Here is the Muslim Manifesto for the election.
Once Treezer has a look at it she will add it to the Conservative Manifesto.
She could lose this election. Labour are closing the gap.
I just read part of the executive summary: “The Government has continued to implement counter-terrorism legislation which disproportionately impacts Muslim communities”. And there was I thinking that terrorism was disproportionally carried out by Muslims! A lot more there, in that Victims’ Manifesto, in the same vein
When it comes to islam its both when it comes to the slaughter of animals and kuffar, Take the word of me a Sikh for it We know all about what happens to non muslims who wont embrace padophile muhhamad’s islamic death cult, Under the mughals in India us Sikhs were told to embrace pislam or die, We saw the islam {like its current mouthpiece the BBC} was a fundimentally flawed product and refused so the muslims one to the four things muslims are good at genocide along with lying, breeding and conning the guliable and killed most of us. So be warned death is what awaits any non-mulim who refused to submit to peadophile muhammad’s islamic death cult You have been warned by someone who’s ancestors where ther
Brillo was very jolly today, telling the British people that it is impossible to reduce immigration and Teezer is just promising it to satisfy us uneducated racist skinheads (i.e. Brexit voters)
Really makes you think how, at our strongest times in history, net migration was negative tens of thousands, not positive half a million. How can that be? Brillo insists we are doomed without it. Then, to discuss this, they get Polly Toynbee and Fraser Nelson on. While Polly was enlightening us on how thick Brexiteers are, Fraser was sheepishly nodding his head at the idea that we cannot control immigration (why **won’t** those bloody plebs understand that!).
It’s also very telling how Brillo tore into Dominic Raab using half-truths and selective memory (again forgetting that a cap and freeze are very different), then want on to suck up to that unfunny satirist who was his guest. Naturally, they managed to fit some Trump bashing on, saying that at least May wasn’t Trump.
Just what in God’s name justifies using Polly Toynbee to provide informed opinions? What has this pasty, jaded pseudo Marxist non-intellectual ever achieved or contributed, other than vainly helping to diminish the downward spiral of Guardian sales?
Think Toynbee has the freehold bits of certain bits of Westminster so any of her offspring will be in private education, do Ppe and then get through to become a safe labour candidate in 2020 something … I know I’m a long way out ..
I do most sincerely hope you’re wrong Fedup. The concept of Toynbee having offspring involves picturing activity almost as upsetting as the Corbyn/Abbott couplings.
I do think the tide is turning, slowly, against mass immigration. In the UK we have Brexit, which is a partly a result of immigration policies. On the continent, the Visegrad states are openly opposed to it. France, the Netherlands and Austria have all had close runs with anti-immigration politicians, who were kept from winning in part due to titanic efforts by the globalists, eg the creation of Macron out of almost nothing, simply so that a credible opposition to Le Pen could be fielded. Some countries, eg Sweden and Germany, are probably too far gone to change now, but I suspect with each successive election it will become more and more difficult even for the globalist elites to ignore the problems of mass immigration.
Radio Lincolnshire lead News with
“Liberal battlebus is visiting town”
Later told us : “LibDems came 4th in the seat last time
..and the town voted Brexit”
It is very likely. By the time she has negotiated Brexit things will be the same as remaining. We will have open borders and be moving towards Eurabia, distancing ourselves from the US.
Perhaps it is too late for UKIP to get their act together and put up a fight to stop their voters backing Treezer. But I will be voting for UKIP because it is better to vote for what you want and not get it than to vote for what you don’t want and get it.
Caught a bit of vines show on radio 2 just after jezza had departed and he was taking calls. He was speaking to a man who was criticising corbyn and vine nearly lost the rag with him. How dare anyone criticise the dear leader. When the caller had gone he then went and belittled him with no comeback. We were then treated to a ‘tory’ caller who having heard jezza speak is now voting labour after being a tory for many years. She gave the game away by going on a rant about thatcher and what she done 30 years ago. Now maybe its me but i dont remember vine inviting theresa on to do a bashing session on the labour manifesto just after it launched. The labour manifesto may be a pile of student marxist fairytale but the beeb have not given up helping labour and are throwing everything they can at doing so.
Not the beeb but channel 5 and the wright stuff had green party leader bartley in for the show. Matthew wright who is a corbyn fan was basically doing an arse kissing session for 2 hours. His co leader lucas had a pile up on the daily politics earlier in the week about who offered the greens 250000 to stand aside in richmond and she refused to answer saying she couldnt remember for this debate. Not a mention of this at all just telling us how good and righteous the greens are and bashing the torys at every opportunity. We also got a rerun of the time bartley came across david cameron in 2010 whilst out walking with his son with the beeb in tow.
It caught quite of bit of Jezza talking and he came across as very amiable and just the kind of guy you’d like to teach your children Geography but then Vines was hardly putting him on the spot. I thought it interesting that Vines didn’t think it worthwhile mentioning that the current lower corporation tax rate had netted more revenue than the previously higher tax rate.
I also then heard the obligatory caller who had previously voted for Tory but after hearing Jezza had changed their minds…really? I do despair of these individuals and the gullibility of the Beeb and ITV in putting them on TV as self professed undecided’s. Well of course they’re going to tell you that they are undecided. They won’t get selected to be on the telly if they confess to already knowing who they will vote for.
“He was speaking to a man who was criticising corbyn and vine nearly lost the rag with him. How dare anyone criticise the dear leader. When the caller had gone he then went and belittled him with no comeback”
You’re talking about a caller who said he wasn’t voting for Corbyn because he hadn’t pruned the rose bush in front of his house.
[No, I’m not making it up]
Vine didn’t “nearly lose his rag”, or “belittle him; but you’re upset because the caller’s deep political insight wasn’t given the due deference you think it deserved?
It emerged in March that Wilson, who owns almost 1,000 homes across Ashford and Maidstone in Kent, emailed a local letting agency, Evolution, saying: “No coloured people because of the curry smell at the end of the tenancy.”
After an investigation, the Equality and Human Rights Commission is seeking a court injunction against Wilson.
A short article with quotes from the Police. Thieves stole from a small Tesco shop in Southampton.
The BBC finish the article with some top quality investigative journalism… According to the shop’s website, it is open from 06:00 until 23:00 every day.
Not beebistan, but almost as bad: Channel 4 does a doc called ISIS: The Origins of Violence and asks the ‘daring’ question whether Islamic doctrine contains a strain of thought that can be used to justify extreme violence and even genocide.
They could have saved a lot of time and trouble by just reading the koran, the sunna, hadith and sira; and the entire history of the religion of war. All full of incitement to violence.
It was born in violence, spread by violence, and maintains itself by violence.
I seemed to remember that Tom Holland got into trouble for another documentary about Islam sometime ago. As he was appearing on C4, I assumed this documentary must be some kind of groveling apology to Islam. He was pondering why ISIS had it in for France and Paris in particular. Most of the programme told us nothing we did not know already. All that nastiness toward christians and practically anyone else you can think of. Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt was key according to Holland and in some mystical way established the “French connection”. Holland seems to think that “there are verses in the Koran that no one has taken literally for over a century”. Muslims always claim the same thing. However if you ask them to remove the difficult verses from the koran , they refuse as everything in the Koran is the word of god. What Holland does not understand is that Mulims what to use these divine injunctions when it suits them to do so.
He also claims that Mohammed’s child concubine troubled no one in the West until the West became more aware of child abuse in its midst in recent times.
Latest….. in New York in Times Square, a speeding car has rammed into pedestrians, the driver is in custody . HOWEVER, they’re not sure if it was an accident, as there is one person dead and 12 injured ! OR if it was deliberate….. BUT they say, its not terror related. Um, it could be ‘deliberate’ but NOT related to terrorism ???? am I being thick here ?
Appallingly hostile BBC TV news coverage of the launch of the Conservative manifesto . Some howling socialist workers party type rent a mob were outside the launch and were given a leading role in the coverage. Apparently their views are just as important as the Prime Ministers .
Tonight on radio 4 PM, just before 6:00pm was a piece by someone who was an alleged satirist – I use the word alleged because satire is amusing, but this was a vile attack on Theresa May and the Tory Manifesto. Tomorrow we are told we will be treated to more of the same but with UKIP as the victims.
I haven’t heard if there were similar attacks on the other parties, but if they were equally vile and unfunny then I would question why such an individual (whose name I failed to catch) is being employed in the first place.
That was the bBBC inviting a political satirist to comment each evening on the respective party manifestos. In a remarkable happy twist for the bBBC, the man selected to do so was….John Crace, political sketch writer for the Grauniad…..surprise surprise!!!!
I sometimes turn on the wireless when I’m working in the shed, and I suppose it only took a few seconds to realise that this was yet another attack on the Conservatives and anyone not inclined leftwards. I wonder if the morons who wrote this rubbish are old enough to remember the unions deciding hospital lists in cancer wards, and which patients were going to be treated next? No I thought not, they’re still too young.
The delivery was just childish, and perhaps worthy of a fourth form ‘revue’. Not in the least bit amusing, but par for the course with the weedy sorts who are not able even to write funny stuff, even after several snorts and a few fags.
BBC News 6PM…
George Alagiah..Halifax.
Pitting the young against the old again …with not much respect ..
Pensioners all over 70 and above rightfully defending their pensions.
The older generation deserve respect and consideration that seems to be lacking today.
New Labour under Blair initiated the attack on the Baby Boomers
claiming that they stole the cookies from the cookie jar.
Not so.
For many people growing up in the 40’s and 50’s was tough..
The 60’s was not so great for many either, even if the BBC paints a rosy picture!
So get your facts straight George!
Even gorgeous George had to hastily skate over the reasonable antipathy of the elderly ladies and a bloke or two, who were instantly suspicious of the questioning.
Own goal there, Georgie – should have looked a little closer at who you were interviewing; you occasionally do, but not this time!
Oh, and didn’t little Laura cock up her bile outburst, shaking like a leaf!
Not up to it gal, must try harder, and as there will be more to come from the instructions from your ‘managers’, we’ll notice, and probably switch off anyway, fake news; fake questions, fake ‘job’ really.
All of the party leaders in their ‘speeches’ have referred to ‘our elderly’ followed on by whatever case their pushing.
Why do none of them say … “and we will find ourselves in their shoes at some point”, because they will. Listening to them, I’m led to believe that I am part of one species which anyone under 60 will never become ! They also might like to know that its also ‘life’ that one half of a couple will die, – leaving the other on their own; and again this is something that’s also never planned for.
That is one of the most deep and passionate posts I’ve ever read, Brissles.
At first, I wanted to answer, then thought again, then went back to the start again, so, here I am, in a complete quandary, and need a darkened room somewhere…
(A red tincture is helping, but not that much..:0)
I believe May has proposed the most stupid and spiteful measures against the elderly in this country that have ever been put forward by a supposedly Tory govt.The B BC must be laughing up their designer sleeves.
For most of those in the middle (who own their own homes) ,the prospect is waiting to have it taken away from your family in lieu of care home/support services after your death ,all to cross-subsidise the ever-increasing tide of immigrants, both at the young end(health,education, unemployment benefit) ,and the old end (free care home and support services).
