BBC4 7pm The daily half-hour of HATE against Trump
News Bimbo discussing Macron/Merkel body touching “And what does Trump do ?”
“Well he refuses to shake hands” giggle giggle
as she repeats the false narrative
When that time Trump had already shaken Merkel’s hand on camera , had not responded to photographers when they asked to do it again.. not exactly fitting the refusal narrative.
BBC West peddling their fav subject (again) – hate crimes post Brexit as lead story. We hear from a Somalian who was spat at and a Pole who is afraid to speak Polish when out and about, in fact they fear the country so much that they’re still f’ing here 11 months on. The fear to speak a foreign language in public is totally contrary to what I’m hearing in all the public places that I visit.
There is absolutely no topicality in this ‘story’ other than the BBC needing to keep up with their anti Brexit agenda, absolute c@nts…..
Indeed, Geoff. I was in a Northants town recently and thought that I would have to learn Polish if I ever decided to live there (not likely fortunately).
Times : Luxury yachts used to smuggle migrants into EU MAY 14, 2017
Louise Callaghan, Syracuse, Sicily May 14 2017, 12:01am, The Sunday Times
\\ Dozens of migrants were rescued from a yacht off Italy in November last year and three Ukrainians arrested Ukrainian smugglers are running a multimillion-pound network that ferries migrants from Turkey to southern Europe on luxury yachts, an investigation by The Sunday Times has found.//
I noticed the foreign woman advising her how to get back something of what she had put in or something along those lines. The trouble is most of them have contributed nothing to the system before claiming their “entitlement”.
I’m surprised that there hasn’t been a post at the vomit inducing vile leftie & SJW Sue Perkins introducing the BAFTAs.
The presenter stunned the audience inside London’s Royal Festival Hall by deliberately swearing on stage so that Beeb bosses would have to cut it from their TV broadcast, which was on a one-hour delay.
She told the star-studded crowd: “I live for live. Give me a seven second delay and I will use it, you blistering c***faced f*** trumpets.”
To me, that just about sums up the talentlessness of Perkins and her contempt for the audience.
Sue and other stars defied the BBC by speaking about politics during the ceremony.
Well what a surprise! The BBC goes through the motions of control and then shrugs its shoulders when ‘surprised’ when its so called talent disobeys.
But host Sue, 47, broke the rule with repeated political gags, including one during her opening speech, where she quipped: “Whatever happens I promise to provide you a strong and stable Baftas.”
That she feels able to swear in front of that audience tells you all you need to know about it.
The entire media/arts class is so discredited that it is laughable. Is there not even one of them feeling confident enough to defy the progressive consensus?
Our writers are card carrying progressives and our performers attention seeking zombies.
‘. . . the talentlessness of Perkins and her contempt for the audience’.
In the late ’80s, BBC2 made a documentary about the Cambridge Footlights. This included filming a ‘smoker’, a late-evening student show. They consist of material by some of the older students who are taking the summer revue on tour—if you’re picked for that, you stand a good chance of a career for life at the BBC (Alexander Armstrong, for example, David Mitchell, Andy Parsons)—and the best of the younger ones. Time-served or novice, you write, learn and perform your own stuff.
In at the last minute came Sue Perkins. She wasn’t on the bill. On the bill of the show that was being filmed for TV. Oops. But fortunately she did have a monologue hand-copied from a collection of sketches by Victoria Wood. This she proceeded to sellotape to a desk. (Yes, she’d brought some sellotape with her.) And, not having learnt the piece, she then ‘performed’ it for the cameras, complete with some significant ‘acting’ to allow her to glance down at the script. Permanent prompting, if you like. Few were impressed by this degree of shamelessness, but her contribution gratifyingly didn’t make the cut.
I was never much cop as a performer. Much preferred the writing. But at least I could be bothered to learn the lines I’d written.
Try typing Chelsey Wright, alleged victim of muslim migrant rapists, in bbc news ‘search’ box.
Who? What? Never heard of her.
Or try looking in UK, then drilling down to England – Regions – North East – Tyne and Wear.
Who? What? Never heard of her.
A massive story with a massive demo and show of outrage by the locals.
Zilch on evil beebistan.
Despicable. By heir silence they are colluding in rape. Across the country.
Its none of the MSM, Sky, Ch4 all have “no platformed” the story
… tells you one thing a “political” decision has been made.
Mind You
Vitally important news like this has to take precedence
BBC T&W – Yellow lines plan to combat parking problems
“Double yellow lines are to set be introduced in a residential road in an effort by highway chiefs to stop vehicles parking on the pavement”
True to form, just like previous state involvement examples Paul Golding Tommy Robinson and Jayda Franson, the organiser Mr Charlton was arrested the day of the protest.
But … They are being made irrelevant anyway, professional style news doesn t
cost billions.
Eloquent speaker, facts and minimal CGI
Good post. Because the Biased BBC is Anti-Britain, they will side against foreigners, illegals, kidnappers, torturers and rapists against a young English girl every day of the week.
The “They are elite smart journalists, contested by naive saddos sitting in bedsits”
Well today one of the Times Editorial Leaders is WRONG * FakeNews *
The 3rd TIMES editorial leader begins
“More than 14,500 people have died air pollution-related deaths so far this year. ”
err no they haven’t. Practically no one has died from air pollution.
It appears on NO death certificates.
BUT each of the 60 million living are having their lifespans theoretically shortened by air pollution by a few days per year. And if you add up all those lost days it adds up to the EQUIVALENT of 40K lifetimes THEORETICALLY and with a large margin of error.
These people repeat endlessly as if there are 40,000 bodies , not understanding it’s a Theoretical Equivalence stat.
A few days ago also in the Times there was a letter from Cycling and walking professional bodies..which began with a similar error.
That time saying “40,000 years are shortened”
Nope, all our lives are shortened.
Panorama undercover reporting on council litter Stasi who issue a ticket to a foreigner for chucking his fag stub on the ground. Trouble is he can’t understand them and their rules dictate that they can’t issue tickets to non UK residents (obviously only applies to those who pay their wages) but the thing is he’s here caring for his brother who has just had a heart operation, no doubt courtesy of the NHS.
You couldn’t make it up, the irony lost on the BBC.
The whole basis of the bBBC whingeing was not that people were littering and shouldn’t have been, but that – shock horror – a private organisation was fining them on the council’s behalf. Typical leftie: everything has to be done by the state.
Could have sworn I’ve seen some old codger turn up with the odd pirate cutlass or his granddad’s rusty blunderbus
My comment on the British Army numbers controversy?
No, it’s a reference to the new BBC rules for the Antiques Road Show
‘Guests wanting a valuation are limited to bringing two objects per person. Objects should be easily portable and antique firearms and other weapons are not permitted’
What they also fail to mention is, if you decide to go along for a valuation you are likely to be in the queue for over 8 yes EIGHT hours !! I got this from someone who did just this. There was no seating available, and she took it in turns with her companion to search out a seat every hour or so. In blazing sunshine / pouring rain, and the general mature age range of the visitors, you’d expect the BBC to organise this better – well, they’ve had 20 years to get it right.
Guardian carrying story that the 5 beeboid presenters arnt in a happy ship at the moment – egos clashing apparently. Personally I’d like to see the ship sink. Trouble is I can’t think of a non lefty replacement ….
It won’t be long before Brady is put on the BBC pedestal with some studio ‘expert’ saying “…the Tory government didn’t grant him compassionate leave from prison in his final days…”
There was a rather strange interview with Brady’s lawyer on the Today programme on R4. As the lawyer himself criticised the media for publishing inaccuracies in relation to Brady and his mother, I am at a loss to understand why he consented to an interview in the first place. He revealed nothing of interest about his client, as you wpuld expect from a lawyer and seemed a bit lachrymose. So what was the point of the excercise?
As you predicted, tentative attempts were made during the programme to excuse Brady’s behaviour. He was “born out of wedlock” and so, of course, had been “stigmatised”. Old fashioned language, opportunity for BBC to castigate the unenlightened attitudes of yesteryear. A “studio expert” opined that “evil” was the wrong word to use in relation to Brady because of its “religious connotations”. This is just fatuous nonsense. The “expert” seems to be trying to suggest that the use of the word “evil” suggests some supernatural explanation for Brady’s actions. I am an atheist and have no difficultly in calling Brady evil. This is the current usage of the word and the meaning understood by all non-experts.
Mentioning Hindley and Brady, brings to mind Lord Longford.
A misguided, deluded fool who thought to aggrandise himself by single-handedly saving Hindley’s soul by getting her to repent and making her peace with God and of course, so ensuring her release. He now seems to be the prototype for the moralising luvvie and the smugly sanctimonious political and media elites. Their arrogance turns them into extremely unpleasant people. Longford actually told the believing mother of Lesley Ann Downey that she would not go to heaven unless she forgave Hindley.
So the word ‘evil’ is about religious connotations .
Part of the attempt to destroy morality which expresses objective judgements about good and bad. So let us replace morality with emotions, with expressions of feelings, and the evil that Brady committed can be cast in terms of how some people in some communities might feel about it.
Patrician arrogance to the end and I think his niece Harriet has inherited a good portion of her Uncles smug condescension and disdain for those who dont appear to agree with her.
Its a pity Longford wasnt around today he could have had a grand time touring cities and towns, teaching respect and tolerance to the many thousands of girls and young women in this country who have been enriched.
Don’t forget that Harriet Harperson is the niece of Lord Longford.
Yet another privately educated wealthy privileged elite massively out of touch with the lives of normal people, yet absolutely convinced in the rightness of her beliefs
The Ian Brady story should NOT have been given much time.
#1 “old person dies is not news”
#2 Obituary prog segments are for people who deserve them.. Not for bad people who regale in publicity.
The whole point is to discourage future nutters.
More accusations of bias and corruption at the BBC over the BAFTA awards:
Bafta is run by former BBC bosses, and its prize juries are dominated by people who have worked for the Corporation. Bafta chairman Jane Lush is a former BBC controller of daytime, entertainment and comedy, while deputy chairman Anne Morrison used to be director of the BBC’ s training programme, the BBC Academy.
Five members of the jury that judged the best drama used to work at the BBC, and another four work at independent production companies that make their money from BBC commissions.
The BBC picked up 19 awards out of a possible 25.
The BBC where the bias is not just limited to the political!
“President Donald Trump revealed highly classified information about so-called Islamic State to the Russian foreign minister, officials have told US media.”
More “fake news” ?
‘unknown sources’. meaning fake news. this is going to go on for 8 years. anything anyone says about trump is printed by the bbc as fact.
“This story is false. The president only discussed the common threats that both countries faced,” said Dina Powell, deputy national security adviser for strategy. In addition, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Trump and Lavrov “did not discuss sources, methods or military operations.” McMaster said the statements by Powell and Tillerson “should outweigh [the accounts] of anonymous sources”
“I was in the room,” McMaster concluded. “It didn’t happen.”
