BBc North West comment again on the three girls project about events 5 years ago. Strange we were aware of what was happening about 10 years ago. Anyway to continue to muddy the waters “The men” are referred to as “mostly” of Pakistani origin.
– POLAND SAYS NO! They will not abide by the EU’s mandatory refugee quota for one reason: “They don’t want Muslims”
– AUSTRALIANS outraged that public swimming pool is now sharia-compliant, offering private areas for Muslim women
– ‘What next, curtains around Bondi Beach?’ Mark Latham slams Sydney council for putting screens around a public pool for Muslim women to swim in private.
– Guess why EU president wants Romania in the border-free EU Schengen zone?
In reaction to the rejection of mass migration of Muslim invaders by Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic, president of the European Union Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, wants to make Romania an alternate migration route for illegal alien Muslim freeloaders to get to Europe.
– SAN DIEGO: MORE parents demand that CAIR-sponsored “Special Treatment for Muslim Students Only” and “Islam-teaching” in public schools be stopped NOW!
– CNN gang bangs former Navy SEAL threatening: “Do NOT attack the stellar reporters of CNN”
How dare you question the authority of the venerable lamestream media?
Truth Revolt Former Navy SEAL Carl Higbie got an earful from CNN anchor Kate Bolduan when he dared question the authority of the mainstream media.
– MINNESOTASTAN: Routine arrest of Somali Muslims leads police to find an arsenal of weapons and bomb-making materials
– MUSLIM APOSTATES: The silent minority who must be heard but are virtually ignored by all the mainstream media
– Young ex-Muslim girl is called an Islamophobe and a racist for daring to criticize Islam.
– PAUL JOSEPH WATSON responds to the ridiculous Muslim Hijab Hip Hop video
– Muslims are trying to re-brand the leading symbol of Muslim male supremacy, the Islamic headbag (aka hijab), as a symbol of women’s liberation.
The BBC like their schools don`t they? And why the hell any self-respecting school would let THEM in (apart from publicity) is beyond me.
Doubt if all BBC hangers-on at usch events even HAVE a DBS certificate…does Jonathan Dimbleby I wonder?
Or is it one law for them, another one for us?
An FOI here methinks!
Ok let’s go back to the “Secret Agent” which I think was 2004. Wonder if the BBc will be dragging this up in the course of the 3 girls project. 30 seconds onward. My memory is the BBc denying it. Charities denying it. Long termers on this site will remember my ding dong with North West when they failed to cover the first tranche of “men of Asian origin” appeared in Liverpool Crown Court and told me it was a question of public interest whether to cover the story or not. You might remember my complaint to North West tonight when they covered a story about parts of Manchester being shut down by demonstrations when in fact the demonstrations were being held at a take away. Then hey all of a sudden it’s a surprise, Who could possibly have known. Anyone remember the Channel 4 documentary were Keith Allen (was it 2012?) followed Griffin around at the EU. Funny I can’t find a clip at the moment where Allen states he doesn’t believe the rape allegations. I remember NF and BNP campaigning to advertise the subject at the time but no one else.
Is anybody maintaining this site? The ‘start the week’ feed has been running from last Monday and now has 800+ comments.
For some reason the number of comments/hr. seem to be approaching 3/hr.
Question to Mr Vance and Alan – are you getting as bored as we are?
OK, #7 – this is the first time I’ve visited here for months, I think. It’s not that I’m bored with the content – it remains as valid as ever, and the comments seem to be just as interesting and, well, clever, some of them at least!
What seems to have happened for me is that the whole BBC thing has become contextualised in a broader framework – the EU Ref, plus the US Presser, place the enormous issues with the Beeb into the context of – exactly whose interests does the Corporation serve? And since some of those interests appear to me to coalesce into a great blob of political organisations, NGOs, international groups and individuals with a great deal too much power, I found myself commenting almost entirely on those targets directly. Besides, there is a vast swell of opinion out there now that knows the media is hopelessly canted to one side, partisan beyond reform in the eyes of many. Its fate remains an important one to bring before the court of true public opinion, but the internet itself (of which BBBC is an honourable pioneer and stalwart) is armed and dangerous to the establishment now, to an extent that three or four years ago would have been only dreamed of. There are powerful voices on the side of democracy and liberty, and they are increasingly internationalising, without compromising the national flavour and preoccupations of their participants, and lit brightly against the dark cloud of what is now seen as Establishment Globalism, the ancien regime that has put itself squarely in our sights, to its own evident alarm, along with Islam(ism) and cultural marxism, those two fellow-travellers. Else why would we now be seeing hard signs of internet censorship as part of, of all things, a Tory manifesto?
In view of the volume and breadth of debate and comment now hurtling through the Net, I find it difficult to keep up with everything. I now inhabit Going Postal almost entirely, and that in itself taxes my time severely, causing me to postpone mowing the lawn, drinking enough fluids, and other things! I think the vital thing now is to link up between the different wells of alternative opinion and information. We need to avoid that balkanisation into vertical silos of interaction. Some, I know, use Twitter as a universal solvent with enormous reach. I have my doubts about this – it notoriously constrains commentary within very restrictive bounds of space; and it is undoubtedly one of the media that will be targetted first for ‘calming measures’ which will eliminate much of the freedom of speech we have kept hold of by the skin of our teeth, and the courage of those who maintain these channels – Alan, David, I mean you!
I don’t know what the answer is; the situation seems fluid right now – which may be a good thing, but does make us all vulnerable to a suffocating blanket of censorship and isolation, in the quite-near future. Maybe I’ll take a vow to include BBBC more regularly, but my time is only finite. I appreciate the pieces that appear here, and don’t really want to lose touch with such fine fellows as yourselves! We are ripe for some technological innovation – I hope..
Just got round to reading this. Great post, SB. Good points to think seriously about.
I keep finding the thought of an Internet Radio station popping into my head at times. One with a web-presence, too. Providing scope for journalists and presenters to be doing what those at the BBC plainly are not.
Something like that, if the quality was good and true impartiality maintained would be hard to silence, at least in the early rounds of ‘control’ or censorship that any UK Government might wish to impose.
Thanks for reading a rather long comment, U2s. I like the idea of a Radio station, as a way of introducing material into the background of your life without having to stop what else you’re doing. We have plenty of experience of the other side insinuating far-from innocuous things quite subtly into our lives – I find the effort to filter them out quite exhausting in attention-switching terms, so I listen to almost no radio these days (and very little TV tbh).
When you lose trust in what you are being told, it is a far greater effort to even listen to it anymore. It would be good to have a medium that could be trusted enough to wake me up in the morning without forcing me to alert all the time – I’m an old dog and I’d quite like to lie in my basket for a while, rather than having my ears twitching at every sound, friend or foe! It does mean much more effort for blog managers who would have to transform into feed-producers. Maybe we’d have to put up a sub for it? I already give a little to GP, but I’d pay something to ensure that other kind of freedom if it was the only way. Ironic really – it’s not the actual amount that I pay in the BBC licence fee that irks; it’s what it gets me, which just adds insult and abuse, to injury of the pocket..
Don’t just leave it to the internet if it gets successful . Find sponsors and have it on FM and digital so it can be listened to as you drive to work .
Eventually make it the “go to” for anyone interested in current affairs .
Have all shades of opinion on and let the public know that a polemical piece will be broadcast on a subject .
A rare interview with P Mc Laughlin, author of “Easy Meat” the definitive work/report on Islamic child rape gangs its scale, and history
To all B-BBCers, I d give it a listen
… before it gets removed, or deleted
Here s the link
Switched on Radio 4 at about 6.38am today. Farming Today. Almost instant BBC Bias against Brexit. Plus propaganda.
News at 7am did not really provide much relief. Yes, there was a report of a Front Bench row between the Shadow Cabinet but there was the immediate suggestion that Emily Thornberry could be Foreign Secretary in three weeks time.
More incompetence & bias followed in an examination of the cost of this General Election – the most expensive evvah. For that, blame Theresa May and the Conservative Government. We could be having electronic voting in our differently sized constituencies.
Oh no, we couldn’t because our constituencies are arranged to be of the same size in population terms. And what about all that BBC fuss about the Russians interfering in the US Presidential election last year? If we spend yet more taxpayer money on an electronic voting system (no question about that from the dim BBC reporter) would it be more vulnerable to Russian ‘hacking’ or less vulnerable to Russian ‘hacking’ than the pencil & paper system?
Yes, you guessed right. The BBC reporter was not bright enough to consider that and ask the appropriate question of a Returning Officer.
The BBC Radio 4 output appears to be going over a cliff, the rate of decline is so steep.
Agreed Up2snuff. Had a listen-really good to hear two calm clever voices patiently going through the best of contemporary conservative thinking.
Explained a lot that i`d have missed otherwise.
Only the Right have this level of thinking these days-and credit to Webb who might well have learned something…kept quiet long enough anyway, so appreciated this rarity.
Personally, I `d bring these two back, stick a Scroton and a Phillips/Murray in there too-and you`d get a priceless hour of political analysis of the Tories in 2017 that would have a lot of influence.
In short-don`t imagine we`ll be hearing any of this again…but it was quite brilliant and what REAL radio might once have been like. Ta for telling us of it!
Mr Corbyn’s past at last and hopefully catching up with him…
His links and sympathy’s with the likes of the IRA and other pond life organisations is at last making it into the press.
Before the British public make there vote they need to know what a potential leader of this country is really like..
His hypocrisy knows no bounds…Anti nuclear all his life, anti army, anti everything until the election and then all of a sudden it all changes realising he needs votes, what a complete shit.
God help us if he ever gets into any form of power…
Apparently, Corbyn was awarded the Gandhi Foundation International peace prize in 2013.
