What world does Katty Kay live in? Her own little personal post-truth bubble presumably. Why did Trump sack Comey? Because Trump is a thin-skinnned, grumpy, crazy, old man.
Is Trump’s thin skin getting in the way of his presidency?
What if the Comey firing is nothing to do with the Russia probe or the Clinton email server but is actually just a result of the president’s thin-skinned character?
And would that be more or less alarming than Comey being fired in order to impede the Russia investigation, which is the case Democrats are making this week?
New reporting from the Washington Post, and other US media outlets, which are the recipients of a huge amount of leaks this week, suggest Mr Trump was upset by the Comey testimony at the Senate last week.
Oh the Washington Post…the rabidly anti-Trump Washington Post?
Hmmm…er….wasn’t the actual reason that Comey misled Congress …a fact the BBC knows about but other than this one mention refuses to admit is the given reason for the sacking…
The move came as it emerged Mr Comey gave inaccurate information to Congress last week about Mrs Clinton’s emails.
The Telegraph reports the true reason for the sacking…
James Comey ‘gave wrong information’ to Congress in his testimony about Hillary Clinton’s aides emails
How is it that Katty Kay misses that and goes off on a tangent invented by the Washington Post?
Kay goes on kattily…
But is being thin-skinned now getting in the way of his ability to do his job effectively? The sacking of James Comey might be evidence of that.
Mr Trump hated what he heard in Mr Comey’s testimony. It made him angry, he felt disparaged and he hit back. This, we understand, was Mr Trump’s MO as a business man.
But the scale now is far larger and he hit back in a way that undermines his credibility (because the story is not straight) and diminishes trust in the institutions of government.
It may simply be about Mr Trump’s personality. He doesn’t forgive grudges and feels somehow unfairly treated. Then he acts fast, sometimes impulsively, especially when he’s angry.
At 70 years old, his character is unlikely to change.
If the firing of Mr Comey is an example, it’s not a good sign for long-term stability in this White House.
So desperate to spread this slanderous tripe that she even sidelines the claim that Trump is in league with the Russians. Bizarre stuff from KK.
How come a few months ago when the Democrats were demanding Comey be sacked it was ok? When it was Hilary being investigated, they wanted blood and insisted he’d brought the agency into disrepute and no longer had the confidence of people to run the agency. I imagine that had Hilary won and Comey hadn’t publicly cleared her of all charges and potential future investigation, she would have sacked him too. Except then the narrative would be that she wanted to replace him with a woman and shake up the ‘old male’ culture of DC
My Trump cartoon for those who missed it
Katty Kay dissing Trump and using a punt headline disguised as a question?
Colour me surprised.
She should so get a room with Jon Donnison, wherever the BBC has hidden him next.
When are they going to endless this tiresome and ridiculous reds under the bed stance? It’s laughed about now when people refer to the 50’s and then there was some grounds for it. But to blame every decision that goes against the establishment and opinion polls on the Ruskies is juvenile.
Notice how she slipped in the word ‘hated’, a word clearly he didn’t use as it would be in quotation marks, just another snidey slander.
Anyway, I really hope she is correct in one statement in that ‘ at seventy his character is unlikely to change’. That’s the man they voted for and presumably according to her he is the man they will get, what a refreshing change from most politicians.
On an aside note the woman ( unfortunately I forget her name )that has taken over from Sean Spicer this week is a gem.
As most of us who watch the press briefing know the journos repeatedly ask the same questions with almost terminal monotony.
Upon being asked the same question at least five times she said ( I paraphrase )’ I hate to sound like a stuck record, but if you guys ask me the same questions all the time, I feel it only right to give you exactly the same answers all the time’.
What a beaut!
It was her daughters fifth birthday this week and she used the airtime to wish her daughter a happy birthday and she was obviously emotionally happy, now I don’t know about anyone else but I would have thought on a purely ‘human level’ there may have been some sort of positive reaction from the journos especially perhaps from the ‘fairer sex’ (sic), however nothing but stony silence ( this was before her bit on the stuck record ).
The contempt and extreme bias against the Trump administration is undeniable and open for all to see if they watch the press briefings normally around sevenish on Fox news daily.
Sarah Huckabee-Sanders. She’s supposedly Spicer’s deputy.
On another note – the feministas don’t seem to like that females in Trump’s team are successful. I refer to his previous campaign manageress – Kellyanne Conway. Why didn’t the feministas laud her for her successful campaign? And they don’t seem to want to laud Sarah, either….. Or should women NOT be allowed into positions of power unless they get it from complaining of sexism. Instead of their own abilities.
Exactly. By becoming successful on their own terms, they have upset the treasured narrative that all women must be victims of the evil patriarchy.
They have betrayed the cause, just like successful ‘people of color’ were vilified as ‘Uncle Tom’ in days gone by.
I suppose that makes Huckabee-Sanders an ‘Aunt Tom’ which has a nice non-binary flavour to it.
What if Katty Kay only writes this infantile rubbish because it’s her time of the month?
I have no way of knowing, of course, but then neither does she before she rushes into print with her rabid anti-Trump diatribes, masked as “journalism”.
Come here Katty, Katty, Katty, I’ve got some fresh Katty litter for you.
She doesn’t need a kitty litter, she just sh*ts on the public!
It’s OK; seems the barmy blonde is headed off into culinary territory…
Not clear if she will be parked in The Dire US BBQ or Ready, Steady, Trumpppppppp!
I long ago (and I’m talking decades) realized that the BBC does not understand or report the real USA.
For me it’s senseless to listen to anything the BBC broadcasts about the USA. Both because it always portrays the USA not how it is, but how the BBC wishes UK to see it, and also nowadays because there are many outlets where we can get US News directly. Try listening to FOX News USA for 30 minutes and you get a completely different view of all US-related news, including Comey’s sacking. I found it interesting e.g. that Trump acted on the written advice of the newly-appointed and apparently bipartisan Deputy AG.
FOX also makes the firm accusation that the Democrats have not, and cannot, accept Trump as President, and so are out to get smear him whatever he does, to slow him down, to wear him down, at every opportunity.
Of course, I do not know whether the FOX view is 100% correct either. I don’t live in the USA. That’s why the BBC is supposed to give us a balanced view we pay for. But is clearly happily in bed with the Democrats.
Oh yes, Engineer!
If you can bear it, listen to dull Rhod Sharp on R5Live when he ‘broadcasts’ from Massachusetts or somewhere all liberal…
All Boston, Washington, CBS stuff, and never anything else.
Guaranteed for a good night’s sleep – he’s so awfully uninteresting, but better than staring at a black ceiling I suppose.
We could always listen to Alistair Cooke’s Letters From America:
Apparently Katty and Laura Kunesberg are kept locked away together in a basement of Broadcasting House at night in the hope that they breed and produce lots of little offspring to continue the master race of BBC libtard verminous scumbags.
Given the latest BBC Caitlyn shares, such a breeding programme may yet be on the cards.