Clearly aimed at the stupid, herd-following snowflake generation. No comments, naturally, lest the many educated voters, who can see exactly what they’re up to, explain why this egregious bit of Fake News tells us everything we need to know about massaging statistics to get the picture you want, and nothing about the much lower percentages of older people who went to university before Blair’s 50%.
If you swap “degree-educated” for “can spell and do accurate basic arithmetic” you might find a very different insight is revealed. Basic arithmetic, in particular, not a Leftie skill.
I lap these up Stella, in that most of here at this site are clearly well-educated ourselves…so every swipe at the “Brexit Thickies” only shows us just how debauched, deceived and irrelevant all their OTHER output is.
If you`re that lazy and stupid, so entrenched, contemptuous and pawned…then you`re only FIT to stay in the soft sciences and fake news fields throwing monkey shit into the helicopter blades.
I`m glad we know where all the numpties are now-public sector, pimped third raters with prepaid chloroform and the hope we`ll be snuffed out, so they can live with the peace of the graveyard until we rumble the scum who`ve brought us to this.
Haha, ChrisH. That’s the joy of this site, all of us lapping together at the Great Churning Lake of the BBC’s imbecilities, fed by the crashing Fake News Falls.
I actually find watching the smug-serious faces of the newsfakers hilarious now. No more disbelief. No more anger. Just find it ridiculous, all of it.
Stella, after a week election campaign I’ve nearly used up all my popcorn with 3 weeks to go. Even al Beeb presenters can’t rescue truly incompetent labour politicians who either don’t know their numbers or don’t know their own manifesto. Best comedy on al Beeb for ages.
The BBC like to clump all “degree educated” persons together as if all degrees are equal. There is a huge difference in a Medical degree and a English Lit degree.
I would imagine the layabout degree graduates (Theater studies, PPE, History of Arts, TV and Journalism) are liberal left leaning who are looking forward to a life on the dole whilst real world useful degrees (Medical, Engineering, Science etc) who will earning a living for the whole of their lives are Conservative leaning.
Sorry folks.
DID try to listen to Jeremy Bowens series on the Middle East.
Yes, he`s learned nothing apart from trying his Feargal Keane voice with Orla Guerins cow-eyed sentiment, But he HAS been out there long enough to SURELY learn something.
As a self-educated type, I`d iave started with why Shi and Sunni are as they are out there…the truth about Israel and its right to exist, it`s failings as maybe being related to to ganging up of hostile neasty regimes who have an Islamic imperative to do what they do.
To simply describe blow fly corpses and blame George Bush for not dealing with Saddanm in 1991 is NOT scholarship-just lazy emoting, and the liberal patronising default of blaming the US and Israel for all Islams failings and evil.
Bowen has learned nothing except how to peel an onion under his good eye and affect objectivity. With no autopsy of Islam, he`s merely doing wheelies in the sandpit.
As if Mc Carthy, Waite, Keenan and Johnson, Gardner were wasted for nothing-let alone Pearl, Berg and Henning, Bigley and Hasan…Bowen needs to get out before he`s as empty as Fisk or Pilger,,,useless.
Young people with degrees tend to be lefties because they are brainwashed at Uni and having right wing views they would have a really hard time, my son agrees with that having been at Manchester Uni a few years ago, he said they are all Stalinists.
Wild Bill, yep, “Stalinists” without the faintest idea what communism was actually like for ordinary people in Russia and China in the mid-20th century. There is no logic to their position whatsoever.
Bloody hell, they bleat and moan about stretched NHS services and low wages and discrimination – how on earth would their tiny brains cope with the concept of the gulag, let alone being sent to one?
I’d associate with girls brightly coloured tops, immaculate well cared for hair, makeup used to highlight and improve looks – a bit like Claudia Hammond in the photo really.
And yes, there might be some guys who would be comfortable in the above state, however they are a rarity. So just as I can say men are taller than women, even though some women are taller than some men, so I can associate words with girls and different words with males, as they are true in most cases.
I have just been listening to this programme on “unconscious bias”
The incredible brass neck of the BBC never ceases to amaze me. Yet again the BBC has set itself up as the friend of the weak/oppressed/discriminated 50% of the population. We had a whole studio of clever dicks and bolshie birds all adding their two pennyworth about how unconscious sexual bias affects girls and women at school and in the workplace.
Oh BBC you are so noble helping all of these shrinking violets from sexual discrimination. Pity your social conscience wasnt so concerned about protecting the weak and oppressed from sexual abuse, rape, violence and general misogyny from some members of the “Religion of Peace”
You were so concerned to help sexual abuse victims and ensure that the truth be known about the mass sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable young women, that I understood that not ONCE in last nights drama did you mention the religion or “heritage” of the abusers.
But then again the girls that were abused probably didnt have a voice and probably didnt have a masters degree in English from UCL and would probably end up sporting tattoos and having kids out of wedlock, rather than earning sixty K a year working at the BBC or in advertising.
Like the worthless little chavs you think they are. They were expected to keep stumm about their abuse and shuffle off back into the obscurity you think they deserve and not make too many waves about the libtards favourite oppressed ethnic/religious minority and burst too many SJW preconceptions about this delightful culture.
Your drama about the abuse is nothing more than a sop to those who say you avoid covering this subject. But your complete lack of courage to speak the whole truth about what really happened shows what an absolute bunch of moral cowards you are.
I suspect also that those that those who ensured the full truth about the background of the abusers was not aired in this drama, probably see the victims of the abuse as little more than chav scum whos only use is to provide material for a juicy, harrowing drama.
These arrogant bastards really are beneath all contempt and those who just went along with it without raising objections are no better than those who worked at Auschwitz and were “just doing their job”
It is obvious to me that the BBC hates whole swathes of Englands own population. But it seems they dont hate its money.
I am afraid that from once seeing this organisation in a slightly pathetic comical fashion. I now hate everything this organisation stand for. They say truth is the first casualty of war but I think these days I can say with some confidence that truth these days is always the first casualty of the BBC.
There was one person in the R4 prog who did mutter
“well some say the under attainment of boys in education is a concern”
but that was about the only bit of non doziness.
I’ll join in the gender/equality argument when I’m introduced to any woman who has worked at the coal face of a mine.
This ‘right-on’ pc offend no-one generation I really have no time for, and on the odd occasion I’ve been in conversation about it with a ‘snowflake’, I just say “just listen to yourself because you’ll be living in a different world in the next 40 years, and you’ll think what a prat you were before you grew up”.
Not sure I would associate semantics and ‘bias’ as anything to do with Physics! (Unless, of course, it is ‘bias’ as in ‘eccentrics’ as part of a machine system.)
Is it not better categorised under Philosophy or Humanities?
Hope this person, ‘Stimulating Physics (@TakeOnPhysics)’, is not both University educated AND a Remain voter. If they are, then that’s a good example of money down the drain!
R4 4:30pm R4 Media Show
BBC Agenda : Diversity of skin but not of viewpoints
– possibly talking about the regulation of political advertising online – or the lack thereof
+ @nytmike on THAT scoop
-Exclusive i/view with Information Commissioner, @BBCiPlayer reforms
+ ICO boss to investigate use of data for political purposes.
– Asian footballer video/twitter site
The bbC continues to reinvent the English language in which to conform to its left-wing bent:
“urban explorers?”
I was of the opinion they are trespassing and so are trespassers :
enter someone’s land or property without permission.
“there is no excuse for trespassing on railway property”
synonyms: enter without permission, intrude on, encroach on, invade, infringe, impinge on; archaicentrench on
“there is no excuse for trespassing on railway property”
entry to a person’s land or property without permission.
“the defendants were guilty of trespass”
synonyms: unlawful entry, intrusion, encroachment, invasion, infringement, impingement
“clearly, he is guilty of trespass”
Sadly, I don’t think it’s possible to legislate against stupidity.
No doubt if one of them had slipped and fallen it would all be the fault of “society”.
The Humber Bridge and environs are not at all urban.
And there’s a serious issue with suiciders and roads having to be closed.
So people who trespass should be required to pay for such costs and security measures.
Did anyone else hear Nick Robinson on the Jezza Whine Show this lunchtime waxing lyrical about Islington, where he resides?
“The real Islington, where my kids went to primary school and could buy a freshly baked naan bread for 50p from an Afghan refugee.”
That was one of the numerous things (<50% white-British, a host of foreign languages spoken on the street, a third of children classified as poor; it is home to some of the newest arrivals in the UK) listed by Nick, which: "so many of those who live here, love."
Indeed. If Private Eye (the Private Eye of Ingrams, not that the current imposter) had written that as a parody it would have been applauded as fine satire. That Robinson and the rest can’t see that is at the root of a lot of the BBC’s problems.
Islington ???? (and apologies to those on here who live around the area), but I cant wait to get out of London after a few hours of smelling fresh baked naan, the kebab shops, and other pungent aromas, and back to the sticks where the air is fresher ! Hope the children of Nick don’t suffer with asthma or other ailments as they get older, from the traffic fumes.
Quite why Suffolk has so many bbc second-homers is beyond me…..
Well, I’m glad that his wages (that we pay for) stretch to owning a second home in deepest Suffolk ! That’s the irony of the BBC employee – sooooo left wing yet not left wing enough to give up their second homes out of London. And can go on air, reporting with such gravitas that there aren’t enough homes, and those that are born in the countryside are priced out of the market by second home owners ! Hypocrites.
It’s because they see Suffolk as a peaceful backwater unaffected by motorways or industry, a ‘little bit of Olde England’ to relax in, while at the same time devoting their working lives to the derision and demonization of Olde England as an anachronism . You know it makes sense.
Think NR now lives in St John’s Wood, Al. He’s moved up in the world. Oh, and his love for Manchester United apart, he’s become a bit of a cricket fan in his middle years, influenced by his son. Only ten minutes walk away from Lords and all that.
So why would any party leader start naming her Cabinet before the general election has even taken place? It’s like asking a football manager to name his team for the final before they have even played the semi-final.