WE should all vote UKIP as this woman is no friend of ours and will sell us down the river once she wins and announces that she has a mandate.
I don’t trust this woman as far as I could s pit .She is a treacherous globalist .
I’m struggling to understand why suffering from one medically recognised illness, dementia, means you lose your house while another, let’s say heart disease, means you are cared for by the state.
The sheer illogicality of May’s position is brought about by the fact that the NHS and social care in the UK cannot be funded while we lavish a fortune on aid to dictatorships in countries which hate us and ‘services’ that are run for the benefit of the providers, not the recipients. Nor while we spend billions importing people who will never be able to contribute to the economy.
The BBC is unwilling to probe into this because it undermines its religious faith in a socialist utopia. As a consequence it is an irrelevance in any debate about the current election.
As parents we have a legal duty to look after our children, there is no such duty imposed on adults to look after their elderly parents, but perhaps there should be?
So if you wish to not pay for social care for the elderly look after your parents at home, and you’ll never have to pay a penny to the state. If your elderly parent requires a nursing home then you won’t have to pay for that either.
Please tell me though, if I do choose to look after my parents at home, why on earth should I also have to pay to look after the care home bills of those who expect the state to do everything for them.
Um, what about us who have neither children nor elderly parents – I am an old age orphan .
I have never cost the State one copper coin, because I worked continually for over 40 years I paid full stamp, never claimed the dole, not had children so didn’t get child benefit, when my husband died I didn’t get widows entitlement (because I received part of his pension), and no disability or housing benefits. All the Budgets during my existence have never given me anything to benefit from, but I sure as hell paid all taxes due.
Now I have reached becoming one of “the elderly”, I could be means tested for winter fuel payment, and have to pay if I’m ever likely to need a 15 minute visit from a non-carer to give me a microwave dinner and a 6.30 pm call to put me to bed !!! The future is f……g bleak is it not ?
Brissles – If it’s any consolation, you are not alone – my situation mirrors yours exactly.
All we are is a source of income for the Government to waste on freeloaders and scroungers, and to subsidise the corrupt leaders of shithole countries.
It’s not hard to get the impression that Treezer has bought the package being offered by the Left, that people who have paid into the Ponzi scheme their entire lives are now somehow freeloading on the young of today.
But it was ever thus, so what are the BBC and Grauniad writers complaining about?
The truth (or, at least, the subtext) is that the Left knows older people who have lived through decades of socialist failure and EU excess see through the plot so, as McEwan let slip last week, they’d rather that entire generation was dead.
How dare tax payers expect the return they were promised?
This expenditure is never mentioned. Nor is the cost of the extra security required to foil planned terror attacks, most of which are covered up. Also it’s not as if we actually import these people, they just arrive. Given the attitude of Merkel it seems that she is going to force us into continuing unlimited arrivals. While most of the EU is a basket case those arrivals seek out the UK as their destination of choice. Brussels never acknowledges that there is an imbalance in their cherished free movement of people with the UK taking the biggest hit.(not counting for Merkel’s stupidity in opening her country to invaders) It isn’t feasible to continue to accept more and more people. The strain on services is too great. Many parts of the UK are already disaster zones. Europeans I welcome, Muslims absolutely not, but the numbers still have to be controlled. Why is it so difficult to get this debated?
Well one of the biggest obstacles is the CBB. As you say fat chance of them probing into this.
I have noticed that the political classes WITHOUT EXCEPTION quickly switched to talking about our Supply problems i.e. we must build more houses,spend more money on NHS etc. and away from Demand problems i.e. how come demand for houses is so high and stresses on the NHS are so great?
It’s not as if the maximum geniuses in authority didn’t know there would be a baby-boom inspired spike in retirees between 2010-2020, is it??
All to deflect discussion away from unlimited immigration started by Bliar and continued by the useless Tories.
Take a look at tonight’s television offerings on the CBB. Why would you bother paying for a license to watch such rubbish as Pointless, Antiques Road Show, The One Show, EastEnders, Kat and Alfie Redwater, The world according to kids and Great British Menu. Then of course at 9pm Three Girls.
Day after day it is the same. Rubbish and a lot of it. How they have the nerve to take our money is beyond me. Will they now report this as BBC hate speech to some faceless proto stasi droid.?
If they could they would they are that stupid.
I wrote to my mp today – ids- asking him to remember the elderly and not do what the manifesto promises . Anyway – I suppose itv ran a third rate cheap leaders thing … what a waste of time
We’ve had the LibDems manifesto, the Labour manifesto and the New Labour manifesto. When do we get the Conservative manifesto?
While not on the subject of BBC bias did anyone else hear Inside Science and its item about radio telescopes in Africa?
The inevitable woman commentator was telling us that a ‘dangerous’ bored scientist (Dr. No?) had been hunting using Google to find abandoned telecomms satellite dishes. So what happened when he found a likely one? Amazingly they belong to companies so, ‘in this case’, he contacted – wait for it – Vodafone.
This bear of little brain thought it might be easier to find telecomms companies operating in Africa and asking them what obsolescent plant they had? I’m sure Quentin Cooper would have asked the question. The best we get from Adam Rutherford would be, “Tell me how abandoned satellite earth stations contribute to Global Warming, as I’m sure they do”.
Just watched episode two of Three Girls. My my. Sometimes our cops get it wrong but basically they mean well and the good cops get on with the job and virtue and the integrity of the force prevails. No one is pulling strings, no one is actively trying to save the multiculture from criticism, just misunderstandings and a bit of unprofessional arrogance.
Then all is saved when Chief Prosecutor Nazir Afzal gets to work.
Did anyone mention Islam or Moslems?
Well Nazir made it clear it had nothing to do with Moslemism
I have just watched a part of the “leaders” debate on ITV.
Leanne wood. If Taff man is around sometime, how could any one call her a leader? Her surname seems to describe her brain.
She seems to have a speak and not listen complex.
She doesn’t come across as being particularly bright.
Leanne Wood is famous for her first political launch, after she became leader, “green jobs for a green economy” when of course ALL green jobs are subsidised, so would contribute as much to the economy as she does to politics.
With the Labour Party in the sort of freefall that wiped them out in Scotland, the left wing Plaid Cymru ought to be collecting huge numbers of voters yet at 13% see no change yet the Tories are up 12%
Na……. not real Welsh.
Ancestors originate from Scotland , or maybe even England ……………
Could be related to a Salmon ? ‘A chip off the old block’ maybe ?
8:50 BBC2 BBC Switch-on Bingo : Pet issue :Hijabs
Supposed to be a prog about children ..and straight away it’s an item about a YOUNG girl agonising about whether to wear hijab whilst on a visit to Pakistan.
“world according to kids”
I wish I could get tweets to embed in my posts. I have failed repeatedly.
But pleased to report another FAIL for BDS as Aerosmith unashamedly played in Israel last night.
PM Netanyahu Tweets: Benjamin NetanyahuVerified account @netanyahu 3h3 hours ago
I told @Aerosmith today that they have to come back again to visit our beautiful land. You don’t want to miss a thing!
@LP How to embed tweets
– pull up the tweet on your screen
– next to the name spot a time or date on that tweet
– right click or long press that time
– from that submenu select copy the url
..come here and paste it directly
If it says www then it’s ready , but if it says mobile. change that to www.
@LP How to embed tweets
– pull up the tweet on your screen
– next to the name spot a time or date on that tweet
– right click or long press that time
– from that submenu select copy the url
..come here and paste it directly
If it says www then it’s ready , but if it says mobile. change that to www.
I’m going to have a David Preiser moment, (remember those days when we had intelligent comment here?).
If I wanted to read Twitter c**p I would sign up to that service and set my filters etc. to stream any junk that any idiot ‘tweeted’ about, by or for the BBC, but what would be the point?
And if that ‘floats your boat’, do it, but don’t post it here!
Let’s get back to making our own observation about what the BBC says or indeed doesn’t say but should have said.
Totally agree JimS! It does my bloody head in, and I have reached the stage now when I don’t even try to do anything other than scroll down the page to the next normal comment.
Just like people choose the best Youtube clips to share here
people choose the BEST tweets
There are 4,000 tweets each hour about the prog #ThreeGirls
I think people are doing a service if they repost 3 interesting ones here.
Secondly many videos don’t appear on Youtube eg BBC clips
so posting the tweet of said prog is the best way of getting the video clip on these pages.
If there is a place for tweets then it is called Twitter!
There are NO interesting tweet clips because they invariable lack context, structure, grammar and provenance and make very little sense when extracted and pasted here. Not only that but they fill stacks of what used to be called column-inches that the rest of us have to scroll past.
You obviously spend a lot of time on Twitter so when do you listen/watch to the BBC? Our good pro-BBC friends often make the point that our observations are subjective and they could well be right, but that is the way of drip-drip propaganda, not quite enough to be objectively biased but it builds up.
At the end of the day everyone makes subjective judgements, (including our pro-BBC friends who just know what newspaper or party others support!), so it influences opinions.
But, and it is a big ‘but’, at least those observations are source material, (they are their opinions), whereas re-tweets and pastes are hearsay and of no value whatsoever.
A forum where a hundred people report that they heard/saw a programme and thought such and such has some value as evidence. A forum where fifty-percent of the post are just re-posts is just an aggregating ‘service’, (yeah right!). If people want that just sign up to Twitter or ‘Google’ it.
@JimS I think sometimes when people post a tweet they are doing it JUST cos it includes the photo/video or link
And that hey might be expecting you to skip past gobblygook text of the actual tweet
– An important thing I teach my foreign students is not to just dwell on a “hard word” they’ve never seen before but rather scan the whole text and extract the meaning from that.
In our modern world such FILTERING is an essential skill.
I confess to the sin of posting You Tube vids here I do so because so much on You Tube covers gaps in the news that are deliberately left out by overpaid and biased BBC reporters.
This would include excellent vids by Rebel media which often refer to the BBC’s omission of key facts about law enforcement or political campaigns such as Justice for Chelsey. Coming up soon is a Rebel Media vid of the attack on Tommy Robinson and Rebel Media by Moslems in a no go area in the UK. Now remember, the BBC, including Brillo Neill and others, have ridiculed and denied that such areas exist
Perhaps I will not post this vid exposing BBC shortcomings, but instead rely on my ever failing ability to post intelligent comments.
“remember those days when we had intelligent comment here?”
That would be before Vance & Alan’s pathological obsession with “Muslims” changed this forum from being about the BBC into an endless diatribe against “those dirty brown people”.
That’s why Preiser left; why debate was replaced by blind tribalism; and why this site is now populated by people who wear their hatred of niggers and pakis like a badge of honour.
“Let’s get back to making our own observation about what the BBC says…”
We all know what your sort say, Jimaya… why do you post here if you hate it so much? Is the BBC paying you overtime? Bless.