He received this accolade for championing “Gandhian nonviolence”. Being an apologist for IRA murders is Gandhian nonviolence? This nexus of nuttiness was co-founded by Richard Attenborough and its patrons seem to be the usual suspects. Vince Cable, the BBC’s Sir Mark Tully. How did he get a knighthood? His work on “Something Understood” a misnomer on a grand scale.
“is at last making it into the press” ROFL! … where have you been
Talking to Sinn Fein: In the 1980s, along with Tony Benn and other Labour MPs, he did draw intense criticism for engaging in dialogue with Sinn Fein and inviting its representatives to the House of Commons, he was despite
what is touted in the MSM .a main go between, between them and the government.
The Tory government claimed it ‘would not talk to terrorists’ (lying as usual, what s new?),
but anyone with the slightest ability to check knows by the late 80s, it was secretly engaged in talks, and most probably well before that.
Corbyn held open talks with Sinn Féin for 15 years.
The British Government held secret talks with the IRA for over30.
The terror threat HERE TODAY!, now, specifically internally is bankrolled mostly by Saud, Qatar, they are funding Islam astronomically here getting political influence to boot. Saudi Arabia is the main financier of Sunni terrorist groups, which includes Al-Qaida and ISIS. By investing in mosques, madrasas, cultural centres and missionaries which preach Salafist literal Islam, including on a large scale in Britain (and across the Middle East). It is plausible that this funding is the main source of the resurgence of Islamic fundamentalism
The Tory government has got them through bribes, onto the Human Rights council, let them have a freehand Saud “takeaway” here in the UK, is shamefully close to them, sell s them weapons to annihilate Yemen
… then sends loads of our foreign aid to Yemen as assistance., you literally couldn’t make it up. Cameron, Osborne, Liar May and co are as far up the Saudi buttcheeks as they can get.
Utterly Corrupt, Utterly Deceitful, Utterly Self Serving and devoid of concern for our own communities, who they are lying to, to get more control to sell our nation and its workforce down the river.
So James Comey was a nut job and President Trump is relieved to have got the loony out of the way so that we can get a proper FBI – run by a bloke not some nancyboy of a Hillary shrill . Is that news?
Little Johnny Sopel sounding more irrelevant by the day does he just peer over the fence at the White House these days?
Some nut job on the R4 this morning talking about her book ‘ the parallels are amazing people flooding out of London in the 17th century to escape the Black death with refugees fleeing to safety in N.Europe today’ — .. nope me neither
And BBC why are they the ‘so called Islamic State’ if they actually call themselves the Islamic State?
That was 5 minutes of Radio4 – I won’t be going back there for a while utter crap
Listening to R4 Today this morning there seems to be more innuendo and smearing of the president of a foreign country (Trump) than news of the UK GE. Strange?
Well, I guess the GE is not going the way the BBC would like, whereas getting hysterical about Trump gets you lots of back-slapping in Islington and free trips to the States.
BBC man Frank Gardner appears bemused that Saudi Arabia does not share the BBC’s office culture of hatred and contempt for President Trump: “They’re giving him the benefit of the doubt… there’s American flags everywhere… it’s a weird world here”
Well, Frankie boy, I’ll admit you got something right, Saudi is a pretty odd place – but not because they give Trump ‘the benefit of the doubt’
How true. The BBC would have us believe that trading with the Kingdom is “morally contaminating”, yet importing that region’s way of life lock, stock and barrel into Britain isn’t.
Are you suggesting some quid pro quo? China sells submarines to Pakistan and drones to Saudi. I don’t imagine the Chinese will be letting the salafists set up madrassahs in Uige country. Or are the Shi(i)tes?
Apparently, and sad to say typically, we’ve been fretting about nothing again. Tsk! Will we never learn?
Some woman whose name I didn’t bother to note but who runs the political news arm of the unbiased and non-partisan BBC assured Samira Ahmed on Newswatch that Laura Kuenssberg is a consummate professional who would never let personal opinion or petty tribalism interfere with her primary function, that of informing us in a dispassionate and balanced way.
In fact she, this woman, went on to say that all BBC reportage is thoroughly vetted and exposed to critical appraisal before being issued. So that’s all right then.
“…all BBC reportage is thoroughly vetted and exposed to critical appraisal before being issued.”
Silly us for even thinking otherwise!
But the important words: “…exposed to critical appraisal…” – this is accurate in that the ‘critical appraisal’ takes the form of dilution, distortion to achieve the bias and narrative the BBC seek. They are excellent at distorting the truth- and they’ve even got BAFTA’s and other awards to prove it!
I wish they would shut up. Nobody seriously believes them so why go on an on and on.
Is it stupidity or an eye on the money from us?
Problem easily solved by not allowing interpretation or opinion. Just report the facts with no comments at all.
Stop the incredibly annoying and very stupid interview by the anchor of a reporter standing somewhere they think is significant. In the rain at night somewhere really boring.
They say you need to take risks in life to achieve anything. Well, with 3 weeks until the election that’s exactly what 38 Degrees members are about to do.
Right now, we’re gearing up to try something truly groundbreaking. We’re going to try to rescue our democracy this General Election by launching the biggest voter turnout campaign the UK has ever seen.
It’s a bold move. And yes, it’s risky. It’s going to cost £100,000 to pull off. But with the sheer scale of what’s at stake at this election, it’s never been more necessary to be bold. There are millions of us reading this email today – but this will only work if enough of us step up and donate a few pounds.
We urgently need to raise £100,000 in the next 15 days
Not the BBC, clearly. They already have £4b. And don’t need to ask.
Yes. The two areas where the Conservatives fully intend to give “concessions” to appease the whining traitors here and the EU are (a) freedom of movement/immigration and (b) our territorial waters (200 miles). They will continue to compromise OUR BORDERS by land and sea. They assume nobody will notice, or be more concerned about the NHS etc.
We have to start somewhere to drain our swamp(s), and securing our borders and territorial waters should be the first step. Then we can start to remove the filth and corruption that pervades all our institutions.
The Conservative Manifesto –
I’m afraid it is a ‘Trojan Horse’. Emphasis on the forthcoming brexit negotiations (really?) whilst downplaying and or completely ignoring the things that Briton’s want to see tackled urgently. Note, I refer to, ‘Briton’s’.
What can upset the apple cart?
G, I agree. It’s a real dog’s breakfast (or cat’s mess!) and the flagship policy for care of the elderly has not been thought through at all. Nor has the Winter Fuel thing or the Free School Breakfasts for Pupil Diners instead of Dinners. The charging elephant, not yet in the room but heading there right now, is the UK’s crazy tax system which needs urgent reform. No mention whatsoever, I understand.
Do we know who was in charge of this dinger of a manifesto for the Conservatives?
It seems to have been designed by the camel instead of the Committee.
In the Iranian election process, there is a “Council of Guardians”, clerics and suchlike who vet candidates and decide whether they are halal or harem. The BBC performs a similar function in our elections as a “Council of Guardian Readers” who inform the public whether candidates are PC or not. UKIP is, of course, harem as shown by the subtle grimacing, face pulling, eyebrow raising and giggly sneeriness so typical of the middle-class Guardian Reader.
As remedy to the apparent prevalence of Fake News – and for the sake of greater transparency – let’s just make a slight tweak to that Labour election slogan:
In light of the seemingly never-ending Tory Cuts sob stories about our imagined Austerity, this might go well with comfortable north London types with a well developed social conscience…
“For the Moaners, not the Truth”
Or, in response Corbyn’s leanings toward his friends in certain Middle Eastern political organisations and to the many under-reported Labour Party anti-semetic scandals, this could work well in certain northern constituencies…
“For the Muslims, not the Jews”
In Hackney North & Stoke Newington where Diane Abbott is presently MP…
Tabs – I am sure our very own little BBC Troll will be applying for that one . Imagine it “Controller of the BBC Grassing and Life wreckers Dept” For a frustrated, spiteful and small minded SJW with poor self esteem what job could be better!
We’ve had the movie – A Pig in a Poke: A Reformed Europe – a comedy starring David Cameron as the British Prime Minister.
Coming to a polling station near you on 8th June, the sequel, A Pig in a Poke 2:The Brexit that never was – a Greek Tragedy staring Theresa May.
“don’t mention the Muslims”
Last night’s Look North had a long item about the disappearance of a Hull resident Polish lawyer. It mentioned that the police had arrested and driven off two suspects.
It failed to mention that one of them was her husband dentist Majid Mustafa
Thought that -what with Have I Got News For You…with the News Quiz and Week in Westminster type of shows-I might have heard ONE joke about Labours inept, cak-handed mental idiocy in regard of spending on things that we don`t want using OUR money to fund their vanity projects, a la 1983.
But no…Corbyn is Verboten, Labour are serious and the Tories want to kill pensioners, throw migrants back into the sea and not even count the bodies as they do so.
And here`s Owen Jones to give Labour some advice via Nick Robinsons organ on how Labour may yet get into power. Is there ANY forum where the BBCs perpetual nasty anti-Tory bias can be raised?
I`m SICK of this bias and endless lies.
Reckon the day that comedy died at the BBC was when they thought Thatchers death was funny-to my mind, I wonder if Ian Brady was an SNP or Labour supporter…and do wonder if Jo Cox is serving the drinks now in the waiting room as God decides where to cremate the scum.
Me?…I`d put him in the Blue Peter Garden…and could hardly be worse than Corbyn could he?
Wonder if Frankie Boyle would say all this for me-he`s meant to be brave-I mean, he can slag off Katie Prices disabled kid and mock the Queens ladyparts can`t he?
Oooh…how outre!
Remember just before the election some Hillary government emails were found on the laptop of the husband of her PA.
