5pm news on R4 Lady Nugee being interviewed about the manifesto. Another popcorn car crash job.
Credit where it’s due. No bias in this interview. Lady Nugee was, I believe , a barrister in real life before becoming a politician . Lawyers are paid to learn their brief and then defend it or prove it.
The interview became more like mastermind where the specialty subject was Labour Manifesto . She more or less said ” pass” to so many questions I lost count .
I am no labour supporter but do expect any politician to give a decent account – even lies when taking part in the democratic process . Apols for my naivety .
I can only think that labour MPs are so busy positioning for post Corbyn that they arnt even learning their manifesto .
Update ( not directly albeeb )
Lady Nugee – looking fairly fedup went on to do what I suppose she thought would be a nice warm interview on c4 news. However the lady journo started to ask questions involving numbers and costings and Nugee tried to talk about conservatives .
Think the collective morale failure of HM opposition is becoming a bit too public with 3 weeks to go.
The seven dwarfs always left to go to work in the mine early each morning.
As always, Snow White stayed home doing her domestic chores.
As lunchtime approached, she would prepare their lunch and carry it to the mine.
One day as she arrived at the mine with the lunch,
she saw that there had been a terrible cave-in.
Tearfully, and fearing the worst, Snow White began calling out, hoping against hope that the dwarfs had somehow survived.
‘Hello…Hello !’ she shouted. ‘Can anyone hear me? Hello !’
For a long while, there was no answer. Losing hope, Snow White again shouted, ‘Hello! Is anyone down there?’
Just as she was about to give up all hope, she heard a faint voice from deep within the mine,
Biased BBC launch the Labour Party manifesto on the 6pm news live from ……errrr……….Bradford.
Featuring one of thise walls with clocks in different time zones.
New York? Paris? Tokyo?
Nope. Try India, Pakistan, and Bangla Desh.
Followed by interviews with errr, shall we say non-white people wearing things on their heads.
Enough said.
Later they interview a guy from the Institute for Public Policy Research. Without mentioning that it is not independent but a left wing think tank.
But maybe, just maybe, people will see this propaganda for what it is. Multi culti left wing total bollocks.
And all from our impartial state broadcaster.
Meanwhile on the BBC London news at 1830 the programme comes “live from the Labour stronghold of Dahgenham” and Rizla Teef the presenter has a very upbeat happy smiling approach…………
Cut to a white woman who said she has always voted Labour – but not any more. She will be voting Tory. Hmmm her real reasons were not given but I think we can guess the answer.
Actually PYT she did give her reason – ‘Teresa looks more like a PM than Jeremy’ – in other words a shallow, semi-geriatric biased non-entity with no political acumen, and just what the BBC wanted.
Do you think they might have asked her the question first in a sort of dummy run in every sense, before the camera rolled?
We should play PC bingo for that grooming drama tonight. I bet the hero somehow turns out to be a member of ROP community who points out how wrong what they are doing is and totally contrary to their religion’s teachings.
I wonder if they will include a scene where one character watches the Panorama episode where the BBC got people arrested for inciting racial hatred when they tried to raise the issue of the grooming gangs. As the Ministry of Truth, they helped create the environment where the social workers could not say what they were seeing, the heresy of heresies being common sense.
Wow, that was quick. Inquest on Ian Brady’s death completed and verdict given. He has only been dead for a few hours.
We are still awaiting an official verdict of the man who died in prison months ago after being sentenced for putting bacon on a mosque door.
And still the BBC maintains a blackout on this story. Can you imagine the outcry and if it had been a black or a muslim who had died under such circumstances?!
Here is a frightening thought for all the Al Beeboids ……..
How will they cope when they lose their income from the EU when we quit? Will they raise the Telly Tax to make up the shortfall?
Perhaps Maxi can inform us?
It’s well-understood that the TV tax will be abolished after the election, Taff!
Just enjoy the thought of all those ‘reporters’ having to work for their living, and that all the ‘managers’ in W1A will have to think of another job to go to, perhaps in a local authority, or maybe care for the elderly, after all that’s what they’ve been doing up to now!
As for the ‘slebs’ who suck up public money like nobody’s business; they may well have to become ‘famous’ or what they intend to do…
£2 million over three years into “BBC R&D” which benefits all of UK broadcasting; has nothing to do with BBC programme making; and amounts to 0.017% of total licence fee revenue.
Keep on drinking the Kool Aid, Lobster – you seem to have a taste for it.
Busted wide open by News-Watch ( http://news-watch.co.uk/ ) among others, yet still the BBC’s sycophants and hirelings try to pretend the Corporation isn’t biased to the core.
Come back Comical Ali – a job awaits you at White City.
That will be “News-Watch” controlled by “David Keighley” who has written one article a week, for the last three years on “Conservative Woman”; complaining about the BBC.
There’s a totally impartial source of research you can trust…
Ah, the hallmark of the floundering BBC hack – put someone’s name in quotation marks to suggest there’s something fishy about him and rather than address the facts of the case, attack the man.
Donald Trump’s problems over alleged links between his ex-national security adviser, Michael Flynn, and Russia have got worse. US media report that the president asked former FBI director James Comey to end an inquiry into the subject.
Mr Comey is the man Mr Trump sacked last week. “I hope you can let this go,” Mr Trump reportedly told him after a White House meeting in February, the day after Mr Flynn resigned. But the White House denies the report.
So, how bad is this for Mr Trump? Senior fellow Republican John McCain has reportedly said this is now a scandal of “Watergate size and scale”. But, says BBC Washington reporter Anthony Zurcher, Mr McCain is something of a “wild card” in the party.
YES!! Obviously Keighley is a Russian inspired, far-right racist that has an irrational bias against the innocent, impartial and truly honest Ministry of Truth (BBC). HOW COULD I NOT HAVE SEEN THIS!!!! LOL!
If the EU grant of £2m or Euro2m is so insignificant after sharing with other Broadcasters (you do not say how much the BBC keeps), will you please enlighten us and tell us why the BBC did not turn down this Grant from a largely ‘foreign’ political body in order to preserve the BBC’s editorial integrity and freedom from political & governmental influence?
It cannot have escaped the notice of white working class labour ( about to be Tory?) voters that Labour’s manifesto launch was in Bradford, with the cheerleading audience full of Muslims. The BBC revelled in it . Watch out for the collapse of the Labour vote in non muslim former labour strongholds like the North East and parts of the Midlands.
EE – I hope you’re right, but never underestimate the stupidity of the sheeple in this country. The Labour Party promise “Jam tomorrow for you – paid for by “the Rich” and there are plenty of thick c***s who’ll always believe it.
I still think that the Conservatives will win, though not (unfortunately) with the Thatcheristic landslide that has been predicted; I hope I’m wrong but I’ve a feeling I won’t be.
Next week or next he has a Green Energy propaganda show on BBC4
“The Great Village Green War for BBC Four,
follows green energy enthusiast Robert Llewellyn’s year-long campaign to persuade the residents of a Cotswolds village to generate their own power”
I'm currently recording the voice over for the upcoming BBC documentary about the community renewable project in the village I live in.
I wonder how many more years it will be, before “desperate” Britons start taking “desperate measures” themselves?
Because of how “desperate” things have become in their own country, as a consequence of all the “tragic migrants” and their equally “tragic” progeny who’ve crept into it?
One assumes if they are jumping out of the back of the lorry rather than stepping out at the next convenient disembarkation point, they are illegal entrants.
Robert really needs to dial down the virtue signalling emotional outpourings and just call them for what they are – illegal economic migrants.
Please god don’t let us get like the USA where undocumented (aka illegal) becomes some kind of Robin Hood-esqe badge of hardworking, slip through the cracks, nobility.
There are proper processes and channels for coming into this country, which many other people manage to follow, so if you don’t do this you aren’t “desperate” and your story isn’t “tragic”. You’re just a queue jumping, rule breaking criminal and if you first foray into this country is breaking the law that’s not setting a great precedent for the kind of UK citizen that we would like here.
All B-BBCers
Any guesses what this story is about?, if this is the local media?
then BBC, Sky, Ch4?
I think the word that comes to mind might be … erm obscurantism
No charges brought after allegations woman was raped in Sunderland
“The region’s top lawyer has explained why no charges were brought after allegations a woman was raped in Sunderland. Six men were arrested by police after reports that a 26-year-old woman had been attacked at an address in Peel Street overnight between Saturday, September 3 and Sunday, September 4, last year.
However, the Crown Prosecution Service took the decision there was “insufficient evidence” to proceed with the case.
Demonstrations have been held in Sunderland City Centre in support of the woman. Today, John Dilworth, acting Chief Crown Prosecutor for CPS North East, explained why no charges had been brought – and also addressed “damaging claims” and “inaccurate articles” that had been written about the incident, primarily on social media”.
Never mind the sex crime, feel the “community cohesion”.
The police themselves, in such circumstances, become a problem to society.
They are part of what the late Sam Francis called the “Anarcho-tyranny”: whereby they allow the Left (ANTIFA, Hope Not Hate etc) to demonstrate, riot and provoke with apparent impunity; but target and arrest anyone from the “Far-Right” who look like they might even begin to push back against the destruction of our culture and society.
Unfortunately, the Police have been infiltrated and taken over by the cultural Marxists. In fairness, I suspect it is more prevalent in the higher ranks but the average plod barks when and at whom he is told to.
There is a difference between doing your job and doing what you are told to do. It seems the Sunderland cops are doing the latter.
The article in the Sunderland local paper was pure waffle. But it lays a foundation for the Government backed UAF to prepare against further attempts to obtain justice for this victim.
Someone should have parked a bullet in that dangerous inciting bastard years ago.
He knows that dehumanising repubs like that makes them sub-human to his followers, that inturn allows them to inflict injury without remorse,.
A dangerous bastard as stated, because he is quoted far and wide, spreading the incitement.
Society will not correct until vile scum like him are interned and disgraced.
He and his vile ilk are the enemy of democracies not the ‘architect’s.
Manxman. “Someone should have parked a bullet in that dangerous inciting bastard years ago”
I really felt quite sick reading that on this site.
I had just been catching up on the comments here and thinking what a great source of information and debate we have here. Then I read your above comment. Oh hell!
I loathe Chomksy intensely along with, Tony Blair, Dan Hodges, Christopher Hope, George Soros and so on.
Nobody should shoot any of these ghastly people.
Comments like yours make us all look like a bunch of Breviks or supporters of knife wielding assassins like Mair.
Then go join the Liberals, i dont give a shit if the truth hurts.
He knows, the same as all the inciters like him know, de-humanising groups of people is the first step to making it socially acceptable to eradicate them, these bastards are done for years politically, causing civil breakdown and the death damage and mayhem is what they now seek,…
If they cannot rule then they will burn/bring it down, these people are traitors and should be before firing squads, so i make no apologies.
Yep LibMob’s nuttiness and privilege drives us to anger
BUT the sly beggars will look for any excuse to block or ignore of us, so we cannot cross the same lines that they cross 1000 times a day
Calling for violence is not cool ..and such things are used as excuses to ban websites, ban viewpoints from air etc.
LibMob, when some of theirs call for the assassination of Trump, they don’t call her out on it, but they get away with in just as their constant HateNotHope campaigning.
“Someone should have parked a bullet in that dangerous inciting bastard years ago.”
Inciting and justifying the murder of people whose opinions you don’t like is defending democracy?
Just when you think this site couldn’t sink any lower…
Any other pearls of wisdom you’d like to share?
“He knows, the same as all the inciters like him know, de-humanising groups of people is the first step to making it socially acceptable to eradicate them…”
“Groups of people” like, perhaps, “Muslims” for example, which this site is dedicated to de-humanisng?
Or just ‘bastards’ like Noam Chompsky for whom you think it should be socially acceptable to ‘eradicate’?
Hello Maxi aka Zero.