HYS enabled for this and not going well for LK. Sample comment:
“Please will someone tell that stupid woman Kuenssberg that the election is not about her? As usual she is wittering on about her opinions and prejudices, not covering facts and delivery. Ask them why they have not met their targets not this rubbish.”
I don’t understand why Teresa May gives Kuenssberg the first word in these conferences. She did it this at the White House with Donald Trump. All she gets is snide “gotcha” type questions for K to show “what a clever girl I am”. Personally, I would call upon a reporter from the Pyongyang Times and give them half an hour before letting K get a work in edgeways.
I remember the White House Press Conference when Laura K asked the first question, one which the BBC filmed her asking on the plane going to
the US.
I remarked here that it was as if the BBC owned Treezer and that Laura K wad her BBC guardian or minder.
Although the headline news is that Corbyn is more of a vote winner than the toxic BLiar, it is the other potential leaders which are of greater interest.
We asked voters whether they would consider voting for Labour were it led by either Corbyn, Blair, Miliband, London mayor Sadiq Khan or rumoured future leadership candidate Cooper.
In other words all the BBC hopefuls past present and future.
Blair was the most toxic of all the potential Labour leaders polled, with 61% saying they would not even consider voting for Labour were the party led by him, compared to just 23% who said they would.
Corbyn, by contrast, was the most popular candidate listed, with 31% saying they would consider voting Labour under his leadership as opposed to 53% who would not.
The poll found that Corbyn was more popular than either Miliband, Cooper or Khan
On that basis where does the Labour party go post election defeat? None of its potential leaders appear to even be as ‘popular’ (cough) as Jeremy Corbyn.
It really is beginning to look like the end of the Labour party.
It’s a little like that game children play: would you rather be boiled, baked or poisoned to death?
As for the demise of the Labour party, while I would be happy to see socialism gone for good, I fear any such expectation is premature. There will always be people who have difficulty thinking logically.
Watching events in UK, Australia and NZ for the last few decades it seems to me that Labour parties have a trouble finding good leaders these days.
The UK Labour leadership fiasco being a prime example. The common factor looks to me to be political correctness. It has infiltrated all three parties to the extent that any person with any individuality is likely to run foul of the PC brigade for not following 100% the ‘group think’ line. That is why their leadership candidates are so bland these days. To be a Labour leader now means one has to parrot a collective Borg mentality but the wider voting public are looking for a person who stands out, a character shall we say, to be Prime Minister.
If I am right then the answer to Labour’s problem would be to drop the PC straitjacket and set their minds free.
But of course they would never do this as it wouldn’t be politically correct.
So enjoy watching the demise folks.
So US traitor Bradley Manning. has been released (Last act of Obama) and the bBC are cock a hoop over his release. What I can’t understand is how this welsh bloke still has his meat and 2 veg yet the bBC continues to refer to him as a she. Really? Anyway I was wondering how his incarceration would have been reported by a decent comedy but had to go to the US in which to find something suitable. Enjoy. (Note no baseball bats were harmed during the making of this post)
6:25pm News Fibbing BBC ..Still airing farmers who go against the grain of Pro-Brexit within farming.
Black reporter interviews female cattle farmer.
..You see we need these EU subsidies (well you are guaranteed them in the interim)
..You see we won’t make a profit on this calves for 2.5 years
…(Why do you have calves ? …cos then the mothers have milk and you START MAKING profit straight away)
Stew, the price the farmer receives for the cow’s milk means there is very little profit; take in notional pay for the farmer, vets bills, VAT, tied cottage repairs (maximum a farmer can charge a man rent unless it has gone up recently is £2.00 per week) there is no profit, more likely loss. And the calf will want feeding, even greater loss.
….and get paid 20+p/Litre ( what’s wrong with Pints? ) which the supermarkets then sell for somewhere about £1.00/Litre due to the EU price fixing scam to support La Francais.
Deborah, you forget the Fuel Duty and Fuel Duty Escalator paid by the Vet, the vaccine manufacturer, the Feed Company, the milk processing company, the wholesaler and the supermarket, not forgetting the farmer herself or himself although they do get the benefit of lower cost ‘red diesel’.
They have got to be the two worst taxes ever to be applied in the UK economy.
The BBC never misses the chance to give us a tear jerking report on migrants ‘ facing adversity’. There’s never much underlying analysis in these reports . Just keep it simple and emotional is the objective. Try to change the prevailing and surely correct view that this migration should be stopped, is the BBC objective.
Tonight we have Caroline Hawley emoting in Greece about unaccompanied minors . Greece is a poor country. Thanks to EU incompetence and it’s no borders philosophy Greece has been well and truly imposed upon. So unlike the BBC, lets get behind the facade. Some Afghan youngsters, orphans they claim, were sent to Europe by their uncle . Well, why wouldn’t he? It’s a bit like buying a lottery ticket . You might get the kids through . Then they can send money home and also claim citizenship so even more family can join them . The uncle knows the EU is a soft rouch. So do the people smugglers who set up the logistics. If you don’t change these factors then the flow continues . You can plug one route by a pact with Erdogan but all that happens is that hundreds of thousands enter via Italy instead. Don’t let charities ferry them across the Med, don’t allow them to stay in Europe, sort out the traffickers . Or do as the BBC wants and do none of these things.
I’m sure most people in this country are now immune to the plight of migrants and the images posted on the news channels; we don’t want to know anymore. How can you feel pity when its revealed they were able to find thousands of euros to pay the traffickers. Its the same with the begging adverts, when the slow tinkling piano starts then I change channels. The news reporters may get sound bites from the ‘man in the street’, who clearly aren’t going to incriminate themselves on camera moaning about migrants, but get them talking privately and its a totally different story.
Quite right. And indifference turns to anger and outrage when the BBC keeps pontificating about ‘refugees’ and ‘asylum seekers’ while pictures of the boats clearly show sub-Saharan economic migrants – a fact fully born out when the countries of origin are finally revealed in government figures.
6:25pm News Trivial BBC ..trademark seg, they played an irrelevant Nestle ad in full, as an intro to talking about trademarking kit Kat shape.
BBC Legal notice
The Modus operandi of
i. Gatekeeping non-LibMob voices off the airwaves ™
ii. Carefully constructing false-narratives, and stealth editing ™
..Are Official BBC Trademarks
I dunno know if the seg was live, but I tweeted Amol beforehand
Amol ppl are NOT interested in empty Speculation about Trump
Except MetroBubble media ppl who are obsessed.
“Always remember the basic rule that has been proven accurate 100% of the time:
When the CIA wants to leak a damaging story they coordinate with the Washington Post and ABC. (and vice-versa).
When the State Dept. or FBI/DOJ wants to leak a damaging story they coordinate with CNN and the New York Times. (and vice-versa)
This consistent pattern has NEVER been broken.”
Tip: Check your Amazon account is secure
A bloke on the other forum just said he’s just found his account had been hacked and name changed etc.
(There’s a UK phone number if you find something wrong, don’t use email)
A hilarious exchange on LBC this afternoon.
A caller was raging about the bias shown on the BBC, especially by the Chair on Question Time. Ex BBC presenter Sheila Fogerty sounded like she was getting ready to wade back in to defend her former employer, until the sucker punch. The caller was complaining about the bias shown AGAINST the Labour Party as the BBC is so Pro Conservative. Sheila was momentarily lost for words and asked something along the lines of ‘are you sure?’ before gaining her composure. I’m not sure who was more surprised , her or me.
Only in last couple of weeks have LibMob started their orchestrated campaign of fake complaints about BBC Pro-right bias.
We could have a whole new thread of countering it.
#1 You can tell it’s fake cos although they use melodramatic language : They don’t speak of ending the licence fee.
#2 A twitter metric search would show it as no evident in historical data, but making a sudden spurt in the last 2 week
#3 Statistical reports on degree of BBCbias been available4 some years
#4 LibMob don’t have sites like and compatriots which have consistently documented in detail on a daily basis the BBC’s anti right bias
#5 Statistical evidence like Marr guest appearances , Question Time appearances show anti-right bias
#6 When the BBC predicts it predicts towards LibMob dogma (as if to drive opinion) and then get it wrong.
ScotIndyRef : wrong
GE2015 :Wrong,
Brexit : wrong,
Trump-Election : wrong
#7 Statistical evidence can be collected of BBCbias against non-libs : They get less time, more interuptions , whilst : LibMobsters get free-rideQns and are fed free-kick lines by BBC staff like Nicky Campbell
#8 The Guardian article documented that Most Tory voters regard the BBC as biased against them, whereas only a few Labour voters feel the same.
** One or two times the BBC presenters have gone hard against Corbyn, The BBC internal culture is not 100% pro-Corbyn, cos many beeboids understand that LIbMob can’t gain government though Corbyn
+ Show us the BBC staff Tweets which are pro-Trump or pro-Brexit
When I want to go and size up the truth of left-wing complaints about BBC pro-right bias where I can read hundreds of thoughtful, informative, articulate, despairing, horribly accurate comments on the subject and on a site whose popularity seems to be snowballing, I just scoot over to the leftie equivalent of this one, the…err…oh,um….uhh….you know…umm…..ok….maybe some mistake….
But, but…. Samira Ahmed seems to have queues of them, all waiting to be gently put in their place by a mildly irritated senior BBC mucky muck dragged away from the country for the weekend.
6:30pm Advert on BBC1/2 featured the word REVOLUTION, red marching flags
..only after 40 s was it revealed as a trailer for Radio3’s series on the Martin Luther Revolution
BBC : keeps constructing that anti-Tory Narrative
R4 8:30pm just now “Living Standards Electionomics
“Inflation is rising faster than earnings, leading to a squeeze on living standards. ”
Tories = Inflation
9pm BBC1 Brainwash-vert BBCthree Queer Britain
Well that’s a lot of BBC Virtue-Signalling points
They’ve employed someone LGBTQ, ethnic Muslim, from London as ussual
On Twitter people are complaining about bodyism in the TV series it only features good-lookers, no fat people etc.