Well the guy Anthony Weiner has just been found guilty of sending lewd images to a child.
The montage of “most watched videos” has this clip presently titled :
“Three Girls ‘seen as part of problem'”
It’s no stretch at all to interpret the titling as indicating a position from BBC editorial folk that discussion or exposition of the matter is haram – it just could be unfortunate wording….
I look forward to in depth interviews with Joyce Thacker and her chum Sarah Champion – run of course by Libby Brooks – thoroughgoing seekers after truth and injustice that they all are….
I’m beginning to believe that the CBB will get their cherished wish of a UK remaining as a member of the stinking swamp that is called the EU. Teresa May is more concerned about her career and relationships than she is about the country. As for the the people, such an inconvenient lot are we. I voted for Brexit for a number of reasons. At the top of my list was the obvious and sinister grab for power by Juncker and Merkel, combined with their demented determination to wipe us out and replace us with illiterate Islamic nut cases. Borders must be controlled but I fear Teresa May has no intention of doing this. More precisely Muslims must be stopped from entering and taking over our country. Life will not become extinct by securing our borders nor will trade cease by exiting from the EU. Why the CBB and so many others are desperate to remain a part of Europe is a mystery to me. Why so many people feel the need to embrace Islam, defend it, welcome it is also a mystery. Brexit is seen as being anti Europe when it is much more to do with anti Brussels, Junker and Merkel and much more about being in control or our country. Bravo to Hungry, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic!
And all this fuss, all these beheadings, all these suicide bombs, all in the name of some bloke called Al who no one’s ever fucking seen !
Isn’t that just plain stupid?
Trump Derangement Syndrome still seems to be the order of the day at the BBC’s fake news centre. The headline on the website is currently: ‘Trump abroad as troubles mount at home’.
The reader is obviously meant to believe that President Trump (to give him the title the BBC is so eagre to deprive him of) is running away, afraid to face these ‘troubles’. But what troubles are they? Simply the assertions of people who believe the US public picked the wrong man. Is there any new ‘evidence’ and are these ‘troubles’ actually mounting? No, and only in some acoustician’s measure of shrillness, or a psychologist’s assessment of desperation.
Sorry, BBC, this isn’t news. Not even by your abysmal standards. A proper headline for a responsible broadcaster might have been ‘Trump arrives in Saudi Arabia’. Easy, isn’t it?
Typical Jon Snow weasel attempts to “big up” Iran and Syria under the cover of “watching all those nice Iranians that Obama loved” queuing up in many-coloured hijabs…and all to vote , seeing as Iran is so democratic and all.
He TOO implied that Trump had cut and run to Riyadh-as if this may well have been planned a little while back-but Snow would rather we NOT think there was some planning way back re this visit.
Iran of course hate Israel and the USA-and Ahmadinejadh DID do the “alternative Christmas message for Channel 4…so Snow owes them I expect.
You know something-Jon Snow is possibly the worst lefty creep operating in the media-is there an award for such traitors who get padded to peddle their lies so often…lifetime leech award maybe?
I traverse, one by one, pages of older comments to get to the latest contributions.
I want to respond to a comment.
I log in.
I traverse, from page one again, pages of older comments to get to the latest contributions.
Meanwhile someone has saved me some trouble and made the response that I would have made.
Start the week open thread on Saturday.
I know those working behind the scenes are working but :-
We need more frequent, ideally daily, threads.
Or the facility to jump to selected page numbers, or even indexed post numbers.
Provided by most sites.
I know there are “work arounds” but . . .
I merely moan about this, do newcomers take a look and vanish never to return?
I can contribute a few pounds if this will help.
Cambridge play axed cos having chosen a play with 1 black character out of 4, the student drama group couldn’t guarantee there’d be a black actor every night.
Our David Vance tweeted “Black activism trumps everything. It shouldn’t. “
To all B-BBCers, give this a listen
A rare interview with P Mc Laughlin, author of “Easy Meat” the definitive work/report on Islamic child rape gangs its scale, and history
Catch it
… before it gets removed, or deleted
Here s the link
for anyone who thinks “3 girls” is harrowing, its time to BLOODY WAKE UP!
its tame indeed compared to the truth.
Ep3, puts in the BBC “chemical cosh” anyway, it just can t help itself.
Girls with chaotic lives B/S, none of the mandated Islamic imperative
grasping at some perverted victim equivalence etc, etc.
The links I gave are taken from RSS
They do work..try again
Only thing is I cant find tha interview
At min 46 he says weve got P Mc Laughlin coming up but then it’s Douglas Murray maybe it’s in part 3
Savour the irony: Al beebistan has done more than any other opinion-former to create a climate of opinion in which the evils of Rochdale (and a hundred other towns) could flourish unchallenged, unreported, unquestioned. In 3 ways:
1. By its love affair with, and advocacy of, the Religion of War, Misogyny, Anti-Semitism, Homophobia and Paedophilia.
2. By its incessant accusations of racism and islamophobia, which effectively hamstrung the police and social services, and silenced any voice that dared to speak out about what was happening.
3. By actively ignoring any news of such happenings or burying it as deep as possible.
And now they lap up plaudits (from THE GUARDIAN among others – THE GUARDIAN of all people! More irony there, but at least we’re not paying for that filth) about their ‘brave’ ground-breaking drama.
BRAVE?? You know what would have been ‘brave’? To investigate these stories decades ago (they’ve known for ages, with their obscenely bloated resources); to dig deep into the pathology of a cult that is fundamentally inimical to western values, that condones paedophilia and the rape of infidels, mere ‘kaffirs’, second class citizens whose worthless women/girls are easy meat, or the spoils of war.
You know what would be ‘brave’ today? To investigate the huge scale of the problem of Pakistani muslim paedophile rape, grooming and prostitution gangs across the country (Rochdale is the tip of the iceberg). To stop lying about the wonders of the death cult and start telling the truth. That would be brave.
I agree with all your comments about the BBC Charlie. But I do not think that even if they had done a full investigation and not been complicit in the cover up – I dont consider that “brave” at all. I consider that just doing their job (for which they are all handsomely rewarded!)
Somebody at CCO should have advised Theresa May before she signed off on the GE17 Manifesto that it was so open to attack it would be like sailing to a Normandy beach in June 1944 in a colander while wearing a bikini with a knotted hankie on the head and carrying a childs little fishing net to catch bullets with instead of crabs.
The Tories have handed this election over to the opposition including the media who, let’s face it, ARE the opposition at present, especially the BBC.
David Gauke was embarrassing on the Any Questions Panel on Friday evening (8pm, repeated BBC R4 1.15pm) as well as, I think, embarrassed having to be on there defending the manifesto. I am led to believe the Conservative manifesto is the concoction of a tiny group somewhere in Conservative-land. If it was just Fiona Hill and Nick Timothy, then I reckon there may be a non-functioning chasm between the PM’s Office and the rest of the Party come June 9th. That might make the occupants of Nos. 10 & 11 Downing Street from 1997-2007 look like the best of buddies in comparison.
Am revising my overall majority estimate for the Conservatives downwards this weekend. Think they will do well to get above a 40-seat majority.
I have Hobson’s choice. The Tory MP/candidate has proven his anti-EU views in Parliament so in this constituency UKIP have stood down. I understand their reasoning, but it leaves me voting for a manifesto I don’t agree with.
I think the implication that Teresa May would deliberately go to Normandy in order to catch crabs is a step too far. They are, so I am told, freely available in many towns throughout the UK.
Inappropriate and objectionable just about sums up this BBC threat. An own goal if ever I saw one.
However they try to spin it is is an attack on free speech in it’s implied threat .
Doesn’t really matter with me, because the BBC can call Mrs Scroblene as many times as they like, and they’ll get the spam-call answer-phone message each time!
If she happens to be near the phone, and eventually bothers to answer it, she’ll only tell them all to fuck off, and stop being such a crap, lefty, overpaid, weak-kneed, piss-poor, tax-payer-funded crowd of failed political tossers (and that includes the women).
Then she’ll start to get verbally insulting…
Then really crude, rude and socially unattractive…
Thoughtful, I realise its tough for people on smartphones and cranky old PC’s and laptops. Am posting on one such myself, just in case the strange malware of just over a week ago decides to target individuals. Apparently, it selected all the computers at the NHS in hospitals and Doctors’ surgeries while ignoring everyone else in the UK despite attacking all and sundry around the globe.
My beastie really needs a re-installation and with everything backed up, I just need the excuse. It makes looking at several tabs very slow, especially when trying to switch between them for information.
Still, only 110 posts to go for 1000. Small consolation for a chronic week in UK politics and from the BBC! 😉
He needs the public support, keep him in the public eye that is one big protection.
It was Liar May then home secretary, who decided his protests were not going to happen,
and put political wheels in motion, to “politically silence”, this is repeated with Jayda Fransen, Paul Golding
Rebel Media etc.
Social Media has changed the game, with real news the “lid” is off
… the disgraceful political neoliberal elite are desperate to control it, they know it is their cowardice that has bought us here.
But .. its clearly evident, the stories are going to be revealed, and there are sooooooo many.
In the end the “sh-t will hit the fan” … and a public reaction will happen, you see the cancer is already here
These rapes won t stop, nor will the court cases, something s going to tip “critical mass” maybe a Jewish
school, maybe a church, shopping centre, an off duty soldiers … something
I used to always end this type of comment with
… it won t be long!
I don’t think it will be long either as honest, decent people have had enough of the massive cover-up of the atrocious crimes that are happening in this country and have been happening now for years – massively covered up by the establishment who tried to portray this as all our fault. When actually it was theirs.
There will be a massive uprising soon. Forever hopeful.
