I have just been listening to Justine Webb getting all giggly and silly because he’s ventured forth from the studio and is speaking to folk at a Radio4 Toady-Roadshow in that poverty stricken enclave of the South West, Bath.
So poverty stricken, Al, that the audience comprises people living in £1m+ homes! The BBC seem to have developed a sudden obsession with the south-west, especially Bath and Yeovil. Jane Austin territory.
If they wish to see some poverty, they should try elsewhere in the south-west.
PS: Justin will get even more giggly and girly in a minute when a local Rugby hero is wheeled on to the stage.
Maybe hoping to score a key of khat down a back alley from one of the BBC South West ‘translators’, in exchange for a ‘paintball gun’ from the BBC armoury?
Bath did return a LibDim from 1992 to 2015. The Conservative majority in 2015 was 3833, which puts it in fairly marginal territory. The Conservative who lost in 1992 was wetter-than-leaky-shoes-in-a-monsoon Chris Patten, so the Farronites and the Beeboids probably hope to turn Bath into the Battleship Potemkin of the anti-Brexit revolution.
The BBC (on Radio 4 at least) were extremely upset by divisiveness in the UK. For them it appears to be a new affliction that has suddenly arisen in June 2016 and is afflicting the UK with its horribleness.
If they are so concerned by this divisiveness, why are they indulging in it – actually encouraging it – this morning from the start at 6am on the TOADY Programme?
R4 Toady banging on again about a ‘progressive alliance’ to stop the awful Tories. Middle class lefties from Wells who ‘resolutely’ support Corbyn are interviewed together with snowflakes obsessing about LGBT issues. Apparently only the old, who are doing very nicely, thank you, are stupid enough to vote Conservative.
The BBC, in the form of the Today programme, continues with their election campaigning, this time at Bath University – cheers and rounds of applause by Greens, Liberals and assorted lefties comprising the scrupulously fair selected audience.
That Today programme for bias – little challenge to assertions such as milord Ashdown saying effectively ” do away with universities and do it all on line “. I’ve done both. I think I understand the difference . So i did a wiki on milord ashdown . A son of the raj and farmer, private schooled. Unchallenged . Think the Bath ( instant 2:2) students were so zonked they didn’t realise what he was saying . If a Tory said that she/ he would be lynched and even Justin might have stopped giggling .
I was so dispirited by the start of the offering from Bath, that I couldn’t stomach listening to any more. Dispirited, that is, not only by the BBC bias but also by the boorishness of the vocal students. So I avoided both Ashdown and elevated blood pressure!
I went to Bath University. There were an awful lot of twonkers.
Mainly engineering and Eurostudies – I kid you not the ‘Eurostuds’ as they called themselves were an appalling bunch of idiots.
All the Biological Sciences students and lecturers were of course ace.
I did an open university week at Bath. After holding a seat for someone in the restaurant I was accused of ‘spatial piracy’ by a psychology student.
F’cking moron.
9pm C4 MetroBubbleword has another sneer at Trump
This time it’s 1h with Matt Frei examining Ivanka, who appears to be taking on the First Lady role whilst Melania Trump is in New York taking care of her 11 year old son Barron.
It’s preced at 8:30 by the Channel4 Fake News Show ..Isn’t that the same show that happens between 7-8pm ?
The Race to the Bottom continues: Tory policy of a years unpaid leave for employees having to care for a elderly or sick relative. Won’t stand scrutiny any more that the similar paternity leave. Perhaps we should have BAFTA Awards for political creativeness or, ‘nonsense’ in my vocabulary.
I haven’t yet seen the full details of this but understand that employees can claim up to a year’s leave which is unpaid. Probably unpaid because the carer will be able to claim carers’ allowance. We have had such a difficulty in the family looking after a terminally ill relative and although employers concerned were sympathetic and generous with their support, the ability to be able to take time off when needed, even without pay, would have been very helpful, so I’m of the opinion that it is a practical policy and beneficial in some instances.
It’s easier for big organisations but for small businesses as impractical as maternity or paternity leave . The absence has to be taken up by other workers. Nice idea but difficult to make practical .
R4 9am Show is about Fake News with Amol Rajan. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08q30rg
– The political columnist Matthew D’Ancona paints a dystopian picture in which trust has evaporated, conspiracy theories thrive, and feelings trump fact.
He argues that the very foundations of democracy are under threat.
“People surrounding Trump are concerned with reinserting a kind of white nationalism hegemony”
– Supporting D’Ancona is Claire Wardle @cward1e is hoping her organisation First Draft will equip users to verify the sources of stories and tackle misinformation online.
But what happens when the peddlers of misinformation are state-sponsored?
– The Chinese writer Lijia Zhang spent a decade working in a rocket factory and her memoir, Socialism is Great!, reflects the great social transformation in China since the 1980s, and the shifts in trust and truth which mirrored such changes.
(spoke about Mao’s 20-40 million unreported famine deaths)
– The writer China Miéville, who is best known for his stories of urban surrealism, turns his attention to the story of the Russian Revolution.
If I could be bothered, I could probably come up with a similar chart demonstrating how fake news from Associated Press and Reuters is channeled widely by the Grauniad, by the-Independent-formerly-known-as-a-“newspaper” and by our beloved Beebyanka. Any time some climate fraud churns out a press release prophesying the end of ice/ the death of the Great Barrier Reef/ the Biggest Mass Extinction evaaaa, you can guarantee that those agencies, along with the Times and Telegraph, usually, will regurgitate the nonsense whole.
In other contexts, the Beebyanka is a shameless mouthpiece for pronouncements from Brussels, CNN and Imams-R-Us.
Thanks Richard, in your post above I was looking for dear old Auntie. I no longer believe a word she says. Mr D and I were watching Bargain Hunt over supper and I pointed out that with internet bidding in the items, there is nothing to stop the Beeb bidding for stuff. Just to make the programme more entertaining you understand. Once you start to see how much the BBC manipulates its programmes everything is possible. The trust has gone.
I used to gently mock my wife because she watched ‘deal or no deal’ I used to say it should be renamed to ‘you’ve won 50 quid’
Bargain Hunt should be renamed to ‘you’ve lost 50 quid’
The title of the programme was “Post-truth and Revolution” – surely the BBC’s main area of expertise.
As usual, the whole programme was “fake analysis” rather than “fake news”. Someone argued that Orwell had got it wrong when he said that totalitarian regimes will attempt to control information by controlling technology. When you consider that the contributors spent a lot of the time bewailing the spread of “false news” on the social media, that social media providers were publishers rather than platforms and so should be subject to more state regulation, it is obvious that they are simply talking nonsense and contradicting themselves.
Toady this morning doing the usual BBC line that old people are callous to the young .
The BBC think that young people are like Peter Pan – they never grow up . It’s always worried that Youth is not interested in politics ( although it makes worried articles if the youth wing of UKIP is the fastest young persons political movement ) .
Listen Beeboids when people of any age are apathetic towards politics it’s none of your business . I say that because I know you think if they are persuaded to take part you think it will be on the liberal/ left side of the argument . The only way a young person misses out on politics is if he dies before maturing into an experienced adult . That’s right Beeboids – young people grow old .
All the political talk about Education , universities , childcare and single parents proves there is input about young people . The BBC though thinks it’s all about pensioners who are caters for and Beeboids think they should walk into the sea and leave the land for those under twenty five .
I’ll give you some people are left out from receiving attention BBC . They lived in places like Rochdale and Oxford .
The Left, as usual, make cognitive dissonance into an art-form. They complain that young people aren’t interested in politics so let’s lower the voting age to 11 to encourage them to get interested. What? It makes no sense, so clearly it is a concept completely supported by the BBC. It would give them an excuse to politicise children’s programmes, not that they feel they need one.
“The BBC think that young people are like Peter Pan – they never grow up.” At the BBC, of course, they don’t.
Nibor ,
I suppose since the left liberals in al been have run out of public targets such as police , military, teachers ( long ago ) they have decided to demonise ” the old” ( whatever that is ) as a unified identifiable group who are occupying young people’s homes and should all die in order to avoid Brexit .
I thought I was daily resistant to being wound up by albeeboids but the approach of Justin Webb was just a shocker. Maybe he’s so detached from real life that he doesn’t know what he is saying .
Where do the BBC broadcast their current affairs programmes from ~~ schools , youth clubs and today it was in Bath University . Oh yeah the youth is ignored isn’t it BBC ? (Unless they’re victims of certain rape gangs ) .
For those of you who still fighting for breath having seen that the BBC can sweep up so many BAFTAs, while the brilliant The Crown is left with nothing to fill its mantelpiece, please look at the make up of the BAFTA jury for drama:
Alice Tyler: Development Assistant, Drama Republic
Claire Mundell: Creative Director, Synchronicity Films
Henry Swindell: Producer, Artists Studio
Jonathan Lewsley: Development Executive, BBC Drama Commissioning
Katie Carpenter: Head of Development, Sister Pictures
Natasha Phillips: Script Editor, Drama, Channel 4
Serena Bowman: Head of Development, Company Pictures
Sophia Rashid: Script Producer / Producer BBC
6 of the 8 panel are women, most US dramas, (not all), are written, directed and over run by those with male appendages, (The Crown, House of Cards, Sopranos, The Wire, Better Call Saul, etc etc). A good deal of the winning shows on BAFTA were female written/directed, centering on women. I cannot say that would sway it with a female audience but it is difficult to see how Happy Valley can score in any way over the extraordinary The Crown, probably the finest drama for a decade.
Secondly, nearly all the panel are BBC, ex BBC employees or heavily dependent upon the BBC.
2 out of the 8 are directly employed by the BBC, whereas there is only one other employee from all the other broadcasters – and she is from channel 4 which has a similar political/feminist outlook to the BBC.
Most of the others have direct connections with the BBC:
Alice Tyler was script reader for BBC Wales and her company, Drama Republic, produce material for BBC, Charles III.
Claire Mundell was head of CBBC Scotland.
Sister productions only began life in 2016, so how did it get its feet under the jury table? Answer, Jane Featherstone is an ex BBC drama producer.
Company Pictures has a long list of BBC commissions, such as Wolf Hall.
Now I have worked with many of these people and they are superb at what they do and I trust their judgement, but they are all of the same Guardian/liberal mindset.
A producer and friend of mine refuses to watch The Crown because he is a republican, (and I kid ye not).
Finally a heartfelt note to everyone on the Crown, in particularly Claire Foy, Matt Smith, Jon Lithgow, Jared Harris, Peter Morgan et al, ‘you wuz stitched up like a kipper’ in the BBC’s meat free, green centered, fat free canteen.
Scribbler, as you appear to be ‘in the know’ with regards the make up of the jury; Can I assume they are the right side of 40 ? My reasoning ? the names of Serena, Katie, Sophia, Natasha can be a bit of an age give away. I may sound ‘ageist’, but are we really surprised at the outcomes of anything that those born from 1980 onwards are involved in ? (if I’m horribly wrong, then I humbly apologise)
Now, if there were the likes of Sheila’s, John’s, Brian’s, Linda’s, Jane’s, Peter’s, David’s, Susan’s involved, then I would feel a lot more reassured – strange that !
In the end after asking for tweets they didn’t cover the topic.
Tmw will talk about Rochdale drama and have Maxine Peake and Sarah Robottom social worker who first exposed the abuse.
#NotOnlyBbc Local newspaper story about terrible thuggish attack by man named Matulaitis attacked Nicolae Visan in Scunthorpe …results six year jail sentence.
only on page 2 Buried away do you find that Matulaitis has a prior conviction for “causing a minor injury in his home country of Lithuania”
The item says nothing about the victim being known to the attacker and having a Romanian name.
So the guy came over worked for less than 2 years and now we taxpayers meet the hospital and 6 year jail costs. http://m.scunthorpetelegraph.co.uk/man-jailed-for-six-years-after-drunken-rampage-through-scunthorpe-town-centre/story-30325257-detail/story.html
Okay, so this is slightly off topic because it’s a gripe about an ITV programme, not the BBC, but…
Yesterday evening’s Grantchester, the 1950’s drama is ostensibly about a C of E priest and his policeman pal solving crimes. Naturally it’s choc full of quaint locations, lovely old cars, blokes sporting short back and sides and laden with politically correct opinions being blasted at us at full volume.
Just because the series is set in the 50’s doesn’t inoculate it from our very contemporary obsessions; racism, sexism, gay rights. We’ve not had a transgender character yet, but give ’em time…
Sunday’s episode regurgitated some of Grantchester’s previous set of favourite themes and villains.
Freemasonry, according to a couple of episodes, seems to be on a par with the nefarious Ku Klux Klan. Blimey, I thought it was all dodgy handshakes and silly signals, but clearly I was wrong.
We had racism with the blighters the other week, this time it was the corrupt police turning a blind eye to an accidental manslaughter. Our priest and his policeman pal discover what has happened, but the cop’s Masonic boss puts the kibosh on it; at the same time promoting an inept copper simply because he’s also a member of the odd handshake fraternity. The swines!
Of course our hero is a man quite at odds with the narrow minded bigotries of the 1950’s. He stuggles with the hypocrisy of the church. He lectures a gay friend about “not living a lie.” This is supposed to be the 1950’s remember. The gay chap is so over the top camp he make Charles Hawtrey look like Charles Bronson, but still his fiancee doesn’t realise. Try to imagine a hybrid John Inman, Larry Grayson cross and you’re getting close.
Then our priest decides to confront his arch bishop. Of course the AB is black, as I was expecting. “Do you know they call you an Uncle Tom?” our Priest asks. Of course he does, but this is a man so full of good character he fights on, “doing God’s work.” I guess they’re both waiting for the age of enlightenment…when, on Sunday evenings unsuspecting audiences can be lectured by pc light entertainment.
The series ends with our struggling hero removing his dog collar and striding off into the sunset, leaving 1950’s Grantchester behind.
Heading straight for 2017’s Islington, I should guess…
….The gay chap is so over the top camp he make Charles Hawtrey look like Charles Bronson,…… PRICELESS !! LOL !
As for the ‘short back and sides’ haircut, it was preferable to what’s on display nowadays – short sides and long quiff on top, which suits no-one and looks stooooopid !