BBC1 Three Girls Now
Scene feature a TV reporter speaking live
“We understand all the men are Asian
… and all the girls are white”
Such frankness means it wouldn’t be a BBC TV report
The P-word was dropped earlier in the context of an angry mother
Scene is now featuring RToday voiceover as visuals show town names scrolling across a map.
There can’t have been many R4Today clips to choose from : One spoke of “56 gangs, 53 of which were Asian”
As predicted the “Good Muslim” character was introduced the areas top lawyer no-less
but they didn’t labour his appearance.
The script looked like it had been written with the heavy input of the police PR dept, as it focused on the angels, rather than the devils who screwed up the case in the first place.
The trailer for the next episode features a scene of a BNP protest outside the court..and scenes of a cop repeatedly apologising to a girl , as i in the end they still let her down.
BBC Article about that actual prosecutor
\\He said BBC One’s new drama Three Girls brought back a very painful time for him when the “far right” went for him.
“Death threats, an online petition calling for me to be killed, sacked, deported… it was a horrific experience.”//
..sorry mate +BBC writer are NOT the victim compared to the girls.
The reporter appears regularly on BBC TV in the West, so the implication was certainly that our Brave BroadCaster was telling it the way it was – even though we all know now that they were lying.
Not the slightest indication of ethnicity was made public until after all were sentenced.
How strange. The “Lincoln, JFK” comparison was made by ITV’s News at Ten also. Almost as if they’d been reading from the same script.
Actually, the ITV news lasted less than 60 seconds before the channel was hopped, so bad was the level of sneering. It was, unbelievably, worse than the BBC.
Am I the only one who has noticed the complete absence of advertising and promotion of BBC1’s Three Girls on the BBC? Normally these ‘flagship’ programmes get what would be millions of pounds worth of advertising on commercial TV – not to mention endless pushing in ‘news’ programmes like Breakfast TV/The One Show, and sanctimonious debate on all sorts of other trash TV they produce.
And am I am the only one that thinks perhaps – with blood on their hands implication in these stories itself – the BBC will feel this programme will serve the useful purpose of cauterising the wound, and allowing them to march onward never mentioning the crimes again?
I think you have a point here. Too many trials ongoing at present. Rebel Media and others are blasting the UK media (and Government, cops etc) for their cover up of the scandal. And there are hints that other women will follow Chelsey’s brave stand.
Somewhere, perhaps in Government/BBC circles is an awareness that some recognition is due. But find a way of not encouraging the far far far right, and somehow keep Islamic ideology in the background.
Tweets are flowing in at a couple/second
“#threegirls tweets are coming in at bullet speed but not trending on Twitter!”
It has now suddenly appeared on Twitter UK trends, but with no count number
The BBC2 prog on at same time does have a count
#ATimetoLive 1,152 Tweets
That must be way way lower than #threegirls
KH – You make an excellent point. The drama that al Beebus made about Shannon Matthews was very heavily promoted, yet about this one there was very little prior to last week.
I am still amazed that they made it and have been faithful to the book (“Girl A”) on which it is based; I know a few fellow posters on here are annoyed that it doesn’t contain references to Muslims as the perpetrators or the Islamic view on the sexual slavery of kaffirs, but that was never going to happen in this drama or any other made by a UK production company.
In many ways, though, it doesn’t need to, as the majority of those watching know it’s Muzzies who are doing it without al Beebus needing to spell it out.
I think it is a much more accurate version than I ever expected them to make and I was very surprised by that.
The one thing that struck me as I watched it, was that right now all across this country it is still going on; that British girls are being subjected to the same evil at the hands of similar Third Worlders that we’ve allowed into our country and for as long as they remain there will be no end to it.
Well the BBC website has a few stories
and there was Peake appearing on Woman’s Hour and another Radio4 News prog
Probably Woman’s Hour2 on Radio5
Surely it was on Victoria ?
Kafir – I said as much in my previous rather long winded post. This whole drama is a sop for the critics of the BBC who say they have ignored this issue – nothing more.
They say actions speak louder than words and the fact that that they cannot even be honest about these abusers makes me think that all the BBC wants is for this whole issue to go away so they can get back to business as usual ie massaging and stroking the brittle egos and cultural sensitivities of the followers of the “religion of peace”
“At a lunchtime session there was applause when one audience member called for non-violent direct action to “stop the underground, stop the buses”.”
IdIots like this are still trying to stir up trouble against BREXIT, they will be the same after the General Election after (hopefully) the Tories have slaughtered Labour. They can’t accept democracy if it doesn’t go their way.
As the Conservative manifesto unfolds I think a reasonable voter (old, grey, working class, dim – like what I is) will conclude that Treezers so confident of winning that she’s trying to get support from the public for a range of bitter pill policies which would not otherwise be consumed by the public. Problem is, the voter is faced with a rapid hari-kiri from Liebour and a slow tantalising hari-kiri from the other. Be sure that is where they all will take us one way or another.
The implications of the cartoon are clearly racist.
Later today I, as an Englishman, am going to report the cartoon to our glorious race relations industry as it stereotypes young English males as racist. Why does the ‘racist’ have to wear the cross of St George on his chest? Is it so that Guardian readers can immediately identify him as an Englishman and thereby a racist? I note he also has an anchor tattoo, traditional amongst nautical types and especially the Royal Navy ratings, on his arm. What is this trying to implly about ex-servicemen?
The Guardian is not anti-racial stereotyping at all, but seeks to denigrate the English at every turn.
East German! Spot on Lobster. With everybody’s favourite East German running the German/EU power bloc and clamping down freedom of speech the BBC will feel inspired to follow her example.
Despite recent setbacks for populist parties in Europe (due largely to being political novices still finding their way) the movement will continue to grow as the liberal-left lose control of the narrative. The elites can only respond by outlawing dissent. The big question is how long can they maintain the lid on the growing discontent. I wish I knew.
Defamation is in the mind of the beholder. So no defence that it is the truth can really work. Old William Cobbett was charged with criminal libel under the Six Acts back in the early 19th century. It is a favourite way the deep state ( which is now clearly acting against us ) has of silencing any opposition.
I wonder what it was about a film on refugees directed by Vanessa Redgrave that attracted the BBC to give it a big plug on the Today Programme just now?
A short video of an ethnic minority (or course) telling us 5 good reasons to register to vote. The whole video is aimed at young and potential Labour voters to ‘get of your arses and stop the Tory party from winning’.
The lady in the video says, “Of the people who could vote [in the last election], only one in four voted for the Conservatives” – they still won even though only 1 in 4 voted?
The whole biased video is implying those that don’t vote would vote against Tory. At no point does the video say “if we all register to vote the Tory Party can win by a even bigger landslide”
Radio 4 Today and the launch of the Tory manifesto in Yorkshire later today, cherry picked the subject of migration to moan about, in particular skilled migration, which is not being limited, but the beastly Tories have doubled the one off charge of £1000 per employee to £2000, and of course they wheel out some enraged leftie from the CBI to moan that there just isn’t enough skilled people to fill job vacancies.
What I believe he really means, although the question wasn’t asked was that people are no longer prepared to, or can afford to move to the South East, or London, and companies refuse to relocate or even open a satellite office in more reasonable areas.
Cambridge is chosen as one of the areas, but the fact is that there are multiple high tech companies chasing limited numbers of skilled people.
£2000 for the fact that a company is incapable of running an adequate recruitment campaign is nothing! Recruitment consultants charge 25% of an employees salary shows that they can and are able to pay when it suits.
The charge should be raised to £20K and used to train young people for these positions, and if the company has not done any training of young people, the charge should be doubled.
Problem is, you cannot ‘grow’ home-grown skills unless the home-grown are inclined to put their mobiles aside and get down to learning the skills needed. It would also help if young people had a desire to turn up for work. Having been an employer in my working life, I can say that attitude is the fundamental essence. Fraid’ it just ain’t there. The country has grown wasters in vast numbers.
The left is always complaining that the private sector “pockets the profits” but foists their costs on the taxpayer and the negative impacts of their activities on the wider community – banks, nuclear industry fracking, chemical industry, noise nuisance,etc. They never consider that the wider community is disadvantaged by employers’ desire to increase profits by reducing wage costs. The indigenous worker has to put up with lower wages as the supply of labour has increased, higher rents and housing prices due to increased demand, costs to taxpayer of increased house building, more demand for medical care and social services, and unless all immigrants are paragons of virtue more crime and social problems than there would otherwise have been. I suppose you could believe immigrants pay for themselves through the taxes they pay, but before the left discovered the panacea of uncontrolled mass colonisation, they were very certain that immigrants were less well paid and suffered more unemployment and social problems due to racism. What changed?
The craziness in the media is going off the scale. The british media is bad but the us media coverage is off the scales altogether. basically its get trump at any cost. Was watching hannitys show on fox last night who was discussing all this in a rational manner something you will never see here. They were showing clips of CNN and MSNBC and their attitudes. I have never seen such open hatred and desperation to get trump impeached. Cnn were talking to an ex soldier who questioned the sources in the washington post and the presenter nearly went down his throat literally screaming at him for questioning CNN’s integrity. Wolf blitzer was practically wetting himself at the thought of trumps impeachment.
I turned on sky this morning and amanda walker was doing a report on trump and russia but basically it was a sneering session. She kept mentioning Trump and not president trump in a very sneering tone. A report full of mights, maybes, could haves not one shred of evidence. Just keep mentioning Russia hoping for it to stick. Her colleague hannah thomas peters turns up every afternoon around 3 talking to burley and its more of the same shite. Just sneering and hatred and zero balance. I have seen her in the white house briefing on the rare occasions that she is there and judging by the look on her face she doesnt want to be there. Sopel at the beeb is the same with the same arrogance.
Spicers stand in last week Sarah is a new star and took no shite from the journos in that room especially some of the female journos whos faces were contorted in arrogance and hatred. She even told them off for asking the same questions all the time.
The attitude of the media is to run away and blame trump, nothing to do with us gov he started it. But in reality these guys are at war with Trump for winning the election from their darling entitled Hillary and the democrats and cannot and will not accept it and are willing to do anything and everything to get him out. Things are going to get alot worse before it gets better but more and more people are waking up to what they are doing.