@Yasser if you look at the post timings , you can see that when Maxi posted it was sandwiched between postings which contain a photo of a Jewish person and a photo of one of “those dirty brown people” (Ayaan Hirsi Ali appearing 2 comments below Maxi’s)
BTW Forums do evolve over time, they don’t stay “like the old days”
if people don’t like photos they can switch pictures off in the browser settings eg Chrome allows you to set a rule for a site excluding pics
Or they can use Inoreader and set the display settings there.
Although I too don’t like to see OFF TOPIC tweets and videos, a lot of tweets do supply useful material, eg Quick Debunks of BBC stuff that has just come out
Someone mentions a list, and up pops Maxicony well after twilight from the irony free zone.
Given the BBC’s near obsession with social media, especially Twitter where bad thoughts can be blocked, intelligent commentary may need to reference them when on the topics the BBC covers, or chooses not to.
Fill the void, Maxicony, bless you, in a unique homage to a misty-eyed lost age of civilised discourse.
People here do not post hatred of those you call ‘niggers and pakis’. They post comments about the way the BBC uses these people and others as a means of promoting the BBC’s own political objectives.
As for your case – I do not hate people who fist each other in Camden public toilets, but I would be very hostile to a BBC report that said that those of us who dislike your practices are bigoted.
Evening all – it’s been a while. Have had to relocate my internet facility and been offline for a while.
R4 Today earlier this week: Labour spokesman accuses Nick Robinson of interrupting and “answering his own questions”.
I’ve never voted Labour in my life, but thought that a good point, well made.
Then I noticed Robbo doing the exact same thing with Jeremy Hunt this morning. “You slipped in another sound bite there” Robbo concluded, no comeback opportunity for Hunt.
And yesterday John Humphreys wasted 15 minutes wittering on about a left-spiralled snail that a scientist had brought into the studio.
Does anyone really give a monkey’s whether Phil Hammond used a rude word when he spoke to a member of Treeza’s team?
What are they all on? Today has become un-listenable. No exaggeration: my bedside alarm clock switches it on, then after 5 minutes I switch over or off.
The afternoon equivalent, PM with oh-so-ironic Eddie Mair, is as bad. A show that can’t decide whether it is supposed to be serious or funny. So the “serious” bits end up not serious, and the “funny” bits not funny.
Is there a shortage of actual news? Why can’t R4 simply report it?
Dover Sentry, you are right about all the other organisations but the BBC has been getting more left-wing since the 1970s. Now they don’t even bother to hide it, though still denying it with straight faces.
Actually, I believe the BBC’s Leftward drift began in the 1960s – and even before then (despite the presence of an MI5 officer in Broadcasting House!) there was a very active communist presence at the organisation going way back. What changed as time passed was that the Left moved from being a minority to being in charge.
Indeed. Just need to look at the idiot that defends them on here to see the mental gymnastics that are required every day to justify their stinking anti British bias.
Could the rot in the above be anything to do with this “charitable” organsisation, DS?
BBC, Council officers, Senior police offices, head teachers etc, etc. The link just shows the BBC involvement. Interesting list!
And how many of these graduates have been involved in the historic and ongoing coverups, including the police, social services, nhs, council officials, etc., enablers all. Time the stone was lifted and a light shone on this outfit!
now the famous labour activist Tom Mills appears to be in charge of a NEW Lab PR campaign to construct the narrative that the BBC has a cultural bias against Labour
..People at a Labour meeting may swallow that.
…but older people on the street won’t.
What a load of absolute rubbish from the Statesman! The BBC starts its daily ‘Green’ propaganda first thing in the morning and continues with it right throughout the day.
It may be (just) subtle enough not to have a placard reading ‘vote Green’ behind every presenter’s head but the content of its programmes, with ‘climate change’ this and ‘eco’ that squeezed into every possible slot, is about as nakedly, politically partisan as you can get.
I noted just the other day on BBC Radio 2, Chris Evans talking up some programme about a meteorite hitting Earth and wiping out the dinosaurs. Apparently any dinosaurs within 6000 miles of the impact were “toast” but the rest died due to the intense heat burning up the atmosphere. I was waiting for the implication that diesel vehicles in London would have a similar result…
SG: “People at a Labour meeting may swallow that.
…but older people on the street won’t.”
Quite right, Stew.
People who were paying attention when a former Labour MP and Government Minister was given even greater control over the output of the BBC last autumn also will choke on it and may need a medical intervention.
I’ve been listening to very short pieces on World Service during the night. I doze then wake and force of habit has me clicking on the radio. The news wasn’t running the Times Square incident. I thought did this happen at all. I heard about it while watching a you tube video of Lionel Nation. His wife was watching live TV and began relaying the news to him who in turn passed it onto his viewers. I have checked CBB news page and sure enough it’s at the top. I don’t understand how such an important piece can be completely omitted from a radio news read. They were very keen to tell us about a painting that sold for a hundred and ten million. All I can say is that they are a rotten corrupt bunch of useless morons.
I received an email regarding changes to my CBB I player account. I already deleted my app when I cancelled my license and now unsubscribed from their mailing list. They advise if you don’t like the changes we are sorry to see you go. I’m not sorry though. Wondering if they will eventually make you pay for a license just for listening to the radio.
I’m forewarned this morning that Tim Farron and Nicola Sturgeon will be on the BBC Breakfast red sofa.
Another ninty-minutes-in-primping, over-earnest, light-blue suited, platitude spouting, virtue shouting, beta male – paired with an over-promoted, feisty-faced, super entitled, Britain abolishionist, uterine fascist.
How on earth will we tell the difference from our usual sofa crew?
8:34 R4Today Wow they let a Tory on !
Ah it’s Ken Clarke and he’s there cos he’s an old timer
and keeps criticising his own party
“The last manifesto was crazy, locking yourself into all the costings” (true)
“What you need to do is run a surplus in the good times , and run a deficit in the bad times” *
Immigration : “That’s not an EU thing really, that’s a home office thing , I’m in favour of what it brings’s just that went Farage came up and started making a fuss”
“Immigration is hard to control, I’ve always been in favour of ID cards (good), it’s damm difficult to deal with illegal immigrants who are pretending to be a different nationality than his own”
* (true, but gov’s get into spending to get elected and can’t get out, maybe EU exacerbates that)
– Then over to 5 Live where an obvious plant was questioning Neil Hamilton at a public hall meeting in Wales.
– The plant pretending to be a member of the public first asked a soft question
“Well seems to me that UKIP have another policies than immigration”
NH gave a competent answer saying “If you’d come to the Welsh Assembly you’d have seen we’ve got a full programme, you would have seen us using it in debates”
The plant snarled back
” You are immature and stupid and your party is dead in the water”
Here we go again..
Labour run and owned YouGov polling stating that Labour have gained 8 points on the Tories since the launch of there Manifesto, a poll requested by the Guardian and Mirror, wow !! what a surprise. All other 7 polling companies have it at no real change.
I really thought that Yougov may have learnt a lesson from the last election.
Since the Labour manifesto is in essence “We’ll give you free stuff and make the rich bastards pay for it”, then you might expect a bounce, especially from the young.
Anyone with a bit of experience of life knows that Labour always mess up the economy (it took New Labour longer than most, but they got there), and there are never enough rich bastards to pay for all the free stuff.
It’s an iron law. The best things socialist policies can bring are economic stagnation and high unemployment (France), at the worst they simply bring economic disaster and societal turmoil (Venezuela). There is never, ever a good outcome.
If you listened to Nigel’s programmes on LBC, the Labour manifesto got an overwhelming thumbs-up from the callers and texters (not 100% admittedly). The “Liberal” “Democrat” one got almost the opposite reaction to Labour and the Conservative one got a mixed bag reaction.
I think the polling companies have added to the declared Conservative support because they keep getting caught out by “Shy Tories”. I don’t think people are as shy to admit their support for the Conservatives this time and I think the result will be far from the landslide predicted. It will be quite a tight finish as the television channels will be normalising Corbyn and demonising May like mad the closer it gets to election day. Tactical voting by the Regressive Alliance will also harm the Conservatives in our FPTP system.
The turning point of the Three Girls drama was the prosecutor Nazir community meeting with the Pakistani community
– The issues of “they all racists” “they’re all white slags” were addressed
A woman shouting “It’s not just about intolerance of white women is it ?”
And there was a clear statement from Nazir
..”Although the majority of child sex crimes are by white men, they are almost always lone operators targetting one girl
..BUT the vast majority of group grooming attacks come from our community” (paraphrase)
From Twitter
“Well that meeting didn’t seem to aid their distancing themselves from the defendants.”
“Kudos to the woman who is beating down all of the victim-blamers in the town hall meeting ”
“The white nonces were secretive individuals, knew they could be lynched if exposed. The Muslims did it openly in their community”
The prog gave NAZIR as the reason for re-opening the abandoned police investigation. I am not convinced of this, wasn’t it the case that it was like a mass of outside pressures EDL etc. ..What’s the book say ?
Ah on TV this morning he credited Andrew Norfolk with raising the issue that “was not on the radar with the police”
Plenty of difficult things the prog didn’t deal with, religion connection, the mixed race babies as a result of the rapes etc.
Context : 150 people in the room, only 2 are white : the police chief on stage and one token old man in the audience
Taxi Driver “I’ve gone down 60% since the verdict cos people would rather wait for a white driver”
(sad bastard is blaming the prosecution rather that his own community’s criminality and cover up)
Nazir “People in the community must have known what was going on”
Taxi Driver angrily “Are you saying I knew about this ?” “cos I would have rounded them up”
Thin Boy “see them people who won’t get into your cab, that’s just racist”
(what in the same way Americans stay away from London after a Terrorist attack ?)
White Police head “ethnicity is NOT an issue here”
Nazir slowly “It’s not an issue here, it’s a FACT
..the vast majority of sex offenders are white males, 90%* are British white males acting alone
.. but in this particular type of crime , on street grooming of vulnerable girls, it’s overwhelmingly British Pakistani males acting together”
Thin Boy angrily “what that’s my responsibility is it ?”
Bomber Jacket “white people are never asked to cope with the deviant behaviour of other white people”
Taxi driver “It isn’t about the guys .. what was a 13 year old white girl doing in that flat”
Young Asian Female stands up ” you are blaming the victim , that victim !”
Taxi driver “No, cos my sister, our daughters aren’t hanging about on street corners in short skirts with their chests hanging out
YAF ” they were in tracky bottoms, school uniform, these men had disgusting attitudes towards women AND not just white women …”
Taxi driver “That is a tiny tiny proportion of British Pakistanis”
YAF ” I know ..but as long as THAT ATTITUDE exists in our community here in Rochdale there will be repurcussions for all of us !”
cut to head shot of older hijabbed woman nodding
..End of scene cuts to Jenny Murray on Woman’s Hour,
where spokeswoman claims workers had not escalated the complaint
Cut to outraged Sara Rowbotham
(10 mins later film ends with notice saying “Sara Rowbotham was excluded from further child initiatives and made redundant the following year ”
” no police officers from 2008 were disciplined”
cuts to list of 36 towns
End with close ups of 2 victims faces from school girls to grown up women
* ( questionable figure it maybe lower but not 10 or 20%
I’m reasonably happy with the Three Girls Drama and think it’s positive step towards BBC reform.
