuffy Towers has the central heating on briefly in the morning and evening and occasionally at other times. It is nearly mid-May!
Am getting worried that it may be a poor summer here in 2017 lacking lots of Anthropogenic Global Warming.
That goes with the previous winter in the Southern Hemisphere when they had heavy snows followed by a poorish summer there. Remember, greeny ‘mentalists’, it has got to be Warming and it has got to be Global, otherwise it is not AGW!
Now closed
Had opened comments for merely 10.5 hours
..That is hardly transparency.
OT. A letter in today’s DT. A suggestion for Steptoe’s election music.
“SIR – In 1997 it was Things Can Only Get Better. Will the Labour theme tune for 2017 be Let’s Do the Time Warp Again?”
G P Brown
Well it made me LOL.
Songs for Corbyn and Labour:
‘Eve of destruction’
‘Nowhere man’
‘Road to hell’
‘Fool on the hill’
‘Walk the dinosaur’
‘We won’t get fooled again’
‘Oh, what a circus’
‘Lyin’ eyes’
And (hopefully at some future election):
‘Making plans for Nigel’
Take a step to left
wave your hands in the air
spout bad maths like you just don’t care
jab your fingers and condemn
Alternative song
The Monster Mash ..describes Labour’s list of policies
Sorry if this is already on the first page.
“Could Brexit lead way to a united Ireland?”
Fergal Keane “investigates”, well if propaganda can be described as investigating.
You would love it, you treasonous BBC filth.
The BBC backed the IRA all through their “struggle”, we have not forgotten.
Sorry, it will not happen, the Unionists will not allow it, and we will back tham.
Personally I would back the Unionists even more if they caused some explosions at Broadlying House.
Dead Beeboids, I’m all for it.
Nice little BBC story on the World Servce this morning about how Merkel is confidant in beating Schultz in the forthcoming EU election. This story was being played as if somehow Schulz represented some sort of real choice for Germany and wasnt Merkel doing well.
Actually I heard that Schulz has changed his opinion on immigration and wants to send them all back ASAP. I also he has
A pet flying pig called Diane.
A pet unicorn called Caroline
A pet slug called Jeremy
A bad tempered and unstable Yorkie called Nicola
And two loyal lapdogs called Nick and Timmy.
He also has a Red setter in training called Theresa (which he bought after the adoring Dave the Labrador died from an infection after licking the back of Merkels and Junkers trousers too much) Apparently Theresas not quite there yet but he reckons that with enough training she will definitely improve. It may take a bit longer but Martin reckons it will be worth it in the long term as she has a lot to give.
Oak, I bet he doesn’t have a pet Bulldog named Nigel.
Emmanuel – Neither does Theresa thank God!
“Personally I would back the Unionists even more if they caused some explosions at Broadlying House.
Dead Beeboids, I’m all for it.”
That’s going too far.
I agree, I was liking the comment up to the Dead Beeboids. Destroy an empty Broadcasting House, legally lock up all those who have been perverting the course of democracy fair enough but not calling for them to be killed. That brings us down to their level.
Further to the actual comment, I saw the IRA’s Gerry Adams demanding that Northern Ireland be allowed to stay in the EU. We should never listen to evil men like that.
I blame Blair for giving the IRA a share in the Northern Ireland government at the point when they were just about beaten. He should be in prison for life (Adams I mean, but Blair? Hmmm – maybe).
I agree,too far, but feelings run high if you were ever impacted by the IRA attacks in this country. There is never any Birmingham 6 or Guildford 4 sympathy for victims on our BBC.
What about the Renault 5?
There is another option but don’t speak it loudly..
.. (Ireland could leave the EU too), wheesht, ..don’t give them ideas!
There are lots of options that are never considered.
If there is another Scottish independence referendum, maybe the Scottish Borders, strongly unionist, should have a referendum on whether they want to be “taken out of the UK against their will”. I’m sure no SNP freedom fighter would want the majority to oppress a minority within own its borders.
7am WS news. President Trump top of the list again, still trying to link the sacking of the FBI director as an action in trying to cover up his mystical connections to Russia. If you want to find out in depth about what is going on there is a brilliant 1 hour you tube talk by Stefan Molyneux. It’s almost a bit too intense but you get an entire background where both democrats and Republicans are speaking out agreeing the dismissal was warranted.