Now on R5 Emma Barnett is opening her prog with more empty speculation about the possibility of Trump being impeached.
Into 6th minute of American experts all Dem, playing NIxon and Bill Clinton clips etc.
.Ah now .one Anti-Trumper called Stephan just said “It’s premature to be talking about impeachment”
“Congressman Al Green (who you just interviewed) jumped the gun”
Now ..Carol Gould : Watergate expert “If it came to the crunch, the Republicans would close ranks”
“OK obstruction of justice is a concern, but if Trump is impeached you end up with the admin moving further to the RIGHT with President Mike Pence”
“Watergate involved 60 people going to jail, whereas we have Trump being unruly”
I’ve for long concluded that the media including our Liebour Broadcasting Corporation and all the rest, would enjoy nothing more than a world unruled and in total and utter chaos. That ultimately, can only be their ‘wet dream’.
11am R4 Banishing America’s ‘Bad Hombres’ Crossing Continents
Guess the graphic ?
: Crowd with anti Trump banners
“President Donald Trump has pledged to chase what he called the ‘bad hombres’ out of America. One of the organisations the President is targeting is the notorious Mara Salvatrucha gang, better known as MS-13 whose members deal in drugs, human smuggling and underage prostitution. ”
3:30pm Radio 4 Appeal : Womankind Worldwide
“Jenni Murray makes the Radio 4 Appeal on behalf of Womankind Worldwide.”
R5 Caller just silenced Nicky Campbell 2 mins before 10am news
Jerry from Suffolk “You BBC you don’t report what is on the streets
for example in my neighbourhood a saying has been for years Vote Labour Get a Pakistani neighbour
..but you don’t hear than on the BBC ”
..Nicky Campbell sneered back by have a melodramatic 15 seconds of silence
and then reverted back to his two LibMob guest on the line
One of which said “yeh this is why ISIS do what they do”
WTF !! ISIS run around cutting peoples heads off , cos a caller said something on 5 Live
..what universe ?
Comments from their FB thread
“Dave Kerr good god!!!!!, the kipper on now, we’re patriots, what bile!!!!!!”
“that last caller Jerry was spot on and the way Nicky Campbell is mocking him just goes to show Campbell lacks any impartiality. Well said Jerry.”
Much debate on tbe BBC about the £2000 proposed migrant hiring charge on employers .When will someone ask why our education system has consistently failed to produce people with the vocational skills to meet market demand ? With 1.5 million unemployed we shouldn’t be having to import migrant labour .Schools fail on the basics then when kids are shunted on to FE colleges there seems to be failure to produce skills demanded in the market place such as coding. The pumping of wasted money into education has gone on for decades. Tbe quangos that are supposed to direct money strategically into the post 16 system have also failed .
To make matters worse we have vastly increased the number of universities churning out useless degrees.
All governments since the de- industrialisation and ending of proper apprenticeships in tbe 70s and 80s stand condemned .
Good question EE, and one that has been troubling me. I have not heard a single BBC presenter challenge a University academic or an economist or a politician on this angle when they suggest ‘we need immigrants for the skills they bring’.
Is it because a number of BBC News presenters are post-1960’s children? In the 1970s or 1980s at school, they were not accommodated or even taught to question everything, challenge everything as we, who were schooled in the 1960s, were encouraged to do?
The only politician who seemed willing to tackle the problem, at least at the schools level, was Gove. Yet Cameron sacked him to appease the Blob and replaced him with the awful Red Tory Nicki Morgan. Sums up all the was wrong about Cameron, really. Meanwhile no politician seems willing to take on that part of the Blob that runs Universities, FE colleges and the skills funding quangos. Will May be any different?
I think that the education system since at least the 1970’s have been complicit in creating the skills shortage we have today, purely to bring about the need for people who do have the skills, such as Big Issue sellers, windsreen washers, fast food delivery drivers, et., etc.
I worked in schools after taking (forced) early retirement from my proper job and saw, first hand, what passed for education today. When I pointed out the differences between what I remembered from my school days (usually all male, ex service men who had seen action, topped up with psycopathic nuns) and what saw delivered by the all female, straight from training college, I was looked upon as some sort of prehistoric! (They would tell the kids if they wanted to know what it like in the olden days, ask Mr Wan). The answer I invariably got was that children do not want to be educated today, they want to be entertained. Computers with flashing lights, bells and whistles and never questioned as to the output’s veracity. It wouldn’t have been too bad if the teachers knew their subjects either, I knew an English lit graduate who had never heard of Shakespeare being referred to as the bard, she even admitted not knowing what a bard was!
Thatchers biggest mistake was not taking on the teaching unions/colleges.
As to apprenticeships, my company was one of the best in country for training young people but had a problem keeping them. This coupled with the unions demanding that newly qualified trademen should have parity in pay with the long service lads, followed by howls from the same long service lads about maintaining parity, led to the company scrapping its apprenticeship scheme. Other firms followed suit after the introduction of the H&S rules making it very difficult to train young people and have them loose in the factories in the firstplace. My brother in law has young people, from college, in his business and the hoops he has to jump through and interference, resulting in time away from his work, makes him wonder if it’s all worth it. Sick and tired of people, who do not know what he does, telling him how to do it!
LBC Bias?
Earlier this week the announcement of the Labour Party Manifesto was trailed throughout the morning, Jeremy Corbyn’s speech was broadcast in full, and it was followed by a phone in in which only voters who had had a change of heart upon hearing the speech and as a result might vote Labour for the first time were encouraged to ring the presenter.
Between going to bed last night and starting the car this morning, the Conservative Manifesto appears to have been announced and the only in depth analysis of it I’ve heard this morning was given by the Shadow Justice Secretary. He didn’t rate it, obviously.
I was hoping I’d found an alternative to BBC Bias but it appears not
In a banner baseline on their web-site the BBC are telling me: “Chris Cornell, lead singer of US bands Soundgarden and Audioslave has died aged 52, his representative says”.
Sorry, Going, but not obviously in my sphere of chosen rock music. Do vaguely have a notion of having heard of Soundgarden, somewhere, sometime. Were they ‘one hit-wonders’ in the UK by any chance? I’ll have to have a quickie Wiki.
The c@nts are up to it yet again. Thought I would switch on 11am World Service news. Heard the closing words of previous piece as the presenter said “Thanks for bringing us up to date on the plight of CHILD REFUGEES”.
Norman smith is waving his hands like a loon outside the Tory manifesto launch. He doesn’t look a happy bunny and the beebette giving the impression that the protests there just popped up when they know it well planned and organised by the likes of loons like class war and momentum
R2 Conservative manifesto Day
So Jeremy Vine has Jeremy Corbyn on
… and is lining up masses of free kicks for him
…”So what do you think of this Conservative policy, good or BAD ?
High five”
So far Corby seems well briefed and unlike Diane Abbott hasn’t tripped over the ball .
Yesterday Jeremy Vine broadcasted live from Corbyn’s constituency.
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, There won’t be a nuclear war, and certainly not one that Russia starts. Why? Well, one reason (there are…
A spectacularly nasty and misleading view from the BBC here. To paraphrase: “Clever and caring people are more likely to be Lefties.”
Clearly aimed at the stupid, herd-following snowflake generation. No comments, naturally, lest the many educated voters, who can see exactly what they’re up to, explain why this egregious bit of Fake News tells us everything we need to know about massaging statistics to get the picture you want, and nothing about the much lower percentages of older people who went to university before Blair’s 50%.
If you swap “degree-educated” for “can spell and do accurate basic arithmetic” you might find a very different insight is revealed. Basic arithmetic, in particular, not a Leftie skill.
I lap these up Stella, in that most of here at this site are clearly well-educated ourselves…so every swipe at the “Brexit Thickies” only shows us just how debauched, deceived and irrelevant all their OTHER output is.
If you`re that lazy and stupid, so entrenched, contemptuous and pawned…then you`re only FIT to stay in the soft sciences and fake news fields throwing monkey shit into the helicopter blades.
I`m glad we know where all the numpties are now-public sector, pimped third raters with prepaid chloroform and the hope we`ll be snuffed out, so they can live with the peace of the graveyard until we rumble the scum who`ve brought us to this.
Haha, ChrisH. That’s the joy of this site, all of us lapping together at the Great Churning Lake of the BBC’s imbecilities, fed by the crashing Fake News Falls.
I actually find watching the smug-serious faces of the newsfakers hilarious now. No more disbelief. No more anger. Just find it ridiculous, all of it.
Stella, after a week election campaign I’ve nearly used up all my popcorn with 3 weeks to go. Even al Beeb presenters can’t rescue truly incompetent labour politicians who either don’t know their numbers or don’t know their own manifesto. Best comedy on al Beeb for ages.
Stella – “Basic arithmetic, in particular, not a Leftie skill.”
The fragrant Diane Abbott is living proof of that!
Indeed, Lobster. History is another subject in which they Could Do Better. (Though their wrong answers are clearly deliberate.)
So, the indoctrination of snowflakes by leftie teachers and lecturers works. Who knew?
Strangely – and satisfyingly – enough, it works best on the dimmer students, Sir Arthur.
This clever person isn’t so caring…
Oxford student Lavinia Woodward ‘may avoid jail’ for knife attack
The BBC like to clump all “degree educated” persons together as if all degrees are equal. There is a huge difference in a Medical degree and a English Lit degree.
I would imagine the layabout degree graduates (Theater studies, PPE, History of Arts, TV and Journalism) are liberal left leaning who are looking forward to a life on the dole whilst real world useful degrees (Medical, Engineering, Science etc) who will earning a living for the whole of their lives are Conservative leaning.
At least she should be handy with a scalpel.
Clearly got educated on her Hippocratic Oath at the same place those two holiday making medics at Glasgow Arrivals went to.
Now, imagine if she wandered into the OR wiping a bacon butty stain from her smock….
Sorry folks.
DID try to listen to Jeremy Bowens series on the Middle East.
Yes, he`s learned nothing apart from trying his Feargal Keane voice with Orla Guerins cow-eyed sentiment, But he HAS been out there long enough to SURELY learn something.