Very much so.
Being dismissed as totally false by those that were present in the room.
Of course the BBC chooses to run with an unsubstantiated piece of gossip spread by WaPo.
“Putting anonymous stuff in ‘quotes’ and posing punts as headlines in questions can be very effective, backside secure propaganda, the BBC has learned”.
“A man known to the head of the BBC has been having sex with a hedgehog” …… said a totally uninformed man at the pub.
The hedgehog denied that these allegations were true, so we have to assume that she was lying.
The bBC and faster than a speeding bullet(A human friendly one at that) Global manhunt for WannaCry creators As organisations around the world clean up after being caught out by the WannaCry ransomware, attention has now turned to the people behind the devastating attack.
The malware uses a vulnerability identified by the US National Security Agency, but it has been “weaponised” and unleashed by someone entirely different.So far, nobody seems to know who did it nor where they are.Plus, the time stamp on the code suggests it was put together on a machine that is nine hours ahead of GMT – suggesting its creators are in Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines or the parts of China and Russia that are a long way east.
So the billion pound bBC with hundreds of reporters and research staff reports on wannacry and whilst reporting the blackhatters behind it are somewhere in the far east, they simply don’t know who. Here is what I on my own can reveal on the subject Is North Korea to blame for ransomware outbreak?
The Trump/Russia story the Beeb is running with today is so annoying – same old innuendo, anonymous sources and conjecture. Besides anything else it is just so boring. It is all we have heard for months. How about such actual analysis of his substantive policies rather than constant attack?
It is all confirmation bias. As they so want this Russia stuff to be true, they will see it everywhere.
Can’t they just let him get on with his job? He did a good trade deal with China. The economy is growing. He can’t even sneeze without the media attacking him. It is bullying and I thought the Left were all against ‘hate speech’.
A fair rule of thumb with BBC News is, if the headline involves a ‘quote’, “quote” or is posed as a question, and especially when the copy fails to provide any support beyond anonymous sources or allusion or inference, it is not actually news, but BBC editorial integrity at work.
“A long list of appealing policies, for many people”
Lanky sofa eunuch Dan Walker in conversation with the Shadow Chancellor signals the BBC’s approval of Labour’s forthcoming radical leftist statist tax and spend manifesto. The only proviso, according to our Dan’s line of questioning, is that Corbyn – the elderly chap John McDonnell characterises as a “Man of the People” – seems to be that from the BBC man’s point of view he might not win. The BBC seems to say : Love the policies, it’s just that we don’t think he’ll win.
It’s hard to believe that the BBC once employed Paul Mason, but they did. At some point though, his bias seemed to be bordering on mental illness, and even the BBC must have decided that they had to let him go such was his transparent hatred for everything right of Fidel Castro.
Listening to Jon Sopel this morning on Toady frothing in his transparent hatred for Trump, I was thinking that his days must be numbered too. Not only did he actually sound like he was making himself ill, but surely his bosses at the BBC must think he has gone the way of Paul Mason and unable to disguise the organisation’s bias anymore.
Our BBC London newsreader, Claudia Unpronounceable, brings us a very short report on Today’s Murder – just time for a quick shot of the floral tributes.
Stabbings, shootings – It’s just not news anymore.
And what’s behind all this?
Our Mayor Little Man Khan who told us we’ll just have to get used to Islamic Terrorism has recently told us “We’re all responsible for knife crime”
Perhaps it’s a new cultural thing?
For some reason I’m reminded of that famous line from Johnny Cash – “I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die”
In a description of episode one, it says that Sean Bean, who plays a priest, has to “advise a hard-up parishioner struggling to feed her family”.
Oh dear, please don’t tell me that running up to the General Election the BBC has a commissioned a drama about poor families and their need of food banks?
Hopefully he’ll not show them all using the latest iPhone whilst watching Sky Sports wearing designer gear and eating takeaways having just got back from watching their favourite footie team in the Premier league, after scraping together the £80 to pay for the ticket.
McGovern is a superb, polemicist screenwriter, maybe a genius, who understands that engaging the audience’s emotions can put across his left wing ideology far better than say a Dr Who episode where the audience is attacked by a child of the revolution, with a wet Guardian.
I suspect McGovern’s drama will be superbly effective in attacking evil lying Tory scum and aiming to rally the weeping audience to the red flag of Corbyn,
However, it is striking that the BBC pulled out all the stops for the Remain side in the run up to the Brexit vote and yet they lost. For the Miliband election, the BBC had secret meetings with Miliband’s team about weaponizing the NHS. The BBC programs glorifying the NHS to run concurrently with labour politicians and supporters hammering at the evil, lying Tory scum about the lack of support for doctors and nurses. It failed. Miliband lost.
Likewise, Hillary had the fullest support of just about everyone in the US media, CNN had to sack its principal staff because of collusion with Hillary. Yet she lost.
There is hope, though it would be nice to see a drama showing the positive side to wealth creation. Without wealth creation, you can’t have the welfare state, the NHS or indeed, the BBC.
Jimy McGovern has stumbled upon a great idea. Keep on writing the same stuff about the oppression of the working class by the Tories, and the BBC will keep on buying it. It would be rude of him not to take the money.
On the other hand, does anyone plan to watch his turgid left wing wankfest?
The Today programme has just reached new depths with its interview, in hushed and reverent tones, with Ian Brady’s apologist, er, no, sorry, I mean Ian Brady’s lawyer, Robin Makin. Anyone who missed the introduction would surely have supposed Sarah Montague was discussing the death of a much-loved, cherished friend. The bottom line, apparently, was that we should all think of Brady as a misunderstood man with a mental illness, not a criminal. This is not the first time S. Montague and the Today programme have completely misjudged how to deal properly with a news item. [I’ll leave Sopel aside, for the time being].
Another related entry for tasteless moment of the day.
On BBCTV breakfast at 0810 (I wanted to see the weather), the uber lightweight airhead presenters were interviewing a guy about the Moors Murderers and Brady in particular. Problem is the presenters have no gravitas whatsoever. At the end of the interview it was over to the weather for which they wanted to revert to their light and fluffy style but sort of suddenly realised it would in extremely bad taste. So there was this obviously awkward penny-dropping moment. Absolutely tasteless when you think about it. Luckily Carol Kirkwood came to the rescue by not responding with her usual smiley cheerful persona but instead displaying appropriate straight-faced solemnity.
Such taste and professionalism is yours for only £4bn a year, whether you like it or not.
I’ve heard a few lefties repeating that nurses are paid so little they have to use food banks.
QT mentioned it last week for instance.
How much does a nurse get that makes a food bank visit necessary.
How does the pay compare with the maximum state pension most get of about £6,000 a year (the second class pensioners, not the new ones)
On Going Postal over the weekend, someone cut and pasted adverts for practice nurses working in the NHS. Two positions stuck in my mind. One paid up to £45 per hour . The other up to £60!
When I worked in the NHS a lot of the nurses not only worked their normal shift, but did ‘Bank’ shifts as well. Admittedly those that did were generally the Philippino nurses who lived on site in hospital accommodation and sent the extra money back home, – no mention ever of that though is there !
Those who contracted out into final salary schemes will not be receiving the maximum under the new scheme, but those with high SERPS, S2P entitlements will still receive them even if it takes them above the new maximum. Over time as “years” of SERPS S2P reduce for retirees the new system will slowly penalise the higher wage earners in favour of the lower wage earners.
Those in final salary schemes no longer pay a reduced NI contribution, so will be building up years to the new “full” pension.
“How does the pay compare with the maximum state pension most get of about £6,000 a year (the second class pensioners, not the new ones)”
Define what you believe constitutes the “maximum” state pension please. Many have elements of SERPS, S2P etc included unless you paid a reduced NI contribution and were a member of a final salary scheme in lieu. The “second class” pensioners also built up entitlement for their wife, which will not happen with the new system.
Oh, and by the way huge numbers of the “second class” pensioners had an enormous bung from the government to subsidise their house purchase through mortgage (and endowment) tax relief.
I’ve prepared an answer ready for the bleat about interest rates were 15% – if you want to try that one.
North West & the Sofa scum on breakfast inform us about “Three Girls” on tonight. They mention only “gang of men”. Much talk by one of the interviewees about bringing it to the “attention of the public”. Except many of us did know what was going on and were decried as racists. Wow! they got through the whole interview without mention “men of Asian origin” am I surprised. No!
Maybe I’ll be proved wrong but I suspect that in the “Three Girls” 3-parter the words “Moslem” and “Islam” will be conspicuous by their (almost) complete absence. After all, SJW luvvie Maxine Peake would be reluctant to involve herself in something which targeted (one of) her favourite victim groups. Again, I guess the villains of this piece will hardly include the perps themselves but only those involved in the cover-up. Institutional tolerance of criminality by Moslems certainly requires exposure by relentless publicity and name-naming. However, this should not occur in isolation from widespread publicity concerning the criminality itself. I fear that the 3-parter will be a congratulatory luvvie-fest outing the police plus a few politicians and senior social work managers. OTOH Peake will seek to display “progressive” social workers’ hearts as being in the right place. We’ll see.
I suspect the culprits will be the police and the ‘authorities’ Dave, and the reason for their failures will be lack of funds. I look forward to part 1 this evening with morbid fascination, after making sure there’s nothing heavy close enough to throw at the screen.
I think the MSM see Trump as an existential threat. Politics and the media have always been symbiotic, with many a Faustian pact struck with the likes of the diabolical Beeb. That they could all go all-in against him and lose has clearly rattled them, as did Brexit. And as they swing from the ropes they keep missing and getting more and more desperate. Of course the liberal media will always hate conservatives but they are becoming hysterical, like a jilted lover. How dare he take our status away from us!
I think Trump is enjoying it. He deliberately mentioned ‘tapes’ in his tweet the other day to invoke Nixon. He is trolling them.
BBC News – We should have listened to the broken teenagers
“Child sexual abuse has never been a higher police priority. But too many rapists avoid justice, argues former detective Margaret Oliver. As her role in prosecuting the Rochdale grooming gang is marked in a new TV drama”
“We” … the nerve of the patronising BBC!
The Council, Social Services infested with Islamic adherents in prominent positions
cont …
The political policing silenced because of such positions, the way “waycism” is used by that community as a lever.
The Islamic nature of the abuse, the paedo gangs, the brothers, neighbours, cousins, uncles… the “community silence”.
The Council, Social Services, Political Policing, erm “losing” the evidence, arresting the families constantly trying to protect their own children, even the children themselves!… instilling blame on the children.
Up to now 75 town and city gangs in court cases, that have all networked each other, estimated a million victims, and still attempts to silence, to minimise
the story by the politicians and political policing.
I am sure the good Moslems will be included, perhaps quoting the Keran with some passages about honouring women and how harming them is contrary to Allah ackibars wishes
Diversity gauleiters are now mandatory throughout the NHS it appears and always at salaries that are commensurate with their levels of self-entitlement and importance.