Enjoying the play about 3Girls. I have not seen it but I am looking for your response to what might be seen as criticism of your kind.
By the way Chomsky is a renowned hater of Israel and one might conclude that his remarks over the are appreciated by those who are killing Israelis.
“BBC Newsnight‘s Evan Davis challenges academic and political activist Noam Chomsky, who argues the Republican Party is the most dangerous organisation in human history.”
Evan Davis has his faults and biases but picking up junk ‘tweets’ on five-day old BBC stories is NOT evidence of BBC bias!!
Evan did suggest that perhaps the Republicans were mistaken rather than dangerous, but Chompers said that was equally bad for life as we know it. However, Evan did not suggest that the Republicans could be a teeny weeny bit correct
Still it was a change from Chompers stating that Israeli’s are the scourge of the planet
The BBC missed an opportunity to point out that Chompers has had a major influence on educating and misinforming students and ought to face serious criticism. But la la la
So the block is not 100%
Whilst LibMob voices can be found each hour somewhere on BBC, you had to stretch back to find a \\ “non-Lib voice”, Ann Coulter given airtime on the BBC a couple of months ago://
3 Girls Drama : not a complete “white”-wash so far
– First creepy lads were whites,
but the girls quickly left them and ended up at the kebab shop
where they were plied with free food and then vodka
by a guy who is dressed Muslim style and that is then referenced in “he can’t drink cos of religion”
but nothing creepy happened so far. ..slow grooming ?
Girls keep coming back for the party.
…ah now turned creepy “come into the room with me, I wanna talk to you in private ..all those things I’ve given you ..so when are you going to let me have sex with you ?”
.. showing over-powering and rape..girl in tears.
“You’re my bitch now
..if you cross me then I’ll kill you”
Flashback to start where girl is with police charged with smashing kebab shop
… girl finally says she was raped in carpark today
and yet was raped last week aswell
..so police/parents are not looking like they believe
Those people/police sitting in the meeting nodding their heads, saying their hands are tied ..are probably collecting full pensions now.
How can that be , when you haven’t done your job ?
One girl seems to have been coerced to acting as a procurer/madam and paid.
Social workers then really screwed up by saying to the pregnant girls parents that she is a prostitute, cos they fail to recognise a child is being abused.
UK Twitter top trend is #ThreeGirls …#ItsNotOkay
\\The BBC have missed out on the worst. The definitive account is by @pmclauth the author of `Easy Meat` #threegirls http://pmclauth.com //
The older ones may have retired, Stew, but the rest will have been moved sideways to other authorities and promoted. This is how Common Purpose looks after its own.
Godfrey Elfwick @GodfreyElfwick
I’m watched #threegirls, and I’m disgusted that in order to prevent #Islamophobia, the BBC did not portray the perpetrators as white men.
….must be confusing reality with Coronation Street!
That’s the secret if his success, Dystopian. It’s hilarious watching him lure them into his web before he springs one of his more outrageous traps and leaves them floundering.
The Left likes to think it owns satire…. It’s wrong.
Was there any mention of Islam, or of Muslims, taxi/kebab shop connection to Islamic perps, the brothers/neighbours/cousins/uncles connection re Islamic perps, the councillor and the former mayor giving character references for the Islamic child gang rapists, the “community silence”,
… if not perhaps its in the next programme.
Actually the stakes have raised after the Chelsey demo, because
its not only Islamic rapists, its migrant/refugee Islamic rapists
that will bring the state participation to a new level believe me.
Especially as other victims are now coming forward, after Chelsey s bravery.
Did I say the stakes have raised?
I dont know why the are bothering to give statements to the police. These days the police only seem interested if someone has had their shed burnt down, is shouted at in the street or in Tommies case is having a quiet drink with a mate and his kids.
They were trying to interview a Labour Councillor who gave a character reference for a rapist.
Let that sink in.
I wonder if the BBC might wish to interview this Labour Councillor
I do recall Brillo Neil having a sneer at Katie Hopkins when she said there were no go areas in the UK. Oh how he sneered and demanded that she gives him the location.
Now the world can see she was right.
Slightly OT
I remember an interview with a DVLA official, just the after the ending of the need to display a tax disc. He was asked if he was worried that not having to display the disc would lead to a rise in untaxed vehicles. He said he wasn’t worried, because his inspectors would be visiting every street in the country at least twice, to check for unlicensed vehicles. I thought, aye, I bet I could name more than a few postcodes that wouldn’t get any such visits! Probably the same post codes that never see a detector van or get a knock on the door either!
G sorry bud … they re too busy writing him out, of the erm “drama”, just like any connection to Islam/Muslims.
As long as they steer the story away from the I word, the sole reason for the epidemic … go “all around the houses” to include lots of time on everything, everyone else.
Its two white drop outs in a house, its white social workers,
its the white dad too unintelligent to think logically etc, etc.
Thank goodness for the police? …
because its “everyone problem”, “we re all to blame”
BBC – broadcasting beneath contempt
For crying out loud … can t they write an Islamic hero in wearing a burkha and be done with it.?
‘Three Girls’.
I reported yesterday that it was another programme I would not watch. Comments on that were, that I would then be unable to pass the inevitable critical comment here, today. My personal choice not to watch this series had noting to do with blood pressure or anything similar, it had all to do with not wanting the BBC to abuse my intelligence again. If anyone that watched the first of the series could tell me here and now that the BBC identified the perpetrators as muslim men simply following their cult beliefs and they were following the similar behaviour of Mohammed and that all convicted will be immediately shipped back to their familial country of origin I may watch the two remaining programmes in the knowledge that the BBC is now applying honest and balanced journalism. R.S.V.P
Old Tory graphic about 3 years old !
Only source I can find for that graphic was put on Swindon Cons website April 2014
Typewriters +time + monkeys
…BBC has a lot SO a lot of things come up http://www.swindonconservatives.com/old-labour-2/
Saw a piece from Alastair Campbell in todays Guardian. He compares Labour voters who won`t vote for Corbyn(who he doubtless hates) as being akin to a New Staesman hack who now supports Arsenal instead of Man United. He gives Farron his due in saying that only scum would swap allegance from Blackburn to Burnley too.
This stale male pastiche of football tribal loyalty being “life and death”-and anybody who votes Labour needs to know that this tribal unthinking idiocy is like stupid soccer clubs being supported-just about sumes up the empty reflex zombie death cult that is progressive politics.
Indeed in any sane world-it would be a sectioning issue re mental health. But we talk here of sociopaths like Campbell…in the Guardian…stabbing a Staggers hack in the back…being all footy-savvy…so mental health is not discussed. But it ought to be. Campbell is the embodiment of dysfunction in political life.
I see Newsshite was again promoting the message that Brexit voters are all thick geordies and remainers highly intelligent, open-minded products of our glorious university system.
You’ve really got to hand it to Blair – not only did he succeed in “rubbing the noses of the right in diversity” in a big way, but also, by increasing the number of young people going to university, exposed more and more gullible minds to the waffle of loony, leftwing academics. Listening to Durham students on Neswshite reminded me of the drivel I used to hear from comsomol types in the USSR.They were always giving their utmost to built socialism and international peace. The British comsomol want multiculturalism and an open society. It’s all very depressing.
Who pays?
A Roman politician who wanted to be succesful had to amass a vast personal fortune to offer advancement to his clients and bribes to the plebs. Modern politicians simply steal other people’s current earnings and future earnings and wealth to use as bribes. The Labour party’s clients are, of course, the workshy who get cash and the whole of the public sector and immigrants who get political preferrence and cash. You can always borrow cash to use as bribes. You often hear students on the media complaining that they are burdened by debts of £30,000, how it affects their mortgage prospects and credit ratings, etc. In the same breath, they advocate no tuition fees, as if increased government debt would not have the same consequences on a grander scale.
One of the tiresome features of the ‘Comment Is Free’ section of the BBC’s print arm is a poster called ‘TheGreatRonRafferty’. He’s invariably one of the first to comment on almost any article on politics and education.
And well to the left of centre, more or often than not he’s predictably, comically wrong. But credit where it’s due. Below an article on the drama Three Girls tonight, he’s written the following:
I used to post on the BBC Today programme MB until it was closed down in 2009. On there was a poster who lived in ‘a northern town’ who VERY frequently referred to exactly what was going on, where, how. The BBC moderators wiped every post he put up about it. Instead of the message being passed on to investigators at the BBC, they were part of the ‘ignoring it’ problem. You can see how those victims of such abuse felt betrayed by everyone.
*Yes, I know the poster should have passed his/her comments to the police or social services. Maybe he/she did and was turned away?
My emphasis. When you think about it, £3.7bn p.a. really is a bargain when it both keeps the BBC’s celebrities in the institutional paedophilia to which they’re accustomed and pays for the suppression of the reporting of common-or-garden community paedophilia as well. And has done for years.
Bit weird.
Just heard on the news that the parents of Yvonne Fletcher (policewoman gunned down in 1984)were disappointed that her murderer would not be charged due to the evidence given could be a threat to national security, and there was insufficient other evidence to prosecute.
This evening I watched a conspiracy thriller on More 4 – Closed Circuit, that dealt with a similar problem involving MI5 and closed court session, hearing evidence that could affect national security. I hope Yvonne Fletcher’s parents didn’t watch it as they could be forgiven for believing that there was a massive cover up in the prosecution of their daughter’s murderer.
The BBC’s post-Jeff Randall business journalism is widely recognised as a howling joke, but the dear old World Service continues to heave and strain to make the joke ever funnier.
Take tonight’s Business Matters which led with… oil prices? The ruling that EU-negotiated trade treaties have to be subject to minute local agreement before they can be enforced? Something to do with the aviation business and China? Well.. how about boiled sweet futures?
No, in the judgement of whichever superannuated student politician has been lumbered with the job of editing this career-ending programme, tonight’s most important news for the world of business is… the never-ending campaign of the far Left to have Donald Trump impeached.
Yes, really.
It’s no wonder that the BBC’s comedy output is so lamentable. All the natural born clowns go into journalism.
You should check out Godfrey Elfwick on YouTube trolling the BBC about Star Wars. He says how Darth Vader is a racist stereotype and Princess Leia being a sex symbol offends him. It is hilarious and the BBC do not even know they are being taken for a ride.
According to al beebistan, the more ‘educated’ are more likely to be of a leftie-liberal disposition in their voting. (In other words only stupid riffraff vote for Brexit / Trump / Le Pen / May, the clever sophisticated cosmopolitan metrosexual ones – like us at the beeb – all vote left.)
But Prof Goodwin is baffled as to why, and comes up with various psycho-sociological explanations. Here’s my suggestion, that doesn’t seem to have occurred to the good (and no-doubt well-paid) Prof: BECAUSE OUR SO-CALLED UNIVERSITIES HAVE BEEN TAKEN OVER BY THE CULTUERAL MARXIST LIBERAL LEFT AND ARE NOW ONE HUGE BRAIN-WASHING FACTORY FOR SNOWFLAKES WHO SWOON AT A CONTRARY OPINION!
“And whether someone has a degree or not is now a key marker of how somebody might vote. But why?
“We’re not entirely sure – but what is clear is education does have a really strong effect on making people more predisposed to liberal political outlooks,” says Prof Goodwin.
“Some say the more liberally-minded self-select into education… Others say it’s the socialisation experience people have at university. They socialise with other liberals and it further develops.”
YouGov polling at the start of the general election campaign suggests 53% of people with no qualifications plan to vote Conservative, 17% UKIP, 18% Labour and 5% Liberal Democrat.”
There was a strange interview with Prof. Lisa Randal, theoretical physicist extraordinaire (elsewhere, she has said so herself and that’s not arrogance) on the Today programme R4 this morning. The pretext was her book about dinosaur extinction and dark matter??!!. Hardly new, as the book was published in 2015. Towards the end of the interview the focus suddenly turned to “science denial” in the USA.