As a self-educated type, I`d iave started with why Shi and Sunni are as they are out there…the truth about Israel and its right to exist, it`s failings as maybe being related to to ganging up of hostile neasty regimes who have an Islamic imperative to do what they do.
To simply describe blow fly corpses and blame George Bush for not dealing with Saddanm in 1991 is NOT scholarship-just lazy emoting, and the liberal patronising default of blaming the US and Israel for all Islams failings and evil.
Bowen has learned nothing except how to peel an onion under his good eye and affect objectivity. With no autopsy of Islam, he`s merely doing wheelies in the sandpit.
As if Mc Carthy, Waite, Keenan and Johnson, Gardner were wasted for nothing-let alone Pearl, Berg and Henning, Bigley and Hasan…Bowen needs to get out before he`s as empty as Fisk or Pilger,,,useless.
Young people with degrees tend to be lefties because they are brainwashed at Uni and having right wing views they would have a really hard time, my son agrees with that having been at Manchester Uni a few years ago, he said they are all Stalinists.
Wild Bill, yep, “Stalinists” without the faintest idea what communism was actually like for ordinary people in Russia and China in the mid-20th century. There is no logic to their position whatsoever.
Bloody hell, they bleat and moan about stretched NHS services and low wages and discrimination – how on earth would their tiny brains cope with the concept of the gulag, let alone being sent to one?
R4 3:30pm Psychology of bias
Can I go first?
I’d associate with girls brightly coloured tops, immaculate well cared for hair, makeup used to highlight and improve looks – a bit like Claudia Hammond in the photo really.
And yes, there might be some guys who would be comfortable in the above state, however they are a rarity. So just as I can say men are taller than women, even though some women are taller than some men, so I can associate words with girls and different words with males, as they are true in most cases.
Any more questions?
Scribbling – I bet you don’t get paid £4B a year for your wisdom.
Scribe and Stew
I have just been listening to this programme on “unconscious bias”
The incredible brass neck of the BBC never ceases to amaze me. Yet again the BBC has set itself up as the friend of the weak/oppressed/discriminated 50% of the population. We had a whole studio of clever dicks and bolshie birds all adding their two pennyworth about how unconscious sexual bias affects girls and women at school and in the workplace.
Oh BBC you are so noble helping all of these shrinking violets from sexual discrimination. Pity your social conscience wasnt so concerned about protecting the weak and oppressed from sexual abuse, rape, violence and general misogyny from some members of the “Religion of Peace”
You were so concerned to help sexual abuse victims and ensure that the truth be known about the mass sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable young women, that I understood that not ONCE in last nights drama did you mention the religion or “heritage” of the abusers.
But then again the girls that were abused probably didnt have a voice and probably didnt have a masters degree in English from UCL and would probably end up sporting tattoos and having kids out of wedlock, rather than earning sixty K a year working at the BBC or in advertising.
Like the worthless little chavs you think they are. They were expected to keep stumm about their abuse and shuffle off back into the obscurity you think they deserve and not make too many waves about the libtards favourite oppressed ethnic/religious minority and burst too many SJW preconceptions about this delightful culture.
Your drama about the abuse is nothing more than a sop to those who say you avoid covering this subject. But your complete lack of courage to speak the whole truth about what really happened shows what an absolute bunch of moral cowards you are.
I suspect also that those that those who ensured the full truth about the background of the abusers was not aired in this drama, probably see the victims of the abuse as little more than chav scum whos only use is to provide material for a juicy, harrowing drama.
These arrogant bastards really are beneath all contempt and those who just went along with it without raising objections are no better than those who worked at Auschwitz and were “just doing their job”
It is obvious to me that the BBC hates whole swathes of Englands own population. But it seems they dont hate its money.
I am afraid that from once seeing this organisation in a slightly pathetic comical fashion. I now hate everything this organisation stand for. They say truth is the first casualty of war but I think these days I can say with some confidence that truth these days is always the first casualty of the BBC.
There was one person in the R4 prog who did mutter
“well some say the under attainment of boys in education is a concern”
but that was about the only bit of non doziness.
I’ll join in the gender/equality argument when I’m introduced to any woman who has worked at the coal face of a mine.
This ‘right-on’ pc offend no-one generation I really have no time for, and on the odd occasion I’ve been in conversation about it with a ‘snowflake’, I just say “just listen to yourself because you’ll be living in a different world in the next 40 years, and you’ll think what a prat you were before you grew up”.
Not sure I would associate semantics and ‘bias’ as anything to do with Physics! (Unless, of course, it is ‘bias’ as in ‘eccentrics’ as part of a machine system.)
Is it not better categorised under Philosophy or Humanities?
Hope this person, ‘Stimulating Physics (@TakeOnPhysics)’, is not both University educated AND a Remain voter. If they are, then that’s a good example of money down the drain!
R4 4:30pm R4 Media Show
BBC Agenda : Diversity of skin but not of viewpoints
– possibly talking about the regulation of political advertising online – or the lack thereof
+ @nytmike on THAT scoop
-Exclusive i/view with Information Commissioner, @BBCiPlayer reforms
+ ICO boss to investigate use of data for political purposes.
– Asian footballer video/twitter site
I signed up for ‘Joe’ after they produced a clever video spoof.
When it strays from its core of sport, and does often, it is about as ‘BBC’ as possible, and then some. I do not mean this in an impartial way.
And where public feedback is enabled, they are not winning any friends.
Still, market forces and all that. Maybe BBC will move from PR to simply subsidising them too?
The bbC continues to reinvent the English language in which to conform to its left-wing bent:
“urban explorers?”
I was of the opinion they are trespassing and so are trespassers :
enter someone’s land or property without permission.
“there is no excuse for trespassing on railway property”
synonyms: enter without permission, intrude on, encroach on, invade, infringe, impinge on; archaicentrench on
“there is no excuse for trespassing on railway property”
entry to a person’s land or property without permission.
“the defendants were guilty of trespass”
synonyms: unlawful entry, intrusion, encroachment, invasion, infringement, impingement
“clearly, he is guilty of trespass”
Sadly, I don’t think it’s possible to legislate against stupidity.
No doubt if one of them had slipped and fallen it would all be the fault of “society”.
The Humber Bridge and environs are not at all urban.
And there’s a serious issue with suiciders and roads having to be closed.
So people who trespass should be required to pay for such costs and security measures.
Did anyone else hear Nick Robinson on the Jezza Whine Show this lunchtime waxing lyrical about Islington, where he resides?
“The real Islington, where my kids went to primary school and could buy a freshly baked naan bread for 50p from an Afghan refugee.”
That was one of the numerous things (<50% white-British, a host of foreign languages spoken on the street, a third of children classified as poor; it is home to some of the newest arrivals in the UK) listed by Nick, which: "so many of those who live here, love."
If you didn’t know better, you’d think he was taking the piss. Sadly, he’s not ….
Indeed. If Private Eye (the Private Eye of Ingrams, not that the current imposter) had written that as a parody it would have been applauded as fine satire. That Robinson and the rest can’t see that is at the root of a lot of the BBC’s problems.
Yesterday Vine was in the Primeminsters area
– Music chosen : Eton Rifles which mocks Posh Tory boys
Today in Corbyns area
– Music chosen : True Faith
They have gone beyond parody. Is there something in the water at the BBC?
Lead most probably. It lowers IQ.
So does Mercury – only quicker.
One lives in hope.
Islington ???? (and apologies to those on here who live around the area), but I cant wait to get out of London after a few hours of smelling fresh baked naan, the kebab shops, and other pungent aromas, and back to the sticks where the air is fresher ! Hope the children of Nick don’t suffer with asthma or other ailments as they get older, from the traffic fumes.
Brissles – you can be comforted (maybe!!) in knowing that Nick, too, gets back to the sticks as often as possible. Orford in Suffolk.
Quite why Suffolk has so many bbc second-homers is beyond me…..
Quite why Suffolk has so many bbc second-homers is beyond me…..
Well, I’m glad that his wages (that we pay for) stretch to owning a second home in deepest Suffolk ! That’s the irony of the BBC employee – sooooo left wing yet not left wing enough to give up their second homes out of London. And can go on air, reporting with such gravitas that there aren’t enough homes, and those that are born in the countryside are priced out of the market by second home owners ! Hypocrites.
It’s because they see Suffolk as a peaceful backwater unaffected by motorways or industry, a ‘little bit of Olde England’ to relax in, while at the same time devoting their working lives to the derision and demonization of Olde England as an anachronism . You know it makes sense.
Perhaps even more to the point Suffolk = Whitemanistan.
Think NR now lives in St John’s Wood, Al. He’s moved up in the world. Oh, and his love for Manchester United apart, he’s become a bit of a cricket fan in his middle years, influenced by his son. Only ten minutes walk away from Lords and all that.
The latest drivel from Kuenssberg is that May absolutely refuses to confirm that Hammond will remain Chancellor. See
So why would any party leader start naming her Cabinet before the general election has even taken place? It’s like asking a football manager to name his team for the final before they have even played the semi-final.
HYS enabled for this and not going well for LK. Sample comment:
“Please will someone tell that stupid woman Kuenssberg that the election is not about her? As usual she is wittering on about her opinions and prejudices, not covering facts and delivery. Ask them why they have not met their targets not this rubbish.”
I don’t understand why Teresa May gives Kuenssberg the first word in these conferences. She did it this at the White House with Donald Trump. All she gets is snide “gotcha” type questions for K to show “what a clever girl I am”. Personally, I would call upon a reporter from the Pyongyang Times and give them half an hour before letting K get a work in edgeways.
I remember the White House Press Conference when Laura K asked the first question, one which the BBC filmed her asking on the plane going to
the US.
I remarked here that it was as if the BBC owned Treezer and that Laura K wad her BBC guardian or minder.
Nice to see Laura turning up for work for a change. More proof that the BBC review this site, perhaps?
A very interesting poll which the BBC is most unlikely to either be very pleased about, or very happy with has been taken for Business Insider.