There was no twists to turn the narrative into ‘blaming white people for the crimes of those nutters’, which I was dreading and wouldn’t have been surprised given the BBC’s record.
Pakistani ethnicity was clearly tackled ..and although the Islamic foundation was not addressed, you can expect an alcoholic like the BBC to reform 100% in 1 day.
A prequel could deal with what caused this : the issue of how guys thought it was acceptable to rape children
And why people close to them who must have known what is going on did not step up and intervene, thus facilitating the massive expansion of the MO.
My guess is cos of the “follow the big man culture” people felt unable to speak up.
Indded Stew, and how a news gathering operation like the BBC didn’t report on the rapes and tortures of 1,400 children, because the victims were white and the culprits were Muslims.
” the issue of how guys thought it was acceptable to rape children” because their holy book tells them it’s OK, Stew, and they are merely following the example set by the perfect man?
Yep as I said “Plenty of difficult things the prog didn’t deal with, religion connection, the mixed race babies as a result of the rapes etc.”
and it would be great to see a prequel explaining that religion connection.
Perhaps a brave man might step forward and say “I was an abuser, here’s my story”
Regarding the Three Girls – The entire discussion is focusing on the mistakes made by the police, not listening to the victims, and the solution – better counselling methods, better trained police. And now of course with hindsight, all is well.
The mass rapes of our children can be compared to an invasion, where the children are the spoils of war. Do the maths and it adds up to thousands of rapists if thousands of girls were each raped by several men every night they were taken by their groomers . But these clients of the grooming gangs are not likely to face trial.
This episode in our history should be regarded as an act of war not a criminal matter. The cops and social workers, and many school teachers who knew what was happening should be interred. And we should be looking upwards to the politicians who pulled strings to silence the cops in order to protect the multiculture
I suggest waterboarding the convicted groomers to extract the names of their clients and have them arrested, interred and send to one of the cess pits where this is normal behaviour for them.
I remember a question back in school, “when was the last time that Britain was successfully invaded?”
The clues, they came in boats from foreign lands, raped, pillaged etc.
The answer back then I think was 1066.
Not so sure what it would be now but they do say that history repeats itself.
“when was the last time that Britain was successfully invaded?”
Er, yesterday?
And the day before. And the day before. And the day before. And the day before.
And the day before. And the day before. And the day before. And the day before.
And the day before. And the day before. And the day before. And the day before.
And the day before. And the day before. And the day before. And the day before.
And the day before. And the day before. And the day before. And the day before.
And the day before. And the day before. And the day before. And the day before.
And the day before. And the day before. And the day before. And the day before.
And the day before. And the day before. And the day before. And the day before.
More Muslim aggression there. A rejection of the rule of law & a call to all Muslims to close ranks.
Same pattern as used since Madhammed established his evil cult.
There is a perception in the minds of many ordinary people that all Muslims are now potential child abusers, or that they have been involved in some sort of a cover up. This is further perpetuated by fourteen far-right demonstrations in our town that have zapped poison into our local community.
I think he’ll find it’s more likely that this perception, this zapping of poison was further perpetuated by what must be a damn site more than fourteen court cases featuring Muslims abusing children.
“…..or that they have been involved in some sort of a cover up” – A cover up, sure, they hide and or are grossly reluctant to tell us what instructions they are given to live their lives in their handbook, the Quaran! If they did, that would expose the reasons for their disgusting, despicable inhuman habits.
In passing, I would like to say what really infuriates me with this site, other than it being slow. When you have logged on, and ticked the “remember me” box, all is well for a while. Then later, you enter the site, look through all the “newer comments” pages (which can be a slow process) and eventually reach a position where you go to write something, then suddenly discover you’ve been logged out, have to log in again, and go through the whole “newer comments” raft of pages to get back to where you were.
You beat me to it OG ! I have problems if the threads are any longer than 3 pages, it takes for ever, and then I get messages that BBBC is not responding due to long running script. So it cuts out and I have to start again. Can we have a new thread now please.
Yes logging in on that same page results in you being taken to the FIRST page of the thread
So use a trick..If you’ve been logged in some time and want to respond DONT login on that page.
#1 Instead leave it and click at the top of the browser to open a NEW TAB and type biasedbbc .org/login
When you login there it changes your cookie state to logged-in
#2 Then close that tab so you are back at your original one,
#3 right click the time of the comment you are commenting on and select open in new tab.
The new tab will open right at comment and with you logged in
(you can close that old tab then)
Actually you can skip stage #3 if the WORD “reply” is available on the original comment
I repeat : when your login times-out, you need to reset your cookie status to logged-in..
.. And you can do that by opening a fresh NEW tab at biasedbbc .org/login
and then coming back to your original tab
…if that original tab has a half post message saying “you must be logged in to post ..” then click the word “go back” and you’ll see the comment you typed at the bottom of the page, simply clicking post will now enable you to post,
Regards being logged out. Never had an issue. I use ‘Opera’ as my main browser.
best of all it has a built in ad blocker (which you can disable in seconds if a site doesn’t like ad blockers.)
Is it possible to be returned to the first unread post as I always find myself lost when I return to the site and have to work backwards to find where I was?
Thank you Lucy, you’ve put it succinctly, – same for me too. I’m not homophobic – each to their own, but (and this is where its an age thing), having spent the majority of my life seeing men and women kiss, it takes some getting my head around 2 blokes eating at each other’s faces. Its become more prevalent in images on the box during the last few years – whether in dramas or adverts, but I still feel ‘twitchy’ when faced with it.
Thought i d check on the Al BBC news site on this story 😀
surprise, surprise only “poor me” illegal immigrants stories.
Al BBC Europe does have this though
“Turkey opens ‘city’ for Syrian refugees”
“What now for Macron? Meet Brigitte – the new first lady”
Rajar :”Radio1 loses quarter of listeners in last 6 years”
Commercial out ranks BBC
“Today’s #PressSummary covers today’s RAJAR news. From Radio 1’s lowest figures to commercial overtaking the BBC”
“Spotify now has more UK listeners than Radio 1”
Charges against Julian Assange have been dropped. On the BBC news site he is shown in a suitably heroic Lenin like pose.
No doubt the BBC, Newsnight in particular, will be dragging out all the man haters to say what an affront it is that a man accused of a sexual assault by two women has resisted questioning for 5 years, let alone faced the charges in court.
Then the Guardian harridans will start the tweets until Assange cannot get another job – just as they all did to Ched Evans, after he served a sentence for a crime that didn’t even occur outside the imagination of the CPS and the BBC.
I know that praising a BBC Article can appear strange, but this on the closure of ‘ The Greatest Show on Earth’, the end of what started out as Barnum and Bailey Circus, by Jessica Lussenhop, BBC North America Journalist, shows what might be done if they turn the bias off, and try some actual reporting. If the link does not work, apologies, but I am using the overseas feed.
The complaints of audience bias on QT feature with the same monotonous regularity as the whoops and shrieks with which any anti-Tory or pro-Corbyn replies are greeted. This does not seem to have any effect on the BBC – but that’s not surprising. Shameless, and transparently pathetic, but not surprising.
What it does do, as an example of the utter distain with which the majority of the English general public – the ones that colour the political demographic map of the UK almost exclusively blue – are seen, is to define BBC political bias, well beyond all futile, juvenile and fundamentally dishonest attempts to deny it.
Not bBBC, but it was just the same on last night’s ITV Losers’ Debate. Four identikit parties with leftie giveaway policies, all supported by the audience noise, attacking UKIP’s Nuttall and the absent Mrs May.
Two former BBC radio presenters had sex in parkland in full view of a group of teenage boys, a jury has heard.
The article continues… Tony and Julie Wadsworth are also accused of indecently assaulting under-age boys between 1992 and 1996.
Typical BBC in denial, of BBC staff, indecently assaulting under-age boys and it is just a secondary mention and doesn’t make it into the headline. The BBC will do anything to normalise sex with children.
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
Here is the Muslim Manifesto for the election.
Once Treezer has a look at it she will add it to the Conservative Manifesto.
She could lose this election. Labour are closing the gap.
Click to access MEND-Muslim-Manifesto-2017_FINAL_lowres.pdf
I just read part of the executive summary: “The Government has continued to implement counter-terrorism legislation which disproportionately impacts Muslim communities”. And there was I thinking that terrorism was disproportionally carried out by Muslims! A lot more there, in that Victims’ Manifesto, in the same vein
“Commit to preserving the Human Rights Act and the protection of minority rights including rights to religious slaughter”
Is that the slaughter of animals or the kuffar?
When it comes to islam its both when it comes to the slaughter of animals and kuffar, Take the word of me a Sikh for it We know all about what happens to non muslims who wont embrace padophile muhhamad’s islamic death cult, Under the mughals in India us Sikhs were told to embrace pislam or die, We saw the islam {like its current mouthpiece the BBC} was a fundimentally flawed product and refused so the muslims one to the four things muslims are good at genocide along with lying, breeding and conning the guliable and killed most of us. So be warned death is what awaits any non-mulim who refused to submit to peadophile muhammad’s islamic death cult You have been warned by someone who’s ancestors where ther
Brillo was very jolly today, telling the British people that it is impossible to reduce immigration and Teezer is just promising it to satisfy us uneducated racist skinheads (i.e. Brexit voters)
Really makes you think how, at our strongest times in history, net migration was negative tens of thousands, not positive half a million. How can that be? Brillo insists we are doomed without it. Then, to discuss this, they get Polly Toynbee and Fraser Nelson on. While Polly was enlightening us on how thick Brexiteers are, Fraser was sheepishly nodding his head at the idea that we cannot control immigration (why **won’t** those bloody plebs understand that!).
It’s also very telling how Brillo tore into Dominic Raab using half-truths and selective memory (again forgetting that a cap and freeze are very different), then want on to suck up to that unfunny satirist who was his guest. Naturally, they managed to fit some Trump bashing on, saying that at least May wasn’t Trump.
Just what in God’s name justifies using Polly Toynbee to provide informed opinions? What has this pasty, jaded pseudo Marxist non-intellectual ever achieved or contributed, other than vainly helping to diminish the downward spiral of Guardian sales?
I think she may have helped to put Tuscany on the map.
Think Toynbee has the freehold bits of certain bits of Westminster so any of her offspring will be in private education, do Ppe and then get through to become a safe labour candidate in 2020 something … I know I’m a long way out ..
I do most sincerely hope you’re wrong Fedup. The concept of Toynbee having offspring involves picturing activity almost as upsetting as the Corbyn/Abbott couplings.
I do think the tide is turning, slowly, against mass immigration. In the UK we have Brexit, which is a partly a result of immigration policies. On the continent, the Visegrad states are openly opposed to it. France, the Netherlands and Austria have all had close runs with anti-immigration politicians, who were kept from winning in part due to titanic efforts by the globalists, eg the creation of Macron out of almost nothing, simply so that a credible opposition to Le Pen could be fielded. Some countries, eg Sweden and Germany, are probably too far gone to change now, but I suspect with each successive election it will become more and more difficult even for the globalist elites to ignore the problems of mass immigration.