What was that all about?
In the Prospect magazine 17/5/17 she says:
“We would also see a lot more scientists, or at least smart people (defined below) in positions of power. Angela Merkel, who studied physical chemistry, has done a pretty good job, despite her current trouble. I do see room for a more rational approach to governance. Clearly these examples show that science training alone is not enough. Scientists don’t know everything, and technologists don’t either. But there is something to be said for knowing what it means to address a problem, or even how to define it. And to know how to recognise the potential limitations of any proposed solution. Most big problems aren’t solved overnight, and scientists know that all too well. The breakthroughs that have changed our lives often derive from these slow-cooked, then flame-broiled discoveries.
Smart people are the ones who factor in long-term goals and who aren’t afraid to admit they are wrong in the face of contradictory evidence. This sometimes includes scientists but it rarely includes politicians. I will need to have quite a lot of global power to get this done.”
Seems to be a variation on the “general public are too thick to choose how to lead their own lives” theme. The idea that the “uneducated classes” were outbreeding the educated lead to the eugenics movement in the 19th century and its widespread acceptance in the early 20th century. The main proponents for selective breeding of humans were of course all those ever so rational scientists. This is just a rehashing of Plato’s notion of philosopher kings or tyrants advised by philosophers. What happens if I am too stupid to follow Randal’s cunning plans? Mental hospital, prison, death camp?
Randall’s elementary mistake is that she believes a degree in physics makes her opinions on, say, employment law or EU trade any more valuable than anyone else’s. Precedent suggests that the contrary is true. 4
Swift knew this in the 18th Century when he created the Laputans to satirise such educated fools.
Just watched lanky Dan let loose from the breakfast sofa, interviewing some voters in Bristol. Two remainers, one ex remainer who now just wants democracy to be implemented, and one Tory who I presume voted leave although it wasn’t made clear.
The remainers got a lot longer to ramble on, but one thing struck me, as with all remainers, the two interviewed today, were over emotional, thin skinned and couldn’t actually explain why they think we should remain in the EU. It was all emotive guff such as having Italian friends, or “my son lives in Denmark, if they come for my passport , well I’m too old to take physical action, but….erm blah blah blah”
They say leavers didn’t know what they were voting for, but the remainers seem to be operating purely on emotion and anger that they didn’t get their own way, a bunch of childish loons the lot of them. Still doesnt stop the beeb and others giving them disproportionate airtime to ramble on, and it is amusing to see their lips wobble when anyone points a camera at them.
I also have just seen this ‘Breakfast lanky Dan lefty’ in Bristol. He was interviewing a ‘SELECTED’ panel of young(ish) allsorts. Quelle surprise!!! They all whinged about the current state of the country and as always pledged allegiance to Albert Steptoe!! You couldn’t make it up. Balance, my backside! Don’t they realise that they are making themselves the laughing stock of serious news reporting? Who in the BBC decides on the subject matter? Whoever it is should be sacked immediately. Quite frankly the BBC News is a complete joke. At the moment it is a party political broadcast on behalf of the Albert Steptoe Communist Party. The Socialist Party were decimated in the polls over here in France and France 24 covered the election in a fairly balanced and professional way….why can’t our national broadcaster wake up and provide a balanced view or just go forth and multiply and let another organisation provide this service?
Just listened to Ed Davey on Toady saying that if we want “change” we should vote LibDumb, as that is the only chance there is of Britain staying in the EU. WTF? I thought the majority already voted for change last June.
We are well into the GE17 Campaign proper now. There is a very puzzling question about it all: where is Laura Kuenssberg?
Is she constantly visiting her cameraman in hospital? Or unwell herself? Has she taken a badly-timed holiday? Is she on leave while searching for another job? Moonlighting, perhaps? Or delayed and still at the hairdressers? Our Laura is noticeable by her absence.
Despite his current full-time job on the TOADY Programme, the former BBC Political Editor Nick Robinson is said to be more than a bit miffed at the BBC denying him EXTRA WORK opportunities during the General Election and its results coverage. His successor appears to struggle with a standard 35-hour week.
Rather sense that Laura isn`t safe in the company of Corbyns mates.
Tend not to see Eagle, Benn , Flint or all those other ex-lefties too often on the telly with Corbyns pals in the same area either.
Sense this is Labours dirty little secret-the likes of Robinson, Kuennsberg possibly aren`t safe round the Momentum Brownshirts and union thugs…let alone anybody with a Jewsih background like Lousie Ellmann or Luciana Berger.
The BBc won`t tell us, but we know what the Cybernats are capable of-and the BBC can hardly ride on the coat-tails of Occupy-style terrors these days as they used to when “The Good Rebellion” seemed all-too-possible.
Why is it OK for the BBC to repeat ‘For the many not the few’ but laugh and criticize ‘Strong and stable’.
BBC said manifesto promises should not be taken literally (Labour) unless of course it is the Chancellor of the Exchequer when he announced a tax rise and we get promise broken.
Because even for Liar May and co, “strong and stable” is such a lie, such a whopper its ironic …. a parody. Put this with fake crowds, fake events, fake promises, lying about meeting the public, dodging debates, lie after lie, that s why its laughable … prime example is … party of the workers
Because strong and stable even for Liar May and co, is such a lie such a whopper its ironic … a parody
Why not laugh, fake crowds, fake events, fake promises, lie of meeting the public, dodging debates, lie after lie, a manipulated orchestrated sham.
We re at over 1.3 trillion in national debt, that wasn t there before, no increase in productivity, no increase in exports, a virtual growth flatline, massive increase in immigration a vast number of low wage, basement jobs … they ve created a low wage economy, on a load of utterly misleading statistics, on a mass of borrowed money … turned London into a virtual money laundering capital of the world (which is not growth), the old Tory housing “bubble” trick.
Lying now three months down the line, hit everyone with more cuts hit the poorest hit the most vulnerable blame Brexit for their utter incompetence
… and line their own pockets.
Well Nogg, May I suggest you come over here to live for a few years then you will have something to compare it with…..Poor Service, lax working practices, work half the day, massive unemployment for the youngest workers, employers not employing because if the person doesn’t cut it you cannot remove, massive tax, massive social charges, expensive standard of living, anti British sentiment, obstacles around every corner….ALL overseen by a useless Socialist Mr moped man. You have it good over there…..apart from the massive immigration problem that you have….no massive EU immigration problem here, they just don’t want the competition, hence inflated prices. They DO have the terrorist problem though….we just need to keep out of the large conurbations and away from big lorries.
However, there are less vehicles on the road, and it is sunny. If Albert Steptoe gets in then gawd ‘elp you!
Thanks UP2snuff, I am pleased. I only heard the first minute and heard Humphreys on the attack and thought, ‘I cannot face that’, and switched off. I might go back to iplayer and have a listen.
I did hear old “walking dead” Hammond attacking Labour’s plans to bring public services, back into national ownership as per, he claimed Labour’s pledges do not add up, then “spreadsheet” completely messed up … on his own crappy costing on HS2 by £20bn, following from his budget balls up, utter incompetent.
Horizon: Strange Signals from Outer Space!
This Contains spoilers.
Sounded quite interesting so I thought, let’s give it a go. Shown in the UK last night (16th May). It bumbled along for about half an hour with padding and fillers (containing a repeated section of footage shot from a drone as it drifts across rooftops). Anyway, about 30 minutes in the scientists are scratching their heads dumbfounded that they have received no signals from distant lifeforms. At this point the wheel on another scientist to explain why… Climate change on distant planets may have wiped out the intelligent lifeforms – hence no radio broadcasts. Groan…..here we effin go… I mean, seriously… the producers obviously realizing that they didn’t really have much in the tank to fill an hour decided to fill the remaining 30 minutes with what energy sources an intelligent life form may consider. Oh, and this will make you chuckle: This included, what must have been a Star Wars inspired death star kinda thing that harnesses the energy of the star the planet orbits…
An absolute insult to the viewer and a complete and utter waste of time.
Sick and bloody tired of the BBBC. Their nonsense infects everything they touch.
There was a priceless moment on bbc breakfast this morning. The bbc breakfast ‘election roadshow’ was in Bristol. Steff the Geordie lass gave Carol the weather girl (or person, or transgender or pan-sexual, it’s her anyway) a plate of bacon butties (or probably halal meat of some kind). Later Steff spotted Carol without the plate and suggested Carol had ‘found someone to hold her baps’ It was an ooohh matron moment but unfortunately nobody on the team ‘got it’ due to the mandatory sense of humour bypass all bbc employees have to undergo as part of the marxist contract.
I’m not sure if it’s true or if it’s an urban myth, but that reminds me of the story about TV chefs Fanny and Johnnie Craddock. Fanny had just done a demonsration of how to make ring doughnuts, and after she had finished Johnny turned to the camera and said “And I hope all your doughnuts turn out like Fanny’s”!
Lets hope it is only their £8 billion pension pot, Green Virtue wipes out, justice would be them retiring to peanuts, their political darwinism demands it.
I think there’s an unintentional hint about Horizon in the “!” after the program title.
I was curious as to what they’d lashed up – Charna – thank you.
I’d ask if there were any images of either a windmill or a solar farm? No Horizon I’ve seen recently manages to swerve that. So… this one is in super widescreen mega-cine format with a lush score – high production values etc… yawn…
The B-Ark team really rule the PopSci roost at the state broadcaster these days. I see that Tomorrow’s World is getting resuscitated (with a predictable team) – will the presenters be made to wear a prosthetic bolt through their necks?
Imagine a transmitter on the nearest star transmitting in all directions. Imagine a sphere surrounding that transmitter, all of the transmitted energy passes through that sphere and we assume that the energy is spread out evenly. Move further away and the sphere gets bigger but the energy is still the same but spread out more.
A satellite in Earth orbit can only broadcast to about a third of the Earth’s surface. How does this area compare to the surface area of the sphere surrounding our nearest neighbour that passes through the earth?
Well it is about 10 to the power 20 smaller or
0.00000000000000000001 i.e. pretty small so it is way beyond our capability of detecting signals from ‘outer space’ unless they know where we are and choose to beam very high-powered signals in our direction.
Of course we could ‘solve’ global warming by collecting up all the excess heat, converting it to radio waves and blasting at Alpha Centauri! Let’s just hope they don’t respond!
Victoria Derbyshire, “What matters to ethnic minority voters?”
Any chances we can balance that with a look at what matters to ethnic majority voters?
I mean majority rules being the basis of democratic voting and all.
A bit harsh.
I’m sure we would all like to hear, especially on the VD programme, the views of white British people in Bradford, Leicester, Southall, Brick Lane, Slough, etc etc.
No doubt VD will be keen to provide this important insight.
Well surely it would be what matters to everyone else wouldn’t it? Unless of course that the BBC are implying that ethnic minorities think different to everyone else.
It’s amazing. The liberal intelligentsia keep berating us that we are all the same and everyone should be accepted and their differences not highlighted but then actively pursue ways to highlight their differences.
The BBC likes it both ways – we are so well-integrated, apparently, and such a beacon of multicultural tolerance in the world, and yet these ethnic minorities still have their own self-interest to look after in an election. Like voting Labour or Lib Dem or whichever will open our borders the quickest to let more of their compatriots and fellow-monoculturalists in.
I gave up watching VD’s show months after it began. The programme content is just a continual reporting catalogue of abuse, illness, human rights, addictions, race relations and other wrist slitting stuff etc. I’m not at my best in the mornings, but a couple of hours of listening to the woes of the world really does NOT set me up for the day. (equally I don’t watch the pap magazine type programmes of the other channels either). So I’m just left with the news channel on the continual loop !
A USA Muslim girl was about to become a professional basketball player but a ban on hijab wearing made her choose faith instead of the sport. The Hijab rule has now been removed.
Now this could have been an OK story for the BBC apart from the photos they show in the video at 0m36s and 0m39s show her NOT wearing a hijab.