I listened to a few more items. Merkel is calling for less bureaucracy. The solution is obvious. Kill the EU. The US has forged a better trade deal with China. You would expect that to be quite significant. What’s the point of keeping the radio on to hear more of CBB in depth discussion on any of their stories. It is always going to be biased and any commentator they speak too will have been screened to maintain the gold standard. Surely it’s harder to manipulate news than to simply report it and discuss and comment fairly. Oh I almost forgot Corbin is to announce his policy regarding defence but the intro to this was and this isn’t an exact quote “In his bid to TOPPLE the conservatives at the next election……blah blah blah”. The word topple was definitely used. The only thing that needs to be toppled is the CBB. Please let it be in my life time.
Yes watched Douglas Murray on the al beeb i spy player. I suppose his reasonable and agreeable view got through because albeeb assumes no one watches the programme . The Labour lady – former MP for Leicester couldn’t say much because she needs to keep her multi cultural constituency .
If you’re fedup with popcorn watching Labour car crashes it’s worth a look
Not from the BBC but from George Osborne’s Brussels Evening Standard…
Our first glimpse of ‘UK’s first ever all-female terror plot’
well, sort of first glimpse…
‘Boular and her mother appeared in the dock at Westminster magistrates court this morning wearing burkas covering their whole faces’
Bit of a doddle for the court artist
The colour patette is somewhat limited but do we sense a future Turner Prize entry?
Remember that bit of social media teasing about a less than impressive PhotoFit image issued by the police?
Well it turns out HuffPo has triggered a community living in permanent outrage for its new avatar logo, which looks like a suicide bomber’s head lying some distance from the detonation.
Then there are jury concerns…
Section 41 offence?
(1) No person shall—
(a) take or attempt to take in any court any photograph, or with a view to publication make or attempt to make in any court any portrait or sketch, of any person, being a judge of the court or a juror or a witness in or a party to any proceedings before the court, whether civil or criminal; or
(b) publish any photograph, portrait or sketch taken or made in contravention of the foregoing provisions of this section or any reproduction thereof;
So best not publish the sketch here?
Yeah, right. That’s me prosecuted next after George Osborne editor of the Standard!
make or attempt to make a sketch in any court with a view to publication
I am not aware of TheRebelMedia/ Tommy Robinson doing anything like that
And I can’t imagine making sketches to publish.
So surely it must get kicked out of court
Malicious prosecution ?
No – says nothing about defendents does it? The purpose of the rule is to prevent judge/witness/ juror intimidation – nobbling them.
In the continuing series : Today’s Murder
The old army phrase goes – no names no pack drill
And so it is with BBC London News this morning as we hear two men are charged with the murder of the young man stabbed to death during a mass brawl in west London, the latest in a surge of knife attacks across the capital.
Just for the record the Met Police name:
Neville Marlon Bowen, 23 (04.09.1993) of Breakspears Road, SE4 and [B] Mohammad Mustapha Khalid, 19 (01.09.1997) of Sir John Cass Hall, Well Street, E9 have both been charged with murder
I guess BBC London journos were a bit busy or due to time restraints couldn’t fit the names into their bulletins or maybe all the BBC chaps and gals just had their phones snatched by moped muggers.
The BBC.
Unable to join the dots.
And unable to report the News, even from ‘their own patch’!
Was at best only half listening so maybe another reader can put me right.
Did I overhear on Question Time last night…
Emily Thornberry (yet again) saying how good the Corbyn manifesto was and getting a huge cheer from the impartial audience.
Followed by a Tory type (didnt recognise him) injecting some realism and saying some basic things about the market economy. One person from the impartial audience clapped.
At this point I took a tip from Warren Buffettt, and decided not to spend time doing something I didnt really want to do, and switched the TV off.
i got as far as merryn web biting back at the SNP toad and demanding she was allowed to speak 🙂
then i too pressed the off button
A guy called Barry Gardner was sent on to the Toady programme today to justify the Labour Party defence ‘policy’.
Now although he did’t have a leg to stand on, he dealt with Toenails admirably.
Toenails just has such a rubbish style of interviewing. And on his salary!!!!!! Classic public sector. Useless people featherbedded endlessly, never removed.
Nick Ferrari is so much better. Let them talk, and give them just enough rope to hang themselves.