Radio Lincolnshire lead News with
“Liberal battlebus is visiting town”
Later told us : “LibDems came 4th in the seat last time
..and the town voted Brexit”
The BBC makes a drama about the Muslim rape gangs but never mentions Islam.
This is what get’s my goat and suggests it is highly probable that a Brexit stitch-up is on the way. Alternatively, Ben Gummer MP is simply another one who will say and do anything to keep his job.
Meanwhile, giving us full confidence, Merkel’s opinion of limiting immigration to the, “tens of thousands” –
” … it is highly probable that a Brexit stitch-up is on the way”
It is very likely. By the time she has negotiated Brexit things will be the same as remaining. We will have open borders and be moving towards Eurabia, distancing ourselves from the US.
Perhaps it is too late for UKIP to get their act together and put up a fight to stop their voters backing Treezer. But I will be voting for UKIP because it is better to vote for what you want and not get it than to vote for what you don’t want and get it.
Caught a bit of vines show on radio 2 just after jezza had departed and he was taking calls. He was speaking to a man who was criticising corbyn and vine nearly lost the rag with him. How dare anyone criticise the dear leader. When the caller had gone he then went and belittled him with no comeback. We were then treated to a ‘tory’ caller who having heard jezza speak is now voting labour after being a tory for many years. She gave the game away by going on a rant about thatcher and what she done 30 years ago. Now maybe its me but i dont remember vine inviting theresa on to do a bashing session on the labour manifesto just after it launched. The labour manifesto may be a pile of student marxist fairytale but the beeb have not given up helping labour and are throwing everything they can at doing so.
Not the beeb but channel 5 and the wright stuff had green party leader bartley in for the show. Matthew wright who is a corbyn fan was basically doing an arse kissing session for 2 hours. His co leader lucas had a pile up on the daily politics earlier in the week about who offered the greens 250000 to stand aside in richmond and she refused to answer saying she couldnt remember for this debate. Not a mention of this at all just telling us how good and righteous the greens are and bashing the torys at every opportunity. We also got a rerun of the time bartley came across david cameron in 2010 whilst out walking with his son with the beeb in tow.
It caught quite of bit of Jezza talking and he came across as very amiable and just the kind of guy you’d like to teach your children Geography but then Vines was hardly putting him on the spot. I thought it interesting that Vines didn’t think it worthwhile mentioning that the current lower corporation tax rate had netted more revenue than the previously higher tax rate.
I also then heard the obligatory caller who had previously voted for Tory but after hearing Jezza had changed their minds…really? I do despair of these individuals and the gullibility of the Beeb and ITV in putting them on TV as self professed undecided’s. Well of course they’re going to tell you that they are undecided. They won’t get selected to be on the telly if they confess to already knowing who they will vote for.
“He was speaking to a man who was criticising corbyn and vine nearly lost the rag with him. How dare anyone criticise the dear leader. When the caller had gone he then went and belittled him with no comeback”
You’re talking about a caller who said he wasn’t voting for Corbyn because he hadn’t pruned the rose bush in front of his house.
[No, I’m not making it up]
Vine didn’t “nearly lose his rag”, or “belittle him; but you’re upset because the caller’s deep political insight wasn’t given the due deference you think it deserved?
Buy-to-let millionaire who bans ‘coloured’ people faces legal action .
It emerged in March that Wilson, who owns almost 1,000 homes across Ashford and Maidstone in Kent, emailed a local letting agency, Evolution, saying: “No coloured people because of the curry smell at the end of the tenancy.”
After an investigation, the Equality and Human Rights Commission is seeking a court injunction against Wilson.
I wonder what would happen if he banned curry in the properties. Some property owners might ban pork and get away with it
Who says the BBC no longer do investigative journalism?
Thieves steal £86,000 from Southampton cash machine
A short article with quotes from the Police. Thieves stole from a small Tesco shop in Southampton.
The BBC finish the article with some top quality investigative journalism…
According to the shop’s website, it is open from 06:00 until 23:00 every day.
Not beebistan, but almost as bad: Channel 4 does a doc called ISIS: The Origins of Violence and asks the ‘daring’ question whether Islamic doctrine contains a strain of thought that can be used to justify extreme violence and even genocide.
They could have saved a lot of time and trouble by just reading the koran, the sunna, hadith and sira; and the entire history of the religion of war. All full of incitement to violence.
It was born in violence, spread by violence, and maintains itself by violence.
I seemed to remember that Tom Holland got into trouble for another documentary about Islam sometime ago. As he was appearing on C4, I assumed this documentary must be some kind of groveling apology to Islam. He was pondering why ISIS had it in for France and Paris in particular. Most of the programme told us nothing we did not know already. All that nastiness toward christians and practically anyone else you can think of. Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt was key according to Holland and in some mystical way established the “French connection”. Holland seems to think that “there are verses in the Koran that no one has taken literally for over a century”. Muslims always claim the same thing. However if you ask them to remove the difficult verses from the koran , they refuse as everything in the Koran is the word of god. What Holland does not understand is that Mulims what to use these divine injunctions when it suits them to do so.
He also claims that Mohammed’s child concubine troubled no one in the West until the West became more aware of child abuse in its midst in recent times.
Latest….. in New York in Times Square, a speeding car has rammed into pedestrians, the driver is in custody . HOWEVER, they’re not sure if it was an accident, as there is one person dead and 12 injured ! OR if it was deliberate….. BUT they say, its not terror related. Um, it could be ‘deliberate’ but NOT related to terrorism ???? am I being thick here ?
Appallingly hostile BBC TV news coverage of the launch of the Conservative manifesto . Some howling socialist workers party type rent a mob were outside the launch and were given a leading role in the coverage. Apparently their views are just as important as the Prime Ministers .
Tonight on radio 4 PM, just before 6:00pm was a piece by someone who was an alleged satirist – I use the word alleged because satire is amusing, but this was a vile attack on Theresa May and the Tory Manifesto. Tomorrow we are told we will be treated to more of the same but with UKIP as the victims.
I haven’t heard if there were similar attacks on the other parties, but if they were equally vile and unfunny then I would question why such an individual (whose name I failed to catch) is being employed in the first place.
That was the bBBC inviting a political satirist to comment each evening on the respective party manifestos. In a remarkable happy twist for the bBBC, the man selected to do so was….John Crace, political sketch writer for the Grauniad…..surprise surprise!!!!
It really was pathetic, Thoughtful.
I sometimes turn on the wireless when I’m working in the shed, and I suppose it only took a few seconds to realise that this was yet another attack on the Conservatives and anyone not inclined leftwards. I wonder if the morons who wrote this rubbish are old enough to remember the unions deciding hospital lists in cancer wards, and which patients were going to be treated next? No I thought not, they’re still too young.
The delivery was just childish, and perhaps worthy of a fourth form ‘revue’. Not in the least bit amusing, but par for the course with the weedy sorts who are not able even to write funny stuff, even after several snorts and a few fags.
BBC News 6PM…
George Alagiah..Halifax.
Pitting the young against the old again …with not much respect ..
Pensioners all over 70 and above rightfully defending their pensions.
The older generation deserve respect and consideration that seems to be lacking today.
New Labour under Blair initiated the attack on the Baby Boomers
claiming that they stole the cookies from the cookie jar.
Not so.
For many people growing up in the 40’s and 50’s was tough..
The 60’s was not so great for many either, even if the BBC paints a rosy picture!
So get your facts straight George!
Even gorgeous George had to hastily skate over the reasonable antipathy of the elderly ladies and a bloke or two, who were instantly suspicious of the questioning.
Own goal there, Georgie – should have looked a little closer at who you were interviewing; you occasionally do, but not this time!
Oh, and didn’t little Laura cock up her bile outburst, shaking like a leaf!
Not up to it gal, must try harder, and as there will be more to come from the instructions from your ‘managers’, we’ll notice, and probably switch off anyway, fake news; fake questions, fake ‘job’ really.
All of the party leaders in their ‘speeches’ have referred to ‘our elderly’ followed on by whatever case their pushing.
Why do none of them say … “and we will find ourselves in their shoes at some point”, because they will. Listening to them, I’m led to believe that I am part of one species which anyone under 60 will never become ! They also might like to know that its also ‘life’ that one half of a couple will die, – leaving the other on their own; and again this is something that’s also never planned for.
That is one of the most deep and passionate posts I’ve ever read, Brissles.
At first, I wanted to answer, then thought again, then went back to the start again, so, here I am, in a complete quandary, and need a darkened room somewhere…
(A red tincture is helping, but not that much..:0)
I believe May has proposed the most stupid and spiteful measures against the elderly in this country that have ever been put forward by a supposedly Tory govt.The B BC must be laughing up their designer sleeves.
For most of those in the middle (who own their own homes) ,the prospect is waiting to have it taken away from your family in lieu of care home/support services after your death ,all to cross-subsidise the ever-increasing tide of immigrants, both at the young end(health,education, unemployment benefit) ,and the old end (free care home and support services).
WE should all vote UKIP as this woman is no friend of ours and will sell us down the river once she wins and announces that she has a mandate.
I don’t trust this woman as far as I could s pit .She is a treacherous globalist .
I’m struggling to understand why suffering from one medically recognised illness, dementia, means you lose your house while another, let’s say heart disease, means you are cared for by the state.
The sheer illogicality of May’s position is brought about by the fact that the NHS and social care in the UK cannot be funded while we lavish a fortune on aid to dictatorships in countries which hate us and ‘services’ that are run for the benefit of the providers, not the recipients. Nor while we spend billions importing people who will never be able to contribute to the economy.
The BBC is unwilling to probe into this because it undermines its religious faith in a socialist utopia. As a consequence it is an irrelevance in any debate about the current election.
As parents we have a legal duty to look after our children, there is no such duty imposed on adults to look after their elderly parents, but perhaps there should be?
So if you wish to not pay for social care for the elderly look after your parents at home, and you’ll never have to pay a penny to the state. If your elderly parent requires a nursing home then you won’t have to pay for that either.
Please tell me though, if I do choose to look after my parents at home, why on earth should I also have to pay to look after the care home bills of those who expect the state to do everything for them.
Um, what about us who have neither children nor elderly parents – I am an old age orphan .
I have never cost the State one copper coin, because I worked continually for over 40 years I paid full stamp, never claimed the dole, not had children so didn’t get child benefit, when my husband died I didn’t get widows entitlement (because I received part of his pension), and no disability or housing benefits. All the Budgets during my existence have never given me anything to benefit from, but I sure as hell paid all taxes due.
Now I have reached becoming one of “the elderly”, I could be means tested for winter fuel payment, and have to pay if I’m ever likely to need a 15 minute visit from a non-carer to give me a microwave dinner and a 6.30 pm call to put me to bed !!! The future is f……g bleak is it not ?
Brissles – If it’s any consolation, you are not alone – my situation mirrors yours exactly.
All we are is a source of income for the Government to waste on freeloaders and scroungers, and to subsidise the corrupt leaders of shithole countries.