Although the headline news is that Corbyn is more of a vote winner than the toxic BLiar, it is the other potential leaders which are of greater interest.
We asked voters whether they would consider voting for Labour were it led by either Corbyn, Blair, Miliband, London mayor Sadiq Khan or rumoured future leadership candidate Cooper.
In other words all the BBC hopefuls past present and future.
Blair was the most toxic of all the potential Labour leaders polled, with 61% saying they would not even consider voting for Labour were the party led by him, compared to just 23% who said they would.
Corbyn, by contrast, was the most popular candidate listed, with 31% saying they would consider voting Labour under his leadership as opposed to 53% who would not.
The poll found that Corbyn was more popular than either Miliband, Cooper or Khan
On that basis where does the Labour party go post election defeat? None of its potential leaders appear to even be as ‘popular’ (cough) as Jeremy Corbyn.
It really is beginning to look like the end of the Labour party.
It’s a little like that game children play: would you rather be boiled, baked or poisoned to death?
As for the demise of the Labour party, while I would be happy to see socialism gone for good, I fear any such expectation is premature. There will always be people who have difficulty thinking logically.
Watching events in UK, Australia and NZ for the last few decades it seems to me that Labour parties have a trouble finding good leaders these days.
The UK Labour leadership fiasco being a prime example. The common factor looks to me to be political correctness. It has infiltrated all three parties to the extent that any person with any individuality is likely to run foul of the PC brigade for not following 100% the ‘group think’ line. That is why their leadership candidates are so bland these days. To be a Labour leader now means one has to parrot a collective Borg mentality but the wider voting public are looking for a person who stands out, a character shall we say, to be Prime Minister.
If I am right then the answer to Labour’s problem would be to drop the PC straitjacket and set their minds free.
But of course they would never do this as it wouldn’t be politically correct.
So enjoy watching the demise folks.
So US traitor Bradley Manning. has been released (Last act of Obama) and the bBC are cock a hoop over his release. What I can’t understand is how this welsh bloke still has his meat and 2 veg yet the bBC continues to refer to him as a she. Really? Anyway I was wondering how his incarceration would have been reported by a decent comedy but had to go to the US in which to find something suitable. Enjoy. (Note no baseball bats were harmed during the making of this post)
Can someone explain why there are so many Republic of Ireland stories under the Northern Irish section?
The BBC sure does love fawning over them, their Easter Rising coverage in particular was an insult to Britain. As is their adoration of Sinn Fein IRA
You won’t be finding the Beeb reporting this
6:25pm News Fibbing BBC ..Still airing farmers who go against the grain of Pro-Brexit within farming.
Black reporter interviews female cattle farmer.
..You see we need these EU subsidies (well you are guaranteed them in the interim)
..You see we won’t make a profit on this calves for 2.5 years
…(Why do you have calves ? …cos then the mothers have milk and you START MAKING profit straight away)
Stew, the price the farmer receives for the cow’s milk means there is very little profit; take in notional pay for the farmer, vets bills, VAT, tied cottage repairs (maximum a farmer can charge a man rent unless it has gone up recently is £2.00 per week) there is no profit, more likely loss. And the calf will want feeding, even greater loss.
….and get paid 20+p/Litre ( what’s wrong with Pints? ) which the supermarkets then sell for somewhere about £1.00/Litre due to the EU price fixing scam to support La Francais.
Deborah, you forget the Fuel Duty and Fuel Duty Escalator paid by the Vet, the vaccine manufacturer, the Feed Company, the milk processing company, the wholesaler and the supermarket, not forgetting the farmer herself or himself although they do get the benefit of lower cost ‘red diesel’.
They have got to be the two worst taxes ever to be applied in the UK economy.
The BBC never misses the chance to give us a tear jerking report on migrants ‘ facing adversity’. There’s never much underlying analysis in these reports . Just keep it simple and emotional is the objective. Try to change the prevailing and surely correct view that this migration should be stopped, is the BBC objective.
Tonight we have Caroline Hawley emoting in Greece about unaccompanied minors . Greece is a poor country. Thanks to EU incompetence and it’s no borders philosophy Greece has been well and truly imposed upon. So unlike the BBC, lets get behind the facade. Some Afghan youngsters, orphans they claim, were sent to Europe by their uncle . Well, why wouldn’t he? It’s a bit like buying a lottery ticket . You might get the kids through . Then they can send money home and also claim citizenship so even more family can join them . The uncle knows the EU is a soft rouch. So do the people smugglers who set up the logistics. If you don’t change these factors then the flow continues . You can plug one route by a pact with Erdogan but all that happens is that hundreds of thousands enter via Italy instead. Don’t let charities ferry them across the Med, don’t allow them to stay in Europe, sort out the traffickers . Or do as the BBC wants and do none of these things.
I’m sure most people in this country are now immune to the plight of migrants and the images posted on the news channels; we don’t want to know anymore. How can you feel pity when its revealed they were able to find thousands of euros to pay the traffickers. Its the same with the begging adverts, when the slow tinkling piano starts then I change channels. The news reporters may get sound bites from the ‘man in the street’, who clearly aren’t going to incriminate themselves on camera moaning about migrants, but get them talking privately and its a totally different story.
Quite right. And indifference turns to anger and outrage when the BBC keeps pontificating about ‘refugees’ and ‘asylum seekers’ while pictures of the boats clearly show sub-Saharan economic migrants – a fact fully born out when the countries of origin are finally revealed in government figures.
6:25pm News Trivial BBC ..trademark seg, they played an irrelevant Nestle ad in full, as an intro to talking about trademarking kit Kat shape.
Watch CH4 on +1 tonight to see
Tom Holland’s ISIS : The Origin’s of Violence ..after you’ve watched 3 Girls at 9pm
Radio 4 news this afternoon at 4pm
The bile and enthusiasm for a media lynching of Trump was extraordinary.
It’s psychotic derangement and its bluidy shameful that the BBC is indulging it in such an utterly incontinent fashion.
I dunno know if the seg was live, but I tweeted Amol beforehand
Amol ppl are NOT interested in empty Speculation about Trump
Except MetroBubble media ppl who are obsessed.
“Always remember the basic rule that has been proven accurate 100% of the time:
When the CIA wants to leak a damaging story they coordinate with the Washington Post and ABC. (and vice-versa).
When the State Dept. or FBI/DOJ wants to leak a damaging story they coordinate with CNN and the New York Times. (and vice-versa)
This consistent pattern has NEVER been broken.”
The Last Refuge
Tip: Check your Amazon account is secure
A bloke on the other forum just said he’s just found his account had been hacked and name changed etc.
(There’s a UK phone number if you find something wrong, don’t use email)
Russia Trump or May ?.
What better way of showing what life could be like in comrade Corbyn’s Britain. Perfect timing!
How much are the likes of RMT looking forward to beer and sandwiches in No 10?
“Up the bruvvers” – and sod the rest of you.
BMC/Austin/Rover et al. What happened to Robinson? (A nice Dacha un the USSR/)
Farage “UK economy is bigger than the 20 smallest EU countries PUT TOGETHER”
A hilarious exchange on LBC this afternoon.
A caller was raging about the bias shown on the BBC, especially by the Chair on Question Time. Ex BBC presenter Sheila Fogerty sounded like she was getting ready to wade back in to defend her former employer, until the sucker punch. The caller was complaining about the bias shown AGAINST the Labour Party as the BBC is so Pro Conservative. Sheila was momentarily lost for words and asked something along the lines of ‘are you sure?’ before gaining her composure. I’m not sure who was more surprised , her or me.
Only in last couple of weeks have LibMob started their orchestrated campaign of fake complaints about BBC Pro-right bias.
We could have a whole new thread of countering it.
#1 You can tell it’s fake cos although they use melodramatic language : They don’t speak of ending the licence fee.
#2 A twitter metric search would show it as no evident in historical data, but making a sudden spurt in the last 2 week
#3 Statistical reports on degree of BBCbias been available4 some years
#4 LibMob don’t have sites like and compatriots which have consistently documented in detail on a daily basis the BBC’s anti right bias
#5 Statistical evidence like Marr guest appearances , Question Time appearances show anti-right bias
#6 When the BBC predicts it predicts towards LibMob dogma (as if to drive opinion) and then get it wrong.
ScotIndyRef : wrong
GE2015 :Wrong,
Brexit : wrong,
Trump-Election : wrong
#7 Statistical evidence can be collected of BBCbias against non-libs : They get less time, more interuptions , whilst : LibMobsters get free-rideQns and are fed free-kick lines by BBC staff like Nicky Campbell
#8 The Guardian article documented that Most Tory voters regard the BBC as biased against them, whereas only a few Labour voters feel the same.
** One or two times the BBC presenters have gone hard against Corbyn, The BBC internal culture is not 100% pro-Corbyn, cos many beeboids understand that LIbMob can’t gain government though Corbyn
+ Show us the BBC staff Tweets which are pro-Trump or pro-Brexit
Example of IMPARTIAL beeboid tweeting sneers at Brexit

Nevr see them expressing skepticsm of immigration
When I want to go and size up the truth of left-wing complaints about BBC pro-right bias where I can read hundreds of thoughtful, informative, articulate, despairing, horribly accurate comments on the subject and on a site whose popularity seems to be snowballing, I just scoot over to the leftie equivalent of this one, the…err…oh,um….uhh….you know…umm…..ok….maybe some mistake….
But, but…. Samira Ahmed seems to have queues of them, all waiting to be gently put in their place by a mildly irritated senior BBC mucky muck dragged away from the country for the weekend.
BBC4 How Britain’s xenophobic tendencies prevented the building of a channel tunnel in 1880!
Which was built by Thatcher.
6:30pm Advert on BBC1/2 featured the word REVOLUTION, red marching flags
..only after 40 s was it revealed as a trailer for Radio3’s series on the Martin Luther Revolution
BTW also this
Seems the Luther season is about celebrating Luther as the root of Social Liberation
Just be grateful it wasn’t a ‘celebration’ of reggae. R3 is getting like that.