Is it just me or does this leak of Labour’s manifesto seem like a cynical ploy to control the story? If all journalists had got it at the same time then all the stupidities would have been highlighted like the attempt to destroy the railways. That would have been the narrative.
But by leaking it to the BBC with a nudge-nudge-wink-wink the narrative would be controlled by the BBC, staunch allies of the Labour Party (some might call them the broadcast arm of the Labour Party, others their propaganda machine). The BBC would then control the narrative and all else would have to fall in line just to catch up.
As we all on here know, including Maxi despite him denying it, the BBC will not find any level too low to push the aims of the Labour Leninists, the Stalinist Socialists, the “Progressive” pillocks, the “Liberal” lunatics and the Maoist monsters.
Demon, yes. Not only that, Corbyn will now be able to ‘pull a Trump card’ and claim the media is against the Labour Party and also is corrupt in encouraging leaks and over-publicising the results.
Heads up for a BBC drama about the Rochdale Paki grooming scandal:
The producer of a BBC drama based on the Rochdale abuse scandal is confident the programme will not provide a platform for far-right groups to whip up racial tensions.
Susan Hogg was motivated to make Three Girls following revelations in 2012 of widespread grooming and sexual assault of girls and young women in Rochdale by a gang of Asian men.
The first episode of Three Girls airs on BBC One on Tuesday, May 16.
I’m imagining the entry music for this new version of Take Three Girls.
Come up to Rochdale town, see the young girls there
Trafficked round and round with no time to spare
Look around for someone
Find a new abuser if you can
If you’re strong
Can’t go wrong
Light Flight by Pentangle – Should that be White Flight now?
I see that Maxine Peake plays the ‘whistleblower’.
Why wasn’t she the real whistleblower, seeing as she sees herself as the voice of the dowtrodden northern people?
I just don’t trust Beeby to be the ones making a program about Rochdale.
This is going to be a cover-up & pro-Islam piece. Produced in the Islamic State of Propagandastan. They’ll no doubt find a way to lay the blame mostly at the feet of Whitey.
Already they are pushing the fictitious “far-right” at us.
“A” gang of “Asian” men. We already have a falsehood going.
Only one gang Beeby? Asian men Beeby? Were they Chinese or Zoroastrian then?
Perhaps the Chief Prosecuter for Rochdale/Rotherham area, Nazir Afzal, will be represented as a Moslem hero who engineered a few token arrests and claimed it had nothing to do with Mohamidanism
I did hear him speak at a university recently where he spoke of a Hollywood film to be made on the issue, and expressed a wish that he should be played by Denzil Washington.
Alarm bells are ringing as if my head is stuck in the tower of Big Ben.
Every piece I have read about this drama refers to Asians. No BBC. Some Sikh girls were victims too. I hope the BBC at least mentions the religion of peace.
Maxine Peake stars as the woman who brought it all to the public’s attention. Hmm, be interesting seeing her play Andrew Norfolk, the Time Journalist who actually fought hard to publicise the atrocities being carried out in Rotherham. Even he didn’t realise the scale of it when he came across the first families. But I guess this is BBC and people with cocks cannot be seen in a positive light.
Nor have I seen any mention of the police, (54 Rotherham police officers arrested on child sexual assault charges). Nor the council’s involvement. The women councillors are still so terrified of the Muslim councillors that they refused to speak to the inquiry teams.
As the BBC’s favourite male writer, Stephen Moffat says, it is ok to whitewash the past in the interest of progressive politics. “It is bending history slightly, but in a progressive and useful way”. (And no, it isn’t ok Stephen.)
I will hopefully have my views challenged when I see it, and have my faith in the BBC renewed, but I doubt it.
If it were to be accurate what will BBC viewers say, who will have no idea that 1,4000 children were tortured and sexually assaulted?
Dreadful bit of BBC propaganda for ‘no real Brexit from the EU’ at 8.10am on the TOADY Programme. (BBC R4) John Humphrys was useless as Presenter, I think his memory may be going. It really is time to send him off into well-earned retirement before he makes an idiot of himself on a daily basis. I would like to remember him as the good presenter he was not the unthinking programmed robot he has become.