PYT, I do not want that and, in a way, I fear that although I am not a fearful person. However, I recognise that unless people in all strata of UK society wake up to the various unsatisfactory forces and influences in our society soon then trouble may follow, just as it threatened to do around 100 years ago.
I’m beginning to hope that Corbyn wins the election so you will have something to really moan about. Not leaving the EU, economy in a shambles, sterling /Euro parity, having to sell your house to pay for care while you are still alive etc.etc.
No party will EVER represent your views exactly, and surprisingly they have to get enough other people who will not agree with you on matters to a greater or lesser extent to vote for them too in order to win.
1.7 trillion in national debt, that wasn t there before, no increase in productivity, no increase in exports, a virtual growth flatline, massive increase in immigration, a vast number of low wage, zero hr jobs, that people cannot live on.
Creating a low wage economy, on a shedload of utterly misleading statistics, and a mass of borrowed money,
Lie after lie, blame one scapegoat after another, for their own shameful mismanagement, and utter rank incompetence … pensioners now, with Brexit later
ps – turning London into a virtual money laundering capital of the world is not growth.
I refuse to vote for a left wing party, regardless of whether it is called Labour or Conservative. If that makes me a moaning minnie so be it. Voting Tory in the hope that once in power they’ll start to behave like actual conservatives is as naive as voting Labour in the hope they forget the Trotskyist claptrap.
Hear! Hear! And in any case, past precedent tells us that voting Tory in the hope they might turn out better than we fear is a mistake – Cameron being a prime example.
Vote however your conscience dictates. I happen to know my local Conservative candidate and I wouldn’t vote for her if she was running against Mao. Speaking of whom, I read that Treezer is planning ChiCom policies on Internet freedom, so enjoy your freedom to debate while you still can,
Exactly because social media, will expose them all … Liar Mays an absolute control freak liability she s been misleading the nation with two advisors from No10 to run the show
… is that erm “Team Turncoat”.
Another reason not to listen to the Tory B/S, don t give these lying self serving crooks more power
“The BBC considered delaying the drama, which shows scenes of BNP supporters abusing Asians when the case finally came to trial, until after the election, (???) … in case it was seized upon by far right organisations.
But director Philippa Lowthorpe said:
“They’re going to hitch their wagon opportunistically to anything and I feel confident our drama doesn’t give them an opportunity to do so.”
Talking of elections, wasn’t Treezer Home Secretrary for a few years and did bugger all to draw attention to the shabby role that Labour played oop there?
Bet she would have been stomping around if there had been a UKIP council in charge.
Something stinks at the top of our major parties, not just the local cops and social workers.
Toobi – It strikes me that the Moslem states such as Saudi seem to be at the bottom of most of the current problems we are currently experiencing in the West.
We seem to be hooked on Middle eastern money to sell arms to and to buy their oil. This has enabled them to use us as proxy actors to create regimes more to their liking (eg Syria conflict) Thus being partly responsible for setting off the current migrant crisis.
Our corrupt politicians and MSM have also turned a blind eye, when as well as oil they have exported their particular brands of Wahhabism to the West. And in fact we seem to have encouraged this further by embracing the false concept “Islamophobia” allowing this dangerous doctrine to metastasize at the expense of our own society.
I expect the House of Saud must be laughing down their sleeves at all these Western Governments and media who publically preach human rights but all that is quickly forgotten when it comes to “business”. And there is no level of public or private abasement many of our politicians and businessmen will not stoop to in the pursuit of the Saudi Riyal.
It would be OK if the relationship was merely we sold them stuff and the sold us oil. But we have become dependent upon them in ways we probably dont even realise. Add into the mix bribes/kickbacks and donations to certain political parties individuals and organisations – then it is little wonder that so many mainstream politicians all seem to sing from the same pro Riyadh hymnbook even accepting political and cultural interference in our own countries.
I am afraid there are more than just a few swamps that need draining in the UK. But dont expect Sharia May to be very interested. I am sure many of the Tories are wallowing in the same swamp along with all the other crooks and conmen who currently seem to infest public and private life.
BBC man Frank Gardner pops up in Saudi – in what very much appears to be his own and indeed the BBC’s spiritual home.
President Trump, he tells us, is wont to ‘shoot from the hip’.
But fear not, our Frank and the BBC will keep a sharp ear on what he has to say and no doubt interpret for us any offence the BBC feels has been taken.
No such Trumpian wandering from the narrative script for BBC weather.
You guessed it – ‘Monday is likely to be the HOTTEST day of the year so far’ [BBC Trade Mark]
I predicted a massive Global Warming push this year (weather permitting) desperately searching for heat waves and preferably the odd drought.
Half asleep, but just caught a couple of moments from this morning’s BBC Sunday programme:
1. There was some Muslim family law woman complaining about English marriage law, and the fact that it forces you to register your marriage to obtain equality for women in the event of divorce. It works for Christians, atheists, Jews, Hindus, and Sikhs who register their marriages, but not Muslims who don’t. This law, which has been in place for generations, needs to change apparently.
2. Some Muslim bloke who was involved in the Rochdale abuses was discussing the 3 Girls programme which he advised on. He admitted that the way the community, police and social services turned a blind eye to it is a problem which needs to be addressed, but the real problem is the response to it all by the “far right”.
I didn’t hear the whole programme, but I think the Muslim was Nazir Afzal, the CPS prosecutor who now seems to be claiming all the credit for the Rochdale convictions. Even worse, they are now trawling around for muslim victims of Muslim child rape gangs so that they can claim that white girls were not specifically targetted. I don’t really see the advantage of claiming thar Muslim child rape gangs are “equal opportunity child rapists” but I gave up long ago trying to understand the pathologies of these people. The reasons for the non-appearance of muslim child rape victims were even more fantastical. Revealing that Uncle Ahmed was abusing your daughter would sully family honour and the police had refused to accept there was Muslim-on-Muslim child rape victims because “Muslim child rape gangs only target white girls”. QED – it never has anything to do with Islam and never ever will do.
There was also an item pondering the atavistic silliness of ordinary people not wanting Ian Brady’s remains ending up somewhere near them. The BBC could help out by creating the Jimmy Saville Memorial Gardens within their sacred boundaries where the remains of notorious child rapists and child murders could find their final resting place.
There’s no business like show business, like no business I know…
After 146 years, Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus is about to close signalling the end of an era
But let’s not have too much rose-tinted nostalgia over this – as BBC gal Rachel Burden points out SOME PEOPLE were uncomfortable about the performing animals
I feel that old BBC refrain coming on…
There’s no people like some people, like no people I know…
vladMar 5, 04:18 Midweek 5th March 2025 Prime Minister marks Ramadan at ‘difficult time for Muslims in the UK’ FFS !
JohnCMar 5, 02:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Putin is a pragmatist. He sees what needs to be done and he does it without flinching or caring much…
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
BBc North West comment again on the three girls project about events 5 years ago. Strange we were aware of what was happening about 10 years ago. Anyway to continue to muddy the waters “The men” are referred to as “mostly” of Pakistani origin.
More the beebistan won’t tell you:
– POLAND SAYS NO! They will not abide by the EU’s mandatory refugee quota for one reason: “They don’t want Muslims”
– AUSTRALIANS outraged that public swimming pool is now sharia-compliant, offering private areas for Muslim women
– ‘What next, curtains around Bondi Beach?’ Mark Latham slams Sydney council for putting screens around a public pool for Muslim women to swim in private.
– Guess why EU president wants Romania in the border-free EU Schengen zone?
In reaction to the rejection of mass migration of Muslim invaders by Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic, president of the European Union Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, wants to make Romania an alternate migration route for illegal alien Muslim freeloaders to get to Europe.
– SAN DIEGO: MORE parents demand that CAIR-sponsored “Special Treatment for Muslim Students Only” and “Islam-teaching” in public schools be stopped NOW!
– CNN gang bangs former Navy SEAL threatening: “Do NOT attack the stellar reporters of CNN”
How dare you question the authority of the venerable lamestream media?
Truth Revolt Former Navy SEAL Carl Higbie got an earful from CNN anchor Kate Bolduan when he dared question the authority of the mainstream media.
– MINNESOTASTAN: Routine arrest of Somali Muslims leads police to find an arsenal of weapons and bomb-making materials
– MUSLIM APOSTATES: The silent minority who must be heard but are virtually ignored by all the mainstream media
– Young ex-Muslim girl is called an Islamophobe and a racist for daring to criticize Islam.
– PAUL JOSEPH WATSON responds to the ridiculous Muslim Hijab Hip Hop video
– Muslims are trying to re-brand the leading symbol of Muslim male supremacy, the Islamic headbag (aka hijab), as a symbol of women’s liberation.
And on and on.
Young people are ignored in favour of old people , says the BBC many a time .
Tonight’s episode of Any Questions is broadcast from
A school .
Yes, that’s a meme the Left has been pushing for the past few years and, as you say, the BBC loves it.
The school venue is common for AQ and is a very useful way of ensuring the programme gets its full complement of far Left audience members.
The BBC like their schools don`t they? And why the hell any self-respecting school would let THEM in (apart from publicity) is beyond me.
Doubt if all BBC hangers-on at usch events even HAVE a DBS certificate…does Jonathan Dimbleby I wonder?
Or is it one law for them, another one for us?
An FOI here methinks!
Ok let’s go back to the “Secret Agent” which I think was 2004. Wonder if the BBc will be dragging this up in the course of the 3 girls project. 30 seconds onward. My memory is the BBc denying it. Charities denying it. Long termers on this site will remember my ding dong with North West when they failed to cover the first tranche of “men of Asian origin” appeared in Liverpool Crown Court and told me it was a question of public interest whether to cover the story or not. You might remember my complaint to North West tonight when they covered a story about parts of Manchester being shut down by demonstrations when in fact the demonstrations were being held at a take away. Then hey all of a sudden it’s a surprise, Who could possibly have known. Anyone remember the Channel 4 documentary were Keith Allen (was it 2012?) followed Griffin around at the EU. Funny I can’t find a clip at the moment where Allen states he doesn’t believe the rape allegations. I remember NF and BNP campaigning to advertise the subject at the time but no one else.