BBC : keeps constructing that anti-Tory Narrative
R4 8:30pm just now “Living Standards Electionomics
“Inflation is rising faster than earnings, leading to a squeeze on living standards. ”
Tories = Inflation
Where’s the prog about record low unemployment ?
9pm BBC1 Brainwash-vert BBCthree Queer Britain

Well that’s a lot of BBC Virtue-Signalling points
They’ve employed someone LGBTQ, ethnic Muslim, from London as ussual
On Twitter people are complaining about bodyism in the TV series it only features good-lookers, no fat people etc.
Despite this , we still voted out ?…………
BBC1 Three Girls Now
Scene feature a TV reporter speaking live
“We understand all the men are Asian
… and all the girls are white”
Such frankness means it wouldn’t be a BBC TV report
The P-word was dropped earlier in the context of an angry mother
Scene is now featuring RToday voiceover as visuals show town names scrolling across a map.
There can’t have been many R4Today clips to choose from : One spoke of “56 gangs, 53 of which were Asian”
As predicted the “Good Muslim” character was introduced the areas top lawyer no-less
but they didn’t labour his appearance.
The script looked like it had been written with the heavy input of the police PR dept, as it focused on the angels, rather than the devils who screwed up the case in the first place.
The trailer for the next episode features a scene of a BNP protest outside the court..and scenes of a cop repeatedly apologising to a girl , as i in the end they still let her down.
BBC Article about that actual prosecutor
\\He said BBC One’s new drama Three Girls brought back a very painful time for him when the “far right” went for him.
“Death threats, an online petition calling for me to be killed, sacked, deported… it was a horrific experience.”//
..sorry mate +BBC writer are NOT the victim compared to the girls.
Bet he received more death threats from the perps side being called a kaffir helper etc.
There is quite a long BBC article with the policewoman’s story
The reporter appears regularly on BBC TV in the West, so the implication was certainly that our Brave BroadCaster was telling it the way it was – even though we all know now that they were lying.
Not the slightest indication of ethnicity was made public until after all were sentenced.
Nick Robinson on Twitter is proving almost as good value as Diane Abbott anywhere.
How old is Nick Robinson? Based on that tweet, I would say about 11.
Or 91 and senile.
How strange. The “Lincoln, JFK” comparison was made by ITV’s News at Ten also. Almost as if they’d been reading from the same script.
Actually, the ITV news lasted less than 60 seconds before the channel was hopped, so bad was the level of sneering. It was, unbelievably, worse than the BBC.
Am I the only one who has noticed the complete absence of advertising and promotion of BBC1’s Three Girls on the BBC? Normally these ‘flagship’ programmes get what would be millions of pounds worth of advertising on commercial TV – not to mention endless pushing in ‘news’ programmes like Breakfast TV/The One Show, and sanctimonious debate on all sorts of other trash TV they produce.
And am I am the only one that thinks perhaps – with blood on their hands implication in these stories itself – the BBC will feel this programme will serve the useful purpose of cauterising the wound, and allowing them to march onward never mentioning the crimes again?
I think you have a point here. Too many trials ongoing at present. Rebel Media and others are blasting the UK media (and Government, cops etc) for their cover up of the scandal. And there are hints that other women will follow Chelsey’s brave stand.
Somewhere, perhaps in Government/BBC circles is an awareness that some recognition is due. But find a way of not encouraging the far far far right, and somehow keep Islamic ideology in the background.
Tweets are flowing in at a couple/second
“#threegirls tweets are coming in at bullet speed but not trending on Twitter!”
It has now suddenly appeared on Twitter UK trends, but with no count number
The BBC2 prog on at same time does have a count
#ATimetoLive 1,152 Tweets
That must be way way lower than #threegirls
KH – You make an excellent point. The drama that al Beebus made about Shannon Matthews was very heavily promoted, yet about this one there was very little prior to last week.
I am still amazed that they made it and have been faithful to the book (“Girl A”) on which it is based; I know a few fellow posters on here are annoyed that it doesn’t contain references to Muslims as the perpetrators or the Islamic view on the sexual slavery of kaffirs, but that was never going to happen in this drama or any other made by a UK production company.
In many ways, though, it doesn’t need to, as the majority of those watching know it’s Muzzies who are doing it without al Beebus needing to spell it out.
I think it is a much more accurate version than I ever expected them to make and I was very surprised by that.
The one thing that struck me as I watched it, was that right now all across this country it is still going on; that British girls are being subjected to the same evil at the hands of similar Third Worlders that we’ve allowed into our country and for as long as they remain there will be no end to it.
Well the BBC website has a few stories
and there was Peake appearing on Woman’s Hour and another Radio4 News prog
Probably Woman’s Hour2 on Radio5
Surely it was on Victoria ?
The Drama is #1 on Iplayer Most watched
Most watched show Tues night outside the soaps
5.0m 25.1% audience share
First night of Moorside (Shannon drama) got 7.2m
Kafir – I said as much in my previous rather long winded post. This whole drama is a sop for the critics of the BBC who say they have ignored this issue – nothing more.
They say actions speak louder than words and the fact that that they cannot even be honest about these abusers makes me think that all the BBC wants is for this whole issue to go away so they can get back to business as usual ie massaging and stroking the brittle egos and cultural sensitivities of the followers of the “religion of peace”
This seems bizarre…
But also oddly inevitable if true.
2011 Guardian Article …has there been an apology ?
The Guardian 2011
I feel sick after reading that
Here is something else from the Guardian to make you feel sick.
“At a lunchtime session there was applause when one audience member called for non-violent direct action to “stop the underground, stop the buses”.”
IdIots like this are still trying to stir up trouble against BREXIT, they will be the same after the General Election after (hopefully) the Tories have slaughtered Labour. They can’t accept democracy if it doesn’t go their way.
As the Conservative manifesto unfolds I think a reasonable voter (old, grey, working class, dim – like what I is) will conclude that Treezers so confident of winning that she’s trying to get support from the public for a range of bitter pill policies which would not otherwise be consumed by the public. Problem is, the voter is faced with a rapid hari-kiri from Liebour and a slow tantalising hari-kiri from the other. Be sure that is where they all will take us one way or another.
From the comments….
The implications of the cartoon are clearly racist.
Later today I, as an Englishman, am going to report the cartoon to our glorious race relations industry as it stereotypes young English males as racist. Why does the ‘racist’ have to wear the cross of St George on his chest? Is it so that Guardian readers can immediately identify him as an Englishman and thereby a racist? I note he also has an anchor tattoo, traditional amongst nautical types and especially the Royal Navy ratings, on his arm. What is this trying to implly about ex-servicemen?
The Guardian is not anti-racial stereotyping at all, but seeks to denigrate the English at every turn.
These people are mentally ill.
Amol’s R4MediaShow gut emphatically said the BBC never SELL info to third parties
BBC integrity is ‘fluid’, to use a term they usually like.
It’s a good job Jimmy Saville didn’t post then. Oh, Hang on ……
Who the F***k do they think they are?
It all sounds rather East German to me. In any case, is defamation a criminal offence? I honestly don’t know.
East German! Spot on Lobster. With everybody’s favourite East German running the German/EU power bloc and clamping down freedom of speech the BBC will feel inspired to follow her example.
Despite recent setbacks for populist parties in Europe (due largely to being political novices still finding their way) the movement will continue to grow as the liberal-left lose control of the narrative. The elites can only respond by outlawing dissent. The big question is how long can they maintain the lid on the growing discontent. I wish I knew.
Defamation is in the mind of the beholder. So no defence that it is the truth can really work. Old William Cobbett was charged with criminal libel under the Six Acts back in the early 19th century. It is a favourite way the deep state ( which is now clearly acting against us ) has of silencing any opposition.
Checking the readings on my works exterior temp gauge and the display is showing 8.4 Deg C.
Global Warming anyone ?
Titillating article, pun intended
Breastfeeding with a pierced nipple
Paid for by your TV tax
Jesus H!
I’m looking forward to the follow up video “Sex after FGM” – not going to happen though is it?!?
I wonder what it was about a film on refugees directed by Vanessa Redgrave that attracted the BBC to give it a big plug on the Today Programme just now?
General Election: Five reasons you should register to vote
A short video of an ethnic minority (or course) telling us 5 good reasons to register to vote. The whole video is aimed at young and potential Labour voters to ‘get of your arses and stop the Tory party from winning’.
The lady in the video says, “Of the people who could vote [in the last election], only one in four voted for the Conservatives” – they still won even though only 1 in 4 voted?
The whole biased video is implying those that don’t vote would vote against Tory. At no point does the video say “if we all register to vote the Tory Party can win by a even bigger landslide”
Immigrants and foreigners in London contributing well to the economy – Highest unemployment rate in the country –
But immigrants & foreigners are all busy taking up the ‘many jobs nobody wants’ like cleaning & strawberry-picking.
No wait, immigrants & foreigners are all ‘highly skilled’ medical & scientific professionals far superior in knowledge to the natives of Britain.
They just can’t get the story straight on that one can they? They try to sell us both scenarios simultaneously.
Radio 4 Today and the launch of the Tory manifesto in Yorkshire later today, cherry picked the subject of migration to moan about, in particular skilled migration, which is not being limited, but the beastly Tories have doubled the one off charge of £1000 per employee to £2000, and of course they wheel out some enraged leftie from the CBI to moan that there just isn’t enough skilled people to fill job vacancies.
What I believe he really means, although the question wasn’t asked was that people are no longer prepared to, or can afford to move to the South East, or London, and companies refuse to relocate or even open a satellite office in more reasonable areas.
Cambridge is chosen as one of the areas, but the fact is that there are multiple high tech companies chasing limited numbers of skilled people.
£2000 for the fact that a company is incapable of running an adequate recruitment campaign is nothing! Recruitment consultants charge 25% of an employees salary shows that they can and are able to pay when it suits.
The charge should be raised to £20K and used to train young people for these positions, and if the company has not done any training of young people, the charge should be doubled.
Problem is, you cannot ‘grow’ home-grown skills unless the home-grown are inclined to put their mobiles aside and get down to learning the skills needed. It would also help if young people had a desire to turn up for work. Having been an employer in my working life, I can say that attitude is the fundamental essence. Fraid’ it just ain’t there. The country has grown wasters in vast numbers.