Contributors were Dame Ngaire Woods and Andrew Lilico. The latter was none too sharp, either. The dear Dame – a Remain campaigner, IIRC – was able to propagandise for Brexit-related gloom & disaster with only reasoned but quiet & unchallenging facts from Lilico.
Neither of them pointed out that currencies fluctuate all the time and that this affects our UK inflation rate, favourably as well as unfavourably. Neither pointed out that much of the UK’s exporting industries for years had been wanting a lower £ to save them from the effort of selling overseas. Neither observed the effect on the £, the halving of the UK Base Rate (when other countries around the globe were raising theirs) post-referendum. Neither of them observed that the pound had been in a period of slight decline against other currencies. And none of them (all Labour Party supporters, perhaps?) observed that 2.3%-2.8% inflation was pretty normal for the UK since the mid-1990s and nobody at the BBC worried about it as much as they do now. So, what has changed?
Aah, the Government. A Conservative Government. And the EU Referendum with its much hated result.
In the past week – just seven days! – BBC Radio News has covered the PM, Theresa May, AND the Leader of the Opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, observing that UK bosses and other high earners have been grabbing increases in already high pay at the expense of their workers. In addition, the Conservatives have pledged – in the last seven days and covered by the BBC! – to bring down immigration to the UK to ‘the tens of thousands’.
Andrew Lilico correctly pointed out the effect of that on the vast proportion of UK workers who are seeing wages depressed as a result.
The BBC, however, with all its resources, is incapable of joining up the dots.
Because it did not want to?
Because of Brexit?
“Top bosses pay to be limited to a multiple of the lowest workers pay”
Doh such regulation leads to worse situations as of course people find their way around them
#1 You split your company into a low compny and a management company
#2 The boss instead of cutting his salary simply gets rid of the lowest paid workers on the books , by outsourcing those jobs to overseas divisions or overseas contractors.
You are going to get stuff like a small tech startup with a dozen grunts and 3 top engineers ..but you won’t be able to pay your engineers enough, so they’ll go work abroad.
yep our top bod took that pledge and promptly outsourced the cleaners
Not sure if anyone else noticed or mentioned this : Last night News at 10 on BBC1 – the first 17 minutes of our state broadcaster’s main national news bulletin were dedicated to covering the leaked Labour manifesto. In other words, a manifesto that has not even been confirmed or released yet, and could absolutely change before release. This delivered the opportunity to deliver numerous ‘special reports’ on how badly the current energy suppliers, rail systems, etc. are being run. The entire ‘news’ programme is really not ‘news’ at all, it is George Orwell’s two minutes of hate, times 20.
Then they had Mark Carney’s announcement – our intrepid BBC reporter Kamal Ahmed asked about wage stagnation, the one thing that all members of the opposition and BBBC go on about all the time. Carney gave some high-faloutin answer about rates and things, all pretending not to know that as long as you import 600,000 unskilled people every year, you will be reducing the cost of ‘slaves’ forever. Stop unskilled immigration and wages will rise. Simples.
Take the link now – – there are four headline video clips, every single one piece of ‘news’ in the entire world right now somehow involves the ill fortune of foreign women in burkhas….
lojo, good point. “BBC reporter Kamal Ahmed asked about wage stagnation”
Shame Kamal forgot all about that question that he asked when he wrote his Blog yesterday.
And an even greater shame that no-one in BBC N&CA could remember their output of the previous day when putting together their TODAY Programme for this morning.
The amnesiac BBC.
Listening to Sophie Walker of the Womens Equality Party. Their fiscal and political strategy completely ignores the economic results of their policies. No really probing questions from Presenter, Jenni Murray. No inflation concerns from Jenni, either, despite that being an overriding concern of the BBC for the past ten months.
What is she on? No, not medication. Or ‘medication’? What does she earn? £75,000? £100,000? £150,000? £200,000? Not worth the Minimum Wage, Jenni. Real equality with J. Humphrys this morning, then, on today’s showing. True equality with men at last!
The BBC.
Not worth the money.
Many many years ago I shared a student house with a feminist.
She had a poster. It read’ women who want to be equal to men lack imagination’.
And here we are ….in 2017……and it’s all coming true…….
I was surprised (but shouldn’t have been) to learn that Jenni is NOT a BBC employee since 1987.