You are quite right about this. In the 1950s homosexuality was seen as a mental illness, the vicar would not have been telling his curate to be honest with himself, he would have been sending him to the doctor to be cured.
Likewise, as soon as you saw the factory owners were Christians, you knew they had to be small-minded, hypocritical and corrupt. It is lazy writing. Viewing 1955 through the politically correct lens of 2017 is so boring.
And why did the dead girl have a black child? Her boyfriend was white. Are we now expected to be so PC that we are not supposed to think that children should be the same race as their parents?
It’s completely anachronistic, Jeff. New Age style touchy-feely, ‘sharing’ and overly emotional, and openly discussing topics that were kept to oneself even 30 years on from that era. As if anyone in the 50s would openly discuss being a gay man, at a time when it was a criminal offence. The vicar and the copper greeting each other with a hug in an earlier episode made me laugh – men didn’t even do that in the 80s! A handshake or a slap on the back was the limit of the limit of affection between men. I liked the earlier episodes, but the addition of 21st century PC attitudes really puts me off, it’s offensive and nauseating; my OH has decided not to watch it any more.
They do take so much care in the period setting, though my OH noticed an out of place object in the cricket scene the week before – one of those square-ish parasols, I never saw them in my youth. What laziness, it looks as if someone just popped out to Focus to get any old thing.
One other general point is that I find that TV drama on both BBC and ITV portrays rural communities negatively. Could that be because they’re mainly Tory, pro-Brexit, ethnic British and older on average than urban areas? I grew up in a city, moved to a town and lived in villages thereafter; there’s no way I’d live anywhere other than a village now. The reality is a much better way of life.
Corbyn asserts that the world-wide cyber attack which hit the NHS so hard was the result of Tory cuts. On the other hand the 2008 banking crisis which hit the Labour government of the time was world-wide and not the result of their mismanagement.
Will the BBC make this point throughout the day?
I am getting the impression from the BBC that the cyber attack on the NHS is the government’s fault for lack of spending.
Yet Microsoft released a patch to prevent this particular cyber attack back in March. Microsoft also claim that all free antivirus software would have prevented the attack.
The NHS wasted over 10 billion on an abandoned computer system, so spending money is NOT necessarily the answer to every problem. Just sensible management.
Updates from Microsoft and antivirus companies are free.
The problem appears to be the usual state-owned industry incompetence. Have any private hospitals been infected? And yes, I am aware that some private companies have also been hit.
I woke up to Radio 4’s John Humphreys “interviewing” someone on the NHS IT problem. I say “interviewing” but Humphreys was asking the question and then talking over the person being interviewed and stating his opinion as fact.
Humphreys “so the government is to blame for the Ransomware isn’t it?”
Interviewee “no, the people to blame are the ones who released the Ranson…”
Humphreys “yes but no but… its the governments fault though isn’t it?”
Seems John did not get the memo, or briefed, or forgot, or….
Will cyber-attacks cause more NHS disruption?
The full effect of the cyber-attack on the NHS is still being assessed, with the public being urged to use the health service “wisely” in the meantime. Seven of the 47 trusts in England hit by ransomware are continuing to face serious problems.
Patients are advised to turn up for appointments, but GPs in some areas are asking people to consider whether they really need them.
Meanwhile, companies and organisations around the world are being warned of further disruption, with Microsoft describing Friday’s attacks – which affected 200,000 computers – as a “wake-up call”.
NHS attack – the inquest begins
We now know that Friday’s attack made use of an existing vulnerability, meaning hospitals which did not apply a security patch were leaving themselves open to attack. So why would they have failed to act?
That is information from the morning email summary, from the BBC, which it appears he did not read, or opted not to use.
I wonder how many get their education and information from the often deniably misspeaking siren lips of BBC broadcasters vs. those committed to print online?
In passing, I again note these less than useless advices to the public from public sector market rate arse coverers.
Virus signature updates to many (all?) paid-for anti-virus programs are only “free” so long as you continue to pay the subscription fee. http://www.virustotal.com will run most files (there is a size limitation) and put the file through around 50 anti-virus checkers including most (all?) the key players.
Except that despite the media ignorance this is not a cyber attack, and if Corbyn want to take up the media point that this happened because of cuts then why didn’t it happen to all the NHS hospitals?
Secondly there are always going to be legacy equipment running older operating systems – they aren’t connected to the internet anyway, but they are connected via intranet.
If you buy something like a CT scanner and it ships with Windows XP and the manfacturers haven’t updated it (presumably because it works) then how on earth is an IT department supposed to upgrade with without and software or firmware support?
The outward facing system which is connected to the internet was not sufficiently protected, but nothing is going to protect you from the terminally naïve and credulous staff prepared to click on every link which appears in front of them, and then infecting the computer system.
Free file encryption? Yes of course I’ll have some of that !
R5 That shouty bigoted Bishop who’s on Nolan around midnight , suddenly toned down after I tweeted them last night.
Might have been a coincidence… but I suspect that it’s a combination of them having driven many listeners away and normal BBC lack of self awareness..
Thanks for that JimS – I thought it was only me that thinks all this “Twitter” stuff is like a foreign language.
I stand more chance with ancient Sanskrit.
I do “do” Twitter, mostly following people who support the same football club as I do, but try as I might, I can’t understand that one.
Re what people were saying about getting all their news from the BBC, well from childhood I always watch the news on bbc1 and read the Mirror and I was extremely left wing in my views, member of CND the whole lot. But I grew up, started work, met my husband and settled and gradually my politics changed, I would say I am centre, but still just a little left leaning.
The sad thing for me is after a lifetime of trusting the BBC, I can no longer do that and find my news from the many sources we have now.
I voted to leave the EU last year, and ever since the BBC has made me feel like a knuckle dragging racist, which is so far from what I am as person, it makes me angry.
Sorry to go on, but the coverage on the BBC and Sky News to a lesser extent makes me so angry and frustrated.
See the bit in quotation marks ? That sums up what he had just said
I paraphrase ..
‘ The Conservatives have all gone to the FAR RIGHT ….
and Labour is leaning to the Left so there’s nowhere for vote LIBERAL voters like me ..I fee exasperated ‘
Do you spot the irony he was being his normal shouty illiberbal self at same time as telling us he’s a liberal man.
On top of that there are loads of centrist parties to vote for.
show who sounds shouty bigoted intolerant & bullying week after week complains ‘liberals like me’
..which has no context, structure or respect for grammar, yet is posted as some ‘slam dunk’, ‘checkmate’ erudite pearl of wisdom.
We all have to be aware that any posting trying to make a new point has to set the scene first if it is to be understood by other readers.
Bare links and tossed in tweets fail to tell or sell the message offered.
It’s not code. It’s just Twitter etiquette means puttin the person’s name at the beginning and including relevant Twitter handles so it shows up properly in searches.
Explained :
Bishop Stephen Lowe who was on BBC5live Stephen Nolan show, sounds shouty bigoted intolerant & bullying week after week,
yet he just complained ‘liberals like me’have it hard.
I agree with JimS .. the reason I come on this blog and not twitter is cos I like to read some reasoned witty laugh out loud intellectual comment not constant unintelligable uninteresting garbled “tweets”. If you feel a desperate need to use twitter just do it … leave the rest of us to reasoned agument please. 🙂
My first post so please bear with me if any of this has been covered before.
Long before I learned of this site I’d become disenchanted with the BBC output. Many years ago I stopped listening to my local station as it was (in hindsight because I didn’t know the phrase at the time) virtue signalling at every given opportunity. Within the last year I’d had enough of 5 Live too, a day in the car listening to it wasn’t healthy’ so music and Talk Sport filled the void. I feel lots better for it.
Recently I watched an episode of HIGNFY, and it struck me as a bit dated and embarrassing. The reason was that I was watching an episode of HIG OLD NFY recorded pre Brexit, pre Trump and actually it made for good viewing as it illustrated exactly how biased the panels are and how out of touch they are with a large percentage of the population. I used to enjoy that programme…..about 20 years ago.
Last night I got around to watching a BBC documentary called The Truth About Sleep, investigating sleep habits, impact of shift work, modern life etc. Throughout the show there were small cut scenes of a couple in bed tossing and turning, put there to illustrate what it’s like to struggle to get to sleep. Fair enough, that sort of thing adds flavour to the edit. But in virtue signalling of a grand scale, the couple were two black women. Ok, I may be wrong it may have been a feminine looking man and a woman but I would not bet money on that. And to put the cherries on the cake, when the presenter went to Oxford to interview a scientist, there centre screen as he walked into one of those wonderful university squares overlooking its manicured lawn, was a rainbow flag. No other windows had any adornment at all, and having watched years worth of Morse and Lewis I was under the impression that this sort of “vandalism” was outlawed. But when the cameras were re set and another (or IMO the SAME) flag was now hanging from a different window I reached the conclusion that this was deliberate set dressing.
In the greater scheme it does nothing but rile people like me, but why do they insist on doing this sort of thing?
And to show that I’m an equal opportunities criticiser, I’ve been watching ITVs Don’t Ask Me, Ask Britain, an entertaining panel show with Jonathan Ross and Frank Skinner as team captains. To be fair they’re both very quick witted and seasoned performers and anyone is going to struggle next to them. But in the interests of diversity the team members always seen to be female presenters and comedians. They die every week. A hilarious exchange on Wednesday was when discussing superstition Gabby Yorath said that when she salutes a Magpie she now says “Good Morning magpie how is your partner and family”, because it may be in a same sex relationship so the traditional greeting of “good morning Mr Magpie, How’s your wife and children” is in appropriate. Jonathan Ross’s reply? “That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard”. And he said it with meaning.
Woolwich, it’s good to see more people finding this site. When I found it years ago it rescued my sanity. I was beginning to think that I was alone, or at least in a small minority, in spotting how awfully biased the “B”BC had become. I started wondering if I was mad for not believing their messages. This site showed me there are millions more decent people clever enough to see the truth.
We nearly all went down this path, spotting some little things at first, then some bigger ones, then suddenly you see their evil message pervading everything from news to documentaries, from drama to comedy. Even children’s programmes are not totally immune. Old favourites like HIGNFY and Dr Who are now unwatchable except by the lobotomised.
It’s a shame because one of my favourite films is the Battle of Britain. On it there are various broadcasts by Alvar Liddell and John Snagg giving the news of the time. These bits always sound great and makes you proud of the BBC at that time – they deserved the “British” part of their name unlike now. (And it was set many years before I was born, honest. 😉 )
So as a response to Taffman, welcome from the eastern part of these islands as well.
Hello to Woolwich, too. For every new poster, I like to think there are x number of new readers brought to the site by the just-about-right accountability of the nation’s favourite broadcaster.
As far as The Battle of Britain is concerned, it memorably concludes with a rather uncinematic couple of captions quantifying the Allied and Axis pilots and crews killed. Then the end credits roll:
It’s just the kind of conclusion, in other words, that a continuity announcer would talk over, as the picture shrinks to a corner of the viewer’s screen and the next programme is plugged. So when that didn’t happen the last time I saw the film, on Channel 5, I emailed them to say that I was grateful that the captions had been treated with a bit of decorum.
I received a very defensive reply explaining why it was necessary to talk over the ending of most programmes. Which completely missed the point. Still, someone wiser in the ways of the world had been paying attention to the film, and reached a sensible broadcasting decision.
Welcome from me too Woolwich, I’m presently stuck across the Channel until the autumn and surrounded by expat Remoaners, so it was refreshing for me too to find this website a year ago. I feel a lot less alone through finding it.
Why do they do this?
” …. The best way to annoy a liberal is to tell the truth;
…. but of course the best way to annoy a conservative is to tell a lie …”
The Scunthorpe Telegraph is yet another local newspaper owned by Trinity Mirror group, the left wing Labour supporting bunch who are desperately trying to legitimise their output by claiming to be fighting fake news while engaging in it just as much as the BBC does.
Worse than that mate ..
It seems to be written by a team of Churnalists in Leicester who cutnpaste the court reports off the internet ..thus they constantly get local things wrong .
All that remains inScunthorpe is the abandoned printworks on the main street #eyesore
I Exposed The Rochdale Scandal, Sarah Rowbotham, Rochdale’s ‘Crisis Team Co-ordinator, 2003-2014’, talks about the scandal and the BBC’s Three Girls programme in The Guardian.
So much talk about ‘protecting the victims’, no talk about ‘the problem’.
“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”
A former detective who helped cage a gang of Rochdale sex groomers in 2012 says offenders identified during the original investigation are still at large and abusing young girls in the town.
Maggie Oliver made the claim ahead of a new drama about the scandal – Three Girls – which tells how child victims of abuse were dismissed as prostitutes and let down by the authorities.
She became an outspoken critic of GMP and was recruited by the BBC as the consultant for their drama, which will be told across three hour-long programs broadcast on successive nights from Tuesday.
She was probably also a critic of left wing Fascism, but there’s no way the BBC are going to allow her to criticise their role in the protection of the Guilty Pakis not just in Rochdale but in Rotherham too.
If I remember correctly the BBC was instrumental in the prosecution of Nick Griffin for trying to expose the scandal. I bet that doesn’t get a mention either.
I stopped watching BBC TV and listening to BBC radio a couple of years ago because it has become so annoying. This morning I switched on a radio that had been re-tuned to BBC 5 live just long enough to hear the first two news items. Instead of introducing the conservative promise to allow a years leave to look after elderly relatives in an honest uncoloured way, the BBC announces it as “labour critices the Tory promise to …..” and then goes into detail about the criticism, and only touches on the policy itself at the end. The unbiased BBC never seemed to do this to labour. This is a standard BBC tactic and so very obvious and very irritating .
Just back from a week away and I am catching up, so apologies if the following has already been discussed on the site.
The highlight of my catch up , perhaps low light is a better description , is of the This Week programme and the discussion with Douglas Murray on the death of Europe. Brillo’s guests were , Portillo and Liz Kendall. Murray outlined why European culture is in danger of being destroyed by mass immigration and that a majority of European citizens supported banning any further Muslim immigration.
The reaction of Brillo was that he couldn’t understand why mass immigration was such a threat to Europe because Europe had an aging population and needed new blood. Also that Globalisation requires mass migration , which is of course completely untrue. Whilst Brillo is not a BBC stooge on most topics he takes the BBC line on mass migration.