Is anybody maintaining this site? The ‘start the week’ feed has been running from last Monday and now has 800+ comments.
For some reason the number of comments/hr. seem to be approaching 3/hr.
Question to Mr Vance and Alan – are you getting as bored as we are?
What, no sense of achievement? No adventure?
Let’s try for a 1000 post Thread.
Perhaps Vladimir Maxiconykov has hacked into it!
He’s eaten 200 posts?
Quick: phone Kelvin MacKenzie.
Er, maybe not.
OK, #7 – this is the first time I’ve visited here for months, I think. It’s not that I’m bored with the content – it remains as valid as ever, and the comments seem to be just as interesting and, well, clever, some of them at least!
What seems to have happened for me is that the whole BBC thing has become contextualised in a broader framework – the EU Ref, plus the US Presser, place the enormous issues with the Beeb into the context of – exactly whose interests does the Corporation serve? And since some of those interests appear to me to coalesce into a great blob of political organisations, NGOs, international groups and individuals with a great deal too much power, I found myself commenting almost entirely on those targets directly. Besides, there is a vast swell of opinion out there now that knows the media is hopelessly canted to one side, partisan beyond reform in the eyes of many. Its fate remains an important one to bring before the court of true public opinion, but the internet itself (of which BBBC is an honourable pioneer and stalwart) is armed and dangerous to the establishment now, to an extent that three or four years ago would have been only dreamed of. There are powerful voices on the side of democracy and liberty, and they are increasingly internationalising, without compromising the national flavour and preoccupations of their participants, and lit brightly against the dark cloud of what is now seen as Establishment Globalism, the ancien regime that has put itself squarely in our sights, to its own evident alarm, along with Islam(ism) and cultural marxism, those two fellow-travellers. Else why would we now be seeing hard signs of internet censorship as part of, of all things, a Tory manifesto?
In view of the volume and breadth of debate and comment now hurtling through the Net, I find it difficult to keep up with everything. I now inhabit Going Postal almost entirely, and that in itself taxes my time severely, causing me to postpone mowing the lawn, drinking enough fluids, and other things! I think the vital thing now is to link up between the different wells of alternative opinion and information. We need to avoid that balkanisation into vertical silos of interaction. Some, I know, use Twitter as a universal solvent with enormous reach. I have my doubts about this – it notoriously constrains commentary within very restrictive bounds of space; and it is undoubtedly one of the media that will be targetted first for ‘calming measures’ which will eliminate much of the freedom of speech we have kept hold of by the skin of our teeth, and the courage of those who maintain these channels – Alan, David, I mean you!
I don’t know what the answer is; the situation seems fluid right now – which may be a good thing, but does make us all vulnerable to a suffocating blanket of censorship and isolation, in the quite-near future. Maybe I’ll take a vow to include BBBC more regularly, but my time is only finite. I appreciate the pieces that appear here, and don’t really want to lose touch with such fine fellows as yourselves! We are ripe for some technological innovation – I hope..
Just got round to reading this. Great post, SB. Good points to think seriously about.
I keep finding the thought of an Internet Radio station popping into my head at times. One with a web-presence, too. Providing scope for journalists and presenters to be doing what those at the BBC plainly are not.
Something like that, if the quality was good and true impartiality maintained would be hard to silence, at least in the early rounds of ‘control’ or censorship that any UK Government might wish to impose.
Thanks for reading a rather long comment, U2s. I like the idea of a Radio station, as a way of introducing material into the background of your life without having to stop what else you’re doing. We have plenty of experience of the other side insinuating far-from innocuous things quite subtly into our lives – I find the effort to filter them out quite exhausting in attention-switching terms, so I listen to almost no radio these days (and very little TV tbh).
When you lose trust in what you are being told, it is a far greater effort to even listen to it anymore. It would be good to have a medium that could be trusted enough to wake me up in the morning without forcing me to alert all the time – I’m an old dog and I’d quite like to lie in my basket for a while, rather than having my ears twitching at every sound, friend or foe! It does mean much more effort for blog managers who would have to transform into feed-producers. Maybe we’d have to put up a sub for it? I already give a little to GP, but I’d pay something to ensure that other kind of freedom if it was the only way. Ironic really – it’s not the actual amount that I pay in the BBC licence fee that irks; it’s what it gets me, which just adds insult and abuse, to injury of the pocket..
Don’t just leave it to the internet if it gets successful . Find sponsors and have it on FM and digital so it can be listened to as you drive to work .
Eventually make it the “go to” for anyone interested in current affairs .
Have all shades of opinion on and let the public know that a polemical piece will be broadcast on a subject .
A rare interview with P Mc Laughlin, author of “Easy Meat” the definitive work/report on Islamic child rape gangs its scale, and history
To all B-BBCers, I d give it a listen
… before it gets removed, or deleted
Here s the link
Switched on Radio 4 at about 6.38am today. Farming Today. Almost instant BBC Bias against Brexit. Plus propaganda.
News at 7am did not really provide much relief. Yes, there was a report of a Front Bench row between the Shadow Cabinet but there was the immediate suggestion that Emily Thornberry could be Foreign Secretary in three weeks time.
More incompetence & bias followed in an examination of the cost of this General Election – the most expensive evvah. For that, blame Theresa May and the Conservative Government. We could be having electronic voting in our differently sized constituencies.
Oh no, we couldn’t because our constituencies are arranged to be of the same size in population terms. And what about all that BBC fuss about the Russians interfering in the US Presidential election last year? If we spend yet more taxpayer money on an electronic voting system (no question about that from the dim BBC reporter) would it be more vulnerable to Russian ‘hacking’ or less vulnerable to Russian ‘hacking’ than the pencil & paper system?
Yes, you guessed right. The BBC reporter was not bright enough to consider that and ask the appropriate question of a Returning Officer.
The BBC Radio 4 output appears to be going over a cliff, the rate of decline is so steep.
Vital stuff:
Do you remember any moments in radio history which made you feel a certain way about gay life? If so, please tell us. More ?
Fascinating discussion on the Conservative manifesto and politics generally. Quite loosely & reasonably moderated by Justin Webb, too. (Remarkable!)
Catch it on Listen Again if you did not hear it, it is the segment after Thought For The Day on the TOADY Programme, BBC Radio 4.
Something good at last on Radio 4 this morning.
Agreed Up2snuff. Had a listen-really good to hear two calm clever voices patiently going through the best of contemporary conservative thinking.
Explained a lot that i`d have missed otherwise.
Only the Right have this level of thinking these days-and credit to Webb who might well have learned something…kept quiet long enough anyway, so appreciated this rarity.
Personally, I `d bring these two back, stick a Scroton and a Phillips/Murray in there too-and you`d get a priceless hour of political analysis of the Tories in 2017 that would have a lot of influence.
In short-don`t imagine we`ll be hearing any of this again…but it was quite brilliant and what REAL radio might once have been like. Ta for telling us of it!
Mr Corbyn’s past at last and hopefully catching up with him…
His links and sympathy’s with the likes of the IRA and other pond life organisations is at last making it into the press.
Before the British public make there vote they need to know what a potential leader of this country is really like..
His hypocrisy knows no bounds…Anti nuclear all his life, anti army, anti everything until the election and then all of a sudden it all changes realising he needs votes, what a complete shit.
God help us if he ever gets into any form of power…
Apparently, Corbyn was awarded the Gandhi Foundation International peace prize in 2013.
He received this accolade for championing “Gandhian nonviolence”. Being an apologist for IRA murders is Gandhian nonviolence? This nexus of nuttiness was co-founded by Richard Attenborough and its patrons seem to be the usual suspects. Vince Cable, the BBC’s Sir Mark Tully. How did he get a knighthood? His work on “Something Understood” a misnomer on a grand scale.
“is at last making it into the press” ROFL! … where have you been
Talking to Sinn Fein: In the 1980s, along with Tony Benn and other Labour MPs, he did draw intense criticism for engaging in dialogue with Sinn Fein and inviting its representatives to the House of Commons, he was despite
what is touted in the MSM .a main go between, between them and the government.
The Tory government claimed it ‘would not talk to terrorists’ (lying as usual, what s new?),
but anyone with the slightest ability to check knows by the late 80s, it was secretly engaged in talks, and most probably well before that.
Corbyn held open talks with Sinn Féin for 15 years.
The British Government held secret talks with the IRA for over30.
The terror threat HERE TODAY!, now, specifically internally is bankrolled mostly by Saud, Qatar, they are funding Islam astronomically here getting political influence to boot. Saudi Arabia is the main financier of Sunni terrorist groups, which includes Al-Qaida and ISIS. By investing in mosques, madrasas, cultural centres and missionaries which preach Salafist literal Islam, including on a large scale in Britain (and across the Middle East). It is plausible that this funding is the main source of the resurgence of Islamic fundamentalism
The Tory government has got them through bribes, onto the Human Rights council, let them have a freehand Saud “takeaway” here in the UK, is shamefully close to them, sell s them weapons to annihilate Yemen
… then sends loads of our foreign aid to Yemen as assistance., you literally couldn’t make it up. Cameron, Osborne, Liar May and co are as far up the Saudi buttcheeks as they can get.
Utterly Corrupt, Utterly Deceitful, Utterly Self Serving and devoid of concern for our own communities, who they are lying to, to get more control to sell our nation and its workforce down the river.