Thank you Lobby !
I think I can safely say that we are ‘the few who have supported the many” during our lifetime.
It’s not hard to get the impression that Treezer has bought the package being offered by the Left, that people who have paid into the Ponzi scheme their entire lives are now somehow freeloading on the young of today.
But it was ever thus, so what are the BBC and Grauniad writers complaining about?
The truth (or, at least, the subtext) is that the Left knows older people who have lived through decades of socialist failure and EU excess see through the plot so, as McEwan let slip last week, they’d rather that entire generation was dead.
How dare tax payers expect the return they were promised?
“Nor while we spend billions on importing people”
This expenditure is never mentioned. Nor is the cost of the extra security required to foil planned terror attacks, most of which are covered up. Also it’s not as if we actually import these people, they just arrive. Given the attitude of Merkel it seems that she is going to force us into continuing unlimited arrivals. While most of the EU is a basket case those arrivals seek out the UK as their destination of choice. Brussels never acknowledges that there is an imbalance in their cherished free movement of people with the UK taking the biggest hit.(not counting for Merkel’s stupidity in opening her country to invaders) It isn’t feasible to continue to accept more and more people. The strain on services is too great. Many parts of the UK are already disaster zones. Europeans I welcome, Muslims absolutely not, but the numbers still have to be controlled. Why is it so difficult to get this debated?
Well one of the biggest obstacles is the CBB. As you say fat chance of them probing into this.
I have noticed that the political classes WITHOUT EXCEPTION quickly switched to talking about our Supply problems i.e. we must build more houses,spend more money on NHS etc. and away from Demand problems i.e. how come demand for houses is so high and stresses on the NHS are so great?
It’s not as if the maximum geniuses in authority didn’t know there would be a baby-boom inspired spike in retirees between 2010-2020, is it??
All to deflect discussion away from unlimited immigration started by Bliar and continued by the useless Tories. when the going gets tough press the delete button
at least “Chow-derry” inside..for how much longer though?
Take a look at tonight’s television offerings on the CBB. Why would you bother paying for a license to watch such rubbish as Pointless, Antiques Road Show, The One Show, EastEnders, Kat and Alfie Redwater, The world according to kids and Great British Menu. Then of course at 9pm Three Girls.
Day after day it is the same. Rubbish and a lot of it. How they have the nerve to take our money is beyond me. Will they now report this as BBC hate speech to some faceless proto stasi droid.?
If they could they would they are that stupid.
…. moodswing … and 90% are repeats !!
I wrote to my mp today – ids- asking him to remember the elderly and not do what the manifesto promises . Anyway – I suppose itv ran a third rate cheap leaders thing … what a waste of time
We’ve had the LibDems manifesto, the Labour manifesto and the New Labour manifesto. When do we get the Conservative manifesto?
While not on the subject of BBC bias did anyone else hear Inside Science and its item about radio telescopes in Africa?
The inevitable woman commentator was telling us that a ‘dangerous’ bored scientist (Dr. No?) had been hunting using Google to find abandoned telecomms satellite dishes. So what happened when he found a likely one? Amazingly they belong to companies so, ‘in this case’, he contacted – wait for it – Vodafone.
This bear of little brain thought it might be easier to find telecomms companies operating in Africa and asking them what obsolescent plant they had? I’m sure Quentin Cooper would have asked the question. The best we get from Adam Rutherford would be, “Tell me how abandoned satellite earth stations contribute to Global Warming, as I’m sure they do”.
Just watched episode two of Three Girls. My my. Sometimes our cops get it wrong but basically they mean well and the good cops get on with the job and virtue and the integrity of the force prevails. No one is pulling strings, no one is actively trying to save the multiculture from criticism, just misunderstandings and a bit of unprofessional arrogance.
Then all is saved when Chief Prosecutor Nazir Afzal gets to work.
Did anyone mention Islam or Moslems?
Well Nazir made it clear it had nothing to do with Moslemism
I’m guessing that is the GUARDIAN speaking
and may not be how he said it himself
The original police report stated ‘Pakistani Muslims’ in relation to the 1,000+ rapes.
If so, does that not mean the BBC will be reporting them to their bosses now?
I have just watched a part of the “leaders” debate on ITV.
Leanne wood. If Taff man is around sometime, how could any one call her a leader? Her surname seems to describe her brain.
She seems to have a speak and not listen complex.
Typical valley’s ‘Mam’ – loads of verbals and no ears. The proto-feminazis.
She ought to change her name to Leanne 2 Short Planks.
She doesn’t come across as being particularly bright.
Leanne Wood is famous for her first political launch, after she became leader, “green jobs for a green economy” when of course ALL green jobs are subsidised, so would contribute as much to the economy as she does to politics.
With the Labour Party in the sort of freefall that wiped them out in Scotland, the left wing Plaid Cymru ought to be collecting huge numbers of voters yet at 13% see no change yet the Tories are up 12%
Na……. not real Welsh.
Ancestors originate from Scotland , or maybe even England ……………
Could be related to a Salmon ? ‘A chip off the old block’ maybe ?
8:50 BBC2 BBC Switch-on Bingo : Pet issue :Hijabs
Supposed to be a prog about children ..and straight away it’s an item about a YOUNG girl agonising about whether to wear hijab whilst on a visit to Pakistan.
“world according to kids”
I wish I could get tweets to embed in my posts. I have failed repeatedly.
But pleased to report another FAIL for BDS as Aerosmith unashamedly played in Israel last night.
PM Netanyahu Tweets: Benjamin NetanyahuVerified account @netanyahu 3h3 hours ago
I told @Aerosmith today that they have to come back again to visit our beautiful land. You don’t want to miss a thing!
@LP How to embed tweets
– pull up the tweet on your screen
– next to the name spot a time or date on that tweet
– right click or long press that time
– from that submenu select copy the url
..come here and paste it directly
If it says www then it’s ready , but if it says mobile. change that to www.
and don’t press the submit button 3 times
cos it somehow stops you deleting the post
@LP How to embed tweets
– pull up the tweet on your screen
– next to the name spot a time or date on that tweet
– right click or long press that time
– from that submenu select copy the url
..come here and paste it directly
If it says www then it’s ready , but if it says mobile. change that to www.
I’m going to have a David Preiser moment, (remember those days when we had intelligent comment here?).
If I wanted to read Twitter c**p I would sign up to that service and set my filters etc. to stream any junk that any idiot ‘tweeted’ about, by or for the BBC, but what would be the point?
And if that ‘floats your boat’, do it, but don’t post it here!
Let’s get back to making our own observation about what the BBC says or indeed doesn’t say but should have said.
Totally agree JimS! It does my bloody head in, and I have reached the stage now when I don’t even try to do anything other than scroll down the page to the next normal comment.
Add me to the list. I don’t feel Twitter comments add much. Actually, nor do YouTube videos. Both are the bane of Going Postal, too.
There’s a new list? Spiffy.
Just like people choose the best Youtube clips to share here
people choose the BEST tweets
There are 4,000 tweets each hour about the prog #ThreeGirls
I think people are doing a service if they repost 3 interesting ones here.
Secondly many videos don’t appear on Youtube eg BBC clips
so posting the tweet of said prog is the best way of getting the video clip on these pages.
If there is a place for tweets then it is called Twitter!
There are NO interesting tweet clips because they invariable lack context, structure, grammar and provenance and make very little sense when extracted and pasted here. Not only that but they fill stacks of what used to be called column-inches that the rest of us have to scroll past.
You obviously spend a lot of time on Twitter so when do you listen/watch to the BBC? Our good pro-BBC friends often make the point that our observations are subjective and they could well be right, but that is the way of drip-drip propaganda, not quite enough to be objectively biased but it builds up.
At the end of the day everyone makes subjective judgements, (including our pro-BBC friends who just know what newspaper or party others support!), so it influences opinions.
But, and it is a big ‘but’, at least those observations are source material, (they are their opinions), whereas re-tweets and pastes are hearsay and of no value whatsoever.
A forum where a hundred people report that they heard/saw a programme and thought such and such has some value as evidence. A forum where fifty-percent of the post are just re-posts is just an aggregating ‘service’, (yeah right!). If people want that just sign up to Twitter or ‘Google’ it.
It is not obsessive to point out the BBC’s egregious determination to avoid connecting any kind of misdemeanour with Islam.
@JimS I think sometimes when people post a tweet they are doing it JUST cos it includes the photo/video or link
And that hey might be expecting you to skip past gobblygook text of the actual tweet
– An important thing I teach my foreign students is not to just dwell on a “hard word” they’ve never seen before but rather scan the whole text and extract the meaning from that.
In our modern world such FILTERING is an essential skill.
I confess to the sin of posting You Tube vids here I do so because so much on You Tube covers gaps in the news that are deliberately left out by overpaid and biased BBC reporters.
This would include excellent vids by Rebel media which often refer to the BBC’s omission of key facts about law enforcement or political campaigns such as Justice for Chelsey. Coming up soon is a Rebel Media vid of the attack on Tommy Robinson and Rebel Media by Moslems in a no go area in the UK. Now remember, the BBC, including Brillo Neill and others, have ridiculed and denied that such areas exist
Perhaps I will not post this vid exposing BBC shortcomings, but instead rely on my ever failing ability to post intelligent comments.
“remember those days when we had intelligent comment here?”
That would be before Vance & Alan’s pathological obsession with “Muslims” changed this forum from being about the BBC into an endless diatribe against “those dirty brown people”.
That’s why Preiser left; why debate was replaced by blind tribalism; and why this site is now populated by people who wear their hatred of niggers and pakis like a badge of honour.
“Let’s get back to making our own observation about what the BBC says…”
We all know what your sort say, Jimaya… why do you post here if you hate it so much? Is the BBC paying you overtime? Bless.
Getting a bit carried away tonight, Maxi? What are you fellas smoking on BBC night shift?
@Yasser if you look at the post timings , you can see that when Maxi posted it was sandwiched between postings which contain a photo of a Jewish person and a photo of one of “those dirty brown people” (Ayaan Hirsi Ali appearing 2 comments below Maxi’s)
BTW Forums do evolve over time, they don’t stay “like the old days”
if people don’t like photos they can switch pictures off in the browser settings eg Chrome allows you to set a rule for a site excluding pics
Or they can use Inoreader and set the display settings there.
Although I too don’t like to see OFF TOPIC tweets and videos, a lot of tweets do supply useful material, eg Quick Debunks of BBC stuff that has just come out
I’ve noticed that Max likes to put things in quotation marks which aren’t actual quotes. Has he done it again here?
Someone mentions a list, and up pops Maxicony well after twilight from the irony free zone.
Given the BBC’s near obsession with social media, especially Twitter where bad thoughts can be blocked, intelligent commentary may need to reference them when on the topics the BBC covers, or chooses not to.
Fill the void, Maxicony, bless you, in a unique homage to a misty-eyed lost age of civilised discourse.
Maxi aka Zero
People here do not post hatred of those you call ‘niggers and pakis’. They post comments about the way the BBC uses these people and others as a means of promoting the BBC’s own political objectives.