So has she checked the rules first, seen that hijabs are banned then decides to wear one?
Personally I’m not convinced at all by this BBC crap. Watching her play basketball looks more like netball and I very much doubt she is anywhere near professional level.
But so-called “moderate” Muslims don’t take their religion all that seriously right?
Seriously enough to sacrifice a career in favour of submitting to a religious restriction.
During the 80s I used to go home on leave. Go out on the piss with my mates on a Saturday night. Down to the Frontier Nightclub in Batley. If I spotted somebody the same skin colour as me . I would gravitate towards them and ask if they were Musiim. When they replied yes, I would then hit them with:
“Then,why the fuck are you drinking Alcohol?”
They always seemed to walk away from me at that point.
My mates all thought I was a twat for doing so.
Good point. I regularly hear people banging on that it’s all about choice (though there seems to be absolutely no choice in the fabric or colour of the item) and not pressure, so she could have just tied her hair up.
It is a personal choice, wear one and walk safe, dont wear one and get beaten raped or murdered,…….. freedom of choice allah style.
And they have Dolce and Garbarnered them now, very chic, no Celeb should be without a tasteful range.
A natural progression leads to a ‘tasteful” gag dont forget.
An example Lily Allah .. we wont see or hear her, win win.
I got abit of the normal lefty”re-interpretation of a post i made last night about chump-ski, as in ruski, and the parking of an ”historic bullet…
So just to be crystal, i come here because i am fecking livered with the obscene BBC and its output, they are traitorous enablers, sick bastards, just like Chompski a hero of theirs, like Mc Guinness Chavez Blair, and that creepy greasy bastard Mandleson.
I deliver that anger by humour or wishful thinking.
If it offends i dont care anymore, posting sanctimonious school mam replies couldn’t be a bigger waste of your time.
The exception being maxi, as i am paying for her time…
Couldn t find this on the Al BBC news pages,
I m shocked, SHOCKED! I tell you
A new report from the London Borough of Redbridge has revealed almost one in five of all child deaths in the area since 2008 were down to their parents being close relatives. The shocking statistic was discussed at a meeting of the Redbridge Council Health and Well-being Board on Monday, with the matter of child fatality being raised.
The council’s report found between 2008 and 2016, 19 per cent of child deaths in the borough were caused by infants being born to “consanguineous relationships” — marriage or otherwise sexual relations between couples who are first cousins or closer. The recording year of 2009-10 saw the highest number of child deaths in the period. Of all deaths in that year, the second greatest cause was “chromosomal, genetic or congenital abnormalities”. http://www.breitbart.com/london/2017/05/16/1-in-5-child-deaths-in-london-borough-caused-by-parents-being-close-relatives
\\Vic @My_2_P
@bbcradio4 The usual #youandyours fret about inflation out of control when it isn’t. This level of inflation considered desirable by B of E.//
I am becoming very impressed with this direct approach to fake news, lies and wrongful accusations of racism.
Tim Fenton, gutless coward who lies for the Guardian, gets a visit from Tommy Robinson, will not back up his claim that Tommy is a racist and calls the cops.
Watch out lying BBC You might be next
Maybe someone like Millie Weaver or Lauren Southern will pay Mishail – not enough Jews killed – Hussein a visit.
Ahh the marry your cousin story so popular with parts of our diverse multi cultural population. This one does the rounds every so many years. I’ve sen this cycle at least three times. Only for it to vanish under shouts of waycism. Bets on how long it takes to re-cycle next time.
Its well known that keeping it in the family (Pakistani style) leads to birth defects, yet in the name of PC , its a subject which keeps getting pushed under the mat with articles such as this from the bBC in 2008: Cousin marriage: Is it a health risk?
Funny enough that poor child Nasar Ahmed who died from a allergic reaction to milk a few miles away from Redbridge had asthma, severe eczema and a host of allergies to milk, fish, nuts, wheat, apples, oranges and some meats. Without wishing to make capital out of his death, I wonder if his parents are related?
I have not read verified these yet, but not having 19,999 colleagues and a £4B+ budget it is less easy than, say, a broadcaster that has set the precedent of not doing so either, so for now I merely share to get them ‘out there’, and if incorrect and advised ‘may’ change them without acknowledgment later, in a few months, or not:
Is the bBC being biased before the election? Here is a current headline:
lowest unemployment figures in 42 years, yet that is hidden down the article . I wonder why?
The bBC reports on the mass jail break from a Congo prison:
Christian? Here is how the leader of that so called Christian faith explains the background to his movement as per his website:
The Bukongo teaches that in prehistoric times, Space beings, called the Bana ba Zulu, the Sons of Heaven, from the luminous Planet Kakongo (Sirius) came to earth where they disembarked on the Ethiopian Plateau. In Etiopi (Ethiopia), the Sons of Heaven mixed their blood, by marriage, with the Bana ba Ntoto bana ba Tami from India, giving rise to a new people (evolution) called the Bena Kongo, the children of Ne Kongo Nimi, the Bakongo, the Kongo. Kikongo is the National Language of Kongo, this language derives from the ancient language spoken by the Sons of Heaven, from Kakongo it is from the Kakongo Planet. BuKongo teaches that there will come, at the forecast by the Lord, the future King of The Ntimansi Union of Central Africa to free Kongo and Africa. Also all people of African descendant world-wide: mentally, spiritually, religiously, politically and other. Slavery imposed by Europe, Eurasia and also by the Arabs, .reorganised in accordance with the plan of the Archangel AKongo, the birth of new civilizatio,n new Era tandu kia Kinati Masa. It is the coming of the Great MANI KONGO, who will come from heaven, from Space. We have therefore, the Kongo, Bakongo and Kikongo Trinity. The Bakongo (Kongo) being the people whose language is Kikongo, and their country Kongo, Kakongo the planet….Kongo Nimi
The Great Archangel Muanda Kongo made an alliance with Nimi due to his rightousness. He told Nimi that from today your name has became Kongo Nimi. Through you`re linage will come forth 3 children who will be the incarnation of the 3 attributes of a Divine nature.
KONGO Nimi married Mama Ngunu who later give birth to Nsaku, Mpanzu and Nzinga – the source of Egypts civilization.
Nsaku represents the colour Blue. Incarnate Spirituality-Kinzambi (Divine Love). Zola. The cohesion of civilization.
Mpanzu represents Yellow. Incarnate Knowledge, Scientific and Technica, Kimazayu (Divine Intelligence), Ngangu. The knowledge to build and make the physical body comfortable.
Nzinga represents Red. Incarnate Power-Kimayala (Divine power – order- politic Capacity) Lendo. The ability to govern.
You’d think the bBC reporter who wrote that headline would have done a little background check on that so called Christian cult leader.
I wonder how many of his relatives work at the BBC.
All he needs to add to that write-up is they came on allah’s instruction to save the world from climate change,…
Liberal adoration, and 24 more genders to add to their A to Z of gender ”orientation’.
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wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
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Fedup2Mar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC says Zelenski has gone on X and grovelled like the b@tch he is ( after being told – no…
GreencoatMar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I see that the Guardian’s review of Ash Sarkar’s new book refers to the British working class as the ‘lower…
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Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
5pm news on R4 Lady Nugee being interviewed about the manifesto. Another popcorn car crash job.
Credit where it’s due. No bias in this interview. Lady Nugee was, I believe , a barrister in real life before becoming a politician . Lawyers are paid to learn their brief and then defend it or prove it.
The interview became more like mastermind where the specialty subject was Labour Manifesto . She more or less said ” pass” to so many questions I lost count .
I am no labour supporter but do expect any politician to give a decent account – even lies when taking part in the democratic process . Apols for my naivety .
I can only think that labour MPs are so busy positioning for post Corbyn that they arnt even learning their manifesto .
Update ( not directly albeeb )
Lady Nugee – looking fairly fedup went on to do what I suppose she thought would be a nice warm interview on c4 news. However the lady journo started to ask questions involving numbers and costings and Nugee tried to talk about conservatives .
Think the collective morale failure of HM opposition is becoming a bit too public with 3 weeks to go.
“For the many, not the few!”
So the old white British men, ‘normal’ people with a ‘sex’, non-Muslims, Brexiteers etc. etc. should vote Labour?
Have a chuckle ………..
The seven dwarfs always left to go to work in the mine early each morning.
As always, Snow White stayed home doing her domestic chores.
As lunchtime approached, she would prepare their lunch and carry it to the mine.
One day as she arrived at the mine with the lunch,
she saw that there had been a terrible cave-in.
Tearfully, and fearing the worst, Snow White began calling out, hoping against hope that the dwarfs had somehow survived.
‘Hello…Hello !’ she shouted. ‘Can anyone hear me? Hello !’
For a long while, there was no answer. Losing hope, Snow White again shouted, ‘Hello! Is anyone down there?’
Just as she was about to give up all hope, she heard a faint voice from deep within the mine,
Snow White fell to her knees and prayed,
‘Oh, thank you, God!
…At least Dopey is still alive !’
Thank you, Brissles! I (really did) laugh out loud.
Biased BBC launch the Labour Party manifesto on the 6pm news live from ……errrr……….Bradford.
Featuring one of thise walls with clocks in different time zones.
New York? Paris? Tokyo?
Nope. Try India, Pakistan, and Bangla Desh.
Followed by interviews with errr, shall we say non-white people wearing things on their heads.
Enough said.
Later they interview a guy from the Institute for Public Policy Research. Without mentioning that it is not independent but a left wing think tank.
But maybe, just maybe, people will see this propaganda for what it is. Multi culti left wing total bollocks.
And all from our impartial state broadcaster.
Complete with hijabed mouthpiece calling for more state intervention.
I wonder which “state” she has in mind?
Meanwhile on the BBC London news at 1830 the programme comes “live from the Labour stronghold of Dahgenham” and Rizla Teef the presenter has a very upbeat happy smiling approach…………
Cut to a white woman who said she has always voted Labour – but not any more. She will be voting Tory. Hmmm her real reasons were not given but I think we can guess the answer.
Actually PYT she did give her reason – ‘Teresa looks more like a PM than Jeremy’ – in other words a shallow, semi-geriatric biased non-entity with no political acumen, and just what the BBC wanted.
Do you think they might have asked her the question first in a sort of dummy run in every sense, before the camera rolled?
For… ‘balance’.
And a wee bit more…
We should play PC bingo for that grooming drama tonight. I bet the hero somehow turns out to be a member of ROP community who points out how wrong what they are doing is and totally contrary to their religion’s teachings.
I will not be watching. It is as you say bound to be approved BBCspeak.
I wonder if they will include a scene where one character watches the Panorama episode where the BBC got people arrested for inciting racial hatred when they tried to raise the issue of the grooming gangs. As the Ministry of Truth, they helped create the environment where the social workers could not say what they were seeing, the heresy of heresies being common sense.
BBC1 W*nk Show – Muslim family Bradford city families
..and “Fans for Diversity”
Bangla Batams
Wow, that was quick. Inquest on Ian Brady’s death completed and verdict given. He has only been dead for a few hours.
We are still awaiting an official verdict of the man who died in prison months ago after being sentenced for putting bacon on a mosque door.
I know a 12 month custodial sentence for placing bacon on door handles whilst the same judge gave a Somali 24 months for raping a girl.
For Kevin Crehan, PBN, the bacon stunt turned to be a life sentence!
And still the BBC maintains a blackout on this story. Can you imagine the outcry and if it had been a black or a muslim who had died under such circumstances?!
I know, it’s utterly disgraceful isn’t it?
Some TV block is tweeting recent viewing figs
..they seem really low to me
Last night
ITV thrashes BBC
Sunday night
Here is a frightening thought for all the Al Beeboids ……..
How will they cope when they lose their income from the EU when we quit? Will they raise the Telly Tax to make up the shortfall?
Perhaps Maxi can inform us?