So James Comey was a nut job and President Trump is relieved to have got the loony out of the way so that we can get a proper FBI – run by a bloke not some nancyboy of a Hillary shrill . Is that news?
Little Johnny Sopel sounding more irrelevant by the day does he just peer over the fence at the White House these days?
Some nut job on the R4 this morning talking about her book ‘ the parallels are amazing people flooding out of London in the 17th century to escape the Black death with refugees fleeing to safety in N.Europe today’ — .. nope me neither
And BBC why are they the ‘so called Islamic State’ if they actually call themselves the Islamic State?
That was 5 minutes of Radio4 – I won’t be going back there for a while utter crap
Listening to R4 Today this morning there seems to be more innuendo and smearing of the president of a foreign country (Trump) than news of the UK GE. Strange?
Well, I guess the GE is not going the way the BBC would like, whereas getting hysterical about Trump gets you lots of back-slapping in Islington and free trips to the States.
BBC man Frank Gardner appears bemused that Saudi Arabia does not share the BBC’s office culture of hatred and contempt for President Trump: “They’re giving him the benefit of the doubt… there’s American flags everywhere… it’s a weird world here”
Well, Frankie boy, I’ll admit you got something right, Saudi is a pretty odd place – but not because they give Trump ‘the benefit of the doubt’
How true. The BBC would have us believe that trading with the Kingdom is “morally contaminating”, yet importing that region’s way of life lock, stock and barrel into Britain isn’t.
Yes ID,
We send the Saudi’s 4.5 Billion pounds worth or arms every year in return for Saudi financing the take-over of islam in the UK.
Are you suggesting some quid pro quo? China sells submarines to Pakistan and drones to Saudi. I don’t imagine the Chinese will be letting the salafists set up madrassahs in Uige country. Or are the Shi(i)tes?
Apparently, and sad to say typically, we’ve been fretting about nothing again. Tsk! Will we never learn?
Some woman whose name I didn’t bother to note but who runs the political news arm of the unbiased and non-partisan BBC assured Samira Ahmed on Newswatch that Laura Kuenssberg is a consummate professional who would never let personal opinion or petty tribalism interfere with her primary function, that of informing us in a dispassionate and balanced way.
In fact she, this woman, went on to say that all BBC reportage is thoroughly vetted and exposed to critical appraisal before being issued. So that’s all right then.
CECUO seems to have perfected a live video version of its template written blow offs.
One is sure this ‘tell it often enough’ approach continues to convince.
“…all BBC reportage is thoroughly vetted and exposed to critical appraisal before being issued.”
Silly us for even thinking otherwise!
But the important words: “…exposed to critical appraisal…” – this is accurate in that the ‘critical appraisal’ takes the form of dilution, distortion to achieve the bias and narrative the BBC seek. They are excellent at distorting the truth- and they’ve even got BAFTA’s and other awards to prove it!
I wish they would shut up. Nobody seriously believes them so why go on an on and on.
Is it stupidity or an eye on the money from us?
Problem easily solved by not allowing interpretation or opinion. Just report the facts with no comments at all.
Stop the incredibly annoying and very stupid interview by the anchor of a reporter standing somewhere they think is significant. In the rain at night somewhere really boring.
They say you need to take risks in life to achieve anything. Well, with 3 weeks until the election that’s exactly what 38 Degrees members are about to do.
Right now, we’re gearing up to try something truly groundbreaking. We’re going to try to rescue our democracy this General Election by launching the biggest voter turnout campaign the UK has ever seen.
It’s a bold move. And yes, it’s risky. It’s going to cost £100,000 to pull off. But with the sheer scale of what’s at stake at this election, it’s never been more necessary to be bold. There are millions of us reading this email today – but this will only work if enough of us step up and donate a few pounds.
We urgently need to raise £100,000 in the next 15 days
Not the BBC, clearly. They already have £4b. And don’t need to ask.
Two further important indications that true Brexit will not happen under Treezer –
And, more importantly with regard to the ECHR (which Treezer pledged to leave) –
It just HAS to be a vote for UKIP (warts an’ all)
Yes. The two areas where the Conservatives fully intend to give “concessions” to appease the whining traitors here and the EU are (a) freedom of movement/immigration and (b) our territorial waters (200 miles). They will continue to compromise OUR BORDERS by land and sea. They assume nobody will notice, or be more concerned about the NHS etc.
We have to start somewhere to drain our swamp(s), and securing our borders and territorial waters should be the first step. Then we can start to remove the filth and corruption that pervades all our institutions.
See also
The Conservative Manifesto –
I’m afraid it is a ‘Trojan Horse’. Emphasis on the forthcoming brexit negotiations (really?) whilst downplaying and or completely ignoring the things that Briton’s want to see tackled urgently. Note, I refer to, ‘Briton’s’.
What can upset the apple cart?
G, I agree. It’s a real dog’s breakfast (or cat’s mess!) and the flagship policy for care of the elderly has not been thought through at all. Nor has the Winter Fuel thing or the Free School Breakfasts for Pupil Diners instead of Dinners. The charging elephant, not yet in the room but heading there right now, is the UK’s crazy tax system which needs urgent reform. No mention whatsoever, I understand.
Do we know who was in charge of this dinger of a manifesto for the Conservatives?
It seems to have been designed by the camel instead of the Committee.
Animal Magic, not!
“….been designed by the camel….”. Is that an islamic camel by any chance?
I did hear somewhere that Son of Gummer was up to his neck in it. after 55 minutes in…
interesting comments from a UKIP supporter but pathetic giggling in background…
I posted a a long comment here two days ago when it was on.
And a link direct to the segment
Sorry Stew I must have missed it, I just saw it in the Spectator.
In the Iranian election process, there is a “Council of Guardians”, clerics and suchlike who vet candidates and decide whether they are halal or harem. The BBC performs a similar function in our elections as a “Council of Guardian Readers” who inform the public whether candidates are PC or not. UKIP is, of course, harem as shown by the subtle grimacing, face pulling, eyebrow raising and giggly sneeriness so typical of the middle-class Guardian Reader.
The UKIP supporter’s comment about woman wearing bags on their heads made me laugh too.
As remedy to the apparent prevalence of Fake News – and for the sake of greater transparency – let’s just make a slight tweak to that Labour election slogan:
In light of the seemingly never-ending Tory Cuts sob stories about our imagined Austerity, this might go well with comfortable north London types with a well developed social conscience…
“For the Moaners, not the Truth”
Or, in response Corbyn’s leanings toward his friends in certain Middle Eastern political organisations and to the many under-reported Labour Party anti-semetic scandals, this could work well in certain northern constituencies…
“For the Muslims, not the Jews”
In Hackney North & Stoke Newington where Diane Abbott is presently MP…
“For that woman, who hasn’t a clue”
Not yet.
We’ve still got one hundred and sixty-six to go!
BBC will shop viewers to their BOSS if they post ‘offensive’ online comments in shock new policy blasted as ‘Orwellian’ by privacy campaigners
Reading the comments shows the BBC has very few fans these days.
Tabs – I am sure our very own little BBC Troll will be applying for that one . Imagine it “Controller of the BBC Grassing and Life wreckers Dept” For a frustrated, spiteful and small minded SJW with poor self esteem what job could be better!
We’ve had the movie – A Pig in a Poke: A Reformed Europe – a comedy starring David Cameron as the British Prime Minister.
Coming to a polling station near you on 8th June, the sequel, A Pig in a Poke 2:The Brexit that never was – a Greek Tragedy staring Theresa May.
“don’t mention the Muslims”
Last night’s Look North had a long item about the disappearance of a Hull resident Polish lawyer. It mentioned that the police had arrested and driven off two suspects.
It failed to mention that one of them was her husband dentist Majid Mustafa
“driven off”, what did they chase them out of town?
Thought that -what with Have I Got News For You…with the News Quiz and Week in Westminster type of shows-I might have heard ONE joke about Labours inept, cak-handed mental idiocy in regard of spending on things that we don`t want using OUR money to fund their vanity projects, a la 1983.
But no…Corbyn is Verboten, Labour are serious and the Tories want to kill pensioners, throw migrants back into the sea and not even count the bodies as they do so.
And here`s Owen Jones to give Labour some advice via Nick Robinsons organ on how Labour may yet get into power. Is there ANY forum where the BBCs perpetual nasty anti-Tory bias can be raised?
I`m SICK of this bias and endless lies.
Reckon the day that comedy died at the BBC was when they thought Thatchers death was funny-to my mind, I wonder if Ian Brady was an SNP or Labour supporter…and do wonder if Jo Cox is serving the drinks now in the waiting room as God decides where to cremate the scum.
Me?…I`d put him in the Blue Peter Garden…and could hardly be worse than Corbyn could he?
Wonder if Frankie Boyle would say all this for me-he`s meant to be brave-I mean, he can slag off Katie Prices disabled kid and mock the Queens ladyparts can`t he?
Oooh…how outre!
Remember just before the election some Hillary government emails were found on the laptop of the husband of her PA.
Well the guy Anthony Weiner has just been found guilty of sending lewd images to a child.
The BBC’s web site is presently showing a short video clip :
“Three Girls: How Rochdale case changed the legal system”
The montage of “most watched videos” has this clip presently titled :
“Three Girls ‘seen as part of problem'”
It’s no stretch at all to interpret the titling as indicating a position from BBC editorial folk that discussion or exposition of the matter is haram – it just could be unfortunate wording….
I look forward to in depth interviews with Joyce Thacker and her chum Sarah Champion – run of course by Libby Brooks – thoroughgoing seekers after truth and injustice that they all are….