As for your case – I do not hate people who fist each other in Camden public toilets, but I would be very hostile to a BBC report that said that those of us who dislike your practices are bigoted.
Evening all – it’s been a while. Have had to relocate my internet facility and been offline for a while.
R4 Today earlier this week: Labour spokesman accuses Nick Robinson of interrupting and “answering his own questions”.
I’ve never voted Labour in my life, but thought that a good point, well made.
Then I noticed Robbo doing the exact same thing with Jeremy Hunt this morning. “You slipped in another sound bite there” Robbo concluded, no comeback opportunity for Hunt.
And yesterday John Humphreys wasted 15 minutes wittering on about a left-spiralled snail that a scientist had brought into the studio.
Does anyone really give a monkey’s whether Phil Hammond used a rude word when he spoke to a member of Treeza’s team?
What are they all on? Today has become un-listenable. No exaggeration: my bedside alarm clock switches it on, then after 5 minutes I switch over or off.
The afternoon equivalent, PM with oh-so-ironic Eddie Mair, is as bad. A show that can’t decide whether it is supposed to be serious or funny. So the “serious” bits end up not serious, and the “funny” bits not funny.
Is there a shortage of actual news? Why can’t R4 simply report it?
Thank you Stew
Lucy, that’s an extremely well written article. It says things that are not normally said, but desperately need to be.
It all goes back to Tony Blair.
After 1997 and his election, the BBC became what it is now.
This has been mirrored in the following organisations:
Prison Service
Probation Service
Immigration Service
Local Government
Home Office
Foreign Office
1.5.1997 – “Empty champagne bottles littering the corridors.”
Tumbleweed on 9.7.2017.
Dover Sentry, you are right about all the other organisations but the BBC has been getting more left-wing since the 1970s. Now they don’t even bother to hide it, though still denying it with straight faces.
Actually, I believe the BBC’s Leftward drift began in the 1960s – and even before then (despite the presence of an MI5 officer in Broadcasting House!) there was a very active communist presence at the organisation going way back. What changed as time passed was that the Left moved from being a minority to being in charge.
Indeed. Just need to look at the idiot that defends them on here to see the mental gymnastics that are required every day to justify their stinking anti British bias.
Could the rot in the above be anything to do with this “charitable” organsisation, DS?
BBC, Council officers, Senior police offices, head teachers etc, etc. The link just shows the BBC involvement. Interesting list!
And how many of these graduates have been involved in the historic and ongoing coverups, including the police, social services, nhs, council officials, etc., enablers all. Time the stone was lifted and a light shone on this outfit!
And who will explore and expose this sinister and subversive organisation? Step forward the B… Oh.
Not much chance of this happening, GC.
Click to access CP_RPesto.pdf
Labour new PR campaign “BBC is biased against us”
Yeh right all those hundreds of BBC staff who tweet daily hate towards Trump/Brexit are all secret Ukip and Conservative voters.
“Difficult for so called Labour.
When BBC were rabidly pro EU, anti-Trump, anti-Le Pen they joined in the pile on.
Classic cake & eat it.”
“BBC is biased against us” Ha! Ha!
How many posts on this site giving examples of RT wing bias ?
Perhaps Maxi can help ?
now the famous labour activist Tom Mills appears to be in charge of a NEW Lab PR campaign to construct the narrative that the BBC has a cultural bias against Labour
..People at a Labour meeting may swallow that.
…but older people on the street won’t.
Mills has a new book and blogpost out
He references this
What a load of absolute rubbish from the Statesman! The BBC starts its daily ‘Green’ propaganda first thing in the morning and continues with it right throughout the day.
It may be (just) subtle enough not to have a placard reading ‘vote Green’ behind every presenter’s head but the content of its programmes, with ‘climate change’ this and ‘eco’ that squeezed into every possible slot, is about as nakedly, politically partisan as you can get.
I noted just the other day on BBC Radio 2, Chris Evans talking up some programme about a meteorite hitting Earth and wiping out the dinosaurs. Apparently any dinosaurs within 6000 miles of the impact were “toast” but the rest died due to the intense heat burning up the atmosphere. I was waiting for the implication that diesel vehicles in London would have a similar result…
Time for a judicial review then ?
Over to you Tory MPs who read this site .
His book was released in November and by Christmas was half price.
It must be pulp fiction ?
SG: “People at a Labour meeting may swallow that.
…but older people on the street won’t.”
Quite right, Stew.
People who were paying attention when a former Labour MP and Government Minister was given even greater control over the output of the BBC last autumn also will choke on it and may need a medical intervention.
I’ve been listening to very short pieces on World Service during the night. I doze then wake and force of habit has me clicking on the radio. The news wasn’t running the Times Square incident. I thought did this happen at all. I heard about it while watching a you tube video of Lionel Nation. His wife was watching live TV and began relaying the news to him who in turn passed it onto his viewers. I have checked CBB news page and sure enough it’s at the top. I don’t understand how such an important piece can be completely omitted from a radio news read. They were very keen to tell us about a painting that sold for a hundred and ten million. All I can say is that they are a rotten corrupt bunch of useless morons.
I received an email regarding changes to my CBB I player account. I already deleted my app when I cancelled my license and now unsubscribed from their mailing list. They advise if you don’t like the changes we are sorry to see you go. I’m not sorry though. Wondering if they will eventually make you pay for a license just for listening to the radio.
If I’m not mistaken, I’m sure I heard the Times Square incident reported as a suspected drunk driver incident?
I’m forewarned this morning that Tim Farron and Nicola Sturgeon will be on the BBC Breakfast red sofa.
Another ninty-minutes-in-primping, over-earnest, light-blue suited, platitude spouting, virtue shouting, beta male – paired with an over-promoted, feisty-faced, super entitled, Britain abolishionist, uterine fascist.
How on earth will we tell the difference from our usual sofa crew?
They are hot bunking with Diane Abbott and Nick Clegg in the green room.
Though how three of them fit on that sofa next to Ms. Abbott’s is a wonder.
More the b.b.bastards won’t tell you:
BBC Muslim rape gang drama never mentions Islamic identity or motivations of attackers
Mali: Unmarried couple stoned to death for violating Islamic law
Germany: Court rules it acceptable for politician to be called “Nazi slut” on TV for opposing Muslim migrant influx
Germany: Muslim migrant who “never demonstrated any signs of remorse” gets 11 years for raping two students
EU-sponsored propaganda video shows fairy godmother bringing migrants to Europe on flying carpet
Indonesia’s Aceh: Sharia court sentences two gay men to 85 lashes
Leftists’ misguided love affair with Islam
Georgetown professor Jonathan Brown promotes “religious discrimination” against Jews
8:34 R4Today Wow they let a Tory on !
Ah it’s Ken Clarke and he’s there cos he’s an old timer
and keeps criticising his own party
“The last manifesto was crazy, locking yourself into all the costings” (true)
“What you need to do is run a surplus in the good times , and run a deficit in the bad times” *
Immigration : “That’s not an EU thing really, that’s a home office thing , I’m in favour of what it brings’s just that went Farage came up and started making a fuss”
“Immigration is hard to control, I’ve always been in favour of ID cards (good), it’s damm difficult to deal with illegal immigrants who are pretending to be a different nationality than his own”
* (true, but gov’s get into spending to get elected and can’t get out, maybe EU exacerbates that)
– Then over to 5 Live where an obvious plant was questioning Neil Hamilton at a public hall meeting in Wales.
– The plant pretending to be a member of the public first asked a soft question
“Well seems to me that UKIP have another policies than immigration”
NH gave a competent answer saying “If you’d come to the Welsh Assembly you’d have seen we’ve got a full programme, you would have seen us using it in debates”
The plant snarled back
” You are immature and stupid and your party is dead in the water”
“You are immature and stupid”
The plant isn’t setting the bar very high with that kind of remark. I believe it’s known as projection.
Gives me the urge to vote UKIP
Here we go again..
Labour run and owned YouGov polling stating that Labour have gained 8 points on the Tories since the launch of there Manifesto, a poll requested by the Guardian and Mirror, wow !! what a surprise. All other 7 polling companies have it at no real change.
I really thought that Yougov may have learnt a lesson from the last election.
Since the Labour manifesto is in essence “We’ll give you free stuff and make the rich bastards pay for it”, then you might expect a bounce, especially from the young.
Anyone with a bit of experience of life knows that Labour always mess up the economy (it took New Labour longer than most, but they got there), and there are never enough rich bastards to pay for all the free stuff.
It’s an iron law. The best things socialist policies can bring are economic stagnation and high unemployment (France), at the worst they simply bring economic disaster and societal turmoil (Venezuela). There is never, ever a good outcome.
It now being the end of the week, may I suggest a new thread may be welcome to herald the weekend?
Don’t be impatient, it’ll be the start of the week again if you just wait a bit.
Mind you, ’twill take forever on my mobile to get to the latest post.
If you listened to Nigel’s programmes on LBC, the Labour manifesto got an overwhelming thumbs-up from the callers and texters (not 100% admittedly). The “Liberal” “Democrat” one got almost the opposite reaction to Labour and the Conservative one got a mixed bag reaction.
I think the polling companies have added to the declared Conservative support because they keep getting caught out by “Shy Tories”. I don’t think people are as shy to admit their support for the Conservatives this time and I think the result will be far from the landslide predicted. It will be quite a tight finish as the television channels will be normalising Corbyn and demonising May like mad the closer it gets to election day. Tactical voting by the Regressive Alliance will also harm the Conservatives in our FPTP system.
The turning point of the Three Girls drama was the prosecutor Nazir community meeting with the Pakistani community
– The issues of “they all racists” “they’re all white slags” were addressed
A woman shouting “It’s not just about intolerance of white women is it ?”
And there was a clear statement from Nazir
..”Although the majority of child sex crimes are by white men, they are almost always lone operators targetting one girl
..BUT the vast majority of group grooming attacks come from our community” (paraphrase)
From Twitter
“Well that meeting didn’t seem to aid their distancing themselves from the defendants.”
“Kudos to the woman who is beating down all of the victim-blamers in the town hall meeting ”
“The white nonces were secretive individuals, knew they could be lynched if exposed. The Muslims did it openly in their community”
The prog gave NAZIR as the reason for re-opening the abandoned police investigation. I am not convinced of this, wasn’t it the case that it was like a mass of outside pressures EDL etc. ..What’s the book say ?
Ah on TV this morning he credited Andrew Norfolk with raising the issue that “was not on the radar with the police”
Plenty of difficult things the prog didn’t deal with, religion connection, the mixed race babies as a result of the rapes etc.
Town Hall community meeting came at minute 41:50
link :
Context : 150 people in the room, only 2 are white : the police chief on stage and one token old man in the audience
Taxi Driver “I’ve gone down 60% since the verdict cos people would rather wait for a white driver”
(sad bastard is blaming the prosecution rather that his own community’s criminality and cover up)
Nazir “People in the community must have known what was going on”
Taxi Driver angrily “Are you saying I knew about this ?” “cos I would have rounded them up”
Thin Boy “see them people who won’t get into your cab, that’s just racist”
(what in the same way Americans stay away from London after a Terrorist attack ?)