Mark Steyn makes some interesting comments, (as always), regarding the irrelevence of the election of Macron. His remarks concern the whole of Europe and, even out of the EU, us. Essentially the population of Europe is static whereas Africa’s is not. With the EU’s ‘taxi service’ and indeed Tim Farron only this morning urging us to import more the future doesn’t look good.
Thanks Jim I hadnt come across Mark Steyn before, very interesting. What he is saying corresponds to believe it or not a BBC program I saw Don’t Panic – The Truth About Population by the Swede Professor Hans Rosling.
Of course the spin was that there isn’t really anything to worry about, but as the graph shows (and backed by the Prof) nearly all the world’s population growth is taking place in Africa and we in Europe should be deeply worried. The other obvious point is that we can basically kiss goodbye to all African wildlife over the next 50yrs, what a legacy for our children.
Perhaps you have already discovered that on You Tube there are some terrific (and humorous) speeches by Mark Steyn. He is, in my opinion, is one of the best of a dwindling number of great and honest journalists of our time.
I would actually say the graph is wrong for Europe as its population is increasing by the immigration of Africans and Asians. The European population of Europe is, no doubt, coming down but not the total number of all people living here.
Pupil died from allergic reaction
“…may have been saved by prompt use of EpiPen – coroner”
Maybe it’s time teachers learnt a bit of common sense and first aid instead of filling their heads with LGBT poppycock and PC twaddle.
I read yesterday they were considering head-cams for teachers in case they end up in a law suit for ‘touching’ pupils (not touching up !).
FFS what has this country become?
I’ve just watched last night’s Question Time, quite why I put myself through this anti British ordeal I don’t know.
Ben Wallace was appallingly weak, bordering on pathetic. If this is the best candidate the Tories can put forward to take on the SNP then wave the white flag in Scotland now.
Ruth Davidson must have had a tearful evening. Totally let down by her own party.
The Tories need a streetfighting debater to take on the Sturgeon’s thugs, not people who come across as out of touch ‘sound biting’ wimps.
So frustrating!!
I think Ben Wallace was chosen, for precisely the same reason as the more usual inept, inarticulate Conservative women MPs are picked for QT – unless they’re remainers like Soubry. Where QT is concerned from panel to questions to audience, nothing is left to chance.
Beltane, I was under the impression that the BBC contacted the political central office and they then forwarded a representative name.
I could be wrong, if so please correct me.
No idea Wronged, but if that’s the system devised to ensure balance and fairness it makes the over exposure of Abbott and Thornberry – to name but two – an odd reality. And does the same system, that decides Toynbee, Jones, Mason and all the other free-riders on the BBC battle-bus of public opinion as the final arbiters of what is the right way to think, also apply?
Was it 4 remainers and 1 leaver last night.
How can the BBC seriously report Corbyn’s claims that he is not a pacifist? Does anyone seriously believe that? In fact Corbyn is worse than a pacifist . He is not motivated by loving peace but rather a desire to see the enemies of the West succeed on the world stage. just as any good Marxist would.
Corbyn denies his own ostensibly sincere beliefs and tells us he is not a pacifist. McDonnell denies his own ostensibly sincere beliefs and denies being a Marxist. Such men, prepared to be fundamentally disloyal to themselves for the sake of temporary power, are beneath contempt – and yet the BBC will continue to promote and enhance them.
And opinion polls report that 27-30 percent of voters would vote for these lying anti British Marxists . Hard to believe.
It is weird and rather sad in the extreme to note that Corbyn is polling almost as well in the opinin polls as Milliband did in the 2015 election.
Has every Labour voter suddenly become a CND supporting pacifist, ot do they just have a shortage of brain cells and thus are programmed only to recognise a red rosette attached to the person in front of them? A sort of Pavlovian response?
Its simply a matter of more media coverage, and him getting out of the poisonous cesspool of Westminster, and that s despite the rabid smearing from the press gutter rags like, The Sun, The Torygraph, The Mail, The Express etc.
Don t forget, like him or not, he has worked tirelessly to hold the Labour party together despite an almost totally biased media campaign to blacken his name and mendacious troublemaking from so called Labour MPs, (nothing but traitorous underhand Red Tories), within his own party.
He is passionate about what he believes in and believe me would wipe the floor with Liar May in a genuine debate.