It’s well-understood that the TV tax will be abolished after the election, Taff!
Just enjoy the thought of all those ‘reporters’ having to work for their living, and that all the ‘managers’ in W1A will have to think of another job to go to, perhaps in a local authority, or maybe care for the elderly, after all that’s what they’ve been doing up to now!
As for the ‘slebs’ who suck up public money like nobody’s business; they may well have to become ‘famous’ or what they intend to do…
It’s well-understood that the TV tax will be abolished after the election, Taff!
That’s news to me. Is this fact?
“How will they cope when they lose their income from the EU when we quit?”
What income is that, taffman & how does affect the BBC licence fee?
£2 million over three years into “BBC R&D” which benefits all of UK broadcasting; has nothing to do with BBC programme making; and amounts to 0.017% of total licence fee revenue.
Keep on drinking the Kool Aid, Lobster – you seem to have a taste for it.
Busted wide open by News-Watch ( http://news-watch.co.uk/ ) among others, yet still the BBC’s sycophants and hirelings try to pretend the Corporation isn’t biased to the core.
Come back Comical Ali – a job awaits you at White City.
“Busted wide open by News-Watch…”
That will be “News-Watch” controlled by “David Keighley” who has written one article a week, for the last three years on “Conservative Woman”; complaining about the BBC.
There’s a totally impartial source of research you can trust…
Can the BBC use that money to investigate the EU ?
Ah, the hallmark of the floundering BBC hack – put someone’s name in quotation marks to suggest there’s something fishy about him and rather than address the facts of the case, attack the man.
You’re not very good at this, are you?
Meanwhile, the morning BBC email ‘news’ summary:
Trump ‘asked FBI to drop inquiry’
Donald Trump’s problems over alleged links between his ex-national security adviser, Michael Flynn, and Russia have got worse. US media report that the president asked former FBI director James Comey to end an inquiry into the subject.
Mr Comey is the man Mr Trump sacked last week. “I hope you can let this go,” Mr Trump reportedly told him after a White House meeting in February, the day after Mr Flynn resigned. But the White House denies the report.
So, how bad is this for Mr Trump? Senior fellow Republican John McCain has reportedly said this is now a scandal of “Watergate size and scale”. But, says BBC Washington reporter Anthony Zurcher, Mr McCain is something of a “wild card” in the party.
In other words (all together now!) ‘fake news’.
Whatever happened to the fabled British appreciation of irony? It seems quite dead at the BBC.
It’s alright. I think McCain’s had his chips.
Maxicony aka zero
OK so you correctly point out that the author complains about the BBC
But that says nothing.
Are the complaints justifiable?
YES!! Obviously Keighley is a Russian inspired, far-right racist that has an irrational bias against the innocent, impartial and truly honest Ministry of Truth (BBC). HOW COULD I NOT HAVE SEEN THIS!!!! LOL!
‘No Worries’ with Brexit then, Maxi ?
maxi, how nice to hear from you.
If the EU grant of £2m or Euro2m is so insignificant after sharing with other Broadcasters (you do not say how much the BBC keeps), will you please enlighten us and tell us why the BBC did not turn down this Grant from a largely ‘foreign’ political body in order to preserve the BBC’s editorial integrity and freedom from political & governmental influence?
It cannot have escaped the notice of white working class labour ( about to be Tory?) voters that Labour’s manifesto launch was in Bradford, with the cheerleading audience full of Muslims. The BBC revelled in it . Watch out for the collapse of the Labour vote in non muslim former labour strongholds like the North East and parts of the Midlands.
EE – I hope you’re right, but never underestimate the stupidity of the sheeple in this country. The Labour Party promise “Jam tomorrow for you – paid for by “the Rich” and there are plenty of thick c***s who’ll always believe it.
I still think that the Conservatives will win, though not (unfortunately) with the Thatcheristic landslide that has been predicted; I hope I’m wrong but I’ve a feeling I won’t be.
Corbyn may have chosen the wrong ‘safe’ Libore set to launch his campaign.
BBC balance a today output of Labour mouthpieces
… by having ONE Tory on the One Show
…Frankie Det”tory” ..the jockey
Everytime you look at a beeboids Twitter feed
you find MetroBubble thinking
Robert Llewellyn
Next week or next he has a Green Energy propaganda show on BBC4
“The Great Village Green War for BBC Four,
follows green energy enthusiast Robert Llewellyn’s year-long campaign to persuade the residents of a Cotswolds village to generate their own power”
Yet DaveFishwick did a similar prog on C4 a couple of months ago lightting the Burnley Xmas Lights video ..newspaper
This BBC one is in Frome local newspaper
Rich Cotswold village gets green energy subsidised by unicorns and poor grannies in rest of county
Invite the “desperate people” to live with you in your big house if you are that worried about them. What an absolute liberal bell end.
I wonder how many more years it will be, before “desperate” Britons start taking “desperate measures” themselves?
Because of how “desperate” things have become in their own country, as a consequence of all the “tragic migrants” and their equally “tragic” progeny who’ve crept into it?
They’ll melt into the local population in Bourton very well!
Probably during the annual ‘river football’ match.
It’s a long walk to Birmingham from there, lots of hills and diversity accepting locals await their travels.
Let me guess.
Would these desperate people all be under 30, male, muslim, with a limited english vocabulary?
What are the chancea of that?
One assumes if they are jumping out of the back of the lorry rather than stepping out at the next convenient disembarkation point, they are illegal entrants.
Robert really needs to dial down the virtue signalling emotional outpourings and just call them for what they are – illegal economic migrants.
Please god don’t let us get like the USA where undocumented (aka illegal) becomes some kind of Robin Hood-esqe badge of hardworking, slip through the cracks, nobility.
There are proper processes and channels for coming into this country, which many other people manage to follow, so if you don’t do this you aren’t “desperate” and your story isn’t “tragic”. You’re just a queue jumping, rule breaking criminal and if you first foray into this country is breaking the law that’s not setting a great precedent for the kind of UK citizen that we would like here.
All B-BBCers
Any guesses what this story is about?, if this is the local media?
then BBC, Sky, Ch4?
I think the word that comes to mind might be … erm obscurantism
No charges brought after allegations woman was raped in Sunderland
“The region’s top lawyer has explained why no charges were brought after allegations a woman was raped in Sunderland. Six men were arrested by police after reports that a 26-year-old woman had been attacked at an address in Peel Street overnight between Saturday, September 3 and Sunday, September 4, last year.
However, the Crown Prosecution Service took the decision there was “insufficient evidence” to proceed with the case.
Demonstrations have been held in Sunderland City Centre in support of the woman. Today, John Dilworth, acting Chief Crown Prosecutor for CPS North East, explained why no charges had been brought – and also addressed “damaging claims” and “inaccurate articles” that had been written about the incident, primarily on social media”.
Never mind the sex crime, feel the “community cohesion”.
The police themselves, in such circumstances, become a problem to society.
They are part of what the late Sam Francis called the “Anarcho-tyranny”: whereby they allow the Left (ANTIFA, Hope Not Hate etc) to demonstrate, riot and provoke with apparent impunity; but target and arrest anyone from the “Far-Right” who look like they might even begin to push back against the destruction of our culture and society.
Unfortunately, the Police have been infiltrated and taken over by the cultural Marxists. In fairness, I suspect it is more prevalent in the higher ranks but the average plod barks when and at whom he is told to.
Al Shubtill
There is a difference between doing your job and doing what you are told to do. It seems the Sunderland cops are doing the latter.
The article in the Sunderland local paper was pure waffle. But it lays a foundation for the Government backed UAF to prepare against further attempts to obtain justice for this victim.
Quiz question who is the ‘most dangerous organisation on earth’ ?
… Well according to BBC/Chompsky
Someone should have parked a bullet in that dangerous inciting bastard years ago.
He knows that dehumanising repubs like that makes them sub-human to his followers, that inturn allows them to inflict injury without remorse,.
A dangerous bastard as stated, because he is quoted far and wide, spreading the incitement.
Society will not correct until vile scum like him are interned and disgraced.
He and his vile ilk are the enemy of democracies not the ‘architect’s.
Manxman. “Someone should have parked a bullet in that dangerous inciting bastard years ago”
I really felt quite sick reading that on this site.
I had just been catching up on the comments here and thinking what a great source of information and debate we have here. Then I read your above comment. Oh hell!
I loathe Chomksy intensely along with, Tony Blair, Dan Hodges, Christopher Hope, George Soros and so on.
Nobody should shoot any of these ghastly people.
Comments like yours make us all look like a bunch of Breviks or supporters of knife wielding assassins like Mair.
Then go join the Liberals, i dont give a shit if the truth hurts.
He knows, the same as all the inciters like him know, de-humanising groups of people is the first step to making it socially acceptable to eradicate them, these bastards are done for years politically, causing civil breakdown and the death damage and mayhem is what they now seek,…
If they cannot rule then they will burn/bring it down, these people are traitors and should be before firing squads, so i make no apologies.
Not wanting nutters around does not make me a liberal!
As I say, I loathe Chomsky and his ilk. I have no objections to charging certain people with treason. That is before a court.
I dissociate my self from anybody who calls for assassinations.
You clearly don’t. You might like to join the IRA, perhaps?
Anyway it is a novelty for me to be called a Liberal.
Yep LibMob’s nuttiness and privilege drives us to anger
BUT the sly beggars will look for any excuse to block or ignore of us, so we cannot cross the same lines that they cross 1000 times a day
Calling for violence is not cool ..and such things are used as excuses to ban websites, ban viewpoints from air etc.
LibMob, when some of theirs call for the assassination of Trump, they don’t call her out on it, but they get away with in just as their constant HateNotHope campaigning.
“Someone should have parked a bullet in that dangerous inciting bastard years ago.”
Inciting and justifying the murder of people whose opinions you don’t like is defending democracy?
Just when you think this site couldn’t sink any lower…
Any other pearls of wisdom you’d like to share?
“He knows, the same as all the inciters like him know, de-humanising groups of people is the first step to making it socially acceptable to eradicate them…”
“Groups of people” like, perhaps, “Muslims” for example, which this site is dedicated to de-humanisng?
Or just ‘bastards’ like Noam Chompsky for whom you think it should be socially acceptable to ‘eradicate’?
Thanks maxincony for your sarcastic reply. Here’s a pearl of wisdom from Saint David Attenborough
Hello Maxi aka Zero.
Enjoying the play about 3Girls. I have not seen it but I am looking for your response to what might be seen as criticism of your kind.
By the way Chomsky is a renowned hater of Israel and one might conclude that his remarks over the are appreciated by those who are killing Israelis.
Like a beta-male Liberals are us meeting, you and Yassir should get a room maxie.
Likening Yasser to maxi is almost as ludicrous as suggesting shooting someone you strongly disagree with.
Chomsky: A sad pathetic dreamer, utterly detached from reality. Wonder why the BBC really loves him? LOL!
Well actually NO!
“BBC Newsnight‘s Evan Davis challenges academic and political activist Noam Chomsky, who argues the Republican Party is the most dangerous organisation in human history.”
Evan Davis has his faults and biases but picking up junk ‘tweets’ on five-day old BBC stories is NOT evidence of BBC bias!!
Leave Twitter to the birds!
Evan did suggest that perhaps the Republicans were mistaken rather than dangerous, but Chompers said that was equally bad for life as we know it. However, Evan did not suggest that the Republicans could be a teeny weeny bit correct
Still it was a change from Chompers stating that Israeli’s are the scourge of the planet
The BBC missed an opportunity to point out that Chompers has had a major influence on educating and misinforming students and ought to face serious criticism. But la la la
For ‘serious criticism’ read ‘sectioning for being a danger to the public’
@JimS Emm BBC chose to give airtime to Chomsky
whilst at the same time they block non-Lib voices
So it is evidence of bias.
“BBC chose to give airtime to Chomsky, whilst at the same time they block non-Lib voices. So it is evidence of bias.”