Edward Lucas has posted his entire Times review of Labour and the Gulag
At the bottom of the Twitter thread Matt Ridley highlights an important bit
I’m beginning to believe that the CBB will get their cherished wish of a UK remaining as a member of the stinking swamp that is called the EU. Teresa May is more concerned about her career and relationships than she is about the country. As for the the people, such an inconvenient lot are we. I voted for Brexit for a number of reasons. At the top of my list was the obvious and sinister grab for power by Juncker and Merkel, combined with their demented determination to wipe us out and replace us with illiterate Islamic nut cases. Borders must be controlled but I fear Teresa May has no intention of doing this. More precisely Muslims must be stopped from entering and taking over our country. Life will not become extinct by securing our borders nor will trade cease by exiting from the EU. Why the CBB and so many others are desperate to remain a part of Europe is a mystery to me. Why so many people feel the need to embrace Islam, defend it, welcome it is also a mystery. Brexit is seen as being anti Europe when it is much more to do with anti Brussels, Junker and Merkel and much more about being in control or our country. Bravo to Hungry, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic!
Looks like Trump will soon be a BBC favorite for his dealings with the Saudis. Although his home policy is not approved of by the BBC.
On Sunday, Mr Trump will attend the Arab Islamic American Summit in Riyadh and speak about his “hopes of a peaceful vision of Islam”
That’s right Trump, just like Obama said. Islam is a religion of peace.
I am beginning to lose faith in Trump. Another champion of Islam as a force for peace in the world.
Give me a break.
And all this fuss, all these beheadings, all these suicide bombs, all in the name of some bloke called Al who no one’s ever fucking seen !
Isn’t that just plain stupid?
Trump Derangement Syndrome still seems to be the order of the day at the BBC’s fake news centre. The headline on the website is currently: ‘Trump abroad as troubles mount at home’.
The reader is obviously meant to believe that President Trump (to give him the title the BBC is so eagre to deprive him of) is running away, afraid to face these ‘troubles’. But what troubles are they? Simply the assertions of people who believe the US public picked the wrong man. Is there any new ‘evidence’ and are these ‘troubles’ actually mounting? No, and only in some acoustician’s measure of shrillness, or a psychologist’s assessment of desperation.
Sorry, BBC, this isn’t news. Not even by your abysmal standards. A proper headline for a responsible broadcaster might have been ‘Trump arrives in Saudi Arabia’. Easy, isn’t it?
Typical Jon Snow weasel attempts to “big up” Iran and Syria under the cover of “watching all those nice Iranians that Obama loved” queuing up in many-coloured hijabs…and all to vote , seeing as Iran is so democratic and all.
He TOO implied that Trump had cut and run to Riyadh-as if this may well have been planned a little while back-but Snow would rather we NOT think there was some planning way back re this visit.
Iran of course hate Israel and the USA-and Ahmadinejadh DID do the “alternative Christmas message for Channel 4…so Snow owes them I expect.
You know something-Jon Snow is possibly the worst lefty creep operating in the media-is there an award for such traitors who get padded to peddle their lies so often…lifetime leech award maybe?
I traverse, one by one, pages of older comments to get to the latest contributions.
I want to respond to a comment.
I log in.
I traverse, from page one again, pages of older comments to get to the latest contributions.
Meanwhile someone has saved me some trouble and made the response that I would have made.
Start the week open thread on Saturday.
I know those working behind the scenes are working but :-
We need more frequent, ideally daily, threads.
Or the facility to jump to selected page numbers, or even indexed post numbers.
Provided by most sites.
I know there are “work arounds” but . . .
I merely moan about this, do newcomers take a look and vanish never to return?
I can contribute a few pounds if this will help.
Hear, hear. Made a similar comment however many pages ago, it was…
Cambridge play axed cos having chosen a play with 1 black character out of 4, the student drama group couldn’t guarantee there’d be a black actor every night.
Our David Vance tweeted “Black activism trumps everything. It shouldn’t. “
One small victory but expect the next stage of islamisation to follow this course. There’s nothing or no one in the way to impede that progress –
To all B-BBCers, give this a listen
A rare interview with P Mc Laughlin, author of “Easy Meat” the definitive work/report on Islamic child rape gangs its scale, and history
Catch it
… before it gets removed, or deleted
Here s the link
for anyone who thinks “3 girls” is harrowing, its time to BLOODY WAKE UP!
its tame indeed compared to the truth.
Ep3, puts in the BBC “chemical cosh” anyway, it just can t help itself.
Girls with chaotic lives B/S, none of the mandated Islamic imperative
grasping at some perverted victim equivalence etc, etc.
Link to Gaunt seems to have gone
you re joking! … I ll just go back and check
goodness, correct … and yet every other podcast is still there?
try a link from the twitter feed.
Audio mp3 Link to ep One
Write up
Audio Link to Two with new Hillary/Weiner court case
[audio src="" /]
No Joy … could try direct, use the RSS feed
The links I gave are taken from RSS
They do work..try again
Only thing is I cant find tha interview
At min 46 he says weve got P Mc Laughlin coming up but then it’s Douglas Murray maybe it’s in part 3
Kid’s Company 2 ?
Libmobsters start a gets oodle’s of government cash and squanders it.
And then ends up bankrupt.
that’s just happened to an addiction rehab charity called Lifeline.
“One small step…..”? I very much doubt that these efforts will slow the islamisation of Belgium –
“Three Girls: TV drama hailed as ‘outstanding’ and ‘a landmark’.” This is the evil Beebistan throwing self-congratulatory bouquets at itself.
Savour the irony: Al beebistan has done more than any other opinion-former to create a climate of opinion in which the evils of Rochdale (and a hundred other towns) could flourish unchallenged, unreported, unquestioned. In 3 ways:
1. By its love affair with, and advocacy of, the Religion of War, Misogyny, Anti-Semitism, Homophobia and Paedophilia.
2. By its incessant accusations of racism and islamophobia, which effectively hamstrung the police and social services, and silenced any voice that dared to speak out about what was happening.
3. By actively ignoring any news of such happenings or burying it as deep as possible.
And now they lap up plaudits (from THE GUARDIAN among others – THE GUARDIAN of all people! More irony there, but at least we’re not paying for that filth) about their ‘brave’ ground-breaking drama.
BRAVE?? You know what would have been ‘brave’? To investigate these stories decades ago (they’ve known for ages, with their obscenely bloated resources); to dig deep into the pathology of a cult that is fundamentally inimical to western values, that condones paedophilia and the rape of infidels, mere ‘kaffirs’, second class citizens whose worthless women/girls are easy meat, or the spoils of war.
You know what would be ‘brave’ today? To investigate the huge scale of the problem of Pakistani muslim paedophile rape, grooming and prostitution gangs across the country (Rochdale is the tip of the iceberg). To stop lying about the wonders of the death cult and start telling the truth. That would be brave.
I agree with all your comments about the BBC Charlie. But I do not think that even if they had done a full investigation and not been complicit in the cover up – I dont consider that “brave” at all. I consider that just doing their job (for which they are all handsomely rewarded!)
Somebody at CCO should have advised Theresa May before she signed off on the GE17 Manifesto that it was so open to attack it would be like sailing to a Normandy beach in June 1944 in a colander while wearing a bikini with a knotted hankie on the head and carrying a childs little fishing net to catch bullets with instead of crabs.
The Tories have handed this election over to the opposition including the media who, let’s face it, ARE the opposition at present, especially the BBC.
David Gauke was embarrassing on the Any Questions Panel on Friday evening (8pm, repeated BBC R4 1.15pm) as well as, I think, embarrassed having to be on there defending the manifesto. I am led to believe the Conservative manifesto is the concoction of a tiny group somewhere in Conservative-land. If it was just Fiona Hill and Nick Timothy, then I reckon there may be a non-functioning chasm between the PM’s Office and the rest of the Party come June 9th. That might make the occupants of Nos. 10 & 11 Downing Street from 1997-2007 look like the best of buddies in comparison.
Am revising my overall majority estimate for the Conservatives downwards this weekend. Think they will do well to get above a 40-seat majority.
I have Hobson’s choice. The Tory MP/candidate has proven his anti-EU views in Parliament so in this constituency UKIP have stood down. I understand their reasoning, but it leaves me voting for a manifesto I don’t agree with.
I think the implication that Teresa May would deliberately go to Normandy in order to catch crabs is a step too far. They are, so I am told, freely available in many towns throughout the UK.
How the bBC has become the propaganda arm of Labour:
Current bbC headlines:
Meanwhile, the Guardian reports the facts:
But don’t bother complaining to the bbC as they will simply report you to your boss in which to shut you up.

Click to access bbc_privacy_and_cookies_policy_v2_0_may2017_english.pdf
The bBC, the propaganda arm of the Labour party
Inappropriate and objectionable just about sums up this BBC threat. An own goal if ever I saw one.
However they try to spin it is is an attack on free speech in it’s implied threat .
Doesn’t really matter with me, because the BBC can call Mrs Scroblene as many times as they like, and they’ll get the spam-call answer-phone message each time!
If she happens to be near the phone, and eventually bothers to answer it, she’ll only tell them all to fuck off, and stop being such a crap, lefty, overpaid, weak-kneed, piss-poor, tax-payer-funded crowd of failed political tossers (and that includes the women).
Then she’ll start to get verbally insulting…
Then really crude, rude and socially unattractive…
Bosses… huh!
I think it might be just about time to start a new ‘Start the Week ‘ as the weekend is nearly over !
Thoughtful, I realise its tough for people on smartphones and cranky old PC’s and laptops. Am posting on one such myself, just in case the strange malware of just over a week ago decides to target individuals. Apparently, it selected all the computers at the NHS in hospitals and Doctors’ surgeries while ignoring everyone else in the UK despite attacking all and sundry around the globe.