This development is a shining example if the infamous ‘long march through the institutions’, a phrase coined by the communist agitator Rudi Dutschke to describe the way the far Left would infiltrate society and subvert it from within.
Nobody ever voted for ‘diversity officers’. This has simply been visited upon us by the Common Purpose dry rot that infests all national and local government, the police, the judiciary and other similar bodies in this country.
It needs to be tracked down and eradicated. These people have carried out a silent and profoundly undemocratic coup d’etat.
More to the point nobody ever voted for ‘diversity’ nor mass immigration, multiculturalism, and the oppression of the people. No ‘community cohesion’ or race harmony.
We haven’t got the first clue what any of the no marks standing for election will do when they get into power, because half the things they intend to do are not published in any document, and those they do publicise are never enacted.
We no longer live in a democratic country with one man one vote – in many areas it is one man with thousands of votes and everyone else deprived of a vote.
Because this doesn’t affect the wealth of the idle Tories they feel they don’t need to do anything about it, same with the BBC. Until the BBC affects the personal wealth of Tories they will continue to ignore the bias, because as David Cameron said – “why should we do all the hard work”?
Note that this ad is only for a relatively lowly “manager” at £50,000 pa plus benefits. Rest assured the senior managers, assistant directors and directors will be paid rather more generously. There’s also the cost of secretarial back-up, office accommodation etc etc. If you believe the BBC, the NHS is short of funds but this equality/diversity/inclusion farce continues unabated. Maybe the BBC will get round to doing a “Panorama” exposé of this money-wasting in the NHS. Somehow I doubt it.
Also in the NHS there is a lot of ‘stress’ related illnesses, that can last (fully paid) up to 6 months. I knew of several who would return to work in the last couple of weeks before the ‘time up’ of 6 months, only to abuse the system and go off sick again. Their absence was covered by either an ‘agency’ or ‘bank’ worker, so there was over double monies being paid out for ONE job. Anyone with half a brain can see where money is wasted, but the ‘managers’ never blow the whistle on their own colleagues, because they are guilty of the misdemeanours themselves.
BTW the EQUALITY officers are not doing a very good job, cos inside an NHS building staff ratio is way tilted towards BME than the general population is.
If a week is a long time in politics, the BBC daily dawn email summary of ‘news’ (abc ‘quotes’) ages well…
Labour sets out election offer
It’s Jeremy Corbyn’s big day. After last week’s leaks and a series of announcements, the Labour leader will set out his broader plan for the UK when the party launches its manifesto.
It’s likely to include 30 hours a week of free childcare for all two to four-year olds, nationalising England’s 10 water companies and surcharges on companies paying staff more than £300,000 a year. Unconfirmed reports suggest the manifesto will pledge a 45% income tax rate for earnings above £80,000.
Mr Corbyn will say he offers a “programme of hope”, calling the Conservatives’ campaign one of “fear”. But the Conservatives argue the spending commitments are unfunded and Labour’s economic ideas are “nonsensical”.
Likely, eh? Unconfirmed reports? Get them. Bet wasserface Ey-oop Double-barrel Long-shot can’t wait to ‘flesh out’ what she was unwilling to a few days ago, on her next DP outing.
How's the election fight working?
We do not talk much about the importance to campaigns of getting on local TV and radio bulletins, which have huge audiences and credibility. But parties obsess over it.
This ‘we’ of whom the BBC speaks? Is this the myriad BBC local stations and Labour PR shills talking about ‘us’, and how ‘we’ are suffering under the current regime?
Brentford is the new Brexit Street. Radio 4’s tactics are now well honed. They descend on a working class area, in this case a pub, no doubt not a trendy one, then they pick on people who are not politically savvy. They then catch the interviewee out with a few trick questions and,guess what, the point is proved! This time , the mission was to prove the Corbynistas’s case that the public love their policies but, due to media distortion, don’t like Corbyn personality . The piece ended with the only semi eloquent responder, who praised Corbyn to the skies . BBC bias? You bet!
The problem is that only the policies which the idle Tories simply find too much work to deal with are quoted, problems which a competent government would have sorted years ago, but just were too much bother.
Here is the polling of the popular policies:
65% thought a cap on rents was a good idea,
58% increasing taxes on those earning over £80,000,
49% the abolition of tuition fees,
46% the nationalisation of the National Grid, Royal Mail and railways.
Asked about their policy offering overall however, by 50% to 25% people think Labour do not have a sensible plan for how they would run Britain.
No party has a manifesto of entirely unpopular policies and even from the most dire it is possible to select the most agreeable, what the BBC has not done however is asked about the very unpopular policies such as unrestricted migration, and the greater oppression of the British people (I do seriously wonder when we would see the first internment camps for people who how the wrong thoughts)
So while people claim they want to see greater nationalisation, they clearly have very short memories of British Rail being a national joke, or the fact that energy prices fell by 50% on privatisation of the utilities. Ask them would they like nationalisation if their gas & electric bills doubled, and you would certainly get a different answer!
This is not a matter of media distortion against Corbyn, it is media distortion by lies of omission. Put the whole manifesto in the pot and then see what the results are !
‘current examples of philanthropic funding, such as the not-for-profit Bureau of Investigative Journalism, independent global media platform openDemocracy, and Full Fact, the UK’s independent fact-checking charity’
FullFact are a LibMob outfit I have caught them being biased on energy.
BUT there is a problem with that Truepublica article goes over the top and then right at the end there is a long update section..where FF point out that Truepublica had made a number of big mistakes.
Such correction notes belong at the top of articles ..not at the bottom.
Fair enough. But I was mainly keen to highlight that entities with ‘fact checkers’ are seldom very independent, and in the case of James Harding’s Dirty Tricks Dozen, unlikely ever to ‘evolve’ much less update with acknowledgement.
Full Fact are Remain obsessives with a lot of funding to spam social media.
I love how the Beeb are saying how bad it was for Trump to disclose classified information, in the process disseminating far and wide exactly what that information was.
“He has put allies at risk by disclosing these classified details, all of which we shall detail now.”
Shut up! I thought we were supposed to respect classified information!
What does a ‘diversity officer’ do all day? It’s a terrifyingly vague job title. Why not just call them inquisitioners?
Seeing as nobody is racist anymore the best thing would be to just leave everyone alone; it goes without saying that different cultures and races will be afforded mutual respect, it comes as naturally as knowing you should not steal these days.
Diversity officers are everywhere,
A few years ago a Civitis report said monitoring equality and diversity cost a billion per year, £600m for the public sector and £400 for the private sector and add research into diversity to that.
Austerity policies come and go but not one politician or political party has suggested axing diversity costs.
My experience in higher education tells me that Diversity officers organize endless meetings and encourage ethnic students to complain about their grades, which in practice means that a degree held by an ethnic is worthless.
Don’t expect Treezer’s government to doanything about it – she is a major part of the problem
‘The Minister for Women and Equalities, Theresa May,
assures us in the Preface to this document that: ‘Equality
is at the heart of this Coalition Government. It is
fundamental to building a strong economy and a fair
society… Equality is key to all our work.’
You’re absolutely right about Treezer – Blue Labour to the core.
This is, in fact, the dilemma in the forthcoming election which the BBC won’t discuss. Anyone but a raging socialist loon will have to vote Conservative and yet in doing so they will be giving the people who inflicted ‘progressive’ insanity on us carte blanche to dish out more of the same – this time claiming they have a huge mandate to do so.
Once again we are being offered an election with no real choice.
“Seek and ye shall find” has long since become, get paid for finding it and ye shall suffer riches untold. (or at least stay in a job or keep the department funding going!)
How many lives and families were destroyed in Orkney, Cleveland, Rochdale, etc., after fruit loop social workers had attended seminars on “Satanic Abuse” and how to spot it?
What is the first thing a Diversity Officer does when appointed? Applies for funds to appoint an assistant diversity officer. And it spreads like a disease
As Jordan Peterson points out, the preferential treatment for ‘disadvantaged minorities’ is bad for them and bad for everyone else. He made the remarks in the context of black university students in the US.
1. Degrees obtained by blacks are deemed mainly worthless by employers (as above). That directly penalises smart black students who would have got in to the university on merit alone.
2. It implicitly informs black students that they are of lesser worth, since they need special help to compete, like a 20-yard handicap in a sprint race.
3. It discriminates against other minorities (Asians in particular) whose academic, er, inclination is generally higher.
But the Left doesn’t care about realities like those. As long as they can smash some structure and replace it with a nihilistic mess, they’re happy.
Diversity officers are there to ensure that their organisations are seen as complying with the law, no more no less.
The ‘caring’ disappears outside of the legal requirement.
I remember a lecture from a ‘welfare officer’ in which he told us how the organisation looked after alchoholics. Someone at the back mentioned drug abuse and our ‘kindly’ mild-mannered welfare man went ballistic, “That is illegal! Report it to the police!”
Similarly there was a lot of concern about harassment in the workplace. I suggested that our IT system that forced us to read our new emails and the latest casualties in Afghanistan first thing in the morning was both harassing and distressing went down like a lead balloon. (It was also a pain if what you really wanted was a printout for a meeting starting in two minutes!). If a human boss behaved like that there would have been trouble.
You really have to question Daily Politics who week in week out have never highlighted
or significantly challenged the complete disgrace of a performance from that bunch of SNP/rebels who say they represent Scotland…….fingers crossed a substantially lower number of these performing seals are returned after June the 8th
Like TB, just another element we’ve had to absorb, so that our country is enriched by the diversity of migrant multiculturalism.
I’m still trying to fathom how we benefit from being over-run by foreign peoples.
All we have got so far is…
a re-introduction of diseases we long ago eradicated from these shores;
a form of animal slaughter that we find unpalatable;
ethnic gang rivalry;
appeasement to a religion that was once confined to the middle and far East;
an NHS that is mainly staffed by ethnics whose standards are ‘dubious’ at best, but at least can treat the wide ranging ills and deformities that their ‘own’ kind pitch up with – and my taxes have paid for their treatment;
our roads are riddled with drivers who have no tax or insurance;
many no-go migrant areas in our larger towns;
a house building programme unprecedented in this country to house them all;
schools with many languages to contend with;
Singular organisation/societies for ethnic/black ie. Black Nurses Association, Black Police Officers Association.
Whats not to like ????
oh yes, agricultural workers; medical staff; plumbers; construction workers, not forgetting Keith Vaz, Dianne Abbot, Baroness Scotland, Lenny Henry et al.
Started one long hell of a shift at a local care home yesterday morning-with Radio 4 out at Bath University drumming up the BBCs notion of a “progressive alliance” that will speak to youth and thwart the Tories.