Objectively the facts speak for themselves, Corbyn achieved those 2 leaderships because of the unhappiness felt by the grassroots Labour supporters in the street with the current crop of wildly disconnected, privately schooled, university educated Labour “so called” elite who have the brazen audacity to pretend to stand for ‘the working man’
While feathering their own nests at the expense of the country… Self serving greed, unfortunately is not restricted to politicians of just one stripe, however but is a symptom of our deliberately manufactured grasping and venal society, being particularly prevalent among all politicians.
Sheesh! just look at Liar May and the Tory front bench for the perfect example, devious, utterly incompetent, smearing fork tongues
who will screw our nations people, and sell them down the river.
There is an eye watering amount of influence, airtime and money in keeping Liar May in No 10, despite her putting party first over our nation, causing deliberate damaging delay over EU, disastrous over our national debt, barefaced lying over the election, a proven not to be trusted turncoat … and a withering failure in every bloody job she s held … a devious, spiteful, underhand, smearing politician of the lowest order
coz ov Fatcher innit, EE?
I’m at risk of hogging this board today.
EE, you make a very good point. Anyone with a reasonable knowledge of Jeremy Corbyn over the years will remember he has – as a man with honest, decent, principles (of a sort) – equivocated over Irish Republican and Palestinian terrorism, to name but two major conflicts.
The BBC. Turning things upside down?
Is my memory defective? I seem to recall that the Front National in France derived much of its support from THE SOUTH of France. Yet here, ,
the BBC are trying to claim that her traditional support is in the North. That is despite the BBC’s own reports from touring around France (AGW notwithstanding) that included ‘Vox Pops’ with unemployed voters who were reluctant to vote for FN.
You cannot win as heavily as Macron did without encroaching on your opponent’s territory and taking votes from them. [ Unless, there was election fraud, perhaps sustained by dark forces, such as President Putin, the FSB and Russia Today. 😉 ]
The BBC, in analysing the French Presidential Election appear to me to be turning things upside down. Or am I completely mistaken about where the traditional support for FN exists? Or that something has rapidly changed in French politics? Now, that would really be something!
Or is the BBC – unthinkingly or accidentally or deliberately – presenting us with FalseNews?
BBC going for the National Enquiry market.
“The eco-friendly pants you can grow vegetables in
A Swedish clothes designer is developing radical ways to combat waste.
A smartphone film by Dougal Shaw for BBC World Hacks. ”
That’s the entire text and there’s a video.
BBC News, BBC Politics, BBC Breakfast, BBC V Drearybyshire –
Caitlyn Jenner: ‘I could enter politics’
“Reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner says she is considering entering US politics in a bid to promote transgender issues. She told the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme she had been “really upset” by some of President Donald Trump’s policies on the LGBT community”
TV blanket coverage for the 0.1% again
… a lot of political establishment drive behind this, particularly on the impressionable minds of children
Surely the logical conclusion of Corbyn’s marxist economics is to have a tax rate of 100% on all earnings.
Then resources would be allocated by the state according to need. Food, education, housing, healthcare etc etc.
The providers of the goods and services would all be in public ownership, managed centrally by politicians and administrators so that resources do not spill over into a greedy private sector making profits out of essential services.
All those paying the 100% tax would be happy to pay it, knowing that the output of their skills and labour would be shared across society as a whole.
Surely that would be the ultimate ‘fair society’?
What could possibly go wrong?
“What could possibly go wrong?” – We would go back to the three day week, power cuts, domestic rubbish uncollected, undertakers on strike, etc etc. Certainly the rail unions, realising that they could extort pay increases from the State would be constantly on strike, enough for the current disputes to pale into insignificance. On and on I could go, but those old enough to remember the issue of petrol ration cards as well, will get the picture.
But amongst all that, Corbyn would immediately, ‘do a Blair’ and beckon (in true Merkel fashion) anyone that was inclined, to come to good-ol’ UK to suck on the teats of the Welfare State. That would be the ultimate, ‘fair(!) society’ for all but the Brits.
After one hour of Leanne Wood yesterday, the Daily Politics burdens us today with one hour of Polly Toynbee, another unrepentant socialist. We then get the apalling Stephen Gethins of the SNP to give us an anti , anti Tory diatribe . Next an interview with The Socialist Party of Britain who are honest Marxists rather than covert Marxists like McDonnell and Corbyn.