Here is “non-Lib voice”, Ann Coulter given airtime on the BBC a couple of months ago:
So much for your “evidence of bias” .
So the block is not 100%
Whilst LibMob voices can be found each hour somewhere on BBC, you had to stretch back to find a \\ “non-Lib voice”, Ann Coulter given airtime on the BBC a couple of months ago://
3 Girls Drama : not a complete “white”-wash so far
– First creepy lads were whites,
but the girls quickly left them and ended up at the kebab shop
where they were plied with free food and then vodka
by a guy who is dressed Muslim style and that is then referenced in “he can’t drink cos of religion”
but nothing creepy happened so far. ..slow grooming ?
Girls keep coming back for the party.
…ah now turned creepy “come into the room with me, I wanna talk to you in private ..all those things I’ve given you ..so when are you going to let me have sex with you ?”
.. showing over-powering and rape..girl in tears.
“You’re my bitch now
..if you cross me then I’ll kill you”
Flashback to start where girl is with police charged with smashing kebab shop
… girl finally says she was raped in carpark today
and yet was raped last week aswell
..so police/parents are not looking like they believe
Police arresting guy as if its all done in 1 week
..next moment he’s out on bail and sent a girl round ordering her to drop charges.
Those people/police sitting in the meeting nodding their heads, saying their hands are tied ..are probably collecting full pensions now.
How can that be , when you haven’t done your job ?
One girl seems to have been coerced to acting as a procurer/madam and paid.
Social workers then really screwed up by saying to the pregnant girls parents that she is a prostitute, cos they fail to recognise a child is being abused.
UK Twitter top trend is #ThreeGirls …#ItsNotOkay
\\The BBC have missed out on the worst. The definitive account is by @pmclauth the author of `Easy Meat` #threegirls http://pmclauth.com //
The older ones may have retired, Stew, but the rest will have been moved sideways to other authorities and promoted. This is how Common Purpose looks after its own.
I really can’t believe what this idiot tweeted…
Godfrey Elfwick @GodfreyElfwick
I’m watched #threegirls, and I’m disgusted that in order to prevent #Islamophobia, the BBC did not portray the perpetrators as white men.
….must be confusing reality with Coronation Street!
Um.. you do know that Godfrey Elfwick is a consistently funny wind-up by a conservative (small ‘c’)?
Haha really! Well I do now Thanks for the heads up GCooper.
I actually thought this was a real lefty snowflake.
That’s the secret if his success, Dystopian. It’s hilarious watching him lure them into his web before he springs one of his more outrageous traps and leaves them floundering.
The Left likes to think it owns satire…. It’s wrong.
I really liked it when he blagged his way onto the BBC World Service! Check this… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OEtwtV9koE
Said to lousy social workers
“All you’ve seen is slags who bring it on themselves!”
I did expect the drama to be a whitewash but it isn’t .
It does seem to tell a straight story (so far).
So congrats to the writers/crew /actors
But that does not forgive BBC/MSM management for failing to tackle the subject at leats 10 years ago and probably 25
I was amazed that al Beebus made and broadcast that dramatisation tonight.
It is accurate (so far) to the book “Girl ‘A'” which was written by the girl called “Holly” in the programme.
I wonder if they will pass it off as a one off historical incident rather than the current national epidemic that it really is…
Was there any mention of Islam, or of Muslims, taxi/kebab shop connection to Islamic perps, the brothers/neighbours/cousins/uncles connection re Islamic perps, the councillor and the former mayor giving character references for the Islamic child gang rapists, the “community silence”,
… if not perhaps its in the next programme.
Actually the stakes have raised after the Chelsey demo, because
its not only Islamic rapists, its migrant/refugee Islamic rapists
that will bring the state participation to a new level believe me.
Especially as other victims are now coming forward, after Chelsey s bravery.
Did I say the stakes have raised?
To paraphrase John Cleese, Noggie, they did mention Paki once but I think they got away with it.
I dont know why the are bothering to give statements to the police. These days the police only seem interested if someone has had their shed burnt down, is shouted at in the street or in Tommies case is having a quiet drink with a mate and his kids.
They were trying to interview a Labour Councillor who gave a character reference for a rapist.
Let that sink in.
I wonder if the BBC might wish to interview this Labour Councillor
Rebel Media are going to show the entire story of the attempt to interview the Labour Councillor and the Moslem ambush.
It is getting time that Appeasing Teresa banned Rebel Media.
More on the Moslem attack on Rebel Media
I do recall Brillo Neil having a sneer at Katie Hopkins when she said there were no go areas in the UK. Oh how he sneered and demanded that she gives him the location.
Now the world can see she was right.
Slightly OT
I remember an interview with a DVLA official, just the after the ending of the need to display a tax disc. He was asked if he was worried that not having to display the disc would lead to a rise in untaxed vehicles. He said he wasn’t worried, because his inspectors would be visiting every street in the country at least twice, to check for unlicensed vehicles. I thought, aye, I bet I could name more than a few postcodes that wouldn’t get any such visits! Probably the same post codes that never see a detector van or get a knock on the door either!
G sorry bud … they re too busy writing him out, of the erm “drama”, just like any connection to Islam/Muslims.
As long as they steer the story away from the I word, the sole reason for the epidemic … go “all around the houses” to include lots of time on everything, everyone else.
Its two white drop outs in a house, its white social workers,
its the white dad too unintelligent to think logically etc, etc.
Thank goodness for the police? …
because its “everyone problem”, “we re all to blame”
BBC – broadcasting beneath contempt
For crying out loud … can t they write an Islamic hero in wearing a burkha and be done with it.?
Threats to kill?
But hang on…isn’t that the “Religion of Peace”?
‘Three Girls’.
I reported yesterday that it was another programme I would not watch. Comments on that were, that I would then be unable to pass the inevitable critical comment here, today. My personal choice not to watch this series had noting to do with blood pressure or anything similar, it had all to do with not wanting the BBC to abuse my intelligence again. If anyone that watched the first of the series could tell me here and now that the BBC identified the perpetrators as muslim men simply following their cult beliefs and they were following the similar behaviour of Mohammed and that all convicted will be immediately shipped back to their familial country of origin I may watch the two remaining programmes in the knowledge that the BBC is now applying honest and balanced journalism. R.S.V.P
BBC News at 9pm… Laura Kuenssberg talking (fawning) about the Labour party manifesto, “2 years ago Jeremy Corbyn was a rank outsider…”
I waited and waited for the punchline but it never came 🙁
It’s a pity they didn’t get Jonathon Ross to say that …..
I see what you did there, Lobbie. 🙂
I have to admit, he gets to be better value daily….
Old Tory graphic about 3 years old !
Only source I can find for that graphic was put on Swindon Cons website April 2014
Typewriters +time + monkeys
…BBC has a lot SO a lot of things come up
Corbyn “this government has actually borrowed more in the last 7 years than all labour governments combined in history”
The benefits of free movement. Free movement for benefits.
Saw a piece from Alastair Campbell in todays Guardian. He compares Labour voters who won`t vote for Corbyn(who he doubtless hates) as being akin to a New Staesman hack who now supports Arsenal instead of Man United. He gives Farron his due in saying that only scum would swap allegance from Blackburn to Burnley too.
This stale male pastiche of football tribal loyalty being “life and death”-and anybody who votes Labour needs to know that this tribal unthinking idiocy is like stupid soccer clubs being supported-just about sumes up the empty reflex zombie death cult that is progressive politics.
Indeed in any sane world-it would be a sectioning issue re mental health. But we talk here of sociopaths like Campbell…in the Guardian…stabbing a Staggers hack in the back…being all footy-savvy…so mental health is not discussed. But it ought to be. Campbell is the embodiment of dysfunction in political life.
I see Newsshite was again promoting the message that Brexit voters are all thick geordies and remainers highly intelligent, open-minded products of our glorious university system.
You’ve really got to hand it to Blair – not only did he succeed in “rubbing the noses of the right in diversity” in a big way, but also, by increasing the number of young people going to university, exposed more and more gullible minds to the waffle of loony, leftwing academics. Listening to Durham students on Neswshite reminded me of the drivel I used to hear from comsomol types in the USSR.They were always giving their utmost to built socialism and international peace. The British comsomol want multiculturalism and an open society. It’s all very depressing.
“by increasing the number of young people going to university,”
And who paid for it? Parents of course, never Labour’s pathetic mandarins.
Unemployment figures all skewed to as students weren’t included anywhere!
Huge lie – Labour’s fault and a new snowflake generation wanders into the camera, singing ‘We shall overcome’ and snacking on quinoa butties.
Who pays?
A Roman politician who wanted to be succesful had to amass a vast personal fortune to offer advancement to his clients and bribes to the plebs. Modern politicians simply steal other people’s current earnings and future earnings and wealth to use as bribes. The Labour party’s clients are, of course, the workshy who get cash and the whole of the public sector and immigrants who get political preferrence and cash. You can always borrow cash to use as bribes. You often hear students on the media complaining that they are burdened by debts of £30,000, how it affects their mortgage prospects and credit ratings, etc. In the same breath, they advocate no tuition fees, as if increased government debt would not have the same consequences on a grander scale.
One of the tiresome features of the ‘Comment Is Free’ section of the BBC’s print arm is a poster called ‘TheGreatRonRafferty’. He’s invariably one of the first to comment on almost any article on politics and education.
And well to the left of centre, more or often than not he’s predictably, comically wrong. But credit where it’s due. Below an article on the drama Three Girls tonight, he’s written the following:
I used to post on the BBC Today programme MB until it was closed down in 2009. On there was a poster who lived in ‘a northern town’ who VERY frequently referred to exactly what was going on, where, how. The BBC moderators wiped every post he put up about it. Instead of the message being passed on to investigators at the BBC, they were part of the ‘ignoring it’ problem. You can see how those victims of such abuse felt betrayed by everyone.
*Yes, I know the poster should have passed his/her comments to the police or social services. Maybe he/she did and was turned away?
My emphasis. When you think about it, £3.7bn p.a. really is a bargain when it both keeps the BBC’s celebrities in the institutional paedophilia to which they’re accustomed and pays for the suppression of the reporting of common-or-garden community paedophilia as well. And has done for years.
Bit weird.
Just heard on the news that the parents of Yvonne Fletcher (policewoman gunned down in 1984)were disappointed that her murderer would not be charged due to the evidence given could be a threat to national security, and there was insufficient other evidence to prosecute.
This evening I watched a conspiracy thriller on More 4 – Closed Circuit, that dealt with a similar problem involving MI5 and closed court session, hearing evidence that could affect national security. I hope Yvonne Fletcher’s parents didn’t watch it as they could be forgiven for believing that there was a massive cover up in the prosecution of their daughter’s murderer.
The BBC’s post-Jeff Randall business journalism is widely recognised as a howling joke, but the dear old World Service continues to heave and strain to make the joke ever funnier.
Take tonight’s Business Matters which led with… oil prices? The ruling that EU-negotiated trade treaties have to be subject to minute local agreement before they can be enforced? Something to do with the aviation business and China? Well.. how about boiled sweet futures?
No, in the judgement of whichever superannuated student politician has been lumbered with the job of editing this career-ending programme, tonight’s most important news for the world of business is… the never-ending campaign of the far Left to have Donald Trump impeached.
Yes, really.
It’s no wonder that the BBC’s comedy output is so lamentable. All the natural born clowns go into journalism.
3am and World Service news top story yet again focusing on more allegations on Donald Trump. They simply won’t give up.
You should check out Godfrey Elfwick on YouTube trolling the BBC about Star Wars. He says how Darth Vader is a racist stereotype and Princess Leia being a sex symbol offends him. It is hilarious and the BBC do not even know they are being taken for a ride.