That Bath University collection of lecturers and stewdunts seemed to go along with this too-shocked, I was. My long day ended with Newsnight and Press Reviews ALSO seeking this Progressive Alliance of the BBcs droolings-only this time it was Nick Clegg and Nick Watt (ex Guardian, now BBC hack in residence) drumming up this beat like the Hitler Youth as filmed for “Triumph Of The Will”. None of this was news-a daily grid from Millbank Towers as set out by Campbell or Mandelson circa 1996/7 seemed the likelier cause of this daily campaign by the BBC to get May replaced by a Miliband Group Hug with the BBc setting out the ways and means to do it.
At last in the home we have no telly on, and watching the pads go round the washing machine is better telly that what the BBC are offering.
But they need to be told that we KNOW what they`re up to. And it can`t go on like this can it?
It’s not a hippy creed. Regarding enemies-
Islamists may see us as helpless but they could be in for a shock.
Verses like the one in Luke 6 (the “Turn the other cheek” verse) are civil instructions.
For dealing with neighbours, friends, family (if you don’t think family members can be enemies you are lucky) business associates and yes, foreigners.
But they are not dictating rules toward an enemy in a time of war. Invasion is a war tactic. We are not expected by The God of The Bible to hand our daughters or land over gladly to an invasion force.
Jesus today would indeed welcome people from different countries & races.
However, I am sure he would make them check their Islam at the border.
Marginal Christians & Muslims alike can easily overlook that The God of the Bible (both old & new Testaments) gives repeated explicit instructions that he WILL NOT share worship with another God. If Christians in the West today were to take this more seriously they would offer more resistance to Islamic invasion. Israel, as declared by her own prophets was subdued by enemies precisely because they abandoned God in favour of other foreign gods.
People forget that there is a requirement necessary to facilitate forgiveness. That requirement is repentance. It’s a bit difficult to forgive someone who is not sorry.
Jesus told the prostitute she was forgiven because he saw her repentant heart. The part that is often overlooked is that he told her to “go and sin no more”
This verse here (there are loads of them) speaks of God dealing with the enemies of his people:
Psalm 81: 13-15
“If my people would only listen to me,
if Israel would only follow my ways,
how quickly I would subdue their enemies
and turn my hand against their foes!
Those who hate the Lord would cringe before him,
and their punishment would last forever.
BBC weatherman Jay Wynne correctly explains to BBC viewers that there are as usual large differences across the UK. Today there is a weather front dividing the country diagonally. But despite the main differences in which the audience is most interested is whether or not to take an umbrella our Jay bangs on and on about temperatures.
Do we really care if it is 18 degrees or 23?
Why this BBC obsession with temperature – as if we couldn’t guess.
Note the careful phrasing by the BBC. The clear impression given is that Donald Trump has admitted what he was earlier being accused of, and I don’t believe for one second that isn’t exactly what they aim to do.
In fact a more careful reading is simply that he’s said he’ll damn well share what he feels is appropriate and necessary. There’s no new information other than the Washington Post’s report.
This is becoming a standard tactic of the BBC, to produce stories with a clear implication that is not borne out by careful analysis of the wording. Thus they can deny the bias when challenged.
Not that anyone would know this from the bBBC, but we (USA, UK, Russia) share a common enemy. So, just as we did in WWII, we should work as allies to defeat it.
Classic BBC SOP, but this is a bone their dogs can’t resist.
For a start I was wondering what these ‘secrets’ (see, BBC, we can all do it) were. Frankly, if it is a way for nations to cooperate to give ISIS a black eye, i really don’t have a problem.
I doubt it was the specs for a MOAB or the latest imagery of Kim Wrong Un’s hair weaving.
The rest of it is also full of other BBC specials*, including ‘analysis’ (whoops I did it again) from Frank ‘Duck… oh, too late’ Gardner.
Golden rule: Frank Gardner, BBC security correspondent
Despite the denials issued by the White House that any actual intelligence sources were revealed to the Russians, whatever was said in that Oval Office meeting was enough to alarm certain officials and, reportedly* to alert the CIA and NSA.
The BBC can deny (ditto) bias all they like; more and more folk are seeing it plain and simple with their own lying eyes.
I also glanced at the BBC’s ‘top’ news, rather consistent hours later:
Top Stories New top tax rate in Labour manifesto
Jeremy Corbyn pledges more free childcare, billions for the NHS and to scrap tuition fees.
5 minutes ago
Labour manifesto launch
13 May 2017
Trump defends sharing ‘facts’ with Russia
It seems one of the BBC’s new pet projects is lobbying for children to have the vote. I’ve been seeing more and more articles about this idiocy.
We all know why that is; 16 year olds living in cloud land are the type to love the ”Progressive parties”. That’s why the Liberal not-Democrats etc want it.
If anyone had doubts about the bias of the BBC Today programme in the run up to the Brexit vote RT of all objective broadcasters tweeted that an organisation called ‘News Watch’ has issued a 123 page report on the content of the Today programme and its attitude to Brexit showing clear bias.
I haven’t read the report and don’t know what the ‘news watch ‘ organisation is – but it seems to remove any subjective anti BBC view one might have about their approach to Brexit as a bunch of remainers.
iPlayer becomes BBC MiNDplayer
“iPlayer will become PERSONALISED and will suggest things that you are not looking for”
That’s the normal BBC lack of self-awareness
5 minutes ago they were telling us “You know that evil Trump person ?
Well now entire elections can be stolen by sophisticated personal targetting of media-messaging… and Trump was helped in that by Cambridge Analytica”
Now it’s going to be
“Jon you asked for Quentin Lett’s, Delingpole, Melanie Phillips
… I can’t let you listen to that Jon
Here Jon instead I’ve got you Paul Mason, Dianne Abbott and James O’Brien
Jon here’s an organic farming clip from Countryfile for you
….. remember to VoteLabour Jon”
BBC Labour echo at the 5pm news
The pips chimed and then at the word”Labour” I hit the scan up button, but next station also opened similarly “Labour”, hit the button and it was the same thru the BBC stations
“Labour” “Labour” “Labour”
I cannot bring myself to watch the series of three programmes, ‘Three Girls’ on BBC1 this evening as I know it will focus on ‘what went wrong’ and, ‘lessons must be learnt’ and it will completely miss the elephant in the room – islam and the muslim perpetrators who, “some say” (forgive that one borrowed from the BBC phrase book!) are still at it even in Rochdale. Indeed, “some say” grooming such as Rochdale is endemic throughout the British Isles.
1. There will be a feminist message pointing out that all men are capable of rape and it is not primarily related to one ethnic or religious community.
2. Good moslems will be inserted into the story who will emphasise that Islam respects women, with a quote from the Koran to back it up.
3. Far right racists and extremists will be depicted as false friends of the victims, but having an ulterior motive – destruction of our vibrant multiculture and the creation of a fascist howwid waaycist Britain
Thereafter any specific scenes depicting Moslems as virtuous will be repeated by Islamophiles throughout the internet.
G, you should watch it so that you can join in with the rest of us taking the piss out of how pc and biased it will be.
I think we all know what’s coming and it will be fun pointing out all the crap.
Eddie MAir on PM interviewing Lady Nugee on Labours manifesto asked the inevitable question.
“some people are desperate for Brexit not to be carried through, can you give them any assurance on this”
Some people? Thornbury stated the position once again, that the referendum was the instruction from the people and that they would carry it through.
Yet again the BBC asking this same question of Labour almost pleading with them to say what they want to hear, and yet this is being asked so often that it HAS to be some corporate instruction from on high. Not all interviewers and producers would think this to be a necessary question especially when it has been answered so many time before.
Definitely in my top 5 most despised BBC “journalists/presenters”: Eddie Mair A complete and utter wanker that’s totally full of his own smug self importance.
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Would you fight for this country?” “No, I’m from Brazil.” What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:56 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “🇩🇪🇺🇸‼️🚨 GERMAN GOVERNMENT ATTACKS ELON AND PAID FOR THIS CAR! One of the topical Carnival cars in Düsseldorf shows: -…
DoublethinkerMar 4, 13:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Find Jeffery Sachs on YouTube and he explains why the Ukraine / Russia war started . Basically it was the…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WE HAVE NO MONEY … Dear MP Darren Henry, 13 Parliament’s £13 billion restoration. 150 HS2 £150 billion, original budget…
BBC4 7pm The daily half-hour of HATE against Trump
News Bimbo discussing Macron/Merkel body touching “And what does Trump do ?”
“Well he refuses to shake hands” giggle giggle
as she repeats the false narrative
When that time Trump had already shaken Merkel’s hand on camera , had not responded to photographers when they asked to do it again.. not exactly fitting the refusal narrative.
BBC West peddling their fav subject (again) – hate crimes post Brexit as lead story. We hear from a Somalian who was spat at and a Pole who is afraid to speak Polish when out and about, in fact they fear the country so much that they’re still f’ing here 11 months on. The fear to speak a foreign language in public is totally contrary to what I’m hearing in all the public places that I visit.
There is absolutely no topicality in this ‘story’ other than the BBC needing to keep up with their anti Brexit agenda, absolute c@nts…..
Indeed, Geoff. I was in a Northants town recently and thought that I would have to learn Polish if I ever decided to live there (not likely fortunately).
Times : Luxury yachts used to smuggle migrants into EU MAY 14, 2017
Louise Callaghan, Syracuse, Sicily May 14 2017, 12:01am, The Sunday Times
\\ Dozens of migrants were rescued from a yacht off Italy in November last year and three Ukrainians arrested Ukrainian smugglers are running a multimillion-pound network that ferries migrants from Turkey to southern Europe on luxury yachts, an investigation by The Sunday Times has found.//
Anybody notice how the dole queue in politically correct Eastenders had only white people in it?
I noticed the foreign woman advising her how to get back something of what she had put in or something along those lines. The trouble is most of them have contributed nothing to the system before claiming their “entitlement”.
I’m surprised that there hasn’t been a post at the vomit inducing vile leftie & SJW Sue Perkins introducing the BAFTAs.
The presenter stunned the audience inside London’s Royal Festival Hall by deliberately swearing on stage so that Beeb bosses would have to cut it from their TV broadcast, which was on a one-hour delay.
She told the star-studded crowd: “I live for live. Give me a seven second delay and I will use it, you blistering c***faced f*** trumpets.”
To me, that just about sums up the talentlessness of Perkins and her contempt for the audience.
Sue and other stars defied the BBC by speaking about politics during the ceremony.
Well what a surprise! The BBC goes through the motions of control and then shrugs its shoulders when ‘surprised’ when its so called talent disobeys.
But host Sue, 47, broke the rule with repeated political gags, including one during her opening speech, where she quipped: “Whatever happens I promise to provide you a strong and stable Baftas.”
Just more proof of the left wing bias and lack or talent at the BBC
That she feels able to swear in front of that audience tells you all you need to know about it.
The entire media/arts class is so discredited that it is laughable. Is there not even one of them feeling confident enough to defy the progressive consensus?
Our writers are card carrying progressives and our performers attention seeking zombies.
‘. . . the talentlessness of Perkins and her contempt for the audience’.