Portillo was against too much mass migration but didn’t agree on the Muslim ban. Fence sitting .
Liz Kendal was aghast that anyone didn’t think that so much good had come mass migration. When Douglas pointed out that the people wanted it stopped and had done for years and that he thought it was high time that politicians across Europe took heed of the people they represented, Kendal ridiculously claimed that by refusing to aceed to the people’s wishes the politicians were showing leadership . If ever there was proof that the left and many of the elite are insane this was it. Leadership? These arrogant fools are leading us to hell.
There is not a single politician in this country who will stand against a Muslim immigration, who will defend the people against these invaders, who will defend our culture. Those who may share the feelings of the public in private are too scared to say so in public for fear of being termed racist or perhaps physically attacked by followers of the Religion of Peace. But how can it be racist to defend your people, their culture and their country? Please note politicians we are being invaded by a foul religion that will do us great harmin future, your prime responsibility is to defend us.
I heard the same piece on This Week and it was great to see Douglas Murray on there. I had to laugh when Liz was talking about how these immigrants come to the UK because they like our values. Yeah the trouble is Liz, they like our values but some of them don’t respect them.
I also wanted to challenge Andrew when he trotted out the old adage that our population was getting older. Yes, but we aren’t replacing like for like are we? We are replacing maybe couples that might have 1 or 2 kids with couples that might have 5-6. It shouldn’t take a slide rule to figure that this isn’t a sustainable policy.
I thought Doug’s best line was that European leaders keep thinking that they’ve dodged a bullet without acknowledging why one has been fired.
Populations have ALWAYS gotten older – that’s generally what happens, so its a stupid remark to make. Migrants get older too, and like you say Payne, with the large families of migrants replacing the smaller offspring of the indigenous population, it will only take a couple of generations before English as our mother tonuge is replaced by a pick’n’mix of Eastern European and Asian languages, and our land mass will be covered with more housing estates than anywhere else, populated by khaki coloured peoples.
Boy, I wish I could get myself on Andrew Marr or Brillo’s programmes, and put these issues to them, or even the Big Question, just to see how they respond.
I watched that too and whenever immigration is discussed on al beebus and elsewhere on the MSM, those doing so always tiptoe around the subject to an almost pathetic degree.
Even Douglas Murray, whom I have a lot of time for, was guilty of it when Kendall challenged him about banning all Muslims entering Europe. Portillo skirted the issue by addressing it in mainly economic terms, as did A.N.
The Andrew Neil argument that we need to allow immigration to make up for, in Mark Steyn’s words: “The children we couldn’t be bothered to have ourselves.”
It won’t stand scrutiny, because you aren’t replacing like with like; if those unborn Western Europeans were being substituted for other Western Europeans then immigration on that scale could work – there would still be problems, but the people are similar to a sufficient degree for integration to occur.
How on earth can you replace those same unborn Europeans with Third Worlders and expect that the country will remain the same?
You cannot have a First World country with a Third World population, in fact you will struggle to maintain a First World country which has anything more than a fraction of its population which originates in the Third World. This is the situation in which growing areas of cities and large towns across Britain and Western Europe are now finding themselves.
Good points all. Neil is always on the other side when it really counts . They all are and that is why Douglas Murray struggles to speak openly. He will end up silenced by discreet BBC style banning .I doubt Mark Steyn will be heard again as his views are well known.
The demographic crisis is the crisis of our time and is without precedent Maybe the Black Death can bear some comparison but that was an act of chance whereas the collapse of the European indigenous birthrate is willed by ourselves.
That subject itself would repay many hours of discussions as to the whys and wherefores but we will never get them. To do so would challenge the most cherished of liberal progressive beliefs and threaten once and for all the refusal to face reality that has characterised our intellectual classes for nearly a century.
Sometimes I feel that we deserve our coming fate and all some of us can do is to ease our civilisations departure and try to ensure the best of it is conserved .
History turns on a sixpence and when certain forces are unleashed within a nation things change very quickly indeed; remember how solid the Iron Curtain appeared? The Berlin Wall and half of Europe held as prisoners in their own countries, yet look at how fast that edifice crumbled and took the Elites in the West and the East unawares.
The pressure keeps building in the West, ever more quickly and regardless of however much tighter “they” keep screwing the lid down.
“Things that can’t go on forever, don’t.” Peter Brimelow.
“Boy, I wish I could get myself on Andrew Marr or Brillo’s programmes, and put these issues to them, or even the Big Question, just to see how they respond.”.
Fat chance of that. You would be screened out even before you reached the front door!
Yes. No one ever asks what proportion of current pensioners in Britain are immigrants, descendents of postwar immigrants or naturalised British citizens. The latter category must be a godsend if you want to skew the statistics. The current “too many old people problem” must have been partially caused by uncontrolled postwar mass immigration.
The mentally challenged Liz Kendall was talking about the arrival of the Ugandan Asians in Leicester in the 1970s, and how great it all was.
Forty years on, the white British are now a minority in Leicester. That’s all it took. In another forty years’ time, where will the white people be? Will Leicester be 90% Asian?
No country on earth has ever undergone such a massive demographic change, yet an airheaded bimbo like Liz Kendall thinks she can get away with wittering on about diversity like a stuck record. What an utterly deluded, brainless waste of time she is. God help us.
Great use of our license fee BBC. I always wanted to see a frumpy seditionist singing in a van and oversharing. She isn’t even trying to sing, just mumbling and bumbling. Sums her up nicely.
The Beeb seems intent on created personality cults around Sturgeon and Woods (not to mention their McGuinness worship).
Perhaps someone should remind them that an independent Wales won’t pay the license fee.
Biased bbc trying hard to push the narrative that the government is to blame for the NHS computer problems.
But some hospitals are fine. And some are in deep s1it.
What joy. A patient with a cancelled op gets chosen for a vox pop. Needless to say, he’s not happy.
This is a classic case of highly variable operational management and IT management competence (lack of).
The blame is firmly at hospital management level. Why? Simple. Because some hospitals have not been affected. Is it remotely likely that government can micromanage down to that level? Of course not.
The fact that the government is being blamed shows the level of politicisation of the NHS, and in truth why it is simply not possible to make rational decisions about the service.
The bBC is pushing the line that the spread of WannaCry is down to insufficient funding for the NHS by the Government.
Yet and a big yet whilst the non British bBC news world is reporting this: NHS cyberattack: Trusts were told about security patch last month
NHS England hospital trusts were sent details of a security patch last month that would have prevented Friday’s malware attack. NHS Digital has confirmed to Sky News that the patch was made available on its cyber portal on 25 April, and a link sent to NHS IT staff on 27 April.
The bBC is still pushing the nasty party line in which to allocate the blame.
Now its a known fact, that when computer patches are rolled out, that it is good practice to download them as the blackhat brigade are very quick to exploit that hole. But what has surprised me is the lax behaviour of the NHS IT crowd. I remembered that last year that the Lincolnshire NHS had been hit with a 1 Million pound ransom regards its computers and yet the same 2 trusts has been hit again. Finally here is a map which shows that this latest outrage isn’t just an NHS problem:
The MOD used XP as the bedrock for its entire Dii Intranet system. We only migrated away from that OS last year. That said, the MOD is very strict , no downloads from USB/internet allowed. No access to hotmail/gmail,cloud storage etc.. Emails are quarantined (tell me about), passwords are changed every 6 months. That said the MOD still gets hit.
I thought the RN still use XP, Pounce, the link I posted mentions, in another article, that XP will be the OS of choice on our new aircraft carriers, still under construction.
As mentioned Diiis the system in use by the MOD (Tri-service) as mentioned XP was the backbone of the system, however it soon became apparent that it was riddled with holes which could be exploited by others. (We all received an email about 3 years ago warning of hacks by foreign countries) So they moved away lock,stock and barrel away from XP to Win7 which whilst a step in the right direction, isn’t good enough. However the MOD is very strict, simply in order to use the system you have to undergo a nbr of courses which should take around a day to complete and have to be renewed yearly and tri-yearly for the longer course. Both include security , which is why when my Lt Col asked for my Log on password, i refused and there wasn’t anything she could do about it. The new file system which should land later this year is unable to be operated by XP. So I doubt that many XP systems are still in place within the military.
Thanks for the heads up, Pounce, I hope you haven’t contravened any sections of the Official Secrets Act with this intel. 🙂
BT winning the contract? It’s to be hoped they a bit more reliable with this, than they are with my BB and YouView accounts then!
I have heard the Japanese have a better collective sense of self respect than we do.
And as a result a higher resistance to Islamic takeover. I always hope this is true.
Here is a little reason to be optimistic. Japan Airlines.
Yesterday’s Country at min 14:30minutes featured biasedBBC once again pushing their Islington hippy Green Dreaming propaganda
From : OakTree LowCarbon Farm
Founders line “Good food low carbon emissions”
Claimed mix group yet not even token nonwhite, just urban hippy types.
The problem is Green is not Green, they are free to make great claims yet no counterbalance challenging is allowed.
bBBC ‘newsbeat’ is trying to get children onto the electoral roll by using cartoons, a black rapper, and the ‘hidden benefit’ of boosting their credit score. The website doesn’t mention age at all.
It’s just a coincidence of course that this item appears alongside the bBBC’s campaign to give 16-year-olds the vote, as is the policy of all their favourite parties – Labour, SNP, Liberal ‘Democrats’, Greens, Plaid Cymru.
Anyone catch the BBC RadioWS prog on Wheelchair W#nkers ? ..April 27
..BBC flew to Taiwan to interview an NGO who masturbate people who are unable to do it for themselves.
I’m sympathetic but you can’t just have any old Jimmy Savile touching disabled people.
but the prog just didn’t tackle the important issue of guarding against sexual abuse.
“BBC World Service – World Hacks, Helping Disabled People With Sex” http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p050db4r
The bBC used to have somebody on their books who used to visit NHS hospitals to do just that and more. If you required the service you simply had to ring up and they would reply:
” Jim will fix it”
Answer – like everyone else – get a partner who can do it for you, or use a paid help! Or does the BBC see it as the governments responsibility to make sure everyone gets a free hand job now? They really are beyond contempt. And dirty minded buggers.
Nothing to do with BBC Bias but it does have the same BBC agenda.
I counted 8 boxes ticked watching the short 41 second video:
1. Transgender – tick!
2. Muslim woman in Hajib – tick!
3. Stereo typical overweight white Englishman – tick!
4. Chav in tracksuit – tick!
5. Shaved head lesbian – tick!
6. Asian boy – tick!
7. Vicar sitting with Trans and lesbians – tick!
8. Mention of St Jox Cox – tick!
Saw this little gem on Twitter this morning {Wonder if its still there on Twitter} but clue picture of BBC mindless muslim female reporter with headbag and along with statement that a muslim BBC reporter and muslim BBC camera crew is of to mecca as BBC viewing tax payers expense of course to do a documentry. This begs four important questions that any sane person should think about and act upon.
#1 Does BBC really stand for Broadcsting for the British Caliphate?
#2 If in the principles of that famous BBC balance is the BBC going to do documentry on the other major religions of the world as well as islam?
#3 Is the BBC in the further principles of the famous BBC balance going to do a series of documentries detailing the historical contact of the other major religions of the world with islam and its mindless followers
#4 Will anyone who still pays the BBC viewing tax and washes this blatant pro islamic propaganda and having paid for it via the £147 a year BBC viewing tax review their decision to continue paying their £147 a year BBC viewing tax, And come to the same decision that I did five years ago and decide that the BBC no longer justifies either its right to exist or its right to be funded my me or anyother sane person who objects to being compulsory forced to pay for the BBC in order for the BBC to push its pro-islam, pro imigrant/rapeugee, pro leftard, pro socialism and pro european union propaganda. Cancel your BBC viewing tax starve the BBC of the money the BBC needs to survive and be £147 a year better of
I await the replies of the BBC and its mindless trolls we get on this site with interest along with any honest and factual answers that might make it past their BBC programing
Yes….They`re at it again with the Bake off winner Nadiya being given the gig of taking a muslim only crew to Mecca to make a documentary about the muslim Haj ritual….
…..The equalities obsessed BBC are happy to collude in making a programme about an entire city off limits to all but muslims.
And, let`s face it, it isn’t going to be objective is it?
All part of the greater plan: the islamisation of Great Britain and ultimate incorporation into the Caliphate.
Enjoy your bacon sarnies while you still can.
Maybe al Beeb could do an Islamic ‘its a knock out’ [ other religions are available ] the popularity of religions can go down as well as up…. etc etc ….
The Justice for Chelsea Video.
Watch this and consider what kind of scumbag hypocrite is our feminist Prime Minister who is behind the cover up and protection of the rapists
Obviously her pals in the BBC are staying quiet
This is a serious matter and needs to be given wide coverage. That the BBc and the rest ignore it tells you all you need to know. She is a very brave girl indeed.
I mentioned this before and just after the protest itself
…. “No Platformed” by the MSM, even the one local report was so vague and obtuse
its still prevalent, Its still happening, now including the influx of illegals so called migrant/refugee
probably growing in numbers.
Because of migrant being in the mix, the political establishment is going to be even worse.
Without the social media … you would know nothing
The neo liberal Westminster cabal Tory, Red Tory, Liberals have to go … these bastards are aiming to right now to tighten the grip.
clear out required … drain the swamp.
Two words … Operation Sanctuary
42 (mostly Muslim men) charged in Northumbria Newcastle early 2015.
How many convicted? there are no updates from police in over 2 years.
Well … They don t even vet the Keystone up there,
“Thousands of police officers across the UK have not had up-to-date background checks to ensure they are suitable to serve. Figures reveal 90% of officers employed by one force have not been vetted in line with current policy”
Well, a week is a long time in politics and the first week of the campaign has seemed quite a long time for many people as they may have been wondering “Where are the Conservatives?”. Labour held ‘media sway’ with a leak of their manifesto and the laughter still echoing from Diane Abbott’s funding calculations for turning England into a Police State.