Indeed EE, quite why that sadly blurred old bag is inflicted so frequently is beyond logic, let alone common humanity. But, in the interest of fair play and credit – however rare – being due, I thought Jo Coburn was almost Neil-like in her occasionally forceful impartiality.
This Polly Toynbee?:
I wonder what second, third…. infinitely keeps attracting the BBC to their ex employee and Labour shill?
Owen & Paul Mason popped to the loo for a conflab or quick fag with Di and Emily?
BBC News – Huddersfield child abuse offences inquiry police charge 29
Twenty nine people have appeared in court facing a total of more than 170 charges relating to the sexual exploitation of 18 children.
“A mob screamed and shouted at the defendants as they arrived at court for the hearing this morning. A group of 29 people have been charged with historical sex offences against children.
Prosecutor Richard Wright QC told the court that the defendants have been split into three groups which are set to face three different trials early next year”
Leeds, Canterbury, Oxford on and on it goes.
Hopefully you ve read “easy meat” the comprehensive data source on the decades of epidemic Islamic child rape gangs if you re a B-BBCer.
An excellent adjunct to this is Anne Marie s extensive “Perfect storm”.
highlighting todays continuing wilful denial by the Police, No10 to act to accept the causes and eradicate this cancer … its deliberate!.
Some of the photos on the metro website look darned close to the court. The photographer had better watch out for the 4:30 am knock on the door.
Thanks nogginator for that link to Anne Marie Waters, a fascinating indepth read. Laid out like that the horror of the Muslim Rape Gangs stand out so why are the MSM not shouting it from the rooftops ????? a) it will never affect them or any female relatives as they all live in safe enclaves b) so deluded they don’t believe the men involved are “REAL MUSLIMS” or both.
Another interesting piece by AMW from last year, Mrs K. She’s not very popular with those of a left persuasion for some reason.
An interesting interview half an hour ago on R5 with Ruth Ibegbuna, who’s the chief executive of Reclaim, a charity devoted to improving social mobility and helping ‘working-class young persons’ achieve their potential. From their website: ‘We are proud to be leaders in discussing leadership and community pride through the lens of social class.’
Hmm; the discourse of sociology, much? And if the photos on the website are anything to go by, the word community is important. But fair enough; if it works, it works. A clip from the website was played, though, which featured a young boy pointing out that no fewer than 19 Prime Ministers had come from Eton College (a private school ‘which costs £11,000 . . . a term!’), forty-odd from Oxbridge, and none at all from Salford (where the charity’s based).
Which is truly shocking, as compulsory state education in England was, of course, introduced by Edward II in 1326, nearly 400 years before Robert Walpole became the first statesman to be known as ‘Prime Minister’.
Playing fast and loose with history is iffy in an absolute sense, but the charity can present its views in any way it sees fit. What grieves is the fact that all this went unchallenged by the BBC’s soothing voice, who conducted the softest kind of from-me-to-you interview. Comfortably more than 99% of the working class from any given community have never been in a position to serve as PM. The nation’s favourite broadcaster seems to think working-class people are too thick to spot historical illiteracy and agitprop.
The bBC is currently going overboard on singing the praises of JC and how whislt he isn’t a pacifist he (if elected) will have a minister of peace. Meanwhile on HYS I saw this comment:
“He might be a pacifist but he must be a very brave man to have dated Diane Abbott.”
Pounce – He probably had no choice! We will never know how many tears he shed after the deed had been done!
Excellent article in Con Woman on why it is time the BBC acknowledged public opinion and accepted Brexit.
I do hope the General election will produce a couple of Tory MPs who might stand up to the BBC
GWF – MPs stand up to the b.b.bastards? Nah, they’re all too frit!
Alas, true Conservatives are a dying breed. I am old enough to remember the days when a tory government would simply not have tolerated the left-wing bias of the state broadcaster, freedom of the press or not.
These days the conservatives have morphed into an wishy-washy hybrid entity where power has eclipsed policy and principles as the order of the day.
Jeremy Corbyn, a BBC TV Reporter and a British soldier were captured by ISIS and were, as usual, sentenced to death by beheading.
Unexpectedly, the ISIS leader said they could have one last wish each before sentence was carried out.
Corbyn asked to hear a rendering of keep the red flag flying here.