My beastie really needs a re-installation and with everything backed up, I just need the excuse. It makes looking at several tabs very slow, especially when trying to switch between them for information.
Still, only 110 posts to go for 1000. Small consolation for a chronic week in UK politics and from the BBC! 😉
Make that 107, now. 🙂
BBC News – Charlene Downes murder detective forced to resign
BBC News – Troubled teenager Paige Chivers groomed then murdered …. There are striking similarities with the case of Charlene Downes , another Blackpool teenager…
Close to “the wind” again, and in court Monday … god bless and look after him
Hear hear Nogginator. Tommy needs some good luck for Monday and deserves our praise for having the guts to speak out and act on his convictions.
He needs the public support, keep him in the public eye that is one big protection.
It was Liar May then home secretary, who decided his protests were not going to happen,
and put political wheels in motion, to “politically silence”, this is repeated with Jayda Fransen, Paul Golding
Rebel Media etc.
Social Media has changed the game, with real news the “lid” is off
… the disgraceful political neoliberal elite are desperate to control it, they know it is their cowardice that has bought us here.
But .. its clearly evident, the stories are going to be revealed, and there are sooooooo many.
In the end the “sh-t will hit the fan” … and a public reaction will happen, you see the cancer is already here
These rapes won t stop, nor will the court cases, something s going to tip “critical mass” maybe a Jewish
school, maybe a church, shopping centre, an off duty soldiers … something
I used to always end this type of comment with
… it won t be long!
Maybe it won t.
I don’t think it will be long either as honest, decent people have had enough of the massive cover-up of the atrocious crimes that are happening in this country and have been happening now for years – massively covered up by the establishment who tried to portray this as all our fault. When actually it was theirs.
There will be a massive uprising soon. Forever hopeful.
PYT, I do not want that and, in a way, I fear that although I am not a fearful person. However, I recognise that unless people in all strata of UK society wake up to the various unsatisfactory forces and influences in our society soon then trouble may follow, just as it threatened to do around 100 years ago.
We need to start protecting ourselves.
To the moaning minnies.
I’m beginning to hope that Corbyn wins the election so you will have something to really moan about. Not leaving the EU, economy in a shambles, sterling /Euro parity, having to sell your house to pay for care while you are still alive etc.etc.
No party will EVER represent your views exactly, and surprisingly they have to get enough other people who will not agree with you on matters to a greater or lesser extent to vote for them too in order to win.
Get a grip for goodness sake
A moaning minnie?
I’ll have you know that I am a Commentator, Sir, a Commentator!
(Yeah, small potatoes, I know. But Snuffy tries, he really does make an effort.)
1.7 trillion in national debt, that wasn t there before, no increase in productivity, no increase in exports, a virtual growth flatline, massive increase in immigration, a vast number of low wage, zero hr jobs, that people cannot live on.
Creating a low wage economy, on a shedload of utterly misleading statistics, and a mass of borrowed money,
Lie after lie, blame one scapegoat after another, for their own shameful mismanagement, and utter rank incompetence … pensioners now, with Brexit later
ps – turning London into a virtual money laundering capital of the world is not growth.
Hope that’s enough 😀
I refuse to vote for a left wing party, regardless of whether it is called Labour or Conservative. If that makes me a moaning minnie so be it. Voting Tory in the hope that once in power they’ll start to behave like actual conservatives is as naive as voting Labour in the hope they forget the Trotskyist claptrap.
Hear! Hear! And in any case, past precedent tells us that voting Tory in the hope they might turn out better than we fear is a mistake – Cameron being a prime example.
You have convinced me that I must vote for the worst alternative to keep you happy.
Clive Lewis it is on June 8th
Vote however your conscience dictates. I happen to know my local Conservative candidate and I wouldn’t vote for her if she was running against Mao. Speaking of whom, I read that Treezer is planning ChiCom policies on Internet freedom, so enjoy your freedom to debate while you still can,
Exactly because social media, will expose them all … Liar Mays an absolute control freak liability she s been misleading the nation with two advisors from No10 to run the show
… is that erm “Team Turncoat”.
Another reason not to listen to the Tory B/S, don t give these lying self serving crooks more power
“Clive Lewis it is on June 8th”.
Mallard, I’m a few miles south of you. I don’t have a UKIP candidate to vote for so I’ll be voting Tory – but at least he’s called Bacon.
“The BBC considered delaying the drama, which shows scenes of BNP supporters abusing Asians when the case finally came to trial, until after the election, (???) … in case it was seized upon by far right organisations.
But director Philippa Lowthorpe said:
“They’re going to hitch their wagon opportunistically to anything and I feel confident our drama doesn’t give them an opportunity to do so.”
Oh Pippa, if it could only just go away eh.
Three Girls ‘seen as part of problem’ …… oh yes spouts, Nazir Afsel
Is that Nazir ” no religious basis for abuse in Rotherham” Afzal? ,
The Crown Prosecution Service’s lead on child sexual abuse.
At least he didn t give character reference for the Islamic paedo s, like the councillor, and ex Mayor did.
Talking of elections, wasn’t Treezer Home Secretrary for a few years and did bugger all to draw attention to the shabby role that Labour played oop there?
Bet she would have been stomping around if there had been a UKIP council in charge.
Something stinks at the top of our major parties, not just the local cops and social workers.
What is it with Western political leaders and Moslem states?
Showing him the sword of Islam, of the sword, spread by the sword
… not an example of great erm peacefulness
Shouldn’t she be wearing a hijab? Theresa would.
Just spotted Lyse Doucet in Riyadh with her ‘silken black hair’ blowing freely in the desert wind, as if to make a point?
“What is it with Western political leaders and Moslem states?” Money, G.W.F.?
Toobi – It strikes me that the Moslem states such as Saudi seem to be at the bottom of most of the current problems we are currently experiencing in the West.
We seem to be hooked on Middle eastern money to sell arms to and to buy their oil. This has enabled them to use us as proxy actors to create regimes more to their liking (eg Syria conflict) Thus being partly responsible for setting off the current migrant crisis.
Our corrupt politicians and MSM have also turned a blind eye, when as well as oil they have exported their particular brands of Wahhabism to the West. And in fact we seem to have encouraged this further by embracing the false concept “Islamophobia” allowing this dangerous doctrine to metastasize at the expense of our own society.
I expect the House of Saud must be laughing down their sleeves at all these Western Governments and media who publically preach human rights but all that is quickly forgotten when it comes to “business”. And there is no level of public or private abasement many of our politicians and businessmen will not stoop to in the pursuit of the Saudi Riyal.
It would be OK if the relationship was merely we sold them stuff and the sold us oil. But we have become dependent upon them in ways we probably dont even realise. Add into the mix bribes/kickbacks and donations to certain political parties individuals and organisations – then it is little wonder that so many mainstream politicians all seem to sing from the same pro Riyadh hymnbook even accepting political and cultural interference in our own countries.
I am afraid there are more than just a few swamps that need draining in the UK. But dont expect Sharia May to be very interested. I am sure many of the Tories are wallowing in the same swamp along with all the other crooks and conmen who currently seem to infest public and private life.
BBC man Frank Gardner pops up in Saudi – in what very much appears to be his own and indeed the BBC’s spiritual home.
President Trump, he tells us, is wont to ‘shoot from the hip’.
But fear not, our Frank and the BBC will keep a sharp ear on what he has to say and no doubt interpret for us any offence the BBC feels has been taken.
No such Trumpian wandering from the narrative script for BBC weather.
You guessed it – ‘Monday is likely to be the HOTTEST day of the year so far’ [BBC Trade Mark]
I predicted a massive Global Warming push this year (weather permitting) desperately searching for heat waves and preferably the odd drought.
Hottest Day So Far – lame, very lame.
Half asleep, but just caught a couple of moments from this morning’s BBC Sunday programme:
1. There was some Muslim family law woman complaining about English marriage law, and the fact that it forces you to register your marriage to obtain equality for women in the event of divorce. It works for Christians, atheists, Jews, Hindus, and Sikhs who register their marriages, but not Muslims who don’t. This law, which has been in place for generations, needs to change apparently.
2. Some Muslim bloke who was involved in the Rochdale abuses was discussing the 3 Girls programme which he advised on. He admitted that the way the community, police and social services turned a blind eye to it is a problem which needs to be addressed, but the real problem is the response to it all by the “far right”.
I didn’t hear the whole programme, but I think the Muslim was Nazir Afzal, the CPS prosecutor who now seems to be claiming all the credit for the Rochdale convictions. Even worse, they are now trawling around for muslim victims of Muslim child rape gangs so that they can claim that white girls were not specifically targetted. I don’t really see the advantage of claiming thar Muslim child rape gangs are “equal opportunity child rapists” but I gave up long ago trying to understand the pathologies of these people. The reasons for the non-appearance of muslim child rape victims were even more fantastical. Revealing that Uncle Ahmed was abusing your daughter would sully family honour and the police had refused to accept there was Muslim-on-Muslim child rape victims because “Muslim child rape gangs only target white girls”. QED – it never has anything to do with Islam and never ever will do.
There was also an item pondering the atavistic silliness of ordinary people not wanting Ian Brady’s remains ending up somewhere near them. The BBC could help out by creating the Jimmy Saville Memorial Gardens within their sacred boundaries where the remains of notorious child rapists and child murders could find their final resting place.
There’s no business like show business, like no business I know…
After 146 years, Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus is about to close signalling the end of an era
But let’s not have too much rose-tinted nostalgia over this – as BBC gal Rachel Burden points out SOME PEOPLE were uncomfortable about the performing animals
I feel that old BBC refrain coming on…
There’s no people like some people, like no people I know…