In reality, the Conservatives were all busy getting ready for a tour to the far flung reaches of the United Kingdom to preach the Word, or more correctly preach the words: ‘Strong’ and ‘Stable’. Before they did so, they had to find their bus for a photo opportunity. Where was it in the bus station or bus park?
Had the coach left the ‘Stable’ without them? Surely not?
A man was sent to look. He wasn’t sure he had the right bus. It had the name Theresa May on it. But it is not impossible that there is more than one couple in Britain, with the surname May, who have chosen to name a daughter, their daughter, Theresa.
It did have ‘Strong’ & ‘Stable’ & ‘Leadership’ painted on the same side, along with ‘for Britain’ and ‘in the national interest’, together with a strange squiggle. Those words might have been sufficient for a well briefed BBC journalist and especially the traditional ‘man on the Clapham Omnibus’ to identify the bus as belonging to the Tories but for the man photographed with the bus – despite an obvious clue from Jeremy Corbyn’s unstable & weak leadership of the Labour Party in his time as leader – it was still not enough.
He just had to find the Party name to be certain.
Until the man looked at the bus upside down, he could not see the word ‘Conservatives’ in the small print. There it was! On the nearside door. Always read the small print, we are told. That decided it. He had the right bus. He could now direct people to this bus with confidence that it was the right bus.
Upside down, really suits the first week of the GE17 Campaign from the Conservatives. They finished the week promising British workers with family member or friend or relative needing care that they will have the statutory right to a year of unpaid leave from their employer in order to care for that person. A policy that is so shot through with all sorts of questions, difficulties and complications – and to be fair, total absurdities – that it must have been conceived by the Tory Manifesto Team during a yoga session while they were standing on their heads.
Three more weeks to go. Isn’t this fun? A certain bus with at least one uncertain policy inside! How many more uncertain policies and costings will all the political Parties contesting this General Election have for us to consider in the next three weeks?
Notice how the television “journalists” keep making fun of the Conservative slogan “Strong and Stable” and keep having a go at how many times Mrs May repeats it, but have no scorn for Labour’s “For the many, not the few”. That’s ridiculous as the Islington lot, which is Labour’s only real concern, are not the many but the very few.
Demon, indeed! So did (note past tense) Labour politicians and supporters. I get a sense that Labour itself has eased back on that a little. The danger (for LeftMob) is that the public hear the Conservative manifesto proposals, then from their opponents, whether in the Labour Party or working at or for the BBC, all they next hear is ‘Strong & Stable’, albeit in a mocking way or tone. Strong & Stable has been bolted onto the Conservative Party, the PM and their policies now, and it will need a colossal amount of FakeNews to shift it.
Lynton Crosby must be purring like a cat who has cleared the contents of the cream shelf at the supermarket. Listeners and viewers do not have to think about what the Opposition parties are offering in the GE, all they hear is ‘Strong & Stable’ and it is linked to Theresa May and the Party with the policies to lead the country.
Guess who they will vote for?
By implication, Labour and all the others are ‘Weak and Unstable’.
It might be taken by some as a sign that the other Parties have given up. If not that, it is a foot shooting exercise of North Korean proportions.
The BBC has been concealing the collapse of Venezuela and its murderous socialist policies for months. Now, in an excellent article by Paul T. Horgan on Conservative Woman , the Corporation is called to account.
It’s time the overpaid sixth form TV Marxists like Marr, Coburn, Katz and their colleagues on BBC Radio were made to answer for this deceit. Let’s hope Mr Horgan has started the ball rolling.
Lemmings off a cliff. Also publicity for the school – ‘look at how modern and broad minded we are!’
My thought to all this stupid stuff about males wearing female clothes is – why don’t they just make trousers, which are not gender specific, the uniform? Who can argue with that?
Do I see that wondrous BBC icon of news subbing ‘may’ there?
I am of an age where we wore blazers, ties and, of course, caps.
Taking the train in (aged 8… it was a different time) it soon became apparent that the Chevaliers at the local compy liked to await any odd form of attire, dispose of it down the embankment, often followed by the person who had sported it.
So we tended to dress not to stand out too much.
Good luck to them. Especially if passing through any lightly policed areas of North London ‘turf’ dominated by cultures sensitive to lads pretending to be lasses.
Trump action bearing fruit –
“The total number of people collecting jobless benefits fell to the lowest level in 28½ years, a further sign of labor-market strength, government data showed.” – Market Watch”
Eat your heart out Sopel!
What’s the only age group that, however ridiculously, actually support Labour more than the Tories?
It’s the under 24s.
So guess which group the bBBC1 6pm announce they are going to focus on?
How did you guess?
No wonder Corbyn nd Krankie want to give the vote to everyone over the age of about 8.
Giving the vote to a group who have only ever seen life through the prism of receiving the benefits of state spending without having paid a penny in seems utterly mad.
No representation without taxation say I.
I saw the bit when they interviewed some female “Art Student” (they never seem to interview anybody doing anything useful, do they?) who thought it would be great if students got free education as in Scotland. No mention of where the money would come from though.
Not direct BBC bias but sadly a sign of how their propaganda and bias is infecting society.
My local authority boss had to attend a shortish “spotting signs of terrorism in the workplace” training course last week.
To put it mildly, he wasn’t overly interested in going to it but nevertheless when he returned he was holding an A4 leaflet which he handed to me to have a look at.
The leaflet’s headline was “Far Right Logos and Symbols” with approximately 15 “Far Right” groups listed with a brief explanation about them.
Yes, “Far Right”.
I looked over the leaflet then said to my boss that it was flawed to which he asked how?.
I replied by pointing out to him that none of these groups had committed the 9/11, 7/7, London Bridge, Paris, Belgium, German Christmas Market, Corporal Lee Rigby etc attacks – it was all done my Islamist Terrorists.
There was silence for a second or two before it was neatly side-stepped.
Sinni, that anecdote encapsulates the whole Alice-in-Wonderland logic of our mad liberal/pc world. Look for terrorists where there ain’t none and ignore them where they are.
And always, always vilify the ‘far-right’.
During my teacher training, a Jamaican woman came in to give a talk about diversity issues. She spoke at length about the problem of negative stereotypes. She then translated some Jamaican patois – how cool and ‘vibrant’ does this all sound? The only problem is the phrase translated as something like ‘If someone is trying to dress too well, smash his face in.’
It was beyond parody. Surely she could have found a less aggressive phrase to translate, one that does not negate her entire speech? Yet like the comrades in 1984 we nodded along and applauded politely at the end.
Good point. The thought that right-wing activists commit acts of terrorism is really just so much garbage, easily dispelled with just a moment’s thought. Pity your boss didn’t make the effort. And I hope that the ISIS flag was on the sheet?
Bet you hear about that incident in your next appraisal. It will have been written up, emailed and filed pending any allegations against you. Love public service.
I laugh when they say we should have nothing but compassion for ROP communities who struggle to integrate, as it must be so hard living in a foreign land. What nonsense.
They certainly manage to adapt to the benefits system. They do not have housing benefit in Pakistan but they sure as hell know how to milk the system here! They can integrate brilliantly when they want to.
BB – Victimhood becomes a fluid concept depending on who they are dealing with. Fortunately with the BBC we have a “world class” broadcaster who always “knows a victim when it sees one” And it sees plenty!
I think they have got the ths sex ratio wrong for starters and I didnt see Cologne Cathederal signposted signposted in case the chaps fancy a bit of R and R.
Most enjoyable film this unfortunately, Ive just puked up my dinner! See if you can hold yours in!
Not really BBC but was amused to hear on the 6pm news that wee Jimmy was “demanding” direct SNP involvement in the brexit negotiations.
Why is she always “demanding”. I dont know whether this repellant stunted dwarf quite realises what an odious and irritating tag nut she is. No matter how hard or carefully you wipe – shes still there, trying to ruin your day. And even if you do finally manage to flush her down the pan with the aid of the bog brush, as soon as your back is turned up she pops like a refloated Titanic. Bobbing up and down trying to draw your attention back to her unsavoury coprolith in the hopes that you will want to do battle again.
A Prayer – Please God can the Jocks finally vote to leave the UK and join the EU instead so Wee Jimmy can spend the foreseeable future making her demands to the likes of Merkel and Drunker instead. Can we also build a proper border wall with soundproofing – ( I reckon 24″ would be high enough) so we will not ever have to see or hear her ever again – Amen.
The good news is that the Scots are starting to see through Wee Krankie. They’re well aware of the tumbling of oil prices, oil revenues being a major factor of the Nat’s economic case for the last referendum, of the dire deficit of Scotland, the disaster that is the euro and its failing schools.
$51,a barrel versus -I think – $130 the snp assumed would fund their wonderful world of welfare subsidy stealing Shetland or Norwegian oil. Instead they are not talking about indyref2 and continuing on relying on English subsidy through the Barnett formula. More labour maths.
…and the scots only got 2 players selected for the Lions tour and one was as a result of a pull out by another player..
Im surprised that the SNP are not demanding a full investigation into Gatlands selection…
Not the Beeb, but a bit of a priceless moment on Sky. The outside unit were reporting live from Leeds, where the journo was getting soundbites from members of the public as to their thoughts on Corbyn’s speech today.
Oh dear, the hapless reporter zeroed in on a track suited lady and asked her about the speech. There then followed an excruciating few moments when the lady admitted having mental health issues and proceeded to list all her medical complaints, ranging from having most of her left innards removed, and she suffered from Aspergers; one could only image what was going through the reporters mind as he tried to edge slowly away – but she followed him while informing that she was in a running competition this afternoon. Wishing her well, he swiftly moved onto the next victim – a big black lady with heaving bosoms and big earrings, who immediately started giggling. Honest to God it was tv at its best !
It’s quite logical really. The SNP is a grievance based party. It has to fuel discontent, make straw men enemies and issue demands they know will be rejected. That’s how they exist. No grievance , no enemies, no unmet demands then no SNP.
Population of Wales @3.5 million [ equivalent to about 16 London boroughs. Population of Scotland – about 7 million – less than the population of the 32 London boroughs. [ not taking into account expats] – as a born Londoner I feel quiet disenfranchised listening to welch and Scottish nationalists whining about being hard done by in their wonderful countries. Try seeing what has become of London.
Sorry any Scots /welch reading this but it does get a bit much hearing Leanne and crankier holding court.
I think a lot of remainer type MPs like Clegg are more pee d off about the prospect of losing a potential gravy train in Brussels than the freedom of Blighty from the ever so closer bloody union. Rant over !
tomoMar 4, 12:26 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We should see who curated that list of “inspirational mums” Patricia Hidalgo should feel the heat – but the actual…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 12:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Davie wears suit and tie as he squirms in front of DCMS Committee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNITC9LtIPU
wwfcMar 4, 12:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 With everything going on in the world a lighter note some idiots in a field dancing to Benny Hill lol…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Same with that euro pop thing – shows every year the descent of Europe
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I identify as someone who doesn’t feel right paying taxes. Don’t try and sublimate my being.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “… sublimate someone’s natural way of being” … Harriet Harman condemns paper’s ‘smear campaign’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-26320942 The Daily Mail has questioned…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:34 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC Culture — “Edward II: Did a gay love affair spark a 14th-Century royal crisis?” RSC co-artistic director Daniel Evans:…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Missile that struck Poland grain silo and killed two people in 2022 was fired by Ukraine Immediately following the explosion,…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Not BBC Wondering what the true president will announce tonight – about 2AM london time when he speaks to Congress…
What week is not entirely made better by a nice dose of Masonry…
I have just been listening to Justine Webb getting all giggly and silly because he’s ventured forth from the studio and is speaking to folk at a Radio4 Toady-Roadshow in that poverty stricken enclave of the South West, Bath.
So poverty stricken, Al, that the audience comprises people living in £1m+ homes! The BBC seem to have developed a sudden obsession with the south-west, especially Bath and Yeovil. Jane Austin territory.
If they wish to see some poverty, they should try elsewhere in the south-west.
PS: Justin will get even more giggly and girly in a minute when a local Rugby hero is wheeled on to the stage.
So they didn`t find their way to Twerton, Southdown and Snow Hill, …surely they haven’t all been gentrified?
Maybe hoping to score a key of khat down a back alley from one of the BBC South West ‘translators’, in exchange for a ‘paintball gun’ from the BBC armoury?
Bath did return a LibDim from 1992 to 2015. The Conservative majority in 2015 was 3833, which puts it in fairly marginal territory. The Conservative who lost in 1992 was wetter-than-leaky-shoes-in-a-monsoon Chris Patten, so the Farronites and the Beeboids probably hope to turn Bath into the Battleship Potemkin of the anti-Brexit revolution.
The BBC (on Radio 4 at least) were extremely upset by divisiveness in the UK. For them it appears to be a new affliction that has suddenly arisen in June 2016 and is afflicting the UK with its horribleness.
If they are so concerned by this divisiveness, why are they indulging in it – actually encouraging it – this morning from the start at 6am on the TOADY Programme?
R4 Toady banging on again about a ‘progressive alliance’ to stop the awful Tories. Middle class lefties from Wells who ‘resolutely’ support Corbyn are interviewed together with snowflakes obsessing about LGBT issues. Apparently only the old, who are doing very nicely, thank you, are stupid enough to vote Conservative.
The BBC, in the form of the Today programme, continues with their election campaigning, this time at Bath University – cheers and rounds of applause by Greens, Liberals and assorted lefties comprising the scrupulously fair selected audience.
That Today programme for bias – little challenge to assertions such as milord Ashdown saying effectively ” do away with universities and do it all on line “. I’ve done both. I think I understand the difference . So i did a wiki on milord ashdown . A son of the raj and farmer, private schooled. Unchallenged . Think the Bath ( instant 2:2) students were so zonked they didn’t realise what he was saying . If a Tory said that she/ he would be lynched and even Justin might have stopped giggling .
I was so dispirited by the start of the offering from Bath, that I couldn’t stomach listening to any more. Dispirited, that is, not only by the BBC bias but also by the boorishness of the vocal students. So I avoided both Ashdown and elevated blood pressure!
I went to Bath University. There were an awful lot of twonkers.
Mainly engineering and Eurostudies – I kid you not the ‘Eurostuds’ as they called themselves were an appalling bunch of idiots.
All the Biological Sciences students and lecturers were of course ace.