The Reporter asked that the beheading be televised so that even when he was dead his face would be on TV.
The Trooper asked to be kicked three times up the arse.
This was carried out first, and as the last kick landed the Trooper pulled a hidden 9 mm pistol out of his smock shot three terrorists dead, grabbed one of their fallen AK47s and shot dead the rest of the terrorists.
The other two prisoners were amazed, and asked why he requested to be kicked three times before drawing his gun.
“Because” said the Trooper “when we get back to the UK I don’t want you pair of arseholes saying it was an unprovoked attack!”
The Today programme must have been getting a trifle uneasy about the wall-to-wall anti-Trump coverage – without any objective voices allowed to sully their airwaves (they think the airwaves belong to them). So, forced to include some balance, who did they invite this morning, but Conrad Black. He spoke well and effectively, but since the BBC have spent years denigrating the man (unfairly), they know that many listeners will regard him as ‘damaged goods’. I expect, therefore, that the Today producers are hugging themselves with glee at their ‘brilliant’ choice.
4:30pm More or Less
– Are nurses badly paid or averaging £31K ?
The Great Scottish Election Conspiracy.
Did the SNP lose seven seats or gain six. (7 losses are estimates cos they are new seats).
It’s Friday. It’s almost five o’clock. And here’s a cracker, jack!
‘The first NewFronts presentation from centered on the trust the publisher has earned over the past 100 years and its reputation for accuracy.’
Seems the BBC is not the only one guilty of cut and pasting less than credible PR as News press releases.
Anyone else sick to the back teeth of hearing/reading about President Trump? Articles full of speculation and innuendo. Why can’t they just shut up and let everyone get on with their jobs. The vicious left can’t let go of the Russia thread, as if we are still living in the 50s and everyones scared of Russian infiltration…there are far more important things around the world to be concerned about. Sky is just as bad, and Fox has pretty much wall to wall Trump coverage – but at least it’s their country.
The people of America, especially the lefties, are acting like crazy fools, and making America look like a shambles to the rest of the world. They are supposed to be a superpower, not a laughing stock. So I guess this is part of the big plan, discussed by Fox also, that the left will not let anything that Trump does go by without obstructing, denigrating, criticising, spreading rumours and lies and insinuations. And of course they are assisted in this aim by the BBC. Bad situation.
“Why can’t they just shut up and let everyone get on with their jobs.” Because there’s a war going on and the MSM role, including BBC, is to batter Trump at every opportunity.
Agree absolutely that there’s far too much about Trump on BBC news. But the BBC can’t stop. Trump is an existential threat to their Globalist worldview and strategy.
Not doing anything until the BBC bring forward their MI5 expert with his Trump Moscow Hotel video
They led us to believe it was imminent.
This interview with deranged academic and Jew hater Noam Chomsky is aired by the BBC. He follows BBC logic on climate change all the way to claiming that the Republican Party is worse that Isis, the Nazis etc., because they intend to kill everyone in the world by ignoring climate change
Could be shared as a joke were it not for his influence over thousands of gormless students.
Oh dear, it looks like the virus which affected several NHS trust is likely to be used by the BBC and other unscrupulous media outlets to claim that the cause is the Tories underfunding the NHS when it is nothing of the sort.
This is partly the fault of managers who have not upgraded security on software, because they wanted to spend the money elsewhere, also the fact that someone actually clicked on a link in an Email and allowed the virus into the system.
On top of that is a myriad of equipment which runs all kinds of software versions, but still work.
There is an issue with the capabilities of NHS IT staff who could and should have strengthened the security of the Email system – running a separate computer for this would have been advisable in any event – even Hilary could manage that one !
Expect the BBC to be rubbing its hands at a chance to beat the Tories over funding cuts.
Cyber attack my arse, BBC! Looks like it’s ransomeware, T, someone looking at naughty websites in my exeperience.
Someone playing Doctors and Nurses?
@Toobiwan Personal experience then ?
Bang to rights, Stew 🙂 I was clicking on a “recommendation” from someone looking over my shoulder and a box popped from the NYPD (yeh right) complete with a web cam view of our shocked faces. I was fortunate to get back in in safe mode and did a system restore followed by a number of sweeps of Malwarebytes.
NHS warned last year re vulnerability of WXP following lack of MS support.