White Police head “ethnicity is NOT an issue here”
Nazir slowly “It’s not an issue here, it’s a FACT
..the vast majority of sex offenders are white males, 90%* are British white males acting alone
.. but in this particular type of crime , on street grooming of vulnerable girls, it’s overwhelmingly British Pakistani males acting together”
Thin Boy angrily “what that’s my responsibility is it ?”
Bomber Jacket “white people are never asked to cope with the deviant behaviour of other white people”
Taxi driver “It isn’t about the guys .. what was a 13 year old white girl doing in that flat”
Young Asian Female stands up ” you are blaming the victim , that victim !”
Taxi driver “No, cos my sister, our daughters aren’t hanging about on street corners in short skirts with their chests hanging out
YAF ” they were in tracky bottoms, school uniform, these men had disgusting attitudes towards women AND not just white women …”
Taxi driver “That is a tiny tiny proportion of British Pakistanis”
YAF ” I know ..but as long as THAT ATTITUDE exists in our community here in Rochdale there will be repurcussions for all of us !”
cut to head shot of older hijabbed woman nodding
..End of scene cuts to Jenny Murray on Woman’s Hour,
where spokeswoman claims workers had not escalated the complaint
Cut to outraged Sara Rowbotham
(10 mins later film ends with notice saying “Sara Rowbotham was excluded from further child initiatives and made redundant the following year ”
” no police officers from 2008 were disciplined”
cuts to list of 36 towns
End with close ups of 2 victims faces from school girls to grown up women
* ( questionable figure it maybe lower but not 10 or 20%
I’m reasonably happy with the Three Girls Drama and think it’s positive step towards BBC reform.
There was no twists to turn the narrative into ‘blaming white people for the crimes of those nutters’, which I was dreading and wouldn’t have been surprised given the BBC’s record.
Pakistani ethnicity was clearly tackled ..and although the Islamic foundation was not addressed, you can expect an alcoholic like the BBC to reform 100% in 1 day.
A prequel could deal with what caused this : the issue of how guys thought it was acceptable to rape children
And why people close to them who must have known what is going on did not step up and intervene, thus facilitating the massive expansion of the MO.
My guess is cos of the “follow the big man culture” people felt unable to speak up.
Indded Stew, and how a news gathering operation like the BBC didn’t report on the rapes and tortures of 1,400 children, because the victims were white and the culprits were Muslims.
” the issue of how guys thought it was acceptable to rape children” because their holy book tells them it’s OK, Stew, and they are merely following the example set by the perfect man?
Yep as I said “Plenty of difficult things the prog didn’t deal with, religion connection, the mixed race babies as a result of the rapes etc.”
and it would be great to see a prequel explaining that religion connection.
Perhaps a brave man might step forward and say “I was an abuser, here’s my story”
Regarding the Three Girls – The entire discussion is focusing on the mistakes made by the police, not listening to the victims, and the solution – better counselling methods, better trained police. And now of course with hindsight, all is well.
The mass rapes of our children can be compared to an invasion, where the children are the spoils of war. Do the maths and it adds up to thousands of rapists if thousands of girls were each raped by several men every night they were taken by their groomers . But these clients of the grooming gangs are not likely to face trial.
This episode in our history should be regarded as an act of war not a criminal matter. The cops and social workers, and many school teachers who knew what was happening should be interred. And we should be looking upwards to the politicians who pulled strings to silence the cops in order to protect the multiculture
I suggest waterboarding the convicted groomers to extract the names of their clients and have them arrested, interred and send to one of the cess pits where this is normal behaviour for them.
Not likely to happen is it?
There is too much corruption in both politics and the justice system. I would only trust the military to deal appropriately with the perpetrators.
I remember a question back in school, “when was the last time that Britain was successfully invaded?”
The clues, they came in boats from foreign lands, raped, pillaged etc.
The answer back then I think was 1066.
Not so sure what it would be now but they do say that history repeats itself.
“when was the last time that Britain was successfully invaded?”
Er, yesterday?
And the day before. And the day before. And the day before. And the day before.
And the day before. And the day before. And the day before. And the day before.
And the day before. And the day before. And the day before. And the day before.
And the day before. And the day before. And the day before. And the day before.
And the day before. And the day before. And the day before. And the day before.
And the day before. And the day before. And the day before. And the day before.
And the day before. And the day before. And the day before. And the day before.
And the day before. And the day before. And the day before. And the day before.
Someone draws attention to the 2015 Muslim meeting where they decided to boycott Rotherham Police.
More Muslim aggression there. A rejection of the rule of law & a call to all Muslims to close ranks.
Same pattern as used since Madhammed established his evil cult.
I think he’ll find it’s more likely that this perception, this zapping of poison was further perpetuated by what must be a damn site more than fourteen court cases featuring Muslims abusing children.
“…..or that they have been involved in some sort of a cover up” – A cover up, sure, they hide and or are grossly reluctant to tell us what instructions they are given to live their lives in their handbook, the Quaran! If they did, that would expose the reasons for their disgusting, despicable inhuman habits.
In passing, I would like to say what really infuriates me with this site, other than it being slow. When you have logged on, and ticked the “remember me” box, all is well for a while. Then later, you enter the site, look through all the “newer comments” pages (which can be a slow process) and eventually reach a position where you go to write something, then suddenly discover you’ve been logged out, have to log in again, and go through the whole “newer comments” raft of pages to get back to where you were.
Just saying…
I actually got logged out once midway through typing a comment.
You beat me to it OG ! I have problems if the threads are any longer than 3 pages, it takes for ever, and then I get messages that BBBC is not responding due to long running script. So it cuts out and I have to start again. Can we have a new thread now please.
Yes logging in on that same page results in you being taken to the FIRST page of the thread
So use a trick..If you’ve been logged in some time and want to respond DONT login on that page.
#1 Instead leave it and click at the top of the browser to open a NEW TAB and type biasedbbc .org/login
When you login there it changes your cookie state to logged-in
#2 Then close that tab so you are back at your original one,
#3 right click the time of the comment you are commenting on and select open in new tab.
The new tab will open right at comment and with you logged in
(you can close that old tab then)
Actually you can skip stage #3 if the WORD “reply” is available on the original comment
I repeat : when your login times-out, you need to reset your cookie status to logged-in..
.. And you can do that by opening a fresh NEW tab at biasedbbc .org/login
and then coming back to your original tab
…if that original tab has a half post message saying “you must be logged in to post ..” then click the word “go back” and you’ll see the comment you typed at the bottom of the page, simply clicking post will now enable you to post,
Thanks, but wouldn’t it be easier if we just weren’t randomly logged out in the first place? 😀
Regards being logged out. Never had an issue. I use ‘Opera’ as my main browser.
best of all it has a built in ad blocker (which you can disable in seconds if a site doesn’t like ad blockers.)
Is it possible to be returned to the first unread post as I always find myself lost when I return to the site and have to work backwards to find where I was?
@RD Yep but you know how computers are ..drives you nuts
Box ticking by taxpayer funded quangos. Tough one to beat …
Apparently we have a public spending defecit of about £60 billion, yet somehow they find money for this. Austerity? What a joke.
It doesn’t matter how much they romanticise 2 blokes kissing (as lovers) or how beautiful a makeover they give it, it just looks awkward.
Thank you Lucy, you’ve put it succinctly, – same for me too. I’m not homophobic – each to their own, but (and this is where its an age thing), having spent the majority of my life seeing men and women kiss, it takes some getting my head around 2 blokes eating at each other’s faces. Its become more prevalent in images on the box during the last few years – whether in dramas or adverts, but I still feel ‘twitchy’ when faced with it.
Lucy, you are being very restrained and careful. My words for it are: gross, vile and obscene.
Thought i d check on the Al BBC news site on this story 😀
surprise, surprise only “poor me” illegal immigrants stories.
Al BBC Europe does have this though
“Turkey opens ‘city’ for Syrian refugees”
“What now for Macron? Meet Brigitte – the new first lady”
… Now this is REAL relevant news.
Rajar :”Radio1 loses quarter of listeners in last 6 years”
Commercial out ranks BBC
“Today’s #PressSummary covers today’s RAJAR news. From Radio 1’s lowest figures to commercial overtaking the BBC”
“Spotify now has more UK listeners than Radio 1”
Charges against Julian Assange have been dropped. On the BBC news site he is shown in a suitably heroic Lenin like pose.
No doubt the BBC, Newsnight in particular, will be dragging out all the man haters to say what an affront it is that a man accused of a sexual assault by two women has resisted questioning for 5 years, let alone faced the charges in court.
Then the Guardian harridans will start the tweets until Assange cannot get another job – just as they all did to Ched Evans, after he served a sentence for a crime that didn’t even occur outside the imagination of the CPS and the BBC.
I know that praising a BBC Article can appear strange, but this on the closure of ‘ The Greatest Show on Earth’, the end of what started out as Barnum and Bailey Circus, by Jessica Lussenhop, BBC North America Journalist, shows what might be done if they turn the bias off, and try some actual reporting. If the link does not work, apologies, but I am using the overseas feed.
Captain Panick,
The link works for me fine.
Many thanks Lucy.
Having just watched the last two week’s QT it is obvious that the Conservatives have no chance of winning the election.
The complaints of audience bias on QT feature with the same monotonous regularity as the whoops and shrieks with which any anti-Tory or pro-Corbyn replies are greeted. This does not seem to have any effect on the BBC – but that’s not surprising. Shameless, and transparently pathetic, but not surprising.
What it does do, as an example of the utter distain with which the majority of the English general public – the ones that colour the political demographic map of the UK almost exclusively blue – are seen, is to define BBC political bias, well beyond all futile, juvenile and fundamentally dishonest attempts to deny it.
Not bBBC, but it was just the same on last night’s ITV Losers’ Debate. Four identikit parties with leftie giveaway policies, all supported by the audience noise, attacking UKIP’s Nuttall and the absent Mrs May.
Not heard from the bBC:
Italy: 2 Soldiers and Policeman stabbed at Train station.
Funny enough Sky news are reporting the story. I wonder why the bBC hasn’t?
Tweet shows beeboid Michael Rosen has another article sneering at UKIP
That would be the same Michael Rosen who has spoken at SWP conferences, would it?
Answer – yes, it would.
Tony and Julie Wadsworth ‘had sex in parkland’
Two former BBC radio presenters had sex in parkland in full view of a group of teenage boys, a jury has heard.
The article continues…
Tony and Julie Wadsworth are also accused of indecently assaulting under-age boys between 1992 and 1996.
Typical BBC in denial, of BBC staff, indecently assaulting under-age boys and it is just a secondary mention and doesn’t make it into the headline. The BBC will do anything to normalise sex with children.
Hmm that narrative seems too wow to be true.
Saturdays Times pg 19 long article.
We’ll see how it plays out in the end.
The benefits of the EU and its open borders ?
They get 9 years ‘free board and lodge’.
and there’s more ………
And …………