I did an open university week at Bath. After holding a seat for someone in the restaurant I was accused of ‘spatial piracy’ by a psychology student.
F’cking moron.
‘Gary Bellamy’ is doing Start the Week – for the first time? – this morning.
Might be fun!
9pm C4 MetroBubbleword has another sneer at Trump
This time it’s 1h with Matt Frei examining Ivanka, who appears to be taking on the First Lady role whilst Melania Trump is in New York taking care of her 11 year old son Barron.
It’s preced at 8:30 by the Channel4 Fake News Show ..Isn’t that the same show that happens between 7-8pm ?
The Race to the Bottom continues: Tory policy of a years unpaid leave for employees having to care for a elderly or sick relative. Won’t stand scrutiny any more that the similar paternity leave. Perhaps we should have BAFTA Awards for political creativeness or, ‘nonsense’ in my vocabulary.
I haven’t yet seen the full details of this but understand that employees can claim up to a year’s leave which is unpaid. Probably unpaid because the carer will be able to claim carers’ allowance. We have had such a difficulty in the family looking after a terminally ill relative and although employers concerned were sympathetic and generous with their support, the ability to be able to take time off when needed, even without pay, would have been very helpful, so I’m of the opinion that it is a practical policy and beneficial in some instances.
It’s easier for big organisations but for small businesses as impractical as maternity or paternity leave . The absence has to be taken up by other workers. Nice idea but difficult to make practical .
Socialists tend to have a one size fits all philosophy. That’s why it always fails.
Bullshit and Falseness Triumphs Again?
R4 9am Show is about Fake News with Amol Rajan.
– The political columnist Matthew D’Ancona paints a dystopian picture in which trust has evaporated, conspiracy theories thrive, and feelings trump fact.
He argues that the very foundations of democracy are under threat.
“People surrounding Trump are concerned with reinserting a kind of white nationalism hegemony”
– Supporting D’Ancona is Claire Wardle @cward1e is hoping her organisation First Draft will equip users to verify the sources of stories and tackle misinformation online.
But what happens when the peddlers of misinformation are state-sponsored?
– The Chinese writer Lijia Zhang spent a decade working in a rocket factory and her memoir, Socialism is Great!, reflects the great social transformation in China since the 1980s, and the shifts in trust and truth which mirrored such changes.
(spoke about Mao’s 20-40 million unreported famine deaths)
– The writer China Miéville, who is best known for his stories of urban surrealism, turns his attention to the story of the Russian Revolution.
She just retweeted this map of Fake News
I see Buzz Feed Guardian and some other source is missing.
If I could be bothered, I could probably come up with a similar chart demonstrating how fake news from Associated Press and Reuters is channeled widely by the Grauniad, by the-Independent-formerly-known-as-a-“newspaper” and by our beloved Beebyanka. Any time some climate fraud churns out a press release prophesying the end of ice/ the death of the Great Barrier Reef/ the Biggest Mass Extinction evaaaa, you can guarantee that those agencies, along with the Times and Telegraph, usually, will regurgitate the nonsense whole.
In other contexts, the Beebyanka is a shameless mouthpiece for pronouncements from Brussels, CNN and Imams-R-Us.
A warning about Fake News outlets

Also a warning about the worst Fake News outlet of all
Thanks Richard, in your post above I was looking for dear old Auntie. I no longer believe a word she says. Mr D and I were watching Bargain Hunt over supper and I pointed out that with internet bidding in the items, there is nothing to stop the Beeb bidding for stuff. Just to make the programme more entertaining you understand. Once you start to see how much the BBC manipulates its programmes everything is possible. The trust has gone.
I used to gently mock my wife because she watched ‘deal or no deal’ I used to say it should be renamed to ‘you’ve won 50 quid’
Bargain Hunt should be renamed to ‘you’ve lost 50 quid’
The title of the programme was “Post-truth and Revolution” – surely the BBC’s main area of expertise.
As usual, the whole programme was “fake analysis” rather than “fake news”. Someone argued that Orwell had got it wrong when he said that totalitarian regimes will attempt to control information by controlling technology. When you consider that the contributors spent a lot of the time bewailing the spread of “false news” on the social media, that social media providers were publishers rather than platforms and so should be subject to more state regulation, it is obvious that they are simply talking nonsense and contradicting themselves.
Toady this morning doing the usual BBC line that old people are callous to the young .
The BBC think that young people are like Peter Pan – they never grow up . It’s always worried that Youth is not interested in politics ( although it makes worried articles if the youth wing of UKIP is the fastest young persons political movement ) .
Listen Beeboids when people of any age are apathetic towards politics it’s none of your business . I say that because I know you think if they are persuaded to take part you think it will be on the liberal/ left side of the argument . The only way a young person misses out on politics is if he dies before maturing into an experienced adult . That’s right Beeboids – young people grow old .
All the political talk about Education , universities , childcare and single parents proves there is input about young people . The BBC though thinks it’s all about pensioners who are caters for and Beeboids think they should walk into the sea and leave the land for those under twenty five .
I’ll give you some people are left out from receiving attention BBC . They lived in places like Rochdale and Oxford .
The Left, as usual, make cognitive dissonance into an art-form. They complain that young people aren’t interested in politics so let’s lower the voting age to 11 to encourage them to get interested. What? It makes no sense, so clearly it is a concept completely supported by the BBC. It would give them an excuse to politicise children’s programmes, not that they feel they need one.
“The BBC think that young people are like Peter Pan – they never grow up.” At the BBC, of course, they don’t.
Nibor ,
I suppose since the left liberals in al been have run out of public targets such as police , military, teachers ( long ago ) they have decided to demonise ” the old” ( whatever that is ) as a unified identifiable group who are occupying young people’s homes and should all die in order to avoid Brexit .
I thought I was daily resistant to being wound up by albeeboids but the approach of Justin Webb was just a shocker. Maybe he’s so detached from real life that he doesn’t know what he is saying .
There wasn’t anyone to counter the anti old view.
Where do the BBC broadcast their current affairs programmes from ~~ schools , youth clubs and today it was in Bath University . Oh yeah the youth is ignored isn’t it BBC ? (Unless they’re victims of certain rape gangs ) .
For those of you who still fighting for breath having seen that the BBC can sweep up so many BAFTAs, while the brilliant The Crown is left with nothing to fill its mantelpiece, please look at the make up of the BAFTA jury for drama:
Alice Tyler: Development Assistant, Drama Republic
Claire Mundell: Creative Director, Synchronicity Films
Henry Swindell: Producer, Artists Studio
Jonathan Lewsley: Development Executive, BBC Drama Commissioning
Katie Carpenter: Head of Development, Sister Pictures
Natasha Phillips: Script Editor, Drama, Channel 4
Serena Bowman: Head of Development, Company Pictures
Sophia Rashid: Script Producer / Producer BBC
6 of the 8 panel are women, most US dramas, (not all), are written, directed and over run by those with male appendages, (The Crown, House of Cards, Sopranos, The Wire, Better Call Saul, etc etc). A good deal of the winning shows on BAFTA were female written/directed, centering on women. I cannot say that would sway it with a female audience but it is difficult to see how Happy Valley can score in any way over the extraordinary The Crown, probably the finest drama for a decade.
Secondly, nearly all the panel are BBC, ex BBC employees or heavily dependent upon the BBC.
2 out of the 8 are directly employed by the BBC, whereas there is only one other employee from all the other broadcasters – and she is from channel 4 which has a similar political/feminist outlook to the BBC.
Most of the others have direct connections with the BBC:
Alice Tyler was script reader for BBC Wales and her company, Drama Republic, produce material for BBC, Charles III.
Claire Mundell was head of CBBC Scotland.
Sister productions only began life in 2016, so how did it get its feet under the jury table? Answer, Jane Featherstone is an ex BBC drama producer.
Company Pictures has a long list of BBC commissions, such as Wolf Hall.
Now I have worked with many of these people and they are superb at what they do and I trust their judgement, but they are all of the same Guardian/liberal mindset.
A producer and friend of mine refuses to watch The Crown because he is a republican, (and I kid ye not).
Finally a heartfelt note to everyone on the Crown, in particularly Claire Foy, Matt Smith, Jon Lithgow, Jared Harris, Peter Morgan et al, ‘you wuz stitched up like a kipper’ in the BBC’s meat free, green centered, fat free canteen.
Personally, I dismissed this sort of nonsense decades ago. Flatly refuse to watch all the TV film ‘luvvies’ club cherishing one another.
Scribbler, as you appear to be ‘in the know’ with regards the make up of the jury; Can I assume they are the right side of 40 ? My reasoning ? the names of Serena, Katie, Sophia, Natasha can be a bit of an age give away. I may sound ‘ageist’, but are we really surprised at the outcomes of anything that those born from 1980 onwards are involved in ? (if I’m horribly wrong, then I humbly apologise)
Now, if there were the likes of Sheila’s, John’s, Brian’s, Linda’s, Jane’s, Peter’s, David’s, Susan’s involved, then I would feel a lot more reassured – strange that !
I wonder how many of that lot will be on the board of OFCOM in the near future. ?
Thanks for doing the research and analysis here.
I have taken the liberty of tweeting a link to your comment.
I hope you don’t mind.
Thanks again.
Turned on winner of the BAFTA for “News Coverage”, “Victoria Derbyshire” to hear a message of support for “Chelsea” Manning. ‘Nuff said!
R4 Woman’s Hour continues to act as a Labour Party mouthpiece : coming up they’ll be digging into Tories new plan of Sabbatical care leave.
In the end after asking for tweets they didn’t cover the topic.
Tmw will talk about Rochdale drama and have Maxine Peake and Sarah Robottom social worker who first exposed the abuse.
#NotOnlyBbc Local newspaper story about terrible thuggish attack by man named Matulaitis attacked Nicolae Visan in Scunthorpe …results six year jail sentence.
only on page 2 Buried away do you find that Matulaitis has a prior conviction for “causing a minor injury in his home country of Lithuania”
The item says nothing about the victim being known to the attacker and having a Romanian name.
So the guy came over worked for less than 2 years and now we taxpayers meet the hospital and 6 year jail costs.
Okay, so this is slightly off topic because it’s a gripe about an ITV programme, not the BBC, but…
Yesterday evening’s Grantchester, the 1950’s drama is ostensibly about a C of E priest and his policeman pal solving crimes. Naturally it’s choc full of quaint locations, lovely old cars, blokes sporting short back and sides and laden with politically correct opinions being blasted at us at full volume.
Just because the series is set in the 50’s doesn’t inoculate it from our very contemporary obsessions; racism, sexism, gay rights. We’ve not had a transgender character yet, but give ’em time…
Sunday’s episode regurgitated some of Grantchester’s previous set of favourite themes and villains.
Freemasonry, according to a couple of episodes, seems to be on a par with the nefarious Ku Klux Klan. Blimey, I thought it was all dodgy handshakes and silly signals, but clearly I was wrong.
We had racism with the blighters the other week, this time it was the corrupt police turning a blind eye to an accidental manslaughter. Our priest and his policeman pal discover what has happened, but the cop’s Masonic boss puts the kibosh on it; at the same time promoting an inept copper simply because he’s also a member of the odd handshake fraternity. The swines!
Of course our hero is a man quite at odds with the narrow minded bigotries of the 1950’s. He stuggles with the hypocrisy of the church. He lectures a gay friend about “not living a lie.” This is supposed to be the 1950’s remember. The gay chap is so over the top camp he make Charles Hawtrey look like Charles Bronson, but still his fiancee doesn’t realise. Try to imagine a hybrid John Inman, Larry Grayson cross and you’re getting close.
Then our priest decides to confront his arch bishop. Of course the AB is black, as I was expecting. “Do you know they call you an Uncle Tom?” our Priest asks. Of course he does, but this is a man so full of good character he fights on, “doing God’s work.” I guess they’re both waiting for the age of enlightenment…when, on Sunday evenings unsuspecting audiences can be lectured by pc light entertainment.
The series ends with our struggling hero removing his dog collar and striding off into the sunset, leaving 1950’s Grantchester behind.
Heading straight for 2017’s Islington, I should guess…
….The gay chap is so over the top camp he make Charles Hawtrey look like Charles Bronson,…… PRICELESS !! LOL !
As for the ‘short back and sides’ haircut, it was preferable to what’s on display nowadays – short sides and long quiff on top, which suits no-one and looks stooooopid !
You are quite right about this. In the 1950s homosexuality was seen as a mental illness, the vicar would not have been telling his curate to be honest with himself, he would have been sending him to the doctor to be cured.
Likewise, as soon as you saw the factory owners were Christians, you knew they had to be small-minded, hypocritical and corrupt. It is lazy writing. Viewing 1955 through the politically correct lens of 2017 is so boring.
And why did the dead girl have a black child? Her boyfriend was white. Are we now expected to be so PC that we are not supposed to think that children should be the same race as their parents?
It’s completely anachronistic, Jeff. New Age style touchy-feely, ‘sharing’ and overly emotional, and openly discussing topics that were kept to oneself even 30 years on from that era. As if anyone in the 50s would openly discuss being a gay man, at a time when it was a criminal offence. The vicar and the copper greeting each other with a hug in an earlier episode made me laugh – men didn’t even do that in the 80s! A handshake or a slap on the back was the limit of the limit of affection between men. I liked the earlier episodes, but the addition of 21st century PC attitudes really puts me off, it’s offensive and nauseating; my OH has decided not to watch it any more.
They do take so much care in the period setting, though my OH noticed an out of place object in the cricket scene the week before – one of those square-ish parasols, I never saw them in my youth. What laziness, it looks as if someone just popped out to Focus to get any old thing.
One other general point is that I find that TV drama on both BBC and ITV portrays rural communities negatively. Could that be because they’re mainly Tory, pro-Brexit, ethnic British and older on average than urban areas? I grew up in a city, moved to a town and lived in villages thereafter; there’s no way I’d live anywhere other than a village now. The reality is a much better way of life.
Please do not sully the memory of the dearly departed Charles Hawtrey by making such inappropriate comments!
Corbyn asserts that the world-wide cyber attack which hit the NHS so hard was the result of Tory cuts. On the other hand the 2008 banking crisis which hit the Labour government of the time was world-wide and not the result of their mismanagement.