According to al beebistan, the more ‘educated’ are more likely to be of a leftie-liberal disposition in their voting. (In other words only stupid riffraff vote for Brexit / Trump / Le Pen / May, the clever sophisticated cosmopolitan metrosexual ones – like us at the beeb – all vote left.)
But Prof Goodwin is baffled as to why, and comes up with various psycho-sociological explanations. Here’s my suggestion, that doesn’t seem to have occurred to the good (and no-doubt well-paid) Prof: BECAUSE OUR SO-CALLED UNIVERSITIES HAVE BEEN TAKEN OVER BY THE CULTUERAL MARXIST LIBERAL LEFT AND ARE NOW ONE HUGE BRAIN-WASHING FACTORY FOR SNOWFLAKES WHO SWOON AT A CONTRARY OPINION!
“And whether someone has a degree or not is now a key marker of how somebody might vote. But why?
“We’re not entirely sure – but what is clear is education does have a really strong effect on making people more predisposed to liberal political outlooks,” says Prof Goodwin.
“Some say the more liberally-minded self-select into education… Others say it’s the socialisation experience people have at university. They socialise with other liberals and it further develops.”
YouGov polling at the start of the general election campaign suggests 53% of people with no qualifications plan to vote Conservative, 17% UKIP, 18% Labour and 5% Liberal Democrat.”
More such psycho-babble drivel if you can bear it: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2017-39936927
P.S. I have an MA, so I guess I’m the exception who escaped the brainwashing. Up yours, beebistan!
Charlie, a cynic might suggest that you no longer need brains to think with in order to attend University or to complete senior school, these days.
All you need is debt.
Or the money for fees in the place of debt.
There was a strange interview with Prof. Lisa Randal, theoretical physicist extraordinaire (elsewhere, she has said so herself and that’s not arrogance) on the Today programme R4 this morning. The pretext was her book about dinosaur extinction and dark matter??!!. Hardly new, as the book was published in 2015. Towards the end of the interview the focus suddenly turned to “science denial” in the USA.
What was that all about?
In the Prospect magazine 17/5/17 she says:
“We would also see a lot more scientists, or at least smart people (defined below) in positions of power. Angela Merkel, who studied physical chemistry, has done a pretty good job, despite her current trouble. I do see room for a more rational approach to governance. Clearly these examples show that science training alone is not enough. Scientists don’t know everything, and technologists don’t either. But there is something to be said for knowing what it means to address a problem, or even how to define it. And to know how to recognise the potential limitations of any proposed solution. Most big problems aren’t solved overnight, and scientists know that all too well. The breakthroughs that have changed our lives often derive from these slow-cooked, then flame-broiled discoveries.
Smart people are the ones who factor in long-term goals and who aren’t afraid to admit they are wrong in the face of contradictory evidence. This sometimes includes scientists but it rarely includes politicians. I will need to have quite a lot of global power to get this done.”
Seems to be a variation on the “general public are too thick to choose how to lead their own lives” theme. The idea that the “uneducated classes” were outbreeding the educated lead to the eugenics movement in the 19th century and its widespread acceptance in the early 20th century. The main proponents for selective breeding of humans were of course all those ever so rational scientists. This is just a rehashing of Plato’s notion of philosopher kings or tyrants advised by philosophers. What happens if I am too stupid to follow Randal’s cunning plans? Mental hospital, prison, death camp?
Randall’s elementary mistake is that she believes a degree in physics makes her opinions on, say, employment law or EU trade any more valuable than anyone else’s. Precedent suggests that the contrary is true. 4
Swift knew this in the 18th Century when he created the Laputans to satirise such educated fools.
Just watched lanky Dan let loose from the breakfast sofa, interviewing some voters in Bristol. Two remainers, one ex remainer who now just wants democracy to be implemented, and one Tory who I presume voted leave although it wasn’t made clear.
The remainers got a lot longer to ramble on, but one thing struck me, as with all remainers, the two interviewed today, were over emotional, thin skinned and couldn’t actually explain why they think we should remain in the EU. It was all emotive guff such as having Italian friends, or “my son lives in Denmark, if they come for my passport , well I’m too old to take physical action, but….erm blah blah blah”
They say leavers didn’t know what they were voting for, but the remainers seem to be operating purely on emotion and anger that they didn’t get their own way, a bunch of childish loons the lot of them. Still doesnt stop the beeb and others giving them disproportionate airtime to ramble on, and it is amusing to see their lips wobble when anyone points a camera at them.
So keep it up beeb.
I also have just seen this ‘Breakfast lanky Dan lefty’ in Bristol. He was interviewing a ‘SELECTED’ panel of young(ish) allsorts. Quelle surprise!!! They all whinged about the current state of the country and as always pledged allegiance to Albert Steptoe!! You couldn’t make it up. Balance, my backside! Don’t they realise that they are making themselves the laughing stock of serious news reporting? Who in the BBC decides on the subject matter? Whoever it is should be sacked immediately. Quite frankly the BBC News is a complete joke. At the moment it is a party political broadcast on behalf of the Albert Steptoe Communist Party. The Socialist Party were decimated in the polls over here in France and France 24 covered the election in a fairly balanced and professional way….why can’t our national broadcaster wake up and provide a balanced view or just go forth and multiply and let another organisation provide this service?
And they have a ‘Butty Wagon’ with them to dispense butties for breakfast. No mention of Bacon Butties, though. Why?
Just listened to Ed Davey on Toady saying that if we want “change” we should vote LibDumb, as that is the only chance there is of Britain staying in the EU. WTF? I thought the majority already voted for change last June.
We are well into the GE17 Campaign proper now. There is a very puzzling question about it all: where is Laura Kuenssberg?
Is she constantly visiting her cameraman in hospital? Or unwell herself? Has she taken a badly-timed holiday? Is she on leave while searching for another job? Moonlighting, perhaps? Or delayed and still at the hairdressers? Our Laura is noticeable by her absence.
Despite his current full-time job on the TOADY Programme, the former BBC Political Editor Nick Robinson is said to be more than a bit miffed at the BBC denying him EXTRA WORK opportunities during the General Election and its results coverage. His successor appears to struggle with a standard 35-hour week.
Rather sense that Laura isn`t safe in the company of Corbyns mates.
Tend not to see Eagle, Benn , Flint or all those other ex-lefties too often on the telly with Corbyns pals in the same area either.
Sense this is Labours dirty little secret-the likes of Robinson, Kuennsberg possibly aren`t safe round the Momentum Brownshirts and union thugs…let alone anybody with a Jewsih background like Lousie Ellmann or Luciana Berger.
The BBc won`t tell us, but we know what the Cybernats are capable of-and the BBC can hardly ride on the coat-tails of Occupy-style terrors these days as they used to when “The Good Rebellion” seemed all-too-possible.
I would have thought the the Shadow Home Secretary addressing the annual conference of the Police Federation shortly before a general election should have made the BBCs election 2017 page. Apparently not news worthy enough, fortunately Robert Hardman was there.
Why is it OK for the BBC to repeat ‘For the many not the few’ but laugh and criticize ‘Strong and stable’.
BBC said manifesto promises should not be taken literally (Labour) unless of course it is the Chancellor of the Exchequer when he announced a tax rise and we get promise broken.
Because even for Liar May and co, “strong and stable” is such a lie, such a whopper its ironic …. a parody. Put this with fake crowds, fake events, fake promises, lying about meeting the public, dodging debates, lie after lie, that s why its laughable … prime example is … party of the workers
The word ‘slogan’ is seldom seen positively, for good reason.
Mainly because they are dire, laughable or both.
The Labour one is c) in spades.
They could just as easily run with ‘Up, not down’, or ‘Really left, not just left’.
Clearly, as proxies in Parliament, political operators are a few, and not much like the many.
For instance Diane Abbott has amassed enough extra money from the licence fee payer alone to send her son to private school.
Because strong and stable even for Liar May and co, is such a lie such a whopper its ironic … a parody
Why not laugh, fake crowds, fake events, fake promises, lie of meeting the public, dodging debates, lie after lie, a manipulated orchestrated sham.
We re at over 1.3 trillion in national debt, that wasn t there before, no increase in productivity, no increase in exports, a virtual growth flatline, massive increase in immigration a vast number of low wage, basement jobs … they ve created a low wage economy, on a load of utterly misleading statistics, on a mass of borrowed money … turned London into a virtual money laundering capital of the world (which is not growth), the old Tory housing “bubble” trick.
Lying now three months down the line, hit everyone with more cuts hit the poorest hit the most vulnerable blame Brexit for their utter incompetence
… and line their own pockets.
Well Nogg, May I suggest you come over here to live for a few years then you will have something to compare it with…..Poor Service, lax working practices, work half the day, massive unemployment for the youngest workers, employers not employing because if the person doesn’t cut it you cannot remove, massive tax, massive social charges, expensive standard of living, anti British sentiment, obstacles around every corner….ALL overseen by a useless Socialist Mr moped man. You have it good over there…..apart from the massive immigration problem that you have….no massive EU immigration problem here, they just don’t want the competition, hence inflated prices. They DO have the terrorist problem though….we just need to keep out of the large conurbations and away from big lorries.
However, there are less vehicles on the road, and it is sunny. If Albert Steptoe gets in then gawd ‘elp you!
‘For the immigrant, not the indigenous’
Philip Hammond, Chancellor of the Exchequer on the TOADY Programme, BBC Radio 4 8.10am.
Humphrys – 0 : Hammond – 2
Look forward to the audio file. Guido?
Thanks UP2snuff, I am pleased. I only heard the first minute and heard Humphreys on the attack and thought, ‘I cannot face that’, and switched off. I might go back to iplayer and have a listen.
I did hear old “walking dead” Hammond attacking Labour’s plans to bring public services, back into national ownership as per, he claimed Labour’s pledges do not add up, then “spreadsheet” completely messed up … on his own crappy costing on HS2 by £20bn, following from his budget balls up, utter incompetent.
Horizon: Strange Signals from Outer Space!
This Contains spoilers.
Sounded quite interesting so I thought, let’s give it a go. Shown in the UK last night (16th May). It bumbled along for about half an hour with padding and fillers (containing a repeated section of footage shot from a drone as it drifts across rooftops). Anyway, about 30 minutes in the scientists are scratching their heads dumbfounded that they have received no signals from distant lifeforms. At this point the wheel on another scientist to explain why… Climate change on distant planets may have wiped out the intelligent lifeforms – hence no radio broadcasts. Groan…..here we effin go… I mean, seriously… the producers obviously realizing that they didn’t really have much in the tank to fill an hour decided to fill the remaining 30 minutes with what energy sources an intelligent life form may consider. Oh, and this will make you chuckle: This included, what must have been a Star Wars inspired death star kinda thing that harnesses the energy of the star the planet orbits…
An absolute insult to the viewer and a complete and utter waste of time.
Sick and bloody tired of the BBBC. Their nonsense infects everything they touch.
“Climate change on distant planets may have wiped out the intelligent lifeforms.”
That could explain what happened to the BBC.
There was a priceless moment on bbc breakfast this morning. The bbc breakfast ‘election roadshow’ was in Bristol. Steff the Geordie lass gave Carol the weather girl (or person, or transgender or pan-sexual, it’s her anyway) a plate of bacon butties (or probably halal meat of some kind). Later Steff spotted Carol without the plate and suggested Carol had ‘found someone to hold her baps’ It was an ooohh matron moment but unfortunately nobody on the team ‘got it’ due to the mandatory sense of humour bypass all bbc employees have to undergo as part of the marxist contract.
I’m not sure if it’s true or if it’s an urban myth, but that reminds me of the story about TV chefs Fanny and Johnnie Craddock. Fanny had just done a demonsration of how to make ring doughnuts, and after she had finished Johnny turned to the camera and said “And I hope all your doughnuts turn out like Fanny’s”!
Lets hope it is only their £8 billion pension pot, Green Virtue wipes out, justice would be them retiring to peanuts, their political darwinism demands it.