The left is always complaining that the private sector “pockets the profits” but foists their costs on the taxpayer and the negative impacts of their activities on the wider community – banks, nuclear industry fracking, chemical industry, noise nuisance,etc. They never consider that the wider community is disadvantaged by employers’ desire to increase profits by reducing wage costs. The indigenous worker has to put up with lower wages as the supply of labour has increased, higher rents and housing prices due to increased demand, costs to taxpayer of increased house building, more demand for medical care and social services, and unless all immigrants are paragons of virtue more crime and social problems than there would otherwise have been. I suppose you could believe immigrants pay for themselves through the taxes they pay, but before the left discovered the panacea of uncontrolled mass colonisation, they were very certain that immigrants were less well paid and suffered more unemployment and social problems due to racism. What changed?
The craziness in the media is going off the scale. The british media is bad but the us media coverage is off the scales altogether. basically its get trump at any cost. Was watching hannitys show on fox last night who was discussing all this in a rational manner something you will never see here. They were showing clips of CNN and MSNBC and their attitudes. I have never seen such open hatred and desperation to get trump impeached. Cnn were talking to an ex soldier who questioned the sources in the washington post and the presenter nearly went down his throat literally screaming at him for questioning CNN’s integrity. Wolf blitzer was practically wetting himself at the thought of trumps impeachment.
I turned on sky this morning and amanda walker was doing a report on trump and russia but basically it was a sneering session. She kept mentioning Trump and not president trump in a very sneering tone. A report full of mights, maybes, could haves not one shred of evidence. Just keep mentioning Russia hoping for it to stick. Her colleague hannah thomas peters turns up every afternoon around 3 talking to burley and its more of the same shite. Just sneering and hatred and zero balance. I have seen her in the white house briefing on the rare occasions that she is there and judging by the look on her face she doesnt want to be there. Sopel at the beeb is the same with the same arrogance.
Spicers stand in last week Sarah is a new star and took no shite from the journos in that room especially some of the female journos whos faces were contorted in arrogance and hatred. She even told them off for asking the same questions all the time.
The attitude of the media is to run away and blame trump, nothing to do with us gov he started it. But in reality these guys are at war with Trump for winning the election from their darling entitled Hillary and the democrats and cannot and will not accept it and are willing to do anything and everything to get him out. Things are going to get alot worse before it gets better but more and more people are waking up to what they are doing.
Now on R5 Emma Barnett is opening her prog with more empty speculation about the possibility of Trump being impeached.
Into 6th minute of American experts all Dem, playing NIxon and Bill Clinton clips etc.
.Ah now .one Anti-Trumper called Stephan just said “It’s premature to be talking about impeachment”
“Congressman Al Green (who you just interviewed) jumped the gun”
Now ..Carol Gould : Watergate expert “If it came to the crunch, the Republicans would close ranks”
“OK obstruction of justice is a concern, but if Trump is impeached you end up with the admin moving further to the RIGHT with President Mike Pence”
“Watergate involved 60 people going to jail, whereas we have Trump being unruly”
I’ve for long concluded that the media including our Liebour Broadcasting Corporation and all the rest, would enjoy nothing more than a world unruled and in total and utter chaos. That ultimately, can only be their ‘wet dream’.
11am R4 Banishing America’s ‘Bad Hombres’ Crossing Continents
Guess the graphic ?
: Crowd with anti Trump banners
“President Donald Trump has pledged to chase what he called the ‘bad hombres’ out of America. One of the organisations the President is targeting is the notorious Mara Salvatrucha gang, better known as MS-13 whose members deal in drugs, human smuggling and underage prostitution. ”
3:30pm Radio 4 Appeal : Womankind Worldwide
“Jenni Murray makes the Radio 4 Appeal on behalf of Womankind Worldwide.”
R5 Caller just silenced Nicky Campbell 2 mins before 10am news
Jerry from Suffolk “You BBC you don’t report what is on the streets
for example in my neighbourhood a saying has been for years Vote Labour Get a Pakistani neighbour
..but you don’t hear than on the BBC ”
..Nicky Campbell sneered back by have a melodramatic 15 seconds of silence
and then reverted back to his two LibMob guest on the line
One of which said “yeh this is why ISIS do what they do”
WTF !! ISIS run around cutting peoples heads off , cos a caller said something on 5 Live
..what universe ?
Comments from their FB thread
“Dave Kerr good god!!!!!, the kipper on now, we’re patriots, what bile!!!!!!”
“that last caller Jerry was spot on and the way Nicky Campbell is mocking him just goes to show Campbell lacks any impartiality. Well said Jerry.”
…scan to the last 5 minutes
Are the BBC on Radio 4 going to keep this Trump thing going, each day, every day for the rest of the next four years?
If so, my radio OFF Switch will grow increasingly attractive during BBC News & Current Affairs broadcasts.
Do I recall correctly the BBC were extremely concerned recently about FakeNews being propagated by Internet news providers?
They are certainly going the right way about encouraging, even pushing more and more people to switch off the BBC and turn to alternatives …
… such as Internet news providers.
Much debate on tbe BBC about the £2000 proposed migrant hiring charge on employers .When will someone ask why our education system has consistently failed to produce people with the vocational skills to meet market demand ? With 1.5 million unemployed we shouldn’t be having to import migrant labour .Schools fail on the basics then when kids are shunted on to FE colleges there seems to be failure to produce skills demanded in the market place such as coding. The pumping of wasted money into education has gone on for decades. Tbe quangos that are supposed to direct money strategically into the post 16 system have also failed .
To make matters worse we have vastly increased the number of universities churning out useless degrees.
All governments since the de- industrialisation and ending of proper apprenticeships in tbe 70s and 80s stand condemned .
Good question EE, and one that has been troubling me. I have not heard a single BBC presenter challenge a University academic or an economist or a politician on this angle when they suggest ‘we need immigrants for the skills they bring’.
Is it because a number of BBC News presenters are post-1960’s children? In the 1970s or 1980s at school, they were not accommodated or even taught to question everything, challenge everything as we, who were schooled in the 1960s, were encouraged to do?
The only politician who seemed willing to tackle the problem, at least at the schools level, was Gove. Yet Cameron sacked him to appease the Blob and replaced him with the awful Red Tory Nicki Morgan. Sums up all the was wrong about Cameron, really. Meanwhile no politician seems willing to take on that part of the Blob that runs Universities, FE colleges and the skills funding quangos. Will May be any different?
I think that the education system since at least the 1970’s have been complicit in creating the skills shortage we have today, purely to bring about the need for people who do have the skills, such as Big Issue sellers, windsreen washers, fast food delivery drivers, et., etc.
I worked in schools after taking (forced) early retirement from my proper job and saw, first hand, what passed for education today. When I pointed out the differences between what I remembered from my school days (usually all male, ex service men who had seen action, topped up with psycopathic nuns) and what saw delivered by the all female, straight from training college, I was looked upon as some sort of prehistoric! (They would tell the kids if they wanted to know what it like in the olden days, ask Mr Wan). The answer I invariably got was that children do not want to be educated today, they want to be entertained. Computers with flashing lights, bells and whistles and never questioned as to the output’s veracity. It wouldn’t have been too bad if the teachers knew their subjects either, I knew an English lit graduate who had never heard of Shakespeare being referred to as the bard, she even admitted not knowing what a bard was!
Thatchers biggest mistake was not taking on the teaching unions/colleges.
As to apprenticeships, my company was one of the best in country for training young people but had a problem keeping them. This coupled with the unions demanding that newly qualified trademen should have parity in pay with the long service lads, followed by howls from the same long service lads about maintaining parity, led to the company scrapping its apprenticeship scheme. Other firms followed suit after the introduction of the H&S rules making it very difficult to train young people and have them loose in the factories in the firstplace. My brother in law has young people, from college, in his business and the hoops he has to jump through and interference, resulting in time away from his work, makes him wonder if it’s all worth it. Sick and tired of people, who do not know what he does, telling him how to do it!
LBC Bias?
Earlier this week the announcement of the Labour Party Manifesto was trailed throughout the morning, Jeremy Corbyn’s speech was broadcast in full, and it was followed by a phone in in which only voters who had had a change of heart upon hearing the speech and as a result might vote Labour for the first time were encouraged to ring the presenter.
Between going to bed last night and starting the car this morning, the Conservative Manifesto appears to have been announced and the only in depth analysis of it I’ve heard this morning was given by the Shadow Justice Secretary. He didn’t rate it, obviously.
I was hoping I’d found an alternative to BBC Bias but it appears not
8pm ITV the Non:Leaders debate
people who head 8 parties who have no chance of leading the country after the elecion.
In a banner baseline on their web-site the BBC are telling me: “Chris Cornell, lead singer of US bands Soundgarden and Audioslave has died aged 52, his representative says”.
What a waste of £4 billion.
You need to brush up on your music history my friend. Chris Cornell was one of the finest rock singers of his generation. RIP Chris
Sorry, Going, but not obviously in my sphere of chosen rock music. Do vaguely have a notion of having heard of Soundgarden, somewhere, sometime. Were they ‘one hit-wonders’ in the UK by any chance? I’ll have to have a quickie Wiki.
The c@nts are up to it yet again. Thought I would switch on 11am World Service news. Heard the closing words of previous piece as the presenter said “Thanks for bringing us up to date on the plight of CHILD REFUGEES”.
Norman smith is waving his hands like a loon outside the Tory manifesto launch. He doesn’t look a happy bunny and the beebette giving the impression that the protests there just popped up when they know it well planned and organised by the likes of loons like class war and momentum
R2 Conservative manifesto Day
So Jeremy Vine has Jeremy Corbyn on
… and is lining up masses of free kicks for him
…”So what do you think of this Conservative policy, good or BAD ?
High five”
So far Corby seems well briefed and unlike Diane Abbott hasn’t tripped over the ball .
Yesterday Jeremy Vine broadcasted live from Corbyn’s constituency.