In the late ’80s, BBC2 made a documentary about the Cambridge Footlights. This included filming a ‘smoker’, a late-evening student show. They consist of material by some of the older students who are taking the summer revue on tour—if you’re picked for that, you stand a good chance of a career for life at the BBC (Alexander Armstrong, for example, David Mitchell, Andy Parsons)—and the best of the younger ones. Time-served or novice, you write, learn and perform your own stuff.
In at the last minute came Sue Perkins. She wasn’t on the bill. On the bill of the show that was being filmed for TV. Oops. But fortunately she did have a monologue hand-copied from a collection of sketches by Victoria Wood. This she proceeded to sellotape to a desk. (Yes, she’d brought some sellotape with her.) And, not having learnt the piece, she then ‘performed’ it for the cameras, complete with some significant ‘acting’ to allow her to glance down at the script. Permanent prompting, if you like. Few were impressed by this degree of shamelessness, but her contribution gratifyingly didn’t make the cut.
I was never much cop as a performer. Much preferred the writing. But at least I could be bothered to learn the lines I’d written.
Sue Perkins is lesbian, liberal, left. Ergo she can do and say what she wants and get away with it.
…. and she tells all the incredulous foreigners that she is sorry for what the British have done.
Remind you of any other apologist(s)?
Try typing Chelsey Wright, alleged victim of muslim migrant rapists, in bbc news ‘search’ box.
Who? What? Never heard of her.
Or try looking in UK, then drilling down to England – Regions – North East – Tyne and Wear.
Who? What? Never heard of her.
A massive story with a massive demo and show of outrage by the locals.
Zilch on evil beebistan.
Despicable. By heir silence they are colluding in rape. Across the country.
Its none of the MSM, Sky, Ch4 all have “no platformed” the story
… tells you one thing a “political” decision has been made.
Mind You
Vitally important news like this has to take precedence
BBC T&W – Yellow lines plan to combat parking problems
“Double yellow lines are to set be introduced in a residential road in an effort by highway chiefs to stop vehicles parking on the pavement”
True to form, just like previous state involvement examples Paul Golding Tommy Robinson and Jayda Franson, the organiser Mr Charlton was arrested the day of the protest.
But … They are being made irrelevant anyway, professional style news doesn t
cost billions.
Eloquent speaker, facts and minimal CGI
Apologies, both of these are very story informative … this one maybe the most recent report.
Good post. Because the Biased BBC is Anti-Britain, they will side against foreigners, illegals, kidnappers, torturers and rapists against a young English girl every day of the week.
And nothing on the vandalism to Lee Rigby’s memorial… All in the interests of “Community cohesion” no doubt
The “They are elite smart journalists, contested by naive saddos sitting in bedsits”
Well today one of the Times Editorial Leaders is WRONG * FakeNews *
The 3rd TIMES editorial leader begins
“More than 14,500 people have died air pollution-related deaths so far this year. ”
err no they haven’t. Practically no one has died from air pollution.
It appears on NO death certificates.
BUT each of the 60 million living are having their lifespans theoretically shortened by air pollution by a few days per year. And if you add up all those lost days it adds up to the EQUIVALENT of 40K lifetimes THEORETICALLY and with a large margin of error.
These people repeat endlessly as if there are 40,000 bodies , not understanding it’s a Theoretical Equivalence stat.
A few days ago also in the Times there was a letter from Cycling and walking professional bodies..which began with a similar error.
That time saying “40,000 years are shortened”
Nope, all our lives are shortened.
“ Practically no one has died from air pollution. It appears on NO death certificates.”
By the same argument; practically no one has died from smoking; It appears on NO death certificates.
Panorama undercover reporting on council litter Stasi who issue a ticket to a foreigner for chucking his fag stub on the ground. Trouble is he can’t understand them and their rules dictate that they can’t issue tickets to non UK residents (obviously only applies to those who pay their wages) but the thing is he’s here caring for his brother who has just had a heart operation, no doubt courtesy of the NHS.
You couldn’t make it up, the irony lost on the BBC.
The whole basis of the bBBC whingeing was not that people were littering and shouldn’t have been, but that – shock horror – a private organisation was fining them on the council’s behalf. Typical leftie: everything has to be done by the state.
Could have sworn I’ve seen some old codger turn up with the odd pirate cutlass or his granddad’s rusty blunderbus
My comment on the British Army numbers controversy?
No, it’s a reference to the new BBC rules for the Antiques Road Show
‘Guests wanting a valuation are limited to bringing two objects per person. Objects should be easily portable and antique firearms and other weapons are not permitted’
Gosh, does this mean the BBC has put their antiques weapons expert out to grass – for everso achingly pacifist PC reasons?
Or is this just a special London Stab-City-Central prohibition?
Duelling pistols were ok at Chichester Cathedral but the Beeb doing its bit trying to keep the shooters out of Walford? Not on my manor, guv.
I think we should be told
What they also fail to mention is, if you decide to go along for a valuation you are likely to be in the queue for over 8 yes EIGHT hours !! I got this from someone who did just this. There was no seating available, and she took it in turns with her companion to search out a seat every hour or so. In blazing sunshine / pouring rain, and the general mature age range of the visitors, you’d expect the BBC to organise this better – well, they’ve had 20 years to get it right.
Brissles, maybe they’re trying to kill off a few Brexiteers through pneumonia.
Merseyside brothers jailed: Shop workers groomed girls
Bloody “Merseyside” men!!!
Sound Tamil to me , Tabs
Today Programme Watch
Guardian carrying story that the 5 beeboid presenters arnt in a happy ship at the moment – egos clashing apparently. Personally I’d like to see the ship sink. Trouble is I can’t think of a non lefty replacement ….
Very different crimes to the usual Pakistani Muslim men though.
Well it must have been foreign ”merseyside” men, it says shop workers, and not shop stewards.
No HYS running on that one then? Wonder why.
At last some good news on al Beebus: Ian Brady’s dead.
It won’t be long before Brady is put on the BBC pedestal with some studio ‘expert’ saying “…the Tory government didn’t grant him compassionate leave from prison in his final days…”
There was a rather strange interview with Brady’s lawyer on the Today programme on R4. As the lawyer himself criticised the media for publishing inaccuracies in relation to Brady and his mother, I am at a loss to understand why he consented to an interview in the first place. He revealed nothing of interest about his client, as you wpuld expect from a lawyer and seemed a bit lachrymose. So what was the point of the excercise?
As you predicted, tentative attempts were made during the programme to excuse Brady’s behaviour. He was “born out of wedlock” and so, of course, had been “stigmatised”. Old fashioned language, opportunity for BBC to castigate the unenlightened attitudes of yesteryear. A “studio expert” opined that “evil” was the wrong word to use in relation to Brady because of its “religious connotations”. This is just fatuous nonsense. The “expert” seems to be trying to suggest that the use of the word “evil” suggests some supernatural explanation for Brady’s actions. I am an atheist and have no difficultly in calling Brady evil. This is the current usage of the word and the meaning understood by all non-experts.
Mentioning Hindley and Brady, brings to mind Lord Longford.
A misguided, deluded fool who thought to aggrandise himself by single-handedly saving Hindley’s soul by getting her to repent and making her peace with God and of course, so ensuring her release. He now seems to be the prototype for the moralising luvvie and the smugly sanctimonious political and media elites. Their arrogance turns them into extremely unpleasant people. Longford actually told the believing mother of Lesley Ann Downey that she would not go to heaven unless she forgave Hindley.
Did Longford really say that…? What a B*stard. I hope there is a Hell as he will be languishing there along with Hindley and Brady.
Lesley Anne Downey’s Mother will be reunited with her Daughter in a far better place.
And you are spot on about the media elites and their comparison to the odious Longford.
So the word ‘evil’ is about religious connotations .
Part of the attempt to destroy morality which expresses objective judgements about good and bad. So let us replace morality with emotions, with expressions of feelings, and the evil that Brady committed can be cast in terms of how some people in some communities might feel about it.
Patrician arrogance to the end and I think his niece Harriet has inherited a good portion of her Uncles smug condescension and disdain for those who dont appear to agree with her.
Its a pity Longford wasnt around today he could have had a grand time touring cities and towns, teaching respect and tolerance to the many thousands of girls and young women in this country who have been enriched.
Don’t forget that Harriet Harperson is the niece of Lord Longford.
Yet another privately educated wealthy privileged elite massively out of touch with the lives of normal people, yet absolutely convinced in the rightness of her beliefs
The Ian Brady story should NOT have been given much time.
#1 “old person dies is not news”
#2 Obituary prog segments are for people who deserve them.. Not for bad people who regale in publicity.
The whole point is to discourage future nutters.
More accusations of bias and corruption at the BBC over the BAFTA awards:
Bafta is run by former BBC bosses, and its prize juries are dominated by people who have worked for the Corporation. Bafta chairman Jane Lush is a former BBC controller of daytime, entertainment and comedy, while deputy chairman Anne Morrison used to be director of the BBC’ s training programme, the BBC Academy.
Five members of the jury that judged the best drama used to work at the BBC, and another four work at independent production companies that make their money from BBC commissions.
The BBC picked up 19 awards out of a possible 25.
The BBC where the bias is not just limited to the political!
“President Donald Trump revealed highly classified information about so-called Islamic State to the Russian foreign minister, officials have told US media.”
More “fake news” ?
‘unknown sources’. meaning fake news. this is going to go on for 8 years. anything anyone says about trump is printed by the bbc as fact.
“This story is false. The president only discussed the common threats that both countries faced,” said Dina Powell, deputy national security adviser for strategy. In addition, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Trump and Lavrov “did not discuss sources, methods or military operations.” McMaster said the statements by Powell and Tillerson “should outweigh [the accounts] of anonymous sources”
“I was in the room,” McMaster concluded. “It didn’t happen.”
Very much so.
Being dismissed as totally false by those that were present in the room.
Of course the BBC chooses to run with an unsubstantiated piece of gossip spread by WaPo.
“Putting anonymous stuff in ‘quotes’ and posing punts as headlines in questions can be very effective, backside secure propaganda, the BBC has learned”.
It is just not news. Or professional. Or ethical.
“A man known to the head of the BBC has been having sex with a hedgehog” …… said a totally uninformed man at the pub.
The hedgehog denied that these allegations were true, so we have to assume that she was lying.
But But it’s in the Washington Post ..and they wouldn’t get it wrong.
yeah right
The bBC and faster than a speeding bullet(A human friendly one at that)
Global manhunt for WannaCry creators
As organisations around the world clean up after being caught out by the WannaCry ransomware, attention has now turned to the people behind the devastating attack.
The malware uses a vulnerability identified by the US National Security Agency, but it has been “weaponised” and unleashed by someone entirely different.So far, nobody seems to know who did it nor where they are.Plus, the time stamp on the code suggests it was put together on a machine that is nine hours ahead of GMT – suggesting its creators are in Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines or the parts of China and Russia that are a long way east.