Will the BBC make this point throughout the day?
But who, I wonder, was in power when the NHS started using Windows XP?
Apparently, our Trident subs also use windows XP.
Hopefully, they are not online!
They won’t be online so if that is true it won’t matter.
I am getting the impression from the BBC that the cyber attack on the NHS is the government’s fault for lack of spending.
Yet Microsoft released a patch to prevent this particular cyber attack back in March. Microsoft also claim that all free antivirus software would have prevented the attack.
The NHS wasted over 10 billion on an abandoned computer system, so spending money is NOT necessarily the answer to every problem. Just sensible management.
Updates from Microsoft and antivirus companies are free.
The problem appears to be the usual state-owned industry incompetence. Have any private hospitals been infected? And yes, I am aware that some private companies have also been hit.
Sky news is reporting that a patch which would have prevented this attack was deseminated out to all NHS trusts in April.
I woke up to Radio 4’s John Humphreys “interviewing” someone on the NHS IT problem. I say “interviewing” but Humphreys was asking the question and then talking over the person being interviewed and stating his opinion as fact.
Humphreys “so the government is to blame for the Ransomware isn’t it?”
Interviewee “no, the people to blame are the ones who released the Ranson…”
Humphreys “yes but no but… its the governments fault though isn’t it?”
Seems John did not get the memo, or briefed, or forgot, or….
Will cyber-attacks cause more NHS disruption?
The full effect of the cyber-attack on the NHS is still being assessed, with the public being urged to use the health service “wisely” in the meantime. Seven of the 47 trusts in England hit by ransomware are continuing to face serious problems.
Patients are advised to turn up for appointments, but GPs in some areas are asking people to consider whether they really need them.
Meanwhile, companies and organisations around the world are being warned of further disruption, with Microsoft describing Friday’s attacks – which affected 200,000 computers – as a “wake-up call”.
NHS attack – the inquest begins
We now know that Friday’s attack made use of an existing vulnerability, meaning hospitals which did not apply a security patch were leaving themselves open to attack. So why would they have failed to act?
That is information from the morning email summary, from the BBC, which it appears he did not read, or opted not to use.
I wonder how many get their education and information from the often deniably misspeaking siren lips of BBC broadcasters vs. those committed to print online?
In passing, I again note these less than useless advices to the public from public sector market rate arse coverers.
Virus signature updates to many (all?) paid-for anti-virus programs are only “free” so long as you continue to pay the subscription fee.
http://www.virustotal.com will run most files (there is a size limitation) and put the file through around 50 anti-virus checkers including most (all?) the key players.
Except that despite the media ignorance this is not a cyber attack, and if Corbyn want to take up the media point that this happened because of cuts then why didn’t it happen to all the NHS hospitals?
Secondly there are always going to be legacy equipment running older operating systems – they aren’t connected to the internet anyway, but they are connected via intranet.
If you buy something like a CT scanner and it ships with Windows XP and the manfacturers haven’t updated it (presumably because it works) then how on earth is an IT department supposed to upgrade with without and software or firmware support?
The outward facing system which is connected to the internet was not sufficiently protected, but nothing is going to protect you from the terminally naïve and credulous staff prepared to click on every link which appears in front of them, and then infecting the computer system.
Free file encryption? Yes of course I’ll have some of that !
R5 That shouty bigoted Bishop who’s on Nolan around midnight , suddenly toned down after I tweeted them last night.
Might have been a coincidence… but I suspect that it’s a combination of them having driven many listeners away and normal BBC lack of self awareness..
Well I’m glad he understands ‘twitter speak’ because I certainly don’t.
Perhaps context we need?
Thanks for that JimS – I thought it was only me that thinks all this “Twitter” stuff is like a foreign language.
I stand more chance with ancient Sanskrit.
I do “do” Twitter, mostly following people who support the same football club as I do, but try as I might, I can’t understand that one.
Re what people were saying about getting all their news from the BBC, well from childhood I always watch the news on bbc1 and read the Mirror and I was extremely left wing in my views, member of CND the whole lot. But I grew up, started work, met my husband and settled and gradually my politics changed, I would say I am centre, but still just a little left leaning.
The sad thing for me is after a lifetime of trusting the BBC, I can no longer do that and find my news from the many sources we have now.
I voted to leave the EU last year, and ever since the BBC has made me feel like a knuckle dragging racist, which is so far from what I am as person, it makes me angry.
Sorry to go on, but the coverage on the BBC and Sky News to a lesser extent makes me so angry and frustrated.
See the bit in quotation marks ? That sums up what he had just said
I paraphrase ..
‘ The Conservatives have all gone to the FAR RIGHT ….
and Labour is leaning to the Left so there’s nowhere for vote LIBERAL voters like me ..I fee exasperated ‘
Do you spot the irony he was being his normal shouty illiberbal self at same time as telling us he’s a liberal man.
On top of that there are loads of centrist parties to vote for.
Sorry, all I see is some pseudo-code followed by:
show who sounds shouty bigoted intolerant & bullying week after week complains ‘liberals like me’
..which has no context, structure or respect for grammar, yet is posted as some ‘slam dunk’, ‘checkmate’ erudite pearl of wisdom.
We all have to be aware that any posting trying to make a new point has to set the scene first if it is to be understood by other readers.
Bare links and tossed in tweets fail to tell or sell the message offered.
It’s not code. It’s just Twitter etiquette means puttin the person’s name at the beginning and including relevant Twitter handles so it shows up properly in searches.
Explained :
Bishop Stephen Lowe who was on BBC5live Stephen Nolan show, sounds shouty bigoted intolerant & bullying week after week,
yet he just complained ‘liberals like me’have it hard.
42 6F 6C 6C 6F 78 21
“..and including relevant Twitter handles so it shows up properly in searches.”
You mean people actually search through this this dross? That must be of as much value as finding lollipop sticks in a London sewer.
Ha using http://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/hex-to-ascii.htm
shows a strange spelling
I agree with JimS .. the reason I come on this blog and not twitter is cos I like to read some reasoned witty laugh out loud intellectual comment not constant unintelligable uninteresting garbled “tweets”. If you feel a desperate need to use twitter just do it … leave the rest of us to reasoned agument please. 🙂
If you think that is a reasoned argument, you are completely lacking in reason.
Tweets by TamIMisledUs
My first post so please bear with me if any of this has been covered before.
Long before I learned of this site I’d become disenchanted with the BBC output. Many years ago I stopped listening to my local station as it was (in hindsight because I didn’t know the phrase at the time) virtue signalling at every given opportunity. Within the last year I’d had enough of 5 Live too, a day in the car listening to it wasn’t healthy’ so music and Talk Sport filled the void. I feel lots better for it.
Recently I watched an episode of HIGNFY, and it struck me as a bit dated and embarrassing. The reason was that I was watching an episode of HIG OLD NFY recorded pre Brexit, pre Trump and actually it made for good viewing as it illustrated exactly how biased the panels are and how out of touch they are with a large percentage of the population. I used to enjoy that programme…..about 20 years ago.
Last night I got around to watching a BBC documentary called The Truth About Sleep, investigating sleep habits, impact of shift work, modern life etc. Throughout the show there were small cut scenes of a couple in bed tossing and turning, put there to illustrate what it’s like to struggle to get to sleep. Fair enough, that sort of thing adds flavour to the edit. But in virtue signalling of a grand scale, the couple were two black women. Ok, I may be wrong it may have been a feminine looking man and a woman but I would not bet money on that. And to put the cherries on the cake, when the presenter went to Oxford to interview a scientist, there centre screen as he walked into one of those wonderful university squares overlooking its manicured lawn, was a rainbow flag. No other windows had any adornment at all, and having watched years worth of Morse and Lewis I was under the impression that this sort of “vandalism” was outlawed. But when the cameras were re set and another (or IMO the SAME) flag was now hanging from a different window I reached the conclusion that this was deliberate set dressing.
In the greater scheme it does nothing but rile people like me, but why do they insist on doing this sort of thing?
And to show that I’m an equal opportunities criticiser, I’ve been watching ITVs Don’t Ask Me, Ask Britain, an entertaining panel show with Jonathan Ross and Frank Skinner as team captains. To be fair they’re both very quick witted and seasoned performers and anyone is going to struggle next to them. But in the interests of diversity the team members always seen to be female presenters and comedians. They die every week. A hilarious exchange on Wednesday was when discussing superstition Gabby Yorath said that when she salutes a Magpie she now says “Good Morning magpie how is your partner and family”, because it may be in a same sex relationship so the traditional greeting of “good morning Mr Magpie, How’s your wife and children” is in appropriate. Jonathan Ross’s reply? “That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard”. And he said it with meaning.
Sorry, I meant Gabby Logan.
Croeso ! From the western parts of these islands.
Woolwich, it’s good to see more people finding this site. When I found it years ago it rescued my sanity. I was beginning to think that I was alone, or at least in a small minority, in spotting how awfully biased the “B”BC had become. I started wondering if I was mad for not believing their messages. This site showed me there are millions more decent people clever enough to see the truth.
We nearly all went down this path, spotting some little things at first, then some bigger ones, then suddenly you see their evil message pervading everything from news to documentaries, from drama to comedy. Even children’s programmes are not totally immune. Old favourites like HIGNFY and Dr Who are now unwatchable except by the lobotomised.
It’s a shame because one of my favourite films is the Battle of Britain. On it there are various broadcasts by Alvar Liddell and John Snagg giving the news of the time. These bits always sound great and makes you proud of the BBC at that time – they deserved the “British” part of their name unlike now. (And it was set many years before I was born, honest. 😉 )
So as a response to Taffman, welcome from the eastern part of these islands as well.
Thank you Taffman and Demon.
And keeping the geographical theme going, Woolwich, welcome aboard, from the North West 🙂
And a middle of the Irish sea welcome from me.
And welcome from me, still quite a newbie from the centre of the country.
I can still hear that wonderful fruity baritone: “Good evening. Here is the News, and this is John Snagg reading it”.
Hello to Woolwich, too. For every new poster, I like to think there are x number of new readers brought to the site by the just-about-right accountability of the nation’s favourite broadcaster.
As far as The Battle of Britain is concerned, it memorably concludes with a rather uncinematic couple of captions quantifying the Allied and Axis pilots and crews killed. Then the end credits roll:
Battle of Britain Theme & Credits VHS Version
It’s just the kind of conclusion, in other words, that a continuity announcer would talk over, as the picture shrinks to a corner of the viewer’s screen and the next programme is plugged. So when that didn’t happen the last time I saw the film, on Channel 5, I emailed them to say that I was grateful that the captions had been treated with a bit of decorum.
I received a very defensive reply explaining why it was necessary to talk over the ending of most programmes. Which completely missed the point. Still, someone wiser in the ways of the world had been paying attention to the film, and reached a sensible broadcasting decision.
Welcome from me too Woolwich, I’m presently stuck across the Channel until the autumn and surrounded by expat Remoaners, so it was refreshing for me too to find this website a year ago. I feel a lot less alone through finding it.
Why do they do this?
” …. The best way to annoy a liberal is to tell the truth;
…. but of course the best way to annoy a conservative is to tell a lie …”
Report confirms BBC was ‘strongly biased against Brexit’ in run-up to referendum | Politics | News | Express
SG, well, blow me down with a feather, I would have never realised………
Puu………ff !
Taffman – I hope you realise that the BBC expect gay men like me to be mortally offended by that comment!
Guess what? I ain’t ……
Lobby, read an earlier post on Grantchester by Jeff – with your humour you’ll love it !
Thanks for the tip Brissles – It made oi laarf!!
Ok, Ok, Lobster don’t blush , but it was ‘puff’ not ‘poof’.
Taffman – No hard feelings! (Ooooh, matron …..!)
Wait a minute everyone… if you read the article is clearly says
A BBC spokesperson said: “The BBC has and will continue to cover Brexit in a responsible and impartial way independent of political pressure.
“The job of impartial journalism is to scrutinise the issues and interrogate the relevant voices, not advocate for a position.
“It’s precisely for this reason that the public trusts the BBC.
I think that closes the case, the BBC have spoken that they are impartial – always have been and always will be.
Move along now please, nothing to see here…
Looking for the bBC agenda, is not difficult to find as the article shows.
“If I wanted to give £147 to the Labour party I would have joined it”
Missed this : Friday local papers invited you to tweet in your FakeNews questions.
Maybe still worth doing using the #TrustedNewsDay hashtag
The Scunthorpe Telegraph is yet another local newspaper owned by Trinity Mirror group, the left wing Labour supporting bunch who are desperately trying to legitimise their output by claiming to be fighting fake news while engaging in it just as much as the BBC does.
Worse than that mate ..
It seems to be written by a team of Churnalists in Leicester who cutnpaste the court reports off the internet ..thus they constantly get local things wrong .
All that remains inScunthorpe is the abandoned printworks on the main street #eyesore
The message is gradually getting through.
The comments are also enjoyable.
I hope maxinconey & Scott read it .
What amazes me is that our PM and Tory MPs must see it also but do nowt ?
At least UKIP pledge to scrap it.
I Exposed The Rochdale Scandal, Sarah Rowbotham, Rochdale’s ‘Crisis Team Co-ordinator, 2003-2014’, talks about the scandal and the BBC’s Three Girls programme in The Guardian.
So much talk about ‘protecting the victims’, no talk about ‘the problem’.
“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”
The “B”BC call their programme “Three Girls” – what about the other 1,397?
A former detective who helped cage a gang of Rochdale sex groomers in 2012 says offenders identified during the original investigation are still at large and abusing young girls in the town.
Maggie Oliver made the claim ahead of a new drama about the scandal – Three Girls – which tells how child victims of abuse were dismissed as prostitutes and let down by the authorities.
She became an outspoken critic of GMP and was recruited by the BBC as the consultant for their drama, which will be told across three hour-long programs broadcast on successive nights from Tuesday.
She was probably also a critic of left wing Fascism, but there’s no way the BBC are going to allow her to criticise their role in the protection of the Guilty Pakis not just in Rochdale but in Rotherham too.
If I remember correctly the BBC was instrumental in the prosecution of Nick Griffin for trying to expose the scandal. I bet that doesn’t get a mention either.