I think there’s an unintentional hint about Horizon in the “!” after the program title.
I was curious as to what they’d lashed up – Charna – thank you.
I’d ask if there were any images of either a windmill or a solar farm? No Horizon I’ve seen recently manages to swerve that. So… this one is in super widescreen mega-cine format with a lush score – high production values etc… yawn…
The B-Ark team really rule the PopSci roost at the state broadcaster these days. I see that Tomorrow’s World is getting resuscitated (with a predictable team) – will the presenters be made to wear a prosthetic bolt through their necks?
No, they will wear tasteful hijabs.
Will they be banned from shaving and dye the consequent facial hair red I wonder ?
Horizon used to be such an excellent programme. I stopped watching it about 10 or so years ago when it turned to drivel.
Imagine a transmitter on the nearest star transmitting in all directions. Imagine a sphere surrounding that transmitter, all of the transmitted energy passes through that sphere and we assume that the energy is spread out evenly. Move further away and the sphere gets bigger but the energy is still the same but spread out more.
A satellite in Earth orbit can only broadcast to about a third of the Earth’s surface. How does this area compare to the surface area of the sphere surrounding our nearest neighbour that passes through the earth?
Well it is about 10 to the power 20 smaller or
0.00000000000000000001 i.e. pretty small so it is way beyond our capability of detecting signals from ‘outer space’ unless they know where we are and choose to beam very high-powered signals in our direction.
Of course we could ‘solve’ global warming by collecting up all the excess heat, converting it to radio waves and blasting at Alpha Centauri! Let’s just hope they don’t respond!
Thanks Charna. I’ve been searching for this programme on the usual sites. You’ve saved me from wasting any further time.
Victoria Derbyshire, “What matters to ethnic minority voters?”
Any chances we can balance that with a look at what matters to ethnic majority voters?
I mean majority rules being the basis of democratic voting and all.
A bit harsh.
I’m sure we would all like to hear, especially on the VD programme, the views of white British people in Bradford, Leicester, Southall, Brick Lane, Slough, etc etc.
No doubt VD will be keen to provide this important insight.
I know Leicester well Sluff, most of the white British now live in the county. White flight has definitely taken place there.
Well surely it would be what matters to everyone else wouldn’t it? Unless of course that the BBC are implying that ethnic minorities think different to everyone else.
It’s amazing. The liberal intelligentsia keep berating us that we are all the same and everyone should be accepted and their differences not highlighted but then actively pursue ways to highlight their differences.
The BBC likes it both ways – we are so well-integrated, apparently, and such a beacon of multicultural tolerance in the world, and yet these ethnic minorities still have their own self-interest to look after in an election. Like voting Labour or Lib Dem or whichever will open our borders the quickest to let more of their compatriots and fellow-monoculturalists in.
I gave up watching VD’s show months after it began. The programme content is just a continual reporting catalogue of abuse, illness, human rights, addictions, race relations and other wrist slitting stuff etc. I’m not at my best in the mornings, but a couple of hours of listening to the woes of the world really does NOT set me up for the day. (equally I don’t watch the pap magazine type programmes of the other channels either). So I’m just left with the news channel on the continual loop !
Here is todays Hijab news
‘I had to choose between my faith and the sport I loved’
A USA Muslim girl was about to become a professional basketball player but a ban on hijab wearing made her choose faith instead of the sport. The Hijab rule has now been removed.
Now this could have been an OK story for the BBC apart from the photos they show in the video at 0m36s and 0m39s show her NOT wearing a hijab.
So has she checked the rules first, seen that hijabs are banned then decides to wear one?
Personally I’m not convinced at all by this BBC crap. Watching her play basketball looks more like netball and I very much doubt she is anywhere near professional level.
But so-called “moderate” Muslims don’t take their religion all that seriously right?
Seriously enough to sacrifice a career in favour of submitting to a religious restriction.
Or as in this case, Lucy, this one’s religious adherence making her virtually unemployable and we pick up the tab!
During the 80s I used to go home on leave. Go out on the piss with my mates on a Saturday night. Down to the Frontier Nightclub in Batley. If I spotted somebody the same skin colour as me . I would gravitate towards them and ask if they were Musiim. When they replied yes, I would then hit them with:
“Then,why the fuck are you drinking Alcohol?”
They always seemed to walk away from me at that point.
My mates all thought I was a twat for doing so.
So is the hijab a compulsory requirement of Islam?
Why did she have to choose? I thought it was a personal choice as to whether or not to wear it?
Good point. I regularly hear people banging on that it’s all about choice (though there seems to be absolutely no choice in the fabric or colour of the item) and not pressure, so she could have just tied her hair up.
Wearing these rags is about choice, D, its just the choosing is not done by the wearers.
Good detective work there. Thanks for revealing the utter sham of these fluff pieces.
It is a personal choice, wear one and walk safe, dont wear one and get beaten raped or murdered,…….. freedom of choice allah style.
And they have Dolce and Garbarnered them now, very chic, no Celeb should be without a tasteful range.
A natural progression leads to a ‘tasteful” gag dont forget.
An example Lily Allah .. we wont see or hear her, win win.
Little red ridinghood just come to mind.
I got abit of the normal lefty”re-interpretation of a post i made last night about chump-ski, as in ruski, and the parking of an ”historic bullet…
So just to be crystal, i come here because i am fecking livered with the obscene BBC and its output, they are traitorous enablers, sick bastards, just like Chompski a hero of theirs, like Mc Guinness Chavez Blair, and that creepy greasy bastard Mandleson.
I deliver that anger by humour or wishful thinking.
If it offends i dont care anymore, posting sanctimonious school mam replies couldn’t be a bigger waste of your time.
The exception being maxi, as i am paying for her time…
Well said.
Couldn t find this on the Al BBC news pages,
I m shocked, SHOCKED! I tell you
A new report from the London Borough of Redbridge has revealed almost one in five of all child deaths in the area since 2008 were down to their parents being close relatives. The shocking statistic was discussed at a meeting of the Redbridge Council Health and Well-being Board on Monday, with the matter of child fatality being raised.
The council’s report found between 2008 and 2016, 19 per cent of child deaths in the borough were caused by infants being born to “consanguineous relationships” — marriage or otherwise sexual relations between couples who are first cousins or closer. The recording year of 2009-10 saw the highest number of child deaths in the period. Of all deaths in that year, the second greatest cause was “chromosomal, genetic or congenital abnormalities”.
\\Vic @My_2_P
@bbcradio4 The usual #youandyours fret about inflation out of control when it isn’t. This level of inflation considered desirable by B of E.//
Good news for savers if interest rates go up.
But supposedly everybody (in London at least) is in favour of inflation in house prices, encouraged by the bBBC’s property porn programmes.
I am becoming very impressed with this direct approach to fake news, lies and wrongful accusations of racism.
Tim Fenton, gutless coward who lies for the Guardian, gets a visit from Tommy Robinson, will not back up his claim that Tommy is a racist and calls the cops.
Watch out lying BBC You might be next
Maybe someone like Millie Weaver or Lauren Southern will pay Mishail – not enough Jews killed – Hussein a visit.
Ahh the marry your cousin story so popular with parts of our diverse multi cultural population. This one does the rounds every so many years. I’ve sen this cycle at least three times. Only for it to vanish under shouts of waycism. Bets on how long it takes to re-cycle next time.
Its well known that keeping it in the family (Pakistani style) leads to birth defects, yet in the name of PC , its a subject which keeps getting pushed under the mat with articles such as this from the bBC in 2008:
Cousin marriage: Is it a health risk?
Funny enough that poor child Nasar Ahmed who died from a allergic reaction to milk a few miles away from Redbridge had asthma, severe eczema and a host of allergies to milk, fish, nuts, wheat, apples, oranges and some meats. Without wishing to make capital out of his death, I wonder if his parents are related?
I’m beginning to like this guys ball’s.
They think they can say anything from their safe space’s, cowardly C’s.
Does Chris [heart] Amol straight back, or just get a room?
Correct prediction
IMPARTIAL Amol tweets like a beeboid
.. Plenty of Hate2Trump & Love4Labour
I have not read verified these yet, but not having 19,999 colleagues and a £4B+ budget it is less easy than, say, a broadcaster that has set the precedent of not doing so either, so for now I merely share to get them ‘out there’, and if incorrect and advised ‘may’ change them without acknowledgment later, in a few months, or not:
Is the bBC being biased before the election? Here is a current headline:

lowest unemployment figures in 42 years, yet that is hidden down the article . I wonder why?
No space for that in the headline.
Not news, see. Lowest unemployment since 1975? Meh.
BBC editorial integrity… it is in their DNA.
I wonder how many of the 1.54 million unemployed are immigrants who have arrived within the last decade?
(claiming benefits)
Lucy, is this what you are looking for –
The bBC does damage limitation for the Labour Party:

Now see if you can find the original story on the bbC, shouldn’t be hard, as it was only yesterday when he said ‘Labour has no chance of winning.
Now, were the BBC not upset by Theresa May’s U-turn decision to hold a General Election?
How come they are not similarly upset at Comrade McCluskey’s U-turn on a Corbyn-led Labour Party’s hopes in GE17?
Most peculiar!
Not entirely unsurprising.
The bBC reports on the mass jail break from a Congo prison:
Christian? Here is how the leader of that so called Christian faith explains the background to his movement as per his website:
The Bukongo teaches that in prehistoric times, Space beings, called the Bana ba Zulu, the Sons of Heaven, from the luminous Planet Kakongo (Sirius) came to earth where they disembarked on the Ethiopian Plateau. In Etiopi (Ethiopia), the Sons of Heaven mixed their blood, by marriage, with the Bana ba Ntoto bana ba Tami from India, giving rise to a new people (evolution) called the Bena Kongo, the children of Ne Kongo Nimi, the Bakongo, the Kongo. Kikongo is the National Language of Kongo, this language derives from the ancient language spoken by the Sons of Heaven, from Kakongo it is from the Kakongo Planet. BuKongo teaches that there will come, at the forecast by the Lord, the future King of The Ntimansi Union of Central Africa to free Kongo and Africa. Also all people of African descendant world-wide: mentally, spiritually, religiously, politically and other. Slavery imposed by Europe, Eurasia and also by the Arabs, .reorganised in accordance with the plan of the Archangel AKongo, the birth of new civilizatio,n new Era tandu kia Kinati Masa. It is the coming of the Great MANI KONGO, who will come from heaven, from Space. We have therefore, the Kongo, Bakongo and Kikongo Trinity. The Bakongo (Kongo) being the people whose language is Kikongo, and their country Kongo, Kakongo the planet….Kongo Nimi
The Great Archangel Muanda Kongo made an alliance with Nimi due to his rightousness. He told Nimi that from today your name has became Kongo Nimi. Through you`re linage will come forth 3 children who will be the incarnation of the 3 attributes of a Divine nature.
KONGO Nimi married Mama Ngunu who later give birth to Nsaku, Mpanzu and Nzinga – the source of Egypts civilization.
Nsaku represents the colour Blue. Incarnate Spirituality-Kinzambi (Divine Love). Zola. The cohesion of civilization.
Mpanzu represents Yellow. Incarnate Knowledge, Scientific and Technica, Kimazayu (Divine Intelligence), Ngangu. The knowledge to build and make the physical body comfortable.
Nzinga represents Red. Incarnate Power-Kimayala (Divine power – order- politic Capacity) Lendo. The ability to govern.
You’d think the bBC reporter who wrote that headline would have done a little background check on that so called Christian cult leader.
Do you think he could be onto something, Pounce, or just smoking something? 🙂
I wonder how many of his relatives work at the BBC.
All he needs to add to that write-up is they came on allah’s instruction to save the world from climate change,…
Liberal adoration, and 24 more genders to add to their A to Z of gender ”orientation’.
Beebers appear to know about as much about Christianity as they do about Islam.