So the billion pound bBC with hundreds of reporters and research staff reports on wannacry and whilst reporting the blackhatters behind it are somewhere in the far east, they simply don’t know who. Here is what I on my own can reveal on the subject
Is North Korea to blame for ransomware outbreak?
News agency my arse.
The Trump/Russia story the Beeb is running with today is so annoying – same old innuendo, anonymous sources and conjecture. Besides anything else it is just so boring. It is all we have heard for months. How about such actual analysis of his substantive policies rather than constant attack?
It is all confirmation bias. As they so want this Russia stuff to be true, they will see it everywhere.
Can’t they just let him get on with his job? He did a good trade deal with China. The economy is growing. He can’t even sneeze without the media attacking him. It is bullying and I thought the Left were all against ‘hate speech’.
A fair rule of thumb with BBC News is, if the headline involves a ‘quote’, “quote” or is posed as a question, and especially when the copy fails to provide any support beyond anonymous sources or allusion or inference, it is not actually news, but BBC editorial integrity at work.
And here is the BBC ‘news’ from the South West, speaking for the nation as always….
Impartially, as always. There is an election on.
“A long list of appealing policies, for many people”
Lanky sofa eunuch Dan Walker in conversation with the Shadow Chancellor signals the BBC’s approval of Labour’s forthcoming radical leftist statist tax and spend manifesto. The only proviso, according to our Dan’s line of questioning, is that Corbyn – the elderly chap John McDonnell characterises as a “Man of the People” – seems to be that from the BBC man’s point of view he might not win. The BBC seems to say : Love the policies, it’s just that we don’t think he’ll win.
I’m waiting to hear the oft used expression in the 60’s and early 70’s to describe the communists in the UK – ‘Reds under the Bed’.
With these degenerate BBC bastards it’s probably ‘reds in their beds’
It’s hard to believe that the BBC once employed Paul Mason, but they did. At some point though, his bias seemed to be bordering on mental illness, and even the BBC must have decided that they had to let him go such was his transparent hatred for everything right of Fidel Castro.
Listening to Jon Sopel this morning on Toady frothing in his transparent hatred for Trump, I was thinking that his days must be numbered too. Not only did he actually sound like he was making himself ill, but surely his bosses at the BBC must think he has gone the way of Paul Mason and unable to disguise the organisation’s bias anymore.
If they can find a Ringo and George Entwistle can swing an axe, Messrs Mason and Sopel should so form a group.
Our BBC London newsreader, Claudia Unpronounceable, brings us a very short report on Today’s Murder – just time for a quick shot of the floral tributes.
Stabbings, shootings – It’s just not news anymore.
And what’s behind all this?
Our Mayor Little Man Khan who told us we’ll just have to get used to Islamic Terrorism has recently told us “We’re all responsible for knife crime”
Perhaps it’s a new cultural thing?
For some reason I’m reminded of that famous line from Johnny Cash – “I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die”
BBC London – news for the new Wild West
A new six part drama starting next week on BBC1 written by left-wing scouser, Jimmy McGovern.–series-1-episode-1
In a description of episode one, it says that Sean Bean, who plays a priest, has to “advise a hard-up parishioner struggling to feed her family”.
Oh dear, please don’t tell me that running up to the General Election the BBC has a commissioned a drama about poor families and their need of food banks?
Hopefully he’ll not show them all using the latest iPhone whilst watching Sky Sports wearing designer gear and eating takeaways having just got back from watching their favourite footie team in the Premier league, after scraping together the £80 to pay for the ticket.
McGovern is a superb, polemicist screenwriter, maybe a genius, who understands that engaging the audience’s emotions can put across his left wing ideology far better than say a Dr Who episode where the audience is attacked by a child of the revolution, with a wet Guardian.
I suspect McGovern’s drama will be superbly effective in attacking evil lying Tory scum and aiming to rally the weeping audience to the red flag of Corbyn,
However, it is striking that the BBC pulled out all the stops for the Remain side in the run up to the Brexit vote and yet they lost. For the Miliband election, the BBC had secret meetings with Miliband’s team about weaponizing the NHS. The BBC programs glorifying the NHS to run concurrently with labour politicians and supporters hammering at the evil, lying Tory scum about the lack of support for doctors and nurses. It failed. Miliband lost.
Likewise, Hillary had the fullest support of just about everyone in the US media, CNN had to sack its principal staff because of collusion with Hillary. Yet she lost.
There is hope, though it would be nice to see a drama showing the positive side to wealth creation. Without wealth creation, you can’t have the welfare state, the NHS or indeed, the BBC.
Will there be flaring nostrils?
Jimy McGovern has stumbled upon a great idea. Keep on writing the same stuff about the oppression of the working class by the Tories, and the BBC will keep on buying it. It would be rude of him not to take the money.
On the other hand, does anyone plan to watch his turgid left wing wankfest?
Thought not.
The Today programme has just reached new depths with its interview, in hushed and reverent tones, with Ian Brady’s apologist, er, no, sorry, I mean Ian Brady’s lawyer, Robin Makin. Anyone who missed the introduction would surely have supposed Sarah Montague was discussing the death of a much-loved, cherished friend. The bottom line, apparently, was that we should all think of Brady as a misunderstood man with a mental illness, not a criminal. This is not the first time S. Montague and the Today programme have completely misjudged how to deal properly with a news item. [I’ll leave Sopel aside, for the time being].
Ian Brady – may he rot in hell.
Another related entry for tasteless moment of the day.
On BBCTV breakfast at 0810 (I wanted to see the weather), the uber lightweight airhead presenters were interviewing a guy about the Moors Murderers and Brady in particular. Problem is the presenters have no gravitas whatsoever. At the end of the interview it was over to the weather for which they wanted to revert to their light and fluffy style but sort of suddenly realised it would in extremely bad taste. So there was this obviously awkward penny-dropping moment. Absolutely tasteless when you think about it. Luckily Carol Kirkwood came to the rescue by not responding with her usual smiley cheerful persona but instead displaying appropriate straight-faced solemnity.
Such taste and professionalism is yours for only £4bn a year, whether you like it or not.
I’ve heard a few lefties repeating that nurses are paid so little they have to use food banks.
QT mentioned it last week for instance.
How much does a nurse get that makes a food bank visit necessary.
How does the pay compare with the maximum state pension most get of about £6,000 a year (the second class pensioners, not the new ones)
Did Tubbo Lardell ever locate the Angel of Mercy (and a six pack of baked beans) he was trawling for on Twitter?
On Going Postal over the weekend, someone cut and pasted adverts for practice nurses working in the NHS. Two positions stuck in my mind. One paid up to £45 per hour . The other up to £60!
Food banks?!
The current maximum new state pension is. £159.55 pw. £8325.09 pa. We are aware of a relative of Mrs Dave who is a nurse and on considerably more than minimum wage attending a food bank.
When I worked in the NHS a lot of the nurses not only worked their normal shift, but did ‘Bank’ shifts as well. Admittedly those that did were generally the Philippino nurses who lived on site in hospital accommodation and sent the extra money back home, – no mention ever of that though is there !
Those who contracted out into final salary schemes will not be receiving the maximum under the new scheme, but those with high SERPS, S2P entitlements will still receive them even if it takes them above the new maximum. Over time as “years” of SERPS S2P reduce for retirees the new system will slowly penalise the higher wage earners in favour of the lower wage earners.
Those in final salary schemes no longer pay a reduced NI contribution, so will be building up years to the new “full” pension.
The nurses and foodbanks lie was called out for the BS that it is on the latest More Or Less programme.
I’ve googled it and the nurses starter pay outside London is £21,652.
Food banks?
“How does the pay compare with the maximum state pension most get of about £6,000 a year (the second class pensioners, not the new ones)”
Define what you believe constitutes the “maximum” state pension please. Many have elements of SERPS, S2P etc included unless you paid a reduced NI contribution and were a member of a final salary scheme in lieu. The “second class” pensioners also built up entitlement for their wife, which will not happen with the new system.
Oh, and by the way huge numbers of the “second class” pensioners had an enormous bung from the government to subsidise their house purchase through mortgage (and endowment) tax relief.
I’ve prepared an answer ready for the bleat about interest rates were 15% – if you want to try that one.
North West & the Sofa scum on breakfast inform us about “Three Girls” on tonight. They mention only “gang of men”. Much talk by one of the interviewees about bringing it to the “attention of the public”. Except many of us did know what was going on and were decried as racists. Wow! they got through the whole interview without mention “men of Asian origin” am I surprised. No!
Maybe I’ll be proved wrong but I suspect that in the “Three Girls” 3-parter the words “Moslem” and “Islam” will be conspicuous by their (almost) complete absence. After all, SJW luvvie Maxine Peake would be reluctant to involve herself in something which targeted (one of) her favourite victim groups. Again, I guess the villains of this piece will hardly include the perps themselves but only those involved in the cover-up. Institutional tolerance of criminality by Moslems certainly requires exposure by relentless publicity and name-naming. However, this should not occur in isolation from widespread publicity concerning the criminality itself. I fear that the 3-parter will be a congratulatory luvvie-fest outing the police plus a few politicians and senior social work managers. OTOH Peake will seek to display “progressive” social workers’ hearts as being in the right place. We’ll see.
I suspect the culprits will be the police and the ‘authorities’ Dave, and the reason for their failures will be lack of funds. I look forward to part 1 this evening with morbid fascination, after making sure there’s nothing heavy close enough to throw at the screen.
I think the MSM see Trump as an existential threat. Politics and the media have always been symbiotic, with many a Faustian pact struck with the likes of the diabolical Beeb. That they could all go all-in against him and lose has clearly rattled them, as did Brexit. And as they swing from the ropes they keep missing and getting more and more desperate. Of course the liberal media will always hate conservatives but they are becoming hysterical, like a jilted lover. How dare he take our status away from us!
I think Trump is enjoying it. He deliberately mentioned ‘tapes’ in his tweet the other day to invoke Nixon. He is trolling them.
BBC News – We should have listened to the broken teenagers
“Child sexual abuse has never been a higher police priority. But too many rapists avoid justice, argues former detective Margaret Oliver. As her role in prosecuting the Rochdale grooming gang is marked in a new TV drama”
“We” … the nerve of the patronising BBC!
The Council, Social Services infested with Islamic adherents in prominent positions
cont …
The political policing silenced because of such positions, the way “waycism” is used by that community as a lever.
The Islamic nature of the abuse, the paedo gangs, the brothers, neighbours, cousins, uncles… the “community silence”.
The Council, Social Services, Political Policing, erm “losing” the evidence, arresting the families constantly trying to protect their own children, even the children themselves!… instilling blame on the children.
Up to now 75 town and city gangs in court cases, that have all networked each other, estimated a million victims, and still attempts to silence, to minimise
the story by the politicians and political policing.