Given the age profiles of the creatures that infest Langham Place, Lobby, they probably think Nick Griffin’s that fat bloke off “Family Guy”!
Can you imagine the bias if the Muslim bloke had won the Manchester Mayoral election?
I stopped watching BBC TV and listening to BBC radio a couple of years ago because it has become so annoying. This morning I switched on a radio that had been re-tuned to BBC 5 live just long enough to hear the first two news items. Instead of introducing the conservative promise to allow a years leave to look after elderly relatives in an honest uncoloured way, the BBC announces it as “labour critices the Tory promise to …..” and then goes into detail about the criticism, and only touches on the policy itself at the end. The unbiased BBC never seemed to do this to labour. This is a standard BBC tactic and so very obvious and very irritating .
Just back from a week away and I am catching up, so apologies if the following has already been discussed on the site.
The highlight of my catch up , perhaps low light is a better description , is of the This Week programme and the discussion with Douglas Murray on the death of Europe. Brillo’s guests were , Portillo and Liz Kendall. Murray outlined why European culture is in danger of being destroyed by mass immigration and that a majority of European citizens supported banning any further Muslim immigration.
The reaction of Brillo was that he couldn’t understand why mass immigration was such a threat to Europe because Europe had an aging population and needed new blood. Also that Globalisation requires mass migration , which is of course completely untrue. Whilst Brillo is not a BBC stooge on most topics he takes the BBC line on mass migration.
Portillo was against too much mass migration but didn’t agree on the Muslim ban. Fence sitting .
Liz Kendal was aghast that anyone didn’t think that so much good had come mass migration. When Douglas pointed out that the people wanted it stopped and had done for years and that he thought it was high time that politicians across Europe took heed of the people they represented, Kendal ridiculously claimed that by refusing to aceed to the people’s wishes the politicians were showing leadership . If ever there was proof that the left and many of the elite are insane this was it. Leadership? These arrogant fools are leading us to hell.
There is not a single politician in this country who will stand against a Muslim immigration, who will defend the people against these invaders, who will defend our culture. Those who may share the feelings of the public in private are too scared to say so in public for fear of being termed racist or perhaps physically attacked by followers of the Religion of Peace. But how can it be racist to defend your people, their culture and their country? Please note politicians we are being invaded by a foul religion that will do us great harmin future, your prime responsibility is to defend us.
I heard the same piece on This Week and it was great to see Douglas Murray on there. I had to laugh when Liz was talking about how these immigrants come to the UK because they like our values. Yeah the trouble is Liz, they like our values but some of them don’t respect them.
I also wanted to challenge Andrew when he trotted out the old adage that our population was getting older. Yes, but we aren’t replacing like for like are we? We are replacing maybe couples that might have 1 or 2 kids with couples that might have 5-6. It shouldn’t take a slide rule to figure that this isn’t a sustainable policy.
I thought Doug’s best line was that European leaders keep thinking that they’ve dodged a bullet without acknowledging why one has been fired.
Populations have ALWAYS gotten older – that’s generally what happens, so its a stupid remark to make. Migrants get older too, and like you say Payne, with the large families of migrants replacing the smaller offspring of the indigenous population, it will only take a couple of generations before English as our mother tonuge is replaced by a pick’n’mix of Eastern European and Asian languages, and our land mass will be covered with more housing estates than anywhere else, populated by khaki coloured peoples.
Boy, I wish I could get myself on Andrew Marr or Brillo’s programmes, and put these issues to them, or even the Big Question, just to see how they respond.
I watched that too and whenever immigration is discussed on al beebus and elsewhere on the MSM, those doing so always tiptoe around the subject to an almost pathetic degree.
Even Douglas Murray, whom I have a lot of time for, was guilty of it when Kendall challenged him about banning all Muslims entering Europe. Portillo skirted the issue by addressing it in mainly economic terms, as did A.N.
The Andrew Neil argument that we need to allow immigration to make up for, in Mark Steyn’s words: “The children we couldn’t be bothered to have ourselves.”
It won’t stand scrutiny, because you aren’t replacing like with like; if those unborn Western Europeans were being substituted for other Western Europeans then immigration on that scale could work – there would still be problems, but the people are similar to a sufficient degree for integration to occur.
How on earth can you replace those same unborn Europeans with Third Worlders and expect that the country will remain the same?
You cannot have a First World country with a Third World population, in fact you will struggle to maintain a First World country which has anything more than a fraction of its population which originates in the Third World. This is the situation in which growing areas of cities and large towns across Britain and Western Europe are now finding themselves.
Good points all. Neil is always on the other side when it really counts . They all are and that is why Douglas Murray struggles to speak openly. He will end up silenced by discreet BBC style banning .I doubt Mark Steyn will be heard again as his views are well known.
The demographic crisis is the crisis of our time and is without precedent Maybe the Black Death can bear some comparison but that was an act of chance whereas the collapse of the European indigenous birthrate is willed by ourselves.
That subject itself would repay many hours of discussions as to the whys and wherefores but we will never get them. To do so would challenge the most cherished of liberal progressive beliefs and threaten once and for all the refusal to face reality that has characterised our intellectual classes for nearly a century.
Sometimes I feel that we deserve our coming fate and all some of us can do is to ease our civilisations departure and try to ensure the best of it is conserved .
Dave S – Don’t be so pessimistic.
History turns on a sixpence and when certain forces are unleashed within a nation things change very quickly indeed; remember how solid the Iron Curtain appeared? The Berlin Wall and half of Europe held as prisoners in their own countries, yet look at how fast that edifice crumbled and took the Elites in the West and the East unawares.
The pressure keeps building in the West, ever more quickly and regardless of however much tighter “they” keep screwing the lid down.
“Things that can’t go on forever, don’t.” Peter Brimelow.
“Boy, I wish I could get myself on Andrew Marr or Brillo’s programmes, and put these issues to them, or even the Big Question, just to see how they respond.”.
Fat chance of that. You would be screened out even before you reached the front door!
Yes. No one ever asks what proportion of current pensioners in Britain are immigrants, descendents of postwar immigrants or naturalised British citizens. The latter category must be a godsend if you want to skew the statistics. The current “too many old people problem” must have been partially caused by uncontrolled postwar mass immigration.
Poor old Liz Kendall has got to make nice with the community in order to keep her Leicester seat poor love. ( apols for the rampant sexism)
I wonder if she ll appear on the culling list on the night of the 8th June. ?
The mentally challenged Liz Kendall was talking about the arrival of the Ugandan Asians in Leicester in the 1970s, and how great it all was.
Forty years on, the white British are now a minority in Leicester. That’s all it took. In another forty years’ time, where will the white people be? Will Leicester be 90% Asian?
No country on earth has ever undergone such a massive demographic change, yet an airheaded bimbo like Liz Kendall thinks she can get away with wittering on about diversity like a stuck record. What an utterly deluded, brainless waste of time she is. God help us.
Great use of our license fee BBC. I always wanted to see a frumpy seditionist singing in a van and oversharing. She isn’t even trying to sing, just mumbling and bumbling. Sums her up nicely.
The Beeb seems intent on created personality cults around Sturgeon and Woods (not to mention their McGuinness worship).
Perhaps someone should remind them that an independent Wales won’t pay the license fee.
I don’t pay it anyway. Waste of money.
Biased bbc trying hard to push the narrative that the government is to blame for the NHS computer problems.
But some hospitals are fine. And some are in deep s1it.
What joy. A patient with a cancelled op gets chosen for a vox pop. Needless to say, he’s not happy.
This is a classic case of highly variable operational management and IT management competence (lack of).
The blame is firmly at hospital management level. Why? Simple. Because some hospitals have not been affected. Is it remotely likely that government can micromanage down to that level? Of course not.
The fact that the government is being blamed shows the level of politicisation of the NHS, and in truth why it is simply not possible to make rational decisions about the service.
The bBC is pushing the line that the spread of WannaCry is down to insufficient funding for the NHS by the Government.
Yet and a big yet whilst the non British bBC news world is reporting this:
NHS cyberattack: Trusts were told about security patch last month
NHS England hospital trusts were sent details of a security patch last month that would have prevented Friday’s malware attack. NHS Digital has confirmed to Sky News that the patch was made available on its cyber portal on 25 April, and a link sent to NHS IT staff on 27 April.
The bBC is still pushing the nasty party line in which to allocate the blame.
Now its a known fact, that when computer patches are rolled out, that it is good practice to download them as the blackhat brigade are very quick to exploit that hole. But what has surprised me is the lax behaviour of the NHS IT crowd. I remembered that last year that the Lincolnshire NHS had been hit with a 1 Million pound ransom regards its computers and yet the same 2 trusts has been hit again. Finally here is a map which shows that this latest outrage isn’t just an NHS problem:
Support for XP ended in 2015 and NHS Trusts knew of this, Pounce, but carried on using it regardless.
The MOD used XP as the bedrock for its entire Dii Intranet system. We only migrated away from that OS last year. That said, the MOD is very strict , no downloads from USB/internet allowed. No access to hotmail/gmail,cloud storage etc.. Emails are quarantined (tell me about), passwords are changed every 6 months. That said the MOD still gets hit.
I thought the RN still use XP, Pounce, the link I posted mentions, in another article, that XP will be the OS of choice on our new aircraft carriers, still under construction.
As mentioned Diiis the system in use by the MOD (Tri-service) as mentioned XP was the backbone of the system, however it soon became apparent that it was riddled with holes which could be exploited by others. (We all received an email about 3 years ago warning of hacks by foreign countries) So they moved away lock,stock and barrel away from XP to Win7 which whilst a step in the right direction, isn’t good enough. However the MOD is very strict, simply in order to use the system you have to undergo a nbr of courses which should take around a day to complete and have to be renewed yearly and tri-yearly for the longer course. Both include security , which is why when my Lt Col asked for my Log on password, i refused and there wasn’t anything she could do about it. The new file system which should land later this year is unable to be operated by XP. So I doubt that many XP systems are still in place within the military.
That said BT has won a contract to support telecommunications via the net for the military, and yet BT uses Huawei equipment an issue that was brought up in parliament 4 years ago:
MPs raise alarm over Chinese equipment in UK phone networks
The irony here was we all received an email around the same time to be on the look out for Chinese hackers.
Thanks for the heads up, Pounce, I hope you haven’t contravened any sections of the Official Secrets Act with this intel. 🙂
BT winning the contract? It’s to be hoped they a bit more reliable with this, than they are with my BB and YouView accounts then!
I have heard the Japanese have a better collective sense of self respect than we do.
And as a result a higher resistance to Islamic takeover. I always hope this is true.
Here is a little reason to be optimistic. Japan Airlines.
And keeps the muslim bombers off your flights. Genius!
Well done JAL.
Puts joy in my heart! Thank you JAL. More companies please stand up to this creeping islamification.
Yesterday’s Country at min 14:30minutes featured biasedBBC once again pushing their Islington hippy Green Dreaming propaganda
From : OakTree LowCarbon Farm
Founders line “Good food low carbon emissions”
Claimed mix group yet not even token nonwhite, just urban hippy types.
The problem is Green is not Green, they are free to make great claims yet no counterbalance challenging is allowed.
bBBC ‘newsbeat’ is trying to get children onto the electoral roll by using cartoons, a black rapper, and the ‘hidden benefit’ of boosting their credit score. The website doesn’t mention age at all.
It’s just a coincidence of course that this item appears alongside the bBBC’s campaign to give 16-year-olds the vote, as is the policy of all their favourite parties – Labour, SNP, Liberal ‘Democrats’, Greens, Plaid Cymru.
Anyone catch the BBC RadioWS prog on Wheelchair W#nkers ? ..April 27
..BBC flew to Taiwan to interview an NGO who masturbate people who are unable to do it for themselves.
I’m sympathetic but you can’t just have any old Jimmy Savile touching disabled people.
but the prog just didn’t tackle the important issue of guarding against sexual abuse.
“BBC World Service – World Hacks, Helping Disabled People With Sex”
The bBC used to have somebody on their books who used to visit NHS hospitals to do just that and more. If you required the service you simply had to ring up and they would reply:
” Jim will fix it”
Professional w****rs at the BBC show solidarity with other professional w****rs……..
…….well, who`d a thunk it?
Answer – like everyone else – get a partner who can do it for you, or use a paid help! Or does the BBC see it as the governments responsibility to make sure everyone gets a free hand job now? They really are beyond contempt. And dirty minded buggers.
Nothing to do with BBC Bias but it does have the same BBC agenda.
I counted 8 boxes ticked watching the short 41 second video:
1. Transgender – tick!
2. Muslim woman in Hajib – tick!
3. Stereo typical overweight white Englishman – tick!
4. Chav in tracksuit – tick!
5. Shaved head lesbian – tick!
6. Asian boy – tick!
7. Vicar sitting with Trans and lesbians – tick!
8. Mention of St Jox Cox – tick!
Eddie Izzard’s looking her age isn’t she?
Tabs ( blog monitor ) apologies I hit report by mistake.
Seeing ms izzard I thought it was about time labour / al Beeb started to roll out luvvies to get support or comfort in this sad time for them . Ha ha
Saw this little gem on Twitter this morning {Wonder if its still there on Twitter} but clue picture of BBC mindless muslim female reporter with headbag and along with statement that a muslim BBC reporter and muslim BBC camera crew is of to mecca as BBC viewing tax payers expense of course to do a documentry. This begs four important questions that any sane person should think about and act upon.
#1 Does BBC really stand for Broadcsting for the British Caliphate?
#2 If in the principles of that famous BBC balance is the BBC going to do documentry on the other major religions of the world as well as islam?
#3 Is the BBC in the further principles of the famous BBC balance going to do a series of documentries detailing the historical contact of the other major religions of the world with islam and its mindless followers
#4 Will anyone who still pays the BBC viewing tax and washes this blatant pro islamic propaganda and having paid for it via the £147 a year BBC viewing tax review their decision to continue paying their £147 a year BBC viewing tax, And come to the same decision that I did five years ago and decide that the BBC no longer justifies either its right to exist or its right to be funded my me or anyother sane person who objects to being compulsory forced to pay for the BBC in order for the BBC to push its pro-islam, pro imigrant/rapeugee, pro leftard, pro socialism and pro european union propaganda. Cancel your BBC viewing tax starve the BBC of the money the BBC needs to survive and be £147 a year better of
I await the replies of the BBC and its mindless trolls we get on this site with interest along with any honest and factual answers that might make it past their BBC programing
Don’t waste your time on beeboid trolls. 1)They’re past redemption 2) Only encourages them.
Yes….They`re at it again with the Bake off winner Nadiya being given the gig of taking a muslim only crew to Mecca to make a documentary about the muslim Haj ritual….
…..The equalities obsessed BBC are happy to collude in making a programme about an entire city off limits to all but muslims.
And, let`s face it, it isn’t going to be objective is it?
They amaze me!
All part of the greater plan: the islamisation of Great Britain and ultimate incorporation into the Caliphate.
Enjoy your bacon sarnies while you still can.
Maybe al Beeb could do an Islamic ‘its a knock out’ [ other religions are available ] the popularity of religions can go down as well as up…. etc etc ….
The Justice for Chelsea Video.
Watch this and consider what kind of scumbag hypocrite is our feminist Prime Minister who is behind the cover up and protection of the rapists
Obviously her pals in the BBC are staying quiet
Wow, they are brave people cos I bet there are a lot of ‘elites’ who are very annoyed about them speaking out to so many supporters.
This is a serious matter and needs to be given wide coverage. That the BBc and the rest ignore it tells you all you need to know. She is a very brave girl indeed.
I mentioned this before and just after the protest itself
…. “No Platformed” by the MSM, even the one local report was so vague and obtuse
its still prevalent, Its still happening, now including the influx of illegals so called migrant/refugee
probably growing in numbers.
Because of migrant being in the mix, the political establishment is going to be even worse.
Without the social media … you would know nothing
The neo liberal Westminster cabal Tory, Red Tory, Liberals have to go … these bastards are aiming to right now to tighten the grip.
clear out required … drain the swamp.
Given the way that Northumbria Police and the CPS have behaved regarding the Chelsea case, it will be interesting to see how they deal with this one.
Two words … Operation Sanctuary
42 (mostly Muslim men) charged in Northumbria Newcastle early 2015.
How many convicted? there are no updates from police in over 2 years.
Well … They don t even vet the Keystone up there,
“Thousands of police officers across the UK have not had up-to-date background checks to ensure they are suitable to serve. Figures reveal 90% of officers employed by one force have not been vetted in line with current policy”
Well, a week is a long time in politics and the first week of the campaign has seemed quite a long time for many people as they may have been wondering “Where are the Conservatives?”. Labour held ‘media sway’ with a leak of their manifesto and the laughter still echoing from Diane Abbott’s funding calculations for turning England into a Police State.
In reality, the Conservatives were all busy getting ready for a tour to the far flung reaches of the United Kingdom to preach the Word, or more correctly preach the words: ‘Strong’ and ‘Stable’. Before they did so, they had to find their bus for a photo opportunity. Where was it in the bus station or bus park?
Had the coach left the ‘Stable’ without them? Surely not?
A man was sent to look. He wasn’t sure he had the right bus. It had the name Theresa May on it. But it is not impossible that there is more than one couple in Britain, with the surname May, who have chosen to name a daughter, their daughter, Theresa.
It did have ‘Strong’ & ‘Stable’ & ‘Leadership’ painted on the same side, along with ‘for Britain’ and ‘in the national interest’, together with a strange squiggle. Those words might have been sufficient for a well briefed BBC journalist and especially the traditional ‘man on the Clapham Omnibus’ to identify the bus as belonging to the Tories but for the man photographed with the bus – despite an obvious clue from Jeremy Corbyn’s unstable & weak leadership of the Labour Party in his time as leader – it was still not enough.
He just had to find the Party name to be certain.
Until the man looked at the bus upside down, he could not see the word ‘Conservatives’ in the small print. There it was! On the nearside door. Always read the small print, we are told. That decided it. He had the right bus. He could now direct people to this bus with confidence that it was the right bus.
Upside down, really suits the first week of the GE17 Campaign from the Conservatives. They finished the week promising British workers with family member or friend or relative needing care that they will have the statutory right to a year of unpaid leave from their employer in order to care for that person. A policy that is so shot through with all sorts of questions, difficulties and complications – and to be fair, total absurdities – that it must have been conceived by the Tory Manifesto Team during a yoga session while they were standing on their heads.
Three more weeks to go. Isn’t this fun? A certain bus with at least one uncertain policy inside! How many more uncertain policies and costings will all the political Parties contesting this General Election have for us to consider in the next three weeks?
Notice how the television “journalists” keep making fun of the Conservative slogan “Strong and Stable” and keep having a go at how many times Mrs May repeats it, but have no scorn for Labour’s “For the many, not the few”. That’s ridiculous as the Islington lot, which is Labour’s only real concern, are not the many but the very few.
Demon, indeed! So did (note past tense) Labour politicians and supporters. I get a sense that Labour itself has eased back on that a little. The danger (for LeftMob) is that the public hear the Conservative manifesto proposals, then from their opponents, whether in the Labour Party or working at or for the BBC, all they next hear is ‘Strong & Stable’, albeit in a mocking way or tone. Strong & Stable has been bolted onto the Conservative Party, the PM and their policies now, and it will need a colossal amount of FakeNews to shift it.
Lynton Crosby must be purring like a cat who has cleared the contents of the cream shelf at the supermarket. Listeners and viewers do not have to think about what the Opposition parties are offering in the GE, all they hear is ‘Strong & Stable’ and it is linked to Theresa May and the Party with the policies to lead the country.
Guess who they will vote for?
By implication, Labour and all the others are ‘Weak and Unstable’.
It might be taken by some as a sign that the other Parties have given up. If not that, it is a foot shooting exercise of North Korean proportions.
The BBC has been concealing the collapse of Venezuela and its murderous socialist policies for months. Now, in an excellent article by Paul T. Horgan on Conservative Woman , the Corporation is called to account.
It’s time the overpaid sixth form TV Marxists like Marr, Coburn, Katz and their colleagues on BBC Radio were made to answer for this deceit. Let’s hope Mr Horgan has started the ball rolling.
Thanks for posting the link.
The Beeb’s ignoring of the plight of Venezuela is the same as their endless ‘fluffing’ of Cuba in being the plucky underdog to the big nasty USA.
I Couldn’t believe it –
With prize money donated by Soros/UN no doubt.
unbelievable. Makes me depressed.
Prize money or production costs, G?
All of it TW.
London private school may let boys wear skirts
A comment would be superfluous.
Wot, like this?
I’m confident that faith schools in enriched communities such as Birmingham, Leicester, Bradford and Rotherham will eagerly follow suit.
Lemmings off a cliff. Also publicity for the school – ‘look at how modern and broad minded we are!’
My thought to all this stupid stuff about males wearing female clothes is – why don’t they just make trousers, which are not gender specific, the uniform? Who can argue with that?
Do I see that wondrous BBC icon of news subbing ‘may’ there?
I am of an age where we wore blazers, ties and, of course, caps.
Taking the train in (aged 8… it was a different time) it soon became apparent that the Chevaliers at the local compy liked to await any odd form of attire, dispose of it down the embankment, often followed by the person who had sported it.
So we tended to dress not to stand out too much.
Good luck to them. Especially if passing through any lightly policed areas of North London ‘turf’ dominated by cultures sensitive to lads pretending to be lasses.
yes. all part of the emasculation of the western society so that the population replacement runs more smoothly
Now we know where they get their talking heads from, i bet theirs no other version than white.
Perfect for the groper RoPers, Manxie, no children harmed in their use, etc., do you think they are halal?
No doubt Al Jezza will soon be fighting for ”sex bot” rights, and equality.
Riveting hard hitting questions, ”Can sex bots be raped ?.
Trump action bearing fruit –
“The total number of people collecting jobless benefits fell to the lowest level in 28½ years, a further sign of labor-market strength, government data showed.” – Market Watch”
Eat your heart out Sopel!
What’s the only age group that, however ridiculously, actually support Labour more than the Tories?
It’s the under 24s.
So guess which group the bBBC1 6pm announce they are going to focus on?
How did you guess?
No wonder Corbyn nd Krankie want to give the vote to everyone over the age of about 8.
Giving the vote to a group who have only ever seen life through the prism of receiving the benefits of state spending without having paid a penny in seems utterly mad.
No representation without taxation say I.
I saw the bit when they interviewed some female “Art Student” (they never seem to interview anybody doing anything useful, do they?) who thought it would be great if students got free education as in Scotland. No mention of where the money would come from though.
Written by, read by, and focused on the under 24s, sums up the Brussels Broadcasting Caliphate.
Not direct BBC bias but sadly a sign of how their propaganda and bias is infecting society.
My local authority boss had to attend a shortish “spotting signs of terrorism in the workplace” training course last week.
To put it mildly, he wasn’t overly interested in going to it but nevertheless when he returned he was holding an A4 leaflet which he handed to me to have a look at.
The leaflet’s headline was “Far Right Logos and Symbols” with approximately 15 “Far Right” groups listed with a brief explanation about them.
Yes, “Far Right”.
I looked over the leaflet then said to my boss that it was flawed to which he asked how?.
I replied by pointing out to him that none of these groups had committed the 9/11, 7/7, London Bridge, Paris, Belgium, German Christmas Market, Corporal Lee Rigby etc attacks – it was all done my Islamist Terrorists.
There was silence for a second or two before it was neatly side-stepped.
Sinni, that anecdote encapsulates the whole Alice-in-Wonderland logic of our mad liberal/pc world. Look for terrorists where there ain’t none and ignore them where they are.
And always, always vilify the ‘far-right’.
During my teacher training, a Jamaican woman came in to give a talk about diversity issues. She spoke at length about the problem of negative stereotypes. She then translated some Jamaican patois – how cool and ‘vibrant’ does this all sound? The only problem is the phrase translated as something like ‘If someone is trying to dress too well, smash his face in.’
It was beyond parody. Surely she could have found a less aggressive phrase to translate, one that does not negate her entire speech? Yet like the comrades in 1984 we nodded along and applauded politely at the end.
Good point. The thought that right-wing activists commit acts of terrorism is really just so much garbage, easily dispelled with just a moment’s thought. Pity your boss didn’t make the effort. And I hope that the ISIS flag was on the sheet?
Not a hint of ISIS or Islam!.
Bet you hear about that incident in your next appraisal. It will have been written up, emailed and filed pending any allegations against you. Love public service.
I laugh when they say we should have nothing but compassion for ROP communities who struggle to integrate, as it must be so hard living in a foreign land. What nonsense.
They certainly manage to adapt to the benefits system. They do not have housing benefit in Pakistan but they sure as hell know how to milk the system here! They can integrate brilliantly when they want to.
BB – Victimhood becomes a fluid concept depending on who they are dealing with. Fortunately with the BBC we have a “world class” broadcaster who always “knows a victim when it sees one” And it sees plenty!
I think they have got the ths sex ratio wrong for starters and I didnt see Cologne Cathederal signposted signposted in case the chaps fancy a bit of R and R.
Most enjoyable film this unfortunately, Ive just puked up my dinner! See if you can hold yours in!
Not really BBC but was amused to hear on the 6pm news that wee Jimmy was “demanding” direct SNP involvement in the brexit negotiations.
Why is she always “demanding”. I dont know whether this repellant stunted dwarf quite realises what an odious and irritating tag nut she is. No matter how hard or carefully you wipe – shes still there, trying to ruin your day. And even if you do finally manage to flush her down the pan with the aid of the bog brush, as soon as your back is turned up she pops like a refloated Titanic. Bobbing up and down trying to draw your attention back to her unsavoury coprolith in the hopes that you will want to do battle again.
A Prayer – Please God can the Jocks finally vote to leave the UK and join the EU instead so Wee Jimmy can spend the foreseeable future making her demands to the likes of Merkel and Drunker instead. Can we also build a proper border wall with soundproofing – ( I reckon 24″ would be high enough) so we will not ever have to see or hear her ever again – Amen.
The good news is that the Scots are starting to see through Wee Krankie. They’re well aware of the tumbling of oil prices, oil revenues being a major factor of the Nat’s economic case for the last referendum, of the dire deficit of Scotland, the disaster that is the euro and its failing schools.
$51,a barrel versus -I think – $130 the snp assumed would fund their wonderful world of welfare subsidy stealing Shetland or Norwegian oil. Instead they are not talking about indyref2 and continuing on relying on English subsidy through the Barnett formula. More labour maths.
…and the scots only got 2 players selected for the Lions tour and one was as a result of a pull out by another player..
Im surprised that the SNP are not demanding a full investigation into Gatlands selection…
Not the Beeb, but a bit of a priceless moment on Sky. The outside unit were reporting live from Leeds, where the journo was getting soundbites from members of the public as to their thoughts on Corbyn’s speech today.
Oh dear, the hapless reporter zeroed in on a track suited lady and asked her about the speech. There then followed an excruciating few moments when the lady admitted having mental health issues and proceeded to list all her medical complaints, ranging from having most of her left innards removed, and she suffered from Aspergers; one could only image what was going through the reporters mind as he tried to edge slowly away – but she followed him while informing that she was in a running competition this afternoon. Wishing her well, he swiftly moved onto the next victim – a big black lady with heaving bosoms and big earrings, who immediately started giggling. Honest to God it was tv at its best !
It’s quite logical really. The SNP is a grievance based party. It has to fuel discontent, make straw men enemies and issue demands they know will be rejected. That’s how they exist. No grievance , no enemies, no unmet demands then no SNP.
Population of Wales @3.5 million [ equivalent to about 16 London boroughs. Population of Scotland – about 7 million – less than the population of the 32 London boroughs. [ not taking into account expats] – as a born Londoner I feel quiet disenfranchised listening to welch and Scottish nationalists whining about being hard done by in their wonderful countries. Try seeing what has become of London.
Sorry any Scots /welch reading this but it does get a bit much hearing Leanne and crankier holding court.
I think a lot of remainer type MPs like Clegg are more pee d off about the prospect of losing a potential gravy train in Brussels than the freedom of Blighty from the ever so closer bloody union. Rant over !