I am sure the good Moslems will be included, perhaps quoting the Keran with some passages about honouring women and how harming them is contrary to Allah ackibars wishes
NHS priorities on IT
NHS Chaplain £35K
NHS IT Systems Engineer £28K
The tweet below that shows a job ad dated last month
Epsom : Diversity Officer 45K-53K
Diversity gauleiters are now mandatory throughout the NHS it appears and always at salaries that are commensurate with their levels of self-entitlement and importance.
This development is a shining example if the infamous ‘long march through the institutions’, a phrase coined by the communist agitator Rudi Dutschke to describe the way the far Left would infiltrate society and subvert it from within.
Nobody ever voted for ‘diversity officers’. This has simply been visited upon us by the Common Purpose dry rot that infests all national and local government, the police, the judiciary and other similar bodies in this country.
It needs to be tracked down and eradicated. These people have carried out a silent and profoundly undemocratic coup d’etat.
More to the point nobody ever voted for ‘diversity’ nor mass immigration, multiculturalism, and the oppression of the people. No ‘community cohesion’ or race harmony.
We haven’t got the first clue what any of the no marks standing for election will do when they get into power, because half the things they intend to do are not published in any document, and those they do publicise are never enacted.
We no longer live in a democratic country with one man one vote – in many areas it is one man with thousands of votes and everyone else deprived of a vote.
Because this doesn’t affect the wealth of the idle Tories they feel they don’t need to do anything about it, same with the BBC. Until the BBC affects the personal wealth of Tories they will continue to ignore the bias, because as David Cameron said – “why should we do all the hard work”?
Note that this ad is only for a relatively lowly “manager” at £50,000 pa plus benefits. Rest assured the senior managers, assistant directors and directors will be paid rather more generously. There’s also the cost of secretarial back-up, office accommodation etc etc. If you believe the BBC, the NHS is short of funds but this equality/diversity/inclusion farce continues unabated. Maybe the BBC will get round to doing a “Panorama” exposé of this money-wasting in the NHS. Somehow I doubt it.
Also in the NHS there is a lot of ‘stress’ related illnesses, that can last (fully paid) up to 6 months. I knew of several who would return to work in the last couple of weeks before the ‘time up’ of 6 months, only to abuse the system and go off sick again. Their absence was covered by either an ‘agency’ or ‘bank’ worker, so there was over double monies being paid out for ONE job. Anyone with half a brain can see where money is wasted, but the ‘managers’ never blow the whistle on their own colleagues, because they are guilty of the misdemeanours themselves.
BTW the EQUALITY officers are not doing a very good job, cos inside an NHS building staff ratio is way tilted towards BME than the general population is.
Which is, of course, their aim.
If a week is a long time in politics, the BBC daily dawn email summary of ‘news’ (abc ‘quotes’) ages well…
Labour sets out election offer
It’s Jeremy Corbyn’s big day. After last week’s leaks and a series of announcements, the Labour leader will set out his broader plan for the UK when the party launches its manifesto.
It’s likely to include 30 hours a week of free childcare for all two to four-year olds, nationalising England’s 10 water companies and surcharges on companies paying staff more than £300,000 a year. Unconfirmed reports suggest the manifesto will pledge a 45% income tax rate for earnings above £80,000.
Mr Corbyn will say he offers a “programme of hope”, calling the Conservatives’ campaign one of “fear”. But the Conservatives argue the spending commitments are unfunded and Labour’s economic ideas are “nonsensical”.
Likely, eh? Unconfirmed reports? Get them. Bet wasserface Ey-oop Double-barrel Long-shot can’t wait to ‘flesh out’ what she was unwilling to a few days ago, on her next DP outing.
How's the election fight working?
We do not talk much about the importance to campaigns of getting on local TV and radio bulletins, which have huge audiences and credibility. But parties obsess over it.
This ‘we’ of whom the BBC speaks? Is this the myriad BBC local stations and Labour PR shills talking about ‘us’, and how ‘we’ are suffering under the current regime?
Anyway, for ‘balance’….
I wonder if the BBC will suppress John MacChancer’s little brain malfunction too?
Brentford is the new Brexit Street. Radio 4’s tactics are now well honed. They descend on a working class area, in this case a pub, no doubt not a trendy one, then they pick on people who are not politically savvy. They then catch the interviewee out with a few trick questions and,guess what, the point is proved! This time , the mission was to prove the Corbynistas’s case that the public love their policies but, due to media distortion, don’t like Corbyn personality . The piece ended with the only semi eloquent responder, who praised Corbyn to the skies . BBC bias? You bet!
The problem is that only the policies which the idle Tories simply find too much work to deal with are quoted, problems which a competent government would have sorted years ago, but just were too much bother.
Here is the polling of the popular policies:
65% thought a cap on rents was a good idea,
58% increasing taxes on those earning over £80,000,
49% the abolition of tuition fees,
46% the nationalisation of the National Grid, Royal Mail and railways.
Asked about their policy offering overall however, by 50% to 25% people think Labour do not have a sensible plan for how they would run Britain.
No party has a manifesto of entirely unpopular policies and even from the most dire it is possible to select the most agreeable, what the BBC has not done however is asked about the very unpopular policies such as unrestricted migration, and the greater oppression of the British people (I do seriously wonder when we would see the first internment camps for people who how the wrong thoughts)
So while people claim they want to see greater nationalisation, they clearly have very short memories of British Rail being a national joke, or the fact that energy prices fell by 50% on privatisation of the utilities. Ask them would they like nationalisation if their gas & electric bills doubled, and you would certainly get a different answer!
This is not a matter of media distortion against Corbyn, it is media distortion by lies of omission. Put the whole manifesto in the pot and then see what the results are !
No obvious comment link. Pity.
‘current examples of philanthropic funding, such as the not-for-profit Bureau of Investigative Journalism, independent global media platform openDemocracy, and Full Fact, the UK’s independent fact-checking charity’
OpenDemocracy –
Full Fact –
Well, in BBC/Abbott world, that must count as ‘balance’. And they are of course, ‘journalists’… too.
FullFact are a LibMob outfit I have caught them being biased on energy.
BUT there is a problem with that Truepublica article goes over the top and then right at the end there is a long update section..where FF point out that Truepublica had made a number of big mistakes.
Such correction notes belong at the top of articles ..not at the bottom.
Fair enough. But I was mainly keen to highlight that entities with ‘fact checkers’ are seldom very independent, and in the case of James Harding’s Dirty Tricks Dozen, unlikely ever to ‘evolve’ much less update with acknowledgement.
Full Fact are Remain obsessives with a lot of funding to spam social media.
I love how the Beeb are saying how bad it was for Trump to disclose classified information, in the process disseminating far and wide exactly what that information was.
“He has put allies at risk by disclosing these classified details, all of which we shall detail now.”
Shut up! I thought we were supposed to respect classified information!
What does a ‘diversity officer’ do all day? It’s a terrifyingly vague job title. Why not just call them inquisitioners?
Seeing as nobody is racist anymore the best thing would be to just leave everyone alone; it goes without saying that different cultures and races will be afforded mutual respect, it comes as naturally as knowing you should not steal these days.
Beeb Brother
Diversity officers are everywhere,
A few years ago a Civitis report said monitoring equality and diversity cost a billion per year, £600m for the public sector and £400 for the private sector and add research into diversity to that.
Austerity policies come and go but not one politician or political party has suggested axing diversity costs.
My experience in higher education tells me that Diversity officers organize endless meetings and encourage ethnic students to complain about their grades, which in practice means that a degree held by an ethnic is worthless.
Link to Civitas Report
Click to access EqualitiesIndustry17Oct11.pdf
Don’t expect Treezer’s government to doanything about it – she is a major part of the problem
‘The Minister for Women and Equalities, Theresa May,
assures us in the Preface to this document that: ‘Equality
is at the heart of this Coalition Government. It is
fundamental to building a strong economy and a fair
society… Equality is key to all our work.’
Another link
You’re absolutely right about Treezer – Blue Labour to the core.
This is, in fact, the dilemma in the forthcoming election which the BBC won’t discuss. Anyone but a raging socialist loon will have to vote Conservative and yet in doing so they will be giving the people who inflicted ‘progressive’ insanity on us carte blanche to dish out more of the same – this time claiming they have a huge mandate to do so.
Once again we are being offered an election with no real choice.
Great – thanks for those.
The whole thing is self-perpetuating; if you are paid a lot of money to deal with this stuff, you are sure to keep seeing problems everywhere.
“Seek and ye shall find” has long since become, get paid for finding it and ye shall suffer riches untold. (or at least stay in a job or keep the department funding going!)
How many lives and families were destroyed in Orkney, Cleveland, Rochdale, etc., after fruit loop social workers had attended seminars on “Satanic Abuse” and how to spot it?
What is the first thing a Diversity Officer does when appointed? Applies for funds to appoint an assistant diversity officer. And it spreads like a disease
Presumably more than one; numbers depending on how ‘diverse’ the corporate drop down menu goes?
Can’t have a black lesbian assessing a straight Asian male surely?
Or is that just another BBC unique?
As Jordan Peterson points out, the preferential treatment for ‘disadvantaged minorities’ is bad for them and bad for everyone else. He made the remarks in the context of black university students in the US.
1. Degrees obtained by blacks are deemed mainly worthless by employers (as above). That directly penalises smart black students who would have got in to the university on merit alone.
2. It implicitly informs black students that they are of lesser worth, since they need special help to compete, like a 20-yard handicap in a sprint race.
3. It discriminates against other minorities (Asians in particular) whose academic, er, inclination is generally higher.
But the Left doesn’t care about realities like those. As long as they can smash some structure and replace it with a nihilistic mess, they’re happy.
Diversity officers are there to ensure that their organisations are seen as complying with the law, no more no less.
The ‘caring’ disappears outside of the legal requirement.
I remember a lecture from a ‘welfare officer’ in which he told us how the organisation looked after alchoholics. Someone at the back mentioned drug abuse and our ‘kindly’ mild-mannered welfare man went ballistic, “That is illegal! Report it to the police!”
Similarly there was a lot of concern about harassment in the workplace. I suggested that our IT system that forced us to read our new emails and the latest casualties in Afghanistan first thing in the morning was both harassing and distressing went down like a lead balloon. (It was also a pain if what you really wanted was a printout for a meeting starting in two minutes!). If a human boss behaved like that there would have been trouble.
You really have to question Daily Politics who week in week out have never highlighted
or significantly challenged the complete disgrace of a performance from that bunch of SNP/rebels who say they represent Scotland…….fingers crossed a substantially lower number of these performing seals are returned after June the 8th
Is it just me or does this photo on the BBC News website…
Deputy Labour leader Tom Watson looks on approvingly
look a bit like this?
They are a similar shape, aren’t they?
Will the bBBC report this? One-fifth of child deaths in east London are from inbred families. No prizes for guessing which ‘community’ they are in.
Sir Arthur………
Like TB, just another element we’ve had to absorb, so that our country is enriched by the diversity of migrant multiculturalism.
I’m still trying to fathom how we benefit from being over-run by foreign peoples.
All we have got so far is…
a re-introduction of diseases we long ago eradicated from these shores;
a form of animal slaughter that we find unpalatable;
ethnic gang rivalry;
appeasement to a religion that was once confined to the middle and far East;
an NHS that is mainly staffed by ethnics whose standards are ‘dubious’ at best, but at least can treat the wide ranging ills and deformities that their ‘own’ kind pitch up with – and my taxes have paid for their treatment;
our roads are riddled with drivers who have no tax or insurance;
many no-go migrant areas in our larger towns;
a house building programme unprecedented in this country to house them all;
schools with many languages to contend with;
Singular organisation/societies for ethnic/black ie. Black Nurses Association, Black Police Officers Association.
Whats not to like ????
oh yes, agricultural workers; medical staff; plumbers; construction workers, not forgetting Keith Vaz, Dianne Abbot, Baroness Scotland, Lenny Henry et al.
But what about the enrichment?
They say that post-war Britain was grey and drab and lacking colour.
Then we had mass immigration. Or perhaps it was Technicolor and PAL TV that brightened up our lives!
Started one long hell of a shift at a local care home yesterday morning-with Radio 4 out at Bath University drumming up the BBCs notion of a “progressive alliance” that will speak to youth and thwart the Tories.
That Bath University collection of lecturers and stewdunts seemed to go along with this too-shocked, I was. My long day ended with Newsnight and Press Reviews ALSO seeking this Progressive Alliance of the BBcs droolings-only this time it was Nick Clegg and Nick Watt (ex Guardian, now BBC hack in residence) drumming up this beat like the Hitler Youth as filmed for “Triumph Of The Will”. None of this was news-a daily grid from Millbank Towers as set out by Campbell or Mandelson circa 1996/7 seemed the likelier cause of this daily campaign by the BBC to get May replaced by a Miliband Group Hug with the BBc setting out the ways and means to do it.
At last in the home we have no telly on, and watching the pads go round the washing machine is better telly that what the BBC are offering.
But they need to be told that we KNOW what they`re up to. And it can`t go on like this can it?
The Jeremy Vine Show today was also trying to organise an Conservative alliance in Mrs. May’s constituency.
Unfortunately someone blew it by saying that the opposing candidates ‘hated each other’!
Four in five youngsters (81 per cent) feel they didn’t get the right skills and experience while at school needed to get a job. The leftie indoctrination in our schools is failing children, and the country.
“Know thine enemy…” Looking through this list, you can see why islam thinks the West’s Christian values show absolute weakness –
More like a hippie creed (aka Corbyn?)
It’s not a hippy creed. Regarding enemies-
Islamists may see us as helpless but they could be in for a shock.
Verses like the one in Luke 6 (the “Turn the other cheek” verse) are civil instructions.
For dealing with neighbours, friends, family (if you don’t think family members can be enemies you are lucky) business associates and yes, foreigners.
But they are not dictating rules toward an enemy in a time of war. Invasion is a war tactic. We are not expected by The God of The Bible to hand our daughters or land over gladly to an invasion force.
Jesus today would indeed welcome people from different countries & races.
However, I am sure he would make them check their Islam at the border.
Marginal Christians & Muslims alike can easily overlook that The God of the Bible (both old & new Testaments) gives repeated explicit instructions that he WILL NOT share worship with another God. If Christians in the West today were to take this more seriously they would offer more resistance to Islamic invasion. Israel, as declared by her own prophets was subdued by enemies precisely because they abandoned God in favour of other foreign gods.
People forget that there is a requirement necessary to facilitate forgiveness. That requirement is repentance. It’s a bit difficult to forgive someone who is not sorry.
Jesus told the prostitute she was forgiven because he saw her repentant heart. The part that is often overlooked is that he told her to “go and sin no more”
This verse here (there are loads of them) speaks of God dealing with the enemies of his people:
Psalm 81: 13-15
“If my people would only listen to me,
if Israel would only follow my ways,
how quickly I would subdue their enemies
and turn my hand against their foes!
Those who hate the Lord would cringe before him,
and their punishment would last forever.
Churchill had it all wrong in the late 30’s……
BBC weatherman Jay Wynne correctly explains to BBC viewers that there are as usual large differences across the UK. Today there is a weather front dividing the country diagonally. But despite the main differences in which the audience is most interested is whether or not to take an umbrella our Jay bangs on and on about temperatures.
Do we really care if it is 18 degrees or 23?
Why this BBC obsession with temperature – as if we couldn’t guess.
“Weather front”? When are they going to revert to treating their audience like grown-ups, like they used to, once?
Trump defends ‘absolute right’ to share ‘facts’ with Russia
Note the careful phrasing by the BBC. The clear impression given is that Donald Trump has admitted what he was earlier being accused of, and I don’t believe for one second that isn’t exactly what they aim to do.
In fact a more careful reading is simply that he’s said he’ll damn well share what he feels is appropriate and necessary. There’s no new information other than the Washington Post’s report.
This is becoming a standard tactic of the BBC, to produce stories with a clear implication that is not borne out by careful analysis of the wording. Thus they can deny the bias when challenged.
Not that anyone would know this from the bBBC, but we (USA, UK, Russia) share a common enemy. So, just as we did in WWII, we should work as allies to defeat it.
Classic BBC SOP, but this is a bone their dogs can’t resist.
For a start I was wondering what these ‘secrets’ (see, BBC, we can all do it) were. Frankly, if it is a way for nations to cooperate to give ISIS a black eye, i really don’t have a problem.
I doubt it was the specs for a MOAB or the latest imagery of Kim Wrong Un’s hair weaving.
The rest of it is also full of other BBC specials*, including ‘analysis’ (whoops I did it again) from Frank ‘Duck… oh, too late’ Gardner.
Golden rule: Frank Gardner, BBC security correspondent
Despite the denials issued by the White House that any actual intelligence sources were revealed to the Russians, whatever was said in that Oval Office meeting was enough to alarm certain officials and, reportedly* to alert the CIA and NSA.
The BBC can deny (ditto) bias all they like; more and more folk are seeing it plain and simple with their own lying eyes.
I also glanced at the BBC’s ‘top’ news, rather consistent hours later:
Top Stories
New top tax rate in Labour manifesto
Jeremy Corbyn pledges more free childcare, billions for the NHS and to scrap tuition fees.
5 minutes ago
Labour manifesto launch
13 May 2017
Trump defends sharing ‘facts’ with Russia
Yay Labour! Boo Trump! See: ‘balance’.
Huffington Post and Daily Telegraph have the story that Labour plans to continue with the Conservatives’ benefits freeze. The bBBC is silent.
It seems one of the BBC’s new pet projects is lobbying for children to have the vote. I’ve been seeing more and more articles about this idiocy.
We all know why that is; 16 year olds living in cloud land are the type to love the ”Progressive parties”. That’s why the Liberal not-Democrats etc want it.
with a 16 year old in the house, i would suggest we should move the voting age in the other direction
This man clearly speaks for the nation.
If anyone had doubts about the bias of the BBC Today programme in the run up to the Brexit vote RT of all objective broadcasters tweeted that an organisation called ‘News Watch’ has issued a 123 page report on the content of the Today programme and its attitude to Brexit showing clear bias.
I haven’t read the report and don’t know what the ‘news watch ‘ organisation is – but it seems to remove any subjective anti BBC view one might have about their approach to Brexit as a bunch of remainers.
All that propaganda and they still lost the vote.
iPlayer becomes BBC MiNDplayer
“iPlayer will become PERSONALISED and will suggest things that you are not looking for”
That’s the normal BBC lack of self-awareness
5 minutes ago they were telling us “You know that evil Trump person ?
Well now entire elections can be stolen by sophisticated personal targetting of media-messaging… and Trump was helped in that by Cambridge Analytica”
Now it’s going to be
“Jon you asked for Quentin Lett’s, Delingpole, Melanie Phillips
… I can’t let you listen to that Jon
Here Jon instead I’ve got you Paul Mason, Dianne Abbott and James O’Brien
Jon here’s an organic farming clip from Countryfile for you
….. remember to VoteLabour Jon”
Getting abreast of an interview…
That’s odd, because I have always thought that Norman Smith is a right tit.
Old Goat
Did she smack his hand away?
I think she “encouraged” it away, before tapping or patting his shoulder. Perhaps she enjoyed it. Perhaps he did, too…
Hidden away near the bottom of the Labour Manifesto:
‘Healthy Future?”
I wonder if this explains the extra effort from the bBC promoting Labour these past few weeks
BBC Labour echo at the 5pm news
The pips chimed and then at the word”Labour” I hit the scan up button, but next station also opened similarly “Labour”, hit the button and it was the same thru the BBC stations
“Labour” “Labour” “Labour”
I cannot bring myself to watch the series of three programmes, ‘Three Girls’ on BBC1 this evening as I know it will focus on ‘what went wrong’ and, ‘lessons must be learnt’ and it will completely miss the elephant in the room – islam and the muslim perpetrators who, “some say” (forgive that one borrowed from the BBC phrase book!) are still at it even in Rochdale. Indeed, “some say” grooming such as Rochdale is endemic throughout the British Isles.
Here are my predictions.
1. There will be a feminist message pointing out that all men are capable of rape and it is not primarily related to one ethnic or religious community.
2. Good moslems will be inserted into the story who will emphasise that Islam respects women, with a quote from the Koran to back it up.
3. Far right racists and extremists will be depicted as false friends of the victims, but having an ulterior motive – destruction of our vibrant multiculture and the creation of a fascist howwid waaycist Britain
Thereafter any specific scenes depicting Moslems as virtuous will be repeated by Islamophiles throughout the internet.
I expect they will find a way to blame it on the EDL.
G, you should watch it so that you can join in with the rest of us taking the piss out of how pc and biased it will be.
I think we all know what’s coming and it will be fun pointing out all the crap.
Same here, although I have to admit I will be watching my football team lose to Manchester City!
Eddie MAir on PM interviewing Lady Nugee on Labours manifesto asked the inevitable question.
“some people are desperate for Brexit not to be carried through, can you give them any assurance on this”
Some people? Thornbury stated the position once again, that the referendum was the instruction from the people and that they would carry it through.
Yet again the BBC asking this same question of Labour almost pleading with them to say what they want to hear, and yet this is being asked so often that it HAS to be some corporate instruction from on high. Not all interviewers and producers would think this to be a necessary question especially when it has been answered so many time before.
By “some people” what Eddie Mair means is him and everybody he knows.
Definitely in my top 5 most despised BBC “journalists/presenters”: Eddie Mair A complete and utter wanker that’s totally full of his own smug self importance.
I think to be fair to Eddie he was just winding her up!
Mr. Mair can be very empathetic at times, then again he can be an idiotic bull banging his head against a brick wall.
With Lady Nuggee it was like shooting fish in a barrel and he just couldn’t resist firing a few rounds, the bully!